The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JOE lf, 1S71. OMAnA, TUESDAY HORNING, MARCH 3, 1903 TO" PAGES. SINGLE COPY TI1UEE CENTS. CALL EXTRA SESSION toowTfit tad Hiy Eira Enrr. 310x1 S pec 1 Itt! of &eaa. fcf WILL FECCKVENE OH THURSDAY SWT Upper Eoum Ordered to sUpcrt m Day TO EmU: CAKAl AM3 CUBAN TREATIES I ofu4.on i OT teqtiltd to B-aAs tp JOT j StAtebood Debate. SAYS EXTFiAORDi AY OCCASION EXISTS Prevldeat Or 4 era All Mrakm ta lac ooraeti hy etlee bltri aad ittrai at Capital at Sara a March a. WASHINGTON. March 2. Tbe president today Issued tbe following proclamation: Ft the rreeHent of the United States of America: A frToclamatiun- W hereas. 1'ublic InTererta require that th .-nii:e sboijio convene In ex imordiriary aei'Ti.' therefore. 1. Theodore R.KWtevelt. jTi"rt oi tbe I'mted States of Anwrtc. 00 t rt'v j ret laini and de iare that an xtrro "try uc-fainn recjui"er the senate of the I niied Fiate to cotivene at te xti"tj. in th itj (,i Waatiirurton. on trie tU dkT .f Mri.i next, at 12 t cmk noon. 01 a i hnh pfrwrai bo fhni: at that tune be eritit to art as memtwra of lha.t body are br fcy required to ta.kc notice. viiven urider n.y hand ard the aeaj of the T'Tiiteri Pia'ea at VaFhiriirton, the 2d of Mrr-h. in ihe jttr vt our i-Ttl. IS, and of the iodept naeyice of tbi Vnlted Ptatea. taa l-Tth. THEODORE RvJOSi.VEX.T. fc the j'Ti3eM. JOHN HAT, Secretary State. Burh a proclamaliOB baa been expected for boo dayi. a it aaa knoire that tbe admtnlBtoation' were determined to leare ' bo stone unturned to secure tbe ratifica tion of tbe Cuban and canal treaties. I'relrM Aral art Treaty. Only one protest baa so far been filed with the State department by European powera against the ratification of the Cuban treaty. At the same time, polite, lut pointed. Icqulries hare euppleroented tbe note flied by the British ambassador, from Francs and wher European beet ucar producing countriea. In adrant-s of the consummation of the treaty of course no epe threat could be made, but ivra't are shaping tbemselrea aa as te warrant the expectation by tbe o&ciala here that Europe will retaliate ag&intl what it calla tbe unjust diacrlmi nation as.iDst Ecropnaa goods. It la now known that the inquiries re ferred to bTs not y ccrfined te Wash ington, but aJso te been directed to President Palma and hare added ranch te the difficulty he is under is securing favor able actios is tbe Cuban congreaa. RATES GERMAN ALLIANCE Kawkti t Takes I a Vraesaelsa Dla. Bata. teswrelw Crtt leiaLaa: . SrlTlaai Xxtelaawra. ' - l)XDON. March S A debate la the House of Lords yesterday oa the Venez uelan question served to fan the flame of editorial attack on "the gorernment for in conduct f the Venezuelan affair. Lord Rostbery was In a fighting mood and made a brilhant and spirited attack oa the gorernment'a foreign policy, sell ing upon Lord Lanadowrae's statement that Germany a year ago obtained the consent of tte United Suites to coerce Venezuela He centered his attack on tbe Question of Great Britain's relations with ihe Tnlted Elates and said that the government had co right to approach America through Germany. "If our relations with the United Etates remained unimpaired," he continued, "no thanks were due to the government. We are happy at having extricated ourselves without further discredit." Lord Rouebery contended tbt it was tbe preasure of public opinion that at last determined the cabinet to secure a settle ment in time for It to be paraded is the king's speech at the opening of Parlia ment. He characterised the nagotiationa witL the embassies aa to tbe attitude of tbe United: Etates as an "exchange of winks." That waa not tbe way great na tion! absuid conduct a case like that of Veneiueia." In a satirical vein Lord Rosebery sug gested that all the foreign m.nistera would agree that it was time te fix the demarca tion of certain states and to plan a board ea their bordera, steucg that those wbo lend them moi.Fy do ao at their perl. It waa well ksowa. to everyone, save the premier, that Engiaxd waa exceedingly un popular in Europe and that its unpopu larity was largely due to its ministers. Had they plsced Grnat Britain's rase in the Boer war before Europe in diplomatic circular, as Bismarck was accustomed to do. much of the European hostility would have been svoidrd. Europe's sntipathy and rancor constituted a serious dangpr to England. Having eaceped in this enter prise, he hoped the country would pause a long time belore embarking on a similar engagement. RESTRAIN MISSOURI SMOKERS Stat Haas Pasm BUI Maklag Sale mr Gift af rigarertee Illegal. JEFFERSOV CITT. Ms.. March 1 The bouse today passed the b!tl introduced by Mr. Booth of Itellee county ronibiting the manufacture, sale or giving away of cigar ettes, cigarette paper or wrappers ia tKi stat a Tbe penalty for violation la a fine of from ti to tlQfl. Tbe bill was passed by unanimous vote. PUBLIC MUST PAY DAMAGES C'hieaatB Preserty Owarn aawT.aMt see reBdesaaatieas By ftaaltary DtetrteC rive Made CHICAGO. March 2. Twaers of property along the west back at the Chicago river between Maiisoe and Randolph streets were today swarced a total of ttiP7.C dam ages for tbe rocdrmBaUoa of tbeir prop rrty by the sanitary district. RCBSON-S T0UR SUSPENDED Fasaeea Aeter U IU la wm Tark aad CauB met Appear tee Twv NEW TORE, March X. Stuart Rabaon. tbe comedian, is ill at hia heeae hero and his tour lor Ike aut two veal has beea fcsarvliew COMBINE AGAINST SOCIALISTS All l.ri a r1 it -al Partita Cilrr Al'laoee te Beat Mart's DlM-l!lea. rr-ri st npi ty tbe 6 in Sarocy of tbe ror.ervat,v. ne'ioua.1. !;berl Btt1- . Seirlie and agrartrn par-ie. prevlclfha fir muiual nij'pon at tbe forth'-oming elec 1km, was mae public todaj. It it specially aimed at the socialists and its rtlef ffature ia a pledae not to nom inate candidate ui nt each other ia con 'ituenrie, already represented by one of j these parties and ese-.gning tie several so- ' ? cialipt districts to the jiini entering Into j the BfTeement- It Is fijwi to at least maintain the tbe Krichatac representation ia ; 1 ur.tvu 11 me par )e ia aiim i-e.n effected in other pan of the entire aDd it l not unlikely that the eletTlosa a-iH : be a con .eat between arwiairta on one aide : colioatuea and by the aasembly r"Tally. and all tbe other partiea en tbe at her, x- Coorrefcatnan Ball ia ia Washington, ccpt the amail radical axoupa. j Tbe reult ia regarded here aa aa Afl- Poiitioal erenta of tbe laat two yeara , flicka rictory. Presfure bronfht to tear hare caused the coBaerratlTe elernenta ef , npoa the ngular rcpublicana from Waab tbe country much arprebrnfiloii. Tbe o- icitom andoBbtedly had much to do with cialirta are generally oppad to haee PSIUT-U i . ' . J l LIT i 1 I 'J' r trj A. ....... i 1W5. Their leadera erperted two montha aco a gain of from fifteen te CTty aeata. bin the comMnation of the politic! parties haa moderated the eet.ima: ea nntil now the bent informed roe a of the aoriallU party think they will do well if they gain ten. FRENCH ARE MOST CORDIAL Freilaral Fraaria a( !K. Lala tiaa. altlaa Well RrcrlTr ay Peaale af Parla. FAP.IS. Mr.rrh l rnnldeot Francia of the Bt. Louis exposition,, arrived hero early today, and itrmediateiy art abotrt meetltg the goTernment ofUctala, with a atlmnlating and enlarging Preach participation in the exposition. Tbe cordiality of the French attitude was evident from tbe moment of Mr. Fran cis' arrival and throughout tbe morning be was the recipient of calla and invltationa from repreaentative official and commercial bodies. M. Loubet received Mr. Francia in the nresident'a private reception room at the Elyaee. Tbe call lasted fifteen minutes. Tbe French president was extremely cor dial and spoke of the interest France took in American affairs and tn tbe exposition and assured Mr. Francis that it would sake a fitting rxbiblt- LOXION. March 2. The Irish secretary. Mr. Wyndham. replying to William Red mond. Irith national, tn the Bouse of Com mons today, said the question of a good representation at the Et Louis exposi tion was engaging the attention of tbe gov ernment. GALWAY TO HOLD ELECTION riaa ta tHwfrasM-aia Dtatrset la Hewa f rnssai la De feat. LOVPOK, March Z. A motloa te aiafraa rnise Galway, la conaeaoenea of Ha action In electing Colonel Arthur Lynch, recently cocvicted of high treason, waa defeated tn tbe House of Commons today by 248 to 45 votes. The attorney general having moved the issue of a writ of election for member of Parliament, in place of Colonel Lynch. George Hartley, conservative, pro posed as an amendment that a writ be not issued during the life of this parlia ment. He claimed that Galway elected Colonel Lynch simply becttse he was a traitor, and quoted an alleged message from John P-edmond, asking the voters to elect Colonel Lynch and "haul down the blood stained flag of England." Mr. Redmond warmly denied sending any such measage and explained that ho was In America at the time. Mr. Bart ley then withdrew bla statement, the amendment waa defeated and the lasue of a writ was agreed to. PICKED UP IN THE OPEN SEA Car pester af CJtaabrtaai Priaeet Wat la Irtraea, ten tae hla CaawlseeL HAMBURG. March 2. The carpenter of th British ship Cambrian Prince, Captain Owena. from Coquimbo. for Middlesborough, has beea picked up ta tbe North sea. He reports that Cambrian Prince eapsised and sank. It was announced in a dispatch from Lon don last night that a quantity of wreckage had been seen off the coast of Northumber land and that the indications pointed ta the British ship Cambrian Prince having been wrecked. Cambrian Prince waa of tont net burden. It waa built in 1FT. and wai owned by tbe Cambrikn Prince company of Liverpool. The vessel was I4 feet seven inches long, had thirty-seven feet beam, and was twenty-two feet six inches deep. ORDERED TO LEAVE SAXONY Aawerieaa Wba la Frlead of Frlaeeaa LwLs I acmes GevrraaieBt't Dim plemamre. DRESr EV. March 2 L A. 0 Brtea. aa Americaa denust. has been ordered to leave the kingdom oa account o.' hat supposed relations with the former crown princess Louise. He will leave Dresden Wednesday aaJ will sail with bis wife and four chJdrea for America on Thursday. The police at first ordered him to leave Saxony wsthia I twenty-four bewra, but the court extended tbe time so a to permit Mr. O'Brien to settle up his affairs. Tbe Saxon government has notified the I other governments of Mr. O'Bnea's ax - pulsion, making it under royal roorteav Impossible for him to reside tn Geratiany ' or Austria. PAPAL SEATS UP FOR SALE Feretataera Ottered lBt ef Jahtlee CereaseBlea la Betara set- Cash. ROME, March 2. The struggle to obtain tickets for tomorrow's rereiiioBy at tbe Vatican oa the occasioa of the tweaty-fifth anniversary of the coronation of the pope, has been quite anprecedeated. It is ex pected that more than rti.tsm persona will be present. . The f'lrelgners are especially chagrined at the difficulty experienced ia obtaiciag tickets from the usual sources and the discontent is increased by tbe tact that good seats are offered 1st aai el tk kotcia at kjk price. BREAK DELAWARE DEADLOCK Epnb'icu Fartiopt ii that Etata Oomt to k an Coderr-aniif. I ARE KEN ELECTED 1 Yf ' nD BALL la. ' h Alia. -km rati te ml a Hi eelf H , neaBtaattaa- Fm ter la "ettlesweat f lk Tree ale. DOVER. Del., Marti J. Tbe Delaware legislstsre this afternoon ended the oena- tonal des:iock ry rlertiTig State 5' tutor J Frank Allre, bsIob repnbliraa. ta tbe Ion tern aenatomhip. trbJrb exrtrea in lwC, ana t occrranniaa ionia Heisier Bail, rern- liar republican, to the ehort term, ahlrb enda , in Alie u onncrai ulated hr hia pre-renting th acceptasce of the democratic ' cser to join wit tie regulars ta elect one i regular and leave a vacancy. I Wr. Dick is said to have come here under j instrurtiona from National Chairman Hanna to urge tbe regular republic to accept ine propos7tH.B agreea open cy Mr. Aa- dicks and his adherents at the conference oa Saturday for the election of a union re- I publican to the long term aenatorahip and a regular republican ta the abort term, Addicks himself being eliminated. Tbe thirty-sixth and final ballot resulted as fellows: Long Term Allee, M; Saulsbnry. IT; J. H. Hughes (democrat). 1; Wood bum Mar tin (democrat), 1; A. E. fiabora, 1; E- W. Tunnell (democrat), L Short Term Ball, tl; Kenney demo crat ), ID; B. A. Haesell (democrat), 1; E. R. Cochran, Jr. (democrat). 1. Allee and Ball were elected. A4dle-k.s Will Flskt Aaralsu "I am happy," aaid Mr. Addicts, after the result was announced- "It gratifies me to make one of my best friends, J. Frank Allee. United States senator. He deserves the place from a party point of view and greatly strengthens the union republicans and myself to carry the state In 1S04 for the president. I propose to belp elect a majority of tbe legislators of 1M4 favorable to my candidacy for the United States sen ate." Earlier In the day one ballot was taken, aa follows: Long Term Addicks. 21; Saulsbury, i; Dupont, (: Higgiaa. 2. Ebort Term Addicks. 1; Kenney. Higglns, I; Hillea, 2; Cnardeson. 2. 21; No election. After the ballot Senator Sparks moved to take a recess until 2: SO this afternoon, everybody voting "yes" with a about. Numerous caucuses both preceded and followed this vote, the result being aa agreement between the rival republican parties, which resulted In the election. Janes Fran Allee was born In Dever forty-six years ago, Hs succeeded bis father as a watchmaker and Jeweler, which bosiaeaa he .carries aa Dower. - After the appearance1 of" J." ZHwarg ' AaV dicks la Delaware politics, fa 188. Mr. Allee became actively in terested ia polit ical matters and was closely associated with the Addicks wing of tbe republican party. Ke was elected to the state senate on tbe union republican ticket in and 1SCI, each time overcoming tbe oppositloa of democrats and regular republican can didates. Mr. Allee is also associated in business with Mr. Addicks and ia presi dent of the Bay State Gas company of Delaware and tbe Btatea Island Brick com pany. SUICIDE MODEST IN DEATH Owe af Tare self-Wsrferen la at. Laala Aska Prtwaey for Reaaaiaa. BT. LOOS, March 2. Two women and one man committed suicide bere today. Mrs. Rachel Lrlasder, wife of a sculpt. or employed at the world's fair grounds, took carbolic acid. She bad long been a suf ferer from 111 health. She sent her 14-year-old son for the poison and made him promise not to tell bis fstber. Mrs. Elizabeth Willatms turned ea the gas and sat down in a chair. She was dead when discovered. A note said: "Cremate my body and let no one see me." Thomas Penny, a contractor of Canton. W-, came to visit his brother here yes terday and today committed suicide with carbolic acid. He had recently separated from his wife. HOLD FOUR FOR MAIL THEFT Keataekr FwlU-e Arrest Quartet Ae eweed of ttteallas Caaa Lsvdea Fwstra. BAYVILLE. Ky.,' March 2 Four men. Edward Nicholas. Samuel Prather, William Tucker and Bud Hswkins. have been ar rested here on the charge of stealing the mail pouch which waa lost here in Novem ber. It cont lined aijout 175 OOO, mostly in stamps, checks and cash. PREACHERS LAUD ROOSEVELT Metatwatets af C tax-taaat! Pralae Pre., laeat's Fawttiaa la Calae CINCINNATI. March i Tbe Methodist Ministerial assuciatioa today adopted reso lutons expressing "grateful appreciation i of the attitude taken by President Roose velt in his letter published this day, March 2 1943. concerning certain phases of the I Afro-American problem ia the south." i . . i dLKLt T Ildlld LUd AnutLtd Adawiral Appears Well. Havlaar talte Beeevered treai Beeeat 1 a. dlspeeltlea. LOS ANGELES. March 2 Admiral Schley arrived here today. The Chamber of Commerce will tender him a public reception, probably oa Tues day evening. He appeared well and in good spirits and has recovered from bis recent indispokftioa. lee faawiea aesealeeB te Grave. MENOMINEE. Mich.. March. 2 Mea from up shore who came to town today report that the ice went out about thirty miles north of Menominee Sunoay. carry ing with it aeveateea ftahertaen. Seven of tnem are reported aa baviag been taken off, but nothing funkcr baa beam beard at tbe otber lea. SAYS BLUEBEARD IS INSANE Meter nli jtkf Mnilii BrMkrr 1X4 the e4 Be lieve Hlra Mi4. HAMILTON. O.. Vartb I-Alfrod A. Karp. the atrargkr. ar-aitrned tiefre Maj-or Bow b todsy. A. c;deraMe rroad of people t-t at po'ire baaoaner and rro4 of refrflrs ry n band, "bfn Kuapp left the jail to ttift or ?ter;3 Eiedorf and CTirf Kcinniiriix(t. In a cab. be a a not handrufTd ad e treated w.b cocatdejTitiwii. Bf're iba arra:pinjf tit he aat guietly In tbe pol'.ae oourt tba'tiiig with rfflc rs. He vaa t!atiT aa4 teld of a horae kirkmg hio oe tit fce1 abet: be i yeara eld. K.a sister. SSra. fifcdie 'WentM'l of Ciacunati. aaa the oal d mber of the fatnily aiih Mm. wheB Ibf r,r0ceed:r,t baa. Knap otood op and tbe affidavit etia'rlcc him aitbl choking Hannah Goddard. a i'e Mo. I. to flath. waa read. Mayor Bench explaiod to the priaooer hia richta and aked him to plead. "Not gailty." aaJd tbe prisoner in reply. Ake4 1f be wished a arelimisary boaring, Knarp aaid -j suppose I might aa well." Wrs. Werts-1 tbea explained that no at- torney had been engaged as yet for Knapp. Dut WOuld arrange tor counsel at once aDd BotifT lhr authorities bere of his r'aa. Knapp was taken back o -tl as quickly u h, irft tl vra. Wur.iH alter a long ,.k Basra. fnilwwea the prisoner to Jail, and there had another long confidential talk with U9, after which she left to secure tbe set tis of an attorney." "I'd wash my sands af Arfred if I did not know he was insane." a he aaid. "But new I cannot desert him." HAMILTON. O., Marc 2. A dispatch was received tonight frees New Albany. Ind.. says tbe body of a woman was found floating in tbe Ohio river today, which answered tbe desniptie of Hannah God dard Knapp. including tbe gold band ring on tbe left hand and tbe gold earringa that Knapp said would be found on ber body. WABASH MEN STRIKE TODAY Traiaaaea aaa Flr laaiat an Deelde BLHee4 FT. LOUIS, March 2. Wabash trainmen and firemen decidi-d to striae at noon to morrow, but tbe conductors will not aid them. tees representing tbe trainmen and firemen seat cltimacums to President Ramsey late this aftennssn, notifjlnig bin that tbe result of their poll was that tb demands of 13 per cent 1 increase for freight men and 12 per regit Increase for passenger men east of tbe Mississippi ex clusive of the Canadian Una, and double pay for double-header freight trains must be conceded by tomorrow news or a strike would be ordered. The conductors and engineers notfnod President Ramsey at the aime time that tbey would abide by tbe It swa-sed shed ale granted a week ago. Mr. Ramsey, tonight lit !j, aaked for tbe results of tbe ports li. - sa. vol added that be recently 'bad iaswed Vawar scbelus of wages which meets the demands of em ployes west of the Mississippi, bat If these demands were insisted upon ever the re mainder of tbe system the committees were answered now tn a refusal to grant them and be was ready to confront a strike. THREE BLOWN TO DEATH Gas la-alee-s la (al Bla, Camlaar Tloleat Fatal El alawleiBU E ASTON. Pa., March 2. Six men are xziasing. three are thought to be dead nd thirty others are injured from the effects j of an explosion tonigbt ct the Edison Ce ment plant, at New Village, N. J., several miles from here. A large part of the plant w-ai burned an 1 It is feared tbe bodies of 'be missing men are in tbe ruin a. The explosion occurred in one of the large coal bins and was caused by Tbe Ignition of a quantity of gas. Workmen bad discovered a slight fire, but it was thought tbey bad extinguished it. Foreman Rose went to tbe bin, and aa he opened a door, a terrific explosion occurred. The bin was blown to pieces and many workmei were Injured. The wreckage took fire and the flame a spready rapidly. For a time no effort waa made to check the fire, tbe attention of tbe uninjur-'tl being directed to the care of tbeir less fortunate companiona. Tbe coal bin, the coal blower house, tb line coal hou&e. tbe coal storage building, three conveyon and one receiving tower were burned. BANDITS ARE DISPERSED Maaila CaatstahaLary Capfarea Kill tease Rehela. MANILA. March 2 A detachment of scouts under Lieutenant Nickerson at tacked and defeated a body of ladroDes near the village of Mariquina. seven miles from Manila, yesterday. After an hour's fighting the ladrones ; were scattered, leaving nineteen killel and many wounded. There were no casualties ! among the scouts. i TV.. ..r.. i - c V... . I.ri Tl" . 3 . .... 1 . . L,'.ti prised and captured the stronghold of the ! litdrones in the mountains of Aity. Luzon, where a force of ladrones attacked a small detachment of constabulary oa Feb- ! ei'.v-w a I Brigadier General Sumner, commanding the Department of Mindanao, telegraphed that be expects trouble slon the'ry road north of Lake Lano. The dattoe of the aultan of Mindanao are anxious for ! peace, but are unable to rule sections of ! their unruly followers. BANDITS WRECK WRONG TRAIN Opea twitch te Aid Pleader ef Ea. preas. hat Merely Pile Frelcht. WASHINGTON. Ind.. Marh 2. Tram wreckers, ta an attempt to ditch t-ne 'of the fast express trains on tbe Baltimore A Ohio Southwestern, wrecked a fast freight niar Lebanon. Ill- last night. Fireman Jo seph Hughey of this city and Harvey Frine of Odin. IU.. were killed A brakeman. W. L. Lucaa. of this citv was fatally in ured Engineer Wedling eacaped by jumping. Tbe wrecked train was running faat near Bennett s mile, a lonely hollow tw.-niy-f our miles east of St Louis, wbea tbe en gine dashed into aa opea switch. Ii pissed into the ssitrh and turned over. Eleven freight cars piled up ua ibe engine and fire broke out ia the deeris. Thr freight arrived a few minutes ahead of the axpceaa, shock coceequesUr s-cayed. OF TI1E LIGHT TLT FAILED Cuftoafn of tb Oicaii G OeTipuiy Got Aa Lzifrple Lut Firbt BEAK AT THE WOP.KS CUTS Off SUPPLY W ii y C wawwmers Fwreew to Bets rm ta Tallow row. sal Oil Lassws fwr Their Eveataa IllassU aatlwav. Tb trouhle csused by tbe expUSion st tbe Otasha Ga cctnpaBT's works Suniav tight' Mnn dicu. aa tbe members cf.tbe French class say. Such parts of tbe city as are uru&Ily lirhied ty the cas lamps last nixbt anstimed tbe very likeness of ibe thoroughfares ia that period of the sorld s history when knigbthxid gathered I before tbe irmors to inspect the latest ! tn.Lg is rta.n mail shir-, and tbe only , litbt came from tbe Irea brazier on tbe , castle wall or the whale-oil dip that smoked and bleared beneath the alga of ! tbe public house. j Those places of business which were only fifed wiih Welsbach lights were forced '. to choose bet wees closing or bringing t forth dusty lamps or setting about numer ous tallow csLfiles in saucers and bottles. Thee Interiors dtd not resemble dim mediae ra! balla err Christmas trees exactly, but suggested both. Tbe oid-faf hioued gas burner did give a small light, but tbo Welsbarh and Incandescent lampa only showed a ring of fire about tbe base. The short -order restaurants that use gas ranges were ia d mcultiea. and supper waa cooked with trouble ia priv-vte bouses where the gas stove is instated, Tbe lights were somewhat brighter ia the early evening, but failed with increased use until about 1:S8 o'clock, when tbey held tbeir cwn. W here the Blow Fell Bard. Tbe World-Herald was for some time without atas enough to beat tbe metal for its typesetting ' mschines. and conse quently was much hampered in getting out its eerly edition. At Tbe Bee office some little difficulty was experienced, but not enough to delay publication. Tbe gns supply at the library became exhausted during the early hours of tbe evening. conrpeUing tbe use of candles to assist the patrons of tbe building In their search for book lore. Tbe sight of flicker ing candles upon the tables throughout the building presented . a grotesque pic tare when contrasted with the usually well lighted interior of tbe building. The build ing was closed earlier than usual, owing to tbe dimness. Tbe most enlivening scene was at the gas company's office, where patrons focused tbeir attention and demanda for illumina tion. Even the gas company was not ex empt from tbe slump In lighting facilities and bid ta dig op candles with which to illuminate its office while receiving the kicks and protests of patrons. r.aac of the Treakl. The explosion occurred at about I o'clock Sunday evening In the gas works at Twentieth and Center streets. It la not exactly known just the causa of the acci 4nt. but rleo; that, aitbe close of ' tbe preceding rna a waive tailed to seat, thus allowing a mixture of gas and air ta flow bark Into tbe blast pipe. Wbea tbe blast waa begun to mska the forced draft through the retorts to beat them Tor another run, the gas was blown to tbe furnace and ignited, causing an explosion which shattered tbe blast pipe. There waa a considerable noise and concussion, both from the explosion and the escaping air blast. The noise and Jar was beard for some distance about, even, tt is said, caus ing the windows of the Caatellar Street church, five blocks away, to rattle alightly. No one was hurt, as, luckily, so workman was near the pipe which burst. The superintendent and employes worked all that night and yesterday and had tbe plant in running order at t o'clock last evening. They expected to bave a sufficient supply by breakfast time this morning, al though they increased the pressure slowly, bees use bf danger from open Jeta about the city. ITHACA WILL OWN WATER Fewer-Blddeai City Derides to Take Over Works After Matter is Voted Oa. ITHACA. N. T.. March 2 Today's elec tion on tho question of municipal control of the waterworks of Ithaca resulted in aa overwhelming victory for city ownership, there being 1.335 vcs la tbe affirmative and only thirty ia the negative. Testerday and today five persona died is and around Ithaca, all of whom had con tracted typhoid fever in the city. Seven new rases were reported in tbo last twenty-four houre. I BARS PLAGUE VICTIMS OUT Teaaa aad Federal Authorities I arte t Close etates te Ves icae lafeetioB. LAREDO, Tex.. March 2. Both the state and federal quarantine officers bave re ceived instructions to enforce a quaran tine against Torre on, Mex.. where it is thought the bubonic plague has appeared. I it. J. H McKnigbt baa received a dis patch Instructing him to estab'ish quar- antine at once and Dr. Hamilton tf the w j.i 4 manne corpa has also received vlmllar in structions from tbe department at Wash- ma-t on. jSAY DAVIS IS AMBITIOUS I """" " ! Maaila esapaper gays Geaerml Weald areeed Miles aad Amswer fee LlheL. MANILA, March i . Wil.iam Crozier, ed itor: Kennr. manatrer. and Greea. a re- porter of the Americas, have beea arrested for libelling General Davis. When General Dans expressed his dis approval of tbe verdict is the Glenn case the-American charged him wi-a a desire to curry favor in the hope of being selected to succeed General MJes ia the command of tbe army. SHORT CARS CLOSE MILLS Mleeeapelia Fleer Meat hat latil Frelsht Bleekade la Baleed. Dews MINNEAPOLIS. March 2-Tbe freight blockade here fcaa readied its eris.s. Four Minneapolis flour xcills are shut dowa and others will close tomorrow , When business beg is this morwtng tbe mills bad hardly enough cars in right to lake care of the day a run. Some of them will sters flour, st they Lave beea doing fur tbo last eight wetXa. CONDITION CF THE WEATHER To t for rbs n F tt " T tl? P"1 - . day, Wednesday Ka:r Traseraurr st Onaha UiifHiji Hear. pea. ivea. ft a. as l 1 p. sa " a. sa Sit X s. sa j T a. sa X 3 r- sa -! a. aa VI 4 p. aa II a. sa ZT p. sa 41 i la a. sa no p. s I 11 a. aw T p. Jts j 14 aa T" p. ta ,n p. GREEN TALKS CONSOLIDATION I Refers ta Bapreme (firt'i Dec-Ila Heaver t Itj aad Ceaaty Art. W. H. Green has r-umed frctii a visit te his ranch at Brirlpepor'. Neb. He was in Ienver wbn the supreme court flwision sustsining the law ihat cora-bined the city and county govern men t.s in Denver wat handed down. Tfcc same decision sustained tbe right of tbe city to make its own charter and to absolute home rule. Mr. Green said. "The people of Denver are more pleasea than I can tell over tbe de cision. Had tbe dar been fair w ben the cocnty officers relinquished their poets to j the city attthorit I believe tie people, would bave celebrated tbe ev nt with can- lever a certain member of the house be non and fireworks Incidentally I re- lore morning ibe leg sia lure will be asked fleeted tbat when I proposed a measure for to institute a rysiemasic investigation into Omaha that a as exactly the une the com- (the Bartley cigar box mystery. This mem telttee of fifteen rejected it because the j Ler. w bDse naae is vltthtld at tie re members said it was not constitutional. ( quest, tonight prepared a resolution call John R. Rush, who drew the consolidation lug on the s;esker ft tbe house to sppotnt lsw for Denver, was the man who prepared la committee to institute this investigat loa my proposed consolidstion law for Omaha, j "I will introduce tbe resolution la the But the lawyers on the committee said it j morning aa Boon as that order of business wss nnconstitutiocal and for that reason ; is reached," aaid the gentleman. "I am declined to advoeste it before tbe ler!?le- ; led to take this r.ep after due considera ture as an amendment to the constitution j Hon and consultation with others. Soms of this state. All I have to ssy is that the j republicans havt urged me not to do It, supreme court of Colorado differs from t B,ruWr it would be a bad thing tor tbe tbem. Had tbe Real Estate exchange and ; party, but 1 ihink it IB right: I think the other bodies devoted tbe same amount of ( ltA.Le ought J0 u,,.,,, xblt ttT,tPTT energy to pushing the Rush cocsolidstion ; .Di a,.,rmiIlpl, Tir,. bill through the leg: ;:slatnre. I beKeve they would bave won. and the relief that Is sought la H. R. 171 and H. R. 330 would have been provided. Thus two objects would have been acquired with a single effort." Returning from tbe west Mr. Green, with othr passengers on a Burlington train, was snewbound on the prairies near McCook four hours Fridsy night. Tie blizzard that was raging covered tbe ground with snow to a depth of eighteen Inches. While tbe train waa waiting for an extra engine to pull it out the passen gers suffered intensely from the cold. NOT THE WADE FROM OMAHA Chieaa-ai Lawyer Ceav-leted ef C'rlaae He the Farmer .ewatiee of Feaee Here. Richard Deaa Arden Wade, who was formerly a resident of Omaha, ia not tbe Richard A. Wade wbo waa convicted is Chicane for complicity ta tbe poctoffice robbery. Tbe Omaha Wade, wbo went to CnJcago ia 18ML waa accaaioned some an noys re by tbe tact that the other R. X. Wtde aad --taajBted'' isLgarir ty iiTvszioMrr by defending Prendergaet. the aes&ssia of Mayor Carter Harrison, and in other ways subsequently, and so applied about tour years ago to the courts of Cook county to i knowledge of this myrtle cigar box. have bis same changed. His petition was AssfeBdaaeBts for Bevraae Bill, granted and be was given tbe name of Richard Ingalese, by which he has since j Spectacular demonstrations are promised been known. He is now making hiB home fte revenue bill ge.i back ta the in New York, where he is a well known I bouae. Two vital amendments have been lecturer. Hia Omaha friends are very in- j determined on providing for the assessment dlgnant that anyone ahould connect him ci railroad franchise. When they are sub wit h tbe Chicago criminal, aa they Insist I netted, as they likely will be, the fua will that Mr. Wade of Omaha is a man of a i bein- The railroads will resist both to tally different nature from the convicted Chicago lawyer. EX-NEBRASKAN IN TROUBLE Lewris . Irwla Takes te Milwiakre to latwer te Forgery " tkmr'e TOLEDO, 0.. MarchiS. (Special Tele- gram.) Lewis S. Irwin waa today taiea to Milwaukee to answer to a charge cf forgery. He has been in Jail here 'y some time awaiting un officer froia K:) waukee- Irwin asserts his Innocence. H was for fifteen years a legal practitioner in Nebraska, where he was siso piomijent ' support this amendment, kut the committee in politics, f or some time be was a stste has not takes a decisive stand oa this as treasury inspector. Irwin offered no ob- ' yet. It is a notable fact that the c in ject ion to returning to Wisconsin, but will 1 mittee. being somes hat hostile to the bill, probably be brought bock as a witness in since it was left out In the cold la draw a murder trial bare, as be was made one ' leg up the meaeure. will not feel any com of the confidants, it is sud, of Albert ' punctions of conscience in mikim r,.-,... j Wade. Just convicted of first degree mur- fler and w no seess a new inn. report Tuesday. At to the laiter proposition to tax fran- TWO MEN ARE FATALLY HURTictI' 11 da rbmptou outsid, t the Rer-restntative Loomia, the gevea Others fcerteasly IbJb Cssaed hy Traia Htaalag late Opea wrrteh. will come as near getting at the franchise ST. LOUIS. March 2. Two mea were j value at any can. At best a franchie eaa probably fatally injured, seven were e- ' not be accurately estimated in value. Of riously hart and others hsd a narrow es- ' course neither this nor any other plan tor cape from death at Fpring Park, ten milei j assessing their frantbise will be satisfac trom St. Louis, shortly after soon today. tory to the raJroad..'" The seriously injured: j Jshn Hoffman, Springfield, O. ; spine in jured and body bruised. ' The railroads sill of course fight e ther William B. Kauffman, Little Rock. Ark ; ' one or both of ibeae amendmenta witn all tkull fractured. 1 their poaer. which is etjuivalent ts saying A construction train having on board 1 that the adoption af either or both amend -fifty men and a local freight collioed aa tbe ments is a remote probability.- The rail result cf aa open switch. Tbe injured were roads sere sa:!ffied with the bill ia this brought to St. Louis. ENFORCING THE ELKINS LAW Bavllreada metlfy hlpperw that Free i Passes Will Be Dee led These. . mlrmili are at least cakma I a show of eniorcing ths provisions of the ' Elkint law recently passed ty congress, j It ia reported that six of the roads sre no- jlifyixig their friends, th shippers, that 1 hereafter it will be impossible, on account of tbe Elkins law. to accommodate tbem with passes sod rebates. Tbe new lsw maket the railroad com- j subject to fine for cutting raies. I ibsuing passes or extending fsvor- it sny i form to induce shipperi to patrcaiz them. i . j MeseaweBts ef Ore a a 1 easels Hank i. At New Turk Arrived: Laurentian, from .kfi. At noes ae-nrn.Kj. , .j.e.w- iroi. San Frtir.'-ieo At Oiaissfw Bulled: Pomeranian, for Li er-ool. At Ltverpl Sailed: per J Iar.. for St. Jnr.ns. X and Ha.bfx; M-ih 1. Ca nadian fcr Bie'oe. a t The lj.ra Pasve : Rotterdam, from New Tuva for Amsterdam: Vader-U-ImI. from N w Yorg fiT Antwerp. At the Bui of Lrw is r",ieei . li-lnnd. frcim New York f O.nauitnia ario o ptr.r.arei. At p! mouth Am ed. avxt'npnnz S II-kt-izn. from New furs. FIREWORKS IS SIGHT Prtsisf cf Eesoluiioa to IiTMtlg-gU Cor teitt cf art v Crai Bex SAVAGE V AY BE REQUESTED TO TESTIFY Frr-pc to Aaecd its LreiiTn Bill Kay Alao Ecr Tbinrt Up. aiit is to tax railroad franchises Tafion Kexben Canras is Effort to G-et Tof uLpt en tie BJ1 COKEEFENCE OF CWIAHA DELEGATION lavlte Fewple ta Give Their Opts. Isai Beaardlag the Prwpnoed t haages la the t lty (Barter. iFmio s StslI C'orTe;i'TiPent i LINCOLN, March J. iSpertal Telegram ) ttieaa a radical thauce cf mind comet P(..iULilI, resoluuon." , The resolution may be changed so aa to j provide for probing into the affairs of lex-State Treasurer Meservt. also. Certain legislatora have asakened to the fact that tbe people are in earneat fn demanding to know these things. Tbe spirit of lnquisi tivrness has lie'-ome so all-pervading aa to make its demands well-nigh Irresistible. Since Bartley in s recent interview with a correspondent or Tbe Bee defiantly told tbe people of Nebraa it was none of their "d buatDess"' what he wxs doing, in view of the geDeral Impression that he is living off the proceeds of tbe state's money, a certain !e-ment of ihe people have become indignant and this lnd'gnatioa finde expression in the determination to demand that 'he legislature pry into this deep seated mystery. As haa been admitted, tremendous influences bave bees at work to stall off sny such action, but evidently the will of tbe people is stronger and more potent than the seMUh desires of those who. for obvious reasons bave tried to prevent" this step. Tbe resoultion contemplates the summoning of wetnesses and the employ ment of eve.-y means that will tscilltats tae most searching inquiry into these hra jmisj wuzeim. taw bans 11 fmavfl thai ibe resolution carriea, termer Governor Savage will be asked to return from the Pacific coast and reveal some of his boasted schemes with all poesible vigor. One of these plans ia to tax the gross earning of the railroads ia addition to tangible property, taking this as the fran chise, as tne revenue bill proposes in the i of ,h telephone, telegraph and ex- I press companies. Tbe other ulan ia to , . . V'- la lo j compel the Stste Board of EquslizaCoa to j combine the amounts of tbe capital stock, j ths bonded and floating indebtedness, call ttat the franchise value and tax It. j Representative Caldwell of Clay county, 1 a republican and member of ths standing ' revenue rommitiee of the bouse, has pro- jjofu nit lormer amendment ana give out today that he would insist on its introduc tion. He is desirous that his committee j is the bill. Tbe committee is expected to i nominal fusiomst leader, said of it today: j "Tbia amendment, I think, certainly will be introduced. I cannot speak for any . other. 1 think, poshibly, th.s amendment itailreads 111 Flatat. respect ititi it left the bands of tbe com ' mitte it contained no provision for tax- J franthisea-and ibey do not protKH to I see this work destroyed. It is the belief that tbe scheme of wbi'h Mr Loo mis apeak is to be launched as a fufciouist proposrion. to give some founda tion on which this little band ia tbe leg.s- I lature may s-and in their party's deier- i Ttiicat ion of manufacturing CanjpBiXB MS - ; tenal st tbe expense of tbe republican i msjority. For tbe lasl two weeks the j twenty-eight members ef the legislature wbo constitute the minority have beea ao ' severely prodded by their followers out in j the state ttst they are almost ready to . turn in on anr sort of foundation. From etery Quarter of a baa come ap- , peals to the fuuiiu,s;i to get in line snd i fight tor f is.oc im, Cbl tor campaign ' tnutder. so that when the Dext election rilii round it.-y may be able to tell the i "dear pwiple'' bo' tbey "fought. Died and died is lb 1 wenty-eign'B .x-gislature Jor tbeir dear sakea Tk something. " ts the ..., ,h,. ..,. . fl...B r. .nA j it la echoed from on corner of lb state to tne oiner, snerever rusionitm is xnowa. As has teen jKinttd out by Tbe Bee and reiierated by tae chief organ of rusionlsm tbe lit'le band in the legislature ia with out a l-adr without aa effective organiza tion. It nay be added. in1 wi'hout any purpcae of aeruring tbe (atige of a good revenue bill, from any higher motive thaw to servo part uteres. al ths aexi cieotMa.