THE OMAHA DAILY HEK: MONDAY, MAKCIl 2, 1003. tribute the light that the large court room will have ttaa proper light distribution. Ths light will cest the county $100. FIRE DESTROYS FLOUR MILL Starts til Kngtae Room aad Entire Btrartwre ' I C. asaeJ. LOCISVILLK. Neb., Marrta 1. (8perlal Telegram. rTJie flouring mill of this place, was discovered on lire about 4 o'clock this mofnlng. It started In the engine room and In a very short time the flames reached the main building, and In little over an hour lb whole s'mrtnre was burned to (he ground, with about 400 sacks of flour, 1,004 bus Mm of wheat and several hundred bushel of corn and oats. There was $4,00 Insurance, which will cover about one-third of the loss. Just how the fire started Is mystery. C. D. Tapper Son, who own the mill, expect to form stock company and build a much larger will than the one Juet destroyed. UNION LABOR HAS BIG PARADE Fifteen Hundred Mr In Mae at Ne braska City Demon (ration. NEBRASKA CITT, Neb.. March 1. (Spe cial Telegram.) The American Federation of tabor held a monster parade hers this afternoon, with addresses afterward at the Overland theater by prominent labor leaders. This demonstration was given for (he purpose of showing the strength of union labor In this city, and the effect was all that could be desired. About 1,600 men were In line, headed by Loeb'R concert band, which made Its first public appear ance, and was -very favorably received. The streets were crowded with people, which made the city take on the gala appearance of a circus day. Ppcet Cros fay a. TECf MSKH, Neb., March 1. (Special.) n. J. Taylor of North Loup has been visit ing relatives her the last week. He tells good stories concerning the raising of pop corn in Valley county. A great deal or it Is grown there. A year ago lost fall Mr. Taylor went out there and bought a farm, paying $11 an aero for It On the place he planted twenty-eight acres of popcorn, which gave him a yield of 70,000 pounds. He sold the rraln for $780. In other words. It paid him $25 an acre. This year he will plant a much larger acreage. He aays there la always a demand for the corn, agents of big breakfast food concerns from the east being en hand to contract for It as soon as It Is planted. Prices range welL Buy Term of Court. TECUM8KH, Neb., March 1. 8peclal.) A vaet amount of work la being acconv plished at this session of the. dlatrlot court In and for Johnson county. - Judge J. 8. 8tull of Auburn la on the bench and both a grand and petit jury Is at work. Of course, the work of the grand Jury Is secret, but many witnesses have been called for examination during the last week. The ease of J. L. Carman against the county, wherein Mr. Carman wanted damages for the loss of hla traction engine, which went through a bridge when J. B. Gooch was killed, went In favor of the county. Sev eral small cases have beea decided and a number of divorces granted. a Arrested for Abasias Horee, FREMONT, Neb., March 1. (Bpeclal.) Pete Miller, a Junk dealer and at one time a well known butcher and cattle buyer, .was arrested beta on th charge f cruelty to a horse. It was reported that Miller hitched R .horse .which. Jud betonia hart and unable to travel to a tree beside the tAAit 1 M IT VAI'.t t.HH.t.1. X where it remained until, taken, away by a farmer at Sheriff Bauoutn' direction yes terday evoning. Pete pleaded not guilty and professed t fee very .indignant that auch a charge should be preferred against him. His trial will be held Monday after noon. .. . , . New Town Near Hamnoldt. HUMBOLDT Neb, March 1. (Special.) Nims City is the name of a new towa which has been started en the farm ef . Frank Nims, about twelve miles southeast of this city, and the inhabitants already claim a general atore, a pool and billiard hall, a barber shop and other business houses In prospect. A company naa also been fortnwd to build a city halt It ra un derstood the new town will take the place of rnddleburg-, which was wiped almost out of existence at the time of the establish ment of Humboldt's mall routes, which caused the government to discontinue the postofflce at that place. K. ( Pv Lodge Revives. STANTON, Neb.. March 1. (Special.) Uriel lodge No. IIS. Knights of Pythias, of thla clt.-, which has-been dormant for the hast two or three years,, baa taken on new life and energy and promise to again assume its old activity. Last night Grand Chancellor Kelly waa here to assist in the revival, and notwithstanding the bad storm , prevailing, a good time was had and nine new candidates initiated. ' . Catches Man em Train. FREMONT, Neb.. March 1. (Special.) Sheriff Bauman arrested John Armstrong on a train of the Elkhora yssterday after- rr on the charge of assaulting Constable . ' Hansen while In the discharge of his duti as an officer. Armstrong left towa after the aasautt and waa paasing through 'here en the train when the sheriff aaw him. He pleaded guilty and was given sixty aays in me county jail. Cavee Merrar) Statement. PLATT8MOUTH, ' Neb.. March I. (Spe ctal.) County Register H. A. Schneider fnrnlshes the following mortgage record of Cass county for February: Farm mortgages Sled amounting to $8,S2S: released, $44,143 city mortgagee Bled, $4,168; released. $5,731. Farm mortgagee show an Increase of $4S,000 over the aame month last yesr. Aajwntlaa- Fir Lose. 'YORK. Neb., March I. (Special.) Ad justers for the fire Insurance companies who had lines on the Lang stock of furniture ml oneensware adjusted the lorn that nr curred Isst week and paid Lang at Co. $$,(00. The . damage to atock was from heat and smoke. RJefcarasea Uoaaty Teaekera. HVMBOLDT. Neb., March 1. (Special.) The annual meeting of the Richardson County Teachers' association will meet at Salem Friday evening and Saturday, March and T. and an interesting program has been arranged and sent out by the accre ry. . Recommended by The Gorh&m Co. GORHAM Silver Polish An indispensable Household req uisite. Clean, u well as polishes An rmpotiaibie eeJ $ Jewetnra tt " ADM1NSTRAT0RS GO TO LAW ecnllar Taigl in Bottling Up the Eita t - - of aaOrd Kn. ARMERS' ELtVATORS TO INCORPORATE Eiffitlre (pvmmlttee e Corn Int. prevero Aeeelatloa Adnpta Ralea tor the 1tH! Com petition. From a Htaff orreepondent.) LINCOLN. March 1. (Special.) The story of the separation 6f a husband and wife, the remarriage of the latter, the death 6f the former and finally the locating. years after, of their son, Id claim a portion of the estate of his grandparents, will be told in the supreme court Tuesday In the case of E. N. Bailey, guardian of Claude W, Mason, against Thomas B. Garrison, guardian of Clauds . W Mason. The plain tiff seeks to prevent the defendant secur ing $500 which he had paid Out in at torney's feea lQ settling Up the estate. Tho tory differs from fiction only In that after everything was settled to the satisfaction ef everybody th guardians are squabbling over a portion of the money. The case came to the supreme court from Ord, Neb. Xlaude W.i Mason, a long-lost son and heir. Is the cause of all the .controversy. Shortly after he waa born to the wife of Walter C. Mason his father and mother separated. The father came to Ord, Neb., from Geneva Lake, Wis., and Joined his parents, N. H. and Melissa Mason. The mother and the Infant son, Claude W. Ma son, removed to Sac City, la., where she waa later married to. a man named Miller. Claude W. Mason then took the name of Miller and wax known as Miller's son. In the meantime Walter C. Mason, the father of the boy, posed as a single man In Ord, and the fact that he was ever married waa known only to one person outside of the Meson family. During his residence In Ord Walter C.' Mason lost all track of hla former wife and his son and later died there. In 1899 N. H. Mason and Mellsa Ma son went to Massachusetts. N. H. Mason died there and y Alfred Mason, another son, was appointed administrator of hla estate with a will attached. During the settle ment of this Mrs. Mason died and Alfred Mason was appointed administrator of her estate. Pending the settlement of the estate A. Norman, an attorney of Ord, learned of the fact that Walter C. Mason' had been married and had a living son. After much difficulty he located the boy at Sac City, la., where he waa known as Claude W. Mil ler,' having taken the name of hla step father. Norman found all the car-marks of a Mason on the boy and the fact that he waa the grandson of the dead Mason waa duly proven. Then-Thomas B. Garri son was appointed guardian of the boy In Nebraska and B. N. Bailey waa appointed guardian In Iowa. Garrison made a verbal contract with Norman to assist In settling the estate and getting for the boy his share. After thla waa 'done Garrison, according to his agreement, paid to Norman $500 out of the estate. Then Garrison and Bailey got together to make a final wlndup of the affair. Bailey objected to allowing Garrison credit for the $500. Garrison obtained Judgment In the county and district courts and ' Bailey ap pealed to the supreme court. The boy's share of the estate was something over $10,000. ' . Farmers to Incorporate, ,. A a result -of a meeting of the Farmers' Co-operative Grain and Live Stock associa tion, held In Lincoln, February 11, the a- socleUan will incorporate uader the- laws of the state. This was decided laat night at a' meeting of the directors held at tie Lin dehV betel. The capital atock of the. new company will be-$500,000 and its heedquar- tera will he in Lincoln. - As soon as $25,000 of the stock is subscribed the articles of incorporation will be filed with the secre tary of state. . , . ; The directors of the company expect to cover preotlcally the entire state with their local branches, and these may either allow the head office to operate their elevators or do It themselves. , The (took may be owned by the local branchea or Individuals. Nearly 100 local branchea -are -being organized at present. The directors last night expressed themselves as being well satisfied with the elevator bills introduced. in the legislature. The officers of. the company are: J. 8. Can- ady, MInden, president; James M. Arm strong, Auburn, vice president; John Reese, Broken Bow, secretary G. Smith, Kear ney, Treasurer. The board ot directors is composed of J. 8, Can ady, James M. Arm strong, John Reese, O. BrlttelL, Elgin; R. B. Price, Thayert L 8. Deeta, Kearney; Jacob Eblera, Gretna. -,' Winter Cora Shew, lOe. The executive committee of the Nebraska Corn Improvers' asspolatlon met In Lincoln on February J5 and adopted a premium list tor tne winter corn snow, to no aeia in Jan uary, 1904. The following rules governing the show were adopted: 1. Each exhibit shall consist of ten ears and must have been grown by the exhibi tors in the season of 1408. and no exhibitor shall make more than one entrv of anv one variety In claea A, but may enter any num. ner or exninits ror Class a. z. All exhibits must be nut In nlace bv the owner, without expense to the a rela tion, not later than 12 o'clock noon of Tues day, January 19, 1904, or Rent by freight or express prepaid to the secretary, to reach hlra not later than o'clock p. in. Saturday, January 16, 1904. s. roe corn in class A anall be Judged by the scale ot adopted by the associa tion at Its meeting on .September a, lSui, and by the variety standard adopted by tne committee or me association naving that In charge. 4. Judatnc shall bsfln at. 11 o'clock anon on Tuesday. January 19. and ahall be com- fleted as soon as maj be thereafter, when be exhibits shall be thrown ooen for the Inspection of the publlu.- s. KxniDiis snail rx unaer tne control or the committee on fudging during; the show and shall become the property of the aaeo- elation wnen awards are announced. a. I'omwtltldli ahall be ODen to the state. but no general eeeiWman, contract grower or Jobber In seed grains shall compete. I PREMIUMS. . i Clans A One hundred dollars shall be paid in oash premiums for named varieties Of field corn, to be Judged under rule 3. The premium money snail b prorated to all exhibits adoring above TO points, on the basis of points scored above 70. Class n Fifty dollar shall be paid In cash nremlums for the five best collections of field corn, any one collection to be grown by the exhibitor: number of varieties. amount or corn ana general excellence to fovernf First, $16; second, $12; third, $10; ourth, Sft. fifth, to. the following named varieties will be reroanlxed In class A: . ' . Yellow Golden Row, Mammoth Golden Yellow, Learning, Iieeal Tender, field's Yel. low Ient.. Pride of the North, Cattle King, Wood'e Teilow Pent,. Kariy V!low Rose, Minnesota No. 13, Alr.lrt, 'ld Ivnt. Hoa-uea' Tel low Dent. Oolden Cap, Iowa Gold Mine. Riley'a Favorite. White Imperial White. Silver Mine, Mammoth White Penrl. Nebraska White Vri, Mills County White, Mahan White. White Halamander, Snowflake White, Boone County White. Mixed Calico. Bloody Butcher, Smut Nose r llnt. Below will be found a list ot cases that will be called tor hearing March S, 1903, In the supreme court: - la the aapreaae Cesrl. Youngeton against Bond., from Kearney; Knight araintt Itnmtn, from Butler; ben nett agalnal .Bennett, from Boyd; Hoard U3unty fommltilotwri of Dawes County agalnitt Furuy. from Douglas; WalklnS against Youll. from Boy a: uan County against McKtnlty-Lannlng Inan and Trust t'omuany, from IyOsn; Anderson against Irea. from Cedar: RllS aaalnst KUbe, from Cedar; National Mutual Building and l.uun Assx'Jallon axaliiat Ketsman, from Harlan; Coxe broa agalnat Omaha Coal, Coke and Lime Cumpany, from Douglas; lneon nrelnst Hanson, from Wayne; Unllpy RKHlnut CurrienN. rrom Valley; Craven aaalnet Crnven. from M'rrlrk: 8ex tnn ag-tinet Harrlnrtnn, Imtn H"lt; Kmnntiil aanlntt Honiara, frim podg-p; WhMnn aalnt Cornett, from llownrd; Morton aitHlnot Rohlff. from Dnuaias; Hilding eaalnst Omaha, trom Iouaiee; Harris, Franklin r Co. against Layix rt. fmm C'hrrry: Harrln, Kranklln V Co. a(tnln-t Tharkrey, from Chprrrt Power aalnit Allpn, from D.mttlas; South Omaha BRiilnot Fennell, from Doiiglae; Ttorthwick aanlnrt tlmahn. from mucins; 8ton nsalnet Bnrll from Oreley; ('ox nralnat Crow, from Phelpa; Chicago, Burlington A Qulncy Railway Company against Real, from Kearney; Danforth KKalnat Kowlfr, trom Clay; Pitman agelnxt Humphrey, from Dawca; Da now agalnat Denney. from Cherry; Knlow Cattle Company against Oanow, from Ijinraeter; Red Cloud against Farmers' and Merchant' Ranking Com pany, from Webster; McNutt against State, from Cedar. Knanr Beet Bounty. . NORTH BEND, Neb.. Feb. 28. To the Editor of The Bee: I notice In your Issue of the 27th Inst, an article entitled "Beet Sugar Bounties," and in this I fail to find one word about the 1896 bounty due the beet growers or the state. It Is well enough tor Mr. Ferrar to say that $48,000 Is all the money paid. out by his company on bounties for the years ot 1896 and 1896, but the fact ia It did not pay out one dollar for the 1896 bounty. after having agreed to do so in the con tract for that year, providing the legisla ture would make an appropriation for that purpose. Now, why should the beet growers' ot 1896 think Oiere waa any mere doubt of their getting the $1 per ton extra when they grew their erop than there would be of the sugar company's claim not being allowed ? Mr. Ferrar was very careful last Decem ber to retnse to give the names and post office addresses of the 1896 beet growers, because they desired to organise them selves and send representatives to the legislature to look after their own Inter ests. I suppose he had in mind that It would be easier to get an appropriation for $48,000 than for $118,000. There is no doubt but what be state honestly owes the Oxnard people $18,000, but it Just as honestly owes the farmers $65,000 for the 1896 bounty. This particular season happened to be one of the beat for the beet growers and the test was very high, but the sugar company, for some reason best known to itaelf, delayed the starting of the factories, which resulted In leaving one-fourth of the crop froien In the ground, and proved to be a total loss to the farmers. Now, when we take Into consideration that the beet growers of 1895 were only a small part of the beet growers of 1896, It It very plain to see that the state cannot afford to make fish of one and flesh of another of Its cltlxens. In vtew of the above facts, surely no fair minded member of the legislature can vote to pay the Oxnard company and leave the beet growers of 1896 holding the sack. Yours truly, C. CUSACK. Y. M. C. A. SUPPLIES PULPITS Delea;atea Address Beatrice People In the Varlom Chnrchee of the City. . BEATRICE, Neb., March 1. (Special.) The following delegates to the Young Men's Christian association convention nd speak ers of prominence occupied the pulpits at the various churches thla morning: First Presbyterian, F. L. Willis, Omaha; Centen ary Methodist, O. T. Coxhead, St. Louis; La Belle Street Methodist, C. M. Mayue, Lincoln, Juliua Sheppard, North Platte; Oerman Methodlat, J. R. Bader, Fremont; First Baptist, M. A. Wolfe, Grand Island, i. W. ilogue,; HaatlagiChj4atiaa George D. McGill, Omaha, D. P. De TToung, Cotner university; Congregational,! H. B. ' Ward, Lincoln, George F. Rosa, State university; English Lutheran, Prof. Fordyce, Lincoln, C. M. Penny, State Normal, Peru; United Brethren, F. . C, Marsh, South Omaha, W. J. Baker, Chadron. At 8:15 p. m. a meeting for men only was held In the Presbyterian church and at the same hour a meeting for boys was held In the Christian church. Henry. Oa trom and E. M. Robinson were the speak ers. A meeting for women waa held In Centenary church, addressed by W. M. Par sons. In the evening Henry Ostrom gave the principal address, followed by a fare well service conducted by State Secretary J. P. Bailey ot Omaha. Beginning Monday nlgUt a aeries of union revival services will be held here until March 10. The meetings will be conducted by Henry Ostrom, evangelist. Oraraniae Connty Health Board. BEATRICE. Neb., March 1. (Special.) A county board of health was organised here yesterday In compliance with the re quest of the secretary of the atate board. The new board Is composed of the follow ing gentlemen: Dr. J.- W. McKlbben ot Adams, first district; Dr. O. L. Cog of Cortland, aecond district; Drs. Lewis and Btudley of Beatrice, third And fourth dis tricts; Dr. Jeffries of Rockford, fifth dis trict; Dr. H. A. Given of Wymore, atxth district; Dr. I. N. Pickett of Odell, seventh district. Gag Mortara-xe Record. BEATRICE, Neb., March 1. (Special.) Following is the mortgage report for Gage county for the month of February: Num ber of farm mortgagee filed, 56; amount, $119,187; number of farm mortgage re leased, 57; amount, $82,418; number of city mortgages filed, 22; amount,' $14,175; num ber ot city mortgages released, 19; amount, $9,168. Steam Laundry Project. TECUMSEH. Neb., March 1. (Special.) Some gentlemen from the east are In thla city, looking over the ground with a view of establishing a steam laundry her. The concern will be operated on a large scale and work will be solicited trom all the nearby towns. Ten or twelve people will find employment in It operation. Sick Headache. This la one of the most distressing dls ease that we have to contend with, and It 1 th experience of almost every suf. ferer that it grows worse with each ' re curring attack, and that the family physl- clan is powerless to give even temporary relief. As it usually originates from a dl. ordered stomach, a remedy to restore that organ to a healthy condition is what la moat needed. Mr. George E. Wright of New London, N. Y., telle what Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets did for his wife, He says: "For several year my wit was troubled with what physicians called sick headache of a very aevere character She doctored with several eminent physi cian and at great expenae, only to grow worae until ahe waa unable to do any kind ot work. About a' year ago ahe began taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and today aclgha more than aha ever did before and la real well." He has slop recommended them to several ot his neighbors, who are enthusiastic in their prala of the remedy. Aeronraana Cress California Gnlf. MEXICO CITT, March 1. Report from Guyanias show that wireleas telegraphy experiments across the Gulf of California have beea aucceasful. TO ClHIfl A lOI.U : USB DAY Take Laxative Brorao Qululne Tablets. All druggists refund the money It It falls to cure. E. W. Grove' algnatur on each os 25c FILIBUSTER DELAYS WORK House Continnp Thursday Sitting for Four Babbath Bonn. DEMOCRATS KEEP CLERKS ALWAYS BUSY Is Roll Calls aivt Many Points of Order Ralaeit by Minority till Flerhtln Aaalnst Bailer's l aseatlnsr. WASHINGTON, March 1. The house of representatives held a four hours' session today and jiit the District of Columbia appropriation bill through. Us third reading In the face of the democratic filibuster. The previous question on the report of the Alaska homestead bill was ordered, and the vote on its adoption will be taken when the house reconvenes at 11 tomorrow. That waa the net result of the Sunday session. Although It was Sunday by the calendar, It was still Thursday, February 23, ac cording to parliamentary fiction. The democrats put a block in the legislative wheel at every opportunity and It required s'lx roll calls to accomplish what was done today. Large crowds watched the pro ceedings from the galleries. When Speaker Hendorsoa dropped the gavel at noon Mr. Richardson, the minority leader, was on his feet. He announced that there was evidently no quorum present and that the. house could not do business on Sunday without a quorum. Thereupon, on motion of Mr. Payne, the majority leader, a call of the house waa ordered. The doors were closed and the sergeant-at-arms was Instructed to bring In absentees. At the conclusion of the call 241 members had appeared, more than a quorum, and Mr. Cleary (Minn.) called up the confer ence report on the District of Columbia appropriation bill. Mr. Underwood (Ala.) attempted to Interpose a point of order that the call bad not been completed, but the speaker . ruled that a quorum having appeared business could proceed. The doors, which meantime had been opened, wer, however, again closed by direction of the speaker on Mr. Under wood' point, nf order that further pro ceedings under this call had not been dis pensed with by the action ot the house. After a brief explanation of the report, against the protest of various democrats who desired to be heard, It was adopted, 144 to 59. There was another roll call on the Alaskan homestead bill, which was pre sented by Mr. Lacey (la.). Half a doien points of order raised by the democrats were ruled out and the chair declined to entertain appeals, on the ground that they were dilatory. . . At 8:65 the house recessed until 11 to morrow morning, with the motion to adopt the conference report on the Alaskan bill before It. SENATE EULOGIZES RUMPLE Spends Three Honrs la Landing Dead Meaber ef Honae of ROp reaentattveej WASHINGTON, March 1. The senate spent three hour today In eulogies of four deceased members of the house. Messrs. Martin (Va.), Oalllnger (N. H.), Perkins (Cal.), Clay (Ga.) and Daniels (Va.) spoke of the late Peter J. Otey of Virginia. Messrs. Prltchard (N. C.) and Mallory (Fla.) a poke of the late James Moody ot North Carolina. Messrs.' Dollfver (la.). Burton (iCa'n.)' and Allison .(la.) epoka of th late John N. W. Rumple of Towa. Messrs. Turner1 (Wash.), Mitchell (Ore.), Perkins (Cal.), Dubois (Idaho) and Simon (Ore.) spoke of the late Thomas H. Tongue of Oregon. At the conclusion of the addresses the several resolution of regret were adopted and us a further mark of respect the senate at 8 adjourned until tomorrow at 11. ROSEBUD TREATY IN DOUBT Dakota Representative Arm Consld. rably Dlseowragred Over the Ontlook, (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, March 1. (Special Tele gram.) "It now seem to be less than an even gamble whether w can get consider ation for the Rosebud treaty bill this ses sion," said Representative Martin today. My colleague, Mr. Burke, 1 watching th matter very cloaely and no opportunity will escape him. The democrats Just now are filibustering against every measure, and much valuable time I being frittered away. There will be opportunities, I hop, to get the Rosebud bill up under suspension of the rule during th closing hour. I must confess, however, that the tactic of th democrat may defeat this, a we at many other meritorious measure now on th calendar." Captain Beth Bullock ot South Dakota had expected to leave Washington today for home, but at the special request of President Roosevelt remained over a day, In order thet he might be taught a few new tricka In rough riding by the captain, who is a famed equestrian. This morning the president, SScretary Root and Captain Bul lock spent severe! hours on horseback and upon their return the condition of th horse and men Indicated a strenuous gal' lop. Captain Bullock will leave tor South Dakota tomorrow. Th United State minister to Veneiuela and Mr. Bowen left Washington at 12:45 this afternoon over the Pennsylvania rail road for Brooklyn o attend the funeral service of Mr. Boweu' mother, Mr. Ellea Holt Bowen, which will take place In Brooklyn tomorrow. The sad nw was a shock to th min uter aad reached him late laat night In a dlapatch. Pressure of work here In con nection with the Venesuelan negotiation, had prevented him trom leaving Washing ton lnc hi arrival here in January. H bad, however, planned to visit his mother on the completion of hi mission before ailing from Now- York for Caracas about th middle of March, when hi leave of absence will expire. For several daya past Mr. Bowen haa been confined to his room with a fever. He will return to Washing ton In time to sign the Belgian protocol with Baron Moncheur on March i. BUILDING MEN GO ON STRIKE Demand Better Waarea aad Shorter Hoar ef Wllkesbarre Contractors. W1LKESBARRE, Pa., March 1. At a meeting her tonight of th tinner and heet metal worker It waa unanlmoualy decided not to report tor work tomorrow, The men mad a demand a few day ago for an advance from $2 26 per day to $3 and eight hour' work, which was refused by the varlou contractors. A large number ot bricklayer, plaster era and stone masons are also Idle through sympathy with the carpenter, who have been on strike for five weeks. Building pperatlon In the city are cow practically at a standstill. Switchmen Are t Meet. INDIANAPOLIS. March 1. Frank ' P. Hawlor. nreeldent of the National Switch men union, la her. Th national con- vent Inn of the switchmen will meet here In May and Mr. Hawley Is perfecting the preliminary details for a meeting place and for accommodations for the delegates, who will number about 500. SANTA FE WAGE PACT SIGNED Compromise Asnreement Between Company, and Men'e Grievance Committee Finally Ratified. TOPEKA, Kan., March 1. At a confer ence today between officials of the Satrta Fe and a committee of conductors and trainmen the formal settlement of the wsge controversy wss made. The freight men receive an Increase of 15 and the passenger men 12 per cent, effective today. A compromise was made on the double header question whereby the road retains double-headera on some parts of the sys tem and abolishes them on others. General Manager Mudge said tonight: Both the company and the men regard the settlement as satisfactory in every way. It Is the same In most respects ns that recently consummated by other roads at St. Louis. The only difference la that our road makes a partial retention of the double-header system. We are much grati fied over the successful termination of the negotiations, Our road was at all times ready to grant a reasonable Increase In wages, ana the only contention wss as to the amount. The organisations held , out fof a 20 pef cent Increase and the abolition of the double-header system. Hence, the settlement will be seen to be In the nature ot a compromise. The agreement signed today covered the coast lines ot the Santa Fe system only, but the official of the road and the mem ber ot the grievance committee say other agreement covering the whole system will be signed tomorrow, as the terms have al ready been agreed upon. , Today' agreement waa signed by the general manager for the company. J. S. Skinner for the conductors and J3. B. Bea nett for the baggagemen and brakemen. All Increases will be based upon ratea which were In effect on January 11, 1902. A. B. Oarretson, assistant grand chief of the Order of Railway Conductors, and P. P. Morrlssey, grand master of the Brother hood ot Railway Trainmen, have been In Topeka for two lionths assisting in the adjustment of the differences. They are well pleased at the result. PAINTERS DECIDE TO STRIKE Fight Proposed Watt Redaction With Demand for Fifty Cent Raise. PITTSBURG, March 1. More' than 2,000 painter and decorator In the Pittsburg district will strike tomorrow for an advance in wagea ot from $3.10 to $3.60 per day. The fight I to be made against the effort of the contractor to reduce wages to $3. There were 1,200 member of the Painter' union present at the meeting today at which the decision was made to strike, and not a man voted against It. Of the- 150 contractor In the district, fifteen have signed the scale, and their men, 150 In number, will be at work In the morning. All other union men will be Idle. BRICKMAKERS WILL STRIKE Walt Two Day More for St. Loala Firms to Give Way to Demands. 8T. LOUIS, March 1. Unless a substantial Increase In wage Is granted the 10,000 men employed by St. Louis brlckmaklng con cerns by Tuesday a strike la expected. Wage' difference have reached an aoute tags and at a meeting today it wa de cided to wait two day more In the hope that the demand would be granted. If not a strike considered probable. Wyomlnar World'a Fair Commission. CHEYENNE, Wyo March 1. (Special ) Governor De Forest .Richards today ap pointed the Wyoming commission to the St. Louis Wbrld's fair, as follows: C. B. Richardson, Cheyenne, commlssloner-ln- chtef; Willi George Emerson, Grand En campment; Robert Homer, Laramie; George E. Pexton, Evanston; B. B. Brooks, Cas per; W. C. Demtng, Cheyenne; C. A. Badgett, MoOrcroft. The commission will meet In the bear future and elect officers. WUMs Gedrge Emerson or B. B. Brooks will be elected president and W. C. Demlng will be elected secretary. This commission will have charge ot the collection of tho state' exhibit and the placing and handling of th aame at St. Louis. Chars; Company la Raakrapt. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., March 1. A peti tion has been filed In the United States court In this city by C. Cotxlan & Co. of St. Paul, Tlbbs. Hutching ft Co. of St. Paul and Park ft Grant of Watertown. S. D.. aaklng that the Garret-Wilson Co operative company, operating store at Clear Lake, Gary and Hasel. be adjudged an Involuntary bankrupt. The petitioners allege that the company has liabilities ot $9,000 and I Insolvent. The aggregate amount claimed to be due the petitioners is $4,000. The Co-operative company is al leged to have given, on July 15, 1902, a chattel mortgage on Its stock of general merchandise. CommenclnsT Irrigation Work. CHEYENNE, Wyo., March 1. (Special.) It ha been announced that John E. Field, deputy state engineer of Colorado, will have charge ot the conatructlon work under the reclamation aervloe In Wyoming. It I anticipated that field work can commence by April 1. It haa not yet been decided as to whether the Devil' Gat project, on the Sweetwater, or a promising reservoir Sit on ths North Platte, will be first ex ploited.' A. J. Farshall, who has repre sented the service in Wyoming for a num ber of years, will probably continue stream measurements ordinarily carried on. Laundry Lesson Number Three, Whose worth bespeaks its purity "-V o bWl Pride Soap REPORTS NEW FOWLER BILL Hone Committee Urgei Adoption of Finance Measure Introduced Satirday. SEEKS TO CONTINUE WORK AFTER SESSION Dalsell latrodarea Heaolntloa An. tkorlalna Joint Committee to Sit Late and Dispose of Conference Reports If Keressary. ' WASHINGTON. March 1. The house committee on benklng and currency today by 7 to 2, s strict party vote, authorized a favorable report on th currency bill intro duced yesterday by Representative Fowler. In reporting the bill the committee says: In addition to providing for the Issue and circulation of national banknotes, the ob ject of this measure is to Immediately put back Into circulation any money the gov ernment may collect through Us customs receipts, as well aa through its collections from Internal revenue. The available cash balance now in the treaaury Is $222,468,878. Of this amount there Is now In national bank depositories $150,472,424, leaving a net balance In the treasury ot $71,994,454. The amount of money now In the treasury available for all purposes la $71,994,454, from which amount. If we deduct $o0,0u0,000 as a neces sary working balance for the treasury, we shall have only $21,94,4M to meet the de mand on tho treasury growing out of the Panama transaction, which will call for MMwO.OtiO. It Is, therefore, evident that either the government must at once call for $2S.0tw.iWN from the banks or, appro priating XiO.onO.OOO from the amount, now in the treasury, leave a working balance of only about $22,000,000, which must be sup plemented by collections from the various purchasps until the amount In the treasury la brought up to t5ft,00u,uno before an appro priation ran be made for any other pur pose without infringing upon what has generally been considered a proper working balance. It ia, therefore, evident that the government will not have any additional money to deposit with the rational banks In the next seven or elftlit months. If, In deed, it collects as much as $d0,ou0,ou0 within that time. The amount now deposited with national banks is $143,111, f.BX, for which the govern ment holds government bonds as security amounting to about $12o,oo,ou0 and about 22,0OO,ti0 of other bonds. Tne measure now submitted provides that the government may dejiostt any public monev. Including thla $14.0(i0.000, with national banks, In no case exceeding In amount 76 per cent of the paid up and unimpaired capital of any na tional Jjank without exacting government or other bonds, but the government shall nave a first lien upon the assets of such bank and shall receive Interest on such de posits at the rate of 2 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first daya of January and July. It will be seen that the effect of this pro vision will be within the next few months, saV certainly within a year, to release the total amount of bonds now deposited to se cure government deposits, vis., $125,000,000 of government bonds and $22,000,000 of state and other bonds, now held by the treasury In addition thereto aa security (or such de posits. The bonds so released may then be used by the banks for further increasing their bond secured circulation, which will undoubtedly be much needed during the coming fall months. It Is clear that the plan proposed Is per fectly safe and that if the rate of Interest had been $ per cent and the accounts were brought down to date, the amount that the government would have received during the past twenty-four years had the bill been In operation would have been nearly, an(i tne government would not have lost a cent. The government should cease to be a dis turbing factor In our business affairs. It was this thought that moved your commit tee to fin the rate of Interest Instead of al lowing It to become a variable quantity, to be Increased or decreased at the pleasure of the secretary, a circumstance that must necessarily result In Intense rivalry by better criticism and constantly subject the treasury to endleBS scandal. The Payne bill was not called up In th committee today. Th friend of the new Fowler bill will urge its adoption Instead of the Aldrich bill, should that measure come over from the senate, and also Instead of the Payne bill.. ' Mr. Fowler introduced a resolution to day providing a rule for consideration of the bill reported today. This resolution was referred to the committee on rules. Iteporta Alaskan Land Bill. The conference committee on the Alas kan homestead bill presented the house to day strike out the senate provision pre venting the use ot soldier' additional homestead right In Alaska, leaving th law it now exists. It limit the use of crip to tract not exceeding 160 acre snd reserves from such location along navigable or other water tract ot not lea than eighty rods In width between such entries. The amendment of th senate as to commutation of homestead 1 so mod ified that while homesteads of S60 acre may be taken, only 160 acre may be com muted. The senate amendment relative to survey 1 substantially accepted. May Legislate After Session. A resolution Introduced In the house to day by Representative Dalaell and referred to the committee on rule provide for a Joint resolution to continue appropriations In the vent of the failure of any of the supply bills to pass at this session. While there Is time within which to pass all the appropriation bills under the condition now existing In the house, the conference reports must be accepted In whole by that branch. It I reported that there la a disposition on the part of the conferees on one or two of the appropriation bills not to yield, and the aim of the resolution introduced today is to provide against the contingency of a disagreement of any conference committee. Representative Shettuc, chairman of the immigration committee, introduced a res olution for the consideration of the Immi gration bill introduced In the senate. An other resolution introduced by Represent-' ative Gibson of the house committee on Invalid pensions contemplatea a rule for the consideration of pension bills amended In the senate under which only a motion to concur will be In nrder. Day needy to Take Oatb. Judge William R. Day, who Is to succeed Justice Shlraa of ths supreme court, ar-i rived in Washington today. He expects to take ths oath ot office tomorrow. Publish your legal notices In Th Weekly Bee. Telephone 23$. P is made right of pure materials. Its laundry utility commends its use to those who have a care for their clothes Swift & Company, Chicago inusClty Osuha St. Paul St Louis I t Worth A 9 nn fiunvon i aiKs v to Women Tills Kow They May Have a Beauti ful Complexion and Grow Luxuriant Hair. Munyon's Witch Hazpi Soap Is really a skin food ami vi talize. The only soap containing witch ha rd Its eurrexfl hurt cmifpd Imitators to brand thrlr soap witch . bast'l; theen words cannot bo trade marked. Si-e that the soap Is slumped Munyon. It nourishes the skin as much as food nour ishes tho body. It puts every pore Into a healthy condition; aK.oiets nature in throwing off poleons from the boily; allays Inflammation, cool, ei.othes and heals all Irritated partn. It ceres chapped hand and Hps. and all forms of chafing. No eoap. no lotion, no wnnh ever ri.arie will quickly quiet n baby suffering with prickly heat or any form of rash aa Munyon's Witch Hazel Soap. Its soothing effect upon the little one Is ilmoot instantaneous. I want every person troubled with hlvee, or who is tormented by any Itching:, to bathe with Munyon's Witch Hazel Soap, using water as hot as the ekln can bear. Relief will be immediate. There 1 rot a caoe nf dandruff, anil I know of no scalp disease, but thl soap will cure. It la Ileal for shampooing. It prevents hair from falling out by strengthening and feeding the root. Ladies will find this oap a great bleKBlng as a wash lor certain Irritations, weak nessro and discharges. It is un' Iseptic, al lays all inflammation, and removes all un pleasant odor. Kvt-iy gentleman who shaves himself should try this soap. It softens the heard and prevent the skin from becoming irritated and tore. No smarting, no burning, no ieed of bay rum or witch hasel for bnthlnjr. For the gen eral toilet it in an exquisite ljxury, it Im proves iny complexion and makes the skin eoft as velvet. It Is aa far euperlor to any other soap ever made as the tlectrlo light is to the tallow dip. ' You cannot afford to be careless about your soap, es pecially If there are young- children in the family. Sold everywhere. MUNYON. We five written contracts to cure Diseases and Disor ders of Men. or re fund money paid. Many cases taken $5.00 per month. VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE and Dl! C evni In I 4n, without rutting, pain or X I Ltd teas ot tun. L(ai guarantee to tura raa or money refunded. CVDUII IC cured tor life and the polio l O I r illLId thoroughly clearaml trom the a;atem. Boon ererr sign and aymptoin diunpexe aempletely and toreror. No "BREALtNO CUT" of tho diaeaoe on the akin er face. Treatment rontaina no dangeroaa drug or Injurloue medldnee. Mrat ttrtl from Exoeaee or VICTIMS TO llCAlV lACn NERVOUS TRBILITY OR EX HAUSTION, WASTINO WEAKNESS, with EARLY DECAY In YOUNO and MIDDLE AOED; lack of rlra. lgor and strength, with organe Impaired and weak. Curea guaranteed. (TDIftTIIDC euro with a new homo treat OlnlulUriC saeat. No pain, so detention from builneee. I'RINARV, Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Weak back, Burning Urine, Frequency of Urinating. V.rln High Colored, or with nllky aedlment on atandlng. Consoltattloa Free. Treatment by Mall. Call or address. 119 S. 14th St. DR. SEARLES&SEAflLES,0iha.StV DR SYlcGREW SPECIALIST Treats all forma at ISEASES AND ' DISORDERS OP MEN ONLY 1 ' "r 17 Tear Experience. S, 17 Tear In Omaha. HI remarkable sue- equaled and every day i?rlna many flatter. ln reports of the foodf h 1 doing, or th relief he ha riven. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Blood PoUon. NO "BREAKING OUT on th ektn or face and all external sl-ns ot th disease disappear at once. BLOOD DISEASE TSZZ&sSS VARICOCELE .ViiXWlJ OVtR 30000 odcwiuy,0ion.rIf vumuy, uiiimurai, Stricture, Gleet. Kidney and Bladder Disease, 11- rQUCK CURES-LOW CHAKOE8. Treatment by mail. V. O. -Buz 76. Offlo rer kii ak. 14U auoet, between JTaroau aiM Leuala ( ttJ&a, make American farmer tho greateet ia the world. Ths fanner wbo atudic Is th man who ralaee Ilia Wrett crop and ths boat stock. YHa" twentietn'cemtury FARMER ia a treat popularlrer ef scientific agriculture. pro aonting each week the result of the work of tbo brainiest practical Binu in erery branch of farm ing and dock raiaing. Mtotfpafeieeekly. $ l.abperyear. Writ lor Free Saapl Coty asd Booklet. Till TWENTIBTH CHMTUBY FAKUEK, Pamani Oonha, Neb. ageela Wasted at Bnrf Paot OaUe. m m !. T is wz:v jbkai lj J ki l I faMliif uiauliuod IT 1 as B TS Married uir.n an IK AN) entmvenro m. ah reeuiuof aiuv. iijiuod, araliia, iuHcr. ud nirn lutcr.dit'K t,i mirv aiinuld luke boi : aatoulalilritf ri'.lului mall weak pan and lot', suwur reawred. SUUat Sherman & McConnell Prug Co., Croatia. AMl'SKMCKTS. BOYD'S! Woodward a- Burtesa. Managers. Tonight Special Matinee Tuesday Tuesday Night- Tho Pretty Kural Drama, Lover's Lane Prices-Slat.. 25-SOr; night, 26-a0-76c. Thursday NlKht Only KATI'KIIINE WILT.ARO, in "The Power ltehlnd the Throne." lYlt-e 2S-5u-7ic-$l. Friday and Rat. Mat. and Nlxht "The Moonnhlner'a Daughter." Prices Mat., 2a-5oc; nlglit, 2i-5u-75o-Vl.- Telephone 1631. Matinee Thursday, Huturday, bunJev Kvery Night, :i:. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE Fllson arid Errol, Field and Watt Lr Frassrttls. El Zobedle. Collins and Halt, The Tanakaa and th Kinodrome. I'rlcva l'c. 2&c. fcuu J Srainst IS 1