The Omaha .Daily Bee. KSTA BMSIIKI) .IUXK 1J), 1S71. OMA1TA, 31 ON DAY MOHNINO, MARCH 2, 1003. single copy thim:e CENTS. RACE PLAYS SO PART EooieteH Vigorously De'enrls HW Po'.icy in Southern Appointment'.. COLOR IS WEIGHED IN NEITHER BALANCE Would as Boon Consider Creed or Birth place in ITlirg Officer. HOSTILE CRITICS MOSTLY NEW YORKERS Men Total j TJnaffeoted Start Outcry for Btaaons Hidden. SAYS PUBLIC SERVANTS NAMED ARE GOOD Refers to Many Prmorrati unci Prnmlwi to Remove All Who May Proved Unfit for Positions Given. ATLANTA, Oa., March 1. President Roosevelt has written to the editor of the Constitution defending hli policy with re tard to federal appointment! In the south. The letter waa In reply to a request from the editor that Mr. Roosevelt answer cer tain criticisms passed on his action by Harry Bi 111 well Edwards of Macon. The letter follows: Dear Mr. Howell: As to federal appoint ments In the south, frankly. It seems to me my appointments speak for thtmselvea nnd that my policy Ih self-explanatory. 80 far from feellnn that they need the slightest apology or Justification, my position Is. that on the strength of what I hive done, I have the right to claim the support of all good citizen who wish not only a high standard of federal service, but fair and equitable treatment to the south as well as to the north and a policy of consistent Justice and good will toward all men. Considers I, opal Prejudices. In making appointments I have nought to consider the feeling of the people 01 each locality so far aa I could consistently do to 'Without sacrificing principle. The prime tests I have applied have been those of character, fitness and ability and when I have been dissatisfied with what has been offered within my own party 1 have without hesitation gon to the opposite party, and you are of course aware that I have re peatedly done this In your own state of 3eorgla. 1 certainly cannot consider color a bar to Holding c til re (for did I do so I should be obliged to consider creed or birthplace also), 'ilways provided that In other respects the t.pplliant or incumbent Is a worthy and well behaved American citizen. , Just 11s little, however, will I consider It Kb conferring a right to hold office. 1 havt, ncnnt sympathy with the man of mere the ory who refuses to face facts, but do you not think that In the long run It Is safer for verybody If we act on the motto "All men up" rather than on that of "Some men down?" 1 ask you to judge not by what I ay. but what during the last seventeen months I have actually done. In your own ttate of Oeorgla you are competent to Judge rom your own experience. In the great milk of the cases 1 have reappointed Presi dent McKtnJey's appointees. The changes . have made were, aa I think you will agree, changes for the better and not for he worse. W hites Often Supplant Blacks. It happens I have appointed a white man to succeed a colored man aa postmaster at Athens and surveyor at Atlanta, in ttoutn Carolina I have similarly appointed b white inwliui.steftd fuiceeol colored postmaster. Again, In South Carolina I have nominated colored man to fill a vacancy In the post Ion of collector of the port of Charleston, ust aa In Oeorgla 1 have reappointed the lOlored man who la now serving aa collector 'if the port of Savannah. Both are fit men. vVhy the appointment of one should cause ..ny more excitement than the appointment of the other 1 am wholly at a loss to Imagine, need hardly say that to connect either of Iiese appointments, or any or all my other .ppolntmenta, or my actions In upholding ,he law at Indlancla,, with such questions as 'social equality" and "Negro domination la as absurd aa to connect them with the nebular hypothesis or the theory of atoms. I have consulted freely with your own -enators and congressmen as to the char acter and capacity of any appointee In Horgla concerning whom there were was question. My party advisers In the state have heen Ma tor Hannonn of Macon, Wal ter Johnson of Atlanta, both of them for mer confederate soldiers, and Harry SUIl wll Kd wards, also of Macon. I believe you will agree with me' that in no state -would It be possible to fir.d gentlemen bler and more upright or better qualified 10 fill the positions they have filled with cference to me. In every Instance where Ihee gentlemen have unltea In making a lecoramendatlon I have been able to follow .heir advice. Am I not right In aaylng .hat the federal offlceholdere whom I have ippoliited throughout your etate are, us a body, men and women of a high order of ttlclency and Integrity? If you know of .ny federal officeholder In Oeorgla of whom lhla Is not true pray let me know at once. will welcome testimony from you or from iiny other reputable citizen which will tend to show that a given public orticer Is un worthy: most emphatically short will be the shrift of any one whoae lacs of worth Is proved. Incidentally. 1 muy mention that a lurge ercentage of the Incumbent rf federal offices In Oeorgla under me are. ra I understand It, of your own political aith. Hut they are supported by me In every wav aa long as they continue to ren tier good and faithful service to the public. Refers to Many Democrats. This Is true of your own state, and by applying to Thomas Nelson of Virginia, to Oeneral Hasll Duke of Kentucky, to Oeorgd C rawford of Tennessee, to John Mtllheny of Louisiana, to Judge Jones or Alabama and Kdgar 8. Wilson of Mississippi, all of them democrats and all of them men of the highest standing In t-ilr respective communities, you will find tnat what 1 have done In Oeorgla stands not us the ex ception, but aa the rule for what 1 have done throughout the south. I have good reason to believe that my appointees In the different states men tioned, and as the sum of the parts Is the whole, necessarily in the siuth at large, reprerent not merely an Improvement upon those whose places they took, but upon the whole a higher standard of federal service than has hitherto been attained in the communities In question. I may add thai the proportion ot colored men among these new appointee la only about 1 In lOu. In view of all these facts I have beep, surprised and somewhat pained at what seems to me th Incomprenenslble outcry In the south about my ucttuns. an outcry apparently started In New York for reasons wholly unconnected with the question nom inally at Isxue. 1 am concerned at the at titude thus Liken by so many of the south ern people, but 1 am not In the least angry; and still less will this attitude have the effect of making me swerve one hairs breadth, to one side or the other, from ths course I hav marked out. the rourse 1 have consistently followed 1 the past and hall consistently follow In we future. With regard, sincerely yours. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. BALDY SMITH PASSES AWAY Prominent Civil War Veteran Dies In His Kla-htleta Year at Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA, March 1. General Wil liam Farrar 8mlth, better known aa "Bsldy" Smith, one of the prominent figure of the clrll war, la dead at bis home In this city. He was in his 80th year. lie entered West Point at the age of 17 ad when the civil war broke out waa made commander of the Third Vermont regiment. He rcse rapidly and became one of the leading figures In that struggle. Fifteen yrars ago he engaged In the work of Improving the rivers and harbors In Delaware and Maryland and made hia home In thla rity. About a year ago be retired from this work and last November he took a cold, from which he never recovered. He la survived by a daughter and a son. Who la an assistant naval constructor. General Smith's death reduces the corps commanders ol the civil war to four. INVENTORS IN THE ASYLUMS Russian Scientist Says that Mental Strnln llrlrra Them Mill, (Copyright. by rr'rs Publishing Co.) ST. PETERSBURG, March 1. (New Tork World Cabiegrtm Special Telegram. I Prtf. Stlel of St. Petersburg, an authority on brain diseases, has been collecting sta tistics cf mental aberration due to straining of the inventive faculties. He saya the number of In Russian asylumi for the Insane has Increased fivefold In ten years. The number now is nearly 1,300, of whom eight are women. A physician who went mad trying to In vent flexible artificial limbs with Joints Is now engaged In the asylum In grotesque ef forts to Invent a marionette which can walk around the room without stumbling. A chemist who became Insane in an at tempt to discover new artificial soli ferti lizers Imagines himself a grain of wheat and is constantly planting himself In differ ent kinds of soils to observe me effects. One Woman Is ceaselessly wrapping up a large doll with different kinds cf bandages, but, as she remains obdurately eilent, it Is difficult to gucsa what her Ideas are. She waa a typewriter who lost her reason In an attempt to Invent a noiseless machine. Another woman Is at work Inventing an ointment to smtar on children's bodies to keep the cold out. CUNARD WEDDING IS PRIVATE Those Invited Only Iterelve Informal Note the Day Before the Wedding. (Copyright. 1JK3. by Press Bubllshlng Co.) LONDON, March 1 (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Mr. Padel ford'a wedding with Mr. Cunard was only attended by Intimate personal friends, who were invited by Informal notes sent cut by her tho day before. Ambisiador Chna e accompanied the bride to the church. She. waa extremely nervous and anx'.ousiy asked the ambassador If she bad arrived before the bridegroom. But the latter was tharo already. The bridal robe was a doueet frock of champagne colored crepe with masses of deep plaits and a falling cape of. fine gulpere over the sleeves. In addition to the embassy people, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lorlllard were present. " The first month of the honeymoon will be passed In Paris. Then the couple will motor to Nice to stay with the bride groom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rldgley Carter gave a luncheon Sunday in honor of the bride and bridegroom at the Carlton. NO TERRORS JN PNEUMONIA Italian Physician Discovers a Serum Which Robs Disease of Danger. , (Copyright, 1903, by Presa Publishing Co.) ROME, March 1. (New York World Ca blegram Specicl Telegram.) Prof. Guldo Tizxonl of the Bologna university has discov ered a serum which la said to render pneu monia comparatively harmless, depriving It of Its dangerous character. Experi ment! on strictly scientific lines prove It on of the moat important medical dis coveries of recent years, and one likely to lower materially the death rate in all countries. Prof. Tlzaonl has already discovered the curative serum ot tetanus, or lockjaw. He was born In Plra In, 1853, took his M. D. at the Naples university, studied under the great German pathologists Scron and Vlrchow, and was appointed to the chair of pathology at Catlna, from whence. In 1880, . he went In the same capacity to Bologna. Tlzaonl la also an ardent, politi cian and 'a member of the Italian Chamber ot Deputies. FRENCHMEN WHO LIVE LONG Century Mark Doea Hot Keep Two Noted Ones from Ranks of Mentally Active. Copyright, 1903, by -Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, March 1. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) The dean of French medical men la Dr. David of Mont pel Her, who celebrated hla 103d birthday oti February 10. The doctor waa born on the 19th day of Pluvlore year IX,' and prac ticed medicine until he reached the ripe age of V9 years. He then retired and went to live at Montpelller with his daughter. Dr. David la in full possession, of all of his faculties. Is an authority on certain j diseases, and patients still consult him, some from great distances. Another grand old man of France Is Ernest Legouve, the academician, 96 years old. He is still hale and hearty, continues y work and every morning baa a In literary quarter hour's bout with hla foils wltlj his fencing master. Indeed he is a firm be liever In every kind of physical exercise and especially fencing as a aource of longe vity. COLOR AND PERFUME STATUES New School of Parisian Sculptors Have Taken Ip with n New Fad. (Copyright, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. March 1. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) The latest notion amcng Parisian sculptors is to per fume aa well as color their feminine figures. The practice of tinting the marble has been gaining In favor with French sculptors to such an extent that in the last few yearj a pure white statue, particularly repre senting a woman, has beeu a rarity. The younger men, in their desire to pro duce something ultra aesthetic, mix their palnta with oils especially prepared with powerful perfumes, thua giving an added touch of realism to the statues by making an appeal to the aenae of smell aa well as to the sight. The true Parisian Is an en thusiastic advocate of perfume. Thlppa Further Aids India. CALCUTTA, March 1 Henry Phlpps. di rector of the Carnegie Steel company, who gave Lord Curton $10,000 on February 1 to be devoted to some practical object for scientific research, promising to be of en during benefit to India, and who. on Feb ruary 1, gave Lady Curson $10,000 for her Victoria memorial midwifery fund, handed to Lord Curion today a further aura of $50,000 for the promotion of agricultural and scientific education. Government Aids Strike Neltlenieut. VICTORIA. B. C. March 1 At the min ing routepllon here last night Premier Prior waa present and announced that the government would pay the expenses ot a commission, to be named by the conven tion, to proceed to Feruie and endeavor tu settle the coal miners' strike. The id pouueemeat was received with surprise. W.OKIi OF THE SHORT SESSION ,t igresi Has Tone During1 the Last k Th ee Month. CONTRA ""GULAflON OF COMMERCE v Creation of v rt Position Which Will Hate ,Te of the Busi ness Interests of the Conn try at large. (From a Stan Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. March 1. (Special.) Three or four years ago the correspunden of a -great metropolitan dally newspaper received a dispatch from his managing ed itor which read: "When is congress likely to adjourn? Rush answer." There are a great many people in this country. Including managing editors ot Im portant newspapers, who do not know or who fall to remember that under the law the final session of every congress inns' adjourn sine die at the close of the legisla tive day of March 3. This means, invaria bly, at noon on March 4 of each odd num bered year. The final session of the Fifty sc.venth congress will aljoi'.rn on Wednes day next at noon. It will have left a vast mans of bills, probably upward of 10,000, unacted upon at ihat time, but the short session will Leverthcless be notable for tho great amount of legislative work ac complished julng the last three months. Because there are a few days more still remaining In which bills may be rushed through one or both houses, It is Impossi ble at this time to say accurately Just what has been accomplished. But the short ses sion of this expiring congress has enacted no less than four laws directly aimed at trusts, which have been the prime objects of attack for several years psst. The tlrst of the four has for its purpose the ex pediting of the hearing and determination of suits in equity now pending or which may be brought In the future under any laws now In force, or that may bo here after enacted, upon the certificate of the attorney general that the case la of gen eral public Importance. The second act directly related to anti-trust legislation la a clause in the general deficiency bill au thorizing the president to appoint an as sistant attorney general at a salary of $7,000 and another at $3,000 a year, and also authorizing the attorney general to ap point two confidential clerks without refer ence to the Civil Service Commission at salaries of $1,600 a year each. These new officials arc directed to perform such tasks ns may be assigned to them by the attor ney general, and It la of course under stood that their duties shall consist mainly In looking especially "after the enforcement of anti-trust laws. Fonda and Machinery. For the first tlm. the chief law officers of the government are therefore provided with the necessary funds and machinery for enforcing tho observance of the laws to regulate commerce and to protect the busi ness Interests of the country against un lawful restraints and monopolies. This law generally known as the Sherman anti-trust law, because -the bill which led up to it waa originally Introduced by the. late. John Sherman of Ohio, them chairman of the finance committee of the senate. The so called Sherman law waa reported from the Ohio ctatesman'a committee with a favor able recommendation, but It waa subse quently referred to the committee on the Judiciary, over which former Senator Ed munds presided, and It was a substitute. resembling the original In but few par ticulars, that waa finally reported back by the senator from Vermont and subsequently passed by both houses. In a letter written a short time ago referring to this act, Mr. Edmunds says that the Judiciary committeo was at that time "unanimously of the opin ion that the bill It reported waa in respect of its general scope an exercise of the whole constitutional power Jf congress. which' could only legislate for the freedom and regulation of commerce with foreign nations and among the several states." He adds, "and I am of the same opinion still." He then says: "The only difficulty with the bill we reported and which becsme law was the want-of administration, that la to aay, that the law waa and la entirely capable of putting an end to so-called trusta and auch combinations as lnterefere with or restrain commerce among the states, etc., if the officers of the govern ment having charge ot the enforcement of the law understand their duty and are will ing to do It, being, of course, supplied with sufficient means to put It in force." In conclusion, he says: "What is needed la not, so much, more legislation as competent ; and earnest administration of the laws that exist. I have no doubt that the present attorney general and hia very able assist- anta will find easy means. If supplied with ' " progress ,nd unrto hf mischievous rk of such gitHi uu lujui auua luuiuiLmuuiiB ai navtj so largely come Into recent existence." New Cnbinet Office. The act to establish the Department of Commerce and Labor also creates a bureau which will have Its effect upon trusts. This Is the bureau of corporations, over which James R. Garfield, son of the martyred president, has been appointed to preside. Under the act authority Is given to the commissioner of corporations to make in vestigation into the organization, conduct and management of the business of any corporatlcn, joint stock company or cor porate combination engaged In commerce among the states or with foreign nations, except railroads and other common car riers. The Information and data gathered is for the purpose ot enabling the president to recommend to roogres auch legislation for the regulation of commerce aa may bu deemed desirable under the circumstances. The commissioner, in order that he ny be able to carry on hia inveitlgatlona, Is given power similar to those held by the Inter state Commerce commission, including th'. right to aubpoena and compel the attend ance and testimony of witnesses and the production of documents and also to ad minister oaths. The act. however, does not Interfere In any way with tha business of private Individuals, nor does it organize an investigation into their affaire. ....-. Asralnst Railroad Rebate.. , The fourth of the acts affecting truat enacted during this short session ot con- gters is that known aa the Elklns anti- ) rebate act. Its nbt.H la to prevent undue j discriminations In the way ot rebatea and j makes the recipients of auch rebates as j well ss the giver subject to a fine of from $1,000 to $20,000 for each eff-nse The enforcement of this law Is entrusted to tho Interstate Commerce commission. Members ot that body de.iare their belief that In substituting fines for Imprisonment as penalty f.r violations cf the Interstate Commerce act will enable the commission to secure conviction In many cases where such sonvlcttons would be Impossible if (Continued on Fifth Page PASSENGER TRAINS COLLIDE Knslitra Juinshed, lint So One I n Jnreil In a Wreek an I nlon Pacific. CHEYENNE. Wyo., March 1 (SpecUl Telegtam.) No. 1. westbound, and No. 4, eastbound, met headon at Megeath. fifty miles east cf Sidney. Neb., on the Un!on Pacific at an early hour this .nornlng. No. 4 hud orders to meet No. 1 there and to take the siding, but the air fatted to work and the eastbound train crabbed Into the flyer. Three engines were badly damaged, but as, far as can be learned no one was Injured. TratHc was not delayed to any great ex tent, fcr No. 4 waa not running fast and the accident occurring at the switch little, difficulty was experienced In clearing the track. OOALLALA. Neb.. March 1. (Special Tel eyrax..) Train No. 1, limited, westbourd. and tra'n No. 4. the Overland, eastbound. were In colliskn at Megeath at 3 a. m. to. day, caused by the airbrake not working on No.' 4. No. 1 had two engines and the three engines on both trains were damaged to some extent. No persons were Injured. No. 1 was standing on the main track wait ing for No. 4 to take the elding. Th- wreck occurring at a aiding other trains were not delayed. Passengera on the wrecked trains were transferred to other trains. Fresh engines were sent to the scene from Sidney and both trains proceeded. No. 4 arrived In Omaha at 9:4ft last even ing more than fourteen hours late, but a large portion of the delay was previous to the wreck and due to drifting enow. Thomas M. Orr, secretary to the presi dent, the only officer of the eompsny who could be found last night, said: "We have received nothing but Incomplete reports, but they state no person was Injured. I do not know eiactly how the accident hap pened nor who was responsible." NEBRASKANS JBITE AT FRAUD With lowsns and Others Rny Hoarua Timber Land In Oresron. ) BAKER CITY. Ore., March 1. timber land swindle. In which a number ot Ne braska, Iowa and Illinois Investors have been caught, has, it is stated, been discov ered at Sumpter. Persons from these states arrived here recently to look up timber land, purchased from a company that had been operating in the east. It was represented that a large eastern syndicate was soon to begin operations here and that quarter sections of timber land that could be located for from $100 to $125 would, itMn a short time, enhance wonderfully In value. Some of the Investors, It is stated, have been shown fine bodies of timber land which they had selected only to find that the loca tor had picked out tor. them a worthless pice of rock land. !' 1 WATERBURY RIOTS RENEWED Roth sides . Fire Shots r.nd Thusrs Attack Prosecuting; Attorney oa Street.. . . . . ... , . ; t." . . . , WATERBURY, Conn., March 1. Little of note was reported today In the strike situation. As Manager Bewell was riding home on the Watervlllc line last night the car was fired on by a man shrouded In darkness. At the samo time stones were hurled at the car. Three arrests were made today. Prosecuting Attorney Durant was at tacked by two men tonight aa he was going to his home. They knocked him down with clubs and fists and as he lay on the ground he fired - four shots at them. - One bullet went up through the hat of one ot the men and kcocked it off. Attorney Durant brought the hat hack to the police station. The men escaped with no clue as to their identity. TRY TO TAX MERCHANTS NOW Indian Authorities Pleased with De rision on Cattle Import Mulct Storekeepers.. ARDMORE. I. T.. March 1. It Is stated here today that Indian Agent Shoenfelt has Instructed the Indian police agents to col lect the tribal tax of 1 per cent on the dollar valuation ot merchants' stocks in the Chickasaw and Choctaw nations. Agent Shoenfelt )s said to be acting on the authority of Secretary ot the Interior Hitchcock, who holds that the tribal tax is valid and, like the cattle tax, may be enforced. The merchants will ask for an I injunction to restrain tho police from j carrying out the order, on the ground that the tax Is Invalid. RAILROAD MEN DISSATISFIED Seek Shorter Honrs 'and Retter Sys tem ot FllllnsT Conductors' Vacancies. NEW HAVEN, Conn., March 1. A large delegation of 'rainmen, freight and paasen. ger conductors and firemen of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad waa held today to draw up a set of demands to be presented to the officials of the road. The demands Include an eight-hour day and extra pay fcr work done over that time, and that the freight conductors be promoted to the poslttcn cf passenger conductors when vacancies occur. Instead of the posi tions betns given baggagemen. BUFFALO VICTIM IS BURIED Rnrdlck'a Remain) Interred in the Presence of Ills Widow ( and Children. BUFFALO, March 1. The body ,of Ed win L. Burdlck. who waa murdered last Thursday, was today taken to his former home In Canaatota, N. Y., near Syracuse, for burial. Mrs. Burdick, her three chlld- ren nd two cloBe personal friends went I wl,b- the boJy after a brief funeral service j bad been held at the bouse. I The authorities are Inclined to the the- ' ory that the crime was committed by a j ' 1 rw FIRST LAUT ntlUKNS HOME Hoosevrlt Leaves for Washing ton After Ylaltlun; Sons rt Srhool. GROTON, Mass., March 1. Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, who has been spending several days at the Grot on acbool with her two sons, Theodore, Jr., and Hermit, left for Washington this afternoon. She was accompanied by her daughter E,nel and a maid. BOSTON, March 1 Mra. Theodore Roote- vell and her party paaaed through tbe city this sveniog bound tor Washington. FLEE FROM INVADING FLOODS Pittsburg Eesidents Take feefuge in Upper Stories When Waters Bage. BOATS PLY ON ALLEGHENY STREETS ftlvers Take Possession of Roadway. Fore In Vehicles to Stay at Home and Trnrlte to Float Aloft. PITTSBURG. Pa., March 1. Swollen tributaries forced the Ohio river over Its banks today, flooding hundreds of houses and sending the occupants to seek refue In tho upper stories. Mills on the low lying levels throughout the county, numbering between fifty and slxyr, were flooded, and 38,375 men thrown Idle for four or five days. The flood was general throughout west ern Pennsylvania, the streams everywhere overflowing their banka and causing more or less damage to houses and farms that lay along their course. Downtown In Pitts burg cellars and basements of business houses were inundated, while in Allegheny two railroads wrre temporarily paralyzed. Pecplo in the First and Third wards of Allegheny had to employ boats on the streeta, sklflj being commoner than wheeled vchloles. Ample warning had been received by most of the residents and business houses to minimize losses. The highest stage reached by the swollen rivers at Pittsburg was 29.4 feet at the government dam at 6 this evening. It became stationary at that mark and gradually subsided. Three hours later the record wai 29.1 feet. The Market street guage at 8 o'clock showed the high est point reached by the Monongahela river to be 28 6 feet. In an hour after it bad fallen a little over an inch. The govern ment guoge at Davis Island dam, Ave miles below the city, showed the highest stage to be 26.5 feet at 9 o'clock, when the watera were stationary. From that time the flood began to fall The cold weather which set in last night served to check the flood. Soon after day light the water took possession of the point districts in Pittsburg and 'came up iilmost to Penn avenue. All lower Alleg heny felt the severest effects of the high water and practically every house between Isabella street and the river from the Ninth street bridge to the Point bavO cel lars and first floors flooded. The Pittsburg Western railroad and the Buffalo, Roch ester ft Pittsburg tracks are under water, necessitating their abandonment tern-, porarlly. Boats Protected la Time. River men took early precautions to place shipping under safe control and as a result property of that character suffered comparatively little. From the territory up the Monongahela' and Allegheny rivers comes reports of much damage by the flooding of the lower floors of houses, mills and factories. From all points above on both rivers the waters are re ported as either falling r stationary and danger Is averted. Towns below here on the Ohio,: however, are still to have their worst experiences. - At McKees Rocks and Corpolts, a few miles below Pittsburg, the river tonight Is so high that the business sections of both places are under water 'and several street car lines were forced to suspend operations. East Liverpool repdrts thirty feet of water, thirty-five houses flooded and sev eral of the pottery plants damaged, of which the Thompson Pottery company will suffer moat. ' 1 ' Street car service to Smith's Ferry has been abandoned. - At Wellsvllle, four miles ' below East Liverpool, the mill of 'he American Tin plate company Is partially inundated and scores of 'families are suffering. -Steubenville, O., reports thirty feet 'of water and rising Ave inches an hour. Five ins re feet are expected,- which will cause the Wheeling Lake Erie and the Cleve land & Pittsburg railroads and mills on the low ground to suspend. PARKERSBURG, W. Vs.. March 1. The Ohio river Is rapidly approaching the dan ger line and predictions are that it will-be In the lower streets by Monday night. Forty-one feet are expected. So far no houses have been reached by tho flood, but men have been busy all day moving goods out of cellars and warehouses In the wholesale district and moving peo ple In low sections out of their homes. Many homea are Aooded in the Little Ka nawha valley. Today'a cold snap will check the water and the- Little Kanawha river is already falling. tiale Disables Arlantle Root. PHILADELPHIA, March 1. The steamer Switzerland of the Mercantile Marine com pany . arrived here today from . Antwerp after a voyage of 18 days, during which it encountered terrific gales. On February 14 a aevere storm struck It from the northwest. The storm continued several days and during its height the steering gear gave way, leaving the vessel helpless for three days. The vessel sus tained other minor damage. Switzerland carried 231 passengers. Wheeling; Mills Submersed. WHEELING, W. Vs.. March 1. The dan ger point in the swell of the Ohio has been reached and the river la still rising. The stage at 11 was37 feet 6 Inches and It was rising six Inches an hour with Indica tions for a maximum stage of 41 or 43 feet. Wheeling ialand, a portion of the aouth side and .half a dozen blocks from thw river front to the hill in Bellalre are under water, but merchandise and household ef fects have been removed In most instancea The iron and steel mills on both sldea ot the river have been partially submerged and as the Industrial establishments gen erally are Id the low-lying districts they will be compelled to suspend opera'lons. Traffic on the Baltimore A Ohio river roads was delayed several hours. Tonight tracks of the Pennsylvania, Baltimore A Ohio, Wheeling A Lake Erie and Cleveland, Lor ain A Wheeling railroads are submerged pt different points and no trains are run ning. Kvansvllle Also Fears. EVANSVILLE, Ind.. March 1. The Ohio river Is stsMonary here tonight and at 9 stood nt 32.9. It Is expected to be rising on Monday. All the side streams are still rising rapidly. Rough and Pond rivers are out of their banka and thousands of logs and ties were lost today. River men fear a much worse rise than that of a few days ago, as th" headwaters are rising and the southern rivers are bank full. Reports tonight say the Wabaeh, White and Patoka rivers are high. Boats have been unable to make many of the landings between here and Padurah for two weeks. P-el lent cf I ruffuuy F.leetrd. MONTEVIDEO. March I. Jose Batele Ordonez waa today elected president of Uruguay. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair Monday and Tuesday Warmer Monday and In West Portion Tuesday. Temperature nt Omaha lrsterdayt Hour. Dec. Hour. Dear. .1 n. m 15 1 p. tn 6 a. m 14 8 . ra .17 T n. ni 14 p. m 4 8 s. m Id 4 p. m -to I) n. ni. . . . . . XO ft p. m 10 a. m ...... vn 41 p. m : It a. m..... SO 7 p. m St lit m an h p. m a p. m ..... . K 1 JEALOUS HUSBAND SHOOTS Frnnk Robinson Takes Two Shots at Robert Met'nllen. hot ' Doesn't Kill. Thirteen months of domestic Infelicity led up to a shooting yesterday afternoon, wherein Frank Robinson of 215 Willis ave nue seriously wounded Robert McCullen. The shots were Ared In the saloon ot Rem ington A Burk, Sixteenth and Nicholas streets. The wounded man was taken to Dr. Hostetter's office end from there sent to Clarkson hospital. The wound was found to be In the left side ot the abdomen and not of a fatal character. The bullet was abstracted. Robinson was arrested and charged with shooting with Intent to kill, and Mrs. Rob inson and Herbert Robinson, tho latter liv ing at 1549 North Eleventh street, who were present when the shot wss fired, were taken into custody as state witnesses. The fight between Robinson and McCul len was the result of the former's sus picion that the latter had been too atten tive to Mrs. Robinson. Herbert Robinson, who, by the way. Is no relation to Frank, aays that McCullen gave him a note ad dressed to MrB. Robinson,' which said: "Sweethea-t, I need some money. Send $2." Herbert says he delivered the note to Mrs. Robinson and then told her hus band of Its contents. Yesterday Frank and Herbert, followed closely by Mrs. Robin son, went on a hunt tor McCullen. They kept up the search all day, and late In the afternoon encountered their man . In the saloon at the corner of Sixteenth and Nlch olaa streets. Here the tight occurred, in which Robinson drew bis revolver and wounded McCullen. X GRAIN SITUATION IN KANSAS W. F. MclaoRhlin Saya It is Next to Impossible to Secure Cars. W. F. McLaughlin of the. Peavey Grain company, Marysvllle, Kan., Is In the city In the Interest of that concern. "The grain situation In Kansas Is In rel ative chaos because of the lack of trans portation facIltles," he said. "It Is next to impossible to secure cars, and grain buyers are rather chary about buying grain until the transpoitatlon situation Is re lieved. The prevailing price paid tor corn there now is 31 cents for white and 31Vs cents for mixed corn. The corn grading facilities are limited at Marysvllle and bet ter rates for grain prevail at points sev eral miles either way from that town be cause of the difficulty ot hauling over the rough, hilly country surrounding Marys vllle, which Is additionally embarrassed by the prevailing bad weather. "The grain men in southeaatern Ne braska and northeastern Kansas are deeply Interested In the strike situation here at Omaha. They are apprehensive that It will further complicate the transportation ques tion, and defer the longed for relief in definitely, possibly until seeding time, which will further delay grain shipments because of the busy farming season then to ensue and the indisposition of the farm ers to haul their grain to the buying sta tions." FOR GRAND ARMY COMMANDER Judge Estelle sad W. II. Green Are ' Understood to Be Omaha ' Candidatea. The next commandershlp of the Nebraska Grand Army of the Republic Is exciting Interest even' at this early day. Omaha is In the field with two candidates. In the persons of Judge Lee Estelle and W. II. Green. Judge Estelle was a strong candi date at the department encampment in thla city last year. In fact, the only candidate against former Lieutenant Governor C. F. Steele of Falrbury, who was elocted. Tho south Platte country may present the name of Senior Vice Commander Peters of Res trict. The next department encampment will be held at Fremont In May. There will also be a brisk contest tor the choice of delegates to the national encampment of the Grand Army, which meets at San Fran cisco in August. COTTON WORKERS TO STRIKE Speeded Looms and Other Changes Deride Operatora to Leave Mills. NEW BEDFORD, Mass., March 1. Three hundred weavers employed In the Bristol cotton mills go an strike tomorrow. The trouble is based on complaints of poor yarn, poor filling, poor fixing, high speeded looms and changes In style. LOWELL, Mass., March 1. The Lowell Textile council, composed of delegates rf all the unlona organized among cotton workers, has asked the treasurers of the seven cotton corporations for an advance of 10 per cent In wages, to take effect March 31. The mill treasurers said tonight they would reply to the request In writing within a few days. The demands affect. 18.000 operatives. FALLS FROM BRIDGeTo DEATH Workman Tnmblea Seventy-Five; Feet and Dies on LisThtinat Upon Company's Building;. ROCHESTER. N. Y.. March 1. J. Baird of Guysvllle,. O., aged 24, was H. In- slantly killed yesterday by falling from the Vincent atreet bridge over the Genes see river to the roof of the electric light rompuny's plant below, a distance of seventy-five feet. It Is thought be stepped bsckward and fell. Movements of Ocean Vessels Mnrrh I. At New York Arrived Campania, trom IJverpoul; (itt dl MHano, from Urnoa and Naples: l.a Ha vole, from Havre. At Gibraltar Passed 'ambromun. from Genoa and Naples, for Ho.-ton: Klcilla. from (i 1.0a and Naples, for N w York. At Prawle Point-Passed Staatendam. fr-im Rotterdam and Houloicne. for N.w ! York. At Liverpool Arrived Mongolian, from St. John. N. H . and Halifax. At Queenstown Bulled Merlon, from Boston, for Uvrrpool; I'mbrla, from Liver pool, for New York. At Bouthampton- Salled-HIm her. from llumburg and iioulugne. fur New York. RECORD OF SESSION Thirty-Pour Days Gone and Important Work is Only in Embryotio Stato, TWENTY-SIX DAYS MORE TO DRAW PAY If Legislative Labors Are Finished it Means Lively Times. REVENUE DEMANDS FIRST ATTENTION Bailroads Center Their Opposition on Tax ation of the Terminals. OTHER IMPORTANT MATTERS ON TAP No Apparent Inclination to Take the) Lid Off the Celebrated Hartley llarar Box and Investl sate Contents. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Mach. 1. (Special.) If the twenty-eighth Nebraska legislature com pletes Its docket within the sixty-day limit set by law It will need to accomplish a great deal more in the nsxt twenty-sis days than it has In the last thirty-four. When the recess was taken Friday the thirty-fourth legislative day was finished. The session reconvenes again tomorrow atternoon. From Jnnuary 6, when the session began, up to tomorrow, forty-seven work days have passed, and from Monday until April 1 there will be Just twenty-six, exactly enough to complete the session. But if the legislature loses as much time, proportionately, this month as It did dur ing January and February it will come far from winding up affairs by April 1. Thir teen days during the session thus far It has not put In. Of course, a week ot this time wss given up to the Joint revenue committee. When the work undertsken and that cora lleted thus far is compared It appears that I this legislature Is. to say the leaat, a de liberative body. Of the Important projects of legislation how many have been con summated? There is revenue revision, ad mittedly the biggest and most Important tsBk before this legislature. It really is scarcely out of the shell stage. True, a bill has been drafted and is now in tbe hands of the standing house revenue com mittee, but from what is known ot that bill it Is evident that If It passes at all It will be after a prolonged fight has been made, for It Is not one that will meet such general approval aa to pass through un obstructed. Then there Is tbe matter of constitutional amendments, one of the most Important before the legislature. Nothing conclusive has been done with It. Governor Mickey has urged action, however, and It Is prob able the matter will receive some Impetus this week, but everything of this cbaraoter Is yet to be accomplished. Some Pressing Questions. . Under this head of constitutional amend ments may be found' some- of the pressing questions before the people of Nebraska. For Instance, the persistent demand tor the safe .investment' ot the permanent school fund snd the status of the supreme court. Governor Mickey and others ' are convinced that Immediate changes are Im perative. It Is proposed that f the bench be enlarged in membership and that the salaries of the members be substantially' Increased. This all must be done through the process ot constitutional amendments. There is, too, a demand of undetermined extent for increases tn the salaries ot stato officers. This, too, mint be done through amendments to tbe state constitution. Of course there la tho demand trom Omaha and other municipalities for a law entitling them to livy a direct tax on railroad terminals for local purposes, a de mand so persistent that the railroads have arrayed their mightiest hosts against It with unrelenting vigor from, the first of the session. They have centered their forces against thla proposition as they hare against no other one. This still Is un attended to One bill, H. R. 171, has corns and gone and been succeeded by another, H. R. 330, which has been tied up In the hands of a hostile committee ever since Its Introduction. The railroads are determined to keep it tied up - there it possible, or falling in thla, aa It seems they must, kill ' the bill In another way. ' The bills to reapportion the legislative and Judicial districts of tbe state have Just barely been Introduced. If they get beyond the Jockeying line they will do well. There are a lot ot other measures ot local charac ter, such as the Omaha and South Omaha charter bills, which have been presented and hung up for mysterious reasons. Clsrar Box Lid Closed. But one of tbe most righteous demands of the people ot this state tas not even bad a hearing yet, and that la the demand for an Investigation Into the cigar bog mystery In connoctlon with the Bartley ease. Soma had thought the legislature would not fall to address Itself to this Important matter, but It appears that the legislature Is eoldly indifferent to It. The only thing that has been done In connection with the Bartley case Is. the introduction of a resolution by Senator Hall of Douglas for tbe release from their obligation to tbe state ot tha men who went Bartley's security. But honest Inquiry develops little or no grounds for believing that thla resolution will ever receive the sanction of the legislature. l'robably had not the stste of. Nebraska been ao desperately lu need ot drastic revenue revision snd pressed Its dsmaads with such persistency aa to force the legis lature to pay some attention to them, there would have been less obstruction to fslth ful work. But the railroads, being un alterably opposed to any form of revenue revision that would bring them to time on the payment of taxes, simply determined at the outs't on blocking every move tend ing to change the present revenue laws and it muat be admitted their efforts have not been in vain. It is said quite generally that the railroads dictated enough ot the revenue bill to make It aatlsfactory to them. The revenue bill doubtless will be turned over to the house by the committee Tues day, when preliminary skirmishing may set in. H. R. 830. the ro-ralled Omaha tx commissioner bill, probablv will get into the house Tuesday, and possibly Monday. But It will come back handicapped. The majority of the committee on cities and towns, as haa already been atated In The Bee, will recommend it for Indefinite post ponement, and the minority for passage. Tbe common ground will be the general file, and It will be the play of the minority to land tbe bill on that base. Unless thla can be accomplished 11. R. 330 Is a "goner." New l.labt for Court Room. YORK. Neb. March 1. tSpeelsl.) Ths district court room has Juki installed a thirty-six light electrolier, which so -