20 Special Rates. On Tuesday, March S, the Missouri Ta clfle railroad will sell, both on way and round trip tickets to certain points south and southwest at very low rates. For further Information, ran, time tables and land pamphlets, address any agent of the company or Thomas F. Omlfrey, Tass. and Ticket Agent, 8. E. corner 14th and Doug laa streets. Omaha, Neb. An entertainment and dance, will be. given br Laurel Hive No. 19, L. O. T. M., at Crelghton hall, Tuesday evening, March 8. Admission. 2fc. Ouards Omaha Tent 75 of K. O. T. M. will appear In uniform. Hit Root print It. A. B. Huberroann, only wrert diamond Im porter In the west. Cor. 13th and Douglas. Mattlns; l.rsa Than Coat. We hare about 2,000 yards of Japanese and China matting, all qualities, ranging In price from 6c to 22c, which Is much less than cost of (roods. It was used at Elks' ball one night only. A chance to coer your floor so cheap that you cannot afford to miss this sale. Monday morning i at o'clock. ORCHARD WIL.HELM. Genuine Imported beer on draught. Ed Maurer'a, 1308 Farnam street. NOTICE All dissatisfied policy holders In the Northwestern Life and Savings com parry of Drs Moines, la., please call or send name and address to Robt. B. Haaker, care Regent Shoe company, 205 S. lGth St., Omaha, Neb. Dr. Roy, chiropodist, moved to 1505 Farnam. Water backs and furnace repairs. Omaha Stove Repair Works. Tel. 980. Arlsona Mar Accept Joint Statehood. PHOENIX, Aril., Feb. 2S The upper house of the territorial legjBlature of Arl sona has adopted Joint resolutions favoring the acceptance of JolDt statehood with Ne-w Mexico, if It should prove that It Is "the purpoee and Intent of congress to re fuse admission as a separate state." If the lower house shall adopt the resolutions they will be Immediately telegraphed Lcie-s-ate Smith. "Ask the flan" who wears the $3.50 ONIMOD and he -will tell you that for style, comfort and wear It has to eaual. He yl'.l also say ONIMOD $3.50 Shoe are really $6.00 value. , Further questioning will elicit the fact that $2.50 buys a good shoe at the 203 South 15951. Lay FOR SALE Onyx Boda Fountain, with white and gold canopy, ten syrups, late design; new work board and fine end turn, quarter sawed oak counter, all complete and In first-class condition; must be moved from etore by April laL as we have the finest new foun tain In the state coming. This Is a good opportunity to get a line outfit aheap and quick. 60c Murine, for the eyes . 40c 60o Antiphloglstlne 40c 11.00 Peruna, genuine Bio $1.00 Plnkham's Compound 68c 11.00 Butler' Female Regulator, guar anteed TBo Jfio Oenulne Caatorla 24o 26o Carter' Little Liver PlUa lto 23c laxative Bromo Quinine 16c 2oo Qulnacetol, guaranteed cold cure.. 20c 60a Texan Catarrh Cure, one bottla curea 40o $1 Crnmer' Kidney Cure, guaranteed. T5c $1.00 Pierce' Remedies 64o t.'AN YOU m-'PLIC-ATB THESE! PRICES? $1.00 MILES' NERVINE 74o I2.U0 Chester' Pennyroyal Pill a $1.00 SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRIC1 DKUQ STOftl Two Pfcoues 747 ssd 191. f. W. Cor. lOtkt sal CaUaaar . Omaha's lavorlto Boor la the best on the market and It U a home product. If you don't believe It, r order a case sent to your house and be convinced. Mitz Bros. Brewing Go. Telephone 119. Omaha. Or Jacob Neumayer, agent, ?r Neurnayer Hotel, Council Bluffs, Iowa. . we uae the PUR. fM Ynnr EST PRros. the in I OUr ORKATKST AC CURACY and Rive Prescription ft. at cut price aUo. $1.00 Peruna 62o $1.00 Htuart'a Catarrh Tau- . lets 7Sc $1.00 Btuart's DyspepMla Tab lets 75c 6Cto Htuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets 4oo SOo Syrup of Figs 36c 2Sc Laxative Bromo Quinine lie LATHROP'S n 8-lth and Hamilton. 'Phone A14J. llarshburger Chicago Shirt Waists. 1903 MODELS READY. Exclusive designs In M ADRA8-OXKORD- CHEVIOT8-rigriM.INKNS-MER-CER1ZEU OXFORD. We use Importsd goods only. GOODS BOLT) BY TUB YARD. Send for catalogue and samples. (Stale colors wanted.) ADL'RKSS, C. R. HARSHBURGER, 171 STATU 8TREJST. palmer Houaa), Chicago, 111. O ei rln M am b wts ts 1 a NO DELAY By rellaMe. accurate dentists who are exparts. Skilled npeeialista In avery depart ment do their modern dental work without paining the patient, and tha price charged are about one-fourth of what la usually demanded by private obeoure den tists, who Inflict the torture of tha Inquisition In their old-fashioned work. DON'T THROW TOCR MONET AWAT on poor delntal work done by small dental con cerns. whTe they don't have the experience or specialists to do your work prop erly. POSITIVELY NO STUDENTS. Consult tha professors. Free. WORK DONE TtTTM . UNTIL ,wrioa",u r Teeth Teeth dUClildl I nilinjts, from 2c uuuuiui j Prices ( Work guaranteed 10 year. All work done by old, experienced dentists. Incor porated under stat law. Appointment made with out-of-town people. Call early and avoid rish. PAINLESS EXTRACTION GUARANTEED. Best vitalised air West of New York, and other methods that are recognized as the best. Don't be humbugged by Imitators or false Institutions. Our reliability Is unquestioned. Why take chances with others, we are here to stay. Be sure you are In the light placa We. make teeth without plates, and all other work known to dentistry. Pllll I CNPC We will forfeit $1,000 If any dentist In Omaha compete with us In VilALLkllUC fine workmanship, fine material and palnles work. A specialist In each department. Th only college of Its kind In the west. All old, experienced dentist to do your work. Avoid boy practicing. UNION DENTAL COLLEGE ENTRANCE ROOM 4 TO THE FRONT 1522 DOUGLAS. Open dally. Nlghta till I. Sundaya, 18 to 4. Certainly We Publish a Catalogue of Drugs at Cut Prices. It's a plain and Interesting bit of reading. Useful? Well, rather, for It shows how you can save money. Our catalogue contains 100 pages. It is of course corrected up-to-date. It's no use to write to small-bore stores for a catalogue. Small-bore store dont have catalogues, nor goods to cata logue worth mentioning. Some catalogue drug prices at SHERMAN & McGONNELL DRUG CO. 25c AUcock's Plasters, we sell 13o $1.00 Ayer's Hair Vigor, we sell... 75c $1.00 Bromo-Seltzer, we sell 75o 2.So Bromo-Seltzer, we aell 20c fiOf ( olaate'a Pa nay Hloaaom Kxtract, mw sell, m 2Bo GOc Soclete Hyglenlque Soap, we sell 25o 2Bc Draws'. Bron. Troches, oar price lOo 25c Brandreth' Pllla, our price.... 19c 50c Burkhart'e Veg. Com., we sell MX; 25c Purkliart'a Veg. Com., we sell 20o 36c Beecham'B Pills, we aell 20c 60c Cascarc-ts for 40c 26c Cascarets for 20c 25c Carter's IHls. we sell 15c 25c Chamberlain's Cough Cure, well 20c W.OO t'hlrheater'a Pen. Pllla, onr price. $1.47 1 Ponnd German Mired Bird seed 4o 35c Castorla, we sell 26o 60c Cutloura Salve, we sell 40c 25c Cutlcura Soap, we eell 2oc 60c Doan's Kidney Pllla, we aell.. 40c $1 Duffy's Malt Whiskey, we sell. 75c $1.50 Fellow' Syrup, we sell $1.15 Small Garfield Tea, our price 10c Jap Rose Boap 7c 75c Hall Cntarrh, we sell 65c $1 Hall' Hair Renewer, we sell.. 75c 25c Humphreys' 77, we sell 20c ai.Ott lloatetter'a Blttera, onr price T4e 60c Horllok'B Malted Milk, small.. 40c $1.00 Horlick's Malted Milk, large. 75o $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk, hos pital $3.16 $1.00 Pepto Mangran Gude, we sell tec 4M.OO Kirk's Dandruff Cure the warranted dandruff cure for TBe l.OO KUmer'a Swamp-Root, onr price T4o Write for our 100-page Catalogs of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicine and Rubber Good. SHERMAN 6 r.lcCONNELL DRUG CO., Cor. 16th and Dodge Sis., Omaha, Neb, BAILEY THE DENTIST 312 Paxtoti Blk. WE HAVE PRACTISED DENTISTRY nearly twenty years and will give you the benefit of our experl-1 ence by making an examination of your month and giving an estimate) free of charge. (Q)(0)SiaERIDAN NUT tssz? Use it m y our bijeburnei Clean e$ bard cwal. fine or cookind' Victor37hiie l603Famam5LMI27 SOLD E Pajs dividends this year. Bhaft 205 feet deep. At the 205 foot' level vein is Richer than ever in Gold, Silver and Lead. Its something immense 40 pel cent lead. Oold you can see in the rock. Don't believe it? Come and see for yourself. Large fissure vein that Will never pinch out. One neighbor mine 2,300 ft. deep Others from 500 to 1,500. ' Sinking and drifting every day. Its a sure winner. Stock only 20 cents per share For n short time onlv, Then it goes to 35 Don't class us with ''we will companies, who never intend to," for we have the goods, and will deliver part cf them in 1903, and contrr.re to de liver for vt-HTS to come. Get full pttit?0i:lhis cf W. A. Hc(.'i ;y, Sc'y. & Trt a., Neb. Tel. Hldg., Omaha, Neb., orjelephone evenings to 1003. SH1D i EATABLISMB! I OR YF. FREE mill I hrri for Material. MARCH IS. Extracted Extracted FREE III t II V. 1 1 ...... V " V" Bridge Work, per Tooth $2.85 Crowns, from $1.90 60c Kilmer's Swamp-Root, oar price 3to l.OO Klnsr's New Discovery, onr price 75c 4l.tM 1. Uterine (large), oar . price Otto 2Se Llatertne (small), oar price 10c 26c laxative Bromo-Qulnlne. our 1 price 25c Mttletoe Cream for $1.00 Mother's Friend, we sell 75c Moeller's Cod OH, we sell 15c 10c 75c 660 SUSc Menneu'a Tnlcnni ltiwdfr, onr price lie fl.(M) McElrrr'n Wine of Car. dnl, onr price (We 75c Merchants Gaxg. Oil, our price 19c 60c Omega Oil, we sell $1.00 Newbro'g Herplclde, our price 25c Orangelne, our price $1.00 Plnkham's Comp., we sell... 25c Packer's Tar Soap, we sell.,.. 25c Plso's Consumption, we sell.... $1.00 Peruna, we sell 41.U0 Pierces Medicines, we sell.. $1.00 Palne's Celery Comp., we sell 25c Pierce's Pills, we eell 10c 74c 19c fi9c 15o 20c 62c 65c 75a 20o 6oc Pond's Kxtract, we sell 40c 60c Pyramid Pile Cure, we sell... 40c $1.00 Scott's Emulsion, we sell.... 76c IVOc Syrap of Plas, onr price., 34e $1.00 Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets, our price 39c $1.75 8. S. fl., our price $1.14 $160 Vln Marlani, our price $1.00 ftOe Wllllama' Pink Pills.... H1e $1.00 Warner's Safe Cure, our price 75c ai.OO White Hlbbon Liquor Care for 75c 2oo box (3 cakes) Bensoln and Buttermilk Soap for...... 12c $1.00 Temptation Tonlo, fresh and genuine, for 29o Three in a Row This expression 1 not Intended to mean a "mix up" or "fight," but to placa three drug "ads" in a row In The Bee, and see for yourself that "figure don't lie." 60c Ely Cream Balm too 50c Shlloh Catarrh Remedy 80c 60c Peptonizing Tubes, Falrchlld's 30c 10c Frog In Throat So JOc Oz-o-Jcll 70c 2sc Thompson Eye Water iro c Murray Charcoal Tablet 16c )1.0i Hood's Sarsaparllla 60c 1.00 Jaynes' Expectorant 6c bOc Jaynes' Expectorant 8io ll.OO Wlstan Ralsum frtc &c Wletan Haleam 3)u 25c Wakelield t'rf. Syrup 15c wtc Wakefield Crf. Syrup 30c 1.00 Hall's Hair Renewer floe These are staple. Ask what the other fellow wants for them. Fuller Drug & Paint Go 114 South 14th Street. We sell paint $5 BATH CflB'NET FOR $2.25 THESE ARE THE GOOD KIND OF CABINETS NOTHING BETTER MADE. 11.00 3-quart hot water bottle (guaran teed for one year) for... 49c 3-qu.irt fountain syringe 4t)c Wooi I alcomii. quart Z.ic Pure Witch Hazel, quart Sf.c &c CnscaretH lc Hoc Ilromo Heltzr lite Carter'a I.iver I'llls 14o IM- Chamtet Iain's Cough Cure ISc l'urk-r a Tar Soap 14c Zf.o Plso Cure ltc 11 W Scott's KmulHlon 74c Jayne'n Vermifuge , 29c Castorla !' l'erunu '. 6Jc German Klmmel Klttrrs 76c poar'e l"nr-nfed Sap Uc Nurses' Clinical Hf'cord Sheet, per block of fifty shetts 35c iBRAtfflEfi BENNETT'S mm HERE'S 610 GAME IN THE PIANO FIELD Pending the Reorganization of tho Company a RAPID RIDDANCE SALE OF PIANOS AND ORGANS -AT- FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR will begin tomorrow morning and con tinue for ONLY TEN DAYS. S0L ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN I TERMS ARRANGED TO SUIT EVLRV'BODYl! N0WS YOUR OPPORTUNITY!!! WE HAVE FULLY 30 BRANDS AND MAKES, AND MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED PIANOS to close out In TEN DAYS. Here are some of our specials The Everett Ivers & Pond Chase Starr Llndeman Richmond Harwood Brlnkerhofl Smith & Barnes-Pullman Schirmer WHIard Bennett, Etc., Etc. The case designs of all these Pianos are of exceeding beauty and are en tirely new and original. The CONSTRUCTION. WORKMAN SHIP and FINISH of the caae work Is of the highest possible class. WE HEARTILY INVITE YOUR MOST CRITICAL INSPECTION even If you now own a piano. We believe It will be a pleasure to you TO SEE AND HEAR AND FEEL the beauti ful deslgnb and tone qualities of these instruments. They are, beyond a question, the latest and prettiest as sortment WE8T OF CHICAGO. LOOK AT THIS BEVY OF BARGAINS 1 $300 Upright Piano df gm O for $98 1 $360 Walnut Upright (S'-f A tZ Piano, for 440 1 MOO Mahogany Upright rtt j z' Piano, for 41 OO 1 $450 Walnut Upright T jq Piano, for lVO 1 JS00 quarter sawed OakT ry g" Upright Piano, for ...,P0 1 $050 Walnut Upright rtf Piano, for iPOU 1 $600, elegant, finest made rt o Upright Piano, for ZJJ t'J Sold o Ear Payment Plan PLEASE NOTE NONE OF THESE PIANOS ARE IN THE SLIGHTEST DEGREE SHOP WORN. FROST BITTEN. SIDE TRACKED. DAMAGED OR HAVE EVER BEEN USED. They are SOUND and PERFECT thoroughly Intact and are In the very latest, Bwelleet and BEST COLONIAL STYLES. A HUE AND CRY SALE OF ORGANS Here are ' three slightly used Or gans, but they are good in case and tone as ever. ONE SMALL WALNUT CASE OR GAN formerly $ko.oo, $m One1 High Top Walnut Case Organ with heavy plate mirror efk formerly $175.00. fcr CpOU One High Top Walnut Case Organ formerly $150.00 $42 Here are three brand new Organ at Half rrlce See them. One New Oak Case tt (ft formerly $s).0(, fur 4l'o One New Oak Case, with fine plate fcluxa mirror formerly t.tS $li).00, for ij0 One New Walnut Case with fine plate rlasa mirror formerly OtSi iio.oo. for :pro For these coming ten days we will niuke special cuts In SHEET ML'SIC MUSICAL MERCHANDISE AND BM ALL INSTRUMENTS. Come and see what we have. e COUNTRY PEOPLE ARE IN VITED TO WRITE FOR CATA LOG IK, ETC. ALL CORHK HPMNHKNCB PROMPTLY AT TENDED TO. PIANOS SHIPPED ON AP PROVAL TO ALL PARTS OF THE I'NITKD STATKH EVERY INSTRUMENT THOROUGHLY GUARANTEED OR MONEY RE FUNDED. BENNETT'S MUSIC SECTIONS .FIRST AND SECOND FLOORS. J. S. Cameron, Mgr. w. iV ' r Ai a si J r Piano Buyers Opportunity A Genuine Clearing Out of Pianos and Organs for One Week Only. Any one seeking a serviceable up right piano or a One baby Grand piano should embrace the unusual oportun ity now offered by the SCHOMLLER A MUELLER PIANO CO. All the sam ple pianos lately received by this firm have been set aside and marked far below the manufacturers' estimate of their value. All the piano that have been rented for a brief term or have been loaned for performances, or have had other slight use, have been placed in condition equal to new and are offered at a saving to the purchaser of from 25 per cent to 40 per cent. Lastly, all the pianos taken In ex change or returned from long terms of rental have been thoroughly over hauled In our factory and good up rights are offered from $125.00 up wards. Squares a low a $40.00. Among the genuine bargains repre sented In this great clearing sale we offer the following makes: 1 Erbe A Co., upright, ma hogany case, only.. 1 J. P. Hale, upright, ebony finish, only $98 $125 gnch wal- 3 Arlon upright pianos, French wal out finish, $138, $148 and $158 Chfckering upright, ebony case, only iJ)lTJ $145 $185 $195 $238 $265 Beautiful Oak Everett, 7 1-3 octaves, only 1 Story A Clark, must be sold, only 1 German piano, worth double the money, only .. 1 $MO.0O Steger, used but a short time, only Also a number of bargains In slightly used Decker Bros., Wm. Knabe A Co., Marshall A Wendell and other standard makes. OUR TERMS ON THESE BEAUTIFUL INSTRUMENTS ARB FROM $5.00 TO $10.00 CASH AND $1.00 WEEKLY PAYMENTS THEREAFTER. THE SCHMOLLER A MUELLER PIANO CO. are by far the largest handler of pianos in the entire west. Having at all times a selected stock of not leas than three hundred instru ments on hand, including the cele- M brated STEINWAY, the piano without B a rival; the SCHMOLLER A MUEL LER piano, a strictly high grade piano In every sense of the word, made right In the city of Omaha. Also euch world-renowned makes as the STEGER A SONS, MASON A HAMLIN. VOSE A SONS, EMERSON, the old reliable STECK. the HARD MAN. A. B. CHASE, NEEDHAM and the beautiful SINGER piano. Write for catalogues, prices and terms, or pay us a visit of inspection. We guarantee to save the purchaser $100.00 on a high grade piano during this sale. New piano for rent at $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 per month. Six months' rent allowed if purchased. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER Manufacturers, Wholesale and Re tall Dealers, 1313 Farnam Street, Omaha Phone 1025. i Iowa Branch 502 Broadway, Council Bluffs Phone SON. Spitting on the bait won't catch fish it you don't know where to cast. Nor will spending money assure the best clothing un less you know the best place at which to buy. Naturally, we think our place is that place. But "everybody says that theirs Is the best place." One reason why our claims are out of the everybody class: Our cutting force In cludes one of New York' best cutters, a man formerly with the famous Jim Bell. This Insures New York style. New York snappy fit. New York artistic cut to each and every one of our customers. iJrlvo a spike trior. Onr price range $25 to $50 (or suits, $6 to $ 1 5 for trousers, $25 to $50 for top coats. Spring styles now reaJy. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 1710-12 Farmm St' Phsoe 1103. Bee Building Court House 1 opposite. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oaly On Dollar Year. r mm M iTi liiiil J!r"j THE) PROF1T-SHARINO nn llll THE FEMBROOK A JOHNSON NEW YORK DRY GOODS STOCK, MONDAY IN THE NEW DOMESTIC ROOM. PEM BROOK A JOHNSON CARRIED ONE OF THE FINPST DRY COOPS STOCKS IN NEW YORK. FORCED TO SETTLE WITH CREDITORS. THE STOCK WAS SOLD FOR SPOT CASH AND HA YD EN PROS' BUYERS, RIGHT ON THE MARKET, SECURED THE COMPLETE STOCK FOR ABOUT S0C ON THE DOLLAR. THE GOODS HAVE nEEN RECEIVED. CHECKED AND MARKED AND WILL EB ON SALE MONDAY IN THE NEW DOMESTIC ROOM. THE BIOOEST BARGAINS THAT EVER OREETED SHREWD, CLEVER BUY ERS. BE ON HAND EARLY MONDAY. MUSLINS FROM THE NEW YORK STOCK 6c extra heavy brown muslin, 86 Inches wide, at 4c a yard. 6Hc soft finished bleached muslin, 8 lnche wide, at 3 7-8e a yard. 10c soft finished cambric, at THo a yard. lOo soft bleached muslin, no better cot ton on the market, at 74c a yard. 20c extra heavy bleached sheeting,, tl Inches wide, at 17c a yard. 18c extra heavy unbleached sheeting, 81 inches wide, at 184o a yard. 15c bleached pillow casing, 4 Inches wide, at HVio a yard. f5o bleached sheet, sizes 81x90, each, at 42HC 18c hemstitched pillow cases, at 12V4c each. WHITE GOODS FROM THE NEW YORK STOCK 18c curtain swlts, 36 Inches wide, comes in fancy weaves and dots, 12c a yard. 12Hc Lappet bwIss, yard wide, at 8Hc a yard. 124o India linen at 8Hc a yard. 18c soft finish nainsook, 38 Inches wide, at 12Hc a yard. 25c piques at 15c a yard. 16c English long cloth, 12 yards for $1.25. 15o dlmltie. lawn, checked and trlped, nainsook, at-7Hc a yard. LINENS FROM THE NEW YORK STOCK. 40c quality, 64 Inches wide, full bleached damask, at 25c a yard. Glad Hews for Women of Omaha and Surrounding Country OUR CLOAK BUYER, TURING HIS RECENT' TRIP IN NEW YORK. MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH FIVE OF THE LARGEST TAILORING ESTABLISH MENTS IN THE COUNTRY FOR THE EXCLUSIVE SALE OF THEIR FINER GARMENTS IN THE CITY OF OMAHA. THIS MEANS A GREAT DEAL TO THE LADIES OF OMAHA AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. WE BRING DIRECT TO OMAHA THE LEADING STYLES JUST AS SOON AS THEY ARE PRODUCED IN EASTERN FASHIONABLE CENTERS AND WB CUARANTEE TO YOU A SAVINO OF 20 TO 40 PER CENT IN PRICE. we have secured for cash all the sam ples of these five large concerns, and they will bo on sale Monday at $20, $25, $30, $35. $40 $50 and $65.. 150 women's new spring suits made In serges, herringbone effects, cheviots and etamines, an Immense purchase from a OPTICAL All who suffer from eve strain or weak ness of vision should visit our ontleal de partment and have their eyes examined rxee. Gold filled frames, 10 , year guarantee. nn ran C n GOOD DRESSERS VEAR ' OUV.SHOtS Because they are correct In style, perfect In fit and of a quality not found In every shoe store. We are Independent not confined to or controlled by any one factory. We buy where we get the best value for the money and eell the same way the beat value for the money. Our goods are selected from the best styles of the best makers In the country. There are no equal In the west at the same prices to the splendid values we aell for men or women at $3, $3.50 and $5 FRYsnoEj ri&DOBSlAcSOM Wedding, Reception and Tea Invitations OUR INPRINT STANDS FOR PERFECTION IN EVERY DETAIL Excellence In quality and workmansh Ip and correctness to the finest detail of prevailing styles made and keep our reputation. Our stationery department espe cially desire to afford It facllltte to thoo wishing tha very best engraving. Only the finest engravers and printer are employed In the production of our work. Our price for enj.raving, having In view the quality of tha material and the excellence of the work, are lower than elsewhere. THE MOVER STATIONERY CO., 20-222 SOUTH 16th ST. ""DON'T WAIT FOR THE RUSH Come In now and order your spring suit. Our new spring suitings are ready for your inspection. Helgren & Gmditinti,' Tailors, 309 South 16th St. None but skilled union labor employed. X- A. A positive cure for sweaty - arm.- oiirea corns, unde tho and clothing. Special 1 rice, woe, n your uruee1" . w. w u v mm w A. Mayer, Manf.. 512 Bee Bldf., Omaha. Phone 1716 Try lie-No-May Hlacktuad Iotlon, Ekln Food and Face Fowder nnd t oui:lealon Cram. tbtrii tly t'ure and liyglenla.j roBVnVcro.ds Howell's Anti-Grip Capsules for Bala by Howell Pruf Co,, ItUk Ut Capitol Avsnua, gfia a Box, CARNIVAL IS O N AT HATDKN S. 55c strictly all linen bleached damasl at 3o a yard. 8uc Irish all linen bleached table dam ask, 72 Inches wide, at 53c a yard. $1.00 quality, 72-Inch double satin damasl at 75c a yard. $2.00 quality extra heavy double satlr damask, 72 inches wide, at $1 2r. a yard 30o quality, 58 Inches wide, extra heavj union table linen, at 19c a yard. 40c quality, 68 Inches wide, extra heavj Scotch tablo damask, at 29e a yard. 6uc quality silver bleached German tabU damask, 64 Inches wide, at 49c a yard. 90c quality extra heavy cream Austrian table damask, 72 Inches wide, at 6!c a yard 10c quality all linen bleached toweling at 7He a yard. 10c extra heavy all linen brown toweling at 7ttc a yard. 8c quality linen finish glass toweling, 18 Inches wide, at 6c a yard. 6o quality extra heavy bleached towel ing, at &c a yard. 39c quality knotted fringe damask and huckabuck towels, at 2fc. 20c quality huckabuck and damask tow els at 15c. 15c quality Turkish and huckabuck tow els at 10c. 8 l-3e quality Turkish and honeycomb towels at 4Hc BOO remnants of table linen and toweling at one-half regular prices. 36-Inch round thread shirt waist linen at 66c, S5c and 75c a yard. 64-Inch round thread shirt waist linen at 65c, 75o and 85c a yard. 5th avenue concern, worth as high as $25, and $30, on sale for $15. 850 women's now spring suit. In 20 dif ferent styles, as shown In our corner win dow, garments that cannot be purchased at less than $18 and $20, bought by our buyer at a sacrifice and selling at $8.90. DEPARTMENT. $3 value, on sale at $1.59. Aluminum spectacles, fine lenses, $2.00 value, for 98c Steel spectacles, good glass, $1.00 value, at 49c. 1 This Time of the Year -nr. havH mora or lees of broken tine of mlsse' and ehlldran'a hoe that It does not pay u w over. Bo we gei xnem make such low prices on tnem ina-i. generally they are all sola in one w. Most of these have .old at $2.00 a pair: Mlsaee' lse. lHa to X, at 98c Chlldren'a aleea, i to 11. at 76c Children's ie 11V to 8, at BOc Wa don't want you to think we have all lze and widths, for we have only one and two pair of a kind. DREXEL SHOE GO. Omaha's U-tDate She Hoata 1419 FARNAM STREET. RE-NtHlAY POWDER feet, hand and eioeeslva preaplratlon bunion and chilblains: aavaa Iovm otnoe treatment. Consultation frew.