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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1903)
Fhe Omaha Daily Bee. i ESTABLISHED JUE 10, 1871. OMAHA, SATUKDAY MOIlXIXft, FEHHUAUY 28, 1903-TWELVE PACES. SINGLE COPV THItEE CENTS. ISTUMltf IN TURMOIL lirtl Honduran Pridnt Take Ann to Enforo Claim to Ofuoe. NICARAGUA AIDS RETIRING EXECUTIVE Troop Bot to Ani 8iem in Stilling Incipient Bebellion. SALVADORIAN rORCES HELP OTHER SIDE Eonilla Haa Backing of Ltto Hed of neighboring Bepnblio. GUATEMALA ESCAPES FEARED REVOLT Revelatloalat Fall te Otsiala rapport t Other Ttny Satiwaa Art Likely Rruli Ptif fal for Preseat. PANAMA. Feb. 17. Newt has been re ceived bre tbat forces under the con mand of General Nlcaalo Vasquez, sent by President Zelays of Nicaragua, to belp President Sierra of Honduraa to cop with the revolution beua by Senor Bonllla, who it elected president of Honduraa, but whose election wee afterward disputed by Trealdent Sierra, hare occupied Cboluteca City, sixty-eight milea aouth of tbe Hon duraa capital, Tegulcalpa. Ceoeral Anastatic-, with reinforcement! Riven by Senor Regalado. tba retiring prealdent of Salvador, bai Invaded Honduraa by way of Saauntepec, to assist Senor Bonllla In bit revolution. Bonllla himself, after landing trail at I'Isceltuno. a email port on the gulf of l'onseea, between Amapala Island and La Union. Salvador, baa occupied the town of Ocotopec, fifty milea north of San Salvador, and la now advancing toward San Antonio del Norte to attack tbe Honduran depart ments Of Comayagua and La Paa. leaving alt rear guard protected by tbe forcea of Retiring President Regalado baa placed on the frontier of SaJvado and Honduraa. : MIbbIob Sot SaecesafaL The Nlcaraguan foreign minister who waa aent to Salvador to Indue Prealdent Re icalado to aid the revolutionary movement i gainst President Estrada Cabra of Guate mala, haa been nnaucceasful In bis mission nd haa returned to Nicaragua with the Guatemalan would-be revolutionists under Jeweral Leon Castillo, and also with the ',000 rifles that President Zelaya baa aent for the usa of Salvador against Guate mala. Tba president of the Honduran congTesa, Dr. Alvarado Manzano, President Sierra 'a rainlster of state. Alvarado Guerrexo., and numcroua members of tb Honduran con cress, have arrived at Amapala to seek trfuge from Sierra's alleged persecution. MaklaaT Prepaurwtlone far Mar. SAN FRAVCISCO. Feb. i7.Th steamer ran Juan, from Panama and Central Ameri can ports, In-lnjf new regardlTfc the war dtuailoa. Passengers from Nicaragua, Sal-, tador and Honduraa tell at bands of light ens men hurrying. ne direction and aav Mber and passengere- from " Guatalama peak of war prepare alia being rushed In very part of th republic. -'. ".' Tba governor tot Ouatamala ' baa eetab ' Ithed a strict censorship of all mall. . . D. Mulhclland, who cornea from La Union, fa Salvador, says that large numbers of slvodoreans have been ehlpped la small wata to Amapalapa to take aerrlco under .he banner of Bonllla. 1 R. A. Weiss, a Seattle mining engineer, rays that la Nicaragua be saw a detach aent of Nlcaraguan soldiers at Leon on .heir way to assist Sierra. San Juaa passed tba American equsdron an February IB off Lliard point. The. rulaer New Tork signalled and aaked to be imported all well. WASHINGTON, Feb. J7.-rA cablegram received today at tbe Navy department trora Admiral Glass, dated yesterday aboard Xew Tork, announced tbe arrival of his flagship and Boston and Marblehead at La Union. Salvador, yesterday. Ha said that communication by telegraph with Amapala waa Interrupted and reported further aa follow! Battle aa the main land on February 22 has taken place, resulting- lu the total de feat of Sierra, who escaped with 00 or men. Bonllla In pursuit. Capital la In the possession of the tatter's adherents. Ftahttt 3"t qui E disturb itVOM .righting supposes to oe practically over. juiet here. Una American Interests un- rbed. AN LOSES LIFE IN FIRE Deatraetlaa at Balldlaa- at tVawctt, Mass Basalts ia at Least Oaa ratallty. LOWCLL. Maes., Feb. 27. One Ufa waa lost and all person, suffered severely from burns and amcka at a fire which partially destroyed the Burbank block today. Tba victim waa Mra. Sarah F. Klttredga, a newspaper correspondent about M years old. who. although aroused with the other seventy-five lodgers, stopped to get her bicycle snd la doing so was overcome by smoke and ferlshed. Tba Injured, all of Whom were taken from the front window by firemen, were: R. T. Cahso. Miss Hsttls Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Louts La belle and their son and daughter, Michael and Margaret La belle. Tbe block waa used for business purposes oa th street Door and for apartments on four other Boors. The loss on the Burbank block by firs was comparatively small, about 30.0, but an additional loss, which may ba heavy, baa been done by water to finished cot too goods, tba product of the kfVssachusetls mills, la a storehouse at ths rear, the roof of which was burned. Owing to the number of boarders la ths Burbank block. It Is difficult to account for all tba Inmates. ULTIMATUM F0R STRIKERS Colorado at Saathera Mea Art Clvaa Till Tomorrow to Reeama Work. DENVER. Feb. 27 General Manager Herbert of the Colorado at Southern today announced that after noon jext Sunday one of the striking shopmen would be re instated. Workmen today began the construction of a seven-foot solid wall, which Is to com pletely esclrcls ths Colorado at Southern Dacblns shops. Tht company has put ntns cars la tbs shops and guards on duty equal la sum ber ths fores of pickets suaistalned by the strikers. Tbo Dsaver Machine Manufacturers' aa aoclatloa today notified ths American Labor ualoa that they considered tht boycott against ths Vulcaa Iron Works romps y. which doaa work tor th Colorado 4k BvuLhsra U ba ui.falr. GALE BLOWS TRAIN OVER Harrlraae Sweeps tailed Klasidwm, Rsilss Bwlldlaas sal Derail laar Trrtlwa. 11. Lnn. res. a. a gate r.r aimy preeedented velocity . swept Great all mM .ft.1 AiA ... . M.r. v. i - sw Telegraphic communication northwarJ ''"'' Leeda waa entirely Intcrrnpted. the eonti nental service waa Interfered with and large numbers of shlD wre forced to seek shelter Ir the harbors. Many minor wreck I occurred, and the lifeboats were busy all along tbe coast. At Ulverstonn, Lancashire, a passenger train was blown over, a number of pas- n . ,i rm InlnMil vA .. - The gale swept over Ireland from north . uih a u . , i . ,,..,,,.,' to south. collapsed, burying fifteen persons In tbe ruins. One waa killed and one fatally In jured. Various coaet points report vessels ashore. The rivers in the Interior are Hooding. SOLDIERS ARE AMBUSHED Fir HssarH tblaese I sa aerial Traawa Caacht la Pass aad Killed ay Rebels. PKKIN. Feb. 27. Advices received here todsy show that &00 imperial troops were caught February If In an ambush in tbe Tang I'ing paas by tbe rebels of the prov ince of Kwang SI, North China. All the soldiers were killed and tbe rebels cap tured large supplies of arms which tbe troops were taking to tbe besieged garri son' of Chi Tuen. The official reports admit that the rebel ion in Kwang Si la Increasing and ha spread over the border Into the province of Hunan. Tbe viceroy of Hunan haa sent troops to tbe boundary to check the rebels' advance. CONSUL SAWTER IS AFRAID Ho Derides ta Hat Accept Post Be eaase af the Tellaw Fever. . GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador, Feb. 27. United States Consul General Sawter and Mra. Sawter, who arrived here February 25, via Payta. Peru, have started on their re turn to the United Statea on the steamer which brought them aouth. Mr. Sawter. It la alleged, became afraid of tbe yellow fever when he saw tbe consulate where Tbomaa Nast. the former consul general, died December 7 of the fever. Strong wlnda have cauaed an overflow of the Allaust river. Some damage baa been done to tbe railroad line to Quito, but traffic will be resumed In a few days. ABSENCE EXCITES COMMENT If a wa I law Caasaatmlaaer of Aarrtewl tsrs Gara tm Callfarala aad Daes Xwt Retara. ' HONOLULC. Feb. 17. By Pacific Cable.) Wray Taylor, the territorial commissioner of gricultare wholeft for the Pacific coast January Z, .an tbo ateamer1 Korea an a month' leave of absence,'' did not return on Bterre, a. expected. He ha not been heard from since bla t departs ra from 1 Honolulu, and hia non- I arrival Is a matter of speculation. Tbs announced purpose of his trip wss a visit to I Horticultural Commissioner Craw of Cali fornia. TO REPAIR WRONG TO BOERS Radyard Klpllaa; Dedicatee Poena taland Jennie Connors, as be gives all the I the Mlssloa af Ckaajkerlala la aatli Africa. LONDON. Feb. 27. Tbe Times this morn- lng publishes a poem by Rudyard Kipling j . , . ., - w n,.ki.,... , In eelebrstlon of Mr. Chamberlain s mis- slon to South Africa. It begins: j Wheys my fresh-turned furrows run and the deep soli glistens red. I will repair the wrong that was done to . tbe living and tbe dead. FIRE DESTROYS HAYTI TOWN Part da Pals la Completely Aaalhll. ted, Oaly m Few Vessels la Harbor Eseaplag. CAPE HATIEN. Feb. 27. A dispatch re ceived here from Gros Morne today announ ces the complete destruction of Port de Palx. rlaytl. by fire, last night. Only tha Teasel's belonging to the Haytien company ware saved. Lac Warkrra Maks Exhibit. BERLIN. Feb. 27. Dr. Lewald. the com missioner of Germany at the St. Louis exposition, held a conference yesterday with ths lace curtain manufacturers of Plsuen, Saxony, who decided to make a special exhibit at St. Louts. The lacs in. dustry Is now enjoying an unusual run of American orders and the manufacturers therefore are mora ready to Incur expenses than those engaged in the metal trades. Ths commissioner ' says thst German in dustrial art is taking a lively Interest In ths exposition and will make an excellent showing. Exploalaa Catweee Eseltemeat. VIENNA. Feb. 27. Aa explosion tn the cellar of the Imperial palace todsy csused momenlsry excitement, but it was soon ascertained that It waa due to the acci dental Ignition of some sportlag ammuni tion. A couple of workmen were injured. To Pay tbo allers. HAVANA, Feb. 21 President Palms has signed the soldiers' pay loan bill, which authorises tha Issue of bonds to ths amount of (35.000.000. . ACADEMY OF DRAMATIC ART Mllllaaalrea of Philadelphia, Pledge Lara was for la of (.earn Clara. ' PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 27. The sum of 300,00 has been subscribed for the es tablishment tn this city of as American academy of dramatic art. This waa done at a dinner party held at tha Hotel Belle vue. and which was given by William Donovan, president of tbe Eastern Steel company, for Mr. George Clark, formerly leading man of the late Augustla Daly's company. Nearly all the diners were millionaire and moat of them multi-millionaires. P. A. B. Widener aad John M. Mark subscribed 1100,000 each: William M. Bunn. former governor of Idaho, and Senator Charles A, Porter, put their names down for 125.0c each, and Clarence Wolf offered to rals fse.000 aa a contribution from ike firm of Wolf Bros. Mr. Do novas declared that he would raise ll.OM.vO aa sous a Lb tret milUoa was raised. TRIES MURDER IN SLEEP Ohio Bluebeard Drub for Fifth Wife' Safety Had He Stayed Free. 0WS HOW WOMEN WERE STRANGLED .Sa. ' fi. tr,",M Kaapw WsrkN ssl Tklaka Victims y His ratal i.rsi. HAMILTON, O.. Feb. 27. Mrs. Sadii Wensell who came here last night to aee "- ,.r nuapp. me fussed multi-murderer, had a long talk -con- long talk wl.h the prisoner in the presence of Sheriff Blsdorf. I Hia sister had previously written him '. about marrying hia four: wife. Anne ' May Gamble, at Indianapolis, about a ' month after the disappearance of Hannib i Goddard Knapp. bis third wife, and In conversation, Mra. Wenzcll said: 'Aliv. it ' ha. been M.d that I have Hannah , ear- rings and ring, and I want you, in the pres ence of the sheriff to exontrate me on thit acore." "Hannah's ring will be found on her finger." "How about tbe earrings?" "If she had earrings, they will be found In her ears." "Ally, have you been well aince your ar rest T" "No; I have not been well a moment. I suffer all the time with a piin In my head. It la there now and I hardly know what I am doing." Preseat Wife Sarrowly Escapes. "Had you not been arreated. would you have killed tbe wife whom you now have In Indianapolis?" was asked of Alfred Knapp today. "That Is hard to tell," was tbe remarka ble answer. The question did not disconcert Knapp, but seemed to arouse In him a speculative sense that caused him to go Into an ex planation of bis answer. "I know thst she woks up several times since we were married and found my bands on her neck, when I wss asleep, too. She wouid wake when I grabbed ber and wake me and ask me what I meant by taking bold of ber neck that way, and I could not I tell her why, because I was asleep and did not know I bad done It. "Just last week she woke up Just in time, or she might never have woke up at all. I grabbed ber ao tight and waa choking her so that the wss nearly gone when she came to acd woke me up. I cannot aee what makes me do that." The searchers for tbe body of Hannah Knapp, wife No. J. reported no progress up to this afternoon and If they do not find the shoe box with the body on. reaching Lawrrneeburg, Ind.. tbe search will : be abandoned. Mayor Bosche said todsy: ' "Unless ws find the body of the wife (Hannah) Knapp will likely be turned aver to tbe Cincinnati police, where 'hey have a case against him. In which the bodies were recovered and to which h ba. con fessed. In anticipation of Knapp probably bring tried elsewhere, be. was today inter viewed on Jfce; three- case. af-CliwrlnnatL Knapp went aver sack of tsta eases to which ha .confessed yesterday, giving" the moat revolting particulars. "In the case of Msry Elkhart, whom ha first met at Dayton, be Implicated his third wife. Hannah Goddsrd, but his cross-ex amination wss such that the officers do not think she held Msry's bands while he choked tbe girl. The Cincinnati officers say that be evidently kcows all about the killing of Mary Elkhart. Emma I.ittlemsnn and Jennie Connors, as be gives all tbe descriptions, even to the kind .of a towel frund around Mary'a neck." Alfred Knapp hss paid no attention to tbe repeated orders of hia attorneys and descriptions, even to the kind .of a towel I ffund around Mary a neck." Alfred Knapp has paid no attention tO the repeated orders of his attorneys and his sister, not to talk about bis crimes. . ... . , Prosecutor Osrd notified the sheriff today to prohibit reporters, policemen and others from seeing Knspp hereafter. VA'oatasi Aide Owe Crime. In anticipation of hia probable trial at Cincinnati Knapp was Interviewed today regarding tbe cases there and especially about the rtrangling of Mary Ekhart. When asked why be killed ber he coolly replied: "I wss afraid ahe would tell some thing she knew." "What did she know?" he wss asked, and answsred: "Well. It wss this wsy: I wss married . t , r . . t 1 men i n one i inrew Into the canal, you know, and I was goin s ' with Hsnnsk to this bouse on Wslnut street in Cincinnati, to Msry Ekbar:'s room. That night Hannah and I went there and Mary Ekhart went out. When aha came back Hannah and I were together and Mary sot mad because we were there ao long and said: 'I am going to tell your wife on you.' and. then she went out again i to tbe bakery. . Hannah waa afraid aha would tell and ssld we ought to keep ber from It, and tbat'a bow it happened. We mads It up and, when Msry came back I choked her from behind. "What did Hannah do?" "She held Mary'a hands. Thst'a the rea son she never said anything. "Did you tie a towel around her neck? "Yea. When asked to describe Msry Ekhart Knspp said: "She was as tall as me and bsd dark hair. Oh. I knew her when she wss in Dayton. She advertised for a cor respondent ia tbs personals snd I an swered it and used to go to see ber. Aaked then to describe tbe flight of him- j self acd the woman. Knapp aald he left : first and met the milkman, almost knocking blm down In the doorwsy. Tbs woman followed him after tbe milkman bad gone and he then returned. locked the door to Mary Ekhart'a room and latsr threw the key Into the canal. Ha went Into much further details about meeting tittle Emma Littlemann on tbe streets at CinclnatU and taking her to the lumber yard where bar body was found, and about choking Jennie Connors, wife No. 2, and throwing her body Into the canal at Cincinnati. After talking sorae time he wss aaked: "Are yoa sorry for the murders you have done ?" "Yes. I em," hs replied slowly. "When I think of Hannah and the rest I feel bsd. I don't know why I killed Hannah, ghe was a good wife to me. I don't know why I did It. I always bsd a peeulisr feeling of satisfaction when I killed a woman or a child. No I cannot say that I ever tu4 a feeling of regret. Once or twice I worried over th .fear of being arrested. Well, they have got me and I guess that they will send me up for life. Now, don't try to soars sne by saying that I will go to ths chair. Thar won't do that to me. will tbeyr tearts Maay Harder. Knspp not only told bow he killed his victims, but hs acted ths aces. Hia fin gers crooked like a carrion crow's and his face knotted Into hard ' lints, tbs eyes (CoaUaued aa sce&4 Pad.) STARTS FIGHT FOR MILLIONS Brasher Claims Widow t rwaaly Tosk Dead Maa'a Ratate to !' Ilya Lass. NEW YORK Feb. 27 -fTbe Haaaman Theodore esse, in which tbe broth Ir of Hagaman, ho died in Is seeking sn serourting of tbe cstste from tbe widow, came up ioday Iwfore Srrogatr Fitzgerald. The widow. ho is now Mrs. Walter Pelabarre. asserted that the estate wss j orth about IJ iWoOO. The contestant de ; clared Its vslue to be tl.i0.(0. The mat ter came up on a motion to act aside the ' ' order referring it to a referee. ' i Counsel for Isaac Hagaman. the contest Ing brother, submitted an affidavit by hia client which asserted that hie broih's widow and Dr. Richard C. Flower toJ blm and hia two sisters that deceased had "met with a number of business reverse inward the end of his life which prevented blm from makiDg any provision for tbem, and that be lft little or no property." The at.divlt further alleges that Theodore did not receive the care of any .nursa except ! the widow and Maurice Willi., who I. married to the sister of I)r. Flower, and that while M Htirrmin rh. k . . ton . t. : . ! for ;t;.S0 to his widow. The affidavit continues: On the day she received the chock she trnr.sferred .V..t to Dr. Flower. m Sep U. the day aft-r my brother's dath. two checks for tS.KW and i,) wire paid, earh of which, it appears from the widow's examlnarhin, Were dited Scp Umbtr H'. 13i. and whlchl were Indorsed over to Dr. Flower. 1 1 allege the fact to be fiat the 571i and other moneys bflongfcig to my de ceased brother were misa tlproprlated and converted to their own sise by t:ie said widow and the said Dr. Flower and divers other persons as a res'jlt of a conspiracy snd combination to defraud my brother and h's heirs. About June, lrlj, I was communicated with by Andrew D. Melov. My sisters and 1 did execute end deliver en agree ment of release, but the releaee was de livered without receipt of fl and was given upon the express understanding that U would not be used until we were satisfied with the amount that we shojld receive by reason thereof. "I thin1: tbe whole Question, said the surrogate, "narrows Itself down to whether this court has the right to try tbe ques tion of the delivery of the release." Counsel were asked to submit briefs on Wednesday, after which the surrogate will decide tbe question at once. DEAD WITH SKULL- CRUSHED E. P. Bardlrk af the BwsTala Ea-relapa Works Probably Ylctlaa' off Bsrglars.' BUFFALO. Feb. 27. E. P. Burdlck, prea ldent of tbe Buffalo Envelope works was found deed In bis room todsy with bis skull crushed. The Indication are that It was the work of burglars. An open front door and rear window broken open Indicated a murder was com mitted by robbers. Aa examination by ths police showed that nothing had been stolen. Mr. Burdlck was seen last rlive at 10:34 o'clock last nlgbt, when he went downstairs to fix the furnace for the ntght. ' The body was found stretched ont upon a couch and covered with 4 rug and, sofa pillows. The couch was soaked with blood--Tba static' i" tbe room were also at mm about and there were maajy btoodetalns on tbs floor and walla. Tbe neighborhood tn which the murder was committed is one of the finest and wealthiest in Buffalo. The Burdlck family Included Mrs. Bur dlck. her mother and three daughters. ' Mrs. Burdick Is awsy from home. Her where abouts are unknown. She left home about a month ago with the Intention. It Is said, of not returning. It la known thst .Mr. snl Mrs. Burdick were not on rood terms. Chl-f Cup sock this afternoon gave out the following atatemenr- - rmm what investigations I have tnarie t I would conclude that Mr. Burdick waa downstairs by a ring or a knock at the door after he wss resdy for bed. ,or ne wa. clad oniy ,n hi underclothes: ! He evidently admitted someone be knew well and took the visitor into his den for a talk and to partake of the luncheon found there. There are some siens of a struggle. The fact that two of the fingers of Mr. Bur dick's left hand were broken Indicates that he put up hia hard to ward off a blow which he saw coming. The body waa covered with a rug and several pillows, so that nothing could be seen but the blood which flowed from un der the pillow. Tbe force with which tbe blowt were delivered seems to preclude the possibility that a woman delivered them. Mrs. Bur dlck. the murdered man's wife, left borne ,-. ,,n wi,k ,h i, ., ssid. of not returning. On December 5 proceedings for divorce were filed by Mr. Burdlck. SNOW DRIFTS INTO THE CUTS Possibility of Aaother Tleap Ca froata 1 slos Parlde Officials. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Feb. 27 (Special Telegram.) Tbe fears of railroads that tha fall of snow during the last storm would be blown into the cuts snd lmpeds traffic I are now being realised. All day a strong wind plied tbe snow across tbe prairies and into every depression and now it hat reached the height of a gale. In soms .!.. aHrftttnn.l am. fell an .AAA .i"l" rrl acniev' , - ' " ine iroumes oi tne raiiroaoa. Tbe Union Paclfio has all of its snow, bucking apparatus in service, but trains sre running away late and there sppears to be some danger ot a tieup before morning ia tbe event the wind continues. Th weather ia growing colder snd this renders being in tne open simost impoaainie. At In previous storms, the wind hat proven a blessing to the stock interests tn that it has uncovered tbe grass so that ths half froxen snd weakened animals can find sufficient food to sustain life at least. PACKERS' MENMAY STRIKE Deasaad Xesv Was Scale aad Charter ' Hears, with Threat of Isipesilss. CHICAGO. Feb. V. Labor trouble at th stoca yaras is brewing again. There la a prospect of a general strike of pscklng house engineers, supported by tbe stesm fitters and machinists. Two hundred en gineers have asked for a new wsge scale and aa eight-hour day, but ths packers refuse to yield. It was said by tbe sen tonight that they woald go oa otrike next week unless a settlement w aa reached. ESCAPES AS IF BY MIRACLE Mlacr Falls Haadrcd Feet Desra hart. Merely Brtaklag Le. TERRE HAUTE, Ind.. Feb. 17. Samuel Harris, a miner, fell 102 feet down a shaft today and escaped with nothing more se rious ttiaa a brokea leg- URGES CONGRESS TO ACT "ident in liesage Point Ott Seed for Philippine Tariff Bill SPECIAL SENATE SESSION SEEMS SIRE (sbis ssd Caaal Treaties Both See at loomed a ad taw Be A lose aved by Kstranrdlaary Nrftlsg of Leajlslatara. WASHINGTON. Feb. 27. The president late this afternoon sent the following mes- sage to the eeaate: "I have Just received a cable from Gov ernor Taft, which runs aa followa: "Necessity for the raB"c of the house tariff bill is most urgent. The. conditions jf prociuitive Indus ry and business are considerably worse than in Nomlr, th- date of my lat rtport. and are growing worse eai h month. Some revival in Sueur and tobacco have beer experienced. ' d je to the expectation of a tariff law . Th- j Interests of 1 ilipinos in sugar and tobacci 1 UWoVin' thefi?e o7 thUXter'M csts. A number of tobacco fsctorles will have to clone and many sugar hacleti.l-. win b put up for sale at a it l nee It tn . til! should not pass. i t ut-toms receipts have ratten on tni- month one-third, showing the decrease of the iurihin power of the island. Oen eral bus. no 's stagnant. All ,rtles. in cluding labor unions. mi'St urenuously petition for the tariff bill. "Vice Governor Luke Wright endorses In tbe strongest manner all that Governor Taft baa said and says be has the grsvest apprehension as to the damage that may come to the islands if there !s not a sub stantial reduction In tbe tariff levied against Philippine goods coming Into tbe United States. I most earnestly ssk that this matter recelva the Immediate attention of congress and that the relief prayed for be granted. "As congress knows, a series of rslsmi tles have befallen tbe Philippine people. Just as they were emerging from nearly six years of devaatatlng warfare, with the accompanying destruction of property and the breaking up of tbe bonds of social order and the habits of peaceful Industry, there occurred an epidemic of rinderpest which destroyed 90 per cent of tbe caribous, the Philippine cattle, leaving the people with out draught snimsis to till the laud or ti aid In tbe ordinsry work of farm and vil lage life. The extent of the disaster can be seen from tbe fact that the surviving caribous hsve Increased over ten fold In value. At tbe same time a peculiar ori ental horae disesse became epidemic, fur ther crippling transportation. Tbe. rice crop already reduced by various causes to but a fourth of ita ordinary site, haa been dsmagod by locusts so that tbe price of rice has nesrly doubled. "Under these circumstances there Is Im minent dsnger of a famine in the islands. Congress Is la course of generously ap propriating 11.000,000 to meet the immedi ate needs, but the Indlspensible and pre eminent need Is the resurrection of produc tive Industry from the prostration Into which it hss been thrown by the causes above enumerated. "I ask action la the tariff matter, not merely from the standpoint of wise govern mental policy, but as a measure of hu manity, ta response to aet appeal to which "j this great people ahoahl not close Its ears. We have assumed responsibilities toward tbe Philippines which w are in honor bound to fulfill. We hsve the specific duty of taking every measure in our power to tee to their prosperity. The first and most j important step In this direction has been accompnsnea ny tne join action ot tne military and civil authorities In securing peace and civil government. Tbe wisdom of congress at tbe present session has pro vided for them a stable currency, and Its spirit of humane liberality and Justice will be thown tn the appropriation now sub stantially agreed upon, but there remains a vital need that one thing further aball be done. The calamities which have be fallen them at above enumerated could have been averted by no human wisdom. They cannot be completely repaired, but the suffering -can be greatly alleviated and a permanent basis of futu.e prosperity in sured it tbe economic relations of fhe is lands with the United Statea are put upon a satisfactory basis. "THEODORE ROOSEVELT." I.lttle Hope for (abaa Treaty. The discussion at today's cabinet meet ing revolved principally about legislation In congress. Little hope Is felt that tbe Cuban and canal treaties will be ratine 1 at tbe present session, and esch day's delay Is increasing the probability of an' extra ordinary session of the senste. The president has reiterated hia deter mination to call a special session In tb? event of the failure of either one or both of the treaties. So far as can be ascer tained, tbe president bas not determined upon any datesfor the opening of '.he extra session, but it is regarded as likely that It will be almost directly after the close of tbe present session. Editors Adopt ReaelBtloas. The National Republican Editorial asso ciation today adopted the following resolu tion: The unbroken prosperity which haa a-iven the country an unparalleled growth and advancement since the restoration of re publican rule in 1S97 la the complete vindi cation of the value and success of repub- ments or tne strong, progressive and brll liant administrations of Presidents McKtn ley and Rooaevelt and the faithful fulfil ment of republican pledges continue tbe highest appeal lor republican supremacy I Resolutions also were adopted defining ! the object of the organization, which Is "to promote the co-operation of the republican I dlt I f'nif A , . of the principles snd policies of th re- KK;Z.iPL0WS HOPE TO MOVE SNOW the Intelligent understanding and accept ance of the spirit and alms which are Illus trated in republican administration and legislation." Also accepting and adopting ths repub lican national platforms of 1&!4 and 190 at the authoritative declaration of the re publican creed, and as the chart by which the government abould be guided in dealing with tbe living and vital queatlona which are nresentetf ta the American neonle for j e,tlement. Prior to tbe adoption of these resolution Senators Hanna snd Depew made short ad dresses. Senator Hanna was enthusiastically re ceived. He said thst the republican ed itors ot the country were doing well in organizing tbe comprehensive association through which they could keep well In touch with the political events of the day snd tbe ideas and sentiments of ths whole country. "We sre not to deal altogether," b ss.d, "with the 'Ohio idea' or the 'Iowa ides.' but tbs idea of the republican party as a whole. The broad republican Idea, tbe old policies and tbe old tenets of tte republican party have won notable victories la tbe past, and tbey ars safs landmarks to guide the party In the future." In concluding bis remarks Senator Hanna (Continued oa second Page.) CONDITION 0FTHE WEATHER Forecast fni Nebrkn Fair and CoMcr KstuMav; High Northwest Winds. Sun day Fair. Trmwerat are at Omaha Yesterday! Hoar. Des. Haar. Drat. S a. m ..... . I at. sa SW a. m X.t X a. sa S-1 7 a. m SI 1 i. a -t" A a. as 4 I t. m H a. as 34 S p. m S3 in i. sa 34 H p. m S-1 11 a. sa 34 T p. sa S3 IS sa. 34 p. as 3.1 p. aa avt STATE WANTS OF OMAHA VIEW Esteaaloa af Street Car l.laa atad Mare Arc l.lshta tba Slast Presslag. The members of tbe Omaha View Im provement club held an enthusiastic meet ing Friday evening, and If the enthusiasm displayed is prophetic of tesults, that part 0f tne c(t. wl eni0T manifold benefits .,thl th . extension of tb. Tl w months. The proposed Thirtv-third street car line from p.rver ,treet to Uanle waa the chief ,j,, ...... , . -uns ' lighting facilities did not escape the de- manda of the members. New crosswalks grading and other improvements were given boosts and Omaha View stock rose several points store psr. The Union Pacific railroad came In for a few severe Jolts during the meeting, while tbe strike l.reakers :ecelved mention In a resolution. Councilman Karr and City Electrician Scburtg were present snd spoke during the evening. Tbe proposed extension of the street csr line upon Thirty-third street was tbe first business of Importance which was hsndled. The strip of property nesr Parker street, north of Blondo, which has been a barrier to the extension, was reported ready to be deeded to the city by the Reed estate that the proposed extension might not be defeated. When requested to speak upon the ques tion Councilman Karr aaid: "We have got to have that extension this year, and I shall work in conjunction with you to se cure It. You may count upon my assistsnce in every way In aiding you." He also referred to the levy recently msde snd said that while possibly tbe mayor might veto it. he thought that such would not be the sctlon. "If we win." he said, "we will hsve plenty of money to spend out here. If we lose, why, tbere'a a string tied to tbe levy, anyway, but it will make ut nesrly $2,00? shy." A committee consisting of Messrs. Cal lahan, Hunter, Taylor, Robinson, Tuttl snd Evsns wss sppointed to confer with the Street Railwsy company and again present the club's requests. City Electrician Scburtg spoke upon tbe Illumination of Omaha View. The expense Incurred by the city In maintaining police protection for tbe Union Pacific strike breakers expressly wss criticised In a scorching resolution offered by Simeon Rob inson. The resolution was unanimously adopted and will be presented to the Fire and Police board at Ita next meeting. City Prosecutor Thomas wss sonewhst censured for sot appearing sgalnst- s strike breaker lb Jha noUre eoairtji whose . case he was said to have set for one dsy, snd then discharging the prisoner the day be fore tbe hearing. The club, later, wisely saw :t might possibly be wrong in Its in formation and deferred the grievance til! a later date. A new arc light was promised the club and was voted to be plsced at Thirty fourth and Corby streets. SIX MONTHS AMONG BRIGANDS Miss Ellea M. Steae Delivers laterral las; Leetsre at First t'oaarr ajatloaal Chwreh. Miss Ellen M. Stone, fir whom tfio.OOO rtntom and many columns of newspaper space were required by tbe brigands, of Macedonia two years ago, recited tbe story of ber rapture snd cspttvity to a Urge j audience at tbe First Congregational church last night. This was Miss Stone's first appearance in Omaha and she made a hit, both while on the platform and at the reception given by the Ladies' Aid society of the church in the psrlors, after shs had finished i peaking. Nearly 100 women and some dozen men sought a personal Inter view with the returned missionary. Coffee and cakes were served. Miss Stcns delivered her lecture with considerable dramatic force, using few tricks or artifices to bold tbe attention of her listeners, who, neverthelr as, were kept deeply Interested in the narrative, which was simply told. When Rev. Herring tn- troduced Hiss Stone a round of sppl.u.e greeted ber. A meaium-slxea and ver plsin-festured womsn, Miss Stone's fsce Is constantly lighted with snimstion. Most of her story Is familiar to the public. "A few hours after we were captured we knew what manner ot men the brigands were." said Miss Stone. "We bad beard a revolver shot and did not know what It meant. Later we found out and the reve lation was sn awful one. A traveler had surprised the band at they were driving ut from tbe highway. He had shot at tbe brigands and had been stricken down by a muaket butt. He was led Into a thicket a llttl way from us and we heard him slaughtered heard his desth cries ascend- ing as tbe daggers were plunged Into bin iverlng flesh " ,UMtss Stone described the p.thetle birth ot the Tsi'ks babe In a nanner that al most wrung tears from tbe eyes ot msny : uivai " ft ' Kaasaa Itallroada Are Still Battllaa; with Drifts, While Weather Th reatras, TOPEKA. Kan.. Feb. 27. Tbe railroads have not yet fully overcome the snow blockade la western Kansas. In Garden City, twenty-eeven inches of snow represents the fall since Monday night, with a prospect for more. At Lakin It Is fifteen Inches deep. Snow plows are being operated and the rillroal lines will soon be clear. Mevemeale ot Oceaa Vessels Feb. 3T. At New York Arrived-Slcilia. from Genoa. Al C'openhsgen Sailed Norge. York. At Ponta el Gara Arrived from rotnhen. for New York for New "jscar 1 1. At The Llxard PassjR) ndam. from i ew lorn. lor noueraam; i. Aquitaine, from New York, f'.r Havre. At Piraeus Arrived M iltke, from New York, via r'ui chal and Malta, on Orient cruise. At IJverpool Arrived Germanic, from New York. At Naples Arrived Calabria, from Leg horn, for New York. At Onoi Arrived Sicilian Prince, from New York via Naples. At London Arrived Cambrian, from bailed BM)ton: Messaba, tmra New j ors bailed Minnehaha, fur Nw York. DIVIDE ON TAX BILL Majority of fommittee Etport Adversely on Giving Cities Their Eight. ONE STANDS WITH DOUGLAS NEKBERS Hcday of Lancaster Chang front and Tot with th Kaiority. JOINT MEMORIAL SESSION FOR MORTON Governor Mickey Maks Principal Addm ia Eulogy of Dead. OLD NEIGHBORS TELL OF HIS WORTH Slate Lcalslaiare Adepts Fltllast Mesnerlal to the Originator af Arbor Day aad lloaered Cltlsea. From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Feb. J7. (Special Telegram ! The committee on cities snd towns hss finally decided on ltt report oa house roll 130, the bill giving to every municipality la the state the right to tax directly the rail road terminals for city purposes. Fws) members of the committee voted to In definitely postpone the bill and three ta recommend it for passage. Those repre senting tbe majority are McClay ot tbe city of Lincoln, Roberts of i'remont, Ferrar of Grand Island. Cropscy of Fairbury and Cassel of Nebraska City, while tbe minority members are Ciltert and Nelson of Omaha aad Sweesey of Hastings. Kvery man on the committee .comes from a city which would be vitally aJected try '.his bill, and every man comes from a city which !tf per sistently demsnding the passage ot tbe bllL The two Douglas county members and Mr. Sweeiey have devoted the last week or more to pleading with associates oa the committee, trying to get them la line on this Important measure, but no further hopes of this sre now enlertsined. Tha only hope ia to vote down the majority re port in the house and btve the bill placed on general file. It it thought that about next Tuesdsy the reports of the committee will be submitted. Met'lay Changes Frssl. In voting to kill this bill McClay haa re pudisted his former declarations and takes a stand against his own bill, house toll 200. which be' Introduced some time ago and which Is In the esscntlsl provision a Coun terpart of house roll 330. It will be re membered, too, that at tbe first of ths ses sion Mr. McClay unbosomed blmself In a speech on tbe floor ot th hojs as one of tbe most rrdent champions of the proposi tion to tax railroad terminals for local pur poses. In thst speech he vigorously de nounced the railroads for not paying their Just proportion of city taxes and commit- , ted himself unequivocally to the promotion of legislation which would correct this wrong. His speech atti acted mors atten tion tbaa any that baa beew made la tbo' leg I slat ore this session oa this quest lee. and now bit radical change of front nat urally attracla notice and Invite geaersl comment. - In explanation of his changed attitude Representative McClay said: "I have changed my course because the people of Lincoln who were advocating this sort of a measure at the first ot the ses sion sre not In favor ot It cow. A com mittee from the commercial bodies ot this city waited on me to inform ms to this ef fect. 1 do not intend pushing my bill tor this resson.'- It it a fact that while no doubt tha popular sentiment of Lincoln Is still favor able to equitable railroad taxation, some of the men who were moat active In advo cating these measures at tbe outset have taken a different position. Their change was wrought after a certain meeting held in Lincoln and baa always beep regarded aa rather myaterlous. J. H. Ager, the Bur lington pass distributor, was secretary of that meeting and It has slwsys been the general impression that such Interests as Mr.-Ager represented influenced ths change of besrt which wss brought about In tbe men bark of this tsx commissioner scheme in Lincoln. This movement is a new one In Lincoln, so it Is commonly said, and while tbe pee- ' pie wbo have given It their attention are for It. tbey are certainly not aa emphatic and aggressive In their advocscy as are tb citizens of Omshs who are pushing It- Tet it Is evident thst from a popular standpoint Lincoln is for Just this thing. Pay Trlbwte to Mortss, ei. . .. . anil ....... nnnu n 4 I- 4n n , ' J, 7hla iftwiim t m tribute to the late Hon. J. Sterling Mor- .on, as a speclsl order, in compliance with a resolution introduced yesterday In tbs bouse by Caaiel of Otoe. The ceremonies which were deeply impressive, lasted for an hour and a half. At tbe conclusion, at 3 : 25. the house snd senste dissolved th Joint session sad adjourned In respect to the memory of the deceased statesman. Tbe floor lobbies and galleries were 11114 with spectators, msny of whom were friends and neighbors of the late Mr. Morton from his borne town. Nebraska City and vicinity. Governor Mickey was ths principal epesker. Hs resd his eulogy from mann 1 -crtpt. The governor paid an e oqueat an1 ffec,iT' tribute to Nebraska a dia- tlngulshed de.d Hs Prir.yed In strong j ana Deaumui uiowu uis i-inng quaimv as a citizen, statesman soldier snd acholsr. " Nebraska has never known a resident more useful or honorable. Ills Imprest bsd been indelibly stamped upon tbe state snd na tion and his fame and honor ran even beyond the limits ot bis own country. Hs was known snd admired by tbe people of foreign nations " To tbe domestic life of Mr. Morton Governor Mickey paid the most beautiful tribute. He pictured It at Ideal and pointed to the prominence and integrity of hit children at Indication of hi splendid example. Hia famous home. Arbor Lodge, at Nebraska City, the governor aad other speakers pointed to aa the monument to aa Ideal domestic felicity. Governor Mickey's address was listened to with rapt attention snd manifestly wat received with deepest feeling. Othert who spoke were Representatives Cassel and Jonet of Otoe. McClay of Lan caster, Spurlo.k of Cass, Besrt of Burt, Loomlt of Dodge ind Senator Wall of Buf falo. Geveraer Mickey's Addreaa. Governor Mickey said: Mr. Speaker. I deeply lmi.ra4 with with the sat red memories of this hour, set apart as it ta in reverent bunor of tha tit and chMracirr of one who had a great share in the evolution of Nebraska and whose personality fcnd genius hav left ao impress upon the atate which lim cannot efface. It la mott tittlng that w should occasionally la) aside tiiS pressing duties of the present and turn our thoughts to vara those of other days, as wa do bow. i I estrem it a privlleg to be permuted to j parti, ipit in thj se rvice and to add a I pa J (c woros to sui snay oe aaoo, u aonor