Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1903, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA DAILY HEEt FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1903. 7 f h ( V If.: J SPECIAL NOTICES will be taken natll la m. fr the nine edition nnd nntll a an p. at. far anornlnsr aad Sunday edltleii. ' Rates, 1 l-2 a mr ftrst inaerttan, I word thereafter. Nothing taken far Iran than rse far the A rat Inser tion. These adrertlaements aaaat a raa eeaaecatlvelr. AlTtrltifrt, by reqaeetlaa; a 8ered aarak, raa have answer nd dreaaed to a namberrd letter In rara The Bee. Answers a addressed will be delivered oa preaeatatlaa af the aheck ob Ir. WATED HALK HELP. MEN to lrrn barber trade; free railroad fare Upon bur (allure to convince you of lhl bring tne BEST and only reliable, tnoat practical barber college In the united States. Write for catalog today. Western barber' Institute, Oman. Neb. ' ' B-JA uOOD mrssengt rs wanted ;blgh salaries. A. It. T. Co., Ho. Uth 81. ' B JM WANTED, good boy. with wheel, to da llver. Apply bchaier. loth and Chicago t BM10o SALESMEN-Up-to-date, active, to sell ftrat-rlaaa -groceries direct to conaumera t wholesale; ttrst-claes territory and lib eral Inducements. George Meldrum 6i and 71 N. Ureen at., Chicago, lil. THREE broom maker wanted at Coin, la.; steady work tor firm-class workmen; no Other need apply. - B MJ23 WANTED Men to lear barber trade. All the advantages of practical experience by tree work, expert Instructions, lectures, demonstrations, etc. No limit to term. Years, saved by our methou. All nW equipments of latest design. Everything mat-cans, call or write.- Moler Harbor College, hill DoUgla St, Bkl2,iil WANTED, experienced map solicitor. A proposition that la a sure winner. Apply K. K. McClelian, Koom luo, tee Biog., Omaha, Neb. a 413 22 DIME Pantallortum Pressing Co. Pants pressed, 10c; ilts, 3oc. We cell and de liver, lit b. ibtn, upstairs. Tel. 22. ' ft- . . I J X WANTED, compt ": be quick and ac 1 ft Apply at once, 1 B 43s Mch24 competent young oooker; must iiccurate and good penman. McCord, Urauy Co., uili kua ieavenworlh. U M44o 'tl WANTED, two good Job printers. Continu ous work lor competent men. Morton Printing Co., Nebraska, City, Nub. . - . B M440 28 AN .EXPERIENCED man to take cha'ge of a magasine subscription campaigH in Omaha. Give experience and red-rune. Address X 6. Bee, IS Anon ii WANTED, a number of good polishers oh bicycle cranks and eprocKeta; gooa wages to steady, reliable men; n.& labor trouble; apply at once, Fauoer dig. Co., Elgin, 111. B M476 7 WANTED, an experienced bookkeeper a tew hours eacu nay. Addreoa M. Bee office, Council fluffs. "." B M480 il WANTED, a reglsterjd pharmacist, at once; ,--"'d wages. Schaeter Cut-price Drug store, 16th and Chicago St. B 483 28 SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED, t salesmen to solicit and collect: quick promotions, 62? Pax ion block. V-M764 BELL Bitter at side Una on commission; una article, wail advertised! 2uuo Cuming. f - r-fcd WANTED, an experienced, dry goods tales man aad saleslady; must be bustler. Ap ply, staling ,6ge, reference and salary expected.. V'X. u Davtea,'' York, Neb. . 4a so WANTED rBaAta HELP. 109 Olrlg, , Call Canadian office, 1Mb. ft Dodge. Ui,. . . ....-CW A GIRL. Ztr genaral barwprkT .2033 Pierce street. . . f - 1 C 768 1 ,! t iz 1 ' WANTED, a took, tan Farnam. C-IH WANTED Ladles ., to ' learn halrdreaaing, nanicuring or facial anaaaage, . Pour weeks completes." cteady praotice, expert Inbtructluiis, tools and positions f urnlaoed. Cail or write. -Molar College, 13U2 Douglas bl. C MXi- . WANTED, for nurses', training claas at - Presbyturlan boepltal, iiub - and Marcy Apply at ouce. . C 43 26 , WANTED, a good girt for general house work; good wage paid. lira. K. 8. Wil cox, 2Hv Wirt bU C ttt 27 1 WANTED, experienced salesladies for vari ous departments. ..Apply aVupt., J. I 1 Brandelj a bona. C--M461 ( WANTED, fifty girl who live at their own i homes. South tilde preferred, to learn easy factory work; 4 per week to start. Por full particular call between 1 and Si p. in. too ay or tomorrow at noc.n in, u. B. s'at, bank Bldg. U M47s M4 WANTED, alrl for photosraphlo depart ment: soma knowledge of printing and de veloping necessary. J. C. Huteaon at Co. - , . C isl US WANTED HELP, WANTED Caah girl and boy; must be over 14 years. Apply Bupt., J. L llrandels ' at dona. M4tW FOU KENT UUVIGt. Hocata. t upward. Bemia. Paxtoo Blk. D7 . nUUJCO if, favt Co., tot Be bldg. .DJM. VANS and baggage wagon. Tela; 1U6-1141. D IW HOtBKB. . O. Q. Wallace, Brown Block. .i D-Jbi HOUSES and flat. Rlngwalt, Barker block. 1-M Ufll ICPC: I Prt l h city. R. ( l w w c feum m CO., Bee Bldg. 1215 BURT HT- aerooms I l.M I, .3 N. 22d Bt.-4 rooms t 12. M 2417 fc:rakine at. i-room anca nouae. bHtb. cluset . ...l... -. U.CO 2022 Martha St 4 room, well ( .00 U1& ttriKK Bt. rooms, well.......:.... T.uo HcCAGLK IfV. CG-. toot DUDUE BT. D-211 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage . n . . ! lalU a T I 1 1 LJ, WW., VUJVI. AX4 7S i. m .u, V . iA-ou ,1 ' FINE 7-room brick house, ntdern In every way, one block to car. gooa location, I JO, G. E. Turklngtcn, 606 Be. D MU7 MA.OGARD Van Btorag Co. Tel. 149& FOR RENT, 2-room modern hooae. 514 N. 23d St. D M472 FOR RENT, t-room cottage. 1702 Jackaon su Inquire tut South Soth. D Mt'l 28 FOR RENT. 2320 N. Zfttb. Ave, I rooms, all modern, nice vara, tJU. New all modern house of I rooms. This 1 eleaant. See us. 71 8. iath St.. l-room, all modern brick flat, walking distance, Ui. lot S. 4lat St., 7-room new bouse, city water, lie. KENNARD at LOWER, luv-ltf Brown Blk. . D 427 M MODERN 7 -room house rear park. U0S 8. SIB. i M FOR RENT, a large t-room house, 2902 Ulondo at.. 116. The Omaha Realty. Co 31 N. Y. Ufa bldg. U-MU 10-ROOM modern house, furnished, I block irom puatumce; win rani cheap to ngn party. Aaareae A. m. Be. UMtzt Si FOR RENT, .la-room modern house, two bath rooms; geod barn. Just the thing rr- private noapitai. Thoma Brennan, -3t) Bo. Uth Bb D 4a7 U FOR RENT. Modern house.. 1411 F-rsklne St lis House, eltv water Si 4 N UiK n tin Modern house and barn. 72 S. 36th St. -i Mooern nnuae, CJ California Bl. Thoma Brennan, sut So- Uth St. D 46 21 CENTRAK modern, teanj v aoua. 129 N. Im-V. beat, T-roorn FOR RLIT Fl R7IIIHGD hOUMI. DEWEf European Hotel, 13th and Fa mam. E 78J II PER WEEK -421 . south of court house. ltth St., one block AETNA IfOUHE. European, 13th Dodce. , E 7Si ROYAL HOTEL, European. lth A Chicago. t mhuu L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 7fn. E SOI ELEGANT steam-heated room, tol Ave. lfm Cnpl- E 1H1 VIENNA HOTEL, Wlt-li Farnam Mt. - . E 802 ELEGANT tonm; hot water hoAtl itiodern; leferenre. . MID Web iter. J4-M397 FRONT parlor, hot water heat. 1817 t. , E-M1.T0 M18 NICELY furnlthed rooms, with or without board. 1610 Davenport St. E M370 NICELY furnlnhed front room, suitable for two. 1714 California at. E M426 FIRNI9HED ROOMS A5D BOARD. A NICE, targe room, with fcood board. 4U . zoin Bt. r u NICE rooms, steam heat, with or without Doara; low rates. Aiiuiana notei, intn ana Chicago - F 14 FOR RENT, k deairable front room, with alcove, 2d floor. The Pratt, 212 So. 25th Bt. ... f 451 VOH HUNT LNFtflKlgHED ROOMS. DUUBI.E parlors. Call at llilt Webster St. I u JUil CENTRAL, steam heat, all modem, 1, 2 or rooms, lurnianea or uniurnisnea. an N. Ud. U M784 FOUR modern unfurnished room for light housekeeping, with heat, near unmra car. 210 M. aOth St. G M44K 27 FOU UKAT-STUHJCS. AAD OFFICES. OPFICE& In The Be building, 110.00 pef month up. Mental price inciuoas neat, Ugnt aim , Janitor service. K. C Peters at Co., Keiual Agents, .Ground Floor, Bee Blug. 1 ' FUR RENT Building eultabU for whole sale purpoees at yia rarnum; uxiai, lour stories ana nrit-cittsa cemented basement, elevator. . Or and burglar proof vault, ortlce counter anu fixtures, lor price and particulars Inquire c. C, itosewater, scie tary The Bee Building Co., room 100, .liee building 1-M507 FOR KENT, etore In Urat-claas locaUon; rent Appiy K, C. Peters at Co., ground lloor. Bee Bldg. . 1 2M FOR RENT, the building fonnefiy occu pied by I he Bee at kll Farnam St. It ha four alorlew and a baaement, wblch wa tormeily used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably, if Interested apply at ottleo te t. c Hose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. i aw AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit suoscripiions id inn TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steaay employment, with assured good In come. Agvma In tne country witn horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make eaally t0 to 1W per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer (solicitors' Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. 212 ; WANTED TO KENT, WANTED, board and room tor man, wife ana- iwoy year o.'a; must dc a yum. Audrees X 22, Be. . K 462 ae FOR SALK-t-FAVHNlTl'HE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. TeL 2020. New and aeooiiaitana. oougut, soia, exchanged, ; . . . O so . ' - fOH BALK-HOHSJtiSj) WAtON ETC. HORSE .AtJCTION at Itnlon Stock . Yard horse market every weuaeaoay atternoon. FOR SALE, time given, black Norman, 6-' year-oia stallion, l,sJ io., guaranteea. Box 602, Bloux City, la. i--MM 2 THEY are here, ' A carload ot horse. Omaha Stable, 417 B. Itn. rov 76 DELIVERY wagons, buggies, carriage, any sise or any price to auiu tx. ituii, 141 n ana ixivenwgriu. - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. NEW and tdhand typewrltera uit Farnam. SECOND-HAND billiard and pool table; blliiara taoiep nv'i aioca ot rhaao bar natures, cigar counter, ate. The Bruiiswlck-Balae-ceuenaer Co., 4o7- ' b loth. w mi FOR BALE Two atove end three show cases wim Biaiiua, cnet 14 whu at once. Adoress, U 7, Be. Q Mtol INDIAN good and relics, lilt Farnam. FENCE LATH for Quick shipment, crib- bug, GOHinuaivu smuuav. v wugiai. FOR SALE, phonograph, superior to an other, musical iinuummu, v up. ine W Itimann Co., 1621 Farnam. QWl NICE young Jereer- cow for sale cheap. Call at Z4t oiouuo au vj w FOR BALE, on 8-H. P. gasoline engine. Apply to western ataiiress o., Lincoln. -M4$ 22 FOR BALE. lxipsnger rockaway ear- rlace, in gooa coaamun. aauion Boger et Son Co. e MiiH 76 LADIES' and gent watche. 160 dla- t monds. lert in pawn, gooa at new. selling , at halt price. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas. w M1W t il ID HAND sat cheap. Derlght. Ult Farnam. FOR SALE, first mortgage note bearing g per cent interest, payable every six months; has about 2Vj year to run; good security and endorsed by responsible party; amount, Il.tuO. Inquire C. M. Bachmann, Koom 424, Paxton block Q-4SI EDISON machine and record. Fredrick- son, Uth and capltoi a?e. M467 Mch26 FOR SALE, choice young fresh Jere-y cow, CLAIRVOYANT. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 114 Cass street. ail MUE. OYLMER, ganuln palmist. 216 8. 16. au MADAME LUCRETIA. medium. 1601 Chi cago St. t) Jdi-li ui KLECTR1U TREATMENT. BATHS 601 N. 12th St. T 76 2S MISS HARRIS. 1221 Leavw'tll. top fir, flat I a xna r -a MME. SMITH, baths. HI N. U, Id floor, r. 1 T-MMt M7 Mr. Davis, 1621 Howard; baths; attendant. a eao n- GRACE O BRYAN of Kentucky, 720 8. Uth. I M 1M M17 PEIISONAU DR ROY. chlrODOdtat: corns and auDerflu otis hair removed by electrlcty. R. 2 and 2, 1st amain bl l 14 MAGNET PILE KILLER. At drugglau, tlN IT CURES. U Mlai Qnort-jrloc thmt flt- Olof Optical Co., TELEPHONE T80 for L. M. E. meesengera u au MRS. JACOBSON. 220 N. 20th St. U-M730 Mt RUPTURE CURED without pain. Empire Hupture CO., .a. x. uit Biag . Omaha PRIVATE boepltal before and during con tineraent; batilea boarded and adopted. M.a uaraeia, UM 1-aa, Tel. Red-imtA. YOU CAN TALK TO OVER 30,000 READERS WITH A LITTLE WANT-AD. PERSONAL. TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS-We hv moved to 113 8. 17th street. We will continue to carry a nice line of piano, talking machines, small musical mer chandise and sewing machines and will endeavor to merit a share of your patron g. COL1NS PIANO COMPANY. U-1S4 MARRY Western ladles with means want husband. Star, 672 41b St.. Run Fran cisco. Cal. U M7! M14 PRIVATE nlsrlum for ladlen before am? during confinement. Dr. nnd Mrs. GerlscC, 2625 California SU Terms reasonable. U M432 A wholesome nerve A tlasue food A home treatment fcr disorders of women.. Write for free booklet. Viavl Co.. 348 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Tel 1696. tj MSS3 WE RENT sewing machines, any make, 75o A week. Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th and Harney ats. f U-M148 M18 CHIROPODY, manicuring, facial and spe cial massage taught and practiced. A Mayer, 612 Bee Bldg. Consultation free. Tel. 1716. ' U-AU2 WANTED, lonnn families to use Hubbard Superlative Flour. It's the best. Ask your grocer for It. Omaha Hay and Grain Co., Jobbers, 1014 N. 16th 8t. Phone 773. U 439 Mch24 ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Paxton. B. J.- Scannell, agent, 609 War Block. U-M442 MONEY TO LWAA-HLAL alSTATE. 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemis, Paxton Blk. W as 4V4 PER CENT on business property, 6 per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole o." part any time. W. B. Mt.lK.LE, 401 a. lsTH ST. W-20 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennau-Love Co., 2u0 0o. Uth. W 21 WANTED crty and farm loans; also bonds and warrant. H. C. Peter at Co.. 17u2 Farnam bt.. Bee Bldg. W 622 FARM and city loans, low ratea. W. H. .'Ihomus, First Nat. Bank Blug. Tel. 1644. W 624 I PER CENT loan. Farnam. Garvin Bros., 1604 W Siio WANTED, city loan and warrant. W. Farnam Smith at Co.. 1&J0 Farnam street. W Wo PRIVATE money. F. D. Wad, 1624 Douglas. W 621 PRIVATE Life. money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. W 376 MONEY 'AO ktA-C'HA A' A DO YOU WANT TO tiUKKuVV . MONEY? We loan Iroui mm uu Uiununi, uve atoca, ymwoa, etc oAiliti ixJAPid wliuuui niui taage 10 pciaona wuu noiu eal arieu posiuuiia. All Interview wul convince you tuat tne conuluuns u( our contracts are tne most liuerai uotalnabie in tue city. We tuakk no ueuucuoua irom tlie amount uoitowou, aa eume uu, tl'iereuy compenng you to pay lor money you uo not get. our oilic la very eaany touna, ana having le cenuy nuu it aaaiu reiuuaeiea, It is more private uiau ever. vVe aiwaya uy to pleaae. OMAxiA. MOrtTUAGai LOaN U)., Us Board ol A'raae Bldg., Tel. M. ' Esiabnanea ioH2. tvo S. loiu St. 1 A62 11EADWUAKTEK8' FOxt x" LOANS. Every man or woman In oruana, Houtb Omaha ana Council Bluaa getting a aiary can ana get our money on your plain note, without publicity, mortgage or endorser. TRY US ON - . ' FURNITURE LOANS. - -Good remain in your possession;., you get the full amount 'of loan Without deduce - uoa. . our aysiam of paymenla tne eaaieat. jur rate a- a caauijr iu, to loiUXBLa CREDIT CO. . -Get Off Elevator at Third Floor. Boom aui. PAXTON BLOClw HMm THE STAR LOAN COMPANY, Room B44 Paxton Block. 'Phone t22. Thla company la the vrivaia nana. xum miaae-eaxner aiiu b - vou have a permanent poeltlou a clerk, bookkeeper, salesman, machinist or artl an of any kind, you can obtain ou yeul note, without security or lndorseri Beml Monthly.Monthly. Weekly. llOO-return to u.... J6 ? eo return to ,5 u OuT oltlces are private and our buslnes. cantldeuuai. niu X-833 TSalBaEr8?. ffl,Wo WHERE you can get" any amount. WHERE you get the lowest rate. Whtnlli DO cnargea a, WD li-HKKU everything la confidential. y;.f:t:CS Z., ratmn M In eay payiuent. WHERE you pay lor only the time money w'ERhTcan you do better than at th PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. axl Paxton block. 1Mb and t irpm. Xr M8M 1 IARGEBT BLS1NESS IN iajacib iw HAl.AKltl' i r.ui - sters, boarding bouse, etc,' without t curtty; easiest terms, 40 office In ptln cllai clUea. Tolman. 440 Board .Of Trade bldg. , X 221 CHATTEL, satary Jewelry la an. Fole y Loan co, sue to u. wkh jgj MONEY loaned on v'ri not to alarld people; business oonnuenuBi, "---- .14 Paxton block. Th J. A. HvttonCo. MONEY loaned on piano, turnltur. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. r . Jjj WE LOAN money on furniture, Plnos i and diamonds umaua t-tiAiiiu BANK. 1401 Farnam, upstair. Tel. A-2U1. X Sua BIB1NE9S CHANCES. HARNESS shop for sale. Inquire at L. Y-M474 Bchater, Marion, b. u. TO GET In or out of business call on WU llama, Koom All, Mccagu Duuaing FOR ALL kinds of business openings, or If you want casn lor your ouaineaa quit, addrea M. 43. Montgomery, 8U4 "j Farm Harness A GOOD Concord team harness, with breeching 121 and upi will take-old har ness tn trade for new. ALFRED CORNISH, 1210 Farnam Bt. Telephone ma OMAHA. NEB. Y-M791M1 DESK - ROOM. srlth roll-top desk and phone rrvicea Lit. J. II. Johnson, 846 N. Y, Y-M669 CASH for your real estate or no miAltei wnere locaieu.. B or a quick vie send us description and price. North western Bualnea Agency, D 812, Bank of Commerce bldg., .lnnapoil, Minn. Y-Mtf72 M7 TO TURF, stock and grain Investors; Have you any money invested in tun specula tion or in stock or grain speculation? If so, alio la your broker? W know th good from th bad. Keporta furnished on all turf, siock and araln Investment com panies. Write to us before Investing. We can be or service to you. Ana new i ora Financial Mercantile Agency, Beta Bldg., i'htiadnluhla. Pa. or to western umce. Century Bldg., St. Loula, Mo, Y 42 FOR BALE, a fine stock of groceries on . tne best ousinees street in iimana; wii , Invoice about U.biiO. A. splendid oppor , tunny to get a Paying estooiianea dusi liess. Adores A 6a, Bee, a at 441 atcni BRICK HOTEL FOR SALE OR RENT, Building nearly new, thirteen sleeping . rooms, kitchen, dining room, ofnoe and parlor; beat location; near depot and oa main etreei. B, TWEED, Davenport, Nab. T-M221 W BISINF.B9 CHANCES. FREE, 100 lot to advertise Wild wood Lake Park, suburb w York; send stamp for deed 26 feet. Seaside Co., Is7 A Broad way. New York. Y FOR SALE or exchange, complete stock hats, velvets, plumes, ribbons: new; IWO. W. P. Keefe. Sioux City, la. V M4S9 3 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM ? If you want to sell a turm or ranch, tell the farmers and stock raiser about lb The best way to reach them Is tbrougn THE TWENTIETH ChNTUKY FAKMhR. This agricultural weekly goes to 40,000 borne oi larmera and stuck raiaera, so If you nave a gooa piece ot lana to selAat a reasonable puce you ought to rind a ouyer among them. Ine cost of an advertise ment te email 2 cent pnr word. iHtlW tNlltim-tMUKK FARMER, OMAHA, CSLti. .- RE-4K4 A SNAP IN MISSOURI. ' No. . .-J ui.ti a uuiea uum tuvu, au tin lanu, ueep uiacK sou, Au acres in uinoer; tuia taint is Wvi th a geat ueai more tnun asaeu, out beioiigs to some Heirs anu utusi do sold at mice. Price, 2 per acr. Cooiy auv. anu tteai Estate Co., mi M. X. Ale biug. HutnAl VKkV cheap rartch, eleven miles from rail roau; x aeuuuu school lanu, a aeecieu, mm acres teacu; lu miiaa leuce, wmuuii.i, latiaa, aweiung anu outlet to Irriaauou uiton, witn laima; o,ovu cash. Vvrue also lor aiiuiia ana larin snaps, aiiowu at uavlee, cuaa, Neo. BE Mmi 2a CHOICE tracaage, paved. Monroe, till N. 16th. E HH RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union pacific ivallroaa company. r. a. aicAiiester, lanu cuuimisaiouer, onion pa ituu xieauuuariera, wiuuna, Au, AAE-641 FOR SALE, modern ten-room bouse and barn; e'se ot grouna uxito. aid in. aeta av. A. 4. Love, au B. lalu. KE M122 as CANADA land, 14 to 210 per acre. Hast ings cl ileyuen, olO N. Y. Alfe, Omaha, x. kj jultod 27 TEN, twenty ot forty acre In fruits; ona oi th beat truit anu garden farm in Iowa; adjoin city limit. AUuresa A, Bee, council Bluffs, the owner. KE M 217 28 HOUSES and lot In all parts ot city; also acre property and farm land. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 6o2 Bee Blug. KAr-tvto WILLIAMSON CHARLES E., 12U2 arnam street. B.E 842 N. E. COR. 30th Ave. and Pacific St., 86x143, specials fully paid. Owner Intends re moving from city and will sell very cheap. F. D. Vead, 164 Douglas Bt. RE 178 2o WE DEAL IN Orst mortgagee on farms. -No security of fers .the investor aa nigh a rate ot In ter cet consistent with absolute aafety. You control your own Investment. If you have Idle funds on which you wish to secure more Interest than the bank will allow call on us.' - POTTER, FORGAN & HASKELL, ' 420 N. Y. Life Bldg. . " -769 FARMS We are running short of farm to sell. If you have a good one you want to dispose of lint It with us for quick sale. Fletcher Real Estate Co., 3u B-e Build ing, Omaha, Neb. , -, KE M366 A SNAP IF BOLD BY, MARCH 6. 80-acre farm, 4 miles from Grand Island i mostly In cultivation f bo" other lmprove- 1111 MIC yiibD ,i,viv, ' J '- 7 . . . ij.d, . fctiNSQN A CAKMlCHArSL. Omaha, Neb. MODERN 8-room house, alao 6-room;good locatlond, low prices." Inquire 1411 Vinton. RE 728 MM . 160 ACRES of choice land In southern Ne braska to trade for city or town property also a few choice quarters In South Da kota to sell or trade. Address John PltUt, Vienna, S. D. RE M444 Mch8 FOR BALE, modern 7-room house. 1130 South Soth ave. Bee me about this; must he sold at oncei fl,500 mortgage can be assumed. W. 1L Thomas, First Nat'l Bank bldg. RE M443 rOR BALE, MODEL HOME. Five acre level land, young orchard In bearing. 10-room Dressed brick dwelling;. barn, carriage house and other outbulld- ings, chicken yard and garden, near street car and Country club, a snap at 16,600, I less than half what Improvements coet. W. N. NASON, 446 Bee Bldg. -M211 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN PSICE, 23 U. 8. N I Bk. Bldg. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorney and coueotor every where. 41 MACFARLAND A MAT, New York Life Bldg. Room 204. 'Phone 1662. 849 MEDICAL. Piles Cured without pain no cutting, tying or burning. All blood, kidney ana. uiauaer. diseases cured; a guarantee given In every case treated by W. C. Maxwell, M. D., 624 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb., graduate ot Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City. DR. PRIES treat sucossatully all disease and irregularities oi women, from any Tauaei experienced, reliable. 1612 Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha, Nab. Tel. ml 862 ELECTRICIAN. GRAND Electrio Co., 620 So. Uth. Tel. 246. Avieetrtcat supplies, wiring, repairing. 74 M LAUNDRY. OMAHA Bteam Laundry and City Towel Supply, lite Aeavenwortn. Tel. A-nu. 720 SEEDS AND POULTRY SUfPLIES. E. H. ULLERY CO., 1611 Howard Bt. Mi 43 ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 100 Douglas Blk. id MUSIC, TUOS. J. KELLY, vole. Davldge Block. ma FARMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT, 40 acre In South Omaha. Omaha Realty Co.. 210 N. Y. Lit. Mm TICKET BUOAtEKS. CUT RATE railroad ticket everywhere. P. li. Pullbln. 1606 Faruam. 'Phone 74. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. A. J. PIERSON, 2uth and Burt Tel. L-JSGl 7o3 1 L. SPITZBART. Tel. F-260C. 26il Laka 8u7 Mchl4 PATENT. H. J. COWGILL No fee unlrs success ful. 818 aV 16th St., Omaha. Tel. i;MI. -868 SUES CO., Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Ea tabllahed U34, No fee If we fail. Hand book free. Telephone 1628 and A-3it. HM MA0 TAHDEHMItT. J. E. WALIACE. 606 So, Uth St. -7 CARPET CLEANING AND LAYING, A. K. JETT. 2015 Cuming Bt. 600 PRINTING BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS PRINTING CO. position. Tel. 21 HO. Linotype eora- Mli ANNOUNCEMENT. W. C. RUSSELL moved to 615 So. 16th. 311 Mch2 HAY, GRAIN AND COAL. M. LONDON, 2302 Cuming. Tel. A2WA. 16i F2S MAS4UEHADE COSTUMES. THEO. Life BEN, 1012 Farnam, costumes. ms; SCHOLARSHIP. EU8INESH college scholarship for sale at a bargain In one of Omaha s leading com mercial colleges; lit scholarship. Address B 47. Bee otllce. M716 GARBAGE. ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co., cleans cess pools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1772. 7 DANCING ACADEMY. MORAND'B, 16th and Harney. 'Phone 1022. Classes for beginner forming March 8d, Tuesday and Friday at 8 p. ra. ; assemblies every Wednesday. Walts, two-step, guar anteed, 20. 464 Mi& PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loin Office, rellabl-j, accommodat ing, all business confidential, 1201 Douglaa GRAVEL ROOFING. BARRICK Rooting Co., 1616 Cuming St. TeL WL M47 PLUMBING, DALY & SON, Tel. 2341. 2206 Leavenworth. 399 Men? CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. , Ochiltree, 2utli and Lake streets. 270 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. Trunks and baggage delivered. 16118 Ilow- ard. a el 644. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 17U. 606 S. 16th. 8oa THE DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780. m STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., lalltt Farn. Tola 15u-862. 802 EXPRESSMAN'S Del. Co. Tel. 1196-1146. 863- FOUND. FOUND Bunch of keys. Call at Bee offlc. Found IW6 UPHOLSTERING. CARLSON o CO., 2121 Leavenworth. TeL 281. - -766 PETERSON & Lundberg, 116 B. 17th. TeL L-2368. -474 GROCBKIES AND PROVISIONS. MRS. a i. VANDBRBBCK, 821 N. 16th St. MAM Mch26 T SIGN PAINTING. 8CHROEDER Sign Work, tot B. 17th. W also ship sign. Writ us. 276 June MANUFACTURING. P. MELCIIOIR, Uth and Howard, ma- -860 ohlniat. OMAHA Bate and Iron Wks. mak a ape- ctaity oi nre escapes, mutters, doors ana ate. G. Andreen, Prop., Iw2 Bo. 10th Bt. -861 GOLD AND BILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Be Bldg. . Tl. 2536. DRESSMAKING. KEISTER S Ladle Tailoring College, Suite " "T't. "uu'"' Diuua, join and .Dodge. C. D. Bnyder, Mgr. Write for booklet. M91 LADIES' tailoring parlors, 2233 Seward St itiu pia BALE TIES. OMAHA Har Bal Tl Co.. 811 North Wth. 876 TYPlVWHITUHg. LAMBERT, $26. Monro dt Co., 811 N. 16th J LI ay9 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramg Bldg, 270 PIIONOUHAPHS AND SUPPLIES. ALL MAKES talking machine; send for catalogue. Omaha Bicyele Co., 16th and v.moS" T1H EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. G. R. Rathbun. Koom IS, Com'l Nat bank. 3a WALL PAPER AND PAPER HANGING OILS, paints, varnishes, window glaaa. 1 J. Sterner, 2U!6 N. 80th Bt. Tel. A-2667. urn AUTOMOBILES. ELEC. automobiles. Derlght, 1112 Farnam. B7? PATENT OFFICE DRAWINGS. PATENT DRAWINGS, application blanks. oeeoa, etc. Dues a co., Atee Aiiog. phone 1623. -tS3 M10 LOST. BLACK horse, whit spot on forehead, branded with letter "M on left hind leg. Meium oi B. aouv. jiewara. . Lost 436 VP SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG S. II.. Touoh T. W.. Bus. Branchaa Tleg. Cac free. Om, Com. CoL, 17 A Doug. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. TIT M. T. Lit. BOYLE 8 college, court reporter principal. pi. x. uic NEB. Bunloea A Shorthand College, Boyd 1 neater. DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPT THOB. CORMACK. private detect Iv. 617 Karbach block. Telephone A-tnlU. GENERAL ROOFING. Work In any part of the country. Jones ltooiing Co., Hurt PC Tol. !!!. -M172 ROOFINC1. lightning rods and repairing. Uermanla Hoofing Co., 1612 Capitol Ave. Tel. 2440. 102 M14 OSTEOPATHY. OID. E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopatha Suite 615. N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1664. -871 CORNICE WORK. OALV. iron cornice, metal celling!, skv IlRhl. Kpeneter's Cornice Wks., 614 S. 10. -M477 STYLB In Vehicles. We have work from several of the best known builders to offer at LESS than wholesnlu RIGHT NOW Tou deal with a firm whose repu tation Is considered first clan and who ay just what they mean. Harness Bargains as Well. DRUM1Y10ND 18th and larney Sts ) AILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION lOTH AND MARCY. I'nlun Pacific. Leave, i 9:40 am Arrive, a 7:50 pm a 3:".i pm Overland Limited... The Fast Mall California Express.. ...a 4:20 pra ...all:30 pm r'nclnc t-xpres , Eastern Express The Atlantic ExpreMi The Colorado Special. a 6:90 pm a 7:30 am a 3:40 am .a 7:10 am Chicago Special Lincoln, Beatrice and Btromsburg Express.. b 4 00 pm North Platte LochI a 8:00 am a 3:40 am b!2:60 pm a 6:16 pm Grand Island Local o 6:30 pm b 2:36 pm Illinois Central, Chicago Express ... a 7:35 em a 6:10 pm Chicago. Minnepolls & St. Paul Limited a 7:60 pm a 3:06 am Minneapolis & Ht. rau Rxprets ..b 7:35 am bl0:J5 pm Chicago Ixical..... 10:36 am Chicago Expreps al0:36 am Chicago, Rock Island A Paolflc, East. Chicago Daylight L t d. .a 6:00 am Chlcogo DayllKht Local. a 7:00 am Chicago Express bll:lS am Des Molnca Express a 4:1) pm Chicago Fast Expres...a 6:35 pm WEST. a 6:46 am a 2:36 pm a 6:06 pm bll-60 am a 1:26 pm Rocky Mountain L t d. .a 6:60 pm a 4:56 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and Went a 1:30 pra a 6:00 pm Colo., Texas, Cal. and Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm al2:40 pm Wabash, t. Bt. Iouls "Cannon Ball" Express 6:63 pm a 2:20 am at. T.ouis Local, Coun cil Bluffs i a 9:15 am al0:80 pm "Chlcaa:6 &. Northwestern. "The Northwestern Line," Fast Chicago a 8:40 am a 7:00 am Mall a 8:00 pm a 8:80 am Local Sioux Clt) a 5:10 am a 3:80 pm Daylight St. Paul a 7:Si am al0:26 pm DaylUht Chicago a 8:00 am all: 10 pra Local. Chicago al0:66 am a 6:10 pm Local Carroll a 4:00 pm a 9:60 an) Fast Chicago a 6:60 pm a 3:46 pm Fast St. Paul a 7:56 pra a 8:16 am Limited Chicago a 8:10 pm a 9:16 am Fast Mall a (:40 pm Local Sioux City b 4:00 pm b 9:60 am Chlcaaro, Milwaukee) St. Panl. Chicago Daylight a T:4S am all:15 cm Chicago Fast Express. ..a 6:46 pm a 8:40 pm cnicagu A4iuiiru m o .uu pm a i :ou am Dee Moines Express.... a 7:46 am a 3:40 pm Chicago Local 10:40 am Missouri Pacific. Louis Express -aJ0:00 am a 6:2B nm C, and St. L. Ex.....al0:60 pm a 6:16 am BURLINGTON STATION 10TH Jt MASON Bnrllngrton A MlaaonrI River. . Leave. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:40 am bl2:06 pm Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4:26 pm a 8:45 am Black Hllla and Pugef Hound Express all:10 cm a 2:10 nm Colorado Veetlbuled Flyer . a 8:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall.. b 2:52 pm a 9:1 am Fort Crook ana r-iatis- i mouth b 3:20 Dm blO SK m Bellevue & Paclflo Jot.. a 7:6u pm a 8:27 am Bellevue racinr jci..aj:wara rhloasTo, Barllngrtoa & Atalncv. Chicago Special..': ..a 7K am a 4:06 nm Chicago Vem.luuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 7:46 am Chicago Local a 9:23 am all:00 pm Chicago Limited a :U6 cm a 7:46 un Fast Mall a 2:40 cm Kansas City, St. Joseph A CoubcII Blafla. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:15 am a 6:06 pm l?l. liUUID , .jr. v.jw ,iu jj , W BRA Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:16 am a Daily, b Dally except Sunder, d DatW except etaturuay. o uany except Monday, o Sunday only. WEBST&R DEPOT 10TH at WEBSTER Fremont F.lkhora HUsaail Vnlley. Leav. ArrWa. ninck Hllla. He art wood. Lead. Hot Hpringa a i:uo pm a 1:00 pm Wvomlns. Caaoer and liougias u:wpm c o:uu pm Hastings, I ora, Aavm city. Bupenor. ueneva. Exeter and Beward....b 8.-00 nm b 1:00 nm Bonesteel, Lincoln. Nio brara and Fremont. ...o t:30 am am Fremont jeai o i:aw am Mlaaourl Parlfle. Nehranka Loral. Via. Weeping Water D t:io pm a!0:26 am tlilck(o, St. Paul, Mlaaiapoll Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ..a 8:30 am a 9:10 pm Bloux CHy Passenger.. .a 2:00 pm all:20am Oakland Aocal b 6:46 pm b 8:46 am STEAMSHIPS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE Nw lwia-Bcrw tttauiara at U.A0 Tan. VIW TOKkHoTTKHUAAl. via BUUUKiNg. KaIUls WaauaaOAjr at 10 A. At. RoHrUia at'. hrudiru Mar. X Amattrdam War. II Nootdam April 1 Sialmdain Mar. nlKolwra.m April I HollBBd-Amertea Llae, u B'vrar. N. Y Harrjr Maoru. Itul rirua at.. 1. . AtcNallr. Itil fkraaai at., H. . Jodm. IboJ Famaai at.. Laata Nmm, glrat Nat'l Da , P. B Fiuaas Ca., U14 Capitol ava., Lbaa. Mane, kit ki. IMk av, a L. kvatonra, Au 8a. Izta at.. Otaaba. afaata GOVERNMENT NOTICES. MEN WANTED FOR THE UNITED State navy; machinist, firemen, coal paasers, electricians, shipwrights, seamen ordinary seamen, landsmen, apprentice! and ineaa attendants; must be American born citizen or have made legal declaration of Intention to become rllltrns. Only me of good character and phynhiue need apply ter to Naval iterrjltuig Station, at or heai the poaiomce, umaha, Nebraaka. F2S dt M V. 8. ENGINEER'S OFFICE SIOUX CITY, la, Feb. Is, lmd. A public aah of government property pertaining to Improve ment oi wiaaouri river, consiating steamboats, quarter boats, hulls, barge. Naamvth ateam hamniera numni h.tllMra cupatan. wlnchea and a large quantity of minor articiea ana oi scrap iron. Junk, etc will be held at Gasconade. Mo., bealnnlni March 87, 11(03. IJat of material furnlahad on application. Al. ai. Chittenden, Capiat Anginera, aauuiiia iim. Mi ok 4 W v exc (.OVKHMIKM MUlt 10. OFFlt'E OF THE CONS TRrCTINQ QiiBrtrrmnFtcr. R.'l Poi'lv Hull. linn. Hilt fwtke i lty. V tHh. Frbrtmry 2. 1.J. Sealed prio.iili", In Irlpll. att. will be received here until II a. tn.. StiunlMtd time, March 2, 108. ami thru optniMl, for the ronstrnctlnn ot two Barracks, eiich for two troops of cavalry. InchnllnK plumbing, hestlnt;, gas f'H'ln nnd electric wiring St Fort Poua m, I'tah lll.ldrr will state In their bl.1l the 'time in which they will complete th work. Full Infotmntlon and blank formi of piopo.i!s furnished on application to tbli ofllce. Plan ami spoclMcatlons may b een her-. United StMtes reserve the rlghf to accept or reject any or all proposals, ot anv pnrt thereof. Envelopes to be marked "Proposnls for Public Building." and ad dressed to Captain Snm'l V. Ham. Quarter muster. 6tD 2 8 4 27 2SM LEGAL NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINO. The annual meeting of stockholder In The Bee Publishing C ompany will be held on Monday. March 2. 19"3, at 4 o'clock p. m. In The Bee building, corner Seven teenth and Farnam streets. Hy order of the rr""ldent. GEO.H. TZSCHUCK. FlsMAEWt Secretary. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING. Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land Company will be held at the ofllce of said company In Lincoln, Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the 4th day of March, A. D. lit. By order of the board of director. C. H. MORRILL, President. A. n. MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln. Neb., Feb. 1. 1903. F 30td WOMAN'S SUFFERING ENDS Mrs. Ella Jordan, Homeleaa and Help, leae. Die at House of GAnd Shepherd. Mr. Ella Jordan, aged nd partly paralyzed, died Wednesday at the Home of the Good Bhepherd. She came here from Tutan, Neb., about two months ago, because I she could not live amicably with her rela tives there. Mr. Jordan wa aware that she wa not physically able to work for ber living, but determined to com to Omaha and seek entrance and shelter In a convent or bom conducted by Catholic lister. Upon ber arrival railroad attsndant at the passenger station discovered that she was helpless and summoned the police. 8be was taken to the station and upon her ' request Insanity charges were Bled against her In order that the county au thorities might handle the ease. Then Mr. MePherson, matron at the county Jail, secured entrance for the old woman at the House of the Good Shepherd and she ba lived ther since. . PREACHER IS UMDER ARREST Charged with Having; Hemdved Steam Radiator from I.eaaed Halldlna. While btandlng beside the supper table In the residence of hi slBter, at Twenty ninth and Arbor streets, Invoking dlvln blessing. Rev. Fredericks wa arrested by Detective Drum my and Elsfolder on a charge of grand larceny.' The officer per mitted the prisoner to finish with hi de votions and then took him to South Omaha, where he was locked up. Rev. Fredericks is said to have rented the old Klrby hotel property In South Omaha for a place of worship. Th build ing was supplied with steam radiator. The expense of heating; the building by that system wa considered too great by the preacher and it 1 alleged that he took the radiator out and sold ' them to plumber for $300, installing a large beating tove with the cash received. . DEMANDS FOR HIGHER WAGES Several of the Balldlaf Trade Union Serve Notice n the Contractor. The bod carrier' and building laborer' union have aerved notice upon tbo building; contractor that on and after March IS th rate of wage shall be 80 cents per hour for mortar men and I7H cent per hour for other laborer. The contractor have so far taken ho action on th demand. Th carpenter have demanded 60 cent an hour and the painter' 17 H cent an hour, th former union Increasing It seal 10 cent per hour and the latter 5 cent per hour. It Is believed the demand of th painter will be conceded Immediately, whll that of the carpenter 1 under consideration. Mr. Cady Plead Not Guilty. Henry F. Cady. who wa arrested' Wednesday afternoon upon complaint ol Building Inspector Carter, who charge him with having failed to properly equip the Dellone hotel with fire nacape. was arraigned before Judge Berka yesterday, He pleaded not guilty and hla hearing wa Bet for next Tuesday. He was released upon hi own recognizance, SEASONABLE FASHIONS 3e MUM- daut. It to IB JT8. Misses' Waist, 4368. Fancy waist iill t ' ' with yoke and bertha are exceedingly becoming to young girl and taaka a no table feature of th latest style. Th very pretty on shown 1 mad of loulslne silk, la roie oolor, with yoke, bertha, eollar and cuff of cream Venetian lac and band of rose colored cloth stitched with Ilk. Th front clos Invisibly snd are ornamented with drop button. All llk and wool walstlng material and th Oner ' cotton and linen fabric, are, however, ap Tba waist 1 mad over a fitted lining that close at th center front and which Is faced to form th back' of the yoke. On tbla lining are arranged th tucked back and front and th front portion of th yoke, which close Invisibly at th left shoulder. Th bertha 1 cut In two cir cular portion and arranged over th waist on Indicted line. The sleeves are) the fashionable one that are tucked to th elbow and form soft puff below. Th quantity of material required for th medium lz (14 year) la 34 .yard, 11 Inche wlr. 8V yard, 27 Inches wide or 14 yard. 44 Inche wide, with 1 yard of all over lac for yoke, bertha, collar and cuff. The waist pattern, 4868, in cut In lze tor girl of It, 14 and 18 years of kg. For the accommodation of Th Be reader these patterns, which usually retail at from 26 to 60 conts, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which cover all expanse. In order to get a pattara aacloe 10 cent, glv number and Bams of patteia wanted ad bust measure.