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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1903)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY TIEE: FRIDAY. FETJRITAHY 27. 1903. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Strength in Com Eo;:s All Grains on Board of Trade. PRICES RISE FROM SHADE TO HALF CENT Provisions Alao Oo Ip n Short Sep ' Stiles and Baser Demand by Shorts Aaxloas to Cover Ho Hold- Inge Especially. CHICAOO, Feb. 26. The strength In corn aided. the other grains today mid higher prices prevailed. May wheat cloning a shade higher, May corn tM,c higher and oata up Hfa'ae. Provisions were strong and the May product! cloned unchanged to 12Vc higher. Wheat ruled dull throughout the day, but the market showed considerable strength, prlclpallv on the advance of corn. The northwest and other markets were firm and arrivals In the northwest much mailer than a year ago. The opening was teady on cables and May was a shade lower to ft shade higher at 77V4Ji&77,,4c. The good demand for corn early In the session atarted shorts to cover and the market he came strong, May selling u to 77c. The foreign news was still bearish and after the most nervous short had covered, and with no material support from the outside, prices weakened and the close was about ' steady, with May a shade higher at 77V. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 176.000 bu. Primary receipts were 4m,uoO bu., against 656,000 bu. a year ago. Minne apolis and Duiuth reported receipts of 2 cars, which, with local receipts of 15 cars none of contract grade made total receipts lor the three points 317 cars, against 177 cars last week and 570 cars a year ago. Higher cables caused strength In the corn pit at the opening and good buying on the light receipts, and on predictions of un settled weather, added to the early advance, the market ruling strong throughout the day. A large volume of business was transacted, but the greater portion of it was for local account, provision Interests being heavy buyers of the May option while selling July. There was a fair cash and export demand, which helped prices. The close was strong, with May H'ftViC higher at 4HVc. after selling between 46c and 46Nc The continued scarcity of con tract grade stuff was a strengthening In fluence. Of the 256 cars received none wre up to grade. Oats were helped by the strength In corn and small receipts, but the volume of trad ing was light and confined mainly to locals. The sentiment was bullish the entire day, and the close was strong and at a fair ad vance, Mny being Vi'p'iic higher at 3.c, after ranging between 3fV4e and XVf? S67c. Ical receipts were 96 cars. Provisions were active and strong, the smaller receipts of hogs and an early ad vance of from 10c to l.rc In the prices at the yards being responsible for the opening strength. There was a good demand from packers and shorts also covered freely, which, with moderate offerings, aided the advance. The close was strong, with May pork 12V,c higher at 117.36; May lard was unchanged at $9.65 and ribs were up 7Vii10c at 19.8214. Estimated receipts for omorrow: Wheat, t cars; com, 280 cars; oats, 110 cars; hogs, 26.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. I High. Low. I Close.l Yez'y. Wheat II Feb 74V, May 77Hg14 774 77 77 77' July 736H 73, 73V73f,V, 73 Corn 111 Feb. 44S 45 44 44 44 May 46 4fi 46V.I 4f. 4 July 44j144!& 44i44 44 Oats 1 I Feb. 34( 34 May 36 1 35 July 33 33 32 33 32 Pork It May 17 75 ! 17 87 17 76 17 85 17 72 July 17 30 . 17 40 17 27 17 35 17 20 Sept. 16 90 16 95 I 16 87 10 87 16 76 Lard- 1 J I Feb. 9 65 9 65 9 62 9 62 9 65 May 9 67 9 70 9 65 9 65 9 65 July 9 67 I 62 9 67 9 j7 9 65 Sept. 9 55 9 60 9 66 960 965 Ribs May 976 990 975 9 83 9 76 July 9 60 9 67 9 60 9 62 9 67 Sept. 9 62 9 67 9 60 9 60 9 60 No. I. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market steady; winter pat ents, S3.60tfi3.70- straights, J3.30.Jj3.40; spring patents, 13.5013.80; straights, S3.10&3.40; bakers, $2. 4&fe'2.90. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 7S79c; No. 3, 71 78c; No. 2 red, 74frf75c. CORN No. 2, 44c; No. 2 yellow. 44c. OATS-No. 2. S4V.c; No. 3 white, 34fc3ic. RYE No. 2. 49c. BARLEY 3ood feeding, 4346c; fair to choice malting, 48(U'53c. SEED No. 1 flax, 1.12; No. 1 northwest ern, 31.16; prime timothy, $3.90(ff3.96. PROVISIONS Mees pork, per bbl.. $17.76. Lard, per 100 lbs., $17.87. Short ribs sides (loose), $9.60tft9tio. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S9.0fi9.80. Short clear sides (boxed), S8.2i.50. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 23,800 18.S0C Wheat, bu 8,500 22,301 Corn, bu 224.700 190,10) Oats, bu 182.700 199.60J Rye, 'bu 9.600 1.80) Barley, bu 168,000 T,0) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 'i Z7Vtc; dairies, ltxu'ztc. k-ggs. easy, at mark. cases Included, 14c. Cheese, steady, lii'p wc. NEW YORK GEXKHAL MARKET. ((.notations f that Day Commodities. obi Various NEW YORK, Teb. 26 FLOUR Recelpta, 26.950 bbls.; exports, 18,662 bbls.; market steady, but again dull In absence or buyers; winter patents, S3.6&4; winter straights. S3.6uifti3.65; Minnesota patents. S4.Uia4.2&; winter extras, JXWulia. 10; Minnesota bakers $3.20(30.40; winter low grades, S2.6uftj2.90. Rye flour, dull: fair to good. S3.0u4i3.36 choice to fancy. S3.40&3.66. Buckwheat flour, nominal, 81.90ie.lO. spot to arrive. CORNMKAL Easy ; yellow western, $1.16; city, $1.14; brandywlne, 82.404i3.56. , RYE Firm; No. 2 western, 62e, f. o. b., afloat: state, 67&62c, c. I. f.. New York. BARLEY-Steady; feeding 47c, c. 1. f., Buffalo: malting, utrsic, c. I. r., Hurralo, WHEAT Receipts, 8,660 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2 red, 8lc, elevator; mo. i red. &."c f. o. b .afloat: No. 1 northern. Puluth. H"c . o, b. afloat: No. 1 hard, Manitoba, 90c, f o. b. afloat. Options had a firm under tone early on better English cables, less favorable weather news, the corn strength and covering. Subsequently, however, It yielded to light clearances, poor export In quiry and liquidations and closed easy at a partial c anvanct. aiarcn closed at iJ'MC May, 80 lo-lMSl 6-16c; closed at SIVic; July 7M.7S T-16c; closed at 78c; September closed at ific. CORN Receipts. 111.000 - bu.: exports. 9.279 bu. Spot, Arm; No. 2, 60c, elevator, and 67c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow 6m: ; No. 1 white, Mc. The option market de Veloped forenoon strength and activity on cables, poor grading, prospects for lighter receipts and rain, or snow west, together with a good speculative demand. On later news and poor export demund prices re acted, but the close was quite steady at H'rjc net advance. February closeo at 66c: March. 67iru-57l)ic: cosed at 674c May. RJVfiMc; closed at 52 15-16c; July, 5o sjoc; ciosea at wnc OAT3 Receipts. &4.0U0 bu.; exports, 33,881 du. epot, dull; jno. x, sc; ro. s, 44e standard white. 44V4c: No. 2 white. 44'ie No. S white. 43. c; track, white. 43Vrm8e Options quiet but steadier with corn. May Cioaeu Bi l,c. HAY Easy ; shipping, 6u4f70c; good to choice. octii.o. HOPS-tJulet: state, common to choirs 1 crop. i9J36c; 1901 crop, 2ift27c; old, 12c; Pacific coast, isoj crop, WvUSlc; 1901 crop, 23 HIVES Firm: Galveston. 20 to SS lh 18c; California, M to 26 lbs., lc; Texas dry H IO W IDS.. I.e. LEATHER Firm: acid. 24Vif26c. "PROVISIONS Reef, quiet; lamlly, $15 0i is,i; mess, lu. i ti iu w; ueei nams, 2o.biu loo; packers. $12.0013.00; city extra India pieM, Hi.inmM oo. tut meats, nrm; riokled oeiues, n K'fl iu.i; piraieo snouiners, x so pickled ha-ns, $11. W4t 11.75. Iird steady western sieameu, .w.i', rennefi, steauy continent. $10.30; South America. 810.85 rompound, $7.i)i7.7ii. Pork firm; fatniiv 11 &i.i 19.00; short clear, $18. 75)20. 50; mess, 17 ,MCllS.. TALLOW Easy; city ($2 per pkg). 6c country ttikrs. free), ,tj6c. RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, $0O svc. jdn, nominal. BL'Tl Elt Receipts, 6.887 pkgr.; firm late dairy, l'rie; creamery, extra, 38c crean-ery, common to choice. 18ii27c.. KK'tS Feeelpts. 11,747 pkga.; linn; stite nil lvnnsyivania, average best, 16c; west. ein. rancv. mc. POCLTRY Alive, weaker: turkeya, 16c; fowls. 15c; dreaaeu, firm; western chickens, 14ol4-; mrn fowls, 14tal4c. CHEESE Rwelpts. 2.7bf pkgs ; firm: Stats, full cream, fancy, small, colored, fall made, 144c; late made, 13c: fancy, small, whits, fall made. 14c; lata made, Ue; large, colored, fall made 14'ic; late made. Uc: larga. white, fall made, 14c; late MhTALb There was sj advance of 17s 6d In the London tin market toay, spot rlosing there at 12s ! snd fitures st Ai: 12s 6,1, arrl the New York market mrn was higher, r.orlng st $:"! SW1 12. Like tin. copper was higher In London, cln.lng with spot quoted at 5 2s 6d and futures at Lh9 (is. Ixxsllv copper was also hlRher," but remained quiet, buyers not be ing disposed to follow the advance.- Stand ard Is quoted at $12 75. lake at $1.25H13.40, electrolytic at $13 2.",il3.40 and rawting at $!,;.' 1.1.26. I,ead remained quiet here at $4 12 and was unchanged In London also, closing there at 12 3s 9d Spelter was unchanged In lxmdon st 21 10s and lo cally at $5.0MiVlo. Iron was h4her abroad, Glasgow closing st 57s 3d and MMdlesbor ough at 61s 3d. The local iron market was quiet and unchanged. Warrants were nominal. No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted H'. $24.024.5"; tii. 2 northern foundry, $22.00 ti'22.50; No. 1 southern foundry and No. 1 soft southern foundr at $23.5O$24.S0. OMAHA WIIOI.EMAI.R MARKET. Condltlosj of Trade and Qnotatloae staple and Fancy Prndare, EOGS Market weak; fresh stock, ISc. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 10jil0c: old roosters, 4f3c; turkeys, IMtl&c; ducks, 8 9c; geese, 7ii8c; chickens, per lb., loro.loc. PltKSSEH POl'LTRY Chickens, ll(&l?c; hens, 1 Hi 12c ; turkeya, l.VglSc; ducks, ll(&12c; geei.e, ll'(12c. BUTTER Packing stock, 12c; choice dairy, In tubs, lfitilfc; separator, 2513200. OYSTERS Standards, per can, 28c; extra Selects, per can, 35c; New York Counts, per can, 42c; bulk, extra Selects, per gal., $1.75; bulk, Standard, per gal., $1.35. FROZEN FRESH FISH Trout. 9ifl0e; herring, Be; pickerel, 8c; pike, 9c; perch, c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh, 3c; bluefins, 3c; whlteflsh, 9c; salmon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codlsh, 12e; redsnapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb . S3c; lobsters, green, per lb., 8ic; bullheads, 10c; catfish, 14c; black bass, 20c; halibut, 11c. BRAN Per ton, $15.60. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 7; NO. 1 medium, $6; No. 1 coarse, $5.60. Rye straw, $6. These prices are for nay of good color and quality. Demand fair; re ceipts light. CORN 43c. OATS 39c. RYE No. 2, 4c. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY Kalamasoo, per dot., 250; tjaiirornia, per aos., t(pftc. po i'A 1 cjks Per Ju., togroo. SWEET POTATOES-Iowa and Kansas. $2.25. new PARSLEY Per dos, bunches, 400. NEW CARROTS Per dos. bunches, 40c LETTUCE Per dos. bunches, 46c. BEETS New southern, per dos. bunches. 60c; old, per bu., 40c. cucumbers Hothouse, per cos., H.T&, PARSNIPS Per bu., 40c. CAR POTS Per bu.. 40c. GREEN ONIONS Southern, per dos. bunches, 40c. RADISHES Southern, per dos. bunches. wc. TURNIPS Per bu.. 40c: Cansda rutaba gas, per lb., lc; new southern, per dos. bunches, 50c. ONIONS -Red Wisconsin, ner lb.. c: white, per lb., 2c; Spanish, per crate, $1.75. SPINACH Southern, per dot. bunches. 50c. WAX BEANS Per bu box. $3; string bean, per bu. box, $1.5. CAMHAUK Holland eeea, per id., 10. NAVY BEANS Per bu. $2.65. TOMATOES New Florida, oer (-basket ciate. $4.60iij5.00. CAULIFLOWER California, per crate. $2.00. FRUITS. PEARS Fall varletlea, per box, $3.60. APPLES Western, per bbl.. $3.75: Jona thans, $5; New York stock, $3.2; California Bt-llflowers. per bu. box, $1.50. UKArEB-Malagas, per keg. x.ooS7.m. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin. Der bbl.. $10 50; Bell and Bugles, $11; oer box, 3 50. BinAWBfcHK)fc-Mono, per qt., ouc. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS California fancy. $3.60: choice. $3.25. ORANGES California navels, fancy. $3.00 fi3 16; choice, $2.75; Mediterranean sweets, $2.25; sweet Jaffa, $2.60. DATES Persian, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 60c; per case of 30-lb. pkgs., $2.26. r ju jatirornia, per ju-id. canons, nuc; Turkish. ter 35-lb. box. 14l8c. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Utah. ter 24-frame case. $3.25: Colorado, $?..60. CIDER New York. $4; per -bbl., $2.60. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per H-bb... $2; per bbl., $3.75. OLU METALH, ETC. A, B. AlDfTn quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, i)er tons, $11; iron, stove plate, per ton, $8; copper, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy per lb., !c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb., 8c; sine, per lb., Iv,c. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. POPCORN Pec lb., 2c; shelled, 4c. HIDE8 No. 1 green. 6c: Nc. 2 green. Ke: No. 1 salted. 7c: No. 2 salted. 6c: No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 13 to15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, Rijil2c; sheep fjrilf, tout (n,, nurse IIIUCS, l.DK(f Z.OU. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., luc; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell. oer iu., we; no. s nam sneu, per id., c; Brasils. per lb.. 12c: filberts, oer lh.. 13c- almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., lie; cocoanuts, per doz.. 60c; .hes'nuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu.. $1: hlckorv nuts -ner hu il 50; cocoanuts, per 100, $4. WE.4KE COMMISSION COMPANY. 110-llt Hoard of Trade, Omaba, 5eb Telephone 1516. CHICAO. Fb. 26 VMEAT T best help the wheat market has had today has ben tho strength In corn and prices at one time were (fc over Wednesday. Trade has been small and mostly Ictal. Thero has been a fair demand for No. 1 northern frcm millers and a sale of 45.000 bu. at 2c under May. English tables were up a fraction, out fans was 2c lower on spot whont. Clearances for the day only 176.000 bu. nd for the week so far are very trnall. Both primary and northwest re ceipts smaller than last year; In tho north west, jkb cars, agMnst 633 a year ago; local receipts. 15 cars, with none contract. Ea- t'mates for Friday, 6 cars. New York re ports nve loads taken for export. The Price Current was bearish, saving ih pin. union mmniainea ana tne riant deen- looted. The Northwestern Miller rennrteri stocks of flour east low and the demand frxtn mills good. CORN The market has hwn atennv mwA the May has been at the highest price so mmc iasi juiy wc. 1 nere nas been some further buying by Patten and by the provision Interests. There has been buying of May and selling of July for Cash market has been weak for low grades! iwc lower, me eastern de- inano nas neen Slow and the car aituatlon appears ratner worse than better. Re- criii, ioo cars, wnn none contract; esti mates for tomorrow. 28.) cars. r,. 684.0CO bu. New York reports 8 loads taken mi vxpnri. x-nmary receipts. 628.000 but Primary shlnments :nn h c.kiu Jl8her. Price Current said supply of com ... iioiiua aim elevators large, but quality poor. OATS The market has been firm In sym pathy with corn, without any Important trade t ash sales were unchanged and the shipping demand fair. Receipts only 95 cart, wnn n sianoara; estimates for Friday 110 cars. Clearances. 44.uiO hu FROVISIONS-The market opened strong on lluht receipts of hogs and higher prices ( udahy Packing company bought ribs and lnrd. Shorts were conspicuous on the buy ing side. Trade was quite general both ways by commission hnuaes. There were ".'"' nogs; pricea at yams lKU5c higher: estimates for Friday. 26.000: hnn in thl west today. 69.500. analnut 8 811 i ,- and 84,100 last year. Private estimates of m aiore: rsew lors, 28.000 bbls old pork. 2.250 bbls.: lard, l.t soil n,. ribs, 9.60O.OOO U s. Packing last week, 6a6,0oo! Bliullldl r.lH. 4Vk In a ...... - ' (jWEARH COMMISSION COMPANY. Liverpool Ural a and 1'rovlalona. LIVERPOOL Feb. 26.-WHEAT-Spot quiet; iso. 1 red. western, winter, 6a ld; No. 1 northern, spring, 6a 8d; No. 1 Cali fornia. s lid; futurea, quiet: March 6a 3jil: May 6a 2d: July, 6s ld. CORN Spot, American mixed. new, steady, 4a 6d; American mixed, old no stock; futures, steady; March. 4a 6d; May, 4a 4-id. PROVISIONS-Beef. easy: extra India mesa, v. i-ora, easy; prime mess weat ern, ,;m. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs.. auil, to. Bacon. Cumberland cut. 26 to 30 lbs., atrong. 4s 6d; short ribs, lt to 24 lbs tirra. 62a 6d; long clear middles. I'ght, 28 to 31 lbs., stesdy, 49s hI ; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., strong, 50s; short clear Dai'KS, 18 to su tlx., fnrong. 5iw; clear bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., strong, bus 6d. Shoulder. square. vtronK. 41 tl. Lard, firm; prime western, in uercea, las; American retlntd In palls, 4M. BUTTER Finest I'nlted States, nominal; good I'flled States, steady, . CHEKHF-Steady; American finest white and coioreo, o n 0,1. TALLOW Prima city, steady, 28s; Aus tralian, In London, easy, 33s 6d. Milwaukee Grata Market.' MILWAUKEE. Feb 26. WHEAT Firm; No 1 northern, 8hjic; No. 2 northern, 794t 79c; May. 77c asked. RYE-Steady; No. 1. 6lo2c. BARLEY Steady; No. 2. 4c; sample, 47 4j5hC. CORN May, 4c asked. MlaaeapMilla Wheat, Floajr anal Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb 2. WH EAT May, 76S'7vsc On track: No. 1 hard, 78 c; No. 1 northern, 77c; No. 2 northern, 78. FIOUR First patents. $.1 Wi-SM 0; secnn.1 patents, $3 "a 3 $0 ; first clears, $2.55; second clears, $2.ioa 2rt. BRAN In bulk, $lS.00ig 15.50. at. I.nala Urala and Provlaloas. ST. LOU18, Feb 26 WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator 71c; track, 74'if 7c; May, 72c; July, 70c; No, 2 hard. 7073c. CORN Higher: No 2 cafh. 42c; track, 42j44e; May, 42W42c; July. 41c. OATH Higher; No. 2 cash, 35c; track, 3Wi.1c; May, 36c; July. 31r No. 2 white, Se. RYE-Pteadv, 49'6fiV. FIX1UR Easy but unchanged; red winter patents. $3. 40'i3.55; extra fancy and straight, 13.10!i3 35; clear, $2.9i"&3 00. SSKD-Tlmothy, ateady, $3.003.40. CORN'MEAI8teady, $2.30. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 83fj 86c. HAY Firm; timothy, $10.50(815.00; prairie. 87.0H& 11.00. IRON" COTTON TIES $1.06. BAGGING 6V(e. HEMP TW1VE Sc. PROV18ION8-Pork, higher; Jobbing, standard mess, 817.85. Ird, higher nt $9.47. Dry salt meats (boxed), stronger; extra shorts, $9 62; clear ribs, $9.62; short clear, $9.75. Bacon (boxed), stronger; extn shorts, $10.60; cl.'ar ribs, $10.50; short clear, $10 62. METAL J.ead. steady. $3.97. Spelter. dull, $4.82(Sf4.85. POULTRY Steady: chickens. 1011c; turkeys 14c; ducks, 14c; geese, 7c. BITTER Steady; creamery, zsci dairies, lSlc. euub-Migner; isvtO tor rresn. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 11.000 6.0)) Wheat, bu 32.000 19.00) Corn, bu 98.oc) 64.00) Oats, bu v 92.000 65,00) Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 26. WHEAT May. 67fi)7c; July. 66(Joe; cash, No. 2 hard, CDfjiOc; no. 3, 6ijc; no. 4 nerd, 6o?i3o; rejected. 6a67c: No. 2 red. esSvnhic: No. 3. ORN April. 38e3sc: May. 38c: July. jsc; cash. No. 2 mixed, 37g38c; No. 2 white, ss'awic; no. s, swmoc. oath no. 2 white. 3f&86c: no. 2 mixed. Hi NO. Z. 460. HAY Timothy. $12.00; prairie, $9.00. BUTTER Creamery, 21?5c; dairy, 19c. EGOS Fresh, 12c. Recelnts. Shlnments. Wheat, bu 20.R0O 19.2vi Corn, bu 24.000 62. got) Oats, bu 14,000 20,000 Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PH1XADELPHIA. Feb. 26. BUTTER Firm and good demand; extra western creamery 34c; extra nearby prints, 31c. EGOS Firm and good demand: rresh nearby, 15c, at the mark; fresh western and southwestern, 16c, at the mark; fresh southern, 14c. CHEESE Steady and moderate demand: New York full creams, prime, small, 14'if 14c; New York full creams, fair to good, prime, small, 13ai3c; New York full creams, prime large, 14c; New York full creams, fair to good, prime large, 13: 13?4c. Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. Feb. 26 WHEAT Fairly ac tive, lower; cash, 78c; May, 79c; July, 76c. corn Dull, steady; February. 46c: May, 45c; July, 450. OATS Dull, firm; February, 31c; May, 86c RYE NO. Z, 54C. SEED Clover, fairly active, lower: Feb ruary and March. $7.07: prime timothy. $1.85; prime alslke, $8. Dnlath Grain Market. DULUTH. Feb. 26. WHEAT Cash. No. 1 hard, 77c; No. 2 northern. 74c; Ho. 1 north ern and May, 7ic; July, 77c. OATB May, 34C Peoria Market. PEORIA. Feb. 26. CORN-Dull: No. 8. 40c. OATS Dull: No. 2 white, 33c. WHI8KY-$1.34). New York Money Market. NEW YORIC Feb. 26. MONEY On call rather firm at 2tr3 per cent, closing at 2 per cent. Time, firm; sixty and ninety days, 4(jjX per cent;' six months, 4-V(jj per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4&5 per cent.'-- STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with ac tual business in bankers' bills at $4.8740(9 4.8750 for demand and at $4 8420a4.S425 for sixty days: posted rates. $4.85t&4.85 and $4 8S; commercial bills $4 83&4.83. SILVER Bar, 41c; Mexican dollars, 3c. BONDS-Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. The clorn quotations on bonds are at follows: V. 8. r.f. It. rog 107L. N. uni. 4s 100 do coupon 10tk, Mex. Central 4s 75 do is. res 10- do Is Inc 27 do coupon 107 Mlun. a: 81. L 4s...lu3 do saw 4s. res 14', M., K. a) T. 4a 100 do coupon ....... .136 do 2a tiiv do old 4s, rag N. T. C. gen. IVfea... 034 do coupon 1WS N. 1. C. gan. 6a 13 do 6a. reg No. Pacific 4a 103 ou coupon ... lvJ- 00 sa. 73 U Atrhlaon gan. 4a. ...102 N- W. eon. 4a., .101 do adj. 4a.. 1 Raadlng gan. 4a. Bl. A Ohio 4a 1024, 8t. L A 1. M. c. U.1H do la. .... 3 Ht. L i 1. r. M do conv. &a. ....106 St. L. 8. W. la ....108 ' do la . 66 3 117 Canada Bo. 2a. Central of Oa. 6a lu 8. A. A A. P. 4a... do la Inc so. racinc 4a Chae. .A Ohio 4V4...10 60. Railway 6a. Chicago A A. !' 11 I'ezaa a i'trlne la. It C, b. A Q. a. 4a. C. M A 8t P g. 4a. . 4 .110, .132 T., 8t. L. A W. 4s.. 78V Union Pacific 4a 102 , do conv. 4a w,106lrS Wahaah la 117 do la 107 do deb.. B 88 Weat Shore 4a 111 Wheel, a I. I, 4a.. 3 Wle Central 4a ev Con. Tobacco 4a Colo. Fual 6a to I C. A N. W. e. la. C, R. I. A P. 4a. 1(M C C C A 8t L g. 4a. 100 Chicago Ter. 4a S44 Colorado 80. 4a 0Va Dearer A R. G. 4s.. 8V Erie prior lien 4a do general 4a r. W. A D. C. la. ..111 Hocking Val. 4aA.10 Doaioa Siotka and Bunds. BOSTON, Feb. 26 Call loans. 4(f5 per 45 per cen. Official and bonds: cent; time loans, closing; of stock! Atchiaoa 4a , .100 Alloues 6 , 7 Amalgamated 72 . 86 Bingham u .100 Calumet A Hecl....&30 .80 Centennial 80 .lo, Copper Range 71 .1604 Pranklln n .116 llle Royals 14 Max. Central 4s Atcbiaon do ptd Boaton A Albany... Boaton A Ma Boatoa EleYaled N. V., N. H. A H.. rltfhburg pfd Vnloa Pacific .143 old Dominion 11 W. . 88 Oaoeola 7j . 11 Parrot 81 .181 Culncr 16 .121 Santa re Copper 1 .147V Tamarack n . 63 Trlmountala 100 .184 Trinity HI, . 16 t'nlted State 231 .10S rub laj . Jv, Victoria ?S . 87V Winona Mex. Central .... American Sugar. . do pfd American T. A T Dominion I. A .... Gen. Electrto Maaa. Electric t'nlted Fruit V. g. Steel do pfd... Weetlngh;. Common . Adventure 105 jWolverlna To London Stock Market.. LONDON, Feb. 26. Closing quotations: Conaola for money... 82 New York Central... 1(1 do account 62 Norfolk A Weatern... 76 Anaconda 41 do pfd 62 Alchlaon 88 I Ontario Weatern . . . 13 do pfd 10s:! Pennsylvania 76 Baltimore A Ohio.... Rand Mines 11 Canadian Pacific lSkN Heading 8m Cheaapeaka A Ohio... 61 do let pfd 44 Chicago Q. W 17 , do Id pfd IhU C, M. A 8t. P 181 Southern Railway.... 86 DeBeera ilm do pfd 67 Denver A R. 0 41 Southern Pacific (4 do pfd 8l t'nlon Pacific 101V Erie I'J' do pfd nZ do let pfd 71 V United Statea Steel... if do Id pfd tA do pfd ml" LoulaTllla A Kaah...l2 I do pfd.... t aileaoiui. K. A T.... US I BAR SILVER-Quict st 22 S-16d per ounce. MONEY 8iH per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for both short nd three-months' bills la S&3 per cent. New York Mlnlna, storks. ' NEW YORK, the quotations exchr nge: Adams Con Alice Breece Brunewlck Con . . . . Cometork Tunnel Con. Cat. A Va... Horn Silver Iron Sliver ....... Leadville Con Feb. 26. The following are on the New York Stock . IS . 40 . 60 . 6 . 14 .125 .110 . as Little Chief ... Ontario Dphlr Phoenix Potual Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hupea .. aiandard . .... (25 220 60 40 lut il 100 Forelan financial. LONDON. Feb. 26 The demsnd for money increased today in connection with the Stock exchange pay day. lMseointa were easier on the continent, hid. ling more freely for bills and the influx of t,old which induced speculation, regarding an early re duction of the Bank of England's rat; of discount. Business on th Stock exchange opened with pricea fairly firm and trading quiet. Conaola par declined at first, but reacted when It waa announced that the bank rate waa unchanged. Home rails re lax rd on profit-taking: Americans were dull and Irregular on the fall in New York. Wabaah being etpvciaMy weak owing to fears of labor troublra: they closed quiet. Rio tlntoa reacted allkhtly; Urand Trunks were undecided at the opening and th n hardened; K antra were cheerful, being helped a little by Inspired buying. Bullion to the amount of lu.6ou waa taken Into the Bank of England on balance today: bull'on to the amount of 17o.ui waa withdrawn from the Bank of England for shipment to South America. Oold premium at Madrid 83 57. PARIS. Feb. M Stocks had a good tend ency on the bouree today owing to the gen erally encoiuraatagj cans of the approach of the settlement Inducing some selling;. IlentfS were hevy; Ppunifh 4s reached record quotation. 92. 4"; BraiHiHnr hardened on the statement that the formation of a Rraxlllnn coffee trust wan Imminent; Turks wTe hunysn on ratlstsctory Macrilontan advices: Austrnllsns were In Rood demand; Rio tlntos wpre hrm In spite of protit tnklna. Kaffirs were active and Arm. The private rate of discount was 2 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 9.t 77c lor the sc count: cxrhanie on London, 2ff Pc lor checks; private rate of discount, 2 per cen t. BERLIN, Fob. 26. Home funds and sec ond lnternat'onsls on the bourse today; locals started well, but relapsed later on reallcntlons and the ahvence of support. I'anautan Paclllc was easier. NEW YOHK 9T41CKS AD DOKD8, Market t'lnaea Lower, with Active elllna Movement la Farce. NEW YORK, F-b. 26.-After a day of In difference anil nearlect, today a stork mar ket clcred with an active selling movement In force end with the majority of active stocks from 1 to 2 points below last night. The only manifest new developments to cause this sudden weakness wss the ad journment of the St, Paul directors with out taking; action on the Issue of new stocks. As such action had not been ex pected and as there had been no extensive speculation bared on the stock Issue, the late weakness is more plausibly explained as due to a speculative weariness with tho perrlstent hanging back of prlcts. The sense of disappointment was In evidence at the opening, when it was seen that the authorised reports of the practical consoli dation of Rock Island and St. Louis & Ban Francisco were without stimulating effect on speculation. St. Louis & San Francisco, In fact, relapsed sharply to 2 below last night on comparatively light offerings and Rock Island after an advance became heavy and ruled below last night for the rest of the day. This reception accorded to the most far-reaching project of railroad consolidation since the Louisville deal seemed to be accepted as a conclusive demonstration that nothing was to be hoped lor in the way of active speculation for the prerent. The relief from the pressure of selling In Metropolitan Street Railway alle viated for a time the depressing effect of this conviction. There was a demonstration also In Wubash preferred, which carried that stock up a point In face of rumors of the Issue of an order for a strike and of the unfavorable showing of January net earnings. Some of the iron and copper stocks mnde some show of resistance to the prevailing depression, owing to favora ble trade reports, but the whole market gave way at the last and sold down rapidly until the weak closing. The uneasiness over the rapid depletion of New York bank ing reserves was slightly relieved by to day's news of the receipt of $8,000,000 In gold from Ban Francisco. But the market had to face as an offset the news of the ship ment of $75,000 in gold to Buenos Ayres. in the International exchange markets there was a relaxation of pressure all around, the private discount Tate both at London and Paris going quickly lower and giving ground for the supposition that tho reduc tion In the Bank of England's rate Is de ferred for only a week. But it is feared that further shipments will be made to Argentine from here and that Chicago will mane further demand for currency, opera tors in the market also were inclined to be discouraged about the prospect of action at this session on the Aldrtch financial bill. The stock market, which is the true index of the money market, hardened further to day and practically no business was done at lets than for periods longer than threo months. Opinion was inclined to settle down into conviction that extremely con servative banking must be the rule for tha rest of the year, and until eome new fac tor develope to relieve the aituatlon. One of the featurea of today's market was the wide concessions necessiiry to find a market for small offerings of some of the expensive high grade goods. Chicago & N-irthwestern was a notable example, the price declining 8 points on quite feverish .fluctuations. The subscription rights to the new stock sold at 13 compared with 15 on the first day they were dealt In last week. Wabash de benture B. bonds were made a sharp re covery and gave an Irregular tone to the bond market, which was otherwise rather easy. Total sale, par value, $1,875,000. United States bonds wers unchai.ged on the last call. ' , . The tollowlng are the closing price on the New York, stock exenange Atchtaon do pfd Bal. A Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific... Canada So Chea. & Ohio....... Chicago A Alton... do, pfd So. Railway Dfd 86 .100 iTeiaa A Pacific 40 . 17 Toledo, BU L. A W. t . 3l do pfd 44 .187 .Union Paclflo M . 75 I do pfd 82 . t ' Wabaeh . 36 d pfd 63 . 71 Wheeling A L B.... 16 .J 1 4 do Id pfd M . M Wla. Central 17H . irt do pfd 52 . 44 'Adama Ex ' .HI 'American Ex...I....2ti Chicago A E. III. Chicago A O. W do let pro... do id ptd......... Chicago tc N. w.. Chlcano Ter. St Tr. . 11 Vi United Statea Ex 1 do pfd mi' C. C. C. A St. L 3Vj Colorado So IS do let pfd., do Id pfd 41 Del. A Hudson 17; Wella-Fargo Ex.... .12 . 71 . 40 . 1 . 17 . 44 Amal. topper Aoicr. Car A F... do pfd , Amer. Lin. Oil... do pfd American 8. A R. Del. L A W :3"4 3) Denver A R. O TJ' do ofd 8S1 do pfd.. Anae. Mining Co Ill Erie tft do lat pfd Brooklyn R.-T 47 Colo. Fuel A Iron... 71 Cone. Oaa 116 do 2d pfd 67 Great Nor. pfd 19 Hocklnit Valley 105 Cont. Tobacco pfd... 11 3 Oen. Electrlo ,1M do ptd Hocking Coal Inter. Paper ..... do pfd..... , Laclede Oaa National Biscuit. National Lead . No. American ... Pacific t'oaat .... ,. 11 . IS . 71 ,.100 . 4.; .. ! .114 . M .. 40 .101 ,. 41 . M .226 ,. 11 .. 79 ..111 .. .. 14 .. la .. n .. i .. 17W .. 61 .. 18 .. U .. 66 .. 18 .. 4 .. IS .. 67 .. 4 .. 80 Illlnola (antral 142 Ioa Central 41 do pfd 70 Lake Erie A W 47 do pfd. ,.11 L A N Manhattan 1,.... Met. St. r.y Mex. Central ... Mei. National . Minn. A St. L.. Mo. Pacific M . K. A T do pfd ...124 ...141 ...13?. Pacific Mall 2:People'a Oaa ... 1 ..100 ..111 ... :' ,.. i 1 Prraaed 8. Car do pfd Pullman P. Car.... Republic Steel .... do pfd N. J. Central.. ....160 sugar N. Y. Central 146 Tenn. Coal A I.... Norfolk A W.. 73W Union Bag a P.... do pfd V. 8. Leather do pfd V. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Weatern Union .... Amer. Loco mot lye. do pfd K. C. Souther.... do pfd Rock laland do pfd do pfd Ontario A W PennaylTania Reading do lat pfd do id pfd St. L. A 8. P do lat pfd do Id pfd St. L. 8. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd So. Pacific 80. Railway .. 0 ,.. 12 .-17. .. 41 .. ai .. 14 .. 16 .. 83 .. 74 . 17 .. 41 ... 2 ... 14 Bank Clearlnga. OMAHA. Feb. 26. Bank clearings today. II. 56. Ml. 50; corresponding- day last year, $1,055,988.06: Increase, 8449,823.44. CHICAGO, Feb. 26. -Clearings. 331.013.772; balances. 31,680.426; New York exchange, 30c discount; foreign exchange, sterling posted st 84.85 for sixty days and at 34.88 for de. mNFW YORK, Feb. ?. Clearings, 3239. 287.816; balances. 811,942,871. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 28. Clearing?. 321.683.157; balances, 82,831,427; money, 4&5 per cent. BALTIMORE. Feb. 26. Clearings. 84.110, 746; balances, 8646,302; monev, 6 per cent. BOSTON. Feb. 26. -Clearings, 323,660,896; balances. I2.22n.446. CINCINNATI. Feb. 26. -Clearings. 33,581. 200; money. 4(g6 per cent; New York ex change, 25f7)c discount. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 26. Clearing. 88.882,118; balances. $1,467,235; money, steady, 6(Q6 per cent; New York exchange, par. . movement of Money. NEW YORK, Feb. 26 The domestic money movement la developing Interest ingly. It Is known that fully ir00.0Oti has been received from San Francisco thus far this week, and an international banking houoe, with important Paclflo coast con nections, is believed to have received an eouHl amount today m the regulnr coursa of business. This intake will probably be offset by further shipments to Chicago and potslbly New Crleans. Wool MarUet. BT LOI'IS. Feb. 26. WOOL Quiet, easy; medium grades and combing. 17't2vo; light fine. 16&19c; heavy fine, 11 if 15c; tub washed, IS! 29c. BOSTON. Feb. 26.- WOOL The fol lowing are the quotations: Territory, choice staple, scoured basis, fine, 6oi' 68c; tine medium. IVa'&c; medium. 47jl8c. Territory, ordinary fine, 63ti55c; fine me dium. VTi52c; medium, 45i48c. Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces have been quiet, with sales limited. Holdings are not forcing matters, yet It is admitted that It Is Im possible to sell to any extent at the recent lop flKures. Michigan wools are steady, but they, too. are quiet. Small lots com prised the woek's business, and of these mudiums solJ at around 21c Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above. 32'53'U?: No. 1, X2"-: Michigan X and above. 27ig'-9c; No. 1, 2v,ilni-. NEW YORK. Feb. 26. WOOL Firm. toffee Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 26. COFFEE-Spot, steady; refined unsettled. Futurea opened ateady at unchanged pricea and for a time ruled fairly active and ahowed aome Arm nepa under buying of the near monlha by prominent bull Interests and purchasea of the late months by operators liquidating March contracts. There was alao a I ttle buying of the long account on tha firmness uX spots and bullish Braxlllan news. Im porters continued to sell, however, and this checked the advance, the market being finally ateady net unchanged to 6 polnta higher. Sal. were 53.(iu baga. Including: March. 4 354 ir: April. ('; May, 4.66c; July, 4.7o34 75c; September, 4.8644. ic; Octo ber. 4 Sic: November, 5c; December. 6J e-iic; January, k.luc OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Bteeri Active and Steady and Cow Bold a Little Stronger. HOG MARKET GEN E.R ALLY TEN HIGHER Sheep and Lambs Sold Weak to a Dim Lower Than Wednesday or Tea to Trrentr Lower Than the Close of Last Week. BOt.TH OMAHA. Feb. 26. Receipts Were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Otliclal Monday 4.til7 O.ioS 4.514 Official Tuesday 6.213 12,40 6.4.15 Official Wednesday 4.2A7 8.357 10.22 Official Thursday S.704 8,264 ,m Four days this week... 17. 791 Fame days last week. ...16.671 Same week before 1S.842 Same three weeks ago... 13. 989 Same four weeks ago....l.9l 3S.S49 37,128 41.487 22,760 6.249 27,611 25.486 2J.6U3 20.6,7 23.(47 14,017 " ' . m j m iasi year 1 w1" " ' 36.488 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and nheep at South omahtt tor the year to date with comparisons with last year. 1903. 1902. Inc. Dec. Cattle 146.155 130,82 14,366 Hogs 377,41 458,296 8t,&35 Sherp 201.413 122,567 83,846 Average price paid for hogs at South Omaha lor the last several days with com parisons: Date. I 1903. 1W2.1901.1900.1899.198. 11897. Feb. Feb. !.... Feb. .... Feb. 4....I Fab. Feb. 6.... Feb. 7.... Fib. I.... Feb. .... Keb. 10... I Feb. 11... Feb. Li... Feb. 13... Feb. 14... Feb. 15... Feb. 16... Feb. 17... Feb. 18... I Feb. lit...; Feb. 20... Keb. 21... Feb. 22... Feb. 23... I Feb. 24... Feb. 25... Feb. 26... I 6 5 631 6 22 4 of, 4 68 4 6 4 701 4 68 4 75i 4 84 3 iV4 3 64' ? 64 3 63 1U I 73 1 69. 1 72, 3 2; 3 If 24 3 26 S 21 S 1 e 3 23 3 27 27 3 2a 3 28 1 30 e t SI 3 34 S 25 3 31 ( 38 3 35 e I 33 3 36 3 41 3 49 3 43 6 68 6 25 6 70 1 u I t &21 61 11 TiV.1 761 6 71I 72 k .l 6 11 1 8 1 ( 03 Vs! 00 6 01; ttrt 5 9nl 6 2 V1! 6 791 6 78 6 861 6 86 6 881 6 21 a m 6 21 i 661 1 6 28 I 6t) I 75 6 29 3 t)0 11; 3 7u I 71 I 4 801 3 71 I 7 0 c 6 3w 3 65 I 77 I 1 a 68i 4 79 I 6 60l 6 24 4 82, a to 6 SI 5 28 6 27 4 76 4 76 t 66 I oil e 6 92 7 03 6 97 6 1 bs 1 a en, I 68 t M 3 68 3 64j 3 62 3 87 a I 3 91 4 83 4 761 6 22 6 231 6 30 5 3.11 6 291 S.S2( 6 Ss 6 331 4 83 4 78! 4 74 4 69! 4 691 4 69 1 165 6 96 2 60 1 6 96 I 3 47 3 95, 6 951 a 60 IB M 3 68 1 81 92 84 6 81, 1 97 S 3 3 3 a 6(i 79! l81 6 93 1 6 88 Indicates Sunday. The officii! number of cars of stock brought In tortay by each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.Hseo. C, M. & St. P. Ry 14 . 15 Wabash 1 2 Missouri Pacific Ry 2 1:51 Union Pacific system.... 29 19 . 2 C & N. W. Ry 6 15 .. " .. F'., E. A M. V. R. R 84 28 4 .. C. St. P.. M. A O. Ry... 17 6 S 1 B. A M. Ry 27 17 1 C, B. & Q. Ry 6 K. C. ex St. J 1 .. C. R. I. A P. Ry., east.. 8 .. C, R. I. A P. Ry., west. .. 8 4.. Illinois Central 2 1 Total receipts 186 117 84 The disposition of the day's recelpti as follows, each buyer purchasing the 1 was num- Bh'?5 1,432 2.357 614 ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Armour A Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co., K. C Armour A Co., Sioux City Vansant A Co Carey A Benton W. I Stephen Hill A Huntxlnger Livingstone A Shaller.... Hamilton L. F. Hubs Wolf, A Murnan B. F. Hobblck Dennis A Co Werthelmer Rothschild g g 9 Other buyers 426 812 854 1,912 2,261 2.028 L272 614 961 65 133 12 8 84 16 115 220 6 19 35 4 18 139 2 214 919 Totals 8,803 8,317 8,877 CATTLE There was not as large a sup ply of cattls on ths market this morning as arrived yesterdsy, and under the Influence of a good local demand an active and fully steady market was experienced. Buyers were all out early and the bulk of the offerings was soon disposed of. The beef steer market could safely be quoted steady and active. Packers all Seemed to have liberal orders and found little trouble In getting fuHy as good prices as were paid yesterday There were ho finished cattle offered, such as sold for 60 yesterday but still there were quite a god many cattle that were In pretty de cent condition. . . The. cow market waa active 1 d strong All kinds soia 10 a uiw w... .hi iTiir than they did yesterday, but the better grades showed the most Improvement. aai nu- . . . 11 nri 0 11 ft- the maraei cuuiu m - ,,,guVl."dTdn'no,tn.dholmuch of any change. Thev were possibly a little easier to dls pose of but there was no Improvement .In nrtce Veal calves continued in good de- Sere's'A Cae-and'ffom the coun trv velterday for cattle, and a large num VZr of stockeri and feeders were shipped ber of. "t-c;lt an the speculators were fUkln for fresh aSppUea this morning snd m ? active and T stronger market was - J3S than the srne kind, brought yesterday. Bepre.entativeE.ale.:BTEERg. 1. Pr No. Pr No. !; .r,r9- 1, "7 4 25 v '5J J U. " 1181 4 25 I " !S u 1124 4 86 ::::::::::"3 Sg -: IS A:::S S it::::::::::::! M ' m a 120 4 84 4 "J 4i? ji 1114 4 86 i "!J !2 I 1200 4 40 ' IS J 00 24 1550 4 40 10 Si ? S IJ 1104 4 40 II J Sf T 1400 4 40 1 10 17 1-'" 4 4 J IJ 18 1278 4 46 1 J I I IM 4 4i '"J ll,S 11. . . ilea 4 45 "l I 17.... 12J1 4 60 27. . I.! 13J0 4 60 Am 4 16 4C Hit 4 50 14 J?1 J J? jo 1296 4 65 t J"! J IJ 18. 1223 4 60 5 IK 1 1207 4 75 aa::::::::::: il. 4 STEERS0 AND HEIFERS. aii 4 o 11 li 4 M " (78 4 05 11 " 4 . is ( 1131 4 86 1? .::::..4....iw 440 " STEERS AND COWS. ... o 6 40 14 4U COWS. - , . 1 .i3zo a za "... 10 1 to J 440 1-76 ; ....1000 t ou ; ... too a 16 i 814 I 16 ; .. 770 8 ' .. 770 8 5 ; 8o a 86 J ' .... 826 t W a 26 .... tti a JO ,, 671 J 6 17 1 18 8 11 81 1 1 I 14 1. ........ 1 11 4 17 4 18 11 1 4 4 1 16 a 1 1 ....1077 I 25 ....1020 8 26 .... 68 a 25 ....1100 a 25 ....1041 I 25 .... 647 8 80 .... 820 a ao ....1000 a ao ....1115 a so ....1115 a J6 ..,.1040 a 15 ....1100 a 15 ....1000 8 85 ....11116 a st ....1016 8 86 ....1142 a 86 .,..1240 8 40 8SS I 40 .... ' I 40 .... 826 I 40 .... 724 I 45 .... 616 8 46 .... 87 1 46 .... 614 I 45 14.. 11.. 1117 8 4A 1170 a 40 117 a 40 ioi a 40 8o a 40 878 a 40 1280 a 40 700 8 tO 10 8 40 1125 I 40 114 8 46 811. 4 46 a 60 aM 8 60 1101 8 60 1135 8 50 in a 60 t7 a 60 10 a it mo a 50 1007 8 65 1050 8 65 1076 I 66 ii a 6 1142 8 53 1022 a 40 1140 a o 1122 8 (6 1100 a s 620 8 44 1144 8 45 1178 8 45 It.' I 8 6 K 36 I 45 lilt 8 7 o5 a 7 1046 8 79 io4 a ? 11 a 10 1214 8 76 lilt 8 76 117 6 75 10:8 a 76 111 8 74 101 I t 6 . lWkl I ev I ... a 60 : H4 a 6o I .... no a 5o J 648 I 4 ! :4 8 65 J '" 768 8 45 4 710 l ae . ;::::: 4 a 45 1 M I It u ,8110 8 70 1 " 1100 t 76 la"!"'! J 6 8 76 4 a 101 8 76 ( 1" 0 1 76 17 ) 10(6 1 76 It 1 820 t 75 i 1 621 I 76 10 16 1000 I 76 1 18 W 111 t 1 100 8 66 J 1 11U6 8 65 17 11 M IM 18 IJ W IN t 8 740 8 80 18 JO 8W t 80 8 t 1111 1 o a 1 844 a 00 8 1 neo a eo a a im 1 a tu a 86 1 aao a uo l a low a w 14 1 luau 8 o 6 1 iimi a eo 1 1 1020 a oa t 1 ioo a 6 1 4 M tl II 18 Ie6 a 04 18 14 621 a 06 U l(t I la 1 lilO I 14 It I IS I llii I 16 J 87.1 8 1 1 120 8 7i 12 'M 8 : 8 lilt 8 M 7 '.. 7i I 1J 4 11M I M II PM I to 1 1 4 SO 7 M.I 3 I.'. 1 lf.70 4 (m 1 8.1') 8 Ij I 11M 4 00 1 11" 8 r 16 1Z70 4 00 1...., em s j COW'S AND HEIFERS. . i 4.4 m t in IM v 6 43 I 6 1 I 40 . 21 in I (U 11 6a t 40 1 8 U i .i HEIFERS. 1 100 IK 1 771 I 40 V 8 410 I (0 8 r I M , 1 40 14" I two 8 eo 1 42 1 J 76 1 814 8 SO 8 Ii m I I W, I (0 I 8 ST. 10... 7r8 I 7 8 4t 8 10 11 10)8 1 Tl 1 800 10 4....... 1106 86 24 M 8 86 ....,:.,.. ..1018 8 KO IK . . ; BULLS. . - . 1 1340 I i 1 M 188 1 .'....l.tso 1 1 1 a ik 1 ,...isau IW ' im 6 1 lMo a 00 1 1100 40 1 1.. lu 100 1..... 1410 40 1 1180 a 00 1.... 1820 t s 1 I860 I 00 1 r.0 I 60 1 1.160 I 06 1 1670 I 60 1 12TO 8 10 1 1870 I 60 1 1-40 16 1 11140 I 68 ' 1 830 8 15 1 1460 t 0 1 12M) 8 16 1 .......1100 l 1 11MI 8 26 1....' 1800 I 70 1 B0 IS . 1 13W I II CALVL8. 1 4 on 1 tit ( 00 1 120 6 00 . 1 tia 4 00 1 1O0 ( 86 1 18b 4 16 1 ISO HO STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 MO 2 25 " STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4 6 2 60 1 100 I 80 I MS 1 40 1 720 8 80 a . .. (8 46 at 8.... 10.... a.... t.... . m a to . 126 4 00 .830 4 V0 . 870' 4 00 81 to;";; 4 ... 670 86 60 a 00 ... 610 a oo ... 4KI 8 60 ... oo a 60 ... 8K6 a 70 ...161 a 75 ... 784 I 75 ... ;7 a 76 ...1008 a 76 ... 467 I SO ... 640 3 85 ... 648 8 86 ... 648 8 86 ...750 8 86 ... (48 a 66 ... 811 a 80 ... 781 8 80 a to ...looo 1 M 8'0 4 00 1 60 4 00 1. ..850 4 00 700 4 00 444 4 10 88 4 10 654 4 10 851 4 10 134 4 It 45 4 to M0 , 4 26 828 4 86 ' Ml 4 60 80 4 60 728 4 60 670 4 60 1144 4 66 t tl ia 1 t 83 1 8 4 a ia::!!! .1100 I 80 HOGS There was not quite as Heavy a run of hogs here today as yesterday and as advices from other points were favor able to the selling Interests the xharket opened generally a dime higher. It was to be noticed, however, that the greatest ad vance was on the good weight hogs. Pack ers looked at weight rather than at quality and the light stuff waa neglected even If the quality was good. The heavy hogs sold largely from 86.96 to 37.00, and as high as 87.05 was paid for prime heavies. The medlam WPla-hts sold from 36.90 to 86.95. while the light stuff changed hands tjlowly at pricea ranging downward from 36.90. There waa a little flurry In about the middle of the market when some of the hogs sold 1 Ofj 15c higher, but the dose waa about like the opening and everything was disposed of In good season. Representative sales: . No. , AvI Bh. Pr. No. Av. eh. Pr. 10.. .-...188 ... 8 40 : 28 264 ... 96 92. ...... 19!) ... 6 60 ' 84..... .239 80 8 96 89 177 ... 6 80 74 221 40 6 96 72 217 ... 6 80 61.' 267 ... 8 96 78 196 ... 6 82Vj 67... ...236 60 6 86 70 191 ... 6 82 29 287 ... 6 96 80 198 ... 6 86 61 261 120 6 95 75 W9 160 6 86 71 243 80 6 9a 76. .....200 ... 6 86 72 237 ... 6 96 67 197 40 6 85 54 229 40 6 96 62.. ....210 ... 6 85 68 233 60 6 95 76 203 ... 6 86 63 289 ... 8 96 22 204 ... 6 86 76 266 ... 6 96 22. .....206 ... 6 86 82 242 80 6 95 75 218 ... 6 87'4 71 238 40 95 94 210 40 6 67V, 68 263 ... 6 96 70......197 ... 6 87V, 74 267 80 6 95 83 207 ... 6 87U 66 284 ... 8 95 64 213 6 67V f 68 250 80 6 96 66 215 ... 6 87V, I 76 240 ... 6 96 73 220 ... 6 90 64 238 80 6 96 66 250 ... 6 90 66 263 200 6 96 70 224 40 6 90 24 225 ... 6 96 46 256 120 6 90 20 280 ... 6 96 66 229 120 6 90 63 268 ... 6 95 81 233 80 6 90 43 267 80 6 96 73 219 ... 6 90 15 267 ... 6 96 61 206 ... 6 90 67 264 40 6 96 66 217 80 6 90 67 262 200 6 96 64 231 ... 6 90 79......26Q ... 6 95 66 220 80 6 90 fM,;, ;'.24 - 46 8 96 94 224 ... 6 90 69-.....26T 6 96- 69 227 ... 6 90 V 4. ....... 24 V". 6 97V, 86 206 60 6 90 66;..,..7j 200 6 97V, 63 245 160 6 90 72.,... W -80 T 00 . 62 222 ... 6 90 .63.. ;...& J60 7 00 30 218 ... 6 90 261 . .'. -7 00 71 230 ... 6 92t463.rt.,,262 .... 7 00 72 290 40 92'4 44...1..260 ... 7 00 f ''H 37 232 ... -6 92V 69 267 .... 7 00 56 246 ...'6 92V, 76 2E9 ... 7 00 82 231 40 6 92V, 69 266 ... 7 00 .' 72 253 80 6 92V, 75 374 80 7 ( ' 82 227 80 6 92, 67 817 ... 7 It) ' 64 239 160 6 92Vi 69 270 80 7 06 66 234 120 6 92V, 68 324 ... 7 06 68 2.S9 120 6 92V, 63 277 ... 7 06 75 239 ... 95 64 26 61 261 ... 6 96 64 286 706 7 06 64 240 ... 6 96 20 358 ... 7 06 SHEEP There was a fairly liberal sup ply on sale this morning and as other markets were quoted lower there was a little easier feeling at this point. The mar ket could be quoted weak to a dime lower than yesterday, or 104j.20c lower than the close of last week. Packers all seemed to be anxious1 for supplies, but they wanted to fill their orders at a lower figure. There were no good lambs on sale, but some Mexican yearlings sold at 35.80 and some wethers sold for 85.25. Ewes brought 34.60. Trading was not quite as brisk as on some previous days, but still practically every thing was disposed of In good era son. There werr a good many feeder buyers on hand this morning and It was noticed that a good many of the half-fat kinds that have been belling to packers went to feeder buyers today. That, of course, helped out the market on the short-fed stuff and pre vented a more serious break In prices. Quotations: Choice lambs, 3660Q6.75; fair to good lambs 85.606.26; choice Colorado lambs, 8fi.5tXtf7.00; choice lightweight vear llngs, 16.65vi6.00; choice heavy yeardnga, 5.4"tf5.65; fair to good yearlings, 35.0K&6 50; choice wethers, 86.26&5.60; fair to good 84.76 C6 26; choice ewes. $4.504.76: fair to 'good ewes, 83.704.25; feeder lambs. H.7Mi5.50; feeder yearlings. 34.264.75; feeder wethers, 84UtMiM.6u; feeder ewes, 83.00detl.60. Repre sentative sales: No. Av. Pr. 1 western ewe 70 3 00 10 western ewes 83 4 00 198 western yearlings 83 6 40 4 cull ewes 80 2 25 1 buck , 160 3 60 2 western ewes 86 3 60 25 cull lambs 66 4 26 23 western ewes 94 4 25 77 western ewes......: 96 4 40 49 native ewes , 103 4 60 300 Mexican ewes 80 4 60 2 western ewes 135 4 60 1 western ewe 1(0 4 60 1 western ewe 90 4 60 9 western ewes 10(i 4 60 126 cull lambs 65 6 20 14 western wethers KC 6 10 i'.i western wethers Ill 6 25 1.132 western wethers 86 6 25 424 weatern wet here 105 5 35 S1'7 western wethers p 6 35 35 western yearlings 76 6 50 19 natlvo lambs 81 6 60 184 western lambs 68 6 60 634 Mexican yearlings 78 6 80 1"2 Mexican yearlings 79 IW 179 western lambs 65 6 25 3 native lambe 130 7 00 225 western ewes lot 4 40 49 western ewes 113 4 60 69 western ewes Ill 4 50 1 western ywe Iu0 4 50 10 western wethers 1') 5 30 7 western wethers 114 6 30 43 western ewes 86 4 25 73 western lambs , 67 6 65 CHICAGO LIVl) BM)CK MARKET. Cattle Are low. Hobs Hlsrher, Lambs Weak and sheep steady. CHirAOO. Feb 26 CATTLE Receipts, 10.0iX head; market slow; good to prime Ime steers, "uVlISift 3.75; poor to medium. 3.&ru 4.75: Blockers and feeder. 82.3C1H.60: cow II ,40f(4.hi: heifers. 82.S"f4.76; cunrers, 11.40 if(2.6ft; bulls. 82.1514.25; ralves, 83&'tj7.7i; Texas-fd steers, 33.5(i'4 .25. HOGS Receipts, 26,(M head; ectlmated to morrow, 2.-1,0110; left over. 7.500; market luc hiaher, closed weaker; mixed and butchers, pi 91(7.3; good to choice heavy, 7.i7.56; roi-gh heavy, 86.904it7.25; light, Kfc.Jj6.95; bulk of sales, 6.9.V''7-- SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12.0M head; sheep steady, lambs wenk and lower; good to choice wet here. 85.mKn5.6o: fair to choice mixed, 33("4.75: western sheep,"; native lambs, 8t.755j6.1rt; western luinbs, 34. 75ti6.6. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle il 574 3.HV! Hogs 39.6 9.3WI Sheep 16.071 .6i3 Kansas f'lty Live Btoek Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 26. CATTLE Re ceipts. 4.i' head nativea, Z Texana. native calves, fat cattle steady to tV higher; cows steady to strong; stockers and feed era active and atrong: choice export and dressed beef steera, 84. 5U.5.3U; fair to good, 83 60fi4.45: Blockers and feeders, 83.15a4.75; western-fed eteers. 33 tMiS.uu; Texas and Indian steers. t2.U-4.20; Texas cows, 63.10; native cows, 316604 40; native heif ers, S3.iul.25: rannera, S1.00ej3.0u; bulls, U J5t3 t; ,-slves. U 2.4(6.75. H & Receipts, .") nead: market 10c higher; top, 87. 80; bulk of sales. 84 .8687.10; heavy, 3'1 95-TJ7 JO; mixed packers. 8 4.'4r 7.171; light. 16.6547. 011; yorkers, 86.8O0J 7 .ou, pigs, SHEEP AND LA MI'S Receipts. 4.000 head: market lofTl.V lower; native lambs, 84 ; western lambs. 3.1.ftoiiti.4; led K. k . ft I. V.. A CI' natk'n ..I. Dr. tl 4(. western wethers, 33.4t13G.56; Blockers and leeuere, .Duj4.e. Ht. l.onla Lite Stork Market. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 28.-CATTIJ3-Recelpts, 3,0.0 head, lucljillng J.floO Texans; market steady to firm and active; native shipping and export steers. t4.1.V(n'i.2t. with strictly fancv quoted up to fci.&o; dressed beef and butcher steers. 84.iatfiu.MO; steers under 1."J lbs., 83.6tKii4.6' stockers and feeders. J2 Awtj 4.36; cows and heifers. SJ. 2564.50. cannera 32 5"ti3 25; bulls, f 2. 604. a. 86; calves, M.ntl 7.60; Texas and Indian steers, 83.40(j4.(4'.; cows and heifers, 34. 1547315. MOOS Receipts, ,inio tieaa ; marvel ac tive and ltic higher: pies and light. 86 iJ 7.1 packers, 6.80j7.16; butchers, 37.0u J. 35. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 1.000 head; market steady to strong; native mut tons. 34. KVmV 35: 80.0116.86: culls and bucks, 3-'.th'4.60; stockers, 1.6uoj0.0u; Tex ans, 83.25ipl.25. New York Live tttftek Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 28. BEEVES Re ceipts, 168 head, mainly consigned direct; no sales reported; dressed beef steady) city dressed native sides, 6Ht)9c per lb. Cables duo ted American steers at li', dressed weight: refrigerator beef at 94tM.o per ID.; no exports reported for today. . CALVEHHecelpts. 116 head: veal about steady: veals sold at 85.009.60; city dressed veals. H(llV,c. HOGS Receipts, 8.698 head; no sales re ported. Dilhrir AINU LAM US Receipts, 4.19a head; sheep and prime lambs rated firm; other grades of lambs slow and weak; about 9 cars of stock tinsoki: sheen sold at; lambs, 85.&.V,&.S5; culls, 80; dressed muttons. 7liSc; dressed lambs. general sales, 9&llVc. St. Joseph Live 8to?k Market. ST. JO8EPH. Feb. 26. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,639 head; nativea, J3.6iiiu.3o: Texas . arid westerns, 83.35ti4.60: cowa and helfera, 83.00(34 35; veals, 33.oi4j6.75; bulls and stags, 82. 76(ij 4. 25; yearlings and calves, 32.75iij4.4o; stockers snd feeders, 3.2f4i4.0. HOOS Receipts, 6.716 head; ' light and light mixed. S6.NHr7.00: medium and heavy, 86. 96-9 7. 20; bulk, 86.907.15. SHEEP AND LA M B3 Receipts. 2,29 head; native ewes, 34.50. Sloox City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, Ia., Feb. 26 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, aw head; b teady; beeves, S3.5Or85.00; rows, bulls and mixed, 81. 50414.00; stockers and feeders, 82.75 64.25; calves and yearlings. 82.5,,tt'4.00. HOGS Receipts, 4.WJ0 head; Celtic higher, selling at 86.25ig'7.0D; bulk. lti.7tVft6.90. - Stock In Mailt. The following 'were the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yesieraay: , Cattle. Hops. Sheep. ... 8.704 8,254 (i.H'i.) ...10.0K) 26,000 12.110 ... 4,3X S.Oik) 4,. 1 ... 3.010 6.500 Lout ... 1,639 6.716 2.2.9 ... 300 4.000 ...22,843 69,470 26,699 Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis .... St. Joseph .. Sioux City .. Totals Cotton Market. NEW : ORLEANS, rVeb. 26.-COTTON Firm; sales, IO.S00 bales; ordinary, 8Vc; good ordinary. 8'c; low middling, 9 8-lSc; middling, 97c; good middling, 10 5-16c; mid dling, fair, 11c; receipts, 3,226 bales; stock. 312.693 bales Futures, steady; February, 9 90c bid; March, 9.90419.91c; April. 9 93!89.95c; May, 9.9743.98c; June, 10.00r10.02c; July, 10.06210.060; August, 9 66ffl.67c; September, 8.9fV38.97c: October, 8.54tj8.56c. NEW YORK, Feb. 26.-COTTON-Opened firm at an advance of from 7 to 12 points and following . the call ruled very active and strong under excited covering by short ana rresn purcnases for the account of ths local bull clique. This buying carried prices to a level of 10525 Joints above the closing of laet night, the first four months on me speculative use an crossing to tne 10c mark. At the highest level February and March sold at 10.10c. 10.06c bid for April, and May reached 10.09c. This level proved somewhat attractive as a basis for profit-taking by the room contingent, whp had bought on the lower levels of yesterda" ana mere was considerable realizing 'whU's ' ..n - ..I V. L. T O . 1 . i ' the close was barely steady at a nH ad- a r. i.. nf t. . 1 A n.4T ..1 TL. ..,k.... vai.wv V. 1 ' . w .v,i '".ll.a. Alio OUVHJIV. . was partially the result of strong Liver pool cables before the looal opening, while tne Kngnsn close was at an sdvance of 4Vi to 12 points. Soot cotton also waa hlsher abroad, advancing 8 points with sales re- Srieu 01 iu,wn Duuit. ..viBtrepgin at vorpool was naturally . 'alttflbuted to manipulation from this side, but the con tinued small movement waa, .alao a potent influence. Receipts for the day "were- 17, 477 bales, this being a trifle below early estimates, against actual receipts last year of 24,3.")0 bales. The estimates for tomorrow also are Hunt and while this Is attributed more to the condition of the roads and un favorable weather thnn to approaching ex haustion they nevertheless exert some ef fect on sentiment. There was some buy ing orders from European sources. The spot market of the south was generally ' firm at unchanged prices to an aovance of ' -16c, while the New York market wna marked up 20 points to 10.25c for middling. Total sales futures estimated at 6oO,iOi bales. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 26. COTTON Firm. Vic higher; middling, 9c: sales, 951 bales; re ceipts, 3,870 bales; shipments, 4,177 bales; stock, 27,453 bales. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 26 -COTTON-Spot In fair demand; prices 8 points higher; Amer ican middling . fair, 6.94d: good middling, .66d; middling, 6.3Sd; low middling. 6.26T; good ordinary,, 8.14d; ordinary, 5.02d. The sales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation apd export and In- ..1 . . H oH Q 'm AmArlan Rumlnli IA .Ml bales. Including U.800 American. Futures opened firm and closed strong. American middling g. o. c. : Februsry, 6.:k&6.27d: February and March, 6.2.V6.2'1; March and April, 5.25(66 S6d; April and May, 6.26if5.27d; May and June, 6.27ft 5.28d; June end July, 6.2796.28d; July and August, 6.2ift5.27d; August and September, 6.15'i5.16d; Septem ber and October, 4.83d; October and No vember, 4.61d; November and December, 4.65d. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlt. NEW YORK, Feb. 26 EVAPORATED APPLES Less active and slightly easier r. n rri.i.a fV.mmnn r n Hi". , u4 I JYnA,. Prime, 6',65Vic; choice, 6&6Vic; fancy, 7 California dried fruits epnt prunes are quiet snd about steady on the larger sixes, though the aituatlon aa a whole shows Indications of easiness. Quo tatlona range from 3"4e- to 74o for all gradea. Apricots are meeting with a mod erate Jobbing demand and are steadily held at 7H&10Vc In boxes and 7H-310C in bags. Peaches are quiet at 12yi8c for peeled and fB(&8c for unpeeled. Oil and Roaln. OIL CITY. Feb. 26.-OIL Credit balances. ' 81.60; certificates, no sales: shipments, 5o. 919 bbls ; sveraae. 69,711 bbli. ; runs, 113.940 bbls.; average, 72.0T4 bbls. SAVANNAH. Feb. 26 -OII "Burpentlne, firm, 65c. Rosin, firm: A, B. C, D, E, F. 32; O. 82 10; H. 3--40; I. 12 .8S. K, 83.W; M, 83.4o; , N. 87 60; WO, 83.85; WW. 84.25. NEW YORK. Feb. 26 04L Cottonseed, easy; prime yellow. 4oV4c. Petroleum, steady. Turpentine, quiet, fi'.ififiiimc. Rosin, firm; strained, common U good. 82 30. TOLEDO, Feb. 26. OIL No change. Whisky Market. . ' CHICAGO, Feb. 26.-WIIISKY-Basla of high wlnea. 81.30. PEORIA. Feb. 28.-WHISKY-SI. SO. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 26 WHISK Y Steady at $1.90. CINCINNATI, Feb. 26-WHISKY-DU-tillera' finished goons, on the basis of high ' wines, 81-30; quiet. Hob a? and Molasses. NEW ORLEAN8, Feb. 26.-8UOAR-Stendy; open kettle, 2i3Hc; open kettle, centrifugal. a'A'dSc; centrifugal whites. S'i 4t4Vc; yellow, 3Vsi4e: set'ondat, 2'i3,-.c. Molasses, open kettle, nominal. l'Mi26-; centrifugal, 6ul8c. Syrup, nominal, Wii'lAe. Geo. A. Adams Grain Go. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. Members Chicago Board of Trade, Sf Louis Merchants Exchange and Ksn ,s City Board of Trade. Room 224 Board Trade Bldg., Omaha 'Phones lu06 and I'll 7. J. K. Von Horn, lee President, write for our market latter and caen. grain bids. P. B. Ware. Pres.,. V Pr.a WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO Aiatuoera of I Be Principal Lxchanaaa Private WLraa to All points. 6HAIX. l'KOVitlO, llbtKI, ttOXDS Bought and sold for rash or future delivery. Oaf AHA BRANCH, llu-111 Board of Tratfa. Teleubona 1..1 W K. Ward. Lavai M-agaf