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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1903)
THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: FRIPAV, FEHRTTAHY 27, 1903. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MHOll MESTIO.t. Ivls sells drugs. Expert watch repairing. Leffert, M B'y. Elrgant new photographs at Schmidt's. fllx photo 10 cent. Carveth, 30S B'way. For rent, modern house, 71S Sixth avenue. Fyrography supplies. C. K. Alexander It Co., 333 Broadway. We are heariqi.arters for glass of all kind. Bee ua before you buy. C. B. Paint, Oil and Cllass company. t The Board of Directors of the Council Jiurf Woman club will meet this after noon at 2 o'clock In the club rooms. Teter Johnson of thla city and Effie Smith of Harlan, la., were married yeatenlny. Justice Ouren performing the ceremony. The missionary tea of the English Luth eran church, announced for Saturday at the home of Mrs. N. J. Swanson, has been postponed for one week. Mrs. Frank P. Bradley left yesterday for Kanaaa City, where she will Join her hus band, and together they will go to Califor nia, for an extended visit. H. C Hall, a brakeman on the Illinois Central, waa taken to the Woman's Chris tian Association hospital Wednesday night Buffering from a broken leg. Daniel Graham of 24 North PI cth street. Who has been critically 111 with appendl cltla for several days, was reported to be greatly improved yesterday. The Purity Candy Kitchen, which has Undergone a thorough overhauling, has been greatly enlarged. Big candy stile there Saturday at 10 cents a pound. The woman's board of missions of the First Christian church will hold Its reg ular meeting this afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. O. Williams, East Pierce street. William O. Chute and Alma Orapenthlne, both of Omaha, were married in this city yesterday afternoon by Kev. Jamea Thom son, pastor of the First Congregational church. Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Harcourt will enter tain the members of Unity guild of Grace Episcopal church and their friends at a Lenten tea thia afternoon at the church rectory. B. E. Dodge, who underwent a severe surgical operation recently at the Women's Christian Association hospital. Is much Im proved and will be shortly able to return to his home. H. O. Scftoenlng, a resident of Pottawat tamie and Mills counties for forty-three years, has purchased a farm in Wetaskin wln. Alberta, Canada, and has moved there with his family. Charles R. Hannan arrived home yester day morning from Detroit, where he Is en gaged In the construction of an electric railway. He expects to remain here until the middle of next week. Mrs. Elisabeth Sheets, aged 83 years, died yesterday at her home, 135 Washington avenue. Two daughters and two sona sur vive her. The remalnr will be taken today to Woodbine, la., fur Interment. There will be no meeting of the Council Bluffs club thla week, It having been post poned until next Thursday evening, when Clem F. Kimball will read a paper on "The Bight and Wrong of Combination." The funeral of George Schlndele will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from Bt. Peter's Catholic church and Interment Will be In St. Joseph cemetery. The aervi Icea will be conducted by Kev. Father Thomas. Mrs. J. P. Hess Is home from California, where she spent the winter. She was ac companied part of the way forae by Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stlllwell of this city, who have been visiting In the west. Tli.-y topped to visit friends In Nebraska for a few days before returning to Council Bluffs. H. A. Messmore, a conductor on the Northwestern, running between Council Bluffs and Sioux City, Is planning to es tablish a bus and baggage transfer line between the raftlous railroad depots and ths hotel. Checkers . will meet all trains in connection with the service. Mr. Messmore expects to. ratlin Ouoiness Monday. A comedy that will make you laugh will tie at the New theater tonight. "The Tele phone Girl" will hold the boards and for a real pleasant evening to spend you will miss a rare entertainment If you fall to be there. The play abounds In funny rltua tions. Interspersed with catchy musical numbers, and as a whole the piece will prove interesting from beginning to end. Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, 126 Main St. Real Estato Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Carrie Frost and husband and Ed ward Oamek to Joseph Oamek, e ne4, n se4 l'J, nVi iw!4 and wV nw 20-78-43 and sw4 se$4 28-76-44, q. c d I 1 George Oamek et al to Joseph Oamek, same, q. c. d 1 Norman E. Smith to Cedar Rapids Loan and Trust company, as re ceiver, lot ti, block 4, Twin Hlty Place, q. c. d 60 Cedar Rapids Loan and Trust com- ' pany, receiver, to Oland Smith, lot 23, block 4, Twin City Place, s. w. d. 451 F. E. Sellers to William Quick, t. lot 1. block 17, Bayllsa' 1st acd, w.d. (,50) Francia M. Lewis and wife to George Schroeder, aw 28-75-41, w. d 11,363 Emll and Edward Rapenn to Amanda Rapenn, lot 1, block 21, Walnut, w.d. 1,800 Heirs of Samuel Clinton to D. W. Bushnell. WxlOO feet between lots 11, 12 and lots S and 6, block 1, Jackson's add, d , Elisabeth C. Mueller and husband to A. A. Clark, part outlot Turley, q. c. d 109 John R. Griffith and wife to M. A. Griffith, part lot 1, Auditor's aub div sek ew4 8-76-39, w. d 10J George D. Mott and wife to E. M. Hubbard, all r. t. and 1. In lot 14. block 2, Voorhis' add, w. d 1 Randolph Savings bank to Jamea Holmes, lot 1, block 18, Ferry add, r. d. ..! W Joseph Mlchener and wife to W. L. ' Uaughn, lot 20, block 7, Mayne'a add,, w. d. 1W J. 3. Stewart, executor, to Florence Horton and Friendly Lucas, lot 3, block 2, Cochran's add, e. d . 150 Uelra of Mary A. and Lucy E. Mc- Millen to John L. Merkel, lot 1, block 17. Beere' add, w. d 1,600 Chicago, Rock Island & PacMo Rail way company to Stephenson Tin dale, nwi, ne4 6-75-42, w. d 337 George Schroeder and wife to Eugene otupfell. n aeS, sw4 neK, tehk nwS4 , , and neV4 sw 2S-75-42, w. d 10,945 Finley Burke, trustee, to Jane Emma Fodder, iw nw4 4-77-43, t. d William Cleary to Joshua W. Bell, awfc iwU S4-76-42, w. d ,. 1.950 Same to Anderson Herrlll, wV se4 S4-76-42. w. d 6.000 Joseph Tlndale and wife to William Cleary, 140 acres In 6-75-42 and 31- 76- 42, w. d.'. 6.000 Job Bowen and wife to William H. Pierce, r se (6-76-38, q. c. d 1 Corbley H. Bowen and wife to same, eH seH (6-76-38, q. c. d 1 llartln Petersen and wife to John P. Burke, nw4 26-77-38. w. d 10.500 John Stuart and wife to Rlckman Fredrechsen. nwfc und nH sw 12- 77- 38. w. d 21,510 J H. King and wife to C. E. and Ida L. Croaler, se ne4 (. nwV4 17- 75-38, w. d MOO D. W. Tawser to William Cleary, iw, w4 34-76-42, W. d 1,630 Total, twenty-seven transfers (89,957 Olviac Away Steves. The third heating stove given by Will iam Welch to his coal customers was awarded to Mr. William Pool, Twenty-ninth avenue and Garfield street. Another has been put up on the same plan, and during the next thlry days will be given away free to one of bis customers. Before ordering your coal call at 16 North Main street or 'phone lit. HEW THEATER I A. B. BEALL. Mar. Tou See the Searchlight There's a Show. FRIDAY... -PRICES 5c, 60c. 76c, 11.00. The , Telephone Girl All the Pretty Hello Girls LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. -. Tt Pearl b' Council Bluffs. 'Phone I iiaaaaaMiiaBssanBWMB BLUFFS. FIGHT CONDUIT ORDINANCE Buth Telegracb Oompaniei Flatly Befnse to Bury Their Wires. ELECTRIC LIGHT MAKES A MILD KICK Wllllns; to Pat In Conduits la Small Area, hmt Kotblnc Like to the Exteat Proposed by the City. The Western t'nlon and Postal Telegraph companies will refuse to place their wires In underground conduits and have so noti fied the special committee of the city coun cil. The Cltltens' Gas and Electric com pany objects to the ordinance as now drafted and will only consent to place Its wires under ground within a small area in the vicinity of Its substation. The Western Union Telegraph company officials, when called upon by Alderman Lovett, a member of the special commit tee, stated that tl.ey had for some time contemplated placing their main wires In one cable. This they had planned doing, they stated, loi.g before the underground conduit ordinance had been suggested or even seriously thought of In Council Bluffs. The company maintains sixty wires on Its main line and these will be placed in one cable. As to placing the wires In undei ground conduits, the company's officials said such a plan at this time was not feasible and they would not consent to It. If tho city insisted on ' passing such an ordinance the company would be compelled to appeal to the courts. It was pointed out to the committee that In noue of the western cities such as Omaha, Lincoln, St. Joseph and others had the company been called upon to place Its wires In under ground conduits, and they covld not see why Council Bluffs desired to be the pio neer In such a movement. The Postal Telegraph company has but recently completed the Installation ot new wires and has notified the committee that under no circumstances would It consent to being forced to place them under ground. The company told the committee that Its business in Council Bluffs has never paid the running expenses of Its office here, which for several years has been main tained solely for the convenience of the public. Alderman Lovett, the member of the spe cial committee who conferred with the officials of the two telegraph companies, expressed himself yesterday afternoon at a meeting of the committee that be was not In favor ot compelling the telegraph com panies to put their wires under ground Ft this time. He gave it as his opinion that If the Western Union was willing to place Its wires in a single cable as pro posed it should be permitted to do so and not be forced to place them In underground conduits. As to the Postal company, Mr. Lovett stated he was aware that the busi ness of this company in Council Bluffs had never been on a paying basis and he was opposed to placing any further hardships on it. Alderman Lovett, howfrer, said he fa vored compelling the electric light com pany to place Its wires under ground within the area prescribed by the proposed ordinance. The electric light company offi cials notified the committee that it was willing to place its wires from the sub station north to Indian creek and south as far as Fifth avenue under ground, but that this was all it would agree to do. On the north side ot Broadway the electric wires run east and west on the banks ot Indian creek and the company Insists the city would derive no advantage by having them under ground. The wires south of the substation run in the alleys and for this reason the company says It falls to seo why they shotild be put to the expense of placing them under ground. It was Inti mated that the company would appeal to the- courts before consenting to obey the ordinance now proposed. The committee will meet again Saturday afternoon to formulate its report, which will be submitted at the meeting of the city council Monday night. Taylor Ready to Sue. G. C. Taylor, former street supervisor, is preparing to bring suit against the city to recover his last month's salary, which has been held up on account ot an alleged shortage In bis accounts with the mu nicipality. The special committee, consist ing of Aldermen Huber and Tlnley, to which the matter was referred, has, Taylor contends, refused to entertain any reasona ble settlement, and be now proposes to have the court determine whether his ac counts were short as charged by the com mittee. For several days past Attorney Clem F. Kimball and County Superintendent Mc Manua, at the request et Taylor, have been checking over the books and accounts of the office of street supervisor during Tay lor's Incumbency, and it was stated yester day that some sensational disclosures might develop. After Taylor resigned his office the stubs of his receipt books snd other papers were taken In charge by the committee. It ' Is alleged by Taylor and bla attorney that a large number of these receipts, since they passed from Taylor's possession, have been changed, names have been altered and erasures and additions made for the pur pose of Implicating him. Taylor admits giving four receipts for poll tax to parties from which the city received nothing, but these, he statea, be offered to make good a long ttme ago. The alleged shortage charged against him by the committee, he Insists, is without foundation. Plumbing and beating. Blxby Son. Democratic School Board Ticket. Emmet Tlnley of the Fourth ward and Theodore N. Petersen of the Third ward were nominated as candidates tor the Board of Education by the democratic school con vention last night. They were nominated on the first formal ballot. Ths convention was presided over by W. Brooks Reed, while frmer Mayor M. F. Rohrer acted as secretary. An Informal ballot brought out Ihs names of Emmet Tin ley, T. N. Petersen, Dr. Don Macrae, Jr., John Bohn, Dr. C. H. Bower, E. H. Mer- rlam and J. C. Woodward, and the result clearly showed that the first two named were the choice of the convention. The first and only formal ballot gave Era- met Tlnley ninety-four, the full vote ot the convention, Petersen 85 ard Dr. Bow er (. Emmet Tlnley is a well-known attorney, and Theodore N. Petersen Is the senior member of the Petersen-Schoenlng company. (arson to Bnlld Hlh School. The voters of the school district ot Car son township will be celled upon at the approaching school election to vote on the proposition to erect a high school in Car son. The school directors, who are confi dent the proposition will carry with aa overwhelming majority, have already laksa steps to secure plsns for the building. The school, it la expected, will cost between (18,000 and (20,000. At the same time It is proposeu to consolidate tour of the near est schools, snd It is believed that this proposition will also esrry. The erection of the high school and the consolidation of the four surrounding township schools is In line with the suggestions of State Su perintendent Barrett and County Superin tendent McManus. N. V. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 250, Night, F667. Jury Has I'ctcmon Case. The suits of Petrus Peterson against the Anchor and State Insurance companies of Des Moines, which were tried Jointly In the district court, were given to the Jury yes terday afternoon shortly before court ad journed for tho day. At 8:30 o'clock last evening Judge Thornell called the Jury be fore him, and instructed it to return a sealed verdict In the event of it reschlng an agreement before he opened oourt in the morning. About the only question left to the Jury to decide was the amount of in surance, if any, Peterson, was entitled to recover. Two Chanted with Theft. Hemorley Fuller and Bud Mottaz are un der arrest at the city Jail charged with breaking into the apartments of Pearl Man uel, a bartender living over 'he saloon at 808 West Eroadway, and stealing a valua ble ring, wearing apparel and other arti cles. Fuller vas arrested in Omaha while trying, it is said, to dispose of the stolen goods. When taken Into custody he ac cused Mottas of committing the theft and giving him the goods to dispose of. Fuller was brought back to Council Bluffs yes terday afteraocn, and the arrest ot Mottas followed soon after. Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name nd Residence. Age. Peter Johnson Council Bluffs 22 Effie Smith, Harlan, la 18 William O. Chute, Omaha 88 Alma Orapenthlne, Omaha 33 HENDERSON T0 LEAVE IOWA Formally Announce His Pinna In Letter to Member of Ills Law Firm. DUBUQUE, la., Feb. 26. (Special Tele gram.) It will formally be announced Sat urday that the law firm of Henderson, Hurd, Lenehan & Kiesel will dissolve part nership March 1, and that Speaker Hen derson is to leave Dubuque to take up his residence in New York. An Intimate friend of Speaker Henderson received a letter from the latter Wednesday, from which he would infer that Henderson is to become chief counsel for the International Steamship company. It is known positively that he has been tendered the position from a let ter received Tuesday by a member of the firm from Speaker Henderson. The letter states: "I have received three tempting offers to become counsel for corporations, but I have not definitely decided which one to accept. My headquarters, however, will be In New York City. I have been considering the ad visability of taking a trip to California soon after my term of office expires. It I do I shall go to New York to take up my resi dence when I return." Jury Haa Hossack Case. WINTER8ET, la.. Feb. 26. (Special.) The Hossack case was given to the Jury late this afternoon. The arguments were fin ished at 3:30, and Judge Nichols Immedi ately read his Instructions to the Jury and directed that they should retire and ren der a verdict. Last evening at supper time Mrs. Hossack, the defendant, for the first time broke down and gave way to her feel ings. She has through all her terrible troubles maintained a stole determination to allow nothing to break her down; but at the supper tabie at her boarding house last evening after she had spent the day listen ing to the arguments in the case, she burst Into tears and was led away without being able to finish her supper. Her children re main with and are loyal to her, comforting her in her trying ordeal. Feast Before Oratory. OSKALOOSA, la., Feb. 26. (Special Tele gram.) The meeting of the Iowa State In tercollegiate Oratorlal association opened In this city this evening. Several hundred students of Iowa colleges were present. A reception was held at the residence of John P. Hiatt. At the annual banquet there were seated over 200. A. R. Kent, Cornell, was toaatnuster, and the speakers were: Allen Cutler, Des Moines college; Miss Edna L. King, State1 university; George Jones, Parsons college; Mrs. Romie Dun- deen. Tabor college; J. R. McAule, Western college; L. A. Williams, Coe college. The occasion was the best-attended ot any In the history ot the association. The busi ness meeting of the association is to be held Friday morning and the annual con test at the Masonlo opera bouse this even ing. Jory Convicts Balrd. KNOXVILLE, la., Feb. 26. (Special.) Frank Balrd, the Creston ex-convtct who was shot by Peter Sullivan on New Year's eve Just ss he wss making his esctpe with (2,000 taken from the Sullivan home, was yesterday found guilty of the charges out lined in the Indictment. Balrd refused to take the stand in his own behalf, maintain ing a stolo silence all during the trial. He will be sentenced Saturday, and It is ex pected the court will give him the full limit. Defense In Lavrllcnr Caae. NEWTON, la., Feb. 26. In the Lavelleur murder case today the defense began the examination ot witnesses. Drs. Boyd and E. F. Bresser of Newton were placed upon the stsnd. They were followed by Henry' Myers, the oldest son of defendant, whose testimony is being heard this afternoon. Continued interest In the trial manifests Itself In the presence from dsy to day of a crowd large enough to fill the courtroom to repletion. Hanged at Bedpost. DIKE. Ia., Feb. 26. (Special Telegram.) Mrs. Henry Elliott hanged herself to ber bedpost with a towel while temporarily In sane. She was 46 years old- TURNS ON HIS ASSAILANT While Being; Brutally Tortared Victim Kills His Enemy After n Stran gle In a Kitchen. CHICAGO, Feb. 26. Aftr torturing a man he had already wounded three times Henry Carr, 32 years old, was killed last night by James Fletcher, 19 years old, his victim. The struggle which preceded the killing took place In the kitchen of Carr's horns, tbs only witness being a boy, the brother of Csrr's wife. Csrr wss Intent on murder becsuse he believed Fletcher had broken up bis bom. In his pocket was found a letter from Mrs. Carr, wbo begged forglveneas and ex pressed ber Intention ot committing suicide. Fletcher, U la believed, will recover. i . GOVERNOR IS IN THE SOUTH Iowa'i Chief Eiecutivs and Wife Headed for Florida for Recreation. MONEY FOR THE FAMINE SUFFERERS First Contribution Reach the Gov ernor of Iowa (HtimiTB, Wants Buttery in the tte Uaard. (From a Staff Correspondents) DES MOINES, Feb. 28. (Special.) A telegram was received by the private sec retary of Governor Cummins here this morn ing stating that the governor and Mrs. Cummins left Washington last evening for Jacksonville, Fla., where they will remain several days. It is not known whether they will go farther, but It was the In tention of the governor to make a trip to Porto Rico or Cuba if that were possible at this time. The governor Is not expected back for at least two weeks. He will rest or travel in the south at will and all state matters have been left severely alone. The fact has been disclosed here that his trip to Washington was following a long per sonal letter he received direct from Presi dent Roosevelt, but whether that was an invitation for a conference or otherwise has not been disclosed. The political sig nificance of the governor's Journey east ward is not doubted here. Money for Scandinavians, The first contribution received by the governor on account of his appeal for con tributions to aid the starving Scandinavians was received today from Dubuque. It was a check for (56.10 sent by the publisher of the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald. It was re ceived from Dubuque citizens. One of the first to contribute to the fund wss the Sisters of Mercy. The committee in chsrge of contributions on account of the famine relief in the northern countries has re ceived a good many contributions and Is forwarding the money as fast as received to the proper committees. There are about 100,000 Scandinavians in Iowa and local committees have been formed In many places so that the sums that will go from Iowa will be quite large. f Democrats ,WII1 Confer. Chairman Jackson of the democratic slate committee has called the committees ' to meet in Des Moines tomorrow, and in his call he especially urges all the members to attend on account of Important business In hand, but does not state what this busi ness is. It is entirely too early to issue a call for a state convention, and so far as known there Is no business before the com mittee. A meeting at this time of the year has never been known before. It is surmised that the committee is asked to get together because of the approaching Jefferson day banquet, where an attempt will be made to outline the work of the party In this state for the year. ' Ottamwa Wanta a Battery. Ottumwa parties have written the adju tant general applying tor permission to form a company of light artillery for the Iowa National guard. The law authorizes the formation of such companies, but there are none in the state at this time. The Ottumwa people declare they can maintain a good battery 'there,-nd it will be a val uable addition to the guard Tft the state. The formation of this battery will give Ot. tumwa two companies and a regimental band, and next to Des Moines and Sioux City it will be the strongest In (uard force ot any city of the state. Walker Mnrder Case. The state produced Its star witness In the Walker murder trial today. Ada Ha'.le wood, a colored woman, gave the principal testimony. She declared she was close enough to the scene ot the murder of Isaac Finkelstein so that she heard the blows struck and saw the man who committed the deed. Her testimony was strong against James Walker as the man who did it. On cross-examination, she confessed she had not given her right name, and that she was married, but not living with her hus band and generally admitted her own bad character, so that her testimony was not accounted ot much force. The testimony for the defense was commenced this after noon. LACEY OBJECTS TO STATUE (Continued from First Page.) which enlistments should be made, to which the congressman replied: "No failure about it; purposely omitted. The form and method of enlistment Is not Involved In the organization, armament and discipline ot the organized mllita of the several states and terrtories. Such matters are proper subjects of legislation by the states and territories." "What about this provision authorizing the establishment of a liat of competent persons from which the president shall se lect officers for the reserve force, but mak ing no provision for Its enlistment?" "There is no force in the criticism what ever," repled Mr. Stark. "Section 23 of the militia law provides that for the pur pose of securing a list of persons specially qualified to hold commissions in any volun teer force which may hereafter be called for and organized under the authority ct congress other than the force composed of organized militia, the secretary of war shall convene boards to examine applicants for qualifications to command troops and for staff duties. The object of this pro vision was to have a list of persons certi fied and registered and subject to physical examination at any time to constitute an eligible class 'for commissions in any vol unteer force hereafter called for and or ganized under the authority ot congress other than the force compoaed of organized militia. It was never Intended that they should have command. Object of the Law. "The object of the enactment was to avoid a condition that waa present at the breaking out of the Spanish-American war, when a most responsible duty was placed upsn the president of the United States, The volunteer forces must be 'officered and the president, by reason of an omission to provide an eligible class for commission, was compelled to appoint officers largely upon recommendations. It amoug those of ficers It turned out that there were some defective in military training, neither good fighting men, nor with sufficient skill and discretion to care for the men when in camp, and with no knowledge whatever o( military law, put some ot the blame on congress for Its failure to provide an eligi ble class. Don't put it all upon the presi dent snd generals who were in command. Section 23 of the militia law is wise and patriotic, and reflects honor upon the con gress that passed the bill, and the presi dent who approved the measure. There Is another provision In section 23 that is hon est and square; that is, If a volunteer force should hereafter be called for, such ap pointments from the eligible clsss shall be distributed proportionately, as nearly as msy be, among the various states contrlb , atlng such volunteer fores. That enables the president to say to the friends of those who are In the eligible class who press him for appointment, 'your state has already received Its proportionate share.' "Section 24 of the same act provides how the volunteer forces shall be organized; so that if some foreign nation should sud denly make war on the United States, con gress could at once authorize and the pres ident could Issue his proclamation and requisition for volunteers. The law is al ready upon the statute book ss to how tt.ey shall be organized, an eligible class Is pro vided from which to appoint officers for that volunteer force, and all Is ready with out waiting for congress to provide for their organization and permitting the president to discharge the duties of his great office Instead of listening to the claims of some persons to have some favorite appointed as n officer In said force. Under the militia law as it now obtains, in such an emer gency In a few hours, the organized militia would be moving to designated points with the latest and best of arms and all neces sary equipment of every kind, ready for any duty to sustain the flag. "I sincerely hope that at an early day provision will be made for a good attend ance under section 23, at thn military schools and colleges of the United States, other than at West Point, for study and Instruction In military science. "Permit me to suggest, not in any of fensive sense, that it would be well for the country If the press would refrain from construing the militia law until the judge advocate general of the army haa officially construed the same." Mrs. Andrews Entertains. , Mrs. W. E. Andrews of Hastings, Neb., wife of the auditor for the Treasury de partment, gave a beautifully appointed tea yesterday in honor of the members of the Board of Lady Managers of the St. Louis Purchase exposition, who are In Washing ton in attendance upon the Daughters ot the American Revolution. Mrs. J. P. Dolllver and Miss Dolllver, wife and daughter of the Junior senator from Iowa, will give a reception tomorrow after noon In honor of the Iowa members of the Daughters of the American Revolution and visiting friends from the Hawkeye state. Routine of Departments. The postmaster at Keokuk, la., has been allowed one additional letter carrier from April 1. These rural free letter carriers were ap pointed today: Nebraska Elm Creek, reg ular, H. H. Northrup; substitute, Jennie M. Northrup. Iowa Bedford, regular, Wil liam L. Soles; substitute, Arnold L. Soles; Corydon, regulars, George W. Ham, Gibson B. Herbert, William U. Crock; substitutes, Charles E. Harn, Hampton Herbert, Herett C. Crock. Maynard, regular, Frank McGee; substitute, Boyd McGee. Modale, regular, George W. Mcintosh; substitute, H. M. Sllsby. Relnbeck, regular. Emll O'Helt. Tabor, regular, Harvey Hanley; substitute. Mrs. Abble Hanley. Wellsburg, regular. John Freerksen; substitute, Alfred Freerk sen. ' . The Continental National bank of Chi cago has been approved as reserve agent for the First National bank of Radcltffe, la. The condition of Nebraska national banks, exclusive of Omaha and Lincoln, at the close of business February 6 shows loans and discounts Increased from (25,042,664 on .November 25 to (25,295,444; gold hodlngs fell from (732,585 to (713,318; individual de posits Increased from (24,492,624 to (25,653. S15, and tbe average reserve held was 15.48 per cent. These Iowa rural free- delivery routes will be established April 1: BonaDarte, Van Buren county, two routes; area covered, twenty-one square miles; population served, 460. Cantril, Van Buren county, three routes; area, thirty-eight square miles; population, 1,360. Corwlth, Hanoock county, one additional route; area, thirty-six square miles; population, 840. Douds station, Van Buren county, two routes; area, thirty-six square miles; population, 1,100. Ka lona, Washington county, three routes; area, fifty-nine square miles; population, 1,630. West Point, Lee county, one addi tional route; area, twenty square miles; population, 425. Tbe Wyoming delegation to the Daugh ters of the American Revolution has elected Mrs. William A. Richards,' wife of the com missioner of the general land office, regent and Mrs. Frank W. Mondell, wife of Repre sentative Mondell, vice regent. Naval Appropriation Bill. Senator Hale, from the committee on naval affairs, today reported the naval ap propriation bill. Tbe most Important amendment recommended by the committee relates to the Increase ot the navy. The entire house provision Is struck out and in its stead provision Is made for four first class battleships ot the general type of Oregon and two first class armored cruis ers of the type of Brooklyn. The ships are' to cost not exceeding (3,200,000 each and the cruisers (2.750.000. The battleships are to be of 12,000 tons displacement snd the cruisers of 9,500 tons. There Is a provision that not more than two of theae vessels shall be built by one establishment, and for the building of any or all of them in the government yards In case of a combination to deprive the gov ernment of the benefit of fair competition. The bouse provision for submarine boats Is made to Include subsurface boats. Other items of Incresse sre the follow ing: Depots for coal, (250,000; work st Charleston navy yard, (300,000; work st Norfolk navy yard, (75,000; work at Mara Island, (138,000; work at Pensacola, (120, 000; naval station, Tutulla, $5,000; for s hospital at 'Washington, D. C, (215,000; for a hospital at Fort Bayard, N. M.. (100,000; on account of supplies, (500,000; marine corps pay, (258,000; provisions, clothing, etc., for corps on account ot Its Increrse, (143,640. . The total net Increase recommended over the appropriation as the bill passed the house is (1,937,681, making a grand total of (81,277,281. Repnhlleaa Editors Meet. The Republican Editorial association of tbe United States met here today at the Arlington hotel. About seventy-five mem bers were present, including representa tives of tbe republican editorial associa tions of Illinois, Indiana, Msryland, Maa aachusetta, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Iowa, Kansas, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Vir ginia and Ten.vssee. The convention wss called to order by President John A. Schleicher, editor of Leslie's Weekly of New York. Alliance Man la Named. The senate today confirmed the following appointments: Brigadier General Henry C. Merrlani, U. 8. A., retired, to be major general. Bruce Wilcox, to be register of the land office st Alliance, Neb. Matthew Kyle, to be surveyor general of North Dakota. Postmasters California: George F. Hlrsch, Long Beach; Erie Hugglns. Fort Bragg; George D. Cunningham, Riverside; Warren A. Woods, 8uysen City. President of Bowlers' I.eaaoe. INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. 26.-J. J. Roe of Lakewood. O. has been elected president of the Bowlers' league. ftQKJ JsavescocKstima DEMOCRATS FRAME OFFER Submit Definite Proposition for Statehood Oompromiie to Bepubiioans. HOUSE MINORITY PROMISES TROUBLE Pledcea Ilself to I se Every Effort to Keep Baslnees at Standstill as ', Trotest Acalnst Instat ing; of Batler. WASHINGTON,' Feb. t. The senators' who as a committee of tbe democratic sen storial caucus-yesterday tentatively sub mitted a counter statehood proposition to the republicans today presented tbelr prop osition in formal shape to their demo cratic colleagues, and It was generally en dorsed. They then to the re publican senators. , ' ; Republicans favoring statehood Indicated a willingness to accept, but the opponents ot statehood declined, sayj'ng they could go no further than they had done already in their original proposition. Following is the democratic, proposition: The state of Montesumn, shall be divided and the two states of Monteauma, anil Ari zona shall be created therefrom, the state of Montesuma to be composed of the ter ritory within the present boundaries of the territory of New Mexico and the state of Arlsona being of the territory within the" present boundaries of Arlsona Terri tory, provided that the two statea of Montesuma and Arlsona shall be made by proclamation of the president whenever Arizona as now bounded shall have 200,- 000 inhabitants, and ProvideJ, That a census shall be taken each year by the National Census bureau, commencing on May 1. 1904, and each May 1 thereafter, and that not more than! three months shall be consumed In taking' each census. The Intention was to leave the previ sions regarding Oklahoma and Indian Ter ritory ss submitted, but to substitute the proposed change for all propositions relat ing to the territories ot New Mexico and Arizona. Cash for New Department. ; The house committee on appropriations today authorized Representative Hetnen way to report a bill appropriating (30,000 for the Department of Commerce and Labor. For compensation and traveling expenses of special agents in the bureau of corpora tions, (30,000 is grsnted; for specific, sala ries, (50,000; for clerks In the office of the secretary and In the bureau ot manu facturers snd. corporations, (50,000, and for contingent expenses, 150.000. A provision recjOlres the seoretafy of the treasury. In whose Immediate office more than 600 peo ple are employed, to transfer to the secre tary of commerce and labor all of such people now employed on work relating to tho bureaus that have been tranferred. May riednce Mall Clerks'. Pay. The amendment made by the senate to the poBtofflce appropriation bill providing that no deficiency shall be created In the Item for railroad mall pay Is attracting the attention of members ot the house. The actual appropriation was reduced from ?38, 000,000, as passed by the house, to (36,000, C00, and as the estimates were In excess of the appropriation made by the house bill, it Is said the postmaster general will be obliged to keep within the appropriation which will mean a scaling down of rates. . Tho house democrat! o . caucus today adopted the following resolution; Resolved, That we shall' resist by all honorable means at. our 'command the un seating of Contestee Butler- and seating of Contestant WAgonery. being convinced that the republican. managers In the house have determined to disregard the large majority of 6,300 Votes by -which Conteetee Butler was returned .'and ".dispose ot the contest arbitrarily la blind partisanship, without reference to its-merits and without effort or desire to learn what they, are, and that by way of emphasising our con demnation of partisan disregard of -the rights of the minority and this wanton out rage, lacking even the sorry excuse of pretended partlaan necessity, and to pre vent the passage of vicious Rirasures which there Is every reason for believing the majority have planned to rush through the house in the confusion Incident to the ending of the final session of an expiring congress, we pledge ourselves to stand to gether In support of the demand for the firesence of a quorum at ail times for the ransactlon oft business and a recorded yea and nay vote upon everything upon which, the houae shall act up to the mo ment of final adjournment. The caucus met at 10:30 and was attended by, nearly all the democratic representa tives In the city and the resolution was unanimously agreed to after a general discussion. It Is the opinion of the minority that the republicans will not be able to accomplish more than to pass the appropriation bills before adjournment. Pleasant to Take. The finest quality of granulated lotf sugar Is used In the manufacture of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, and the roots used In its preparation give It a flavor similar to maple syrup, making It quite pleasant to take. Mr. W. L. Roderick of Poolesyllle, Md., In speaking of this remedy, says: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with my children for several years snd can truthfully say It la the best preparation ot the kind I know of. The children like to tske tt and It has no Injurious after effect." Change In Wse Scale. PITTSBURG, Feb. 26. All the suggestions regarding the change in the wage scale in the Amalgamated Asaoclatlon of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers, to be submitted to ths annual convention of the organisation In Columbus next April, have been filed with the general officers of the organization In Plttuburg. They are being printed and will be sent out to all lodges. It is said that while many changes in the organisation are propoaed and some alteration in the wage scale was suggested, comparatively few of the lodges had sent any suggestion regard ing an advance In wage rates. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in the family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try a delicious and healthful dessert, Pre pared in two minutes. No boiling! do baking! add boiling water and set to eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp berry and Strawberry. Got a packago at your grocers to-day. 10 eta. sagssgQsQgggsQQgsssBS&BaCSBSstBaaStfaSZSBB QUICK MONEY FOR LAND BUYERS, IF YOU NEED MONEY TO PAY FOR LAND IN IOWA OH MISSOURI MARCH 1, WE HAVE AND CAN PAY IT OUT ON TWENTY-FOUR HOURS' NOTICE. WE ADVANCE MONEY FOR DEEDS. THE MONEY IS HERE ON HAND. TELE PHONE, CALL OR WRITE. J. W. SQUIRE 101 PEARL 5TREET, COUNCIL, BLUFFS. s STgi:7rM' ' " WL" l,pi' 'is"-"' T"1 " BLOOD HOURS Skin Humours, Scalp Humours, Hair Humours, Whether Simple Scrofulous or HetMary Speedily Cured by Gutlcura Soap, Ointment and Pills, When All Other Remedies and Best Physicians Fail. COMPLETE TREATMENT, $1.00. In the treatment ol torturing, dinfla;. nrlng, Itching, scaly, crusted, pimply, blotchy and scrofulous humours ot ths skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair, Cutlcara Soap, Ointment and Fills have been wonderfully successful. Even the most obstinate of constitutional hu mours, such as bad blood, scrofula, In herited and contagious humours, with loss of hair, glandular swellings, ulcer ous patches in 4be throat and mouth, sore eyescopper-colored blotches, ss well as Has, carbuncles, scurvy, sties, oleers anf$ sores arising from an 1m- Eure or Impoverished condition of the lood, yiojd to the Cutlcura Treatment, when all other remedies and methods fall. And greater still. If possible, Is the wonderful record of cures of torturing, disfiguring humours among Infants and children.. The suffering which Cutl cura Soap and Ointment nave alleviated among the young, and the comfort they hav afforded worn-out and wor ried parentis, have led to their adoption In countless homes as priceless cura tives for the skin and blood. Infantile and birth humours, milk crust, seal) head, ecsema, rashes and every form of Itching, Valy, pimply skin and scalp humours, with loss of hair, of infancy . and childhood, are speedily, perma nently(and economically cured when all other remedies suitable for chlldrea, and qgen the best physicians, fail. - , axative firomo Cur CoM In On Day, on every box. 33c ir PROGRAM. GEGILIAN PIANO PLAYER RECITAL Saturday Evening, Feb. 28 at C. M. B. A.tiall, game ".floor as Piano Player Co. Parlors, Arling ton Block, 151 1-13 Dodge Street. 1 Minuet Faderewskl 8 Fifth Nocturne ..Ley bach 8 Hands Across UiSrtBea March.... i r. ... . .Bousa 4 Rondo Capriccloso. "..Mendslsshon 6 Home. Sweet' Home.. Tbklberg S--Yale Boola March Hlrsch 7 Le Cloches du Monaster ...Wely 8 Hungarian Rhapsodie, No. S.LIstt 9 Kammehol-Ostrow Rubinstein 10 Bohemian Girl then You'll Remember Me Balfe 11 The Last Hope Oottschalk 12 La Chasse au Lion Galop Brlllante Rolling MR. PHILLIP GAHfl, Performer All music lovers are cordially In vited. Seats are plenty and free. The Cecllllan Club Is adding new members dally, and may be ready to organise before the time set April 1st. Those who Intend joining should lose no time; the sooner the re quired number Is secured the sooner will the drawings begin. Members are urged 'to talk with tbelr friends and get them to Join. The Cecllllan Club enables anyone to secure a Piano Player or piano upon $2 a week payments. See us about It. Piano Player Co., Arlington Block, IS 1 1-13 Dodge-st. DR McGRkW SPECIALIST Treats all forms Of ISEASES AND DISORDERS Of MEN ONLY 27 Tears Experience. -J IT Years In Omaha Ills remarkable suet - rmvr h.. n equaled anu every ujr W. lng reports of ths sood he Is doing, or the relief hs has given. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Bloot Poisons. NO "BREAKINCJ OUT" on the skin or face and all external llgna of the disease disappear at onca. BLOOD DISEASE STXSao bV,'..1" VARICOCELE tmhfXVVS&i: t. j i ml. I cases cured of nerv Us1 til dUiUUJ ous debuuy, loss of w.'.7w! ur..V.j.4 uncharge. aUrtclure, Ulel. Kluuoy anu btauuer ileases, W- r0uuiCK CUKES LOW CHARGES. TrtaimMiit by mail. V. O. Hox It Offlct over tla . ma street, between ir'arnsua Sa4 Ueugias streets, UiiAiiA. tilt,. 'WMUJwwsrai I Quinine Crb In 3 Days 1 1 B M