! AS ) i ! i i V F7 THREATEN SOUTHERN PACIFIC MachiVgu Talkof Pnliinr Ont Tbeir Men on Western Boad. PRESIDENT O'CONNEIL COMING TO OMAHA Report fhat Sonthera Fnelfle Has Beea Worhlna- Hn Overtime aad Haa Discharged Thos. Who Refused. James O'Connell, president of the Inter national Association of Machinists, la com ing to Omaha at once and there la every prospect that after a Ion surcease of ac tivity there will be something doing In the Union Pacific strike. Mr. O'Connell la com ing la response to an urgent telegraphic request from Vice President Tom Wilson, sent Tuesday, and be haa wired that he 11l leava Washington Saturday. That will bring him to Omaha Monday ar Tuesday. The proposition la to pull out the ma chlnlata along the Southern Pacific. This has never been considered before during the progress of the strike. The boiler makers bava openly agitated taking out their Southern Faclfio men, but the machinists have not made such plans before. But Ince all efforts to have the fifteen South ern Paclflo englnea In the service of the Union Pacific removed bava proved fruit less tha extension of the strike haa been contemplated. Mr. Wilson has been gathering data on tha attitude and condition of the men on the western rosd and bo now has the mat ter all ready to lay before President O'Con nell. The Southern Pacific, half anticipat ing a strike because of the maor reports that It waa to be extended, has been for months working Its men overtime, night and day, ao aa to get the motive power In tha best possible condition. Raala for i Strike. Two weeks ago Wilson succeeded In get ting tha overtime stopped, save for running repairs. Since then a few men have been discharged for refusing to work overtime. That furnishes the basis for a strike, re lieving It of all sympathetic elements. Machinists at headquarters here ssy that from Information received yesterday In re sponse to queries there are ISO machinists ' at Sacramento, all ready to go out, forty- nine at Wadsworth In the same state of ' mind and fifty-two at Ogden equally will Ing. At the latter place there are three nonunion men. All the others are union. Reports from the other Southern Pacific points are being gathered. Whan Mr. O'Connell comes he will be given this Information, the situation will be explained and he will then be asked to present the matter to the executive board for a vote. This body refusing to call out . tha men, Wilson says tha atrlkers here may have to do It on their own responsibility, as It Is the only effective course left to them. Wilson says they are now financially fixed to take the matter through on both roada. ' The Coo r a ae of Our Soldiers, In the recent report.' received from the Philippine Islands a high tribute la paid to the cour age and kindness of our soldiers In mil itary operatlona. There Is also great tribute paid to the famous Hostetter's Stomach Bitters by thousands of grateful people who owe their good health to Ita use. It you are a sufferer from heartburn, Indigestion, dyspepsia, Insomnia, constipa tion, bllousnees ar malaria, try a bottle of tha Bitters today. It will prove the first atep towards gocd health. ' CONSIDERS- BUILDINGS UNSAFE Vaaaber of Btraetarea Are Reported " ( to Advisory Board 'or ' Coadeinnntlon. Adopting preliminary measures . toward condemning a number of bulldlnxs both in and out of tha Ore limits which ths build ing inspector declares old and dilapidated was tha enly Important business trans acted by thu Advisory board yesterday aft ernoon. Notice will be s;rvtd cn tha agents aqd owners of the following prcp:rty to ap pear within the next two weeks and show eaua why the buildings should not be re moved -Inside; lire limits: One-story frame dwelling at 701 Bouth Eleventh, F. 8. Wead. agent; two-story frame store building at U and 618 South Thirteenth. W. n. Melkle. agent; one-story frame dwelling at 1119 Dodge. Cnad Real Estate company, own ers; one-story frame dwelling at 'J3 Smith Fifteenth. Catherine M. Powell owner; one-ard-ono-half-story frame barn at 614 North Twentieth; one-etory frame church at 1123 Jackson, Ringwalt Bros.', agents; one-story frame dwelling at 617 South Twelfth, B. F. Heistand, owner; one-story frame dwelling at 1408 Jones, Benewa & Co., agents; one-and-one-half-story frame dwel ling at 12 Dodge, Jamea Kndlts. owner; one-story frame dwelling at 1211 Dodge. Outside fire limits: One-story frame store building at 120S North Twenty-fourth, John and Ellsa Carrlgan, owners: two-story frame store building at 219 North Twen tieth, 'Joseph Schllts Brewing company, owners. A NEW DEPARTURE. A Koot, EaTeetaal and Coarraiei for Catarrh. t Care Of Catarrh remedies, there Is no end, but of catarrh cures, there has always been a great scarcity. There are many remedies to relieve, but very few that really cure. The old practice of snuffing sslt water through the nose would often relieve, and the washes, douches, powders and Inhaler in common use are very little. If any, better than the old fashioned salt water douche. The use of Inhalers and the application of salves, washes and powders to the nose and throat to cure cttarrh Is no more reasonable than to rub the back to cure kidney disease. Catarrh Is Just as much a blood dlsesse aa kidney trouble or rheumatism and It can not be cured by local treatment any more than they ran be. To cure catarrh whether in the head, throat or stomach an internal amlseptto treatment Is necessary to drive the catar rhal poison out of the blood snd system, and the new catarrh cure Is designed on this plan and the remarkable success of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets Is because being used Internally, It drives out catarrhal In feetloa through action upon stomach, liver and bowels. Wtu. Zimmerman of St. Joseph relates aa experience with catarrh which Is of value to millions of catarrh sufferers everywhere. He says: "I neglected a slight nssal catarrh until It gradually extended to my throat and bronchial tubes and finally even my atomach and liver became affected hut as i was able to keep up and do a day's work I let It run along until my bearing began to fall me and then I realised that I must get rid of catarrh or loae my position, as I was clerk and my bearing waa absolutely necesrary. Some of my friends recommended an In baler, another a catarrh aalve, but they were no good In my esse, nor was aaythlag else until I heard of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets and bought a package at my drug store. They benefited me from the start and In lass than four months I was com pletely cured of catarrh, although I bad suffered nearly all my life from It. They are pleasant to take and so much mora coavenlsnt to use tbaa other catarrh remedies that I feel 1 raa not aay enough in favor of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets." TO ENFORCE THE SLOCUMB LAW Lawyer Xartla Sotlgee Police Board fhat tie will Apply for a rrrlt. Wednesday afternoon. Just bfore 3 o'clock, notice was served on the Tire and Police commissioners snd the chief of po lice by George c. Martin of the Intention ct John D. MacRae to apply to tni supreme court of Nebraska for a perrmptory wr t of mandamus to compel the enforcement of the Slorumb law to the letter In Omaha. The application will be made on Tuesday, March i. John D. MacRae, the relator. Is a travel ing man In the employ of Parlln, Orendorf Martin. He owns his residence at 810 South Twenty-seventh street and has been a frequent protestant against the Issuing of a license for the operation of ths sa loon at 2705 Leavenworth, afreet. Attorney Martin said: "Mr. MacRae has protested to the Board of Fire and Pclice Commissioners tor sev eral years without avail. Re is a temper ance man and objects to the salron selling cn Bund-iys, to minors and with the screens up, all three of which objections are cov ered by the Blocumb law. This year he pro tested against when Charles Mets applied for the license. The present board Ignored his protest altogether. We went Into dis trict court and secured from Judge Estelle a writ of mandamus compelling the board to reconvene, revoke tha Mets license and grant a hearing on the protest, but the effect of this was temporarily annulled by the Judge's allowing Mets to file a super sedeas bond and carry the caae up to the supreme court on error. Probably It will be six months or more before the court reachea the cafe and In the meantime the saloon may continue '.a operation. "This exasperated Mr. MacRae Into tak ing more safatary course. Primarily, of course, he wlshta the saloon near his hime to obey the Slocnmb law, but he Is willing that all should be brought to time, and so asks the supreme court for this writ of mandamus. "Yes, this action could have been started In district court, but It doesn't ost much more to go into the supreme court, and we took It there to save time that might be lost If we began In district court and the matter was carried up subsequently on ap peal of some kind." YOUNG OSTRANDER Ts SUED Wife of Few Months Sues for Di vorce oai . Groond , of Crwiltr. "Pearl Frances Sawyer Ostrander, through her attorney, John W. Cooper, has com menced suit in district court to obtain di vorce; from William B. Ostrander, second, to whptn she was married In Council Bluffs December S. 1902, and has obtained from Judge Dickinson a restraining order, re turnable March 6. enjoining the husband, his sgents or employer from attempting to dispose of the saloon at 812 South Fifteenth street. The plaintiff alleges that the defendant is an habitual drunkard, and that he was guilty of extreme cruelty In that he has abused and maltreated her, called her vile names and on January: 18 last, while In Cedar Rapids, slapped her in the face, and on February 18 placed a Joadew revolver at the side of her head and would, plaintiff believes, bava fired ,had It not been for the interference of tier aister. Plaintiff further allegea that defendant 4 about to come Into Qill control of the sa loon, valued at $8,0O0;and yielding revenue of $350 per month,- but threatens to dispose of It as soon as It :1s within his control and . place the same beyond his control. 8ho wishes ah absolute divorce, , the res tbratfoa of her maldentname, the defendant restrained from disposing of his saloon, and that she be allowed reasonable permanent alimony from the proceeds pt the business. Is lie Married Too Muchr A Kansas City attorney has written to Omaha seeking Information about Henry Van Belglle, who is. the attorney says, "a married man of Kansas City." In county court there Is a record that a Henry Van lictetr.e waa married the 10th of this month to Pauline Strunge of South Omaha by Pas tor M. A. Adams or the Evangelical Luth eran Zlon church or South Omaha, This record utates that he Is 84; she 26; that he lived In South Omaha and Intended making It his fjture home, and that Arthur Strunge ar.d William Wleprecht were wit nesses of the ceremony. Marriage Licenses. IJcenee to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Ace. Eugene O'Brien, Nebraska City, Neb il Rote Volkhardt. Nebraska City, Neb IS Frank E. Weeks, Omaha 20 Edna Heddlng, Omaha ....IS Walter Waddell. Sioux City, la 23 Ida Fountain, Superior, jeo it Luther Martin, Omaha 14 Uxa McDowell, Omaha 28 Claude H. Moulton. Bloux Falls, 8. D 23 Branca 13 Bhluman, Chicago 28 villlam H. Wallln, Stromsburg, Neb S3 Ida E. Lunugreii, Stromsburg, rteb 2J Ouatave IJeber. Mlneola. Ia 83 Wllhelmlna Callus, Mlneola, Ia 24 Local brevities. Judae Baxter has granted Grace M. Hurlburt divorce from Artnur D., because of nonsupport. and haa given her the cus tody of the child. Arthur. James Hooper, claiming Atchison, Kan.. as his home, and Frank Bradley of Salem, Ore., are suspicious character In the official eye of the police department and were ar rested last night. Nellie E. Dunphy petitions for divorce from Martin, alleging extreme cruelty and lailure to aupport. iney were married In Omaha September 26, 1898. She wlshea. the reatoration ot r.er .naiaen name, ieruage. Harry Woods, the negro wounded by De tective Heltfeld In the Midway saloon, is lying In the hovpltal In a condition showing little chanse. This ts thouiznl to oe a aood sign, aa l.e has not failed any, and the hos pital autnoruies now express tre Deiier that Woods' recovery Is probable. A three-act comedy called "A Bachelor's Divorce" will be given by the Bohemian American Dramatic club, under the man agement of A. Novak in Bohemian Turner hall, Thirteenth and Dorcaa streeta, Sunday evening, March 1. Musical apectaltlea will be Introduced between the acts. The play and songs will be In English. John Whlaenhunt, rooming at the Royal hotel, and a - bill, called upon Matlle Capers and Minnie brown, colored syrens, of Hi North Eleventl. street last night. Mattle and Minnie formed an attachment ti t the money, which Ihey Induced to re train after John had taken leave. The two were later arrested and charged with lar ceny. Before Judge Fawcett and a Jury the 8llurlan Siirtnas company is trying to re cover Judgment against Kuhn & Co. of Omaha for $127, alleged to be due on ac count. Mr. Kuhn makes the defense that the company failed to advertlae in the daily newauapers. aa It had agreed to do in the contract and that therefore the sprlngj water doesn t sell. E C. Hodder has fllsd papera In district court In which John Wear ask 1-6. im) judgment against the Chicago. St. Paul, Minneapolis Sl Omaha Railroad company for the loss of his right leg, injury to an eye and wounds on the head sustained November 14, when a switch engine ran over him at the Ohio atreet crossing. Wean was worklna as 1. section nana. Nebraskans at the Merchants: H. Fall dorf, Orand Island; Bert Wlngert, Orand Island; Marion Powell, Lincoln; F. Wilson, llartlnglon; J. H. Adams. Maxwell; h.. Dimlck. Hartlngton; Mr. and Mrs. Bert I.atta. Tekamah: O. A. Blackalone. Orals Kd J. Rredeiifoerg, Malmo; W. J. O'Brien, South Bend; A. J. West, Wtaner; U. M. Munger. Pllger; W. p. teaman. Columbue; Harry 8. Eton, Wood River; Oliver Mead, Wood River; E. A. llema worth, Lincoln. Tneodore M. Batchelor haa ewured from Judge Baxter a restraining order return able February XT. prvvantlna William Hon man from exercising any proprietary right in the saloon at Mil N street, South Omahs. and from interfering with the plaintiff and hla employes in tne operation cf the bualneaa. Batchelor alleges that ht bought the saloon of Sinddard i ScuU to- Uoo and engaged Hoffman as day b--tendr. but thai Hoffman now fraudulently and otherwise ailempt'ng Ut rua the place. THE OMAHA DAILY 11KE: TIIUnsIlAY. FEMIUAltY 2fi. 1003. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH 0MAI1A Paring of B'ock of L Street is Being . Tjiksd 0E WORKMAN TEMPLf NEEDS GOOD APPROACH eh ta the Arcament of Thoee Who Favor l.aylagr TKrttleH Brlrk from Twenty-Fourth Street W eat- Now that the Workmen tc-nple at Twenty-fifth and M streets Is nesting comple tion, the members of the building commit tee having In charge the construction of the temple are turning their attention to the condition cf M street between Twenty fourth and Twenty-fifth streets. It Is pro posed now to endeavor to secure the paving of this street from the west line of Twenty fourth street to the east line of Twenty fifth street. Several times In the past an effort has been made to secure tne signa tures of enough property owners to pave this one Mock, but there slways has been some hitch. Now that the largest hall In South Omaha s soon to be opened. It is considered no more than right that a paved street should lead to It. One difficulty is the government building at Twenty-fourth and M. streets. The government has de clined to pay the expense of paving any portion of M street, and so the cost will fall upon the city. At a rough estimate, this block ran be paved with vitrified brick for 7,000. The cost of paving on the south side ot the postoffice building would be about $600. In the event that the majority of the property owners csn be Induced to sign a paving petition the council thinks that It can secure the necessary funds from some source to pave on the south side of the postoffice. While it is a little early to talk of paving, the Workmen are pushing this project snd hope to have matters In shape to present to the council by the middle of next month. Another -Complication. When the South Omaha Library board met yesterday afternoon It was the Inten tion to make a draft on Andrew Carnegie's agent for 15, COO. This was to be the first Installment of the $50,000 donated for a library In Bouth Omaha. Certain forms must be carried out In order to pass the agents who handle Mr. Carnegie's money and yesterday another snag was struck. When the draft was partially made out It appeared that the Library board bad no treasurer. In the organization It was pre sumed that City Treasurer Howe would take this por'.lon of the work, although he had not been consulted. When it came to a showdown yesterday afternoon Mr. Howe did not think it part of his duty and as a bond Is required he did not feel like going to the expense of paying for a bond. The result was that 'the board adjourned without mailing the draft. An effort will be made today to Induce one ot the cash iers of the banks here to act as custodian of the funds. As soon as this detail Is arranged the draft will be forwarded. At the rate matters are progreasing the pro posed library building will be a long time coming. Her. Blont Coming, t Rev. A. Blom of Chicago' will deliver, a series of lecture at the 8wedish Baptist church. Twenty-second and K streets, on the evenings otTfebruary 26, 27 and 28. The topic will be "Around the World." Rev. Blom recently returned from an extended trip and will give to those who care to hear him a concise statement of the con dition of affairs in the far east. Members of this church, request that glj.tjiose who are Interested attend the lectures. Looking- for Bonds. . Friends of Patrick Shea were out yes terday afternoon looking for bonds. Mr. Shea- waa arraigned before Judge King at noon and pleaded not guilty to the charge of murder In the second degree. As It waa not deemed advisable to detain the court after the usual hour of closing, the matter of bonds will go over for a day or two. In case bends are furnished It Is under stood that the preliminary hearing set for Saturday will be continued, or else the examination will be waived. When Shea appeared in court yesterday noon with his attorney he was well dressed, looked well and was not at all nervoiis when the war rant was read to him by Captain Troutan. He greeted his friends In the' court room with a hearty handshake and a pleasant word. When the amount of the bond to be given was announced by Judge King neither Shea nor hia attorney made any sign of displeasure. Later on In the after noon Shea bad the pleasure of airing him self on the sunny side of the lty hall building while waiting for his commitment papers to be made out. Etter Want Hose. Chief Etter of the Ore department would like to have the city officials purchase aa soon as possible not lees than 1,000 feet of hose and two horses for use In the depart ment. Councilmen Brodertck. . Welsh and Smith, who compose thj fire and water committee, are free to say that Etter will have to go without hose unless some pro vision Is made to furnish funds. The city rotincll, it appears, does not feel Inclined to go against the law and permit any bills to accumulate In any ot the departments until the present overlap is taken care of In some way. There is a' natural wear on hose each year which necessitates the pur chase ot from 600 to 1,000 feet of new hose. In addition to the hose needed now two horses are badly needed. Just now the city has no money to pay Its firemen, let alone buying bose and horses. It v as stated yes- terdsy that unless relief came soon the mayor would be requested to cut down both the fire and police departments In order to ve money. Want More Pavement. A petition has been signed for the paving of Thirtieth street from Q street south to Z street. Of course the curbing snd gut tering goes along with the paving petition As B. Jetter owns a majority ot the foot frontage, and he having signed the petition for all his lots on the street, it is more ihan likely that the city council will make a favorable report when the petition is pre sented. Jetter hopes to have thla work dono during the coming aummer. It waa stated at the city ball yesterday that In case the street was paved a number of the old shacks now standing would be torn down to make room for modern houses to be erected for those employed near by. .Maleahy tioes Bark. Deputy Sheriff Roach visited tha city Jail yesterday afternoon and when be went to Omaha he waa accompanied by David Mulcahy, who recently escaped trom the -t.i 9 i for FORTY YEARS the FIRST m asylum at Lincoln. Mulcahy appeared to be ratlrraal while crmflned In tha city Jail hers, but the authorities feel that ba should be sent back to the asylum for further treatment. Mulrahy waa a member of the police force In South Omaha when Tom Brennaa waa chief of police. It la under stood here that lllneas brought on a condi tion of mind which tnrced the authorities to send Mulcahy to the asylum tor treat ment. Expert It any Improvements. Ail the architects In the eity are busy these days with plans for dwellings and buildings to be erected this year. Some very fine residences are In contemplation, while there will be any number of cottages erected. As buddings ere erected the pea pie wan. . Improvements In the nature of light a ind water, hut these cannot be ob tained tin tO prov'alon Is made for more money for the malntenanfo ot these two departmenta. Saarle City Goaalp. A snn hss been born to Mr. and Ura. Iri NY Lao a. Thirty-third and Vinton atreets. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stuart. Twmt.y-efxth and V atreets. announce the birth of a daughter. The Epworth league of the Methodist church will hold a Bocial at the church parlors this evenlng- Tbere ta sn abundance of work for a man employed by xhm atreet department to re place planks broken during tha winter. The big stand pipe at the stock yards which was pulled down Monday afternoon waa being hauled away In sections yester day. City Attorney Mnrdock said last night that he would put up a stiff fight on the mandamus caae In relation to the i0.(W0 renewal bonds. Aa soon as the library board can make connections with the Carnegie fund allotted Bouth Omaha the building proposed long ago will be started. D. A. R. GOING TO ST. LOUIS Will Take Part In the Great Espoal. tlon la that Tlace ia 10O4. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2S. When today's session of the continental congress of the Daughters of the American Revolution was called to order every seat was occupied and the galleries were crowded. A score of vice presidents general were grouped about Mrs. President-General Fairbanks' platform. Mrs. James Lawrence Blair of St. Louts, president of the board ot lady managers of the Louisiana Purchase exposition; Mrs. Katberlne Pratt Horton, regent of the Buf falo chapter, chairman of the St. Louis ex position committee of the Daughters ot the American Revolution, and other members of that committee also occupied seats on the platform. A greeting was extended by Mrs. Horton, who urged a hearty co-operation ot the Daughters In the St. Louis exposition. She gave a general Invitation to a reception to be given in honor of the congress by the board of lady managers tomorrow after noon. Tha Daughters of the American Revolu tion from the states Included In the Louisi ana purchase, she announced, expect to cele brate with appropriate ceremonies the an niversary of flag day and the surrender of Yorktown October 19, 1904. Mrs. Blair responded. She said that so much bad been said of the enterprise that fjhere was little. left for her to say. P She said that St. Louis would welcome all tthe daughters and their families and friends .in 1904. The Connecticut delegates moved a formal acceptance and It looked for a moment as if each Individual state would respond, but Mrs. Donald McLean of New York offered an amendment,, making the formal acceptance by 'Connecticut that of the congress, as a bojf which was agreed to. Mrs. Fairbanks' announced that news bad Just been received .of the probable fatal Injury of Mrs. Wells, wife of Bishop Wells of Washington stata. i The remainder of the session was devoted to. a discussion of several amendments, the principal one of which was that of vesting the Judicial power ot the national aoclety In a board of seven members, consisting of a presiding Justice aad six associate Jus tices, appointive by .the president general, with the consent of the continental con 3'ess. Among the state delegates to the con gress of the Daughters of tho American Revolution to elect regents and vice regents are: Illinois, Mrs. Charles H. Deere, regent; Oregon, Mrs. J. B. Mont gomery, Portland, regent (her eleventh election); Wyoming, Mrs. William A. Rich ards, wife of the commissioner of the gen eral land office and ex-governor of Wy oming, regent; Mrs. Frank W. Mondell, wife , ot Representative Mondell of Wy oming, vice regent; Iowa, Mrs. Maria Purdy Peck, regent; Mrs. George W. Ogllvle, vice regent. Mrs. Donald McLean of New York, who has been prominently mentioned as a can didate In the coming election for president- general, today formally announced ber with drawal. This action ensures the re-election of Mrs. Fairbanks and also means that Mrs. McLean will be a candidate for president general two years hence. Mrs. William Lee Lyons of Kentucky took the chair and Mrs. Fairbanks reported on the work of the committee on the pro posed Continental Memorial ball. She said It was the sacred duty ot congress to con tribute to the fund for the erection of the hall. Subscriptions made by the atate chap ters to the Continental ball fund were an nounced, tha aggregate approximating $60, 000. It ts expected that the building will coat in the neighborhood ot $300,000. The plans for the proposed Continental hall were exhibited by means of stereoptl- con views at the night session. The presentation of the plans waa pre ceded by a report of the subcommittee on architecture, ot which Mrs. Eleanor Lind say, wife of former Senator Lindsay ot Kentucky, Is chairman. Mrs. Lindsay was presented on behalf ot the Kentucky delegation and a number of other friends In the congress with handsome sliver pitcher, being a token of their appreciation of her work. Mra. Annie L. Wentworth of Massachu setts presented aad the convention adopted a resolution asking the legislatures ot each of the thirteen original states to make appropriation to pay for the memorial col umn of the Memorial ball which ta to rep resent the particular commonwealth. At the conclus.on of the atereoptlcon ex hibition the report made by Mra. Lindsay was formally adopted and the plana will be referred to a board of expert architects who will pass finally on them. BARROWS TO BE COLLECTOR Present Depot y Will Soeeeeo Cadet Taylor at tho Expiration of Hla Tern. Word from Washington Is to the effect that Benjamin S. Barrows will be nom inated by President Roosevelt for the post tioa of collector of customs at the port of Omaha. His name will be sent to the sen ate within a day or two. Mr. Barrows ts at present deputy under Collector Taylor. He Is quite well known in Omaha and haa at various times been United States consul at Belfast, Ireland chief of tha Union Paclflo literary bureau and librarian of the Omaha publlo library, Don't loe Meal Through dyspepsia and Indlgeatlon. Take Electrio Bitters. They cure stomach troublea or no pay. Only Coo. ITor aals by Kuhn Co. J25s-:'-'-i T'f , A.1 5.T- MY.'..?..! TAKES SUNDAY SCHOOL MAN Sheriff Cornea from California After Alleged Embenler Arrested Here. Sheriff Voxs of Marysvtlle, Yuma county, Cel., arrived In the city Wednesday after noon and left last evening with Bert W. Wheeler, who was arrested last Thursday morning by Detectives Drummy and Mitchell, charged with being a fugitive from Justice. Wheeler Is wanted on an embezzlement charge In the California town. He is alleged to have lately re turned from an enlistment In the Philip pine service and to have associated him self with a Sunday school at Marysvllle. His prepossessing manners made htm a favorite and he was elected treasurer ot the military company of the Sunday school. It Is alleged that while acting An that capacity be absconded with $65, which was in the treasury. With this money, it Is aald, he intended returning to his home in Palmer, Mass., and he was arrested while en route. " COFFINS PROVE TO BE EMPTY Fake Fnnernls Shown to Be Numerous When 2 TO Groves Are Opened. TCNOXVILLE, Tenn.. Feb. 25. Astound ing revelations were made today by the committee which the county court recently appointed to Investigate reports of whole sale frauds at the county pauper cemetery. During yesterday and today the commlt- ee opened 879 graves, only sixty-four of which were found to contain bodies. The others gave no evidence ot ever having contained bodies. The committee announces that it will exhume every coffln burled within the last six years. This means opening 1.000 graves. W. C. McCoy, sn undertaker, admitted that he bad charged the county for coffins msmmwp n rPipP Ac 7 fA ft .e';-..:s-W:.. o- r .AJh.. Have a talk with your doctor. He knows more about your case than vou know yourself. Tell him how you cough so hard chances are he Ch erry What makes us think so? Because been doing just this for sixty years. find anything better for colds and coughs. And it's about the only medicine needed in consumption. I 2Sc 50c, JUXJ. An dmatsts. .5 . dgV- V V .1 . weii-imormea ana to tne heartiry, because Its com ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be- : u.7Z7'aAiv Vi. rniM f n.ltl..i tl0ns as it is wholly r ' sw w Louisvill For caJc by oil drueJdiALs. Price.:fiftycenta perubottl. ordered for two persons at the City boa pltsl whose bodies were turned over to a medical college. WILL PROBE PUPILS' DEATHS Grand Jnry Told to See Whether Anyone la Criminally Liable. NEWARK, N. J., Feb. 25. Chief Justice Cummers called the grand Jury before him late this afternoon and charged them strongly relative to the Clifton avenue trol ley disaster. He said it was the duty of the grand Jury to investigate every phase ot the accident, and find out if anyone was criminally guilty ot carelessness. If It was' found that any one was responsible It was tho Jury's duty to indict them for manslaughter. MINE OPERATORS SIGN SCALE Home Illinois Owners Adopt Waste Schedule Recently Framed la ' Indianapolis. SPRINGFIELD, 111.. Feb. 2S. The Joint conference between the scale committee of the United Mine Workers and tha Illinois coat .operators today accepted the scale adopted by the Joint conference at Indian apolis in so far as several of the smaller mines are concerned. Nearly a whole day was spent In discus sion of the scale for tho thin vein districts. COAL COMBINES DISBANDED Ohio Operators Compromise with. Law and Stay Onster Pro. ceedlaaja. COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 26. Governor Nash and Attorney General Shasta, after a lengthy conference with attorneys repre senting the coal companies against whom neglected cold, your arc greatly you will tell you to take Ayefs II II 09 Vets piiraKfijr. Acta BcixofidaJIvt up of Figs appeals to the coltured and the j U...U.. 11.. . . - free from every objectionable 1 7 uuvgwuvci 111 UMJ yl V manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get Its beneficial effects buy the genuine manufactured by the V -w ouster aults wera filed, announced today that a compromise has been reached. Tho companies promised to withdraw from and disband tho Ohio Cost Producers' asso ciation, withdraw from the Central Coal Producers' bureau and from the Lake Erie Bituminous Coal association, with tha un derstanding that the legal proceedings will be stopped. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS IS FIRED Demands Cash, for Restoring Vest ments Stolen from Newark Chareh. TRENTON, N. J., Feb. 25. The special committee appointed to investigate the charges against Sergeant-at-Arma George P. Powell made Ita report today, and after a long debate Powell waa removed trom office. The report sets forth that the commit tee, after hearing evidence In Newark last Baturday, reached tha conclusion that Pow ell went to the Rev. C. Edmunds, rector ot Grace Episcopal . church, Newark, and stated that he had- been told by a friend that upon payment ot 1250 reward church vestments stolen from tha church would bo recovered and tba thief placed la cus tody. The committee exonerated Powetl from seeking to profit personally by bis action, but criticised his conduct aa a wrongful act without any appreciation of Its enormity. Death Speedily Rollowa Accident. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 25. Mrs. Philip E. Burroughs, whose husband was for many yearn the Brltleh consul at Kansas City, waa thrown from her carriage in Fifteenth atreet today and died ot her Injuries soon after being removed to the hospital. Mr. Burroughs resigned the consulship two years ago and has since been a member of tho local Board of Trade. Stadeat Dlea of Pever. MTDDLETOWN, Conn., Feb. 25. Ixiuls Hubbard, a student at CornU university, died today of typhlod fever. He was 23 years of nge. He left Cornell two weeks ago on ac count of the typhoid epidemic and was taken sick shortly after hla arrival here. until now you worried. The I ora doctors have Thcv cannot X C Aytr C&, Lowtn, Mass.