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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1903)
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE U), 1871. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEIHIUAIIV 25, 1903-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. STATEHOOD IS DEAD Frieodi of Territorial Claims Agree to End the fight. WILL WITHDRAW APPROPRIATION RIDERS Omnibus Measure May, Howerer, Still Be Discussed in the Senate. DEMOCRATS PRECIPITATE FINAL DOOM Decide Not to Support Compromise Sug gested by Republicans. ' THINK TWO STATES WORSE THAN NONE Hold Difficulties Attending Oir.llai ark that tt Were Better ta Walt Fresh Opportunity- to Perm anently Kettle Question. WASHINGTON, Teb. 24. It haa been greed to withdraw the omnibus statehood bill as an amendment to the postofflce and agricultural bills. The omntbiie bill will be kept before the senate, but not to Interfere with appropriation bills, and may conse quently be looked upon aa lost to this ses sion. The order of business for the remainder of the session has been definitely decided. .Appropriation bills will b given the right f way and the Panama canal treaty will be considered while the appropriation bills are in conference. There will be an effort mads to get through other bills, including Senator Aldrlcb'a bond deposit bill. Notice of the withdrawal of the state hood rider from the appropriation bills will be given tomorrow. The democratic senatorial caucus has re acted the two-stats proposition for the admission of new states offered by the re- Tubllcans. Speechea were made by Senators Clay1, Vaccn. Teller, Dubois,' Simmons, Poster (La.), Bate, Morgan, Pettui and others. All took positive grounds against the com promise proposition and several of them spoke emphatically against the proposition to put the statehood bill on any of the ap propriation bills aa a rldef. At the same Wme they favored placing the future course 4f, the party with reference to the stste hdpd bill as such and also as a rider. In the htCnde of the democratlo members of tho couLmlttee on postoffloes. Democrats Give Reaaoaa. A democratic senator who ts a member of the committee on territories on being asked the reasons for rejecting the compromise proposition wrote the following, which, after submitting to several of his col lesgues, he gave out for publication: Tho democratlo caucus rejected the pro posed compmmtsu statehood bill for the following reasons: 1. When ArUona and New Mexico were made territories their areas were estab lished for ultimate statehood purposes, and all the Interests and expectations of the people of the two territories have been In , anthHpaUaoxof Jh-twatotai. - - - 2. It will be arose Injuetlae to the people oi both to Join them In one state. From east to west, aa railroads may be built. It would be 1,700 mtlea across them. The pro posed states would, be as large as Texas end Texas is too large for its convenient government. 3. Many democrats feel that the repub lican flsht for statehood haa not been sin cere, they having used the statehood bill as a buffer to prevent trust discussion and IrgiHlatlon. For democrats now, having stood almost a solid body for the admis sion of the three territories, to accept the I roposed consolidation would be to have played into the hands of the republican trust cabal. 4. The people of Arlsona are unanimously opposed to consolidation with New Mexico, and the people of both the territories should be consulted. 5. The provisions In the consolidation bill for ultimate separate statehood are a snare. The question of separation Into two Htutes must be submitted to the voters of the entire state, and experience has taught that after the Interests of any area have been consolidated aa a single state a- ma jority cannot be secured for separation. 6. The democrats have stood for the state hood bill as it passed the house. They be lieve that each is entitled to statehood and thev have stood lovullv bv the reuub- llran minority In their efforts to give them statehood, tut they will not Inflict the injustice that probably never can be re paired of forcing the people of the two territories into a state so large tnat It would forever continue burden they should not bear After the adjournment of the caucus the .J. democratic members of that committee on Tjostofflces met the republican members of I that committee who have been friendly to V statehood. They decided to ask the chair man of the two committees on postofftcee and agriculture to withdraw the statehood riders which the committees have placed on two appropriation bills. They also de cided to continue the fight for the omnlbua bill as It came from the house without amendment, but not to antagonize appro priation bills or executive business with it The republicans have decided to present their compromise bill to the annate. The Indications are strong that the ques tion will receive little If any more con slderation during the session, and even the best friends of statehood generally admit that there Is no chance for auccesa at thla time. Sundry Civil Hill. The senate committee on appropriations today concluded Its consideration of the sundry civil appropriation bill. The com' mlttee recommends Increases over the ap proprlatlona made by the bill as It pasaed the house amounting to $3,2"!i,701, bring Ing the total up to 133,279.650. The follow Ing are the principal Items of Increase Quarantine ststlons, l5,000; light houses beacons sod fog algnals, $1,173,100; reve nue cutter service, IMO.OOO; for payment to Queen Lllloukalanl of Hawaii. $200,000; ar mories sod arsenals, $283,000; for military posts. $750,000; soldiers' homes, $126,f00 beginning of new buildings far the Agri cultural department, $250,000. The committee struck out the house ap propriation of s& for the extension of the capital, and that of $750,000 for the construction of an office building for the members of toe house of representatives together with the provisions for the com 1 1 1 a t Inn n f lha,. wntVa , . a , . . . . . rwvt mm m . ft IUIKI IOSI Ui $2,600,000 for the cspliol, and $3,100,000 for the office buildings, exclusive of the site. Ths following is the text of the pro vision lor payment to Lllloukalanl: for payment to I Jlloukalanl (nniriv queen of the kingdom of Hawull. In full atlMfaitlon and discharge of all claims ieai ann Muitatiie, ajoiimo; ami no part of this sum shall be paid bv the I'ntted titates to attorneys or ageiita but the treasury warrant tor said sum shall b issued to sulci Ulloiikalanl and shall bo tK live red to her in person upon her personal receipt (or the same. Food Products Art ttaempted. A cablegram from 1'nlted States Mlniater Harte at Bogota, dated February 1, but enly received today at the stats depart ment, says. In consequence of the scarcity the Ci 1'imbian government bus issue,! a decree reinpttng Hum Import dun. a lard, sugar, Hour, butter and vegetable products in ilnlr natural stale and wuhwul yreyareUou. FREED TRAINS AGAIN STALLED Know Hlork Vcnfoundland ' Which Were Only Re leased ftn Monday. Car. 8T. JOHNS, N. P., Feb. 24 The belated express trains are again snowbound. One after making sixty miles In the di rection of Bt. Johns yesterday found fur Y ther progress impossible and was sen bsck Vn miles to a divisional point where uppllea of food and coal rre stored. The other, on the western side of the plateau In the middle Interior, was unable to re treat to the Bay of Islands. A working trsln with two engines snd fifty men, car rying a month's provisions, started last night to attempt to cut it clear and keep those aboard In provisions. Meanwhile the other sections of the road sre also blockaded, but as no trains are moving on them there In no cause for anxiety except in the fact that the greater part of the Island Is cut off from St. Johns. The first mail into the colony for nearly a fortnight, consisting of 40(1 bags of Brit Inh, United States and Canadian mall, reached here tonight by the Steamer Da mara from Halifax. The mails lay at Sid ney for a week awaiting the steamer Bruce, which, however, was frozen In the Ice floes In the gulf of St. Lawrence. They were then sent to Halifax and brought here by the Damara. THEATER F0RMISS DUNCAN California Dancer Takes the People . of Berlin with a Perfect Storm. BERLIN, Feb. 24 Isadora Duncan, the California dancer, haa been supplied with 1250.00 by subscriptions from her ad mirers with which to build a theater to be called by her name. Externally It will be in the style of a Oreek temple and the Interior will be Greek. The theater will be devoted occa alonally to Miss Duncsn's dancing and at other times to the reproduction of Oreek plays and concerts. The dsncing of Miss Duncan has so at tracted the Berlin house that the prices charged for admission to her performances are as high as those of Coquelln and Mme. Bernhardt. The academicians have arranged for reduced prices to art students. Herr von Werner, president of the Ber lin Artists' society, haa ' written a letter refusing to accept such privileges and al leging that he is not willing .to encourage immorality." Countess von Buelow, wife of the Imperial chancellor, and Countesa von Thiele-Wlnckler, wife of one of the leading financiers of Germany, are among Miss Duncan'a patronesses. UNIFORMED BANDITS FLEE an Mlaruel Escapes . to Mountains IV hen American Troops Take War Path. MANILA. Feb. 24. General San Miguel's force of insurgent ladronea has abandoned Montalbar, sixteen miles from here, and probably fled to the Morons mountains. Reports ..from Bosoece Indicate the prea- ence of ladronea In that vicinity. Relnfot cements - for the . government reached Mootalban tod late and failed to overtake the fleeing bandits. San Miguel haa about 300 men with him. It is not believed that they can subsist for any length of time In the mountains. The gov ernment la preparing to occupy the valleys and pasaes and force San Miguel to fight or disband his followers. Detachments of constabulary and scouts encountered bands of the enemy on Satur day and a series of skirmishes ensued. The government forces were victorious. San Miguel has issued a manifesto In- atruct'ng his followers - to avoid conflict with the Americans and to content them selves with harassing the police. CUBA COMMEMORATES REVOLT Carnival Climax Falls on Birth. day of I-ast Rising; Against Spanish Itule. HAVANA. Feb. 24. The eighth anni versary of the uprising which marked the beginning of the Cuban re-.olutlon was celebrated In Havana today. The day was also the climax of the carnlvnl season, rain having previously Interfered with the fes tivities. Business was suspended and the streets end buildings were everywhere decorated with flags. Salutes were fired by the forts and the newly presented flags were hoisted on Morro castle. This afternoon a leugthy procession of vehicles wound around the prado and Cen tral park, carrying revellers, masked and otherwise, belonging to all grades of so ciety, who, pelted one another with ser pentines until the horses and vehicles, the fronts of the clubs and hotels and some residences were multi-colored. The sport continued until late tonight. BURNING HILL VOMITS STONE Mexican Volcano Spools Forth Flames and Large Slsrd Rocks. MEXICO CITY. Feb. 24. The news of a violent i eruption last Saturday of the vol cano of Collma Is confirmed. This volcano baa been In eruption frequently during recent years. The eruption of Saturday afternoon waa violent and startling and much alarm waa felt. At first tt waa believed that the top of the mountain had been blown off. Stonea of great size were ejected and flames shot high into the sky. The showers of asbea and finely pulverized rock began to fall. This alarmed the inhabitants, who feared being 'burled under the debris. Today'a advicea report the volcano as quiet, but It is fesred It may burst forth again. Accepts Invitation Conditionally. LONDON, Feb. 24. Lindsay Russell and a committee of the Pilgrims' club called on the commander-in-chief. Lord Roberts, to dsy In behalf of the Pilgrims' club of New York, which proposes to give a dinner In the letter's honor on his arrival at New York in the autumn. Lord Roberts' plans are uncertain, but he accepted the invita tlon conditionally and said he much appre elated the honor which it was proposed to confer upon him. KsNUloysneat for the Finns. ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 24 The czar has ordered the Immediate construction of the proposed Idensalml-Ksyana railroad, so aa to give employment to the Finns, who are suffering from famine. Raseo-Peretaa Bank. 8T. PETERSBURG. Feb. it The Russo Pers aa tank is belna organized with at Moscow, Tlflis, Baku, Erlvan, Tahrii and Ttihtran., CONGRESS GAIN'S POWER Court Holds that All Interstate Commerce Maj Be Staved at Will ENLARGES ANTI-TRUST POSSIBILITIES A. 'nlatratlon Sees Chance to Press eh May Cripple II. x lf "Vomblnes If Further "'e Secesaury. ' - V WASHINGTON. Ft, 24. The decision in the lottery case haa occasioned considershle comment In Washington. Members of the administration assert that the majority of the court has fully sustained the contention that the Sherman anti-trust law did not exhaust the constitutional power of the federal government over commerce. A gentleman prominent in the administra tion said todsy; "The decision clearly sustains the con tention of tho government. No lmportaut proposition in the government's brief was rejected. The plenary and absolute power of- congress to Drohlblt any form of traffic, when It deems such traffic hostile to the public Interests, Is clearly sustained. "It must be remembered In this connec tion that prior to the president's speech of last summer many thoughtful men were of the opinion that the Sherman anti-trust law marked the limit of the federal power with reference to unlawful combinations. The president challenged this contention. "The facts In the lottery cases did not re quire Justice Harlan to express any opinion directly on this question, but the trend of his reasoning clearly Indicates that con gress may exclude from Interstate traffic any commodity deemed by it prejudicial to the public welfare, and that its moves are beyond Judicial inquiry. "Under the decision such exclusion Is not necessarily limited to articles of commerce which were previously regarded as lnnocu oua. Such was the public view of lottery tickets less than a century ago, and Justice Harlan says In effect that congress could prohibit absolutely interstate traffic in In toxicating liquors If it deemed It advisable. "Tho logical effect of thfc Is that con gress has the absolute right to say when commerce In any given commodity shall be free or prohibited., and It would follow that between these extremes It can permit such commerce upon conditions which It may Im pose to conserve the public Interests, and neither the conditions nor the motives that actuate them can be reviewed by the Ju diciary court." Hefuaea to Fire Postmaster. The administration's policy to give the veterans preference In office, other things being equal. Is reiterated In the following letter, which Postmaster Payne has sent to a representative In congress: Referring to our interview of this morn ing regarding the appointment of a post master! at and to your request that Mr. be appointed. I beg to say that the records of the department show that the present postmaster haa an excellent record as an official. He has made a most capable and satisfactory postmaster, both us to his relations with the department and the patrons of the office. . He ia a veteran of the .civil war.', with a most excellent sw ord as a soldier. It is the wish of the president to retain in the service old sol diers who have made good public officials and against whom no chargea of mixcon duct have been preferred, as Is the case in this Instance. The Grand Army of the Re public veterans residing In have en tered a protest against Mr. 's tthj present postmarter) displacement. Under these circumstances we are not disposed to make a change In the office named. p. C. PAYNE, Postmaster General. Four Generals Retire. The following officers, promoted re cently to the tank of brigadier general, to day were Tetlred: Tully McCrea, Ell L. Huggina, G. F. Goodale and Morris C. Foote. All of 'them served In the civil war and all except General McCrea, who was a West Pointer, entered aa privates In the , volunteer service. Temperance Gift ot Profnned. A recent statement that a Women's Christian Temperance association gift to Mrs. Hayes is now owned by a Washington saloonkeeper wss Incorrect. It was alleged that a sideboard was given the late mis tress of the White House to commemorate her action in banishing wine from tne president's table and aold to a liquor dealer at the recent Jewish sale. Colonel Bingham has Investigated the matter and finds no one had ever given Mrs. Hayes a sideboard at all. Western Postmasters Appointed. The senate In executive session today conflrmed the following appointments: Postmasters: Kansas Joseph C. Kit chen, Garden City; John K. Cochran, j Pratt; Charles W. Davis. Conway Springs; Isaac S. Coe, LaHarpe. Miaaourl Frank U Wilson. Bowling Green; William L. H. Sllllman, Clarks vllle; Charlea A. Alger. Hannibal; W. W. ! Wagner, Jefferaon City; Troy L, ' Crane, Lees Summit; Thomas J. C. Fagg, Louis iana. . Coaling; Stations Assured. President Roosevelt has signed the agree ment drawn under the terms of the Piatt amendment providing for the acquisition by the United States of a naval station at Guantanamo and a coaling station at Bahla Honda, both in Cuba. The document had been previously signed by President Palma and waa brought to Washington by Minister Squiers. It do not specify the price cf the properties to be acquired by the United States and this detail is left to be settled by the usual legal condemnatory proceedings after the Nuvy department has decided exactly ths amount of land it wishes at each place. Miller Joins Interior Department. Melville W. Miller of Indiana will be ap pointed to aucceed Frank L Campbell aa assistant aecretary of the Interior, and Mr. Campbell will take the position of as sistant attorney general of Interior de partment Just vacated by Judge Willis Van deventer. Cabinet Considers Canal Question. Discussion of the Panama canal situation consumed a large portion of the time of President Roosevelt and the cabinet st to- day s meeting. JiMt prior to the meeting Attorney General Knox had a conference I with Attorney Cromwell, who represents j , p.Daml Cgnal rompu-y ,n thu coun try. The details ot the conference were not disclosed. The mstter waa brought to the cabinet's attention by Mr. Knox. It Is understood thst a reply has been received throvgb Mr. Cromwell to the communication recently made to the Panama Canal company through the attorney general, but it Is understood that the reply Is such only as to keep alive the negotiations now pending with respect to the option this government holdi on the canal company's property. The subject was discussed thsroughly by the cabinet, but at the conclusion of the meeting It waa staled that no Information could be made (Continued oa Second. Page.) PEARSE TALKS TO EDUCATORS Omaha Man Takes Prominent Pnrt In National Association's Conarrrsa, CINCINNATI. O., Feb. 24 The depsrt ment of superintendents of the National Educational association met here tolay, mlth representatives from all the slates and cities, for a session of three days. In addition to the superintendents of in struction in cities. Dr. W. G. Hsrrls, I'ntted States commissioner of education; many atate school commissioners, college presidents and professors are here. Charles W. Eliot, president of Harvard college and also president of the National Bducatlonal association, speaks tomorrow night on "How to Utilize Fully the Plant of a City School System." At different hells the National Society for Sc. online Study, the National Educational Press associa tion, the National Association of College Teachers rnd kindred organizations will alfo be in session here thla week. Over 1,000 delegates were present at the opening session this morning. Mersrs. Lord, Charleaton, III.; Ellison, Grand Rapids; Bonebrake, Columbus, O. ; Stevens, Sioux City, la.; and Easton, New Orleans, were appointed a committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year. Messrs. Soldon, St. Louis; Harvey, Wis consin; Pearse, Omana, Chalmers, Toledo, and Whitcomb, Lowell, Mass., were ap pointed a committee on resolution. Among those participating in the dls cuBslons In the afternoon, were Solden of St. Ixuls,- Pearse of Omnha, John Rlche son of East St. Louis, E. W. Coy of Cin cinnati, and Edwin G. Cooley of Chicago. Dr. DeGarmo of Cornell dissented from the views of Superintendent F. Lewis Soldon of St. Louis regarding high school teachers not studying methods as raucn as the ele mentary teschers. A brilliant public reception was given the educators In the chamber of commerce after the afternoon session, and a concert preceded the address of Richard G. Moul ton, professor of English literature In the University of Chicago, on "The Revelation of St. John from r Uterary Point of View." SPLIT SCIENTIFIC SECTIONS Fair Officials Arrnnaje Monster Con. Kress Subdivided Over Hun. dred Times. NEW YORK, Feb. 24. One of the fea tures of the Louisiana Purchase exposition at St. Louis next year la to be the World's Congress of Science and Arts. This con gress will differ from those previously held at world's fairs In that instead of com prising a great number of Independent bodies of men there will be but a single congress, which, however, will be divided and- subdivided as necessary in order that every branch of pure and applied science may be duly represented. Prof. Simon Newcomb of Washington, D. C, has been designated as president of the congress and Prof. Hugo Munsterberg of Harvard and Albton W. Small of the Unlveralty of Chicago, aj Tice president. These three men have been required to ct by an organising committee, which met yesterdayn New Thla commit tee, after a two days' session, which was attended by Dr. N. M. Butler of Columbia and Mr. John Schroers. a director of the St. Louis exposition, adjourned today, after completing the program. According to this program, It Is expected that the addresses to be delivered In the congress will be prepared by tne moat eminent men of the world In their re spective branches. The date for the general meeting of the congress hss been fixed for Monday, Sep tember 19, 1904. In the afternoon the con gress will subdivide Into seven grand divi sions. On Tuesday these divisions will be further subdivided Into tJwenty-Bve de partments, sixteen of which, relating to pure science, will meet In the forenoon, and nine, concerned with applied sciences. In the afternoon. On the four remaining days of the weeks the zrand divisions v 111 be still subdivided into about 130 sections, of which each will hold a single meeting on some one of the days. RIGHTS OF STOCKHOLDERS Court Renders Two Important Deci sions Respecting, the Eisiulns. -tlon of Books of Corporations. TRENTON, N. J., Feb. 24. The supreme 1 nnrt tnriav rendered an lniDortant decision respecting the rights of stockholders to ex- amine books of corporations organized un der the laws of this state. The case decided was that of O'Hara against the National Biscuit company. O'Hara as a stockholder of the company made application to the registered agent In this state for the purpose of examining the list of stockholders to ascertain whether stock was owned by a certain per son In Ohio, against whom be had a claim. The right to examine the booka was de nied and O'Hara sued out a writ of man damus, relying upon the thirty-third sec tion of the general corporation act which provldea that the books shall be open to Inspection during business hours to every stockholder. Today's opinion holds that the provision In tht thirty-third section Is limited by the title of the act of l-5 snd that a man damus can only be obtained at the discre tion of the court where the relator shows that the rlghta be seeks to enforce are germane to his status as a stockholder. In consequence of these views the court denied the appllestlnn. BOY SLAYS WH0LE FAMILY Kills Father, Mother, Mister, Maya Hobbers Did Deed and Com. lulls Suicide. FRANKFORT, Ind.. Feb. 24. Earl Woods, the 17-year old sou of i farmer Uvlr? seven miles west of this city, this afternoon killed his father, shot aul probably fatally wounded his mother aud slater and then ! committed suicide. I After the shooting the ycung man went I to the home of a neighbor and said robbers had entered the Woods' home and killed bis father, mother and alster and that be escaped after a running battle with the des pnrsdoes. He wag apparently greatly ex cited and said he was organizing a posse to pursue his father's s'aycri. The boy con tinued on bis way toard this city and, stopping at ths next bouse, told the same story. After he was questioned concerning the shoot ing he became confused and re sented the Inqulsltlveness ot the farmer to whom he had told the story. Young Woods said be had no time for further words, as be bad to run don the robbers, and started toward the barn yard st the farmer's home. Afier he disappeared a abor was heard scd ths jouthful murderer a found dying lia a bullet through his brtaaU CIIY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Levy Ordinance Passed as Beoommended by the Finanoe Committee. NO ALLOWANCE FOR ENJOINED TAXES Ueneral Electrlo Franchise and Water Works Purchase Or dlaanres Are Passed Re port on Conduits. Much business of Importance waa done by the city council last night. The annual levy for 1903 was made on a total rate of 8.75 mills, the "open door" electric priv ilege franchise ordinance In connection with power to be generated by water was adopted, and tho ordinance making a pre liminary move toward the acquirement of tho water works was read for the third time snd passed. All members of the coun cil were present. The levy for ingj wss srranged by the finance committee, after the entire council had consulted in committee meeting during the afternoon. The ordinance adopted for the purpose of raising city taxea Includes a total of 6.45 mills, while that for the school bosrd, as requested by that body, calls for 2.3 mills. This levy Is made as though the total assessment of $129,233,735, as returned by the city Board of Equsllza tlon, was allowed to stand. As a matter of fact, $23,457,850 will be deducted from the sum levied on, leaving $105,775,885 as the assessed valuation for the present. Why the Difference. The difference ie caused by the fact that the Union Pacific and Burlington railroads have secured a temporary restraining order preventing their assessments ss made by the city from being included In tho total assessment. They did this because the value wss Increased many times over that made by the State Board of Equalization. The city council. In taking the action It did last night, followed explicitly the course sdvocatcd by City Attorney Connell and J. H. Mcintosh. The members refused to In clude In the total the assessments returned by the state board for the railroads, and acted on the theory that in time taxea on the railway property will be realized by a supplemental levy, to be made when the courts authorize the independent assess ment of railway property that has been made. Therefore, the levy was made prac tically as though no restraining order had been Issued. The rate is the same, but when It comes to realizing the taxes, each fund will be from one-fifth to one-sixth less than It would have been had not these assessments been held up. Had the city made the levy. rate high enough to pro duce all that was required on the reduced total assessment. It would hsve filled many funds to the constitutional limit. The op portunity for later levying upon and col lecting the railway taxes, would be lost, in the opinion of the attorneys. Hold Onto the Railroads. The annual levy ordinance la composed of sections, each section making provision for a certain number of mills levied to create a specified fund. There tare four teen -of there- sections. "To enable the city to retain it grasp on the railway assess ments In litigation the following section, ss a general amendment to the other, sec tion, was attached to the ordinance: 'Section 15 The annual levy of taxes for the city of Omaha for the year 19oa, aa made oy this crdlnance. does not and shall not apply or relate to any railroad property ot the Union Pacific Railroad compjiiy, or the Chicago, Burlington A Qulncy Railway company, covered by the item of $14,583,26), and the Item of tl.011.4Jlt respectively, against the Union Pacific Railroad com pany, Lppenring at lines 39 and 38 respec tively of page 541 of the personal assess ment book No. 1 of the 1903 city of Omaha assessment, and the Item of $7,86:1.140 riKHlnst the Chicago. Burlington & Qulncy Railway company, the HurUnaton & Mis souri River Railroad company In Nebraska, the Omaha & Southwestern Railroad com pany and the Omaha & North i'latte Rail roud company at lines 1, 2, 3 and 4 of puge 8H8 of the personal KHsessment book No. 1 of the 19ii3 city of Omaha assessment. But by reason of the . restraining orders and orders of Injunction made, allowed and Is sued by the Hon. W. H. Manger. Judge of the circuit court of the United States for the district of Nebraska, In the case of th Chicago, Burlington A Qulncy Railway Company ngatnat Fleming et al.. Docket 6, No. 102 of the records of said court, and In the case of the Union Pacific Railroad Company against the City of Omaha et al.. Docket 6, No. 1'tf of the records of said court, no levy whatever is now made on the mild property of said railroad com panies, but the right hereafter to make or correct any assessment of said railroad property to tne extent tnat the same may lawfully Hnd properly be made or cor rected Is hereby reserved, and the right to make the nnnual levy of taxes for the city of Omnha for the year 1903 on sold railroad property is also hereby r served for such action, by supplemental levy and for such neth.nt upon such assessment as may be hereafter declared and determined to be proper and .awful. What Will Re Raised. Following is shown the funds, mill rate and amount that would have been produced on the total assessment as made by tbo Board of Equalization: Levy, Amount Fund. Mills. RfS"1. General 1.72 $.';.',282 Sinking l.M lfiy.uig Judgment 08 I0.33S Library 15 19 3M -"ll 9 124, Otit Vnlice 83 li.:") Fewer maintalnance 07 9.04S Park 1 2).77 Lighting 54 GM.781 Health 07 9.0W Street cleaning IS ?U.677 I 'ui lilng, gutter and paving 17 I.Jtrii School 2.30 2,7,217 Following Is shown the funds, mill rato and amount that wilt be produced on the assessment as It now stands, minus thst of the railroads- Levy, Amount Fund Mills. Rained. General 1.72 $1K1,3I inking l.f.4 16? 991 Judgment On 8,4t!i Library 15 Ij.hVI Fire .Wi 101, Ml Police 83 87,791 Sewer maintalnance 07 7,4ol Park 1 1U.82I Lighting M 67.118 Health 07 7.404 Street cleaning 1 16.9JI Curbing, gutter and paving 17 17.981 School 2. SO 24381 Vote Down Increases. When the time came to adopt the levy ordinance Councllmen Lobeck. Hoye, Trost ler and Zlmnian thought that one-fjurth of 1 mill should be sdded to the general fund levy In order to produce the consti tutional limit. The other councllmen op- j posed them. Councilmsn Lobeck made a speech in which be declared that tba gen eral fund had been skimped lsst yesr and that more money should be apportioned in order to take proper care of the atreeta and street crossings. After his amend ment to Increase the general fund levy had been defeated he made an effort to have the park fund raised $5,009, which like- Ualse was put out ot existence by the ma jority. The final vote on the ordlnancs wss unanimous. Adopt fienrrsl Electric Fr.iurblsc. Ths electric franchise ordinancs seemed to come as a surprise, although its f. lends and loes bo'h knew that the majority haJ (Continued oa Fifth Page.) CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Rain or Snow Wednesday; Thursday Fair. Temperature at Omaha Testerdayi Hour. Dear. Hour. Dcat. n a. m St.t 1 p. m a. m it.'l a p. m T n. m 2 S p. m ' N n. m 8 J 4 p. m !T a. m 2 It p. m n in s, m 2T p. m at It a. m Itn T p. m nil It m 80 N p. m na A p. m ..... . 32 DROP D0WNAN ELEVATOR Unruly I.I tt in Paxton Block Gives Passencers Severe Shak. In ST UP. Four people fell with an elevator In the Paxton block from the third floor Into the basement Tuesday evening. Those who were In the elevator at the time the acci dent happened were: R. H. Shewan, night engineer of the building; escaped with slight shock. Miss Anna Mack, Buffered severe shock and may have sustained Internal Injuries. E. A. Dworak. Ill North Twentieth street; received slight bruises. Axel Lund, elevator boy; bead Injured and may bo Injured Internally. The accident happened about 9 o'clock, while the car was traveling between the second and third floors. Previous to start ing upon the trip the engineer and the ele vator boy inspected the lift, It Is said, owing to slight defects which bad been noticed In the running ef the carriage. After they had completed their Investiga tion Miss Mack and Mr. Dworak entered the elevator. When the cage started on Its upward trip It proved somewhat trouble eome, and while between the second and third floors stopped. Without warning It suddenly shot Into the basement. No reason Is assigned for ths accident. The safety rschets with which the car Is supplied are vaid to have failed to work when the cage dropped. At the time of the accident five more passengers were waiting on the third floor to be lowered to the lobby. FEVER PASSES ITS CRISIS State Commissioner of Health Claims Ithaca Typhoid Will Abate. ITHACA, N. Y., Feb. 24. Dr. Daniel Lewis, state commissioner of health, ar rived here today to Investigate the typhoid fever situation. Tonight he addressed a mass meeting of citizens and said an examination of Ithaca water had shown it to be contaminated and he believed the water was the cause of the epidemic. Ills Investigation showed, however, thst the situation was not as serious as is gen erally supposed, there being only between fifty and 100 serious cases In the city, while the highest period of fatality bad been reached. Dr. Lewis gave It as his opinion that there was no reason why the present water supply could not with proper- care be made pure. One death was. recqrdad today and sev eral new cases,' among them two Cornell students. N. P. MERGER CASE REACTS Peter Powers, Alleged Rrokcr, Is Suspended by New York . Exchasge, NEW YORK, Feb. 24. Camllle Weiden feld, a member of the stock exchange, was today suspended for one year. The exact character of the "charges and specifications" against Mr. Weldenfeld were not disclosed, but tt was accepted as a matter of fact that he was regarded as the author and Instigator of the Peter Power merger sulfa, and that the brokers believed these suits to have been con ceived in bad faith. Following the decision Mr. Weldenfeld entered suit for $500,000 damages. SHOOTING STARTS RACE WAR Reeanse Colored Man Wooada White Man Xea-roes Are All Ordered Out of Town. INDIANA, Pa., Feb. 24. Ten days ago Sterling Aiken, a negro, shot and wounded Walton Thomss, a bookkeeper of Webrun. Aiken escaped, but. the Webrun residents ordered all the negroea in the town, about twenty, to leave the neighborhood. Falling to comply, after repeated re quests, the ' white residents yesterday at tacked the negro shacks with ropes and poles and rolled them down. The negroes then took their belongings and boarded a freight train for Votondale. THOUSAND SHOTS SLAY BLACK Georotla Mob Wreaks Vengeance on Xearo Who Insulted White Woman. GRIFFIN, Ga., Feb. 24. William Fam bro. a negro, waa shot to death on the out skirts of this city lsst night by a mob of men, mho fired on his house. Fambro'a wife, who wss in the house, escaped In Jury. The negro some time ago wss arrested on a charge of insulting a white woman and sentenced to a term In the county chain gang. His fine was afterwards paid by hia employer. Over 1.000 shots were sent Into the building before the mob re treated. MAY DEPORT SOLE SURVIVOR Authorities Send Only Living; Witness of Mount Pelee'a Ernptlon to Kill. Island. NEW YORK. Feb. 24. The man supposed to be the sole survivor of the St. Pierre disaster was a passenger by the steamer Fontabelle, which arrived today from the West Indies. He Is Jose Blbarlce, a negro, aged 27, a native of Martinique. He was a prisoner in the dungeon ot St. Fierro when the ill fated city was destroyed by the eruption of Mont Pelee. He waa taken to Ellis island Movements of Ocean Vessels Feb. 24 At New York Arrived Kroonland, from Antwerp: Cymric, from Liverpool. Balled Kron I'rins wnneim, for nremen. At Algiers Arrived Commonwealth, from Boston, for Genoa. Naples and Alex andria. Al Bremen Arrived Zeltln, from New Vol k. At Uverpoil Balled Suxonla, for Boa t.'ti, via Queenatown. At Yokohama Sailed Pleiades, from Hong Kong. etc.. fur Seattle and Tacoma. At Naples Hailed Phoenicia, for New , i - I Ml - Al Hvdnev. N 8. W.A rrived Ventura from bun Francisco, via Honolulu and Auckland. Ai Antwerp Arrived Finland, from New xora. FUSION IN BAD WAY Party Representatives in Legislature Tail to If ix Campaign Medioine. HOPELESSLY DIVIDED AND IMPATIENT Lacking in Effective Leadership in Both Branohes of the Legislature, L00MIS OF DODGE IS A DISAPPOINTMENT Party Managers from Over the Btate Com ing to Brace Members Up. BILL WHICH CUTS OFF A SOFT SNAP If It Becomes a Law Clerk of h Supreme Court Will rests to Be Sought After by Pol. Illclans. (From a Ptaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. 24. (Special.) There blood on tho moon. Fusion In Nebraska la rent In twain. Internal dlssesslon reigns and reconciliation is almost despaired of. Revenue revision, political greediness and roarse inconsistency have wrought the trouble. Like a lot of ahlpwrerked mari ners, grasping at every straw In the vain hope of ssvlng their lives, these politicians are floundering about in a political sea of despair. Without leader, organization or visible means of support within them selves, they present a most ludicrous spectacle. The democrats and populists In the Ne braska legislature, of whom there are twenty-four In the house and four In the senate, started out under the party orders to conduct a campaign of negation through out the session, to seek out the popular aide of every question as against the side of the corporation and moneyed interests and Identify themselves with and champion that side. This obviously wss for the pur pose of making campaign buncombe with which It was the hope to drag Nebraska back Into the mire of fuslonism at the next general election. The fusionlsts wore to be the ultra-revisionists of the legislature, since It was apparent to a blind man that the overwhelming majority of the people of Nebraska wanted revenue revision. Then, as was shown by the Democratlo State Editorial association's action at Grand Island, the fusionlsts were expected to take what seemed to be the popular side of the railroad terminal taxation question. They were urged by strong resolutions to support the demand from Omaha and Lin coln for a law enabling municipalities to levy a direct tax on the terminals of the railroads within their corporste limits. And the general attitudo of the fusionlsts, up to a few days ago, gave the impression thst these Instructions would be heeded. Fusionlsts Ip In the Air. The whole upshot was that the fustonlst managers out in the state knew that the republicans.'' being so a stir1 in the ma jority, could not hope to maintain a solid front on every Important question and by keeping their force on the elde which promised most political advantage, P. waa hoped to be able to say to the people at the end ot the legislative session that the republicans are responsible for all the bad laws. But this utoplsn dream Is now noth ing but a mlserablo nightmare and the fusionlsts are all "up in the" Loom I s ot Dodge waa crowned with the perfunctory honor of floor leader of the houso for the fusionlsts when they nom inated him' for speaker. It was supposed that Mr. Loomls would make an aggressive and fearless leader ar.d that under his command the rest of the little band would be able to keep up quite a racket through out the session. But they have been the most peaceful lot ever. Loomls has laid down es a leader. Ho waa on the Joint revenue committee and had a part In Intro ducing the bill which the high priests of fuslonism In this state already have dubbed as a radical railroad measure, Impossible of the benefits which the people hoped to de rive through revenue revision. Mr. Loomls, wh'o admitting that he Is not absolutely sworn against seeing the bill amended In some particulars, has been quoted by the leading fusioniat organ of the atate as say. Ing he will not hold the reins In the house and Is douc until the time comes to vote. No Sub in Siht. It can be aald on authority of some ot the most prominent fusionlsts of Nebraska that , Mr. Loomls actlona have distracted them. Aside from Loomls there Is no possibility of a leader for the fusionlsts in the house. Memmlnger had been thought of, but things thst have transpired wltbln the past few days serve to shelve this Idea. Kennedy of Douglas, who la young and aggressive and commands the respect of all bis col leagues, both minority and majority, la a fusionlst and seems to be In deep esrnsst In his advocacy of honest revenue revision and the Omaha tax commissioner bill, but Mr. Kennedy cannot carry the whole load on his own shoulders. In the senate there Is no hope whatever of a fusionlst assert ing his right to lesdershlp. Cats Out the Fat. The predicament In which the fusion forces of the state find themselves as a result of the attitude of their representa tives In the legislature has alarmed the leaders so that many of them are hurry ing on to Lincoln as fast as they can come. Edgar Howard got In today. He Is very much disgusted over affairs and made little effort at concealing his feelings. He said to a correspondent for The Bee today that the fusionlsts "were shot to pieces" In the legislature. He found them wholly disor ganized aad admitted the situation to be very serious from the party'a standpoint. Mr. Howard came down from Columbus to urge the fusionlst members to line up for H. R. 330 as Its provisions were univer sally advocated out In Platte county. He had read of the actlona of Becher In re fusing to sign the minority report agalnat the injection of the tax commissioner ex emption clause in the South Omsba charter bill and got both scared and mad. Becher has spent the rest of the time trying to explain. it does Indeed, look as If the fusionlsts were going to be absolutely unable to make any effective campaign material out of this session of the legislature. The Douglas county republicsna have again refused to tske a decisive stand on H. R. $30. Chsrles Goss wss down from Omaha today and Informed Kennedy, the lone Douglas county democrat, that ha was unable to get his republican friends together on this Important question. Mr. Kennedy says he wilt wait no longer on his colleagues, whoae attitude Saa already been questioned by otnsrs. If H. R. 330 by Good of Nemaha should run lbs gsuntlet of the house and senste snd receive the signature of the governor the most lucrative office wlthU. e gift 4, ;