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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1003. SPECIAL NOTICES svlll fee take aatll IS m. for the "" nitie. (! a m . m. fee moraine aad Saaaay eeltlea. Rates, 1 l-te word Urst ltrlo, la ward thereafter. Sethis takra tar leaa taaa tn far the tril laser Ilea. These aarertlaeaieata saast eaaaeeatl-rety. AitMlifM, kr reqeestlear tna kered eaeek, eaa have aaawera aa elresssl ta a a a a-erred letter la eara ( Tae Bee. Aaawera aa addressed will keek ealy. BITIATIOSS WANTED. SITUATION, by experienced registered pharmacist, competent to mirttn, If dp aired. Address Keg. Ph. 13, 1-ork Box 27, Lyons, Iowa. A 414 24 WANTED, position aa coachman. In or out of city; references given. Address 219 N. 13th St. A-416 23 WAfcTKD MAL& HELP. MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of this being tna BEST and only reliable, inost practical barber college In the United States. Write for catalog today. Western Barbers' Institute. Omiba, Neb. ; B 763 !OOOD messengers wanted; high salaries. A. t. T. Co.. m Bo. Uth 8L B 784 WANTED, good boy, with wheel, to de- . Uver. Apply ecnaier s, ittn and Chicago ata. B-MlOi BA LESMEN Up-to-date, active, to sell first-class groceries direct to consumers at wholesale; first-class territory and lib eral lnducementa. George Meldrum e. Co., 6S and 71 N. Ureen St., Chicago, 111. B M167 THREE broom makers wanted at Coin, la.; steady work for first-class workmen: no others need apply. B M223 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. All the advantages of practical experience by free work, expert Instructions, lectures, demonstrations, etc. No limit to term. Years saved by our method. All new equipments of latest design. Everything first-class. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1301 Douglas Bt. , B M277 27 WANTED Young man for office work hav ing knowledge of ehorthand and type writing. Answer with references and sal ary expected. Address, X 48, Bee. B M 283 24 WANTED Men, everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B Mil 6 at WANTED for U. 8. army, able-bodied Un married men between ages of 21 and 85; citizens of United States, of good, char acter and temperate hablta, who can speak, read and writs English. For infor mation apply to Recruiting Officer, 16th Snd Dodge Bts., Omaha, or .-fbostofflce ulldlng, Lincoln, Neb. 7 B WANTED, first-class Job printer. Also good lock-up man. Steady work and high est wages. Tribune Job Printing Co., Minneapolis. Minn. B 415 $5 WANTED, experienced map solicitor. A proposition that is a sure winner. Apply E. R. McClellan, Room 100, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. B 411 2d BUSINESS firm wants reliable man to travel in the west: good salary to right party; expenses advanced; send self ad dressed envelope. Maxson, Oeneral Mana ger. Sykea block, Minneapolis, Minn. B M422 24 SALESMEN sWAHTED. WANTED, I salesmen to solicit and collect; ' quick promotions. 627 Pax ton block. M76 EELL Bitters as side line on commission; on article, well advertised- 2668 Cuming. tot WANTED To supply salesmen with gro ceries at wholesale who take orders of farmers and ranchmen and deliver In car lota. Have good territory la the moun tains. Midland Grocery Co., IMS Platte Bi., uenrer, kmio. aiji SIDELINE. Carr's London Oil Blacking. Ws want salesmen to handle on ths side. We don't want all there's In it. Your commission will be pleasant. T. 8, Todd at Co., 26 Broad Bt., Mew York. 411 a SALESMEN; upvto-date, active, to sell first-class groceries direct to consumers at wholesaler first-class territory and liberal Inducements.- George Meldrum Ik Cj., 69 and 71 IN. ureen St., Chicago, ill. M418 24 WASTED FKMALK HELP. 10 Girls. Call Canadian office, 16th st Dodge. c 1M A GIRL for general housework. 200 Pierce street. c ids WANTED, a cook, 8630 Farnam. C-177 WANTED Ladles to learn halrdreaslng, manicuring or facial massage. Four week completes. Steady practice, expert Instructions, tools and positions furnished. . Call or writs. Meier College, uu2 Douglas WANTED, capable lady to travel and act as manager In the west; 160 a month and expenses; send self addressed envelope. American Publishing House, Sykea block. Minneapolis, Minn. . u jaiii u- WANTED, cook and second girl. Mrs. Joseph. Barker. 15u 8. 8th. c M425 2t WANTED, an experienced second girl. Mrs. Aiarsn. sua 1 ine at. ' v uw iv k GOOD girl for general housework, at ones. Apply 1611 N. 17lh St. C-M4J3 26 FOR HKST HOUSES. HOUSES. 15 upward. Bemls. Paxton Blk. 1 1 1JTI ICCC In all parts of city. The O. I1UUJUJ k. Davis Co., fcos Bse Bldg. D7V4 VANS and baggage wagons. Tels: 1196-1145. D 7W houses, q. a. Wallace, Brown Block. 1 7K1 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. . . D 7M HUUOCO c. Peters 4k Co., Bee Bldg. V IN FOR RENT, part or all of t-room house at 1711 So. lutb Bt.; modern except fur nace; good condition and convenient to car and depot. Inquire on premises or at 111 so. Zfitn e.1. t mih 1215 BURT HT.-6 rooms I t oo N. Xid Bt. 6 looms 12. W 1417 Erskine St. (-room prick house. bath, closet 15.00 8023 Martha St. 4 rooms, well . Ills Brigs 8l 3 rooms, well HctAutii inv. iu., uus uyuyt sr. D 871 FOR RENT, nice t-rooa house, with bath ana sewer, east iront, ail in nne Shape, convenient to two car lines, (18 per month. at. oecnniann. ua t-axion diock. D US TO MOVE rlfht get Omaha Van Storage Co.; office. IsllVi Farnam, or Tela 1569-oal. D 787 MAOGARQ Van B'.orags Co. Tel. 1494. MODERN 7-room house cear park. U0 B. zsinv . D So 2si WOOLWORTH AV.. 8-room. aU mod ern house, near cap and school, Hast' ings Sk neyuen. w im. I. IAI: D M384 24 FOR RENT, 8-room cottage, 2211 California at ; rent reasonable. Inquire at ml N lth St. D M3i U FINE T-room brick house, nrdern In every way, one block to. car, good location, tw. FOR RENT. a. large t-room house, 2wd Blondo St., 115. The Omaha Realty t o. 810 N. X. Die bldg. U M4U 10-ROOM modem house, furnished, blocks from postumce; will rent cheap to rlirht party. Address A. ta, iiee. . u UKI pi i-ROOM strictly modern cottase. 17 N Ssth at. - Apply at Sowmer hr.. 28th sr. masa auk atts TO" FOR REIT-rtngllHED ItOOMS. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-797 11 PER WEEK-4U S. ISth Bt., one block south of court house. K -JOT AETNA HOU'BE. European, 13th a: Dodge. K 789 ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th eV Chicago. K J0 L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephono 780. E Wl ELEGANT iteam-heated rooms, tol Ave. 1909 Capl E 191 t ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 B. 11 Bt. Ktn VIENNA HOTEL, 1011-U Farnam Bt. e soj EI.EOANT rooms; hot water heat; modern; leferences. 11 Webuer. E M397 FRONT parlor, hot water heat. 1617 Cass at. . E MloO M18 NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board. 1610 Davenport st. mjiU NICELY furnished front room, suitable for two. J714 California St. t-Mtt KtRMSHED ROOMS ASD BOARD. NICE, large room, with good board. 415 N. 25th Bt. F-138 NICE rooms, steam heat, with or without board; low rates. Midland Hotel, ltn and Chicago F-194 FOR REKT-IKFIKSISHED ROOMS. DOUBLE parlors. Call at 1G1 Webster Bt. G M71 CENTRAL, steam heat, all modern, 1, I or rooms, lurnisnea or uniurnisnea. z.ti N. 23d. u Mi s FOR RENT, at "08 8. lth Bt., one suits of 4 rooms, iiz.w; one suite of J rooms, ti.w. N. F. Dodge, jr.. wu N. i . li re. u l.s FOR RKST TOHa7S AAU OFFlCa-S. OFFICES In The Bee building, $10.00 per month up. Rental price includes neat, light ana Janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bes Bldg. 1-279 FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at vis rarnam; iuxyo, lour storlea and tint-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault. office counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rose-water, secre tary The Bee Building Co., room lw, Bee building. 1 M567 FOR RENT, ators In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply K. C reters Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1264 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied ay i ns ee at sis r arnam bi. it nas lour stories and a basement, which was formerly used aa The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. It Interested apply at office to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bse building. 1 aw AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, cauvaaslng agents In every county to solicit Buoscripiions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Bteadv emDlovcient. with assured good In come. Agenta in the country wltn horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 800 to tluo per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. HI RELIABLE agent wanted in this city to reperesent thoroughly gooa proposition. Call on Richard Willis. Paxton hotel, to day. J M427 24 WAJHTED TO RENT. WANTED Small farm near railroad sta tion and city; describe fully, giving low est cash price. Address , Bee omce, Council Bluffs. ,. K M WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, a hearse; send price and de scription to J. Jf . aooK, HsmDurg, ia. ' N M4V4 24 FOR SALE KCRMlTlRli. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. TeL Atw ana seoonanana, oougnt. soia. exebangea. u av FOR BALK HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. TRY MS on wagon repairing. First-class work. u. rost, utn ana jeevenworm P is HORSE AUCTION at Union Stock Yards horse marksi every wsunesoay aiternoon P-625 FOR SALaV MISCULLAftKOUS. NEW and 2lhand typewriters. Ill Farnam, W 10 SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; billiard tames repaireu; a urge sioca oi cheap bar hxtures, cigar counters, etc. The Bruaswlck-Balks-Collender Co., 407-8 it loth. -M42il Ml FOR BALE Two stovss and three show- canes Wltn sianaa, curay ii iuch at once. Address, U 57, Bee. Q Usfcl INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. V4 aos FENCE LATH for quick shipment, crib bing. comDineiiuu uiuuvre. wvi xougias. U J FOR BALE, phonographs, superior to sny Other musical mw uiuoui. up. ins Wittmann Co., ivo. t arnam. . q mi vet o. SALE, six-passenger rocks way car riage, In gooa cunujuou. jauion ttogers st stuns . t UIVI n TJkDIES' and cents' watches. 150 dla. monds. lett in pawn, iwn ae new selling at half price. Diamond Loan Omce, 14ul Douglas. ttl 1DHAND safs cheap. Deright, 1118 Farnam. FOR BALE, first mortgage note bearing per cent interest, payaoie every six months; has about !iV4 years to run; good security and endorsed by responsible party; amount, ti.suo. inquire c. at. Bachmann. Room 424. Paxton block . Q 68 MISCELLANEOUS. TO JOIN narty shipping car .household goods to southern California witntn month or two. Aaaress jl do, cee. it sawi x CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 114 Cass street. B U MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist. 815 B. 15. a MADAME LUCRKTIA, medium. Iu9 Chi - . o If,. VKID Si. a Mdii mi- KLECTRIC TREATMENT. BATH3-O01 N. lith St. T-78tIS MISS HARRIS, 1821 Lcav'Wln, top fir, flat 1 I Ml 19 111 MME. SMITH, baths. 111 N. U,ld floor r. 1 i 1M All' Mrs. Davis, 1621 Howard; baths; attendant. . , T OS GRACE O BRYAN of Kentucky, 7'J0 8. 13th. T-Mltl M17 PERSONAL. DR ROY. chiropodist: corns and suDerflu ous nair removea oy eiecinciy. tt.. z and 8, line raxnam du c 14 MAGNET PILE At druggists, U. KILLER. IT CURES. U Mldo Qrvartrloc th nt- Globe Optical Co., speciacieb u, bo. itn. u-d TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers. I, el MRS. JACOBSON. 2Je N. SOth St. U-M7S0 Ml RUPTURE CURED without pain, bin pi re nupiure v-o., . x. -ts iuug., umana. U sii PRIVATE hospital before and durlns eon nnemeut; bauios boarded and adopted. Mrs. uaraeis. m ixe. lei. rted-lttM. L i ELITE PARLORS. CIS 8, Uth St., Id floor. IT U .41 i f , . tarn MARRY Western Is dies with means want husbands. Star, 5.8 4ia a . Ban rTsn Cisco, Cat. U-MJUf M14 THE BEST BARGAINS IN THE PAPER ARE ON THE WANT AD PAGE PERSONAL, PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before anJ during confinement. Dr. nnd Mrs. O.-rlsoC, K2o California St. Terms reasonable. U-M432 TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRON9-We have moved to 118 S. 17th street. We will continue to carry a nice line of planoa, talking machines, small musical mer chandise and sewing machines and will endesvor to .nerlt a share of your patron age. COLIN3 PIANO COMPANY. U-154 A wholesome nerve aV tissue food dt horns treatment for disorders of women. Write for free booklet. Vlavi Co., 848 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Tel 1686. U MSI WE RENT sewing machines, any make, f5e a week. Nebraska cycle to., lain and Harney sts. U M148 M18 CHIROPODY, manicuring, facial and spe cial massage taugnt ana practiced. A Mayer, 512 Bee Bldg. Consultation free. Tel. 171. U-l SOMETHING FOR NOTHING," greatest yet, Illustrated, 160 pares, 25r; no fske; you wouldn't take 15 for 1L Address Gil lian Mfg. Co., Omaha. U M429 24 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. TO t P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. W 821 A PER CENT on business property. per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MLIKLE, 401 S. ISTH ST. W-8J0 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennau-Jjcve Co., sus bo. utn. W-821 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds ana warrants. m. reiers st -o.. utn Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 822 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Mat. Ban Biag. lei. i4. W W4 PER CENT loans. Farnam Garvin Bros., 1604 W-S26 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam smith Co.. f arnam sireei. W 1126 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. w til PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. W 376 Life. MONEY TO AAIAN CHATTELS. DO YOU WANT TO tiOKROW MONEY? Ws loan from iu w up on furniture, uva iocs. Dlanos. etc. b ALAK LOANS witnoui niortsage to peisona who hoia sal aneu posmone. An interview will convince you tnat tne conaiuuns wi our vuulihis are tbe most llDtrai obrainable In the city. We mak no oeuuetions trom tne amount borroweo, as some uo, tnereoy compeung you to pay lor money you uo nut get. our oilice is very easily lound, ana having re cently naa it again remoaeiea, it is more private than aver. We always try to please. - aj,, LJ Til & ,1 ta'. I .f A I'll.. . 11K Board of Traae Biog., Tel, Eaiabushed 192. 3u B. lttta Bt. Xa24 headquarters'" fok salary Loans. ttverv man or woman in umana, douiu ". -. .i Ulnff. ..tllnir Umana ana uiuuui salary cail and get our money on your plain note, without publicity, mortgage or sndoraer. . TRY US ON FURNITURE LOANS. Goods remain in your pobsession; you get . . n Inu n Writ hAlli iiPflllO. the lUil tlUUUUl Ws luan . tion. our system of payments tne easiest. Our rates are easily tbe lowest. Ws aim to P'ljblk CREDIT CO. s-i. s'lstsinr At Third .Floor. Room 80S. THH STAR LOAN COMPANYJ: v Room 644. Paxton Block. .'Phone FZZSW. This compsny "fi y age-earner anu . you have a permanent position aa clerk, bbokkeeper. salesman, machinist or arU ian of any kind, you can obtain on your note, without security, or Uulorser: Monthly.Monthly. Weekly. $100 return to us .'.& 1J. HM . U.S8 6.66 8-36 ST' Tr. " is 3.3 Let , Our o Rices are pnvaie connaenuat x im r X 833 The BEST place to borow money on your BALARY. FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK. WHERE you can get any amount WHERE you get tne lowest rates. WHERE no charges are made In advance. WHKRfii everyinina tohhuw. X.i1! rirn it in easy payments. WHtiRE you pay for only the time money WHERE an you do better than at ths PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. cxi Wxton block. 16th and artiam. X-M864 LARGEST BVBINEM IN LOAtsa steri boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terma; 40 offices in prln PioaielUes. Tolman. 440 Board of Trads X-6U Bldg. CHATTEL, sslary jewslry loans. . Foley Loan Co, sue to u. ureen, . . "'"Zli MONEY losned on plain note to salaried people; ousiness connu.-ii"i. "--. $14 Paxton block. Ths J. A. HuttonCo. MONEY loaned on pianos, 'uj;nH'. Jew- slry, horses, cows, etc w. j- WE LOAN money on furniture, planosand diamonds omama lhau r-y Y"oV,. BANK. 1404 Farnam, upstairs. Tel.Aa. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wll- n . i . U1...!. kiilMin uams, maim ui, y SIS Farm Harness A) GOOD Concord team harness, with breeching. $28 and up; will take old har ness in trads for new. ALFRED CORNISH, 1210 Farnam Bt- Telephone OMAHA, NEB. T-M791 Ml DESK ROOM, with roll-top oesx ana 'phono service j. a. duuuauu, o-w ':.' Lite, Y-Moos CASH for your real estate pr dj sir ess, no matter wnere lut-aioi. rw m 1 send us description and price. North western Business Agency, D 312, Bank of Commerce bldg., JuiuueapoUe, Minn. Y MS73 M7 TO TURF, stock and grain Investors: Have you any money mvesiwu in tun specula tion or In stock or grain speculstlonT If so, 'io is your brokerf We know the good from the bad. Reports furnished on all turf, stock and grain Investment com panies. Writs to us befors Investing. Ws can be of service to you. The Ne York Financial Mercantile Agency, Beta Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa., or to Westsrn Omce, Century Bldg.. St. Louis. u. . Y 439 FOR BALE, a good paying Jewelry and optical business located In thriving Ne braska town of 3,0u0 inhabitants. Invoice of stock and fixtures, M.Sut; fins set of hxtures. Must be sold by March 1. Ad dress In cars of Columbia Optical Co., Omaha. Y-138 21 FOR ALL kinds of business openings, or if you want cash for your business quick, address M. U. Montgomery, 614 N. Y. Life. Y M1M M20 BRICK HOTEL FOR BALE OR RENT. Building nearly new, thirteen sleeping rooms, kitchen, dining room, office and parlor; beat location; near depot and on main street. R. TWEED, Davenport, Neb. Y-M221 28 ONE steam laundry plant for sale cheap. Addresa X $0. Bee. Y-129 28 8TOCK of second-hand goods for sale In good town; will sell at a bargain; sick ness cause of selling. Writs or call on M. C UarrU, bellsvills, Kansas M867 81 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE, JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 Farnam St. Telephone 529. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN HOMES AND INVESTMENTS. $4,75010 rooms, modern and barn, full east front corner, both streets paved, one block from Hsnscom Park. Annual rental, 841. MUST BE BOLD TO close an estate. $3,5008 rooms and burn, modern except heat, east front on 4tth street (paved), near Josslyn's. SNAP. Annual rental, 83tio. 12,800 T rooms, modern except heat, Mason and 33d, on paved street, east front and In re.rfct repair. VERY CHEAP. Annual rental. 1270. $2,0007 rooms, modern except heat, east front on paved street near Hanscom park. Yearlv rental $.28. $4,000 Store and three cottages, 13th and William. MUST PE SOLD TO SET TLE AN ESTATE. Annual rental $ol6. CHEAP BUILDING LOTS. $1. 5110 Four full lets. 42d and Dodge. si. 6"0 &Oxl66, near Farnam on 88th Ave. " East front on 2th, south of Farna 800 Full lot on 41st, near Farnam. ACREAGE. $ 6007 acres of fine garden land. $ 1,00010 acres, near Center street. $ 2.00020 acres, near Benson. $10,600100 acres, with tine Improvements. I have other bargains in houses, lots snd acres in every part of the city. No trou ble to tell you about them, so don't buy until you see me. List your property with me for quick sales. RE Sii 23 ALFALFA ALFALFA In the Great Platte ValleyCountry. A 2S0-arre Improved, irrigated farm, 120 acre fully paid up water light. 50 acres of the finest kind of alfalfa, good build ings. Price, only $25 per acre, ?,0U0. Pos session. March 1 to U. Write us for complete description of this farm. It is a big bargain, one of the biggest we ever offered. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha, Neb. "THE ALFALFA LAND MEN." RE 161 2$ DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stock raisers about 1U Tbe beat way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH ' ' CENTURY FAKMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 40,000 homes oi termers and stock raisers, so If you have a goou piece of land to sell at a re&sonablu price you ought to find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertise ment is small 2 cents per word. THb TWtNilblH CbNTUKY FARMbR, OMAHA, NfcB. RE 04 A SNAP IN MISSOURI. No. ski lo acres 3 miles trom town, ail fine land, deep black soil, 40 acres in timber; tms farm is worth a great aeal more tnan asked, but belongs to some heirs and must be sold at once. Price, $27 per sere. Cooley Inv. and Real Estate Co., U N. Y. Lite biug. - RE M341 VERY cheap ranch, eleven miles from rail road; i section school land, 1 deeded, wl acres leaea; lo miles tence, windmill, tanas, uweiung anu outlet to irrigation alien, witn tanas; ,0ou cash. Write also tor altaita ana tartn' snaps. Brown x lavies, Cosaa, Neo.,.,-,. HE M347 28 CHOICE trackage, paved. Monroe, all N. 16th. RE 84S RANCH and farm lands for sale by ths Union Paclflo Railroad company. B. A. McAuester, tana commissioner, Union Pa ewe Heaaiiuarters, omana, Neb. HE 841 AN ALFALFA FARM AT A SNAP. 120 acres in Lawson oounty, 2 miles from aiaiiun, on nauii iiuv vi tnts union la clno, only $190 per acre, reasonable terms. Bend for full description. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha, Neb. "THB ALFALFA LAND MEN." RE 162 25 FOR BALE, modern ten-room house and barn; sue o ground i0xlo. lib N. 3a lb av. A. J.. Love. 8ov tt. Uth. RE MUS 88 TEN, twenty or forty acres in fruits; one of ths best fruit and garden farms in Iowa; adjoins city limits. Address A, Bee, Council BluffB, the owner. RE M717 28 A FINE cottage home on 21st and Man derson, near Kountse Place, 5 rooms, gas, city water,, only Jl.iJfco. - It would cost 81,250 to build the house alone. See us quick. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, "Sols Agents." Main Floor New York Life Building. RE lbs 25 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 6ol Bee Bldg. KL 840 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E.. U0$ rarnam street. RESIDENCE lot, BIG BARGAIN, south tront, lot 6oxU7, clear, sewer in and paid for, one block to two paved streets and motor, good neighborhood, north of Hans com Park. This lot sold once for $l,6uu.o0. You can get it if taken quick for 8476.00, spot cash. Sea owner, 80S Su. 17th St. HE M3o 24 MODERN 8-room house, also -roora; good locations, low prices, inquire 1411 Vinton. RE 728 Ms ANOTHER FINE ALFALFA FARM. 400 acrea in the best part of the ALFALFA BELT. U0 acres now in alfalfa, only $Ji ver acre. Bend for full description. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha, Neb., "THB ALFALFA LAND MEN." RE 160 25 N. E COK. 80th Ave. and Paclflo St., 86x148, specials fully paid, owner Intends re moving from city and will sell very cheap. F D- Wead. 1524 Douglas St. RE 176 26 FOR SALE. $4 000 for 5-story and basement, very sub stantial brick building, with good lot. No. 1734 South 13th St. Rental $45 per month. $5.260 Good 10-room house, lot 66x132 ft, 3 blocks from High school. $1 475 7-room hou.e, 314) California BL; lot 33x132 ft. $l,6o-Slx-room cottage, 2502 St. Mary's Ave. $1,250 Five-room cottage, 819 South 24th Bt. 100 to $150 per acre for smsll acre tracts near Omaha and South Omaha. GEORGE at COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST., Omaha, or 417 North 26th St., South Omaha. RE-M362 2a AN IDEAL building spot 1 of the finest lots on east side of 23d St., between C and D, So. Omaha; 30 beautiful shade trees, near car line In choice neighborhood, only $l,4o0 for the two. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Main Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. RE-M349 24 WE DEAL IN first mortgages c:i farms. No security of fers the Investor as high a rate of inter est consistent with absolute aafety. You control your own Investment. If you have Idle funds on which you wish to secure more Interest than the banks will allow call on ua. POTTER, FORGAN A HASKELL, 4J N. Y. Life Bldg. -75$ FOR SALE MODEL HOME- Five acres level land, young orchard In bearing, 10-room pressed brick dwelling, barn, carriage house and other outbuUd Ings, chicken yard and garden, near street cars and Country club, a snap at $4.5u0, less than half what Improvements cost. W. N. NAJJON. 4S BEJS BUILDING. BJ&-M410 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CANADA Innd $4 to 110 per acre. Hastings & Heydeu, slO N. Y. Lite, Omaha. KK.H20 24 FARMS We are running short of farms to sen. If you have a good one you want to dispose of list it with us for quick sale. Fletcher Real FMate Co., 3'1 Bee Build ing. Omaha, Neb. RE M.M TH'hH HITERI, LAMBERT, $& street. Monroe & Co., 811 N. 16th M ALL KINDS, all standard makes sold, ex changed, repaised and rented anywhere; many good as ne.v; 'Ji manufacturers' prices. Don't buy until you get samples of writing on ours unprejudiced advice, immense stock to select trom. Machines shipped on approval. if you want i UUOD typewriter CHEAP, you'll tlnd it here. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 'Phone 13. Cor. lath and Harney. M 147 25 GCNERAL ROOFING. WORK in any part of the country. Jones Rooting Co.. 1517 Burt St. Tel. lb. -M172 ROOFING, lightning rods and repairing. Oermanla Booting Co., 1612 Capitol Ave. Tel. 2440. 102 M14 TAXIDERMIST. J. E. WALLACE, 606 Bu. 13th Bt. S7i OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 615. N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Tel. 1664. -871 DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPT. THOS. CORMACK, private detect ive. 617 Karbach block. Telephone A-2U32. SHOHTIIAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG 8. H., Touch T. W., Bus. Branches, Telcg. Cat. free. Om. Com. Col., 17 & Doug. - 043 A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. BCYLES colleg. court reporter principal. N. Y. Life. -846 NEB. Business & Ehorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 848 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN 4fc PRICE, 23 U. S. N'l Bk. Bldg. S47 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 848 MACFARLAND & MAY, New York Life Bldg. Room 304. 'Phone 1662. 848 ELECTRICIAN. GRAND Electric Co., 620 8o. 18th. Tel. 2848. Electrical supplies, wiring, repairing. 724 M LAINDRY. OMAHA Bteam Laundry and City Towel Supply. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. A-1783. 720 SEEDS AND POI'LTRY SUPPLIES. E. H. ULLERY & CO., 1611 Howard Bt. -M74J STORAGE. OM. Van Btor. Co. 15UM Farn. Tel 156-K3. : 852 EXPRESSMAN'S Del. Co. Tsls, 1186-1146. S53 ' LS ACCORDION PLEATING, GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk. 76 MUSIC TH08. J. KELLY, voles. Davldge Block. 3hS FOR SALE. MODEL HOME. Five acres level land, young orchard In bearing, 10-room pressed brick dwelling, barn, carriage house and other outbuild ings, chicken yard and garden, near street cars and Country club, a snap at $6,500, less than half what Improvements cost. W. N. NASON. 446 Bee Bldg. -M21J FARMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT, 40 seres In South Omaha. Omaha Realty Co., 810 N. Y. Life. M122 UPHOLSTERING. CARLSON CO., 1121 Leavenworth. TeL 2U& -766 PETERSON at Lundberg, 115 S. 17th. TeL L-2368. ((74 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES treats successfully sll diseases and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced, reliable. 1513 Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha, Neb. Tel. I2S3. 862 i LADIES' Chichester English Pennyroyal LM . .. . , ... . . . i i , . j uv ma uroi, sale, rcuauie. lafcte no oiner. ena -4C, atamps, tor particulars. "Relief for Ladles" in letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester (nemicai to., rniiadelphla. Pa. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. A. J. P1ERSON, 20th and Burt. ToL L-2838. 753 1 L. SPITZBART. Tel. F-2606. 253 Lake. 07 Mchl4 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL-No fee unless success fuL 818 S. Uth St.. Omaha. Tel. 1798. 863 SUES & CO., Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Es tabllshed 1&6. No fee If we fall. Hand ooon ires, 'leu-phones 163 and A-2610. tf2 Mli) CARPET CLEANING AND LAYING. A. K. JETT. tola Cuming St. 660 PRINTING BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS PRINTING CO. position. Tel. 219u. Llnotyps com- M1K ANNOUNCEMENT. W. C. RUSSELL moved to (16 Bo. 15th. -816 Mchl TICKET BHOKKHS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. U. Phllbln. 15u6 Farnam. 'Phone 74. 666 HAY, GRAIN AND COAL. M. LONDON, $302 Cuming. TeL A2538. -16a F2S MAMtlERADBJ COSTUMES. THEO. LIEBEN, 1018 Farnam. costumes. . M7 SCHOLARSHIP. BUSINESS college scholarship for sale at a bargain in one or omana a leading com mercutl colleges; lifs scholarship. Address S 47. flee office. M710 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING - CURED. Julia Vaughn. 480 Ramge Bldg. -e. LOST. LOST, somewhere near ISth and Capitol Ae , a linly s gold hunting rase watch, tianm of om-ner engraved on cap. Kinder rewarded hv returning same ti Edholm'S Jewelry store. Lost 112 23 LOST, liver and white pointer dog; name on collar. Return to 311, W. O. V. bl.lg. Reward. list M41 24 LADY'S sold watch (Waltham. No. 106702) and chain, between Hh and Harney and niton diock; return to Miss lerrni, I'ax ton block; reward. Lest M4.U 25 FOIND. FOUND Bunch of keys. Call at Bee offlca. Found v GARBAGE. ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co., cleans cess pools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779 7 PAW NBROKEHS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business contldentlal, 1301 Douglae. GRAVEL ROOFING. BARRICK Roofing Co., 1618 Cuming St. Tel. 951. -M47 PLIMBING. FREE & W1CKERSHAM, 602 So. 18th St. M 478 F23 DALY 4V SON. Tel. 2341. 2j06 Leavenworth. 3! Mch7 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th ami Lake streets. 870 THINKS AND BAGGAGE. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. Trunks and baggage delivered. 1508 How ard. 'iel. 644. MJ67 TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 17IT. 606 S. 16th, THE DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780. m PIIOOGKMMI. AND 81PPLIES. ALL MAKES talking machines; send for catalogue. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16tb and Chicago 878 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. Q. R, Rathbun, Room 15, Com'l Nat.- bank. 318 WALL PAPER AND PAPER HANGING. OILS, palnta, rarnlshes, window glass. T. J. Sterner, 2625 N. 20th St. TeL A-2667. -M3S3 AUTOMOBILES. ELEC. automobiles. Deright. 1113 Fsrnam. . - - - 877 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tls Co., 811 North 16th. 876 SIGN PAINTING. 6CHROEDER Sign Works, 209 B. 17th. We also ship signs. Writs us. 376 JuneS MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHOIR, 13th and Howard, ma- chlnist. ... 860 OMAHA Bafe and Iron Wks. maks a spe cialty of tire escapes, shutters, doors ana Safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 Sc. 10th Bt. 661 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bes Bldg. Tel. $635. GOO DRESSMAKING. KRISTER'S Ladles Tailoring College, Bulte , ea-4-o-o, uougias oioca, ltttn and Dodge. : C. D. Snyder, Mgr. Write tot booklet, i ...... Mil LADIES' tailoring parlors, 2233 Seward BL $?.oo To enter the McDowell Dressmaking school. Oldest and best established school In Ne- . braska. The celebrated McDowell system won highest awardi at Paris and Berlin, also at Buffalo. Perfect, easy to learn. The manager cannot be excelled as a teacher, de-signer or cutter of all ladles' i garments. Patterns cut to measure and ' guaranteed. For further particulars call or MDOWELL DRESSMAKING SCHOOL, 204 B. 20th Bt. Tel. L280L , Mrs. M. E. Morrison, Manager. PATENT OFFICE DRAWINGS, PATENT DRAWINGS, application blanks, . deeds, etc. Buss & Co., Bee Bids;. Tele ' phone 1628. 053 M10 GOVERNMENT NOTICE. MEN WANTED FOR THE UNITED States navy; machinists, firemen, coal passers, electricians. shiDwrishts. seamen ordinary seamen, landsmen, apprentloea snd mess attendants; must be American bom c-ltisens or have made legal declaration or intention to Decome ('linens. Only men of good character and physique need apply. For Information apply In person or by let ter to Naval Recruiting Station, at or near the Postofflce, Omaha, Nebraska. , F23 d9t M I T ft - TT" V f"J T M IV IT E ' a rTPwmr os..v ' - w-jx. JJUU11U OI government property pertaining to improve. nionl ,i f Xlluunurl rlir.. . - - -, i.uiiBiaiiiiK or steamboats, quarter -boats, hulls, barges, ivumjin steam nammers, pumps boilers capstans, winches and a large quantity oi minor articles and of scrap Iron, Junk etc " u.uimus, mo., oeginnlng March 27, VjM. List of material furnished on application. H. M. Chittenden, Captain Engineers. F23d4lMH 12M LEGAL NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING TJhen annJu1?i. mPeUnf of "'ockhold'ers In The Bee Publishing Company will be held uii mouuay, iii area z ma, at 4 o'clock p. m. In The Bee building, corner Seven- . , . .iu.i i ,ucth. ny oroer of thff2'5T,?,t- UEO' B' TZSCHUCK. FlnMALlOt Secretary. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET- Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of ths fcuUUllli,t? La.nd Company will be held at the offlce of said company In Lincoln, Ne hrafika. st 11 n'.WL a . - . . , it March. a7 5. Sol - aay uy oraer or tne board of directors A. B. MINORC-8creM:Jr?RILL' Lincoln. Neb., Feb. 1. 1900. , F$ SOtd ) A1LWAY TIME CARD. UNION' PACIFIC -"THW Overland Route "General Of fices, N. E. Corner Ninth she turnam Btreeu. City Tlckdt -.iiii.w, x rarnam Ml. Tele phone 316. Depot. Tenth and liarcy Bts. Telephone fiS I-ave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 7:60 Dm The Chicago-Portland y Special a 9:40 am a 7:80 i m The Fast Mall a 3.25 wu The Mall and Express.. all:30 am a 3:40 am 1 lie voiorauv Ductii...a ;.iu am a 8:40 a Lincoln, Beatrice and CHICAGO. MILWAUKEB & Bt. Paul lullwsy-City Ticket wce, 16M Farnam St. Telephone 2&4. I)pot, Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone tat. esve. Arrive fCMJCl IMILWAUM Chicago I4yllght a 7:4. am all 15 pm Chicago Fast Express. a 6:45 pm a 3:40 pm Chicago Limited a6:06pm a 7:5s am Des Moines Express.. .a 7:46 am a $:to pm Chicago tocaJ.t 10.40 aa btromsDurg express. .D :v pm bl2 50 nm California Lxpress a 4:20 pm The Atlantic Lxpress..,. a ; j Bm Eastern Express a 5:30 prn North Plaits Local a 8:00 am a 6:15 pm Grand Island t.ocai a 6:80 pm b t Ji am a Dally, b Dally except Sundar. ptll.W AY TIMK Hll- onilnued. . ClIICA'SO NORTH, western Railway "Ths Northwestern Line" City Tl.kel Offioe, 11 larnnyi 8t. Telephone Ml. lvpot, rTenth and Marcv 8treet. Tela. phone (Sli. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago a am allilo iitf' lxcal Carroll-Omaha. ..b 4:00 pm a V :M ai.t Local I'hir.igo-Oninlia..al0:f5 am a 8:10 pm Fast Chicago a 6:50 pm a $.60 pm Kasl omaha-('hlcago...a 8:40 am a 7.00 am Fat Mall a 8:00 pm. a 2; pm Umiteil Chkago a 8.10 pm a 8.15 am Fast St. 1'au .....a 7.56 pm a 8:16 am Daylight St. Paul a 7:36 am al0:.'6 pm Fast .Mall a 8.30 am Cedar Rapids Passengsr a 6:10 pm Local Kioux Clt b 4:00 pm b 60 m Local Hloux Clty.v a 5:10 am a 8:30 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. . ... FREMONT, ELKHQRN Mlrsourl Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Line" General Othces, United t-tstes Nstloiial Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth anA Var. nam Sts. Ticket Office, 14ul Farnam St. Teli-phoiie o61. Depot, 16th and Webster Bts. Telephone H68. Leave Black Hills, Deadwood, - Lead. Hot Springs. ...a 1:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas 4 :00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Hupetlor, Geneva, Kxeter'and Beward....b $:00 pm Bonesteel, Niobrara. Uncoln and Fremont. b 7:30 am Lincoln Wahoo and ' Fremont b 7:J0 am Fremont Local t... c 7:3i am Arrive $:00 pm',- e 6JK) pm. ; f ... . b 6:00 pre b 10:25 am . bl0:3 am ,- a Dally. B Dally vxcent Kunilatf. Run day only. d DaUy: except Saturday. a Dally except Monday. ' 11- ...... : 1 t CHICAGO,' BT, PAUL, ' Mliwieapolla A Omtha Railway ."The North- i wextern One" General Offices, Nebraska Dlvt- slon, 15th and Web-ier His. City Ticket Office. . 1401 Farnarr Bt. Telephone 661. Depot loin ana n coster dib. ' jriepnone lds. Leave,- , Arrive.- Twin City Passenger. Kloux City Passenger, .-.a 6:30 am .a 9:10 pm ..a 2:0u pm all m u,.i OaKiand l.ooil .b 5:45 pm b 8:45 am ' a Dally b Daily except Sunday. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND .It 1'scltic Knilro-ad "The Great Rock Island Home" City Ticket OtHce. 13 Farnam street. Telephone 428. Depot, Telephon icmu aim mrcy streets. wA-TI','-:Arr,V- ' Oh Ira rr " xr 1 1 K t A .W - L. m . as- . " r- " " ' " J "put . . v .t"V am III fk sj.aja ns Chicago DayilgTil Loca.l..a 7:oo am ' a :3.,t.nt Chicago Express ,;..bll:15 am a 6:06 pm . 0iuuir. r,ALirra a i:ji nm ntL:ai .m Ch'oago Fast E'ipreej a pm a 1:26 Dm Rocky Mountain Ltd... a 8:50 am. 4:60 am iincom, oioraao op gs. uenver, rueoio an! . West . 1 -Sft nt. ' a twwt Ku Colorado, Oklahoma & . .-. J Texas Flyer. ....... .....a 6:40 pm al2:40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. ' ' BURLINOTON4 Mis souri River Railroad "Tna Burlington Route" Gen eral Offices, Northwest Cor ner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office,' 1602 Farham Street. ' Telephone,. . Station, ientn ana Mason, Streets. Telephons u. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln f Bm X-., i,- a 8:40 am .Arrive. ibl2":06 pm a 7:45 pm a 6:46 am Denver Limited a 4:25 pm Black Hills and rugei Bound Express .aU:10 pm a,10pm Colorado Vestibuled Flyer . ... Lincoln Fast Mall b pm Fort Crook and Platta mouth S:20 pm n.n...... A. ro-lrtr. Jrt .a7:EDtim a 8:10 pm a Silt am - bl6:36 am a 8:27 am rv-i-,uo m. - . Bellevue sr facuic Dally, b Dally except Sunday, KANSAS 'CITT. -8T. Jo seph A Council Blufta Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Office, 1501 Farnam Street, Telephone 260. . Depot, .Tenth ..and Mason Streets. .Telephone ... 128. - Leave.- Kansas City Day Bt. 1 iiil Fiver.... Ex... a :16am f: v,: 4.. s11:0j A 6:1$ a in . ...;.a 6:U pm Kansas City Night Ex'.sJ0:30 pm A Dally. CHICAGO. BURfiINGTON"; AQulric RatTway'-'The" BurllngWn Roaite" Ticket Office, 1502 Faroani 'Street,'' Telephons 250. , Depot' Tenth and Mason Streets. r Telephone J28. v. ii mm 'ill It: Chicago Special... ;.aroo am 4V:06 pm ' C h eago.Vestlbuied Ei.a IKA'pm"! 7:45 am Chicago Local.. a 9:23 am sa!:O0 pnf Chicago Limited ,a 8:06 pm- sJ7:4S am Fast Mail k 2:40 pm a Daily. - - ' '' ILLINOIS CENTRAL. KalIroad-City Ticket Of flcei 1402 Farnam BtrstL Telephone, 246 Depot,' Tenth and Mardy. Bts. ... ,. Leave. ' Arrive ' Chicago Express a i :3a am a 6:10 pm Chicago Limited ..a 7:60 pm' a 8:06 am Fast Mall al0:35 pm Minneapolis A Bt. Psul Express "b 7:35 am bl0:3S pm Minneapolis & BL Paul ' Limited ..a 7: pm a 8:06 am Clilcugo Local i.. 10:46 are Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs -,'j.b 4;50 pm s'.0:00 am Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs '-a 6:00 am; a Daily. . b Dally except -Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL, road General Offices and Ticket Offices, ' Southeast Corner' 14th '.and Douglas Bis. Telephone 101 Depot. Union Station. ,,, Leave.,.. Arrive. Louis and Kansas City Express s 10:00 am' a 6:25 pm K. C, Bt. L. Express... al0.60 pro a 1:15 am Leave from loin .nd . ' ,', Webster Btreeta- ':..'' Nebraska Loca via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:45,im a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD Tic ket Office, .1601 Farnam - Street. Telephone $21. De pot, Tenth una,. jaarcy dis. '1 L Telenhohs (29. ueave. . . Arrive BL Louis Express a t w pni a t.M am St. Louis Local (from Council Blurts) ,...8:16sm al0:30pm a Dally. STEAMSHIPS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE jscw 'lwla-Scrw stessivrs of U.t Toos. hKW lORk HOBHl. via BOULOONg. Wi4lmj st It A.'. M. Rottrrdsin slsr. Hynd.d, .......... War. U Amsterdam Mr. 11 NooTdam- .......... .April I Siair-rtam . Mar. .iRulUrsam April 8 Hollaad-Asnerlra l.iee, l S'war, N. Y, Harry Moort-a, lul Kamam st., J. 8. Il.Nallr, Mil Faraain at., 11 S. Jooea, 1.V2 Kmraxm ac, Leuis Ktw, Flrat Nat' I bk . P B. riuUaas A Co., Ul4 Capitol at.. L'au. aiaras, tli to. iota St.. S. U Koatorr. 4u Bo. UU at.. Omaha, (casta. , TRAIN STRIKES A CARRIAGE Tws Msa Are Iastaatly Killed mni .a Two Badly Hart la the Aeeldeat. JOLIET, III., Feb. 21. Two men la stantly killed, two fatally, hurt and om badly Injured In a railroad accident las night at Bracevllle, a mining town south oi JolistJ . : " Tbe Alton Kansas City limited struck a carriage containing firs men. Dead: GEORGE BURONCK. JOHN RUDELE8K. Fatally Injured: j JOHN BUCOWITCH. ANDREW KOSLOFSKY. Ths men had been to a funeral and wers on their way home In South Wilmington. The train struck the carriage squarely, burllog ths men In all directions. Drives All Before If. Aches tod pains fly befors Bucklen's Anlca Balvs. So do sores, pimples, bolls, corns and plies, or ns pay. Uo. For sals by Kuhn 4 Co. c 6J9 piiii l-r- v tJ Bt v (