Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1903, Page 3, Image 3
WATER IS GOING TO WASTE1 Lrmffc ii Tcnn Etrtun i I ririt? Ttret I KiLios Acrst of Lajii ! i HDWE rH V LET IN UK'COLU TDD.Y ! ' VHfrl.trlti Tkmi lamaes tatewseat Coaeeralas the rrt aJerere af fCra-otlsss la e braaha c attle. From a Staff Ocr"-eiOT,;"rr.t i LINCOLN. Xeb. Ff. IS ifrrtal J. C. FurvrM. flrafinnax ts ti tfflr of i r-: bn&rC c-T lrr ri;t.ti b ron j'ilf tab BOTtb( tfce hipi.i; ff rn- M f (r lrriuci Jim if tot m-4. Tbr 'uri. at.rb mil tk 1 ;sn. Bti tul neiiff f .k."-4 (H arr Mwsn mi'j rr n3r 2a a'-t ta ia tbt rhuit! of ih f'rrtm bripw ti lrrlrm'fi rrlcn o ihat tb aaiourt f thews a-otild I irarilr;if til . aTa.labl iot tmemiioa. CalrtjUntf tb! to aoouct . avA4 for rab a:r -ou)fl fce ta acre feet ihi vaier a-tmifl irritki aa are of i.4.:7.(K a'rea. Tb oearei&Bt jrirra -er made at Ccmbnt for hot toe Ura-p na the Platte, at Articr-oa for the Elkbom. arfl "at Val U for ike Xicbrara. At ihat plae tae riv, aaa a oxaa iKml Do of mMc f-rt jt aercai. the Loop i.4l 1t. The Niobrara faa a mu nsrdal Bo of Kit feot Jl afocsd. Hirtntre In'i rmna. The rebratVi Ileni Harflware lea)er' aBOrltjoa o-;n owt toroorrew at 1 o'rlork at tbe Oomnjerrial lub ftr two flar" twfcRioo More thas ne tunirefl repreaeB tattTp of lbe tnfie are eii-eirt to be iu tt nanpf . Tbe ; rop-im ia a JolJoa i: Tl'tft-AT AFTERNOJX. M-tins -f ib uecU'imi win be held -a4 (. rmiwniil r.ut rftti) . Mefiir.a ihim io iror t J.30 p. m. trj- i tbe r'ioiu O. v. MM-irrTi. i A6r.r -vt welcoB. Ltrui-r.nt Gcnrrtor M'-f-i'K.n. i; SKne. L.. V Corey, oe'-reta.rj- of na tlt.r.ii! iewitti'.n. Arfmi. lnd. Aoon-M. v i: iam viaa. iom. W. wnfht. A rorriTTijuo on r-wa report, finascx. reo! jiion. timii.fcij(na. TVESDAT KVIVUtG. EritertainiiwTit. o Tnj.iiTnerta to member bT the Lit:-:.iri Hwdntrf roirt'itij. WEL'NKfljAY FtfcRl ARY . A. it i itltlr.s rolj .f Bembrrk. y.t pori ! aeireutr uc trftajirer. Tivatr Am-uuh Mattera," M L Ct-rr. Arjrua. Jnd. "'Iliff-iutnate otrrpetltlcm." U. A VTIb- lrrrtr Mmbfrhlj,- C A- Peterson, twkiand. rh. Wut-fcUcm ben. WTH'XEfPAT I. P. at. "Kiro lnniraisce by aad for alembera." Home Hukhw. -InctBr-nruinit SePinc" X'.ban Roberta. Hneliu .f Oratiiaitiorv J. u. Arm sircr. Auburn. Neu. R.eirt of tT.nimitti-e or Insurance. KeKjrt -f oibr cuir.mJttea. i;enicn of ofhr-r The foJlea-inc are lie ofLrer of tb aa acitixa: f Mi"! Ion. j'TT-KiTt . Citnihi; C. K lfr fiwianii. HasUr-- V T Coirran. vtre iireio-rit. iieCi..k; j' C Crwli, i-irr jrrdiit. Cr4. H j HalL TTtry arid tr-urrr. ljnco.r Ei-utl reirmune; W. E. Jtktir IJi.ft.ln; A. F al-r. Haant. Ibeuaoim jyaboia, OaaaAav KMerle r. A. Pt-teraon. akiiid: Max I bin. Hoidrrf; C. H. Kuore, Utk-oib: Mj ror. A be-r;-Heur)- Veltfc.- Unpen; J A- tifc. Ljr, xj1b; A F. Mvw. Harrm; al. E. Haisbu trr; Jjliua lH-rtr. W inner; K Hw i. JJnro.r,; Lin baArr. Unooin; r. E. l Ilr' i-Jnrtilr, ajid nwuihT -oimnittee. iJBUTtkit.mrni cc.irmUtee; J. F. Cornell Crd; Mrron 'hjrr, ljixiln, and ext-t-u-ti commit te. Erroi a n,f. .f1" Te,erlnarU Tt?aaa tolaj-. iasaed lb - follow lue ob erpoi ia bar artiicb ia tauainc rtocknxe 3 murh trouble: Ersotln. or dry aiirreiie t,f ihe feet, ii tri.ific l?J.T" wrtoua in ctu thl inter Alm-ady Lbcuaar .j ,f -.tti are reooered Jue b- aeotuj.t uion iiar tbat coctalna lbe fur.Ku rraoi lbe niim 4 aucb iMmui beliere that tbr f-K bv beet frUK-tv. Toe animal beeliia to laiw and tbe feet twell. ou "re ia a line formed around tbe ft.t b-r ihr aA:n tnuiu and dlvidra iif iow ttua Una ..he I..t dif. njmmiim or cr- tip ai Srorw off. mutt?. a c-orcplete and, aa a ruie. t.kKiW an.utatkm. Thla i I-oouom1 by ikp action of he erfot tirKm tbe blood '. U, ruittt oft tbe rtrcuia tm. Tt.m aft Hm i n.o .Lmoitii by Ue ooid BU-r lbe hu.d tt arr tb one notly a 9lrt and DMr times all four t-ome tlmre tbe lit H l.n-roed wu m take off tbe toe ot foot. he hictt uf lfe lroin or to four left, tb? inpu VaticTj bflr.g lortned jaat above the hoof ta any Hint up ta B-.idmay from f-t.k in hot k or knee. Tn ljrion la noade through truoci tK4e and all ttwu. ccfinniallj- a portion of the tall nmr )3. I hte tot aa j-t cottoed tba iow of any portKm of tbe -ara or iK.rr.n. aa baa bren observed by kjm vctrrlnanana. Erpo may art ujkt tbe tmrom rrnem proaurtn ct-r.vali lona. piiralyaji of ibt hmj le ana death by exbauatlon. Thia furra "re and e 1 have imi Aoticd thi Inter. H o.-sr do ft auffer. aa they aetild eatltf tt. avlnf tbe ert-ftiaed beada tn the Oieri:r. trf'4 ia found on a lat-fe number of eultl-vatt-4 ind t.d rraaM-a. but jwjcijli uin.n tl ysid rraaawa in Xebrarka- T.e black erg-ol a-ra:i arr oaaily noticed, extenainc 1 from tbe brads from one-lounh to an uich at.j a balf. L Tbe rreat damaa-e la done by the wild rye wvbw b frowi v-ry extmnlvr y .vrr tbe anate. It la v-y cotntnoti on the border ? uiUaT.d firloa and roadside and unoai our ri-h bottom iaians that are unbroken and furnim a larfe rt of tbe pralrje bay la tb ataw-. The tffaa.1 n renwdr la to avoid fexlln t fa bay to rattle To feed liberally of e..m and frovia fr4 rirn ebfltr. XtftVh tica are (rood, tbougb net enal'jr W Yea Of 1ix periodic pain tabid) man v vcmra experience wnti everr month it makes the renUeoess and Vuadrjras alwavs aa aorialed wili sromasbocd area io be alsBoat a miracle. While ia irtneral too woman rebels aurainat w hat abe regard as a toatawai swcrsaire there is no woman arbo would atnt riad. t tc free from this rersmng period of pais. Doctor 5'irrcx'a Faixme pTesr-i-ptkw naaes wreak, women atronf and suck "onseta well. and gtwes tbem treedom tram diarasr It estabhtbrs reyularny. dries wseakeaiag; drama, f infUmma taoa and tUcerataoa ana ctares r"ie weraknemv Sick women are inntrd to txmsidl !. Pierce by ieuer. rar. A3 correapcad ence! private and aarn ill j con. omtiaL Vnte wt'4out fear and wrnhoat fee to l. JL V. hmt, Bufialo. X. Y. lit T txtlaa. f Madrtd. perkjaa Ca . sr, wrrea . 1 wu rwrra at nais'u! wnont by ta war ci t 7M-rcr fivcmt Mrrr.ifa. as4 ana CaiMM a--.rmd i4 fonan a 4 1 tkima La. rwt a ainm-iara tar bca aa ta ww Favorite pir-scrrjxjowi baa the teati nwatr of" thouaanda of aomi to m oaanplrte cure of woarakBlr irisra Do ot acorpt an unknown and nnprowad anhatuute ia Us place. Tbe algffib liver made active by the a of La, iacrce a f i ra at nt Pcljeta, obit'nab 1o wt-'er fl ViMt Ll't '-rr- be 6T 1r. r '-tv th- atTi ed ar.;-ra' ! Jrr.t If r hi etier the ff"Oi h-cns to w !.. and 11 is ot,r rna'iT f t-n. for rWa's and imiT'f k" of t at fi.ted ntrt. TNe r'iri; iec"Tte r-MM- ed ar.d mni'm reovTrt.rt roost of t e fTT l be nHi ; ill ot ject one ran wlt 'r d'lmestw a-rmsVa 1 wish n -roTi w.H..d tr T tb rr that i b-? tr 1eed'g aa tnau:r- see ctt T r L.l t ('r( tt.a. to knew w hat t tbe f''.:Si T1 amovr.t of e-;'.i ti r th' last year Ii "eT thSL he Occurred ft TWentT tear j.y V..-V T. "attie l'bri y wi'h" cor-i are rot afflicted rvT troth. ear be evolved It ri't:;? r rtff fm hy M proper 1:nt. ihat i ber, ,t i in b ortT TV of ' be ert-ct tunr at'eck rreser wb-n tti t)wm and the eeeo of in grasses. MEETS DEATH IN THE NEMAHA M ! af Hokl4t Is ayoed Be latel I aer Ire of Rltrr. KVMBOU'T. Xeh.. Feb SI i e-,r ial. rrasaert in In a Inns are -.bat .eoe Rcaie.. a riL-le roan a brut yrara of are. bo baa -bora for maty year makunc bit botse i'.b ti atater. Jra. FtfTe Har-.maii. a abort t.rut ciat of Isos, haa faUea . a rirtira to tbe maha A Tea- flaya apo Kr. P.oaie came tn from tbe fceid. b-rr b bad bea beriiaf eattJe. and ataned for tbe N? ma ha river, cow at' hand, for a jiail v' a: er He did cot re tura imDtfiia:ely aufl baa not eB tine. Trck ia tbe too Indicate that be fol lowed theirnal pa:h to a lew fooib-iCge wblrb ia thou! twelve ictboa abo - tbf water, and aa lbe track r'uaed at tbe iclflcle cr the bridf it ia anrpoad tlt tba vtiforttreaie mas rlrTeS wheB be at-' terrptefl to draw tjj, the w ater. After be bad beet pone about twenty tniBB'e a search waa iLEtliu'.ea anfi bit cap waa found ntidT the efije of 'be Ice a few feet below ihe brie. but tbe tla pall waa and haa not bora located ret. a tbe water of ihe ureiaic both absve end beicw the bridre. 'h current t so rrrong that so ice formf. and the j.ha blll'ict are that if tbe man fell 1b hia body dad tv. come up it'll It had washed wnder-tbe ire. end 1b this event It wLl like! not te lorated ub;.1J the aprlng, thaw. A larrr crowd of mea worked ttcafiilr for acme time ctrttlsc a rtxtnel ia the 1c ' and qainf; jIec to aearrh for the baJy 1 wrtibowt a va:'l. and yesterday the hunt wt abandoned. Tbe arcldst oecurred but a abort distance from where Kra. Harrison fell is and Joel her :ife some four yea- i arn JILTED LOVER SHOOTS WOMAN Castas, ttk, as tav SVee sf OaH Blwrer. wHt Pese Maiehi Eartte-sU El 1 15. Neb, Feb. 1 A GermaB named Fry-mere abot and killed Mrs. Fred Ptilr. Ph bad rorently Jilted Fryinera. He went ta tbe Pull borne and beat tbe hutband Into naenibil)ty and stole the firtt body of tbe woman. He carried it three tnttas ta ax-bool honae, Frymere haa been arreaved. There la talk of lmrtin. Iiiritarr sf silt h Estate, FREMONT. JCeK Feb. iSreriai.) The lBeentory of the estcte af tbe late Towner Smith was filed today in tbe county court. Tbe amount of tbe estate ia consid erable less than at first reported. Tbe j -erase al property, which eanalats of sou, aooounta and stock is corporations, la worth about ta.ftO. Tbe bulk of the prop erty oassitrts of real estate located in this county and other parts of Nebraska, lands In Missouri and city property in Seattle, Waakw and will amount ts upward of M. Mr. Smith left ns will and hia prop erty will be divided bet worn hia twa sons and daughter. Old Vet tiers Beaalas. ECTTOX. Xeb, Feb. 2X (Special.) Tbe annual zneetlnc and banaoet uf the Clay j County Old Settlers' asaocistion has just been held. Foil owing tbe dinner was an j iBteresUnc program, at follows: Recita I tion. Mrs. Sell Copty Welsh ; aBEual ad j dnaa. Dr. M. V. Clark; speech. Hon. E. A. McTey; -Settlement ob lb? Bloe 1b 1B6T." by Mrs. Ed Copsey nee Miss HendertoE; speech. Msyor Merrill. Tht program doted whh. reminiaoenors and annual election of officers.' Mrs. I. R. Maetly was elected president; Mrs. W. H Smith, aocretary, and Mrs- J. Larg-atreet, chap'Ain. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Caaaala. Rala. Saawr aadl Fmtr Dayw' . are Mlae-4 la tbe Pi aaaewy. WASH1XCTOX. Feb. ti Forecaat lor' j Tseisday and Wedneaday:. For Xebraaka Fair Tuesday, except snow tn tout h west portion; Wednesday fair, j For Iowa Increasing rloudineas Tuesday; now at nlgbt or Wednesday, except fair la northwest portion. rar Illinois Fair Tuesday. except rain or snow ia extreme northeast portion: Wednesday rain or snow; fresh north winds. For Colorado Fair in west, anow 1b eaat portion Tueaday; Wednesday fair. Ftr Wyoming sow Tuesday; Wednes day fair. For Montana Generally taor Tueaday and Wednesday. For South Dakota Fair Tuesday and Wednesday. For Kanaaa Raia or anew Tuesday and Wednesday. Ftr Missaui Cloudy Tuesday, with rale or anew In west portion and at n.ght la east portion; Wednesday raia or snow. I oral leeard. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER Bl'F.EAV. OMAHA, Feb. 3. C'ftoii.1 rrrord of tem perature and p eclpiLattua t'on-.parrd wi:n tiie -inejiJu.i.g day of the lt thrta years: lfr. Is. 1H.U l. Maximum temperature - w S teni-ra:ur.... S n 12 I Mrhi, iririw-aiure .. a 41 V- i4 preciilltjoa - T .(C Putird of temperature and preri'iitatMrt at omaha for thia cay and sine- MarcL I. line. Xctf-anal t-mteratur? IticH-y lur the day j Total exore ainor March 1 T Xormai iw:iiuui.n tS tncfc i ltjfary ft the cay ul inch I prrii;'a:K'. since March 1 Ii, fcl itM.-he aunt atari b 1 f.. l at lnc-hea Ihtetjt-y 1 1 ot. prr.ud 1S ... & tr;ci L-6nncy fur cur. penc4 iJi X lata axes mrxm troaa iataoas al f r. H. T ' a" g W ret' a t: r - 1 i ':' r COXr,'etr.v r.F THE WEATHER Oviaha, clear Ysieijune. canar Kiint Ptte cIcuav .' 2S -i i xa 14 Id 3 & fc 4' Er . 4 a nfiii. sneaitig e-a.t Law ri rioucy. Ratud flty. cinar.. Huron, tiear. tA iiusxan. cttf f i 'hicao. asuw.i. tl L..uis. c o u d ft Paul car tMivenrtt rlaudv . Kanaaa City, ctoudy Havre, cloudy Helena, cjrar Biaiaarca. ciear taiveston. part cloudy -.1 ! ta cr hi rt 9. S4 T indicates traoa 4 preriptatloat 1. A i:iH. Local forecaa-t vftii ial THi: OMAHA PATLY nEE; TUESDAY. FETiRVATJ Y 24. ino.. I MRS. L1LL1E A SPECULATOR Erckei "Lo P.iwd Grain IVs'i T.-jj of Eer OpcVcri rx lL Biri T LOSS TO KIK CKLY A S'JK trl letter VrHiri by Drlralici ta tkr Iralirr Rrgrilg tbe Iseals MU Tewtlaaoar latrodaeed. l-AVID C1TT. Xeb . Feb. ri Fpecia 1 Tbe third tl cf 'he Lllie murder trial ct)rr.n. ncd -.hia terming Wheti reurt ad journed Rattrlay erenlng tbe stale had ittroiiucefl twetty-tv witnerss of tte foT-.y-s a enflorsea or. tbe itf ornation. It i g'Errally cnc)ers'tKd that some cf the wi;newt for the s:a:e will not be called until tbe tetiimeiiy -of tbe defense it in. vben tte s-a'.e will mtroiuce evidence Is rebtfal. Cottael Icr tbe Rate tt'tk they w.U nt.;udt the exacinautiB of wimesset by torrorrow everirtg Mr. lAiiit it sboaiEg the eflecta of tbe trying orieal. Fbe it pale and presfBts x tare-worn, appearance, but seenit to lake greet ittereM in tbe case, liatesf ts evrrt w;rd cf tbe t'tiiocat. Octatiot- Uy tbe FpeaV.t t ber coursel. pertum- Wy 1b rferrtoe to ibe evidence Cotiaid eriig tbe gravity cf tbf rr:me with which abe it charged and the fact that tbe it not a j-erson of more i ban s virtue rby slcjue tbe it standing the trying ordeal wi-.h remarkable forti'ude. Tbe Jury, being all farmer, do sot al tocevkPT relitb tbe close confinement wbich thy are recuired to endure. They are given cut -door exercise every day. but ifcis it not tiiffirient to fully aatiafy tbem. Howtvcr. they are submitt to their cocfliTloB rbeerfiilly. Yettcrisy the Jury. accviEjiar led by lirpuiy Sbenff Varin and Ealiff Harks orth. attenfied tturcb at the Congregai local rbarrt and l,st jee to a sermon deiivrred ty Iv. Efialn B.k: h at attc Etively at they lit.en to the Defeactaust a ln laJ T. When court convened thit morning there was verj Jew f-prrta.;o-s in tbe court room. Edward L Rutyon was tbe trtt witness. He tail in pan : "I am engaged in the broker bnsineta. working for Sleuitann. The tature of the butlnet it buying aDd selling option! on the Chicago Board of Trade- "Mra. Juillie traued with me la my line of business from Auturt 7. lW'I. to the tizr of Mr. Uillie a death. Sbe would or der graj bought or sold and put up tbe margins. This was done costly over the telephone: on one or two occaslona I saw ber persorxliy. Tbe margins were most alvaya. with one or two exceptions, sent nae through the pottoffiec. he paid me ia money. "From tbe Tvh day of August. 1W4. to tbe time of lollies dta'b tbe paid me tMIi. and the had a credit on the 7:h Cty of August of tUO. and her lost wat tl.Oi.".. "Cm the rird iay of October. 3Wi. gave me an order to Mil 3 MM' butbel of corn. Fhe gave me this order some time la tbe forenoon by telephone, and the mar ket was going up and I did not place the order. Sbe called me two or three times about tbe matter and I told ber the margin would be I2( and if the market still went up it e.-ould be mare and abe would get the money to roe that night or the nert morning. "Two or three day after this Mrs. War ren brought a note ts me, and on lbe Zf h of October I received another communi cation from Mm. UTlic "Some times the would pay me the mar gins oh tbe day they were called and aome tianes I would not tret it till tbt next morning. On tbe a ft -moon of October tt. I bad a conversation with Mra. Lillie over the telephone and sbe asked me If I had sera Earvey and I told her I had not, and abe aald if be comes and asks you anything, yoa know what to say to him. Some time before this she had told me sot to say anything to Harvey or any one else about this business with me. "The communication that was delivered to me by Mra. Warren I burned cp as soon at I read it. Tbe subrtanoe of it waa. she i poke about the trade of lO.DM) buabels of com and for me to keep it good, that sbe had been before tbe coroner's Jury and It. Sample had tried to tai-gle her np and if they tried that on rue ta be careful and not let tbem do so. Warms Ber Brskrr. On October 2a, IMS. Mias Anna Graham, assistant postmistress, delivered a better ts me. This was about 2 o'clock la the after noon. The letter was written by Mra. Lillie. I alao received letters from Mra. IXlie bet ore the death of Mr. Lillie. These were burned up." Witness here identified the letter delivered October 28. '"The letters I burned up were In refer ence ta tbe trades that sbe had made with me." Tbe letter delivered to Mr. Rusyoa was admitted in evidence and reads aa follow: Mr. Rjryon: I have Just lrnd that Gtr Walling has circulated tbe report around town that 1 bad lust lT.2i on tbe board. Toj know that la not ao, and I a-lh you t brand it aa false. Stick to what 1 aaaed of you and nothing else, aa the fot?it of this town aay some 'f the most ricicuioua mines anone ever brard of I don t know bow 1 wuM ever CTic.;re ail I have to go through. That little trade 1 bad thert I suppose you took care of it and I will maAe it all riEbt some c-av I ihit.k it ia going to make rt- some money stK.ri they hae no way of. knowitig anything only through you. and 1 beg of you to be careful. Yon un derstand, be careful w bat j ou aay. 1 told them tbat j oj never rect lied any margin on'y through the mai and that the amount wia n.ereiy lnri'isfci In an entrioj and sat. How they knew atjihli is what I can't see but they don t know much, and if you want to ak me anything you can through the mail and a will be aaJe- " Since the death of Mr. Lillie I haTe aZao rereved other communications from M.-a. Lillie. which I have not destroyed Cte of these 1 received about the time of tht preliminary bearing, by Mr. Martin H:U.- atr. Hill it a brother of Mra. Lllic. Thit le ter was identified by tbe witneas and ad mitted in evidence and read ts the Jury. "The next letter I received through the post-office, either December I or IB. I am not sure which." Tbe letter was admitted ia evidence, Tallta laaat Hrarlag. "I was at the borne af Mrs. Little on Susaay afieraooB after the death of Mr. Lillie. Went there at the request of Mra. Lilbe, think about two weeks after the murder; had a cor versa ion with hi at thit time. Ia SLbstanc she wanted ta know what rondiriOB her business with me act In. that she had kept na books and sl.e wanted ta kasw something about it. I tald ber that the last trade abe ordered bad set bees placed. I ao net remember that ahe said anyhiBg la answer to thia. 1 had anotbrr coaveraatloa with Mra. Lillie at ber bam about three week ago. about t or o'clock ia the evening. I am not positive what was aaid. but think we talked about the preliminary bearlag. We talked about what axy testixuoay would be in court. 1 told ber that my" teatlnaoay would be gives from my books and asked ber If sbe had a iwcor of ber trades and she said ahe bad ot She aaked me if my books would be brought into court- I told ber I thought not. but that I had a BUstcmeat from my hooks an' thought that would be eaough. e talked ahout barter oania la aay cfrte and locking at the markets Sbe said Harvey knew about ber trades. 1 had aso'ber reveraten with ber at ty buse one evening. This wat since tbe are:t. Sam Li'lie was present- Piie aaked me why 1 picked out part cf ber trades and bcweS tbn up Sbe atted me is give aC tbe traiet the had made " 7 be last two letter referred to are at follow t M- Rurvon: "iVhrn t'y call vnu at a sate witter rtT"Tr her what i ou a io Jo ;iv a f''ur jeart rprt a you said jou would, and dp ri't S pcw to vet or. what Sump tried t' wok lt' tbe iwti tury We tin? r1 -etaMibed arythti.e at all vet that Da'H City hti a p.aor tet'b-Tie i itai. and I w ii) eunt on you staytrg by me. a ton ebcui so4 v ou rauet. aa tny a-e arming to try t' tr;aae ycur tw a srror.g po.nt against me r don t iel them 5 !t Thy have Tft a site tting aaalrist ro. tnd so far thty have not Nxn abie lo d; U(. ar.vtr..r.r and do not he ihe meat:" of rucb a yourself 1 win count on you aa a friend to 6o the right thlrg bv m U M L.1L,L.1E tor rturyon: I have -bought of a w t-:bT t;;Tifr 1 woi;ii lik to ark you that 1 cid not aak rou iboct when you were rre Sunday. Can ou nop here about o dock trw even. rig or iater. and 1 w :'.! only detain you a tew m nutes 1 will tbei koow kttfT than I do what to la'e on in case of ary J.rtber t-eubie I t trie that aryone tr.igM 1 ntig iYou knew w ho thit if j Xs signature wat alia-bed to 'bit last letter: ' let la assail. When ctmrt cosvened tbt afternoon Mr. Rutyci wat placed ts the t'.and and ifirn i ficd two let'er be received from Mr. Lil lie. They were ti-iitted In evidence anl are rtbrtaniially tbe aame at those iEtro iuced thit fortnorn "These are all tbe 1' ers that I have received frcm Mr. Lilli ttrce tbe deavh of Mr. Lillie 'hat I have pot burned up." Cn trost- xamicat ion w itnest said ihat Mra. LJUic alio said tr Mm that befnr lA.- would comtult such a crime the would go out begging. "From tbe time Mr T.illie corntnenrej ttwdtng wnth me to toe ' ;roe of Mr. Lil lie death be wt loser not to exceed IIP!" Mr. Lillie i!rrpjed mo my office ores -tionally to lock at the tar-rke- and 1 have had cor versa tion with hia about deal. 1 do not know whether Mr. L Me knew about Mr. Lillie dealing cr sot- 1 know that cfen Kr. Lillie talked to roe ibout deal and I afterward received an or3e from Mr. Lillie for the same deal that Mr. Lillie and I talked about. On Ot-ober I. 1W2. Mr. Lillie '.brnrbt tbe wa In I i debted io me CM. at she thought I had placed tbe trade, but I bad not placed the order. Sbe said fbe would send roe the money, but did not do so. Her net lost from the time she commenced t trade with me to Xtrvember 1. I5PL was trTtJKl Thi wa when I commenced to ke-p record." .Myrtle Meburcn, tbe next witness, stid: -I hive been engaged in Ihe central telephone office. I had a ec vernation with Mrs. Lilhe ever tbe telephone about three year ago and sbe aaked roe not to men tion her deals on tbe Board of Trade to Mr. Liilie" Edna West said in part "2 na a telephone opera' or at the cen tral office: been lb-re Just a brut two year Have had conversations with Mra LtiUle ever the "phone in August . 1W Ebe aalfl to me I probably noticed tbat she had b-ea dealing on the Board of Trade and sbe did no' want me t say any-hing; about it tc Mr. Lillie if be should ask me. Eh said tbat some people mirht think it strange that a woman was dealing ca tbe Board of Trade, but she thought It wat no worse for a woman than a man." Tlase aVelwreen Shots, John Ptyskal said: "I live near tbe real den re of Ei. HalL The morning Llllie was killed I grot tap about o'clock. Shortly after I tret p 1 wwar out ea the porch. I beard a rbot- - went la and told my bey to get up. 1 srentt out again and beard another shot. It was a mintre or more between the two sbota. Tbe aound from tbe shots was in tbe direction of be Lillie residence." Anna Graham said : "I am assistant post master. Prior to October 84. 1W2. Mra. LIUle got ber mail in the same box that Mr. Lillie did. On October 28, 1WI2, Mrs. Lillie brought a letter to tbe office and put a special df livery stamp on it and I delivered the letter to Mr. Rusyoa at hi office." Maud Walter said: -About nix rears ago I lived near Mr. Lillie. I saw ber kill a dog itn a revolver. A little dog bad spaams and she killed It with a re volver. Sbe was very close to twe dog when she shot it." El i on Dong said: "1 an working la the Central Xebratka Xational bank. Oa the 25rd day of October, IK'S. Mr. Lillie owed tbe bank JlTli. She bad awed this amount for perhaps ninety days. Ire not think the note was duo at thla time. She ec caalonallF bad a check account with ta. but bad not bad an account for a rear. Mra Lillie was tn the habit of borrowing money at our bank and we never reBired ber ts get anyone ta sign with ber. Xa one aigned tbe note with ber tbat we now bold.' John Kindler aaid: "I went ta achoo where Mra Lillie was teaching. This waa about fourteen roars ago. I remember one time I bad a thirty-two revolver. 1 ant another young man were snooting at a bat. She took the revolver and shot two abots at tbe hat." Court adjourned. Flse More Kara! Bootee. TECTMSEH. Xeb.f Feb. 21. cSpoclal.) Five more free rural delivery routes win boob be established is Johnson count v. Three cf tbem w1U run from tbe Sterling office, cos from Vesta and another ob from Terumsea. It will maka tbe Cfth route from tbe Tecumseb office. Special Agent C. E. Uewellyn of tbe free rural am ice detArtmenl hat beea 1b the county for several day past riding over tbe pro posed routes and making tbe n4eearr 1b vestigation. He will forward recommend ation to the potto "re department at Washington, as stated and the department will duly act in the matter. Johnaoa county is faring well i the rural delivery service, thanks to the untiring (Berts of Congressman Burkett f Ealsece aa OHlaaaee. HCMBOLUT. Xeb.. Feb 21. Special ! After a diacusaioa at several meetings the city council has decided to enforce the dog ordinance and hat ordered the marshal ts kill all unlicensed oanine found running at large in the cry. A similar order wa issued some time ago. but tbe oSrial de clined ob the ground that na prortaioa had been made for paying for this eervice but thia has been arranged for now. . Bid Pw solar aaa tCaadbye. HTMBOLDT, Xeb. Feb. 22 Special V A large crowd of friends of Mrs. Sarah E race lea called at ber residence yesterday sfternooa and gave her a farewell roorp tioa. aa she will move next week ta Lincoln t make ber fn'nre borne t here. rolored Man llaat tahar. FT JOSEPH. Ma. Feb. a -Paul Grin tead. editor of the Times, waa fatalry staboed by a drunaen oearo nanaed Frank V arner at Watheua Kan.. Sunday, and excitement is rurnn.g high In U at beta aud tn Troy, where tbe orgrs ia la jail Ta.k of lynching in caae onnstead dies u beard Gnnsiead H the editor who see-red wir'v a year la ail ia lkas fur libel and edited his paper from hat ceil. Base Ball I m OaYcwt-a. MILWAUKEE. Feb 2S -Tbe board of dl rect'ww of the Milwaukee West em leag-e tiaa ba-!l cluh today ex-cted ofhoers aa fol ic wa : Prrsioent. Hc(t trsasurer, Ponar Jciuuabi. aecrciaxi. Viaiiar Vi . Koa-lanct. BALL RULES ARE CHANCED IctJ ctr.k Ed of tbt Jit.Dt.xI Letp it Jt air UtiTfTTal by CnierfDOr HEIGHT OF PITCHERS' BOX PEGl'LATtD Most et Br More Thaw rift era Above Base I laes awd Mease Plate. Which Most Be Level CHICAGO. Feb . Peace reignej su rreme at tbe Joint mee-ir.g bere today of the American and National letrues at j tbe National Association of Miner leagues. Wben tbe gathering adjourned a ta.lciti foul strike ruie bad bees adapted, a new aectioB added to tbe rule regardinr tbe makeup of tbe diamond and as amendment added to tbe balk ball rule With tbese changes and a few other cf minor impor tance, the cotnirittee decided ;hat tbe rule ere at perfect at could be When the committee asseirbled tr.t aft ernoon. President Jtmei A Han of tbe Chi cago National league club wa elected (hatrman and i H. Farrtil secr-.ary of tbe National Association cf Minor league secretary. After aa isformal discustioa of tte rule Max Flecbmatn of Cincinnati roovej that tbe foul strke rule a covered in tbe Xa tional league rule be adop-ed. The first vote retul'ed I D in fsv:,r of tbe mo tion, tbe three r"preetta: ves of Amer ican league voting against the proposi tion. After a short discussion ibe adop tion cf tbe rule wat made utianlTnou. A new section wat added to rule 1. It will be known at section 2. ind ree3t aa followt : Tbe pitcher- box shall be tv. more than ffteen inche hip her than tbe base lines and home piate The 1m m end home piale shall be terfec-t:y level sr.; the tot lrom tbe pitcher' b' x toward the base lines arid the home pia-e shail 1 gradual Rule SI. section 2, wat amended sc a is read : A balk shall consrltute ary delivery of ibe ball to tbe hattman by the pitcher while either loot of tbe pitcher is back of ihe j'iate Tbe Americas league wa represented at the meeting by Ioftut of Wathingtoa and Shibe of Philadelphia, who also held a proxy for Bruce of St. Louis. Tbe Xa tional leag-u-i, by Hart of Chicago, Hanlcu of Brooklyn and Fleisrhmann of Cinrir nati and the Xational Association of Minor leagues by Secretary Farrell. PreEidet; Powers and Sexton, president of tbe West era league. President baa Johnson of ihe American league was enable to attend tbe nrretitg owing to illness. LOADED BALLS ARE ALLOWED j Bowlers Caaai i a Fixes Y eight at j sixteen and Owe-Half ratals. IXT'lAXAPOLIS. Feb 3 At it f-t session today the Americaji Bowling con grts aoopted the recommendation f the executive conrmutee that the weight of bowling balls shall not exceed rtxteen a.nd one-half pound and selected Cxveiand for tbe next national ooi,gr. The decision on the weight of hali was a ot mpromise. Bells may be loaded up to the msjrimum weight specifiwd. There it no taia of a -split ir, the cor rre and all danrer of such a result trani jt. Three hundred oeierate and bowlers were present when the first session of the oongress opened, -resident Bookw-aJter. mayor of lndjinapolis, presided and wel comed the g-uesta. A discussion arose over tbe matter of the time wben the committee on revision of the oonetrruTion shuid make ita report. The committae eonauots of William Boaaon cf mi city, chairman; Treasurer ". M. ftteams of Dea Moines and G. Laugbenry of Chicago. Rceet BrowTi of Louisville wanted the committee to make its report a year, bat tbe sentiment of tbe congress was that it should report Thursday. Secretary Sam Karpf and Treasurer G. V Steams presented their annua' rejKirta Mr. Karpf made one important eugrestion tbat bowling clubs be admitted to member ship and that their dues he placed st C a jear. A motion made by W. J Kenna that teams organised for advertising purpose be Utbooed by tbe American Bowling con gress wat voted down. In tbe disrutjuon over the weight of th ban Zt. TItdh of Xew Tork maoe a hare fight against the recommendation of il.e committee for a sixteen and one-ha.f-IK-and ball, but be voted almost alone Dr. Timm intimated thai New York bowlers would never enter another tourt.a ment aa long at the loaded ball is used He did not aay. however, that they wouid withdraw from the congrees. The recommendation tbat the minimum weight of pins should be three pound and tws oonoes was adopted without opposi tion. Several minor change were adopted Cue of them was that a team to be eluctl ble to compete m American Bowling con gress gamea must bare a practiue night at least once in two week or roll in ore or more aeuuroe at least once in two weeks The opening of the fourth annual na tional bowling tournament at Tomlineon hall tonight waa most auspicious. Tbe Interior of the hall had been elaborately deoorated and presented a mag-rifioent ap pearance. Twelve hundred apociaiors were present- At I o'clock a g-cmg sounded and Mavor Book waiter walked to tbe head of the tea alleys, la company with Mayor Rose of Milwavke. 6hort addresses were made bv both, after which Mayor Bookwalter called the rames of tbe men who were to roll the first balia down the alleys Tbese were Mayor Rose of Milwaukee W. V. Thomp son cf Chlcagro. ttamuei Karpf of I.avTon O, Frank pasdeloup of Chicaro Mavcr BocJrwalter of Indianapolis. It Tillman' of Xew To-. Thomas Curtis of Xew York, ex-presioent Lai.gbeney of Chicago John Tork of Cleveland and G. M 6; earn of Lv- Moines, la The gong was sounded and down the alley, relied tbe ten balia. A xbout went up w ben ttae balls cf Mar Bookwalter. Mayor Rose and Thomas Curtis "poodled " Secretary Karpf made the record w ith nine pint down. Ten Cve-men teamt bowled tonight, tlree games each. The Tishiminroes t,f India n aiia were high, w ith J 777 .in. tbe Hstter Juniors ol Louisville were second, with and the Xonh Hide 1 umert of Cincinnati were third, with 1 aS7. The mark set by ihe Tishimir.goes it considered a high one for the other flve-mm teamt to aim al. Following are the total cf each tram for the three gam: Tushirolrigoe. Indianapolis Haacer Jur.iors Lomsvilie Xorth Side Turneira. Cincmnarl . .. rUai Ir.dianapolia Haager Senior. Louirviile City club. Indiar.atK.lis Roal leag-ue. lneianapolia scerna. ind.aT.aix.ii All Start Xc. i lndianatKilit Terry Adonis, Milw aukee r., 2 "ci 2 4M ".4 7 2.1'8 It' TOWNSEND HAS RECORD la ladlaldaal Caalewt He lassit Baa- t dred aad Tain f-Mx , Itrgeta There was a cntet lerspen inditldual marasmen at tbe ground of tbe Omaha Gun tiub yes-trrcat aftemton. in ttKk Tcwnariid made the ground record by 1 auouL ua targets siraignt. Xbe score: i Townaend 'iiu run nui urn inn-s 11111 LUl 11U1 li:il lllli-S 1:111 urj 11111 111:1 iu:i-s 11111 mn u::i 11:11 11:11 s 1:111 i::u uui run lmh-s uui i;;:i m mi 11m ::i ivn wmi 1111s :ni nui 100:1 mil-is 11:11 i;ii iiu iTjie 31111 t.ii i::u lu.fl i)ir uui ma uus n'm O'lu n Will 01111 3UJS lK'll llba 1 leu liiu am iiiw inn ; ii.n 1:1:1 mn i:m ii;:. mi mn i-cii lwi :i:u--r; Oitl UUI 13111 lirn 313tl2 44i) 111 11111 lilil 111 ixi mil nai luii i::ii a ni 11111 11:1a 101:1 npijt tuna ni. ui i::m iiei 11111 uoii iiu ld.i 1..1H Guodricb Dneabarb Landia Han Threw I Lenaraa aeaodaae. JOLITCT. m.. Feb S Word wat re ceived ber today that the spni.g rneetli.g of tbe Three 1 league w sulci be he id here instead iz Thunkdaj. aa or- i 1 "I) p ., I .r.'W-. J I (C 1 6aod Cccks -ly Atwzys PreferS. SmS Cedar Break I JSL V >TUD K BCD B 4?aaiO-t the gT-versment whltkev wh'rh for 8 f a f runty and wbolesomece it superior M tjjsVv to other. FAXKAH & HCE8, Pinilj PBrnjor. an-tot rjlAH ATT Oopnat AuCRorlina (dr wa- O-gantss ltTa. sjjsr nallv plarned. Tbe enajiFe wat male to aceoinm .dtte Presioett Sexton, who is ar.xicu to ieai-e f'r '"alirorrua. w bere be to settle the ball war. Tbe l ec befiule probably wi.l be adopted totacir i row. I CLAUDE CAPTURES DERBY bold Yoa sal Epirare Woa seesai la Bis laglestee SAX FRAXCrSCO. Feb 2E In tbe p-es-ence of the largest crowd of the season Claude won th Caltf-fT.ia rerby at lngle side today, with oid Vi.n sect.nd and Epi cure, tbe favcirite. th.rd. The sport was faxored by tt weather and a good track ar c t be card was en attractive one. Tbt Inrby tieid wa reduced to six erv c ir,g to tbe withdrawal cf ChriF'iel. Elli'tt "cn ;nd Frank Bullock The f-.ri-i two named were lame tnd A. R. Jrn tit.p decided not tc start tbem. G..i Vui and Iurauu o;-red favorites, but tht money went in on Epicure, and it 5ort he had tbe tali. Claude waa a well played third choice. To a g H.d start I'uraxzo and Epicure went out in front, whiie J LmJv. on Ciaude, avoided tbe early pace. The order w a tiot changed to any extent until bort1y tf ore the bead of the stretch was reached- There c ,aude moved up. and puss ng Epocure. as F'jnxd the lead, whiie 1' fell back He won handily from Gold Van who ran gamely tinder the heavy impost cf 117 pound. Epicure, aflecxed by tbe early pace tired. Nut lasted long enough to be third. The event iiki I value of gi.l!. of which "C.Tii went to the winner. Tbe mile race aroused more enthurriarm than tbe Derby Keniiwonb, Cunard and Yeiiow Tail met and all had supporter, ait hough KetiUw orth went to tbe post a t to f favone. Shaw took tbe b sprinter to tbe front, and nclir.g lim with fin Jucg ment, majttained the iead all tbe way. Cunard challenged l. m but be won by a neck In a Unit Yellow Tail was six ler.g".ha away. Tbe race was run in i:41. lf 1:3 wa equalled or broken tbe associa tion would have add-d t:H to the purse. James XeiL owner of Mike Murj'hv. claimed G'-iaen Lifiht out of the first race for g?:5v. Ifen Mcl hui winner of tt last race wat tnd up from fin' to !' by T. Wellman. but T. K Kj an reclaimed him. Result: First race, futurity course, selling: E. M Brattain wn. Golden Light second. Gibral tar third. Time: 1:1!V Second rac-e. eeveti-sixteeniht of a mile, for J- selling: The Mighty won. Anna Maria second Pachuca third. Time: .47S. Third race three -cut rter of a mile sell ing: Diamer.te won. Imp Puss in Boot second. Tommie Knight third. Time: 1:1a. Fourth ract. one miie and a tjuarter. Cali fornia Derby : Cla ude won. Gold Van sec ond. Epicurt third. Time: 1 Fifth race on mile: Keni: worth won. Cunard second Teliow Tall third- Time 1:41. rixth race one mile and fifty yarda. aell ln: Ben Mclbui won. tcyalty aecond. Antolee third. Time: 1:4TV. Dell Day at hew Orleaaa. XEW ORLEAXS. Feb. 21 Tbe Steward eat and Ma.ior Manair were tbe only w.n rung larcr.iti today. The attendance wat large and the card ordinary. Tbe weather was fine anc the track fast- Results: First race, seven furlong:: Byways won. War Cry sectond. Sidney Sabath third Time: 1 J. Second race, one mile and seventy y srdt: Arachne won, Frar.k M. second. O'Hagen tlnrd. Time: 1 4i -4V Third race, selling, one mile: The Stewardess won Ernuarh aecond Lefiare third. Time: 1 41 J-t. Fourth race, handicap. e mile and a cuaner: Major Maiir won. Hayward Hunter secund Erne third. Time: 2 :0e S-i. Fifth race, five and a 4.alf furlongs, sell ing: Bummer won. L!tle Jack Homer second. Silver third Time: 1 -Af, -i. 6tb race, sellir.g. one mile: Monns w on. The Canon second Annie Lauretta third. Time: l.fcl-a- 1'llk tbe Bowrlera. Tr,e Gate City won two out of t h-ee reme from tbe National or. the Gate City bet lu.g aaiet last Light. Tbe score: GATE CITTS lst. 11 M Tot Sheld'.n lli i7 13 4"vl Chandler 37 2 5 IS f. Var1.1t 1 :n 114 jltME . , W I'l 2J Encell 1 ita in ill Total Ml feaS E.3 2,K , XATlOXALS. 1st 2d. H Total Gilctntt 141' It Vm eu Al.manaon 371, I'l 37t i."; i-rcie 37J 34k 1m t, Keed 14 3 3": 7rry . 1 3.. ill Totals. .. S44 (3 IIS 2 41 Tbe Omaha last won three straight games mm the Krg paras. CM A HAS Ut. Id. M Total .. 1M ZH 2:3 iC tirp 1 I3 3fe 4i Ftt-g na : r:7 . Huntington 2:4 1-1 27 mz Emery 3al 3sv 2-1 ia Totala sl Ml X"E 2.1S0 KRVG PARKS Is'- 21 i Total Bengtl l IC 1MI V. Krug in 34 it i Horwic-h :" 13 31 Maf.hi .4 3:4 I'M :: French :": 377 37 L Total. "42 Tn 7JO 2177 ha 4 aval lease Iasaed. LONr'X. Feh 21 The announcement ranted February that a definite chai lete bad Oeeei reoelveo frca Harvard and Taie fi an athletic naming our 11 the romir.g sumnrer wi'h a seam reteaenrit.g Oxtord ana 'amlmdge was iDetnxett T.e ra.bie4rram reoei bd waa only c-f a tentatiie nature and referred 10 tb adviaaaiilt) of aucfa a t ha .teic leii4 lnsued. Tesrbt ia Leavds t be Toaraey. MONTE CAR1A Feb 21 -Is the tenth round of the lri'.erriatiotl rave tourr a auet.t tocay p: it.ur heal Morrtu. ruciuaa oaf viuae. ui tuiri) -on auvta I n aamea 3 Watch Accidents wriTJ ha ppen 3 TbaTt w-iy rxaar watch works should be prcatrtcd ty a strtmg cast. Oold aiotx rt soft and bends eaairr. If awed for shew orVy. The JAS. BOSS STTITEXZD GOLD TATCH CASE reas mr and oh. Kerpt oat tb dW. Rrdwoe tbe cxpeaat 4 repair. Adit many rear to the lite of poor w-atch. Ercrr JAS. BOSS CASE it rsaraoteed for 25 Tar tre a Kry-stoor Trade -mark stamped inside- Yoa sntsct look for tbis brade-aaark. fietnl the Wrnr ua tor book. THE a.F 5TOVE WATCn CA CoaAT. Fwlasartplila. -etw een Albin and Mason, bltbop't opening forty-two move: between o.l and Teach maim. petroT defense. thin-ic m"et bttwn Tarraseh and Mir-.'tc petroff s defense, w ere al- drawn Tbe ' other oon-le- were a&.oi.rt.ed When play w resumed Waroo heat Tao-Tberhaua- t'elrofr dtlense. m thinv-elrht move and tl comest between Marsba'l and fierjao w a pam ad.ic.-jrtied. 111 bury won his unfinished game with ill- Tbe lourr.ament cp tc. the preseet are: Pi: I bury . poi- t: "Tew i.raani. 7., Marco, p., Viese Schley bier and Tar rasch. .'.cry and Mason, f "-. Tilbti. ' l.aus and tVc.lf. n . Albin, 4, Marshall. $'; Keggio. r. iaoreau. i. ' GRANT TAKES TENNIS HONORS I : T las Slaalea C'kaaspleashlp a ad Yhra, Peart Ira II y Aloae. Oetplais ( riigla Brothers la Dsaklra. XEW TORK. Feh r. -Wyhe C. Grant, the expert ol the New York Lawn Ter.r.ia ciuh. won the national indror lawn championship in the singties today on the , tKMiTd courts of the S-iertb regiment ar ! mory. Paired with Ruben L Key of Cc i lumbia university Grant aisc won the . charr;notihit honors in the doubles. , Both contest were well played before a I large galiery. In tbe doubles lRoy weak ' ened toward the close anu Grant practically ; outplayed the Crag-in brothers without ! supjK.rt. Summary: Championship smrles. final and tham ' pionshp round: Wyue C. Jrant. Xew York ! law n 'Jetmi club, oeteated Calhoun Cragiu, ; 'West Side Tenni club, a-H, v-4. t-L Chamtuocshir. ocul.k-s semi-final rnundt W ylie C. Grant and Robert LelUiv. Xew Tork Lawn club, defeated Lle E. Mahan avrid William J. McLaughlin, Oa ljrr tua universitv. 4-4. a- 1 Championship doubles, f.nal and than J pioasfcip round: Wv lie C. Gran and Keb c ert LeKoy. Xew York Lawn Tenna club. oeieaiea cainoun Crtg-in and A S trtfin. West Side Tennis club. t-Z, t-2, 1-7, ll-s. BENNINGTON GUN CLUB SHOOT j Two Eveaia, Oae with Utt PUsau and tbe Olber Blae Bock Trap. ! Tbe Bennirigion Gun club htid a live pigeon and blue rock trap shoot Sunaay, , w mch was attended by suite a crowd from I tttarby towns. There wore three moneys in both events and tbe following scores ( were made: Live Pigeons. 3 Birds Henry Paulten, I; Jay Dillon. 7; Altrt Anderson, I; L. Water , man. a. Jack McNeil. . Frar.k Molasxt 7; A D. Aiiderwon. v. G hi. Maigola. 7; T. ; Bessey 7. M S Curtis. 7: Ed tleti 4; .Frank Blelck, a. Car. Muhr. . Mark Turner. ; nr.. ). Blue Rocks, IS Targets Jay Dillon 4; M. S. Curt is, . J. Bensey. ; Frank Miaki. 11: A- t. Andersen. ; Hy pauistr 1J; Hy Duexhen, 1".: T. v.ieae. Itt; Carl Mcdir. 12; Ed Oisen, ; L. Waterman. ': Wiiham P. Viang ci. 12. G. M Mangold. U; T. McNeil. IX I MOXT CLAIR. X J Feb. 21 Owing tc 1 tbe bad eoomuon of tiie ice of Vero.ta lake today, the laiinal jee skatirg champion ti. contest acre indffinaitly postponed. ! bsvs waed n vshiasi ssi Csd I lSw serterv. t nu .0 t Oc v-sbeul Sbess 1 i-aw ! asea stea ft ana. tis 1' -bdieest.'i sr.6 t.i S.UMI sb am t iiSVSM.1 rea. K-ni-i r.ea tia a. w-m.. .n.. tr.ea. yoa wil i wiutsos ae art tsw .-t atvsrta. atara. Alssaiy. JS. X. BesJ For i Ta i ra Liowei a rcaTvaasrnc 1 riltllT- ra,ta.' revert Tarte 6nod f I Ee-M s.taea- W Min cr irt ia Vee a la ai, a Tr ger,9''' ttel.iet iue! C C C 1 Obaraaaesa a cars (j our a."leF baca. j btsrhcg Kesoedy Cs., Cbicags or M T. ao UlUAl.ilEtTII ailLLtCI E3ZES Furty Saea, Idc to Vic Each A. SAN I A ELLA k CO- k&AKERS TAMPA. FLA. RiCHAFSuN ikLii Cu. Diatr.bulura Good Homesteads are be'-emicg scaror tx yen want , J cf 1 beta tn IU ROeEBl'D. South Da kota, soon to open, las w.or in Okaia l.on.a Til b:il passed Wat week. Jou El Hcwoeaiead Clcb and become posit. oer.d 1 cents fc ircur and tertna C . Ivllkk, la-tia Howard tt, Owtaa. 8 lousness sESll al Trit