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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1903)
TOE OMAIIA DAn,T BEE: MOKDAT, FEBRUARY 23, 1003. f SPECIAL NOTICES Aderttet tkrn eeAwasa erlll b itkfi ill is aa. r ts evealea: 1ltleB eatll a p. aa. Bserwlas; a a Baedey edttloa. It tea. I 1-ke ever )rt iMtrlln. I ewrel thereafter, ttkn les Site fer the flrat Ixrr. tie. TVm rrrtUrBti as est B rm eekeeewttvely. Almlim, by rrimit a -TreS ebeeB ran ktTt aeewer as, t Tk Iter, laiwfn ddreesee' will ellere yrtstiui f tb ehe-elt air. SFMATIOKS WAITED. WANTED, poeltln nn a msr.asrer of ft ret - ciss Hotel; can n brins first and second Aadrr X V. Bee. A M1S6 23 W AK TED MALE HELP. MEN to learn barber trade; tree railroad fare upon our 1 allure u convince you of that being the BtBI and only reliable, most practical barber college In the I. nlted pi lea. Writ for catalog today. Vi estern barber' inelitute, omnlia Nth. GOOD mrtwnpri wanted; high aalariea. A. U. T. Co, 112 So. liih Bl B ll4 WAKTEP. food boy, with wheel, to de liver. Apply bchalrr'a. 16th and rhlr'seo A B Mltiti C1GARMAKERS WANTED ten Job open at on of tlie best and lsrgeet fectorles In Nebraska, seed moid perlerto work, tin I'er M ; open fbnp; none but competstit clitarBiakert need apply; come at one. Julius Pepperberg, Piattsmout h, Neh. BM13 a fiALEKMEN-I'p-to-date. arUve, to aell firrl-claea irrorerlea dirert to consumer at wboieaaie, tirrt-claan territory and lib eral tndureirwata. Ornrge Meldmra A Co., t and 71 .. Green at., CUU-tgo. 1.1. B M167 THREE broom maker wanted at Coin. la. : teeoy worn lor ftrat-claa workmen; no other need apply. B WANTED Men to learn barber trade. All the advantage of practical experience be free work, expert lnatructlona. lecture. deraontratlona. etc. No limit to term. Tear caved by our method. All new equipments of lateet deeian. Feerythlna flrat-ciaaa. CaU or write. Moler Barber Collate, 1W)2 Lioua-lk St. B MI77 IT WANTED Tounp man for office work bar. tna knowledge of ahortband and t j-pe-wrttlng. Anawer m1th reference and eal- ary expectea. Addreee, A. 4b. Bee B MJR3 it WA.M SP Men. everj-where, rood pay, to diatnbute circular, adv. matter, tack at art, etc No oanilng. Nattrmal Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M 31636 ENGINEER, machinist or electrtcaaa for permanent poeltlon. with good pay; refer ence required. Apply In perenn to Htxeav be ugh At Co.. Vtu Ware block. B Mlfltt 2i ""ANTED for V. B. army, able-bodied nn married anes between agea of 21 and K: cltlaen of I'nlted State, of good char acter and temperate habit, who can i apeak, read and write EngtlaU. For Infor mation apply to Recrutung Officer, lth and I o5 Bta., Omaba, or poatofbo ouiiair.g, Lincoln, jseb. ti fALBIMBR ATTTED. WANTED. I eeJeamen to aollclt and collect; quick pnmouuu. a. rajioo mock. M7fl CELL, Bitter a BiCe Hne on rommlaaion: una articia. well advertised. 2wa Cuming. aVALMEN, trp-to-date. active, t sell first- claa groceries direct to consumer at wholesale: first -class territory and liberal inducements. teorge MeMrum Vo I and 71 K. Grsen aU . Ctrtcag-o, IB. MS01 E A ANTED To supply aejeamen with gro- rertes at wholesale who take orders of farmers and ranchmen and deliver in car lota. Have good territory In the moun tain Midland Grocery Co, imp. Plstte SL, Henver, Colo. M27 14 WASTED TEH S IX KaXF, IN Girls. Call Canadian offioa, lath A Dodge. c f A GIRL for general housework. street. 26U1 Pieros C 7i8 WANTED, s cook. "620 Farnam. C 177 WANTED Competent girl for general nousfwora; rrierenoes required; -all mornings. SU N. Zith St. C M1M Si WANTED Ladles to learn hatrdresslng, manicuring or facial .waaesg. eur weeks completes, elieady practice, expert Instructions, tools and poaitions furntsbed. Call r write. Moler College. 1 Imugiaa lit. O .BU7B tl WANTED, nam. cook; no washing. 17(4 Far- C Mik 1 FOR REST HOTSKS. HOUSES, to upward. Bemls. Paxton Blk, i-is UrI ICCC in ell parts of dir. The o 11UUJLJ K. Davis Co.. bus Be Bldg. i 14 VAN6 and baggage wagons. Tela: US6-114. aaoubes. q. a Wallace, Brown Block. D I ill UOUEEB and flats. Ring wait. Barker block. D 74 HOUSES ail parts of th city. R. Pcur A C.. stee Bios, u tut tv RLNT, part vt all o S-room heus st 17U po. loth St.; moat-rn except tur- ce, guoa conaitto ana convenient ts tsr sna 6eiol. inquire on precnm or at lis Mi. Jolt. bt. 1 MAM Cn5 BURT BT rooms rij N. Sid Bt rooms 2417 Ertkin SL. -roem brAck bath closet t U Martha PI 4 rooms, well.... 1.16 fcrmas rt I rooma. il ......4 k.e 12AS nous. 15 SO 6 6 7.1 MeCAiaUK INV. CO.. lsuk DODGE BT D 7I r un RENT, nine s-room bouse, wltk bath ana sewer, east iront. an in nee ebaus. luiivem, nt to two car lines, tA per BiwiitB, v.. at narnmann. aw ruiM block. D 119 lu jsuvb. ngni gei usuana tea rttarage I v u. , omoc, xu-jii rarnam, or leis. las! nj. MAGGARD Van A Storage Co. Tel. 14W. I -? M' 'IKRN 7-room Sous tear park. Is3 E AwA WOOLWC'RTH IV g-rnarn all rui. em house, near car and achool. Oa. Hast- UkVB at rleaen. siu N. J. Life. D-MMe M FOR RENT. 6-room eottage. U Callfcsrnla i , rani reaaonabie. Inquire at sin N. i-t at. D MAJe M FINE Z-mttn brick house, srndera in every wsy, one block to car. sood location. SJA u n.. i uraungion, sun nee. L aflW FOR REST Ft HA16MEB ssOSAMS. I t ET European Hoist. Lstk U Farnaea. AO?, II PER WEEX-42S B. lath Bu. dm block seutAi Sf court hi, us, AETNA HOUbE. Eurupssn. 1Kb A DodgA a-ia HOY AL HOTEL, Earoneaa. MtA ft Cnlcag. L M. E. hauls trunk. Trier one "so. S-Rt ELEGANT stssus-betled rooms tul Ave. AIMS Csnt- lv im ROOMS. Ugnt hoosekeepms. 1111 S n Bt VIENNA HOTEL. KIT. -Li Farnam Bl. AC SOS ELEGANT room; hot water beet; modern; eierenoes Kill v en iter E MSS7 FRONT parlor, hot aar beat. 117 Cm si. e-KM Mis KM.LT f ui iilnlit S erttk or n riRlDUEn RIKIll AKD BOARD. A NIE, btrg t t01Ii, N th Bt ritb good board 411 j t L NICK rnoTtin. imn best. w1 s er without bnrrd . low rates. Mid. and Hotel, lh nd Chifgt. F 14 HO LAROE south Irm l room with nard; suitable for two; all modern convenerfe. FOR REKT-4KFIRKISHED ROOMS. DOUBLE parlor. CaU at 1C1I Vl fDntn SL ! Q M71S CENTRAL, stesm heat, all modern. 1. 2 or t rooma, furnished or unrurnlsned J26 N. Sid. G M7S rOR RENT. t 71 B. IHtta ft., one rutte of 4 room t:i: ene uue of I roonw. IT ). N. f. Doda. fr ti S. T. Life. Q 17 PATtlX.'R floor, unfurnlahed; three larpe room, modern; houin-lieeplnit Burt, FOR ltHT-ITVBEI AIU orFICIkt. UALf tor. 620 Bo. 161k BL CmCEl In The Bm bwildinc, tioao par montb up. Keiitai prloc include, baat. ItC tit ana JtnHu.- aert-b H. C re i era at Co.. icta4 A90t. Oronn4 Floor, Bee iild. 1 7 FOR RENT Bullcllnf f.uttabl for whole eaie purj.oe at Pit Famam; ZKJK), lour torti and first-ciae cemented baaemenl, eleiator. and burglar proof vault, office counter ana fixture lor price and partlr-ulare Inquire C. C Koea ter. aecre tary Tha Bee tullUin Co., room 1U0, Bee buudlris. 1 At67 FOR RENT, atore la first-claat location; rant reaeorahlt-. Apply R. C Ivttirs It ta . ground Door Bee Bide i FOR RENT, the" building lormerly occu pied by The Bee at kit F.rtiam St. It ha lour ptuiie and a baaenient, which was formerly need aa The Bee rre room. This will be rented very reaaunably. it U.tereeted apply at office to C. C. Bom water, aecaetary, room Vw, Bee building. AfcEMTi WAITED. WANTED, caiivaaatnc agents In erery county to eoncli vunrcrlpuoni to ltib. TWENTIETH. CENTIRT FAK-MEH. Steaor empiojtieui, with aaured good In come. Aatiita in tne country wim nor. and bnggy eapeciaiiy desired. Canvaaeer make eaaliy w tb luu per munis. ao- dreea. Center Famer Solid ior Bureau, Bee building, Omaha WASTED TO REJfT. ROOM wanted: ka eaetem young man 0e- tree an artietically furnined room with Jewi.b family; location mint be the rooet oeatrabl aatd atrkcuy private; give lull description. Address X 40. Bee iv at ik a WAITED TO BIT. WANTED, a hearse; send price and de scription to i. . ook, uamonrg, la. FOR SAAJ4 Tl RJJITI RK. CHICAGO Furniture Co 1410 Dodge. TeL 2uzu. Mw sas seoamoaano, ingiit. soto, exchanged. 014 FOR SALE HORSES, WAeORL ETC THT ME on wagutt repairing. Flrst-clas work, tu sroei. uu ana msvMworut A sua HORSE At'CTION at Union Btock Tarda horse market ever n edaeeoajr aiternoun. tr as FOR BALE or exchange, one 6-year-old Im ported Shire stallion, weight; one black morgan, s years oiu, weigui one black Missouri laca. a years oia. weight ktin; one A-year-old lack; both Jacks stand 1. bands tug, beary oonea; an four of above are good breeders, guaran teed: will aell at bargain. Address Alex. Dobson, Bpenoar, Boy a Co. Keb. FOR SALE MlCELA-AEOlS. NEW ajid Jtlhattd typ writ era, Jill FArnarn fcECOND-HA-KD billiard and pool tables; billiard lavbiea repauree; a uu-ge stoca oi rh bar ttxxurea, Oiu counter, eta. The Brtaswaok-Aisiks-Ctiiiennar Co., 4074 FOR BALE Two Steves sno tnre show cases wiui lisuuii um m wen ai uuoa Aodresa, U bi. Da. Vi INDIAN goods and miles. Ill) Far-cam. (r-uS TENCE LATH tor quick shipment, crtb- olng, comDinsuou tauoera. ui i.ougiaa. sue FOR BALE, phonographs, superior to sny Otber musical iMiimmmi. e up. in Wlttmann Co, 1U Farnam. Q AM FOR BALE. tx -passenger rock way cas- rlaxe. -m guoa cuoaiuuo. auurn rtoger At Buns Co. Q M7u4 H LADIES' And gents' watches, uo dia monds, len u pawn, srooa aa new selling it i.aif pAo. Anaoion bots umw, 14U1 Douglas. Q-M74U TZ1 tDHAJCO safs cbeap. Derlght. 11U Farnam. ti-Ik FOR B A Jr-, first mortgage note bearing per oent interest, payeni every six months; has about years is run; good security and endorsed by responsible party; ansrunt. inquire u sa. LacLmsnn, Koom 4-4, Paxton block W sas MIM-ELLAKEOrS, TO JOIN party shtrptng; car household goods ts snutbsrn tjairforniA wiinin monts or two. Addreee X fcu. Bee. K-MaiC 14 CAAIRVOIAKIS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass street. S aa MME. GTLMER, genuine paltnisU U5 B li. t) am MADAME LUCRKTIA, medium. 1 CbA. cage sc b Atxi aA4 ELECTRIC TREATMEKT. BATHS U1 N. IStk BL T 7i MISS HARRIB. 1SS1 Leav'w'th, top fir flat I A All IS F7!A MME. EMITH baths. 11A N. 1A, Ad floor, r. 1 1 Mm M7 Mrs. Davis. 1S3 Howard; atbs, attendant. 1 A As GRACE O'EKTAN of Kentucky. 7 B 13tn. T M1..1 M17 rCaVftOBAA, DR ROT. cbirosieaist: eorns And suserBa- ous batr removed by electnuly. AC I ana i. litoii t srnam tu. C All MAGNET PILE K1LLEB- IT CURES. At ai-ugtnsta. Si. U Mi Cnarfo'lac that Ot Glob OntAoal Oe Jr'Ck,LiU(.J ais smi. istsw TELEPHONE 7aV for L. M. S. meeaengers. MKB JACOBBON, SU6 N. Mth SL L MTSv MS RUPTURE CURED without pain. arm nlre t'Biaiis. ruipAure ce, z. Liis Atiug, PRIVATE bospttal bofor and during eosv nutswut; oabsns noaross and aaopted. Mrs. oarseia. OM las. TeL tted-lM. L 4.6 PRIVATE aanltartum for lsOies before sjui runner connaameni. ir. aivo afra. GriaoC Hit eiuurme bl leroia reasonable C MUX PRIVATE fcaspital bet eve an aunug coa- utenMUii; nreisiaas la every respect bsuies adoj-tee. iir L. L. Mlllor, w4 BiusdV ML. aAoas F-UaA. U til ELITE PARLORS, 63 E lSth Bt.. Id floor. U-Mea a TO OUR FRIENL AND PATRONS W have moved to 111 av 17th street. We will routines t carry a uo Hue f piai taikiiig marhiiia. aeuail musics! rtianais and seeing luerhine and lll svor so nim a abare of yeur pair -n- I OUNA FiANO IXlAvPAA T . U 1st A whole A Uswu feed 4 hosas trestmem fcr dtsorder of wnni. V rr t Via rl Co. set bM Biea Josh Biltings said: If you you and PEOttU WE RENT HfWtng machines, any make, 75c a wee. Nebraska lye I to., Inth and Harney at. U M14 Mil CHIROFf'DT. msnlcurtng. facial and spe cial maiwage taueht and practleed. A Ua3'er, aU Bee Biog. cdfreullaUon free, iel. 1716. U fci MARRT Weeterw Is die wrth meant want huebanda. Btsr, Wit 41 t.. 8n Fran cisco, Cal. U M7SS M14 NOIbT TO liOAk SEAL EITATC TO b P. C. tooiter. Bemta, Fax ton Blk. W (UA 41 FER CENT on buslnee property. per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. Me.IK-L, 4U1 S. liTH ET. W B.D MONET to loan on Improved Omaha real es.ata- Brennab-lx;ve Co., UI Uih. W m WANTED city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters At Co.. 1701 Farnau Bl.. Bee Bidg. w FARM and city Hana. low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat. Bank Biug. TeL lMft. W PER CENT Far nam. loans. Oarrta Bros w WANTED, dty loans Fsxnajn SmiLh At Co. snd warrants W. IXMi Farnam street. PRIV 4TE money. F. D. Wead, 1S34 Douglas. w a PRIVATE Ufe. money. Sherwood, 37 N. T. w r HOKE Y TO AAb CAAATTAil-fc. DO YOUWANT TO BOKROW MONEY? We loan frum eliLiiu up on furniture, live stock, pianos, etc eALAMI LOANS witnout btongage to persona who hoia s&l srvea posiuona. An iuiervsrw will vonvinoe mi tnat the condluons ot our con u at. is are the most liberal obiainabie In the ctty. We make D oeUuctlons trom the amount borree, as aume ao, tlierscy compellug you to pay lor money you u nui in. vu oxnee xs vn .. . ... - oanuy bad it again remooeied. it is mure private than ever. V. e ajerajss try to please. ...... w. .&Tn inu1 I. f i A "C (ii " lis Board of 'ITade Blag., Tel. SSs.. Bsisbuebed last. al. iatn St, AiuM HEAIX5VARTEP.8" FOH SAlAKV LOANB. very mas or woman In tiaaba. Bouth Omaha and Council Binds getting a salary cau and get our money on your plain note, without publicity, murvgngs or endorser. THT US ON FURNITURE LOANS. Goods remain in your possession; yon get the tull amouct of loan wltbout deduc tion. Our fcyeiem of payments tne easiest. Our ratee are easuy tne lowest, to PJ . RIr- CREDIT CO. W Sim bet OH Elevator at Third Floor. V . v-tv .T Uirif 'If Tint Koora SOS. Room sua. x-jfc.j.w'. . THE B'i'AR LOAN COMPANT, Room 644 Paanon Block. 'Phone onS. Thfcs company te the private bank ot U wake-earner and salaried employ. it vou have a permanent position aa clerk, bookkeeper, salesman, machinist or sru asi of any kind, you can obtain on your Mts. wltbout security or Indorser: Bern I- Monthly. M.on thry.Wsekly. rmn-r.ture tm us.'a.Se MM K-6S :Z..,r. to us.... U. 6 65 S lursx t ts. . - ,t ,.,,. ua 4.UW it L6 Our offices ar private won cobhosduii. iivmm ta t BEST Dlae to borew money on your etc.. Is . WHERE you can ret any amount. WHERE you ret th lowest rs tea. WHERE ns charges are made in advance. WHERE verrtmng at nuuiuoiu.. u -u it v, c voii return it In easy payTuents. WHERE you pay tor only the time money WHERE can you do beerthan at the Paxten block, AStk sndarriRm. JP.GEPT BUBINEBS IN BAA-AAtl.ll.lJ T CJi stera. boarding; houses, eve., wltbout se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices in prin cipal Cities. Tolman, 4 Board ' Trad BM. X asl CHATTEL Wry Jewelry 1sn Foley AVMta CO, sue te u. wwii, " m y MONET tnasad on plain not to aaiarieo people; business connoenuai, wi " 111 Paxton block. Th J. A. BBttonCo MONET loaned n plancj. fTjrntttir Jew elry, burses, cows, etc. C F. Bsed, bJA WB LOAN money cm f nrnltore pLane i siil diamonds UatAJriA lmh!-, .Jr.. SANK. 14M Farnam. tipwtair. TelA-gU. BTSIKESS CHAWEI. TO GET tn or out of business call ea WAV llama. Room 4xi, Atecagu ouuains Farm Harness i, GOOD Concord team harness, wit breeching CS and tip; wlU take old har ness In trad for new. ALFRED CORNISH. 1210 Farnam BL xelrpnons sis. OMAHA, NEB. T-M7W MI DECK ROOM. With role-top oeak ana jihoas ses-vAusa. 4. O. jonnsun, e r.. . Life. T-M6SS CASH for your rU estAts or sbsItjbss. no nuttier where located. For a quick aais send us description and price. r.erts Business Agency. D A-lk Bank uf Csnuuaros Uogu. lwiuusapoiia, Minn. T M67I M7 TO TUKF, stock and grain investor: Have ye any money inveasea is ten specula tion or In stock or grain speculation? If so, w!ic is yanir broker e knew the gnud from the bad. He porta furnished on a.l turf, stock and grain Investment com panies. Write to us before investing. We cun be of service to you. The Nee Tork Financial Mercantile Agency, Bets Birig Philadelphia, pa., or lo A astern Office, Century Bidg.. bt Louis, M.u. FOR BALE, a good paying lewehry and optical business located in thriving Ne braska town of I.uiAi inhabitants, lnruioe or stock and fixtures. M.Am'; fine set of fixtures, jd-st b sold by March 1- Ad dress in car of Columbia Optical Co. Omaha. V U3 S FOR AiL kinds of business openings, ar if you want cash Tor your business quirk, address M. G Montgomery, 6i4 N. T. Lite. AT M1SU MA) PRICK HOTEL FOR BALE OR RENT. Building nearly new. thirteen Sleeping rooms, kilc-beti. dining ruess. oOio aiid parlor: best locauon, near depot and oa mam street K TWEED. Dveniort. Neh T MIS AS ONE steam laundry plant for aal cheap. Address X ts. Bee 1 13. 21 STOCK of seeend-bsnd (roods for sal tn good town; will sell at s bargain, sick res cause of selling Write or call oa M C sin ma. Balis ill, Kansas I M3E.7 S IMPLEMENT STOCK Staple line buggies, windmills and farming machinery, I" ; aiso real estate and Wuuibgs, 61 PotiawatiaJSUe re., la. Annual eaiea tasen Oood tsr.proved land conanlered. J. AL. JbAUiaos, N T D?s. T-MSie S want to be noticed must get in front of folks worry 'em some. FOR EXCHASCE. Hotel for Exchange. Modern "-story frame room well and completely furnished, f bouse, no corr peiitlon, s botiansa, In thriving S W. Iowa towa. tU.wn- for entire property. Will consider good Improved farm or dry property. This prop witton worth Investi gating. J. li. Johnson, -N T. lAir. a M3SK 13 FOR PAI.R REAL. ESTATE. ALFALFA ALFALFA In the Great Platte Valley Country. A Xi-scre Improved, irrigated farm, 130 sere fully paid up water right f acres of the finest kind of alfalfa, good build ings. lYIoe. only 12a per acre, iT.tmu. I'os ession. March 1 to Id. Write u for complete deserlptton of this farm, it is s big bargain, on of the bippest we ever offered FATNE INVESTMENT COMPANT. Omaha, Nth. "THE ALFALJ-A LAND MEN." RE 161 S DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM ? It you ant to sell s farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stock raiser about it, Tba pest way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This .agricultural weekly goes to 40, OW homes ot farmers and stuuk raisers, so ti you have a good piece of land to sell st a res son able price you ought to find a buyer among them. The coet of an advertise ment is small cents per word. THbTW tNTlt 1 H CtMl k FARMER, OMAHA, NtU. RE oi A SNAP IN MISSOURI. No. ISO acre t miles from town, all fins land, deep black coii, 4 aurua in Umber; this fau is Wiirth a great deal more man asked, ut beionga te some beirs and must be sold al once. Price !7 pr acre, Cootey in v. and Real Eata.1 Co.. tZ& N. Y. Llla blug. RE M341 VE7RT thsjsp ranch, eleven miles from rail road; 1 section school laJQd, 1 deednd, Mo acre leased: lu miles fence, windmill, tanks, elweliing and outlet to Irrigation ditch, with tanks; SL.DW caah. Write aiao for alt all a and farm snaps. Brown Sx Daviea, Oosad. Neb. RE MM 2k CHOICE ICth. trackage, pared. Monroe. 811 N. KE MS RANCH and farm lands Tor sale by the Union Pacific Kailroad company. B. A. McAilester, land commlsaionert Union Pa cific Headquarters, omalia. Neb. KSeal AN ALFALFA FARM AT A BNAP. tS Acres la Daw sob county, S mile trom station, en main Una of the L nion 'a clnc, only tao per acre, reasonable terms. Bend for tull description. FATNE INVESTMENT COMPANT, OmahA. Neb. "THE ALFALFA LAND MEN." KE 16J Is FOR F t s1 modern tep-i oom house and barn; slse ot (round li'iltii. 116 N. 3Mb av. A- i. Lee. SUS 8. UtAk RL Mi 2t TEN, twenty at forty acre in fruits; on at th best fruit and garden farm la Iowa; adjoins city limits. Address A. Bee, Council Bluffs, the owner. KE M717 M i, FTNE eottsg horn on 21st and Man Aerson, near ACountse Pino. 6 rooms, gaa. citv water, only (i.Osu. It would cost S1.2A0 to build tn house alone. Bee ns quick. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANT, "Sow Agents." Main Floor New Turk Lite Building. LB lie & BOUSES and lets In all parts of city; also aur property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room But Be Bldg. KE 646 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E.. 1HU6 lamam street. Kl C TWO WEST FARNAM LOTS BARGAINS On east aid of 40th. half way between Dodg and Davenport streets, fi0xia& feet each, SO foot alley in rear, sewer, water, and tras in the street. This Is a fin loca tion and handy to Farnam street car. 6D0 and tSO each, one-third cash, balance te suit yon at C per cent. To see them As to buy them at tAtea prices- Act quickly . HARRIBON A MORTON. Vim 11X.I. U Bldg. TeL 24. KAk-MM M RESIDENCE lot. E1G BARGAIN, south front, lot suxllK. clear, seaer in and paid for, on block ts two paved streets and motor, good nalghburbood. norm of Huoia cum Park. This lot scud once tor 61.6iAi.ufi. Ton can get It if taken quick for MTF.uu, apot cash. Be owner. bo. 17ih eit KE Attus M MODERN S-room house. Aviso S-roum ; good looations, low prices, inquirs 14U In ton. feL-iA At FOR BALE, about acre in block &6. Ben son, on main read, blocks from car line. Good well and tonoed. boll rich and deep. Fine louetion tor fruit or gardening. Would make splendid home. Can be cut inte t Mils i)l2b leet and alley. Price. Sl.J6.. Inquire ot AA- B. Davenport, Koub KJ0. Bee Bldg KL Li'. XL ANOTHER FINE ALFALFA FARM. 60S acres in the beel pari of th ALF ALFA BELT, Uo acre now in alialfa. only S tier st'ie. Bend for full descrij.uou PAXNB INVESTMENT COAAFANT, Omaiia, Neb., "THE ALA-ALFA LAND MEN." m. KL 16b 3 E COR. SOth Ave. and Pacific BL, aSxlAa, sneclaJ fuuy paid, owner Intends re moving front city and will sell very cheap. F. D. Weed, lUS Douglas L RL Ls Jk FOR SALE. 14 0M! for S-story and tmaement. very sub stantial brick building, with good lot. No. 17J4 South llh AV- Kenlai 4s per tT.Good 10-room house, lot SktlE ft, I blocks from Hitrh school. H47 7-reom bona, r California SL; lot rtl33 fL eUx-room cottage, 25i8 Bl Mary A vl f ao Five-room cottape. 81 Bouth 24th Bt. jlmi to Ilaf per acre :.r small acre tracts near t'maha and Bnuth Omaha. GLoRGE A COMPANY. 1JJ FARNAU BT.. Omaha, or all Nurtn &ih St.. Bouth Omaha! KE ittl 2b AN IDEAL building spot i ot ths hitast lots on east side of IM St., beteeen C and D. feo. r,n.K. a, beautiful i hade treea. near car line la choice iieigLiMsrhood, only lli tor the two. PAT NE INVESTMENT CO Main Flour N. i- L. Bldg. RE MM 24 BIO SNAP IN FARM Fin quarter In Cass Co. t mile E E. Ashland, AlO.Oev. good hay. splendid corn; it s a bargain , see us quick. FATNAt INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA i.L-lli Zi FARMS W ar running ahert of farms te sell. If you have a good one you ant to aisrssr of list ti ilk us for quick aaie Fa-lcber Real Ex tat Co.. SiA Be Bui.d tng, omaba. Neb. RtV-AJJo. WE DEAL IN tret mortatages ou farms. No security of fers the investor aa hifh a rate ot it ter es I uonaiaieui a lib absoluis aafety. 1 ou control your own Irveeimeiit If you bav idie funds on UM-h you wish to secure mere interest than the beuis will anew caul on aa POTTER FORGASf AV HASKELL, A . X. Mil Atit. 71 Did hi titfan "fliurrtsscf" FOR (ALE REAL ESTATE. 40 and 80 Acre Farms Just closing out th last 4P and S-acr farms miie from Omaha All unaeT cultivatiuh, with house, barn and weil WKh pump on every Hi or k1 acres. fcnd on 11 )-are t'me; only 1-10 cash St time of purchase: balance at b jer cent ln teret. payable in ten yearly installments 4c farms soid In the last thirty u if you want a farm on these terms, ready to move on, come at once BUXT A- LOVGKE.V. 4M-7 Faxton Block, Omaha. Kiv BIO a FOR SALE MODEL HOME- Flv acre level land, young orchard In bearing, l(-room pressed brick dwelling, barn, carriage house and Mher outbuiid Inira, chicken yard and garden, near street cars and Country uub. a snap at K.sutt. less thaji half whet improvement cost. V. N. NASON, 446 BLE fcLULDLN'i. KE M10 T1TE WRITERS. LAMBERT. tZ street. Monro ft Co. CI N. lth - ALL KINDS, all standard makes sold, ex changed, repaired and rented anywhere; muny good as tie; a munuf acturers' prices. Don't buy until ro get samples of writing on ours unprejudiced advice, immense stock to select from Machines shipid on approval. It you want a Cn.oi typewriter CHEAP, you'll find It here. NEBRASKA Cl CLE CO., 'Fhone 1663. Cor. lath and Harney. M 147 2St CEKERAL ROOFrRG. WORK In any part of the country. Jones Roofing Co., 1&17 Burt L TeL ISM. M172 ROOFING, lightning rods and repairing. Germania Looting Co., 161! Capitol Ave. Tel i'eiii 104 M14 TAXIDERMIST. I. K WALLACE, S Bo. IStn BL OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. A Suite (15. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopatha N. T. LU Bldg. TeL 1664. DETECTIVE AGERCT, CAPT. THOS CORMACK, prtvat detect ive. S17 Karbach block. Telephone A-X2L -a SHORTHAND AKD TTPEWRITIHtt. GREGG B. H, Touch T. W Bus. Branches, Teleg CaU free. Ora. Com. CoL. 17 At Doug. A C VAN BANT S BcnooL 717 JJ. T. Life. BOTLES college, N. T. Life court reporter prlncipaL NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's 1 beater. LAW AKD COTXECTIOKS. f TILLMAN AY PRICE. 2t U. S. K'l Bk Bldg. NEW NOW-CHURCH CO.. let Boor N. T. Lite Bldg-, attorneys and collector every. where. MACFARLAND A Bldg Room "4 MAT. New Tork Llf Phon 1K2 ELECTRJCIAK. GRAND Electric Co., U0 Bo. lSUv. Tel. 2844. Electrical supplies, wiring, repairing. 71-4 MS LAVNDRT. OMAHA Steam lAundry and City Towel Bupply. 1750 Leavenworth. TeL A-17SS. 730 SEEDS AKD POILTRT srrrLIES. E. H. ULLERT A CO.. 1811 Howard St. M7C STORAGE. OM. Van tar. Co 1UW Fam. Tela. lS-ma. it. EXPRESSMAN S Del. Co. Tela lUo-1146. B ACCORDIOS FLEATTKG. GOLDMAN Pleating Co 100 Douglas Blk. At I. SIC THOE 3. XELLT, vole. Davidg Binck. FOR SALE. MODEL HOME r iv acres level land, young orchard In Hearing, iruum preaaexi brick dwelling barn, carriaire house and other ouihui.T. iligs, chicken vsrd and aardeu. near street car. sou t.ouniry ciun. a snap at M.buu, it:, iiiaii iitiii .am ;niirovemenls cost W. N. NABO.N. 446 Bee Bidg. -Mn? FARMS FOR REKT. OK KENT, t acre in Bouth Omaha. xveaiiy t-o., io l. 1. Xafe. Ml "3 I PMOLSTERIKG. CARLSON At CO. SHI Learen worth. TeL 766 PETERSON L-uS. A Lunfberg. Lu E 17th. TeL H74 MEDICAL, DR. PRIES trcuts succeastully ell diseases -uu ineguiaritiea or women, from any eirrieiicea, reliable. 1613 Dodge, ....,,Ki.uU owca, ooillil, .eD. 'iel. A-Ui. t-OS TRACTORS AKD Rl ALDERS. a. r-iA.xitiu.-M. suth and Burt. Tel. L-ISS6. . Toi 1 L. 6PITZBAKT. TeL F-3iu6. -ia Laaa. 107 lchi4 bAAiOLARSMIP. LLblALh coli.-iee scholamhin f.. ,i. baj-gain iu uir of omahs s leadins eoirw- mercial coiieaes; 111 acAinLirslilp. Address i.. ooice M 1H. FOUD, FOUND Bunch ot keys. Call at B of&ca. FotiO s OARBACE. ANTI-Monopoly GarLare Co., cleans cess pools and vaults, removes garbage and ucu auiuiai si reuueeu price. 6Zi N Mill. iti i . . PA SI SBROMERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, aecommodat a. svii ousiness connoentlaL UU1 Doug GRAVEL ROOriSR. BAKFJCK TeL aU Rooting Ca l&H Cuming BL M4i PUSSHG. FREE A W1CKER&HAM. SO Bo lS'.h Bt M 471 Fat DALT AV S'N. TeL JA4L Sut Las ves worts, CARPEXTCRI AK D JOIKERB. ALL kinds of carpenter wrk and repairing promptly attended t. i. 1. Ochi. :r. TRTRKS ADD BAGGAGE, OMAHA EXPRESS CO. Trunks and laggag delivered, are. iel. 64. Ut Hew. MA67 TWIN CITT KXP. Thone 171L V B. lfl-.h. THE fEPOT on tims. L M. E. TeL 7RX PHONOGRAPHS AKD SIPPL1ES. ALL MARES talking machines; rend tor rstalogus. Omaha Bicycle Co., Isth and Chicago HI EXPERT ACCorWTAWT. G. R. Kathbun, Room 1&, Com'l Nat. bank. WALL PAPER AKD PAPER HaHGItO. OILS, paints, rsxnlshee, window g'.aas. T. j. Sterner. N. aLh St. TL A-ab7. Masi FATE1TTB. X3L J. COWGILL No Te tmlees sure rnL KA B. UU SU. Omaha. Tel. 17M. MS UEB A CO.. Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neh. Es tablished 1KS6. No fee if we fall. Hand book tree. Telephones 1Q and A-2Llw. M M10 ATTOMORILES. KLBC atrtamobliea. Derlgbt. Ill Farnanv BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bal TI Co.. Cl North )-.h. is SIG. PA13TTIKO. BCHROEDER Blcn Works. W9 B. 17th. W also fhlp signs Write us ' 76 Juneo MAKVFACTt RISC P. MELCHOIR, lAth and Boward, ma AM chlnist. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wk. make s spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, door and ear. G. Andxeen, Prop., 1US Bo. 10th St, ei.l GOLD AKD SILVER PLATIKG. OMAHA FLATLVO CO., Bm Bldg. TeL DKEUMAK1HG. KKTFTER'S Ladle Tailoring Oollere, BtilU mil i'ougias btock, lain and Dodge. C D. Enyder. MgT. write for booklet. Mini LA DIES' tailoring parlors, Z2SS Seward BL 166 F $5.00 To enter the McDowell Dressmaking aehooL Oldest and best established school in Ne braska. Th celebrated McDowell ytem won hlht-M awards at Paris and Berlin, also at Buffalo. Perfect, easv u learn. The manager cannot be excelled as a teacher. Designer or cutter of all ladies' garments. Pattern cut to measure and srua ran teed. or further particular call or address, DO WELL DRESSMAKING SCHOOL, ) 6. 20th St. Tel. LasCO. Mrs. M. E. Morrison, Manager. M18 M FA TEST OFFICE DRAWINGS. PATENT DRAWINGS, application blat-ks. deeds, etc. Bues A Co, Bee Bldg. Tele pbone 1628. sul MID ST A at ME RIKS AKD STUTTKRIKG. CURED, Julia Vaughn. 4 Rarog Bidg. "o CARPET CLEAKIKG AKD LATIKG. ' A K. JETT. yi5 Cuming BL 430 PRIKTIKG BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS PRINTING CO. Linotype rom- Mil position Tel. ZlWi. AKKOCKCESf EKT. W. & RUSSELL moved ro Oi Bo. 16th. i AtchZ TICKET BROILER S. CUT RATE railroad tickets every- here. P. li. Phlibln. lbtxi Farnam. 'Phone 74. etii, HAT, CALAIS AKD COAL. M. LONDON. 23CC Cumins. TeL AJM6. 166 FW MAS6VIERADE COSTUMES. TKEO. LIEEEN. 101A Farnam, costume. M7 GO VERKMEK T KOTICE. CHIEF. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha. Nen.. Jan. 116, iKuB fciealetl propos als, tn triplicate, subject to the usual con ditions, will be received st this ortite until 10 a. m., central standard time, February 3s, IMS, for furnishing material and labor in installing- a steam healing plant in the guard house st Fort Robinson, Neb. Full Information furnished on application to this office, where plans and epeclhcatlons may he seen, or to the quartei master, i on Rjuinson Propobals to be marked "Pro posals for Steam Heating," and addressed lo John VI . Pullman, Chief Quartermaster. mj-zfc-iio-ii i'2i-jid MEN WANTED FOR THE UNITED States navy; macliiniata. fireman, coal pb stirs, electricians, stnii Wrights, seamen, ordinary seamei., lauusmen, apprentices and mess attendant; must be American born rltiseus or have made legal declaration or in lenuon to become oitisens. only men of Rood character and physique need 'apply. r or iiiioriiiauon sppiy in iernon or pj let ter to Navai Kettrjiuhg Htuuon, at or rcr Uie Poatoflice, Omaiia, Nebraska. F28 dlt M r. B. ENGINEER'S OFFICE. SIOUX CITT. la., fe. Ik llwA A public aaie of g overtmeut property jwnamlng to Iniprove- nieui ui juiHKuun river, consisiing of steamnoais. qu.rwr boats, hulls, Purges, Nasniyih steam hammers, pumi. Uiiirrs caitans. mincbes and a largs yuanuiy of minor articles and of scrap iron. Junk, etc., will be held at Gasconade. Mo., beginning March 27, llsa. List of material furnished on appuifcUuu. H. M. Chittenden, aptsin Liiglneers. FV-uliMU LU LEGAL KOIICE. NOTICE. Notlo Is hereby given that the district court of Dougias cunty, Neuraaka, liuiu. pointed the unoersigimd, L K. Leisti. as receiver Ur tne lijellty Mutual lire Jn- uraiice company of umaluw. Nebraska, and has ordered that all the creditors f ssid company hie tneir claims kiiaust ssid cra psny ou or beloie the 4ih cay of VI ay, ItoM. and that uniena claims are so tied an orjer iil be msoe barring the aame lu conlurmity to said oraer all the credi tors of in said company are lucitied to hie with th Hon. frank A. tiro, a aell. cierk of the oistnci court ol Dougias county, Ne braska, tnrtr cikims agaliist the siud in sumnce compaiiy, on or before Msy 4, lsuS buch c minis should be tiled in lus case of Edward M. Allison vs Fidelity Mutuai Fir Insurance Comi"nv, D.'C 76, No 176 E. R. LEIGH Receiver. F16--aLi-liM NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET- Notice is liereLy guen that th regular annual meeting of the htcM kl.oloer of ths bcuih Piatt Land t'oni;sny w::l I held at 11, e (ifhc of ssid conii'Siiy in Llnoom, Ne braska, st 11 o (iocs a m., on in 4tn oy ot Msr h. A I lu. L order of tne board of directors C H. MuKKlLL, President A. B M1N""'K. Becreiary Lincoln. Neb.. Feb. 1. 1113. FI td BIOCKHOLI'EKB MEETING Th annual meeting of stockholders in Th Bee Company ill be held ou Mondst. March X Us 3, at 4 c cjocs p. In in The Lulli ng, comer heicn teenih and Fsmam streets Pv r,rl. of the president teLU AL TZBCHUCAC lillWAT TIWE fAIU nnr':o NRTM. eetrrn Rul!i y "TM North stern lint' City l ici t t 0"!u-. 11 Farnam PL 1 Orphan l-pot. Teii-.L and Marcy Pireeta. Tele j.lmn. Ct. LeHve Arr've I'uMiKlit CLirago. a em a-.Jupm Local t 'LrroH-omelia . o I:"' pm " ara l-nrsl t'hirrc-(.imal.a. all' f am f 10 pm Fast Chicago a iM' pm a l.o pin t ast (.maha-CTalcafo.. a I ' am a 7 am Fat Mai. a A pm iltm Limited Chicago a 11' pm a s.lh am Fast St. J'au. a ? pm a k:l ra luvllj;ht Su I'aul a 7.8b am alt'. a. pra Fast Wall a .' am Cedar Riide I'asenger s t l pm Local Pioux On b 4:"S pm bSrr! Liical rlioux City a .lv aa a I M pm a Daily, b L'aliy exorpt bun day. FFEMONT. ELK HORN Missouri Valle Railroad "The North western Line'' General tfflc. United States Nstionai Bank Bunding. S. W. Corner Twalf ih and Far- ram Sts. Ticket Oflioa, leul Farnam bt 7ielephone b6L Depot, 15lh and Webster Bis. leiephon liiA. LeavA Clack Hills, Deaawood. Arrlv. Lead, Hot Springs a IK0 pa W yoming. Casier antf a UK fm liouflas d 1:00 pm 1:00 pm i-inFiu.p. i ora. xtsvia City. eup'rnr Geneva. Exeler and bt warn b IKN pm l:f pm bioa am bioJt am tvonesieei, .-viourara. Lincoln and Fremont. b T JO am Lincoln afaoo and Fremont .....b 7.S0 am Fremont Local c 7:30 am a Daily. B Dally except Sunday, c Bun dsy only. d Daily exoept Saturday. Daily except Mondsy. CHICAGO. BT. TATTe Minneapolis ar Omaha Railway "The Nonh aestern Line" G.aeral C'flicee, Nebraska Divi sion. ISth and Webste Sta. Citv Ticket Offina. 141 Farnarr. SL 1 tie: 'hone iu. DepoW liiLh and Webster Sta. Telrpbon 14&S. Lesve. Arrive Twin City Paaaenc-er.. 6. am a 0:16 pm tMfut City Passenger... a :Uu pm ail .lu are Oakland Local b .4i pm b i:46 am a Xily b Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC -"THE Overland Rout" General il- flce. N. E. Corner Ninth end arnam Btreets. City Ticket mce, 15U Farnam SL Tale. phone 816. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sta. Telephone 6ilS Leave Arrive. Overland Limited a t.40 am ilw pm The Chicago-Portland Soecial :0 m a 7 0 i m 1 , V itst Mall a 1.2b nra The Mall and Express.. all: am a I.t am The Uoioraao rpeciai. . -a i .iv am a s.tu am Lincoln. Beatrice and Biromaburg Expres..b 4:00 pm bllO pro r-iLltfomla Extireea a 4 .A pm The Atlantic Express.... a 7:S0 am Eastern r.xpres. as..' pro North Plaits Local a trOO am a a.l pm Grand isiana i.ocai c i:m pm di.Aiad a Dally, b uaoiy except siuncay. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND 4 Pacific Railroad "The Great Bock Island Route" City Ticket Office. 1LA Farnam streeL Telephone 4S. leiot .nth . .A . b. telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. EAST. Chlcaro Dsvlirht Ltd. .a E:00 am a t c am a :3o pm a fc.oi pm LU.ix. am a 1:2& put a 4:W am Chicago Deyugni LocaL.a 7:M) am Cbicago Lxpress bllOs am i-s si oi nes Express ...a 4i pm Ch'oago Fast Eipresf .a .Si pm ."EST Rocky Mountain Ltd. ..a 6.&0 am Lincoln, Colorado Bp gs, Lienver, Pueblo and West .a 1:80 pm Colorado, Oklahoma at Texas Flyer a f.:40 pm a Daily, b Daily except Sunday. a Iroo pra AJ2 .40 prg BURLINGTON Mis souri River Railroad "Tha Burllnc-tnn Route" Gen eral Offices, Northwest Cor ner Tenth snd Imrrmni iirrtr., 'i iMiM H Streets. Ticket Office. 1M4 . a Farnam Street. Telephone. Idu. Buruiigiou Stiuou, iwui smiu snasosi Bireu. Uelepbon. 14V Arrtv. Wrmra, Beatrice and ... Lincoln -v!:Sm "J1"" Nrt.nuik Ettpre. " pnk Denver I.lm!ted a 4.3 pro a :46 Am B'ack Hiils and riurei Bound Express .aU30 pm a Aao pm afcaxsun C o 1 o I a Ait estlbuled Flyer ' Lincoln Fast Mail b S3 pm Fort -Took and Platta- - roeath, :Jft Pm pcllevu Pacific Jet.. a 7 pm pwirru AV Pactfle Jet.. a I:W am a Daily, b Daily except Sunday. blS:5 am, ' a Xl am KANSAS CITT. ST. Jo seph A council Atiurta Railroad "Th Burlington Route" Ticket Office, 1&0S Farnam Btreet, Telephone Zbtl. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets, Telephone lAti. Leave. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a SOoam St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm AlTlV a 6:06 pm all:U6 am a 6:15 am Kansas City Night Ex.alO SO pm Daily. CHICAGO. BrRLINOTO A Qulncy Railway "Ths Burlington Rout" Ticket Office, l&uj Farnam Street. Telephone S0. Depot, Tenth and Mason Street a Telephone Ua. iltliMtioJfMi Leave, a 7 :or am Arrive a 4:06 pm a 7 :46 am aJJiiMi nm Clucago friecial tnicagn testlbmed Ex. a 4:00 pm Chicago Local a :28 ara Chicago Limned a e:ue bm Fast Mail a Daily. a 7:46 am a I 4ti pm ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of fice. 34(8 Farnam Btreet, Telephone, M&. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Leave. Arrlv. Chlokgo Lxpna ...a 7 -So am a fc. pi pre t'ii.ifc-t.i UnulaH .. Fast Mali Mimic. polls A St. Express Mihik'U polls A SL Llmllec Chics go Local Fort Doage Local Council BluCa .. Fort Lfdpe lca) ...a i.w pm a A'tir, are aivi pm L10:2J pm a 1:06 am alOrflO am Paul b I X am Paul a 7: pm lt):4 am from b 4:60 pra from Council Bluns 6:W am a Daily, b Dally except Bunaay. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices and Ticket Offices. Sou t beast Corner 14th and Douglas Sta. Telephone 1U4. .Depot, Union BlsUon. Leave. An 1 , BL Louis and Kansas City Express al0: am a 6:2s pm K C, bt. L. Express . ell. :60 pm a 6.16 am Lesve from iiitn end Webster Btreets Nelirat-ka Loca cla eesiing W ster b 4 10 pm bl0:4t am a Dally, b Dally exoept Bunoar. WABAEH RAILROAD Tic ket Office, ihq Farnam Street Telephone E2. I. pot. Tenth end Miircy Sts, 'ielrphone S26. Lesv. Arrlv uls Express a i.wi nm a t.iii am BL bl Louis Local itrom Council a Daily. B-uS.t) ,...e.iera al0:ppm CHICAGO. MILWAUKEH At BL Paul Kailwsy City Ticket -Cice, lis Fsmam 1 bL Telephona 2M. Ivpot. Tenth and Mason Btreeut, UeMrpnone 6Si. Lesve. Arrlv Chicago l'.yllght a 7 46 am all 16 j,m C'liicagii Fast Ex pre, a 6 46 pm a I 40 pm Chicago Limited a 6 t pro a 7:su am iHta .Maine Express... 7. 4o am 1 1 w I'm CtuckKo Local 10:4.. am STB A SAS All. F.CLLtKD-tliERICI LIKE tn lvis-bcm tuum m U-ASl Isua kgW TOkA HJTTtJLAM. els bJfLv,fc"A giiu w.niii'l si Is A St. kMisrOsui sut . fcriiosis Msr. at Assrcsa a.r 11 S' .junl A 'u-iHasi Sv-r 111 suras ftl A AAellaaA-AsserAea LAac. S aVerar. S. T. burl an . .w. Asruaat si . i 6. BWsllJ, Atat rsisui at.. U S Jm isui rru su. 1ms steM. nm i its , r. s rwsu a cs.. us ciul sv. . t.bss Sum. Ail s liss av. A i AuMdnt AA So istk st. Hmm asesia BtaAe 'Ebb Heetleea. That was a stirring, moving drama at h theater last uigbt." "Plot exceptiocally strong, I prssams T didst say anythinf abom tba ptot, J was referring ts th activity ef ths sdi- 1 1 j o V Lo tsuaid. AaiS Auaiiport SL AU iS 11 At, L-M4 hos bta act. Ms lilBior Ns