20 BAUM BUYS BENNETT STORE Only Competing Bidder it Gurdon W. Wattles of Uoioo Natimml JB&nk. SALI 41 CANS ESUinP!nOWi(OTTH3US1lSS As Ho Tt'' Bids twvol for the Department Separately, the Property la Sold la nnlk. The stock, fixtures and all claim of the W. R. Bennett company wore sold yeeterdsy morning to J. E. Baum by the trustee of the company. K. E. Hauling, for $79,800, after several bids bad been received. The property wai first offered by de partments, but no offers were made on the majority. The Jewelry department, valued t $9,945.34. received a bid of 11.000; the hardware department, valued at $14,067,39, received a bid of $3,900, while one bond of the Omaha Country club, valued at $100, brought a bid of $r.o. A bid of $40,000 was made on the personal property of the com pany, exclusive of the clalma on the build lng company, and then the entire prop erty, Including the claims on the building company and a lot in Reed's aecond ad dition, was placed on aale. The only bid ders were J. E. Baum and Gunjon W. Wat tles. Mr. Baum opened the' bidding at $79,000 and at the same time filed waiver of the claim of the O'Donofcue Redmon company for $7,500 against the mercantile company, to be effective in case the property was purchased by him. Mr. Wattles raised the bid and by In crease of $100 the figure advanced to $79, T00, which figure was bid by Mr. Wattles. At this point John R. Webster announced that lie held a contract with the Bennett Building company that a department store would be condurted In the building for a term of ten years and that a purchaser Hho bought and used the building for an other purpose would have to settle with him. Mr. nanm'a Last Bid. Mr. Baum bid $79,800. Mr. Wattles asked If It would be possible to enforce aa agreement mad at a meeting of credltora with the president of the Bennett Building company whereby the purchaser of the stock would receive a lease upon the terms offered to the mercantile company, and that if so, he would bid $90,000 for the per sonal property. C. B. Keller, represent ing the trustee, said the sale could be made only under the terms of the legal rights of the mercantile company now ex isting, .and the conditional bid of Mr. Wat tles was not considered. The proprty was then sold to Mr. Baum. , After the sale the attorney for the trus tee said the store would be opened for busi ness aa' soon as the sale was confirmed. Mr.' Baum would make no statement of bis Intentions pending the confirmation of the sale. Mr. Wattles, after the sale. Indicated that be was considering the question of filing a protest against the confirmation of the sale, but would not state the grounds upon which he might make the protest. The report of the sale was filed yesterday morning, with the recommendation of the trustee that It be confirmed. Judge Monger Is oo busy preparing a written opinion on the railroad tax case that he cannot take the matter up until next week. With the confirmation of the sale the trustee will have In his possession about $160,000, slightly more than $80,000 having been received from sales held by him as recelvor during the time the store waa run after tho proceedings In bankruptcy were begun. This amount. It Is said, will pay about S3 per cent of the claims against the company, other than the preferred claims, which must bs paid In full. TO CANCEL 0LD WARRANTS Board of Coamty , Commlasloaera Clears Flaaneial Slate Ip . Ja.naa.rr 1, 18U8. Routine business waa about all that was transacted by the Board of County Com' mlssloners, which met yesterday, with Commissioner Connolly absent. Commls tsner Harte called up his resolution In traduced a few weeks ago, which pro vldes that the county clerk cancel all uncalled for warrants In his hands Issued prior to January 1, 1898, the money that Is being held for payment to revert to the funds from which It was drawn. This la In accordance with an opinion of the county attorney as to its legal correctness. The resolution was adopted. Commissioner Harte explained that the amount Involved Is about $800. Many of the warrants were Issued from twelve to six years ago and the person to whom made have died or left the city or failed to call and secure the orders. In all cases the amounts are small, ranging from 60 cent to several dollars, and are In payment for various small services rendered the state by citizens In trials, etc. , Another thing the board did was to au tborlie transportation for Patrick Sweeney to Lewlston, Idaho, where he has relatives, Sweeney Is a consumptive and haa been county charge for a year. He is an Omaha man born and bred and It is desired to send him to a climate that will prolong his life. Mrs. William Bpencer Crosby, who cornea next Monday, is the finest Interpreter of Wagner In America. Publish your legal notices In The Weekly Bee. Telephone 38. , There's only one Stonecypher. He prints. FIRE AT PREACHER'S HOUSE Flames Spread Rapidly aad Mr. and Mrs. Marker Have Narrow Escape, Rev. T. J. Mackey, rector of All Saints Episcopal church, and Mrs. Mackey, had a close call from being suffocated While they alumbered In their home yesterday morning A lire started In the furnace room and had eaten Its way through the first floor and. waa rapidly ascending to the roof filling the house with dense smoke, when It was discovered by Mrs. Mackey, who heard the crackling of the flames. She aroused her husband and both escaped from the burning residence. Early during the morning the janitor called and attended the fire in the furnace, It Is believed that live coals, falling upon some shingles in the furnace room, started the blaze, which rapidly gained headway and waa enveloping the first and second torles of the house when discovered. The fire department waa summoned and soon had the blata extinguished. The loss n residence and contents is estimated at $300, fully covered by Insurance. The Wagner recital by Mrs. Crosby at First Congregational church, Monday and Tuesday evenings, under auspices of Omaha Woman's club. Water backs and furnace repairs. Omaha Stove Repair Works. Tel. 960. Genuine Imported beer on draught. Usurer's. 1304 Farnam street. Ed stlb'iairSirS i. NEW YORK, Feb. II. Herbert O. So iters. Untied States minister, to Oil, arrived here today on the ateainsr Vigilant! uu his wax W Waalilngtua. HEART DISPATCHER'S ERROR Seems to Have Been Made la Case Sow la District Court. Tt spprsrs that the heart dispatcher of fttn agency that arranged the meeting or Vr for David W. Fleming, a t'nlon Pacific conductor, and the St. Louis widow who be came his wife last October, showed poor Judgment when he gave the woman right of way to Omaha. At any rate, Mrs. Mary J. Fleming Is suing Conductor David W. Flem ing for divorce and alimony In the district court. The hearing on an application for suit money and temporary maintenance was up yesterday before Judge Day. He granted $30 for attorneys fees and $20 a month for support. In summing up the merits of the rase so far as disclosed Judge Day assumed that the two were brought together by a matri monial agency. He bad asked the question Irect of Mrs. Fleming, who replied: "I would let you ask Mr. Fleming. He Is older than I am," and In this manner evaded the question, admitting, however, hat they were "brought together" by cor respondence. Mr. Fleming has five children by a former wife, ranging from Nellie, aged 18 years, to Dave, aged 10. Mrs. Fleming has a son, whom she admitted smoked cig arettes, but whom she declared was not a bad boy. 8he protested that she loved Mr. Fleming and believed he loved her, although they were married the night of the day they met; But, according to her testimony and negations set up In the petition, her hus band's children, lead by Nellie, made life a burden for her. ew Steam Dyeing; and Cleaning rinnt A new steam dyeing and cleaning plant has been opened In Omaha at 618 South Sixteenth street,, comprising everything modern and up-to-date In the line of clean- rig and dyeing. They have a department for cleaning ruga by compressed air which s something new and novel. They can handle the finest Oriental and Smyrna rugs without Injuring them In the least. Their Improved method of handling lace curtains of the most delicate material Is a perfect success. A sterilizing plant Is a much needed, even a necessary Institution and to keep up with the advanced Ideas of bacteriology every city should support such an Institution. Whether run aa a pri vate enterprise or by city. They have opened one In Omaha and have a specialist to run that department. Mr. J. W. Walker, well known here, having been foreman of the Pantonum for the past three years, is dyer and superintendent, and Manager George Hlgglns, who Is well known aa a square and honest business man, and an old resident of Omaha. Thirteen for a Quarter. That Is a little less than 2 cent each. If you are Interested In Farming , Stock raising ' it' Poultry ' - . .' Fruit Dairying Etc., etc., i You should take The Twentieth Century Farmer. It is the largest, the best illustrated and has the most complete departments of any of the farm papers; It is issued weekly. Send 25 cents for a trial subscription of thirteen weeks. Address Twentieth Cen tury Farmer, Omaha, Neb. A. B. Hubermann. only direct diamond im porter In the weat. Cor. 13th and Douglas. Have Root print It. Of Gilpin County, Colorado, Pays dividends this year. Shaft 200 feet deep. Tunneling commenced. Large fissure vein. Very high grade ore. Go and see it. If it's not as we say We pay all expenses. 20 cents per share now. It will soon be par. 80,000 shares sold to come of the best people of Omaha and Nebraska. 20,000 more to be sold. Which will not last' long. Get in now and pay by the month. Don't need all cash. Inference: Best business men and firms in Omaha, Neb., Black Hawk and Central City Colorado. Get full particulars of W. A. Rogers, Sec'y and Treas Neb. Tel. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Telephone evenings to 11)03. ONE 50c BOTTLE CURES Astonishing, isn't It? Hut we mean Just that and refer to TEXAS CATARRH as a cure ror catarrh, and one bot tle does the business or your money back "i nui we are not In the holdup bust nesa and don't at It 50c for an artirie in. 'causa t h ttrlnter n , , t - KA,, th. .-. The othrr fellows do that when they can and cut the price when they have to. BUT we cut the price aJl the time, 'cauae that's our style. Yes. we sell 50o Texas Catarrh Cure for...-. 4rtc il. 00 Bt-xlne Pills for 75c -oc t'aracamph for j , jtic bvr Paracamin for rw- Pay more fur these If you wish to keep uiw urug iruil auve. $1.(10 Peruna it II. (W Pierce s Preschlptlon 64c II. W Butler's Kemala Regulator 75c wis ui'AnAM KE BI TL.KR'8 GOODS II. 00 Temptation Tonic new 2Sc Auroras flusters . 12c SI 00 Cramer s Kidney Cure 75c Vt a Ul AHANTKB CRAMER'S GOODB 6c Diwn i Kidney Pills 3c tl.Ou Parisian Hair Tonic, guaranteed.. Tic Oar Uaart Mesas Mvmey Bark. SCllAEFEn'S CUT PRICrT druq sroe Two ffcoaea 141 mm TUT. W. Cs. lCa u CaUeaai Its. gold die TTITS OMAHA DAIIiY B12T3: STTNDAY, FETtTUTARY 22. 1003. IR, E3 3Li I .A. B NO DELAY P,y reliable, accurate dentists who are experts. Skilled specialists In every depart ment do their modern dental work without pamlng the patient, and the prices charged are about one-fourth of what is usually demanded by private obscure den tists, who inflict the tortures of the Inquisition in their oUl-fahlincd work. DON'T THROW YOUR MONEY AWAY on poor delntal work done by small dental con cerns, where they don't have the experience or specialists to do your work prop erly. POSITIVELY NO STUDENTS. Consult the professors. Free. WORK DONE t.i Teoth OUcCldl ) Filling, from. 25c 1 1 rt i " i oi imn, irom u xU Pr CPS ) Bridge Work, per Tooth $2.8 Icrowns.from $1.30 Work (guaranteed 10 years. All work done porated under state law. Appointments made ami avoid rush. PAINLESS EXTRACTION west of New York, and other methods that umbUKRcd by Imitators or false institutions. nke chances with others, we are here to stay. We. make teeth without plates, and all other work known to dentistry. PUR I I E&lfiC W'e will forfeit II .000 If any dentist In Omaha compete with us In WI1mI.II.IUCi fine workmanship, fine material and painless work. A specialist In each department. The only college of dentists to do your work. Avoid boys practicing. UNION DENTAL COLLEGE ENTRANCE ROOM 4 TO THE FRONT 1522 DOVGL.AS. Open dally. Nights till 9 Sundays, in to 4. You Cannot Duplicate SHERMAN & DRUG PRICES 20c Mennen's Talcum Powder for Swsmn Root (Kilmer's), we sell... 50c Neale's Catarrh Tablets, we sell. il isewnro jt Herplclrte, we sell WE OIVE YOU WHAT YOU ASK 50c Syrup of Figs genuine we sell... inc Mistletoe t ream, we sell 60c Agnew's Catarrh Powder, we sell. vs ine Cardul. we sell Small Garfield Tea for HO pure 2-grain yulnine Pills for . j-'eruna ror The above Is genuine. beRiinar too label. Llsterlne (Lambert's) for ..fifio ..39o .. 40 ..12c ..40o ...10c ..19c oOo Stuart's Pyapeiwta Tablet for.. One pound Mixed Hlrd Seed for 25c Graves' Tooth Powder for 60c Mull's Grape Tonic for nc KlrK s Juvenile Hemp ror c Brown s Hronchlal Troches for.... 60c Williams' Pink Pills for. .3!c SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists lenry Lehmann & Sons Painting and pecorating Removed to 1305 Farnam St. Open lor business flonday. Feb. 23rd Telephone 407. Finest and largest Wallpaper establish ment west of Chicago. ODenlna- In our new Quarters with the best and most complete line of foreign and domestic decorative novelties ever shown in this city. Bromo-Seltzer 11.00 else 25c slse .. 10c else , 60c loc oc Mott's Pennyroyal Pills 1.00 size .....,, Coo Uthonia 76c slse ... 60o .... 65c H.oo .... 60c .... 3So .... 10c 1 .00 .... 70c .... 70c .... 15c .... 15c Will go 11.00 Johnson's Papold Tablets , 12.00 Wilcox Taney Pills 11.00 Orange Blossom 60c Abbott's Saline Laxative , 26c Davis' Headache Powders 11.60 Red Bone Marrow II. UO Kutnow fowoer 11.00 Promo Soda , 2Ro Vichy Tablets , 26o Klseengen Tablets If you can beat these prices we still lower. Fuller Drug&Paini Go. 114 5. 14th Street. Tel. 349. WE SELL PAINT. WHAT'S IN A NAME? Well, It all depends on what the name la. If H'a "FRY" on a shoe. It means as much as "Sterling" does on sliver. It means the best. It means superior materials, blgb-class sboemaklng, fins fin ish, correct shape, smart styls It means the best there Is In footwear. If It's a 13.50 shoe you want, here Is the place to get It the best wearing, the best fitting, the best looking 11.50 shoe to be found. If you want a I5.O0 shoe this Is the place t6 get the most style, quality, comfort the best value for the money you pay. E8SSSSk TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Beet Asrlcatlsral Weekly. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oatljr ge Delia a Yeas. ESTABLISHED FOR YEARS FREE Small Material. H- E3 UNTIL MARCH IS. Fvtracted FREE by old, experienced dentists. Incor with out-of-town people. Call early GUARANTEED. Hest vitalized air are recognlxed as the best. Don't be Our reliability Is unquestioned. A ny He sure you are In the right place Its kind In the west. All old, experienced McCONNELL'S Rubber Toilet Mask Price $1.50 Wo sell all kinds of Rubber Oools. Send for catalogue. Rl BRKR BANDH per lb.. 11.30. RtRBER BAns per box, 15 to 20c. RI'RRKR GLOVES per pair", II. eataloane of Habhrr "KR0N O. Write for Goods of all kinds. Omaha, Neb., Cor. 16th and Dodge. "loo ifi''Jji strip v!b ' ! ' ' Cfkf- TTfifi-f-'L. from $3.00 upwards. Teeth ex A cc 11 tractedand new ones In 4 hours BAILEY, THE DENTIST 3rd Floor Paxton Block. NO L1CIN) WEAR 11 GNVNUD o(oer or UBl!tO.PimoN You've no license to wear anything but the best cloth . lng McCarthy clothing when prices like these reign: 145.00 Suits and Overcoats for $35: 135.00 Suits and Overcoats for $28. 112.00 .Trousers for $10. tlO.OO - Trousers for $8 during this last week of the Get-Busy-Sale. It's our long tailoring ex perience, coupled with in dividual attention that en ables us to please "right down to the ground" the most particular men. . MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 1710-12 Faraam St Phase 1108. Bse Baildlnr Court House Is opposite. Your b4Mlth will b much Improved br drinking our pure nod whoteom OMAHA'S FAVORITE BEER. It la food, drink and mdMne t the uou tlrn. and ton- up the -Um nothlns elM will. for deli cate women ami those bo suffer from Inaomnla and Indlgeetlon there la nothing better. Order a caae now It you haven't one In your houae. Mstz Bros. Brewing Co. Telephone 119. Omaha. Or Jacob Neumayer, agent, care Neumayer Hotel, Council Bluffs. Iowa. Town Talk Prices 11.00 I-quart hot water bottle (guaran teed for one yean for 4c S-quart fountain syringe 4'.'c (rood vaginal syringe tl.oi Wood alcohol, iiuart 'Ac Pure Witch Hazel, quart 2oc 25c Cascaretts Wc 2ic Bromo Beltaer We. Carter's Liver Pills 14c 2ic Chamberlain CoUKh Cure 19c 5uc Chamberlain's Cough Cure 3c Packer'a Tar 8oan Uu 2V Plso Cure 1': 11.00 8rott's Kmulslon 74c 14ell'e tf'iitnrrh f'nre C4i! jayne'a Vermifuge '-"Jr. Halls Hair Kenewer "c Castorla Peruna Pear'a Unscentert Puap 1-c Nurses' Clinical Kecord Sheets, per block of fifty aht-em 35c Pasuty aHate Foo4 IniypAOtsaYe D. L. RALUCCIOTTI, D. V. S. . CITT VETERINARIAN. . QOm s4 IsdLrsary, .aa Kaa sTta, Cmaii. Tsiawuoue UflJ. 9 f jm mass. i n w i by LI A iOSPE February Piano Sale WHY? Why Is It that for every salesman we employ It requires two at every other music house in the city to sell the same number of plnnos? Is It the fault of the salesman? NO! It Is simply because we give absolutely the most piano value for the money, and people who call and examine our line instantly recognise the truth of our statement. v Why buy Inferior and damaged pianos when you can get such pianos as the follows: The recrless Knabe, The Artistic Kranlch & Bach. The Famous Kimball. The Old Reliable llallet ft Davis. Tho Sterling. I.indeman ft Sons, Mathushek, Krell, Sweetland, Hospe, Burton and many other standard makes, without a mar or blemish, their futures protected by the Hospe guarantee and you know what that embraces. X Few of Our Many Special Bargains for Monday. Kingsbury Upright, used, In good condition 190.00 Miller Upright, all newly refln- iHhed 1125.00 Hinze, oak case, used... $136.00 Kimball, ebony case, used 1140. 00 llallet & Davl, large size case, used $150.00 Kimball, mahogany case, used. .$160.00 Hallet & Davis, rosewood case. In good condition, used $180.00 New pianos, Boston manufacture, $137.00, on $5.00 monthly payments. We have a number of used Organs taken In exchanpe on pianos which we we will close out at $5.00, $S,00, $10.00, $15.nn, $30.00 and $25.00. New Organs at $30.00 up. Pianos Tuned, Moved and Repaired. A. HOSPE CO., 1513-15 Douglas St. Welt Soles for Children Tlere Is a great difference In welt shoes. A cheap Imitation welt Is not as good as machine sewed soles. The primary cause of Ill-Qttlng shoes ' Is the aoles soles that are not large enough for the bottom of the feet. These new welts have the wide ex tension soles, that give a perfect foot-form shape to the shoe. Kid or box calf uppers. 5 to 8, $1.50. 8H to 11, 11.75. 11H to 2. $2 25. DREXEL SHOE GO. Omaha's Up-ta-Date Shoe Hoas U9 FARNAM STREET. S25.00 to California Tickets on sale February 15th to June 15th, 1903, inclusive. Homeseekers, Round Trip, Colonists, One Way. On sale to certain points south and south west on Tuesdays, March 3d and l'lh. Round trip tickets at one fare plus $2.00. One wsy tickets at half fare plus $2.00. For further Information address any agent of the company or City Offices, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Streets, Omaha, Neb. THUS. F. GODFREY. Pass and Ticket Agent. XyCOLLAR i I If ill , As announced last week our buyers right on the New York market secured for spot cash entire Dry Goods stock of Pemhrook A Johnson at forced sale. The goods from this gigantic purchase are bring put on sale as fast as they arrive In Hayden's new domestic room. Monday Hsvden's offer most sensational bargains from this big New York stock. Values that will astonish the shrewdest buyers end pleaae economical women. Come as early as you can. Extra salespeople to wslt on all promptly. Never before have yon seen such surpassing variety of best and most stylish dry goods of all kinds on sale at bankrupt prices. (Ooo.ls arranged to make selection easy and satisfactory.) Remember this big sale Is in tho new domestic, room. HAYDEN'S WHITE WAISTINCS These popular Wash Fabrics now on sale In Ol'R NEW WHITE GOODS DE PARTMENT, In every known weave and design. Showing the greatest variety and range of both QUALITIES and TRICES. Mercerized (cream tint) Basket Oxford Cloth........ 25c Mercerized (pure white) Fast Net Satin 8 tripos yard .25c Mercerized Embroidered Stripes (all colors) on pure white, yard .29c Mercerized Jacquard White Novelties, yard i... T...... 35c Mercerized Snow Flake or Knob White and colors, yard J5c Mercerized Embroidered Oxford Cloth, yard , 45c Mercerized Vestlngs in plaids, checks, dash effects and embroidered stripes 75c SPECIAL PIQUE SALE MONDAY Splendid quality Warp Welt Pique, 25c grade, yard 12ic Embroidered and Lace Stripe Pique, 65c grade, yard 35c We mall samples of While and Colored Wash Goods Free. NEW SPRING STYLES IN TNE BIQ SILK DEPARTMENT Our collection of new and stylish silks for spring season is most comprehensive; clever conceptions of original Ideas In latest dress silks form one of the leading features. GREAT ADVANCE SALE OF NEW SPHINO SILKS COMMENCES MONDAY. Foulard Silks in great showing of choice styles and colorings, 24 In. wide, at 75c... 98c Seeded Taffeta for shirt waist suits, 27 Inches wtdn 98c Boucle Taffeta for shirt waist suits, 21 Inches wide 98c Hair Line Stride Taffeta for shirt waist suits, 27 Inches wide 98c Loulsene Stlks for shirt waist suits, 24 inches wide .- 98c Beautiful Crepe de Chene In fine line of colors, pure silk, 24 In. wide, sale price 69c On sale Monday, 36-Inch White and Cream Satin, worth $1.50, for 98c On sale Monday, 27-inch Black Satin Duchesse, worth $125, for 85c On sale Monday, 27-Inch Black Taffeta, worth $1.25, for .....85c On sale Monday, 36-Inch Black Taffeta, worth $2.00. for 1.48 On sale Monday, 21-lnch Black Peau de sole, worth $1.25, for 88c On sale Monday, 27-lnrh Black Peau de Sole, worth $175, for 1.23 On sale Monday, 36-Inch Black Peau de sole, worth $2.60, for 1.75 All mail orders receive prompt attention. SHEET MUSIC SALE We have purchased 1,000 boples of "On a Moonlight Winters Night" and "Pretty Mollle Shannon," sung by Anna Held, we will place on sale tomorrow at only 19c per copy, by mall 20c; regular price 25c. These are two of the most popular songs of the day at present. We will also includ e a lot of nice new songs and two-steps we have not space to mention. EYES EXAMINED FREE. Glasses fitted at half the usual charges. Gold filled frames, 10-year guarantee, $3.00 value at $1.69. . Qualified expert refractlonlst in charge of department. AU kinds of repairs. ' Satisfaction guaranteed. Letting Down the Evaporated in. Blackberries, lb IUC Evaporated lOlat Apricots, lb IC.9G Santa Clara 191m Prunes, lb IC'C Oregon Ifl Prunes, lb IUC California Peaches, lb Yellow Crawford Peaches, lb..... , Michigan Peaches, lb Southern Peaches, lb Ruby Prunes, lb , Fancy San Jose Peaches, lb.... 5c 15c N. Y. Evaporated lOlaa Apples, lb C9C HAYBEffl 19Q3 Announcement Spring Suitings are now in and ready for your inspection. Helgren & Grndman, 309 South 16th St. None but skilled union labor employed. New Orleans La. ALL a Zf A trip to Xow Orleans and return The Mardi (ras Sunshine and Flowers A month's recre ation. Tickets on sale Feb. 17th to 22nd long limits and stopovers allowed. Particulars and Mardi Gras booklet at Illinois Central Ticket Offlce, Hu2 farnam street, Omaha. VV. H. BRILL, D. P. A. tlH - UU - A . Maver. Manf.. 512 Bee Trv Ke-No-May Blackhead and Complexion Cream, (titrii A nnaltive cure for sweaty feet, hands and excessive presplratlon unrtef the arms; euro coriiH. bunions and chilblains; saves gloves, shoesand clothing Hp.-.lal olti.e treatments. Consultation fre. Price oSc If your druggist hasn't it, accept no other, but send to EDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, AT HOME, RECEPTION, ADDRESS CARDS ENGRAVING, STAMPING, EMBOSSING. w Engraving for Business, Bank and Crcats, Heraldic Devices engraved to embellished In gold, silver or colors. .WHITK KOn HAMPl.Ks AM PRICKS- THE MOYER STATIONERY CO., 220-222 SOUTH 16th ST. DIG riEW YORK SIOCK Oil SALE UOIIDAY IN THE HEW DOMESTIC ROOM Prices en Groceries . 10c 124c ...84c . 5c Michigan Evaporated fflA Apples, ID WW M. O. Evaporated Tfl Apples, lb 1C Patros Clesned Currants, lb Acropolis Cleaned Currants, lb Acme Cleaned Currants, lb I2ic . 10c ..Tie BROTHERS FOR J 50 nrMnMAV nni'ncD hlHI rUlfUK.ll Bldf., Omaha Phone 1716. Lotion. Pkln Food and Face Powder tly Pure and Hygienic. Private Stationery Initials, Monograms, order and