Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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8g3Iw-U HoUsolTyamirt sad xpoU
HwBas-it Washington.
Talcs fRANKiy of the mormon church
frqmUm OM Caarel. TaJi Aay Tmrt
fk . retttte a Rasla Tell mt
Material Tarret f Stat
i Etakw '
T flo ot think that I will bar any
tumctilty la taUnc mr seat la the senate,"
aaM R4 Snoot, senator-elect from Utah,
fsaterda afternoon at the Union depot,
for I am Bet a polrramlst and never have
been. No man In Utah who knows any
thins about mo can say that I hare ever
taught or practiced polygamy, and that it
all there la to the matter. Any attempt to
out mo beoaas ot the chorea to Which I
belong would bo raising a question ol re
ligious prejudice, and from the general tone
ot tha newspapers ot the east, as welt as
those of ih west, I do not think that the
country Is ready for any religious test as a
qualification for oOoo.1
The newly elected senator from Utah was
em Ms way from his bom to Washington,
whero be will remain wntll the middle of
Karen, making arrangements for quarters
when the regular sessions open aeit fall
and getting the lay of the land, unless a
special session Is called, la the event ot
which he will Immediately enter upon the
discharge of the duties of his office.
The Junior senator from Utah will be one
t the few senators from a state west
of tha Missouri to be a native of the state
which be represents. He was bora la Utah
la 18M, the son ot Abraham O. Bmoot, who
entered the territory at the head ot a, sec
ond company pf Mormon Immigrants to
cross the plains from Council Bluffs In the
year 1847. In appearance Mr. Bmoot Is
youthful. Somewhat over six feet'tall, he
Is slender and lithe. His rathor small
alsed head Is well set on a slender neck,
and he has acquired a habit of stooping,
beoauae of bis superior staturs. He seems
to be on of the successful men of the westj
for as 'manufacturer, merchant, banker
politician and on of the twelvj
apostles' of the Mormon church he
has never - met failure, and' froia
his decided tone when talking of the expe
rience he expects at Washington he dors
not believe that he Will score a failure Ut
the first time at the national capital. While
be greets the Interviewer In a frlendlj
spirit and says, "I never repulse a report
er," yet he does not volunteer Informatics
and replies briefly and positively to ques
tions. .. .
' Charflk., Hot ! Polities.'
The church In 'politics? Well, It len t
in politics. There are men ot all politic. :
beliefs In the church, but the church Is i
good enough exsuse for the disgruntle:
. politician. Whenever the people lose cot
' fldence. In a man, or he Is defeated f
any reason, he Immediately sets up tl j
cry of the church In politics,' and to tit.
' outside world attributes his defeat to tt
church organisation, which, to my certa:
knowledge, takea no part In politics.
"Why,- they have even com to oonetdr
the . business organisations as xarta of the
church, knd people who know no better be-j
lteve that the church ponducts business afj
fairs'. The Z. C. M. I. has among 1U boarjj
of directors a number of gentiles, and then
companies are stock companies In the same,
sense that such oompanles are organise.
In any state. Utah Is making wonderful
progress In all material lines at this tim'j
Our manufactures are sola in Chicago an.
Cincinnati AnAiOtkvr astern cities an!
Omaha does not maintain tads cloae trad
relations with our people which- It may.
some day. I have been In Omaha fro-.
quently, but have no acquaintance here
"Much talk has been mad of the fact
that I am an apostle In the church. Well,
under the peculiar organisation of the
church nearly every respectable member
has some priestly office. There are many
grades and the apostleshlp Is one. There
are tweiv of these apostles, and while the
church is ruled by what Is practically
democracy, the twelve ara looked upon as
a class set apart In a sense. At the samo
time every man devotes his time to aecular
matters to a larga extent. I hare been i
buslneas man alt my life and am now In
terested In banks and other Institutions.
As an apostle L have never drawn any
money from the church, and the position
carries with It no particular prestige In
any walk of Ufa outside ot tha church or
ganlsatlon proper."
. Reyertlng again to the business condi
tions In Utah. Senator Bmoot eald: "We
manufacture almost everything Jn that
state, and right now w are turning our
attention, to sugar beets, which Is to be one
ot the principal crop of the west. The
oil seems to b peculiarly adapted to the
growth ot beets and the people alive to the
possibilities of the business."
Mr. SmOot la Interested In the manufao
tur ot beet sugar In Idaho as well as Utah,
and on of the first questions he asked ot
a friend who had been In Salt Lake sines
he left wab at to what the Idaho legislature
had don In regard to the proposed bounty
on beet sugar. The senator left at 6:20
over 'the Northwestern tor the east.
Ha la Circle Daaec.
The ballroom of the Metropolitan club
was filled with an assemblage of young
people last PlKht, the occaeiun being the
second dance rf the Home Queen circle, an
organisation of tha members of Mrs. Har.
rlet Mcaturphy's cooklns- classes, connected
with the schools of the Slaters of Mercy.
The committee In charge of the affair was
composed of Meadamea Jamea Rtiah, T. J.
O'Brien. Edward I-ee. P. C, Heafev, A. P.
Tonahue, Byron Heed and Burt Murphy.
Vlghteep numbers were on the program
and the dance ended at 11 o'clock.
Marrftaa- Ltcease.
Marriage ileennea have been Issued to:
Name ajid Keaidenctt. Age.
Pietro C'rola, Omaha 27
Cealra Priori, Omaha 24
Cart Iunden, Omaha .24
Lena Peterson, - Omaha 20
The best
and tonic on the market to-day is S. S. S.
There is hardly a man. woman or child in America who
has not heard of 'Sm S. S. for the blood." It is a standard remedy and
a specific for all blood troubles and an unequalled spring tonic and appetizer.
8. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, the herbs and roots of which it is
composed being selected for their alterative and tonic properties, making it
the ideal remedy for all blood and skin
diseases, gs it not only purifies, enriches
and invigorates the blood, but at the
same tuna tones up the tired nerves and
strengthens the general system. , ,
For Chronic Sores and Ulcers.Catarrh,
Rheumatism, Blood Poison. Malaria,
Anaemia, Scrofula, Ecfcema, Psoriasis,
Salt Rheum, Tetter, Acne and such 6ther
'"diseases as are due to a polluted or impov
erished condition ef the blood, nothing
acts so promptly and effectually as
'8. 8. S. It counteracts and eradicates the germs and poisons; cleanses the
system of all unhealthy accumulations and soon restores the patient to health.
If you need medical advice write us about your case and your letter will
jrecejTe prompt attention from our physicians, for which no charge is made.
' - - - 17X7 SWlfT SFTCIftG CO., ATLANTA, CA
"skerlnek Holme' at the Hot.
Mr. William OMllett in his own four-set
drama, "Bherloc. Holmes," founded on
the tnrjr by Ir. Conan Lyle, Introducing
a hitherto unpublished episode In the
career of the great detective snd showing
hla connection with the strsnge cate of
Miss Kaulaner. The cast:
Bherloctc Holmes William Gillette
Dr. Watson llernert Percy
John rorman Kdnar Selwyn
Sir Edward Lei ah ton Frank Andrew
Count Von Stahlburg- ........ Frank imon
"Prof Morliu-tr
Griffith Evans
james irraiee
Sidney Prince
Alfred Ttaesick
Jlrrt Craia-ln
Ralph Delmore
Qulnton McPheraon
Pen Graham
,.. Thomas McOrath
Bldnev Walters
Charles Gibson
Hurry Kooper
, Harry MoArdle
... HenrV J. Hadfleld
Ida Conquest
Maude Ulroux
Allda Cortelyou
Thotna Leary
"Ug-btroot " McTague
Filly ,
Alice Faulkner
Mrs. Faulkner
Madge Larrabee
Margaret Gordon
Mrs. Sraeedley Ethel Lorrlmere
Having known of the gentleman for a
number of years, his reputstlon and the
renown of his really remarkable feats of
deductive reasoning having preceded blm
even this far from Bow street, Omaha
people turned out In goodly numbers last
night to meet Mr. 8herlock Holmes In hie
own proper person. Not only did they
have the pleasure of seeing and hearing
the man whose fame has eclipsed the names
of all thleftakers from Hawkshaw to Old
Sleuth, not to mention one or two whose
light has Illumined some of the dark cor
ners of local underllfe, but also had the
pleasure of seeing him take a couple ot
'shots" at himself with a "dope gun," sod
pull off the arrest of the only criminal
whose trail had baffled blm for a longer
time than that consumed In a journey
from his comfortable quarters In Baker
street to the police headquarters. But
Professor Morlarty was taken, and his gang
broken up, and the whole transaction was
achieved with such neatness and reason
able dispatch as to elicit the mont en
thusiastic approval from the persons who
had assembled to witness the performance.
Sherlock Holmes Is hardly an Ideal hero.
but Mr. Gillette, by his Intelligent con.
keptlon of the Conan Doyle creation, en.
Vows It with an Interest It does not In
trinsically possess, and gives such a fasci
nation to his progress that the auditor
(aid spectator as well waits as eagerly
lor the Inevitable end as ever did a boy
r in a- breathlessly to his "penny dreadful"
Itr "shilling shocker" In anticipation of the
fmouament that never varied. Mr. Gil
Irtte ha broadened In his art. It Is a
i ng step from "Too Much Johnson" to
."Secret Service," and an Immensely longer
l ie from 'Secret service to BnenocR
I olmes." That he has negotiated the dls-
I mee and apparently well In hand, as the
i icing men say. Is an excellent earnest ot
Ills ability to do safely the greater things
e aspires to. Mr. Olllette might easily
t ake his Sherlock Holmes a bully de
I ctlve, a genuine hero for ''below stairs,'
I it be doesn't. He makes him Just what
.' r. Doyle did. rational, human, and even
t imane, and most attractive In his reason
r ileness. Not a single Incident In his
t rilling career Is marked by a discovery
1'iat an ordinarily acute observer would
I )t have made, nor sn action that a com-
I only cautious person would not have
liken. 'But the whole Is so perfect In
(inception and delineation that the result
shallenges the highest admiration. And
tnly admiration was expressed by the very
fashionable audience which filled the Boyd
neater last evening.
Miss Ida Conquest, who Is wsll remem
tared her for her work with John Drew
In "Tha Tyrsnny of Tears," and who later
had the role of Lady Mary In Mr. Mans-
Aeld'a "Beaaealre," succeeding Miss Mol
llson. Is Mr. Gillette's heroine. She Isn't
on the stage a great deal, but 'her liyle
time ts so taken up as to give her an ex
rellent opportunity to show her talent a
an actress. 8he submits to considerable
maltreatment during her first two appear
ances, but in the third, and tidal, she Is
allowed to gain sweet recompense for all
her troubles, by doing a very noble deed
and then disappearing from view locked In
the arms of the man she loves. Her clev
erness Is admitted. So must be the art ot
Miss Cortelyou, who has the really difficult
role of the female criminal. Mr. Percy
gives a good Idea ot the British professional
man In comfortable circumstances, a physl
clan who can afford to have his callers
directed to a rival practitioner while he
busies himself In the affairs of lq ama
teur thief-taker. Griffith Evans. Ralph Del-
more and Qulnton McFherBon not only act
but look the parts they have to assume
and Harry MeArdle, as Billy, the de
tectlve's sstute "buttons," certainly made
a hit with the gallery. The entire cast
Is worthy ot the star, and the setting ot
the piece Is most appropriate, while Its
action Is made well nigh perfect under
the skillful stsge direction of Mr. William
In passing It may not be out of place to
refer to one feature ot tha affair which
la Mr. Gillette's own Idea. That Is the
raising and lowering of the curtain In ab
solute dsrkness. - How much this enhsnces
the artistic effect of the stage picture can
hardly be told. It must be seen to be fully
understood. It is far from being the least
pleasant feature ot the performance.
"Sherlock Holmes" will be given again
this evening and at a matinee and evening
performance on Saturday.
Hlaa School Athletic Associativa.
The Athletic association of the high
school held a meeting Friday afternoon
for the purpoae or electing ottlcers and ar
ranging for the coming basket ball fame
with Lincoln High school. Several prom
Inent students gave short talks to the mem
bers, urging them to support the school b
attendance and enthusiasm.' after whlcl
the election of officers occurred, ae follows
Harry Putnam, president; Edna Hlllla. vice
president; Madge Muyall, secretary; Aaolph
Meyer, treasurer. The president appointed
a committee or lour Doys to arrange lor
I he annual class athletic contest to be held
"Mrh 27 at Uxrmanla hall. For the seniors
rinah Wallace was chosen, the Juniors
Richard Hunter; sophomores, Clarence
Walsh, and freehmen, Frank Tompsett.
known and most popular blood purifier
I know of th successful ih of
B. 8. 8. in many ease. It is th beat
blood remedy on th market.
8. 8. 8. is unquestionably a good
blood partner, and th best tonic I
ever ased.
National Association Ami.ges Dsmtndi for
Premutation to Tripartite Convection.
Delegates iln Wfit to Settle War la
California and Thai Xereaaltatc
Adjournment of Gathering
Called for March X.
NEW TORK, Feb. 19. Mutual respect for
contract and reservstlon rights, uniform
playing rules, a board of arbitration coa-
lsting of equal representation of the Na
tional association on one side and the two
major leagues on the other are the main
points that the National association will
nslst on In the coming conference with
the Nstlonsl and American leagues.
The members of the national board com
pleted their two days' session tonight.
There were present at the meeting Pres
ident P. T. Powers; M. H. Sexlon, presi
dent of the Western league; T. H. Murnsne,
prenldent ot the New Englsnd lesgue; J.
S. O'Rourke, president ot the Connecticut
league; J. H. Fsrrcll, president of the New
Tork Stste league, and J. II. Hlckey, presi
dent ot the American association.
Scads Peacemakers West.
The board first took up the California
troubles. Replies were received from all
the members of the Western lesgue. con
senting to a postponement of the annual
meeting scheduled for March 2 and the
members of the Amerlcsn association gave
consent to President Hlcke7 to go to Cali
fornia, with M. H. Sexton of the Western
lesgue, the two to act ss a committee
representing the National association, and
endeavor to establish peace. President
Hlckey left tonight on his way to Los
Angeles. Mr. Sexton will leave within a
day or two.
On his ay weBt President Hlckey will
stop off In Chicago to confer with Mr. Len-
non of St. Paul regarding the proposed
new American association team In Chicago.
In discussing the new Chicago team after
the meeting Mr. Hlckey said-.
I am unable to say what will be done
There was to have been a conference In
Chicago on the day I left for this meeting
The whole mHtter Is practically left to
Mr. Lennon of St. Paul, whose club It 1
proposed to move to Chicago.
A draft of the proposed new national
agreement was carefully gone over by the
board today. It was finally decided that
the National association would stand by a
resolution adopted at the last annual meet
ing as follows:
Resolved. That In the event of a lolnt in
vitation being extended the National as
sociatlon at any future time, to confer
with the board of directors of the Ameri
can league and the National league In the
Interest of a tripartite agreement, the na
tional board of the National Association
of Professional Baseball leagues Shall pre
serve to the association Its present form
of government and Its Individual organisa
tion supreme ana intact.
Resolved. That these Instructions are
hereby declared to be mandatory and com
Dislikes Johnaon'a Acts. .
The invitation- sent out by Jamea H.
Hart of. Chicago, asking that a meeting of
the Joint rules committee be held in Chi
cago on Monday, has stirred up a storm
in base ball circles. President P. T. Pow
ers will not go to Chicago in response to
the call. .
Regarding the matter, President Powers
tonight said:
I have sent a reply to Mr. Hart, stating
that it will be Impossible for me to attend
the proposed Chicago meeting on Monday.
is some funny business going on
and' 1 am getting tired of this
th ng,
hen President Johnson was here re
cently President Pjlllam of the National
league and myself had a conference with
him, and we agreed that the meeting lor
an Informal talk over the rules, and a
new national agreement should be held In
this city on Friday, February 20.
1 am tired of running after Mr. Johnson.
and I don't propose to do so any more. I
expect to meet him here tomorrow, and
so does Mr. Pulllam. I am ready to meet
Mr. Johnson-according to our agreement.
but I certainly shall not run after him.
It was said tonight that Mr. Johnson Is
In Chicago, and cculd not be here for the
conference agreed upon for tomorrow.
The board adjourned not to meet again
until after the new national agreement and
rules committees have -met.
Many Players Compete for Indoor
Championship of lotted
' States.
NEW TORK. Feb. 19.-The tennis tourna
ment for the Indoor championship of the
United States was In progress In the Sev
enth regiment armory today.
The flrat matchea of the doubles were
played, but neither Leonard nor Clothier,
winners of the double event In, the inter
collegiate championship tournament, has
appeared, though their presence Is as
sured. J. S. Paret, the present champion.
Is forced out owing to injuries to his hand.
His matches have consequent. y all been
declared forfeited.
The scores today:
Preliminary round: Edgar Leonard, Har.
vard university, beat K. 8. (ireen, by de
fault; Calhoun Cragtn beat Robert Leroy,
6-3. 8-1.
Firet round: Wylle C. Grant beat A. I.
Hosklns. 6-1. 8-4: J. D. Forbes beat H. F.
Allen, by default; W. B. Cragln, Jr., beat
L. J. Grant, 9-2, -3; Calhoun Cragln beat
T. R. Pell, 6-7, -4. 6-4; A. P. Wadsworth
beat J. P. Paret, New York Tennis club,
by default; T. C Jennings beat Paul Foers
ler. 6-3, tt-0; Shepard llomans beat I. D.
Varney, by default.
Second round: Wylle C. Grant beat J. D.
Forbes. 8-6, 6-3; Calhoun Cragln beat A. B.
Wadaworth. 6-2, 6-3; Shepard Homans beat
F. C. Jenninga, 7-5, 6-4.
Championship doubles, preliminary round:
vV. R. Fowler and O. A. Ador, jr.. Crescent
Athletic cluD, beat Paul Foerster and C. P.
Rowland, Wednesday Tennis club. 6-2. 6-1:
'. Cragln snd A. 8 Cragln beat J. L. Rob
ertson, jr., and D. D. Todd, 6-1, .
laaleslde Hors Distances Field, Wla
niaar Two-Ycar-Old Race
BAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 1. There were
a number or upseta at Inglealde today.
Only one favorite scored. Fine weather
prevailed and the track was last.
Memorium, tne 7 to 10 event In the Z
year-old race, ran away from her field and
hroke the track record for three and
half furlongs by covering the distance In
0:41V Results:
Firet race Futurity course, selling: Pres
tolus, l"v (Rullmani, 10 to 1. won: priest
like. 17 (Hurnsi, 6 to 6. second; Merwan,
lii4 (caraoni, la to i, inira. lime: 1:11.
Second race, three, 2-year
olds, selling: Memorium. log (J. Daly)
even, won; (Selected. Wi (Shawl. 6 to 1. sec
ond; Ororose, 1 (W. Waldo), 1J to 1. third,
Time: u:4i.
Third race, six furlongs, selling: Royal
F. iw (W. waido), 12 to I, won; Nellie Haw
thorne, 102 (Imnovan), 15 to 1, second
Anvil, SS (knappi, li to 1, third. Time
Fourth race, one mile and fifty yards
selling: Aieenanus, in tenaw), t lo 1. won
Champagne, l"fi (Jenkins), 7 to 1, second
Ignaclo, IUb (Reed), I to 1, third. Tln.e
Fifth race, one mile, selling: Stunts, luf
(Burns). 2 to 1, von; Andrew Ring, 110
(Donnelly). I to 1, second; Donaml, 7
(Reed). II to 1. thl. 1. Time: 1:41
Biih race, six furloniia. selliiia: Mlate
iMngle, ItS (Adkinai. 6 to 1, won; Florlnel
1"7 (KrawleU. to 1. second; Cathello. luS
(Minder), 10 to 1. third. Time: 1J41.
Oalelder Wis at Now Orleans...
NEW ORT.KANB. Feb 19 Old Hutc
and Sweet Alice were the winning favorites
Floyd K as called nut of th second raca
by Ed Trotter for 11.625 and subsequently
soia io s. . . j-tuaretn.
Weather tin and track aood. Results:
First, race, six furlongs: Orphtum, 11
IKObwuouj, av m v won; saraiemer, ua
OTavlson). 25 to 1, second; Jove, 1U (Gan
non), to 1. third. Time:
Second race, otie mile and a sixteenth,
selling: Hedge, ! (Scully), T to 1. won;
Btratton 11, l'i (Wlnslett), 5 to t, second;
Nettle Regent, '00 tW. Hicks), IS to S. third.
Time: l:4-.
Third race, six furlonga, selling: Pen
Htillum, h'i (Pollock!. 11 to S, won: Little
Chlco. 7 (H. Ullmorel, 20 lo 1, second- Ran
After. 94 tFuller), 30 to 1. third. Time:
1:1 S-K
Fourth race, handicap, on mile: Old
Hutch. Ill (Gannon), J to 2, won: Carat, M
(Robblnsi, li to 1. second: The Conqueror,
111 lV, Hlche), 7 to i. third. Time: 1:42.
Fifth race, five hajf-furlonpra: Sweet
Alice, 110 (Odom), 1 to 2, won; Hlrchbroom,
110 (Robertson. 6 to 1, second; Musical
Slipper, 1 (Uannon), 16 to 1, third. Time:
Sixth race, selling, six furlongs) Bur
gay ne. o (W. Hick). 6 to 1, won; Ed L.
lifl (Fuller), 2 to 1, second; The Caxton, 7
(Robblns). 4 to 1, third. Time: 1:16.
Makes Ran at Two Hnndred In Magic
Innlnai When Playing; VI
naaz la Paris.
PARIS. Feb. 19. The meeting tonight of
Sutton and Vlgnaux sttrac.ted a large
crowd to witness the fifth game in the In
ternational billiard championship tourna
ment. Vlgnaux after winning the lead scored 1.
Sutton followed and scored 8. Sutton
finally won the game In sixteen Innings,
with 6O0 to 4,1. The fifth Inning Sutton
broke the record with a run of ifiO, Ij which
Vlgnaux Immediately replied by a run of
131. Sutton's average was 814 and Vlg
naux's 2fH. The other best runs were:
Sutton, 06, 68, 44 and 43; Vlgnaux, 85, 82, 61
and 44.
Count Derere umpired the game, which
lasted almost four hours, and was most ex
citing Not a single spectator quitted his
seat until the finish of the game. The ap
plause was most enthusiastic and especially
at the two great runs, over which the sup
porters ot the two rivals went almost fran
tic. Vlgnaux will play Louie Cure tomorrow.
Chess Player Compete.
MONTE CARLO. -eb. 19 -In the seventh
round of the International chess tourna
ment today Tschlgorln beat Regglo,
queen's gambit, declined. In 8" moves, and
the game between Maroc and Schlochter
resulted In a draw after 32 moves. Maroc
beat Marshall, queen's gambit and de
clined In 51 moves; Wolf beat Taubcrsaus,
Ruy Lopez, opening In 33 moves; Mason
beat Morgan, Petroff's defense, In 70
moves; Tlechmann beat Mleses, Vienna
opening. In 55 moves, and Taraach beat
Albln, Ruy Lopes opening, In 61 moves.
With the Bowlers.
a league game on Clark s alleys last
nlaht the
Parks lost two to the Gate
Cltys. Score
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Sheldon I. .171 19ft 145 f6
Chandler 1M 142 163 473
Marble 159 135 120 414
Seaman 150 190 174 614
Encell ..199 175 191 M6
Totals 47 152 "798 1.472
1st. 2d. Sd Total.
French 14 137 111 44
Vlengcle MS l'!9 2K) 636
Horwich 113 157 " 173 443
Jorgeson 148 13 129 44(1
V. H. Krug 127 147 177 Jlol
Totals .700 771 860 1333
Yonnsr Gymnasts Rshlblt.
The Intermediate class of the Young
Men's Christian association gymnasium
vavn an exhibition Wednesday nleht. The
exercises of the evening consisted of drills,
apparatus work and tumbling, which the
boys performed grestly to their credit. A
basket ball game was piayea oeiween me
South Omaha Juniors and the Omaha In
termediates. The Omaha team won. 7 to 1.
The stars were Miller for 8outh Omaha and
Willi and Potter for Omaha.
Big Parse Offered Fighters.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 19. Harry Cor
bett has received a telegram from the
manaarer of the Tonooab (Nev.) Athletic
club, offering a purse of 125.000 for a finish
fight between Jeffries ana Jim corneti.
' BarUl Oay'nad.
FREMONT, Neb.,.Fbi 19. (Special.)
The remains of Guy Rand, for many years
resident of this elty, who -died at Brook
tngs, 8. D., February IT, were brought here
today, and the funeral services held from
the residence of hi daughter, Mrs. J. A.
Elliott, this afternoon. Mr. Rand was
native of Nova Scotia, and was 80 years
old. His wife- died many years ago, and
ho lived with his daughter, Mrs. Elliott,
Another daughter at Brookings, 8. D., also
survives him.
Claude de Iorralar.
NEW YORK, Feb. 19. Claude de Lor
raine, who was chief engineer of the Monl
tor' when that vessel sank the Merrlmae
during the civil war, and his son Edward,
aged 24,' were found dead from asphyxia
tion today at their home in Brooklyn. Oas
escaped through a defective tube connect
ing a gas stove. Mr. De Lorraine, after the
war, drew the government plans for rais
ing the sunken vessels la Charleston
Mre. Anna Oibsrat Park.
ATCHISON, Kan., Feb. 19. Mrs. Anna
Osborne Park, widow ot the late R. A.
Park, the banker, died at her horn here
today. Mrs. Park, who was one of the
wealthiest women In Kansas, was on
ot the organizers of the Kansas Social
club twenty years ago.'
Mr. N. B. Stnhrk.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Feb. 19. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Mrs. N. b. Stubrk died
of consumption at the home of her brother
in this city today. The remains will be
taken to Peru In the morning for Inter
Georgt B. Loving.
FORT WORTH, Texas, Feb. 19. George
B. Loving, who attempted to form the so
called cattle trust, died on the street here
today. He was widely known.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thur
day, February id:
Warraaty Deeds.
Frederick Klrschgessner to A. a.
Graham, lot 4, block 1, Clarendon
add I 3u0
Charity Green to Charles and Alice
ureen, lot z, diock y, a. b. rat nek a
add 500
Charles Collier and wife to Susan
Lewis, w 49 feet lot 2, block S, C. E.
Mavna'a 1st add 100
Omaha & North Platte Railway com-
pany to oouin umana. e so reet lot
1, part lot 8 and tract In ae corner
block 312. South Omaha 1
C. F. Mandereon and wife to same,
30 feet lots 1 to I. block 3o2, same.... 1
Bouth Omaha Land company to same.
e 90 feet lots 1 to 7, block 351; 30
feet lots 8 to 9. block (Uelu feet of
part lot I. block iU2. same 1
Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust
company to Amelia l.inja, euoaiv lot
6 of tax lot 17. In S2-1S-13 I.S00
E. O. Hamilton and wife to Harriet
B. Clapp. n 44 feet lot 10, block 6.
Bt-mmlt Place 5.000
Leonora Diets to 8usanna W. Rud-
denberg. s 43 reet lots 11 and 12,
Strickland's subdiv 2.760
Allck L. Williams and huaband to 11.
M. Rogers, e to feet lota i, 7 and 1,
block 2o, Highland Place '
Anton Carleon to A. J. Falen et al, N
lot 11, block 9, Parker'a add 1
F. H. Kent to M. A. Dlsbrow A Co..
lota I and s. block 311. Omaha 4,250
H. A. Cbesiey to Tllll Olaon. lots 4.
6, 6. block S, West Cuming add 900
First National bank to Ida M. Wal
ler, ne ne seVk S-14-12 1.800
Bouth Omaha Land company to Vin
cent Wrsesnlakl. lot 13, block &M.
Bouth Omaha 400
C. I). Woods worth and wife to Na
tional Bans of Commerce, mk lot 8.
block 11. McCormlck a add S0
talt Claim Deeds.
J. B Cummlng and wife to A. I.
Volant, lots 1 to i. Knight's add....
A. I. Voight to C. E Gill, same
Edward Mendell and wife to same,
City of Bouth Omaha to South Omaha
Land company, parts of Mth street
vacated from w K street to I street
and part of K and i street 1.041
Total amount ot transfers ....
Councilman Saji Several Ecnl Proposition!
Maj Be Submitted.
Should It Pan In the Lealslatarc the
t'onnrll Will Pat It Ip to the
People to Say What
to Do.
"Should the present cbsrter bill pass In
the legislature," said a member of the
council last night, "It Is probable that sev
eral bond propositions ' will be submitted
to the people this year. First, a request
will made of the voter to warrant th
lasue of bonds to tske up the present over
lap of $70,000. The bonds will be classed
as floating Indebtedness bonds. Then will
come the request tor $50,000 to build a city
hall and equip ths same. In addition to
these two Items the taxpayers will be
asked to Host $100,000 In bonds for the ex
tension of the present sewer system."
Opinion seems to be divided a to how
the people of South Omaha will take to the
proposed Issue of bonds. The lesse on the
present city ball building expires In De
cember, while the overlap should be taken
care ot at once In order to save Interest. s
Then there comes the sewer question.
The city Is growing rapidly, and bore sew.
er are needed. The principal Idea of vot
ing bonds for a sewer Is to assist the cor
porations In constructing a sewer from the
south line of Swift's plant to the river.
Those who have watched this sewage ques
tion for years assert that a big brick sewer
Is needed, but they say that the price the
city Is expected to pay Is a little high.
In explaining the city hall bonds one
member, of the council said that $50,000
would pay for the site, erect and furnish
the building. In this proposed building it
Is Intended to Include ' police and fire de-
partment headquarters. Almost every ac
tion of the city officials now seems 'to de
pend upon the changer In the chartir made
by the legislature.
(lntblnar Still deeded.
In response to a call sent out by Su
perintendent McLean of the puhllo schools
through the pupils and the press there was
a hearty response yesterday, but there ts
still a demand for mora clothing. The
children's clothing already sent In Is being
distributed -among the poorer classes, and
especially where clothing 1 absolutely
needed. Prof. McLean hopes that the peo
ple of South Omaha will continue to send
In children's clothing, as a number of fami
lies are still known to be in need.
Applications for charity still com in.
Everyone who is in absolute need is being
given fuel and food, but In almost every
instance some official of the city Investi
gates before an order Is Issued. Not long
ago a woman who lives In the southwest
ern part of the city applied to the city
authorities for an order for some groceries.
As she was pretty well known the request
was refused. The women went to
Omaha and secured from the county an or
der for $2 worth of groceries. Armed with
this order she Invaded a South Omaha
grocery store and bought a dosen bananas,
a can of maple syrup, some ginger cakes
and a hag of oranges.
Additional Salts Comlsg.
Preparations are being made by attor
neys to commence suit against the elty
of South Omaha to recover for taxes paid
on seversl paving districts. Yesterday at
torneys: were looking up th histories of
thaee .navlng districts. Those to be at
tacked first are the N street paving and
repavlng, the paving on Twenty-fifth
street from M to O streets and the paving
of Twenty-sixth street from L to Q streets.
The N street paving district was created
by ordinance in 1889, the Twenty-sixth
street district In 1891 and th Twen'y-flfth
street district In March. 1891.
It Is asserted by the attorneys inter
ested that the taxes collected are Illegal
and that those who have paid have grounds
for a suit to recover. In all three uf the
districts mentioned quite a sum has been
paid, but there still remains a balance'
which amounts to considerable. Nat
urally the city will contest.
Grading Besomed Today.
With the higher temperature comes the
order from grading contractors that grad
ing on some of the big jobs In the vicinity
of South Omaha will be resumed today.
The severe weather has put a crust on the
top of the ground, which will have to be
blasted through In order to make an open
ing. Should the weather continue warm not
less than 200 men will resume grading to
day. Wlaters-Hyaca lfaptlals.
The marriage of Samuel L. Winters and
Miss Nellie Hynes occurred at St. Agnes
church yesterday morning. Dr. J. M.
Tischs of this city acted as best man and
Miss Theresa Desmond attended the bride.
Immediately following the ceremony a
wedding breakfast was served at the bom
of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Winters have
gone south for a ' two weeks' visit with
friends. The groom is a well known at
torney here and the bride has been s
teacher in the public schools.
Maa-le City Gossip.
Frank Fitsslmmons, Nineteenth and Mis
souri avenue, announces the birth of a
daughter. 1
l- UmIi-s h taken out a permit
for a dwelling at Twenty-third and D
A daughter has been bom to Mr. and
Mrs. W. O. Butler, Twenty-seventh and 8
streets. r II
Last night the Woman' Catholic Order
Of Foresters entertained with a dancing
n.riv at Masonic ball.
An Imuurit... or me Monern
brotherhood of A int-i ,t-a will be held on
Friday evening, February 2u.
A Waahlngton social will be given by the
young people or the i.nueo. -reBoyienan
church this evening. Friends are cordially
Notice was received here yesterday to the
207 Routh 13th Street,
lEiitn! EM
Your choico Friday and Saturday
of any Ulstor or Overcoat.
WORTH UP TO $30.00
WORTn UP TO 120.00
WORTH UP TO f 15.00
Don't Hiss this Monoy Saving Sato in
Honnotrs G
-TO" ua-i
cant be
All druggists
Mobile and
"Follow to Flas;"
Havana, Cuba, and Return $63.35
Tickets on sale February 17 to 22. Lonf limit and stop overs. The Waba fa
ll the ahortest, quickest and best line to south and southeast.
All Information at Wabash office. 1601 Farnam street, or address
Harry E. Moore. Q. A. P. D Onuha, Neb
effect that the supreme court had granted a
reneanng in tne nager personal injury
Edward Hayes, charged with larceny, was
bound over to the district court yesterday
by Judge King. In default of bonds he was
remanded to th county jail.
An interesting social event ha been
lanned for tonight at the Young Men'
'hristlan association by members of the
Get One club. All men are invited.
The Woman's alliance of Unity church
gives its regular monthly social at Metro
politan hall this evening.
C. H Updike of Omaha. F. A. Kenneth
and W. A. Bwarta of Harvard have or-
fanized the State bank of Octavla, at Oc
avia, Butler county, Neb.
Sergeant Whelan of the po'lee depart
ment, who has been sick for the last few
days, became worse Thursday afternoon
and wa taken to St. Joseph's hospital for
There will be a New Kngland Supper,
patriotic concert and social at the South
west Presbyterian church, corner of Twen-
lng for the benefit of the choir.,.
Olenn Jones. Oeorge M. Southmayd. Wal-
win O. Perry and Lanlel R. Ennia have in-
corporated th Jones & Southmayd com-
pany. which will deal In groceries snd have
iiein ana i,eavenrorin jireei.. mis even-
an aumonsea capuai .iuck ui m.uw.
E. J. Bodwell, county superintendent or
public Instruction, has seemed a principal j
for the Elk City school. Mis Maud Glass1
of Lincoln, a university girl with consider
able athletic training, has dared to try it.
The Jury In the inquest over the remains
of Mrs. Mary Whtnning, who wss run over
by an engine In the B. & M. yards Wednes
day evening, returned a vrdlct that "the
deceased came to her death by being run
over by B. A M. engine No. 178." No blame
wa attached to the trainmen. The funeral
will be held Saturday.
Harry Ksempfer was arrested by Detec
tives Davis and Ferris late Thursday after
noon In the resort of Eva Dixon. 1320 Cap
itol avenue, where he la said to have taken
refuge. Kaemnfer was hooked as being a
-suspicion character. When taken before
l aptain MOatyn ne conieasen ne naa passed
a check on the bank In the Boston store for
ti!, which 'had been drawn on the Mer
chants' Loan and Trust company of Chi
cago. 1
Jilt Hail!
The BEER of Good Cheer.
A beverage for people who prefer
the best. The result of years of
effort to itriprove upon the best
foreign and domestic beers in
every essential for absolute purity
and healthfulness.
Omaha, Neb
iothing Oopt
m .f"r
it js a
New Orleans
and Return
171 c GREW
Treats all forma at
27 Tears Experience,
17 Tears In Omaha.
His remarkable suc
cess has never been
equaled and every day brings many flaUer
lng reports of th good he Is doing, or tfc
relief be ha given.
Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis
And all Blood Poisons. NO "BREAKINO
OUT'" on the skin r face and all external
signs of the disease disappear at onre.
ovtR au.uod zxrS2S&ini
..... .. rf.,h,u Mt rlnf 11 r A
n.w . . .t: n..
Oit. Kidney ana oiauo w
TrZTiinent bv mail. P. O. Box 76. Offlc
I . , 7ii Uth street, between Far nam a4
, ft".' ToLUlTSbB.
j -
Forty Sizes, luo to 60c Each.
RICHARDSON DRUG CO.. Distributors.
of MEN.
12 years of sua
ccssful practise ia
UEc curat 1 1 1 atra, wltssai cuuu.a. sua M
Ld toaa et tin LU " "
roa or mon.y ratlin.
tifM lee Uf
an Uw ola
taraukl 1P. (rSl lk
a.Usv Sum
tmi sis an armvioa Skstppsars
Wetatslr a4 Swewr. H. "BSAino out-
thTslsMa M Ik akla ar Ism. T.ioo Matata
aucweua sa ar laiartaua BtMkclua.
ljrl If Mm raa Iuhm of VICTIMS TO
II t&K Ltll Kaavots I'ESiutt oa sx-
ii Ti4 smitk, sit ws" uspsirss vsaa.
Owns wJt4.
55 tetaN? a t siiiVr s.1sii a strata.
Co.aMUa rrw. Tataal fcy Mail,
tall mw aSSres. US S. 14th St.
IbESTI , at? ' jTrlE I
U at A HA