Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Dtj it Dull in Board cf Trade Grain
Cora ilia Goes
Tamble and
I'p Trifle, bat Oats
Provisions Cloaa
Soma Rlslnar
ana Others Falling;.
CHICAGO, Feb. 17-Tradlng In the (train
pita waa rather dull today and after a
weak session wheat closed tlrm, Msy being
c higher. May corn was up HHc, but
oata were 'tijio lower, Provision cloned
Irregular, the May products being from 2c
lower to 1V(J12Vc higher.
Wheat ruled dull during the greater part
of the session and weakness prevailed until
12 !W. and ranting at $12 SofJ 12.75. Lead l
3s M higher In London, where It cloned at
a: II 1.1a Ml. hut locally It remained quiet
and unchanged at $4.12. Selter waa quiet
and unchanged here at $o.tVa6.i, while In
Ixindon It wss2s6d higher at 30 15. Iron
closed at Ma 2d 111 Glasgow and at 4s In
Mlddlesborough. IOcally Iron waa un
changed; No. I foundry northern la quoted
at $J4 a n24 50. No. 1 foundry southern and
No. 1 foundry southern soft at K!3.Snr,!4.5).
OMAHA wholesale: markrt.
Condition ol Trade and annotations oa
Staple and Fancy Prodace.
EGGS Market firm; fresh stock. 144x15c.
IJVB PuLLTRY-Hens, lOilotc; old
roosters, 4'n5c; turkey 13015c; ducks, fj
c; geese, 7'osc; chickens, per lb.. lOQIO'tc.
DRESSED PCHLTRY Chickens, lll2e;
henr, 114? 12r; turkeys, 152lc; ducks, ll!(.12c;
geese, lift 12c.
BITTER Packing stock, 13c; choice
dairy, In tubs, l.Vul7r; separator. 24526c.
Ol HTfc-RS Standards, per can. 2Sc; extra
selects. ,er can, Tic; New York counta, pe.'
can. 42c; hulk, extri select:., per gal., 11.75;
bti'W '.indi-d. p-r gal., $1.3o.
FRESH FIFH Trout, fcftloc: herring. 5c;
pickerel, 8c; pike. 9c; perch, 6c; bjlTnlo,
per dos.,
near the rinse when fnlr buying by com- I ,i.j ' f..' ' o.'i. ' . Vi. .-. ,.'
upturn and the close waa firm. The open
ing waa easier on Indifferent cables. May
being down a shade to Wc at 77SW'77.n.
Selling for southwest account added to the
depression and the market declined, there
being no supporting feature, and May
old ofT to 77c. The Impression got abroad
that the leader of the bulla waa trying to
"buy wheat around the low point and this
gave some strength to the situation, which
was helped later by the strength In corn
and by a fair export demand. After sell
ing to 7c May closed c higher at "KWrp
Wit;. Bradstreet's world's visible for the
"Week showed an Increase, of 309,iO bushels,
compared with a decrease a year a,o of
1,783.XiO buahels. Seaboard clearings were
Incomplete owing to wire trouble. Pri
mary receipts were 43B.0H0 bushels, against
sos.OOO last year. Minneapolis and Duluth
reported receipts of 376 cars, which with
local receipts of 82 cars, 2 of contract,
maoe total receipts 4t cars, against 3W
last week and 439 a year ago.
After an easier opening the corn market
developed considerable strength and higher
prlcea prevailed throughout the day In
eplte of heavy selling by commission
houses and short selling by scalpers. The
market wss Influenced to some extent by
the small receipts, while a good cash de
mand was responsible for m.ich of the
firmness. The close was Arm, with May
fec higher at 4.rsC after selling between
toe and 4ic. Local receipts were 366 cars.
The Increase In the contract storks of
oats caused renewed liquidation In that pit
and Ihe market ruled rather easy, although
a slight recovery was made late In the day
on the strength In wheat and corn. Com
mission houses were the best sellers, while
the buying was scattered. The volume of
business was small and no special features
were msnlfested. The close was easy, with
May tttic lower at SeVaSc. after sell
ing between Zd'3Mc and 36c- Local re
ceipts were 177 rsrs.
Provisions were decidedly strong at the
start, keeping pace with the upward move
ment In hog vajues. The better prices
brought out considerable realising through
out the day and the greater part of the
early gain wan lost. Pork was firmer rela
tively than the other producta and closed
li3124c higher at $17.47 for the May de
livery. May lard unchanged at $9.66,' while
ribs were 2o lower at $9.36.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
20 care; corn, 190 cars; oats, 95 cars; hogs, head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles. Open.l High. Low. Closa. Yes'y.
Wheat I I I
Feb. 74H 76sf 743, 76, 74
May TmSM 7S 77Vi 78 77V(f7s
July 74Vi 74HI 73 74HH 74Hfc
Corn I I
Feb. I 42 43 I 42 43 42!4
May 45VI', 46, 45 46--S 46VJ '
July 3u 43S 43 43?, 43-),
Oata I
Feb :..34HfS 84
May 36 M StVtf 36ra 36
July 32 S3 32 32 S2
Pork- 111!
May 17 42( 17 60 17 42 17 47 17 87
July 17 00 17 10 16 90 16 90 16 85
Lard- I
Feb. 9 7 9 67 65 9 66 f 70
May 9 67 9 70 9 62 9 65 Hi
July 9 47 9 50 9 42 9 46 9 42
May 62 9 67 9 62 9 66 9 67
July 47 9 47 9 37 9 37 9 40
Sept. 86 9 40 9 82 9 32 9 83
, "No. I.
FLOUR Steady; winter patents, $3,60
S 70: atralahta. t?.3OKr3.40: SDrlng osteins.
t3.6o3i3.80; straights, $3.10(53.46; bakers, $2.45
WHEAT-No. 2 spring, 7779c; No. 8, 7Sc;
No 3 red, 7475c.
CORN No. 2. 43c; No. 2 yellow, 43e.
. OATS No. 2, 34ig34c; No. 3 white, 84
RYK No. 2. 4849c.
BARLEY-Good feeding, 4245c; fair to
cnoice malting, tac.
SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.14: No. 1 north
ern, $1.19; prime timothy, $3.75; clover, con
tract grade. S11.56.
, PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17,601
n.62.- iara, per iu ins.. .Btxo.(u. Bnort
ribs sides (loose), $9.3t-tf9.60. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). $8.12iij6.2S. Short clear
Ides (boxed), 19.87 10.00.
Following were the receipts and ship
mrnts of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 21.700 . 23,9m)
Wheat, bu 24,100 18,700
Corn, bu S40,too 2Z3,4oO
Oats, bu..' 3&6,0 268.800
Kye, bu 11.400 8,000
Barley, bu 12,300 40,700
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creameries. 18
26c; dairies. lH'.'3c. Eggs, firm, at mark,
cases Included, 131ic. Cheese, 12
per 6-besket
per ' crate.
of the Day
fish. 9c; salmon. 18c; hnddock, He; codfish.
12c; redsnapper. 10c; lobsters, boiled, per
lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per lb., 28c; bull
heads, 10c; catfish, 14c; black boas, !vc;
halibut, ile.
BRAN Per ton, 315.60.
HA Prlcea m.o.wi oy Omahl Whole
sale Dealer association: tcholre No. 1 up
land, $7.00; No. 1 medium, $6.00; No. 1 coarse,
$5.60. Rye straw. $6.00. These prices are for
mi y of good color and quality. Demand
fair; receints light.
CORN 43c.
OATS 8c.
RYE No. 2, 4Sc.
NEW CELERY Kalamazoo.
26c; California, pe. doi., 4ft875c.
POTATOES Per bu., if-fcc.
SWEET POTATOES Iowa and Kansas.
new PARSLEY Per dosen bunchei., 40e.
NEW CARROTS -Per doren bunches, 40-,
LETTUCE Per doxen bunches. 46c.
TLRNIP8 Per bu.. 40c: Canada rutaba
gas, per lb., lc.
bfcbls-New southern, per doxen bunco
es, snc; old. per bu.. 40c.
CCCl'MBERS Hothouse, per doi., $1.75.
PARSNIPS Per bu., 40c.
CARROTS Per bu.. 40c.
ORKEN ONIONS Southern, ner dosen
bunches, 40c.
KAjusHt,s southern, per doxen bunche,
TNRNIPS New southern. ner dozen
bunches, 60c.
ONIONSRed Wisconsin, ner lb.. lic:
white, per lb., 2c, Spanish, per crate,
$1 . 1 5.
SPINACH Southern, oer doxen bunches.
WAX BEANS Per bj. box, $3; string
beans, per bu. box, $1.50.
CAPBAOE Holland seed, per lb., 1C.
ii a v i ur.jinn jrer du., w. iv.
tomatoes New Florida.
crate. $4 Mys.Ov,.
CALIFLOWER California.
PEARS Fall varieties, per bo. 82.69.
APPLES Western, per DDI., $2.76; Jina
thans, $5.00: New York stock $8.25; Cali
fornia Bellflowers, per bu. box, 81.60.
GRAPES Malagas, per keg, $6.007.00.
CRANBERRIES Wisconsin, per bM.,
$10.50; Bell and Bugles, $11; per box, $3.60.
8TRAWBERRIE8 Florida per qt., 60o.
LEMONS Calif fancy, $3.60; choice,
ORANGES California navels, fancy, $3.u0
3.15; choice, $2.75; Mediterranean sweets,
$2 25; sweet Jeffa. $2.60.
DATES Persian, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.,
6c; per case of 30-lb. pkgs., $2.26.
FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 80c;
Turkish, per 36-lb. box. 14318c.
HONEY Utah, per 24-frame case, $3.26;
Colorado, $3.60
CIDER New York, $4 00; per -bbl., $2 60.
SAUERKRAUT-Wlsconsfn. per -bbl.,
2; per bbl.. $3.75.
MAPI.E SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c.
POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4c
HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green. 6c;
No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1
veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs. c; No. 2 veal
calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides. 8012c; sheep
pelts. fcotf75c; horse hides, $1. 60&2.50.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.,
16c; hard shell, pt-r lb.. 14e; No. 2 soft shell,
per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c;
Brasils. per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c;
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell,
per lb., 16c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c;
small, per lb., 11c; cbcoanuts, per doi., 60c;
chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.,
6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black
walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu.,
$1.50; cocoanuts, per 100, $4.
OIJJ METAIjS, ETC. A. B. Alplrn quotes
the following prices: Iron, country mixed,
per ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $8;
copper per lb., 8; braes, heavy, per lb.,
8c; brass, light, pvr lb., 6c; lead, per lb.,
8c; sine, per lb., 2c.
110-111 Board of Trade, Omaha, Neb-
Telephone 1613.
CHICAGO, Feb. 17. WHEAT There has
been a strong wheat market In spite of In
different cables, an Increaae In the world's
visible of 3u9.iM) bushels, against a decrease
last year of 1.783.000 bushels, and good snow
protection over the winter wheat belt. The
cold weather has reduced receipts some,
but otherwise did not seem to attract any
attention. Primary receipts were 435,000
bushels, against 4o8.000 last year: primary
shipments, 176,000 bushels, against 238,000 a
vear ago. Northweat receipta. 376 cars.
against 3!3 last year. There were reports
of unsatisfactory crop conditions In France
and Ruasla, but they came Dy man. Liver
pool cables said Russian onerings are
lower and spot demand slow. Contract
wheat, 3.6H6.000 bushels; Increased 67,000
bushels. New York reports 25 loads taken
for export, but those In the 'exporting
business here say demand Is slow. Local
receipts, 32 cars, with 2 contract; estimated
for Wednesday, ao cars. vvneat prices
were Influenced some by the strength In
corn, by unconfirmed gossip of Armour
buying and by covering by professionals.
CORN Opened off a fraction on lower
cables, but there was a good demand
through brokera that absorbed the offerings
and advanced futures c to c. The as
sumption waa that Patten, through brok
era, took back corn recently sold. There
was some selling by the provision crowd on
the advance. Cash Interests reported west
ern offerings fair and eastern demand
quiet. New York, however, paid a fraction
better- than Monday for the little corn
taken. Local receipts, 365 cars, with none
contract; estimated for tomorrow, 190 cars.
The email receipta are supposed to be due
to cold weather. Primary receipta, 673,000
bushels, against 396.000 last year; primary
shipments, 6A4.O0O bushels, against 125.000
last year. New York reports 17 loads taken
for export. Contract stock, 2.344.000 bushels;
decreased, 17,000 bushels. East of Rockies
corn Increased 1.62.r.uuo bushels.
OATS The market was neglected early
and sold off on lack of outside support, but
when whect and corn became strong the
local truders who had sold early covered
and all the decline was recovered. Local
receipts, 177 cars, with 7 standard, and
there were only 8 cars standard out of pri
vate houses. Estimates for tomorrow, 98
cars. Standard stork, 692,000 bushels; In
creased, lti8,Uk) bushels. The number of
strck, 36,uou head, decreased ll.un head.
Offerings from the west were small. Cash
oats were unchanged. Shippers said the
car situation was keeping business light.
PROVISIONS The market opened up on
shorts covering. On the advance there
was some pront-taking. causing a decline.
There was considerable May pork and
lard on the market. There were 2l.uu0 head
hogs; prices at the yards were cents
higher. Estimates f.r tomorrow, S3.OU0
head. Jlogs In the west today, 00.800 head,
againot 7 4 9-M.) last week and 87.3HO last year.
nearby, 18c, at the trsrk: fresh western,
lc, at the mark: fresh southwestern.
lN'nlKr, at the mark; fresh southern. 17
17Sc at the mark.
CHEESE Quiet: New York f j 11 creams,
prime, email, 14'H14c; New York full
creams, fair to good, small, 13913c; New
rorx tun creams, prime, large, 14c; New
York full creams, fair to good, large, 13'slr
t. I.onls Uralta and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 17. WHEAT Higher;
No. 3 red casn, elevator, 72Sic; track, i4'(i
76c; May. 73c; July, 71c; No. 2 hard.
71 1 i"4c.
CORN-Hlgher: No. 2 cash. 41c: track.
41V4:c; Miy, 41c; July. 41c.
OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, toe; track,
3ie; May. ic; July, flc; No. 2 white.
RYE Quiet at 49fc49c
FLOUR Steady; red winter, $3.463.55;
extra fancy and straight, $3.15i3.40; clear,
SEED Timothy, steady, $3.on53.60.
COHNMEAL Steady. $2.3n.
BRAN Dull; racked, east track, 85c.
HAY Quiet; timothy, fW.t'ol4.50; prairie,
$9 on ll.oo.
BAOC1NO-6 6-1IV&7 l-16c.
PROVISIONS Pork: Higher; Jobbing,
standard mess, $17.52. Lard: Firmer at
$!.52. Dry evt 1 1 meats, strong; bnxed ex
tra shorts, $9.62; clear ribs, 19.62; short
clears, $9.75. Uacon, strong; boxed extra
shorts, $10.50; clear ribs, $10.50; short clear,
Mti ALS lad: Firm at $3.97. Spelter;
Higher at $4.85.
POULTRY Firm; chickens, 11c; turkeys,
12c; durks, 14c; geese, 8c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1926c;
dairy, 17&'jiic.
EGGS-Hlgher; fresh, 15c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 4,000 17.OH0
Wheat, bu 22.000 flO.OoO
Corn, bu 4o.omi
Oats, bu 48,000 74,000
1 -
Visible "apply of Grain.
NEW YORK, Feb. 17. Special telegrams
received by Bradstreet's. show the follow
ing changes In available aupplles, as com
pared with last year:
WHEAT United States snd Canada, east
of Rockies, decreased 391,000 bu; afloat for
and In Europe, increased 700,000 bu; total
supply Increased 39,0ii0 bu.
CORN United States and Canada, east of
Rockies, increased 1.626,000 bu.
OATS United States and Canada, east of
Rockies, Increased 49S.0OO bu.
Among the more Important decreases re
ported this week are those of 20o,ono bu at
northwest or In elevators. 140.000 bu. In
Manitoba 102.000 bu at Chicago private ele
vators, 87.000 bu. at Portland. Me., 70.000 bu.
at Port Huron, 61,000 bu. at Rochester and
60,000 bu. at Minneapolis private elevators.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
6868c: July. 6666c; cash, No. 2
hard. 67i39c; No. 3 6oXc; No. 4, 58S63c;
rejected, &64r68c; No. 2 red, TOtgTlc; No. 3,
CORN-Aprll. 38c; May. 38c; July, 38
fi38c; cash, No. 2 mixed. 8840c; No. 2
white. 41(B-41e; No. 8, 4041c.
OATS No. 2 white, 34i806c; No. 2 mixed,
RYE No. 2, 46c
HAY Timothy. $12.60 13.00; prairie, $9.00.
BUTTER Creamery, 19923c; dairy, l&c
EGGS Fresh, 14c.
Receipts. Shipment;.
Wheat, bu 3O,4O0 64.800
Corn, bu 52.800 t 42.200
Oats, bu 26,000 $1,000
Toledo Grain and Seed.
TOLPSIO. Feb. IT. WHEAT Market dull
and steady; cash, 78c; May, 80c; July,
CORN Market dull; February, 46c; May,
OATS Market dull and steady; February,
88c; May, 37c.
RYE No. 2. 64a
SEEDS Clover, market dull and firm.
Minneapolis Wheat. Flonr and Bran.
7c; July, 77c; on track: No. 1 hard,
78c; No. 1 northern, 77c; No. 2 northern,
FLOUR First patents, $3.96(JN.00; second
patents, $3.85.96; first clears, $2.25; second
clears. $2.102.20.
BRAN In bulk, $16.0015.25.
Milwaukee Grata Market.
No. 1 northern, 80c; No. 2 northern, 781
78c; May, 7878o bid.
RYK Steady; No. 1, 60(3S2o.
BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 64c; sample,
CORN May, 46o bid.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, Feb. 17.-CORN-Flrm; No. 3,
OATS Firm; No. 8 white, 34c.
NEW YORK, Feb. 17.-FLOUR-Recelpt.
80.155 bbls.; exports, 20.4U bbls.; fairly active
and steady; winter patents, $4.1(Ko4.2o;
winter straights $3.6ti3.66; Minnesota pat
ents, $4.10i.4.30; winter extras, $2.6oS3.10;
Minnesota bakers, t3.2Ce3.40; winter low
grades. $26f)fi2 90. Rye flour, steady; fair
to good, $3,0043.35; choice to fancy, $3,404)
865. Buckwheat flour, dull. $1.9o&:.25, spot
to arrive.
COHNMEAL Quiet; yellow western.
$1.19: city, $1.16; Urandywlne. $3.4X&3.55.
. RYE Firm ; No. 2 western, 61 c, f. o. b.,
afloat; state 5fif57c, c- I. f., New York.
BARLEY Quiet; malting, 61tlc, c. I. f..
. WHEAT Receipts, 71,250 bu.; exports. 68.
971 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2 red, 81c; No. 2
red, 82c. f. o. b., afloat: No. 1 northern
Duluth. 89c. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard
Manltoha, ro, f. o. b., afloat. Optlona de
clined for a time under bearish cable news.
but after mid-day became Arm and higher
on small interior receipta, an advance in
corn and on local covering, the close being
c net higher. March closed at 83c; Mav,
MMM 9-16c, closed at 81 He; July, 7Mft
78 1-ltic, closed at -78.
CORN Receipts, 139,000 bu.; exports, 8,286
bu. spot, qtite'; ino. i. tc, elevator, and
66c, f. o b, afloat; No. 2 yellow, 5tk; No. 2
white. Doc. Options were generully stronger
today on small receipts, local covering, the
firmness In provisions and a fair cah de
mand, closing firm at tfo net advance.
March, tVu")tic, closed at 5tic; May, 51 3-lB
trw i-ibc, cloaca at ol'-jc; July, 4!aiy-19c,
closed at 4!e.
OATS Receipts, 100.500 bu. Spot, firm:
No. 2. 43c; standard while. 441c; No. 3,
42c; No. 2 white, 44V,c; No. 3 white, 43c;
track mixed western, nominal; track wnue.
43.'ii4hc. Options irregular, but rtrm In the
afternoon with corn. May closed at 4h"nc
HAY Dull; shipping, kKyToo; good to
choice. !ibcijl.o&.
Hoi 8 Unlet; state, fitnmon to choice
1'02 crop, 3it37c-. lol crop, 2410 27c; olds. 'u
1-.c.:.., . . . ' I Liverpool Grain and Provisions
Kc (WoT., . r to lb.:. l!c ; Ti'iaii LIVERPOOU Feb. 17.-WHEAT-Spot
irv i ... n ii i ISO. z western, winter, ha id: .No. 1 north
-". . 1 . n H 0.1 . XTrt t 1 I 1 .. a- .1.1
l.r.ATIt KK r Irm; acid. 2426c. I"'" "v""?i V" j
PRV18iON8-Heef. steady; family, $n.OT Ku,iUreP'' .UJI: M""cn SVd; Mtt-- 2d;
t"lt U0; mess. $li.ttrili).5it: beef hama, $1M I utr) Ju Y. !, . . . , .
21.50; packers. t2ji 13 M; city extra India CORN-Spot. steady: American mixed,
meHS. lAxi'i26.0O. Cut meati. stkadv- iiiik. ' new, 4s 7d; old. no stock; futures, dull;
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. 17. MONEY On call,
steady at 2g3 per cent, closing 23 per
cent: time money, sixty days, 4 per cent;
ninety days, 4 per cent; six months, 4 per
cent. JrTime mercaniue puper, -vaunt per
tual business In bankers' bills at $4.8760
4.8766 for demand, and at $4. S4.V 4. 8475 for
sixty days; posted rates, itwuiwi ana
$4.W(fJ4.88; commercial bills. $4.834.84.
SILVER Bar, 48c; Mexlpan dollars,
BONDS Government, easy; railroad, Ir-
The clos'ng quotations on bonds are as
led bell'es. IV) U0J 10.0M; pick ed hiiiil.l..r
8 lMj8.2u; pickled hams, til mij ll.fxi. lird
Brni; westtrn steamed. $10.20; reflned, firm'
continent, llO.ui): South America, $10.75;
compound, $7.5th7.7a. Pork, tlrm; family
$18.5t ti 1 oo; short clear, $18.2520.00; nieaa'
RICK Firm.
BUTTER Receipts, 6.535 pkgs.; market
Irregular; state dairy, 15Ji24c; extra cream
ery, 26c; common to choice creamery, 18jt
tAiUa Receipts. 14.893 pkgs.; market firm;
State and Pennsylvania, average bestr 2uc;
Western, 19c.
, CHEESE Receipta. $.745 pks.; firm;
fancy larxe, stats full cream, colored, fall
made, !4c; late made, 13j14r; fancy
small, white, fall made. 14r; late made,
13c; fancy small, colored, fall made, 14c;
late mude, 13c; large, white, fall made,
ItStc; late made. lSc.
POULTRY-Allve. ilrm: turkeys, 13ftl4c".
fowls, lie Dressed, nominally unchanged.
METALS The Indon tin market was
irregular today, closing easy ani unchange I
at 13i : 6,1. while futures were :s 61
higher al 13il7s IH-all." the market
was easier and a ohade lower, closing at
82S.I24287-, Copper advanced I s 6.1 In
ixjinlon to 5717s6d for spbt and 57 12s6d
for futures. The market here also was
firm. Standard Is quoted at 11124. nominal.
Inks at $12.tW4jU 00, electrolytic at $12 7
U. 6. ret. ts, r
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C. N. W. con. 7S..1SIS
C, R I. P. 4 10W
C C C 4 81 I, . 4s.. 1
CM. tin Tor. 4 "i
Colorado So. 4a 14
nenvar A R. O. 4a...
Erla prior Han 4a.... tai
do (enaral 4s 87
F. W. D. C. la....lllS
Horklna Val. 4V.a....lO
L t K. nl. 4a 100
Max. Central 4
do Is Inc....
Minn. A St. I.
M . K. AT. 4s..
do 2a
N. Y. C. f. 3a.
N. J. C. sen. 4a.
..10VNo. Pacific 4a...
..lo:l do 3a
. 102. N. aV. W. eon. 4a.
..lOSVa Reading ran. 4a
.. 13 81. Ltl. M
..103 St. L. A 8. F.
M Bt. L. 8. W. Is.
105 do la
103 8. A. aV A. P. 4s..
im 8o. Pacific 4a
71 So. Railway 5s.
. 77
. 87
... Wa
... 32
... 7J-
c. 4a. 1114
4a... a
.. 33Sa
.. 81
103Trxaa A PaclA- la. ..117'
. 94
T.. Bt. LAW. 4a.
Union Pacific 4a....
do eonv. 4a
Waharl la
do la
do dh. B
Weat ghora 4a.....
Wheel. A L. E. 4a.
Wla. Central 4a....
Con. Tohaoco aa....
Colo. Fuel
Hock laland
. 33S
... 92
... MH
... 1
A. 37 Si
part of the road In question Is the newly
constructed Pauls Valley cut-off.
Storm anal RreaklasT Wires Makes
Market Confaaed and Irregular.
NEW YORK. Feb. 17. The movement of
prices of storks todiy was confused and
Irregular. The interruption to the wire
service by the storm was given as one
cause for the dearth of outside orders, hut
business from commission houses wss at s
low level from a New lork source. inn
general approval accorded to the petition
to tne governor of the ritock exenange to
make Saturday a holiday. In addition to
the regular Monday holiday. Is a sufficient
Indication of the small proportion of com
mission house business at this time. The
industrial stock had a ratner more prom
inent place In the trading today, as they
did yesterday but their price movement
was very spotty. The speculators who In
augurated the movement In those stocks
yesterday were Inclined to take profits.
This was ctinsplcuo.isl.v evident in the
United States Kteel stock and In Sugar.
The operators seemed to be prompted by
tne new anti-trust measures In congress.
The bull campaign In Amalgamated Cop
per waa continued thit morning and that
stock was lifted an additional 1, but the
later reaction of the market let t only a
small fraction of this gain. The rise of 2t
In Tennessee Coal wiirf bnMed on the In
creased earnings disclosed by the annual
report, anil the expenditure ot tnese earn
ings on the property without ant Intima
tion of early dividend disbursements did
not seem to detract from the favorable Influence.
The 7m nt rise in Anaconda, with a re
action of 14. was In sympathy with Amal
gamated. There was a notable demand for
American locomotive late in the day. but
Its rise was not full;- maintained. Metro
politan Street Hallway led a further ad
vance In the local tractions, which was not
held. The rather active selling movement
which developed midway of the session was
prompted by the well defined rumors that
exports of gold were being negotiated for
Thursday's steamer. No official acknowl
edgement of the truth of these rumors
could be secured, but the reiusal to dis
claim them by one or two piVnlnent Inter
national banking houses gave color to tne
reDort. Sterltnar exrhanKe advanced sev
eral points here, but reacted a fraction of
a centime In Parle. The rate of time money
here operated nit an obstacle to an outgo
of sold. London was a light buyer of
stocks here today and the fact that part of
the Krlo convertible bonds Issue Is to go
abroad promises a supply of exchange. On
the other hand the buying or grain lor ex
port today was rather light, thus restrict
ing the sunplv of exchange. The question
of the engagements of gold tomorrow for
export on Thursday Is still open. Damage
to property by the great storm also had
Some Influence In prompting the light sell
ing. The market closed heavy at about the
lowest. ..There was neavy selling or ai.
Louis & San Francisco refunding bonds.
The market generally was Irregular.
Total sales, par value, K,aio,oo. unitea
States old 4s declined 4 per cent on the
last call.
The following are the closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
Atchlaon 37 go. Railway pfd 4
do pfd lOOVa Texaa at Faclnc 4:
Liberal Bun of Steer and Cows, bat Prices
field Just About Steady.
Heavy Receipts ot Pat Sheet aad
Lambs, bat Demaad Was Staf
flelently Good to Make Market
Aetlve aad Fally Steady.
Receipts were:
Olnclal Monday..
Official Tuesday.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
.. 4.404 o.iM 2.4.l
.. 3,2i 1.600 .tW
3 S
3 f
3 o
17 .
XI. .
... tl (
...113 4 13
...IPO 4 to
HOOS There wss a liberal run of hogs
reported this morning but the trslns were
rather slow In arriving, so that the mar
ket wss prolonged until rather a late hour.
Trsdlng though, started out very brisk
at an advance of right close to a dime.
The good weight hogs were fully 10c higher,
while the lesn desirable grades were, per
hsps only ktiWc hlcher. The bulk of the
medium weight hogs sold from 87.00 to
87.14. while the prime heavy hogs sold
largely from 17 10 to 87.20. The lighter
wdghis sold from 87 no down. All the early
arrivals were disposed of In a hurry, but
along toward 11 o'clock psrkers seemed
to have their more urgent orders filjd, and
for that reason wanted to buy the iate ar
rivals a shade easier. Another thing which
helixd the oackers bear the market was
the fact that although the provision market
opened good and urong It eased off again j
and buvers sniu tney nad to miy ineir nog
accordingly. It was rather late before n
clearance was made. Hepresentatlve sales:
fSOS: Texas snd Indian streers. 88off4jn;
exss cows 82-oii8.7.i: native cows. 11 fc.5J
ton; native helfrrs. 4.00; earners. 81. ID
0 on; bulls, t2.ti3.75; calves. 82 AcftH 6V
lit HIS Receipts 7.000 head; mark! 10c
higher; top. 87 if.; hulk of sales. 87.flF.ir7 V
heavv. 87.1Sti7 25; mixed packers. 3!-1i
7; light. 84 7tii 7.124j ; yorkers. 7.0tKi M2V;
pigs. I b iit fi
SHF-KP-Itecelpts. 1.500 head; market
strong snd 10c higher; nstlve Lambs, 84 ootf
Id; western Inmbs, $3.sSJt; 2S : fed ewes,
83.otHTi6.1t); native wethers. 8.1 Sti4 .05; west
ern wethrrs. 83 00tfj4.H0; Blockers and feed
ers, 82.6O1i3.50.
Two davs this week... 7.S"3 14.3!"Z 10.4S1
Same days last week.... 8.1K7 lti.oMj 11.4KI I
Same week before 6. t7U 15.4,' ltj.4o
Same three weeks ago.. .i4ti 17.1U4 14.1'i9
Same four weeks ago.... 8.oa lo.itw 12.812
Same days last year 6,M 16.631 L'.tri
The following table shows the receipts of
cattte, nogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, with comparisons with last
year: litus. liw.'. Inc. Dc.
uaaie ltfi.tfcS KS.SStj 11,312
Hogs .".,' 38i,4 74,;7tj
Sheep lr.1, Mo W.U76 62.770
Average price paid for nog at South
Omaha ror the last several Uaa with comparisons:
Date. 1903. 1U02.1901.1U0.18S9.1896.1897.
. 8
. 931,
,. HH
. S74.
. 36
Bal. A Ohio
do pfd
Canadian Paclfle....
Canada So
Chea. A Ohio
Chlraso A Alton...
do ptd
Chicago A B. Ill 200
Uh tun u. w...
do lat pta hi
do td efd 43
Chicago A N. W 113
Chicago Tar. A Tr... Is"
do pfd 3f
C. C. c. ft St. L 5H
Cclorado So 30
do lat ptd 71Tt
do 3d pfd 43
Pel. A Hudson 173V
Dal. L. ft W 1K0
Denoer A R. O.
do pfd
do lat ptd....
do M pfd
ftreat Nor. pfd..
Hocking valley
L. A W
Toledo, St.
do pfd
I'nlon Paciflo ....
do pfd
do pfd
Wheeling U B
do 3d pfd
J7;,Wla. Central
do pia . . . . .
Adama Ex...
American Ex
t'nlred rltti.a Ex..
Wella-Fargo Ex...
Atnal. Coppar
Amer. Car ft F....
do pM
Amer. Lin. Oil
do pfd
Anrrriran 8. ft R.
do pfd
Anac. Mining Co mi
Brooklyn R. T '014
Colo. Fuel ft 1 73
Cci.t. Ua 317
Cont. Tobacco pfd....ll6Vi
Gen Elactrle
. V0 ,
. f.9'4
. 43
. 3144
. Ji
. I
. 37
28 St
. MS
.. -(svi
.. 41
.. 1V
.. 17
.. 4H
.. M4
7. Intar. Powar
.... 47 illicitae liaa
....lit National Blacult ,
....12 Natlonal Lead ..
....14oTi No. Amarlcan ....
....lSPVI'acInc Coaat ....
.... M't Pacific Mall
.... 194 Peopla'a Oaa ....
....10strnaad 8. Car...
....IN d pfd
rnVPullman P. Car.
do pfd ' Hocking Coal
Illlnola Central 1464 Inter. Paper .
Iowa Central 4 do pro.
do pfd
Lake Erla ft W
do pfd
I., ft N
Manhattan L....
Mot. St. Rjr
Max. Central ..
Mex. National
Minn. A St. L.
Mo. Paclfle ....
M . K. ft T
do pfd
N. J. Central ..
N. Y. Central..,
Norfolk ft W...
do pfd ..'
Ontario ft W
do lat Pfd
do td pfd
St. L. ft S. F
do lat pfd
do td pfd
St. L. 8. W.
do pfd
Bt Paul
do pfd
So. Pacific
So. Railway .......
.... 3
. ...lhO
.1.. 1(4
..v. n
.... 8J4i
.... S3
.... 73
.... s;
.... 32
. 7,
. 28
. ti 'J
Republic Steel
do prd.e.
Tenn. Coal ft I...
Union Rag ft P...
do pfd
C. 8. Leather ....
do pfd
V. 8. Rubber
do pfd
U 8. Steal
do pfd...,
Weatern Union ...
Amer. Locomotlva
do pfd
K. C. Southern....
do pfd
34t Rock Inland
3,".vt do pfd
.. I.
.. 13
.. 73-4
.. IB
.. as
.. 474,
.. 28
.. t0
.. 4'
.. 2,
.. 934
.. IT,
.. 79
.. K
.. 14-4
.. 77
.. 14'4
.. 4
.. 13
.. 64
.. fe'a
.. kH
.. 90
.. 31'i
.. 3S-4
.. att
.. 4
.. 31V,
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Feb. 17.-WOOL The Boston
wool trade Is quiet, with a moderate busi
ness doing In email lots. Large buyers are
waiting for further developments In the
goods market before taking stocks. Others
are said to be holding off in an endeavor to
weaken prices. The situation, however,
continues firm, with an advance probable
at an early date. Fleece wools have been
In fair demand, while territory wools seem
to be In better shape than other varieties.
Wuotatlone: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX
and above, 3233c; X, 28&29c; No. 1 and No.
2, 31c. Michigan X and above, 27&2c: No.
1 and No. 2. atiqiSc; tine unwashed, 20Q2ic;
H-blood unwashed, 23(i24c. Kentucky, In
diana, etc. H-blood, aiy 34c; Vt-blood, 233
24c; braid, 20(&21c. Texas Twelve months,
12ii20c; six to eight months, lH19c; fall. 16
617c. California Northern choice, 20tg21c;
average, 17fil8c; middle counties, 15igl6c;
southern, 121il3c. Oregon Eastern, staple,
lTS18c; choice clothing, 16(g?16c; average. 13
4il4c. Territory and Idaho Fine. Wfrlbc;
fine medium, 16(&16Hc; medium. 1617c.
Wyoming Fine, 14&15c; fine medium, 16
17c. Utah Fine, 1415c; fine medium, 16
17c; medium, 17ffil&c. Dakota Fine. Holoc
rine medium. 16tjl7c; medium. 17tfil8c. Mon
tanaFine choice, 19320c; fine average, 17W
18c. Colorado, New Mexico, etc. Fine, ll(jj
16c; fine medium, 13tEil4c; New Mexico Im
proved, lfiftlrtc; Arizona heavy, ll(gU2c;
average, 13fd4c.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 17. WOOL Unchanged,
easy; medium grades and combing, 17
20Vjc; light fine, 16tglc; heavy fine, 12 15c;
tub washed, iva'c.
Jan. IS...
Jan. 1...
Jan. 17...
Jan. 18...
Jan. 19...
Jan. 2o... j
Jan. 21...
Jan. 22...
Jan. 23...
Jan. 24...
Jan. 25...
Jan. 26...
Jan. 27...
Jan. 2...
Jan. 29...
Jan. 80...
Jan. 31...
Feb. 1....
Feb. 2....
Feb. 8....
Feb. 4....1
Feb. 6....
Feb. C...
rib. 7....
Feb. 8....
Feb. ....
Feb. 10...
Feb. 11...
Feb. 12...
Feb. 13...
Feb. 14...
Feb. 15...
Feb. 16...
Feb. 17...
41 I ( 221 8 251 4 Ml 18 47
49 6 15 6 261 4 12 18 60
49 6 17 i "Ol 4 48! 8 49 8 47
I 6 22- C k9j 4 56, 8 81 8 61
3934I i 271 4 54, 8 441 8 M
.. 47W 6 27) I 4 541 8 b6 8 60 1
I t. ooVal 6 i5 D 26 I t9 3 04
M I Vi o 13 14 S3 - I Bt
6 oH-tal li 03i a 151 4 69 8 661
66Val 0l 6 21 4 5&i 8 61 8 62
s 111 0 III 4 41 s w eni
6 72V I 6 181 4 56, 8 57
65x, 12 14 62i 8 63
6 54.i 6 951 6 22i 3 68,
MH 6 9& 6 2 4 62
6 7ot i5 S 251 4 54 1 8 70
8 11
8 8
8 21
3 2
3 2t
8 26
8 .3
8 Hi
6 68
6 70
it 9
6 92
6 17
5 22
S 2ii
4 65 3 64,
4 67 ( 3 64
4 681 3 4
4 62 3 t8
3 88
3 72: 3 85
3 67 3 30
3 62 8 2;
8 64 8 31
1 3 2
3 66) "
8 641 3 87
3 tU 3 19
3 73 8 20
I 3 69 3 72 3 25
8 7.
8 21
6 80 I 6 9oi 5 31l
V 111 6 221 4 661
6 76H; 6 16 & 21 4 7J 1 66
"m 6 Wi 6 23 4 68 1 3 661
- I B 981 s M 4 10 3 6b
6 7141 I w 251 4 84 3 701
6 75, 6 00 4 80 1 3 71 j
6 70VI 6 01. 6 32 I 3 65,
6 ',2 6 04 6 30 4 79
6 WW, 6 981 6 241 4 8'' 3 68
6 86H! 6 "-I 8 211 4 76 3 65 8 83 1
I 6 Sll 5 28 i 4 76 1 3 68 3 89 3 36
( 9274 I 6 27i 4 83 8 58 3 89 8 34
7 U3V 6 7 I 4 76, 3 68, 3 84 3 25
3 19
8 75
3 711 8 23
8 71 2 27
3 76 3 27
3 771 3 26
3 81 3 28
I 3 30
17 10 1
2 3 2 ..
8 22
12 18
. 43 29 8 6
36 16 1
37 23 17
11 10 1
17 15 8
6 ..2
8 1 1
191 133 63 t
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Roads. Cattle. Hoars. Sheen. H'r's.
-;., ai. at nt. f. ity..
Mo. Pacific Ry
Union Pacific
C. & N. W. Ry
F., E. & M. V. R. R
C. 8t. P.. M. A O...
B & M. Ry
C, B. & q. Ry....
K. C. & St. J
C R. I. & P.. east..
C. R. I. & P., west..
Illinois Central
Total receipts ..
The disposition of the day receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 678 826 1,158
Swift and Company,... 1,029 2.176 4. 287
Armour & Co 644 2.925 8,440
Cudahy Packing Co 1,113 2,1!4 1.419
Armour, Kansas City... 90 636 ....
Vansant & Co 66
Carey & Benton 99
Lobman & Co 116
Livlngetone & Shailer.. 134
It. F. Husz 33
Wolf & Murnan 67
B. F. Hobblck 20
Dennis & Co 16
S-&S 69 ....
Werthelmer 43
Ij. Rothschilds 48
Hamilton 84
Other buyers 184
Totals 4.352 8.757 10,804
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were heavy
again today, but In spite of that fact the
market held up In very satisfactory man
ner, as the local demand was of liberal pro
portions. The market was a little slow In
opening owing largely to the late arrival
of trains, but when trading did begin the
cattle moved toward the scales at a rapid
The beef steer market was fairly active
and Just about steady with yesterday. The
better grades. In particular, were in good
demand, but still all grades sold without
much trouble at Just about the same prices
that were In force yesterday. The quality
of the offerings was no better than of late,
so that the market on paper still looks
pretty low. It takes a good bunch of cattle
to -bring 86.60 or 85.60, and as no choice
bunches have been on sale for some little
time It Is hard to tell what a toppy bunch
would bring.
The eov market was also quite brisk and
generally about steady. There was some
little unevenness to the trade, however, for
some salec looked a little better than yes
terday, while In other cases salesmen
thought they had a hard time to get steady
prices. As a general thing, though, trading
was active and without quotable change in
There Is nothing new to be said about the
bull market, as prices are unchanged and
the demand shows no notable Improvement.
Veal calves sold freely at good, steady
'"supplies of stockers and feeders were
unusually light thia morning, and the qual
ity waa also rather on the commonlsh order.
Buyers seemed to be anxious for good
stuff but the common kinds, such as were
offered, did not sell any too freely. The
prices that were finally paid, though, did
not show much of any change from yes
terday, so the general market could be
quoted steady. Hepresentatlve sales:
Boston S tucks niarf Hoar's.
BOSTON. Feb. 17.-Call loans, 3HtS4H per
pent; time loans, 4(ff-5 per cent. Official
closing of stocks and bonds:
Atchlaon 4a 101 Allouea
Oaa la K Amalgatnatad ....
Mai. Central 4a Bingham
Atchlaon 37' Caltmat ft Hacla
do pfd 100'4 Centennial
Botlon ft Albany S3" Copper Ranga ...
Hoaton A Ma ln Dominion Cual ...
Boaton Rlavated 1S0V, Franklin
N. Y.. N. H. ft H...220 Royala
Fltihburg pfd 143 ,Vnhiwlt
Union Paclfle WIS Old Dominion ...
Met. Canlral Otccola
Amarlcan Sugar Ml', Pavrot
. U'z uulncr
.lanS Ratiti Ta Copper.
. li:' Tamarack
20U iTilmi tintaln
.... MSuTrinlly
....init nltrd Statea ....
do bfd
Amarlcan T. ft T
Dominion I. A 8
0n. Electric ....
Mata. Electric
lulled fruit ..
V. 8. Stool.
do pfd
Wrattngh. Common
39V rth
. aVjVlctorta ..
.104 Winona ..
. 1H WoWarlna
.. 72
.. 33
.. 304,
.. 7.1
.. 1 1 1",
.. 14
.. MS
.. fc-V,
.. 7
.. 33
.. 24
.. 99
.. U
.. !
.. 314,
... v
... 3',
... 49w
rw York Mining- Stocks.
NEW YORK. Feb. 17. The following are
the quotations on the New York Stock
exchc nge:
NEW YORK. Feb. 17. COTTON Opened
firm at lc, an advance of 3(310 points under
the unfavorable weather In the country and
strong Liverpool cables. Before the open
ing of the local market prices there were 2
Clio higher, and before the close of the,
English market thla advance had been In
creased to a matter of 6ft8 points. The
firmness at Liverpool was attributed by
private cablea to the unfavorable weather
In the belt and to large buying orders from
this side. Commission house business wss
Interfered with to a considerable extent by
the poor wire service, and as a matter of
fact very little of the demand today seeme.l
to come from outside sources, the best buy
ers being brokers usually supposed to rep
resent Interests concerned In the bull pool
and ehorts who had sold yesterday. Aside
from a brief setbuck in the mid-forenoon
as a result of profit-taking the market
worked steadily upward throughout the
entire session and closed net 11'j12 points
higher. Sties catimated at 3'1i bales.
8T IXJUIS, Feb. 17. COTTON Steady ;
middling. 9,o; rales, 1.625 bales; receipts,
2.459 bales; shipments, 2.295 bales; stock,
28,139 bales.
March, 4s 5d; May, 4a 3Vil; July, nominal.
Pfc.A8 latino an, oulet. os trt.
FLO UK St. Loul fancy u.iiier, quiet,
Ss 3d.
Ht)PT At London. Pacific coast, firm,
151 1'7 v
PROVISIONS Bef. easy; extra ' India
meas, los Pork, easy; prime mess,
weatern. 75s. Hams, short cut. II to 16
lbs., easy. 60s 6d. Bacon. Cumberland cut.
26 to SO lbk.. quiet, 46s d; short ribs, 16 to
24 lbs., steady, 6ss 6-1: long clear middles,
light, 28 to 34 lbs., quiet. 47s; long clear mid
dles, heavy, 36 to 4ii lbs., quiet, 4ts 6d; short
clear backs. 16 to JO lbs., steady, 67s; cl-ar
bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., steady. 6a. Shoulders,
square. 11 to 13 lbs., qvli-t. 87s 6d. Lard,
quiet: prime western, in tierces, 48s tad;
American refined, In palls, 40e.
hit-.-. .
OIEF8E Flrmi American finest white
and eo ored. 62s 6d.
TAILOW Prime city, stesdy. 27s; Aus
tralian, lu 1 i ml. ,n, dull. 33s 3d,
Receipts of wheat during the last three
days, ctnta.'a. Including e2.0u0 Ameri
Receipts of corn during the list three
days, tl.3. cental.
Pktla4e!pblk Prod ire Market.
Steady; extra western creamery, 27c; extra
nearby prints, -rtk.
EUGS Firm and IVsO higher, fresh
Adama Con
a Ilea
Hrunawlrk Con
Cf.uttoi'k T.innei..,
Con. t il ft Va
Horn Sllrar
Iron Silver
Laadtllla Cou
, 3
. 10
. i
Little Chlaf
Slam Navada ..
Small Hopca
.. 3
.. 3
.. 30
.. Jo
Bank C'learlaa-a.
BALTIMORE. Feb. 17. Clearings. 84.187.
46$: balances. 3429,453; money, 5 per cent.
BOSTON. Feb 17. Clearings, 325.587.053;
balances. 81.707.0o4.
NEW YORK. Feb. 17.-Clearlngs. 8310,818.
046: balances, 810.931. Vi.
CHICAGO. Feb. 17 Clearings. 823.425.fK.
balances, 82.535.075; New York exchange, 15c
disccunt; foreign exchange unchanged:
sterling posted at 84 85 for sixty days and
at 14 s8 for demand.
CINCINNATI. Feb. 17 Clearings. 34.133.
700; money, 4'n8 per cent; New York ex
change, jtv premium.
ST. LOUIS Feb. 17. Clearings. 37.103.647;
balances. 11 116ft 287; money, steadv. 64 j 6 per
cent; New York exchange, 15c premium.
nutaaor ef Santa Fa ItunrI lassie.
NEW YORK-. Feb. 17. -It wss reported
on Wall street tolay that the directors of
the Santa Fe had authorised the Issue of
35.tV1O.At-O of eastern Oklahoma division first
mortgage 4 per cent twenty-five-year gold
bonds. The Issue Is at the rate of 320,000
per mile of the Eastern Oklahoma Railroad
company lines now nearly completed. The
Rio. firm; No. 7 invoice. 55c; mild, quiet;
Cordova, 7'(illc. Futures opened steady
at unchanged prices und following the call
Improved slightly umler buying by shorls
and certain packing interests, gaining a
partial 6 points. The Interior receipts
were heavier than expected, however, and
shortly after midday the market turned
easier aa a result of liquidation and fresh
sales for short account and closed barely
steady net unchanged to 6 points lower;
sales were 19.750 Including: March,
4 5ej-4.6"c; May, 4.70c. July 4.8oc; Septem
ber, ZMu 5.05c ; November, 5.10c; December,
Oil and Rosin.
OIL CITY? Feb. 17-No market; election
SAVANNAH Gt., Feb. 17. Ollj Turuen
lne. firm, 660. Rosin firm; A, B. C. D. E. F,
31.96; 32 05; H, 32.4c; I. $3.hS; K, 83 20; M.
83 4o: N, 83iK; W O.. 13 86; W. W.. 84 25.
NEW YORK. Feb. 17. OIL Cottonseed,
quiet; petroleum, steady. Rosin, steady;
strained, common to good, 32.2uti2.26. Tur
pentine, quiet.
LONDON. Feb. 17. OIL Linseed, 26s 6d.
Koa-ar and Molasses.
Steady; open kettle. 2.3 3-16c; opn kettle
centrifugal. 3S,tiaV,c; centrifugal whltes.3?
(4c; yellow. 344M 5-16c: seconds. ZVnaso.
MOLASSES l )pen kettle, nominal, 18'ri2nc;
-ntrtf uirnl If.'rMHi- Svrup. nominal, li-412'c.
sugar, firm; fair refining 3Vc; centrifugal,
83,c; molusses sugar, Ivlliied, firm.
I. ...
3 ...
II. ...
4 ...
J ...
. . . .
3 .
A. Pr.
... 410 2 30
... 330 t 90
...1010 3 13
...930 8 40
... 310 3 7
... 9H8 3 n
.... C33 3 90
... 950 3 90
... 962 i 90
... 60 9 90
... 90 8 90
... 900 4 00
... 937 4 00
... 434 4 00
...loot 4 Of)
. . . 9-0 4 00
...1033 4 00
...1015 4 00
... 341 4 06
... IW III)
...114- 4 10
.... 909 4 10
...1006 4 10
...1143 4 IS
...1170 4 15
...1110 4 15
.105,11 4 15
- 3....
3! ...
I. ...
II. ...
16 ...
A. Pr.
....1113 4 15
....1301 4 15
....1100 4 15
....1144 4 20
.... 477 4 20
1144 4 to
1014 4 20
....1244 4 20
....1014 4 25
....1175 4 23
....1303 3 30
1183 4
....1232 4 20
,...I47 4 U
1230 4 40
....1371 4 40
....1933 4 40
.... 935 4 40
,....12t5 4 40
1230 4 40
1154 4 40
1407 4 43
12A0 4 45
,....1225 4 30
1104 4 50
1318 4 33
4 40
4 65
3 85
4 00
..13J0 4 30
1034 8 26
94 I 25
3 .
I 23
3 25
3 it
3 30
I 30
3 S3
3 33
3 35
3 15
3 15
8 33
1 S3
3 3S
2 40
2 41
.. 9U0
... 9K4
333 I 00 7..
...'..1050 2 40 I .
714 I 40 3..
942 1 50 4..
ltuO I 50 10..
100 I 50 4 ..
706 t 50 12..
' 1030 2 50 15..
9t,8 2 85 . 1C.
9K 2 45 " ..
920 I 35 11..
1180 I 75 15..
940 t 76 3..
S40 2 75 I .
848 J 75 6.
900 t 75 4..
738 t 8i 17..
1070 1 85 I..
ll7 I 33 2..
830 I 00 t . .
1180 8 00 7. .
1127 8 00 11..
1071 I Ou 4..
387 I 00 4..
949 3 00 16..
1091 3 ft'. 17 .
912 I 05 17..
972 I 05 I..
1004 1 06 I..
1093 I 06 16..
1170 8 15 10.,
,...1073 I 15 12..
9fl 3 15 2..
916 I 26
7110 I 00 2 940 8 30
140 I 10 ... .
T50 I 16 1 1T00 3 23
1230 tat 1 110 I 26
lOuO I 90 1 l1u J M
..; 1140 I 90 1 MIS 3 31
1,50 9 16 1 1J1U I 40
IB ! 1 1190 3 23
. 41 ! 30 4 . . 4!ti I 55
. 142 3 IS) 14 Too I 93
...lo:b I 00 19 543 3 95
713 I 0 It 723 4 00
M0 I 13 9V 4 00
1 j.t 1 :r. 9 8;s 4 on
lit 3 50 3 ! 4 0
91 II 80 993 4 0
...1000 3 40
...1110 I 40
...1126 I 40
...1213 I 40
...10115 3 40
...1200 8 40
. . . 947 I 45
... 941 3 45
I 3 45
... 73 8 45
...1338 3 64
. . . 1001 8 SO
.. .Inns I 30
.. .19-5 I 33
...1190 4 00
33. . .
28 . . .
Pr. No. A
9 Sli ti 194 .
4 ai 8S 2J! .
3 9:" li IIT
4 96 8 ) 248
4 96 I I 28
4 35 2A2
4 i 71 ..2:16
4 95 U 249
4 96 82 1'-l
4 9.-. "0 218
4 95 71 144
4 47H 14 211
4 97 't 6 241
7 00 70 2;i9
7 00 63 230
1 00 71 220
1 00 76 241
7 00 66 276
7 00 79 248
7 00 40 227
7 00 60 291
7 00 39. 251
7 00 87 2(.l
7 00 58 216
7 00 74 2f.4
7 00 73 224
1 00 74 242
7 00 83 2M
7 no 34 tr.s
7 00 44 2.K4
7 00 68 238
7 00 49 271
7 00 34 141
7 00 61 243
7 00 29 294
7 00 41 231
7 00 70 148
T SO IT ta9
7 024 30 1J
1 021. 85 24
7 02' 30 244
7 02'4 42 292
7 0JU 14 40
7 02W4 67 299
7 021, 38 273
7 021 IS 263
7 02ij S3 354
7 02' 4 279
SHLEP There was a very liberal run of
sheep and lambs reported this morning,
hut there did not seem to be any too many
to meet the requirements of the local
trade, and the market opened active and
steady to strong on all desirable grades.
As high 69 84.40 was paid for western
lambs, which Is the highest price of the
season to date. Fed Western ewes sold up
to 34.50, which Is also the top price of the
season, and a little bunch of yearlings
reached 85 60. Trading was very brisk, so
that, although receipts were liberal, it
was not long before all the early arrivals
were disposed of.
Feeders were again very scarce, so that
there was no particular change In the situ
ation. Quotations: Choice western lambs, 36.009
6 25: fair to good lambs, 35.6Vft6 0O; choice
native and Colorado lambs, 6.oo , cnotoo
yearlings, 35.40ft5.65; fair to good yearlings,
34.75I&.5.25; choice wethers, 34 JSfrfSK; fair to
good, 84.4tvg4.7R; choice ewes, 84.26(g45o; fair
to good. 83 2514.00; feeder lambs, 4.0tX-(io00;
feeder vearllngs, 83.754j4.00; feeder wethers,
$3.75374.00; feeder ewes, $2. 50 3.00. Repre
sentative sales:
No. Av.
2 bucks and ewes 110
233 cull ewes 80
7 cull yearlings 71
6 western ewes
427 western twes
6 western ewes
42S western ewes
9S western ewes
407 western wethers
Ill western wethers
18 western wethers
289 yearlings and wethers..
449 western wethers.
. ..IK8
. ..I9H
7 2i
1 05
1 06
7 On
7 06
7 06
7 06
7 IT.
7 06
7 05
7 03
7 05
7 00
7 05
7 03
7 03
7 05
7 06 "
7 03
7 05
7 06
t 05
I 96
T 05
7 07Uj
7 07H
7 07',
7 0T4j
7 07'4j
7 07 '4j
7 tnu,
7 07',
7 071,
7 10
t 10
7 10
7 1
7 in
T 10
7 10
7 10
7 10
7 13
7 13
7 It
7 15
7 16
7 to
410 western wethers 102
139 western !:imbl..
474 western lambs
75 culls
6 cull ewes
6 cull ewes
13 bucks
173 western ewes
17 western ewes
18 cull ewes
33 cull ewes
17 cull ewes
1 buck
440 western ewes
87 western ewes
4 western ewes
20 western ewes
222 western ewes
2 western ewes
647 western ewes
31 native rwes
26 native rwes
5.1 Iambs and wethers
2S9 western lambs ;.
31 western lambs
1123 Mexican wethers
11 Mexican yearlings
6 western yearlings
3 western yearlings
676 Mexican yearlings
28 western, lambs
167 wesitern lambs
362 Mexican lambs
347 Mexican lambs
477 western ewes
1'8 yearlings and ewes
172 western lambs
17 native ewes
16 native lambs
3 75
4 00
4 26
4 26
4 30
4 40
4 40
4 60
6 10
5 25
6 25
6 25
5 30
5 30
6 75
6 40
1 60
3 25
3 25
3 25
3 25
8 25
1 60
2 25
2 25
2 26
8 40
3 76
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 10
4 35
4 35
6 00
6 00
6 00
5 26
6 50
5 60
6 60
6 50
5 65
6 76
6 75
6 75
3 85
t 00
6 00
4 60
6 60
Cattle Are Aetlve and Steady, While
Bheep and Lambs Incline Hlaher.
CHICAGO. Feb. 17. CATTLE-Recelpts.
5.000 ; active, steady; good to prime steers,
84.40tii5.50; poor to medium, t3.004j4.25; stock
ers and feeders 82.3OSi-4.60; cowe. ll.3Ofi4.S0;
heifers, J2.4utt4.50; canners, Jl.3CiX2.50; bulls
83.0014.00; calves, J3 504(8.00; Texas fed
steers. J3.60tft4.26.
HOGS Receipts today, 13,000;' estimated
tomorrow, 30,000; left over, 4,000; mixed and
butchers', 86.90i7.26; good to choice heavy,
$7.25&7.50; rough heavy, J6.957.25; light,
J6.50ii7.(iO; bulk, J7.00tti7.3t).
bhkbi-- tieceipts, iz.ouo; strong and
higher; lambs strong to higher; good to
choice wethers, J6.OtVg4t.75; fair to choice
mixed, J3.6uttJ4.75; western sheep. J5.004ja.75;
native lambs. 3o.uwat.uo; western lambs.
omciai yesterday:
Kecflpts. Shipments,
attle 26.630 4.456
Hogs 37.672 8.879
Bheep IH.toZ 1,130
Kansas City LIto Stork -Market.
Receipts, 6.400 head natives, 500 head Tex-
ans; calves, 600 head natives: corn cattle,
26(i40c lower than last Wednesday; fat
cows and heifers active and higher; stock
ers and feeders and quarantine higher:
choice export and dressed beef steers, 34.60
416.25; fair to good, J3.6o4 45; stockers and
feeders, J3.Z5'a4.oriH; western rea steers, 3J .00
Bettor Read This
Toil can if yon set quickly, -saeurs Klm
bartejr Mining and Milling Co. atork at I
Cants Per Share. Stork muat ba convartafl into
iaab 'at onca for benant ot an aatata hanca
thia low prlca. Tha t'o.'a prlco la 20 Canta. to
b advanced at an mry data to 4o c'anta.
Company claim thay will par dlvldanda thla
year. Thay own orar 1.000 acrea of tha boat
sine mining land In ihe world, that of North
ern Arkanaaa, and hava proved tha ailatanaa
In thalr prouarty of a prartlr-ally tnaihauatabla
body of flat ora. Bold only in lota of 600 aharea
and upwarda. Only quick artlon Ukaa thla
rara opportunity.
Band for our Hat of bargain stocka.
Investment Bankers,
, 188 nadlson St. , Chicago.
Geo.. A Adams Grain Go.
Members Chicago Board of Trade, 8t.
Louis Merchants Exchange and Kan
sas City Board of Trads.
ttoum a-Xt Homrd ( s ravis bitty.
-fhones 1006 and 1017.
J.K. - .V, Tea4iea.
Write for our market letter and cash
grain bids.
P. B. Wssre. Pres. C. A. Weare. Y-Prea
Established 1ML
A4uuera ot ICo rrtnctpai c.xclangs.
frlvaie Wires to AU feints.
Bought and sold for rasb or
future delivery.
OMAHA BRANCH, llu-111 Board of Trad
lelepbone lylA
W. C V'asd. Ioeai M-iaATesv.
l. l.onla 4. Ire Stork Market.
PT. Ill'IS. Feb. 17.-CATTLK-Receipts.
2.5"" head, including 1.500 Texans; market
stesdy; native shipping and export steers.
J.1 Mn 50; dressed beef and butcher steer,
J3.6i4i4.75; steers under lbs., J3Osi40n;
stockers arid feeders, t2.251j4.on; cows and
heifers. $2.25'(f 1.00; CHnners. $1 5fl'rj2.50: hulls.
J2.5tK(i.1 no; culves, Jl.W'iS.OO; Texans and In
dlnn steers, J3.104i4.25; rows snd heifers, 4i3. no,
lit K18 Receipts, S.OOO head: market
higher; pigs and lights, Jti6.95; packers,
16 6!7.1i; butchers', J7.ooi7..t5.
ft UK El Hecelpts, 5t head: mflrket
steady; native muttons. $4o-ii5 25; lnmbs,
$5 ( 25: culls and bucks,; stock
ers, J1.5O!i3.00; Texans, J3.2tf4.UO.
tietv York live Stork Market.
NKW YORK, Feb. 17.-CATTLF.-Re-celpts,
27 head; no sales reported; dressed
beef steady; city dressed native sides, 7(3
8c. Cables quoted American steers at ll4j
it 13c. dressed weight; refrigerator beef at
SfiSc; reported exports todav, 150 beeves.
CALVES Receipts, 250 head; venl,
steady; veals sold at $5.50tg9.7S; city dressetl
veals. 11W14lo.
Hot IS Hecelpts, 2,671 head; no sales re.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, J.152
head; sheep about steady; seiles of lambs
were at slightly higher figure, but the
feeling was easier at the close; sheep sold
at Minx-at.?.1;: Inmbs at JU 20ti7.i;ii; a deck
of cullr- at J4.fi2'A; dressed mutton general
sales, BVaftSVic; dressed sales, exilic.
St. Joseph Live Stork Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Feb. 17.-CATTI.E-He.
celpts. 1.900 head; natives. $.1.503.1 5 25; Tcxhs
and western steers. $3.20414.50: cows and
heifers, J1.7.Vj4.25; veals. $2.50&fi.5fl; bulls and
stags, $2.5Vti4.25; yearlings un.l ctilves, $2.50
ff4. 25: stockers nnd feders. H.7ti4.80.
1KH5S Hecelpts, 5, 0 head; light and light
mixed, J6. 95(tt 7. 1-0; medium anil lienvv, $7.10tp
7 30; pigs, $5.wi.nD bulk, Jtl.96iit7.25.
SHEEP Receipts. 2. I0 head: top Colo
rado lnmbs, JS.iiS; yearlings, $ii.25; top Colo
rado wethers. 16.40; ewes, J4.G0.
Slonx t'lty Live Stork Market.
SIOUX CITY. la.. Feb. n.-.Spe-lAl Tele
gram! CATTLE Receipts. ; 000 head;
steady; beeves, $3.50fT6.00; cows, tulls and
mixed, tl.ytii4.00; st ickers nnd fee.ers, $2.75
i4.30; calves snd yearlings. $.fo$i3.S.V
HOGS RecHpts. 4.500 head: 5c higher,
selling nt to .V.fiiT.oS: lulk of sales, $. ;tijjti.8.i.
SHEEP Receipts. 2I0 head; strong.
Stork In Sight.
The following were the receipts of
stock at the six principal western cities
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha 3.2o 7. son R.otm
ChleHgo 5.000 13.0110 12.0f
Kansas City ,ino i.OOO J.500
St. lxiuls 2.500 3.000 Ml
St Joseph 1.900 r.,bV0 2.400
Hloux City 1.000 4,500 20
Totals 20.000 40.700 26.HOO
Whisky Market.
CHICAGO, Feb. 17.-WHISKY-Steady,
PEORIA. Feb. 17. WHISK Y--$1.80.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 17.-WmSKY-8teady.
I'nlon Paclfle
1 9:40 am
Overland Limited...
The Fast Mail
California Express..
Pacific Express
Eastern Express....
The Atlantic Expresa.
1 he Colorado special
Chicago Special
Lincoln, Batrice and
EJtrori.sburg Express. .b 4:no pm
a 4:20 pm
a 11 :30 pm
..a 7:10 am
North Platte Local.
Orand Island Local..
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express ,
Chicago, Minneapolis
St. Paul Limited...,
.a 8:00 am
..b 6:30 pm
..a 7:35 am
.a 7:50 pm
A rrlve.
a 7 Ro pm
I 3:25 pm
a 6:30 pm
a 7:30 am
a 3.40 am
a 3:40 am
b::60 -m
t f 15 pm
I 9:35 pm
a 5:10 pm
r 8:05 atn
Mlnneannlls & St. Pau'.
Express b 7:36 am blO:J5 pm
Chicago Local 10:35 am
Chicago Express al0:35 am
Chicago, Rock Island A Paelflo.
Chicago Daylight L't'd..a 6:00 am a 6:45 am
Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a 9:36 pm
Chicago Express bll .15 am a 6:06 pm
lies Moines Express a 4:30 pm bll:50 am
Chicago Fast Express... a 6:35 pm a 1:25 pm
Rocky Mountain L t d. .a 6:50 pm a 4:6! am
Lincoln, Colo. Springs,
Denver, Pueblo and
West a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm
Colo., Texas, Cal. and
Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm al2:40 pm
Bt. Louis "Cannon Ball"
Express a 6:66 pm a 8:20 am
St. Louis Local, Coun
cil Bluffs a 9:15 am al0:S0 pm
Chlensro A Vort lii-reetern.
The Northwestern Line
Fast Chicago
Local Sioux City..
Daylight St. Paul.
Daylight Chicago
Local Chicago ....
Local Carroll
Fast Chicago
Fast St. Paul
Limited Chicago .
Fast Msil
Local Sioux City..
..a t:40 am
...a 8:00 pm
...a 6:10 am
...a 7:36 am
...a 8:00 am
...al0:55 am
...a 4:00 pm
...a 6:50 pm
...a 7:65 pm
...a 8:10 pm
...b 4:00 pm
a 7:00 am
a 8:30 am
a 1:80 pm
alO:2S pm
all:) pm
a 6:10 pm
a 9:60 am
a 1:50 pm
r 8-16 am
a 9:20 am
a 1:40 pm
b 9:50 am
t hU-KKo, Milwaukee at St. Paul.
Chlcngo Daylight a 7:45 am all :15 pm
Chicago Fast Express. ..a 6:46 pm
Chicago Limited a a:i pm
Des Moines Express.. ..a 7:45 am
Chicago Local 10:40 am
Missouri Pacific.
St. Louis Express sl0:00 im
K. C. and St. L. Ex a!0:50 pm
a $:40 pm
a 7:50 am
a 8:40 pm
a 5:25 pm
a 6:15 am
Fremont, Elkborn at
Black Hllla, Deadwood,
Lead Hot Springs a 8:00 pm
Wyoming, Casper and
Douglas a 1:00 pm
Hastings, York, David
city, Superior, Geneva,
Exeter and Seward. .. ,b 1:00 pm
Bonestsel, Lincoln. Mo-
brsra snd Fremont. ...o i:mi mm
Fremont Local c 7:80 am
Mlksonrl PseHe.
Nebraska Local, Via.
Weeping Water b 4:10 pm
ii.tmmn. St. Paal. Mlnnea
Twin City Passenger. ..a : am
iinuv r-ftv Passenger... a 8:00 pm
Oakland Local b 6:46 pm
a 5:00 pan
e 6:00 pm
b 5:00 pm
bl0:25 ani
al0:25 am
polls at
a 5:10 pm
tX :20 am
b 8:45 am
n-.i4ai A Mlssoarl River.
Wymore. Beatrice and
Lincoln a ! S m
Nebraska Express a 8:40 am
Denver Limited a 4:28 pm
Black Hills and Puget
Sound Express... ...... all:M pnt
Colorado Vestlbuled
Lincoln 'FMt" Mali." "b 1:61 pm
Fort Crook and PlatU-
mouth ......b l:W pn
Bellevue A Paciflo Jet.. a 7:60 pm
Bellevue A Pacific Jot. .a 1:60 am
Chicago, BnrllssTten at 4ln
Chicago Special a 7:00 am
Chicago Veantbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm
Chicago Local... a J t8 am
Chicago Limited a 5:06 pm
Fast Mall
Kansas City, ft. Joseph at
Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 5:16 am a 6:05 pm
St Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all -05 am
Kansas City Night Ei..el0:0 pm a 6:16 am
a Daily, h Dally except Sunday, d Dally
except Saturday. Dally except Monday,
e Sunday only.
bl3:05 pm
a 7:46 pm
a 6:46 aa
a 8:10 pm
a 8:10 pm
a 5:18 am
bl0:86 am
a 8:27 am
a 4:06 pm
a 7:45 am
all 00 pm
a 7:46 am
a 1:40 pm
Coaaell .
Naw -Ivla-Scrsw Staaaurs al 1X303 Too a.
aim.g Waduaadar at U A. 34.
ttottaroaia aUr. 4 Rrndata Mar. 23
Amatardaa at". II Kooaaam April I
i.i,-idaai Mar. 14 Rotterdam April I
HollaneVAnaertea. Lkae, t B'way. N ,. V.
rlarrr Mooras, 1301 faroaai at.. 1. S. McNallr. 13:1
ra.-oaia at.. H. f. Jaoaa, Ikot Far bam al.. Louia
Nam rtrat Nat l Dk , P. B. FWiuia A -., D14
Cartel aa . Ckaa. Manaa, 313 a, lath ., I L..
fcaatwra. tut So. lata av. Oauks. ssaaaa.