Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pa
Are Not Like Ordinary Medicines.
They Will Not Disappoint You.
Thry fill the veins -with rich, red b'.oi. scniia? reaevei life ni htikhtD every tissue of the body. Trrourh the b'ooi the? cojrish and restore the exhausted nerve fibres and
ihrir remarkab'e cure? in ail forsis of nrrvojs disorders havi amy demonstrated that DR. WILLIAMS' FINK PILLS FOR PALE PEOPLE are the most powerful nerve and spina!
Ionic in t-.e u-orli An important feature of Dr Williams dire every is its abso'ute safety. Ttere is nothirf in the preparation cf these p.Hs that can imrair the most dedicate constitution-
li vcu ire pale and saIJov, if you feel continually ""ired cut,' breathless a:ter s ight exertion, if 3 ou have headaches and backac-es. ii vou are irritab'e. nervous, shaky, if your joints
achr, if your strp i$ uncertain, if yojr appetite fails and food does not nourish nor sleep refresh you, you ove it to yourself to try DR. WILLIAMS PINK PILLS Do not let any
foolish prejudice ag-ainst advertised medicines stand betejn you and health-
DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS bring ntw life and strength. res:ore energy and, restore the d'ges lion, overcome debility, trlr the g!cw cf health to paDid cheeks, vital
ize the nerves and make strong hungry, healthy mm and vomen.
i i
1 (
11 y
boxes lor
jiuies Art Sot Iuocal
A.ttBrt M4e t 1m- lamiatBt
taaeerai, k-a t-cval Oalalai a.4
t mmrt DerllM Pmrat
' JUil. kl
"AFHTJCGTOX, Feb. 17. Mr. George C.
CbriatiacPr, articf asRtstmt attoroey fen
errnJ lor tbe PosiorVe flejianmeiit. epetk
lxi( today rerarSina tbe ceae of Aruoifl A
CfRcpaxy. aaid a traufl orflBT waa not ia
ued after reoeipt of tbe report of Pcwrt
flBo iBBj-ector rire becauw tbe -ift!i?e
t)S not (SiBcltme asy aciutl eiirticj traufl
Byaa and Crniju.y n! Bt. Louie a-er?
aJae ctUefl uj-on m XtTerober lart to abow
can a by a fraud uraer f-bnuld tint be
laaued. The cae ana refTred to jBjeptrr
rire. abo aubmlned a r port rernir.nieiid
Stg tbat it be iu-a but tbe fl'-partmem
aa uiifcbte oa tbe fnoe cf tbita tLen ta
pnrre tbat fraud tLieied. cfl utirjer a fie- !
clcion of tbe auprtnie eurt, vbi ana ne
eet:hLry . j
VLt. CbriBiianry, boaerea-. rx;reBed tbe
ciiiiton tbat a lira fraud la a abnu'id bt ;
euarted la a leTinr to a Brnktor be bad I
-auggeated an amenfimrnt te tbe tiis.iiig
law ta include "betting" arbenw-a auh at
tboae under ooEFiQcmt uiii.
Kr. Cbriatianry aeyt there aeema to he
general miBUndcrR" tnCmg regarding tbe
applinatioa ct tbe lea t au:h acheciec
Tba vocation abe:b-r the making rf beta
or pool on race cona-itutm a lottery
Aoea sot accm to bive tttn iiaaaed oa by
any tederal court, but the state count
bave beld in Eun-rm derieiouB tbat ly
lng aat-b beta or agf3-s. or tbe forma-joe
of stub poclc it not an cCenac.
Taia Wrr Kirias la IrHhtr.
FT. bCn. Mo.. Feb IT C.r-uit At
torney FtIk todsy raided the ofbre cf lb
XiinonaJ Securniia vfn.-t.tJDf . a brokerage
con'.ra.. tU.ui th trm'a ttK-ka and re
cord te tbe g-and jury r:wtn and learing
a fteerjv 1n charge of tbe premiaea.
Cbarlea H. Bro: t t pret.ideLt of the
cnir.paiy. wat put under arreat and all tbe
Gold Medal
At P.3-Ara:riC2a ttpoiitiaa.
Unliko Any 0!h;r t
Tte f-U taror. tb d el ieioua
ltj, tbe kbalnte T trill. 'f Lf"'
B -eakfasl C: a fi.stit4'aib
It frrnn a'!itbe-a
Ne "reeatmearf aritb alkaSe:
avtultmttua wt h C:-tir. etarch er
trrerod cocoa sbeli; aotti'.i.g bet tke
eurtrttive ard &ff..Uim giroast of
Ca cbaicest Cocoa B-anaa
Ask Your Dca'er for It.
Rheumatism Permanently
Mr. 3tm-j.ii V. Wamon. of Astoria. Ors-p-oa. sara: "in jtXa Liie .v ibe
f.r- d'-jitrtcxxt. fn-jtt)t i;our,r itn-upbt n an attack i-T rli'BTHiti?m.
It Tfw v-(ir- end fliialy pvt m lia3 tbat I oouliin't 5o et work. 1 jiar
tiiiUy Itust Hi- us- tf rat- j-.fiit arm tui aide tnd sc?er-u' ibe btrrrble
juitris tbrt inly tboa- -bo Lire rbf ciiifiKii 't e fel. rsrt cf ibe time I
fa fc-afnecl to it.t in-d. To! while I "! DSer lb car of doctor in
SetnJe but 1 did not do r.i arv pnod. He only pave iiie jK-rcifr to
runt be tbe jiBm am thft ft 1(3 p1 sou ale-ep. I also tried Hiesetrr but
rtiir.trt nay 'llrf. Thru 1 vrtt to our rerular docur be re but be pould
de nmblfcr for iw. Heata be tbonpbt I v a aJiFbtiv ic-Dcbed with jAiFT.
'S:Dr dew-tors "weine-d miMe to be-lp I felt djpfanrepd. Bot ilt
wJr H(tW"d Ir. TViliiamr" I'mk PiTi for I'kl roj-.i lTH"Jrt in miu.
jtji-r acd e pare ibt-n. a trial. Tti w fe tii IS' aad to nn-mtiif
iiltf-r Ix-pan tblr w I n-a a wfll xiian. 1 do t w3 to tak- axy nn-d-j'-in-
dow end I likr aii 'ibpr l-lnc I ran rsndlilT mj !f anr jhtwb
"iU ff-no-w- tb flirrrtifin 1 yrHl n l:la.
Mr. WatfK-B If no-w -rx:rfr In rbarpe of tbf Hatu- fi) c-f tbf heet
VBflT tbet j-).t tij.B tbe Cotembia rlrr. a KfcU- ard b'artr a nitE one
Tvcld -wi.b to (w. and trtr!t"Tn it all t Ir. 'Will.aiaf' 1'itk Piilf f: r
I'ale Pjilp. Hrs addr j No. 40. lrrinp irraof, AFtoria. Orfcot.
Partial Paralysis Cured.
Tb doctor said I -wit not ft for "work tad tJiat If I wantfd to 1?tp 1
would bare to plve tip bK'ns." t-aid Mr. F. 3. TrabEm. of No. 12"- 3-f-fr-.B
Ktrwt, Pet-rSa. Ill "It w a kind of jiaralria and it i du to I
Willianjs' Pir.k I'.Df for f'tU- rw;-) tbat I am noir in jierf't b'-ehb
srain. First I wotld tx b't tbi f-ld Dd -leniniT laid at tlna rr.y 1:3t
ft li a If ii-roed ' JTli nfd)ek. Tborf -were tTT:'.ile jitln til over op arid
WILLIAMS PINK PILLS FOR PALE PEOPLE are sold by all druggists or vi'J be sent by mail, postpaid, b? the manuracrurers
2.50 You are cauticned never to accept a substitu e, SUBSTITUTES DO NOT EMBODY DR. WILLIAMS' DISCOVERY.
can never exercise the curative effects of the genuine DR. WILLIAMS PINK PILLS.
offtra emploj e aere aummnDed before tbe
irrsnfl Jury.
Iater Is tbe flay tbe offiwra tf tbe In
ternational Rerurttlea compaay. In the
Xelaoa buildinc a-re alae Tiaited and tbe
booka and papera were connacated.
Tbe rraxfl Jury reaumed ita lrvna- iaratloii
rf turf lnaTtaest and broker oom
pactea thia aTwrntmk.
Tbe fonpwlna companiea a-ere tbe anbjeet
of lBveatiamtlnn: Clla Commluira tcrb
pacy. Rialte Grata compaxy. Liertwlrk Ootn
miaaioa eompany and National Secnritiea
Clrcntt Attorney lrtk annomtoed ta-
1 A.v that It wmild li ua tM.SOO.
a birl tt baa beea learoed tbat
L. x. OIU. msnacer "1 tb S. J. Ar
Dold Turf lcveatmert compaay. baa on fte
Tmait In a bank at Hartterft. Cana where
! bia family reside.
I Order! were reoelTed at tbe poatofBde te
' day to bold all mafia addreaaed 1e C 3. Ar-
sold t for L. A. GUI, manager, or E.
! V Pavt.m m.A 1 9 a-m mmmiMr1 Tn n . -
I fer In St. Lfiuia: tbe Chriaty STBdirate j
and In eatmest company, or Thomaa "Walnh.
1 manager; laierbanonal lreetnect eom-
i pany. or V. J. Hopne. preeidtrnt and pen
eral msxaeer. or EHkf SilTenborpe. -
t aiatact miaiafrr, Xa-ionaJ Security com-
, paxy.
! TbouaanclE of fl:!lara auppneefl to be in
! letters whieb have come for Arnold and
compacr a-noe Tburaday a ia be returned to
be pTBnna a ha aent them, tlthoupb they
a-ill prol.bly go through tbe dead letter
office firm..
(ra lerk Haiaa faiiit.
' XEW TOE.K. Teh. IT. Detective today
I raided tbe efficea of C K Kand and Com-
pany. turf apeculatora. at No. 1CP Broad
aay. and arretned tbe members of the firm.
C. E. Kand. a bo ueacribed btmaelf aa an
caiw-r of race btirseR. and Joeejib Eeagan.
The ooncera waa one of nitxy adpertu.
ing infallible aeberoe for operating buck
on tbe race track and holding out prom
isee cf profit of 3 per cent a a ark a a
bait for lnvertcra. It 6pbere of opera
tion waa principally in tbe aeat.
gi ai
CHICAGO. Feb. JT Nearly V person
claiming t bve been made victim of the
get-rirb-Quick" turf concern. ahoae
office were raided last week, gathered at
tbe Harrison etreet police station today te
attend s meeting called bg tbe police.
At tbe time the meeting wa called it wa
annousoed abet plana for prosecuting the
arrested men would be diaruaaed and meana
of getting back investments decided upon.
; A fast aa tbe poreone arrived today tbey
aere told te go to Inspector Jame Stuart
at the jmstofbee. or to tbe offise of tbe
i state's attorney, abere plan of prose ru
tins would be dweusaed.
I AnUctpauag federal action against tbem.
' the conoems eboae piai-e aere recently
, raided have gives order tbat their mail l
I debeered te e.hw aodraaaea.
! After sorting over tbe materia! taken n
J tb second raid of Harry Brolaski place
' yesterday ar-emooa tbe jilioe aaaert tbat
evioenne wa found tbat investor lust at
i leaet flT.WK' it aflaition to tbe Ilil'.ulH- knrac
te have oeen lort aben the nrt raia sat
Tbe bearing aaa cort-cued ten days
Biiuager'a bond aa piaiK-d at i;..(mh and
that of bis associate at J.'-uu
Bai'et -tatlrr.
WEST POINT. Nen.. Feb. IT Special .
Almoa J. Baiiey and M:t VlLggie Getse-meit-r
aere married at the C:hoi.c ciurri
at Bancroft tbi morning Rev Father
Crcaiey, vicar of the pariah, rftt-jitin?
Tbe groom ia a thriving young la-mer of
Nei gh uanshi. and tbe bride a daugh
ter of Jaaej-h Getaemmw acd a meiauer t-f
one of tbe oloeet and most influential taat
llse ia eastera Can-tag county. Aa elab- i
crate recepuua and tianquet aa tendered ;
tbe young couple at tbe bome of tbe bride '
father, at abicb over KKi relattve and j
TTM-BfJ aere pct Tbe ooupj am re-
aide oa tbe farm rweea.r jiti baaed by the
groom, northeast of tbia cut.
f arai i ra e
rt-TEICE. Xeb, Ftb.
r-y t.f ntrtrta Gage county
farmer left ,
yeaiM-day lor a Ian -seeking tr- tbraugfc Ktilen. te requ:-e gatl-t.f bar-e!S snd
Oklahoma and India Territory. Rem can to be pa.sied vernui .Jtt. if inaur
be already leund io.atiuat and otbera g j sore commifee. is prevent ever rnsuranre
t a--re aith a tem of aaeattag ta cat tbe 1 of property, iy Krie-fc - prevat bulls
tnd tonebtkona fsearabia j and B'-a-hor trsa running ml large, by
Tornado Bssoi Coasts? Bluest Qcicklj
W tiie Boriotn.
tat tm mt Hmm- aril k Btl.rr Ba
alas Watat Rlark far erly
ElSkt Hvara, Wkra Beta
ralac 1 eaael Arriva.
NORFOLK, w-. va, Feb. 17 A tornado
atrock tbe paaaecger bt earner Olive, wbich
pljne between rrankLn. Ta.. and Edenton,
K. C at i? 1( laat night and aent it ia tbe
bottom of tbe Chowan river, off Vooflley'a
pier, betaeen Mount Pleasant and OHr'
aharf. j
KnraiMi timniii r knin in v.t
been droaned and othet aba aere reamed
are ia a oenou condition.
Tbe atorm forcefl Ol:vt over on i'e
beam end. and aben it righted it aas
only to rit.k on acrour.t of the a-ater taken
on board.
A majority of the paaaeiiger and crea
aere beloa at tbe time and bad ao oppor-
! rtrniry to reath tbe pilot bouae. Tbia waa
tbe only poruon of tbe ebip left above
aaler. and in it. a-anding a-aist deep from
tbe time of tbe ai-nocut uttil C in tbe
morxing. Captain George H. "Witty and ve
otbera aaited lor rescue, abea tbe rjver
at earner retitt hove tn rigbt and took off
tbe almost froaen aurriaora.
aa-atk Dak Ma tvuir Drltea
iMXkrr Da- ta tft
tlr It.
ta Take
PTE REE, fi. D., Feb. 17. (Special Tele-
graa ) Tbe senate today ruthod tbrouch
a long calendar of senate bills and abound
at tbe day' wcrk by a bot dispute over
tbe fsvorabie and adverse conn :t r-
j porta on a nea liquor license bin abicb
j ba lor ita main feature county local op
. tion. Senate biiir passed aere granting to
sthool corporauon an increased limiuucn
of indebtedness; providing manlier of
election of school boa-dt: appropriating
( deficiency in expanse account of public
taaminer; appropriating lcr tbe
state guard for neat tao year, arpropriat
lag gli (i(Hi for silter servi:-e for battleship i
South Iwkota: rertlatiaa tt? sale of liouor I
TrVrZ- rL!?
purjicae of taking acknearlaagmenta; a gea
eral oil inrpection bill requtrtng atamplng I
a to quality, approjiriating gS.iK t tbe '
S-ate lair lor premium tor tbe neat ta-e
yer. providing a penalty lor stealing gaa. j
aater r elerrricity ; f aing the eompensa- '
tion of tbe public- examiner at 11 (MH per '
year; providing lor method of election of I
city and t'i i w.twtKn j
Tbe committee rpi-r; on f ntte b'.J ht
regarding liquor ln-enae cam. up en ma
jority tnd minoruy reporta and Close
moved tbe adoption cf the majority cr
favorable rMnrt T-.rtit . l .
amendment the ratnontv report. Tiut
called un f oddard and Cl-ae ta s-jfpjri of
tbe Ira it remark m a hit tbey h-ttcrlr
arraigned the saloont Fnebcrg tried to
srnd tbe b U ba: a 'c.
O-ittee at - l Jai ffi a I
tt judiciart cons-
e B: i on. and Ab-1
s-anted flit b li to ctimt utj ltir art .oti. but
did not tattit ;t. Tbe mo-innt and amend-m-nt
enotc in a pa-1-.amntary tngle
a bicb a a -.1fl d by a motion to place It
on the caieLi.ur for tomorrow ehieh aaa
ado; ted
Vea senate t.;:it aere bv E-anw.n. to
increase petit. -y for vio'.a-ios of dental
ba-. by Montgomery, is maie tbf S ate
Ftremet aeaa-it-ion a ataie inBtjrutits.
Tbt bouae cor mifee repor-ed Ueorabiy
j eD , funeral b. : fur !he mcorporauon of
. rIwi railaay compatiet : and aa unfartr.
rein oa tbt acti-rompart InBurante
x. aaaaaae- I P'1"'11' 'ry pitnt titll
j aent bark te tbt a j prcnriationa comicr.
1T. -Special t A tee. atirh prarucaUr ttlef b ta'f.
Tbe prinr pal irfa buae bfli aere t-
tbf-B 1 -ou)d bare no fwl'tic ft ill. A laalinct hoid :ru n mf r r iih
and I ootid nt tiort-. Wb it all aponlriiic bf iijobi; end a ia:ii
!& tbf rtrioB -f ii T tqi.n-. I l(K-t liac-k on It now n 1 wesdrr bow i.
ii.'i-d ilt rion tbroccii tbet lonf and trrinc ordval. Tborc wr- nmnib
and inrB!bf wb-n I pot no nTnral - and tlt umtQ rT?:n c a
wrf'k fT'in jelB and tbf ojiiatv wbictb 1 bad lw'n -Mir-d to tik
'Xn day I r-d tb- ptatf-njTOt -f a nm abo bad Ix-f-n -or'-d of a -fc-I
ke mii I-t In. Winiani" Pink Pill for Pal Po(jii- and I Ix-ctn taJ. :nr
tbftti. Tb trrt Iox d)d K w-n tbat 1 oonTiBDd rntil tlx Iox- tn-r
takfB a.nd I waa -Btirp!T rnred Tbat wt ebotit pvfn T-far tg-o and I
barf twfii 1b iwrfert bal:b -Tpr alnof."
Acute Indigestion Cured.
Ui Hfln Rolinp. of No. Sor'ii TTasb'.ErtoTi rL-t. Colcb'.i.
Obio. t: "Two Tf-arf i.o I boo aa avack -f arrr1 indiptjon.
TBr-d bj- dwtou b'-uda ). and iiixj c;f H. 1 lort In woitbt. iit cohv
j)fion l'-anif jialf and willow. fcUpbt fxt-rtk'B mad" ni brfatb? bhrd
and I rulci not walk ity Oititaitcf wlib-ut efftrnf an tsred obv I two me
aiamwd end wocrbt aid but tb dcKTor cet n- no Ust nc Wn-f-ti
atid I mrtinti(d to prow wor. My pu-iuaob ootid not :fr-t ovj
tbf nimjiU-Kt and mtt wi.fiW-.nnp food, r.nd f?.i'-Tiiic did not t--ia to b? 'j
irif. Ard I wa so ti'fd an.1 worr ort aL tbf wbiie.
-It was Ir. ""illiatD:- P.r.k I'ill lor PaJ- Poj-b tbat trd hip. 1
read it arnrb- soTD-wbT' v-Hirf wbat -if j-iil bad ootit- anj I 1-pi.n
trkrtp tbt-m. Ju-lt emu- tliu't liunj-iiat-lT. I k-;t oa sckii-c tb-xu
and rr.T color oarne bak. ! fonld '-tt ar: in with relish tnd iri:i no foar
of diPtrowt.c oonwQtH.cov. 1 twprn t fpol rtn? r tad arrirf nnd in a
fbort Tim? wa rftor-d to j-rtr"-t b'-iitb." Ir. Truiiarut.' I'ir.k
P.lia for Palf Peojilf did for Miw Kolin; ib-T wm do for fiber aiiLiIir?r
tffi.rtp a i jiroTed Vy tbtiRM!cLf of od tie.
IF 1 POIIT k-tk r tm itl. Dr.
WIIIiaiB- risk rr st. virile mm
m4 vt rkrikrr tkrr hir, mrr4
liaflar 1 T r m-m m. Me
amrer J mm wlih avfe-t frake.
Wfr mill sot veil Ike jflla t ?ilr
m an we mmx iktak mry will rare.
x-k-erl J. . 1.
Bemtft, prrTiflinc for parwtit ftir rare ef
itiaane In northern bOKpiit: by count iea.
Tbe bouae puhbed tbrouch a numbei of
bouee bill itb but littW li.BruBKHin they
beinr te appropriate IKuf' f:ir tbe aerre-ary
of tbe rtate biatoncaJ BfrJety; alioainr
aervjee on certain eorjiontiona by publi
cation: proridiof method of lnatrurtion of
June : maklnc oie pireE ta mutual i
aurance compasiea son-nefrotiable; appro
pnatin t2K for deficiency at reform
achnol. Tbia waa an oid account, and
Groaa. democrat, oppoead It tin i be cround
tbat tbe Board of Charltie and Cmrertion
bad not epprered tt. and stating tbat be
did not consider ibe approval of tbe board
aa oonatltoutd by the apjomtee of Gov
ernor Lee ta be of any raiue ahaterer; ta
allow tenna of county court to be held at
j other tban county aeat tears, ahit h ctliea
! cut cpiniona from peveral tbat they be
j iieved there a-ai aometbing crooked in tbe
meajiure. but it aent through after atrik.iig
j off tbe emergency clauat; txing the aalary
of the at.: veterinarian at II.M'( per year
and eenea.
The bill 1 appropriate
' !' Jr rear to publit-h and circulate
the reporta of tbe State HarucUitural ao-
I 'iety railed out aumnem pwu.. i.
aend it to the JudiclE.ry committee jot iut-
tber conaideratlon.
Matiera 0T tr PkiUra-iaea.
FTI"EGIS. S li.. Feb. :T 'Special.
Headouartera band and F"irst squBdron of
the TbirteEtb cavalry. Fort Meade, left the
Sturgit Oepot yestrruay afternoon on their
way to tbe Fbillppinea. Tbe Elkhorn road
bat tbe contract for carryitig the soldier
Ltil their bacELxe from tbi city to
cite to San '
Francisco. Tbey will arrive at San Fran
ciBBO about the 2ftb of the raoath. abere
the trooii will be camped at Presidio until
noon of tbe iTtb, aben vhey alll march
aboard tbe transport Logan and tail for
tbe Philippine at 11 o'clock on tbe IKth
milke a greet maxy regr.mentt heretofore
tbat have been ordered to tbe h land, the
bry of tbe Thirteenth, almost to a man.
are looking fcraard witb pleasure to tbe
ti-ir. Omt a T-uTttiTT cf tbe lamtiic of
1 offioert and ethfed men ccrmpanit-d tbe
Ce-trie Uc lr Tart..
fTTEGIS.. E Tt.. Feb IT. Ppscial
Fort Meafle aill soor bv tlec.ric light.
T. nole ttaeen til cty and the post
bavt nearly all beet sei and tbe string- j
. ing of wire a-ill beg-.n in a fe flay. Tbe j
I 1 uiltinet at tbe fort are already It ,
j 1 thought "bat tbe current
I on from tbe Sturg-.t piact
i aeet.
riil le turned
in about tao
Special Tele-
laiait 1
rranxGove-nor H.-reid today appointed
Mr. D. L. Prmttp cf Britten
a mi-miier O
tbe 'Woman Board of Invest. gttion
Charitable and Penal instnutinua in plat
of Mr. Lyon cf Sic-ux Fall, resigned.
Msr, Cmti tiiii:i Here Hrd It
i "Good nest trvel.- taai " and tbe tbou-
! aanct of liad ba-k . n-r- in Cmtha are
) giafi to lean, tnat j.-ompi relief it a-r.btt
i tbeir reach. Many i lam, a eak and at b-
ing batk i bad no more, to Ixiau
Kifinry Piiia. Our tin m are lYn
good neat of tbei rjieriente aih tbe
little cenqueror of t ittney it Here i
an eran j ie aor.h rt i Ciag
Mr A. Eauacbert bouse aud patnter.
lui X irtb avenue nose office it at 3
, . li t street, teltpi
j arbe" Wby. 1 had
n Kisb. fciyt ' fcart-
ae bad for tao ;eart
j that it seabened n at ntgbt. and aben
j tbe attack aere a te:r beigm irtmble
with tbe kidney section ee; it 'Whea
1 1 aert ta KaLn A Co s drug t-ce for
Iwat't E.Tdney pill 1 Lad very fart
in tteir merit but naif t bet cured m.
al-botffc I took me"- ta make a job cer-
'a.n It ema ca-iou lhtt af er u; irr
liquid medirtnt and
ner ion lor
my kidney Ixiaa a kidney P. lit abould ef
fect eurb e aonftertui and rapid cure "
For eale by all dealer Price W cent
per boa. Foeier-k ibura Ca . Bufala. X
aoie agenta lor . oe t ailed Sta'es.
sVaanesnber tbe kaB. Ijoaa a. and take ns
Dreaded Anaemia Conqured.
M-- "-e'rp.Lna .T. Wcwht. No. 12? La.kf tirrrt. St. Altun. M.
t curfd rf anoeiiiia y In. T"iU;aiu' Pink PiUa far Pal rpoj'-
sbTf -yiy ;-! -na tw-f-arue tU run dewn p-wraTlT, ict t'l:od wa poor,
and liit- docit-rs Phid 1 luud tuaertia. Mt apjrtlt.f failed xe. I Itf-cam?
jul" i -id fiifi t witb no oolor tt all iB vry fare. 1 bad fi.Mrr p-n tod
f.r. betdi My iitTi'1'1 iTec-ted cy lin,t and I ronli not wa.'k
i:t U:w-f uo witbort lK-ttii ii:c Ttry inncb fatipw and abort ff breatb.
1 FnT'-ed lor two Tear an twice . oottnwJ to let txd I doctored
wl;b -.lie liM-i ! jibTniciiin for t-rer a jear and m-fiTed xo benefit- Tben I
nent i . MoLir-al and took treatneLt from a j'bTi-ian their but be d J
me i,r, loor) m,,i ipan to f-ar I wocld r-TfT pet wU.
l. :e M'-Eirerl a frenJ of mine adTtwd rie to try Pr. TTiUiam'
P:.k !'. for 1'rle reo;. 1 tepan Ti.tiLp tbem and QtilrklT naw a
b8rp! for tbe l'Tter. I ooe noticed tbtt nr I!; werf bectnnint to look
r-d anc tbe jialor wa fd:i:p away. My eti-ek tw-can to U P:t and try
jjt;v reri'iied. My friend notif-ed ibe and at-ked me wbo
a il.i donor now. I 1 -13 t!iui tbat In. William" Pitk PIDa for Pale
Peojiie vre ci::r.c all tb.K Aiiopetber 1 tonk twelve boxea and by that
rrae I t-a a vtronp and bet 't by p'.rl apaiii"
M.k T.-rJ.a Kennedy, a yoni.p laiy liTinp at C-ntoB 3nnrtiin, Va...
aT: -T :,en I rf foureL yeerf ()a I tw-pan To decline In beahb. 1
vt rstir- !y wttbout color, tbin a a n'.l. weiron and irritable, tired and
l'f-le and id a (w -lousij- low ritte -f beiJUi in peneral.
vf.c leicTi from tbe birb -bofl on accor.ct of try poor beab.b. bt:t
corjtittieJ tt prc- worw. Tlwa 1 ix-fau t t; te In. William' Pink Pili
ffr I'Lb- Pfj'le. and wjtb tbe trst few doMf Ixcan to fel twtter. A few
Ik-x r-tored km entire'T tti balU. "
iJpbrc EnPW TritM TO AiffinistrLUDU of j
Amtricaii Pfrmdtnc'et
Tiaae. tk- C mm,t-lm, la tkvr ka.
areatlTe Title
f tke la
Wirtk ertea t
AiaaWa ar
t IkortkaieiaC
"The Administration of Iependenciea."
by Alt.beut H. Fnoa i a hat tbe aub-tltle
indicate, a study of tbe federal empire
with special reference to Aineritkn colonial i
problem Tbe atudy br tndertaken wa
suggested to tbe author ta-o y-eara id
by a converaation on the jiroblem arising 1
from tbe recett acQUiaition cf our m- '
auler pDBBenjOiia. in abicfa it a-ac em
j hasiaed that there i one t la use in tbt
cDnBtiTutitn of tbe t'nitcd Ftate tbt
riauae m wbicb oongrcee it given poacr
"to disiose of and maie all needful ruifi- ,
j and regulation respertirg tbf territory o' ;
j other property llotcit:g to tbe t"nlt-u '
Suites" to abifh the supreme court btf
never attached a drf.t:te mpkii.iic. Bell i -
jEr thk, ,b autitir cf ttp conBtirutint.
; lB trt-zaluf that iaBtrument. almrst t;i:tul- I
i j..j. lbf enactment, by the;
. American oobgreaa. of tn ordmanc: for !
i lBf. admit ittrat ion of tbe ncrtbaest terri- J
tory a a dependency tf the Anitritn :
union, intended tbi elanse, tbe only one i
on tbe suret. to erpres the true prin
ciple of tbe edminisTsiinn of dr;t-nde-
cies. Mr. Pnoa attemjited to ast-erta-.L tbt ;
correctnea cf bt belief. Tbi necee s;ta'l '
' a great amount of careful rt s-arrh and
examination of tbe tbeory and j rartioe of :
j tbe eflmialBtrauon of the American liack ;
to the inception cf tbe coioaiet in ILe. i
: At a result of b! labor tbe author aa
(-(rvinred that bia belief i correct and be 1
bat put into a tphnCtdly s-ritten volume
ja dear tatetaent cf tbe bisioriral fart:
1 that have led to tfc.E conclusion. Tbe book
! 1 pubhf bed by G. P. Putnam a Sona.
At .this
time aben tbe revolution is
it attractini aide attention. .
maty a bo desire to know eome:b:ag about
the country suay find full information in
Frank G Carpenter a "South America: S-
i rial. Industrial and Political " Tbe pub-
baber bve Just brought out a new edition.
handsomely bound and profusely illustrated.
' Tbe a ork cun'ain comple e iElormatios
' about tbe country in general ! aiae, pop-
1 nlat ion. gcverrment. j.roCur-tt, m-ana of
travel, gold silver. Jeafl and asphalt
; nimm. IiariKirfc. iaif;auir j'v.'.. ujn vi
of 1 modern convenience, etc.. etc. Published
by The Saalteld Publisb'ng company.
Akron. G.
Tbe Sea Amsterdam Book company baa
lotluded in it iat commoiaealth ltbrary
a rrpr.nt of Culuca t H. story of tbe Five
Indian Natiou of Canada." in tao vol
umes Tbi pioneer aork on the Iroquois
liidiatf ba long b--n out of pr.nt and ln:
oeFB.ble to tbe genera! rbder. It ia not
oi:'y valuable for tbe information it con
tain, and fea- met coaid pack more lad?
oa a )iKge inan Ccveru;ir Golden, but fo
ihe fact tLa: it i one 'jf our earliest book
of impor.ance concern :.g the Indian of
tte east. ft-i iLiin cf tne map and titi
pagf-t cf :b: cr.gintl r- printed There it
also a po-tra.t cf C'.cuen and an mtroauc
- icn I t Eoixrt Ti:.
" 'bf Comecian." w "be stgges-iv.
t -je of the noel m A .neiee fur atarct j
Tbe au bor it Ktte .tordan -Mrs F. kl :
Vermiyei. abuse aork it tlaay notaile
for in tense cramt'ir qutiry atid boti.-tj of
( bararter.rat ion. It s-ene-s- ttu ( tb
ncvel l j-eeui.arly atract!vc Tb etriier j
par cf the s"ory are laid in tte i
purbeut of Nea Ycrk ai-jetT. end the lai'cr I
in the etv.rnnmt-ct of the American colon' 1
j .t Pa-ia la tne same temwr it a mo. J
amusmg and ct jper lr.tie pity ty Cfo
j l tf I'uer. "Tbe Handi ng t.f Husband - j
i tian 11 it at once fcumoroua in-it, u ana '
i mud.y pLiiosoi bical is a piper in "Tbr
Sublime Art of Pieaatag Ai-.ra " A new !
ante.-, ar.b a gift of fun. dented'y fui.
and original, a Ivid Barton, a bn cnn rii
ti.ta a a ury. Aa Onsta: ie u- Jtarr.age
It is one of tbe mom laagnabie bi't uf bc
tiot ptbithked ia many e- O.a-ie b
ttll I jc-Tt... It 'My Au'bort'
For Growing Girls.
upon receipt of price, 53 cents per
They are ordinary mixtures of
f. -ct a valuable hint to tbe man tbat find
be forgotten hi latrbkey and ia In
cuaiiaary a to a here to s;iend tbe night.
TaTifal." by Guy 'W'ermnre Carryl. a a
UEltt. pretty lore story of an American
g. rl abroad. George Horuia. autbor of
"L.fce Another Helf" and other good dot.
elf. is in evidence with a virile story of
Chicag peoiile. "Mias Black Affinity." I:
read like a page from tbe life chronicle of
tbe middle west metropolia. Tbe awae in
Ainalee'a ia uniformly select and sound, la
tbe March issue verse contribntora particu
larly to be noted are Ethel Watte Mumford.
Arthur Stringer. Clinton Scollard and Ar
thur Ketcbtnn. "Tb Paaaisg of tbe God."
It Arthur Stringer, ia tar above tbe usual
t free product of any magarina.
Kay Stnnard Baker, one of tbe most
popular of tbe younger American magazine
ariiera. ha Just returned ta tbe east from
a trip of several month through tbe nonh-
est em state, during wbicb be baa been
gathering material for a series of articles
on "Tbe Great Nortta-est," which will be
gin In the March Century. The story of
tbe great b of tbe citiea. boar tbe m.gbty
abeat farm are managed, tbe mining In
dustrie, rattle raielhg all a-ill be told in
Mr. Baker's crisp and picturesque a-ey.
with striking illustration by Mr. Edaard
L. BlumenBcbein. aba accompanied the
A MAC A- 1
Peerless Periodical Prodigy
rtOKEKI WAKDktv. au-l.or cf -EOrjFX OS TBE MAESH," and anber ir Jaa nt
nee it arlaea tbe no relet t lc tni nambar.
ErrriT BTCn tn a mvriklng arvlc.ia,
Fifty other popular writer eoatribnae to It WTZtBB.D A It i.'Iir
fittanf entertaining fiction, porvrg and lv
Jet aiiilar eeasl fmrwwr
rcc tec wpiiruivr. rn
LVJ a--t J I tuujui.iu t-
Ml W
160 Pag'es
. Ot
f aV&050.00 i
box; sir
writer on bis jourtiey. Tbe t'.rrt arririn
tell of tbe atriting th ng in em-n in
rortland. SpokJLne. Tacnma. Ma-tle and
tbereabou:a. Mr. Bilker n-ne on "Ttif
Great Routfca-eet." a hicb I ;i)'-ured in Hie
Century last year, a a a uisi-nrt aui-cef.
and it is believed that bi presett article
a-ill aet before eusiem reader more tbt-r-ocghly
and entertainingly thrn -vrr b -fore,
the natural and industrial actioer of
tbe northwest.
Agaia the Smart Set t'v iht
variety and eaneljenoe of ita moment, lu
oeefl, tbe March number aee.m tbe licet yet
lBsued of tbia most suooessful magazine.
Tbe Mvolette. "The Secret of Frincesa
Paul." ia writien by tbe famous Englu-h
autbor. Florence Warden, and it ia safe
te y tbat no better atory of mystery baa
recently ajipeareft. The reader is beld ab
sorbed from opening to climax- The r-cry
ia told witb the extreme of skill around a
plot at purxling a it 1 distinct ie ar.3
T above book are ior Bale by vin- -
gtb Stationery company, link Farnam f
TiBt-' Cure 0 year on tbe market, end
still tbe best for cough and coiat. H:.r per
i bottle..
o r
Run tt
a a B
c y
pmmr i.lwi iyaia. ar raaast
nrrn ati kft to?.i
A Cotnplet Novel
r Ce aeaa a a
A?tT OTt-JBt
lraoff- ft
I entkeiaau. P
tn inrmw'al