THE OMAHA. DAILY NEE: WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 100.1. A fMME YOTTKr) America's Most Popular CHAMPAGNE "SPECIAL DRY." "BRUT." 50 PER CENT INCREASE in the nnlp of (JoM Sea! for 1902. (.old Seal in hi!1 nil over the world. Its popularity i proof of it r quality, boquet ami llavor. Why pay twice as much for foreign labels ? "QOLD SEAL" l sold everywhere and served at all lead in? club and cafes . L8BANA WOE CO , LRBANA, NEW 0k. SOLE MAKER. W . I 1 Jit iLj Coin 5sHAl Special DOT FIRE THREATENS SOLONS riame Ereak Out in Qall 17 of National Representatives' Chamber. UTTLEFIELD TILTS WITH SUL2ER Claims How York Man Makes Mia. Icadlaa XUIriafiU and la Scored Severely In Arrnlri Mrm ber'e Reply. WASHINGTON. Feb. 17. Some little ex citement was crested in the bouse of rep resentatives Just before that body convened today by the discovery of a slight blaze In the floor of the east reserved nailery. The fire rame from a defective flue la the democratic cloak room and when discov ered about fifteen feet of the moulding was ablate. The flamrs were soon extinguished and the members suffered no Inconvenience when the house met. Consideration of the naval appropriation illl- was begun. The general debate Was .vlthout special feature. The paragraph providing 1210.000 for a naval station on the great lakea went over on a point of .Tier. Mr. Llttlefield (Me.) and Mr. falser. (N. T.) had an Interesting c'.esh .Wore the naval bill was taken up, the iormer charging the latter with having perverted the record. Record la larorrect. Mr. Cooper (Tex.) called attention to the fact that through an error In the re iord a bill pasaed yesterday relating to an ..pproprlatlon In the river and harbor till or Sabine Pass technically repealed the river and harbor bill. Aa the matter was omewhat complicated It was allowed to ,o over until tomorrow. Mr. Llttlefield (Me.) then arose to a question of privilege In connection with tome remarks made by Mr. Bulier (N. Y.) ast Saturday. He charged that Mr. Eul .:er had misrepresented him In various ways and had subsequently corrected his remarks to make It appear that he (Mr. ..Ittlefleld) was present. He characterised the alleged misrepre sentation as ''deliberate, premeditated and -ntentlonal." He read a newspaper article .escribing the alleged genesis of the Llt- lefleld bill, supposedly in Mr. Suiter's vords, and commented upon the statements .aade denying them seriatim. He declared hat the anti-trust hill d been prepared :y himself and the other member of the -.ubcorarofttee of the- JuJIclary committee .fter consultation with the attorney gen rat He also denied the report of an al leged conference between the president and himself at which the president was repre sented as being displeased with the Lit lefleld bill. Mr. Sulxer replied In a semi-humorous ' eln. He spoka of Mr. Llttlefleld's speech ns bis "defense" for hla failure to pass .-is anti-trust bill In fulfillment of hie al leged promise to his constituents last sum Wr. , "He is so putted up with his own vanity," said Mr. Sulser, "that he can see no good .n anybody or anything except himself and tls measures. Hs is like the dog that 'arks, gets bitten and then whines. He -whines not so much against me as against he powers that be, and not so much i gainst the powers that be as to square flmself with the promise he made last summer." Ka-ral Bill Is Debated. Mr. Dalsell (Pa.) of the committee on rules then presented a special rule putting the legislation reported In, the naval bill tor the Increase of the personnel of the navy and tor the Increase of limit of cost of the Naval academy in order. The resolution was adopted without di vision and the house went into committee of the whole and took up the naval ap propriation bill. Mr. Foss (111.), chairman of the commit tee la charge of the bill, made a prelimi nary statement explaining lta important features and dwelling especially upon the necessity for providing additional officers of the navy. General debate closed and the bill was read for amendment. The paragraph appropriating 250,SOO for a naval training station on the great lakes went out on a point of order, raised by Mr. Pttsgerald (N. T ). On completing thirty of ths sixty-five , pages the committee rose. The senate amendments to the Indian ap propriation hill were disagreed to and the 111 sent to conference. Messrs. Sherman U3 N. Y.), Curtis (Kan.) and Little (Ark.) were appointed conferees. REPORT IS NOT UNANIMOUS Senator Piatt of lonarrtlcut Opposes the llttleneld Aatl Trast Bill. WASHINGTON. Feb. 17. Soon after the senate met today Mr. Hoar (Mass.), from the committee on Judiciary, reported the Llttlefield anti-trust bill as amended. Mr. Piatt (Conn.) of the committee stated that it was not a unanimous report, and that he was opposed to the measure. He said a large proportion of the bill has been more wisely and appropriately treated In legislation recently enacted. Concerning the new features there were, he said, unconstitutional provisions in them. Even if they were wl'hln the constitutional authority of congress they were mischiev ous and would work great Injury to the burlness Interests of the United States. The statehood bill being taken up, Mr. Depew (N. T.) resumed hta remarks In op position. He yielded to Mr. Proctor (Vt.), who presented the conference report on the army appropriation bill, which was agreed to, and then resumed his remarks. After Mr. Depew had proceeded for some time, Mr. Teller (Colo.) took objection to some of his remarks regarding the unequal representation In the senate. Advancing to the center aisle, and speak ing with great fervor, Mr. Teller said It was not a small thing to talk about chang- ' lng the form under which the government had grown ao great and so strong. "I have listened to a good deal of non sense," said he. "I nave listened to a good deal I consider beneath the dignity of the senate, but I cannot listen to Mr. Depew's remarks without saying here, as a senator and as a citlien of the United States, that I feel Insulted and that I feel this Insult from the senator from New York." "Replying. Mr. Depew said he regretted that Mr. Teller felt Insulted, but "when you add to the minority representation in this senate," said he, "and take It farther away from the people, you are calling at tention to a condition where you cannot tell what the people may do In the discus sions of the future." Mr. Depew had not concluded, when, at 4:05, the senate adjourned. With the Bowlers. The Council Bluffs Bowling team beat the Krug Park Juniors last night on the West ern alleys, winning three out of five con teats, two played in Council Bluffs and three In Omaha. Score: COUNCIL BLUFFS . 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Rutherford Dudley Ifarvey ... Rogers Norene HllSt .13t ll 1S2 144 136 154 2"J 145 144 170 1S2 47! IMS 146 135 118 M0 4M 423 463 Totals .748 820 80S 2,373 KHt'Q PARK JUNIORS. 1st. 2d. 3d Total. Humbert 149 132 134 Clay las 138 14 Hunter 1M 156 lift Griffiths 170 lxS 139 French 138 1&4 16 415 41 414 4M 468 Totals 804 787 690 2.VI1 In a league game on Clark'salleys iat night the St. Charles' took three from the Nationals. Score. 8T. CHARLES 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Fritscher 2' 131 JW W7 Forecutt ITS 1 12 634 Carson 17u 148 178 W Schneider 186 13 1st b3 Keller 164 1 15 432 Totals 783 870 2,562 NATIONALS. 1st. 2d. 8d. Total. Gilchrist 143 117 1S1 421 Ahmanson 13 190 142 614 OJerde 13 155 1K8 634 A. C. Reed IX! lift 168 476 Tracy 164 146 156 466 Totals 14 7H X 2,413 Sloaeon Aaata Defeated. PARIS. Feb. 17.-The Interest In the In ternational billiard tournament is Increas ing dally. The Sallo des Fetes of the Grand hotel was crowded to Its utmost capacity when Slosson and Sutton, the Americans, commenced play tonight. Slosson led off, sooting 11, but his bad form of yesterday persisting Sutton won with comparative ease by 600 to 3ue twenty-seven innings. Sutton's average on the game was 18 14-27 and Bloeson's 11 t-'il. High runs were: But ton, 86, 71, 68; Slosson, 71, 67, 27. Iowa Bowlers Thraatea Secession. INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. 17.-There Is a possibility of a split In the American Bowl ing aaeoclatlon. Unless the next tourna ment goee to Milwaukee It is probable that the bowlers of laws. Wisconsin and Minne sota will seeede from the national assoclu tlon and form an Interstate league. The eastern teams. It Is believed, will give their support to Cleveland. Indianapolis and Chicago delegates bold the balance of power. Three Things That do not belong in this age Y Old6 Tallow Candle T SpinningWheel Yc Soda Cracker Bag This j Uneeda Biscuit In the In-er-ieil package NATIONAL BISCUIT "COMPANY HAY- AND BOWES S1GS American-Venenslan Protocol it Approved by Nations' Bepresentatives. CASTRO INCREASES CUSTOM DUTIES Tax to All Gotli Imparted . 4 Also Boosts lm port Din. s WASHINGTON. Feb. 17. Secretary Hay. for the Cnlted States, and Mr. Bowen, for Venezuela, today algned a protocol provid ing for the adjustment of United States claims against Venezuela by a commission to meet at Caracas. This commission will consist of two mem bers, a Veneiuelan and an American, to be appointed respectively by Presidents Castro and Roosevelt, and In the event of disagree ment an umpire to be appointed by the queen of the Netherlands. The three commissioners are to meet In Caracas on June 1 to make awards which are to be paid out of 30 per cent of the customs receipts at Puerto Cabello and La Guayra. The Hague tribunal is to de cide whst proportion of this 20 pej cent comes to America and what proportion goes to other claimant nations. It is expected that the minister for for eign affairs will be appointed as Venes uela's representative and that either Mr. Bowen or Mr. Russell, the United States charge, will be named to represent the United States. Beron Gevers, the minister. for the Neth erlands, called at 'the State department to day and gave notice of the acceptance by Queen Wllhelmtna of the task imposed upon her, her consent having been previously sought by both parties to ths arbitration t'nptraaaat Ineldrat. Some light Is thrown upon the unpleasant reference made by Mr. Haggard, the Brit ish minister at Caracas, to United States Charge Russell and published In the Brit ish blue book yesterday by a naval officer now stationed at Washington, who was in Veneiuelan waters and frequently at the American legation during the period re ferrrd to by Mr. Haggard. Without going Into details it appears In this officer's state ment that by trying to assist some British cltlxens In their distress without first los ing the time necessary to hunt up and confer with the minister, the American legation incurred the ill will of Mr. Hag- gard. and the difficulty got to be rather personal, so that all the exchanges between the two ministers have since been of a most formal character. The Navy department today received the following cablegram from Commander Diehl of Marietta, dated Wlllemstaa. February 17: Raised blockade. War vessels withdrawn all blockaded ports. Caatro Flashes Answer. NEW YORK, Feb. 17. The Associated Press has received the following cable from President Castro: CARACAS. Monday, Feb. 18. I charge the Associated Press to transmit, together with my gratitude, my sentiments of defer ence to the people or tne Lnlted States. PRESIDENT CIPRIANO CA8TRO. Veaesaela Increases Datles. CARACAS, Venezuela, Feb. 17. A pros idential decree issued today establishes a war contribution in the form of an extra duty of 10 per cent to be levied on all lm ports. The export duty on coffee ia made I bol ivars per bag'a weight, on cocoa 18 bolivars and on hides 4. bolivars per, 1Q0 pounds. " A Champion Healer. Burklen's Arnica Salve, the best in ths world, cure cuts, corns, burns, bolls, ulcers, sores and piles or no pay. 25c. Fof sale by Kuhn Co. RACE HORSES DIE ON TRACK Oao Falls aad Aaother Taaablea Ovtt II I an. Throwing- Jockey Heavily. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 17.-The racing at Ingleslde todav was marred hv an r-i. dent which resulted In the death of two norses ana tne injury or a Jockey. In the fifth race Candros was crowded Into the ran aiier a quarter or a mile was covered and fell, throwing Jockey Waterbury heavily. El Karn fell over Candros an.l was. Instantly killed. Candros broke his leg and It was found necessary to destroy him. Waterbury was bruised and shaken up, urn mere is no evioence or a fracture. osman, wano roae tl Karn, escaped In Jury. Favorites did not fare well during the afternoon, not one passing the wire In front, la the last race Galanthus. a 10 to 1 shot, led the way. The weather was fine ami ine iracn last. Results: First race, eleven-sixteenths of a mile, seuing: uiaraine. no (Burns), 6 to 1, won Eell Reed. 12 tWaterbury), 8 to 6, second Stunts, 110 (Jenkins;, 8 to 1, third. Time 1:10. ' Second race, one mile and a sixteenth selling: iapmus. n j. Daly). 2 to 1. won Maraschino, 106 (W. Waldo), I to 1, second Baffled, 104 (C. Kelly), 12 to L third. Time Third race, seven furlongs, selling: Light Ball, W (Knapp), 10 to L won; Harry That cher, 108 C. Kelly), 8 to 1. second; Fllibus- J", lm inonncr., ia to l, third. Time 1 :2"u. Fourth race, one mile and a sixteenth eiriiiiiK. mpponax, in iHurnil, I to 1, won Bonnie Llssak. Iu9 (Rlrkenrmhl K tn l ond; Gllssnndo, It (Linton), 15 to 1, third. Fifth race. Futurity course, selling Bronte Wins:, lul IMlnderi & m Pupil. Kit (C. Kelly). 3 to 1, aecond; Dora 1 iu- laiunni, a to i, mira. Time: 1:1Z. Sixth race, seven furlona-a aoillna-- riaion thua. 1(2 4Reed). 10 tn 1. won-,. 110 (Shaw), even, second; Jim Qore II, li vwuu.sim, a io i, iniru. iime; i:zi. 0 fi Ths Food That Here Is a food for invalids and for those with weak life functions, which, by its action on the blood, will help your body to throw off dis ease. For over a decade OZOMULSION (a scientifically medicated emulsion of pure Norwegian Ood Liver Oil with LTypophosphites and Guaiacol) has been prescribed by the physi cians of Greater New York and all other large cities in their daily practice. They have used it with marked success in all cases of Weak Lungs, Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, Consumption and Throat Troubles; for Bcrofula, Eczema, Pimples, Boils, Absces8 and all skin affections. In fact, for all disorders caused by Mai Nutrition or the weaknesses of body that is improperly or poorly fed. As a result, Ozomulsion has today a larger sale than any other emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, and is carried in stock by every druggist in the United States. But still it may be that yon have never tried it. So we have de cided to make it possible for all to give it a test We will therefore Bend A Largo Sample Botilo Free to any address on request, so that invalids in every walk of life can test it for themselves and! see what Ozomulsion will do for them. Send us your name and complete address, and the large sample free bottle will at once be sent to you by mail. Address THE OZOMULSION CO., II Do Poyster St., New York E. E. Bruce & SEER TO SAVE CANAL Republican Senators Agree that Colombian Protocol Shall Be Considered. STATEHOOD SUPPORTERS GIVE WAY Treaty May Have All Requisite Time la Ezecatlve Sessloa, as Earopeaa Powers Are Reported After Isthmian Rlsrhts. WASHINGTON. Feb. 17. The republican senators held a caucua today, and decided to have the aenate continue consideration of the Panama canal treaty tomorrow and on future days until disposed of. This de cision was reached after an hour and a hairs discussion of the legislative situa tion The understanding is that the statehood bill - does not lose Us sdvantageous posi tion when the senate Is In legislative .ses sion, but the republican supporters of state hood agree not to oppose a motion for an executive aession to consider the canal treaty, or to make any objection to the prolongation of such sessions to any extent necessary to secure ratification. Senate Foraker (Ohio) stated an emi nent engineer had assured him that no fewer than four great European powers were looking with Jealous eyes on Ameri can movements on the iBthmus, and would be glad to displace it there. When adjournment was. reached the an- noancement was made that after the close of routine business tomorrow. Senator Quay (Pa.) would move to go into ex ecutive aession, and that none of the re publicans would oppose the motion and that consideration of the treaty would continue until disposed of. ' Accept ( sssl Compaay'a Offer. The government has formally accepted the offer of the Panama Cans, company to sell to the United States the canal prop erty, and all of the company's rights for $40,000,000, subject only to the ratification of the treaty with Colombia. The effect of this acceptance will be to extend the life of the option held by the government be yond March 4 and until the treaty has been ratified by both countries. Another Fleet for Headaraa. Upon further report from United ' States Consul William E. Alger, at Puerto Cortex, that conditions in Honduras are threaten ing and that American interests are likely to be endangered owing to the interna tional turmoil. Secretary Moody today de cided to send Admiral Coghlan's fleet of cruisers and gunboats now cruising In the Caribbean to the gulf coast of Honduras. Extends Free Delivery In Colorado. The Postofflce department Issued orders establishing free delivery service at Rocky ford, Colo., and Livingston, Mont., begin ning June L Garaeld Is Hoaored. The president today sent to the senate the nomination of James Rudolph Garfield of Ohio to become commission of corpora tions in the department of commerce and Labor. Voteraaa Seek to I'alfo. A Joint committee from the association of Spanish war veterans and ths Spanish American war veterans will meet here to morrow to try and amalgamate the two organizations. Sheep on Forest Reserves. The Interior department will continue to enforce lta regulation prescribing penalties for the trespass of sheep on forest re serves, notwithstanding the decision of judge 11 an bury of Seattle, that such regu. latloa la uacenstltatlonaL The depart Dogs lood mmMmmf' Ozomulsion is on sale at all druggists. Co. and Richardson Drug Co., wholesale selling agents, Omaha. ment takes tha position that nullifications of its regulations regarding sheep tres passing would defeat the real water stor age object of forest reserves. The Seattle decision is In line with a de cision of several years ago by a California court, but the attorney general has said the secretary of the interior, according to the department, that the right to make the regulations wTiich the Beattle court holds to be unconstitutional Is conferred by the act of congress on June 4, 1897. authorising the department 'to regulate the occupancy and care of forest reserves. For Inspection of Thoroughbred. The senate committee on finance todav agreed to report favorably the bill provid ing tor tne tree importation or thorougn bred live stock for breeding purposes. The bill extends the privilege to such live stock Imported for . sale. On the Retired List. An order was issued at the War depart ment today by direction of the president placing on the retired list Colonel Richard H. Pratt, superintendent of the Indian school at Carlisle. It Is said the retirement of Colonel Pratt does not necessarily Involve any change In the superintendence of the school. Former Secretary Foater selected. "Ex-Secretary of State John W. Foster has been elected to take charge of the case of the United States In the presentation of the Alaska boundary question to the spe cial ' commission to be appointed in con formity with the terms of the recently con firmed Alaskan boundary treaty. Secretary Root has concluded to accept bis appointment as one of the commission ers to represent the United Ststes on the boundary commission. The other two mem bers of the commission aro Senators Lodge end Turner. It has been urged that Sec retary Root can do this work during the coming summer without interfering mate rially with his duties as secretary. Important Matters Considered. At the cabinet meeting today Secretary Hay presented the text of the protocol which has been signed on behalf of the United States and Venexnela for the ref erence of claims of this country against the South American republic to arbitra tion. The status of the Panama canal treaty In the senate was again discussed. Some ap prehension is expressed that the treaty may not be ratified at the present session ow Ing to the opposition of Senator Morgan. The option of the United States holds on the Panama Canal company's property will expire on March 4. It is impossible even if the treaty should be ratified, by ths senate at this session to 'effect an exchange of ratification until after the expiration of the option. It Is proposed, however, to enter Into a con tract with the Panama Canal company, but the terms of which the amount agreed upon shall be paid the company by thla govern ment on the exchange of ratification be tween ths United 8tates and Colombia, That arrangement. It Is expected, will tide over the present emergency and keep alive the option. Ship Jabsldy BUI. At a meeting of ths house committee on merchant marine and fisheries today Chair man Qrosvenor called up the sblp subsidy bill, and gave notice that the bill would be taken up at a meeting of the committee next Monday for final disposition. Miles Bark In Wasalaartoa. Lieutenant General Miles, with Mrs. Miles snd Colonel Maus of his staff, and Mrs. Maus, have returned to Waahington after thalr tour of the world. The trip was planned as a military Inspection of ths United Statea army In the Insular posses sions and also with the design to ascer tala ths latest developments la European military practice. The results will be em bodied by General Miles la a special report. Is a psa taut gi as tat set o tat Pnreat Nor weclaai CM Lfror OQ ta eookbtaatlan with Hrpopfaophrtaa) aad all tn eettve hinaau ea-aaaaSB, post Mlanlaae Sljeetli Ia produdotf fioaa. the nch. at 1 MfcNiyTH. t- w Mmwr vif-wmuii, HjTophoapla'an tiw aod Oaamo;. Uualacoi annenpUo aad aai aa datreylna", farming aa aaaaizaato and eaelty aealinilated laSlnewo of the blghaat aderitlflo dussa. It tones, ntmOM aad strengthens the whola human aj sIil Qaomulaloa peas a SJao hiaod, aad truss It from all savaOlaiT or garsa Ufe. It lo eay to taaa aad ia tdsrhly raoominMided by the, Med leal PTiiftiaJluiL Too oaly pnxluct of Its nature aa too world, aad tar in advaoc of any Oker psanarartoa. rwj - far amaclatad man, tbba women, -woro-oiit moYbers aad alrlUy, pony chlldran. By Ira (asthral ass, all may rcoalTa now strength, vttm-lrcy, vtxn and via-or, and beeosne sturdy rotaaat, naa Why, plump aad sue alod ciifl IWDOH o NEW YORK.C' BBANCMC$: PARIS. MADRID, MONTREAL. HAVANA. CITYOFMEJCICO: Private Diseases of Men tn the treatment of Private DISEASES OF MEN, to which oar practice la limited and to which our exclusive thought and experience has been devoted far more than 25 years, WE QIVB A LEGAL WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO CURE PERFECTLY AND 7C' paid. If troubled with VARICOCELE, IMPOTENCT, BLOOD POISON OR REFLEX DISORDERS It will pay you to consult us at sfnoe or by letter. CONSULTATION FREE, and If von take treatment oharaes will be entirely satlsfac- W. A. COOK, rZnr fts&rrmsa STRICTLY PRIVATE AND Master Specialist ta Fttvate Diseases of Men. Cook Medical Company 112 South 1Kb St. Over Daily Newt, Omaha. DIVIDE HONORS EQUALLY Hew Orleans Backers Thrleo Pick Victorious Horses aad Three Outsiders Win. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 17. Sheriff Dell. Saint Tammany and O'Ugen were the win ning favorltea today. Doctor Guernsey was run up arter his race to S5-J0 and sold to T. J .an dry, who sold him to Lamanay Bros., the original owners, at the purse price. Weather clear and cold; track slow and lumpy. Results: first race, one mile and an eighth, sell ing: Accolade. 104 (Haack). 8 to '. won: John Bull, 100 (O'Neill). 28 to 1, second; Exapo (Tooman), 7 to 1, third. Time: t:W. Beoonrt race, seven furlongs, selling: Doc tor Guernsey. 93 (Fuller). to 1. won: The Caxton. 1I3 (Robbing), S to 1, second: Asua, r (Scully, 60 to 1. third. Time: 1:211-6. Third race, one mile ana seventy yarns: Sheriff Bell, 115 (Odom), 4 to 6. won; Brush Kv. Kf) (Llndsey). 2 to 1. second: War Cry. 95 (fuller). 8 to 1, third. Time: 1:48 1-5. Kourtn race, six turiongs, uanaicap: Saint Tammany, 12 (Davlsson), 8 o 1, won: B innier, 92 (Treanor), 7 to 6, second; ir you Lar. v (L,inasey), i ra i, tnira. Time: 1:1 2-5. Fifth race, one mile, selling: O Hagen (Fuller) 4 to i. won; Benmora, 89 (Haack). l' to 1. second: Chanterell, 66 (rhllllpa), 12 to 1. third. Time: 1:44 1-t. Sixth race, one mile: Imp. Alnulla, lift (Odom. i to 2, won; Nitrate, ll3 (Fuller). 3 to 6, second; Aurle B, rO (Davlseon), 11 to 1, third. Time: 1.44 2-6. matJ A Gentle Aperient IS It a. turn. I Lo.aa.trva Wavtor. If yos are CONSTIPATED (the oeginning of aiany derangement of the eystera) go at oace to your druggi and get a bottle of Hunradl JaNOS. The cost la small Drink ban a tumblerful oo rising aad get prompt aad pleasant relief. Many ei the world's greatest feaule speciallats have endorsed and now pre scribe Huavadl Jtnos lor CONSTIPATION. Insist on HL'NYADI jXpoS and firmly refuse su bat Nates. They are oftea harmhiL v. 1 1 1 LCI U 11. 1 Owatansl. Oworonaalon. tanaca, ptiasnih aad a- Kan. aad ' tHKa?i aad thua aids aad Una an. - - - IT ff" f in PERMANENTLY or refund every cent Specialists In all DISEASES and DISORDERS of MEN. 13 years of sue ceaslul practise la Omul) a. CUARGES LOW. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE and DM EC l ears, vltaaut cuttiu. eaia as rlLLd loaa t,B L suarui ta eats yoa or raonay rataadaS. CVflUII IC ears ta u ufl " rotas dTrillLId taorenshly alaaoa.4 from lbs araun. Smui evaey slaa aad srmploa Sia.ppavs ouuletalr ana torerar. N. "BRBAKINO OUT" mt tbaSUwaaa aa ta. akia ar Saaa. rraatmaat centala a aaosarvaa erase or loiartms mrtlntnaa II I r I If II r U from KiaMiaa or VICTIMS TO If tAK lit II XKSVOUS DCalLTTT OR BX. KiTlON, WAstlaa WEAKNESS . With aAALT bBOAT la TOUHO aa ItlDDLM AOBDi Jack rua. visor ul sonata, with ersaoe impatraa sua was. Curae suaraaUaO. STRICTURE -i SallCae M4nUs HIsTmT KUhi sea Bla4ar Troabtaa Wash Kk OaSic or wu mllkf .Wlamata . Consultation Free. Treatment by Mall. Call or addaoas. 11 lath St. DR. SEARLES & SEARLES. S DR. IVIcGREW SPECIALIST Treats all forma at ISEASES Afl DISORDERS OP MEN ONLY 17 Yeare Experience, 17 Tears In Omaha. His remarkable sue cess has never been equaled and every day brings many log report of tha good he Is doiug, -.Tl V. ha. a-tvaoi. naller er the Hot Spring. Treatment for Sfphllis And all Blood Poisons. NO "BREAKINQ OUT" on the skin or face and all external algna of the disease disappear at onoa, ri nnn disease ' lu..u tlininnnri C Cures f uVt,4..r VAIUUUULLI. Lfcss tha. o DAYaT OVtR ajU.OQD dSSi wuuii), Uiii..turai dlatUaxg.s, Dirlclure, Oieat, Kidney and B ladder Diseases, U- WUICK CURES LOW CHARGES. Treatmaiit by mall. P. O. box lo. Office Ivor He a). 14th sxxeot, betweeu Faruam aiid euiaa etreeta, OalAiiA. axative Jromo uinlne CurM a CoM la On Day t if in 3 Day Oa every boa. 21c women; lUfUllif . r'i Uior . t rubiest, rveaf, aweoH .Ukii.air it rant. OLaat,Da:t hMarnd) . treCa ft lew ', ?Uk tU fcLefuidia 4t McCorUifcU Drug O-k. Omahi. raaas I 3 ..l"" Cr