Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Ordinance for Purchase of Water Works In
troduced and Read.
Reintntlnn rlrer-ta My Treaisrer to
Bay Those that Seem Perma
nent an llod Them
Indefinitely. '
No debate or comment greeted the water j
u-hi,.h introduced In i
the council last nlRht by Counrllmsn
Mount, read the first and second times un
der a suspension of the rules and referred
to the rommlttpp on flnanrp and claims.
The ordinance was drawn by City Attorney
Connell In pursuance to the Howrll-OIIbcrt
law and dnclnros the necesplty and expedl
encey of purchasing the v,atcr works under
the contract with the company, and for ap
pointing the board of appraisement of
three. President Karr and Councllmen
Ilnsr.all and Purkley wero absent. Vlco
President Mount presided.
The following rrsoltitlon, Introduced by
Councilman Mount, was adopted:
The city treasurer be and Is hereby auth
orised and directed to Invest any surplus
funds nut nf any spi rjal fund which he may
deem available for that purpose In any spe
cial fund w irrnnts which have In his Judg
ment become a listed obligation of the city,
and to carry said warrant uncancelled
pending future disposition, and thereby
save 7 per cent on said special warrants.
Claim of Taxpayers' 1 Inb.
A favorable report was made by the
finance committee on the claim of the Tax
payera" club for the restitution of $245
pent in architect and other fees for tho
Capitol avenue market house. The bill
waa ordered recommitted to come up before
the council in general committee meet
ing. An ordinance Introduced last summer
and providing for a contract with the
Omaha Street Sign company for the erec
tion of free street signs bearing adver
tising matter, was placed on file. The
city already has a contract for satisfactory
atreet algns which are now being erected.
The claim of Elizabeth V. Van nrocklln,
which Councilman Mount declared, occu
pies more pages of council records than
any other personal Injury claim ever
known, was agnln placed on fie. making
the fourth time this performance haa been
gone through with. Tho woman waa hurt
by falling on the sidewalk at. Eleventh
and Harney streets and the claim grew
from 11,000, when It was begun early In
1899 to 115,500, for which amount Julius
S. Cooloy atarted ault In the federal court.
Ha wanta to compromise now for $5,000.
Improver Heard From.
.A communication from the Southwest
Improvement club stated that that or
ganization la opposed to new fire engine
house and gnrbage crematories, as "Omaha
Is sufficiently In debt and we can wait
The Sllcntlum association. Including 170
of the deaf, auks help from the city in
securing a hall In which to meet, and Mra.
Mama Casaidy, a widow frith two children,
wanta permission to aell clgara and to
bacco In the city hall. Both matters were
referred to the committee on buildings
and property.
In a communication aome thirty "ladles
and property ownera" in the vicinity of
the boulevard viaduct near Krug's brewery,
finks for two electric lights on the via
duct. It was aent to the atreet lighting
Ordinances were read tho flrat and tee
ond time for creating aewer district 279,
which Is for an eight-Inch pipe from
Thirty-third to Thlrty-aecond atreet on
(.'asa, and for grading of Thirty-third atreet
4rom California ta Burt without coat to
the city. Alao an ordinance changing the
tame of Sycamore atreet to Blnney atreet.
Beebe ft Runyan'a application for per
mission for railway apur tracka' on the
south aide of Dodge atreet and In the
alley between Douglas and Dodge, both be
tween Eighth and Ninth atreets, was re
ferred to the committee on railroads.
Samuel I. Gordon's bill for salary for
January, 1903, aa police Judge, waa sub
mitted, saluted and dispatched.
A Serloua Mistake.
To the average man it aeema childish to
doctor a cold, and unless It becomes par
ticularly annoying to him little or no atten
tion la given It. Often a cold contracted In
the winter la allowed to run until the open
ing of spring. This la a grave mistake, aa
even though the warm weather may bring
relief, the ayatem la thereby weakened and
rendered susceptible to disease. A cold
should never be neglected, whether it be a
child or an adult who la afflicted, aa health
and often life la risked. A bottle of Cham
berlain'a Cough Remedy, coating but a amall
amount, will bring apeedy relief and all
dangerous consequences will be avoided.
Publish your legal notices In The Weekly
Bee. Telephone 238.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tuesday,
February 17:
Warranty Herds.
8. R. Rowley and wife to John Mona
hai, Jr.. lots 8 to 15, block 1, Mayne '
rt.'s suhdlv
Atlantic Realty association to D. 8.
llannegan, lot 14, block 7, Uemls
F. 1. McKenna and wife to McCague
Pavings bank, lot 16, block 2,
Orchard Hill
Mary VV. (io.-rne ct al to Minnie M.
Miller, lot 20, block , Clifton Hill....
W. y. Fowler and wife to Harry
Marowlts, bV of n M feet of w lot
m, a. k. lingers, UKianmnn ..
... 1,000
O. R. Wllllama and wife to J. H. War
dell, swV aeV4 7 and ne4 18-16-
V. H. Vore and wife to Anna Ij. T.
Vore, lot IS, block 1, South Omaha
J. K. Oeorge to Antoune Kazar, lot 19,
Sullivan's add .'
Hump to same, lot IS, n.itne
Ueorglana. Beverage to Herman Heal,
lot 8, block 4(1, South Omaha
Nona Baldwin to Nicolas Maum, lot
Vi. block 4, Portland place
Villi Land I'omi'Miiy to J. (i. Willis,
lot 12. block 7, l.lncoln I 'luce
L. U. Keiulin to Meyer Urosoman, s'j
of k lot 14, block 6, KouiiUu 4tli
add ;
Otto Siemtwvn and wife to llermin, w lot 1. block 2. Washing
ton Hill
4) alt Malm Deedi.
R, T. Do 8timlaugh to W. K. Tot
ter, receiver. H 3J and n4
nwv, 3i-i:.-is
Omaha National bank to It. 1. Heatli
tteld. nek Ao-lH-U (except 15 acres),
and w4 lot 7, block ill, Omaha
Mary K. Stafford ami husband to W.
r Fowler. 4 of n 8 feet of wVj lot
'M, S. K. Kger, Oklahoma
W. K. Totter, receiver, to R. O.
lle-tthtteld. lots s and 10. Meauvotr
Plate; swV 30, 114 nw Ju-li-M
and other property
V. D. Wrati et al, referees, to 1.. C,,
Kenills, S of lot 14, block a,
Kountie 4th add
Total amount of transfers .
Figprune Cereal
Tastes like Coffee Better than Coffee. The aetatt U la
th perfect blending and roasting of fruit and grain.
tared of Pllea Wlthoat Pala.
First: Chang from sedentary occupa
tion to wisely chosen, more active work.
Second: From Indoor to outdoor life.
Third: From wrong to right clothing.
Fourth: From unhealthy, rich living to
a mild hygienic dipt.
Fifth, sixth and last: l"e Pyramid Pile
Cure regularly and acrordlng to directions,
for It la the right cure for the trouble, and
will cure you. aa It haa hundred of othera.
Don't wait until you are a helpleaa In
valid, for a seemingly atmple case of hem
orrhoids, or pllea. may. If neglected, rsp
irllv load tn inn The unnatural forma-
tlon becomes turoorona and permanent and
the Inflnmmatinn grows until abcessea
form: the disease burrows Into the tissues,
forming tubular growtha which discharge
pus; canceroua conditions and general gan
grenous degeneration appear.
What la needed at the start, or at any
atage, is aomething to aoothe this Inflam
mation, reduce the swelling and distention,
and at the same time restore the diseased
parta to normal condition. These three
things are accomplished perfectly by the
Pyramid Pile Cure. It checka all progress
of the disease and rapidly returna the
affected parta to health, besides relieving
at once the pain and fearful Irritation.
"I began using Pyramid Pile Cure and' In
order to make sure of a cure bought Ave
packages; for the past alx weeka I have not
been troubled In the least, and I had been
bothered for thlrty-flve yeara and had spent
more than fifty dollara for different reme
dies; this Is the first permanent help I
have had and no one could feel more grate
ful than I do." U M. Wllllama, Conneaut.
Pyramid Pile Cure ta sold by drugglsta
generally for fifty cents a package, and we
urge all sufferers to write Pyramid Drug
Co., Marshall, Mich., for their valuable
little book describing the cause and cure
of pllea.
tiabrilowltsrh Piano Recital. '
Osslp Gnbrllowltsch, the Russian pianist,
In a recital at Kounze Memorial church.
Rach-Tauslg .Toccato and Fugue (D Minor)
Beethoven Op. 2S Bonatl (Pastorate)
Allegro, Andante, Scherzo, Rondo.
Chopin Impromptu (F Sharp Major)
Etude (C Major)
Prelude (D Flat Major)
Scherzo H Minor)
Oabrllowltsch Op. 2 Oavotte
Arensky "Preg de la Mer" esqulsie
Henselt SI olaeau J etals
Kubinetein Op, 16 Valse "Lie Bail"
Osslp Oabrllowltsch, the Russian pianist,
came very close to the hearta of the 400 mu
sic lovers who heard hla recital at Kountze
Memorial church last night. Though It
was his first appearance here, and despite
the fact that he risked all by departing
emphatically from the usual and expected
array of recital selections, hla work so
thrilled the aoul of the man that Garbril
owltsch won Immediate aDd fervent com
mendation. Hla all-pervadlDg Individuality
was not to be resisted.
It waa by no means the stereotyped pro
gram of the virtuoso that Oabrllowltsch
played. There waa no time-honored ae.
quence of List, Schumann, Mozart and
Chopin. In fact, only the latter of these
waa represented. The program throughout
waa a aerlea of bold sallies from the con
ventional. Its chief feature waa that it
was Intensely classical. Gabrllowltsch off
ered numbera that Paderewski or Hoffman
have never played on American tours. He
even tempted fate to the uttermost by open
ing his program with a number by . Bach,
that real test of a pianist, yet a composer
to whom the American public haa never
taken kindly.
Technique Is subordinate to melody with
Gabrllowltsch. -He la fundamentally lyrlr
In all hla work. Tct he possesses the un
usual combination of Are and temperament
with delicacy of touch. The tone coloring
of the man la perhaps the most remark
able detail of all. Hla la a subtle touch.
capable of an endless number of variations,
from the caress to the hammer stroke. In
the Beethoven selection was this moat ap
parent, aa the pianist used fully twenty
different ways of striking the keys In that
rendition, yet retained the form of the
aonatl with remarkable perfection through
out. The , number waa well calculated to
exhibit bla great versatility and alao his
comprehensive Interpretation.
Many European maatera consider this
youthful planiat the greatest of al! Chopin
renderera. This opinion Is understood
after hearing Part II of laBt ntght'a pro
gram. The Chorln selections embraced ad
mirably the scope of that author, and here
again la Gabrllowltsch the pioneer. Weak
and efflminate in feature and body, Chopin
yet had the aoul of a. lion, and this plan
1st put that into the numbers he played.
From a remarkable portrayal of delicacy
In the Impromptu be swerved to a royal
dash and fire In the acherzo. This Chopin
group waa the gem of the program.
Gabrllowltsch's fhotto would seem to be
"No mannerisms; no encores," for he aedu
lously avoids both. His athletic figure la
held at eaay yet dignified poise at the piano,
and he plays distinctively with hia bands
Four times was he recalled to the platform
after each of hla earlier numbera, yet he
refused to play an encore till repeated calls
following the Chopin compelled it. Then
he gave Schumann'a "Romance in F Sharp
Major No. 2."
The pianist's own gavotte waa bubbling
with youth and enthusiasm, and reminded
one much of the minuets of Beethoven.
The Arensky number was marked chiefly
I tv bringing out hla lyric tendencies. The
Henselt waa a delicate breath, tho zephyr
of the evening. The soloist closed with
the stupendous Rubensteln valse, where hla
great strength and fire came Into full play
Though but 25 yeara of age, this planiat
la already capable of vast depth, as was
shown In the tremendoua Bach number that
led the program. It ia eaay to sympathize,
at least, with the many predictions aa to hla
final pre-eminence in hia work.
F.1W.' Ball.
Spectators' ticketa. to the Elka masquer
ade ball and entertainment, to ba held at
Ak-Sar-Ben hall February 23, may be pur
chased at Meyer A Dillon's and Beaton
McGinns drug store. Two new features
will be shown during the progress of the
ball one being the minuet dancers, the
other being the children's dance. The Jub
ilee singing club holds nightly rehearsals
every evening. Those who do not rare to
go to the den masked may purchase masks
at the office at the entrance.
Miae Lillian Moore, who lives with friends
on Ixic'iitil Klreet. haw Just returned from a
two weeks' vblt to Chicago.
Patrick Johnson, notion buyer, and Jacob
-dining ouytr lor I lay den Bros
Uave returned from New Yora.
Octopus Appearj in the Form of a Laundry
ad nath Omaha l.aaadrymea
aid to Have Joined Hands to
Roost Trices na Their
Those who near "boiled" shlrta and cuffs
and collars sent through a laundry will be
met with a surprise soon, aa'the price haa
been raised all along the line. The laundry
where shirts were done up for 7 cents la
now a thing of the past, and 10 centa will
be the universal charge. Other garments
will be charged for accordingly. Thla raise
Is due, so It is atated, to the Increase in
price of laundry supplies. Washbouse men
say that starch has gone up, and that sheet,
lng used has also advanced in price. The
advance In aupplies makes It compulsory
to advance the price on the work turned
out. While the laundries do not counte
nance the Idea of a trust. It is a fact that
there Is an agreement. In South Omaha to
advance prices.
Letters have been aent out from Omaha
announcing to saloon men that on March
1 the price for bar towels would be In
creased $1 a month. Thla matter was ta
ken up yesterday by the Saloonkeepers'
union, and it waa decided that the liquor
dealers in the two Otnahas would establish
a laundry of their own,' and thus be inde
pendent of the trust. While thla latter
matter la not in shape to discuss at the
present time. It Is underatood that at a
meeting to be held next week funda will
be raised for the purpose, and that an In
dependent laundry will aoon be atarted by
the unlona mentioned.
On the other hand, the Individual who ta
compelled to send clothing to the laundry
to be washed will have to pay the price
designated by the combination. There la
another peculiar feature of the trust, and
that is If a man who has a laundry route la
discharged he cannot be, employed by any
other laundry for a period of six months.
This la done, it is stated, to prevent one
popular solicitor from going to work for
another concern. The Laundry Workers'
union proposes taking this matter up and
will ask for a thorough Investlgatbn and
endeavor to have thla clause omitted from
the agreement said to have been made by
employers in lcundrles In the two Omahas.
Ilalpln HnKtllna Honda.
Edward Halpln, who waa elected asses
sor for the Sixth ward, has for aome months
paat been employed In Omaha, and now
ves there. He was trying yesterday to
secure a bond as one of hla bondsmen who
ad signed at first, failed to qualify. Now
the question la raised aa to whether Hal
pin can make the assessment In South
Omaha in the spring, aa he Is practically a
nonresident. It Is understood that objec
tions will be raised In case ne cornea back
to South Omaha and attempts to make the
assessment. No one knows of Hatpin's ever
having paid any taxes to speak of, and this
will be against him when It comes to a
show-down on April 1.
Sheep Barns Completed.
The big sheep barns destroyed by fire on
December 25 at the Union stock yards have
been rebuilt. Last night Chief Engineer
King of the Stock Tarda company stated
that the big north barn la practically done.
All It needs Is a few finishing touches.
Sheep were housed In it yesterday, ao that
It ia really conaldered completed. The big
barn and the annex will hold 80,000 sheep.
In the rebuilding some improvements over
the barna destroyed by fire have been- made.
There is a covered run way from the un
loading chutes to the barns, and this aids
greatly in the care of sheep coming in off
the range. While the shipments of sheep
were not reduced to any extent on account
of the burning of the barna word has been
sent out all over the west that the new
barns are now ready and big shipments arO
expected shortly.
Deeds Filed Yesterday.
Deeds granted by the city for a portion
of Thirty-aixth street were filed yesterday
by the Burlington road, and now the city
officials will proceed to file the deeds
granting to the city a portion of Boyd
atreet. When theae claims have been duly
registered the transfer will be closed. In
the meantime, the Burlington keeps mov
ing along with Its grading machines. It is
expected that the heaviest part of the work
will be finished by April t.
Maa-lo City Gossip.
So far no date haa been aet for the nra.
Umlnary hearing of Patrick Shea,
Mr. and Mra. James Lowry of Crook Clrv
announce the birth of a daughter.
Complaint is made that there was no flro
In the atreet cars Tuesday morning.
Members of the New Centurv duh will
give a card party and social at Masonic
hall this evening.
Washakie tribe of the Red Men held
mask ball at the troop armory last night
It waa well attended and waa v en
joyable affair.
Frank Coad. paying teller at the Pack
ers National bank, found a bead pocket
book at Twenty-fourth and 1 streets last
night. He says that the owner may re
cover the purse by calling at the bank and
proving properly.
Had His Falling; Hair Stopped, and
Dandruff Cured, Without Faith.
H. B. Fletcher, Butte, Mont.. Oct. 20.
18R9. says: "Like many other people, I
have been troubled for yeara with dan
druff, and within the last few months my
bair came out ao badly that I waa coun
selled to have what I had left clipped very
cloae. A friend recommended Newbro'a
Herplclde. I confeas I doubted hia story
but I gave Herplclde a trial; now my hair
is aa thick aa ever and entirely free from
dandruff." "Deatroy the cause, you re
move the effect." At drugglsta, $1.00.
Herplclde ia a delightful hair dressing for
regular use.
Announcements of tho Theaters.
The coming engagement of William Gil
lette in "Sherlock Holmes" at Boyd's the
ater Is attracting an unusual amount of In
terest among theatrical patrons. The fame
of William Gillette In this, the moat dod
ular play he has ever written, Is known
wherever a theater la known; founded on
a hitherto unpublished Incident In the ca
reer of the great detective made famoua
by Conan Doyle, Mr. Gillette haa written
a play which Is universally conceded to be
the most thrilling, interesting drama ever
aeen on any atage. This will be Mr. Gil
lette's first and laat appearance In thla
play In Omaha, the engagement which opens
at the Boyd tomorrow night for three
nighta and a Saturday matinee.
The office and recorda of the Twin Falls
Land and Water company were destroyed
by fire on the morning of the 11th Inst.
If parties who have written Inquiring
about the enterprise will please again aend
their names and addresses, ' prompt reply
will be made.
GRADY-Mn. Fannie, aged 74 years
The rfmiln. u-m v. tai,.n
family residence, Kti North Fifteenth street
hi . a. in. i ine Muriing inn oeput for ship
ment to Tyrone, la., for burial. Mrs. lirady
waa the mother of Miss Fanny Urady of
Omaha and ilra. Llia Lelulnsar vl Bar
gaut. Nob.
ometkUg Tow tan e In Any He.
lasrast or Cafe.
A physician pots the query: ' Have you
never noticed In any large restaurant at
lunch or dinner time the large number of
hearty, vlgoroua, old men at the tables,
men whose agee run from 60 to 80 years,
many of them bald and all perhaps gray,
but none of them feeble or eenlle? '
. Perbapa the spectacle la ao common aa
to have escaped your observation or com
ment, but nevertheless it Is an object lea
son which means something.
If you will notice what those hearty pld
fellows are eating you will observe that
they are not munching bran crackers nor
gingerly picking their way through a menu
card of new tangled health foods: on the !
contrary, they seem to prefer a Juicy roast
of beef, a properly turned loin of mutton,
and even the deadly broiled lobpter Ib not
altogether Ignored.
The point of all this Is that a vigorous
old ak? dependa upon good digestion and
plenty of wholesome food, and not upon
dieting and an endeavor to live upon bran
There Is a certain class of food cranks
who seem to believe that meat, coffee and
many other good things are rank poisons,
but theae cadaverous, sickly looking indi
viduals are a walking condemnation of
their own theories.
The matter in a nutshell is that if the
stomach secretes the natural digestive
Juices In sufficient quantity, any wholesome
food will be properly digested; If the stom
ach does not do bo, and certain foods cause
distress, one or two of Stuart's pyspepsla
Tablets after each meal will remise all
difficulty, because they supply Just what
every weak stomach lacks, pepsin, hydro
chloric acid, diastase and nux.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do not act
upon the bowels and In fact are not strictly
a medicine, aa they act almost entirely
upon the food eaten, digesting It thoroughly
and thus gives a much needed rest, and
giving an appetite for the next meal.
Of people who travel nine out of ten use
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta, knowing them
to be perfectly safe to use at any time, and
also having found out by experience that
they are a safeguard against indigestion
in any form, and eating aa they have to,
at all hours and all kinds of food, the
traveling public haa for years pinned their
faith to Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
All druggists sell them at 50 cents for
full alzed packages, and any druggist from
Maine to California, ir his opinion were ; Lettera from that state to Omaha commia
asked. will say that Stuart's Dyspepsia on mpn rpoelve(j the day the cold wave
Tablets is the most popular and successful
remedy for any stomach trouble,
Connty Attorney Abont to Take
Prosecution of South Omaha
South Omaha school board sensitions are
crowding to the front again. Following the
restraining order sprung at Monday night's
meeting of the board cornea the announce
ment of County Attorney English thit h
Ib about ready to call the old complainants
In the' bribery cases for a conference wllh
a view to determining what the course of
the prosecution shall be. Mr. English
stated to The Bee ycaterday that he
probably could take up the caaes in a week
or two, but that he does not care to enter
upon their prosecution until he has better
familiarized himself with the evidence and
ascertained its strength.
He and hla deputlea have about disposed
of the cases against those who are in Jail
without bond. ' 'Yesterday the prosecu
tion of John Oocke on a charge of Incest
was dropped and the prisoner released. He
haa been in Jail 'since November 22, but
a week ago hla daughter May, the prOBecut
lng witness, waa released on ball, married
and now declines 'to testify against her
Anthony Klrchgessner, charged by hla
wife with Infidelity, waa arraigned yester
day and pleaded ' not guilty. The caae
against Roy Green, detained in Jail under
charge of grand larceny, Is held up until
the county attorney can get the complain
ing witness, a resident of Atlantic, Ia.
A Deathblow to Malaria.
Electric Blttera kill and expel malaria
disease germs, will prevent typhoid and cure
fever and ague or no pay. Only 60i- For
sale by Kuhn Co.
The Jury in the lonsr drawn-out Nathan-
son-Htoecker suit for alleged false imprison
ment went out at 6 o clock last night.
The Vlaltlnir Nurses' association will hold
Its regular monthly meeting Thursday at 4
p. m. at the parlors of the faxton hotel.
The Peter Cooper club will meet at the
office of the Nebraska Farmer Th"insday
night to elect officers for the ensuing year.
The Woman's Missionary society of West
minster Presbyterian church will meet this
week Friday afternoon at i o clock, at the
residence of Mrs. Charles E. Stokes, 11C6
South Twenty-eighth street.
Roy Priest, residing at Fourteenth atreet
and Capitol avenue, fell In a fit at the cor
ner of Thirteenth and Hirney street 8 Tues
day afternoon and was taken to the police
station, where Assistant Surgeon Hahn
cared for him.
K. J. Bodwell, county superintendent of
public- Instruction, 1 skirmishing for a
teacher competent to take the prlncipalshlp
of the Elk City schools. Because of sick
ness Miss Anna Leach, who had the pnxi
tlon. resigned last Thursday, having de
cided to give up teaching for the remainder
of the year.
Judge Day has granted Ferdlnando Welti
mer divorce from Jane on tho ground of
desertion and given their two daughters
into the keeping of Mrs. Will Wemmer,
with Instructions to permit the pareutx to
visit them once a week. The plaintiff 1
directed to pay the defendant 1M and to
pay her attorney 125.
After being released from the city Jail
Tuesday John Kagan. who charged Mrs.
Whltroek with stealing from him. din-
covered the money where he had hidden it
luvtirru mtj muiiey wiine iw ii.u 1 1 1 . n. 1 1 u
In ills room. He hurtled to police heud-
uuarters and paid the woman s fine, being, , grewn children. The funeral serv
I veil a severe upbral. ling by her for hav- , , " ... . . D. ...
ing caused the grievous error. 1 Ices were held In the United Brethren
Le Wah, the Chinaman who waa ar
rested some time ago on the charge of
operating an opium joint, failed to aper
in the police court after hla case had been
culled on different adjournments. Tuesday
a capias was issued lV Judge Berka and
the Celestial now occupies a cell at police
headquarters. He will be present at the
early morning seosion today. Georgia Run
tell, an alleged Inmate, was similarly dealt
Kmergency Officer Baldwin discovered
Christina Anderson in two diurnal rooms in
the Mullen block, SevTileenth and Cuming j
street, without fuel or food. The cat- h4d
been reported to the police and Captain '
Moatyn ordered asylsianct taken i. uie I
woman. The nelghbot In the meantime j
haa len suppuea at ir- irunfni. iimi
Anrf.r,.n fue in acceot anv succor. I
saving she can earn her own livelihood.
The case has been turt-d over to the bwtd
lah 1-adleg' home.
l0tr) )
RoCotcw losTtutljr, Cures Quickly
Good for thai Sora FeeUntf.
6o COo tttl&O Battle.
"Wit SAiJi Ml avlUM CO
All Points in We i tct dNorth west Eepor
Extreme Temperature.
I. or a I Forecaster Baya There Be Slla-ht
Relief for Shivering Humanity
Dnrlnsr eat Tvrenty
Fonr Honrs.
In Omaha, between 6 o'clock yesterday
morning and 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon
the mercury rose from 12 points below the
cipher to 14 above It, or 26 degrees. Zero
was passed some time between 10 o'clock
and 11 o'clock.
Write this to your friends up north. They
need a word of comfort, for what the
weather man ia doing to them la a-plenty.
At Wllllston, N. D., he has nailed the mer
cury at 42 below and showed an Inclination
to leave It there Indefinitely. Bismarck ia
only 2 degreea better off. At St. Paul 24
below is the prevailing fashion. Eaatward
they are faring about aa Omaha Is. Chey
enne and Denver chloroformed the Indicator
and held it from getting below aero at any
Loral noses were Just as red as Monday
during the earlier hours yesterday forenoon.
The man on the 7 o'clock car braced a
10-belor temperature and the girl on the
9 o'clock car braced a 7-below temperature.
Neither one felt particularly comfortable,
but gave thanks that the wind waa light.
For the younger generation, with ita
good lungs and lta constant desire to fill
them, today lBn't half bad. When the
smoke doesn't bother, the air la as crisp
aa a soda cracker and aa clear aa an
editor's conscience.
The wind shifted to the south yesterday
afternoon and the temperature gave prom
ise of reform for an hour or so, rising
from 14 at 2 o'clock to 22 at 6, but that
was the limit. At 7 o'clock a decline of 2
degrees waa registered and then the mer
cury Jumped down 6 degrees each hour
until it reached 8 and 9 o'clock, when the
last observation waa taken at the local
The effect or the cold wave Is to be felt
most in Texas and Louisiana. The former
state haa been for a week or two shipping
j Btrawberries to the Omaha market, and
I thel,e hlpraenta will practically cease.
struck the state indicated that the crop of
berries would be the heaviest ever Bhlpped
from Texas. The weather at that time had
been ideal for tho purpose, and the berries
were ripening firm and sound. The cold
weather, it is Bald, will reduce the crop to
almost nothing, and the western states will
be forced to rely for their berries upon
northern Arkansas and Missouri, where the
planta are not far enough advanced to be
seriously damaged.
lr. P. V. R. Da Foe.
TECUMSEH. Neb., Feb. 17. (Special Tel
egram.) Word was received here this
morning of the death of Dr. P. V. R. DaFoe
of this city, which occurred on the train
east of Kansaa City last night. Dr. DaFoe
and his wife had been to Florida for the
benefit of hla health and were on their way
home when he died. The deceased wa
born In Canada In the year 1838. He had
resided In Tecumseh for twenty-five yeara,
where he had practiced medicine in the
earlier years and later aesoolated with him
self hla aon, Frank, in the drug and Jewelry
business. He was a member of the Meth
odist church and a splendid Christian and
a good lodgeman. The wife and two aons
aurvlve him. It ia expected that the rela
tlvea will arrive thla evening and tho
funeral arrangements will be made later.
David Whltla.
BATTLE CREEK, Neb.. Feb. 17. (Special
Telegram.) David Whltla dropped dead of
heart failure today at hla home three miles
east of here. He waa 59 years old and
leavea a wife, threo sons and two daugh
ters. He waa born in Ohio, moved from
there to Iowa and In 1871 came to Madison
county, Nebraska. Mr. Whltla was one of
the wealthiest farmers in the county, haa
alwaya been one of the leading republicans
and baa been connected with county affairs
from the first. He waa a Maaon and Odd
Fellow. Funeral sorvlces to be held at the
house Thursday morning at 10 o'clock; In
terment in Prospect Hill cemetery in Nor
folk. Services will be in' charge of the
Masons and Odd Fellows.
Dr. P. V. R. Defoe.
MACON, Mo.. Feb. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) Dr. P. V. R. Defoe died this morn
ing on the Burlington Nebraska express
train between Clarento and thla city, while
en route from St. Louis to hla horns in Te
cumseh. Neb., in which city he Is a promt-
J nent citizen
He had been Buffering sev
eral montha with consumption,' to which his
death waa due. He waa accompanied by
his son, A. N. Defoe, a Jewelryman of Te
cumseh. The remains were taken off here
and prepared for shipment to hla heme.
AuKuat Schneider.
PLATTSMOCTH. Neb., Feb. 17. (Spe
cial.) August Schneider, 35 yeara of age,
died at hla home In Cedar Creek. He re
turned about two weeka ago from a trip
to Mexico, where he hoped, with a change
of climate, to Improve hla health. He waa
a brother of County Recorder H. A. Schnei
der of thla city. He leavea a wife but no
children. The funeral services were held
this afternopn.
Joseph Cook.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Feb. 17. (Spe-
j clal.) Joseph Cook
! n(nnpr settlers aei
mon eeT". !" ,
home or DIB son, J.
one of Cass county's
aged 82 yeara, died at the
F. Cook. Deceased had
I resided In thla county alnce 1856 and leaves
cnurcn tnis rorenoou, ana interment waa
made la the Elkenbary cemetery.
Marrtaa-e Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have
been granted:
Name and Residence. , .Age.
Chris 8. Duhla. Kansas City. Kan ?5
Alma K. Ase., Kansas City, Kan It
Vernon B. Smith, Omaha 23
Myrtle J. Saltxglver, Omaha 3o
Sherman May, Nemaha, Neb 37
Mary Khoades, Auburn, Neb 19
John P. Aye, Klkhorn, No, .z
Annie M. Andernon, Elkhorn, Neb 19
Ixe Kohn, Omaha 30
Leah Krasne, Omaha
Charles A. Hoettele, Millard, Neb....
Annie O'llrlen. Millard, Neb 2u
Frank M. I.ucavlsh, Skugway, Alaska. ...50
Margaret Wilson, 1'eorla, 111 34
AtfcUcood Dnccist.
13TH AHU PUlbLlI !-, OHiUA, J
Yost Money
In Oar lank
Boston Store Buys a
Shirt and Waist Factory Stock
We have bought a shirt and walt manufacturer's entire stock of
material and offer It tomorrow at about one-fourth Its real value.
25c Percales for 5c Yard
We will aell all the printed percales, printed cambrics, etc. many of whK'h
are real Imported French goods In all those fancy stripes, little aet figures.
etc. many of them with white satin stripes and corda
none worth less than 15c a yard most of them worth
25c; over 10,000 yards in the lot. In light and dark
colors, all go tomorrow at Bo a yard. These gooda
are all 36 laches wide
The tntire ttock on hand of dcruble-fold imported white Madras from thin tnme
manufacturer, in dainty dimity cords, white satin stripes, tfAnf n
cluster cords, tuclina cords, tuekina strives, in white and black m BXh, C
and while stripes they are the genuine tmportcd goods and W m I
$1.00 Silk Waistings for 39c Yard
We will sell the entire etock on hand of silk and cotton and silk and linen
gingham walatlngi. These are in fancy dots, Bilk ring dots, fancy satin and
lace stripes, in plain and varied colored atrlpes. These
goods generally sell for SI a yard.
one big bargain aquare and offer them for tomorrow at S9c a
yard. They muat be aeen to be appreciated
At the White Goods Counter
We offer an Immense lino of Imported white waistings. This lot includes
those very stylish mercerized damask pattern gooda In large white over
cast plaida and dainty white illuminated mercerized figures. They are abso
lutely new and the largest assortment In r( j v
Omaha. We have the greatest showing of Uf Ilf,uy.Uf,-SU,
white walstinga In Omaha at, yard aVV WV UL
$2.00 Patterns at 50c Yard
All of the all white puffings In thla atock of 'ace tucklngs, hemstitched and
beading thearlnga and plain allovcr shearings and puffings -v
worth in a regular way up to I2.U0 a yard on bargain aquare iiC JO
20c Pearl Buttons at 6c a Dozen
All of the small and medium sized pearl shirt' and walat buttons
of this stock, worth up to 20c go at, per dozen
Thursday $1 Kid Gloves 10c Pair Thursday
On Thursday we will offer all of our slightly damaged, mussed and
soiled kid gloves in one great lot at, per pair
The Best and the Very
Best for the Cure of
Chapped Skin
25 Cents Per Bottle.
S?PBrVSro,s Howell's Anti-Grip Capsules
Tor Sals by Howell Drug Co., 16th and Capitol Avenue. 25c a Box.
Oar free clinic prices x
tendsd until March 15.
We want every man, woman
and child to have their teeth
examined by the professor
of this college. No students to
practice on you, but old, ex
perienced, reliable, accurate.
xpert dentists. Specialists In each de
partment. Ws are hers to stay. Incorpor
ated under the state laws.
Work Guaranteed 10 Years
Full Set of Teeth from $3.00
Gold Crowns from 2.85
Aluminum Plate from 8.00
Teeth Extracted Free.
Filling from 25c
Work done free. Small charge,
for material.
Union Dental College
of Painless Dentistry.
Room 4, 1522 Douglas St.
Open dally till 9. Sunday 10 to 4.
If. like Mark Twain s
trousers, yours are getting
too ahort because worn too
loDg. thla Get-Busy 3le's
offering ought to Interest
$10.00 trousers, male of
$10.00 fabrics. Imbued with
$10.00 quality and made for
$40.00 auita made to your
measure for $30. No blacks
Included In either offer. And
"nothing doing" after Pat
urday the 21st. Have to
Tailoring Company,
1710-12 Firnim St.
Pfcsae IIOS. Bee BuiUinf
Court Houas ia opposite.
'-7 li i li v ll'JJ limbic- biccirin
We have them all on 8 C
5 Watch
&feC;.3 Window
Glycerols of Rosos
Ask for It.
You don't have to come down town these
cold days or an other kind of daya. Just
call 747 or 797 and tell ua your troublea.
We'll do the rest.
35o Castoria (not Imitation) Ua
50c "Catarrh Rom," guaranteed S0o
$1.00 Pe-ru-na, genuine i0
$1.00 German Klmmpll Bittera 750
$1.00 rirrce'a Prescription . tio
$1 .Pierce's Medical Dlecovery 64c
75c Moeller'a Cod Liver Oil (in
$1.00 Scxine Pills 750
$1 Now Temptation Tonic 2f0
We Have N( Old Ntork to Dlapoao Of.
50c Bar-Ben, all you want 40c
$1 Warner's Safe Cure 70
$1 Cramer'a Kidney Cure TSo
50c Doan's Kidney Pills 89o
60o Cutlcura Salve too
Two Phones 747 and 707.
8. W. Cor. lOtu and Chinas Its,
We seem to get Into trouble whan wo
don't Intend to. Our little "ad," DON'T
l',K A CLAM made somebody mad ao mail
that they SMld they were Just like a H1U
DOG and being mad they surely must be
a mad dog. It Is reported that uurklng
penny stamps from patents medicine bot
tles Is very Blow buxlnesa and at times dis
couraging when you ran buy gooda at Ful
ler's for the following prices:
!. Ilruino Sellser Wtr.
lfic Itromo Keltzer br.
Zi k;
11.00 Hautul Mldy 7m;
tl liO Hi i 6.x: lirou fcx-
tl.iK) Arwenauro Cor
turn Meriauro :
11. iG Tarrant's Paste
II UO No-to-Hau Ibr,
0c Unr-lien oo
2ic Copuivu Caiwules I'm
Fuller Drug & Paint Co.
114 5. 14th Street. Tel. 349.
Deputy sHaU Vatertbarsast
Food Jnspsotor.
pCBos and Infirmary, atb and Mason ft.
Omaha. Nib.
Telephone ti'J.
Only Oae Dollar tear.