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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1903)
The Omaha Daily Bee. ICSTAULTSIIEI) JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MOUSING, FEIlItUAHY 18, 1903-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. FROST STILL REIGNS Zero Weather Moves Eastward Though West Still Bemains Gold. WISCONSIN TEMPERATURE IS NOW LOWEST Thermometer Registers Twenty-four Below is West Superior. WIND BLOWS WYOMING SNOW OFF RANGE EUROPE'S MONROE DOCTRINE V Impoir . 'if Maintain oa lbMn Lin a.' the lotted Colorado, However, Still Struggle! With Gale, Which Slayi Stock. SOUTHERN STATES SEE MERCURY TUMBLE T.niifurc Almott Has Minns Read ings, While Rvea '"lew Orleans Shivers When Eleven I)f(ri Above Frerstng la Recorded. Minimum Temperatures. Went Superior, tVis 24 Bt. Paul 20 Minneapolis JO Peoria. Ill 14 Omaha 12 12 10 9 9 8 8 0 0 2 , 27 43 PARIS. Feb IT. It I cfllrlal circles that the Austrian dor at Constantinople lll today prest a note to the ports asking for reform In Mace donia. Thi 1, regarded as Inaugurating the project for Joint action on the part of the European powers toward Turkey. The present at! "n of the Russian note, which Is Identical, will follow that of Aus tria, but the foreign office here has not yet been advised of the exact date of Its pre sentation. The terms of notes were submitted to France, Great Britain, Italy and Germany and were approve in principle by ail ex cept Germany. This is regarded by the French officials so indicating German dl vergce from the European concert and es a tendency to support Turkey. The notes, while Arm, do not contain a men ace, the present suggested administrative and financial reforms not affecting the po litical status. In , explaining the project an official said it was an explanation of "Europe's Monroe doctrine" which Im posed the same duties to maintain peace In Europe as the United States exercises In Cuba and South America. ENGLAND IS NOW AT PEACE King Calls Attention to Pact in Speech from Throne. PARLIAMENT OPENED WITH CEREMONY Royal Procession of King and t)neen and Officers of Court Witnessed by Great Crowd in the Streets. Topeka Kan Milwaukee Chicago Ies Moines Kan Bus city Bt. Louis Indianapolis Columbus, O Buffalo Pittsburg- Nashville, Tenn.. Memphis. Tenn... New York New Orleans CHEYENNE. Wyo., Feb. 17. Last night aa average depth of ten Inches of snow covered the plains, when a strong wind sprang up. The cuta were quickly filled. During the night the main line of the Union Pacific was kept open by hard work, but today trains became blocked on Sher man hill for several hours. They were pushed through to Laramie, Wyo., where they are now tied up. On the Cheyenne ft Northern branch of the Colorado ft South era a passenger train, one freight and sev eral snow plows are snowbound this aide of Hartvllle Junction. The company hopes to open the road tomorrow. On the Fremont, Elkhorn ft Missouri Val ley Jwo tralnloads of the Thirteenth csrslry. enroute to San Francisco, are snowbound at Lusk. Great difficulty is being met In moving trains over the Denver ft Pacific road. Another snowstorm is now In progress near Medicine Bow and In the vicinity of Rock Springs, Wyo. This will probably make more trouble fcr the Union Pacific. Colorado Still In Throes. DENVER, Feb. 17. The moat severe snow and wind storm experienced In years pre vails In 8outh Park, on the Ounnlson and Leadvtlle branches of the Colorado ft Southern railroad. The Leadvllle branch Is snowbound be tween Como and Breckinridge, a distance of thirty miles. Passenger trains are stalled In the drifts between these points ind engines sent to their rescue became fastened In the huge plh of anew and are uelpleaa. Freight trains are also atuck In the anow. Unprotected live stock throughout the )Mrk la reported as suffering terribly and the probability Is that serious losses on sheep and cattle will be sustained by own ers whose herds were not sheltered. All traffic on the branch from Como to (lunnlson has been suspended. Two trains tre dead at St. Elmo, from which place they have been trying to move for three ray. Conditlona are serious for the company rt Alpine tunnel, between St. Elmo and (lunnlson. But one train baa passed through (he tunnel In several daya. Cold la Den Molnea. DE8 MOINES, la., Feb. 17. The ther r. IOmeter registered 9 degrees below aero this morning. It being 1 degree higher than the record for the winter. There was considerable difficulty experi enced In the operation of the electric lines In the city, owing to the heavy pull caused by the cold weather. There Is no wind blowing and but little suffering Is experi enced. Breaks Record la Kansas. TOPEKA, Kan.. Feb. 17. The cold today made a new record In Kansas, the govern ment thermometer registering this morning II below aero. Report from western counties show a great shortage In the coal supply. The railroad have not been able to deliver oars on account of the storm and as a re- PALMA HOLDS BACK TREATY Will Sot Itrnd Coaling; station A err ce ment to Senate Till Roose velt Acta. HAVANA. Feb. 16. (Delayed In Trans mission.) President Palma will not send the coaling station agreement to the senate until President Roosevelt has signed It. In general terms the station will Include the lower bay of Guantanamo, with twenty qua re miles of land, and five miles of land and water at Bahla Honda. According to a Cuban official, the private lans will not be purchased, but will be leased, subject to a secondary treaty covering the leases. No delay Is expected to occur In com pletlng the treaty covering the sovereignty of the Isle of Pines and incorporating the Piatt amendment Into the permanent agree merit. There is no doubt here that the United States will recognixe Cuban sov ereignty over the lale of Pines. The senate committee Is still withholding It report on the reciprocity treaty. In spite of the efforts put forth by President Palma, the members of the cabinet and business Interests. RELATIVE OF GEN. LAFAYETTE i Distinguished Frenchman to Be an Attache of the Embassy at Washington. PARIS, Feb. 17. The Foreign office today announced the appointment of the Vlcomte de Chambron to be an attache of the French embassy at Washington. LONDON. Feb. 17. King Edward, accom panied by Queen Alexander and surrounded by the court and all the offlcera of atate, epened Parliament this afternoon. Early In the morning the vaults of the Louses were searched for Imaginary con spirators, as ububI, by the yeoman of the guard, carrying ancient lanterns and use less halberds. The troops took up posi tions along the route of the procession. The crowds, which had been attracted by the fine weather and a desire to witness the royal pageant, did not lack entertain ment during the long wait. The royal procession, consisting of six state carriages escorted by Life guards, left Buckingham palace at 1:30 p. m. Their majesties '.re seated in the last carriage, which was drawn by the eight Hanoverian horses which have figured In all the recent royal Ceremonies. The king and queen reached the Victoria tower through the Mall, the Horse Guard and White Hgll. All the great officers of state, In varied uniforms, were assembled at the Royal House of Peer to receive the king. The procession, which waa Identical with that of the previous ceremony, formed, and, headed by the pursuivants and heralds, marched to the robing room, their majesties being Immediately presented with the sword of state, carried by the marquis of Londonderry. After the robing the procession reformed and with a blast of trumpets advanced to the peers' cham ber, the duke of Devonshire, lord president of the council, preceding their majestic with the imperial cromn, which he carried on a cushion. The king then seated himself on the throne, with the lords bearing the cap of maintenance and the sword of state stand ing on his right and left. The queen sat on the left of the king and the prince of Wales on his right. Mcmbcra of House Summoned. The members of the House of Common were then summoned, and on their arrival the lord high chancellor, rarl of Halsbury, kneeling, handed the king the speech, which his majesty read from the throne, as fol lows: My Lords and Gentlemen: My relation with all the foreign power continue friendly. The blockade of the Veneiuelan ports has led to negotiations for the adjustment of all the matters in dispute. I rejoice that a settlement has now been arrived at which has Jiietlfled the blockading pow ers in bringing all hostile naval operations to an immediate close. Negotiations have taken place for an ad justment of the questions which have COAL FREIGHTJS BOOSTED Eastern Roads Add Few Dimes Pet Ton on Fnel for Western Market. PITTSBURG. Pa.. Feb IT. Cosl freight rat?s were advanced In ikeep'ag with the advance on other freight rates at a meeting today of leading officials on railroads Inter ested In the coal traffic from Pittsburg, Ohio, and West Virginia district. The rates ngreed upon arc: Pittsburg to Chicago, all rail, old rate 11.75: new rate, 11.90. Ohio to Chicago, ;old. $1.50; new. 11.65. Hall and lake. Pltttiorg to lake, old rale, 73 rents; new, 83 cents. Ohio district to lake, old. 75 cents; new, 83 cents. West Virginia district to lake, old, 814 cents; PROVISIONS OF NEW TAX LAW Sjnopgii of the Bill Prepared by the Revenue Commission. GENERAL FEATURES OF 0L0 LAW SAVED County Assessors to Have Charge of Matins of All Property bat Rail roads for Pnrpoaea of Taxation. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 17. (Special.) Thl sum mary of the revenue bill, which In Ita corn- new, 914 cents. The commercial rates from j pi,tB(1 form ls now ln tne hands of the mine in all districts to lake cities was increased from 90 cent to tl. The new all-rail rate are effective April 1 for one year, and the lake and rail for the coming season. , PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 17. A lnrge num ber of bituminous coal operators shipping to tidewater met here today and formed an association to be known aa the Bituminous Coal Trade association. It is said the new organization represents about 75 per cent of the operators In the Clearfield, Cumber land, Myersdale, Flattop, New River, Beech Creek and West Virginia fields. Resolutions adipted stated the purpose of the organization Is to j secure accurate knowledge of the rate of production and of stocks of coal on hand, to (he end that the Joint committee for final review, pending Introduction In the house, was prepared by Representative Thompson of Merrick: "The bill leave substantially unchanged section 143-177, Inclusive, amending the same only to the extent made necessary by reason of the change made In other portions of the bill. One of the most Im portant changes made In the existing law is the provision for county assessors who are to be elected at the general election in 1903, and who shall hold terms of office for one year and shall not be eligible to re-election, and shall with the consent of the board of supervisors determine the number of deputy assessor to assess the property in his county, and the same shsll be subject to removal by the county aRscs CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Pnow In Weet, Katr In East Portion Wednesday; Thurs day Fair, Except Snow In Southwest Portion. Temperatare at Omaha Yesterday Honr. Dear. Hoar. Deg. B a. a. T a. st a. O a. to a. it a. 13 m . i 11 12 to io T s .i e p. s p. 8 p. 4 P. n p. i p. T p. H p. 0 P. I. .... 10 14 IT IN i sto 14 markets may always be provided with an j BOr. Before entering upon the duties of his He I a great-grandson of Lafayette, waa the representative of the Lafayette family t nrtsen in regard to the boundary of my at the Rochambeau ceremonies and Is a brother of Marqula do Chambron, a member of the Chamber of Deputlea, who ia the ranking representative of the family. The vlcomte will aall for New York March T. Owing to the recent death of hi mother, th venerable marquise, who waa the bead of the family, the vlcomte la In mourning and will be compelled to withhold from par ticipation in aoclal eventa for the present. ample supply or coal. i - BRYAN DELAYED BY WRECK Railroad Disaster Makes Kebraskan Late to Silver Democrats Dinner. BALTIMORE, Md.. Feb. 17. William Jennings Bryan was the guest of honor at Eutaw house of the Maryland Democratic association. Mr. Bryan was delayed several hours en route from New York by a railway wreck and was an hour late. Mr. Bryan was Introduced by President S. 8. Field of the Maryland lemocratlc association. "In all part of the country," said Mr. Bryan, "there are thousand of people who are just aa devoted to the principles for which we are contending as are you loyal members of this club, to whom I am speak. Ing. I am absolutely sure that some day we shall rejoice in winning a victory upon these principles." He referred to the present administra tion and aaid: "If we can ever get entire control of the national government In the hands of real democrats we shall Institute so many reforma that the republicans will not obtain a foothold in a generation." He closed by advising his hearers to spend the next year In "maintaining the integrity of the democratic party of the country and to send delegates to the next national convention who will rot vote for aa ambiguous platform." FEVER RAVAGES CORNELL Three More University "tudeats Fall Victims to Typhoid coarse ITHACA, N. Y., Feb. 17. Three mors doatha from typhoid fever occurred today among the students of Cornell university, and eight case were reported. President Schurman, when seen today In regard to the situation, said: The number of new case among the stu dents has markedly declined during the last few days. On the other hand, we are now In the third week of the present epi demic, and a large number of the rlrst cases are reaching the crisis. The Cornell authorities will install a Al teration plant at once, costing $150,000. Al ready 80fl student of the university have gone to their homes. MISSING MAIL CASH FOUND DIRTY WATER AS CURE ALL German Quack Doctor I, on a Impose on Patients, but Finally Feela Law. BERLIN, Feb. 17. Herr Nardenkoetter, whose ncme in large black type haa been a feature for years In German nostrum ad vertisements, has been aentenced to three years' Imprisonment after a trial which had been a fortnight'a sensation Tor Berlin. On one occaalon, being In a great hurry to satisfy acme of hla patients, he sim ply filled their bottles with soapy water from a wash bowl. A a atria May Sot Participate. VIENNA. Feb. 17. The industrial asso ciation of lower Austria has decided to visit the St. Louis exposition between August aud October. The prospect of Austrian par ticipation In the exposition Is lessening. The Vienna Chamber of Commerce haa re ported to the ministry, of commerce that very few of It member are Inclined to exhibit. Mm p. Hambert Makes Complaint. DIDIfl C.h 17 Mm. Th.rAin Unm -u.v ...,. 7 .Ibert. the central figure In the Crawford tu v v iuc iun i vicm icg o tea 1 1 j uai famine Investigation, two bills were today reported in the legislature. They make It a crime for a railroad to confiscate any coal consigned to a shipper, no matter how great their need may be. told In the Southwest. KANSA8 CITY, Feb. 17. The Intense cold weather In the southwest continue. In Kansas City at 8 o'clock thl morning the thermometer recorded 9 degree below xero, the coldest of the winter here. Further west the temperature wa atill lower, with no Indications of moderation. Train schedules are still badly demoralized. Six Below la St. l.onla. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 17. At 7 a. m. today the thermometer registered ( degrees below sero, the coldest weather of the season for this vicinity. This ls a drop of 11 degree from midnight. Out in the suburb and through southern Illinois and Missouri re ports of even lower temperatures are being received. Weather clear and temperatur greatly moderated. Incoming trains are somewhat delayed. All trains except short run accommoda tions were from two to six hours late this morning and the Vandalla and Chicago ft Alton reported many poles down along their tracks. Tb telegraph companies have had a hard time keeping communication open. Be cause of the lack of fuel at the city hospi tal, ths lives of 700 patients, some of whom are at the point of death, are endangered , by the cold. 81nc ths cold snap struck St. Louis ths hospital has been without enough coal and i tne autnortties nave neen compelled to economise in the use of what they had litigation, has complained of Buffering from an affection of the heart caused by confine ment, and the presiding Judge ha ordered a medical examination and postponed the proceeding, which were set for today. THREE DAYS TOJIND VERDICT Jary Convicts "Bloody Mae" Leader of Murdering Men Boy'a Gang Frosesuted. possessions in North America and that of the territory of Alaska. A treaty providing for the reference of the Venesuelan difficulty to an arbitration tribunal has been signed and ratified. ; The speech next referred to the- B&lkau queatlon, saying: The1 situation of the European provinces of Turkey gives cause for serious anxiety. 1 have used my beet efforts to Impress upon the sultan and his ministers the urgent need of conservative, well considered methods of reform. Reforms In the East. After sottng that Austria and Russia have ben considering the reforma which the signatories of the Berlin treaty should recommend to the sultan, the speech adda: I trust that the proposals will prove sufficient for the purpose and that I shall find It possible to give them my hearty support. . , The king next mentioned the Aden Hin- j terland dispute and the Somillland expedi tion ana men luroea in ouuiu Ainca, on which aubject he said: The progress of rents In South Africa has been satisfactory. The visit of the colonial secretary has alraaj oeen pro ductive of the happiest results and the opportunity It has provided for personal conferences with Lord Mllner and the min ister of the self-governing colonies ami tne representatives of all interests and opinions has greatly conduced to a smooth adjust ment of many difficult questions and to the removal of many occasion of misunder standings. After referring to the Kano (Nigeria) ex pedition and the Indian durbar, the king aaid: I am giad to state that the latter 1m poslng ceremony coincided , with the dis appearance of the drouth and a great distress in western India, and the pros IKM'ta for both agriculture and commerce throughout my Indian empire are more encouraging and satisfactory than for home time past. The king and queen returned to Bucking bam palace at 3 o'clock. The crowds every where greeted them with enthusiasm. Heads Congratulatory Speech. When the House of Commons assembled tor the trsnsaclion of business thla after noon, the speaker, Mr. Gully, read the congratulatory speech to a small, slim house. Mr. Gratton, conservative, moved the address In reply to the speech and in ao doing expressed satisfaction at the ter mination of the Veneiuelan blockade and at the fact that throughout the difficult affair cordial relations bad been main tained with the United States. TROLLEY MEN VOTE TO STRIKE Big Majority of Chicago City Railway Employes Reject afcttratioa for Industrial 'War. CHICAGO. Feb. 17. Announcement that an overwhelming majority of the Chicago City Railway company's employes have voted to strike will be made tomorrow night to delegates from all unions con nected with the street railroad. Pressure was exercised from various sources to bring about arbitration, but the car men's unions said tonight that there was no occasion for arbitration. However, under the rule of the organi zation, the result of the ballot muat be submitted to the national executive officers before a strike can be put into effect. STEAMERS HAVE CLOSE SHAVE Fire Breaks Out In Ship Lying New York Dock and the Crew Escapes by Hawser. In NEW YORK. Feb. 17 Three alarms were sounded tonight for a 3 re aboard the steam ship Rio Grande of the Mallory line, docked in Burling slip. The fire started In the forward cabin. Captain E. D. Johnstone and eight of the crew who were asleep gained the deck and found that they were su. rounded with flames, 'their only mean of escape being by sliding down the bow hawsers to the pier. ' The fire was confined to the cabin, how ever, and the damage was not large. JUDGES MUST STAND ALONE Illinois Will ot Allow Two Parties to Nominate Same Judicial Candidate. SPRINGFIELD. 111., Feb. 17 Political executive committees in thla slate are not to be permitted to make Judicial nomina tions without convention action. Neither i will the placing of the same candidates for ' Judgeships on more than one party ticket lie auowea. ( BUI auld to have the hacking of all Cbl- COLUMBIA, Mo., Feb. 17. After being I Mr orevlllr, conservative, seconded ths J csgo Judges and making such procedures out tnree nays tne jury in ine case oi Aiiau nioMon He referrp4 ln , fl,oiog t0 the feasible were killed In the legislature to Orear, who, with five other boya, ls charged with the murder of Edward C. Chapman, returned a verdict of murder in the second degree and assessed the punishment at ten years in the penitentiary. Irish land bill in term which elicited ap- I day by the sponsor, Senator Daniel Camp proving cheer from the Irish members J bell. The liberal leader. Sir Henry Campbell- I i Baontrman. who was loudly cueerod. fol lowed. He said he desired Information I THAWED DYNAMITE EXPLODES orear was the first or tne aerenaant to ; Ine ,ubjects of Venexuela and Mace be tried, the trlala of the other five having do:lta Bnd on ,he gr,at queue, o( ,he been continued until March 24. Chapman j itUl(,ment of affairs in South Africa, waa shot on the night of September 28. 1902. j , yeneiucla he said the cloud had hap and it is alleged that the tragedy waa tbo j plly p,sged, but it was a black cloud and culmination of a crics of persecutions In- i OUB which many people thought might tituted against him by Orear and his com- have b.n avoided. It mlsht have had panions. who called their band the "Bloody j dangeroua concqucncc and It was the duty Nine." The gang was in imitation ot tnose of tna country to Inquire how It had been 1 described In certr.ln dime novels. N. P. BANDIT CAUGHT IN EAST Wealthy Hobbcr Arrested In more Confesses to West ern Hold-l p. Ilalll- WASHINGTON. Feb. 17.-Franklin Baer. ! alia Joseph Myer, alias Melr. who waa ar- An Inefficient supply of coal at the court j "'l' l' P"M? "J? .""fT house resulted ln ths closing of the court. I "u , 7' u " A , " .nd office, there today. There ...m. to be ! b'1 h plenty of coal In the city, but owing to tb. hola'", on. rth"n c- condition of the streets and th. cold weather it Is extremely hard to deliver. Coldest of Season la Chicago. CHICAGO, Feb. 17. The people shivered today In the coldest weather of the season. The cold wave which descended upon the city yesterday Increased In severity throughout the night and aent th mercury (Continued on Second Page.) n. which he has to his credit ln tt Uc, , precedent would have been ! ,n ,he wne circuit court, today directed era National bank of Chicago. Hv i established toward a peaceful aettlement j ""diet for tbe plaintiff for 1444.731 In he secured the larger part of the $11,650 ktolen Drcv added that be had to spend, fti.OoO to enable him to leave tb. locality where toe holdup occurred, and for that reason had assumed the nam of Myer. Baer claims to have a homestead seventy miles from Butte, Mont., and today sent a letter to hla wife under the nam. of Baer at that address. Kills Two Men When Frosen Mass Is Dropped In Hot Water. IIIUVI E, Ariz.. Feb. 17. At the Buckeye mine, nine miles south of this place, two men were killed, two seriously Injured and l a number or others sllgn'iy nurt as tbe re- I assessment proviaeo. office the county assessor shall take and subscribe an oath that he will truly and faithfully perform the duties of his office. There 1 provision that he shall execute a bond to the state of Nebraska to be ap proved by the county Judge, In a sum equal to two and one-half per cent of the total collections, but In no esse shall the amount of tho bond be less than $2,000 nor more tan $10,000. "The salaries for county assessors In counties having a population of fi.OOO or less. $250; a population of o.OOO to 10,000. $350: from 10.000 to 30,000, $300; from 30,000 to 60,000, $800; from 50,000 to 100,000, $1,200. The compensation for deputies shall be at $3 per day for each day necessarily cm- ployed. Tho deputy assessors are required to assess property upon actual view thereof. Stringent provisions are made for tbe as sessment of property belonging to parties removing from one county to another and to secure the listing for taxation of prop erty brought into the state of Nebraska for grazing purpose." State Board of Equalisation. The bill creates the State Board of Equalization and Assessment, consisting of the governor, auditor, treasurer, secretary of state and commissioner of public lands and buildings. It shall meet on October 15, 1903, appoint a secretary, who shall hold his office at tbe pleasure of such board, and whose duties shall be to perform such duties as may be provided by law or the regulations of the board. He aball have power to administer oaths and call special meeting of the board and he shall receive a full compensation $1,600 per annum. The governor la made ex-offlclo president of the board. Provision la made for a aeat of the board, which aball be attached to alt certificate and proceaaea lasued by the board.- The board ta gtveu -power-to pro vide uniform methods of keeping the tax roll and all of the various records per taining to the revenue administration of the state. It shall have general direction and control of all of the assessors and supervise them in the performance of their duties. It shall hold it meetings on the first Monday of June of each year, meeting at the state capital, for the purpose of equalization, and shall examine the ab stract of property assessed of tbe various counties, including tbe railroads in auch counties, and shall equalize the same ao as to make the assessment conform to law, and for that purpose shall have power to Increase and decrease the assessed valua tion as returned by the counties, and such Increase or decrease shall be made by per centum and such action shall be certified to the clerk of the proper county. Equalisation for Counties. The county board, county assessor and county clerk shall constitute the county board of equalization, the county clerk be ing the clerk thereof. This board Is pro vided with powers of equalization to hear complaints of those who feel themselves fcggrleved by reason of some other tax payer, being assessed too low. Tbey ahall at their meeting in 1904, and every four years thereafter, revalue all the real prop erty, which I only to be assessed once ln every four years, but betterments are to be added thereto and losses to be de ducted therefrom when they exceed $100. The board shall ascertain whether the val uation In one taxing district bear a just relation to all the others and may increase or decrease the sggregate accordingly. It shall adjust the assessment for tbe county by raising or lowering the assessment of any person, as to any or all Itema of hla assessment, but there is no power to raise i he assessment of any person without noti fying him, if he can be found. Provision for notice by publication la the same aa In the old act. Provision Is made for appeal from the decision of the board to the district court to be prosecuted within twenty days after i adjournment, the provision of tbe code for appeals from the decision of the county board on claims to govern. Any auch ap peal does not have the effect of suspend ing the collection of taxes or any of the duties of the board, but if the appeal 1 successful tbe fund thereby affected la ; segregated and becomes available for re payment. Power of the Coart. The district court hear the appeal In equity and determine the question de nova and ita decision I to be certified to the county clerk, who 1 charged with tbe duty of correcting the book accordingly. The bill provide a form for the assessment of all personal property and the methods of are an Important I feature of the new bill. The taxpayer Is Pouch Containing 0O,OOO Tnras Ip with Empty Bags at Cin cinnati Office. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Feb. 17. The missing mall pouch 'containing $50,000 has been found and ls now safely housed In the office of the superintendent of malls here. The missing pouch arrived here today from Cincinnati. The theory I that the pouch In this In stance lost Its destination tag, and that the mail clerks mistook It for one contain ing other empty pouches that were being sett bach to Cincinnati. Tho pouch prob ably went to the Cincinnati pouch storage room and lay there unopened. It la believed the contenta are Intact, but it will not be opened till tomorrow. MISS ROOSEVELT AT" COURT Xew Orleans Mimic King Adds Presi dent's Daughter to Royal Party. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 17. Miss Alice Roosevelt's debut In New Orloana society was made especially brilliant. Tonight the Atlantean gave their ball at the French opera house and Ml Roose velt occupied a specially decorated box. As soon aa the table and coronation were over 1 special eacort conducted her to a seat beside the throne, the king presented her with a handsome souvenir and the wa Incorporated into the royal party, apeclal honor being paid her by all the grandee of the mimic court. SAVES DOMAIN FOR WATER General Land Office Orders Home steaders Refused la Laramie Coanty. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Feb. 17. The Chey enne land office today received instruction from the general land office to withdraw from entry, except under the Irrigation act, a atrip of land In northern Laramie county varying ln width from twelve to thirty mile and extending entirely across the county, from east to west. This trac: comprises 850,000 acrea and will be under the Devll'a Gate reservoir, perhaps tbe ftMt to be constructed under the national Irrigation law. lea into suco a oumuny. , gut of , expioll(Jn of dynamite. Sir Henry commeniea on tne speech In T 0 men ha(, bee lrfl to thaw out two i reoulred to respond to every question cov connection with Venezuela. There are j fcox(,s of fror(, dynamite, one of them ' erlng all the Items contained in a corapre- peopie in mis couniry no were or t ne . gainerprt up ai t he dynamite be could hoi 1 . hensive schedule. Four interrogatories are opinion that Great Britain should not as- '. in tw0 hanJ, ,n(j dropi . d It into a bucket i propounded and must be answered by every sociaie wuu ..enusuy nuner any circura-, of ho, wat(.r ImraedlHtely Ihers wac stances., oui ne mo, noi sympathize with (,eaf,D,ng rxpisun. heard for mile., that view, although be admitted there j bad been much abuse and slander of Hil'i nnnCDC nWnDC'JUC Tfl D A V ronnirv ln the German nress. The sneaker ! UtUJ tnd AIMUntWd IU TAI was opposed to co-operation with Germany ln a matter like the Venezuelan. Germany was strong but rough. Germany also was not favorable to the Monroe doctrine. If there bad ever been a rase for srbltra- tlon the Venezuelan affair was one and If this course had been adopted In the first Court Awards Detroit Hoard of K du ra lion l4t.Til Deposited In Wrecked Bank. j DETROIT. Mich.. Feb 17 Judge Hoser. of international question. Referring to South Africa Sir Henry aid they might have differed In the past over the war but now the war wa over be urged that they all work for the common purpc.e of laying the foundation f a new (Continued on Second Page.) ! the case of the Detroit Poard of Education against Henry R. Andrew, it former treasurer, and h's bondsmen. Andrem-g wa. cashier of tbe wrecket city savings bank of this city, and tbe fund, for which the hoard hrouaht suit were on deposit In that bank. The bondsmen will I appeal the case. I person assessed. Attached to and forming a part of the schedule ia an oath which the person as sessed Is by the act required to subscribe to and the committee Is of opinion that It will be effective in placing upon the BILLINGS TRAIN DERAILED Burlington Cnr Topples Over Rear St Joseph, Killing one and v Injuring Two Others. " ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Feb. 17. The rear trucks of a car attached to the Burlington and Missouri River train, due here from Billings, Mont., at 6:30 p. m. left the rails six miles north of St. Joseph tonight, causing the car to roll over. C. W. Smith, colored, aged 42, a waiter, waa instantly killed; Charles Bowen, an other waiter, residing In Kansas City, waa badly scalded. Conductor T. J. walker, of the dining car. was slightly Injured. STEAM BOILS THREE MEN Ice Derails Rio Grande Engine, bring Ing Death to Three of Trala Crew. LEADVILLE. Colo., Feb. 17. Conductor John Summers. Engineer Benjamin Spencer and Switchman W. E. Rogers were caught under an engine that Jumped the track and turned over In the Denver ft Rio Grande yards today and were fatally acalded by escaping eteam. The accident waa caused by Ice on the ralla. WASHINGTON S0L0NS FIGHT Legislature Breaks Up la Disorder Whea Railroad Bill Is Slala. OLYMPI A, Wash., Feb. 17. As a climax to the roost exciting morning of tbe ses sion, tho railroad commission bill In the house wa. declared Indefinitely po.tponed. The house then adjourned amid an up roar In which the friends of the commis sion bill hurled anathemas at Speaker Hare. The speaker and Representative Lewis came to blows. FUGITIVE MAYOR WILL FIGHT Ames Prepares to Resist Extradi tion oa Purely Medical Grss4i. CONCORD. N. H., Feb. 17. Preparation practically are completed for a protest to. CHARTER FOR OMAHA Douglas Delegation Tinally OeU Together on the Amended Measure, MAKES SOME CHANGES IN SALARIES Chiefs of Tire and Police Departments Put on the Same Basis of Fay. COMPTROLLER GETS BOOST IN SALARY City Attorney and Building Inspector Are Made Elective Offioea, SUBSTITUTE FOR TERMINAL TAX BILL Kew Measure Thought to Cure Objec tions to II. R. 1T1 and Hopes Are KntertaJaed of Its Passage. (From a Staff Correspondent.! LINCOLN, Neb.. Feb. 17. (Special.) The so-called Omaha charter hill, H. R. 810, was Introduced In the house thl morning by Nelson of Douglas. It merely amend certain section of the present law. The Douglaa delegation ha been at work for ome time on thl measure and It haa un dergone several changes even since It wa first drawn. The bill originally contem plated Increasing the number of warda and councllmen In the city, but It wa finally decided to leave the present law Intact. ao that there are still, so far as this bill I concerned, nine warda and nine mem ber of the city council In Omaha. It will be seen from the resume of tha bill which follows, that several changes have been made In the aalarle. of city official. For instance, the enmnt roller clerk, prosecutor and chief of police have been raised, while tho health commissioner, enter or the fire department and electrician have been reduced. The chiefs of the lira and police department are placed on tha aame salary, $2,600. Thla mean cutting off $.100 from the annual salary of th lira chief and tacking It on to that of th police chief. The meaaure, as will be seen, makes the city attorney and building Inapector elective instead of appointive officer and provide that the tssistant elty attorney shall be rppointed by the city attorney In stead of by the mayor. It raises the lira fund from $125,000 to $150.ono and make mrterlal charges In o;h?r city funds. It omit tho tax commissioner clause as that matter Is covered in the substitute bill for H. R. 171. Police and Fire Salaries. The scale of salaries show lncreasea for policemen and firemen. Each policeman and fireman will receive the following com pensation: For the first six months' ser vice tbe sum of $65 per month; for tha aecond six months' service the sum of $70 per month; for the third six month. $75 per month; after two years' continuous service they shall receive the sum of $80 per month. Each captain of the police and fire department ahall receive not less than $90 per month, and not more than $110 per month, to be fixed by the Board of Fire and Police commissioners. Each of ficer of the police and fire departments and each engineer of fire englnea under the rank of chief or assistant chtefa of captalna, shall receive a aum not ex ceeding $90 per month, to be fixed by tha Board of Fire and Police commissioner. No policeman ahall be allowed feea aa a witness ln any criminal case tried In any court of thl city, nor shall any officer or employe of the city be allowed any fees aa witnesses for the city In any civil or criminal case. Section 13 was amended so a to provide for the election of city attorney and build ing Inspector and to omit the office of po lice judge, which will be provided tor In a separate bill. Section 14 waa amended ao aa to leave the number of councllmen to be fixed by section 8, but no change waa made ln sec tion 8. Section 20 provides that all notices shall be printed in one official newspaper. In stead of two newspaper aa heretofore. The maximum rate for this printing was' not changed. Tbe annual contract for printing muat be awarded to the loweat bidder ln July of each year. Section 33 provided for filing claim with ths city comptroller and permit an ap- ' peal from his derision to the district coort. Section 64 omits the city attorney and building Inspector from the list of ap pointive office. It also provide that the assistant city attorney shall be appointed , by the city attorney and the clerk of flra and police by aaid board. Under the present charter these officers are appointed by tha mayor. Changes In Salaries. Section 6. telatlve to ealarle of city officer ha been amended In several In stances, a follows: Old New Charter. Charter. schedule all of the personal property of the j sorrow against the extradition of former . ...hi- , ,.,,i Tk. i Mayor Ame of Minneapolis. taxpayer liable to taxation. The usual pen allies for perjury attach to the making of a false return In answer to the questions propounded. Provision la made for the en forcement of thla provision by reporta made to and complaints filed by the county at torney. Taa oa t'orporatloas. Insursnre companies, express companies, telegraph snd telephone rompsnies are to be locally assessed, and tbe basis of such assessment, shall be the gro. receipt of (Continued oa Second Page.) Mayor Ames of Minneapolis. Dr. Ames did not appear, but bis coun sel will present in his stead two physi cian who. It ls expected, will state that his removal would endanger his life. Movements at s Vessels Feb. IT. At New York Arrived Vaderland. from Antwerp. At Liverpool Arrived Haxonla, from New York; Turcoman, fruin Portland. At Imdon Arrived Minnehaha, from New York. At Antwerp-Arrived Zeeland, from New York, via rWuthamplun. At The Usaid Pased Amsterdam, from New York, fur Kotterdsro. Cltv comptroller ll.WO $S.0n Citv clerk l.aoo 1,000 Cltv prosecutor 900 1,K Health commissioner J.oifl l,5fti f'lty electrician l.W0 1.S00 Chief of fire department i one 2.600 Chief of police t.000 i.t09 Section 89. the $5,000 limit for clerical service In the office of city comptroller wa removed because It waa found Imprao ttcahto to run the office on that amount and the limit had been exceeded for a number of year. Section 101a provide for the appointment by the Board of Public Work of inspector, laborers and all other employes. Such ap pointments must be presented to tbe elty council and be confirmed by It before their compensation begin and the compensation shall be fixed by the mayor and city council before they commence work. Section 110 ha been amended by th. as sistant city attorney to make tha law re lating to paving taxes more definite snd certain. Thl section and section 111 are designed to prevent Irregularities In paving assessment and to prevent suit to cancel special taxes. The main feature of section 111 la that it provide for a hearing of pro test by property owner aa to the suffi ciency, regularity and legality of paving pe. titlons. Section 138 Fire fund raised from $128, 0O0 to $150,000. library fund from $20,000 to $22,000, park fund changed to read not less than $n0,00 or more than $40,000, Judg- I ment fund $2,000; no change. Section 159 waa redrafted o aa to glva the city council power to tax for revenue as well as license and regulate pawnbrok ers, peddler, commission merchant, eta. This section I lubstanttally the aama aa proposed by H. R. 3K5, Introduced four years ago. Section 188 permits funds of the Police Relief sssoclatlon to be Invested In gen eral fund warrants of tbe city and county. In conformity with the Saunders city elec tion law tho bill names the date of city election aa tbe drat Tuesday in May In-