Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1903, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE in, 171. OMAHA. TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1103-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. a 1 f ( r V ! TRAINS ARE DELAYED Lctc Tea perattre lEWTi'eret witi Fawropw lid Ireictt TnSa DirriCl'LT TO VMS. ENGINES STEAK! Font of tie E-itdi AW to Bring in Their on Tim. DELAY n?0M FEW MINUTES TO HOURS Cold "Weather ii the Erie All Orel tie Vertem Oountry. SNOW A HANDICAP IN SOKE SECTIONS Beaarle trass Ikr X( Oeeatry tbat Btsr k Is parerlBg Lnm. Kepaelally at krr, Ars Wniislor,, N. 7" 4? Orand Kncumjirnent, Wyo ASediclne How, A yo Vest r-uj:riur, 1 Ft s M- n rwr s. r Norfolk , Nib 1! Dodge City. Kan If. "m n II Concordia. Kan 12 lee Moines, In.., TtO TienveT 10 Topeka. Ken . Ft. Joseph. Mo 7 Karma City Mo...... Wichita. Kan Chicae 4 Despite tb art that tnere waa no no and not a great deal of wind la the middle treat Bud flay and Sunday night, all train about thia part of the country were delayed by the cold. The low temperature alone wa sufficient to make service late in all directions, regardless of tb course of the wind. Sunday night u tbe coldest of the year ao far, and though there were no ac tual obstructions to renin stock, the fi treme frlglty a crippled the motive power that th result waa quite aa aenoua in mak ing trains late aa waa the blirtsrd and snowstorm of tea day ago. Boiler were cooled to an alarming ex tent, despite tb moat heroic efforta to keep them up to tbe beat required for cbedu)e speed. Tbe temperature proved itself maater of tbe firebox and engine crew simply had to give tip and art over the road tba beat tbey could. Tbe rails were fronted worse than any previous time thia winter, and that waa another great drawback to traffic. Had there been a bad wind or enow with tbe unusual cold tbe de lays would have been far more extensive. Bartlaartea Tralma Oat. Burlington trains ware not very badly off schedule, but all were lata. Ka 4. which makes itp at Lincoln, lost thirty mtnntea ta making the abort run te Omaha, though tt left Lincoln on Urn. Train a from tbe aat were both an bcur late. These from Om -weal were somewhat behind. fnlon Pacific tralna were many hours late from the west. Those do Sunday night came in Monday morning. Kartb-weatern tralna from the east were alas lata, Ns. 1, tbe Overland Limited, being as hour aad a half behind yesterday morning, and K. 11 feeing aa baur lata. With tbe ether roads it was much the amine. Tbs Illinois Central train from Chi eagn, due here at S OS in the morning, waa an hour late, and the Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul train aaa late. Tbe Wabaah 'mm St. Louis, due here at 8.20 a. m.. waa three hour late, while the Missouri Pa i iflc from Kansas City waa aa hour behind. WM, Haaae la Tvaserslsre, According to the reports received by tbe iocal weather forecaster a most peculiar tondltion prevailed over the Vnited States at the time the observations were taken yeaterday and the temperature of th country showed a range of 114 degree, ii degree below at Wllliaton. N. V., and 71 degress above at New Orleans. Another remarkable variation waa from 6 degrees at Ehrevrport, La., with rain and snow, te 7! degree at New Orleans. Down at Tuma. considered tbe hottest point In tb Vnited State, tb temperature got down te 4 de grees above the freexing point, while at Amarillo, Tex., the lowest waa X degree below sere, and at Dodge City, Kan.. It low. Omaha, Denver, De Moines, Rapid City and North Piatt each ahowed a mini mum of 10 Degrees below aero. This cold weatbV Is generally unaccom panied by other unpleasant condition and -I no high wind nor prerlpitat loa 1 reported from the place showing extremely low temperturs. CATTLE AND SHEEP DYING "M'latrr Blasts stay Live fttaek W eak ears' ay Pralaas-ea1 eaaar atsraaa. NORFOLK, Neh Fen, 16 (Special Tele gram.) The government thermometer last night registered II degrees below sere, the coldest we have had here thia winter. SCHVYLER. Neb., Feb. 16 (Special. Tbe most persistent cold weather of the season has prevailed during tbe last week, and has laces the moat complained of of any during the inter. Tb mercury baa been getting loser gradually until thia saorn mg 1 degrees below aero aaa regtatered. A redeeming feature has been tb lack of wind. Mates Fee ess I a. RAWLINS. Wyo. Feb. 16 The loss to t.heep aa tne Red desert, where (Kl,(MKi grae. will be heavy aa the result or the ln teeae cold. The acatber 1 now moderat iug, but the continuation of the storm for six or erven daya has weakened the sheep until fiea jis are of hourly occurrence. The weather ia the oddest hu h baa keca rxpenenceg Tor many year. At Medicine Bw, is ihe Conner of tb at fthiwp rrov- i v r "T"7- tnilraturs registered iriiis i, is w wgrees aeiow sere lor lour 't1'- la tne encampment country It has fallen to l fcelos and all saining operations have ceased. Th tall of snow in tb mountain averages from twenty ta aixty leet and many small mining camp will be no- bound for weeks. la apite of th atom tn I nion Pacific, by extraordinary effort, has kejit it line clear, although all passenger train are running lur behind tim. A score of snow pies are working day and night from Cbryenn to Ogdea. faejeaae Tells Bad Utary. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Feb. 16 Report from nearly every section Is Wyoming show 'he weather throughout th state t he intensely cold. Stock on tb ranges, especially that ahich started tb winter la poor condition. i suffering severely sod heavy losses are predicted. Tbe open oountry 1 covered (Continued oa Third Page J REPORTS ON WHITE DEATH fcrrnaa fcaareller fell, Artila( Tale ef eil'( Rittiei. BERLIN. Fet. 16 Chan'-ellor vein Bue low sent to the Reichstag today a memo randum on tuberrulosi treatniett, in whirb bf recited fart gathered by tbe imperial b-tl:h office." Out of l.wm Oaths in Germs' -r-sons between 1". and . "If died . ' culnsis. but persons undrr 15 aid o were seldom afiertcd. Tbe mortality or the whole peculation averaged H2 per 100.000 yearly, rinlnar in tbe Bavarian Paia'iuate te S3!'. In Bremen to srr and in Hesse to H14. CondiUonr in Germany are rbpvc to be better than is FYaore. Austria and Ruseia. but worse than in Pwltrerlar.f!. B-'.rium. T-im.ark ! Norway and est-et iilly Et-F':and. Tbe statistica for iKW to 1W1 showed out of 30 rar.ea tr'atd were dismissed as cured or In-pori-d fc as no tctter, SI as worse and that 0 4 died. TURKEY WARNS BULGARIA 1 rre pt Fir-a cf Crrrs aiest't laakiltty t RrMrsis Mae4aleaa. SOFIA. Bu'caris Teh. 7fi Jn a reent note to Bulgaria. Turkey drclines to accept the government's declarstioo as lo tbe Don-exisient of rt-rolutiotiary hands in Macedonia and warns Buiftmria that ex plicit Instructions hsre been sent to the Turkish authorities to prevent tbe d.e turbanrea. VIENNA, Feb. Id. It is rumored that in tbe event of Turkey failing to exrute reforms in Macedonia. Ruusia and Austria will convoke a European congresa. IjONDON. Feb. IT. The correspondent of tor Jimes ai vnnstani inojue ini fmpuf mn i Russia sternly refuses to admit the Bul garian government's plea of inability to restrain the Bulgarian bands about the Macedonian border. CUBA GIVES C0ALING POINTS Pa lava glaras Aarreeaaeat Traasferrlac naval Bases ta Talteal states. HAVANA. Feb. 36 President Talma to day signed tbe naval coaling station agree ment. Mr. Squiers, accompanied by Secretaries Sleeper and Fletcher, today proceeded to tbe palace, where President Palma, For eign Minister Zaldo and their private sec retaries awaited tbem. Mr. Squiera having reported President Roosevelt's approval of the latest amend menta suggested by tbe Cuban government. President Palma signed both document a and affixed tbe government seal. Both copies win be taken to "Washington by ! Mr. Squiera. who will sail tomorrow GONDOLAS STICK IN THE MUD Tls Flaws SeawiH asi Takes wttk It Watee ta Tealoe ... "aamls. VENICE. Feb 16. Aa extraordinary happening baa been amaxing tbe Venetians for tbe last two day a. When tbe tide bbed tbe water flowed seaward with such speed and volume that all canals of tbe city, including the Grand canal, were drained almost dry. The foundations of palaces and bouse were exposed and gondolas and steamers stuck in tbe mud, where gbey remained until the next tide. Prepare ta Oaea Parllaaseat. LONDON. Feb. 16. -This being tbe ee of tbe reopening of Parliament, Mr. Bal four, the duke of Devonshire and other party loaders gave their customary parlia- j menisry dinners tonight, when the king's 1 speech waa read informally. The duchess of Devenshir held a brilliant reception I afterward at Devonshire bouse, to which I all political, diplomatic and social London repaired. ftaaaa Prtac Is III. DRESDEN. Saxony, Feb. 16. The con dition of Prince Christian of Saxony, sec ond son of the crown prince, who ha been ill for some time, ha become serious. WOMEN WITHDRAW FROM FAIR tH 111 Have 1, Ballala aad a Ka. klktt at St. -Uamla Eiat altlaa. . , v , . ... NEW TORK ftib. 16. Women will hav no exhibit and no building at tbe St. Louis world's fair The derision was rearbefl worm a lair, in oeriston was reacnea by tbe women managers today. Mrs. Blair was asked te give the reasons for tbe final decision not ts have a woman buildtng. "Ns appropriation for such a purpose was provided for In tbe act of congress re lating to tbe exposttK'n," be explained. "Tbe aum needed waa about flMrHO. 1 suppose it wa thought that w would raise the money. It has taken fif'y years ta uaro wurs to pui women on as equality j fcn(1 dont vote. with men and they are equal In the ex- 7bcv were carried by the full democratic position, yet w will have ne building." I vo,e ',iih the assistant of three repub Mtb. Blair announced that tbe idea of j1(.tns .ne senators voting for tbe amenfl erecting a hall of philanthropy had lB,.j., jng Messrs. Hoar (Masa.l. Nel been abandoned. This project would have ,D (Ultra.) McComa Md). repub- ltvolved a cost of sbout ;.0.WKI. j licans. and Baoon (Gal. Pettus (Ala 1. ! Tnmet (Wash ). Blurkburn (Ky ) and Cul- BR00KS RELEASED FROM JAIL:b.raon cTrnn.l. demorrata. Prlarlpal af a Ckteaare -kaal Beeaatas lavale4i la Caaleasat af faart lass. CHICAGO. Feb. 16 Chart X Brooks, ' nrincinal of the Shield, school, was re- i leased from ruatody tocsy by Judge Bren- taDI oo tbe round that Judir Creirfatiiii .1 of Springfield did not have Jurisdiction in the case. I Brook has been la Sangamcs county Jail on aa order of contempt issued by j Judge Creighton. Tb effort H eerur hi I freedom is an Incident growing out of the I figbt between Brooks and hi pares' for i th custody of Flnrenr Brooks, tbe daueh- ter of tbe principal. WABASH FIREMEN WIN OUT Raasry Crsst, t kaaaes la Bales at kirk Were Peas4el ky Casaikayea. FT. LOV1S. Feb. 16 Aa agreement waa reached today beta-eea President Ramsey and the oommKtec represestlng tbe Wab aah firemen. It ia stated that the demand of the committee fur a change is the ciaae tficatloa of engine and certain rule sere granted. Tb demand, of tbe firemea did not In clude a demand for inuraaaea a ages. GIVES TRUST BILL TEETH Berate Committee KAteriallT BtreLglheni Littlefieju'i Axti-Sombice KeRmre. DECIDES TO REPORT WITH MANY CHANGES ( lark til ristt It III t Ampl Fr. aMMiaL, I vtlas vrllk fnkrn A(,UpI inrsdnrali as4 PtssOat Aalat FiBla.- Wairsu 'i V. . "TON, Feb. If The senste commi. le Judiciary today roncludfd t considers. of tbe Littlefield anti-trust , bill and decited to report it wth a number i of Important sun ndments Tbe most important tbange a ere made is connection with sections S and 7. for vhirh tbe senate committee will recom mend complete substitutes. Section 6, as toe bill passed tbe bouse, prohibited persotiB violating the pro visions of tbe lsw from engaging in inter state commerce. This provision is revain'-d is tbe substitute of tbe senate committee, but tbe penalties are much more severe. The sectlos no reads: Thht no Incorporation ei.fmjred in tbe prtc uetimi. mai;ulbcture. or ale ot any article hu ll may t'f the ub't ot ltit r siate conimrce. atiemi'tttig to moncrp"lise Uie prooui'iton. manutscture r thereof in any state. ly discrimination In prices or ry giving ftwvittl nriviieres or redsiee or ii. any othrr manner whatever in order to I irrei)i or ii.naer competition inerein. Fnaii i ;.. l in mi, vuiktuT- in in i n pl. ir -aj ! or the purpose of atdina or f seilitatin;, either directly or increctly, such produc tion, manufacture or sale with it tent to monopolise the production. manufa iure or tale of any such article; neither r.hll any oilier iiersoti or convocation in any way en gage in Interstate commerce in buying, selling or cirrjKising of any aucb article., for the purpnse ot enabling such firei-men- lionecj (oriKiranon to engage or continue In T: I-u u. in MLich nrrMi lift urn'l ii'T nr. or saie. with sui-h intnt Ttit Purities of any person or corporation engaged iti ihe manufacture, production or saie il any manufactured article that may be the sul'.iect of interstate commerce, whic h bv reason ot ownership or control of Union, growing timber or other aegetalile products, or containing coal. oil. iron or other minerals or metals used in the man u lactrre of such article, or by reason of ownership or control of tbe itiKtrumentali tier of manufacture, production or sale, shall have the ;oer to control or affect, in whole or in part. Ihe prices of said, articles vent,' fmestaii. stifle, "aesircy or hinder 1 to " Reichstag today a memorandum con. petition therein, end which shall lie so ' on the settlement of tbe Veneruelan flis eonducted. in whole or in part, as to pre- ; rute After nrir8T renewing 'be incidents vent, forestall, stifle, destroy or hinder ; . . . such competition, is hereby declared to e ! preceding tbe negotiations, it says: Ac a monopoly within ibe meaning of this i cording to tbe protocol, Venezuela reeog section. The loregotng tlehnltj ,n shall not ' Eiwi(! , the c)almf raiBP4 hf Germany as e held to tnclucl a luisiness founder! on a ' secret iiroct-M. so long us tbe secret is con- , being Justifiable and well founded. Ger tined to one manufac turer or produc-r. i many's claim, which tbe ultimatum placed Ary person violating either of the pro- ' , , ,B-V n , v.- visions of tbi section or aiding, abetting. ! lbe firBt raIlk- rtB'I1 rom 1be Venex asBisting or counseling any other person ueltn civil wars of IBi'S-lSIO and which gave or corporation to violate the same, ehall, , occasion for tbe action against Venezuela on conviction, be punished bv a sine of not ' ... , - 4,,ji,ii more than r..HM or by impnHOnmcnt in the ; vin Pa,d immediately, partly in cash leiiiieiiiiKry for not more thur. tne years, and partly in Bbort-term drafta. or by both such fine and impiisonment et I the discretion of ihe court. Any corpora- ,,, mnn tion violating the provtsiona ot tills section FATHER DENIES OWN CHILD shall for every such act forte! to Lbe j I nited States the sum of tii.Wi. to 1 re- ! Mk t covered as in other caees of jiena Itles. and JSays Mstker ia faaaatliaa; la Orler for the purpose of such forfeiture every I n . T , sale of goods, wares or merchandise for stitfiment outside tbe state where eaid cor- I avnr. poraixin is locatea ana doing tiusinesm. v in the rntent so to monoKiliae. and every con tract for auch sale and every shipment of such articles puwuant to si h sale or con rract. ana m ery act f flJeertirtiiattoti. with s.uch Intent, ir. pn.-es m of giving special privileges or rebates, shall be considered a violation of this section, t Haae ta Haersr Oat Water. Tbe new section also prescribes the con- Unions voder ahich it shall br unlawful fcr any corporation hereafter organised it) engage in interstate commerce. These con- ditirns ere as folloas: - 1. The capital stock of such corporations has been fixed at a sum greater than the sum actually paid in in cash or in protierty at itr actual cash value. unK-es the excess has been actuallv sutisrribcd by lions tide where organixed. i. The paid up rapttal stock of sucb cor- poration hs been increarwd by tbe pur- J hase of its own stock or the slock of other comoratione at a value tn excess of a ;"h1 J J n,J value. ! J. The paid up capital stock of such cor- poration on i-eeii inniwn .' i'iy "- nV1,1; vllua'tion" &ZSro?lg i rapacltv and good will, w ben such valua- fiii i, in excess of the cost of duplicating said protierty. If the projierty be manufac turing or producing plants, railways, or steam v-eseels. or is in excess of .jt fair cash value if the projierty be mines, real estate, or any class of unlmjiroved prop erty. Section 7 of tb bouse bill impose a fine of J'i.OOO on eo-nmon carrier for the violation of the act or tbe existing inter state commerce law. Tbe substitute use the word "rorportion" instead of the words "common carrier," provides for a forfeit to the Vnited States, and adda: I For the purjioses f said forfeiture every J sale of gooda. wares or merchandise for 1 shltment outside the state where said cor- poration is located -and doing business and I every contract for such sale, snd every ' ( t J'U.-suant to such sale .r contract, and lf U(h rortM,raticm be a common rarrier ! ,-verv dav that It enrage, in ihe business of carrying on interstate commerce fci.aii constitute a violation of this section. A fine of l.'.WHi, or imprisonment for five yeara, or both la imposed on persons who may knowingly cause or aid any corpora tion to violate these statute. rasasslttee Vote Is Clase. It waa over these twa substitute that tbe committee had it harnct contest j The negative votes were cast by Senator PIim (Conn I. Clark (Wyo I, Fatrbanka (liii I. Simon (Ore l and Iiepew (N T.i, all reptiblicaca. Many otfcr chacgea were made in the text of the bill. The first few lines of sec tion 1 were strurk out and tbe follow ing substituted: That whenever tbe Interstate Commerce rnmmlsiiun. in cfcw of wnnnifwi rwrTK-r I . a, TauTiartrnsirit ff On tr-VTi fk ti 1 1 Ji I 1 . ;,&?c-. ahall oeem i, desirahie ( i incuiie wbetlier soy corjoration en - nr Nimnirrt e. or at'.en.piea to restrain or TticiaoK!is suc h trade or commerce, said 1 1 ttrai ki. Commerce commiai .misfiion. or t tie t 1 .. I ,.f i iivnnier;e and t ttiir m. !''t, .r:i. r:zuiz r.uL'v-r:,r: i Commerce commiHmon. cir the Iepartatieiit I of fiiniiwn and loor. at aueh timer as i said commi-ion or the Iej.anment of Com- Hierc an 1 UitMir may renuire. wMcn re tarre stiu'l tie adintional to ary othr re turns relt.rrid ty law. Any corjsiratmn renulred in f.e returns rnder the jirovi ai'in, triis eeetnm sha11 state, among other things. mtiM-h said Interstate Cum mwe or tie le:iar-merit .f Commerce and Lln.r frr.rn t:iw is tittie I may irefccrlbe, ita fmp date or organisa tion, etc. Other portions of section 1 sere Iff: as It came trim tbe iu,ue. aa sere a'e-j eecLiuu Z. t and 4. except tbat the mm'n mum of fine ot .,( fur faiiu.t to make return, saa struck out, leaving only the maximum. l-.MSi. Section 10 was am changed, but the (Continued on Second fasj CUIMS OF UNITED STATES Vraeisrls Takes tfs 1 4J Ita IKrbla Trsk Mr. Bvem. trcmTTnv T"... it TVitiirmimi were hgun todsy at a conference between I Mr. Prnficld of tbe fiata d"partnrnt anfl Mr. Boven for tbe aiming f tbe protocol iroriding for tbe settlemeiit of tbe claim of tbe I nited 8;ats sgaiiiHt Venernela. 't being the derire of Vcnesuela that the Vnited Ptales' apreementa chall be draw- up first. Tbe protocol will provide for tbe appoint ment of a commission, on member each ta be appointed by President Hoosrvelt and i-resiarnt t astro, to pass tipoa me claims. . ork, t,0iira UDaFr tbf pmv.sions of the and in the evett of a disagreement tbe kmc : Hoeil bill, which recenUy be am a law. of ?pain is to appoint the umpire. j Thr appointees are: Ouv C. Barton-aod tbe protocols of Ht alliea. It is T j Maboner. for tbe term rxplriur in exjried that tbe Vnii.e4 tatea agreement janusrTi lwir,. Miln,n j Barlow and Jsmea will provide for the appoictment of this E Borfl Jor ,Prm pirlIlg January, commission within a certain period. ll(llr E r.onedoa and Jt hn F. Coad. For the aatlefaction of tbse claims tbe ( for ,bf, ,prn) f,Xplr)tll jnunry, :!)nf. Tbe re protocol will stipulte that n per cent of publicans on the board are Cctigdon. Bar- thr customs receipts of tbe twa pnns oi La Gubjtb and Puerto Cabello shall be aet atiide to be held in trust ubMI Tbe Hague tribunal shall betide in whft way tbia amount is to be distributee among tbe creditor nationa. When the Vnited Ptatea protocol is signed j Mr. Bowen will call in tare ns tbe rep resentatlvea of the other creditor nations, namely, tbe French ambassador, tbe Mex- Iran ambassador and tbe ctarre d'affaires 0, tDp eR8tl(m f Norway and Sweden, and , i nemveA to Aram- un xmarate nrotacols with ! - , - . , eac n woicn snail coniorm .n au mnw , derails to tbat of tbe Vnited States. At tbe conclusion of tbe conference be tween Solicitor PcnBeld and Mr. Bowes it was announced tbat tbe Vnited States protocol would be signed it soon as It bss been approved by tbe State department. Secretary Hay will s'gn fir ibe Vnited States and Mr. Boa-en for Venernela. It is probable that tbia protocol will provide ihat tbe claims of tbe Vnited States must be passed irpoa by the commis sion sitbln Fix m'-nths. PVERTO CABELL.O. reneiuela. Feb. IS. After the blockade had bees raised here the captured Venezuelan sailing vessels were turned over to the Cnited States vice eonsul. EERXJN. Feb. 11. Chancellor von Buelow KANSAS CTTT, Feb. 16 The appellate court today upheld Mra Satysifl Krtros, li- j rorced wife ot a wealthy cattleman wba I . . . , , , . . . . 1 ' ornsrd by him of foisting off a fotrnd- ling as his child to obtain additional all- j m1J t i The Krauses were"! married in 38WI and j igii7 a baby waa bora. Twa years later j Mra. Kraus waa granted a divorce and j cjren the custody of the child and $4.(K ! alimony. Mr. Kraus was ordered to pay an , additional amount monthlv for the support . . . n,.. h fi ,fl h ; . - . i tbe court would make such other orders as I j- saw fit I lng that be be relieved of f-wiber payment j toward the support of the child, alleging ! , . . j v..,- , ,k . lh,t 11 long-d neither to the first Mrs. Kraus nor to htm. In lb trial Kraus at- : lne baby from a foundling home in the be- , lief that if they had a child be would treat ber with more consideration. ! The court today Uphe!d Mr.. Kraus' claim , that b was the lawful mother of the child. E RAVES DEATH TO SAVE TRAIN Faraser Mrlaa at la Kera H"l aer ta Wtra Eariseer af f Daasrer. CAIRO. Til.. Feb. 16 S. S. Glaaacock. a farmer, faced a blixzard in his shirt sleeves for more than an hour today te save If jiassenger on the Cleveland, Cin cinnati. Chicago at St, Loui railroad. Glaaacock was frozen so badly that he had to be carried into the cars after he Sagged j tbe train near Harrtsbttrg. While walking along the track he dis covered a broken rail at a point ahere the embuikmeKt was forty feet high. He knew that a aouth bound paaeenger was about dne and ran up the track to flag j ,t Hf, UM.a hl. r-ipd canvas coat as a flag and to make sure that b signal would be seen by tbe engineer held the coat aloft on a stirk. leaving himself unpro tected in tbe blinding aiorm and aero tem perature for more than an hour, a tbe train wa, late. The passengers made him some hand some present and each i book his hand. SAYS BANDIT PAL IS MAD Barltasrtea Deltas aa Strive, ttave His (aaurade la r rlaae. BITTE. Mont.. Feb. It George Howard, the second train rot her under arrest, made a confession today, corrol'oratlng the story told by his jiartner. Coi' . 'hat tbey were alone concerned in ihe bddup of the Bur lington train last Fnda Cole pladed for lc-ni'Dcy for Hoaard. saying the latter is no: only sick, but : lnssne. The rolbers secured only :.: I Cole will go into coi:-t tomorrow and ' pieaa gu:ny ana viu c .'iumii suiciue at ! ib first opportunity. csgocd opposes labor law Tells f aleraae l.esrtalstare Elgkl-Har stHile s,,J4 Be Hard aa Sri. DENVER. Feb 16. John C. Osgood. (hLtrman of tb' Colors' o Fuel and lroa cotrpany. appeared liefore tbe tomjuittev ca actnes and mining of tbe lower house ot tbe Colorado legislature today ts opoa the passage ot sn eight-hour law ia Colo rado. Mr. Osgood maintained that such a law would fore tbe Colorado Furl company, whirk had 7i.(KMj.oto inveeted and employed lL.oan men. ta rut saeea. increase tbe product at la ouuipany or abut (Was tier-stiaiiratly. NAMES OMAHA WATER BOARD Governor AppoiEt Bajtoa, Baxc', Oorfdcm. lhareT, Bcrd ud Ooad, DEMOCRATS ARE OF THE GOLDEN SOFT len f Oae Itesikliri, aaa Oae PesawrM Are Eislr la Jmmm ary Every Tw, Tears After issslitaest Governor Mickey yesterday ,t Llnco'n i appointed tbe memtiers of the Omaha wafr Jow .Ba BiLrloll .a ,w."s are dem- orrata. AH terms aill erpire oa the trst Tuesday after the first Monday of the years indicated. Tbe selections of tbe govern ot ao far as i the republicans are concerned, constitute ; ,B ,(.,.,rtBnce of tbe names pr -snted to 1 tim by the Douclas delegation but the ! democrats he has named have b-cn chosen ! outside of the list mad, up by tbe legisla tive members, who assumed to dictate the ; entire board and had named tbem out of imu unuiru . . . , . .m jiu tiid i or oemocratic organinai inn. ibf Br,r,Dintee are knn.t. , bietlv as mid Ann- ocrata. . Speaking of the personnel of the board. Senator Howell said last night: "Tbe wiore expenditure he maoe in tneir ne Iiouglaa delegation recommended the ap- j th board submitted the requtretf ln- pointment of Heary W. Tatea. W. A, Pax- 1 fnrmtion and tbe pay roll of tbe depart ton and Euclid Martin for the places given j meats were forwarded la duplicate, to the democrats, but 1 guess tbe governor ! nr resignation of Officer Tod Cummings knew a ho he wanted and did not consider , "e police department waa accepted, to tbe recommendation oi tbe delegation." ' lkc ttfrt Irt,m M-"rh 1 Mr c framings While Senator Howell is savmg litUe. ' "' f Seattle. Wash. Fireman William his demeanor indicates that he ia much ! Gorman tgainat whom charge of intoxlca ( hagriced over the action of tbe governor, j "on haa 'FD preferrel. was allowed to I resign. Patrolman Fred C. Moore, who Mka tke Aapolatees Are. as auspeoded by Chief Donahue some Guy C. Barton is a capitalist, formerly fiays ago as a result of a figbt ahich he interested in the Omaha smelting works, had with Joshua Hayes, while affecting tbe Omaha National bank and the Omaha the arrest 4tT tbe latter, was reinstated, a- Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge com- , as no charges had been preferred against pany, to nay nothing of numerous invest- tim. inests in and out of Nebraska. Isaac E. Charles B. Johnson and Daniel Haley Congdon is a well known attorney. wiT; I i .v.. -w. v-., ,.,i v,.v h.iiiaiT,,. and was at one time' orominentlv mentions for the motion of rltv .rtomev. Milton : T. Barlow is president of tbe Vnited State 1 National bank. James E. Boyd 1 a former governor, the proprietor of Boyd' theater j and until recently in the grain commission j buainoss, T. J. Maboney served once as county attorney and has bees identified with the Municipal leigue. Representative Kennedy office with Mr. Maboney. John F. Coad is also a capitalist Interested in the Vnited State National bank and one of the South Omaha banks, with invest ments In cattle and tows and country prop erty. Vnder tbe law tbe board cannot meet to organise before the first Wednesday la March. ENTIRE TRAIH!S - DERAILED Five Passeaarers laJare-eU Xaae Fatally la a W reek aa 'Frisoa Baa a. PrTTSEVRG, Kan.. Feb. 16 'Frisco local passenger train No. 1S7. northbound, was wrecked at tbe Girard ' Joplln Junction east of Pittsburg late last cigrt. Tbe entire train was derailed and llv passengers were injured, none, it i be lieved, fatally. Tbe names of tbe Injured, all of whom are from Pittsburg, follow: James Bridges, back sprained and inter nally injured. Ir. J. W. Porter, knee dislocated. Harry Bousflcld, member of tbe national board of mine workers, leg bruised and J hM,a cuU James Turker. head cut. J. B. McNaugbton, badly rut and bruised about head. ERYAN BOASTS CONSISTENCY Telia near l'srk talsa He fa a aat near Vark talsa He Caaaet Ems fraaa Political a) ark. NEW TORK. Feb. 16. Many women war present to hear William Jennings Bryan speak before th Woman a Democratic club In Brooklyn this afternoon. Among other thing Mr. Bryan aaid: T am just aa much Interested in public affair, as ever, but I am not a candidate lor jiresident or any other office. I regard the obligations that rest ion tlte private cittsen as imjierative as those imposed ujion the public ofiVlal. 1 have felt that 1 can no more eecape from the work that I am now trying to do than a man tt. the jienlientiary can eeeajie tbe work lmjioeed on him. 1 am not going to change my view, on public questions and 1 am ttiU prepared to give reasons for my faith. CAR MEN VOTE ON" STRIKE (kieasre Trartlaa Easalayes Pall -SVklle C'ssBaaay ftsTers Arkl tratlaa. CHICAGO, Feb. 1. Manager Robert MrCulloch. on behalf ot tb Chicago City Railway company has sent a letter to Chairman Selfrldge of tbe Chicago Board of Arbitration, offering ts submit all tb contention ot tbe union men employed by tbe company ts tbe board for adjudication. Tbe train service men and cable splicer of tbe system today began taking a voce for or against a strike. Tbe general view of tbe men i that th proposition te ctrlke will be carried by a large majority. CHICAGO THUGS LOSE NO TIME ' Steal STMiO Is (Weams fraaa Merrkaat sat Tea Mlaates ta City. CHICAGO. Feb. 16. Nat baa Dora, a diamond broker of Philadelphia, wa rob bed of IT. OOP worth of diamond within ten minute after hi arrival f.-om Cin cinnati today. He boarded car, rode half dotes block and wa relieved of kia wallet shiie being Jostled in tbr crowd. THIEVES LIFT FAMILY PLATE Eater faal Barea's Pklksdelakla Hasse. Eaeaasac gi.M Barker. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 16 Th resi dence af C. Bullitt, a coal operator Is tbe Pocahontas fields, aaa entered last night by burglars, who carried off the tsjnil plat valued at IL.00U. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Fr"wat for N('b-i-Fsir Not So Cold Tuesday arid I'oesihiy Wednesday. Teaaaeratare at Oatka Veateraayt nr. teat. Hear. Ieal. a a. a, la. as a. aa 1 2 a. ai T a. an in a. a, St a. aa IS a. ei a. aa II a. ta 1 le a. aa...... 1 0 a. at 1 II a a a Ta. an I II a T a. aa 2 a a. a. a I Ir-a r, aelaw ALrUr I S MUWtLL bUKtll bUU IVaard at rire sal Palle ( all., ers Aaarevea tke Blaaket Dsesstest. At ihe meetitig of tbe Board of Fire and Police commissioner last nigbt tbe new schedule aurety bond for tbe members of the police force was approved. By this blanket bond the city is secured by tbe Bankers Surety company, for whirb Senator Howell is agent, and all other bonds will be dispensed with. The name of eighteen or the lately appointed police officers were amxed to tbe bond at the time of its ap proval. end other name a ll be subse quently HT;ed as tbe officers former bonds l'ire. The fee for the bond ts fixed at Xn fur Attnti nffiM.. The board examined and allowed the January bills of the fire and police depart - mcnta. In ansaer to tbe recent resolution of tbe city council requiring the names, duties, amount of wages and other par ticular a to employes In departments were appointed to the fire department and mi i- m fi. .i.kiiiiii. tint .lobs- son as a member of tbe department in i WW serr'nv from Julv Z?, to October 15.. No charges were preferred against tim at the time he left the force. Liquor licenses were granted to Fred Meti. Jr.. 4101 North Twenty-fourth street; reter J. Bnysen, 81(1 South Sixteenth street, and George W. Tierney. 230J South Six teenth street. This makes 23S saloon license which nave been granted, five more than last year. SPORTSMEN OPPOSE A BILL Bepreaeatatlve Aaereaarw Mceasvr mm . B,,ti,( fa4l ta Be Prae- J tleally Prablfcltlve. Oman sportsmen are up In arm ever a ' legislative trHl which practically yrohibit tbe shooting of wild ducts and geese in Nebraska. The measure is bouse roll 260 and was introduced by Representative An derson ot Hamilton county, and has been read the first snd second time and re ferred to the committee on fish culture and game. There are a great many well known business men and others in tbe city, s well as the state, whose chief recreation In out-of-door sport is a week or two In ramp In the spring and fall, gunning for the game bird. The bill is entitled. "For an act to pro hibit hunting on the rivers and lakes within tbe state of Nebraska It posi tively forbids at any of year tbe construction of any "blind, hiding place or j atructure in rivers, lake or stream to J catrh, kill, wound or destroy" the various kinds of geese and wild Sucks, or to shoot them by wading Into the water or stand ing In th bed of waterway. No shooting can be done from behind any sort of a blind. Violation of the inhibition are to be considered misdemeanors, punishab1 by a fin or not less than $10 nor more I than 625 for every offense. .. There baa been Be organised effort upon the part of the nun ten to protest against tb passage ot the bill, but they are pre. paring for a concentrated and definite move. NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH Aeelaeatal TwralaT aa af Gaa Caaaea Sear Taktaar Uvea af Faar Peajsla. Through tb accidental turning on of en ga Jet while another wa being extin guished Mrs. L. Jackson and daughter Cora, beside Mir Julia Gulgard and ber father, who are roomers at tb Jackson residence. S!C8 Jones street, bad a narrow escape from aspbyxisfiOB Sunday night. Tbe accident caused tbe lower portion of tbe reldenc to peeome niiea wttn gas. snd when b aroused herself Mr. Jackaon waa nearly overcome by th fume,, but managed to call assistance. A son of Mrs. Jackson sueoeefled in opening a window and rellevlnz the dsngerou, situation. All of tb patients win recover. JAILED TAX FIXER BAILED Caatala Wllltaans seeks Tlrw Trial aad Free Till Arsraaaeate Are Heard. CHICAGO, Feb. 16 Captain Edward Wil liam waa today released on bond, of II. 000 pending a motion for a nrw trial. Sinn bis conviction of complicity la tbe Masonic Tempi tax frauds be haa remained in charge of a deputy at a downtown hotel, although sentenced te Jail. The motion for a new trial will b beard ahortly. COAL FAMINE CLOSES COLLEGE Ssatkera lUlaels baraaal falverslty Sh st, m,i takes Feet (.Ives at. CARBONDALE. Ill . Feb. 1 Tbe Sou-bera Illinois Normal university was I I no not attend to the detail of our buel i sosed temporarily today, owing te the ( neaa there. But if tier was a ftotabl scarcity of coal. Maveaseata af Ones 1 esaeU Fek. 14L At New Tork Arrived: L' AqulLaiue, from Havre. Ai Hy-moutb Arrived: Blue her. from New Turk. At wut.rjstow-n Arrived: Saxcmia, from N ew 1 M-a. At Southampton Arrived: Zeeland. from New Turk At London ArrK'sd : Hyson, from Ta ooma via Vtciorta, Tukehrma, 8:ngaacre and Napie. At T ok otiama Sailed: Pak Iing. from IJvarnuol. eu-, via iluu cvui.k. fur I twin ai.a saattis. . REVENUE BILL DONE Bnlioommittoe CWpleV Ct'irpQatioii ud Tumi it Over to Tvll Oorcmitte. KO MATERIAL CHANGES IN IT ARE LIKELY Pro Twt Are, Hrwerer, it Till a Held in Commitiee for Borne Dsyg, ELEVATOR IfEN ARE GIVIN A HEARING Leci'ative rire Bern IVnidecIlj Tart Eexarki at Tbem KEW JUDICIAL AFPOFTlONHflENT E1LL PraviJes fer Draaalag rear J wag- fraaa ike list. Oar at Wklrk la la Ike Oaaaa PUtrlrt. 'From a Staff Correspondent-! LINCOLN. Feb. If i Special. ) At last the reveriu? bill is completed. At least Jt la completed by tbe suhcottittiiitee that waa appoitted by tbe )oict committee for the purpose of rmrplllng the measure. The subcommittee turned tbe bill over to tb large committee tonight and tomorrow all tbe ypi leroen those of the stih and mala committees meet to discuss the work that has been done. It is not believed the bill win undergo many if any material change at tbe hand of tbe mam committee. Vet it does not look as if the measure would be introduced for some day, as some of the members say tbey vast ample ilme la whirb to study the product or tbrir labors before finally launching it on tb uncer tain vcyace of tbr legislature. Douglas of Rock today remarked tbat be would Ifks to spend three or four daya In reviesing the bill. Heariaat aa Elevater Bills. R. B. Schneider. Fremont, owner and operator of grain elevators, asked, "What is competition?" Senator Brady, Boone county, replied: "I will answer thBt question by relating a personal experience. 1 happened to be in the emce of the Omaha Elevator com- pany at Aimon one day when s larmer rve up with a load of grain and wanted ,0 The manager told him tbe elevator Tun be could not buy. After the farmer drove away 1 asked tbe manager if bla elevator really waa full. " Oh, no. he replied, 'but thia not trur day to buy; it a the Schneider elevator's day.' Tbe opjKislte to that would, in ay judg ment, be competition." This colloquy look place tonight before tbe Joint house and senate railroad com mittee in a hearing on th bllla te enable farmers te engage in tbe elevator business on a co-operative basis. Ramsey of Gage la author of H. R. 79, tbe otner bill. The purpose of Mr. Schnei der's question waa te show that tb ecnsaoa ' oould only result In Destroying om peti tion snd the pungent reply kad' taa de aired effect of indicating that there was something of s combine atnontr tb elevator men. This dialogue, therefore, fairly art forth tbe main Ibsuos to tbe controversy. Mr. Schneider, with T. D. Warrell of Lincoln. Mayor Mile and W. H. Fergu son of Hastings, represented th elevator men' side of tbe case, Tbe Brady bill i very brief. It simply provide that farmers Toe allowed to erect grain elevator on railroad rights-of-way st s cost of not less than trt.OOO and that tbe railroad construct a suitable side track to esch elevator after tb latter 1 built. It contains a clause Imposing a forfeit of 11,00(1 upon railroads falling to comply with the provision of tbe Mil witting sixty days after ft enactment. Tbe . Ramsey bill asks that railroads furnish toot only sidetrack, but terminal tarflttiM at all large point te th farmer for elevators -of TM'OO bushel capacity a dsy, oostlng ' $S,WK1. Indications are thai tbe Brady bfll will be given precedence by the committee over tb Ramsey bill. Senator Brady hss as surances of substantial support for till measure from member ot tbe senste. Representative Ramsey, In his statement, said: "Tb elevator combine makes from I to 7 cents a busbel profit on the grain it handles. Th railroad discriminate tn ) favor of tbem. The Idea of my bill ts to adjust matter so the farmer who rets tbe grain may sell It- I think an elevator of 8,(100 bushela a day capacity, oosiftnx ' t;,2D0, would meet our tie da. Budh aa elevator projierly conducted ought to handle I',. Mm bushel of grain a day It : necessary. I believe tbat If auy bin pass, I Jt will never be necessary ta bullfl an- other farmers' elevator, because of the re- i straining influence tbe bill will base oa I tbe elevator combine," nesasvaaa JEaa1 Blatkta. Senator Brady said: "My bin aimpty Aa- , mands th same right te tbe farmar tbat other enjoy. It seek to imulM rather ttllLB OfHroj competition. It Is not tn resuK ot . political movement, aa bss been charged, but tbe rcsjionae te a general fte mand among farmer." ' Messrs. Schneider, Warrall and Fsrg-u- i ana argued that multiplying the number of ' elevators, as tbeac bills contemplated, wmilri Aestrov tiroflt and ruin trade: tbat ! there were now all tbe elevator neeeaaary te care for tbe trade, tbat th avereg profit on grain was more like 1 cent a I bushel than I te 7; that there were mar I failures in tbe grain business thaa tbs j average; that railroad, did not fllacriml- Bate in their favor and that tbs effect ot these bills would I to destroy competition, "Tbr farmer want te sell hi own grain so tbat be may get the highest market prins and come out even, not asking ts make any profit. How long could wa stay In business against such a combdna aa that?" asked R. B. Schneider. "A strong elevator combine ought ta be able ts atsy la business against a tew weak affair such as ours necessarily would be." replied Senator Bradr- Senator Harrison, chairman of tb com mittee naked Mr. Schneider what be could say aa to the combination bet seen bis and the Omaha company at Albion, te which j Senator Brady referred. "Nothing I can neither deny or confirm. combine I think I would know of tt," was tb answer. T. D. Warrall and W. H. Ferguson sold If any set of farmers would pot up a sab Stan tial bond tbey would contract to banal all their grain at a profit of 1 oent a buibaL Tbey sought to imjireas on th farm era that there was no money In tb grain busi ness and urged tbem to stay out of tt or tbey would Buffer financially. ski Ike acflartf This led Senator Brady te remark tbat tt aa susn'e tbe elevator snea would as- ,