Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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ltogvlu Berhca at Broadway 1L E. Church
Diipraand rti far a FigtV
Cavrlty tf Esifie Taxed br Assleaee
WUrt AwiiUrt ts Hrir a
Tribute m r a
tlsa's Greatest.
The congregation of the Broadway Meth
odist cbnrrh lam evening. In observance of
tli birthday anniversary of Abraham Lin
coln, listened to an interesting address by
Bon. Km mot Tlcley on the martyred pres
ident. Mr. Tlaley's address was in place
of the Tegular sermon fry the pastor. Rev.
V: 3. Calfee, and be was greeted by an
audience tbat tated the seating capacity
of the edifice, many of those present being
members of other rburcbea.
Mr. Tinley aald in pari
aaid that he will be willing to make tbe
rare on re more. Chairman Hugbes of
tbe democratic city central committee has
not yet anuounred tbe dare of his party's
primaries or convention.
Spoon aale at Jarguernln'B today.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Read. US Main St.
Irrntrl for Has stesllas;.
John and 'William Tbordsen are under
arrest at th city Jail with a charge of
grand larcery egainst thetn on the register.
A 200-pound hop with its throat rut i
the silent witness with which the au
tborlttea expert to convict them. Tbey
awre arrested at I c'clotk yesterday morn
ing by Iietective Murphy act Constatile
Bnpr-m Court Goes TtH Latcth in Daciion
of Iowa Rational Bank Oasa,
Tearhrn mt lews Irt Oraraalciac lata
t alaaa a ranker Efrt a fee-are
Better Wsvares
(Trorn a Staff Correspondent
PES MtINES. reh. 1L. (Special.) At
torney Gcnesal Mul lan today received from
the clerk of tbe United States supreme
court a sopy of the decision of that court
In the cane of James H. Easton against tbe
Albert! of Jufire Ouren's court. The 1 Btate of Iowa, taken to the higher court
slaughtered hoe m found in their buggy.
Late Saturday night the authorities re
ceived information leading them to sus
pect that John and William Thordsen con
templated making a raid on the hog pen
of a farmer named Bird, on the Sbupmrt
farm about six mile east of the city. Tbe
officers laid In wait for them near the city
limits from midnight until t o'clock in the
morning, when their vigil a-as regarded try
Certainly no Bw,wv ,..,, fnr to tb. two men driving into the city
substitution of a memorial to Lincoln for j In a buggy- An eaamtnation of the buggy
the imuul service Jn a Chrtetian church. In revealed a number of runny sacks and
America CBletidar the month of February ,,. ,..,n... f th freh!v k'llefl hoe.
possesses a very tender eacrednees. It gave
to u a rrmiinr and a savior of our nation
a 'Washington and a Lincoln th two in our history revered abve nil
othexs. As the Chiietian turns wHh thought
ful rn'rfni. to Jcii.r and I'aul. so the
American mm to V aR.lrigton and Lin
coln alih Jwlings of itrlotir rratltuoe.
History f ornishes no parallel for thene tan
lives. I'nllke In every feature and charac
teristic, alike only in jit-rsoital greatness.
"Washington, cultured, refined, educated
gentleman, aristocratic in taste and sur
roundings; Lincoln ot plain, and humlile
oricln. oejirlved of the advantage of edu
CAtmn and refined social rnvtronments.
The two lives contltute America s con
tribution to the lift ot tbe a-orld s im
mortale, and rwrry nation bcas to the
cfin-tlfcleness of our triumph. But it is of
Lincoln 1 would sjeak.. This plain, great
man was distinctively American in his
personality, yet his life and achievements
belong to mankind. A single nation might
claim the living Lincoln, but his thoughts
and actions proclaimed a broader allegi
ance. He but worked out what was within
him; but lived his oestlny. His a-as not an
artificial lite, inftuenoed by environments
and education, modified fry thoughts of
poiiry. applauHe of admirers or censure of
critics. iod had created 4ilm for
The polire sar tbey have evidence wtlcb
will connect the two men TindT arrest
on writ of error from the state supreme
court of leva. The case was recently de
cided by the court. Justice Sbiraa deliver
ing tbe opinion. ILaston was president of
a national bank at Iecorah and a few
yars ago, wbrn tbe hack failed, be was
Indicted, convicted and sentenced under
the state law for having Illegally received
a deposit from a person after he knew
the bank was Insolvent- Tbe district and
state supreme courts decided that he was
amenable to this general statute in regard
to illegal banking and upheld the con
viction. The attorney general went to
Washington tbe first of tbe year and argued
in defense of this position before the
lib tbe recent numerous robberies of hen Vnited States supreme court. Justice Shiras
roosts within tbe city. They alxo suspect hole's that tbe state law is not applicable.
them of being the parties who killed and
carried away a bog within the last few
weeks from the pens of Alderman Huber
near the Wirkham brickyards.
Spoon sale at Jaequemin's today.
DttrB Caaea r far Bear! a.
Ths Board of County Supervisors will
meet In adjourned regular session today,
when two important mattnrs will come up
for action. Tbe principal matter to come
before tbe board will be the Question of
Uhe advisability of Pottawattamie coumy
co-operating with Harrison couxy in mt
construction of eeveral large drainage
ditches. The supervisors and other offi
cials of Harrison county are expected ta
be present In force at this meeting to
Pur" present their Bide of the case, as well as
lone ana in mm a pemu 10 meet tne ,, .v i-t-.tii or will he
mighty granduer of that purpose. In his n Pn ano are interested or win pe
There was an impression in Iowa and else
where, drawn from the press reports at
the time, that tbe decision was probably
on some technical ground, but the full de
cision as reported now goea the full length
of holding that tbe state legislature has
no power to make any law affecting na
tional banks as such. Congress, having
power to crcat a system of national banks,
is the Judge as to the extent of the powers
whlLh should be conferred on such banks
and has the sole power to regulate and
control the exercise of their operations.
Congress has also dealt directly with the
Question of insolvency of tbe banks and
has made full and adequate provision for
the protection of the creditors of such
banks, and "it is not competent for ths
state legialatures to interfere, whether with
hostile or friendly intention, with national
banks or their officers in the exercise of tbe
slnvt.le natura In ss he occupies a singularly affected by the carrying out of the drainage j powers bestowed upon them by the general
unique position in history. We search in i scheme, tp to date no claims for damages j government.- The decision created great
sfWWfX' ttat might arise from the proposed con- , surprise in iowa. a. It had been held a
structlon 01 tne ojxcdcb bv uu nn-u j uumoer i years ago in a similar case,
with County Auditor Innes. which was not. carried to the higher court.
At this meeting the board will also hold ; that the criminal laws of tbe Btate relat-
1o liav Two cUmnea, that attained by in
nate greatness and that - attained by
ahrrwuness and good fortune. The former
may tie poseei orrty 05- the truly great
iicreonitlity, while the latter is often a
question of luck.
reswlesre His Galae.
a hearing to Determine wuicu psurr m
tbe county are entitled to preference In tbe
matter of publibhlng tbe proceedings of tbe
board. Heretofore It has been the cuatom
purpow.. He could not countenance deceit . of tbe supervisors to divide this patronage
in ary form and with him deceit oT self 1 among a number of papers in various parts
w aa the rreateet crime When his con- j f tne-county. By a change in the law the
si lence and judgment formed a conclusion " . ,, . . . .
1 here was for him no deviation WhetLer board is now compelled to rve tbe three
the course was politic or iopular did not 1 papers having the largest circulation ia
move him one particle. It was stmnly
Oueetion of what was right The conse
tiuenct to himself and the result were
wholly Immaterial. His aonscienoe and
Judgment were utterly supreme.
He had but one purpose in life and most
tenaciously did be adhere to his mission.
He keenly realised the dli-tress of his coun
try, and to the preervatton tf tlie union
he dedicated his every effort. Few men
could have resisted the temptation of fol
lowing the collateral Issues of bis time.
None other waa able to io mo. Jn that line
the prospects of success and fame were
most brilliant. Tbe incongruousneas and
inconsistency of slavery with our form
of government led all others believing with
liim on general lines to conclude that the
nrinctpal object to he accomplished was
the abolition of slavery. Not so with Lin
coln. To his mind this was purely second
ary merely an incident. It was not that
be' did not feel aa earnestly the disgraceful
inconsistency of our nation. His big. tender
heart yearned to help the unfortanale black
man. .
The great crisis presented to his superior
analvsis a paramount duty. The very life
of his nation waa threatened and to his
great mind It wa clearly bis first duty to
suve the nation, and the" direct hlB atten
tion to tbe evil of slavery. His one great
aim was the preservation of the union.
the county the publication of the proceedings.
teg to banking were applicable to national
backs as well as to stale banks.
Teachers Will Be Orgaalsed.
After the recent state meeting of tbe
teachers of Iowa and tbe decision of the
teachers to enter upon a general cam
paign covering a number of years to secure
better aages and better conditions sur
rounding their employment, there was
much talk of inducing the teachers to Join
with the labor leaders in tbe organisation
of unions through which they could work.
The movement to this end has actually
been started by the labor leaders of the
Ppoon aale at Jaoquemln's today.
Dumbing and beating. Blxby ft Boa.
Msri Basra ralltlea.
Chairman Canning o the republican city
committee has announced that be will call
the primaries to select delegate! to the
republican school convention for next
Faturday evening. The convent ion will be
held either on Tuesday or Wednesday of
the week following. The school election
at which the voterB of - the Independent
school district of Council Bluffs will be
called upon to elect twa members of tbe
board ot education and possibly -vots on one
or more propositions to levy" money for
school buildings, will be held Mondsy,
March 9.
The two members whose terms expire
this spring are B. M Bar gent, president
of ths board, and Ir. Don Macrae, jr. Mr.
6arge3t was elected on the republican
ticket and Ir. Macrae on the democratic.
Both have staled that tbey would not
seek renomtnation, but Mr. Sargent's
friends are insisting that be be candi-
fpoon Bale at Jacquemln'sv today.
Bamtaesa far Keheal Bara.
Ths Board of Education, at Its regular state and this week the first of the general
monthly session tomorrow night, is ex
pected to make the eoeasary arrangement:
for the school election next "month fry ap;
pointing clerks and Judges of election and
designating the polling places in tbe sev
eral precincts. The board is also expected
to decide whether or not proposltlor for
the levying of funds to build an addition
to one of tbe schools in the Sixth ward
and to complete the recently erected addi
tion to the Pierce street school shall be
submitted at this election to tbe voters
of the district.
X. T. Plumbing Co.. Tel. ZDO. Night. P667.
fcrllla East Omaha. Laada.
George E. Wright, fnited Biases master
in chancery, Southern district of Iowa, for
the purpose of satisfying the decree se
cured by the Old Colony Trust company,
will offer for sale tbe real jiroperty of the
East Omaha Lnd company on Saturday.
March 14. Tbe aale will be held at tbe
north door of the county court house In
this city and the property will be offered
as an entirety and not in separate parcels.
Spoon aale at Jaequemin's today.
Davis d' jgs.
Expert watch repairing. Ijcffert, 40 B y.
Cabinets, 12. AC. Carve th. artist, JOS Broad
way. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Hayes are visiting
relatives in Lws Moinec.
Mrs. M. Murray of Neola, la., is the guest
of Mrs. Howard Klstum.
LASt week of discount sale on pictures
and picture frames. Alexander a- Co.
For sale, one coal and one gas range, and
other household gooda. 2U1 Lrftgan street.
Council iiiuflo.
We are headquarters for class of all
kinds. de ur before you buy. C. B. ralKt,
Oil ana iiiass company
John Liiidt baa crone tn Ciiruwa on buftl-
date again and 'yesterday, yielding to tbe ; ness and ail visit his daughter at South
jtno na., utiore returning.
pressure, be consented to orsept the nom
ination if offered him. Dr. Macrae has.
however, refused up to date to allow bis
name to be considered In connection with
a renotrtnatlon, but bis friends are hope
ful that they will be able to Induce him
to change his mind before the date of tbe
democratic conveution.
Colonel W. J. Davenport of the Burling
ton, aho had considerable experience as
a member of the Board of Education of
Creston before coming to Council Bluffs,
li being urged by bis friends to be a can
didal for one of the republican nrmlna
tions and the indications at present are
that be and Mr. Sargent will
prny's candidates
The iKtdge Light guards will hold their
annual dance ax RityaJ Arcanum bali on
Tuesday evening, February iSi.
The supper committee of the Woman's
Relief corps will met this afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Bennett. &3 West Broad
way, j
The Ladies' Aid society of Bt Paul's
Epsco5aJ church will meet this afternoon
at the hone of Mrs. K, V. Lunes on Fourth
Tbe Woman's Home Missionary society
of the Broadway Methodist church will ( ,h .rhoi.-Khim
meet Tursdny afternoon at the residence J IOr II" scholarships.
01 an. urimm. ouj iihjLi&na avenue.
organizations of teachers to be affiliated
-ith the Btate Federstion of Labor 1b to
be organised in Wapello county. This has
been arranged by Joseph Byrne, secretary
of the trades assembly in Ottumwa. who
has been foremost in promoting the idea.
Tbe teachers have agreed to go into an
organization and to Join with the Trades
ana Labor Assembly. They believe that In
this way they will be able to accomplish
better results than otherwise. In Clinton
county a Bimilar movement Js ripe Tor
accomplishment and in a short time the
teachers of that county will be affiliated
a ith the labor unions. It is reported that
in a number of counties In the eastern part
of the state this work Is going on and
the labor leaders expect to make a form
idable showing with tho organization of
Gsverasr ftsu-ta Eastward.
Governor and Mrs. A. B. Cummins started
tor New York city this evening. They will
be gone two or three weeks. The trip was
advised fry the governor's physician on ac
count of his health. He baa beer worn out
with bard work and In fact has worked
harder at his job of being governor than
ever before in his practice as a lawyer.
He has also done much traveling and public
speaking and this has told on him. The
governor stated today that he did not
know Just where he would go but thought
possibly be might take a trip to the Florida
coast or take one of the coastwise vessels
and get out on the ocean for a short time.
He has laid aside several Important mat
ters relating to state work and win not
take them up until hi return from this
lews sad tbe Sraalarekts.
The selection of the committees to have
control of the Rhodes Boholarshtpa tor Iowa
gives general aattsfactlon. The committee
conalsts of the beads of five of the .great
colleges of the state, namely. Maclean of
the Btats university. King of Cornel eol
lrge. Bell of Drake university. MeCormirk
of Coe college, and Bradley of Iowa col
lege. This committee is to have full and
complete authority in awarding the achol
arehips from Iowa to Oxford. Some effort
had been made to have them disposed o!
otherwise, hut tbe eommissmn has been
namod and it will be generally aatlsfactory
to all the college men who are aspirants
The regular monthly meeting of the Sun
day school board of the Broaiiaay Metho-
! iit church w-lil tie held tin ri.'t;tt:g at
b the 1 1 be retuaenoe of Rev. James 6:me, aii flat
1 Her strtet.
1. 4- ... 1 1. A- t Yi t flia Am. 1
V - ' th. M..M. I '(,.. VI... 1. -
ocrats will renominate Dr. Macrae, but j ju,,,, WB1ry of Colorado will be held
It la int yet certain who his running mate Tuay morning at in uflioe cf D. L.
will be. There baa Pees Bom talk of Kims, the company's locaJ. attorney and
Dominating' W. B. Fibber agaia and it la
MeKay Leatti Caarrk.
ONAWA, la.. Feb. 15 (Special.) What
was expected to be a sensational church
trial, that of Rev. McKay of Mapleton.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of ' flattened out and no trial was held. When
the date of the trial arrived the accused
presented a communication in which he
1 a Coi4 is One Dy. Cns ta 2 Dsya
Cia-ca a ixxa is vsm
! r preventative.
Mrs. Sarah A. Parker, wufe of Marioo
Parser tuJi Flxlh avenue, died last evening
from blood poisoning resulting tnrai ai
pelidictu. ag d ST mra. The tuncral will
be beic Tuesday afternoon irom the rmi and burial wlU be in Walnut Hill
formally withdrew from the church and the
entire matter was dropped, so far aa the
church waa concerned.
Flrngmaa la lajared.
AVOCA. la., Feb. IB (Special Tele-
l gram.) The flagman on Hock Island train
Herman, the 14-year-old sou of Mr. and No. n this afternoon slipped while alight-
ra. ljtru Nelon, died ai the family home i -.., . rhiiA .w. ..
Br Weston baturuay evening from tuber-I lnC tUld frm lhe of c
b beid u.nuy uLiuea a iraciure er his kneecap.
Me was tasen to tbe hospital at Council
Bluffs. .
Ton See ths SearchUght There's a Show.
and Tuesday Matinee
FEB. 16-17
Ths Greatest Concert Band of the Century.
Matisse S6-6C-Toe. . Night I-b0-7ic-l.
art f . Council B!ua Tm !
cutouts. Tbe funeral will
noon from the residence and lsterroent
alii be In the Datilha Lutheran cemetery
in Boomer iown.hip.
The city council ail! meet in adjourned
regular session this eveiui.a The mm
mitleelo a hcih was rejerrd the ordini.ti-
providing for the placing of all electric
lights telegraph and mnlor teed wires lu
unoe7ground conduits i execled to make
lis report this evening
Ir. Charlotte MeOuskcy. who recently
graduaird (rem the sua College of Osteo
pathy at lies Moines has the distinction
of being Ott first profeaeiottai or business
woman in Council Biuf. to become a
member cf tbe ConunerciaJ club. It Mo
t'ukkey, wm makes ber borne wiLh ber
slaver. Mrs. Pag Mornaon. on Third ave
nue, will prax-Uce ber profession in this
Spoon sals at Jarquemln a todr.y.
aery tear a (Mac.
To allow constipation to pot bob your
body. Dr. King's New Life Pills cures It
and builds, up your seal is or xui say. c
f ar aaia t Fuha A Cb.
aerial lastrarted et ts Arrest Lad
Wasted fer Aasaalt sa
& LesjlslBtsr.
CHARLESTON, W. Va.. Feb. 15. W. G.
Caldwell with whose assault Senator
Hanna'B Ban and others are charged, was
unable to get out of bed today. He ex
pects to be la bis seat tomorrow la the
house of deputies, when. It la said, his
colleague from Ohio county. Mr Scnwable.
win offer a reaolutlon ts Investigate the
failure of local officials to servs warrants
on Hanna snd Winder.
After Caldwell was elected from his
hack Captain J. B. Whits and Officer
uradiif suit ts LLs jirivale car ewiqiivd
fry Winder and Hanna. but found It
lot ked. As Sheriff Jarrtt was oa the
same train taKit.g some prisoners to the
penitentiary he maa left to make the ar
rest a hen the train started, but It Is al
leged ths. telcg-ams were afterward sent
instructing fr.'.m net to hold the mn.
COLVMPrS. O.. Feb. 15. Concerning
tbe alleged assault upon W. A. Caldwell
John H. Winder tonight made the follow
ing statement:
"Myaelf and pary were on our way to
tbe station and hhiled a passing rah. Tbe
driver stopped and we at.ked him to take
us to the station. He said he would and
we opened tbe Sbor of the carriage, but
found an occupant seatel there. We asked
him if he objected to letting us rids with
him as sere going in the same direction.
"Instead of giving u s civil answer, he
became abusive and one of the party struck
him. We left him In the cab and walked
to the station. That was all there was of
"There was no attempt made to arrest
us during the trip out of Charleston and
we do cot anticipate ary trouble. What
trouble tbere was has been entirely settles."
fsrvlTeri ef tbe Wars ieaerealy
RraaesBbered r tbe Grsrral
WASHINGTON, Feb. It.. Special.V Tb
following pensions have len granted:
Issue of January 2!:
Nepraj-ka: Increase, P.issue, Etc An
drew J Juetice. Friend. ti; Samuel Betty,
Blatr. flT: Crawford Prown. Iougiaa, lid.
Iowa: Original William Van lienthuren.
Bioomfield 1:1 InereaJ"- Reissue. ETC.
John Pott? te1wt-ln. tl": Moses Poling.
Fidon. t; I'eter 1. OemmCl. Cedar Rapids.
$; ThoTtiiif M. BlEke, Yaje, t'2; Thomas
Van Sickle, JiBwarffn. til' Isaac J Cons.
Boone. Hiram .lane, (ijtford. JSt'; John
A. Wright. NahvHe t:t": John I. Sullivan,
t oscedt fli. lidcvs. Minors and Ie:enfl
etit Keiatives Josephine Knight. Council
Bluffs. !-: Susan Knrdook. iH'tiieon. IK
South Iiakota: Increase. Keiseue, Etc
William J. Remington, Woonsocket.
Issue of January 3li:
Nebraska: Widows. Minors and Depend
ent Relatives Jennett Stewart, Fairbury, ,
loa-a: Increase Reissue Etc. Ord A.
Ptiiwell. Carroll V": John W. Srackangast.
Sruart. $JT; Arruisa ChaimH.n, Ies Molns.
t.ll: Henry Miller, Soldiers' Home. Mar
ehaPiown, f'i"; Andrew Holman ideceasedi,
Stratford, f'.2 Widows. Minors and Ie
fxndent Reiati-ee Hriia Holman. Strat
ford. Sarab E Iuncan Unevllle. tk;
Sarah M. Sanderson Sioux fclty, $i; Maria
P. Bell, Allendorf. J1S.
Kertb west era Tries Hard ts Wis
Athletic Cbanplonsbls This
Seas a.
CHICAGO. Feb. IS Northwestern uni
versity is out for the championship in
western college athletics, including base
ball foot ball and track athletics.
Realizing the low standing its teams hsve
bad for several years. Northwestern has
empowered Athletic Director Horace Butter-worth
to raise a fund of several thou
sand dollar among alumni of lie?, uni
versity. This ecro will le increased by
generous sums from the treasury of tbe
For the first time In years athletes from
tbe 8.0tK! students in North western's various
department In Evanston and Chicago will
be made use of to secure championship
teams. Hitherto all have been drawn from
the 7iK" men tn lhe college of liberal arts in
Evanston. Letters of appeal for financial
and muscular aid have been sent to all
alumni of the university dud already un
expected returns are coming In.
Coe Mrs Cssawete far aamsleasfals.
PARIS. Feb. IE Louis Cure of France
won the first game in the international
champion billiard match at the Grand
hotel tonight, beating George Burton of
America bin to 450. Cure's best runs were
70, 61 and 7a. w hlle Sutton's were Ki. no and
50. A large number persons, including
many Americana, witnessed the contest.
The only other entries in the tournament
are Slosson of America and Vignaux of
France, who will play tomorrow. The con
ditions of the tournament ere that each
competitor shall play each of the others
it' up. eighteen-lni b bala line, the highest
winners to contest tbe final for the world's
championship badge, which is to be beid
against all comers - for two years. Tbe
winner also gets ISWi, half the entrance
fees and one-fourih of tbe admission
money, which is divided equally among the
players. Charles Darantiers acts as referee.
Frini) lvaala a'tati Hoi lister.
CHICAGO. Feb. 15 Dr. C. M. Hnllister.
who recently resigned, under pressure, as
director of athletics of Northwestern uni
versity, has been invited to become head
coach of the University of Pennsylvania
base ball team for the present season. It
is expected be win go back to his alma
Celt ITsve Will fpread ts Mast sf
tbe States ef the West
Tod sr.
WASHINGTON, Feb. IB. Forecajrt :
NebraRka and K&ns Fair Monday, con
tinued cold. Tuesday fair, not bo cold.
lo-a Fair Monday, colder In east por
tion with a cold wave; Tuesday fair, not bo
cold in west portion.
Illinois Fair, colder Monday, except
snow near Lake Michigan and in extreme
south portion, cold wave; brink to high
north winds; Tuesday fair, continued cold.
Missouri Fair Monday, colder In
east and south portions; cold wave; Tues
day, fair; not so cold 1b west portion.
Indiana Enow and colder Monday with a
cold wave; brisk to bigb north winds; Tues
day fair, continned cold.
Colorado and Wyoming Fair Monday;
continued cold; Tuesduy lair, warmer.
Montana Fair Monday except snow in
extreme northwest portion, not bo cold;
Tuesday fair, warmer in north central and
east portions.
South and North Dakota Fair, not ao
cold Monday and Tuesday.
Luteal I! eenrd.
OMAHA. Feb. lit. Ofticial record of tem
perature ana precipitation compared, wlih
tUe corresponding cty of ths Irjii three
years :
UK. 1801. UUC.
Maximum temperature.... I go 44 4
Minimum tenuerature ... 12 7
kiean u-mierb.lurt 1 H 'M t
precipitation ... 01 . . .UB
Record or temperature and precipitation
at Omana foi tuis auy and sines hiaren L
Norma! temperature 36
Iehclenry for the da .. K4
Total excess since bitrch 1.. JF,7
Normal precipitation. .05 inch
Iietioiency for lhe day Winch
precipltatiun since Mt-ch 1 JO.Bi inches
lieficiency since March 1 .7 Inch
iH-ticleucy for cor. pen 'd. ISC inches
Deficiency lor cor. pe-iod, 1W1 u lucb
aVeasrts treaa statleae at T F. BL.
a i- j ii -.
Grocery Store Philosophy
"A grocery store is a good flac
to study human nature
"A good many feofik
x h-0 come in fore
seem to buy things just because
they've been in the iiabit cf it."
"Some of them seem to forget
that tJte soord is grouping
that things arc
being made better for them
every day."
" Take soda crackers 1
for instance
Tiey use to come loose
and ve always sold 'cm
in paper bags.
Ncnv they re mostly
sold in airtiglit pack ages."
" The change came with
Uneeda Biscuit in the In-cr-seal
Package ivith red and
white seal.
i: s
: a ; s
- -i
Omaha, clear
Vaienllne. clear
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, ciear -
Salt Laae Clt clear .
Rapid City, part cloj.:y..
Huron, part cloudy -
V uliaion, part cloudy ...
Chicago snowing
Si. Louis, snowing
St Paul, ciear
Davenport, snowing
Kantuut City, cloudy --
rtavT. ciear ...
Helena, cloudy.,'. -.
lusmarck, clear
C SI vision, cloudy
12 t
SO 2
I, T
k. .to'
k .'
R .Mi
it: .w
i ..
- P .
14 IK .14
Ik, .4C
i II .(.
1 VI, Ki, T
r : Ik
i 4, S M
incata below S'-ra
T UiAcales iraus of precipitarlrm
tell you that was
a great idea
making a soda cracker
as good as it could be
and putting it
in a sealed package
to keep out the dust
and store smells
to keep them from being
broken and wasted
besides keeping them fresh.
And think ef the price
five cents."
"If s a wonder to tne
people don't live on
Uneeda Biscuit i
some of tliem do
yet if s a fact tJiat a few
still buy loose crackers 1
One of my clerks says
ifs 'tlte bag habif
and I guess lie's right.
Vum&n'i "Relief Corps Denonnoes Effort to
Flaoe it is Xatiocal Oeprtol.
sions of friendBhip aud brotherly love by
having the statue of our Immortal Lee
placed among those whom the whole people
delight to honor."
Bepahlieaas sad Densrrsti Alike Par
Trlhate to Bis Character la
Debates Is tbe State
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Feb. la. (Special. ) The
episode of tbe placing of the statue of
Perl Marquette in Statuary ball at the
capitol is recalled by the proposition now
pending ih the Virginia legislature to place
a statue of Robert E. Lee in that noble
room. The state of Wisconsin honored the
gentle explorer-priest by placing the Mar
quette statue in the hall. This aroused the
hostility of the fanatics and many of them
talked of tumbling the statue down the
capitol steps. Others actually did suc
ceed In defacing the base decorations, but
there waa nothing whatever done in con
gress on tbe subject. The Btate of Wis
consin had acted entirely within its rights.
ana naa sonorea me memory ot one of
the most remarkable characters in the
history of tbe old northwest. Further than
this the attacks on tbe statue were not
approved by the people.
While the Btate of Virginia is deciding
on the Lee statue a similar assault is
being made. This time it starts aith the
Women's Relief corps of this city, which
in bitterly denunciatory reBoluticns de
mands that no "traitor's statue" be erected
in the capitol. The Department of the
Potomac, Grand Army of tbe Republic, wae
asked to adopt the same resolutions, and
did pass some on the subject, but greatly
toned down. It is claimed that there ib
to be a general crusade against tbe placing
of General Lee's statue in the hall, but it
1b doubtful if it can be prevented without
direct legislation, which it is commonly be
lieved would be unwise as it would reopen
the sectional feeling which divided tbe
north and south from '65 to '9&. Virginia,
its representative claims, has the legal
right to erect tbe statue, and there are
many sentimental reasons tor that course
on tbe part of tbe Old Dominion, aside
from the chlvalrlc leader's captaincy of
the confederacy. A statue of Washington
is already in statuary hall.. Lee married
the daughter of George Washington arke
Curtis, grandson of Mrc. Washington, and
the adopted son -of the great captain of
the revolution. He was himself ot the
great revolutionary family ot Lees, and
son of General Llghthorse Harry Lee, fol
lower, friend and eulogist of Washington.
It was Harry Lee who framed that famous
sentence descriptive of tbe country's
father: "FirBt in war. first in peace and
first ia the hearts of bis countrymen."
Star Bis Old Frlead.
Tbe Virginia legislature proceeded this
week to tbe passage of tbe bllL Several
speeches of particular eloquence were
made on tbe occasion of the debate In ths
Old Dominion senate. Senator Wlckham
aaid: "Lyt us prepare to place the statue
of General Lee in tbe capitol as is our
right and Is now our duty. Close by it will
stand New Jersey's tribute to General
Philip Kearney, one of ths most noble fig
ures in tbe hall. The ties of a personal
friendship in life and in death associate
the memories of the two. When Kearney
fell upon the soil of Virginia In tbe second
conflict at Manassas within the lines of
Lee, General Lee returned the body of his
heroic adversary to tbe widow of his friend,
sent ber tbe borse which bore ber husband
unto bis death, and his sword, which was
a glorious one. as a heritage for bis des
cendants. Will Kearney's statue or Kear
ney's spirit blush? Let us not only prepare
to place tbe statue la the capitol, but let
us place It tbere."
Senator Harmon, the republican leader In
the senate, aaid: "If tbe words and works
of such great men as Grant. Garfield, Grtdy
and MtKlnley and scores of other repre
sentative men. both in tbe north and ia tbd
south, are to be taken as indicating the
true sentiments of cur common country, I
for one do not see why this bill should be
defeated or postponed because some war
veterans are etill engaged, in imagination,
in fighting the battles of 61-'5. It seems
to me that forty years of wandering in Lhe
wilderness of passion and prejudices en
gendered by the war ia enough. If a few
over-seaious partisans ia both sections ot
tbe country are determined to stay on one
side of Jordan and keep ns on one side vt
tbe Potomac, I insist that great host of
patriots shall ao longer be retarded tn their
onward march to the land of proniiat, where
those who wore tbe gray, and their sons,
shall s:t down together in their Father's
bouse and forget that sad period of es
trangement separated ns In their
joyous reunion of hearts and bands to make
and keep tiiiB great country is tb fore
front of ths nations ot the earth. I am
fJaA trf the spport unity as test ths profs.
Tre Dsyi' Deliberat iea ICatalls Hot
Words, bat Re Ter-
4J ,Pt
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Feb. f.. After be
ing out forty-eight hours the Jury in tbe
case of Dr. J. A. Alexander tailed to find
a verdirt and was discharged this morning.
On tbe final ballots tbe vote stood eight
for acquittal and four for conviction. On
the first ballot taken on Saturday morning
the vote was eeven tor acquittal and five
for conviction. On the next ballot the vote
stood eight to ft our, and thus remained until
the Jury was discharged, with tbe exception
of one or two votes.
Tbere were several serious altercations
in the- jury room. The disagreement vat
between James K. White and Robert F.
Lingenfelter, whose minds had been pois
oned by their wives.
Mrs. White and Mrs. Linenfelter bad
talked over the trial before tbey saw their
bus bands oa Sunday last, and a hen thry
went to visit tbe Jurors Mrs. Lingenfelter,
it is claimed, told her husband that Mrs.
White bad told her Mr. White would be
foreman of the Jury, and that he had been
a warm personal friend of Prosecutor Rurk-
After the jury resumed deliberation of
tbe case Mr. Lingenfelter accused Mr.
White of having come Into it with his mind
prejudiced against the defendant and told
of the conversation with his wife. Hot
words ensued and the matter almost re
sulted in blows before the Interference of
others stopped it. This bad a disquieting
effect on Mr. White and later in the day,
when bs engaged in a heated argument
with Messrs. Brown and Theislng, w ho were
In favor of acquitting Dr. Alexander, he
waa attacked with heart failure.
The perplexing question In tbe minds of
the Jurors, they say. was whether Dr. Al
exander bad guilty knowledge of the tact
that tbe body of Rose NeiCUnger bad been
unlas-fully liken from the grave.
w Tsrk Bettlas; fsreet Charged I
with Grand lairrif trataa
Poellth lavesters,
NEW TORK. Feb. 15. On a short af
fidavit charging them with grand lareerT
the three men who acre arrested in raids
on so-called "get-rlcb-quick concerns" la
Nufrbu street acre held in $1,001) bail each,
in the Tombs police court today.
The affidavit charges grand larceny oS
information given by several persons who
complained that thry feloniously obtained j
from them large sums of money with in- .
tent to defraud by color and aid ot talBa !
and fraudulent represents Hons."
FT. LOVIS, Feb. la. All the roembera
of the joint icgiBlative committee, which is
examining into tbe methods of ths turf
investment and grain comclRslon com
panies. spent the day studying tbe statutes,
examining reports, writing legal documents j
and preparing for active work tomcrraw.
Fifty subpoenas hove been prepared for j
witnesses, mostly employes and oKcers ia '
tbe companies under investigation. The '
names of tbe persons to be summoned
were withheld, ior fear that they might
attempt to avoid servioe. The papers will j
be placed In tbe bands of the proper officers 1
early tomorrow morning. I
A Maa Badly lajared.
Or painfully hurt, burned, brulned or
wounded gets quick comfort from Bucklen'B
Arnica Salve. It conquers pain. 2ic
For sale by Kuhn dc Co.
Kip Tbeaa ia the Bad,
If yon nave loas of appetite, headache,
constipation or biliousness take Electric
Bitters. It cures or no pay. Only 50c
For aale by Kuhn d Co.
Isereiser ts Vessel Lesrei
Dsek Aaelvcrsary ef
PHILADELPHIA. Feb. IB. The near bat
tleahlp Maine, built to replace the ship
which five years ago today sank la ths
harbor . of Havana, today left Its flock
at the League Island navy yard and an- .
chored in midstream.
Tomorrow it wll proceed down ths Del- ,
aware river on its first official assignment !
and Join the North Atlantic squadron. '
Maine la commanded by Captain Loutre
and is manned by Its full complement of
MO seamen and marines. Tbe armament -
' consists of twenty guns.
r" Here's to t f
Good's Peerless
The BEER of -Good Cheer.
Drink to the health of tbese you
Icvc. It Is the kind that is con
ducive to health and longevity.
It is pore; it is good.
La Croaaa, Wis,.
2U? South. mOs Bt..
6m La, Neb.