Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1903, Image 1

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    The Omaha 'Daily Bee.
Mil. Betnrni After Impeding
Troop in World Trip.
Equipment and Fystem Declared Efficient
. by American Offioer.
Emperorj and Kings Extend Courtesies to
Ton.iEg Militafj Chief.
DUtlnguUlieyl Hend Marconi.
Cram to Edward and Rrrflrri Ap-
proprlai Reply by Cable oa
Landing la Vn York.
NEW YORK, Feb. 15. Lieutenant en
eral Nelton A. Mllee, his wife and party,
who hove been -abroad five months, havo
In that time been around the world, re
turning home on Lucanla yesterday.
One feature of the trip across the "At
lnntlo was the dispatch of a Mareonlgram
to King Edward VII when Luc an I a was
eighty miles from the Marconi station at
Crook Haven. General Miles sent the fol
lowing fnrsfago:
Mid ocean greeting, with best wishes for
happiness and health, to hi majesty and
tlie royal family.
To this the following reply was received
by cable on the arrival of Lucanla In port
I have submitted your message to the
king. I am commit mud by hi majesty to
thank you for your 'goon wlvhe and to
say for him that It afforded him much
ratliicatloii to recele U at Windnor.
With the general were Colonel and Mrs.
M. P. Maus, Henry Clark Rouse of New
York, F. B. Wllborg of Cincinnati, Mrs.
Miles and Sherman Hoyt. Colonel Wh,ltnoy
was with the party whei they left this
ccuntry, but returned tome weeks ago.
Gives Story of 111" Trip.
To his Interviewers General Miles said:
I have been abroad ror five months. 1
left Kiptember 11 for the Pucittc coast and
there made an limpoclton in the torts and
the coast defences irom 1'Utfet Mound to
southern California.
On October 1 we nulled on the transport
Thomas. We stopped at Honolulu and iw
banuwich lfclanria, and tit n nulled for
Guam. We touched at the Inland and then
continued to the Philippines. We (.petit a
moiuu tnerc. 1 examined the mllltHry
nituatton and vlHlted the principal stations
ami torts and inspected ine troops, i nere
were no serious hostilities at that time.
The ZO.IVO troops there were In tine condi
tion. We went then tq Nagasaki, Hong Kong
and Canton The Japanese army Is welt
equipped and disciplined, and so Is the
navy. When 1 was there they were dis
cussing the question of raiding a large
find tor the equipment of the inavy. in
the army they have most modern appli
anees. The Japaneae are ifllcleni In their
vystem. ine p; mem or liiapectioii ana
routine is much the sumo Ms ourn. Thy
pny considerable attention to. drllln, physi
cal condition end uvmnaxtlc exercise. The
vorps at the Tokio academy numbers about
as many Vatlets aa have at West-Point
and It is a well constructed and efficient
'1 no party went'from Japan to Port
Arthur and thence to 1'ekln. 1 remained
there a short time. We have there a small
detachment of troops, the legation guard,
at the capital. Kvcrytlilng there Is qcjlel.
We were accorded an audience by the
emperor and the dowager empress. They
received us with much courtesy and atten
tion. We saw the troops of the Chinese
army and the troops of the allied forces
which are still there. (
Kquals I nlon rarlltc.
We were eighteen days going from Pekln
to Moscow. The roads are good and the
train service excellent. The weallvr was
cold at times, but in my opinion It waa no
colder than I have experienced In our
northwest. The railroads nave as goou
roadbeds as the 1'nlon Pacific or tho
Canadian Pacific. From Bt. Petersburg we
went to Paris, where we spent five aaye,
thence to London, where we remained eight
days, and so on to New York.
We received an invitation to meet the
csar, but we were delayed a day and so
did not arrive In time. An audience would
aave been given uh, but we could not re
main. Our invitation waa to a grand ball
at the winter palace, but aa we would have
had to remain at least another week for
the purpose we reluctantly had to forego
the pleasure. 1 wbb there rive years ago
' an the guest of the government and all
the officials treated us most courteously.
m that occasion It was summer; this time
It was winter, which Is the best season of
the year to obtain an Ida of life in Russia.
1 paid a very pleasant visit to King
Edward when we reached England and
was most graciously received. Mrs. Miles
was not Invited to Windsor through an
oversight. It waa not known that she
waa with me. or the Invitation would have
been extended to her also. The master of
ceremonlea wrote a nice letter of explana
tion and regret in which he aald the king
did not know Mrs. Miles was present or
she would have been Included in the invita-
in Paris I was the guest of "honor at a,
dlrner given at the rHliknce of General;
Prugere, commander In chief of the French j
army. I (Copyright, 193, by Press Publishing Co.)
Asked as to his plans. General Miles said J iNDON. Feb. 15. (New York World Ca
he was going to West Point to visit his , blegrsm Special Telegram.) A ' " strange
no n " ' "n - -
son, Sherman, If ba could find the time,
and was then going to Washington to make
his report.
"I will Jn no manner forecast what will
be contained In my report," he added.
The general looks hale and hearty anI
he and Mrs. Miles appear as though the
trip bad agreed with them.
Rons Praises Siberian Railway.
Henry Clark Rouse, president of the Mls
aouri, Kansas A Texas railroad, who was
with Ooneral Miles" party in its tour of
the world, returned today.
While abroad he Investigated the con
struction and equipment of the trsns-Bi- I
berian railroad, making the trip from Pekln !
to Moscow in the record time of seven- j
teen days, nineteen hours, over the East j
Chinese Trans-Siberian railroad. j
Mr. Rouse believes the road will be of
great commercial value. He finds it well
constructed and well conducted and be
lieves' It will soon be possible to make
the trip by rail from Berlin to the Pa
cific coast In less than a fortnight.
Chicago I.abor Federation Refnaea
to Seat talon Dele.
i antes.
CHIC A00,. Feb. 15. The expected settle
ment of the garment workers lockout In
Chicago was defeated today when the Chi
cago Federation of Labor refused to seat
the delegates of the United Garment Work
are. The recent New Orleans convention of
the American Federation of Labor yecom.
mended the amalgamation of tho two or
ders, but the special order operatives 'ound
fault with the terms of settlemect offered
and received the support today of the- Chi
cago Federation.
Wishes Girls In Vatican Choir.
ROME. Feb. 15. Abbe Perosl. director
rf the Vatican choir, is sacking t'ae Pope's
permission to replace some of the choir
boy ty female aopraaoa and soatr alios.
peaks Favorably of President's
land on II ace Question and
the Trasta.
(Copyright, i;mi. by Press Pubiinhlng Co
ROME, Feb. 15. (New York World Ca
Megram tipecial Telegram.) In the audi
ence the pope ,rave to Bishop Devan of
Springfield this week he spoke of Presi
dent Roorevclt's stand on the race Ques
tion and warmly commended him for his
attempt to secure equality of treatment of
all the races.
The pontiff's conversation with the Amer
ican prelate betrayed the liveliest interest
In American affairs and showed that he
has closely followed President Roosevelt's
After referring in the highest terms to
tho president's attitude toward tho ne
groes, the pope adverted to his stand
against the trusts. He spoke, In terms of
thorough approval of President Roosevelt's
efforts to check the dominating Influence of
the powerful Industrial combinations.
Again the pope showed his understanding
of American problems and how closely he
has followed them, as well as the course
of the president, whom he seems warmly to
amlre. i
' It was a signal compliment to the Ameri
can bishop that he wits received. The pope
utterly disregarded the directions of Dr.
Lappnnia, who had directed him to coun
termand all his engagements. The pope
insisted on seeing Bishop Bevan, and dur
ing their interview spoke freely of Ameri
can affairs.
Bishop BeVan says the pope looked to be
In excellent health, considering all the
reports of his feebleness. Speaking to
the World correspondent of his Interview
Bishop Bevan said:
"I could scarcely conceal my emotion on
seeing his holiness looking so marvelously
well and strong. He spoke at a man Iu
the full possession of his physical as well
aa his mental powers. Not the slightest
symptom of weakness was discernible dur
ing the talk I had with him."
( arsons Are ald to Have Spent 9125,
OOO for Their Part In
the Display.
(Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Feb. 15. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) The Delhi
xlurbar Is said to have cost the Curzons
$125,000. The figure is exclusive of the
Jewels for the vlcerlne, especially bought
for the occasion. They Included a paruve
ot rubles of great value, given to her by
her father In commemoration of this his
toric event In the antrals of the Letter
The duke and duchess of Marlborough
went to Ceylon after tho durbar. .
' Mrs. Adair Is making a tour through
Chinese Emperor Imprisoned by Ap
prehensive Dowaarer, W ho Bar .
rossili Him with Guards,
VICTORIA, B. C. Feb. 15. News was
brought by the steamer Olmpla, which
arrived tonight, that 1,000 sword bayonets
have been seized at Chung Wang Tao.
They were being Imported by order of
Viceroy Yuan Bhlk Kal, who la now ac
cused of deliberately violating the pro
tocol made between China and the powers.
Pekln correspondence reported that the
emperor is Imprisoned and closely guarded
by the empress, who, apprehensive regard
ing him, has surrounded him with a large
guard since the return from the summer
German Minister Holds Combines
Alone Able to Meet American
BERLIN, Feb. 15. Minister O. Comerle
Meller. In the course of an address In the
Chamber of Commerce esterday, said:
The Cnlted States will be Germany's chief
competitor in the world's markets In the
future. We must therefore learn from the
Americans to adopt their business methods,
the salient feature of which Is the con
centration of capital and trade Into trusts.
The strong repugnance existing In Ger
many against such combinations will cer
tainly be replaced In time by a better view,
especially after the evils ot the syndicates
have been removed. '
Fact that They Once Belonged
Royalty Makes Them Brlnar
n Good Price.
j uirfUHiu ojiw
i mejey ( ,.,
Sltvent- Uc
curios were sold this week at
luction room. A pair of Queen
Victoria's stockings sold for $6, two pairs
of Princess Alloe'a stockings brought $7,
a pair of Empress Frederick's shoes
fetched 12.50 and Dick Turpln's pistol was
bid up to 25..
Karthqtiake Raises Fears of Fresh
Disaster Impending; for
MEXICO CITY. Feb. 15. The state of
Guerrero continues to report many and
somewhat alarming earthquakes.
Chilpanclngo, which two years ago was
almost ' des'.royed by an earthquake, now
reports another which threw down houses.
Chile pa. San Diego and Mexical were also
visited by seismic disturbances.
tioinc In
for Breeding; Draft Horaca
i well as the Thor-oaa-bbreds.
(Copyright.' 19o3, by Press Publishing Co.)
WANTAGE, England, Feb. 15. (New
York World Cablegram Special Telegram.)
Richard Croker Is starting a stud of
shire, or heavy car horses. He bought
five sires and mares at Lady Wantage's
sale this week for a little over $10,000. He
paid $2,500 each for two noted shire stal
lions. Coallnar Stations Seen Assured.
HAVANA, Feb. 15. Minister Squlera has
received a massage from Washington which
has given rise to the belief that the naval
coaling station agreements will be signed
within a tew hours. '
t hoalo Returns to London.
LONDON', Feb. 15. Ambassador Choate
returned to London tonigbt from his tour
through the rountrUs of the eastern Med
iterranean aud Egypt.
Snow, Sleet, Ice and Wind Sweep Many
v Western States.
' 'a; , .
MlssnV, ' Ohio, Indiana, Ken.
toclor. Territories Re
port la, WlrM
TOPEKA, Kan., Fib. 13. The worst bllx
zard of the winter prevails over Kansas
Snow, accompanied by a strong north
wind, has been falling all day and tonight
the temperature Is near the rero mark.
Cattle on the western ranges will doubt
less suffer.
Railroad traffic Is retarded.
ARKANSAS CITY, Kan., Feb. 15. A pas
senger train on the Kansas A Southwestern
Is stuck in the snow between South Haven
and Caldwell and the ganta Fe passenger
train on the H. A S. division Is In a drift
about a mile from Nardln and the engine
The thermometer Is about 5 above xero.
A high wind drifted the snow badly.
Missouri Experiences Rllssard.
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 15. Snow has been
falling In Kansas City and western Mis
souri at intervals during the last thirty
hours and It now covers the ground to a
depth of Cbven Inches, making It thu heav
ies fall of the winter.
Through trains are generally late and
street car traffic In this city was ham
pered somewhat. The telegraph and tele
phone companies have suffered slight dam
age. The lowest temperature was 12 de
grees above sero at 6 tonight, when the
prospects were for moderating weather.
ST. LOCIS. Feb. 15. Rain, sleet, snow
and decidedly colder weather have followed
in rapid succession during the last twenty
four hours and the temperature tonight. It
is expected, will drop to near the xero
This morning the trees and ground were
covered with Ice from the frozen rain that
fell during the night. A heavy fall of
snow followed, 'and then came a decline In
temperature, giving St. Louis and vicinity
the worst blizzard experienced In two years.
Wh.le no great damage resulted, rail
road and street car traffic was somewhat
Impeded and telegraph and telepbono lines
were prostrated, but not enough to Inter
rupt business seriously.
Illinois Cars Delayed.
CHICAGO, Feb. 15. Though more than
Ave Inches of snow fell in Chicago last
night and today and a high wind prevailed,
the storm has not materially delayed rail
road traffic into the city. All the railroads
report trains nearly on time.
BLOOMINGTON. 111., Feb. 15. Snow has
been falling in Central Illinois for thirty
six hours with no 'prospect of cessation.
The high wind prevailing has caused heavy
drifts. Impeding street railway transporta
tion and also delaying trains on the steam
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Feb. 15. 8prlngfleld
today experienced .one of the most acvor
blizzards In years. Street car service was
practically abandoned. All trains entering
the city were from fifteen minutes to two
hours late. Ton'ght the thermometer fell
ten degrees in three hours.
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Feb. 5. A heavy
snowstorm has prevailed here for the past
twelve hours. All trains are late, tele
phone wires are damaged and country roads
are almost Impassable.
CINCINNATI, Feb. 15. The rain of the
past two days was tonight followed by sleet
and snow. The same conditions are re
ported throughout the Ohio valley with
serious floods In certain localities
Wires are reported down. Interurban
electric lines are being operated only with
great difficulty.
INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 15. Three Inches
of snow fell here today and It was almost
impossible for the street cars to run. The
railroad trains were all late and telegraph
lines were crippled, wires being reported !
down In many parts ot the state.
Kentucky Doca Not Escape,
LOUISVILLE.' Ky.. Feb. 15. A drenching
rain, which began falling last night,
turned into sleet tonight, making the
streets of the city dangerous for pedes
trians and causing considerable delay and
inconvenience to the street railway com
pany. In some parts of the city trolley
wires were broken by the coating of Ice.
Reports of heavy rains and sleet have
been received from all parts of Kentucky.
PADUCAH. Ky.. Feb. 15. indications
point to higher water, the river reaching
the danger line, forty feet, today and has
commenced to rise rapidly.
The rain which set in at 8 o'clock last
night, was continuous until 6 o'clock, when
It turned to sleet. At 10 p. m. the streets
were covered with Ice. and street car
trade was abandoned. The Tennessee and
Cumberland rivers are out of their banks.
Boats are experiencing difficulty In land
ing here.
FULTON, Ky., Feb. 15. Owing to the
heavy rains In the past thirty-six hours
the western and southern portions of Ful
ton are threatened with inundation. Harris
Fork is already over Its banks and the
negro quarters of the town are flooded.
The river is still rising and 11 Is still
raining. Much damage Is threatened.
OWENSBORO, Ky.. Feb. 15. There has
been a steady rain since yesterday morn
ing". All small streams are overflowing. Much
damage has been done in this county. Sev
eral brldgeswete washed away.. Rough
river, Pond river and Green river are
higher than ever before.
Snow Swf Territories.
GUTHRIE. Okl.. Feb. 15. The worst
storm of lae winter struck Oklahoma about
midnight and haa been raging ever since.
Slfet and rain were followed today by
a driving snowstorm, a cold northwester
accompanying it.
On account of their good condition no
damage to cattle or wheat is expected.
Tha rain waa receded by a dense fog, the
only one known to present residents of the
ARDMORE. 1. T.. Feb. 15. One of the
worst sleet storms In years prevails
throughout this section of Indian Terri
tory. The storm began late last night
with a decided fall In temperature following
the heavy rains of the lest few days.
Everything In this part of the territory
has a heavy coating of snow and It Is be
lieved that cattle will suffer much.
DALLAS. Tex.. Feb. 15. A bl ztsrd li
reported from Amarlllo and Hereford,
Tex., and Indian Territory aad Oklahoma.
At Amarlllo the anow Is the heaviest In
four years and fears are entertained that
much stock will be lost. A norther, ac
companied by rains, has been blowing
throughout the greater portion nf Texas
f.-r the past twenty-four hours.
8.y.T LAKE CITY. Utah. Feb. 15.-The
heavy fall of snow during the past week
(Continued oa Second Page.)
British (miner Officially Notifies
Vrnesoela that Blockade
is Raised.
LA GUAYRA. Venezuela, Feb. 13. The
blockade has been officially raised.
The commander of the British cruiser
Tribune, the only British warship here,
sent an officer ashore this morning with
the announcement .that Tribune would leave
this afternoon for Trinidad. The populace
Is wild with Joy.
CARACAS, Feb. 15. At 3 this afternoon
Tribune left for Trinidad. The news from
all the Venezuelan ports, exoept Coro and
Hlguerote, is that the foreign warships
sailed away today. .
The government, immediately on receiv
ing the news that the blockade had been
raised, took military measures ' and sent
troops in all directions to crush the revolu
tion w'thout giving the rebels a moment's
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. Mr. Bowen ex
pects to begin Immediately the preparation
of the protocols with representatives of
the allied powers for the settlement cf
their claims. There are eight of them
clutinant nations, including , the United
The protocol with this government will
be the first undertaken. BoKcltor Tenlleld
ot the State, department will represent the
United 8tates. Work, it is expected, will
begin tomorow and Mr. Bowen's belief is
that matters will move forward with
greater rapidity than they did with the
representatives of the allied governments.
The negotiations with France win follow.
and so on until the protocols with all the I
unaMled credit nations are-completed.
The suggestion has been made that as
the unallled nations naturally are opposed
to any preferential treatment to Germany,
Great Britain and Italy, In all probability
Venezuela,' the United States and France
will be lined up as repreeentlng the eight
unallled nations at The Hague, as opposed
to the allies.
Mr. Bowen continues to receive numerous
congratulatory telegrams from Venezuela
on the satisfactory outcome of his work
here. One of those which he prizes most
highly is from the citizens of La Guayra,
through the prefect, which reads as fol
lows: The citizens of La GuayTa. through me,
felicitate you as the great and good friend
of Venezuela. .
Various efforts have been made jy rep
resentatives of big financial houses in this
country to sound Mr. Bowen as to his
views on the question .of financing the
dobts of Venezuela. Mr. Bowen, however,
has Informed all that his mleslon Is en
tlrely a diplomatic one, and that he could
not consider the financial features ot the
matter. ( .
WILLEMSTAD, Curacoa, Feb. 14. There
is great rejoicing among all classes here at
the end of the Venezuelan blockade. Many
Bailing vessels that are lying in this port,
with cargoes for Venezuela, will leave to
morrow. A number of steamers are load
ing for the same destination.
Heavy loads of coffee are awaiting trans
portation from Venezuela to the United
No one apparently is more glad at the
raising of the blockade than-those on board
) blockading -vesselfc ; ' :' "
Children Memnrate. Gloucester Harbor
Fishermen "Drowned Last
Yenr. ,
GLOUCESTER, Mass., Feb. 16. Nearly
1,000 people crowded Atlantic wharf this
afternoon to witness the beautiful cere
mony when seventy-four flowers, emble
matic of the seventy-four lives sacrificed
in the fisheries from this port during last
year were cast on the water of Gloucester
harbor, by seventy-four children.
Fallowing the exercises at the wharf a
memorial exercise was held at Memorial
hall, at which David H. Robinson . pre
sided. Rev. D. C. Charlton read the names
of the dead men and brief addresses were
delivered, the speakers paying eloquent
tribute to the lost fishermen, adding words
of sympathy and comfort for their sur
vivors. '
These memorial services are conducted
annually under the auspices of Gloucester
seamen's Bethel, of which the Rev. D. C.
Charlton Is the present director.
The reeords of the Bethel show that
during the psst seventy-two years the deep
claimed 5,046 lives from among the fish
ermen of Gloucester harbor. Nine hundred
and eighty-nine widows and 1.080 children
have been left to mourn these tragic deaths.
Seven hundred and thirty-two vessels have
been lost, representing a total value of
Mall Matter All Saved, hut Flsturea
and Other Tenants Softer
Heavy l oss.
DEADWOOD,, S. D.. Feb. 15. (Special
Telegram.) Fire was discovered this morn
ing in the building occupied by the Dead
wood postofflce. and before It could be
extinguished had done damage to the
amount of $10,000. Postmaster Bonham and
his assistants succeeded In getting every
thing out ot the office, so no mall matter
was lost. Part of the building was occu
pied by the commission houae of F. D.
Smith A Co., and this ta ction of the build
ing was completely gutted. Smith.- A Co.
are heaviest losers. Tuer lots will ex
ceed $C,000. The spcond storyof the build
ing was occupied as Hw offices and the
Deadwood public library, and these were
badly flooded by water and the damage to
Individual owners will be .heavy. The
basement of the building waa occupied
a workroom by Seeblck. the milliner, and
his loss will be very heavy.
Prominent Mexicans Form Committer,
with Diss as Honorary
MEXICO CITY. Feb. 15. A relief com-
mlttee under the naaie ot "Comlte Na-
clonal" has been organised here to take
the place of the charity committee which
haa been collecting funds for Mazatlan.
President Liai Is honorary president, but
the actual president is Minister of the In
terior Corral. Mauuel Mercado. Jr., Is sec
retary and Luis Q. Havil treasurer.
A circular has been Issued appesling to
all governors and mayors foi assistance.
In view of the discovery that people
leaving Masatlan dodge the sanitary sta
tions, and because of the reported appear,
ante of the plague at a small town near
thst city, the suthorltic have decided to
make more strict regulations governing
migrations from the stricken port.
Efforts In the city are also to be re.
doubled to efiect tii eradication of the
Burlington Road el Usual Pljing a Dual
Role in the right.
Secretly, However, It la Apparent the
Railroad Influence. Is Reins;
Eacrtcd In Behalf of
(From a 8taff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 15. (Special.) The
republican campaign tor the nomination ot
candidates for municipal offices, which cul
minates Tuesday In a primary, has. been de
cidedly mixed and In many respects pecu
liar. The Issue projected to the front ba
been whether the saloon license Is to be
lowered. And now even this issue has been
knocked out by the fact that both candi
dates for mayor, M. J. Wlnnelt and O. A.
Adams, have announced In favor of a high
license. Both men stand on practically the
same platform, an economical administra
tion, and the fight has simmered down until
now It Is that Wlnnett wants a third term
and Adams wants the office. The latter is
at present a member of the 'school board.
It Is expected that the outcome of the
fight will depend upon the way the Bur
lington plays its cards. Ed Blgnell, super
intendent of the road. Is said to have been
for Adams originally, but It Is alleged on
one side that he received a hunch from
headquarters to keep out and on the other
that he Is atlll using his Influence covertly
and effectually In favor of Adams.
On the other htnd. J. H. Ager. the no-
torlous Burlington pass distributor, Is out
for Wlnnett, and the following open let
ter explains his position:
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 14 To the Kdltor
of The State Journal: About two weeks
ago I was correctly quoted by The Journal
as personally favorable to the renomlnatlon
of Mayor Wlnnett. On the afternoon of
February 8 Mr. Holdrege. general manager
or tno u. at at. road, m te presence or
Mr. J. W. Deweese of this city, authorised
me to state that the Burlington was noH
opposed to Mr. Wlnnett s renomlnatlon.
I have said this to a number of people
I have never said to any one that the road
favored Wlnnett or that it opposed Adams,
and the man or men who say 1 have are
Jurt common, every day liars.
The shrewd ones see behind this the cus
tomary tactics of the Burlington to pretend
to be out of the fight while dividing It
forces so as to be In position to have
claims on the successful candidate, no mat
ter which one wins. In other words, tho
road is playing both ends, although thn
powers that, be unquestionably prefer to
have Wlnnett beaten as a rebuke for favor
ing the Elkhorn at the time It was granted
the right to use' certain streets out of
which the Burlington people would have
preferred to have had it barred. If the
Burlington Influence In Lincoln Is still what
It . was, and It has always dominated the
republican politics of the city with a strong
grip, the, Adams candidacy, which has tho
backing of the machine built up tor D. E.
Thompson in his recent senatorial cam
paigns, will be the one to benefit by its
Forces Aro Divided
Upon the mayoralty fight of course most
of the attention ot the people haa been
drawn. On that and the tight for mem
borshlp on the excise board. So great has
the Interest been centered on these that
candidate ' for other officers have been
mentioned only incidentally. The board Is
composed of three imembers, Including the
mayor, I and each candidate for mayor is
on a ticket with candidates tor the excise
board. Three of these are on the Adams
ticket and two on the Wlnnett ticket.
Both mayoralty candidates affiliate with
the St. Paul Methodist Episcopal church
Adams being a member of the church board
This will occasioiv almost an equal division
In the support of the church people, and tho
pastor refuses to commit himself. So'
little advantage will be gained here by
either. .
The saloon element Is divided, though It
Is thought that Adams will get the greater
portion of this vote. With the saloons
divided, the churches divided, and two fac
tions having been born In the Burlington
railroad machine, the mayoralty fight is a
most peculiar one. Adams has lined up
behind him the labor unions, the county
machine, a portion of the Burlington ma
chine under Elmer Stephenson, most of the
federal office holders and probably the Lin
coln Gaa company. Wlnnett claims a ma
jority of the business men, that portion
ot the Burlington machine under J. H.
Ager, and probably the Lincoln Traction
company. '
Mayor Wlnnett refused to be a candidate
for a third term until after the withdrawal
of Dr. Finney, who as a member of the
council was an ardent supporter of the
mayor. It was after the announcement ot
Wlnnett that Adams took a stand for the
high license. Upon this hesitancy ,of Mr.
Adams in stating bis position on the license
questiou the Wlnnett men hope to beat him.
Mayor Wlnnett Is making his race on
his record as mayor for two terms. lo
ci uded in the campaign thunder sent out
by bis friends under the head of "For
mayor, H. J. Winnett; tor excise board
J. C. Harpham and Frank wood, are
these figures: .j
Four years' municipal management: -
City floating debt decreased in
four years 118.3Uw.6a
Fire losees decreased atxouu.00
police department saved in three
years r 8.000.0U
Water floating debt wiped out 21,232. 00
Increase in license money last
year 12.5OU.00
Winnett promises to continue the effi
cient fire and police department aud to
conduct , the city government along the
same lines he has followed during the laat
four years. His friends claim that he haa
always stood between the council and the
people and prevented the former from a
lavish expenditure of Ihe elty money.
On the other hand, tho" Adams people
claim that Winnett has atrvd between the
council and the people, in many Instances,
to the -detriment of the people. They claim
the large amount of decrease In the city
floating debt was due to general prosperity
and a collection of back taxes, with which
the treasurer and city council had some,
thing to do. Mr. Adams said yesterday: "I
am in favor of charging saloon men $1,500
for licenses; I favor building up the fire
i and police departments and I shall
elected, retain Chief Clement at the brad
ot the fire department. I sh..ll remove no
one from either of these departments ex
cept for the good of the department and
Its efficient conduct. 1 am in favor of
equallxlug the water tax. I shall conduct
the affairs ot the cltv along those line,
that will result In the greatest good tor the
greatest number."
Police Chief f'als a Klararc.
A feature that has cut oulte a fl.ur. i
; tne mayorany race u me iaci inn ir Adams
j Is elected very probah'y hn will removo
from office Chief of Police Hoagland. The
I chief is a te-y popular man and there are
. mauy who Indorse bis action as an official
! j.
iCcollsued on Second Page.)
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Monday Con
tinued Cold; Tueeday Fair and Milder.
' -Temperature
at Omaha Yesterday I
Hour. Dear. . Hour. Dear.
n a. m ..... . fl 1 p. m
a. m 3 X p. oa U
T a,' n 1 S p. m ..... . B
a) . m 1 , -4 p. m S
(t a. m 1 B p. m
1 a. m. . . . . . . 1 A p. m 1
II a. m...... a T p. m O
II n H. p. m 1
O p. to 1
Indicates below aero.
Member of Board of Education Tells
Philosophical Society Ho Favors
Chaaaina; School Methods,
Hugh F. Mcintosh, editor, populist
leader and member ot the Board ot Edu
cation, read a paper on "Education" to
the Philosophical society yesterday after
noon. About fifty members were present.
In part Mr. Mcintosh said:
"There are not half a doxen teachers
In this county who can conduct a school
in any other way than by the amusement
system now !n vogue. They have not
themselves been taught and we cannot
exact the Impossible from them. But we
can begin to be sane In our educational
system Mr conception of a beginning In
Omaha Is to do what Wisconsin is now
doing, viz.: to go Into the country, buy a
farm and establish a county . high school
for Instruction In agriculture, manual
training and domestic science. This schol
could be "made a teachers' training
school of the right sort, which will begin
to send us teachers who tan conduct a
primary school on disciplinary lines as
soon as the city school system will tol
erate them.
"I would construct each new city achool
house on the workshop plan make It a
school of children's occupations. All Its
rooms should be work rooms rather than
study rooms. And, of course, when these
new school facilities exist teachers who
ran teach must be found, Instead ot turn
ing the schools over to the old enemy
of childhood the teacher who only knows
enough to amuse children.
'But a transition of this sort Is slow.
We cannot afford to waste so many, lives
while waiting a quarter of a century to
reform the educational life of a city. I
would bridge over the transition period
by pushing every fad in our school sys
tem to its limit. In the absence of a dis
ciplinary system of education I would make
It a fad system. I would make. the kin
dergarten age four to six years; I would
devote plenty of time to clay modeling;
I would Introduce wood carving, pyro
graphy and basketry. I would make very
much of music in the schools: I would
develop free-hand drawing so that any
pupil In the schools could reproduce with
a pencil any picture In his mind. I would
introduce needlework and I would teach
sanitation In all Ha forms and branches.
J would bring the requirements In phy
sical culture up to the West Point stand
ard. "Then it there were any more tada found
which . would .tend to discipline the hand
and the eye and the car and the lunga and
the tongue, t would chuck It Into the edu
cational system In order to crowd out the
eye-destroying, nerve-racking waste of
digging dead things out of books. The
shibboleth of the present educational sys
tem, 'correct literary taste and culture,' I
would make a term of reproach."
Railroad Attorneys Say that Baldwin
Is Too Busy for a Hearing;
Attorneys for the railroads In the case
of the Burlington and Union Pacific
against the city to restrain the levy ot
taxes for 1903 on the basts decided upon
by th city authorities say that the case,
which la set for hearing before Jud.'e
Munger this morning, will not be heard
until later, and assign as the reason (be
fact that John N. Baldwin of the Union
Pacifio "Is so busy that he has not had
time to make a study of the case and can
not be present at the hearing today,"
It Is Intimated that for the purpose of
hearing the evidence an agreement may
be made that all ot the evidence common
to both cases may be heard In one ease
only and applltd to both, thus saving the
time ot the court and materially assist
ing in reaching an early conclusion ot the
case. , It la not expected that th hearing
before Judge Munger will settle the mat
ter, aa either aide may appear and th
case is ot such general interest that It
may reach the United States supreme
court before it Is finally determined.
Manley Balo at Lyons Climaxes Re
markable Series of Sales
I'nder Hammer.
T. C. ' Callahan ha returned from a
J trlp 0Ter the state, where ho has teen
engaged in selling pur bred hogs, Lav
ing held six sales from February 9 to 14.
At one of these sales, that of Manley A
Co., at Lyons, he brought the general aver
age of the price ot hogs to a higher pnlut
than had eer before been reached In Ne
braska. These hogs were Duroc-Jersev
and the averaga price received per ani.nal
wai t'l, The averaj price rceivcd per
animal for the saler was S"5, and
average pries of the various sales as fol
lows: J. O. Anderson, Fontanellu, $3S;
Manley A Co.. Lyons. $77; E. I. Russell.
Herman, $64; Smith Brown, Waterloo. $T;
O. E. Osborn, Weston, la., $55.50; .1. H.
Roll. Coin, la., $41.60. The Anderjot and
Roll herds were Poland-China, the others
Political Mall Curriers Suspended.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 15. Seventeen
letter carriers have been suspended from
the San Francisco postofflce for alleged po
litical activity during the November cam
paign. , '
Movements of Oroan Vessels Feb. 13.
At New York Arrived: Carthagenlan.
from Olasgnw and Moville; Gallia, from
! Marseilles, Naples and Gibraltar; Graf von
j Walilersee, from Hamburg. Boulogne and
Viymowth: Perusla, from Naplsa and Pal
ermo: i-niiaaeipnia. rrom -loutnampton ana
At Liverpool Arrived: Cevle, from New
At Porta del Oada Arrived : Vancouver,
from Genoa, Naples and Palermo, for Bos
ton At Queenstown Salleil: Ktrurla, from
Liverpool, for New York. v
At cnerDourg naiiea: t. raui, for New
At I'phant Passed: Denderah. from Ta-
'coma. Seattle and San FTancimo via Val-
. At Prawle point: Passed: Hyson, from
T a co in a via Singapore and Naples, for
At Brow Head Passed: Baxonla. tenm
New York, for Liverpool.
At The I Jsard Passed: Zeeland. from
New York, for Southampton and Antwerp;
Bleucher, from New York, for Plymouth,
vneruourg ana imrauurg.
Plety of Important Bnaineea Scheduled to
Come Up in the Lepialatnre,
Oommittse it Expected to Eeport it to Home
Not Later Than Tuesday.
Reapportionment BilLii Alio Expected to
Pat in an Appearanoe,
Orala Elevator Men Gathering; la
Force to Flajht .arlalatloa Pro
nosed hy tho Farmers' Com
Operative Concern.
(From a Btafl Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 15. (Special.) If th
program la carried out, this weeji ought
to be the busiest of the session. The legis
lature has, aa It were, bunched many ot th
most Important matters before It and sev
eral of these ought to come up for dis
position this week. Chief among them I
the revenue bill. After wrestling with that
proposition tor a considerable pfrlod th
Joint committee. It Is aald, will be ready
to aubmit Its work to the bouse Tuesday.
Other things of moment, such as the
McAllister reapportionment bill, th tele
phone fight, the controversy over th
farmers' elevator bills, and last, but cer
tainly not least, the Omaha charter bill,
are on the docket for this wek.
But It is safe to say that not all of these
things will be given a full hearing. It
Is supposed, of course, the matter ot reve
nue revision will have right-of-way over
all other propositions. If this question
occupies as much time, proportionately, in
the legislature as It has In the committee.
It Is likely to consume tho rest or the
greater part of the session. Th Interest
and anxiety over revenue revision ta at
the tensest strain. Everybody Is looking
to see what the result will be, whether the
pleading voice of 1,200,000 Nebraskans, or
the stern dictum of a handful of men, moat
of them residents of other states, will
prevail; whether the' will of their con
stituents or the commjod ot the railroad
will govern the legislators in thla su
preme moment; whether adequate revenue .
revision will be granted, because it I
needed and wanted by the state, or whether
It will be i denied because It Is ao ordered
by the railroads, who resist It that they
may -continue to shirk their Just proportion
ot taxes. I
What Is Claimed for Rill.
The revenue bill Is a voluminous affair.
It comprises more than the 240 sectlona
of -the present Nebraska law. It haa been
compiled from the atatutea ot Nebraska,
Kansas, Iowa, and other states. Th man
who have constructed it declare It la good
and will. If passed, Bat.lsfy- the demands ot
the people and the needs of the atate. '
While there Is a great deal of talk about ,
the fight that la being made by the so
called Independent telephone eompanlea
throughout the state against the Nebraska
Hell Telephone company, t there la lean
actual fighting. True, commltteea from
the bouse and senate have been appointed
to "Investigate rates," to see If they are ,
exorbitant. These committees are expected
to report thrs week, but it la a question
Indeed If their reports will lead to the
passage ot the bills Introduced at th
request of the Independent people to en
able them to project their wires Into Omaha
and Lincoln. Certainly If the consensus
of opinion counts for anything, the chancea
of the Independent people are poor.
Lesrlalatlro Reapportionment.
Representative McAllister ot Deuel
county expected to get his bill tor th
legislative reapportionment of the stata
Into the house laat week, but aa certain
provisions ot It were unsatisfactory to
members of the senate Ita Introduction
waa delayed. The bill met the approval
of all the representatives to whom it waa
referred, and Mr. McAllister believe It
will be In final shape In a day or two, ao
that It can be presented with excellent
chances of passing. The bill, aa drawn,
would give to Douglas five new member
In the house, making fourteen, and about
two In the senate, making five.
The Omaha charter bill la another msaa- ,
ure which ran againat a snag last week
It was thought the Douglas delegation
would be able to Introduce It ' the first
part of laat week, but It waa hung up be
cause of changes, and now, while the plan
Is to get It In this week, Its Introduction
Is a matter of uncertainty.
The grain elevator men began to gather
at the atate capitot last week and will line
up thla week against the bills In th
senate and house providing for farmers' :
elevators throughout th atate. Th grain ;
men claim the farmers ar not being Im
posed on now and get 'all th benefit
they are entitled to, or1 that their Interest
demand. They are prepared t tnak a
formidable fight against these two bills. 1
In connection with fights on bills of. this .
nature it Is always worth while ta recall
what The Bee pointed out at the beginning
of the aesslon, that of th nlnety-nln
members of the house fifty-five ar farmer,
and the farmers are well repreaented la
the senate. They ought to be able to
make a formidable fight also. If their
cause Is lost, the farmers out In the stat
ought to b able to very nearly place th .
Fatal Quarrel Occurs Kear Cnlbertsoa
Arising; Over Domeatla
TRENTON, Neb., Feb. U.r-ffipeclal Tele
gram.) It la reported ber a man by th
nam of Mitchell, living on th Driftwood.
southwest of Culberton, waa ehot and killed
by his brother-in-law last nlgbt over do
mestic affaire.
I.ltlle l.ltla-atloa la rsatlsg.
WEST POINT, Neb., Feb. 15. (Special.)
District court adjourned to May 4, which
will be an equity session. Out of the
forty-seven cases on the docket at th
opening ot the term thirty have been dis
posed of, leaving but seventeen raaea
pending. This Is the smallest number of
cases that baa ever been on th docket
In the' district court ot Cuming county,
2oO cases having been at one period en
tered In that court.
Shattered by Shot.
FAIRMONT, Neb., Feb. 15. (Special.)
The second 'son of James Dorranre, while
out hunting, accidentally discharged bis
gun. The rharge ot shot entered his arm
a 1UU above th wrist and cam out at