Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1903, PART I, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA DAILY -BEE: SUNDAY, FEIHUTARY IB, 1003. SII00TERS IN men FETTLE Uttt'.tg of Btste tod City Teami is Cause of Their Jay. ANCIENT RIVALS AT THE TRAPS CLASH Contests for taprrmarr that Have Been Oelns; fla for Year and Are Still taflalsheil Art Given Hfw l.lfc. General4 Jay -has existed imonit devotees and admirers of tbe trap-shooting; name all during last week. The reassembling of famous expert ahota of Nebraska In Omaha tor tha match between the city and state teama has been the occasion of a general In form at renewing of all the tlca known to trigger artiste, and once more the old tlmea and the old shoots and the old records have been rehearsed and revised, rhe daytlmea have been deroted to shoot log,, but the night tlmes,have been given to reminiscence. In this gossip and yarn ing has cropped out a grist of Interesting torles of the things that were in the hooting history of Nebraska and many a gunner haa had recalled vividly to him cenes at past shoota which bad escarped bis mind. This la not the first time that these two teama have met each other. Last Feb ruary they held race here and the state team beat the local boys by only flvc birds. coring Ml to 22 out of 240 trapped for I tacb team. As usual, Bray was against Tarmelee and they closed the match with the last round. Parmelea took all his birds and Dray lost three. Nor will this be the last meet for these teama. No later than next April they will come together again at Grand Island. The clubs of that town and North Platte give a big shoot '.here on April 1, 2 and 3. The Omaha team baa been, asked to come down for another go with' the Nebraska men at large, and they aay aura they'll go. Most of yester lay'a team will participate, although a few will be unable to get away. The members If each team spent their time before the hoot last week telling tha others that they would never get to Grand Island after Saturday was past, for very shame at their bowing. Organised trap shooting haa been going on la Nebraska now for twenty-seven rears. Few people would believe thla at a thought, but the twenty-seventh annual Itata shoot will occur at Lincoln next April 19 and SO and May 1. The first shoot was bald at Plattsmouth In 1876. None of the men who were assembled here yesterday participated In that shoot, but some of them have been ahootlng almost that long. Dan Bray of Columbus holds the record If being tha man who haa shot at traps longer than any ona else In Nebraska still actively engaged In the sport. Bray won a live bird race at Nebraska City In 1878, kls first Introduction to the trapa. In point it yeara W. T, Denn of Brownvllle, Neb., holds the palm aa the oldest trap shooter In the atata. He la 80 yeara of age' and Is rtt a formidable opponent. He haa been hooting at trapa a acore of yeara. He could not gat In for yesterday's ahoot. A large attendance la expected at the eomtag atate ahoot, aa trap Interest this year asanas to be atronger than ever. In talking It over laat week, tha assembled gunners one and all barked back to the shoot of 1901, held at Lincoln alao, which was the1 "occasion of the hotteat pair race for first' honors' ever known In the west. It waa Dan Bray, the old-timer, who led the going 'all tha way. Ha entered In every event and atarted by killing 118 atralght before he missed. Then he -went t It again nd killed eighty more without a break. Finally he ended up the ahoot, having missed only three . out of 215 trapped. That waa a moat phenomenal record, but, aa Dan puta It grimly today, "even then I couldn't have the glory. Thla BUI Crosby of O'Fallon, 111., goea me one better and loses only two out of 215, and I Btand aecond after doing a line of ahoot ins that -I'll never equal again." And It la almost a safe bet that Croeby never will. either. . In no sport doea rivalry become more In tense than 'In the ahootlng game. One thing that leada to thla la the ouetom of always pairing men according to precedent. That la, to put against each other always men who have opposed each other previ ously. In thla middle west there are a half dosen shooters or more who would not miss being pitted agatnat each other for any money. George B. Slmpklna of Lin. coin and Cbarlaa Lewis of Omaha have carried thla; rivalry farther than any other men. These two .cannot wait for their turna to come when a race la on, and they would be In favor of a team shoot - every week. Frank Fogg of Omaha and tha old veteran B 27, or Frank Beard of Herman, Neb., form another pair that ara out for each other's blood at the trap game. Frank Parmelee of Omaha and Dan Bray of Columbus are another couple that retuae to ahoot against anyone but each other. These little rivalries have come to be recognised by the other shoot ers, and they nerr lose a chance to pair off the men this way. 'At a gathering of the shooters last Thursday a story was told on Dan Bray that almost made that old war horse blush beneath his tan. Bald 8andy McDonald: "The best joke we ever got on Bray was two years ago, when we were shooting against Kansas City's team here. Bray was shooting against J. A. R. Elliott, the Kansas City crack. Parmelee, Bray's Ne braska bitter rival, but his team mate on this occasion, was shooting against Chris Ootllleb, another corking good man from the southern city. I called Bray out and asked him to pick 125 of the fattest pigeons be could find for Parmelee and Gottlieb. Dan's eyes lighted up. If anyone knew a hard pigeon In a coop he did, and here was a scheme to spoil Parmelee's score and to lower Gottlieb's, too. So Dsn came out to the coop, where there were about 1,000 birds. He spent Just an hour going over them and when he was done he had the pick of the lot, euro. There was not a bird left In the coop that was as good aa any one of the 125 he had picked. Not one of his had a speck of white In It. All dull blue and little hits of things no bigger with their feathers on than a golf ball. And they all had their crops empty and were game and active aa only a atarved bird can be. I shuddered when I thought of trying to shoot those birds, and Bray smiled grimly. It was certainly a game to go up against. Well, to make a long story short, I took the birds out and In stead of giving them to Parmelee and Gottlieb I gave them out for Bray and Elliott. It was a funny sight. When Dan came to the mark he gave the word and tho trap flew open. The little bird west out add away like a flash of blue lightning, and , Bray stood there holding his gun. Then he caught onto the game and worked he never had before. He knew what those birds were like and he caught forty- seven of the fifty remarkable work on that bunch of pigeons. Let me say also that he made a world's record for trapping and retrieving on that bunch. We trapped and retrieved 100 birds tn Just thirty-one minutes. There wasn't a 'no bird' In the bunch. That record haa never been equalled." Nebraska's crack shots are rejoiced to hear that Kansas City's team wanta to try them on again. Chrla Gottlieb, one of the best men on the Kansas City team, haa been visiting Frank Parmelee, and he says that bis team Is anxious to comtt up here and try conclusions once more. Seven tlmea now have teams from these two cltli;s net, and the Omahana have won six of the seven shoots. All were fifty-bird racea but the laat two, which were twenty-five each. The local men have jumped at the offer of the Mlssourlana, and the match ill probably come off In March. It la remarkable how close, tho total acores have always been In these races. Of five races at Kansas City, Omaha has won by two birds twice, by five once, by seven once and by eleven once. That Is a small number out of several hundred birds trapped. condition, but It was Impossible to do so renrh In the short season and with the In frequent hours he could devote to practice. He haa played through all the games so far, having met the Lincoln association loam, tba Haskell Indians, Kansas Uni versity and Sioux City association. The last two games were loat, and because of that Miller decided to leave the team. He resitted that he Is too fleshy to be fsst, and that he could not play up to his former star game. He Is regarded aa a fine basket ball coach, aa he knows the game from end to end. Miller is highly commended tor his con sideration In getting off the team when he thought It would be bettered thereby. The other members, too, think that with a speedy forward on the right side they can build up the team to championship form again. It waa overwhelmingly victorious In Its first two games, defeating even the Haskell Indians, the fastest team In the transmissourl country, by a big score. But in the Kansas game here Miller was run off his feet by the opposing gusrd. The Omaha captain la a aura goal thrower when he geta the ball, but he never got It. At Sioux City the same thing happened a week ago Thursday. Miller realised the condi tion of things and gracefully left the team. In these Kansas City-Omaha matches Jim Smead holds the best record Indlvldu ally. He haa participated In five of the races and holda high average, with a per centage of .95. Smead la now out of tho game, but the local sports hope he will come back to It before long. An interest ing feature of these shoots also haa boen the rivalry between Frank Parmelee and Chris Gottlieb. The first time the Omaha team went to Kansas City "Buffalo Hump was matched against Gottlieb, and ho went after the nattve'a scalp from the start, and got It. The next time the Kansas City man came, here, and Gottlieb repaid tha drubbing with Interest, taking Parmelea In tow In good style! And so It haa con tlnued from year to year, alwaya koen rivalry, but always good-natured. Thre men alwaya ahoot each other. On February 23 the Dickey Bird Gun club will give a ahoot at the Omaha Gn club grounda acroas the river. An elaborate day'a sport is planned, aa there will be 'va bird and target eventa In profusion. Thl will be one of the last shoots before the hunters begin to scatter out after water fowl, and a large attendance la expected Carl von Lengerke, tor yeara one of the crack shotgun artists of the world, has been In Omaha during the isst week and haa been over at the cross-river grounds almost every day, startling the natives with Ms expertness at the trigger and trapa. Von ,Lengerke haa twice held the coveted honor of being runner-up In the Grand American Handicap eventa, though he haa never auc cecded In taking top honors. Tom Osborne, a young divinity student. Is picked to play that forward Job. Just at the close of Isat season he got Into the game for a short time and played with the first team. He showed up remarkably well, ao that thla year they tried to get him again. He waa unable to arrange his study hours so aa to play, but now can do so. Osborne la wiry, strong, rather light and generally well suited for a for ward save that he Is not tall enough. It la expected that with his advent the team will regain form and confidence, and will suffer no more reverses this season. The defeats that came so unexpectedly were very unfortunate, In that they marred a season that had atarted out like a sure clean card. Teama much Inferior to those that had fallen before the Omahana de tested them at the last. Although no captain haa yet been se lected to fill Miller's capacity It la almost. assured that Jardlne, the left forward, will bo the man. He has played on tho team two years, and has, during that time, been the star of the quintet alwaya. 'He Is strong, quick, fast on his feet and fast In the head as well. In the game with the Haskell Indiana he waa the only white man to approximate the speed of the red ones. ' With Ite team rehabilitated the associa tion la looking forward eagerly to the rest of Its games. On Friday, February 20, the men go to Lincoln to play the association team there a return game. Then on March 6 ' tha Sioux City team comes here for a return match. This last will be, a chance for a squaring up, .and the locals hope to double the score. The southern ' trip to Kansas and Missouri is still on the tapla, but It may be abandoned. It was practi cally assured two weeks ago, but the terri ble -slump the team took about that time rather gave a quietus to any proposition for an elaborate trip. running high kirk and rope climbing, be- sldes which there Is a possibility. If the various fraternities take an Interest, of an Inter-fraternlty potato race. Such an event baa never been tried and If the en tries ran be secured It promisee to be one of the most. Interesting numbers of the day. It la not possible at present to give he names of the men who will try for the different honors, because the entry list Is eft 'open until the last minute, but It Is safe to state that a big bunch of men will go In. In the short sprints States will make a strong showing, but will be pressed by Burg, Hlltner, Lucler, Corr and Manning, or whoever of them enter. In the running high Jump Benedict should find a fairly easy proposition, but "Bill" Johnson has chance to beat him. These aame two men will compete for the high notch at pole vaulting, and the outcome Is merely a matter of conjecture. Last year Johnson cleared the bar higher up than anyone else In school, but "Benny" is a fast all-round man, tall and slender, and doea well at pretty nearly anything In the way ot ath letics, from track work to foot ball. At putting the shot and other weight work Captain Tobln himself will do things, to gether with Hlckle and Martin. Aa to the other events, the chances are all up In the air and any definite estimate la Impossible. BASKET BALL GETS NEW LIFE Captain Miller of Y. M. C. A. Team Reslsrns and Torn Osborae Cosnee On. Gus Miller, right forward and captain on the Young Men'a Christian association first basket ball team, has resigned from the team. In yeara gone by Miller was known aa one of the best forwards In the west. He has not played, till this season for some years, and In the Interim grew fat and heavy. Thla year Miller got out on the floor again. Ha worked hard to reduce hla weight and get down Into proper training ATHLEICS AT THE UNIVERSITY Charter Day Trials Have the Lead, hot All Departments Ara Busy, . During no week ot the year haa there been ao much actual activity along so many different lines of athletic work at the Unt verstty of Nebraska as the one Just past. It haa. It Is true, been work of a prepara tory sort, action "behind the scenes" as It were, but to the few who have been on the(inside It has been a week ot great ac compllshmehta, nevertheless. In every de partment save toot ball, and even the grid Iron haa come In for lta share ot gossip, The gymnasium haa been a theater of ex cltement during the last elx days, seldom equaled at the Institution, and during every afternoon haa been crowded with dozena of muscular men, getting Into shape for track team events, basket ball and base ball. Most prominent during the week, per haps, haa been Captain Tobln'a track team, Soma thirty earnest candidates are now out for places. The aeveral eventa acbeduled for Charter day (tomorrow) have given added Interest and made a few of the best men of the crowd, get down to serious training. The Charter day contests are al ways held In .the armory, and alwaya draw great crowds of those who are fond of clean, fast athletics. This year the day promises especial Interest, from the fact that the university Is for the fivst time under an active physical director, Dr Clapp, who goes Into training with the men and glvea them the benefit of hla own experience. Dr. Clapp la one of the most finished athletes ever turned out by Yale and has aa a souvenir of his college days the championship of the world at pol vaulting. Tomorrow will be hla Initial ap pearance before tha public with hi protegee and thua tha eventa will be watched with eagerness, to note hi methods of going at things. The list of eventa acheduled for the Charter day exhibition Is a good one and will bring upon the floor some of the most agile acrobats In the university. There will be a short sprint, a running high Jump, a pole ault, shotput, fence vault. FU R N I TU RE For tha track work' In the spring, pros pects were never better. Dr. Clapp Is an enthusiastic trainer in thla line, and al ready the Interest In track training shows the effect of hla personal Influence. The team waa called out for the first time last week, and went Immediately Into ele mentary working out, taking at first a little run around the "gym" and Increasing the time of work each day. About thirty re sponded to the call and every day sees them all on the floor. Next week pre liminary training will be begun on the In dividual eventa, with out-of-door exercise to come later. "The material," said Cap tain Tobln yesterday, "la here for a flrst- class track team. Never before have we had the opportunity to train under a man like Dr. Clapp, will make all the difference .In the world when It cornea to getting results. It the fellows develop Into extraordinary stuff, and I see no reason why, t,hey may not, I think we should' I be able to take the crowd In for the Chi cago meet and declare to the Big Nine that foot ball la not our only strong point, after all." Among the most promising of those who have ao far entered for the track work. may be mentioned States,' tha fast little mile man, who runs to school "to get up tils' wind;" Benedict, who will go a halt mile quickly and touch the high places at the pole vault and high Jump; Herman Lehmer, an Omaha sophomore, who runs a mile well; Mouck, a hurdler of more than ordinary ability; Burg, a speedy fellow at the 100-yard dash; Hlltner, the basket ball man, who also speeds on the cinder path for a mile and for the half; Lucler, an other rapid goer; "Bill" Johnson, the popular Jlttle colored boy, who gets out with the foot ball squad, plays base ball and Is Just now getting ready to defend his pole vault title; Corr, a good man at the half mile and mile runs; Martin, who made quite a hit last year and will spend some time thla year with the weights; Hickle, another heavy man, who . will handle the hammer and shot; Bender, the foot ball captain, base ball "star" and 100-yard dasher, and Bentley, Seller, Reed, Borg,' Kanzler, O. E, Lee, Pirn brook, Col lins and E. F. Myers, who will all appear on Nebraska fields at the meets, In one way and another. Besides these, there Is a new man, from Omaha, named Updike, who halls from Lawrence school, at Law rence, N. J., and who looks good to the critics. He has been used to going the mile, and will undoubtedly do aomethlng worth while In Nebraska.. "In Lawrence,' he remarked, "we begin to train for the track Immediately after Thanksgiving, but Nebraska seems to have remarkably strong men, for all ot that." Another man upon whom the coaches are ataklng much Is Ed Manning a Lincoln High school boy, who won everything In- terscholastlcally last spring, tore -things up nicely at the St. Joseph meet, and will, It he can be perauaded to enter, unques tionably make a atrong addition to the Nebraska aggregation. Mannlng'a particu lar eventa are the 440 and 220-yard dashes, and he la aald to be one of the fastest In the west. Another promising buncb are Newton, the basket ball man, Sampson, Green, Sergeant, Shannon, Gladdla and Morris, all of whom are now In the "gym. Aa to meeta for the track team, things are yet a trifle unsettled. Manager Ed Walton Is In constant correspondence, how ever, and thlnka there will be aeveral good tournaments. One haa already been booked with Xanaaa university at Lawrence, on May 18,. and othera are pending, awaiting action of the athletic board tomorrow night. c A R P E T fOllR COMPLETE CHANGES i 1 Change of Name Change of Management Change of -Business Policy , and last, but not least Change of Prices Every piece of Furniture in our store has been reduced from 15 to 33 1-3 per cent.. This is not a reduction of a few odd pieces, but a Closing Out of Every Piece of Furniture in our store. We have spent the last wek .re-marking our complete stock, and Monday morning we will open our doors with prices that will give you an opportunity to furnish your home at a big eaving. ' ' . BAKER f Mil IRE COMPANY, .' ! V . . ' ' : Formerly Shiverick Furniture Co. D R A P E R I E S R U G S sf t Edison and Columbia Phonographs $5.00 to $100.00, Cash or Payments 14,000 Records to Select From. . We carry a complete stock of BdU aon and Columbia Machines and Rec ords. Our facilities for showing Records and oiling mall orders cannot be equaled In the Wsat. Call on us or write. Dealers wanted. Free concerts all day and evening. Alao Vehicles, Automobiles and Bicycles. nOBILE DELIVERY WAQON $2,000 riobllo 12 Passenger Wagonette $2,000 riOBI E RUNABOUT $550 S2 $1,000 SHELBY OASOLINB $1,200 WINTON OA50LINE $2,500 Carriages A large stock of 1 high gr a d e and medium carriage consisting of Buggies from $50.00 to $200.00 Stanhopes from $80.00 to $200.00 , Surries from $75.00 and up We kavs a eomplste line ot Columbus Buggy Co., Wstertown Carriage Co., Moon Bros, and Racine Wagon 6 Carriage Co. goods. Also a complete line ot Bualneaa and Teaming Gears. H. E. FREDRICKSON, ,5th '"- Old Jack Beat, tbe trainer, la bappy. He again beara, all day long, the chug of the horsehide, aa It alnka Into tbe upholstered walla ot tbe "cage." For weeka he haa been longing for the aound and for a chance to call "the next moo" of the bass ball boy a aa they stepped Into the shower. The tossers were called out for the first time last week and since then there has been something doing among the candidates, There will, apparently, be nearly forty to try for positions and the prospects are that three or four scrub teama will play round on the diamond when the eeason opens. Captain Murray Townsend la now back In the university and Is giving the training hla personal attention. Townsend an old bead at the game. Is a wizard with hla arm and popular with the men. Interest centera about the twlrlers who are trying to get Into the box with an N" aweater over their cheats. A few weeks ago there seemed to be a discourag ing lack, of throwing material, but, aa Townsend predicted, this week haa brought out any number of them and tba team will be .able to play a pitchers', battle to a finish. One of the most promising who has yet gone Into the cage is Longanaecker, a Wahoo man, who is alio known in the vicinities of West Point and Wausa. He la a tall fellow, has a motion like a drive wheel and a pretty set of curves. Another is Thomson, the halfbreed Indian boy, who tried for the team last year and threw out hla arm later in the season. He has good speed, but Is shaky on control, which weak ness, however, the coach hopes to over come. Qoar is another new man fqr tbe box and comes from California, where be made a great reputation last year with tha Red Oak High school. Prom bis In door work he seems to possess plenty of the proper article. Prominent aa candldatea for tbe mask ara Wilson, who will probably be a tackle on the foot ball team, next fall, and Whit- comb, who has dropped In from Friend Neb. Bender ma also go tn for tbe back atop atunt, but Is Just as likely to .try for a place on the Infield, or. anywhere else where men are aby. Part ot the time be pitches and part of the time be catches. and has come nearer doing both well than any one else In the school Bteln, ot Wahoo, all! try for either aecond or third and it Is possible that Hood, tha speedy little third baseman of last year, will -return. For the Initial sack two men are prominent candidates, "Ollle" Mickel. the foot ball fullback, and Wright, a tall, slender fello from the law schoo). who went to Kansas in tennis last fall and cleaned up Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska for tha trophy at singles. Sbetmer, an Omaha man, will be la tor hla old place ia Ike caries aad another who promises to make good at ' catching the high ones Is Wilson, a foot ball man. Othera who are doing well are Sampson, a pitcher of aeveral yeara' ex perience; Cbace, a twlrler from the Lin coln Young Men'a Christian' association, and Hurbesky of the Geneva Hlgb school and city nine. .. , Aa to the ccbedule for base ball, Man ager Clark Bell baa nothing definite aa yet to give out,' but a good list of fames for Lincoln ia assured. "Sticks" DePutron aaya ha will not be back for tbe season this year and every one la regretting It. We will miss Sticks," said Jack; " 'a waa such a Jollier, y' know, and pulled ad many gamea out when the men. waa downhearted' There will be plenty of material lor the outfield, however, and the only people who are lacking now are fellows tor the Inner diamond. ' ' University basket ball haa gone up a peg since the team'a victorious jaunt out Into Colorado and Wyoming. It was thought all along that the team waa a remarkably good one, considering the fact that It had to be entirely made thla year. But because of tbe lack of experience. It waa hardly hoped that the seven men who went west would return with more than half of their con testa Won, and ao, when they tore up-the westerners . for four gamea out, of five played, and the fifth lost by hard luck, tha team that handled the leather went up materially in the estimation of the uni versity at large. Manager Hlltner had hla crowd out for Just a week, and they played some fiercely contested games on the route. At Denver tbey won their first game against the Denver university by a ecora of 44 to 29; at Colorado Springe they beat Colo rado college, 7 to 11; at BouVder they de feated the Colorado nnlveralty, 17 -to, 12; at Greeley the Hlgb school team bowed to a whipping ot 25 to 16, and then tbe boys started home. They were exhauated com pletely by tha week's trip and the hlgb altitude, and came Into Cheyenne for a final game against the business college. The floor waa remarkably slippery, and tbe shrewd nstlvea wore auction shoes, which stuck to the boards. Nebraska was en tirely unprepared for thla, and the game went from them, 28 to 42. But one defeat out ot five gamea played la nothing to be ashamed of, and Nebraaka baa a right to be proud of Its men. Cap tain Hewitt la not only a great floor mana ger In action, but he geta around soma aa well. In one game, alone, he threw ten goala from the field, which la a very re markable feat. Thla was at Denver, the first night out. Elliott also waa a atar, and hla special turn aeemed to be throwing goals from tbe foul line, in ona contest he dropped the ball through tha basket eleven times out of a possible dozen. Bonedict did some remarkable work In throwing long distance goals. He tossed the leather from one end of the ball to the other for a goal In every game he entered, and did It with the aame uncon cern that characterized hla drop klcka from the field on the gridiron laat fall. Hilt ner'a play waa not so spectacular, but waa of the steady, even Bort, throughout. Hoar only went Into one game, the last, but made a creditable swing at It, and New ton played the side lines and umpired during the entire trip. "It waa the team work." he remarked yesterday, "that won for tha Nebraskans. The numerous little trick playa that Dr. Clapp bad put them next to, together with their constant de termination to make every point count, brought them back with the four games to their credit. And we should have had five," he concluded. . . . The aeason tor basket ball is nearlng the end. Already It la taking a back aeat In favor of tbe track work and base ball, and but few more games are likely to t played. There la, however, a strong probability that the team will meet the Omaha Young Men'a Christian association within a very short time now, and Interest centera around tha contest on account ot the superb article ot gama that tha Omaha boys have been putting upon tha floor. It la very possible that the eastern trip, for a time planned, may have to be given up. With the end of the play In sight. It la but natural to sum up tbe season's work. And In the process of summing up, the defend ers of tbe Scarlet and Cream do not suffer. They have played tbe Llucoln Young Men'a Christian association, the Haskell Indians, Kansas ; and the five-of tbe recent trip. They have mat some of the fiercest basket ball aggregations In tbe west, and they have won over half of their games, and this with tha enormous disadvantages of not having a single old man back for the play. Every member of the team waa compara tively "greea" at It, they ware all straa- S4i PROFIT 84 Paid in December and January Kt tti rare and taf. rrrtem mt th C-Oacmil-r-a Tairf Aaaoclattea. a ear- Itorntion wltk si capital steak el SIAO.OOO, enlng bualzw undr tba aws of tha fltat of Booth Dakota, and llcmia by tha Stat ot tulixn and Louisiana and tha Cltlaa at Chlou. ana Mw nrtaana. . Nate oar reoora for oroflu paid mm nna aad avary aoooqat la eparetloa. PROFITS PAID. Week of Dec. 1. .lft.SO Per Cent Week af De. S..10.SO Per Cent Week of Dec. 16. .10.04 Per Coat Week of Dee. 22 . . 10. IB Per Cat Week of Dm. 28 . . 12. OO Per Cent Weak of J mm. ..aj Per Coat Week IJaa,U..J4 Por Coast Week at Ja. IS. . BaS pea- Cant Week of J mm. 2 . . B.21 Per Cent A total of 84 anal SR-lOO ner eent, or SS4JW on encn SIOO. Lanrar and .mailer account in avact proportion, which lalrant can mm variAad by than . and of aatlsOca oll.nt. throucbout to Unltad State and Canada, and tba Staia Natlrmal Hank of New Qrlana. SabawriBtlens solicited tn amounts of flO to 910,000 mmm -.' wavrd. and ajlvcn our and! vliea time and attention, Yynlkayanr . anoner ia aa aare ia our nana a aa in any ana in ara Mas, EXPERT HANPICAPFLNQ and PRICKS fiarnlahad to BOOK JatAKSnfl i POOL ROOMS. We Do Not Have to Pick the Winner. ' Hlr'-t Onr arystem Is neither theory- nor experiment, but bats stood'"' tho tost of yeara, and its principle are tiaetly tke wsm asa4 '" by percentage Book Makera. Tkroish tbe best Handicap par money will accare, and Track perls ot the aame calibre, m eliminate from raeea upon which we snake Investment onouarb baree which have no raaaet whatever to pnt the peroentaayn on oar aide after lavestlnar on all tbe remalalns seat contend era. TVe play ao race where US per eent cannot bo bad aa a . mlnlmnm profit, and It la not wnusual to set l.uoo per eent on a slnarle raca. Tha reader caa readily aee our advantage, aa tbe ' Book Maker haa an expense ot nearly SVOU per day and will not nveraee more than II per eent in bis book. Wo save thla enor- . mon drain, sret a laraer per cent, only play races wo ona redoes) to m practical eertainty, and operate on a lararer aoalo than any one or two or half dosen books, and aivo our clients tho benefit in Profits which, together with tbe principal. Is aabjent to with drawal on demand. BHAft IN MIND, that warthroovnlied leading- Turf Investment Com pany of tha country, and that w court th fulkt.t Invutlsatloa. while ethers shrink from It. BE AR IN MIND, w. do not plac any r friction whatever on ab. wttb : drawal of your Investment. No thirty-day panla clauaa. a 1 the ona with in- aolv.nt conotrns. BEAR IN MIND, w do not divert any part of capital Invaetad with a t tn pnrrhaM of raolng tabl., stock farms, metng plant, book Inc. or other Don prodtabl. turf auitllarl)-. Our bualneus 1 strictly lnvtmnt on race, a par plan set forth In our booklet. BEAR IN MIND, w do not operate rles or pools la whieta -a part of In veated caiilt&l may b. loat, thua datroytne tha capital of a mail number of In - vaetor. Th eat nine, on eur ryctam of play ar paaaed to tn credit ot all In- . tnrs a a unit, and disbursed acoordina to contract. 'BF.ARIN MIND, w ar not In 8WA DDL1NO CLOTHB8. nor ar we tror-allna- for a bar itxtatenc. Our position I too strong, too rpecubte, and trio wall known. Truthfully, w ara and ntllcotiuna to b th RtWNINg TtJTty E1CK i.BATlOM, and aa to our RE LIABILITY ar YlNAHflAL, Ra'fiPONrtTBILJTT we take plaur In rl.rrlnf you to th State national Rank ot N.w Orlnan. If yon have Idle money, money to In-veat. money tha aheuld bo earnlnsr money, Postal Card will brlnsT yon ear ltaelnsr Man ual or Booklet of taeful Turf Information, with our entirely How and Oriarlnnl plnn. Indorsed by Press nnd Pub lie, aad roooaa asended by Prominent Banks aad Bankers. The Go-Operativo Turf Association. Inc., REKEHEKCEi STATE! N ATIONAI. Mpisf nn PS Ufa a a BANK OP NEW ORLEANS. HCll UHLLAildfLAs tsscextp-nr lisa 'uns jui i iJwt . um !iaf aw a, 'rm .f--'y.l-r4t.n '--'.Vf' . a'-' ' r- . ...AT-' - ; , & ' .1. Grandpa's Rye Unsurpassed in age, strength and purity. No medicinal chsst complete with out it Recommended by leading physi cians. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT. THE MOUNTAIN DISTILLING CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO, VIST ILLEHS ; gera to each others' styles and not one of thorn had been before in an intercollegiate match. , But despite thla, the picked party of five, under the admirable personal di rection of Dr. Clapp, took on the spirit ot the true game with keen enough energy to mora than bold their own. Next year they will all be old men, and next year a clean card la a possibility. Priceless Rellce Stolen. Priceless Washington relics were stolen by burglars from the residence of Rev. Beverly D. Tucker at Norfolk, Va. Eight tablespoons bearing tbe crest of tbe Wash ington family, the property of Mrs. Tucker, and other of silver used by George Washington wers taken. If they are offered for sale they will, be recognised at once and tho arrt-Bt of the offenders will be essy. Mrs. Tucker before her marriage was a Miss Washington and Inherited the Mount Vernon plats. Her father owned ths estate before It was transferred to the louai Virnon aaaoclation. CLARK'S Bowling Alleys w Btgiet BrlghUt Bc.t. 1313-15 Harn ey Street. S cfn Bowling Alloy COMPRISE THE FIVE BEST ALLEY I. WEST OF CHICAGO. 1312 FarnamSt. 'Phone 237t TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Heat Asrlealtaral Weekly. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Best Asrlealtaral Weekly. " t t tvt W