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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1903)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, EEDHUAKl 15. 1!03. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MIJOR MESTION. ' THvIs d'JI". Expert watcll repairing. Lsffert, 401 B'y. Carvcth makes photo buttons. I0S Bnpsd way. , Annual reduction on pictures and ptcturs fr&mlng. C E. Alexander tc Co. Iit week of discount sale on pWurei and picture frames. Alexander A Co. W'a are headqjsrters for glass of all kinds, dee us before you bur- C. B. Paint, oil and Glass company. The women of the First Christian church will hold an experience social In the parlors of the church Frldsy ev-nlng. Companion court Wacondah Son, I. O. 8.. will give a dance Monday evening, Febru ary !, at W. O. W. hall. Admittance, 25c a couple. f sken up. a brown Jersey cow, about BLUFFS PEOPLE ARE BILKED BrucL of Turf Ine itmeot Company Bakes - ' in Teh Thovsand Dollars. OFFICE NOW LOCKED AND AGENTS GONE Victims rant froaa All Walks ef Life And. Jls On Person Sal to Be la for a Lars Araoant.. today a "Rally day" with special aerrlces. la the morning the services will be from 10 to 11 o'clock and the general topic will be "Christian Fellowship." Addresses will be made by Rrr J. G. Clark, Deacoa J. Robinson, E. B. Morehouse and Mrs. H. A. Ballenger. "Church Work" wlM be the general topic for the evening service, which f will be from 7 to t o'clock. F. L. Evaoa will speak on "The Sunday school," Charles Warner on "Soul Winning'- and Rev. A. E. Simons on "Missions." Miss Frances Chap man and Mlsa Bella. Wyllo will speak on the "Spirituality of the Church." The pastor. Rev. MUford Rlggs, will make the closing address. There will be special music at both services, led by H... A.' Ballenger, as alsted by a trained c'uorus of forty voices. years old, notch In right far, uwner can have same by calling at 173 Graham ayenue and paying expenses. Arthur Krownlee and Eva Oatrost. both of L'nderwood, la., were married In this city yeeterday. Rev.. T. F. "Thlckstun per forming the ceremony. Grand valentine ball given by John Huns castle No. 141 of the Royal Highlanders In new Marc bee hall, Monday. February 16. Admission, 60c per couple, extra ladles 25c. At the meeting of St. lban's lodge. Knights of Pvthiaa. Monday evening, ar rangementa for the observance, of the thirty-ninth anniversary of the founding of the order will be made. Judge Thornell, who haa been III at his home In Sidney and unable to hold court here laat week, has notlfad Clerk Reed that he expects to be able to reconvene district court Tuesday afternoon. F. I Reed, clerk of the district court, completed yeeterday his report of the fees collected In probate matters during WO. The total amount was $1.114 10, of which Clerk Reed Is allowed to retain 1300 as part of his salary Wanted, to rent, part of lower floor room by responsible firm, on long time lease. An exceptional good chance for some one bav spars room to get good renter. Loca tion must be ceptral. Address U, Bee office, CoiincH Bluffs. The funeral nf Debert.the 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hurt of 612 Twenty-seventh street, Eat Omaha, will be held at 1 o'clock this afternoon from the family residence and burial will be In Falrvlew cemetery, " Overloaded with slightly soiled sheet music, we have to make room for our new spring stock. Just arrived. A full counter loaJed with sheets at five cents each copy. Houriclua Piano House. 336 Broadway, where the organ stands upon the building. The members of Concordia lodge. Knights of Pythias, will meet at their hall at 3 o'clock this afternoon to attend the funeral of John L. Clark. Instead of at 1:30 p. m., s previously announced. The funeral will be herd from the residence. 128 Glen avenue, at 4 o'clock. - Frank Woods, a stranger. Is under arrest at the city jail charged with attempting to i beat a board bill at the Tremont house. He waa caught trying to leave the house at 4 o'clock yesterday morning without first settling his bill, Us will have a hear Ing Monday In police court. A large firm dealing In cream separators and dairy supplies haa secured an option on the Wheeler & Hereld property at the corner of Broadway and Benton atreet. The firm, which haa been aeeklng a loca tion In Council Bluffe for some time, ex ' pecta. It Js said, to cloae the deal thia week. People who were on the streets about 9 fr.Tin the second floor of the temple. Upon The closing of the co-operative turf In vestment companies In St. Louis has brought grief, to a number of people In Council Bluffs who were caught with the dazzling prospect "t getting rich In a hurry on a small Investment. While the In dividual losses 1 if this, city are not heavy, lit la said, that the aggregate will run up well Into the thousands. The' John J. Ryan Co-Operatlve Breed ing Farm and Bookmaklng enterprise, one of the St. Louis turf investment companies which followed In the wake of the Arnold company and went to the wall, recently established a branch office In this city. Two young men named McClaflln and Ward were the agents and occupied a suite of offices In the ' Sapp building. The com pany's offer to pay 6 per cent weekly dividends on all Investments proved a tempting bait and fhe local office soon began to do a good business. The Investors- In the get-rlch-qulck concern were drawn from all classes and It Is said up ward of $10,000 was sunk In the scheme by Council Bluffs people. When word was received here of the fail ure of the Arnold company there waa a regular stampede among the clients of the Ryan company, but thy were assured by Claflln and Ward, the local representatives of the firm,- that they need have no mis givings, as their company was entirely sol vent and would keep on doing bualness at the bid stand right along. The next day word came from St. Louis that the Ryan company, with the other concerns, of a like character, had been unable to weather the storm and hsd closed Its doors. There was a rush of Investors to the company's offices In the Sapp block to draw their money out, but It was too late. The doors were locked and McClaflln and Ward were not to be found. It was ascertained tht McClaflln and Ward were In their office early Friday morning, but left after a short while, lock ing the doors behind them. Since then they have not been seen. Sao the Tax Ferret. CHARGES AGAINST ORATOR Drake College Beprfsentatiye Aocnsed of Cribbing His Priie-Winning Effort INFORMAL GRAND ARMY CONFERENCE Committee Preparing fdr m General Appeal to People of Iowa for Relief Funds for SnfTerlaaj v 'la Scandinavia. , Saunders A Stuart, attorneys, began suit In the district court yesterday against F. M. Cunningham, the "tax' ferret," for $960.20 for legal services alleged to have fc. 1.1.-. V. ..It V. ., , , , . , . , .. , . plagiarized oration. The local contest was Frank Shlnn to invalidate his contract with "" '- " Pottawattamie county. E. E. Bluaa. Cun- bou' mnth Wlnicat nl.gham's attorney, and Pottawattamie K";T Caldwell. He 1. of the theo'ogica " . department and has been In the college VUUULJ mtV U M 11 17 VI fa a yn I t urn uuauiot (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Feb. 14. (Special.) A sensation has been created here by the ac cusation against Drake university that Its chosen orator In the -State College Ora torical contest for this year Is inellglbl-j because 'of having won his position on In their petition Saunders. A Stuart as sert that their claim for legal services eral years, but at the same time has been preaching In the pulpit of the -Christian under the contract of Cunningham with H aa accmnpllshed orator ana m ia cumcw won mcu the bounty, who agreed to rtand all ex penses tbst might arise by litigation or perfect marking by the judges. Hie otatlon it . IT-V . .. r,t l. .l l I. . II. , V,. . Am WBB vu 1 111 -u)iIIUw UlUCI a m IIVII VU 1 11 VJ 111 u u i , 1 w 18 now saiu mat ine orviuu igui token from Rev. Newell D. Hlllls' essays on "The Investment of Influence." A for- Cunnlngham by the county. Tbey ask that this Hen now be foreclosed and that they have judgment against the county. o'clock Friday evening near the Masonic temple were startled by a flash which came Investigation It was found that a Photo grapher had just taken a flashlight of the night school at the Weatern Iowa college. The Council Bluffs aerie of Eaglea Is negotiating for the purchase of Hughes' hall at the corner of Broadway and Park bvenue and haa secured an option on It. In the event of the aerie securing the building, which will be used for lodge and Plumbing and beating. Btxby 4k Son. COMMERCIAL CLUeFgETS BUSY Making; Effort to Force .Packers to Malatola Cold Itsrsgs 'Ware fcooaea in Blaffs. The executive committee of the Commer cial club, baring failed to Induce ihe South Omaha packing houses to erect a meat mal protest has been made agalnset allow- Rlval Gas Clans Shoot. Ing Caldwell to appear In the oratorical coa- The postponed shoot between the Armour test and the matter Is udder Investigation and Duck Hollow Gun clubs will take place at the present time. A committee of the this afternoon at the grounds of the latter faculty made a comparls&n of the two and In this city near Gilbert's lake. The teams fnd that while there was much the same will be made up as fellows: Armour: A. thought running through the essay and the Rrhnenln. C. Doner. Wank Schoenlng. J. cration there was no direct plagiarism. But Quick. F. Thomas, F. Miller, C. Thomas epl have been sent to the representa and W. Thomas. Duck Hollow: O. C. . tlVea of the colleges snd to the managers Brown. J. Wheeler. C. Conley. H. Brown, ! of the State Oratorical contest for further A. Utterback, B. McCormlck, C. Lacy and ; Investigation and until this Is reported on W Roper nothing will be done. Rv. Mr. Caldwell - j has Just accepted a call to be assistant "otleo to Gas Coosamera. i pastor of the Central church la this city. $3.90 Choice of any coat or cape In " our stock worth up to 111 00. ie BUI ,!. Mill II. . . W " Ml Si. Si.1111 II llMIH WIMUIUHHI , M' MJ-PaHHIW! 'JMDUIJIMJilJiim BANKRUP I- SALL Till Ml MI'LII'll II'"- T" O Tt'fH rrfTW IH'Lt -'JJ - -.' . 1 25c-90c Only two prices In our millinery de partment worth up to $4.00. Whitelaw & Gardiner Stock Winter goodB and odd lots, must be closed, in order to obtain quick returns, we have .made ftill deeper cuts.' Every item quoted has experienced a double reduction,' which will insure a speedy riddance of all our odd lots. n I Bargain List r ; Ladles' Black Hose, seam ,el,g' w,,h d0UD,e oIe always sold for 10c. Soft finished bleacn musun which others ask 8 o and 9c for same grade, our price Gas consumers are notified that there will be no' gas supply between the hours of 7:30 a. m. and 8:30 p, m, on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY IS, on account of the changes being made at the works of the 'company. 1 CITIZENS GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. ' PAST WEEK IN BLUFFS SOCIETY Oaard Inspections. Colonel John R. Prime and Major John Hume, Inspectors for the Iowa National guard, returned today from a trip Into , southern Iowa, making Inspections of the companies. They visited the companies at , Red Oak, Bedford, Charlton and . Shenan- doah. and they report that the companies ' In the south part of the state are gen- I i Ainnn .nil the drill erailj 1U c&urneui luuMu.uu - 6c 8Hc. 50c 39c and 65u, nov $1.93 Peau de Sole sold from $3.1 62Jc 15c 33c S5c. 35c 5c Ice wool hand mads fascinators, black and white, 36 Inches square. formerly $1.25. Ladles' seal skin fleece vests and pants, natural and white, formerly 60e and 65u, now 39c. and $3.95 and f.6D our entire stock of satin taffeta and Peau de Sole waists, black and colors. sold from $3.50 to $7.5f. All wool vests and pants, fine ribbed natu ral wool, were sold all aesson for $1.00. 2 for 25c Boys' leather mittens, with wool wrist and heavy lining, form erly sold for 26c. Children's outing night gowns and drawers, formerly sold 60c and Misses' all wool caps, formerly sold for 60c and 75c. . Children's fell wool- caps, tn oludlng red, blue, brown and white, worth 25c. 87 c Tomorrow, until noon wo will offer Real Kid Gloves, Mocha Gloves and Castor' Gloves, all sizes, blacks ,and colors, regularly sold for $1.25 and $1.50 and during psxy this sale all gloves fitted to the J T hand gloves ex- V-x JUL- changed, Men's Furnishings 69c Men's Fancy Shirts stiff bneom neat patterns regu lar $1.00 rrde. Men's Worsted Union Suits natural gray only-very latest Improvements, form ally aold for $3.50. All our Overalls and Jack a, sold for 60c, 75c and $2.00 39c 90c, (some union made), In one lot. TT jr Men's, Trimmed Outing Night Shirts, formerly $1.00. jCp Men's heavy Web Suspenders, also fine lisle, sold for 25c. 10-t of By"' " Men'a 1 Wk 25 cents. Neckwear, all kinds, worth 5c Men's White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, formerly 10c, Notion Hargains 29c Ladles' Belt and Side Elas tics, silk web, satin band. .sold for 60c and 76c, (slightly soiled). 4 ry , Hand Mirrors, black frame, -'w two sires, sold for 25c and SSo. Ruffled Elastic, good quality of mercerised silk, all colors, sold for 16c. 2 for 6c. Odd lot of good ma chine thread. 4 Featherbone for Sklrte, (War- 5c 3c ren's). Cm 3 ounce bottle of good machine oil. each. Lot of notions, worth up It to 20c each. 1 f(t Warner's Dress Shields, 8 for ""'25c. No. 2 o:ly, worth 19c. Entertainments for Sloaz Cltr "'-rti, well kept up. The work of lnipec tion will be continued as rapidly as possible until completed. Next week the inspectors go to Iowa City, Burlington, Washington, Muscatine and Davenport. Report has not yet beeh received from I'lub pv-poses, an additional story will be i . huiidlnv in this hit from which - , aiL. t vi. .kin. I tn ocal trade might bo supplied. In place The heating of Albert J. Hawkins, ., . . cha-ged with aasaultlng Mrs. Jennie WU- I of the meat being hauled by Wagon from Hams who shot him In the knee with a ' Omaha dally, has taken the matter up with revolver, was aet by Justioe Ouren yester- tha K- .pkar. baters the Principal Event In Prospect. ' Vi. B. Kimball Is visiting friends In Dav eriDort. Ia. Mr and Mrs. W. S. Cass entertained the election In the Flfty-flfth regiment ior Informally at dinner Tuesday evening. j major to succeed Bishop,, who was made ."MlVawr'- i "-tenant colonel but the incomplete Mrs. H. C. Cory entertained at a lunch- I turns show the following: Kennedy 1Z9, eon yesterday. Covers wee laid for ten. j Haynea. 114; Netherell, 84; Smeek, 19. It The Tuesday History club will meet ' 1 regarded as certain the second electjon Labbeay 'fternoon wUh Mr"' V,ctor K' j win mean a contest between Wetherell and The members of the ' Woman's Whist "Haynes. club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. i. ! '' Conference of G. A. K. Men j. enea. Mlsa Shirley Moore gave an Informal heart luncheon at her home yesterday afternoon. k . , Mrs. D. W. Bushnell' entertained Infor mally at whist Friday evening. were played day for Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Williams, who is -still in the cornty jail, having (ailed to secure $1,000 ball, will have her hearing Monday In Justice Carson's court. J. J. Crow states that lettera from rela tives In England contain the Information that bis brother, the much wsnted Pat Crow, ia now In Liverpool, England, In the tmploy of a large business firm as solicitor. Jat Crow la aald to have aerved tnrough the Boer war In an English regiment and at the close of hostilities returned to Eng land. They may talk about photographs no branch galleries ground floor, and selling coupons, but when It comes to prices, style and quality, they all have to hold up their hands to Williams. He makes a better, larger and finer photo for one dollar man The executive committee took the mat ter up with the South Omaha packers at the request of the local butchers, but 'the packers claimed that the Council Bluffs trade .could be served cheaper from their cold storage bouses In Omaha than frortv a local cooling bouse. In the first place the South Omaha packers stated that the erec tion of such a building In this city would cost between $20,000 and $30,000 and the different houses would each have to main tain a wagon service here as well as a force of men to look after the bualness. The conference between the executive other galleries can afford to make for two j committee and the representatives ht the oouars. 1 neir eJLpenes arc msi. ow ini ia bellevlnc. Come and see. You are welcome. Williams, opposite postofflce. The Council Bluffs members of the Wood men of the World are planning to give Eilery's Royal Italian brnd a rousing re ception when It appears at the New theater Monday and Tuesday. Monday will be Woodman night and It Is said that a large delegation from the Omaha lodges will be present. The 'members of the band are all members of the order, 'having Joined ono of the Omaha lodges during their engage ment In Omaha. , N. T. Plumbing Co., Tel. X60. Night. F7. CoasreKatlonallats May Bnlld. A general meeting of the First Congre ' gatlonal church, has been called tor Mon day evening to take action upon the ques tion of erecting a new house of worship. The meeting Is called by the official board of the church, which has already passed favorably upon the proposition. The plaa suggested la to dispose of the present prop erty it the corner of Sixth atreet and Sev enth avenue 1 and purchase another site nenrer the business center of the clty. In the event of the congregation voting In favor of the proposition, committees will be appointed at the meeting Monday night t j carr the matter through. Vraranlslna; Two New Vnloaa. Business Agent Raabe of the Trades and Labor assembly Is working to orgsnlse a BarteDders',unlon In Council Bluffs. He Is aald to have secured the signatures of fourteen drink mixers to Join such sn or ganisation and a meeting will be held this evening at Labor hall to take the necessary steps to form a union. Agent Raabe has met with considersble success. In his ef forts to organise the teamsters of this city. A temporary organisation has been affected and the teamsters are now' only awaiting a charter to form a Jocal union. Gravel roofing A. H. Head, ltf Main St. South Omaha packing houaes failed of Its purpose and now the, executive committee has taken up the matter with the Kansas City packers. If the Kansas' City houses will establish a distributing house here It Is sail they, can command the local trade, which now goea to South Omaha. With too' bhwrchea. Past Department Commanders M. B. Davis of Sioux City and George Metzgar of Daven port were In the city today, with Adjutant in for- ' ' . j .i .,. . in. . formal conference on grand army matters The members of the Calendar Card clui- was had. Colonel L. B. Raymond of Hamp- Age, .... !l Marrlaae Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and RfHldenee. Robert E. Plckernell, Neola, la... Heen Q. Soppe. Neola. la........ Arthur Brownlee l'nderwood, Ia Eva Oatroat, l'nderwood, la Louis Moothart, Neola, la Linie Britches. McPheraon. Kan. HI 21 10 HEW THEATER I A. B. BEALL, Mr. Tou 8ee the Searchlight There's a Show MONDAY AND TUESDAY and Tuesday Matinee FEB, 16-17 IIOYIXL, t - -.ITALIAN-UANDj The Greatest Concert Band of the Century, PRICES Matmee 2-50-75c. Night 2S 60-75c-$l LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. M Pesrl ft'. Cot'inrtl Bluffs. 'Phons I' At the evening service today at Broadway church Emmet Tlnley will deliver an ad- drees on "Abraham Lincoln. The service will be In charge of the Epworth league under the direction of Prof. 8. L. Thomas. The morning services will be devoted to the annual presentation of the Freed men's Aid work ,ot the Methodist church among the negroes of the south. Rev. W. J. Calfee. the pastor,' will deliver a special sermon on "Divine Brotherhood,' a- subject with special significance to the work of the church In the southern states. Services and meetings will be at the following hours; 1P-30 a. m., presching service; 12 m., Sua day achool; 6:30' p. m., Epworth League; 7:30, d. m.. nreachlnc service. Af St T .. 1 ' VnlflnAnBl ),,,), u. J , m be holy communion at 8 a. ra. and mortln prayer with aerraon by the rector. Rev. George Edward Walk at 10:0 o'clock. Ves per services will be at 4:30 p. ra., at which Mias Grace Barr will sing a solo. Edwin Abbott, lay reader, will conduct morning prayer at 11 o'clock at Orace Episcopal church. Sunday school will be held fit 9:46 a. m. ( Rev. Harvey Hosteller, pastor of the Sec ond Presbyterian church, will preach this morning on "A New Life." At the evening service his subjec. will be "Paul at Athens" and his address will be Illustrated by a number of fine stereoptlcon views. Services at the Fifth Avenue Methodist church today will be as follows: Class meeting at 9:45 a. tn., preaching at 10:30 a. m., Sunday school at noon. Junior league, meeting at I p. m.r-Epworth league meeting at 6:30 p. m., preaching at 7:30 p. m. Ia the morning the pastor. Rev. J. W. 'Abel, will take as ths subject of his serpon, "Jacob at Bethel." In the' evening his theme will be "Sound Ressons for Being Christians." The revival meetings wlll continue every evening during the week. At the First congregsttonal church this evening the paator. Rev. James Thomson. will contlnus his series of Illustrated ad dresses on the "Life of Christ." Regular services will be held at 10:30 m. and 7:30 today at the Latter Day Saints' church. Sunday -achool will be at noon. The regular mid-week prsyer service will be held Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The First Church of Christ (Scientist) will hold services at 11 o'clock In ths Sapp block, corner 'Broadway sod Scott streets. Subject of the esson, "Mind." Ths regular weekly testimony meeting will be Wednes- dav at o'clock. The 8econd Church of Christ (Scientist) will hold services in Modern Coodmen of America hall In Merrlam block at 10:46 a. tn. Subject, "Mind." 8unday school Im mediately after the service. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 7:45. The First Baptlat charch, in common with ths churches of the ssme denomina tion throughout the country, will observe will meet Tuesday evening with Mr. an mra. Lt. m. enoDert. ... Mrs. Ada Huff nf ftranit .TunnHnn fnln Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman L. Reed of First avenue. 1 Mr. and Mrs Charles Test Stewart en tertained at dinner Friday evening, .com plimentary to Mlas Bonner. Mr. and Mrs'. L. E. Duauette and son. formerly of this city, now living In Chi cago, are guests at the Renard. Miss Margaret Judge Is home from an extended visit with relatives and friends In Chicago, Jollet and Davenport. Miss Nellie Benton entertained about 100 of her little friends at a dancing party given at her. home yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Frank -W. Reed Is visiting at the Browning ranch at Guernsey, Wyo. She Is accompanied by Miss Leona Brownrigg. Alfred Hanchett will give a luncheon Saturday afternoon complimentary to the Bioux (Jlty-uouncii wiune aenating teams. Miss Delia Metcalf will entertain the members of the high school debating team at a supper given al her home Saturday evening. Miss Maude Robinson gave a heart party laat evening in honor of her birthday anni versary. About twenty gueets were In attendance. Mrs. Harry Searle entertained the Euchre club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Prises were won by Mrs. Walter Spooner and Miss rroutman Misses Jessie and Stella Gilbert enter tained at a valentine dinner last evening. The decorations were In pink and green. Covers wre laid for ten. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. True entertained the members of the Social club of the Vnited Commercial Travelers at a sheet and pillow slip party last night. Mrs. H. A. Qulnn entertained at a Val entine fluncheon and card party yeeterday afternoon tn honor of her nieces, Mlas Paekard and Miss Moore of Ottumwa. 4 The Daughters of the American Revolu tion gave a card party Tuerdlay evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Maurer. A similar party will be given Tuesday 'evening at the home of J. W. Squire. The second class of fencing of the Council Hlutls Woman a club will be or. ganlxed this ' week and all who wish to join are requested to notify Miss Florence ')enny, physical director of the club, bo fjre Friday afternoon. 'Mr? and Mrs. O. B. Fryer entertained the members of the Harrison Street Ken sington club at their home Wednesday evening, f rise st cards were won by Mr. and Mm, Arthur L. Hoffmyr and Mrs. I eager jar. Hastings. , The members of the Euchre club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. A. W. Casady. Mlas Zoe Hill was awarded the gueat'a prize arW.Mrs. VV. L. Douglas the club prize. The club will meet Tuesday witn Mrs. unanea wooaDury. The dancing party to be given by th students of the nigh school Friday evening at the ball room of the Grand hotel. In honor of the oux Illy debuting team, promises to b the mont brilliant event among the members of the younger crowd, thia season. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frame Buckman gave a largely attended reception and dunce at the ball room of the tlrand hotel Thursday evening. The hall was decorated In l.a France roses and asparagus fern. Whaley's orchestra furnished the music for the oc casion. Abou. sixty guests were In at tendance. Judge and Mrs. Smith Mcpherson and the latter'a sister ''Mrs. Young of Ked Oak, Mrs. John N Baldwin and Oaughtr. All Genevieve, Mrs. Candee of Watervllle. N. and Mrs. MoOler.enun of New York City left last evening in a aeclal tar for. a trip to Florida and other points south. They may visit Cuba before r turning. FIND COAL IN WESTERN IOWA ronr-Koot Vein Protected by Shale Roof ta Discovered Xortheaat of Atlantic. ton. who will probably be elected depart ment commander this year, was also here last evening. Announcement hat been made to the department of the candidacy of General John C. Black of Illinois for coramander-lti -chief and the leading mem' bera of the grand army In Iowa are In favor of giving htm a unanimous vote from Iowa this year. He received some Votes last year from the department. There are many Illinois and Indiana ex-soldiers In the state and almost without exception they are for Black. ' Preparing an Appeal. The commission apolnted by Governor Cummins to solicit aid for the Scandlna vians of northern Europe whoi are said to be in destitute circumstances, haa deter mined upon Issuing a strong appeal to the people of the state for contributions. The commission organized with ex-Senator Erlcaon of Boone as .president and C. L. Dahlberg of this city as secretary. The ex ecutlve committee named, which Includes the several members from this Immediate part of the state. Is engaged tn preparing a plain statement to the people In regard to the condition prevailing In nortHern Sweden and Norway and In Finland and asking the people of the state ta send con tributlons. Reports indicate that much soliciting hsa already been done by local committees and Iowa has already con tributed generously to aid the starving peo ple. . , Good Roads Delegates, Governor Cummins this evening appointed delegates to the Chicago Good Roads con ventlon the latter part of pext week, nam Ing the following: J. H. Funk, Iowa Falls Joseph Yockey. Defiance; P. E. Brown Council Bluffs; O. E. Ward, Sioux City L. H. Deford. Valley Junction; P. S. Kell Dob Moines; A. E. Auger. BnooKlyn; W. Johnson. Albia; Charles W. Needham Sieournoy: H. E. Eaton, Essex. The con ventlon will follow the automobile show Several cities 'of Iowa hrve named dele gates also. Moved the Inebriates, Superintendent Crumpacker of the Inde pendence state hospital, has received no tlce that yesterday the Inebriates from the Independence insane district wore taoved from Cherokee to Independence tn a body He was in Des Moines at the time on bus! ncss with the State Board of Control but received word that the transfer was being mdo The Int-brtates went by special car, forty together, from Chero kee, where they were sent from-the coun tie of uortheaatern Iowa before the Wide pendence dipsomania department opened. . ' Ar'Uti All KtI. The State Capitol commission, which 1 engaged In making preparation for the com pletlon of the "owa state Capitol, has re turaed from rp extended trip to the east ern cities especially looking up art mat terf. The commission discovered that If ihe art work which Is planned ior toe aecora tlon of the Interior of the building la to be completed within the time allowed by the legislature four years the work will have to be commenced -at once, as the lead ing artists of the country say thef do not ATLANTIC. Ia.. Feb. 14. (Special Tele-, gram.) Fred Anderson, while drilling a well on the farm of O. W. Talbott, six miles northeast of this city, struck coal at the depth of ninety feet from the sur face. Ths vein Is four feet thick and the coal Is of a fine quality. A abale roof pro tects the coal and experts -say the- same conditions exist that are usually found In a good bed. The discovery, which was made yesterday afternoon, is caualng con siderable talk here and some extensive prospecting will soon be done to determine the value of-t,he find. The locality where the find was made is hilly, being on Troublesome creek, and Just the sort of a couatry tn which coal Is usually found. TEH-STATE tBCOTIll CO., COUNCIL RMIFFS IfiWA . - ' 'aw aa. m. aw J Of aakfaiata3TOniiiMnnjB ffl . "PS To Civilize a Man You must begin on his dress. Dress fcuts men on an equal footing. The footing is often mighty slippery without Smith & Co. togs. They smbothe the way to' success in -business, and give you a standing among your associates that will be highly gratifying. New Hats, New Clothes, New Furnish. tigs are being unloaded daily, putting our stock in better shape than ever to take care of your spring wants, That's why "If you have them from us, they Ye right," Jde Smith S Co., V Successors to Smith & Bradley, .' . '. 415 Broadway, Council Bluffs. The home of the stylish suit ' care to engage for the work at all and have all and moro than they can do now. It Is therefore probable that the commlaaloa will prepare very soon to have aome of the decorative pieces commenced If it la pos sible to find artists willing to enter into contracts. It had been planned to put off toe art work for several years. r Offer-Tbclr Aid to the Mayor. FORT DODGE. Ia.. Feb: 14. (Soeclal Telegram.) A committee of the bualness men of the city waited upon Mayor Ben nett today with an offer of co-operation in" any ateps which may be taken to closa the gambling houses which they ssy are in operation In the city. The business .men have promised to aid In securing testimony against alleged gamblers. The mayor de clares that he will not hesitate to prose cute If adequate testimony can .be gath ered. k 1 6 4.S54 5,800 t3 Cooncll Bluffs Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday In the abstract, title aDd. loan office of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl atreet: William J. Reed and wife to Mason City A Fort Dodge Railroad com pany, part lot 7, block 7, Riddles' subdlv., q. c. d County treaxurer to Don ICckles, SV acrea In se se4 24-75-44, t. d Rasmus Jensen and wife to Robert A. Iewls, n4 nvhk l-7o-4t, V- i. Patrick Howard and wife to J. A. Bchuttloffel, s' nwVi 10-7C-3K. w. d.. Ida M. .Rogers to Surah strip for road in s4 seV4 1-75-41. w. d J. C. Bpungler and vlfe to I. T. Siutngler, Tots 20 and .31, block 2, Whitney, C. g'M.'S udd.. Walnut, q. c. a Jena M. Js'lolRon and wife to Rasmrs Jensen, lot 13, blooji 1, llroudway Place, w. d '. Sheriff to K. W. Davenport, part lot 6. original plujot 64. and part lot 1, block 1, Stutsn-an's 1st add., a. d . Sheriff to McC'ord. Brady & Co., lot 4H, Johnson's add., s. d Co-Oneratlve Hank of Iowa to Denver Hmlth, lot 15, block 1. Wilson Ter race, w. d Pomona 1-anri mid Trust confpany to Henry Kvi ns. nw4 nwV se '4 4-75-ti, . " School district of Norwalk to iJwIs lUmmer, 1 acre In northeast corner n"4 ne'4 11-76-42, w. d 1,000 S.200 66? 1.S20 i.ogp . so For a Chronic Cough and all, throat, bronchial or lung troubles eur special preparation of cod liver oil baa never failed to do igood. Pleasant to the taste. It strengthen, and builds up tljy tissues and blood. Sold only by , .THE BRONSON DRUG CO.- i - Prescription Druggists, TELEPHONE 275. - 106 Broadway - COUNCIL BLUFFS. A Neighborly Feeling Prompts, one uan to tell another where be can .get bis laundry done In- first-class style. U yoy get your work done at our laundry you will always have It dane to your satisfaction, because only first-class work Is done here. We call for and de liver. ( Bluff City Laundry, COUNCIL BLUFFS. 'Phone S14. 22-24 North Main Street. Twelve transfers, total. .,.$18,0 - i if " , - m m i i J a 7c lave a Standard By which we guage every bit of plumbing work we do. That standard is excellence, and our many satisfied patrons attest the full meaauro of merit aud adherence to our standard. We doq't do inferior work at any time, but charge no more for the beat. If we do it, it's done right. J. C.Bixby 6c Son 202 Main 4V 203 Pearl Bts., Council Bluffs, a. Telephone 182. ' , NOTICE TO FARMERS IF YOU NfcED MONEY TO PAY VOll LAND MAItCII 1, WE HAVE IT AND CAN PAY IT OUT ON TWENTY-FOUK HOUlttf NOTICE. THE. MONEY IB HEUE 'ON HAND. TELEPHONE, CALL -Oil WHITE. J. W, SQUIRE .101 PEARL STREET, CUNIL, BLUFFS.