Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1903, PART I, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY 11EE: SEN DA? , FEI.UUAItY 15, 1903.' THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL Weanl Ka( Haw taefal II la la rmmlti Health and Beauty. Nearly everybody Vnowa that charcoal U tha safest d4 tnrmt efficient disinfectant and purifier In nit tiro, but few realise it value when taken into the human system for tba .am cleansing purpose. Charcoal la a remedy that the mare yon take of It the better; It la not a drug at all. fcut simply absorb the gases and Impurl tle always preaent In the stomach and in teatlne and carrlea them out of the systara. Charcoal sweeten the breath after amok lng and drinking or after eating oniona and ether odoroua vegetable. Charcoal effectually cleara and Improve the completion. It whitens the teeth and further acta aa a natural and eminently tafe cathartle. It abaorba the Injurious gases which col lect In the atomarh and bowel ; It dialn fecta the mouth and throat from the po aon of catarrh. ' All druggist veil charcoal In one form or another, but probably the beat charcoal and the mot for the money I Stuart' Ab sorbent Lozenge; they are composed of the fineat powdered willow charcoal and other barmlea antlieptlca In tablet form, or, rather. In the form of large, pleasant t eat ing lotenges, the charcoal being mixed with honey. The dally use of these lozenge will soon tell In a much Improved condition of the general health, better complexion, aweeter breath and purer blood, and the brauty nf it ), that no poastble harm can result from their continued use, .but, on the contrary, great benefit. A Buffalo physician. In speaking of the benefit of charcoal, aaya: "I advise Stuart' Absorbent Loaenge. to all patlenta uttering from ga In the atomach and bow el, and to clear the complexion and purify ' tba breath, mouth and throat; I also be lieve the liver Is greatly benefited by th dally use of them; tbey cost but twenty-five centa a box at drug atorea, and although In eom sense a patent preparation, yet I be lieve 1 get more and better charcoal In Stuart'. Absorbent Lozengea thaa la any el the other charcoal tablet." WIN I100RS IN GYMNASIUM Young Atajetet Get Their Kamei oa tie Y. U 0. A- Bulletin. WHAT IS NECESSARY TO WIN A PLACE Individual Teat that Make the Rec ord oa Which Award Arc Made Reqalre Skill aad Strength. ctraight through by regular system, and th team with the highest steading at the end wlna first honors. In each event first, second and third place la acored. First counts S point, aecond 1 point and third 1 point. Lest Monday wa the In auguration of the acheme here. .The teams are named byVutnbers. On Monday five event were completed. These were the relay race, the tug-of-war, the broad jump, the crab race and the un derswlng. Of these the broad Jump and the underawlng were Individual events, the reet team affairs. At the clote of the fl rat night team No. , Captain Lee,' lead with 17 point. Team No. 8, Captain Myers, 1 aecond with 1 ' points, and team No. I, Captain Frankfurt, Is third, with 15 point Three aturdy High achool lade, Harry B Counseman. Ben Cherrlncton and R. C Patterson, are the flrat to have their name I The three leader are ao ciosa, aa to d placed on the athletic and avmnaatlc honor practically a tie, roll at the Young Men Christian aasocia- In addition to the acoree by rank In the Hon gymnasium. Thle roll la a new fea- contest the presence of each man on a ture Installed by Physical Director Pent- team counte 8 polnta to start with on each land, and 'bid fair to do more for the eveulng of the aeries. Thl Is done to put actual building ud of Intereat In athletics I an actual premium on attendance, and al than anr other plan eould have done. To ready team No. ha benefited by It-J get on the honor roll a man must have Team No. 8 had only four men present last made third nlac In aeven out of twenty- Monday night, and at tbatVnade i point. thre event. Each event haa regular fixed Team No. 6 made IT polnta witn six men marks and record for Href, aecond and bn hand. Had No. 8 had six men or more third place. One flrat equal three thirds, It would be In the lead now, aa its actual one aecond equals two thirds. Thus, If a athletic work for the evening aurpassnd man made a first and two aeconda he would I that of No. 6 by 1 point. get on the honor roll lust the same aa a man who made even thirds. But thoe I It 1 hardly expected that a full attend- who can make a first In any event are rare, ance 'on the part of all teams will ever for the record, although not 'the highest, I be secured, aa there are ao many men par- or the world'a records, are still mark to I ticipating that some are ure to be absent, reach. The roll haa been In operation I But this causes no embarrassment to apeak some three weeks, and during the last I of save In one ar two of the team events. week the three High school youthe all Of course. In. the tug-of-war a team of earned places on It. the roll la bulletined I eight, or alx can easily walk away with one on the wall just outside the gymnasium I of four, but that does not obtain necea door In the main ball, a prominent place, sarlly In the running team races. In these and la about alx feet by ten, ao a man's each man' work la so little that the men nam will be seen If he ever gets It on I can double up and take a second ahift with there. Others are working for the dls- I practically no detriment to the team'a Unction and more name will follow. I speed. In the relay race each man runa but twice around the gymnasium track, and HEW LIFE TO BEN Of th twenty-three event four ar gym- with four men preaent they can have rest nastic. They are the parallel bars, Hhe enough during three men'a performance horizontal bars, the horse and calisthenics, to- take on a aecond whirl. In theae, of course, no record or mark On the night of the next round of the can be act. but the candidates undergo an carnival four more events will be decided examination In technique on each piece of 1 and the last three on the last night. Five apparatus Involved. It la underatood, too, of the additional aeven events will be a that the topic, "parallel bars," Includes all I rope climb, high Jump, hitch kick, potato work on ladders and hlh parallels aa well. I race. Back race. The l onar Bought "Elixir of Ufe.V Dl- an(j tne t0p, "horizontal bar.V tncljdfa.) In the event of last Monday night team coverea or uerman ana Knsiish the flying and traveling rings and trapeze i No. 8 took first in the relay race, no. io work. The other nineteen events are all nrst In the tug-of-war, No. 6 second in the athletic, belna: Pole vault, atandlng high, tug-of-war, Marshall of No. 2 first In the lumn. standing broad lumn. two atandlng broad Jump, No. 8 first In the crab race broad Jumps, three standing broad Jumps atandlng bop, atep and Jump, potato race, Physicians Not Only rroloa Life, Bat Gives Man the Vigor and Vitality of a Dull. e,i. c-e r-. t . m- .!. alarming aop, aiep auu jumi, pn.iu Sample Sent Free To Any Man Who T , torow underwing..high Jump from nin nrucrur ii. spring board, running high Jump, rope After year of research, eminent physlcltns have I climb, hitch kick, horizontal bar, mil run, at It Jlscovsrl a remedy which I Indorsed by ,not put, fence vault.' ball throw. th mains member of th metncsl profession nr -,,-.- , wo1,m ha axneeted to permanent la It Bct.. Th principal Ingredient I - , . , . , ,,, .k. uT.a animal ..tract Uk.n from healthy youn, bulla. et nr,t ,n " of th" bu PU"lD tne it la acicntiocaiiy nranared br th. best chamtat. la requlrementa for enrollment on the honor th world. Th. reputation of th. institution la auch Hat down to aeven-thlrda of the whole, list that all phriiclana know when they stand aponaor I makes It a possibility and an Incentive for tor a remedy, that remedy must b. exactly aa r.p- I everyone to try. A third Beta a blue atar rwetited. And wh.n upon imputation they , . ,..netla column, a aecond a red J n..k. th. at.t.m.nt that Vitality Pill, will cur. all-1, flrft Aftw , m,n h and weakness ot any n.tura ot th. nerve or se.ul ven blue Stare oppoalte his name he or,a, V cur. must b. poalttr. and perm.n.nt. keeP on to flU ,UP tha whole llne wim aiara ui auiuo tuiur ur uiurr, iuu on who get a tar In each of the twenty three space opposite the, different events la a star all-round athlete. No. second in the crab race 'and Charlea Morrison of No. S first In the underswlng, LAWN TENNIS PLAYERS MEET Elect Officer, Modify Role and A p- point Place for American ' Championships. &7 NEW YORK. Feb. 14. The sixty-second meeting; of the I'nlted States National Lawn Tennis association was hld at the Waldorf-Astoria tonight. Dr. James Dwiaht of Boston DreKlded. The commit tee appointed to report upon a new rule governing a "let ball reported unfavora bly on any change and the report waa kuoptea unanimously. The election of officers resulted aa fol lows: President, Ir. James Dwlght; vice Dreaiaent. tt. v. wrenn. mew xorx: ireaa- urer. Richard Btevens, Iloboken; secretary. H. E. Prenby, Boston. Kxecutlve com mittee: W J. Clothier. W. A. Lamed Hrr Cnunaeman waa the first on tha I Dwlsht N. Davis. Malcolm Whitman. T list. He haa aeven polnta. five thlrda and w . Olaaebrook. B, D. Little and Gray Col- one aecond. They ar third in two atandlng x number of minor -changes were inade broad Jumps, parallel bars, horliontal bars, 1 in the rules governing service and the horse, fence vault, and aecond In th un- ch"f ln ' "f, "l!!"',. , . hoM derswlng. Ben Chjerrlngton waa aecond on plonehlpe, the dates to be made later, were the list. He haa ten polnta already,, lead- announced aa toiiows: Metropolitan cnanv log the other... Ch.rrlngton mad flrat In "fr. Tnd' wren's "chain the underswlng and third in th standing plonshlD. , Marlon Cricket club. Phlladel high lumn. atandlng broad Jump, running phla; Middlesex championship. Orange This eempany will sand rv.ry psraoa who Is U"k lng In vitality ot ths n.rvas or snual organ i ample treatment staolutaly fpa. Thar. Is but on. Athletic club: mixed double and women', singles, Philadelphia Cricket club; Indoor championship, singles and doubles. Seventh Regiment Athletic crab; rational champion ship, at Newport; South Atlantic atatea chamDlonshiD. Atlantic Athletic club: trl- state championship, Ohio Lawn Tennis high Jump, fence vault, parallel bars, horl. xontal bare and horse. R. C: Patteraon Is the latest, man on ths roll. He has seven points,' having made flrat In tbe under awing and third In tbe ' fence vault, th narallal bara. the horliontal bara and tha club. Cincinnati: southern states cnamplon I . . "... ... .vr. ,. hlD. New Or leans Lown Tennis club lt tor a ganuln. medlcln.. and that Is th. r.- nor.e. is xnougni inat mm. nonor run weg,er championship. Western Lrwn Ten suits ahlch sr. obtained by Its uaa; It It cures, tha will prove a great institution at tne gym- ma 'association, Chicago; MassachuSKets disaaa. for which It la prepared. It Is true I naslum. and that It will be the most .popu- I state championship and eastern doubles, remedy. Thl la ths test br which ths Missouri ar moAt 0f exe(tng intereat Xn athletlca 1 Kongwooo v-riLet liuo. urug company wisn aampia ins irMtm.nt to ir- tried her b tried. Altar uaini viulitr pllla for a ahort tlm. Bn1 gymnaatic. ever tried ner. a man will find aaw Tlor In bla organa, new lore t i ib oia muaciaa, now oiooa in nil vawa, aaw amoi- i , .... a.- lion: a new man In vltalllr. health sod SDDearanc. On last Monday night th flrat aectlon viuutr puis nave a peculiarly gratatui enact and I of the mM-winter atnietic carnival oc tna pautmi leaia ins oenani auar lta urai l) a uaa. I .h. Vnnn M.n'a .. aoclatlon gymnasium. This affair will ex tend In a aerie, of three aectlona through out the month. The next night for meet- it guaa dlr:t to th. aval of th. trouble, no matt.r of how long atandlng. giving atrangth and develop ment where It la needed. Thla marveloua remedy banlshea all feeling ot bashfulnesa toward tha oppo. alaa sex. cures alk th. 111. aud troublea that com. CHICAGO BEATS ILLINOIS ea Rival 'Varsity Athletl Tearaa Contest on Indoor Track" In Manx Eventa. CHICAGO, Feb. 11. Chicago university TRUSTS AID . SOCIALISM Orcfscnp Eayi Consolidation is Wedding Tublio to Oollectivs Ownenhip. , i CORPORATE CONTROL IS ONLY REMEDY Antl-Cnnabln Meaaarea Taaaed y (esgrris Are Dahbed Ineffcctnal aad Only laefnl to Trained In vestors and pecnlntore. ANN ARBOR. Mich.. Feb. 14. Judge Peter 8. Oroescup of the t'nhed States cir cuit court of Chicago, lectured before th University of Michigan Oood government club tonight on "The New Nation." Hla speech waa In part as tollowa: In the nil turn of thlnas we tmit expect that men who do rot ee their way clear to an Improvement of their conditions un der the old form of Industrial liberty will sympathise with any syetem that promises aomethlng new. The separation of labor rrom proortetorehlp is tne moei unrepuo llcan and menacing fnct that now con fronts the American people. Trnata Accentuate Menace. The consolidation Idea has thus far ac centuated this menace and by narrowing the personnel of the proprietorship It is detaching from the frlenils of property the great liberal body of citizens. However, we may wihm it. this oin-time conservative force will awing In time to those who al ready oppose the Institution of property and give to socialism Invincible allies. Our first duty la to wake up td th reall tleaapf -the situation, and our next to put the forces of Industrial freedom In order. Not until we have done this, not until the time when the pronerty-itequlrlng Instinct of the country Is again on a baHia fair alike to all. can we rest assured that the outcome, of the encounter need be no longer feared. Hut what la such fair basis? Will the people under anv conditions, to any large extent, enter the Held of corporate owner- enipr These are practical Inquiries that rise naturally to mind. 1 believe that once corporate organization and management is cleared or thimble-rigging and pltiaiin, so that th fortunes of an enterprise will be bound up solely In the vicissitudes of the business itself, the American people will be ready to take up again their share In the proprietorship of the country. - I.aWa All Ineffcctnal. The measures In congress make no change In the basis of corporate organi sation, they exhibit no purpose, at leaai, no controlling purpose, to widen the pro prietorship ot the country. The publicity proposed la confined to the gathering and publication ol statistics, vaiuaDie poasmiy to the speculator or trained Investor, but worthless to the ordinary man who may be seeking ownership. What la needed Is the Intervention o government aa trustee, not as mere nv;j gatherer, a guaranty that when a corpora tion la created its creator haa seen to It that. It la fairly organized. But though we cannot expect adequate legislation now. It will come. Unless I am greatly deceived the American people will not pull down the Industrial edifice. Hut any policy calculated to merely temporize will with eaual conclusiveness be rejected. there will be no room when the public mind is made up for the diversions of the po litical maauueraae. . And the neODle of the United State will Tn time come face to face with the full significance of the situation on which they are entering and It will be made- plain that but ' for some far reaching recoastructlon of our corporate DOllcy we are on our way td noclalism or to a form of government no longer republican. Then a determined pfib- Uc Wll set our house in order: re-estatlln It on the secure foundations of popular proprietorship and Industrial lloerty. TUB HAIR BRISK. hav been abundant. It la a custom; It I part of the every-day banking hlatory. Seldom 1 a bank wrecked by It. "Iht Iomc resait thla court ha no oppor tunity, ot learning. But th practice la vlciou. la the eye. ot the law. It I dan gerous for the bank certifying and those receiving the checks." The charge on which the bank official were convicted wa. the outcome of the collapse of the Seventh National bank In June, 1H01. It wa. found that tbe bank had systematically over-certified the pa per of the brokerage firm ot Marquand Co. and the shrinkage of the value of the firm', collateral left the Institution a loser In the sum ot $1,400,000. OLD MAN PLEADS INSANITY Jnry In Mnrdcr Trial After Hearing; the Evidence lalla tn Aaree. CHICAGO. Feb. 14. The Jury in the Bre mer murder case disagreed and were dis charged today. The trial, which attracted considerable attention, wa. th outcome of the shooting ot Lewi Mitchell, an attorney, by Robert Bremer on May S, 1902. Mitchell wa. seated In hi. office when Bremer entered and fired two toot at Mitchell, with fatal results. No one saw the shooting or heard the conversation which led to It. Paneled Jealousy 1 .up- posed to have been tha cause. Mitchell wa. the attorney for Mr. Bre mer and wa. preparing for certain litiga tion. The latter frequently visited his office. These visit, led Bremer to belter the attorney waa alienating hi. wife', af fection.. 1 The age of the white-haired defendant. who wa. 75 years of age, elicited much sym pathy on hi. behalf throughout the trial. The plea of the defen.e wa. insanity. YOUNG CERTAINLY ' INSANE Murderer la Prononnced br Doctor Both Mentally and I.eaally Incompetent. OSSININd, N. Y., Feb. 14. Dr. Caven. the rrlson physician at Sing Sing, today examined William Hooper Young, who ye. terday commenced his Ufa sentence for th murder ot Mr. Anna Pulitzer. The doctor found, a. did thh New York physicians, that Young wa medically In sane and legally insane, loung . conai tlon, the doctor said, waa du to the ex cesslve use of morphine and cigarette. ASK CONVICTS TO MAKE ROADS - Detroit Convention Think Criminal' Labor. Might Well Be Tnrned Io Acconnt. DETROIT, Feb. 14. The use of con vict labor to build roads wa. today en dorsed by the convention of American Roadmakers. The Brownlow bill providing for the ap proprlatlon of $20,000,000 by th govern ment for the building of good road. wa. also endorsed. from mi ) Duea, exueea oi overwork ana ousioeea i ' vH n eiri a v Whenarv 1 nit I .v"v'. r v-""- r.r- .ii T o whirh re.uit in nremature iamm of ,n on Wednesday, FeDruary IS. and defeated Illlnol. university in the Indoor atrangth and memoir, .mlaalons. Impotence and I tbo next after that on Friday. February I athletic contest tonight. Hail of Chicago varicocele, vitality rills win effect a cur. at any I xhe carnival la another of the dlvertlae. I cut eight aeconda from the western col a: thera Is no caa. that It win not cur. per- . . a,v... tm ... , I leglate Indoor record In the mile run. manenujr. except wnerw epiieper or ineaniir oaa I iyvu.e (ii.uu.u m; n'"iuu vhvvivi cut- I gummartea .. -- "",,". 7 lana to eLcourage ana .ttmutat intereat I Thirty-nve-yara 'dasn. nnai neat: Blair FiZlr&lX in athletics. It 1. participated In by t ' t?,?,l,;!''lS, 't" -P. team, of'.lghf athlete, each, chosen from RS hf ' VlftFcV -V? cenulne and' no eaibarraaaln oueatloas aaked. Write I carnltUtl- Th Contesting team are Scored today to tit Mlaaourl Drug Co., 461 Broadway, St. I ' ljoule, Mo., and recelv. th. sample treatment free; their book which I. alao tre ao aent with tha free treatment, will explain how to Uka the treatment la private and cure jrouraeif at aonra. A DAILY NUISANCE. have received many letter, from people all over tha I th gymnasium devotee. Twelve event. I tance 40 feet b Inches; Rothgels of Illinois country, telling ot the moot astonishing cure mad Par to be held during th oroares of thai second, distance 39 feet 7 Inches. Previous by vitality, rilla. Their oa. week u i. I JL" ..,..,i1 ,.I,24 .L..a record 4ti feet 3 Inches, held by Maxwell of Chicago. , Forty-yard mgn hurdles, nnal heat: Friend of Chicago won, Catlin of Chicago second. Kelly, ot Chicago third. Time: 0:05 2-6. 440-yard run: Buckwalter of Chicago won. Dunbar of Illinois second. Wightman ot Chicago third. Time: 0:66 1-5. One mile run: Hall of Chicago won, McCully of Illinois second, Henry of Jill nola third. Time; 4:36. Two-mile run: Melln of Illinois 'won. Nehr of Chicago aecond.. Ollkerson of Illi nois -third. Time: 10:17 2-6. fcfeO-vard run: Catull of Chicago won. Jaqu of Chicago aecond, Dunbar of Illi nois tnirdv Time: ztooz-o.. High lump: euiuvan oc Chicago. leet 4 Inchea. Relay race, one mile, four men: Chicago won in J-o. Pole vault: Miller of Chicago won. Port of Illinois second. Height: 10 feet. Score by points: C hicago, 60; Illinois, 26. A I I.J- ex...... nusviutc runty ami Delightful Flavor arc Propcrtits of 8 V.I V', 8 QUAKER MAID RYE This Whisker Pos sesses flavor that has eron tor it th praise ol connoisseur and a purity that cause phy sicians to recommend it. It 1 perfectly aged nd headache or soul stomach never follow Its use. For (ale at the leading fale. drug at pre a and bar. S. HIRSCH & CO. WtvolcMk liquor Dealers, KANSAS CITY, MO. DR. McGREW SPECIALIST Treat all form, of ISEASES AND DISORDERS Qr MEN ONLY Tear Experience, uraam 17 ars In i n 1 His remark , ceas ha nev A slnlplo Recnwnr Wnlch Will Intereat Catarrh SnsTerer. In Its earlier atagea catarrh 1. more of a nuisance -than a menace to the general health, but sooner or later the disease ex tend, to th throat, bronchial tube, and even to tha stomach and Intestines. Catarrh la essentially a disease ot the mucous membrane, the local .ymptoma being a profuse discharge ot mucus, atop page of the nostril, irritation in .throat caualng coughing, neegtng, gagging and frequent clearing, of the throat and bead. Tbe usual treatment by local douche, snuff, alva, etc., often glve temporary relief, but anything like a-cur can only be obtained by a treatment which remove, the catarrhal taint from th blood and th disappearance of th Inflammatlpn from the mur.ou. .urfacea, A new remedy which meet, tbe.e re quirement, and which ao far ha. been re markably successful In curing catarrh' Is Stuart'. Catarrh Tablet These tablet, act upon the blood and mucoua membrane, only. Tbey, can hardly rfreed Dandruff, Which Cansea Fall InsT Hair and Finally Baldneaa. Prof. Unna, Hamburg, Germany, Euro pean authority on akin diseases, say. that dandruff I. aa contagious a. any other malevolent disease, and that on common source of the spread of dandruff la the uso of the same balr bniBh by different per son. Tbe way to avoid catcblng dan druff or any other disease from another's brush, la to Insist on the us of Newbro'a Herplclde. It not only kill, the dandruff germ, but It Is alao an antiseptic that will prevent the catching of any disease what ever through contagion of another'., brush. FORMER BANKER ,IS FINED i Convicted of Certifying- Cheek When the Maker Had Not a 8afll. ' dent Deposit. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. Judge Thoma In the United States district court today sen fenced William H. Kimball, formerly presl dent of the Seventh National bank, to pay a tin of 15,000 for over certification ot check, drawn to H. Marquand ft Co. H. M. Rose, the former paying teller ot the same bank, had aentence suspended Tbe One wa. paid by Kimball. In passing sentence Judge Thomas .aid that not the slightest moral turpitude had ben found to attach to either defendant, nor wa. either shown to have made any personal gain. Roae Wa. a man of good character and wa. .till retained by the bank. Kimball', mlsforturie had discredited him (or tbe lrrtportant function, to which hi. life had been devoted and bla private fortune waa substantially lo.t. Judge Tbomaa spoke of the high regard in which Kimball wa. Still held by his former assoclatea and aald he knew of no moral stain attached to him. The judge did not think Imprisonment waa required. On tbe subject of over-certlflcatlon of check. Judge Thomas said? "The caae. of cver-ctrtlflcatlon In th city ot - New York on any business day FREMONT B0YS CHAMPIONS Take n Game Each from the Omnhn and Colnmbna High FREMONT, Neb.. Feb. 14 (Special Tele gram.) The Premont High arhool. bv de leating umiti ana uoiumou here today. won the state championship at ten pin. The first game of the day waa between Omaha and iolumbua and waa won by Omaha. Fremont also defeated Columbus. be called a secret patent medicine, as they and wound up the day'a proceedings by are composed of such valuable remedlea a ur,V f olio wTn, are the .core. dioou noot nxursBtio, nea uunr ana etmilar OMAHA. Brown Oreenleat , Munaer Hierriker Benaon COLUMBUS. 8T70born 4L9 Elliott 423Meisler 4.U Howard 4t9Poat k Total....... 1,071 FKEMONT. Denslow Bland A. Frit .. C. Frlta Carroll Total..........' OMAHA. 477 Brown 4ti7Greenleaf 4a4Munger .". 4:5Sterrlker duo Benson 444 . XS0 . 361 . 33 . 430 .1,968 . 4"6 . 4nl . 467 . 470 rkable sue- never been equaled and every day brunt many flatter, lng report of the good he la doing, or th rllf h haa given. Hot Springs Treatment tor Stphilis And all Blood Poison. NO "BREAKINQ OUT" on th akin nr face a id all external igna of th dlsae disappear at once, BLOOD DISEASE ZZS.SXS viricocele ixsiJiiirinxz CaVM tcureu vi bmt uu debility. Umm of .... . . u i ftiai'n r ar mb nil it.: tun urocji. at VIUICK CURKa-LOW CHARGES. . Trtaituant by luaui. a. O. ieua offtc over iie at. 1UU shicsI. klweii Farnam ait luuelta flJeet yAyA, f.a.U. cleansing antiseptics, which cur by elim inating from the blood and mucoua aurface the catarrhal poiaon. Stuart's Catarrh Tablet, are large, plea. ant tstlng loxengea taken Internally, allow lng them to dissolve slowly in tbe moutb tn thl. way they reach the throat, fuc and the entlr alimentary canal. If desired, tbey may alio be dissolved In water and used a a douche, in addition to the Internal use, but It I. not at all necet ary to ue a douche; a few of them dis solved In th mouth daily will be sufficient Howevs. when there is much stoppage of I a Frits' th no a douch mad from the tablet I tv" Frits! will glv immediate, relief, but the regular I Carroll ellv tie InlMnall Af Ik... . 1. 1 . t ... I . " ' . .. . . . u . . w. . u . mv VD UIOl, Will I IV. -kAl. . I I , . . L 1 . . . . .AUIS. vui " kuuib cauiiuu Tiuuis Wlioaui w .u. iicuinmnin oi a aoucn. n.-.i. uki.i Pl.,,n Dr. Bemeot atatea "that tha Inramei IrMlmral for ratarrh la muMI, ,,vln. ,. . I 1. juet.-n. MO., r eo. n Al me i"en treatmeBt Jor catarrh la rapidly taking the trill v, n..t association meeting here today plac of the old plan ot douching and local I the Richard trophy waa won by the Kui- application and further .ay. that probably I 1 ,ty Athletic club with 4' matt-ht iha beat anil rertalnlv th. ..f.. I ai1 J1" 14 'rlcka. Unco n was second th best ana certainly tbe safeat remedy at WM fL matches, plua 1 trlcka. 81. Joaeph Total 2,233 FREMONT. Denslow Total .tltiS COLUMBUS? tlSOsborn 427 bU Elliott 4il 41!5MelHler 47 441 Howard i7 440 Post M .2.260 Total. .2.061 preaent on th market 1. Stuart'. Catarrh waa third. A. CVarman and ('. Tableta, a. bo secret I -made of tbclr com position and all th really efficient remedies for .catarrh ar contained In thl. tablet. Druggist sell Stuart' Catarrh Tableta at fifty centa for full 'lied packagea. Ask your drugglat aad If he la boneat he will tell you there la no eater, mor palatable, tnor efficient and, cvenleBt remedy oa th market, ' -i of Lincoln, trowhr. Neb., won the Dea Holw Molnc TAKES LONG TQ DISAGREE Kjinsas Jury Dlacnaaea Caa fnr Forty-One Honrs Before Ae kaowledglag Defeat. -PAOLA. Kan., Feb. 14. Tbe Jury tn th case of Lon Altman, charged with the murder df Charles Keefauver, failed to reach a verdict after being out forty-one hour, and waa 'discharged today. Nine stood for conviction. DEATH RECORD. Elijah D. Dickinson. BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. 14. (Special.) Elijah D. Dickinson died In thl. city yes terday, aged 73 years. Deceased wa native of Canada and located near Oketo Kan., In 1866, where be wa. engaged In atock raising and farming for many year. In 1897 he removed to Beatrice, where he baa since realded. He 1 aurvlved by a widow and five .on. The remain will be Interred at Oketo, Kan. Robert Clark. (BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 14. (Special Tel egram.) Robert Clark passed away at hi home In thl. city yesterday at tbe ad vancSd age of 80 year. He bad been a realdent of t,bl aectlon for the past twenty yeara and la survived by bl. wife and on .on. The funeral will be tomorrow from the borne at 2 o'clock. Charted with Illeaal Healat rat loa. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 14 Thomae A. Rarrett marahal of the St. Ioul court of aDoeaL. M.U.. (nl4i A K., .W 1 - J . -. .iiu,. .v, vj me ivurrai grand jury , , , .,, today on the charge of complicity retiU- ' lng the ymptom., etc., of this disease will iraiion irauaa. cm the raiue ha grand jury report. A Secret Disease Of all human diseases, that known a Contagious blood poison, or the Bad Diiease. has caused more misery and Buffering and ruincu more lives man an oiuers comuincu. It not only wreck the hopes and aspira tions of the one who contracts it, but often the Innocent are made to share the humiliation and disgrace of this most loath some and hateful form of blood txison. Children inherit it from parents, and thous- ands of the purest men and women have been contaminated and ruined simply through handling the clothing of one in fected with this awful malady or THE INNOCENT drinking from the same vessel and SUFFER WITH using the same toilet articles and THE GUILTY. often serious damage is done before the real natufe of Ihetrduble is known, many preferring to suffer in silence or leave the disease to do its worst rather than make known their condition. Through our Medical Department we of fer advice and help. Write us fully and freely about your case, as nothing you say will eer go bevond our office. Let us help you to get rid of this fearful disease, for which someone else no doubt is to blame. It matters not how long the poison has been lurking in your system, S. S. S. will purify and build up your blood, and elimi nate every atom of the deadly virus from the. system and make a complete and per manent cure. S. S. S. is the only antidote for Conta gious Blood Poison and has been curing it for fifty years. It contains no mercury, potaan or otner Harm ful mineral ingredi ent, but is ) purely vegetable rem edy that cures without leaving any bad alter etfects. Our special Home Treatment book, giv tration fraud. Beveral other indictment , intereat VOU. We will mail VOU a COP V free. rge er contained lu th I " . .... A Berlon Mlatak. To the average man It seem ehlldlih to doctor a cold, nd unless It become, par tlcularly annoying to him little or ho atten tlon 1. given it. Often a cold contracted in the winter 1. allowed to run until the open lng of aprlng. Tbl. is a grave mistake, a. even though the warm weather may bring relief, the system I. thereby weakened and rendered susceptible to disease. , A cold should never be neglected, whether It be a child or an adult who Is afflicted, as health nd often life Is risked. A bottle of Cham berlaln's Cough Remedy, costing but a small amount, will bring speedy relief and all dangerous consequences will be avoided. , HYMENEAL."" CHtt-Wlthee. . HUMBOLDT. Neb., Feb. 14. (Speclal.)- Erneit Clift, a rural carrier on mall rout No. 1. waa united In marriage Wednesday to Miss Luella' wlthee, a young Womsn living near 8tella, the ceremony being per formed by Rev. Shults of Stella, at the home of the bride, In the presence of a few relative, and friend. Tbe newly wedded pair will make their home In tbl city. We Mail You Sample Free 1:1 1 ' f :1::":J'ii?e'l'''t ,,;': II i hi! Dili' urn V.;i'j: .! 'h' ' II', "H, ''-'"I'"' ta, "ki! . it : : tn : ;: ; 1 ' nil ,! IM: mm "'I'lllUi IN THIS BOTTLE I vltsllse an ettalliln medicinal read, which will make yoa feel youn. and etrona. It la a food made from the puree! selected end liver all, vitalised, (ualarnllied and medl eaied by th. addition ot hrpophoaphltaa. No yood and no medicine will do ynu n much actual practical ood aa thla sclentlne atrenglhenln, fleeh-tormer and builder, OZO MILSION. No matter br what dlsea. yon may be af flicted, ao matter what organ or part of your body la weak, Otomulelon will, with patience, make yon well and atron. To eom. people, accustomed to look to drugs for relief from aches and Ilia, thla may seem hard of belief, but those who know the true need ef th. body will easily acknowledge that only la food la to b. found that strength which la th. foundation of health, and without which drugs and potions ar a useleaa for bolster ing up your srstem an la tlaau. paper for atopplng a laak In a ahls.v Therefor. If suffering from soma chronic complaint, put your faith I Oiomnlalnn, and II will not disappoint yon. If lungs or cheat ar weak and you auffer from coughs and colds try Osomnlslon. If Impoverished blond shows Itself In pimple, blotches, skin trouhl. etci, enrich your eretem with Osomulslon. WRITE FOR FREE SAflPLE. Ta thoee who woold Ilk to try th wonder ful properties ot thl great medicinal Pood. an Send a your nam. and full addreea, and wa will forward you,, by mall, a sample free. Addrea. OZOMUL8ION CO., II DePeysterSt., New York. in""""!11" iiir";ii mm f- -M LONDONNEWYORKi-r i'. 1 VW aff i ' ' Mti,Fi -V ! Hunt yy. A - BRANCHES'- i t ii'; , :-:'.v: ' PARIS. A'4r ,1'HJ Ci ' & V. ' MADRID. .!fs;: f -,. ':$ ' 'mt' m ' MONTREAL. ' l'.i . VW! CITY OF MEXICO. zl, . , p. . JllrWlft . 1 mi . ,:mm'j EOITOR'8 NOTE. w ,k our reader to talc advantage of thl. liberal otfe. W know that Ozomul.lon 1 mad on honor and will do them good. OiomuUlon I on aal at all Druggist. - E. E. Buce A Co., and Richardson Erug Co., whole 1 selling agent. - Swimming Herorda Broken. NEW YORK. Feb. 14 Tha New Torir Atnietic ciuos swimming tournament to nignt proviaea goon sport. Horn records were broken. BJmmary: One-Hundred-yard match: Harry I,a Moyne of the Brook line flwlmmlni club won over Charlea Kuberl of the New Yora Athletic cum oy three yard. Time: 1:012-5, beating the American record , ol 1:(U. made by J. 8. Ieary of Ban Fran- (jlsfo. riungina: lor uiatance. peat in tnree trial: W. K. Ulekey of the New York Athletic club, 62 feet 2 Inchea; O. W. Van Cleaf of the New York Athletic elub. 64 fetj 4 Inchea; C. H. Pyrah of Philadelphia. 57 feet. I'yrah waa the American cnam plon. Thre.'e-litii'dred-yard relay race, eix-mtn team: Brooklyn Athletic club won by three vartia. New York Athletic club aec ond. Time: 3:00 2-5. beat In- the American record of 3:07. made by Yale In 19h. Ktve-hundred-yard Invitation rate: J. W. Spencer of Columbia won. Time: 1:01 C-j. TUB HE ALT V MAHKKT. INSTRCMENTS filed for record Saturday, February 14; - Warranty Deeds. Llsale P.den to J. C. Robinson, 12 acre In ne4 awi 10-1&-10 , f l.ftio Nicholaa Maun to Nona Baldwin, nev sw4 23-1S-12 , 2,450 J. C. Havemeyer and wife to J. M. Anderson, lot 10,, block 471, Grand view add .' (ot) Same to aame, lot It. block S, Lake view add sou Margaret A. Burnham to Mary O. 1-u.rson. lot. 1 and 2, block t. Burn ham Place 4J0 Minnie M. Miller and husband to Leona P.. Ar, lot S, block a, Clifton Hill i l.euo Deeds. Special master to S. R. Rush, block 20, Halcyon Heights 131 F. D. W'ead et a I. referees, to Her bert Good land, lots 62, &J and 64. Windsor place J.3uu Total amount ot transfer. flJ,i Varicocele Hydrocele Blood Poison Piles Stricture .Io. Rupture V. A. COOX If yon have any ailment In th abore list you should seek relief. Ask th bank, about our reliability or let u. give you th name, of good clti .et, we hav cured, wbo do not object to the us of their names. W cur Varlococele tn on week, never to return, by an original method you will be pleaaed with after we eiplaln. Hydrocele In ten daya. Loat manhood and rtl effect of vlcioua bablts In 30. t Q daya. Blood Poinaon la 1 to 60 day. without petash or mrcury. Piles' la 13 ays; Flatula In two week and Ruptur in alx. W guarante our cure In writing a well a. to ahow th proof flrst. Charge low tod consultation Ire at offlc or by letter. Cook iuledical Co. 110-112 S. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. i OVER DAILY XEWI OFFICC. oaien Benra su an. na. inn aaya, .