Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1903, PART I, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, FETinUATlY 15, 1903. TILLMAN DEFENDS LYNCHING Jew Yen Presi Citib His t Invited Guist Sinking- a. Banquet SLNATOH PROPHESIES- RACIAL WAR ays Dlood will Flow If rBroea Arc Hot Kepi Dona and 1le ".ab ject to Whlln They Weald Mulrr, NEW TORK. Feb. 14. Something of a scene resulted at tho Press club banqut tonight, when Senator Tillman defended the summary sir In which southerners pun ish negroes. At first be was listened to with silence, if not enthusiasm, but after a few minutes hisses became more and more fre quent and finally someone called out, "What about your nephew." The remark created a momentary uproar, but that was all. , Lynching" Forced I pon Them. After an Impassioned recital of the perils to the white population of the south threat ened by the Increase of the powers of the negroes. Senator Tillman said: "We were compelled by the exigencies of the situation to use the shotgun and the tissue ballots and we used both. Why? Because la the state of South Carolina there war 80,000 mor negro voters than there were white voters." South Carolina, he continued, had es tablished free schools and ever since there had been more negro children In them than white children. "Do you think it was our purpose to raise these negro children to a condition of enlightenment in order that they might govern us?" he asked, and therf In answer ing his own question, he thundered out: 'By the Holy Ood, no!" "Three months ago," he continued, "the president wrote a letter In which ho said that when a negro showed himself quali fied to fill public office he waa unwilling to" ahut the door of hope S his fsc." Foresees Mulatto Hare. Commenting on this the' senator said If the present condition of education con tinued and the negro gained possession of the state of South Carolina and subordi nated the white, the deplorable result would be that In a hundred years the pop ulation would be half mulatto. He had no practicable solution of the problem, unless th, north took Its share of the blacks. His address grew more impassioned as he continued to defend the summary measures adopted for the punishment of negroes guilty of crime and especially against women. "What about your nephew," shouted someone, and thereby raising a momentary uproar. "There Is much 1 could say and would like to say, but I regard It as highly in appropriate to refer In public to family af fairs," responded th, senator when silence was restored. Before concluding his address he said that If the policy of raising the negro to of the Skin and Blood Should Begin NOW B LOOD HUMOURS, Skin Humours and every kind of Humour trom rimples to ?rrfn1a with Prematiire Im rf Hair, mav now he sneedilv. permanently and economically cured by Cuticura Resolvent, greatest . cf Blood and Skin Purifiers, assisted by the external use of Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura Soap. Thousands of the world's best people have found instant relief and speedy cure by the use of Cuticura Resolvent, Ointment and Soap m the most torturing and disfiguring of ITCHING, BURN ING, and SCALY HUMOURS, ECZEMAS, RASHES, ITCH INGS and INFLAMMATIONS. Thousands of Tired, Fretted Mothers, of Skin-Tortured and . : Disfigured Babies, of all ages and conditions, have certified to almost . miraculous cures by the Cuticura Remedies when the best medical skill has failed to relieve, much less cure. Cuticura Treatment is local and constitutional complete and perfect, pure, sweet and wholesome. Bathe the affected surfaces with Cuticura Soap and Hot Water to cleanse the skin of Crusts and Scales and Soften the Thickened Cuticle, dry without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely to allay Itching, Irritation, and Inflammation, and Soot-rfe and Ileal, and lastly take Cuticura -; Resolvent to Cool and Cleanse the Blood, and put every function in - a state of healthy activity. To those who have suffered long and hopelessly from Humours " of the Blood. Skin and Scalp, and who have lost faith in doctors, J. medicines, and all things human, Cuticura Remedies appeal with a ' force hardly to" be realized. Every hope, every expectation awakened . by them has been more than fulfilled. More great cures of Simple, Scrofulous, and Hereditary Humours are daily, made by them than, . ;by all other Blood and Skin Remedies combined, a single set being : often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases when all else fails. Ct'TICTRA BEHKDIttt ara sold throu(tul th, rlttll4 world. PRICKS: Catlcwra naaal rnt, 0c ' r Bottle (la ttw form ,f CUmliif Coated I' 111. z&c. sr vial of SO), Catlcra Olutawot. AOc. per hoi. and Outlcuta Koap. 26c per rata. Brad for I ha great work. "Humour of the Blood, ilk la asd rValp. as. Bow t. Car, Tbm." 64 r(M, too Dla saan. wits lltuairattoaa. TeaitsMSlsls. aad rilrecttona ta all laasuasM. lacloolng JapouM, aad CkUMoa. Brttlak Depot. tI M Chanrrkuoaa Sq., Uoa, BY C7. rrearh Depot. Bua oa la Fats. Farts, awtratla. Depot. ft. Tora a Co.. SSmj. fOTTBil baud AN0 CUkUs ICaJ. VOdLreaATlvN, tots frasrl.tMS, aWotoa, C. t. power In the south wss rsrrled too far the Mtilt would be bloodshed, which would be heaped upon the heads of those who tried to force the white population Into subjec tion to the black. This was not a thrrat, but simply a state ment of what he knew from his acquaint ance with the conditions In the south. TELLS TALE OF HOLD UP Prisoner Kara Karllaatoa Robbers Would Mare Succeeded Iletter bnt for Drink. BUTTE, Mont.. Feb. 14 George Cole, under arrest here, has made a confession of the Burlington holdup of Wednesday and Implicates Oeorge Howard, sllas Joe Klrby. He says they sent a boy to Morrow's llv ery stable, on South Main street, to hire a rig about 9:30 Tuesday night. They dro7e to the scene of the holdup and held up the train. Klrby hnd two guns, but was too drunk to use, them. Klrby is the man who Jumped onto the engine as the train waa nearlng Homealake and compelled the engineer to stop and made the fireman get down. But for Klrhy's drunken cnndltrbn, Cole says they would have met with better success. Cole and his companion were ar rested yesterdsy. METEOR ALARMS UTAH PEOPLE Striken Kartb, Rattle, Windows and Shaken llonses While Load Noise Is Heard. BINGHAM, Utah, Feb. 14 A large meteor struck the enrfti near here this morning. The falling body citised windows to rattle and the houses tremble, while a sound like a mighty clap of thunder awakened the inhabitants from their sleep. The people thought there had been an earth quake and much alarm was felt. SALVADOR BOASTS OF PEACE President Wire, Colombia, Saying- Conn-re,, Assembled Amid Iran qnll Snrroundlns;,. PANAMA, Colombia, Feb. 14. A telegram waa received today from San Salvador as follows: Complete tranquility prevails here: Con gress assembled xnursdny, eoruary it. (Signed) Kegalado. General Thomas Regalado Is president of Salvador. Children Remember Losas, CARBONDALE, 111, Feb. 14 After sev ers! years of agitation a movement has been started by the school children to erect a monument to the memory of General John A. Logan, who was born and reared in this county. The movement was started by the Mur phreysboro Township High school. Seraeant Whelnn's Condition, Court Sergeant Whelan was reported as considerably worse last i.lght. He hna been ill In his room at the Murray hotel for aome days. - Humours, Scalp Humours, Baby POLICE SEER BANNA'S SON Aocused of Aidicg irievioui Assault on West Virginia Solon. MORGAN'S REPRESENTATIVE ALSO SOUGHT Yonasr Men Retoralaa front Banquet Said to Have Bratallr I Bed l.eala latnr, Throwing Htm from Hark They Wanted. CHARLESTON. W. Va.. Feb. 14 John H. Winder, general manager of the Kana wha & Hocking Coal company, Dan Hanna son of Senator Mark Hanna, and others arc charged with assaulting Hon. O. Caldwell, a member of the legislature from Ohio county, early today while the latter was going home from the legislative ball in a cab. The other men had been at a club during the night, so It la charged. They were on their way to the Kanawha and Michigan depot and wanted a hack. They hailed the hack In which Represent' atlve Csldwell was riding and attempted to enter. Caldwell protested and said the hack was his. Winder and Hanna are said to have entered the hark, and it Is charged. Winder dealt Caldwell a hard blow In the face, rendering him uncon sclous. Representative Caldwell waa thrown out of the hack and the others took charge of It. Caldwell waa picked up by friends and taken to the hotel in serious condition. Winder, Hanna and others left on a train for Columbus o. a warrant for their arrest was sworn out by Caldwell and telegraphed to Toint Pleasant, W. Va., but ther, has been no response up to this afternoon. The af fair has caused a sensation here. Representative Caldwell is resting well under the care of physicians. He was badly hurt and may lose one eye. It is announced that the friends of John H. Winder in the coal business here se cured the countermanding of the messages for the arrest of the parties and that their private car passed over the Ohio river bridge at Point Pleasant unmolested. The warrant was sworn out by Captain J. B White. Winder represents the Interest of J. Plerpont Morgan in Ohio and West Virginia and all the coal operators here, It is said, pleaded to have the order of arrest re sctnded. Winder Is here frequently on business, but it was the first visit of Hanna and the others. . It Is stated that Caldwell's friends will offer a resolution In the house of delegates inquiring Into the reason tor the countermanding of the order for the service of tho warrant!. COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 14. Messrs Winder and Hanna arrived here over the Toledo & Ohio Central at 2:45 p. va, Mr. Winder w?s shown the Associated Press telegram and denied the story. He said h had not been to a banquet in Charleston and had not seen the man alleged to have been assaulted. A special from Point Tleasant says Winder and Hanna was locked In their pri vate car when the train passed that point. Before the doors could be broken In the train pulled across the bridge Into Ohio. BLOCKADE IS OVER (Continued from First Page.) protocols were dispatched to the foreign offices of tho allies. It Is not expected that the next set of protocol will be taken up until the middle of next week. . Bowrs Congratulates Castro. CARACAS, Feb. 14. News of the raising of the blockade waa received by President Castro this morning from Mr. Bowen, who cabled: The protocols have been signed. Block do will be raised tomorrow. ' Cnna-rattila.. tlons. To this message President Castro replied as follows: In the name of Venezuela, and in mv own name, I offer you expressions of my eternal gratitude tor me decided spontane ousness with which you have served the cause of Justice, which I the cause of the humanity that distinguishes superior minds. CASTRO. Up to 2 this afternoon the British cruiser Tribune bad received no orders with regard to raising the blockade. WEATHER IS COLD AT DAWSON Merrnry Goo, to Sixty-Six Decree, Below, with a Fuel Famine Threatened. SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 14. The weather haa been extremely cold at Dawaon for the last fifteen days, the thermometer going as low as 66 degrees below tero. The country is covered with a dry, thick fog, making It almost impossible to see even In the middle of the day. A fuel famine adds to the discomfort of the situation. There Is plenty of wod near Dawson, but the teamsters will uot haul It In during the hard winter. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Feb. 14. Last night the temperature went to 16 below at Chey enne, 15 below at Laramie and 35 below at Evanston. Two more days of this cold weather will result In heavy stock losses. Trains are moving, but they are greatly Impeded by drifting snow. DENVER. Feb. 14. Last night was the coldest of the winter. The minimum tem perature in this city was 10 below zero, but in the mountains it was much colder. The weather is moderating today, but it is not expected the temperature will rise to th, normal tor several days. DEPOSITORS ARE TO BE PAID Assurance of Bank Officer, Allays the Excitement Somewhat at Aabury Park. ASBURY PARK. N. J., Feb. 14. The ex citement over the closing of tht First Na tional bank and the Monnouth Trust com pany had somewhat aubstded today, the asburance of th, officials of both the bank BDd the trust company to day that all de positors would be psid in full, having al layed the excitement. 3. A. Patterson, one of the directors nf the Monmouth Trust company, said: "Whether the trust company will evor open Its doors again depends on the stabil ity of the securltiea held by the officers. Just bow much money was advanced to the Frailer Mountain Copper company of New I Mexico, which was promoted by President Twining of the trust company, I cannot aay. I do not know the value of those securities." Mr. Patterson stated that $30,000 worth of copper stock had been sold in the vlcln Ity of Asbury Park. WOMAN RESIGNS AN OFFICE Mrs. Harriet N. Foster to Take Beat After Forty-Flte tears. WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 The fourth as sistant postmaster general has received th. resignation of Mrs. Harriet U. Fost,r, post master at Troy Grove, 111. Mis. Foster has beea connected with th. Troy Orov, postemce for forty-are vears, the last twenty-five years as postmaster, having been appointed December IS, 1S77. The salary of the office Is $391 a year. PASSENGERS PANIC-STRICKEN Steam, hip Arrives la Port After One ( the I.nnaeat Yeyna-es a Record. NEW TORK. Feb. 14. The steamship Germanic arrived today from Liverpool after what the commander, Captain Smith, said was not only the roughest trip since the vessel went into commission, but the stormiest voysge of his career as a sea man. Great waves broke over the port side and rolled the big steamer until sleep was Impossible for the passengers. The liner made only five knots an hour. The ere was frequently called to allay the alarm of the panicky passengers. There were twenty-nine persons In the first cabin, twice as majy in the second and one of the largest steerage lists on record. The emigrants were panic-stricken. Oil was thrown over the side of the ship. The crew had to move about the deck with ropes fastened to their waists. WILL BREAK THE RECORD Dearer Ksperts Great ( rani at Chris tlan Endeavor Convention to ' Be Hold la Jolr. DENVER, Feb. 14 Rev. Dr. Fran els E. Clark is In Denver msking arrange ments for the great Christian Endeavor convention to bo held here July 9 to 13. Every effort Is being made to beat th. record-breaking attendance of 66,425 at Boston in 1895. ' "We Intend to make this the largest and linnet convention yet held," said Mr. Clark. "We are going to arrange for the finest program yet given and will have the ablest ministers and laymen In the country for our speakers and the muslo will be well looked to." The Christian Endeavor society numbers 60,000 organizations and 3,500,000 people. It Is established in forty countries. LITTLE CHILDJS SMOTHERED Becomes Entangled In Bed Clothing; and I, Beyond Aid When Discovered. The lnfaat child of Charles and Mrs. Jackson of 216 South Twehty-nlnth street died yesterday afternoon under peculiarly distressing circumstances, being smoth ered by Its bedclothes so that It could not be resuscitated, when its condition was discovered. Mrs. Jackson had left the in fant carefully wrapped up on the bed, while she was busy In another room. In some manner the little one became enttngled in the covers and was almost smothpred when the mother came to Its rescue. Medical aid was summoned, but could not save the baby. Mr. Jackson Is night fireman at the Nebraska Telephone building. The In fant was less than a month old. 'FRISCO TO ENTER DENVER Obtains Charter, to Bnlld from Okla homa City to Colorado's Capital. GUTHRIE, Okla., Feb. 14. C. O. Jones, president of the 'Frisco lines in Oklahoma, today announced that the road recently chartered from Oklahoma City to Denver, a distance of 640 miles, will be built for the 'Frisco company and operated by It. . The track layers now completing the 'Frisco from Oklahoma City into Quanah, Texas, will finish b? March 10 and will then be moved to Red Fork to commence the Arkansas Valley ft Western. BURIALS CENTENARIAN'S JOY Hundred-Yenr-Old Woman Dies After Attending? All Local Fnaerala for Year,. BLOOMINQTON. 111., Feb. 14. Mrs. Kath erlne Lyons, 100 years old, died today. She had lived In this county for half a century and had attended every funeral held In Lexington for twenty-live years. Valise Hnd Money Gone. Another Iowa man James Brundell, found trouble In this city yesterday Mr. Brundell Is said to have been in a condi tion not fitted to exercise calm judgment when he arrived, and to have taken a nack which was to deliver him at a hotel. The Union was first visited and then other places where lodgers are taken in, and me iraveier nnany lert at the nostlery known as the Rusty Shovel at Sixteenth and Davenport streets. The Iowa man first, awoKe, in room ro. s, 10 ine zacc m&i nis valise, with all his money in it, waa miss ing. He sold his overcoat for a mess of pork and beans and sought the police. Bam Busey of 804 North Sixteenth street was arrested, but Brundell said that he did not know him. The police think it prob able that the Iowa man Just forgot to re move his baggage from me car when he eppea oui ui me union sutuon. Hotel Employes Dnnre. Hotel and Restaurant Employes' union No. 273 held its first annual ball In the Schllls roof garden last night. A good slsed crowd danced through a varied pro gram of twenty numbers. The affair was pronouncea as a success ty those In at tendance. OMAHA HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. The seniors are planning their next social for March 14. The parents of the seniors are to be Invited to this social and a Jolly good time Is anticipated. The P. O. 8. gave the second of their operatic programs on Thursday. The optra taken for this entertainment was "Loh engrin" and consisted of a story of the opera by Illta Clark, an explanation by Ora Ag!e, a vocal solo, "Elsa's Dream," by Mrs. Sheets, a recitation by hdna bweely. an instrumental piece by Miss btrawn and violin solo By miss Lieve. A number of valentine parties were given by high school students Saturday. Among them wer, the enjoyable affairs given by Jean Fleming for the "Owl and Crescent and the Z. Z. Z ." and another Riven by Miss Sarah Martin for tne Hrownlnx club. A DeiimunHhlo class I being formed at the iilnh school for all student!) who do not write well. A test in handwriting was given several months ao and another on, last week and If no Improvement can bo seen between the two or if the writing Is till Door such pupils win nave to join tne class In penmanship. Anyone lookina for cnthuMasm among students would certainly have found it at Its helsnt by observing tne large garner ing awaiting anxiously the opening of the doors of the large study hall, numbering M. on Friday afternoon. Immediately at the rlnainK of the bell at 2:15 an Immense crowd thronged the halls, making a grand rush for tliu study hull to witness the. entertainment given by the cadets of the school for toe benefit of tne encampment fund. The buys ko to camp every year, to experience the life of real soldiers. The large room used for tne entertainment was filled to overflowing, two and three occupying every seat Hnd every available place In the room ued for sitting and standing. Most of the songs, talks and Jokes were quite original mid were not only Interesting, but amusing. The flrxt numDer wa, a national air o ;ne omunu High school band. The double quartet. with their melodious voices, pleased the audience greatly by singing "Thu Maiden with tne ire&mv Kvfi Meturs. air- brother. Harris and McDiarmld sang "Politeness Is a Gentle Art." composed by Miles Oreenleaf. "Don't Mind Me." by the same author, was sung beautifully by Lealle Mcl'larmld. Other numbers In cluded a chalk talk bv Miles Gr-enleaf. selection by the Mandolin club and "Th, Utile Dutch band," and a xlther solo by Lu Henanaw. Mr. wassei. tne new com mandant of th, hlsh school battalion brought a crack company from Fort Crook to drill for the of the stu dents. This was an un,xpcte4 number and epprecleUd by all. DOMINICAN TREAH ARRIVES Protocol Sending American Claim, to Arbi tration Keceired in Washington THREE ADJUDICATORS ARE PROVIDED FOR rrealdents of Two Hepnbllrs Are to Appoint One Kaoh and Roth To gether Will Xante the Third. WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 Judge rcnneld. solicitor for the Stats department, has e celved from United States Minister Towel! at San Domingo the arbitration treaty, signed by himself and by the Dominican minister for foreign relations, providing for the claims of the San Domingo Im provement company and allied corpora tions. . The treaty provides that the president of the United States shall name one arbi trator, the president of San Domingo an other and both presidents jointly a third. who Bhall pass on the terms of payment of an indemnity to the San Domingo Improve ment company, the San Domingo Finance company of New York, the Central Domln lean railway and the National Bank ef San Domingo. It is agreed that these companies shall withdraw from San Domingo the govern ment of that country to deposit with the United States $4,600,000 gold as Indemnity for the relinquishment of their rights. The companies are to surrender certain American bonds and it Is the duty of the arbitrators to arrange the terms upon which the Indemnity is to be paid. The arbitrators are to meet in Washing' ton sixty days after appointment, but I delay of ninety days Is granted San Do mingo to afford an opportunity tor direct settlement with the companies. Melville Will Keep Post. The statement that Admiral Melville Is about to retire Is said to be erroneous Secretary Moody said today he was sure the engineer-in-chlef has no such inten tion. Admiral Melville also said he Intended to serve until the expiration of his com mission In January, 1904. Homestead Law Amended. The senate committee on public landa to day decided to favorably report Senator Quarle's bill repealing the desert land law, the timber and stone entry law, leaving only the straight five-year residence home stead law, under which the public lands may be taken up for homes. The committee stood seven to six on the vote to report the bill, among the mem bers In favor being Senator Dietrich. SMALL PRICE FOR PAT CROWE Horse of Kidnaping; Fame Is Sold by Police for Fifteen Dollars. "Pat Crowe,", the horse which wss em ployed by the alleged kidnaper in the Cud ahy escapade and which later fell Into the possession of ths police department and has been preased into the emergency serv ice of the patrol department for the pait two years, has been sold. The animal was bought by Dr. Ayers, Thirteenth and Dorcas streets. In spite of the renown surrounding the animal only $15 was realized by the sale. Benefit for Franklin School. I - Pupils of the seventh and eighth grades at the Franklin school have arranged a muslcale to be given to raise money for their picture fund. It will be at Kountxe Memorial church on the evening of Satur day, February 21. Following is the pro gram : PART I. . Organ Prelude. Chorus . Incline Thine Ear Sole Parla (Italian) Ardltt Mrs. Wagqer Thomas. Bugle Call .Qelbel High Bchool Orpheus Club. Chorus Juanlta 8olo (Harp) Chl-Ml-Frena Cheshire Miss Swanson. PART II. Chorus Away to the Fields Water Lilies Llnders Orpheus Club. Chorus Flag Song Bolo Selected Dr. R. W. BalUy. Solo (Harp) Ballade Verdalle Miss Swanson. Chorus and Audience America Raid a Cigar Store. ' The police last night raided the cigar store of Starbuck & Hart at 1620 North Twenty-fourth street, where It was thought a poker game was In progress. J. O. Star buck of 2512 Parker street, and E. O. Hart . a rw. 1.' . . I. T' ....... ....n.V. m t V. Ut " '.J i. 111 iwrnij-iuuiiu . . ... proprietors, were srrested and charged with keeping a gambling house. Ktght other men who were In the place were arrested and charged with being Inmates of a gam bling place. These men all gave fictitious mimes. Two tables and cards were con fiscated. Sergeant Swlgart. Detective Stryker and Patrolman Taylor made the arrests. The card playing was in a rear room separated from th, cigar store by a wooden partition. The officers found a game of cards in progress and chips on the table. The proprietors had V and S86 respectively when searched t the station. One of the men who was arrested and gave WILL The curse of drunkenness Is the beset ting sin of the land. The demon of In temperance makes no discrimination in his victims, striking down rich and poor alike and blighting; the lives of millions every year. Many a young man of brightest promise and greatest mental and physical gifts haa found the dishonored grave of a drunk ard, Instead of the honorable place in so ciety for which bis attainments would have fitted him, and to which hit station In life would have entitled him. In days gone by It was thought that a drunkard wss a drunkard merely because he wished to be so, the popular opinion being that any man could stop drinking if he would only exert sufficient will power. The medical profession have long since recognised the fallacy of attempting to cure a drunkard of his intemperate habits by moral suasion. It has been for years wellknown medical fact that continued Indulgence In alcoholic stimulants causes the stomach and digestive organs to be come diseased. Physicians will tell you, therefore, that in the vast majority of rases .habitual drunkenness is a physical disease, requiring physical treatment. This Is far too practical an age for faith cure" fallacies. It will not now be contended by many sane persons that organic diseases can be cured by mental processes. The secret of the proper way to treat the abnormal craving for drink has been discovered by a chemist of many years' standing, and after thorough test, during hich It has demonstrated that It never falls to perform Its mission, a preparation haa been placed on the market which will CORNER I6TH AND DODCE r.liss Josophino Lano, A Society After Five Years' Suffering from Dackacho and Kidney Trouble Was UAfiritTS SAFE CUBE Ml 88 'JOSEPHINE LANE. "I suffered for over five years with malaria and kidney trouble my whole system was Impregnated with the poison. It affected my general health, robbing me of energy and vitality, and causing severe headache and backache. The digestive organs were also Impaired, so my food seemed tasteless and like lead in my stomach. I pass ed a dreary existence and my naturally happy disposition waa changed Into one of constant Irritation and nurvous inconsistencies. ' ... . "Warner's Safe Cure was the only remedy ever found which helped me. I began taking It In March, and before tire warm weather came I was completely cured, felt like a new woman, full of life and hope. "Words cannot tell how pleased I am to have my health back. I have a keen ap- fetlte and er.Joy my meals; digestion Is perfect. All my aches and pains have left me. have gained nine pounds in weight and I feel in harmony with all the world because I am now perfectly well." Very sincerely, M1S8 JOSEPHINE LANE, 162 Shawmut Ave., Boston, Mass. ... . . Thousands, both men and women, like Miss Lane, have been cured of serious com plications caused by kidney disease neglected, by Warner's Safe Cure, after all so called kidney cures had failed. "SAFE CURE" CURES BACKACHE. If you have pains In the back, rheumatism, uric acid poison, rheumatic gout, diabetes, Brlght's disease, inflammation of the bladder and urinary organs; scalding pains whan you urinate, ecxema. Jaundice, swellings or torpid liver; If a woman, bearing-down sensation, fainting spells, so-called female weakness, painful periods; these symptoms tell you that your kidneys have been diseased for a long time, for kidney diseases seldom put out sucn symptoms as the victim recognises until they have been working several months. You should lose no time get a 5ic bottle of Bafe Cure at your druggist's. It will relieve you at once and effect a permanent cure. It kills all disease Kerms. IF IN IOt BT MAKJS THIS TESTi Let some morning mine stand for twenty four hours In a glass or bottle. If then It Is milky or cloudy or contains a reddish, brick dust sediment, or If particles or germs float about In It, your kidneys are diseased. ANALYSIS FREE. If, after you have made this test, you h velopment of the disease In your system, s Department, Warner's Safe Cure Co., Roo It and sendyou a report with advice free o book describing all diseases of the kidney for each dlspase. All letters from women, read and answ ence in strictest confidence. Warner s Hate Cure is purely vegetabl drugs. It Is free from sediment and pleas most valuable and effective tonic; It Is a sti liver. It repairs the tissue., soothes rnfla feebled organs and heals at the same time, and restores energy. You can buy Bafe Cu A.U 1 A BUTTLE. Beware of so-called kidney cures odor they are positively harmful and WARNER'S SAFE PILLS move the the name of 3. II. Johnson, but who Is said to have been the ekler Starbuck, vis ited the police station earlier in the even ing and made a complaint about a game going on at another place. This led the police to raid the Starbuck A Hart place. The prisoners were all liberated on ball. Charared with Annoylnsr Child. James Garver, an elderly man living at 4501 Grant street, was arrested last night on complaint of Mrs. Karbach. She ac cuses the prisoner with annoying her small daughter, whom she says he followed yesterday morning from the corner of Six teenth and Dodge streets to the place where she works. The prisoner vehe mently declared last night that he had not been near the streets mentioned at all and had not seen the child. He was, how ever, confined In the matron's department of the Jail until the matter could be In vestigated! He was arrested - during, the month of December on a- similar com plaint of following this little girl about. Mrs. Ida Poor In Oregon Asylnm. A telegram to The Bee ' from Tacoma, Wash., states that Mrs. Ida Poor has been sent to the state asylum of Oregon and that she told there that she Itad relatives in Omaha and Council Bluffs, but that no POWER" WILL HOT positively and permanently destroy the craving for liquor, at the same time that It restores the normal condition of the nerves of the stomach and the digestive organs, toning up and improving the health of the patient. "ORRINB" Is the name of this wonder ful preparation, which la now on aale al over the United States, sold and recom mended by the leading druggists of the country. "ORRINE" IS ENDORSED BY THE W. C. T. V. .physicians, clergymen, public men, many members of the Y. M. C. A., and thousands of others. The good work which this remedy has done has made Us name known from Maine to California, and haa caused such a demand for It that Its manufacturers, who are wellknown and prominent men of Washington, D. C have been unable to supply that demand. "ORRINE" Is now on sale In Omaha by Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. wholesale and retail druggists, corner lth and Dodge streets. In every package there la a registered guarantee that this remedy, If taken ac cording to directions, will permanently de stroy the craving for liquor, with the dis tinct agreement to REFUND THE PUR CHASE MONEY if it ever should fall, which It never has done and never will. For the drunkard unwilling to be cured. "ORRINE" can be given In food, tea, cof fee, water or milk, WITHOUT THE PA TIENT'8 KNOWLEDGE. It Is In the form of a small powder, tasteless, odorless and colorless. Thousands of cures have beea effected In this way, and thousands of let ters have been received from grateful wives and mothers, all speaking In the Sherman & LIcGonnell Drug Co., Vholesilo tnd Retail Druggists. STREETS. Loader of Boston, Restored to Health by ave any doubt In your mind as to the de end a sample of your urine to the Medical hester, N. Y., and our doctors will analyse f charge to you, together with a valuable S, liver, bladder ana blood, and treatment ered. by a woman doctor. All correspond- e and contains no narcotic or harmful ant to take - It does not constipate. It 1s a mulant to digestion and awakens the -torpid mmatlon and irritation, stimulates the en It builds up the body. Rives It strength re at any drug- store or direct, to CENTS , - . which are full of sediment and of bad do not cure. bowels gently and aid a speedy cure. response had been received to telegrams sent the persons she named. Mrs. Poor will be remembered as the wife of Charles Poor, a murdered laundryman of Omaha, and as the woman who wandered with her child in the woods for many days, leapM from a train In the east and recently burned all her money In the stove of a car out west. Marriage Lleenses. Marriage licenses have been Issued to: Name and Residence Age. Richard O'Bhaughnesay, St.- Elisabeth, Mo. li Margaret Burke, Kansas City, Mo 24 William F. Manning, Omaha.' 47 Matilda. Radlcke, Omaha 41 Mike Roman, Rochelle, 111 2 Clara Swlgert, Omaha 19 Edward Meahan, Albion, Neb 4fi Mae Fotherglll, Omaha U PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Cora Hyer of the - Boston stnfe's millinery department la In New York. City. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Davlcs left last night to spend two or three weeks tn New York City. ' . : . CURE IT highest terms and most positive way of the complete effectiveness , of this remedy. In every case the patient's health haa been Improved. Prepared by expert chemists, on princi ples recognized as correct by . the medical profession, endorsed by the best physicians "ORRINE" leaves absolutely no had effects of any kind. In tact the medical princi ple upon which It la founded would easily warrant Ita use as a tonic. It cures the drink habit by removing ths craving for liquor, soothing the nerves, curing the diseased stomach linings, bringing back a normal and healthy appetite and restoring normal conditions. , There are absolutely no poisonous drugs, opium, cocaine or other Injurious Ingredients In "ORRINE." In fact, a child could taks It without the slightest risk. But It does the work, and THE CRAVING FOR LIQUOR NEVER RE TURNS. Thomas 8. Hopkins, post commander of the O. A. R. , of Washington, D. C, writes' "Personal Investigation has proven to me that 'ORRINE' cures the liquor habit. I think all the temperance organizations la tho country should take It up and distri bute It." Hundreds of other similar testi monials have been received from promi nent persons all orer the land, aad will b published from time to time, by consent of the writers thereof. Sealed booklet mailed free. The price of "ORRINE" Is U per box. six boxes for $5. Mailed In plain sealed wrapper on receipt of price, by ORRINE COMPANY, Washington, D. C. Sold and rscommended by OMAHA. NED