Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1903, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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LIoney-Makin Secrets
Neyer Before Revealed
taelous Powers of Mind
Control Hitherto. Unknown
Endorsed and Recommended by
Prominent Ministers of
' Oesp:l, Lawyers and
Business Men. .
Over ft quarter million of people have
reed tbli bonk; twenty, editions hive bean
printed. Dig roller presses .. ire now
running day and night ' for the purpose of
supplying thriie who occept Prof. Robert
on'a great ffoo offer which goes Into eft
feet today."
' Thla book describe, the most marvelous,
wonderful and myaterlous power known to
nan. It reveal hidden secret which hare
enable hundreds of persona to maYer for
tunes, for themselves and others.,
" r l'.t1f"' . ' '. f ! 'A l
.14 Lnora -I 1
1-1. V
VS -s-CDllWA KrlMTlflC ACAftmV
You can learn In a few days at home and
xert a ' wonderful Influence over youf
friends and associates entirely without the
knowledge of anyone. You need no sub
jects on which to practice. Impossibilities
are known to these who understand the
marvelous effects of mind control. After
reading thla work you atand amazed at the
wonderful opportunities before you. It
developea the will power, Improves the
memory, tells you how to be successful,
how to cure diseases of all kinds and bow
to eradicate all bad habits and drive them
from the system forever. It tells you how
you may learn to read the secret- natures,
abilities, talents, weaknesses rand vices
of others at a. glance. You can tell the
character of a maji and wield a wonderful
Influence over him though a -thousands
miles away. You can become magnetic,
win and hold friends without number,
give . mott i Interesting entertainment ever
witnessed and become a business and, social
leader in : your community. Prof. Robert -aon
la giving away 100,000 copies of ' hla
remarkable book'. He la doing It for the
benefit of humanity. He Is unfolding to
others a knowledge .of a secret law by
which men and women may change their
lives from hardshlpa and bitter disappoint
ments to lives of. happiness and financial
independence. Prof. Robertson - teaches
men and women how-to get on in the world.
win and control people, gratify their am
Dillons ana accomplish, tneir desires. He
makes you a man of mark, a leader of man.
Ha does for you more than a college .edu
cation can. do. It coata you nothing to
' -write him and get ft free copy of his latest
work. It everything is not fully explained
therein, write again and Prof. Robertson
will be pleased to give you full Information
by letter. But don't delay; write today.
Addreaa Prof. R. P. Robertson, Office 434
L, 1911 Broadway, New York.
: - -V
Call at the below named dm stores an
receive a tree eaniplo of RfcliltK 8 ICC
IF.MA CUKE, the ureal remedy tor hie-
aema. Pimples. Dandruff, Hkm Kruptlons
and Piles. In cases of long standing, pu
rify the blooU by taking Kemick s f eiln
jjiooa ionic.
Front Lssdas. Enalnnd.
' I have used your Remti'kss Kcsema, Cure
and Hemic a repln Huvl Tonic for
treatment of a very dbstlnal case of ec
aema, after havhii consulted the very best
t physicians In this city without success,
and can eoiisoHenttujsly rt-oommend them
to anyone of my (rirnda afflicted with this
dreadful dlea I have been attlivted
with ecsenia for nearly four years, and
.Mouiicit s r-crema l ure ana Kemlr.k s Pep
sin ttlood Tunic have bn-n tha ualv i4.
dies that I have bven able to obtain raliaf
zroip, aner umng mry otner prprtlon.
10 Woutlstock Hd, London, England.
Tor sals by
Uherniitn & MoCunnell Prug Co., l(th and
tchaefer'a'16th and Chicago tit a.
Kuha & Co., l&tb anil lxjuulaa Eta. .
J. it. Merchant, lrtth and Howard Sts.
C. A atcK h-r. t'l f St.. South Omaha.
Oeorge 8. u ivl. West Broalay,
vouncu uiurrt. ja.
Every 17c:
' fur h-U bv
eClAETFR'S il'T UATfc. r'P.VO 6VOB,
. . . . . t i .... , . . . .. .
SJUrusr sva nun vmumv wMwua.
. I I a""'!
t v,v "" v a aminnuw cm www
f i; aitUiesiArat
fVV ' 1 VtL Whlrkaa, fcorsy
Aie fmmr fcMiM av a. av
Piat ai.. u. Haa 4 f - -
in.! KIIi,MHtd rtti.-,.,,to. (J .
la Kt H I t J lift. J n ... sT
OTarprtMnre of Natural Qu Starts
firs in FUts
sy rrrma4 Be for He Caa Be Res
. eaed, While others .Its' le
JsreS la Leavlaar ta
' the Ornal,
PITTSBURG. Pa.., Feb. 14.i-One' person
was cremated, two fatally hurt, two others
erlously Injured and seven buildings to
tally destroyed by Are which visited Taren
tum.a village twelva tnllas north of here,
today. . - i
Ray Craig. H years old, was burned to
death while bit father was trying to rescue
Mm. i .
D. J. Craig, burned about head and body,
also hurt while Jumping from second storA
will die j
Mrs. Craig Inhaled smoke and flamea and
Injured by Jumping; . will recover.
Hope Craig, 8 years old, daughter, burned
about body, also shall fractured by falling
from window; will die.
Shortly Calg, daughter, aged 10, burned
about face and body, arm and leg broken
by Jumping; may die.
The Bra had Ha origin. In the Craig resi
dence, which stands In about the middle of
a block of frame houses.' Each of the
houses destroyed had the first floor occu
pied as a store, the living rooms being
above and In the rear.
' When the Craig family was awakened the
only escape was by the second-story win
dows. Mrs. Craig dropped the girls from the
windows while her husband tried to reacue
his son, but before he could rescue the boy
the entire house was In flames and the
parents were forced to abandon, .him and
Jump. The Ore' was caused by an overpres
sure of natural gas. The property loss Is
about $50,000. .
Powdered Glass and Jeatona Woman
. Fnctrs In Death of Kan
sas Man.
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 14. A second ex
amination of the body of Jacob P. Sieger,
the traveling man who was found dead In
a "rooming house here Thursday, has dis
closed a teaspoonful of powdered glass.
" The police now are still more strongly
Inclined to ,the belief that Sieger was mur
dered for his money, while It is stated also
that there Is a woman, in the case, who
might have prompted the murder through
Jealousy. ' .
8leger was .to have been married to a
Kansas woman within two weeks. . The
three bell boys last seen with Sieger are
still being held on suspicion of having
knowledge of the erlme.
An examination of a pottle of whisky
found In the bell boys' room, examined
Ifter, was also found to contain ground
glass. ,-
The three bell boys, Lauren Baton, J.
H. Hill and Wirde Hamlin, are attll in
custody. The coroner is still pushing tbe
Investigation and 'the' police department
has half a dozen detectives on the case.
Colorado ' Stockmen Import Nebraska
- Hay and Cor vo Keep Aal
' , ' mats Alive.
FORT MORGAN. Colo., Feb. 14. It Is
estimated that fully 6,000 cattle are stsrv
Inff on tbe ranges In thla county.
The .humane' society agent la gathering
them in anJ la tryingto take eare of, them
along; ' the river ' and where hay can bo
bad. Stockmen are bringing in corn and
bay from ' Nebraska to keep their cattle
i alive. ,
Hundreds of horses are dying from eat-
ng sagebrush.
Jarr Bays Ejarlnoer Failed to Observe
Signals and'. Other Officials
k Wre Neajllfent.
PLAINFIBLD. N. J.. Feb. 14. The cor
oner's jury called to Investigate the re
cent wreck at Oraceland N. J., today placed
the blame on James N. Davis, engineer on
the Philadelphia express, for his failure to
observe the algnala displayed.
The verdict aaya that sufficient evidence
was produced to show that tbe company'!
officials were negligent.
form Passes Over Kanaas, Impeding;
' Trains ..and' - Kleetrleal
TOPEKA, Kan.. Feb. 14. A heavy snow
storm passed over Kanaaa ,thia afternoon,
t ringing aritn It nigner temperature. Rail
roads are experiencing much difficulty in
moving trains on time, and telephone and
telegraph companies, are hampered.
Is Crashed by Chronic Troables,
'One of the most weakening, undermining
troubles which mankind Is heir to Is hen)
orrholdr or piles. . The victim is careless
and neglectful of the disease at first be
cause the paia la alight and the bleeding
may only occur occasionally, or he may
be reassured by the occasional disappear
ance of tha symptoms. And yet If at the
very start 8 had found a rational remedy
to sooths the Inflammation he would prob
ably sever have had a return of this irrl
tatlng malady.
Piles may develop at any aeason of the
year sod at almoat any age of the victim;
the abuae of cathartics often cauaea this
Uwuble and a period- arrlvaa when the
dread of pain at ' atool becomea ae great
that the sufferer begins to neglect the calls
of nature and the bowels are either forced
to fetal a tbe fecea .or are only partially
cleared, ' on account of tbe Buffering at
tendant upon a thorough moveaien(.
Before you reach thla Stage use a remedy
which removes tbe cause, thereby eradlcat
ln tbe dlsaaae, and that la the Pyramid
Pile Cure', which la aofd by -all drugglata at
fifty centa a package; it Is In the form of
a aupooaltory, la applied directly to tbe
parte affected and brings about a complete
cure. o.ulkly and painlessly. A valuable
little book on the cause and cure of plies
Is published by the Pyramid Drug Co.
Marshall, Mich,, and we advise every suf
ferer to send for v copy of it.
People who have suffered from piles for
yeara are eftea astonished at tbe Instant
relief experienced from tbe first applica
tion. Another Important advantage- la tha.
tact that au.r one tan. use tbe remedy
without detention front business or Inter
terrace with dally occupation.
"J. feel It suy duly to recommend tha
Pyramid Pile Cure, for after Buffering tec
years with a most distressing form of
piles, 1 am entirely cured, thanks te this
remedy. Any one doubting this can write
Margaret Brad, U Whitman St.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Conrad ta ' FataoW
Veatara rasa.
DE8 MOINE3. Feb. 14. The famous
Ventura rase was decided by Judge McVey
In the district court this morning, the
victory going to Mrs. Ventura, now Mrs.
Judge McVey entered an order modifying
the decree of some Ave years ago and giv
ing Mrs. Conrad the custody of the child,
Lillian, over whom the controversy arose.
The case began some five years ago when
ahe procured a divorce from Prof. Louis
D. Ventura on the ground of cruel and In
human treatment, but allowed the decree
to give him the cuatody of the child. He
took the child to California, where he was
teaching. She went td Minneapolis, where
ahe married E. A. Conrad. ' .
About a year ago she followed Ventura
ta California, kidnaped the child and car
ried hrr off to Minnesota. Ventura brought
habeas corpus proceedings.
In the meantime she came to Dea Motnea
and sought a modification of the decree,
which was today granted. ,
Will I rue Muerml Appropriation to
Pat State Aerrlenltnral Col. rate
on a Pnr with Iowa's. '
AMES, la., Fel. 14 (Special Teleg-am
Committees of the Nebraska state legisla
ture visited tbe 8tate Agricultural college
here today to investigate the working meth
ods of Instruction and equipment of the
''agricultural ' department and experiment
station. - Tbe object of the committees waa
to compare the equipment of tbe schools
with a view to obtaining appropriations
for the Nebraska achool.
The chairman of both the house and
senate committees expressed themselves
satisfied regarding the1 deficiencies of the
achool, and favor liberal appropriations for
college building, stock pavilion, dairy barn,
experiment barn, shops, etc. TheyalK of
an annual appropriation of flOO.OOO.
The faculty portion of the committee be
lieve that by bringing to the eyes of the
legislature the equipment of the 'Iowa
school they can make a liberal appropria
tion possible, with hopes of a one-fifth mill
tax for a period of five yeara aa provided
In Iowa. . r
J a dare Whltsker fees lajanetlon to
FlKht Prlce-Manlpalatlna; Meth.
oda of Oypaam Company,
FORT DODGE, Ia.f Feb. 14. (Special
Telegram.) Judge Whltaker thla after
noon gave a body blow to tho United
Statea Gypsum company,, known aa the
Gypsum trust, when he Issued jk decree en
Joining the Fort Dodge Plaster company
from selling out Its interests to combina
tion, which now Includes four out of the
six mills of Fort. Dodge. The decree was
in the case of C. J. Crawford agalnat The
Fort Dodge Plaster Company, in whloh
the plaintiff alleges that officers of the
United States Gypsum company were ma
nipulating prlcea so as to force him to
sell out. The, trial occupied the entire
week and many . of the officers of the
United States Gypsum company were on
the atand. The lnjjnotlon Issued by Whlt
aker Is permanent.
Penalty for'' lews .Man' Wkt.'Ei
chances 'Worthless Cheeks for .
Railway Tickets. ' , ,
,DES MOINES, la.. Feb". 14. J.-R. Miller,
aliaa Robert Young, alias C. E Paige, who
forged checks on Narrah Stewart and
succeeded in passing "them on tho Rock
Island, tbe Wabash arid Great Western
ticket offices for transportation to Califor
nla and return, waa thla mosrdng sentenced
to eight- yeara' Imprisonment and to pay a
fine of $100, Killer ia wanted la 8ycamore,
111., for a elmllartcrime. 1
Ad vane's la Land Valaes.
CEDAR FALLS, la., Feb. 14. (Special.)
The moving to, town ot Andrew Phelps
from the J. , J. Tolerton . farm brinpea ' -to
mind the rapid and aafe advance which
farm land hss mado In Black Hawk county
during the last twenty years. J. J. Tolerton
waa Judge ot the district court eighteen
yeara ago and he bought this fsrm for $20
per acre. Mr. ' Phelps moved on aa hla
tenant and has remained there .ever since
paying during the eighteen yeara . $10,000
In rent. The farm haa advanced in value
from $20 per acre to $100 per aero and will
not be disposed of at thla figure, the offer
having been recently refused. , ,
Philippine Government Stops Collae
ilon of Fair .Articles Owlsg to
Financial Stringency.
WA8HINQTONi Feb. 14. A serious dis
appointment threatens visitors to ?the St.
Louis world's fair. In the probable cur
tailment of the Philippine exhibit.
The jnsular governnent aet apart 1260,
000 In tbe expectation that the fair officers
would allot an equal amount.
Now it seems the fair authorities cannot
aee their way to meet thla expectation and
to prevent the waste of money on an In
adequate display the whole work of gathering-
the arttclea for display haa been
stopped. .'-'
8T. LOUIS, Feb. J4. Walter B. 8tevena,
secretary of the Louisiana Purchase Expo
sition company, said tonight :
It waa the original proposition of the
Philippine government to spend t6o0,0 for
an exhibit If the xpoIUon company wtuld
Srnvlde 1100.000 additional. This aum was
uly appropriated' by. the exposition di
rectorate. Later when the Philippine treasury suf
fered a severe drain because of the plague
raging in the islands It was decided to
cut the appropriation In ha!. Not
withstanding that, at tha request of the
government, the world's fair management
agreed to spend the aiUttIona.1 tlui,uou.
Kecently Dr. W. II. Wilson, chairman of
the Philippine leiand commission, wrote,
asking if the executive commission 'woliid
confirm this agreement. This waa done.
1 will repeat that the exposition com
pany atill atands ready to put up the $10,
000 to be uaed with the Slai.flO appropria
tion by the Philippine government for an
exhibit. ,
England Ordera Snbmnrlne Boats.
The British government recently placed
ap order tor five .aubmarlae boats for
use in future naval warfare. Thai country
waa among the laat of the great powers to
realize the value of them. To realize the
wonderful curative powers in Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters It la only necesssry. to
try one bottle. It will be sufflHent to
convince yoa tbst It will positively cure
sour stomach, belchlng heartburn, in
somnia, indigeatlon, constipation, alyspepala
or malaria, fever sad ague. Don't fail to
V .
Western Stats Imposes Close Season
on Deer. Shoop, Elk and
DENVER, Colo.. Feb. 14. Ths flsd. lor-
estry and gams committee of the state to
dsy decided to Impose a closed season of
I four yeara on deer and all years oa Sheep,
J elk, aatelone and other big game.
Board of Education Haa Special Meeting
Moods Sight.
FIHns; of tnarces Aftslast Certain
Members of the, Board to Be
Amonar the Tonles DIs
cassei?. President Miller of the Board of Educa
tion haa called a special meeting of the
board for Monday night. At tbe last ses
sion tbe board merely adjourned and that
meant that unless a call waa issued an
other meeting would not be held until
Mondiy evening, March 2. Some matters
have come up recently which Miller con
siders of Importance, hence the special call.
Notice of tbe call to be Issued was passed
around among tbe members laat week, ao
when "the official notice was given out yes
terday no surprise was expressed.
It is understood that at this meeting
bids for the laying of a foundation for the
propoaed high school building will be ad
vertised for and that the Cock matter will
be taken up and disposed of. ' In addition
to these Items, which are of public in
terest, vtll come the filing of chargea
against certain members. These charges
are now in course of preparation and it Is
expected that the attorneys will have the
papers In shape to file on Monday night.
Should there be any delay In aecurlng the
records desired there will be another
called meeting before the end of ths
month. I
Aa the nine members of the board are
fighting among themselves and all appear
to be fighting against the proposition to
compel each member to provide hlmsejf
with a surety bond before he qualifies for'
the office, the session probably will be quite
interesting to the general pubflc.
Wiila Sqnnttera Moved.
Martin M. Manamon senda a communica
tion to the mayor and council respecting
the removal of aquatters. He statea that
he desires to erect two houses at the
northwest corner ot Twenty-seventh and
K atreets. Before he commences building
he wanta the city to have the aquatters.
who have shanties in the rtreet directly
opposite his lots, move. This queatlon haa
been up before the council and city at
torney for years past. Now that a prop
erty owner wants to build, it la expected
that the city offlclala. will take ateps to
oust the aquattera all over the city.
' Iteceptlon Monday Night. .
Monday evening Colonel and Mrs. C. M.
Hunt will hold a public reception at their
home. Twenty-fifth and B at?eeta. In honor
of the marriage of their daughter ooe to
Dr. Warren H. Slabaugh. Both the bride
and groom have many friends la Omaha
and South Omaha and the reception prom
ises to be a brilliant affair. Within a
short time Dr. and Mra. oiaoaugn win
Journey to Ohio and thence tev New W
leana. The trip will tKcupy about a
Jiatntss Snhool Musicals.
Friday evening of thla week a mualcale
will , be given at Jungmann echooi. the
object being tbe aecurlng ot funda for ad
ditional books for the school library.
Those who will take part In rendering the
program are:. Miss Jessie Carpenter. Miss
Belle Beedle, Miss May Lovely. Jamee
Calvin. Arthur Howe, Miss Bertha Clark,
Hiram Scovllle. The pupils of the school
atao will assist.
Inekey-mlth Contest.
"n,. name Luckey-Mlchael Smith con
test to determine who la entitled to a seat
In the city council was ended yeaterday by
the case being thrown out ot court. Shortly
after tha election last aprlng Luekey gave
notice of a contest hut Smith was seated
and has since served as a councilman. The
case wss postponed time and again until
yesterday, when It waa called and an order
of dismissal waa entered.
Troop Officers Retnrn.
The officers of the South Omaha cavalry
troon who were ordered to Lincoln on
Thursday last to present themselves before
a board for examination returned yester
day. The examination commenced Friday
forenoon and continued .through the day
and a porlidn of Saturday. While no im
clal returna have been received. Jt la tin
deratool that the three commlasloned effl
cere summoned for an examination passed.
Cndnhy Settles.
Saturday forenoon Ctty Engineer Beal re
ceived a telephone message from the uua
ehr nlant In connection with the taking out
of permits for the bulldinga . now under
construction there. Bhortiy aner tne mra
aasa br phone was received the city engl
neer waa in receipt of a check for the fee
for the full amount due on the new glyoer
tne 'factory. With thla check came a letter
requesting that the repalra to tho coolers
be Included In the amount. In reply to this
note Engineer Beal eatd that he had been
Instructed by the city council to aee to it
that an accurate accounting of all build
ings and repairs be made. He declined to
nermlt the $5 paid for the glycerine, factory
to apply on the repalra and demanded an
other permit. After thla, persons wno con
template making repairs or erecting new
bulldlnge will be required to submit plans
and specifications to the city engineer.
' Clark's Cooajb Core.
D. S. Clark, the leading druggist of South
Omaha, guarantees every bottle of Clark'a
Cough Cure. It is on ot the best remedies
on the market today and purchasers tafc
no chance In giving it a trial. Even In
cases of most troublesome coughs this cure
has been effective.
This cough and cold remedy eells for 25
centa and 50 cents Peruna la now Selling
for 2 cents. Pierce's Prescription, 65 cents
Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tableta 40 cents, Lydla
Plnkham'a Compound, 69 cents, Brerao Qui
nine 15 cents. Ayer'a Hair Vigor 7S cents
8. 8. 8. 75 cents. Syrup of Figs (5 cents
These prices penain to cssh sales only
We are agents for' the Buckeye Cabinet
bath, the beat cabinet made. We have cut
the price to $4. . D. J. t-'LAttn.,
2422 N Street,
gperlat Sale of CorsetB.
We are overstocked with corsets. On
Mondav and Tuesday the following well
known brands will be sold at a discount of
25 per eent:
Thompson's Glove Fitting.
The Famous J. J. C. corset.
The Cresco corset.
' These corsets come In sll lengths, styles
snd colors,
gee our display In the Twenty-fourth
street window.
Maclc t'ltr ttoaalp.
Mra J. B. Watklns Is on the sick Hat.
City ""reasurer llowo went out yesterday
i hurtle in uersonal taxes. '
Mra. J. C. ("arlev la vifclting friends and
relatives in New York stale.
A eon has been born to Mr. and Mrs. 8.
A. Bat;ombe. Thirty-second and A atreets.
Frank A. 8trykr Is reported to be rap
Idly recovering from his recent severe ill
nesa. nnv now rhalrs have been ordered for
the Ffrat .Methodist, Episcopal Sunday
Hev R. L. Wheler W11 preach morning
and evening today at the First Presby
terian church.
Cards are out announcing the marriage
of William M. Graham and Mlsa fennle H.
Jjenuls at the home of Ute bride's brother.
f. E. IVnnts. Twenty-fifth and It streets,
Wednesday evening of thlr week.
Dr. and Mra. W. H. fllabRiiah are milk
ing arrangements for a reception ot frlemis
to be helii shortly.
Jerry Fltzgersld is around again, but It
will be some time before he gets his left
arm out of a sling.
T. C. Marsh will have charge of the V5r.
worth league meeting at tri4 Methodist
church this evening.
Mra. I C. Qlbson gave a breakfast Sat
urday morning to sixteen of her friends at
her home on N street.
Denna Allbery returned last nlcht from
Iowa, where he event the week In attend
ing to business matters.
W. H. Oierton. formerly secretary of the
Young Men's Christian association here. Is
now located at Durham, N. C
Beat coals. Try our famous Jupiter, lump,
egg or nut. K. H. Howland Lumber and
Coal Co., 43S North 24th St. 'Phone .
John F. Kltchhart, who recently acquired
the Reed hotel, will give a dinner this
afternoon to a number of Invited guests.
A Hurllngton mixed train bumped Into a
couple of box cars In the upper yards yes
terday and did considerable damage to the
box cars. -
The chief of police Is especially active
these days on account of the report that
confidence men are In the city trying to
work western stockmen.
The King's Daughters of the First Pres
byterian church will meet at the home of
Mrs. Cyrus Wrlsht, Twenty-fifth and H
streets. Friday afternoon of this week.
Mrs. Herman Beal entertained the New1
Century club at her home. 1M2 North
Twenty-fifth street, Thursday afternoon.
There were music, cards and refreshments.
With the payment of a fine into the treas
ury of the federal court yesterday John
C. Gammlll severed hla connection with
the United States postal sen Ice. It Is un
derstood here that Gammlll will visit his
brother at Nelson, Neb., for a time.
Injnrles Received In a Fnll Months
Abo Reaalt In Ills
. Denth.
Father Aloystus Bosch, aged 50 years, died
at St. Joseph's hospital at 9 o'clock Sat
urday morning. He was unable to survive
the severe operation which had been made
necessary by a fracture of a leg.
Father Bosch was in Omaha last Au
gust, speaking in churches In solicitation
of aid for tbe Indians of his mission, the
Holy Rosary st Pine Ridge agency. About
a month later, while returning from a call
upon a alck Indian at the agency, he fell
from hla horse and suffered the Injury of
hla leg which was much more serious than
waa then realized. He was out again
later, but wrenched the Injured member
and brought on a condition worse than
before. Four days ago he waa brought to
the hospital here.
Hla misfortune prompted unusual dem
onstrations of sorrow by the Indians, for he
had labored faithfully and gently with
them for fifteen yeara and had endeared
himself to them. He was born in Germany
and had been in thla country twenty years.
Tbe body will be taken to St. John's
church at 6 o'clock this evening and at
7:10 the office of the dead will be chanted.
The funeral will be at 8:80 tomorrow morn-
ng, the body to be taken to Holy Sepul-
cher cemetery after the mass,, and there
rest with those of his religious brethren
who have gone before.
Eta Chapter of Phi ttho Sigma Ini
tiates Crelghton Modlcnl Col
lege Students.
Three docile undergraduates of Crelghton
Medical college traveled the rocky road
through the Inner portala of Eta chapter
of Phi Rho Sigma fraternity Saturday night.
THey were Edward Rooney, Harry O. Cox
and Beecher B. Baldwin, and their exist
ence during the painful process ot admis
sion Into tbe secret ranka waa not a atate
to be envied. .
All the Information these ambitious col
legians were glveq as to what would happen
to them waa a command to be on tbe High
achool grounds at 8 o'clock abarp. - They
were there, and after they had been at
tacked, from behind and gagged and bound
and blindfolded and disrobed and robed
again In fantastic garb they were allowed
to saunter up and down Farnam street for
a time, doing ridiculous stunts along the
way as per Instructions. 1
When the physical penance was com
pleted, the candidates were taken to the
fraternity hall at Fourteenth and Dodge
atreeta and there the ritual waa adminis
tered. After that a banquet was served, at
which many alumni membera were present,
besides the local chapter men.
Protective Association State Conwen.
tloa to Bo la Omaha April
34 and SB.
At tbe meeting of the executive commit
tee of the state dlvlalon of the Travelers
Protective association It waa decided to
hold the atate convention at Omaha, April
24 and 25. There will be delegates pres
ent from the posts at Omaha, Nebraska
City, Lincoln and Fremont. The con
vention will open with a banquet Friday
night and the business session will be held
The annual meeting of Post A will be
held March 27 and 28. At the state con
entlon delegates will be elected te the
national convention and officers will bo
selected for the year. The post will elect
officers and delegates to the atate conven
tlon: All delegates and members ot the
society are to be Invited to take part In
the banquet. Tbe executive committee
has decided to offer a gold emblem ring to
each member o the order securing five
members between now and the state con
Snpposed Robber, of Wolfs Jewelry
Store in Jail Again Under
K Conditions.
Strolling Into, ths police atation Saturday
afternoon, Tbomas Ford asked for a physl
clan; His appearance was aufficlent to war
rant Desk Sergeant Marshall Inviting him
inside, the ratling and locking him up.
Ford was delirious and Imagined that 'his
anatomy was filled with microbes: He
gained disfavor with Jailer KTlrk by stating
that the cells were filled with them. Ford
waa in jail aome time ago under suspicion
ot having broken In a show wlndo'v ot
Wolf's Jewelry store and making away with
t,wo valuable diamond rings, but was re
leased subsequently. Later he returned to
the city frota Terre Haute, Ind., with
thirty-five gold rings in his possession.
Though thoroughly advertised, no owner
was ever found for the property, which
Ford later Disposed of for $3. He seems
a physical wreck and is said to be a victim
of drugs. ,
No Verdict In First Trlnl for Grave
Robbing at Indlaa
apslls. INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. 14. At 6:50 p.m.
the Alexander Jury sent word to the court
Ihst the could not agree.
Judge Bailey refused to accept the re
port and sent tbe Jury back to deliberate
until 10 tomorrow morning.
Juror White, who became ill ls'-t. night,
was taken Ick again thla morning and the
doctor was sent for. He bad been ballot
ing with the rest of tbe Jurors while lying
la bed. ,
To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great KJdtie Rem
edy Will Do for YOU,
May Have a Sample
Weak and unhealthy kidneys are
In; than any other disease: therefore,
kidney trouble Is permitted to continue,
Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys most, because
they do most and need attention first,
If you are sick or "feel badly. " begin
great kidney, liver and bladder remedy,
well they will help all the other organs
The mild and Immediate effect of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney and
bladder remedy, la soon realized. It stands
the highest tor Its wonderful cures of the
most distressing cases. Swamp-Root will
set our whole system right, and the best
proof ot this is a trial.
' 14 West 117th St.. New York City.
Dear Sir: Oct. 15th, 1901.
"I had been suffering seve.rly from kid
ney trouble. All symptoms were on
hand; my former strength and power had
left me; I could hardly. drag myself along.
Even my mental capacity was giving out
and often 1 wished to die. It was then 1
saw an advertisement of yours, in a New
York paper, but would not have paid any
attention to it had it not promised R
sworn guarantee with every bottlo of
your medicine, asserting that your
Swamp-Root is purely vegetable and does
'riot contain any harmful drugs. J. am
seventy years and four months old, and
with a good conscience I can recommend
Swamp-Hoot to all sufferers from kidney
troubles. Four, members of my family
have been using Swamp-Root for four
different diseases, with the same good
results." 1
With many thanks to you, I remain
Very truly yours.
You may have, a sample bottle of this
famous kidney remedy, Swamp-Root, sent
free by mall, postpaid, by which you may
test lta virtues for such disorders as kid
ney, bladder and uric acid diseases, poor
EDTIORJAL NOTICE If you hsve the slightest symptoms of kidney or blad
der trouble, or. if there la a trace of it I n your family history, send at once to
Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., 'who will gladly 'aend you by mall, Immedi
ately, without 'cost to you. a aample bottle of Swamp-Root and a book containing
many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from -men and
women cured. In writing, be sure to say that you read thla generous offer In The
Omaha Sunday Bee.
Figuring on
a western trip?
California? . Oregon? Idaho? Washington? Montana? TJtah?
Now Is the time to go. Greatly reduced rates in effect dally,
February 15 to prll 80.
Rock Island Is the line to take. Shortest to Southern California.
Ecenle line of the Northwest,
Drop in and let us give you full Information about our through
tourist car aervlce to Pa ifle Coast points.
it aiMiaii ?
There Is seldom a day that I am not consulted by an unfortunate suf
erer who If he had consulted me In regard to his condition In its
early stages, 1 would have cured him and aaved him much suffering, annoy-
nee' ami expense. Thin. I conahier, is due to lack of knowledge on the part of
the one who has previously treated the case; therefore, 1 say to you. If you are
suffering from any dlwase or condition peculiar to men, or If you have bean
a victim and been disappointed In not getting a permanent cure eUiewhere, 1
would ask that you come to my .office. I will explain to you OL'K HYHTEM
OK TRKATMKNT, which I have originated and developed after a whole llfe'a
experience In the treatment of special diseases of men. I will give you a
thorough examination, together with an honest and scientific opinion of your
case if 1 nnnr you are iiicumuir. .
caat- curable 1 win gi xuu n irsai iuuiuki
powlble time without Injurloua after effecta.
permanently cured
without a cutting
or tying operation.
No iam or Ions of
time. -ixc
We care not of how
long elandlne, aa
we cure .hem at
once. I
cured without di
lating or cutting;
HO pain.
in all Its forms
permanently cured
by my system of
permanently cured
without Injurious
afur effects.
promptly restored
to netural, vigor-
cannot call,
sent in plain
5 i''tid$ uA
State Electro-Medical Institute,
1308 Farnam Street, Between 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha. Neb.
Offlcs Hours I a. m. to I p. m. Bundaye, 10 to 1 only.
' T 11 ' . avow. W i "si 1. "
"in i'''.n
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Everv Reader oT "The Bee"
Bottle Sent Free by Mail.
responsible for more sickness and suffer-
when through neglect or other causes,
fatal results are sure to follow.
taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the
became as soon as your kidneys are
to health. A trial will convlce any on e.
digestion, when obliged to pass your
water frequently night and day, smarting
or Irritating In passing, brick oust or sedi
ment In the urine, Leadache backache or
lame back, dizziness, sleeplessness, nerv
ousness, heart disturbance due to bad kid
ney trouble, skin eruptions from bad blood,
neuralgia, rheumatism, 'diabetes, ' bloating,
Irritability, wornout feeling, lack of ambi
tion, loss of flesh, sallow complexion or
Blight's disease.
If your water, when allowed to remain
undisturbed in a glass or bottle for twenty
four hours, forma a sediment or settling or
has a cloudy appearance. It la evidence that
your kldnoya and bladder reed immediate
Swamp-Root is the great' discovery of
Dr. Kllmerahe eminent kidney and bladder
specialist. ' Hospitals use It with wonder
ful success In both alight and severe cases.
Doctors recommend it to their patlenta and
use it in their own families, because they
recognize in Swamp-Root the' greatest and
most successful xemedy.
Swamp-Root la pleasant to take and Is
for aale the world over at drugglata. In
bottles of two alzea and two prices fifty
cents , and one dollar.. Remember the
name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, and the address, Blnghamton, N. Y.,
on every bottle.
G . A. Rutherford, D. P. A.
1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb..
win iinf-wj j " ,n ?vu.
to cure you In the shortest
bus snd lasting
stopped In from
thres to five days.
- M &ESt A
pimples or any
ain tlieues yer
inansntiy cureu In
tba sliurieal puaal
9ls Unit,
cured to eta y cured
without cutting.
of men cured in
from ten to thirty
uays. No cutting,
no detention trout
troubles by our
system o i treat
mast are Im
proved at ones and
permanently cured
AH correspondence strictly confidential and all
envelopes. Enclose 2c Stamp to Insure prompt