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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1903)
THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. . February, 15, 1903; THOSE PHENOMENAL FIGURES Published In these columns two and three weeks ago, showing what stride have been made by the II AX K KHS HKSRHVK I.IFK, re at 111 the talk of business people, whether In the life Insurance business or engaged In other lines. B. H. Roblson, president of the Bankers Ronrrre Life Association, the aggressive western company which has become so widely and favorably known, shook up the dry bonrs of the life Insurance world In his annual report. In Insurance circles the phenomenal figures contained In that re port have been the principal topic of dis cussion ever since they were made public. Friends are congratulating the company with great sincerity and foes are admitting that no other life Insurance company In the west has ever made so remarkable a record. ' JIST TIIISK OK TI1K KIWI RKBI Premiums for 1!K12 S 17!.509 14 Invested aewts for 1902 6K.6'9.1S "HSh In lnk lKHcmber 31, 2fi.2H4.B1 Net ledger assets Dec. 31, 1902... 92,94:1.99 New liiiKlncHK i.mi.T-rtM Tolal InHurance In force 6,234,500.0 DKATII 11ATK I.OWKKT IN AMKItlt'A. Only $1,500 In losses Incurred during the year 1902. Every loes paid and every ob ligation met prior, to maturity. Not a ledger Item of Indebtedness which Is duo nd unpaid. Not a contested rlaltn on the records or In the courts. Tut these facts together with that other great fact that the Bunkers Reserve Life Association began writing lis present forms of policies but little more than three years ago. . 11. If. IlOfllSON, PHUSIDEST, And his corps of agents and associate officers have a right to be proud of the yoimg company. They have earned the legitimate privilege of proclaiming to the world that here In the heart of the central west the people are building up a home company which will one day be a pillar of strength to the financial welfare of the west. mOFITAUI.K POSITIONS TO PRO DKKHS, The Bankers Reserve Life Is extending Its . field of operations to other states, thereby has choice territory and lucrative positions open to business ...and profes sional men who can organise, or life In surance producers can obtain positions on most liberal terms. . BANKKItS RKSEHVK LIKE, OMAHA. FOR LEAN PEOPLE A Sure Cure for Those That Lack Enough Flesh. - Many ladles and gentlemen who have no sickness are too thin, owing to lack of as similation. Their food does them no good. Dr. Whitney's Nerve' and Flesh Builder Is a wonderful and expensive treatment . for undue thinness, and unfailing In stomach and nervous diseases. We know so posi tively that this Is true that we offer the proof at our own cost. A convincing thlal package Is sent absolutely free In. plain sealed wrapper. Dr. Whitney's special treatments for extreme nervous exhaustion, development of the bustand giving bloom and color, chronic cough and weak lungs, are of the greatest possible value. It will pay you to wrlto the D. Y. Jones Co., Elra'lra, N. Y., today for full particulars and sample. Dr. Whitney's preparations are sold In Ohaha by the Bherman-Mc-Connell Drug Co. , . ,. Better Think About This There are engravings and en gravings, but the kind that are really good are the ones we make J. Manz Engraving Co. CHICAGO: NEW YORK: 195-207 Canal St. 22-25-27 City Hall Place DIG WAGES TO MEN art J WOMEN mm Mr. Taeeell made SI.AUO the Aral A a months. y 7 ii Mr. Wias, of 8 1.,U l.tcUy. Mr.Clar, r I of Vt.. tint day. Mr. !VeTe. of Me! I0 one afternoon. Mr. litiott, of PM l7 ftrst two dare. 111. Howard, of la., .. 40 In on WMk. Hundred-, of others making big moDer aellinr and appoint In aiiouU for taakrr Vajxtr lUtlfii diUofla Price leduced. Let ue atari yon. We fnrnieo overfilling. Anrone willing to work can maka SJ0 to S4U a work eaty. Graateat niouer-nialier known. Juet what otarrbody aeede. Wonderful Mailer. Wi'n old in. Capital ist.UM 04. ffitl ftor Mow flaw. Temea, Kta.. sTHsvC AuJreea. I WOJUB Uf CO.. 6X1 Worts Btdg., CbMlnaatl, 0. I Carpenter's Letter (Continued from Sixth rage.) chappy-tot-Allgemeene-Dlenstverrlchtlng. " I was almost stunned when the policeman rattled out the name, and was surprised to lesrn that it meant only porter with a puna cart, and that notwithstanding his title his chsrges were but 15 cents for the service. About sn hour Jater I wanted to go to see a machine factory and was told that the "Nederlandlscbe-voor-8cheeps-en- Werktuigbouw-'FIJencord' " was one of the largest, employing thousands of workmen; and when I asked If I could not see the American consul general the same day, my landlord informed me I could, for he lived on Van Vollenhovcnetratt, and I could drive there on my return from the factory. . In deed, I can't remember the simplest of these Dutch directions, and I find the language almost as difficult as the Choctaw or the Chinese. FRANK O. CARPENTER. His Probable Price "Wa-al, some ways I'd like to an' some ways I guess I wouldn't," said honest Farmer Bentover when the suave dispenser of encyclopaedias had paused In his siren song. 'Ye see. If I was to sign for that 'ere cyclopedic In forty-seven parts, ln cludln' the Index an appendicitis, I'm sor ter afraid I'd' her to work so hard to pay fcr it tnet I'd be too tired to enjoy readln' 1t; while If I read It at my leesure, as I'd ort to, ; In order to git the good of It, I wouldn't hev time to earn the price. So, all things considered, I guess I'll hev to deny myself the privilege, as It were. Looks sorter like rain off to the north west, don't It?" Judge. Pat's' Puzzle"" , Five or six men were recently chatting In a village Inn, when one of them said: . "I say, I bets ye dinners all. 'round ye can't tell me the answer to a puzzle I knows of." ' ; , - . "Done," said they; "I bet we can. What Is it?" - t - ..... . "Well," said Pat, "why is a journalist the funniest creature in the world?" . After vsinly trying for about two hours, they sadly said they must glvu it up.' "Why," said the delighted Pat, "because his tale comes out of his head, don't it?". London Spare moments. - Reflections of a Bachelor . After marriage love plays the tolls on the Installment plan. , Men will love their enemies when they hate, themselves.. The Idiot. who thinks the way to save money is to get married never stops to think that all his losses at poker wouldn't pay the .wages of a baby's nurse. It spoils a woman's enjoyment of a play not to' be able to decide what kind of rib bon the herolno must be .wearing In thu corsci cover mat, goes wun ner gown. New York Press. t ... . Fromlthe : Father's Side - Senator Graphter Well, did Sterling shy he'd-vote for our bill T . .-w. . t Senator Malnchantz No, he said ' he couldn't .Imagine a' bill of a more crooked and odious character, r . - - Senator Graphter Did you tell him I was fathering -the; measure? - , i- Senator-Malarhantz Yes, and he said. ho fancied the bill i characteristics had been inherited. Philadelphia Press. PRINTERS AND BINDERS I F Y O U YOU'LL II EAR FROM IT 41441. 9. I3TH ST.. OMAHA For 70 Years Dr. Marshall's Catarrh Souff has kept on Curing Catarrh Tbo Oldaot Remedy, bus national reputation and haa never bee eq nailed for the Instant rellrf and permanent on re of Catarrh, Ooldi In the brad and the attendant Headache and Dvafntaa. Re. tore. Lcet bVbm of Smell. Immediate relief uarauteed. Qnarantoed perfeotlv h.rmleaa. Aek Sour deader for it. Krfnw all euoetltutee. Prion 5 oenta. All draa.Uite, or br mall poetpaid. OUealara free. P. C. KEITH. (Mfr.). CUvcUad. Ohio nrnonpniiiE-opiun II V U andLAmAJfCM HABITS cured bra am a palnleaa home treatment, endorsed and . . oaed by leadlni phratelaua. Atrial treat tmonl notnient to oonTtaoe yoo, aaul f reo wtut took of teaclmonlala aaal.l, Oonospoadaaeo Oonadaattai, OPA Bl-s.tJlAi.1 1 Ctk, Pat. It. oaaaatemle. I.VaT s v -rarr The Keystone of Good Health la pure food. Lion OoffQO is all coffee no glazing of eggs or glue to conceal de fects and cheapen its quality. Fresh and uniform, rich in flavor, because always in sealed packages never in bulk. The Key to Eminence is the choice of ements SMITH PRElrMIErR Typewriter Complete Keyboard Machine with every .. Improvement that the ablest mechanical experts can suggest. The Smith . Premier is Abreast of the Times , . . It has helped thousands . of , young' people to get ; and hold good positions .... - - ; : . ILLUSTSATCO CATAbOQUC NOUTOUCHn Tvpcwnitino Instruction boor Fact Ihl Smith Premier II Typewriter Co. Cor. 17th and Farnam Streets, OHAHA, NEB. ARNOLD C. KOENIQ Aaaoe. Mam. Am. 8oe. C. . Man. Am. W-Wka Alt's CIVIL ENGINEER , . s. DninrrT burveyou. 114 bee Bldf.. Omaha. Water Supply. Sewerage, Orada Plata, Illlai, Brldgaa, Koota. Btaadplpas and Steal Towers and Tanka. Xiamlnatlona and reports oa railway, waterpowar and electrical power tranamtaalon paojacta. THEANGELUS "Big Four" A Railroad OF THE PEOPLE Operated FOR THE PEOPLE And Recognized BY THE PEOPLE as the standard passenger line of the Central Mates. 2,500 miles of railway In Ohio. Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky & Michigan Write for folders. Warren J. Lynch, W. P. Deppe, Oen'l. Pass. & Asst. Oen'l. P. Ticket Agt. & T. A. CINCINNATI. OHIO. "Blue Ribbon" The Perfect Table Beer. Brewed with pure artesian well water, the highest grade barley malt and Bohemian hops, and Is brewed in the cleanest brewery In America, and has the ofBcial endorse ment of the United 8tates Health Bulletin, the leading authority on health, sanitation and hygiene. Who after a complete and disinterested examination pronounce Stors Blue Ribbon the purest and best of beers. Blue Ribbon will tone up your appetite and aid digestion. Only the choicest ma terial used and absolute ctcanliness main tained in bottling, cases of either quart or pint bottles delivered at your homes. Storz Brewing Co., OMAHA, NEB. Try a Sample Caae. Telephone 1260. YOU CAN BUY OUR HALF"TONE ENGRAVINGS . which appear from time to time In The Illustrated Bee. On small portrait cuts we make a nominal price of $1.00. On larger cuts,' 6 cents per square inch. They are all In first-class condition. Our photographic department will also print additional copies of our original photographs at a reasonable rate. The Bee Publishing Co,, Omaha, Neb. miss uppiNcorrs LOWER SEEDS SutaHhnaa, SO Varlettea Bejel Saew raeej, loo MaI eweeireu, V Varleuua aetera. Bised. all alnda These rear fitkili (Bel aiue for ae and names I of two flower lorinfc friend. V My 11th anneal oataloa andl .book, "rienirellen,"raal IBB C. M. urriNvon, If You Have an Angelus Toil can play anything, from a Chopin's Nocturne to "Mr. Dooley," and it Is so delightful to be able to sit down and play a piece of music as it ought to be played. You know that the technique will be perfect, and you give the expression yourself, just as you would if you were playing with your own fingers and had your foot on the pedal. Attractive booklet given to Inquirers. A. Hospe Co., . I5IJ Douglas St., Omaha, Neb.' All ro w.b. I , 4 t'vCrw I 1 N&eJbr- 1 .