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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1903)
20 THIS OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1003. COMPLAINS AGAINST HUSBAND Wonaa Bays the la I)rfae While pease Spends Money 'or Drink. Mr. Bert Weugh, residing st 802! Llnd sey street, called t police headquarters yesterday end told pitiful tale. Mra. Waugh stated that her husband's fondness for liquor had reduced the family to a atate of almoet complete destitution, and as a conaequenre of his squandering every cent wblch he might chance to earn for drink, there was but little food In the home. "I hare four small children at home now," aald the weeping wife, "waiting for me to return with food. God knows that I am unable to get It. They have Insuffi cient clothing to withstand the raises of this winter and are being kept in the house to protect them from Illness. We ara with out fuel. We have received some fod and fuel from neighbors." Mrs. Waugh was accompanied by her mother, Mra. Mattle McManlgal, with whom he resides, and who also made a plea for assistance. Waugh has wealthy parenta In Marcellua, Mich., from whom he receive money, but which, his wife says, never reaches her hands. He waa fined fl and costs in the police court Friday for being found drunk. Mra. McManlgal will prefer charge against him for neglecting hla fam ily. The two women were directed to the mayor for temporary assistance. RATES ON EXCESS "BAGGAGE Jobber Iadare Railroad Com pa alee to Poitpon Ko forcemeat of New gehedale. The protest of the Jobber at Missouri liver point against the Increase In the minimum charge for excess baggage baa resulted In a temporary agreement whereby the railroads will postpone the enforcement of the new rule from March 1 until April 1 and will give the Jobbers an opportunity to meet the general passen ger agents aom time during the month of March, when the situation will be can VMaed and final action taken in the matter. Some of. the roads had gone so far a to Issue instructions to agent, making the order . effective March 1, but these in structions have been superseded. In the time between now and the data of meet ing the Jobber on the river will make arrangements to send a strong delegation to the meeting of the passenger agenta, and they hope to have the present rate continued. The tannery Treat I not a fact, but a subject of more Im portance to the public, I a nw method adopted by us through the agency of the celebrated Barnes A Erb new steam press machine. It Is no longer neces sary to iron the life out of a shirt to glv It the proper finish. The New Won der Worker do It all by pressure, thus Insuring three times the wear out of a shirt wtJile reproifuclng the appearance of a new one each time It la returned from the laundry. We have the only machines of this kind in the west, and respectfully request the public to give them a trial, and we will be pleased to show the New Wonders working to all visitors. CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, 211 3. 11th St. Tel 254. No change In prices. Have Root It. Genuine Imported beer on draught. Ed Maurer', 1306 Farnam atreet. Very Lonr Rates. Both one-way and return trip tickets at very low rate will be sold via Missouri Pacific railroad and It connections, to certain point south and southwest. Limit of round-trip tickets twenty-one days. Stop-over allowed on going Journey. On sale Tuesday, February 17. . For further Information call at company' office, S. E. cor. 14th and Douglas sts., Omaha, Neb. T. F. GODFREY, Pas and Tkt. Agt. A. B. Huhermann, only direct diamond Im porter In the west. Cor. ISth and Douglas. NEW LEASE FOR FIELD CLUB Cesaty Board Extend Teraa on Forty Acre Near the Hospital. At yesterday's meeting the Board of County Commissioner granted the re quest of the Omaha Field olub for a alx and one-half years' extension of the club's leaf on a forty-acre tract- adjoining the club'a grounds and owned by the county. The board accepted and filed the reports of the sheriff and clerk of the district court, such offices being fee. office. The sheriff's report (bowed that the salary total for each quarter had been 2,080 and the year' postage total $140, making a grand total of $8,460 disbursed, or $881.61 more than was received. Clerk Broad well' report showed total receipt of $22,467.84 and disbursement of $17,681.82. leaving a balance of $4,835.62 on hand Jan uary 1. 1903. E. T. Heyden of the real estate firm of Hasting Jb Heyden, l'vea next Saturday venlng, February with. evral parties to Alberta, Canada, to select farm lands for a number of Omaha parties. Mr. Heyden looks for a big advance in prlee a toon as spring opsns. Price of land rang from $4 to $8 an acre on term of $1.60 to $2.60 an acre down aa first payment and the balance In five years. Goa to the Philippine Service. Dr. Harry Dell, for three year assistant meat Inspector for the government at South Omaha, ha been appointed expert in animal husbandry In the Philippine aerv ice. In the civil service examination he was suocenful in competition with vet erinary surgeons from all parte of the country. Dr. and Mrs. Dell will sail from San Francisco for the Philippine Island February 28. There' only on Stonecrpher. H print. Special Notice. To Member of Ak-Bar-Ben Lodge 'No. 822, A. O. V. W.i You and your famllle are requested to attend tbe memorial serv ices of Ak-8ar-Ben lodge No. 821 at their hall. Seventeenth and Vinton streets, st S p. m. sharp Sunday, February 18. By or der of committee. Iron Mountain Routo The Great Southwest System. Most Direct Line OMAHA. via Kansas City and St. Louis To Points EAST, SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. Hot Spring, Ark.. Ban Antonio, Tex., and all RESORTS EAST AND WEST. For information call on T. F. GODFREY, Passenger and Ticket Agent, -Omaha, Neb. H. C. TOWNSEND. O. P. A T. A.. St. Louis. Mo. MAD DOG We ' seem to got Into trouble when we don't intend to. Our little "ad," tJON'T BE A CLAM made somebody mad ao mad h- thiv saIiI thev were 1uat Ilk nni TKK1 and being road they surely mult ha a mad dog. . It Is reported that sucking penny stamps from patenta medicine bot i. v.m dA bualnaaa and at Hma Nil . i - counting when you can buy goods at Ful ler a tor ine nniuwiui y,tv Brosao sensor $Ao Bromo Seltior .... Il.OO Zip $1 00 Bantal Mldy ti.m m a.f $1 00 Brou tl 00 Areenauro il 00 Morcauro C 00 Tarrant's Paate .. $1 00 No-to-BaO $ Bar-Ben o Copaiva, Capsules . 60 70c 66c 66c She 76o Sue Uc Fuller Drue 5 Paini Go. 114 S. 1 4th MrccL TeL 349. AT UOSPE'S FEBRUARY PIANO SALE Economy is the life saver of your pocketbook. And when It comes to buying a piano, w have ,a life raving crew with medals In such pianos as the KNABE, KRAJJICH A BACH. KIMBALL, HALLJ-.T A DAVIS. STERLING. MATHUSHKK, LINDE M AN SON, ICR ELL, SCHUMANN, WHITNEY, HOSPB, 8WGKTUND and BURTON. All these PIANOS are, Sold at economy prices and veonomy terma aome aa low as S8.00 per month. . ' 1 ' ' When we mention (economy we mean we sav you money. We give you the quality; we save you on the TERMS ;we save you trouble in the future by selling only uch Instru ments which we protect by the HOSPE GUARANTEE. And you know what this embraces. Ja.t a few of the many special bararalns for MONDAY la oar FEBRUARY PIANO SALE Kingsbury Uprlg-bt MahOg CftA any case, good as now. , . , . Q J U Miller Upright, large else, I C refiniaued ....,..lsU Hal lt 4s pavis need Cabinet lMf Grand ...ltU Kimball, Mahogany case, used Sample Piano, Walnut case, i05 175 Besides many oar loads of n Pianos. Prices such a $137. $148. $162, $178, $195, $210, $227. new. USED ORGANS 1 . v t following prleesi BTARR . q Walnut case.- .. , iJSO wm inky & holmes cor High top 4' KIMBALL OlOT Walnut oase ...." WESTERN 1 CI 9 v. aauw. .... ,,...... -w ' New Organ In- Chapel Styles. Cab inet parlor stylos and piano case styles in oak, walnut and mahogany, ranging in price rrom az.uu up. Pianos Tuned, Moved and Repaired. A. UOSPE CO., 1531-51 Douglas St. Schmoller & Mueller's mm OF Ml LAST WEEK. Ask the Doctor a Question Ask the doctor if be has any objection If you bring a prescription to ua. If he has, we would like to know the reason and if we can't fill your prescription aa good and aa cheaply aa they can be put up we will not charge you a cent. - Tou have a right to get your prescriptions filled at our store if you choose to do so, aa w guar antee perfect aervlos, purity,, promptness ana aocuracy. too Cascarettea zbc Bromo beitser Carter's Liver Pllla c Chamberlain's Cough Cure Znc fiso uri! 11.00 Scott's Emulsion Hall's Catarrh Curs Jayne's Vermifuge Peruna Wood Alcohol, quart 19a Uu Ito 19o 19c 740 64o ic 63c 26c When you want a system builder, a general strength giver, a remedy for that "tired house. METZ BEER It's a moat palatable bever age. Order a case sent to your bouse, if you haven't ona at-.-eady. Mvta Bros. Brew la Co. Telephone US. Omaha. ' Or Jacob Neumayer, agent, "l1r Neumayer Hotel, Council Schmoller fe Mueller have had Bales, and sales, and sales, but thia sale is the Bale of all sales. At this Bale we are Belling pianos to all classes To the Professional man, To the Business man, ' To the Tradesman, To the Salesman, To the Laboring man. All And Just what they want at this great wreck sal. of standard make Pianos, wblch are going fast at 60 cent on the dollar of the regular value. Then too tbe terms ar. so easy that your old argument, "We can't afford it" Is disarmed of all Its fores. YOU CAN AFFORD IT When at this sale you can seoure your choice at such unparalleled price and on such unusually easy terms. THINK of buying a atandard make piano, only slightly marred on th case, at 60c on tbe dollar of the reg ular value. The people of Omaha and Nebras ka are alive to their piano Interests and by the way they are taking ad vantage of thia sale few piano from these four carloads will be left by Saturday night. Piano that sell regularly at $290, (300, $350, $400, $450, $500 up to $750, are being sold rapidly at ' SI25 $175 S225 SI50 $200 $250 up to $375 EASY TERMS. $1.00, $1.25. $1.50, $1.76, $S.00 to - $1.60 weekly payment secures your ' choice of these exceptional piano bargain. , Out-of-Towa Customers Ehould writ -at once for full de scription, stating the amount they wish to invest, and w guarantee a genuine bargain. All correspondence given our Im iredlat snd personal attention writ at ones. SCWMLER . k fuUELLER, I33 Farnam Street, Cmaha 502 Broadway, Council Bluffs W: R. BENNETT GO'S. BANKRUPT SALE OF PIANOS AND ORGANS HAS BY PERMISSION OF THE FEDERAL COURT BEEN EXTENDED TO FEBRUARY 21. Never In the history of Omaha have our people had a greater opportunity to secure for their homes and loved one a strictly High Grade, Up-to-Date Piano or Organ all of the latest colonial styles in walnut, oak, mahogany and other woods at prices that cannot be duplicated at the factories. Such well known and reliable makes of pianos as we give below need no guarantee or recommendation from us. THE EVERETT has no peer. THE IVERS & POND- owned by two thousand people In the city. THE CHASE known from ocean to ocean. THE STARR- v manufactured since the Civil War. it rap only be appreciated by ape I n K It. THE sniTH St BARNES over 60,000 In use. THE HARVARD in cane designs, tone Anil quality, it cannot he excelled. THE RICHHOND you must see and hear this beau tiful piano to appreciate it. THE BRINKERHOFF - an old derma n piano, beautifully OslRned caees, elegant tone and K.ctlon and many other makes that we are obliged to omit from thin description on account of spare. These good will all he arranged and placed on sale on the first and second floors, and will be sold on terms to suit customers. Below you will find a few of our bargains: OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN THREE CAR LOADS JUST ARRIVED. SHOULD HAVE REACHED US EARLY IN JANUARY. Now that they are here, we must get rid of them.- One elegant upright piano worth our price, to close One elegRnt upright piano worth 1276 our price, to close One elegant walnut rase, sample piano worth $330 our price, to close $118 $148 $168 One beautiful mahogany- piano worm ;ioo our price, to close , One elegant upright piano i worm -tiw our price, to clone ORGANS! One elegant upright piano worm 4oi-our price to close rOne elegant upright plano- wonn ou our price, to close ORGANS ! $228 $238 $248 $288 $38 Chicago $35 $42 $48 One fine Lrfikeetde organ, in walnut caee worth $150 to close Ore new walnut case organ plnte glass mirror price $115 our price to close One new high top walnut case, plnte glass mirror worth $125 our price to close All Fold on from $3 to $10 down and from $3 to $10 per month. $48 $58 $68 One good as new Lakeside organ. In walnut case worth $125 to close One slightly used walnut Cottage Organ, worth $90 our price on this organ to close out One very fine Lakeside organ f late glass mirror worm L50 our price to ctose ... One new oak case organ regular prlre $85 our price to clone A full line of small musical merchandise, sheet muelc and folios will be sold for the next few dnys at most any old price. No more Pianos or Organs will be sold to dealers during this sale. Do not fall to see ua before buying, or write us for particulars. TO THE PEOPLE LIVING OUT OF OMAHA If you are thinking of buying a Piano In one or two years, we can make It an object to you to buy now. We can save you from $100 to $160 on any nrat class Piano. Our stock must go. We aBk you to write and tell us what price you wish to pay for a good Piano and the terms by which you wlHh to buy. We will make a selection and ship the instrument to your address and if it 1 not perfectly satisfactory in every way you m.y return it to us without one penny of expense to yourself. Do not fall tc write us today for full particulars. Over 100 Pianos to select from. J. S. CAMERON, Manager, Mqste Department, 1st and Snd Floors? ir ill Ask About Hayden's Profit Sharing Carnival. Showing tbe new style spring silks. Ad vance sals, on silks for shirt waist suits. On pongee silk, on black taffetas, the new pin stripes, new check, new seeded, new boucle Loulsene stripes, nobby styles, all at 9Sc. Japanese shantong pongee, $3 Inches, at only T&c. Japanese shantlng pongee, 32 Inches, at only 98c. Now embroidered pongee, atrlpnd pongee, and other novelties, on sale for only" 75c. Swell black grenadines, over to styles Big Silk Dcparmcnt of new lace stripes and plain sewing silk grenadines, at $1.60, $1.75, $100 and $2 50. ULACK TAFFETA SALE In better qual ities only. BLACK TAFFETA, 1 Inches, pur silk worth 9Sc, for B7Hc BLACK TAFFETA, 24 Inches, purs sill worth $1.25. for 79c. BLACK TAFFETA, 27 Inches, purs silk worth $1.23, for 85c. BLACK TAFFETA. 38 inches, purs silk worth $2.00, for $1.48 Monday in Our New Domestic Room MEDICATED AIR That la what you inhale when you use the "NATIONAL VAPORIZER," shown be low. Have you seen the "MOVING LADY In the window T Coma In and let the live lady tell you about THE VAPORIZER, . TITS EUCCES SOR OF THE ATOMIZER. i writ for our 100-Dase catalogue of Drug and Rubber Goods at CUT PRICES. Siisrman&McGonnell DrugCo. Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Omaha Neb. Cor. 16ta and Dodge Vaconda Jincra! Water $ Display. A IX THIS WEEK I Ol'H XORTH SHOW winnow. OCR LATEST AHD BEST VAX ZTIVB MISF.HAl. WATER, FOR WHICH WE ARE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTS FOR OMAIIA. r.lycrs-DHIonDrug Go 18th and Farnam Sts. Tel. 140. II. F. PETRIE The Well Known House Mover tf Omaha Says He Wtuld Not Take $7.00 a Bottle, for It. Omaha, Neb.. Nov. 12. 1900. Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, N. Y. believe that Cramer s Kidney Cure will never fall to effect a cure. If I could not get It for less I would willingly pay $7.00 a bottle for it. Borne time a so the doctora told me that my Kidneys 'were In a very bad condition and gave me medicine, but Instead of getting better I got worse. My sleep was Impaired. I was told by a friend who had used Cramer's Kidney Cure that It cured him. I bought a bottle and was acllghted to notice the effect Relief came at one and I flrmjy believe that of all the medicine I have taken none did so much good as Cramer's Kidney Cure. 11. fKTKlE, House Mover, 28 and Webster Sts. Oenulne fresh Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure may be found in two sizes, 60c for tuc; ii.uu size ior voo at CUT PRICB DRUQ STORE 6c extra heavy brown muslin, 33 Inches wide, at 4Hc a yard. RVie soft finished bleached muslin, 36 Inches wide, at 4c a yard. 10c soft finish cambric, at Hc a yard. 10c soft bleached muslin, no better cot tons on the market at "c. 20c extra heavy bleached sheeting, SI Inches wide, at 17c a yard. IBs extra heavy unbleached sheeting, 81 inches wide, at 12c a yard. 15c bleached pillow casing, 46 inches wide, at HHc a yard. BBo bleached sheets, size 81x90, 42o each. 18a hemstitched pillow cases, at iic each. WHITB GOODS - ISc curtain swim, 36 inches wide, comes In fancy weaves and dots, at 12Hc a yard. 12Vo Lappet swlas, yard wide, at 8c yd. 12Hc India linens, at 8 Vic a yard. 18c soft finish t.alnsook, 38 Inches wide, at 12Hc a yard. 25c piques at 15c a yard. ,15c English long cloth, 12 yards for $1.2S. 15c dimities, lawns, checked and striped nainsook at 7c a yard. LINENS 40c quality, 64 inches full bleached dam ask, at 25c a yard. 55c atrtctly all linen bleached damask, at 39o a yard. 85c all linen bleached Irish table dam ask, 72 Inches wide, at 59c a yard. $1.00 quality, 72 inches double satin dam ask, at 75c a yard. $1.25 quality, 72 Inches wide, double dam ask Irish table linen, at 95c a yard. $2.00 quality, extra heavy double satin damask, 72 inches wldo, at $1.25 a yard. 80c quality, 58 inches wide, unbleached union table-linen, at 19c a yard. 40c quality, 58 inches wide, extra heavy Scotch damask, at 29c a yard. 65c quality silver bleached Oerman ta ble damaek, 64 Inches wide, at 49c a yard. 90c quality, extra heavy cream Austrian table damask, 72 Inches wide, at 69c a yard. 10c quality all linen bleached toweling, at 7V4c a yard. 10c extra heavy all linen brown toweling, at 7Ho a yard. 8c quality linen finish glass toweling, 18 Inches wide, at 5c a yard. 6c quality, extra heavy bleached twilled toweling, at 3o a yard. 89c quality knotted fringe damask and huckaback towels, at 25e. 20c quality buckabuck and damask tow els, at lie. loc quality Turkish and buckabuck tow els, at 10c. 500 remnants of tabls linen and toweling at one-half regular price. 36-lnrh round thread shirt wstst linen, at 65c, 5e, and 75c. 45-Inch round thread shirt waist linen, at 65c, 75c and 85c. FLANNELS AND BLANKETS Extra heavy, dark and light outing flan, net, at 4'jC n yard. Extra heavy and wide Shaker flannel, worth 124c for 6Ho. $4.00 strictly all wool blankets, extra large and extra heavy, in plaid and plain colors, at $2.98 a pair. ' 75c quality, full size Sea Island cotton blankets, at 49c each. Cotton blankets at 75c, 89c, $1.25, $1-50. $1.75 find up. 27-Inch white wool extra fine flannel, worth 30c, at 17c a yard. Extra heavy dark and light owing flan nel, worth 10c and 12Hc, at 6Ho a yard . Extra heavy and wide Shaker flannel, worth 12Hc at thbc a yard. All wool eiderdown, all colors, worth TSo, at 25c a ysrd. m 11-4 all wool white California bed blan kets, worth $5, st $3.50 a pair. 11-4 all wool, both warp and Ailing white bed blankets, made by the St. Mary's Woolen Mills, worth $8.50, at $5 a pair. DRESS OOODS Sensational one-day closing out price that will interest shrewd, economical wo men. On a center table In tbe domestic room, you will always Snd . large stock of dress patterns. In lengths from 2H to 7 yards, each, you wilt find black and all colore, In hoavy suitings and etamlnes. In fact all the temnants from the high grade dress goods department will be put on sale. They range In price from $1.60 to $3.50 a yard, and will go at one price,, 49o yard. On our shelves will be found blaok dress goods for 25c; $1.25 blaok and gray brll llantlnes. 60 Inches wide, at B9o a yard. HAYDEKJ BROS. A FEW PACTS If you ars looking for nice statlolnery for either social or business purposes, we can supply you with the very best to be had. We bedleve In and know bow to select the best materials and know how to combine them to get the best possible re sults. ' An essential factor of our bualness Is to furnish our patrons with only what Is absolutely correct in Stationery and Engraving of all kinds. If you require proof of these candid remarks we would suggest your writing to us for samples and prices. THE MOYER STATIONERY CO., 220-222 80UTH 16th 8T. SCIIAEFER'S OPEN ALWAYS. Two Pfconea 747 and TO7. S. W'. Cor. lOtb and Cklcasro ate, Perune Wine Cardul 1 mi) Kodol... ftuc Kodol .... 2&r Castorla. ...62c . . .67o ...76c ...40o ...3c Purest D tigs Lowest Prices Warner's Safe Cur 75o 1 Bwamp Hoot.. fcOc Bwamp Root . 25c Kromo Qulnln- for .1 p-sT1 flVHI P OF J I'8 K Itaart Dyapenala Tab lets ' 400 LATIIROP'S H3- frttsi Hamilton. 'Psion A14X THE DYEIHQ UAH Cleaning ladles' fancy garments by the latent process. 18th Street Dye Works Tel 19TO. 414 No- 18,n St. Work called for a4 delivered. All ksuda of button oroar. A clever housewife said that pie crust was a combi nation of flour, water, short ening and "knack." "Knack" Is uat as important a part of tailoring as of pie-making. "Knack" Is what makes "MacCarthy quality." "MacCarthy quality" is what .makes our Oet-Busy Sale's offers remarkable what makes this week' offer to make $40 suits for $30. $10 trousers for $8. so really extraor dinary. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 1710-12 Farnam St Phone 1108. Bee Belldlnf Court House Is opposite. J. M. JOHNSON, THE DRUaaiST. r RK'EI ALWAYS (THH LOWEST. WHAT'S IN A NAME? Well, It all depend on what the name la. If It's "FRY" on a shos. It means as much as "Sterling" does on silver. It means the best. It means superior materials, high-class shoemaklng, fine fin ish, correct shape, smart style It means the best there Is In footwear. . If It's a $3.5Q shos you want, here Is the place to get it the best wearing, the best fitting, the best looking $3.50 shoe to be found. If you want a $5.00 shoe this is the place to get the most style, quality, comfort tbe best value for the money you pay. Surprise for the Women A new style spring shoe tuade of genuine Ideal patent kid, with dull kid tops and medium heavy wslt sole, Tbe new drees toe. A full $4.00 value for only $3.00. This shoe csn be worn appropriately for dress or street wesr. We guarantee every pair to be the genuine ideal kid. We are continuing the sale en misses' and children's extra high cut, beat grade, box calf shoes st $1.25, $1.35 and $1.60; regular $1.60, $200 and $2.60 shoe. DREXEL SHOE GO. Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoa Hoaas 1419 FARNAM STREET. r i i u id L , I, - RE-NO-HAY POVDER A pesltlv cur ior sw.aty feat, hands and excessive perspiration under ths arms; cures corns, bunions and chilblains; savee gloves, fchoes and clothing. Special office treatments. Consultation frs. Pries, 50c. If your druggist hasn't It. accept no other, but send fo A. Mayer, Manf.. 512 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Phone 1716. ' HOWELL'S ANTI KAVP The 'Beat Remedy lor hoarseness or Losa Vnlra. Ask your druggist at send 25o . to Howell Drug Co.. S6th ft Capitol Ave. Come now, let us lotk your mouth over. Tooth troubles is tur business. AILEYJHE DENTIST JlJor-?xtfitfs JXiack. H. W, Oo. lU euA Webeusk $C4. 4ULJ $