Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1903, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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TL I1I-634.
W Close Saturdeya el e: m."
Bee, S. 15, "01.
Dress Goods.
dlar return to the Vlty t Jurtge Moran.
Tix Judg left thl sfrjrhiTafl ud tne legis
lature Is fonder'InR Wuat Kill happen neit.
Senator Aaron W'all of Sherman county
In being congratulated (wherever he tells
the story) because of reflected enterprise.
The senator has Just received word that one
of his neighbors had sent by express to
tppropHated, $530,000 Is nad available for
national sanitarium, which It is con
fidently beltsved will bo ths finest la the
world and have capacity for ths car and
Senate Q.vss Lirco'n Enough for an' Entire comfort of eoo old sildier..
New Structure. I 0 DProPrlates $10,000 for ths
cpearuaa umu uaicnttry, wnica wiji nut
this hatchery one of ths best la the coun-
Sydney. Auatralia. a coop full of Nebraska MILLARD SAVES OMAHA- SUPPLY DEPT try.
chickens :o be entered. In an International
luylng contest. She who is thus advertis-
In the state Is' Mrs. A. A. Hansel of Loup-
City. She shinned eight , hens and one
V Koonf.-oa vritli a liint nf I rooster of Rose Comb Leghorns, to be en-
A- uuiik, uiuiuo tered in a laying contest to begin April
Wanner Weather in every piece, l. No one accompanied the chickens, but
Other Western Appropriations (
.. talaed la Hons BaUdta Bill
a ad tb Indian Bill as He
parted . Senate.
e managers of the contest and well cared
for. They are to" leave Sao Francisco Fb-
runry 19.
- . - - . I . ii, 1. M . . . . I- I . 1
.1..II., W,.ff .1.,H,.,,r, wools' nh minprv S k! Wifl'V lnP w" DO receivea on ia omer siue cy
tirv aiiituiu iiuit nun, in in "i""i .........-,, 7
. 1 1 11 41.. .... it i., I
Kpnnjiy inoiiairH. 1110 eiiecis an wuuiuui. ""'-"i
f)f rrciH', tbo voillt-R, the wool tnlTeta, the basket etamines are
completely rereneutetl in pur collection of new goods. These are
special' value nel'-ctetl from the new comers.
"SPECIAL." ALL WOOL FLECK NOVELTY Beautiful rich luster, every yard
nw; blue with a dainty dash of white, French grey with white, green with white,
tap wjth .hlt. they would be cheap at 60c. Our special price BOc a yard.
' BILK AND WOOL CREPE DE CHENE Every yard Is fresh and beautiful
smooth soft weave, blends of silk and wool. No desirable color Is missing at $1.00 a
yard. . i
NEW FRENCH VOILES An Ideal fabric In the soft, clinging materials. There
will be no sameness In the open mesh dress, with the opportunity of using a pretty
colored lining, the general effect Is very charming. "Special" all wool vlole at BOo
a yard.
Other qualities at $l.nft, $1.25, $1.60. $2.00 a yard.
FRETTY VOILES With a daah of contrasting color In all the new spring shades
are on of this season's newest novelties $1.50, $2.00.
v Beautiful new Foulards are abundant here but not necessarily costly. Wa collect
and display only th richest qualities the finest novelties, styles and weaves
that we can recommend. We would be pleased . to show you these silks at 75c,
$1.00, $1.25 a yard.
' Monday morning at 8 o'clock we will place on special sale a line of women's
glace kid gloves In colors red, brown, mods tsn, navy and black. These gloves are
from our- regular stock, but are numbers we are golDg to discontinue. We have al
wayf sold; them at $1.60 and $1.00. Monday morning your choice
We cannot fit, guarantee, or exchange the glovea sold In this sale.
Y. M. C. A. Building, Comer Sixteenth and Douglas Sts
Senate Pats In Half an Ilonr Read.
Ins; a, Few Bills Before '
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 14. (Special.) In order
to make this a pay day the senate voted to
have its members drag themselves to the
state house at 9 o'clock this morning and
then adjourned In time for all who desired
to leave the city. The session lasted for
fully thirty minutes, during which time five
bills were read a second time, three bills
were read a first time and, adjournment was
taken. And that was all.
Bills on First Reading.
H. F. 13, by Hall of Douglas To legalise
nd validate all proceedings connected
with the onlcrlng and making of asess-
ments ror local improvements heretofore
made In cities of the metropolitan class.
and to authorize reassessments for such
Improvements In ciiees where prior assess
ments for said Improvement are irregular
or void, or have been adjudged to De irreg
ular or void, or where suin nrior assons
merits were Bald under protest and the
money pnld thereon has been or shall le
recovered back by suit at law.
H F. 187. b- Cox of Hamilton' (or I
quest) Providing for removal of guardians.
B. . ist By sneioon or ass rroviain
for the collection arid expenditure of roa
measure finally gets Into the house. There j ths expense of Senator Hall's eoyota acalp
la no substantial ground, so far as Is known
here, on which to base tbla theory and yet
some think that owing to the apparent
apathy of ths Douglas county delegation
and the. outright desertion and repudiation
of the bill by the Lancaster county delega
tion, this might be undertaken. "Unless
there Is . soma change In the status of
things very soon the fate of this bill, which
means so much to Omaha and for which
Omaha has clamored so loudly. Is sealed.
Ik needs frlends-good, staunch, fighting
friends right on the floor of the house and
senate. And It haa not had these thus far.
Protest on Klevator Bill. '
.Ex-Governor Boyd and other grain men
are In. the city and It beglna to look as f
they were 'going to raise a rather em
phatic protest against the farmers' elevator
bills... The ex-governor said this was not
his mission. - - But the committee before
which this matter comts meets Monday and
the elevator men. are going to appear be
fore It. I
Legislative Gossip.
i Rouse of,' Hall, one of the unsuccessful
candidates for speaker, certainly la the
"watch-dog" of the house. i He is always
present it roll 'call and In Ills seat or some
where .on the floor of the house when: that
body. Is In session and he Is continually
dettahdlng the ' same sort" of ' punctuality
from his colleagues He watches every do-
tall ,( tfl. proceedings, wlt as mucbcref
bounty bill. The other night a ' group of
senators and representatives had the bill
under discussion in a hotel lobby and after
a good many Jokes had been cracked at the
expense of this measure the senator him
self, rising to the senlth of his oratorical
powers, said:
"Gentlemen, this legislature Is called on
to enact some Important laws. Out state
is burdened with ths enormous debt of
nearly $3,000,000 and drastic measures
must be taken to wipe out thla illegal
Incumbrance. The revenue laws of this
great commonwealth, in ths minds of many
good and prominent citizens, demand lm
mediate revision, and so on down the line
of necessary lealslatlon you will find
measures that are Imperatively necessary.'
Then with his most serious look he de
clared tn tones which fairly rang with elo
"But, gentlemen, let me aay to you to
night that there is no measure pending
before this legislature or that will come
before It half as Important to this great
and growing atate aa this bill of mint.
The senator's speech wss ao fervent that
many in the. little group actually were
carried away "with the force of his plea
and really believed; him in deepest earnest
and that every wheef of 'legislation should
ha utoDDed v until thla coyote bill was
passed and signed ty the governor
Bill to Kill Combinations.
'"i wtp. iwiiugii.wn tern pucq, care -i . . . ",' ri. ki
aa WteTiglihe bad been epeeiaUy dealgtotledi As a safeguard against coal famine and
tor Wpab" on" everything. And thla Is ' abnormal prtcea for coal or food products
BXiclicAllv.aia-wiotto. too:. "Wat.-aa-Xa---. WH.' amanatinr irom umana citizens.
the theory" tbit.Jt Is the duty- pf every ; t0lft' Introduced In . the house by
intrants ta ine nouse to devote all or bis "" "
time and attention to the businest of the
legislature; and not Infrequently scores col
leagues whom he thinks are a little derelict
In thla particular.
Rouse la a critical judge of parliamentary
law and he makea the other members, prob
ably less skilled or careful than be, toe
the, mark -In -doing things Just so. V
Rouse, as a member remarked the other
day, doesn't seem to have any pet scheme
of legislation, but is there to take an
active hand, In everything that goes. His
complete mastery of parliamentary prac
tice; hla force and clearness of speech and
(From a Start Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Feb. 14. (Special Tele-
grain.) The house committee . on public
buildings and grounds this afternoon re
ported an omnibus public building bill car
rying in round numbers 6, 000, 000. It Is
the expectation , of the chairman of the
committee tq call the measure up Monday
and as It is understood all former ob
jections Speaker Henderson entertain to
such' legislation at this session have been
removed,, there Is no doubt of It passing!.
The omnibus bill Is drawn chiefly to meet
urgent matters and Is In reality practically
a connecting link with the bill passed at
the lart session and Includes many Items
which ' were overlooked when the messure
of the first session, of the Fifty-seventh
congress was framed. There are, however,
several new items Incorporated In the bill
reported today ' of interest to Nebraska,
Iowa.. South Dakota and Wyoming.
Nebraska Towns Remembered.
Mr. Burkett has Secured the Insertion of
a paragraph "which authorized the sale of
the nresent. or nlrt fpdnrat hnlMlnir at
Lincoln for the sum of not less than $50,000 collpS"e. formerly pastor of Westmin
Lafayette Toung of the Des Moines Capi
tal and Major 8. W. Rathbun of the Marlon
Register are In Washington on their an
nual social visit. They are among the lead-
era of the "stsnd pat" Idea so far as the
tariff la concerned and are opposed to the
so-called "Iowa Idea" aa elucidated by Gov
ernor Cummins.
Bridge Between Omaha and Staffs.
Representstlve Walter T. Smith today In
troduced a bill to provide for the construc
tion of a bridge across the Missouri river
at Council Bluffs. The bill authoriiea the
Central Railroad aV Bridge company, a cor
poration organized under the laws of lows,
to build a combination railway, wagon and
foot bridge across the Missouri at Council
Bluffs and to charge such reasonable tolls
as may be approved by the secretary of
wsr. The Central Railway A Bridge com
pany la allowed two years to submit the
design and drawings of the new bridge and
map of location and Is given two years
after the approval of the plans by the
secretsry of war In which to complete the
structure. The equal privileges are grantel
to all railroads and It is provided that the
United States shall have the right-of-way
for postal, telegraph lines, and In fact con
trol all telegraph and telephone lines crt js-
ing the bridge.
Seeks Aid for College.
Dr. John Gordon, president of Tabor (la.)
the proceeda of suoh sale- to be placed to
the credit of the fund-for the erection of
a new federal building in the capital city
of, Nebraska. This, will in effect give an
appropriation of $850,000 to be expended In
building a new publio building: at Lincoln
iter church at Omaha, Is In Washington on
his way to Baltimore, New York and Bos
ton. Dr. Gordon goes east for the purpose
of securing donations for the college and
will, while in New York, havs an Interview
with Andrew Carnegie, with a view of in
Dietrich, induced the committee to insert
provisions ,for the purchase :of- sites for
new! -public-buildings at-York and. Grand
HOUSE TAKES UP TWO BILLS Wand. Each of the cities Is to secure
ixu.uuu ror ine purposn 'or obtaining a suit
Mr.. Burkett also,- with the aid of Senator aucln that t'eman to found a library
i iue cuuege. lit. uoruoa uesirea 10 en
large the school to twice its present ca
pacity and aa he Is acquainted with many
wealthy men of the east it is believed hla
mission in behalf of the college will prove
One la Passed and Another Postponed
Vntll More Members Are
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 14 (Special.) The house
convened at 10 thla morning aa usual and.
adjourned at noon to reconvene Monday at
2 p. m. The entire time was consumed in I commence actual building operations
considering two bills, H. R. 143 and H. R,
152, both by Gregg of Wayne, the former
able site for the public building.
Representatives , Burke and Martin of
South Dakota did very well for their atate.
The? prevailed upon the committee to In
sert an appropriation of $50,000 each for
the buildings at Yankton and Pierre. . Sites
have already been purchased In these cities
and $50,000,ls to be allotted to each to
A bill giving pension of $30 per month
to the widow of the late Congressman
Rumple of the Second Iowa district was
passed by the house today.
Fight for Ladlnnrton'a Plaee
Senator Gamble had a conference with
the president today In behalf of Colonel D.
D. Wheeler of the quartermaster's depart
ment, who la a candidate for the appolnt-
Iowa Gets In.
t m t - ih. . j i I ment as auartermaater reneral to succeed
providing that'll -nty .uperlntendent. ZZirtttotZtt" dlngton on hi. retirement,
of schools in the state shall hold first grade ,, Reore,ent. Senator Gamble's interest In Colonel
teachers' certificates and ths latter provld
Ing for the election of the Lincoln achool
board, one from each ward
The house recommended the latter for
passage and left the former In the com
mittee of the whole, to be taken up again
Monday when there was a better attend
ance. Rouse of Hall protested against
leaving the bill with the committee In
order that those members who had gone
home could have a chance to participate
In the discussion and action on-it, main
taining that they should be In their' placet
when the house waa in session and not at
home or somewhero else attending to any
other business.
The friends of thia bill urge Its adoption
aa a means . 0f raising the standard of
county superintendents and therefore the
the publio buildings committee. Represent
ative Haugen secured $8,000 for the pur
chase of a site tor a public building at
Mason City. Colonel Hepburn obtained an
additional appropriation of $5,000 for the
building at Centervllle, pushing the limit
of cost of that structure up from $35,000 to
$40,000. Congressman Conner secured JS.000
Wheeler comes from the fact that the
colonel waa located In the territory of Da
kota for a cumber of years and remained
there until South Dakota was admitted into
the union. The fight over the successor to
General Ludlngton 1b becoming decidedly
warm. General C. F. Humphrey, well
for the purchase of a site for a federal I knolrn to 0mal1 People; Colonel Atwood
building at Webster City.
Mr. Mondell was Instrumental In the In
sertion of a provision in the bill of an
Item of $50,000 to Increase the limit of
cost of the proposed building at Bvanston,
Wyd., bringing the total amount to be ex
pended at Evanston tip to $270,000.
and Major Martin being the candidates
most generally mentioned. It ia under
atood, however, that the preaident ia hot
at all favorable ta General Humphrey, due
In large measure to events which occurred
in the cam pal gC in Cuba In which Colonel
Humphrey and the president participated
General Humphrey, however, haa the un
qualified support of Generals Chaffee,
The blH naturally
was drawn in view oi ins existing:
atrlngency In the coat market and the ab
normal prices that hare reigned for so
many! months, together wlfti the fictitious
values placed upon certain other neceaa&ry
commodities. The bill Is entitled: .
"A bill for an act authorizing municipal
corporations within the state of Nebraska,
In times of famine, or where the'prlce is
artificially enhanced by combination of food
products and coal, to purchase said neces
saries and sell . the same to lta citizens at
actual cost price thereof."
The measure is brief and the title gives
Saves Supply Depot.
When the Indian appropriation bill was Davis and Leonard Wood, who have aerved
taken up in the senate today it waa ascer- with Hnmnhrev in the Snanlsh-Amerlcan.
scnooia in certain poiuons oi ine siaie., tamed that the Indian committee had China and Philippine service. Senator
It was argued that since the teachers, many eliminated the item of appropriating $10,000 Proctor, former secretary of war and act
of whom .hold first class certificates, are for the, Indian aupply depot at Omaha and I ing chairman of the military affairs com
subordinate to the superintendents and sab- inateadhod inserted an Itein of a similar I mittee. la backlna- Maior Martin and it la
Ject to their directions, the superintendents character for San .Francisco. .. Senator Mil- thought that he stands an excellent chance
ougnt to do as -wen ana eve .peiei; .quai-. iaa "began, to. be .busy?; and .by dint, of of being appointed quartermaster general
nea man ineir auuuruiuaiea. im uuuu- i murn Dersuaslon flnallv In rl up a1 rrhalrman I !. flan... l r ,,lrtctnn mt ri uit Jul
rients , argued PVl ln Stewart to movo that the Item be retained
western aection if. was ,-uoi niways -posaipia in the bill aa it came from, the house. It
to get a county superintendent who pos- ia understood that it was stricken., from I. t)o behalf of the Commercial club of
-sessed .a," first grade certificate and that the bill on the recommendation of Commia- Sioux City Senator Allison haa Induced the
besides tbla, some or their beBt superin- sinner Jones, who stated to the committee Postofflce department to establish a etar
that there was little or no use . for an route aervice between Florence and Tyler,
Indian depot at Omaha In Tiew of the fact Minn., ao that Sioux City Jobbera may re
tendenta did not bold such certificates. The
following" bills were Introduced and read
the first time.
, Bills on . First BeAdlnjr. f(if
H. R. 815. by Koetter Authorizing mu
nicipal corporations In times of famine, or
where the price is artificially ennanced
bv combination of food products and coal.
to purenaae xaid necessities ana to sen
the same to Its citlzenB at the actual cost
rice thereof.
H. R. 316. bv Koetter To include policy
wheels and machines in list of outlawed
inmlni and Kamb lnK devices.
H. U. ail, oy ijacon 10 inane senior
member of Board of County Commlsolon-
hla unusual tenacity of purpose make him i lta purpose and score accurately and con
a formlaable foe in debate. Resourceful In
a-very way, he la one of the most effective
all-round fighters on the floor of cither
Today was -what Is known as ."stamp
day" In the house. Each member received
hla 'first Installment of pottage stamps
from the state, provided for under a reso
lution adopted at the first of the session.
clsely. It is manifestly a thrust at the
trusts which have arbitrarily advanced the
prtcea of certain necessaries of life. The
bill la one whose passage ia not questioned.
The legislature was shocked this morn
ing by the announcement of the resignation
of William Moran, a clerk In the house.
Such things -aa this are certainly out of
the ordinary, and doubtless the resignation
whereby each member geta five 2-cent and of Mr. Moran would not have been accepted
five 1-cent stamps for every' legislative had he not shown conclusively that he was
. day. " ' WKB ninety-nine members, thla needed at home and needed badly. Out at
mna a eost to the state of $881 for a,lxty Falls City, where the young man gets his
(legislative daya for the house alone. It mall, he la police Judge. Thla morning he
is "doubtful : If half the members use half received word that the police business had
these atampa for official purposes. ' I gone to the eternal bow-wows and waa
A great deal of fun haa been had at ! still a-golng. The letter urged the lmme-
school. It belnar the intention of Commls
era chairmen pro Urn In absence of regu- ,ioner JoDtm t0 ,,ke Mr. Mathewson su-
itii Limn uinii. a .... . . . i -
H. R. m. by Mockett To provide for perintenoent ana cover niro mio tne civil Bnnouncea that advertisements Inviting
the appointment or a Doara or comma- service. hla. for th, establishment of this rout
L.n"..'. .rnS"-VAmmls,Sr.7.: S$ Senators Gamble and Ktttredge of South Kan hn laaued and he honed to have th
Nebraska," and prescribing their .compen- I Dakota made a hard ngnt to retain inman lerTicS n optratlon early In March.
eation. duties ana jeguiauonB pertaining agents In those states ana succeeded nntlly, Charles W. McClure of Oreen, Butler
thHreR' by Jones of Otoe-To prevent lthouCh against the recommendation of countTi Ia.( arrived In Washington today
shooting and injury of plgeflna and other Commissioner Jones, who haa fought Indian from Mount Vernon. O. Mr. McClure went
Diros. . ... . agents, especially on agencies wnere auot- t0 Mount Vernon to complete a deal with
I mre TUC AMCDIOAKI pian o1"" u"YO u " ' '' the heirs of Columbus Delano, wno wss
LUVtb Int AMtnlUAIi r IAiMU I An additional appropriation of $5,000 waa ,ocretary of the interior under Tresldent
I m.da tn . K rik.wiViArtflln 'Trillion' aohnnl I . . . . n aaa
"-- w i trani, ior tne sate oi bduiv ,vw w v
tne amount to De utea ior increasing tne fln8 farming land In Butler county, Iowa
water aupply, also an additional appropna- M- McClure atated today that he bad pur
tlon of $25,000 was made for the Canton chased the Iowa lands from the Delano
Indian Insane asylum. I neirs and Is merely In Wsshlngton for
Great progress was made on tne Indian I brief Derlod. aeeking recreation.
bill and It will be completed eariy uonaay.
Gabrllowltsrh I'aes an Everett and
Says He Haa Never Seen lta Eqaal
tor Tone and Endaraaee.
Former Omaha Man
r. r -i .
Endorses Bone-Setter's Good Work.
Dr. L M. Rlieem, Osteopath
Dr, Rheem's Reputation' an8 Standing When
He Wals-lLocatecl " In Omaha Gives
His - Statement 'Public 'Grecli
a.. v;.:v
' ..mtiriitv.
...' t .ti&rvtr
'Mlnuaapollsv 'MmavMuty $, 180J.
"Dear Doctor; J.!.w'f .
"I want to add my commendation of your
work ta the maaYYtforalle opinions I have
heard ex pressed- ty1 etfiere. .
, "From the tinftfirVl visited1 yoiir offlcs,
saw the work don-byoh, nd talked 'with
a large number o patients' VnBer your care,
I hava "been greatly Ihpreased 'with-ahat
you liava 'accomplished lh the relief "and
'removal Of apparently Incurable eohdM
t Ions? so much so, la tact, that I deter
mined tov-placo my son's case ot a dislo
cated htp f-long standing in your hands;
and si net seeing you give him one treat
ment 'I am convinced that I did the right
thief, fot the change mads' by you In the
position f the. parte natures me that the
case will be brought to a successful ter
mination by you. 1 am more than pleased
with Vhat-yeu have done so tar, and I will
ha vary mark pleased te tell aayone of your
work w no may . cajl .na me. . Wishing you
rne success ywt deserve, I am,
i?V-; . j ; rt . "Very truly yours.
'V - M t:vu m.rh4em. d. o..
. r.; ' VV t"vKe.,40M Globe Bldg.1
runjM correspondence Is Invited with
1 tb, natlenta'who make publio statements
l as iqe cone-eertsr s lesuinonsls are all
NOTE Before visiting Hudson., Wis.,
to see tne Bone-getter, it is best to writ
first and describe bow you are . crippled
Then the Bans-Setter can form some idea
aa to wnat' may be done for you, or
whether It will be necessary for you to
corns to Hudson or not, and give you other
Information which you would naturally
like to have. In writing, be sure and en
close alamp for reply. Address BONE
BETTER. Hudson, Wis., and mention The
Omaha Bee.
that all aupplles . for Indiana were , aent
direct from Chicago or New York. .
..'--Pis Mathewsan'a Tea a re.
Senator Millard acquiesced In the recom
mendation' of Commissioner Jonea that the
agent at the Omaha and Winnebago, agency
be discontinued. This means that after
next July Agent Mathewson will cease to
draw hla salary at agent but he 'will' draw-
a salary as bonded superintendent of
celve mall put In boxes between Tracey
and Pierre and Tracey. Redneld and Aber
deen on the morning following Instead of
receiving this mall from alx to ten houra
later. The Sioux City jobbers ecmplain
that St. Paul and Minneapolis business
men have special advantagea over the
former and they now ask the postofflce peo
pie to establish ' the star-route service
above referred to so that they may have
an equal chance with St. Paul and Mlnne
apolis business bouses. Second Assistant
Postmaster General Shallenberger today
SAN FRANCISC6. Cal.. Feb. 14. (Special
Telegram.) Oeslp Gabrllowltsch, the Rus-
ian pianist, has completely captured San
Fran cl boo with his magnificent playing. He
li& a appeared with his orchestra In four
publio and several private recitals. No'
pianist has ever exceeded hla phenomenal
success,' or, perhaps, equaled It. He la
brainy young man, admire the country and
Gets Money for Saaltarlara,
Representative Ma'tln of South Dakota 's
probably more elated over his work for the
Hot Sprlnga National sanitarium than any
member of the South Dakota delegation.
The Sundry civil bill, which passed the
house today, carries not only an appropria
te resources and Can talk entertainingly tlon of $350,000 for ths sanitarium, but car-
In perfect English,
"What do you think of American pianos V
asked a reporter.
I love them," he answered, "they art
wonderful.- - In Europe an artist often has
to use two . at one concert, but I use the
same piano night after night and It never
falls me. At the Everett factory In Bos
ton, In New York, Cincinnati. Chicago and
San Francisco are reserve- concert grands
for my use, but they are unnecessary. I
have used an Everett piano In St. Peters
burg the last three years.-. It Is perfect. . I
rlea an Individual Item of $10,000 to pur
chase additional land adjacent to the res
ervation and $30,000 for equipment ot the
sanitarium. With what haa already been
Hot Necessary When Proper Food
Routine of Departments.
The sppllcatlon of M. R. Keneflck, Wil
Ham McK Housman, E. R. Keneflck, Henry
Robertson snd P. W. Dougherty to organize
the First National bank of Colman, S. D
ith $25,000 capital, was today approved
by the comptroller' of the currency
The National Bank ot the Republic of
Chicago waa today approved ' aa reterve
agent tor the First National bank of Graf
ton, Ia.
The postofflce at Duff, Rock county
Neb., has been established, with DeWltt
Eager aa postmaster.
Judson D. Devereaux waa today, ap
pointed regular and Robert D. Arnold, sub
stttute rural tree oeuvery carriers
Lovllla. Ia.
Mall contracts were awarded today , ror
Nebraska routes: Anoka to Napier, I F,
Bowdlsh of Anoka; O'Neill to Turner, S.
D. Galentln of O'Neill; Paddock to Dorsey,
ffij My PIE
(or Years
By Old, Reliable, Accurate. Painless,
Expert Dentists1. No Students.
Skilled specialists la every department do modern dental work
wltboat paining; the patleat. Don't throw year money away on poor
dental work done by small poarern. Beware of JEALOI S, IDLK,
SORKIIKADS, MISFIT dentists. ' They are lotla- their bnslaesa.
Their old-fashion ways, eomblaed with all tho Terr poorest work
turned out, haa paused people to eomo to at.
Full set of teeth from ...$3.00
Set of S. S. White, from .44.75
Gold Crowns, from $2.85
Oold Fillings from 50c
Aluminum Plate, from ...$8.00
Teeth Extracted Free
.Teeth Cleaned ....-Free
. Soft Fillings
Reliable Dentistry Save.
Pain and Money.
Work guar
an Used 10 years
We are Incor
porated under
State Laws.
Othara are not.
Small Charge
for material.
Our patented Painless Methods make th estraetlan-, nlllaa; aad
crowning; of teeth m pleasure. We want Try man Woaaaa and
child to hare their teeth examined by th pro feasors of thU eolleae.
No rltalo for boys e experiment. Old experienced dentist come
her from all parts ot the world to loara ssr Fatal Method. Call
early aad arold th rush.. Be .sure you are la the Herat place.
Entrance Room 4, 1522 Douglas Street. '
We Are In No Trust or Combine. Remember the Union.
Trousers to Your Order
All Wool
$3.50. No Mere. No Less
Goat and Vest $12.50 No ttsre. No Less
We want to convince you, as we hare hundreds of others,
that our $3.50 Trousers are fully worth $3, $8 and $7.50 at
other tailors, and our $12.50 Coat and Vest could not be
duplicated for less than $18 to $22.
That Is the reason why our help has not been layed off
this winter. All work made in Omaha.
205 North Sixteenth Street.
Metropolitan Folios Vow Baid Get-Eich-
Quicx . firms
Coaxing up aa apftlts 1. hard work and
have never aeen the Everett'a equal for unnecessary when a little thought la given Geore W- Darby ot Paddock.
beautiful ton and endurance." I to scientino feeding. , I gldner U Carter of Bloux Falls, S. D.,
FlU the stomach witn tne wrong siua wa todaJI ,pponte(i to a $900 position la
and it la not long bafore the palate, tne engineer department at large In the
It enecieq aaa evru . - -- gioux (City, la., OlstriCt. ,
nauseating. Stomach and nervous Ills of p08tmasters appointed Nebratka Otto
II Vlnta aaon coma ana in Doar is ibui-, wv,.,. .inns Vltl rnuntr vlra A
(Continued from First Page.) I without nourishment. , . . I J. -McDougail, resigned; Peter. Johnsbn.
. I Than take on CraPScWUtS ior a l . . n.A n,.nt vlra U 1 rtemlr
no trac oi in neDimaung consequences j,., ftna M, the dtflerenc. - Bating is no . resigned. Iowa William F. Suhr,
of the Influenia. lonser a duty, but a delight, ior the food v-.,vU Blackhawk county. Wvomlna
The duchess of Devonshire, the acknowl- m-a- 0f tha proper grains, prepared In rll..,, E. Malk. Olendo. Laramia county.
edged leader of London aoctety, always en- lm natural, aftlentlnc manner and tte. na-. I rural delivery routes will bt
tertalns brilliantly as well , aa ' lavishly. Tor , ctllclous. The esse of a school-1 MUbU,nea March I at Waubay, Day
The bouse party at wblco. King Edward I of Cedar Mill. Minn., is interest- I county 8. D.; area covered, elghty-ont
was expected waa. Intended to reach the lng. ghe wrltet: I uaea to go witnout qu,r me; population served, 1,000.
climax of th duchess' magnificent enter- inch many a day. not finding it tasty. In . '
lsb onke spared no ex- consequence, I usually bad e sever head- M-fi rnrKRELL ' IS MARRIED
ktng'.rpaAy a'daitllng tche befor th aftnoon eMlon wa. over Mlbb LUttUL. Id MAnrMCU
pens to maka the
success and $100,000 ,waa spent In prepare
tlon. The duchess 'of Devonshire's enter
talnments easily 'stand first among th
aoclal festivities of London. Her Jublleu
ball and her entertainment at th tlm of
th crowning ot King Edward are remem
bered at among the most magnificent In
recent years,. ,
and felt nervous and cross
I had almott concluded te giv up
u.lnr an this account wnen a
frlsnd induced nie to try Orape
Nuta. I will say frankly I did not
car for It at first, but tried It two or
thre time, and then round myself be
ginning te enjoy tb crisp, nutty flavor,
Eldest Daiftltr ! Ik Mlaaoart
tar Beeonte a Bride la
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. Miss Marlon
Cockrell, eldest daughter of Senator Cock-
-!.- trsnA t... ,haoed the order of my rell of Missouri, wa. married today to Edson
life I carry it for lunch every day now. Fessenden Oallaudst. son of the president
Th eolor haa come back to my eh.eks ot th Columbian Institution for tha Deaf
and 11 ds and I have no mor hsadaches or and Dumb.
nervous spell. Dr. T. S. Hamilton of the Church of
ki. i. r..n of enerev and new life, th Covenant officiated, a, reception fol-
im. 8"vr,0", Tf ana life, aeeme worth th living, now that lowed th ceremony. President Roovelt
erlr'New I hav. th. propr food." Name and a part o, other
-'olonel H. O. Ingeraoll. Let turea b- poatuna Cempaay. Battl Creek, present. Tb young psopl wUl reside at
gun thla spring and the regulsr fj . , " ' Dston, O.
To Establish Liberal lalveralty
KANSAS CITY. Feb. 11. Plans have been
completed for the opt-ntng'here of a liberal
university, whlf-h some time ago purchased
the prppt-r building, Urge t-atate In rbls
city, ior tne purpua oi removing the unl
verxiiy rrotn nuvertnn. lr. The
will be in
man, former
trena or t-
will tit be
Hawker atate 'Helps to Enrich Bet
tins Concerns e Tune f Many
Thousand Dollar la Chi
cago and Elsewhere.
NEW YORK. Feb. 14. Detectives today
raided a number ot get-rich-qulek conoerna
which claim to operate for their customer.
on the turf. -
Among the concern, raided are:
Crawford Co., 115 Nassau atreet. -The
Reliable investment bureau, 99 Nas
sau atreet.
Those arrested were: Henry T Cart
wrleht.. alias Crawford, and William
Treadwell. alias George E. Stone, brokers
ot Brooklyn, and Charlea Goodrich. The
first two wer arrested at 9 Nassau street
and Goodrich at 115 Nassau atreet. Tbey
are charged with fraudulent us of the
Cnrtwrlght and Treadwell placed ad
vertisement in the nepers for subscrip
tions to a single-corse . wire and three
hors wirt on the races, and agreed to re
turn proflta of 167,50 in tevan weeks on
each $100 Invested..
Cartwrlght also publishes a magexln pur
porting to deal with financial questions.
Th complainants aa far as known ars
Moses O. Hurr of Berwick. Me., Mr. Gil
roy of Montclalr, N. J., Samuel P. Duffleld
of Dearborn. Mich., C. S. Kellogg of Clin
ton, Ia., and A. Kline of Daytop, O.
Th police aay Cartwrlght and Treadwell
wrote prospective clients over : their own
namea explaining the scheme and referring
to the Crawford company, and Gtorge F.
8ton for reterencaa. A specialty waa mad
of profeaalonal men, especially physicians,
six hooka being found In th offlcee of
Crawford A Co., which contained th nam
of none but physicians. On th eover ot
each of the hooka waa the word "Done."
Cartwrlght la said to live la expensive
styl in Brooklyn, where. h haa a large
bouas and a fin collection of art trtaa
urea. Six Trn Bill Heteraed.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 14. Thw grand Jury' in-
vestlgatton Into th turf investment eom-
canlea wa. continued today. It' being re
ported . wnen th jury aojournea in tne
afternoon inai six true Bins naa oecn
returned. Neither E. J. Arnold nor his
manager, L. A. Gill, had yet been found for
service by the sheriff.- -
For evidence in respect to th methods
of the Arnold company th grand Jury I.
depending on th book, and papera of the
concern and testimony of some' of It. lesser
employe. Interesting development as to
tb Identity of some of the Invettors, who
ar known to be prominent in 'St.' Loult
Ufa, ar expected.
From the correspondence and llteratur
ot th firm held at evidence by th grand
Jury, It develop that Po.tofflc Intpector
George A. Die recommended a fraud order
again.t this concern after hla lnve.tlgatlon
Inttead ot the order, it la atated, Arnold
A Co. received a letter from an influential
pottal official, which they uaed at an ad-
vertiaement. The writing of thi. letter
and tb raaaona for overruling the reco n
mendatlon of Inapector Die will be ;adt
th tubjeet of a .weeping Invettlgatlon.
Arnold at Co. employed the bett legal
talent In aevtral cltiea to look after their
buaioeaa and watch for tuch development
Letter, ar aald to have been found fro.-n
at least one member of the Missouri legit
lature pertalnlog to the tnterettt of lbs
company at Jefferson City.
Ths legislative committee appointed te
Inquire late the business method of grata
and turf Investment companies met In Joint
aesslon today at tb Southern hotel to .ex
amine witnesses. ''
Representatives of all the turf Invest-,.
ment companies and six ot the grain' and
atock investment companies ot St. Loul
have been requested to appear before the
committee and the Sergeant-at-arms, Joins
M. Stephenson, haa been furnished with
papera to compel their attendance.
After a brief preliminary aesslon. during
which rules for the Investigation was
formulated, the taking of testimony by the
joint committee wa begun. Among those'
pretent in response to summonses wer At
torney Charlea T. Noland, representing tb
John J. Ryan Co-operative Investment .
company; Governor Charlea P. Johnson,'.'
representing tht Cleag Commission' com- .
pany; Attorney B. Harlan, reprstntlng th
Rial to Grain company; Attorneys R. M.
Frumberg and W. P. Ross, representing th
International Investment company. ' .
Chleae-o Firm Mast Stand Trial, V
CHICAGO, Feb. 14. Harry Brolaskl, M.
Bok and Mattle Woodln, arrested yester
day In the raid, on alleged fraudulent turf
Investment concerns here, were today held.
In bonds ot $500 each. W. J. Mason aol .
Henry Thompson were freed upon ahowlng .
that they were but clerks In the raided.,
places. .. , ,
Preparations are In progress for the pros
ecution ot the turf concerns by th Post
offlce department. Inspector Stewart . haa
been asked to begin steps poking to an
Inquiry by a federal grand Jury.
Th colic department . Is ' preparing to
bring a number of cages to the grand Jury's
attention and., sax indictments. The first
arguments concerning 'the concerns raided
yesterday will he heard on February 23. .
Many disgruntled persons were nresent
when the thre prisoners were arraigned.
Among: .them were H. A. Smith and John
Reed of Cedar Rapids,. Ia.', investors la tb
Brolaskl concern of $10,000 and $3,000 rf- ,
spectlvely.' Cedar Rapids residents, they
say, 'have ' about $113,000 invested with
Brolaskl. . Teter F. Klein of Marlon; Ia.,
also preferred charge against Brolaskl,
who, h says, obtained $475 from him by .
fait pretenses. Klein represents a ayndl
eat of Marlon people, with over $4,000 Invested.
Today's mail, seised by tha police from.
tb. desk, of a doxen stenographers, eon-v
talned letters demanding ine return ot an
aggregate ot $10,000. These demand, the '
polio aay, would never have been granted,
for Brolaskl had the prtvlout dsy dtclloel
to refund an Investment ot $3,500 t aa ex--presa
company. .,..,.' " " . ',..'.
.. . Claim All Will B Paid,
t l
WASHINGTON. Feb. 14. Tb Washington '
branch of tb E. J. Arnold company of St,. ;
LAW naa oiosea. a Duiiettn posted yes- j
tsrdsr five - several telegrams, dated ' Stv';
Louis and -signed L. A. GUI, on ef wfaioh-
says:." ' ' ' '
"Had te suspend during. the run occa
sioned by attack of a .local paper. W ar
II VtW an1Ti'. tfiA Will h w t
There. are 300 subscriber 1n this elty.
each having from $60 to' $500 lavesttd..
Tessg Wtataa a Topeaa IntiaM
rials Glaat Wladaws Warth
Several Haadred Dallars. '
TOPEKA, Kan.. Feb. 11 Plate' glass
window fronts .of lour of th finest ealooaa
In the city and two drug store . wet
smashed In this morning by an ax la th
hand of Ml Blanche Bolae, a dlselpl of ,
Mr. Nation. Th smashing waa dons from
th sidewalk. Th damagt will amount te
hundreds ot dollars.
Miss Boise achieved notoriety sotqs month
ago by whipping Mayor . Parker, and was.
In aeveral raids la times past with Mrs.
Nation. She glvss aa her excuse for her'
hatred ot saloon t that they rulatd . a .
brother. Sh waa arrested aad placed ta
elst will be lusUtutsd next tall.