Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 19, Image 19

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 11EE: - SUNDAY, FE11RUAUY- 15, 1903.
.Bminen in All Lints ii Again Dull on
Board of Trade.
Twrlmtomm Are, llawercr, Strong oa
hort ppllea aid Uond C oramla.
Ham Doris Loada I
tpward Tendency.
. CHICAGO, Fh. H.-TinIlner in th train
nil provlnton pita whs agAin dull and
rain prices hau a downward tendency m
tept wneat, which cloned VuV,u u.ntr lor
M)r. May corn waa c lnwci, while oaia
H" """ ! Pruvlmimit wero Birung and
tho May products closed from oj.Sc 10 loc
. 'ihera was only a. scalping; market In
wheat and the volum ot trade was light,
UtTnrltiKs were not heavy at any time and
. the demand oniy lair, shorts taking ths
Most of the offerings. 'J"h early maxkut
was firm on bettef cables than anticipated,
taking Into consideration the decline hers
yesterday, and May opened Hiro higher
ac i , 4C Alter selling at i,c a de
cline to 7?'V5 followed, due chiefly to the
yoor showing in the casn market and ths
lack of demand. Covering by shorts on
the breaks prevented any serious decline
'and the close was steady, May being Wcf c
higher at .". i ic. irospecta of a bear
ish visible' supply statement caused some
unesslness avnd had a depressing Influence.
Clearances of wheat and flour were equal
to ia,l) bushels. Primary receipts wtre
(K4.CM) bushels, sgalnst lHii.inu bushels a
year a. Minneapolis and Duluth re
ported recelpta of Mil cars, whluh, with
local receipts of 38 cars, two of contract,
made total receipts for the three points 4U
oar a against 434 last week and 41 a year
. Corn waa easy and heavy liquidation by
longs. Reasonable weather for the move
ment and the expectation of large receipts
mails the Sentiment bearish and there was
general selling by commission houses, led
y soma of those which recently were ac
tive on the bull side. The opening was
firm on cables, but the market soon weak
ened on lack of any material support and
ruled easy throughout, May closing "c
lower at 45c, after selling between 44 -c
ana 4oc. LOcai receipts were ui cars.
Belling pressure waa again in evidence In
ttve oats pit and there was considerable
liquidation by - the leading bull Interests.
??be liberal quantities or standard oats be
ng turned out of private warehouses was
largely responsible for tiie anxiety to take
troOts. Lower prices ruled throughout Uie
day and. the close was easy, with May o
lower at Mu,o. after selling between
MVjO and. 16c. Local recelpta were iM
A small run of tings and higher prices at
the yards caused firmness In provisions at
the start and good buying by commlssloq
houses) and covering of May ribs by shorts
Added to the advance. Offerings were light
and came mainly from locals. The close
was strong, with May pork 12So higher at
tl7.12Vk. May lard was up fVJfiViC at )9.dZVitt
9.(5, and ribs were 13c higher at I9.47M,.
Estimated tcolpta for Monday: Wheat,
) cars; com, 360 cars; oats, 2uu cars; hogs,
44.000 head.
. Tha leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. Htgh.j Low. Close. Yea'y.
Wheat I II''
Feb. 74H 74H 744 74Vi 744
May n& 777 77 77&A, 77
July 7 i 74 74 74V, 73V1ff4
Feb. 4.1H 43
May 4B 45, 4i 45 46
July 43H5 Wti 43V4 43J
Keb. . 844 84V4
May - 36 H74) W4 3Hfu-V WUffi
July 33Va 3H 33V 33V' &.u
17 17 20 17 06 17 12H 17 00
July 16 47 16 02 1ft 47 16 62 16 17
Feb. 9 60 9 68
. May, 960 963 960 Mi 9 47
July- 930 935 930 93G 926
May 9 87 9 47 9 37 ' 9 47 9 82
July ..9 17 9 22 9 17 9 22 9 12
Sept.. 9 12 9 15 9 12 9 16 9 10
. No. t
FLOUR Firm : winter patents. I3.60?S.70:
straights, S3.30tg4.40; spring patents, tX.&va
8.80; straights, 33.10(53.40; bakers, 2.45lff2.90.
WHEAT Na. I spring. 77879o; No. 8, 6
jWc: No. 1 red, 74'i'S74c.
CORN NO. I, 43c; NO. 9 yellOW, 43HC
OATS No. J, 4c: No. t whlta, 86Q3oo.
RYE -No. t, 41i9c.
BARLEY Good feeding, li4c; fajr ta
choice -malting, 466c.
SEEDS No. 1 flax. 11.14: No. 1 north
western, 1. 19. Prime timothy, 13.60. Clover,
contract grade. 111.60.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per hbl.. $17.12.
Lard, per 100 lbs., $9.60ai.. 'Short ribs
aides (loose. 39.20fi9.40. Irv salted shoul
ders (boxed). 88.12(p3.2S. Short clear side
(boxed), 38.624!.7S. .
Following were the receipts and ship
ments or nour ana grain;
neoeipts. up.ipments
Flouf; bbls.,
Wheat, bu.
Corn, mi....
Oals, bu
Rye, bu.....
Barley, bu..
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was Arm: creameries. lKC25Vo.
Kggs, steady at mark; cases Included, 144
OWc.. voeese, aneaay, uiwiso.
Caadltloa af Trade aad notations oa
. . ' ' Staple aad Fsasy Praduee.
BOOS Market weak: fresh stock: ISO.
LlVB POULTRY Hens, KHfitlOHc; - old
roosters, 4426c; turkeys. 13315c; ducks. S'tt
c; geese, 74j8c; chickens, per lb.,.louioc.
DRESSED POULTRY-Chlckens, 1112c;
benr, ll'olie; turkeys, 15018c; ducks, 114 12c;
geese, 114 130.
BUTTER Packing stock, 13c; choice
dalrv. In tubs. lbCa!7c: seoarator. USVi&c.
OYSTERS Standards, per can, 28c; extra
selects, per can, 3fo; New York counts, per
can, 2o; duik, extra selects, per gau, vi.fp;
bulk, standard, per gal., II. 36,
FRESH FIBH Trout, $4' 10c-; herring. 8c;
pickerel, 8c; pike, Ic; perch, 6c; bufTalo,
dressed, 7c: aunflsh, 3c; bluefins, 8c; whlte
flah, 9c; salmon, 16c; haddock, llo; codfish,
12c; redsnapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per
lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per lb., 28c; bull
heads, 10e; catflBh, 14c; black bass. 20c;
halibut, 11c. .
BH AN Per ton, $14.50.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
' sale Dealers' association Choice No. 1 up
land, 38; No. 1 medium, $7; No. 1 coarse,
36 50. Rye straw, 36. These price are for
hay of good color and quality. Demand
fair: recelpta light. , .
CORN 36c.
OATS-840. '
RYE No. t, -46c,
NEW CELERY Kalamaioo, per doa.,
.25c; California, pa. doa.. 4rxa75c.
POTATOF.S Per bu., tOtptbc.
SWEET POTATOES Iowa and Kankaa,
NrTW GARBLE Y Per dosen bunchei, 40c.
NEW CARROT8-Per doren bunches, 40-1.
t F.TTVCrS Per dosen bunches, 46c
TURNIPS Per bu 40c; Canada rutaba
gas jver )b.t 1-4C
BEETS New southern, per dosen bunch
es, 50c; old, per bu., 40c.
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per doa., 31.75.
PARSNIPS Per bu., 40c,
CARROTS Per bu.. 40c.
GREEN ' ONIONS Sou there, per dosen, 40c.
RADISHES Southern, per doaen bunphes,
TNRNIP8 New southern, per doaen
bunches. 6oc.
ONIONS Red Wisconsin, per lb-, IV!
white, per lb., tHc, fSpanlsh. per crate,
SPINACH Southern, per doaen 'bunchea,
0tj. .
WAX BEANS Per fed. box, $3; string
Deans, per ou. box, 31 50.
CAPS AGE Holland seed, per lb., 1C
MAVY RI.'lKaI.. k ei V.i
TOMATOES New Florida,' per 6-baaket
craie. a wiio-wv.
CAUFLOWER-Callfornla. ' pr crate
82.50. .
PEARS Fall varieties, per box, $3.50.
APPL't-Western. per bbU 3 76; Jt na
thans, $5 00; New York stock. 33 26; Cali
fornia ttelinowers, per bu. box, 31.6t.
GRAPES Malagas, per keg. 36.OuS7.0O.
C RAN HER HIES Wisconsin. per bW.,
jlivwi; tie ii ana Hugies. (u; per box, 33 nu.
STRAWBERRIES Florida per qt 6oc.
LEMONS Calif uruta fancy, $3.50; choice,
83 36. v
ORANGES California navels, fsncy. $B.6
E3.16; choice. $2 75; Mediterranean- sweets,
26: swaac Jeffs $150. -
DATES Persian, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.,
$c: per esse of 30-tb. pkgs.. $2 26.
FUJS California, per 10-lb. cartons, $0c;
Turkish, per Si-lb box. naisc.
HONEY Utah, per 24-fraroe case, $3 25
CnUrflllil . tl 60
CIDERr-New York, $4.00; per H-hbl. $210.
SAl EitKHAi I Wisconsin, pr n-uui.,
it : per hbl . $3 75.
MAP'.E SIGAR-Ohlo, per lb.. 10c.
POPCORN i'er lb.. 3c: shelled, 4c.
HIDES No. 1 green. 6e; No. 3 green, 6c
Nn I ultewl. 7Uc: No. 8 salted. 6Wc: NO. :
I can, w - . - ' ' -
calf, 13 te H lbs., so; dry fclds. Jl3ci skeep
pelts. 16tf7fc; horse hides, SI6VI2 60
NUTS Walnuta. Ka, I Ml . U
lc; hard shell, per 'c; No. t soft shell.
per lb.. Me; No. t hard shell, per lb., 12c;
Ifrsills. per lb., lie; filberts, per lb., 12c;
almonds, soft shell, per lb., Ar; hsrd shell,
per lb., 16c; pecans large, per In. 12c;
small, per lb.. He; cocoanuts. per d"!., S"c;
chestnuts, per lb., luc; peanuts, per lb.,
IV; roasted pesnuts, per lb., 7c; blsck
walnuts, per bu., II; hickory nuts, per bu.,
fl bii, cocosnuts, per l'JO, $4.
OLD MKTALS, ETC. A. B. Alplrn quotes
the following prices: Iron, country mixed,
per on, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, tH;
copper per lb , fctv; brass, heavy, per lb.,
ft'-fcc; brass, light, per lb., tc; lead, per lb.,
Sc; sine, per lb-, 2Vkc. ,
Market Is Rtagaaat, gave Few Oper.
- atloas 1st riaal Half Hoar.
NEW YORK, Feb. 14-Trdlng ap
proached near the level of stagnation In
ths stock market today. It was not until
the last half hour of the session that the
first sale In either flugsr or Manhattan was
recorded. L'p to that time there had been
only one or two transactions In l.'nlted
States Steel. Ths movement of prices In
such a market has little significance un
less of a negative character. The selling
pressure, which was notable yeaterday, was
relaxed today and there was even some
evidence of support here and there, snd
especially In the Gould group. Wabash
preferred was lifted nearly a point. Gen
eral Klectrlc rose further on alleged ex
pectations of benefits to stockholders to
accrue from the purchase of the Stanley
Electric company, perhaps by new stock
subscription rights. American Smelting
advanced an additional l, with intima
tions that the Improvement in the silver
market was to he advantage of the com
pany. The signing of the protocol for the
submission ot the Venesuelan dispute to
The Hague arbitration court was cited as a
reason tor some of the buying. The liqui
dation of Erics seemed to be cheeked snd
there were dealings an the new convertible
bonds on the curb, when and where Issued
at 90, as compared with the proposed issue
price to stockholders at ST, t'rloes re
ceded a fraction on the appearance of the
banle statement, but the market stesdled
again. The loan Increase of $U,274.fcJO la
not excessive, compared with correspond
ing weeks of other years. It Is believed
that some borrowing has oeen for the pur
pose of repaying foreign obligations, which
can now be done to advantsge. The surplus
of $16.fV29,7a compares with llS.MO.ouO at
this time last year and 112,802,460 two years
ago. .
inn movement oi Dona prices naa men
Irregular and the principal activity has
been in speculative issues. The large
dealings In St. Louis and Ban Francisco
funding 4s Were attributed to tne absolu
tion of the underwriting syndlcatefc.
I'nited Btstes 4s coupon and new 4s regis
tered declined Vi per cent, the old 4s per
cent and the 2s lH per cent, as compared
with the closing call of last weeku
The following are the closing ' prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
MV So. Rallwar pfd
do ptii
lOOVi Teiae Pacific ..... 42
Bal. a Ohio
Toledo, si. i a w.
do pfd
do pfd.
Canadian PadAo...
Canada So, ,
Union Paclta
. 74
do pfd
Chaa. a Ohio
Chicago A Altos..
.. II
do pfd ,
.. l"4
do Did
. 70
Wheel, a L. K....
Chicago E. HI..
Chicago A O. W..
do Id pfd
.. 7H
Wla. intral ,
do lat pro
do Id Dfd
. 4S
. Ill
. 14
. M
do pfd
Adams El
Chicago A ft. W . .
Chicago Ter. aV Tr
do ptd
C. C. C. A Bt. L.
Colorado So
Amarlcan Bx
United Stale Ex..
Walla-Pargo Ex...
Amal. Copper
Anar. Car a F....
.. 70
.. M
do lat P'4
do 2d ptd
.... 71
do pfd
Amar. Lln. Oil....
do pfd
American 8. A R..
Anac. Mining Co..
.. e
.. 61H
... !
.. 7
.. to
.. in
.. 7
.. C8
.. 47'
.. nit
.. (It
... Jf'i
Pel. A Hudaou....
Del. L. A W
Donrer A R. O....
.... 4H4
do sfd
.... M
Brooklyn K. T
Erl ;
.... Syao. Fuel A Iron
do lat ptd
do Id Did
.... 11 Cone. Oaa
.... 4oT Cont, Tobacco pfd...
....too dm. Electric
....10Si) Hocking Coal
. .. IcUa. Paper
1461 oo pfd
... . ii Intar. Power
. 71 ilclede Gaa
4T National Hlseult ...
....Ill iNatlonal Lead
Oreat Nor. pfd
Hocking Vall.T ..
ao Did..
Illinois Central ...
Iowa Central
do pfd t..'
lks Krl. a W.
do pfd
L. a N 12" No. marl. an
Manhattan L I44H PacISc Coart
Met. St. Rr U'1 faeinc Mall
Max. Central 6 ' ecplCn Oaa
Max. National ....... If Trcaaed 8. Car
Minn. A t. I. 104V, dn pfd
Mo. Pacific
i4 ruuman r. car.....
.. txVltapubllc Steal ....
.. 11
M.. K. A.T...
do pfd
so ptd
... 74'4
N. J. Central
N. T. Centrat
Norfolk A W.
Tenn. Coal A Iron.
Union Bag A P
.... 7
..- 0
.... n
do pfd
4u ptd...
U. 8. Leather
do pfd i..
U. 8. -Rubber ......
do pfd..
U. 8. Steel ..
. do pfd
Weattrn Union ....
Amer. Locomotive. '.
do pfd
K. C. Southern....
do pfd
Rock liland ;
Ontario A W.
Pannaylvanla .
, 7H
, :)i
do lat pfd
do Id pfd i '
St. jj. m-b. ....... ao
, as
do lat pfd
do Id pM
Bt. U 8. W
do pfd....
Bt Faul ...
do Dfd....
. ,
. 41
, t4
, 4J4
8o. Paelflo (t'V
So. Railway T
Xsvf'YVrk Musty Market.
NEW YORK, Feh. 14. MONET On call,
nominal: "no loans: time money, steady:
sixty-days, 4 per cent; ninety daya, 4 per
cent; six montns, 4544T4-4 per cent.
registered and 'coupon, 107H; Ss, registered
and coupon, 107; new 4s, registered, 134;
coupon 12M4: old 4s, registered ana coupon,
109V4: 5s. registered and counon. 10244.
The closing, quotations on bonds are aa
follows: , '
U. a. ref. la, res 10TH Hex. Central 4s 77
do coupon 107S4i do la Ine 174
do la, res 107 Minn. A Bt. L. 4a.. .103
do coupon 107 M.. K. A T. 4s M'i
do new 4a, rag 114 I do la t!
do aoupoa :.US4 N. Y. C. g. IVM 1011
so ei a aa. reg iuvmi J. g. as isi
do coupon
.lrovt No. Paciao 4a...,
.10l do la
10t4i N. A W. eon. 4a
..Oil Reading gas. 4a,
lri St, U. A I. M.
,.ioi ,.. l. a a. r.
. 4 at. l. a. w. u
..10S do la
.W B. A. A A. P. I
da la. teg.,
so coupon
Atchtaon fen.
B7t. I
do ad. 4a
Bal. Ohio 4a.....
do IHa
do oonv. 4a
Canada So. la ,
Central of Oa. if...
do la ino.
Chas. A O. 4Hs....
c. a a. ma
o, m a at r g. 4s.
n I
.lo so. PactHa 4a..
Bo. RalHray Is..,..,
Twraa A P. la
T . Bt. 1. A W. 4s.
. 77
.. t4
union Pacini 4a.
do conv. 4s
Wabaah la
'do ia
do deb. ...,..
West Shore 4a...
Wheel. ALB.
C, N. W. e. Ta.
K. I. A P. 4a. ...104
C C 0 A St L f . 4a.. 100
Chicago Tar. 4s 4
Colo. A Bo. 4s II
I-eii rer a R. O. 4s...
Erl prior Hen 4a ... 17
Wla. Central 4a 12
w. a u. u. ia.,..iii
i.un. luncca mm
Hocking Val. 4a....lM
Colo, ruel
U a N. unl. 4a 100
, Bostoa Stacks aad Bonds,
BOSTON, . Feb, 14 Call loans, l6 per
cent; lime loan, b per cent, orr.cial
closing of atocks ana bonds
Oaa la
Mei. Central 4a...
74 Amalgamated ...
ITTa Blnsaa,m ,
100 Calumet A Heels
. 70
do Dfd
, .ora
Boaton A Albany..
Copper Range ...
Old Dominion ...
Boat on A Mo
. 'I
Boatoa Elevated ..
N. V., N. H. A H.
. It
. i
ntebburg pia
t'nloo Pacific
Hex. Central
American Sugar
.. I
. li
do pfd
Ill Sanu Pa Copper
Dominion I. A B..
. oaa lamaraca
.101 Trlmnuneeln .....
. SolTrlnlly
.101 flan
Oeo, Electric
. M
Maaa. Klectrlo ....
lotted fruit
. II
V. 8. Bteel
. la victoria
do pfd.
ll n lnona
Weetlnth. Comnlon...lOT WoWerlns
Adveotura II1
- ' Lssdoa Stock Market.
LONDON. Feb. 14. Closing quotations:
Cnaola. sione.V.-M 14-14
New York Central. ..
do account ...VI la-la
Nortolh a Western... 77
Anaconda H
Atchlaon .... o
do Dfd.
Ontario A feealern.
Rand Mines
do pfd liu
... 77
Balllmora A Ohio 1A1
... U
... 11
... 46
... let
Canadian PaclSc...
t8 do lat pfd
tsl do Id ptd
lll8outhern Railway..
1 de ptd ,
41 'Southern Pnetae....
CbeaeDeaka A Ohio.
Chicago O. W....v
C. U. Bt. P.....
DePiara ...........
... 14
... '
Penaee A WL. O....
do Dfd.....
. II ll'nlon Pacl6o..l.
, 404 do Dfd
da lat pfd.
do 14 ptd
Illlnola Central.....
Loulavllle A -Naah..
k. K. A T. .......
71. United State Bteel
41 do ptd
14 Wabaah
1 do pfd
, l
MONEY 3634 per cent. The rate of
discount in the open market for short bills
Is 8 7-1693 pet cent and tor three montps
bills is 3ta MS per cent.
Jfew Yark Mlata Stocks.
NEW YORK. Feb. 14. The following are
i;iubiii 8yB vm uaaAeTB W V W cwa
A ilama Cos
Brunawlch Cos....
Conaatoch Tunnel.
Cos. la I. A Va..
Horn BilTer
Iron Sllvsr
Leadillle Cos
. I
Little Chief
Ophu- ......
. I
. H
Pkoealx ....
tl JPo'oal
. M
Sierra Kead
"mall Hopes ..
Mlaaeaaolla Wheat. Fluar aad Vlr.
7c; July. 76c; on track. No. 1 hard. 77o;
No. 1 northern, 7tvTtjVjc; No. Z northern,
KLOl'R First patents. 335(214 00; second
patents. 33h5b3K; hrst clears, $3.55; second
clears. U lna,) j jo.
BRA-Iiigher; ia bulk, $la00tfl5.!,
Peerta Market.
No. 3 41s.e
III.. Feb. 1.-OORN-Lower;
UATB-lVuUj No. ut VS
Cattle Selling Nearly aa High u Tbey
Were a Week Ago.
Desirable tirades of Fat Steep aad
. Lambs "old Freely All tha Week at
Steady ta Stroa Prices, bat
Comnaoa staff a Little Weak.
Receipts were
Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Official Monday 3 346
t'tflclal Tuesday 6.MS
Official Wednesday b.VOi
Ottlclal Thursday 2.529
Official Friday 1.36
Official Saturday 48
Total this week 18.216
Week ending Feb. 7 17.8M
Week ending Jan. 81. ,...18.750
Week ending Jan. 3V-"-l9MS
Week ending Jan.
Same week last year.... 17,663
23. U' 4
The following table ahws the receipts ol
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date and comparisons with last
year. 19"3. ).2. Inc. Dee.
Cattle 133,05 107,64 26.421
Hogs 292,313 366,719 74,406
Sheep 161,3o 91,321 60,064
Average price paid for hogs st South
Omaha tor the. last several days with com
parisons: Date. 1903. 1902. 1901. 19l0. lt9. jlRW. 11897.
Jsn. 16...
Jan. 16...
Jsn. 17...
Jan. 18...
Jan. 19...
Jan. 2o...
Jan, 21 ... i
Jan. 23...
Jan. 23...
Jan. 24...
Jan. 25...
Jsn. 26...
Jan. 27...
Jan. ...
Jan. 29...
Jan. 30...
Jan. 31...
Feb. 1....
Feb. 2....
Feb. 3....
Feb. 4....1
Feb. 6....
Feb. 6....
Feb. 7....
Feb. ....
Feb. ....
Feb. 10...
Feb. 11...
Feb. 12...
Feb. 13...
Feb. 14...
6 41
6 221 6 251 561 1 I 471 I 36
15 5 261 4 12 t 50 18
S 171 l 'Jill 4 Mi 1 4l 3 47
i zii t i m i an a ii: 3 2
384 i 6 Hi( 4 64, 2 4 Ml I
6 4JWi 6 HI 1 4 Ml I 5il I i J 21
e bt)4 u 12);
t Ml t 26
I M I W I ll I U
8 671 23
I 2
I C3
3 r. 3 3)
3 72! 3 35
3 67 3 30
621 I a;
I 64 I 27
I a 29
3 66
3 641 t 17
3 63 13 19
6 D94k it 031 la 4 6 a 56
6 66Vkl 6 08 t 211 4 Ki S 61
I 6 141 5 121 4 48 I 60
72 I 6 13 4 651 1 57
6 I 12! I 4 62 1 3 63
6 MVi 5 9oi 5 221 I 3 til
6 C4H 5 Wl b 2I 4 62
6 (6
5 97
5 2
6 26
6 17
t 22
4 Ml I 70
4 Km 3 64
5 CVa,
4 r 3 64
t 25
4 63 3 64
6 70
5 93
4 62 3
3 73, 3 20
6 50 6 Wo
6 811
I 1 591 S 72) I 25
4 66 I 3 721 3 21
6 6 11 6 23
ID 0 10 B Zl
4 701 I 56
4 68 3 66
4 75 3 6n
1 19
6 74W
D iM d in
6 981 6 291
3 75
a 7i
s a
t 27
3 2?
3 25
a 2
6 71
6 25 4 84 a 70i 3 71
6 75
6 00
4 801 3 71
a to,
6 704
a rii.
6 Oil 6 32
3 65
3 771
6 72i ( 04 6 30
4 79
3 HI
3 30
t 83
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
cattle. Hogs.ii r s.
C. M. A
St. P...
union Pacific system..
F.. E. St M. V
C. Bt. P.. M & O.....
B. A M
C, B. & Q
C, R. I. & P., east....
C, R. 1. & P.. west....
Illinois Central
Total receipts
The dlsuosltion -of the day I receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber or neaa indicated
Cattle. Hogs
Omaha Packing Co
Swift and Company
Armour & Co
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour, from Uioux City,...
Other buyers
Totals 87
CATTLE Prom the tabte of rerelpts
given above It will be seen that the supply
of cattle this week hss been very liberal,
as there' Is a gain both over the previous
week and also over the corresponding week
of last vear. Other markets have also
had liberal runs, so that the tendency of
prices has been downward, jn fact, tne
market this week hss been the most un
satisfactory to the selling Interests of any
that has been experienced in a long time
for the reason that prices on fat cattle
reached the lowest level jCor seyexaj, years
past.. ... ...
The market oh cbrnfed steers broke tfi
bad shape the first half of the week, but
Tuesday and Wednesday proved to be the
low days. After- that receipts were more
moderate snd nrloee again moved unward.
On Thursday and Friday the advance
amounted to fully 15c, but as' compared
with tne close or mat wee me maraei
is still
shade to lOq lower. The quality
M aL.. .ffAsl V. 1 amatla tiaa kuin
on)y fairi BO that Just vfhat a prime bunch
would bring Is largely guess work. It Is
thought, though, that a finished bunch
would reach 35.00 without any trouble, but
the bulk' of the cattle .coming forward are
selling from 43.75 to 4.40. it takes a good
bunch to bring better than $4.40, while
nrettv decent cattle are selling below $4.00.
The cow market also broks In bad shape
the early part of the week, but on Thurs
day and Friday prices Improved consid
erably, so that the bulk of the loss has
been regained. As compared with the close
of last week, the market may be quoted
nearly steady to 10c lower. The bulk of the
medium grades sell from $2.76 to 33.25, while
the choicer grades sell largely from $3.28 to
$4 00. Canners are Quoiea irons a.w to
Bulls are -selling about where they were
weea aaro. witn me aemana very iimuea
..rvBdellv for the better grades. Good fal
bulls are selling largely from $3.00 to 33.60,
nt the commoner grades from $2.25 to $3.00.
Good veal calves nave nem aoour. steany
tnr the week, as high as 86.25 being paid.
but the commoner grades are a little lower.
The stocker and feeder market has been
irn.i tn some extent by the sudden droo In
the price of lat came, mncti prime aioca-
fBular,. that hiv not been fed
I corn snd are dehorned are very little lower
for the week, but tne common ainaa ana
warmed up cattle tnat nave oeen setting
for feeders are lfv?f2fc lower and slow sale
at the decline. The bulk of the cattle are
selling from $3.26 to $3.76 with choice
kiimhu arolnai high SS $4.26. While ths
I inferior grades sell from $2.75 to $3.25.
Av. Pr. Me. A. P.
m i i w in i o i 1M i II
..107 I M 1 1210 3 16
. .1410 I 00 . 1 1716 8 II
ini IS
HOGS There wag about an average Sat
tirdav's run of hogs here today and aa ths
local nemano was uuue uuviai maran
ruled fairly active and generally 6o higher
than yesterday. As onenngs were moo
,nia. it took only a comparatively short
time for practically everyming in sigm to
.v., nare hands. The bulk of fthe medium
welaht hose sold from 84.60 to 86.90, with
prime heavyweights going from 36.90 to
$6.95, and as high as 37.00 was paid for a
little bunch. The light and common stuff
sold from 36.80 down, t
For the week receipts have been much
heavier than last week, but there is still
a decrease as com mrea witn tne earn
week of lsst year. The market has been In
fretty food shape ana in spite oi tne more
Iberal receipts the tendency of prices has
been upwsra. The advenes today carries
tha market to the highest point reached
eince last October. The gain for the wee
amount to iuawc. nepresemauve saies
Av. BB. rr.
no. av. an. it.
71 110 ... t 16
tl...- K4 ... I 1.1
1 lit ... '
44 Ml 4 M
41 117.... Ill
71 111 ... It
tl Ml 40 6 M
ti no ... til
..117 I 74
..lit ... I 71
... I 71
..lei ... I 71 -
..ti ... in
. .101 120 I M
..184 40 I W "
..M0 40 4 10
M .
.117 10 I M U 141 144 H
40 4 10
..1M 40 P 77 I 40 4 ta
..11 ... I M . 4 ill ... 6 16
..104 ... 4 10 I tit 40 It
..111 ... M M ...... Ml ... I7
. .14 ... I M II 114 ... t 17 ... I eil II 141 M I IT
,.1M ... I 10 74 11 ... I IT
..114 ... 111! It 121 M 117
4 ...
54 .
..136 ... Ill 71 151 10 17
....241 140 I 11
P .121 . . I 17
71.. 144 10 I 17
U 14 40 I ll4
lat ... in
II Ml ... I 17
4C M0 ... IN
if m it in
4l Ill 44 I ao
4 171 N t 10
(4 14s, 40 I M
ea HC ... IN
M Ih4 SO lo
in ao i
....114 ... IN
....114 ... Ill
....120 ... I H ... 4 u
....III ... I U
..,..117 40 I U
.....111 ... I 16
174 ... I 15
221 120 4 II
U. .
.130 10 I IS
tit 40 t 16 44 K M
ISO ... I et 44 264 40 I 0
It ... I K 44 131 ... I to
Mt ... I II 14 164 ... I M
114 ... Ill 'it Ml 140 lu
4t 44 I U 14 174 40 I M
J ... I II 4u t l 44 I M
130 ... II 41 la ... I M
lJ0 .... I M. U r4 ... 4 M
Ill 4 4 at . 41 144 ... I ti
m :
u .
4 141 ... I II 1 1 ... T 00
SHEEP There were no sheep on th
market this morning, although sevn
cars were reported. They did not get .a
In time for today's market, however. For
the week the supply has agsln been
liberal, as will be seen from the table
given above. Tere is a slight decrease
as compared, with the tig run of last week,
but there is a big increase over the cor
responding week of last year.
The demand, though, has been fully
Sani la) ILs (itCM'utt, BU ft food. eVullve
and steady to strong market has been e
perlenred all the week for desirable grartea
of lambs, yearlings snd wethers. Home
sales. n fact, have looked quite a lime
higher than the same kinds sold for Inrt
Lweek. ss Nebraska fed Inmbs have sold
an nign m an.A. ine innisei nn vwre nitn
been s little tinevsn Snd packers seemed
Inclined to pound, prices a little, cMlmlng
that the market here was too high ss
compared with other points. For the week
ewes could be quoted tcady to a shade
lower. The half fst ituff of all kinds has
dragged a little, especially on the dxys
that receipts were the hcavleet. and the
market on that class of offerings is prob-
bly a shsde lower
1 he supply of Teeaers nss been very
Ight-snd as there Is quite a demand the
few bunches that sr rived sold at good,
trong prices.
ljuotstions: inotce western mmns, .irr
25: fair to good lambs, lfi..Vfi mi; choice
atlve and Colorado lambs, Itj.l"!; z.; cnotce
Aurlln.i l:i ittfinn An fflir ttl wnnA -erllnBS.
M.7.ii6.a5; choice wethers. H.Hift ; fair to
ood. 34.4oco4.7o: choice ewes. 34 3ui4 50; fair
to good. H.25114"0; feeder lambs, et.UO'u.i.Ki;
fppHpr venrllno-fl .1 ?5(fl4.0O : fppilpr wethers.
3.7SiU4.oi; feeder ewes, aL'.otcaa.oO. Repre
sentative, sales:
7 cull vearllnes 62 4 2o
291 Mexican yearlings 72 5 60
Hogs Strong to a Dime Hlaher Sheep
and Lambs Steady.
CHICAGO. Feb. 1'. CATTLE Receipts.
300 head: market nominal: good lo prime
teers, 34.4o4i5.50: poor to medium, $3.o
25; stockers and feeders, J2.254i4.50; cows.
404.40: heifers. J2.44.50: canners. 31. 4o
&2.50: bulls. J2.0IK7J4 25: calves. S3.5Oih3.0O:
Texas-fed steers, 63.5n4.2o.
HUUB-Kecelpts today, 13,000 Head: esti
mated Monday, 28.000 head; left over, 4o.(xi0
neaa; strong to loc, nignrr; mixed and
butchers. S6.7O07.1a: good to choice heavv.
IT.lMi7.25: rough heavy. J 707.00: light.
"4fii6.70- bulk of sales. tfi.70W7.tlO.
UHtSKP AM I-AMHS Hecelpts. 1,000
ead; sheep and lambs, steady; good to
mixed,- 33 b"(ii4.76; western sheep, M.Voo .to;
nstlve lambs, 4.76ii6.60; western lambg,
34.756.00. '
umciai yesterday:
Kecelpts. Shipments.
1,352 3.3S3
26.817 4,4
6,397 8Xi
Sheep ,
Kanaka City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 400 natives and too Teitans; market
ncnanged; choice export and dressed beef
steers, 4.40fc6.36; fair to good, 32.oiijj4.3o; I
stockers and feeders, 32.504.15; western
teers, 32.75(n4.50; Texas and Indian steers.
33.0fvg4.0O: Texas cows, 3.'.60'ij3.3S; native
cows, $2.0(v!3 36; native heifers, 32.OOij3.76;
snnera. 31.00ft2.00: bulls. liibm.W. calves.
32.50ffl6.00. Receipts for the week, 32,800
attle and 1.000 calves.
HOQS Receipts. 3,00 head: market strong
to 10c higher: top. 37.07; bulk of sales.
$604(6.95; heavy, $.K6(S7.(r7'4: mixed pack
ers $6.7037.00: light, $S.6i'a85; yorkers,
36.77xtl6.b5; pigs $5.506.45. Receipts for
tne wee, neaa.
BHKtif and lamho-iso receipts mar
ket unchanged; native lambs $4.00'r5.1&:
western lambs, 83.b54j.06; fed ewes, 33.0O
10: native wethers. H.ooii4.(; western
wethers, IS.OOSpl.&O; stockers and feeders.
. St. Loots Live Stock Market.
8T. LOUIS. Feb. 14. CATTLK Receipts,
00 head. Including 100 Texan": market
steady; native shipping and export steers,
33.(tofi6.60; dressed beef and butcher steers,
33.5on-t.76; steers under 1.000 lbs., H.tHVg.OO;
stockers and feeders. $2.404.2O: cows and
heifers. 32.2614.50; canners, 31 bW2.oo; bulls.
jz.6ohj3.Yd: calves. Texas ana In
dian steers, $3.004.25; cows and heifers,
HOGS Receipts BOO head; market steady;
pigs and lights, k65"b6.75; packers, 36.700!
6.90; butchers. 6fKKB(.io.
SHEEP AND LAMHK-Kecelpts. wio neaa:
market strona: native muttons. S4.20ifr6.00:
Irnnhi a fV,,i an- cnlla snd hucka H 0048
4.50; stockers, fl.5Oa3.0O; Texans, 3.504(4.00.
St. Joseph Li-re Stock Market.
and westerns. 33'.254j4.25; cows and 'heifers,
S2.004 25; stockers and feeders, 33.004.26.
hoos- Kecelpts. z.wa neaa ngnt ana
light mixed 38.70a.2H; medium and heavy,
36.857.06; pigs, S5.75tl6.60; bulk, 6. 851 6 95.
SHEEP A1ND lA M tin in o receipts; mar
ket unchanged: lambs. 35.7596.35: yearlings.
S6.0t)(S.76; -wethers, S4.75&5.35; - ewes, 34. 04
Slonz City lAve Stock Market.
SIOITX CITY. ia.. Feb. 14. (Sneclal Tele-
mram C A TTf .Bl Rncelnts WKI- market
steady' beeves, fj.ouwM.uw; cows, ouus n
mixed, $1.50fJ4.00; stockers and feeders, $2.75
64.26; calves and yearlings, $2.603.85.
JclOUB rteceipis, e.uuo; marsei try iro
higher; selling, $6.t06.90; bulls, 36.66IS6.76.
BHEEP iteceipis, iw; sirong.
Stock la Sight. ,
The 'following were the receipts of live
.attle. Hogs. Sheep.
48 7,110
300 12.000 1,000
4i O 2.000
200 600 800
276 2.8:(3
200 4,000 200
1.024 28,443 1,600
Kansas city
BL Loula .....
Bt? Joseph ...
Sioux City ..
Totals ...
Qootatlons ( the Day Yarlons
KTt-Tar VObtT Vat, li inriTin Pa.lnl
$1,836 bbls.: exports, 18,611 bbls.; market dull
and unchsnaed: winter patents, u.boao.tii;
winter straights $3.6ofg3.65; Minnesota pat
ents, $4.1(itfHt.a0; ' winter extras, $2.8O(ti3.10;
Minnesota bakers, 33.2f5g3.45; winter low
grades, $2.AtKi2.90. Rye flour, steady; fair
to good. 33.00ui3.3&: choice to fancy. $3.4iif
8 65. Buckwheat flour, dull, $1.90-25, spot
to arrive.
CORNMEAL tjulet; yellow western.
tl IS- cltv. II 1! Rrandvwine. 33.40ad.66.
RYE Firmer; No. 2 western, 6Ufcc. f. o. b.,
noat: state, 66067740, c. I. t.. New York.
HAKLit, 1 jjuii ; matting, oioit;, t;. i. a..
WHEAT Kecelpts. ,uoo du.; exports,
$.478 bu. Spot, firmer; No. S red, nc.
elevator, and 62c, f. o. b., afloat; No.
northern, Duluth. h!io r. o. , o
Ontlnna dlsnlaved moderate activity and
aicauiiiona v , v, , . o . " ..iv...., .
by higher rrencn catiies, rains in tne wm
ani hlarher nrlres In Argentine. March
closed at 81ttc; May, SI $-lt'a5l"tc, closed at
$liic; 'July, 78 7-l67JtiC, closed at 78!ic;
Beptemoer. v n-ittg it)'c, cioseu ai mu.
COHN Receipts, 144,000 bu.; exports.
$14.9C9 bu.; sales, 100,000 bu. of futures and
$a,0tJ of spot. Spot weak; No. 3, twc. ele
vator, and Ke, I. o. o., snoat; ino. a
yellow 67c; No. 1 white, 67c, Options, while
quiet 'were fairly steady today on higher
cables, cloudy weather west, the wheat
strength gnd further poor grading. The
late corn market was weasei iiirousu
heaviness In cash corn and closed rather
.ak st UifrlUc net decline. March. &
66Vc, closed at BSe: May, 61V(l61c, closed
at flaC; JUiy, la'4jay i-iw, ;iUBieu aa
OATS Receipts, 99,iV. bu.; exports, 12.769
bu. Spot, dull; No. 2 43Vic; standard white,
44c; No. $, 42c; No. I white, 44c; No. 3
white, 43Hc; track mixed western, nominal:
track white. 43'b48c. ' Options were quiet and
barely steady under realizing. May closed
at 42Hc.
HAY Quiet: shipping, 6570c; good to
Choice, 96cfi$1.05. ,
HOPS Firm; state, common to choice,
lwa crop, 30U37c; 1901 crop, 24-0 27C; olds, &
rtlDKa Firmer; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs..
18c; California, 20 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas
dfy, 14 to 30 lbs., 14c.
, l.KATHKK Klrm; acid, V4Htf25c.
PROVISIONS Keef. dull; family, $15.0fy
18.00; mess, $10.0010.60; beef hams. $3.&rf
21.60; packers, $12.00f 13.00; city extra India
mesa, $26.oCKi(i2'V00. Cut meats, quiet; pick
led bellies, $9.ng10.,': pickled shoulders,
lM.AXaH.2o: olckled hams. $ll.till 60. Lard,
steady: western steamed, $10,004? 10.10; re- j
fined, firm; continent. $10 40; South Amer
ica. $10.75; compound, $7.5oitf7.75. Pork, dull;
family, $18.&nul j0: short clear, $18.fcilUu.uu;
mess, $17.76'al8.26.
BL'TTER Quiet; extra creamery, 28c;
extra factory. 18ljl7c; creamery, common
to choice, lfe2fe; b'-l$ creamery, 18i-25c;
state dairy, ft'fl'iSc; renovated. WiSlc.
CHEK8E Firm: state full creams, fancy
small, colored, fall made, 14c; late made,
laVflHo; email white fall made, 144c; late
made. 13c; large colored fall made, 14tc;
late made, 13Yc; large white fall made,
HV: late made, 13Wc.
KGOS Bteady; slate and Pennsylvania
average best, 17c; southern. l&Hc; western
fancy, lo; refrigerator, S12c.
TALIXW tjulet; city ($2 per package),
6c; country (packages free). eSc.
RICE Firm; domenllo, fair to extra,
'e;- Japan, nominal.
POULTRY Alive and dressed, quiet, un
changed. METALS Prices for the -various metals
are firm, no changes being reported. Cop
per la quiet and easy: offerings sre In ex
cess of consumers' requirements, but there
is no quotable change. Standard. $12 im.
nominal; lake, $ li' vo-'ffii 9; electrolytic,
I12 6M1 12.76; casting, $12.3;V 12.60. Tin, Arm.
following yesterday's English advices;
spot, quiet at a rf9.7? I-ad, quiet and
steady; spot, $4.12n Spelter, firm; sup
plies light; quoted at $6.x&6.0S. Iron, Arm,
nominally unchanged.
Mllwaahee Orals Market.
ket etendv; No. 1 northern. TSffflOc; No. 1
northern. 7w?7o: May, 77e bid.
R Y E Steailv ; No. 1, Bl'ii '.ic.
RARLKY Steady; No. 2, 64c; nample, 46
CiiRN May, 4.V.
it. I.onla tiraln aad Provisions.
ST. LOriS. Feb. 14 WH l-T-Iower;
No. 3 red. c:ih, elevator. 71Sc; track. 74'yil
77c; Mav, 7;iH''t .SSc; July, 71 V ; No. 2 hard,
Tl Vd'lc.
t"tRN-lxiwert No 2 cash. 41c; track,
41i-i;4iu.c; Mav, 41S1i41aC; July, 41c.
ATS Weak; No. 2 cash. Six-' track, 364
ti37c: Mav. :ti;--,c; No. 2 white, 37Vtc.
R YK-rni'hnngctl at 49Hc
FliOl'R Pill, red winter patents. $.1 4Mr
3 -rF. ; extra fancy and straight, $3.1Hi3.4o;
clear $.1.0i4i3.15.
SKKI Tlmnthv, steadv. $3.003.60.
CORNMEAL, $2 30.
PRAN Firm and dull; sacked, east track,
S??i s;,c
HAY Lower; timothy, $10.5Ciill.lO; prai
rie. $T.(HV5 11.00.
HAGOINti 1-1677 1-16C. .
PROVISIONS Pork, higher; jobbing,
standard mess. $!7.6T. Iard. tiimer at $n ii.
lrv suit meats, firm; boxed extra shorts,
$!.37H; clear ribs. $:.25; short clears, $.5ti.
IlHcon, firm; boxed extra shorts, $10.25;
clear rlha, $10.26: short clears, $10.50.
MBTAL8 l-ad, firm at $3.97H. Spelter,
Stenclv nt $4..
POI'LTRY Steady; chickens, 11c; tur
keys, 11c; ducks. 13c; geese. Sr.
Rl'TTER Steady; creamery, llVJCSc;
dalr: L ITirtWc.
EGGS Bteady; fresh. U'Hc
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls f.' m.noo
Wheat, bu 6o.ii0 1 12.X
Corn, bu U' 2.".000
Oats, bu 82,000 17..0UO
.Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
Wc; J'tly, 66'c; cash. No. 2 hard. Use; No.
3. 8tiiti6V; No. 4. 6"563C; rejected. 6si3
6S,c; Nt. I red, 7t)fj71c: No. 3, 6Sc.
CORN May. Jsc; July. 3sc; cash. No.
2 mixed. 3Mi4oc; No. 2 white, 40VU4o;
No. 3. 40'-.ili-((i4c.
OATS-No. 2 white, 36H'6Dc; No. -1
mixed. MtvifflSc.
RYE No. 2, 45c.
HAY Timothy, $12.60613.50; prairie, $!00.
Rl'TTER Creamery, li-(23c; dalrv, 19c.
EOOS Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan
sas stock, 12HtC loss off, cases returned;
new No. 2 whitewood cases Included. I.V.
Receipts Shipments.
Wheat, bu 62.600 1S.M0
Corn, bu 65.6'i0 80.80O
Oats, bu 15,000 26,000
Rank Clearings.
OMAHA. Feb. 14. Rank clpnrlnoe for the
week ending today show an Increase of
$669,063.22 over thoae of the corresponding
weea oi ivu. ine daily figures read:
1903. 1902.
$1,172,976 19 $1,078,801 34
1.153.974 32 l,007.6fo 72
1,065, 400 84 960.8114 66
1.214.403 40 1033.664 08
, 1,176.379 32 1,001.313 70
1,013,669 21 1034,430 66
Monday ,.
Tuesday ..
Thuraday .
Friday ....
Saturday .
Totals .
..$6,785.823 23 $6,116,760 06
Dnlnth Grain Market.
Dl'Lt'TH. Feb. 14,-WHEAT-No. 1 hard.
77Mic; No. 2 northern, 74',4c; No. 1 northern,
wc; May, u'WiiW, July, 77c.
OATH May, 30.
IV. Farnam Smith
& Go.
We offer Union Stock Yards
Stock, Stuth Omaha, at 106,
1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064
These Are Snaps.;
American Mining Cs (Nav Mes.) ' ,.5
Eagle Mining A Imp. Co., (New Mel.) 38 .
Coliimbui Corw (Black Willi,) . ' 8
Oslconds, (Oregon,) .86
Grest Western, (Hondorios;) ' .TO
Hiddsn Fortune. . .86
Hone Shoe, . Spscisl Bargain
Klmborly Mining ana frilling, --' .09'
Mt. thuta (6000 Share Lots) - .fO' '
Oro Hondo, (Black HUH) .BB :
Send remittance with 'orders. We de
liver the goods. List your stocks with
us. Can furnish any stock you want
on short notice. THE 8AVINO TO
Get our complete bargain list..
Security Bldg., 188 Madison Street,
Has followed oar subscribers snother week, asd
STery one whoM term expired ha. renewed.
Thejr bougut wheat below tto snd sold st Me.
Thef bought Miaaourl Pacific near 110. Wabaah pre
ferred at 44, Tun Faclflc below 40, Oaa st 104, Cop
per at 46 and sold FtIbco soot U.
Thla service, dally, coat, only $60.06 s year, too
little to conatder. Writ for our booklets, explalu
Ir.i our aiathoda and our "Special offer Ho.
No one can trade sacceastully without soma aenrlca
like oura. We furnish for t&O.OO what would coat
you I6.0U0 to set for yourself, It coal a us mora than
that, but bunilredfl ahare ths etpene.
405 Mallsr's Bid;., Chicago.
Better Read This
You can If you met quickly, tecur Ktm
fcr4jr Mining and MUllnR Co. tock at
fnta Per Share, fit ark muFt bm convartad into
ra h at onca for ttftt aft t tif an catat4 haura
this low prira. Tha Co.'i prtra la SO ranta. lo
ba advanced at an early data ta 40 Canta.
Company claim tbay will pay divldenda thta
year. The, own ovar 1,000 aeraa nf tha brat
Inc mining land In tha world, that of North
am ArkanMi, and hava provad lha airlitanca
In thalr property of a practically Inexhauatable
body of flna ore. Sold only In lota of boo eharea
and upwarda. Only quirk action takaa thla
rare opportunity.
fiend fur our Hat of bargain atorka.
Investment Bankers,
188 JladUon St., Chicago.
f. llHJ.U.)iJ, ,ftjf-wiJlUj.J .IHLWiMSAa-f j
Saturday, Feb. 21st
Will ba tha la it day that our treasury atork can ba
had at tha low price of UV enta par share. fll.rW
buye 100 tharea. or $111. per thoutand. flu per mouth
buya 1.006 ahare. Mlnaa at f tipple 4'reek, Colo.
Title prefect. Proarertua and report free. Addreaa,
Bot a, Canton Oold Mining aad Killing Co., Canton.
We eiecute orders 'for 1,000 bushels and
upwards. Deliveries made In Chicago and
Kansas City. All orders will receive care
ful and prompt attention.
Tel. 1030.
p. B. frVsars. Prss. a A. "Wears. Y-Prea
. Established 1ML
iiemoer of tbe Principal Jcacaaotca.
Private Wires to iU folnia.
Bought and sold for rash or
future dsllverr. x
OMAHA BRANCH, llu-111 Board ot Trad
lelepbone lill
W.t K. Wavrd. Uocai Mnsst.
Up-to-date mining psper (fully
uiuairattai, oontaining an tne lat
est npws from famous gold camps,
V. S. Mlalaaj Jearsal, lfSU N
Hew Vork.
Small Investors Throughout
With The National Securities Co. of St.
Louis, Mo., and Form a Gigantic
The present as will undouliteillv be
knor n in history as the "Financial Arp,"
for never Ui the hUttory of ht world hss
there been so mtirh what mlaht be termed
concentration of capital ss In this present
age. Formerly nn Individual would mitke
an Investment snd win or lose by the mlKt
oi nis own individual capital, out ny tne
present system thousands of Investors
merge themselves Into one company,
thereby having the concentrated strength
'f the entire capital. The Napoleon of
tnis cinss or Investment Is undoubtedly J.
rierpont Morgsn. who, through keen busi
ness judgment snd by the confidence which
he has inspired in the multi-millionaires
of our country. Is able today to form billion
aouar combinations. in the city ot hi.
Louie in a firm known as the National
Securities Co., whose standing In the finan
cial world Is of the highest nature. They
are today doing for the small Investor who
nas irom mo up to Invest what J. jMerpont
Morgan Is doing for the multl-mllltoniilres
of our country, and, by forming a glgantla
comtunstion , made up or thousands or in
vestors In evtry etate in the union, they
sre now recognised ss a mighty factor In
the financial world. The general plan upon
which the National Securities Co. Is op
erated does not materially differ from that
employed by the national IjanV-s that Is,
the National Securities Co. invests their
money that they receive from depositors
in bonds, stocka and other securities, hut
the Investors in the National Securities
Co., Instead of occupying the relative po
sition of depositors In the national banks
participate In the profits of the National
Securities Co. and thereby occupy the same
position in tne roationai Becuriiien i. o. aa
the stockholders do In the national banks.
The national bsnks In accepting your de
posits for a given time pay from 3 to 4 per
cent interest per annum and then take
your money and reinvest It, and the profit
that Is made upon your money is divided
among the stockholders. The National
Securities Co. takes your money and guar
antees 6 per cent per month dividends, 72
per cent per annum, and give you the
i ,
d Xitt3?,
i,'.,, Exporti of corn are enormous. Freight blockage east practically
raised. Shipments of corn the past week the larit-efst In months;
Amount of corn at Chicago and other prominent points are diminish
ing. Grading extremely poor. Market oversold. Holders are largely
In the hands of a powerful bull crowd and preparations are In order
for an active bull campaign shortly.
Further liquidation In wheat will come early v In the month when
. buying will pay biff profits. I am a believer tn $2.00 wheat on the
May delivery and I have thousands of reason! to substantiate my posi
tion. ' ..
,L. v.!---""" ' ill W JaV- -KmW.
Ps-f There Is a. wonderful, demand for good railway shares foe.lnvestniant.
and speculators whp desire to take advantage of weak spots stioji wert)
at hand late Friday,' and'the opening yesterday, to earn mofe by', their J
capital than a .fair rate of Interest, should telegraph heavy buying orders
on the following stocks: Baltimore & Ohio, Missouri Pacific, Copjer,
- Brooklyn Rapid Transit Read all about them In the RED LETTER,
mailed tree of cost,to any. address for five days. Htrong . buyers of
these stocks on my advice will make enormous profits. Write, tele-
- phone or telegraph atriny expense, and in return get the most reliable
advice money making advice, that modern methods can secure.
' . " ';' : ; ' ' ' " '
Geo. T. Sullivan,
WM. K. WAI.SH, Manager, Room A. New York Life Bldg., Phone K3T2.'
The Largest Combination in
the World of Small
We paid over 75 per cent to our depositors In dividends rlurlng 11)02. .
Dividends are paid on the 1st of each month. We have over ten thou
sand depositors who have nearly ffl,!flO,0r0.(0 on deposit -with us at the
present date. We accept deposits from $r0.00 upwards, for which we .
issue a. demand certificate of deposit. Our business Is that of'advauc-.
lnjr money to the large underwriting syndicates engaged In the organ-1
lelng, reorganizing and consolidating large corporations, controlling pay
ing Interests In both Europe and the United States. - '
Demand Investments ip,152,G00.00
Cash on Hand 2,575,230.20
Capital . .
Deposits .
830 Canal Street, Ngw Orleans La.
California-Nevada Alining CovHi5f.r'Vt-Vk"!
The pniraaa of thla company baa ben barons the Bwat eangulns eipertallone. Two I'NKX.
PE4TKI) li.h atrthea ha.e been made la the Victor Ulna alooe. ahlrh a how a that the propertr ta
much mora valuable than claimed la their pniepect ua. 1 aor tent per mouth oa er Talue paid from
aala af hinh-crade ore until VUtor Mill la completed. The Ariaona Mill lll be tulahed thla monih
aud dmldcuda mar ba Incraaaed next mouth. Will poaltlvcly be April lar
PKESEMT PBICK SI. SO PKR BHAKK. ' Walta (or Proapawtua. . .
W. 11. Baldwin & Co., Financial Afents. Volckcrt Bid;. Albany, N.Y.
REFKKEVCaV Commercial Ajanclrt; llata Baak
alntrig Juarital of tha eUato or promlueot mlulua mea
the United States Join Hands
privilege of withdrawing your money at
any time that you wlnh and pay your
dividends each month. In making an In
vestment there are two ihtnss to consider.
The investor should tlrst consider the fact
that money Is simply a commodity a mer
ciiitnitlKuhlc commodity and Is only worth
what it wll bring, and you fhould there
fore take this moiiry to that market which
will bring ou the largest amount of prollt
for It, mid you must be discriminating In
making your Investments snd Investigate
thoroughly the reople to whom you are
entrusting your money. Now, tho standing
of the National S.-curltlcs Co. Is un
questionable and It will take but very llltle
time and trouble to find nut the exact
standing of thin firm, which Is doing.
much tor the small Investor throughout
the country. Simply sit down snd send
your name snd address to the National
Securities Co., Ft. Louis, Mo., snd they
will send to vou by reUirn mail their beau
tiful book, Which will explain to yen Hilly
the exact nature of their business and will
akso give you the name and iiiljran. of
depositors throughout the cuuutry to whom
you can write Hesldes this, thry will give
you the names of banks snd trust com
panies to whom you can write mid llni
that the large assets of this company will
absolutely protect the deposits which you
make. While, as stated before, they ac
cept small deposits, from $." upward,- still
they have msnv larger depositors, such as
Chas. W. Hawkins of Denver, Colo., who
deposited with them IIO.IHH); '. W. Hurkett.
a phvelclan of Warsaw; Ind.. deposited
with them $rt.000,anil many others. Hemem
ber, this firm is one that Is organised with
a paid up capital of $l'Hi,0u0 and Its-reputation
for solidity, and honest dealing Is
second to rone In tho country, and if you
wish to know full particulars and also
learn why It takes money to make money,
and that a small Investor has, not the op-
portunlty to make the large profits if he
goes it alone as hp will to join this gigantic
combination of small Investors, write today
to The National Securities Co., Dept. 41.
St. Louis, Mo.
mWmrnVm . 1 - I ),... ii i ' t
-.-if.-. ..;
..ff. 000,000.00
. 1,203,480.20
. 5,402.350.00
A Trust Company, Loa Aagalaa. Oal. anf