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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1903)
THE OMATIA DAILY JiEE: SUNDAY. FEBHfAHY IS. IfKVt. n FOR tlLCIKAL NEW LOCATION We hvr mtn-pj oa- office from th? old Oiuha St-ving. Bank BuiU:n. corner Uth smd D.iurlts, to ?10 Nrw o-k Life Building, w.irt w. a-e still off-Tin-; the property of the rW Omaha Saving Bank at a g-eat sacrifire in order tn pay the uVrwtrtcir . Below a-e some of the properties we claim to he the cheapest in the locality wherem they re situated: Pr.jr, st . nne-s!ory frsme and two-story frsme house; rents for Si5 per month; lot Stxl2l. $1.400 S w. corner tiiufltf and Wh irr.. with fc-room frame house; room for two mare houses; lot 7!txM feet. tLISn IF.S1 R. nth in. 4-room cottare; lot 5"xl01 H.4S0 5 rontn colts thorough! v repaired new ly painted, 2u2u . ilth St.; lot toxica. tl0Two 1 -story frame cot t area. IKS-IS N. lnth ave.; rent tor 812 r mon'h. lot 44xt. sl.Mh A-rnora modern houe end barn 261 N. 17th ave.; lot 2SS,1. BUILDI K.400 1M feet, north front, on California near S2d; this lot rune through to Caen st ; it is tiK feet deep; splen did opportunity to cut It into small nta and erect cottages: on the car line. $2,000 'inree lota at the N. V. corner Burt nd Lowe sve ; east front on Lowe ; new cathedra) will be oppoelte thee lota and they will double In value In three yters. THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY, 310 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. D. V. Sholes & Co, 71-7J0 New Tork Ufa. Telephone 41 BARGAINS. n. for Soxiso-fnot Jot. t houses, rent $l.Sfi per month. In walking distance. SNAP. fs for fStlC No. JBth Are., full lot. rooms, large X-aiory houae. aewer, water, gee. only half block Lake Pt. line, ex cellent repair. BEST 1TRCHASE JN THE CITT. fS.s'io for 7-room brand new houae In WEPT FARNAM fllstrirt, fine furnace, nickel pluroblna:. rae and electric light, oak flnldh. poliahed floor and ready to move right In. 14.100 for 7-room, atrlctly modern, oak ftntah. pollahed floors, fine furnaca and plumbing:, E. front, on 2Mb near Maaon. CHOICE. for K-room modern E. front houae, full lot. line repair, all apeclal taaea paid. " with bam. on Slat near i'ark. BEST buy 1n HAN8COM 1'LACE. Foaaeealon Imme diately. K.MU for IrtOxlfio- foot lot, d-room modern, hot water heated bnuee. In good repair, on Park Ave. and Poppleton. corner, all pedal taxes paid, iwrmanent walka. BARGAIN. M,floo for an elea-ant t-mnm modern brick nouae near Urownell Hall, with hard wood pollahed flnlah all over, exception ally well butit, hatideome arrangement, lot 76xl feet, fine looation. H.M0 for very fine t-room modern, oak flnlah. fine hardwood pollahed noora, fine plumbing, excellent location. In West Farnam dletrlct, with good barn, full lot. VACANT. WEBT FARNAM, en With Ave., E. fronta. three beautiful lota, and CTxlK feet actiL, lnalde U.Ki. corner (4.4u0. Three are the BEBT lota FOR the MONEY, conelderlng LOCATION, of anything offered for fine homea You cannot 'beat m." K.bua for t0xl4ft, on IHth St., near Jackaon. E. front, ut put on the market for the first time In la yeara. It la a anap, too. $00 for io-foot lot, on grade, on Marry near Cd Pt. WHAT la the matter with thla, but the price? Thla la a pickup. SLW for a 60-fnot lot on Wth and Howard, Jolna Xr. Bmlth'a fine plaoe. BROAD ACRES. i a ere In Spring Valley, went of Bouth Omaha, BNAP, (500. D acrea H mile north of Country club and motor line, very cheap, tlsA per acr. St acres, the nneat tract, near Mth and F, that has laid out tf doom, unaold 1n past 17 years. 1 hla Is s bummer, flee ua RANCHES. 400.(00 acres 1n one tract, very fine ranch lands in the southwest, only 11 miles from railroad, excellent tor cattle or abeep. or can be partly uaed tor agri cultural land with Irrigation from rivers touching It. at 2a cents per acre cash. This la a bargain. We hare a large Hat of RANCHES from UOb.OOO acres down. In all parta of the country. Also large 1'at of tarma In Ne braska, too many to fill a newspaper. Aak for PRINTEto LIST, mailed KhE on APPLICATION. RE SW la FRETTT little -r. borne, near S4tk and lecatur. on comer, valued at !i.et1. to exchange for larger house worth 2.nno. Be mis. PaxtxiB block. RE 48 IS R. C. PETERS & CO. Ground floor Bee Bldg Lot J. block i. West Omaha, louxlST feet. ad,1olniti4t Cudahr a fine residence on tbe west; make ua an offer.1 ft rooms, city water, gat and newer, east front, northeast corner, SLS00. i rooma, mooern furnace, pared tract, X3 slander-son Bt, tl.ww. . T-eooui modern bouoe, paved street, 1S2S E. Mth Be. barn, lot 50x140. C.OUu. S-room modern bouse, ved street, S314 Franoia Bu barn, lot 4ixliti. S2.2UU. UD acres grass and bay land to exchange for small acre tract near Omaha. 148 acres 4 miles west of Ceitsoo. H miles north of Lincoln, 7-room house, good bam. JkxS2. cattle sheds, granary, etc.. bwaring- orchard, food, rich, black loam oil, ciav ciubsoil. ta m a acves well Iniiroved. S00 acres cultlvateQ, best of soil, ire trom sand or gumbo, only 1 mils from Cowles. In Webster county; big snap, 125.00 tier acre. We have 11 shares of I nion Block Tarda stevk for sale at a bargain. RE HSU la SPECIAL OFFERS 1M acres and impts.. iKiugias Co., Wis. Bosraing bouse and TO a.. Warren Co., N. T. to Int. ua Du acres. Aran. Fla.; U acre peach orchard; good buineaa. Residence and 1 sere near Weedspnrt, N. T. acres snd impts, Cumberland Co., N. J ; 111 acre timber: fine truck lana 4X act as and impts,. Bruard Co., Ga. lu-rwim residsnoe and x.' acres land, Wor cester, Msss ; excellent locstlon. Building pint, 17th and Chestnut ts Har- "W. M. U6TBANDER, N. A. Bldg . Pblla. K-ms-iir . e.f aTel.. xTanb11 aoS r m nam district. H.pj.. Sa.w and r.wsj. Bemia. Paxton biocfc- Hfcr-S 15 FINE RANCH 1.408 acres frame bouse lXx24. frame bam S2x5o. S wells and windmills mewi: 2 cisterns. S largs tanka. 2.0uv acres alfalfa land, water I o 15 feet from surface. 2o0 tons bay cut last rear IS miles Anselmo, 1 Custer oounty. price S2.S0 per acre Gov ernment land adjoining sufficient ts pas- lure LOMi bead cattle. j J. H. PARPOTTE, PAXTON BLK. RE-aa is j TWO S-room cottages, newlv papered and 1 painted, near car Una. $1.4b tor both. Twe 4-room cottages in Sim d order, near car line. Si.4(i for both. X. N. HAMMOND. alJ PAXTOV BLOCK. R-4 AN aiegant Ultle borne tn Clifton Hill, evwryiiilng modem, good barn, nice yard, corner lot, price $i.n. Bemls. Paxton block, RE i IS ALFALFA LANDS Ws want ts show you that ae alfalfa farm ts tbe best money maker in Nrnrafka. Call or write for reasons and list. HOMESEEKERS ABS C1ATION. First Floor N. T. LUs Pldg. RE 7$ IS ' B. R BALL Tel. B-l tJt N. T. Life. $1 Si A-rtnm bouse, one acre ground, -in N SiKh st. -tl aa mem bouse, two scree, on N. foth. Smjs US-acre block In Benson. U- Two lb-acre biot as in Benson, small bousa. $. e seres north, joining Bnse on rrt is la-It. MODERN house. Inside property, corner lot, asphslt paving both sides, taxes sll amid, excellent neighborhood, price $4JM. or will trade C.4e equit y for aaelier bouse further out. Bemia. Fas ton block. Svfc 2M la tT.T, $1 . Double house, north front on Cum in sr.. nesr th; renti for SIS per month; lot 41x121. S2.SI0-U have lust obtain title to a -ron cottage and htm. No Kit N. 4fd St. near Cuming; sightly location; a snsp; lot 5oxl $!. Two h-room'. facing south on Cbsrles. near .1d. rent for Si per month, this is a splendid npport unity tor a home and investment at the same time. $2,100 v have Just obtained title to a email house, with a fine yard. No. 241 Hamilton et ; the lot alone la worth the prior; we have had msny Inquiries about this property before we got -title to It. nG SITES S.ffiB E corner 23d and Farna . 116 feet on Farnam by IK feet on Slid at. ts 000 S. E corner 4n.h and Harney sts ; lot 6xU7. N. W. comer tth and Harney st., 22 feet on Harney by IS feet on fh at.: thla I opposite the Lre-Giass-Andreeeen building and la the finest mall trackage lot in the city of (imtbi; we can sell tbc adjoining 44 feel. RE-MS tt Tukey & Son. SOME BARGAINS' CITY PROPERTY B. E. corner Uth and Maaon. tT.UO. Will take clear nronertv aa nan navment. N. E. oomer lth and Leavenworth. tlBO per foot. $HxM feet. N. W. corner 16th and Pierce. Want offer. 23x12! feet. VACANT LOTS It lota on 9th. north of Grande e venue. tI2fi to S2(i0 per lot. k lota In Hernia Park.. C7S to K.1S0 per lot. Lots In Carton Kill. Vtab to ti each. HOMES 4310 Eraklne, t rooma. good shape. Sl.ZaO. IMS Kmer avenue, t rooma, email lot. S1.H0. Part trade. ACRE PROPERTY North, waet and aouthweet of city. tlBO to 0)0 per acre. Easy terms. PLANING MILL Went of -Htta tnd Grant trts. Enourh material In bulldmf to pay for tt. A 13 fTi v IT? m. ar.w 44-440 Board of Trade Building RK K81 IS 7-R. MODERN house and good bam. In Lake Park Add.. Bouth Omaha. Price, Si.imi Bern la. paxton block. RE au lb 2-FTORT 7-room house, full comer lot, blocks to street car. electric light, house rents for Sla per month, tenants ly water rent. Price, ST,). 2-story k-room house, all modem, with good bam and lots of fruit trees in yard, paved street, psving all paid for. first-class neighborhood, close to school and street car. 1 his property will be sold for the next lew days at the low price of SS.WO. ACREAGE. Three full acres with a good thrae-room house, well cistern, Hi-story barn, wagon shed, chicken house and about 40 bearing fruit trees, all fenced In, not over a half mile to street car and school, S1.J0. Two acnes with good bam. corn crib, granary, big shed, about w bearing fruit trees, two wells, and hot beds, all fenced, five blocks from street car and six blocks to school. SW. Very nloe S-room bouse with two full seres, good barn and some fruit trees, . little north of Krug s park. H. Four acres about two blocks south of the Country club, Dundee car will pass rt next spring within one block, thase lots are offered on the market for one week only at the low price of S700. Ten acre of the very richest soil, sdaptsd for fruit purposes, strawberries especially and apple trees, plumbs, cherries and peaches, and one-third acre In first-class strawberries, one-fourth of an acre In winter onions, not over half s mile from street car and one block from paved rosd; has got southeast slope and Is well protected from tbe northwest wind. This will be offered for one week only for SL600 RLTXT at LOVGREN, 4M- Paxton Block, Omaha. RE ill IS A Nict?, New Fight-Room, Modern M.750 Residence for Cash payment, balance monthly. Let us tell you how to secure this desir able property. Like paying rent W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. We STILL hsvs a tew Douglas, Cass, Barpy and aahlngton Co. farma te offer at tbe lowest market price. Bemia. pax ton block. RE 17 la ACREAGE AND LANDS. 10 acres S. W., unimproved, S1.200. So acres about 7 miiea from Omaha post office, 5. uuu vines of grspes, bearing apple, plum, peach and apricot treea. Price. St.Oou. 73 acrea. improved, near Gretna, fa &0u 78 acrea, improved, near Waterloo, $5,400. 120 acres, near Eik City, fi.tuo. 250 acrea. Improved. Burt county, fl2.Sno. tiu acrea good Sarpy county land, S24.O00. CITY PROPERTT. SK50 for 'X127 feet near Mth and Decatur sts. S1.S00 fur choice fit-toot lot west of high school and near car line. S2.7U0 tor b-room house, lot 50x122 feet, pav ing paid S72 B. 27th St. S3.5t for S3xl20 feet on Capitol ave., facing nw market house. S3 7IUt for 13x182 near court house. $4 0is for southwest comer of 13th and Cass, ixvxas feet, paving paid aLT.! v Cr"thton coUe , uw Jor t hniMK rental SI. 022 per year, i ground ttixlJt feet. I ,u fnT ro of br,rk u"alngs. ground ,,,,,44 rct.i u,sa year. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD P O RE S44 15 1 40 and 80 Acre Farms Just closing out the last 40 and go-acre farms 40 suies from Omaha. AU under cultivation, with house, bam and well with pump on every 40 or av acres. Bold on 11 years time; only 1-10 cash at time if purchase; balance at S per cent In terest, payable la ten yearly Installments 40 farms sold In the last thirty dsya If you want a farm on these terms, ready to move on, come st once BL1XT A LOVGREN, 42-: Paxton Block, Omaha. REeie B FOR SALE Small ranch of 4 acres t miles from station. Boone Co.. Neb.; good house and other in. prove men ta. abun dance of water, auo acre In good tnree wirs fenoe. 1' acres good tillable land, nap if taken In ten days. Laod A Halre, Albion, Neb. RE IMS IS EXCURSION TO MIRSOVRL Improved farma In central Missouri, within miles of the stale capital. $10 ts S per sore. Excursion February 17; raii wsy fare for round trip. $1210. Train leaves at 10 a m. from Union station. J B. Plier. Ramge Blk.. ttth and Harney Sta.. Ou ha. RE 41 15 FOR RENT. 4 a. nine miles N. W. of Leigh Neb.; a finely Improved farm, mostly cultivated, well equipped tux handling stock and gram raising; will reut for one year, with privilege of five yesra Price. 3 per acre, inquire of R. C. peters A Co., Omaha. Neb . ground floor Bee building. RE MTU It REAL ESTATE Investments ba Great ralia Montana, pay fifteen per cent In re ti La la Writs E. B. Sargent Great Falia, Mot RE M 7 e S ACRES near Krug Park, fine Inprar menta. fruit, etc. price ST. ago .m trsae for vacant property not to 3 tar out. Bemia. paxton block. RE am IS Western Farms Have Steadily Wise Investors Are Putting Their Money FOR ILK RE4L ESTATE. PATNE. priFTWICK OCT. KOl-Suf New Tork Life Building. i'WEUJNli HoffES On Weat Farnam t . a coay l-room mod ern cottage, with larre lot. for ti..oni Near 2rh and Bancroft, a nice cottage, renting for W jer month, can be sold. If taJten at once, for f5i. Two new t-rootn cottages, with ci'y water and ecwer connectlo'.ia, electric lipr.t, g md location. N 4th et. I'rlce. ti ; ' cash balance monthly. I per oent Interest On Templeton ave.. ut v eat f.f i4th, rooma. oil finlah, bath, weeh baein. eewer. cetnentfd cellar, well bul't. for ti 1I Two -room up-to-date modem houae a. eaet front, paved street, rental per an num lof-etlon Weet Farnam dietrict. Price. $: m . CHOICE BTILPINO IjOTB Fine eaet front building lot. Boxl. in Weet Farnam dlatrlct. near Joslyn e new resi dence, to be aold at once. Price reduced to M"0. If taken this week. In Betnle Park B E comer JUth and Lafayette ave.. permanent walka on both streets, at only liW FARMS. 40 acres miles trom Genos. Nance county, well improved. M0 per acre ! scree lr Pierce county, well Improved. Price. IS. SO per sere 10 screa B. W. of Hsjiscom Park, good houaa, bam. cilcken liouae. all In fruit. Price. SI .' PAYNE BFTWICK CO.. Wl-tnt New Tork Life building RE WO lo GOOD BARGAINS. No. tsn. on IRth Are. north of Cuming Bt.; -room brick h"uee, lot JrnlO, city water and sewer. Price, 7(Wi. Weet of th on Pratt St.; nest 4-room cot tage. Price. uu. On d. north of Grace, well built, new l room cottage and bam. Price. H.W On B. loth. blocka north of the car line. 7-room houa. good barn, lot fc'xSle feet, fronting on two street ; all special taxea of everv description paid. Price, 12.6"0. If you want to buy Omaha property these are bargalna. Tell us what yoj want and we thlnr we can suit you. Will be glsd to show you what we have to sell. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Main Floor N. T. L. Bid;. Ri-1KI IS A FEW seres nesr Riverview Park on Bolevard: will sell separate or In a !ody. emle, Paxton block. RE 990 lo HOVFE8 FOR BALE. $ Xi for a-rom modern house, lot io feet east frontage on Park Ave. and Ti feet west frontage on th Bt., near Leavenworth St. 5.2n (H for guod lli-room modern house, lot GX122 feet, three blocke from High school, rental lull per month. tit.7Ui.uu for modern (t-r wm house, east front on JGth near Farnam tl.iiio."" for new cottage and good lot 2 blocks south Crelghton college, rental tlh per month. tl.47i.tlii lor 7-room house, lot 3."xl32 feet. No. 23(1 California 8t, opposite treign- ton college. GEORGE Ac COMPANT, l1! FARNAM BT. RE M6a: 18 SftKiflO EACH, for lots Just north of Poppleton Ave., on 27th street. Nice shade trees THE BTRON REED CO., 212 Bn 14th Bt. RE hil 15 PATB lWr NET. Larr-e B-room cottage, mooem. double lot. rwii JJorth Eighteenth; price tla If sMd this month; small payment down, balance as rent. C. B. Bhepard, owner. KC N. T. Life. RE BUS 15 W. H. GATES. 617 N. T. Life. Phone 12M. g rooms, fully modem, large cellar, good order and nicely arranged. In Kountxe Place on paved street, south front, nesr boulevard. t3.5uO.lKJ. T rooma and lot Si'ViXSnO, shade trees and some fruit. 5415 N. Uh Bt.. 12.0100. 7 rooms and lot Scxl27 south front. 24 Lake Bt.. CStt.00. S-room cottage, bam, ben house and lot 4x122. paved street. 2G31 Bristol; a nice borne. Sl.60ti.uO. 7 rooms, new modem hard wood finish, barn, east front lot 44x140, IMtn street, near Clark. SS.SO00O. s-room, IH-story. IBid street, near Grace; rent, H2.00, ai.uuu.uo. xi.tau, u HAVE A HOME of your own. Make the rent pay for a home. It goes now for rent receipts. Call or writs us and get our plan of selling homes on HOMESEEKERS' AS"C1 ATION, First Floor N. T. Lif Bldg. RE 876 15 10 ACRES near Albright, can be bought . mighty cheap for cash. Bemls. Paxton block. RE-W1 la I ADVERTISE some bargains all the time; and all bargains sometimes, but can't advertise sll bergalna all the time. IF TOU WILL CALL WILL TELL luU ABOUT THEM CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. Also Insurance tfire and accident. RE 974 15 TRACKAGE. US feet on Jones and sth Sts., B. M. and V. P. trackage. Price for a few days only, fKi.0Mi.0U. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 So 4th St. RE 851 15 WE HAVE customers for the following properties which we have not been able te suit: , , Lot in West r amain district; lot In Han scom Park district; good residence prop erty in West Farnam or Hanscoui Park districts, li you have any property of the above description, come In and list It with ua. or 'phone 89 and we will call with list blanks. It may be Just what we want R C. PETERS CO.. Ground Flour Bee Bldg. RE. lo FOR SALE CHEAP Lot a. block IS. Orchard Hill. $275- W. H. Crowell. Ithaca. X. Y. RE MSfi 17 RANCH FOR SALE 480 acres In Knox county. Neb. Good dwell ing barn, well and windmill; also living water. Nearly all fenced; acres eultl vsted. A splendid stock ranch. Adjoin ing lands can be leased. Would trade for good Omaha property. Price. $12. io per acre. Alao other tracta, large and small. In Bouth Dakota. Uo. W. Snow. Springfield. S. D. RE- GARDEN, fruit and poultry acres, near town, all ataes and prices. Bemia. Paxton block. RE-7 15 HOUSES. 30S Woolwortb Ave.. In . rooms, all modem, owner is asking $2.sfi. Look at It and tell us w hat you win gi rive. On 40th and Hsmllton. nearly new s-room all modern house, fine shade treea. nice yard, lenced. paving an paid, Near Hanaeom Park, nearly new S-room modem house, has bath, gar and electric light a. fine cellar: rented, $." 00 a year and water rent t3 tarfi.Oti. HASTlNGo HEYDEN, 510 N. T L Bldg. tiHr sus IB VIRGINIA HOMES Learn about Virginia landa, aoli. water, climate, proaurta. fruits, berries, cultivation, prices, etc.. by reading tbe Virginia Farmer; liic for three months subscription. Bom W. Emporia, Vl. RE lo FOR SALE, by owner, hay and farm land in Elahorn valley. Addreas Box 44 Coun cil BluCa. la. RE IF TOU want to buy or sell city property. m iirm or rancn. " rpmj w . j . m n, SIS N. Y. Lite, Omaha RE FOR SALE $10 000 Oil for lun acres improved. Joining Benson, six miles northwest of po office. $C4oO no for 4 acres fins level land 4 miles southwest tKnttofhc. fliiti 00 to '. ' (ter sere for S and 10-acrs tracts near (nt raha and South Omaha GEORGE COM PAN 1 . 1- FARNAM ST., or 417 North 2-tth St.. South Omaha. RE MS IS A BIG SNAP A fine. Improved XSt-arre al!alfa valley farm, the b-.gge-t bargala in Un county. Nebrssks Price onlv St.SMU. UU! be withdrawn March 1 if not sold Write for deacrtpnon. Fletcher html Estate Co . Bee Bunding. Omaha. en rt "st CHOICE trackage, naved. Monroe HI N. lata. RE s FtR 1LE-RCL FIT ATE. Money to Loan on S i T" I v r rooert v -J 1 V-'AVWIV-T ... . ' H. Thomas, lft National Rank Bldg. KL io FOR SALE MODEL HOME. Consisting of S seres, level land, young orchard in bearir g, lt-rom dreased brli k 1 0 run g. hern, furnace liiuie anu oinrr 1 outbuiiuings, chicken vara ana naroen. near street fare sno country i.ut.; a prfvements cost. a-room cottage, corner lot, A-e. ana urant. !. idonthiy jyments. j 4 vairent iota. Anarew a Benson addition. Slow each. V. N. MASl'.N 44 Bee Biag. HhilAaM ti LOTS on car lines, only SH0 te Siat each; uniy as aown and only i jwr mun.ii. Betnle. Paxton block. iE SkK la i,i0 0 0 feet south Trout lot on Poppleton Ave., paving all paid. Tnlb i,iituN KEED CO., IU Fo 14th Ft. RE Sol Is THE BIGGEST ALFALFA BARGAIN TET In the great Piatte viiity. A am-acre lm- j up water right, eu acr-a finest aifaiia, I y0R RENT. S-room cottage modern, rood good buildings, s complete home, lrri- j icalitv. Inquire 2545 Capitol sve gated land in Coioraoo improved like ttna 7(i 1 selis at nn per acre, r'nee, ST,iHi. only Sao per acre worth SlO.Ono today, pennies- d k t- Drit-TU'iri' R, rr ion March 1. ny pay rent when r A 1 N t, DUb 1 V fit V-.U., you can get a snsp uke tnisV H nd lor i jjii go. Ave.. l-r.. strictly all mod lull particulars loosy. Nexi weea may i rrn easv walkitig distance, only S25. be too late. Payne jnveatment Company, ! 4nij Nlrbolss, s-r.. modem, special lnduce eole Agents, Main l iotir. N. L. Bidg., j ments to right party. umaha. RE "ti l , 1H411 r. J7th Bt.. choice t-r modem I house. Hanscom Park distrlr:. J2B, FARMS FOR SALE Ion t buy before you have seen our lift of burgainii. s rite or caii toi.-MiiFEEn.EHS AS1ClATION. l-'irat j-iotr is. T'. Life Blog. H- 15 TEN, twenty or forty acres In fruits; ona ol the test lruit ana tutor 11 urmi in lows; sajoina city iimlu Council xiufla. .luurtwa, j. Bee, Council BluCs. vji-M717 24 HOl'BES and lots In all putts of city; also acre property ana farm iitiuS. 1 he O. r . Uavia Co.. fvoom bhH Bee Blug. E Mv RANCH snd farm lands for sale by the L'nlun Pacific Railroad company. B. j. McA.lester, utnu .commissioner. Cnion Pa- , tu.c e.aUguaners. uu,.. -sen. RE Ml WILLIAMSON ntreft: 198 B-a-M2 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM ? If you want to sell a term or ranch, tell the farmers and stock raisers about il. 'ibe Jest way to reach thetc is tbrougu THE TWENTIETH CtNTURY FAKMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 40,000 homes 01 larroers anu Stock raisers, so U you have a guou piece ol land to sell at a reaaonable price you ougnt to ilnd a buyer amour tbein. 7ne cost of an advertise ment is small 2 cents per word. THb TW tN Tlt'l H CtMUKY FARMER, UMAHA, Nttl. RE Sol MODERN S-room house, also 4-room ; good iocations. low prices, inquire 1411 lutein. Rii Ti MS HANSCOM PLACE. 2801 Wool worth Ave., s ,'ooms, mooern, S2,4'V Kountse Plsoe. gooa house, i rooms, 2125 bpenoei bt., g2.u. 2517 Franklin bt., good house, large lot, paving paid, 2,40H. Forty-two acrea four miles out, fine for gardening, xiou per acre. Five acrea, very choice, email house, 40tb and Grand Ave. . W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bldg. Rib-7 IK NICE modem k-room bouse, only Sl.tmO. $luO aown sna monUi.y paymeniB, same aa rent. Bemls, fax ion block. KE Had lb EAST front lot on 25th St., just south of r-oppletoti Ave. cwner wants Sl.viu.0U. THE-BTRON REED CO., 212 to 14th ht. RE Sol 15 TEN. twentv or forty acres In fruits; ons 01 the bust fruit and garden ti,ni m lows; adjoins city 11ml La Council H ufla. Address a. Bee, Council Blufta. owner. KE M."17 M FOR SALE, fine lots for buildings pur. poses; less thin 1 mile from poiotiice, 1 block trom street car line; a bargain lor cash. Address W 20. Bee RE 101 15 FOR BALE, lot 2, block o. Kl'.by's Place. This is second lot from 4ith and Daven port. East front, in sweliest locaton in dty, being across the street diagonally from the elegant Joalyn place, which IS not only the must beautiful place in the cltv. but west of Chicago. Call or ad dress 1012 Farnam street. E.E MHO 15 rt BEST-HOt KEfe. HOUSES. $5 upward. Bemia. Paxton Blk. WinilQFQ ,n "arts of city. The O. nUu JLJ a, Davis Co., Sot Bee Bid D l!H I VANS and baggage wagons. Tela: 1190-1145. ! D ?Dq i UOU6E& G. G. Wallace, Brown Block. ! D 71)1 HOUSES and fiaia. Rinrwalt. Barker block. D Jte rTni ifs ?n ?" pari; t th' cit' r- nUUJCJ (. Petre a Co.. Bee Bldg. D 7bii FOR RENT, pert or all of S-room house st 17U So. lutb St : modem exoept fur usee; good condition and convenient to tar and depot- Inquire on premleea or at U So. 25tb bt. D M434 2216 BURT RT. S rooms .1 . 12.50 ims N. 2ad St. S looms 2417 ErsKlne St. 7-room brick hou , bsth. closet 4'!? ! Mjn -j room. . ......... McCAGUE INV. CO.. 1ol DODGE ST 1 FOR RENT, nice s-room house, with bath and sewer, east front, all In fine ahan. convenient to two car lines. Sill per month. C M Bachmann Paxton bio.k. D 11B TO MOVE right get Omaha A aa Storage Co.; office, 1 lVa Farnam, or leia. laik-Mi. D 7S7 MODERN 7-room bo.ise rear park. 15f a. il'th. D 3 MAGGARD Van A Storage Co. Tel. 14M FOR RENT, all modern S-room cottage Apply Dr. Ford, ro.m 406. McCague bids. D FOR RENT-S.x-rocm cottage, in walking ! TO GET in or out of buaineas call on Wil cletanoe from bus 'tess eer.ier and U. P. llama. Room 4. Mccagae building shopa. Inquire at i'7 N. ISuh St. D 674 IBi FOR RENT. 7-room house snd S seres of ground. W. H- Stephens, $! Curtis Ave. D M7 15 5-ROOM modem bruise. 2tt I hi dee at., per month. Inquire 2G45 Dodge st I D M7 15 F"'R RENT I $25 Modern house end ham, SLX! Calif or nlt at. Cft. Modern house and barn. 24.9 S. 2"th St. 16 Modem bouse and bam, 7'4 6 Sth st 1 lie. House with ctn water. 1 N tiat St. t THuMAS BKES'NAN, Sun S IStn at. ' D M741 17 i 1 ROOMS, modem. 5 8 Jstb st $a 50. D M!4a Zl 4 ROOMS citv water, sewer, for small family, no children. 2 17 N iota, near (raua. Xj Hi 15 Increased. Into Land. FOW CT MtM E. 11" F X'.PT FT., 1" roome I! modern . W H O N. iv h rU.. ! rooms, mt jern. nice lawn, ham sr. no IT. 7 Phrk Ave , p rooms, all modern .. S..iie Maenn Bl.. H twin, sll modern. nice lawn IS 00 W Fn lmh St., t rooma. all modem, clone In . JO !-' ha. Mih Ft. I rooms, modem except furnace S '.T" - m?rTn: pi ( rnomf mticrn. ex- cept furnace S- S 00 :, no 8Cif. California r rooms, modem IS. 00 I llti etandtird Circle, t rooms, tnod- I crn. txccj't furnace 1C..II0 I I'" N. Ed Ft., a rooms, partly modem. IS l 1R: N. 2.1) Bl . t rooms 13. i I 114 N. "th ft., t rooms, partly mod- ! ern lie I'm H. ?4'h Ft., t rooms... w , THE BTRoN REED CO., 212 Bo. 14th Bt. I Kic li FOR rent. 5-room cottage and 1 acre rround. Mth and Hickory I r.:u S 2fth Ft.. :-rotm mod. cottsre uu B. ath St.. k-room, mod., f nd I bum ! IM'T S Ith. 7-room. mod burn an no 151.- 8 SKth. 7-room. mod B.s 312 S S2d. f-ro'im. all mod , and bnrn. ' no SZtf N. th s venue, in-mntn. ail mod .. r.S.Wi B. E. cor E!d snd Califortila, 4 rooms. citv water, gas. sewer II. nis'N. flh. a-room cottase i sti Kli N SSd, S-room cottage t.VD J. H. FHERWOOD. Phone 3?8. N. T. Life. D-MP7H IS SKIS AVfOLWCiRTH AVE.. rooms, modem. 2T : Welister. 7 rooms snd bath. Sis; i"4?.i Emmet. 7 rooms, barr.. S)3; furnished, am Ft. WsrVs Ave.. 7 rooms, modem, lit'., othere. Ringwalt Bros., Burker Blk t-is IS ' jrtn Marcy. s-r. ALL MOL-EKN. choice lo cation, reduced to 121. Ml. S213 Miami. K-r. all modern except fur nace, at reduced tirure Have aiso choice list of .".to S-r. houses. Call snd get list. PAYNE. BOSTW1CK & CO., SM-2-11 N. T. Life Bldg. D-ffl 15 DES'RABLE FLATS. J13ti (in per month for four flute of 6 rocms each, new plumbing and ail rooms newly papered and PHinted. Nos Ifill and 1G13 Howard Bt. Will rent separately. GEORGE COM?' ANT. l'l FARNAM FT. I MMk r HOT'BEF FOR RENT - ., a, c ...'. ;.i,,. ex- i, " ' xo tsu R-.uth nh Ave.. 7 rooms, cltv sater and hath, gas In kitchen, barr; c.wner pivs water rent; fttti (m. GEORGE or COMPANT, lll FARNAM FT. I-M!' 17 NEW eight-room modern house, with laundry room, net ern. comnination ngiii tixures: ier month. Inquire K415 Cald well street. D 2"26 Arlior St.. 2-room house, cit;- water, Si. isf S. 2Hh. 1 rooma. St.. 26th and Taylor ave., 4 rooma. new, S10. atilV steward St., k rooms, modern plumb ing. .12. IT.lo r"ierce St., S rooms, good well, S16. 82 B. 24th St., S rooms, city water and sewer, $12. S51H Latavette si'e., C rooms, modern, new, 20. 232u N. 2Rth ave., rooms, all modem. S22.S0. J p;rk BVp g room, modern. 140. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Main Floor New York Life Building. D K4 15 HOKEY TO IAJA CHATTEL. DO YOU WANT TO BORROW MONEY? We loan from alu ou up on furniture, live stoca, planus, etc. aALARV LOaNiS wluioui nwrtaaae to pei wins a ho hoia sal anea posiuon. An Interview will convince you that the conditions 01 our contracts are the must liotral ootalnabie in the cily. Ve nikkt uu Deductions trom tbe amount borroweu, aa ome uu, tliereoy competing you to pay ir money you uo not get. lui omce is ry easny found, ana having re cently nau it again semoaeiea, 11 la more private man ever. We aiways try to please. UJdArtA Morfl'GAGE LOA.1 Co.. 1U oard ot 'i'rsue -iag., 'iel. i-iw. Established .imC. S. 1lu St. Ao24 "HEAIHi CARTERS'" FOR riALART UJAX8. Every man or woman in uroana. South Omaha and Council Bluffs getting a salary caU ana get our money on your plain note, without publicity, roortaage or endorser. TRY IS ON FURNITL'KE LOANS. Goods remain in your possession; you get the full amount ot loan without oedje uu. our aystcm of payments tne easiest, our ratea are eaaily Uie lowest- Vie aim l KELIABLE CREDIT CO. Get Off Elevator at Third Floor Room u PAA-loN BLOCK. RomSOB. THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Room b4. Paxt-n Block. P hone Thla company is the private bank of tba wage-earner snd salaried employe. II vju have a permanent position aa clerk, bookkeeper, salesman, machinist or artl aaa of any kind, you can obtain on your note, without security or lndorser: Semi- Monthly.Monthly .Weekly, tioo-return to ua....$2J. i$ a so-return to ua.... - S3 1 2u return to ns.... fc t JSIreiurn tc us ... 4.00 20 Us. our offices are private and our bualneaa confidnUal From a. to. to I p. The BEST place to borow money on Tour SALARY, FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK, etc., Is WHERE you can get any amount. WHk-KE you get the loweat rates. Vi nF,E 110 chargea are made in adtanos. V'HEK everjthing is confidential. WHERE you return it tn eaey paynjenta. V'HERE you pay lor only tbe time money WHERE can you do befer than at the PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. ( Paxton block. lWb anu .ferj A M8o4 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, rotrchsnts teani etera boarditig houeea, etc., without se curity: easiest terms, 40 offices in prin cipal cluea. Tolman, 440 Boat fl -of Trade ' CHATTEL, salary a- Jewelry losns. Foley ! Loan Co. sue to D. Oreen. R. a. Barker b.a MONEY loaned on plain note to aaiarled tieople: bualnesa contidentisl. lowest rates. 514 Paxtoc block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X Kli MONET loaned on pianoa. furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 31 6 IS. X J4 WE LOAN money on furniture pianos and diamonds OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK. 1404 Faruiim. upstairs. Tel. A-211S. X Sit6 ! WANTED, good sound horse lr. exchanre for good lot. J. H. Johnson. N. Y. Life. I , X M Bif-mt-fck inure.. Cigar Business $300 Wl buy one In good location, city. J. H. Johuaon, N. Y. Lite. Y-M3I7 CASH for your real estate or ojalresa. no matter where located. For a quick sate send us description snd price. Norm western Business Agency. D S12. Bank vf Commerce blug., 2Cinneapoiia Minn. Y-M67S M7 EXCELLENT opportunity for some one. alth small capital, to take half Interest in good paying buFlneas; one willing to do office work desirea Aldress E. Bee office. Council Bluffs. Y M7s I'EFK ROOM, w tUl roll-top oesk and pbuns servua J. ri. jcinnaon. ae n . I . CHCE. FOR BALE. f.rel-ckas b'scksmttk and wsgon shop, with or wthout building, wrue st once. Kucera Bros., Western. Neh. I-M140 FIT FC'R FALE. a srap. fMsn to ispr stork dry good, nottota snd fsncy gTcerlei. best ,-ountv 'at town In northern Ne braska; corner utore. center of city; turt cver t:" .'' per enriim; largest end bet cltv trade tn fancy groceries, select, hlgh rlae custom: metropolis too far away to affect trade: good rason for selltng; tork clesn snd t . iisrt spring stock In. rest houpht. but order csn be csncelled: s splendid opportunity to srqulre s well e-tabhehed snd paying bi slnees. Address W t. care The Bee. Omaha. Neh. T MTK S FC'R SALE Complete bakety: excellent opening for fine business; csn be had re. sonnbly heap. Inquire 3 P. Smith llli Fifth avenue. Council Bluffs. T-M754 1 7 TO TlRF, stock and grain Investors: Hsre you any money Invented in turf sjecjla Tlun or In stock or grain speculation ? If so. w;ie Is your broker? we know the good from the bed. Reports furntehed on sll turf, s'ock snd grain Investment com psnles. Write to us before Investing M s can be of service to you. The New Tork Financial Mercantile Agency. Pen Pirig., Philadelphia. Pa., or to Western Office, Century-Ridg.. St. Louis. Mo. T-43 HOTEL, modem. 2-story frsme. 4n rooms, well snd completely furnished; 12 house, no competition, s bonsnaa. In thriving southwest lows town, Slt.ono for entire property; owner a health necessitates dls contlsusnce. Will consider good Improved farm or city propertt. Thla proposition worth Investigating. J. H. Johnson. N. T. Life Rldg. T 770 FOR SALE. 4 Brunswick No 1 sertiotisl alleys, t returns; best of equipment: price lM f. o. b. rsrs, Oskaliwaa. la. Address H. M. Hedtick. Ottumaa, la. T-kTM H rOR RALE or rent, bakery complete; fine location; only bakery In good county seat town In northeast Nebrssks; rent reason sble; apply soon. Address Bcnj. Undssv, Pierce. Neb. I M79S lfc' Farm Harness A) GOOD Concord team harness, with breeching. S2S am) up; will take old har ness In trade for new. ALFRED CORNISH, 1210 Farnam St. Telephone 2tl4. OMAHA. NEB. T-M791 Ml jot) CATTLE I have hundreds of acres of range, plenty of good hay land, plenty of water and sheds for 2t' cattle; I want this number or less for five years for one-half of Increase; write me for refer ences. Box Lockwood, Champion, Chase Co., Neb. T M7 A WEALTH T lady desiring to make col lection of fine American Oil Paintings will exchange diamonds, Jewelry, fura, etc.. or cash. Mention artists name. Storehouses plesse notice. Address, W. W. Hart, S65 Fifth Ave., New Tork. T-S2S IB MANAGER A successful cereal food manufacturing company of Battle Creek, Mich., well rsted, Al credit and highest bank references, finds It necessary, owing to the Increasing demand for Its products, to open a brsnch office and salesroom In Omaha, and we want a capable man who can come well recommended and Is ac quainted In this section to fill the position of manager; salary. S1.500 per year and !ercentage of business done. Our mans ger can make srt least SS WiO per year In this territory: must Invest Si. SOU. which Is held as rash security during term of employment In accordance with our eo oiwretive plan of doing business. Address -Cersal. Kit Illinois Bank Blug.. Chicaae, 111. T-2lt lo . H E. WHITMAN & CO., the old. reliable and conservative firm, are still paying their reg-ular dividend, aa heretofore, on each and every Tuesday throughout the year. This profit will not be reduced, as they ere imply able to continue earning the sams on all capital Invested. Your money Is not used for gambling purposes, but Is Inveated in legitimate business and Is fully protected by their extensive prop erties. Deposits may be wlthdrswn at any tlms .In part or In full, on demand. Busi ness men. banka and mercantile agencies throughout the country Indorse their methods. Rigid Inquiry and thorough In vestigation solocited. For full particulars address H. K Whitman 4V Co., Callahan Bldg., Ban Francisco. Cat. . Y FOR WOMEN ONLT. OLD DR. LAMAR'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women; no pain, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief guaranteed three to five days; never bad a single failure: letters truthfully and confidentially an swered by mall; price S2. Sent in plain sealed package or obtained at Buck A Rayner. dtuggiata. Cor. La Salle and Madlaon fits., Chicago. III. Box 40. T 2 GARBAGE tanks, with wagons tf desired; . good condition. John Nelson. North Thirty-seventh St- Council Blurs, la. T AN INCOME of fl.000 per year can be se cured by anyone who will take the trouble to investigate our plans; no gold mine, oil well or gambling scheme: simple, straightforwsrd business proposition. The Jumlafa Co., CIS Fullerton Bldg., Bt. Louie, Mo. Y GREAT profits. $ and upward earned monthly on every fioo Invested: write for booklet: dividends weekly: tnone ran be withdrawn ary time; highest references. Then. Stein - Co.. SO Broadway. New York City. Y M4 !& S0 SHARES Star Petroleum Oil Co.'s stock at 17( cents per share. We aim to sell the best storks at lowest prices. Write for our prices before buying In any company. Securities Trading Co., Germanla Life Bldg., Bt. Prul. Minn. T 7 U MINING Investment on ground floor basis; shares now S cents, par value SI. 00; will ge to par. Mines located In the richest gold district In the world. Write for In formation. Liberty Gold Mining On.. Bt. Louis. Mo. Y-S 15 WE WILL pay 4 to per cent weekly n your ldie money; make your eatings earn money for you. Absolute safety guaranteed: highest references. Money can be wlthdrswn without notice. J. C Rose Co.. Temple Court Bldg . Chi cago. T I 1 ! FREE, 100 lots te advertise Wild wood Lake Park suburb New York: send stamp for deed 25 feet Seaside Co.. 1K7 A Broad way. New York. T YOUR MONET EARNS ALL IT IS WORTH in Its psrttculsr 11ns. Mnnev placed with us has earned our hundreds of clients 4 per week, in addition to which they receive a Quarterly Dividend on our Surplus Reserve Fund, ths next of which will be declared Msrrh t. 1W. OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL METHODS OF OPERATING. BASED ON YEARS OF PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE, is ths Seouel ot our Success. Our booklet. When all else has failed." will give you ("etalia and full Information. Mercantile references and highest testi monials from old subscribers furnished. THE MASON -TELLER CO.. Lenox Bund ing. Chicago, 111. Y-sTS 15 SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISING Is only pos sible by our select lists of pullers: our expert sdvlce and latest Issue of our "Ad vertiser's Pocket Guide " containing com plete lists of the best dallies, weeklies snd monthlies, free: write for copy and avoid expeiatve experimenting Guentber. Brad ford Co.. Advertising Agenta. 10S Ran dolph St.. Chicago. 111. A WHOLESALE and retail Irouor store, es tablished In 1877. In central Nebraaka, will invoice stock, doing a good busineaa Owner wiahes to retire. A splendid op portunity. Win. Madgett. Real Estate, Hastings. Neb. Y INVESTORS' OPPORTUNITY New financial imposition; best ever of fered; safe, sure and conservative; no risks and la rye semi-monthly disburse ments, methods si proved by the success ful banker; the first offer ever submitted to the moderate Investor wherein be sbaree in the enormoua profit of the bank and barkers Write for prospectus Woolf A C o.. 717 Lord a Court. Nem York. Y GREAT oiieninga for business of all kinds. New towns sre being oened on the Chi cage Great Western Ry- Cmiaha exten sion. For particular address E B. MaglU. Town tutc l pU. Fort Dodge, la Y FOR BALE. Jewels-a outfit In aswlng town nf only ewelry ; reuair work. $75 mecLb: must be cash. A. E. Vata, Rs-fie-L la. Y $1 BUYB saock In 10n AlfTerent ooipaniea. Iioube four money in So ears, lmpoaai bis to lose. cvLganric cominnation of small lrsveatara. Ns mrin. turf or gam bling acbema A ptartitl buatnesapnt miuotl American Corporauon Trust. I-emer. Coia T t U Bt VIAE CHAM Cft. TWO FINE genersl storks cf eountre mere hsndlse; one lr.vol"d at snout Sii-OWi. the other Si.?'-: no tisturee. mbilnery cr clothing In elrher slock, but sil gnol clesn. solid saleable anofla. open for fullest Investlgstlon; never traded before; stocks csn I removed, cs ner i unl line s small pert cash and I i mm lnr.d or good rental propn, in et suti you Adrtre 414 H:i '.. v City. Mo., for full psrtlrulara Mertloa which stock you want. T A GREAT crnoet unity ts get IkIJ of r brilusnt business A depertmer.t store doing Ifo.ono buslnen snnjally in a cltv of two Inhabltama In fiiuith lskn'a: double store sort ware house brtc ; rent ai a m -nth stock csrrted frrm 12 " te ,'; siso Wi acres of unimproved land wt!hln seven miles of shove city. slued H7. sn scr ; owner wotild like to trsde for s bua!nes property with s good income In Omsha tr South Omaha. Apply under great opportunity" ui cars of this paper T-K4 17. 14 PER CENT weekly dividend:: pXl reg ularly fr the let three years; we have no vlslonsry scheme of speculstion in grain or stocks to advance, but desire to Interest you In a proposition thst hss proven Itsell successful; we have never had a losing client; send for our boboklet. which expislns pur method In full J W. Stsnley a t Co., Room 22. 2: Broadway, New Tork Clt . V . ! "THIS Beata New Jersey " Charters pro cured under South Dakota lae-e for a few dollar.; write for corporation laws, blsnks. bylsws snd forms to Philip lw rence, late asatetsnt secretsrv of state, Huron, lieadie County, South Dakota. T fTH in BUT MAT WHEAT AND CORN .VOW." centa ier bushel will safely margin your deals In grain. Tour motiev'shoiild double within 15 days; ST0 will safety margin Jono bu.hrls of wheat or corn; S Its will safely msrpln 4. (too bushels. There will be a big movement of whest within ten dsya. Send your money st once and get benefit en our Information Write for our free booklet. "Mortem Methods for Safe Investments. " FLOWER tft CO.. Bankers a Brokers. Traders Bldg., op posite Board cf Trade, Chicago. Y-1 IS rOR SALE Grocery stock: will Invoice about W A bargain If taken at once. 2225 N. JOth St. T-S10 lb THE First-Mortgage Bond A Trust Co. (a stste banki. La Salle St.. Chicago, wants men of mesns or those commsnrtlng the confidence of conservative Investors, who will devote a portion of their time as local or district correspondents, selling high-trade bonds snd mortgares; murt furnish unquestionable reference. i y m FOR SALE, stock In cereal food factory. This Is preferred Interest-beating stock and pays 10 per cent per annum, abso lutely ssfe. Write for full particulars to dsv. Nichols Wilson, 23f S. Broafls-ay. Los Angeles. Cal. Y 11 IB AVERAGE WEEKLT DIVIDENDS TEN PER CENT. Big Income for small or Isrge investors; no schemes; pure buslne" proposition; hss stood test for years; I If. upward re ceived; begins esrnlng on receipt: csn withdraw sny time; we are experts snd know the business; facts on application; 1110 horse racing or faking bualneasi. Hamlin Gray, 33 Broadway, New Tork. T-M5 16 FOR SALE Cheap, a good paying planing mill. Address X. IS, Bee. Y 033 10 S30 EARNS SUMO In thirty da vs. no exenteration: we can convince you; a secure and safe Invest ment ; we have spent an enormous sum to secure Inside information ; our twenty years' experience hss enabled us lo produce weekly dividends heretofore un heard of in any other legitimate enter prise; In the past two month we have remitted on an average of l.lHHl per cent weekly; we expect to do even lietter: the main line to fortune; write for booklet. National Bank Retnrences, Star & Crescent Co.. IncorjHirated, 2lt-2 La Salie St.. Chicago. Y K2 15 A ino Afi INVESTED In wheat and corn by our "Safety Margin System" should mak tewi OO to Snoo.00 in t or 4 weeka: safe, sys tematic and sensible. For particulars write C. K. Boardman Co., Brokers, 2; and 245 LaSalle Et. opp. Board ol Trade, Chicago. T K82 15 THE California-Nevada Mining Co. guar antee S per cent per month in dividends; hsve Sl(.00ft.000 In sight. Write for pros liectua. W. H. Baldwin 4 Co., Brokers, Volckert Blflg.. Albany, N. T. T 822 15 I PER CENT monthly dividend paid by North Carolina Mining and Development Co. laYooo tons of ore ready for mill Write for prospectus. E. N. Van Colt Co., Brokers HO State St., Albany. N. Y. Y 833 16 CALIFORNIA-FORTUNE OIL COMPANT has three biff wells, and 40 0110 barrels of ell stored. Will psy large dividends soon. Write for prospectus. T. J. Gallagher, Fiscal Agent. Volckert Bldg.. Albany, N. X. T 8S4 15 MARVE1XUB REVELATION IN THE FINANCIAL WORLP. An absolutely reliable corporation, au thorised CABH CAPITAL ps' lng a guaranteed dividend of Mi- WEEKLY, 22 MONTHLY. 240 ANNUALLY, with a strict elimination of GAMBLING or SPECULATION $ 26. 00 EARNS TOU MONTHLY f 5.00 50.00 EARNS YOU MONTHLY 11.00 ISO 00 EARNS YOU MONTHLY 22.00 540.00 EARNB YOU MONTHLY 110 On A steady Income the year round. ABSO LUTELY SURE. unquestionably safe, POSITIVELY BOUND. All divldenfla re mitted Tuesday of eech week. Free Book let, THE J. F GARDNER CO.. Fuller Bide., New Tork. Y 831 15 TOUR OPPORTUNITY My safety Inveat tnant plan gusrantees 6 weekly, and pays much snore ; S4.Sk. or 10. paid last week on every $25 account; dividends paid every Tuesdav; write today; agents wanted. Geo P. Fowler, t W. 104th st.. New York City. T li4 15 C9 PER CENT profit paid by ua In De cember and January by the sure and safe s vp tern of the Co-Ojerstlve Turf Asso ciation, a corporation with a capital stock of $iu.0h0 doing business under the laws of tbe state of South Dakota and li censed by . the states of Illinois and Louisiana and the cities of Chicago and New Orleans; accounts In our handa given especial attention; expert handlrsp plng and prices furnished to bookmakers and pool rooms; one good-priced winner wired each day at an extremely low price to clients throughout the country; If you hsve Idle money, money to Invest, money that shauld be earning money, a posts 1 will bring you our Racing Manual of use ful Turf Information, with our entirely new and original plan. Indorsed by press and public snd recommended by promi nent banks and bankera. Note our big dinplsv advertisement on porting page. REFERFNCE. State Na tional Bank of New Orleans. Ths On Operative Turf Association, Inc.. New Orleans. La. Y St 15 GEN'L MDSE. $15 000. clean, up-to-daia stock, leading business In courty seat, thriving eastern Neb. town. Will con sider good clear land. I "escribe land fully first lerter. FLOl'RING MILL TS bbls. capacity, fully equipped, doing good business: an S-room residence, variety of fruit, be ma. cattle sheds, H acres choice land, completely fenced for feeding cattle, located In tin wheat growing Beet Ion of Neh.. money maaing enterprise. $.uno In good Im proved land will do. FRUIT FARM S acrea. Just outside city limits has an elegant large, substantially built 2-story bouse, bams, sheds, poultry yards, 2to arres fine grspes. producing 40.0UO lha. a season; an ahundsnce of other varieties ef fruit and shrubbery : a typical home, has cost owner over S25.000 An Im proved lfto acres near (rniaha or Improved ranch at right figure will be oorsidered on deal for this st less thsn cost. HOTEL FURNITURE sleeping rooms, rirst-clasa, c: house, completely furnished, doing fine buslnees. in thriving easi'rn Iowa town of 2 ouo." Will consider good Improwsd farm, valued S2.150, or ptrt cash, balance easy to good party ROOMING AND ROARDINCJ HOUSE-SC, re as, elegantly furnished, controls fft.ert palrotiaae. best location in cltv. lv incoms SHOO to $:.( Cw?ter's htalip neceaeitstes sale at right t,ure. NCrTICE Any itgttlmaie bUfineea or prop erty which fou wan' te seli or exchacxe, furiiiah me full particulars and descrip tion, stating yur deelres, and 1 will speedily ftut yon la touch wltn a roe -torious pronosition snd de b isinee right away. J. H. JOliNbON. N. Y. Iife Y-H52 IS FURNISHED HOUSE S rooms , ekegan'.ly eiuipped. fne loratloe; full ef ftrsi-ctsss roomers snd b.arl" , better see tt. J. H. Jchrstn. N. Y. Ijfe. Y-MUfJ! BEND for Free rwk. Facts and Fle-urea. e-nlnia optioB tra'L-a. S Buarguis. 1 bu- 2 cents OstM.rri Grain Co. 17 Chamber ef Comeree, Mineato!ia M'ntu Y CJ li