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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: BUND AT, FEBRUARY 15, 190.1. SPECIAL NOTICES taken til 1 " ,0 evening edition ll tor ln and Saadar Hlio. th Rates. 1 word Sret Insert la word thereafter. "Joining ta laa. kra far less than r te nrat ttoa. Tknt advertlsensents aaast ran eonserntl vely. Advertisers, hr resjnsln kered rktrk, caa have ' tressed to a ibervd latter la f The Bee. Aitwtn addraaaa ba deliver raaeaUMtoa ! aealt anlr. will UM WASTED SITUATIONS. STENOGRAPHER wanta position !n ratl- road office, station work preferred; am at present employed, but ocslre change; have had experience In all around ststlon work on N. P. Ry ; have my own type writer; run come well recommended. Will A. Bulley, 313 N. 5th at, Bralnerd. Minn. A Mild) 1j TOUNG man wishes work on the farm. Address X 13. Itee. A "3 15 POSITTON wanted; energetic dry good salesman, trimmer; 10 years' experience; aixtHka German; desires change. Uood references. ddress, X 14, Bee. A 84215 LINOTYPE machinist-printer, competent, wanta change. Prefer newspaper work. Beat reference from present employer. Address, Linotype, Box 606, Dei Moines, la, A 8X8 15 A TOUNO lady stenographer desires a po 1 Sltlon. Addresa X 26, Bee. A P98 15 WANTED MALE) HELP. MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST and only reliable, most practical barber college In the Vnlted States. Write for catalog today. Western Barbers Institute, Omuna. Neb. li'M GOOD messengers wanted; high salaries. . D. T. Co., 212 So. 13th St. B 784 WANTED, experienced, honest, hustling organizers fo- Fraternal I'nlon; bust order In America. IJberal compensation. F. F. Roose, President, Denver Colo. B M230 F17 WANTED, good coat maker, sack coats, $6; also man or woman who can make pants and vests; pants, $1.75 and $2; vests, l.Mi1.75. Fi J. Iluber, Jefferson, la. H M777 16 WANTED, a good-sized boy, 16 or IK years, who wanta to work. Omaha, Bctx Fac tory, East Omaha. B 737 WANTED, practical bookkeeper for gen eral work by manufacturing concern; good position to right party; state ex perience, age, reference and salary ex pected. Address X 1, Bee. B M778 JO WANTED, soda water expert; no cigarette fiends need apply; good wages; write. Johnson Bros., Eaglo (J rove, la. B-M798 15 SALESMEN wanted, .upto.rtate, active, to sell tlrst-class groceries direct to con aumera at wholesale; tlrst-class territory and liberal Inducements. George Meldrum Co.. 69 and 71 N. Green St., Chicago, 111, B M7K4 16 WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, advertising matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv.' Bureau, Chicago. . B 804 17 COPYING letters, return to us, $25 per 1,000 inH attvnH biIHfmiaI ani'alu iu ' Amu. son Chemical Co., Dept. U, 46 I-aHnlle Bt., cmcago. Jri lb' MANAGER wanted In every large county, "Game o' Skill nickel slot machine for drinks, cigars or money; takes place of forbidden slot machines, strictly lawful everywhere; rented or sold on easy pay ments; 60,000 now In use. Cunningham Furniture Co.; juepartment u, Chicago, tU. B 43 16 WANTED, an errand boy at the People's Btore. jb fits lb' TOUNO men everywhere, 'copy tetters, home evenings, $7.00 week. Betid ad dressed envelope lor particulars. - Mana ger Dept. 8 66, Box 1411, Philadelphia, Pa, . ... B-16 15 AMBITIOUS young man, travel, advertise, $75 month, expenses; experience., unneces sary; enclose addressed envelope. Man- , ager Hughes, Monon Bldg... 1'h'cngo. B 87016 WANTED Two energetic . men, over 22 yeara of age. advertising, collecting, etc. Permanent position. Salary, $uo per month, expenses and commission. Ad dress, neneral Superintendent Road Dept 381 Wabash Ave., Chicago. B 865 15 ' WANTED Ambitious young man, fair education, to travel in portion Nebraska; experience unnecessary; salary anil ex penses; steady employment If satisfac tory; some collecting. Address, Manager, 701 Star Building, Chicago. B 86015 ENERGETIC man to represent manufac turer In Nebnmka; salary, $78 per month. Expenses advanced. Salary paid direct from office each week. Enclose refer ences and self-addressed envelope. Smith, Mgr., 704 Star Bldg., Chicago. B 861 16 ' WE WILL pay any man $S5 per month and all traveling expenses, such as horse hire, railroad fare, hotel bills, etc., to take orders for the greatest portrait house In the world. Your salary will be guaranteed and paid to you weekly if preferred. Address, R. D. Curry, Dept. 67, Chicago, 111. , B 871 16 GOVERNMENT positions More than 13.000 appointments made last year; chances better for 19"3; examinations soon In every state; circular 151. giving full particulars as to positions, salaries, etc., sent free. Address National Correspondence Insti tute, Washington. D. C. B WANTED, a few pupils to learn book keeping free and pay for tuition from their earnings after we place them In po sitions: vou can learn at your own home in a few weeks without loss of time or nvuey; we guarantee It; we teach you free and get you a position. Write for full Information and our free book, "How to Succeed In llustnesa." It tells you how you can tetter your position and make more money. Commercial Correspondence Schools, Drawer O, Rochester, N. Y. B LEARN proofreading; situations secured. $15 to $25 weekly. Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia. B WANTED, person to call on retail trade - nd agents for manufacturing horre; local territory; salary $19.70, paid weekly, and expense money advanced; previous ex perience unnecessary; business successful; enclose self-idilressed envelope. Stand ard House, fax ton bldg., Chicago. B $M0 FOR $1 Agents wanted everywhere for most popular and cheapest insurance ever offered; new plan; old reliable company; death benefit, weekly Indemnity, free medical attendance, ninny other original and popular features; $1 a year pays for $f"0 Insurance other amounts In propor tion; policies Issued to either sex without regard to nationality, color or occupation; all claims promptly and liberally settK'd: exclusive territory ami liberal contract with full renewal commissions to capable agents; exceptional opportunity to ontaln sole control of good territory by applying Immediately. International Company. 231 Broadway, New York. jj MEN and women to Introduce Improved health appliances among best people; recommended, usrd by phslclans; benefit all members family; nothing like them; easily sold: results guaranteed; 4 com mission. Hygela Vibrator Co., Auiiitorlum Bldg.. Chicago. B 8U !& AN INCOME of $15 week can be earned in whole or spare time by any person able to write and willing to work. Proof sent plre, 3S3 Bridge St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. B 840 16 WANTED Experienced grain man for the mad by nrst-cluss commission thUse. Must be resident of Nebraska, have good acoualntance with Nebraska ehlnners mn.i be able to control consignments. State reference am' salary exacted. Addrtws, X 8. Bee. B-MM-17 WANTED Manager, branch office, for manufacturing company; liberal salary; all expenses; cash required. Money securer Sept. oiou, ill lonnac itiog Chicago. B 87S 15 MAN to rarrv stock and sell nur house . palnu and paint specialties: $!, to $3,000 i cash required. Salary paui. mate i.usi- ties experience. I oiisouaaien t aint at . OH Co., Indianapolis, lnd. B , 15 T ANTED .siusle man (German preferred) to act aa solicitor for doctor In the coune try. Call 217 N. Zlst St. x-W 14' WAITED MALE HELP. THE ' POSITION PROPOSITION OF BOYLES COLLEGE The students of this popular school enjoy the benefits of Its existence, accumulated In years of training young people to suc cessfully meet the varied requirements of business firms In all departments of. in dustry. A large number of Its graduates are already employed by prominent busi ness men of Omaha and the west, many of them occupying positions of such Import ance as to control the employment of help. These graduates show this school the preference when bookkeepers and stenog raphers are required by their firms. This, combined with the school's popularity among business men for being the most thorough and practical, provides the college with the greatest patronage of employ ment, which Is of the utmost advantage to young people who wish to secure a sub stantial foothold in the business world. The following copies of letters Indicate the character of correspondence that fills the nchool files and prove that prepara tion is the secret of success.. The original letters, with signatures, will be exhibited to any one Interested, with many others of a like Import. . Bank Position. Boylea Commercial College, Omaha, Neb. Dear Sir Have you a young .man, bright and quick at figures and good penman, neat and rapid In work, intelligent, of good ad dress and presence, who Is German or can speak the language. Is competent stenog rapher and typewriter, and has commercial course, whom you wouia recommona us 10 employ as one who would make a success ful bank man? If so, have him write us at once and state, his qualifications, age, size and experience If any, and wnat salary ne would be willing to start with, and oblige. Yours very truly. Law Office Position. Boylea Commercial College, Omaha, Neb. ' Gentlemen 1 am In need of a stenog rapher.' 1 want a young man of good habits, good business ability and honest and trustworthy, with education enough to do his business properly. I would prefer a man who had some ex perience In a law office and capable of doing some business In the line . of collections, etc.. If possible. If such a combination can be found.. We were Informed' that you look after situations for your students and write you on that account. Can you refer me to the man I want? Yours truly. Wholesale Establishment. Mr. H. B. Boyles, -Omaha, Nebr. Dear Sir Mr. A. now wishes to employ a young man who Is fairly good at short hand -an well as able to use the machine and assist the 'bookkeeper, and will pay about $50.00 salary. He need not be much of a bookkeeper, but good enough at figures to assist soma In that' work. 'Will you oblige ua furthef by. referring us to any ope whom you could recommend Yours truly, " '- Farm and Agricultural . .'implement Dealer. OMAHA, Nebr., Feb. 11, 1903. Messrs. Boyles, Omaha, Neb. Dear Birs As yet have not got book keeper and stenographer. What I want Is a man or a lady who Is quick and accurate in figures, understands bookkeeping thor oughly and Is a fairly good stenographer! that Is a Die to nanaie oroinary aiciauon. I have a machine. Smith Premier; would prefer a young man who has had some business experience. Of course. If I can't get one who has had experience, will have to do the next best. Don't want a block head. Want bright young man that a fellow can make something out of. Would, of course, require him to give references as to his honesty and sobriety. I will be In Omaha tne utn ana mn ana win chii and see you. or call you up by 'phone. See If you can l nna me someone oy inai unio, win pay reasonaDie wages, iuuh uuiy, A, Commission House Position. Boyles Commefclat College, omana, rseor. taken a commercial course In bookkeeping, lO aSSlBl inv lllliuma vici n. n.ui m iiirii who Is not afraid qf work. If you have anyone you think could til) thla position would be pleased to have a talk with him. Yours respecuuiiy, A Railroad Position. Mr. H. B. Boyles, nmihi. Nebr. Dear Friend Bovles There Is going to be a vacancy In this department here during the next two weeks. Have you a good shorthand man who is well up in figures. and is accurate and rename? ine position will pay $70.00. Klndlv let me hear from you as soon as possible, in a great pusn ana must ciose. A Position With a Large Manufacturing Concern. Boyles Commercial College. omana. .".eu. Dear Sirs Can you furnish us a lady typewriter, one who understands keeping .Vioks? If so, at what price? Can give her uteady employment. Please reply as soon as convenient, nespecttuiiy. A Bank Position. Mr. Boyles Please see If you can scrape up a young fellow who will nil our bill. ThlA is a gooa Dusine ana a gooa op nnrtunitv. ' If you have a young man suitable pleasa send him down to see me at the bank some time when I am here. Yours truly. From a Cold Storage Company. Mr. V. W. Boyles. Sec'y.. Boyles Commercial College. Omaha, Neb. Dear Sir We have an opening In our office for a stenographer, one who can operate a Remington machine and make himself generally useful about the office. 1 orefer a young man. bright and of good habits. The position will not be a hard one and for the next two month work would be light, giving him plenty of time to practice and acquire speed on the ma chine. Salary would depend how good he could do his work. Our office in Chicago gets young men at $! to U per week and promotes them aa soon aa they are worth more. Kindly let me hear from you by return mall. Do not send any one until I corre spond with him. Select us one or two good mea and nave mem write me. Yours very truly. Apply for Catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE. New York, Life bl& Omaha, WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE THE MONEY THAN SOME OF YOUR UNUSED HOUSEHOLD GOODS. A WANT AD IN THE BEE WILL SELL ANY OLD THING. WASTED MALE HELP. MORE POINTERS ABOUT THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17th and Douglas Streets Rohrbough Bros., Proprietors. POINTER NO. 1 Spring term begins April 1. POINTER NO. a-Moaher Shorthand can easily be' taught by mall. If you cannot go . to school, why not take lessons by mall 7 , It means success to you and the expense Is trifling. Write for particulars. POINTER NO. 3 We will send, postpaid, the latest and best text book ever pub lished on shorthand to any address for $1.50. It Is a self-Instructor. TOINTER NO. 4 Our tiw copy holder the best yet devised will be sent to any address for $1.00. POINTER NO. 6 Our Athletic Indoor Contest takes place with Bellevue College Thursday night, March. 12. .Twelve events besides other amusements. POINTER NO. 6 Any young man who desires to become a member of our base ball team for the summer should write us at once. Strong Inducements offered to expert players. 'C DETECTIVES, every locality, good salary, experience unnecessary. International De tective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B.-KJ2.15. WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau, Chicago. B 1&4 15 WANTED, several reliable local, special and general agents In Nebraska, with choice of territory, to sell our combina tion, life and accident policies. Very lib eral contracts given. Commercial men, clerks, collectors and life Insurance agents desiring better positions will find it to their advantage to write us, or call at of fice between- 4 and 7 o'clock p. m. NORTH WE8TERN ANNl'ITY LIFE ASSOCIATION, 618 N. Y. L. Bldg. B-898 16 WANTED, experienced traveler for perma nent position In Nebraska terrltorv hv art Implement manufacturer with desirable established trade; one experienced In the binder business preferred. Address X 18, Bee. B 902 17 AN ELECTRICAL manufacturing and con tracting company wants bright, ambitious young man to learn business and repre sent us when proficient, in different sec tions of the country; applicants give age, habits, references and former nccunntion If any. Apply by mall to the Edison jnvisinie safeguarding Co., 35 Broadway, New York. B 962 15 WANTED, two young men thoroughly ex- Kenencea in ary gooas ana ciotning wno ave $1,500 or more each and wlHh to engage In business In good western 'own; the writer will furnl"h $13,0(H) to $16,000 stock for right parties. Address X20, care Bee, stating capital, ago and experience. B-rM963 16 SPLENDID chance for men to learn barber trade by our method of free work, expert Instructions, lectures, etc. Tools, diplo mas, Saturday wages, steady positions and board given. Prepare now for soring ' rush. Growing demand for our gradu ates, write tonay. Moier Marner col lege, 1302 Douglas St. B M880 20 WANTED, energetic man to travel, adver tise, collect in MeDrasKa; salary, xw.uo monthly to start and all expenses. Steady position. Address Mgr. F. Gillls, Pontine Bldg.. Chicago. B 875 15 EXPERIENCED refill dry goods sales- .n i ,i . i .. .. . i. i llireii IUI Bciirim ui y p. ii.jvj i o I v ' V IV , ,,,, steady position for right party; unmar ried and good references required. Ad dress P. O. Box 1150, Nebraska City. Neb. B-S58 15 WANTED, several salesmen, tobacco, bug gies, cigars aiso aavertisers; money cacK of proposition. Triumph, Dallas, Texas. B M961 20 WHY not try sign painting No experi ence required; no irauu. samples, in structions, etc., 10c City Sign Co., Springfield, O. B 914 15 BALICSJHKX WANTED. WANTED, t salesmen to solicit and collect; quick promotions, hi raxton diock. M76 SELL Bitters as side line on commission; line article, wen aaveruseo.. u uuming. i tod TWO good salesmen for city. Call at H. xs. luageiey Mdse. Co., 7U7 South 18th. M748 17 WANTED, experienced salesman to handle Chicago manufacturers complete line of gloves and mittens In Neoraska and Black Hills on commission bas.; give refer ences and experience. Address at once but m. ttot ey st., Chicago, 111. M'8 U SALESMEN, up-to-date, active, to sell nrst-ciaea groceries direct to consumers at wholesale: nrst-class territory and lib eral Inducements. George Meldrum & Co., bv ana n is. ureen St., cnicago, in. M7&7 15 WE MUST have more traveling salesmen Apply at once, ueorge A. Baker & Co., South Bend. Ind. WANTED, tlrst-class aalesman In every city. Something great. Address Manu facturer, 619 W. 6Wh St., Chicago. 111. 925 16 TWO experienced salesmen to represent established mercantile House. References required. Permanent position. Good pay to right parties. Address, Dept. 1U15, No. 315 Dearborn St., Chicago. 81 16 TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska terri tory. All-ruuml hustler. Ino technical knowledge. Kxceptlonal opportunities. Krilabllshrd, reliable and well rated housa. F. R. Jennings, Sales Mgr., Detroit, Mich. lb WANTED. Immediately, by reliable Cleve land house, a wideawake man with good buslnetd experience to complete our trav eling force for 1903. Genera! mercantile tiaue. Permanent. Blxler & Co., Cleve land. O. S5315 WANTED, salesmen by manufacturer of grocers' specialties; give experience fully; food salary. Address Box 617, Chicago, 11. WANTED Salesmen by manufacturer, traveling and local, for advertising cal endars, funs, Easter cards, novelties, etc.; large and complete line, Including' copy righted life subjects. Imported and domestic banners, cutiuts and shapes, and hlsh grade three-color calenders. Addrers with references; applications treated strictly confidential. K Sh. care 1-ord A Thomas, Chicago. 838 16 WANTED Two active salesmen In each state capable of earning $. weekly and expenses, side line men earn $'-'0 weekly. Simple nutnt weighing one pound free. AH stores handle goods. Address. Man ager, llowlatid Block, Chicago. 7 It TRAVELING salesmen for side line sum mer dress goods, shirtings, white goods. Manufacturer, P. O. Box 660, Philadelphia. ItO 16 CAPABLE salesman to rover Nebraska with staple line. Hlgn commissions with advance or iiu mommy. I'rrnmnrnt po sition to right man. Jess U. fciutth Co., Detroit, Kkb, a U I A1.EMF. .WAITED. SALESMAN to sell staple line; good talk ing proposition; scheme man preferred; expenses advanced. Wilson-Close AV Co., Iowa City, Iowa. 15 SALESMEN wanted, one hour a day de voted to selling our fire flint cooking ware, as a side line, will net you from $;so to $5o a week; only earthen ware made fuaranteed against breaking In the oven rom heat; sells easily In every town. For particulars address Inland Pottery Co., St. lxuls, Mo. H 15 WANTED, at once, experienced traveling salesman for Nebraska. We want a salesman; none other need apply. Box 511. Chicago. 920 15 WANTED, at once, capable traveling salesman for state of Nebraska to solicit the genera I merchandise trade. Aildrt-ba Box t. St. Louis, Mo. 'Mi li WANTED, salesmen, $S0 monthly, expenses, ermanent. Perry Nursery Co., Kocliester, . x . SALESMEN WANTED, wages weekly, ex perience unnecessary; permanent. Man ager Western Nursery Co., Lawrence, Kan. . SALESMEN: John Sexton Co., Impor ters of teas and coffees and wholesale grocers, 16 to Z2 State St., Chicago, want experienced, honest, energetic. high grade men to s.'ll farmers and other large buyers. We are the largest grocery house In America engaged In this busi ness, and the originators of honest and modern methods of conducting It. We handle the flnent goods and guarantee quality and quantity of every article; no capital required; exclusive territory given, In wnlch an established trade In sures fine Income. We are farmers' head quarters In Chicago. 915 In WASTED FEMALE! HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th ft Dodge. C 7oo WANTED, housekeeper In small family. 3723 N. 18th St- C-410 GIRL for general housework; German or Dane preferred; references required; good wages. 933 N. 2blh st. C M980 15 A GIRL for general housework. 2603 Pierce street. C 758 WANTED An experienced cook; good wages. Apply at 1724 Davenport st. C M764 16 A GIRL for general housework; do cook ing, washing and Ironing; good wages. 2225 Farnara St. C M800 15 WANTED, experienced lady bookkeeper who also understands stenography and typewriting. Address K 15, Bee. C 805 15 WOMEN to do sewing on specialties; $4 per 100; can make six sn hour; material sent free prepaid. Send addressed reply envelope for particulars and testimonials from our workers. Universal Co., Dept. A, Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. C-46 16 LADIES earn money during spare time, home work. Address Mrs. Nancy Jack son, 1002 Payne Ave., Cleveland, O. C 846 15 LADIES everywhere, copy letters home evenings and return to us, we pay $20.00 thousand cash, new plan, steady work. Send addressed envelope, full particulars, Guarantee Co., Dept S 56, Philadelphia, Pa. C-819 15 LADIE8 to do plain sewing at home, Bteady work, good pay; materials sent everywhere free. Send addressed envel ope for particulars. Du Pont. Dept. S 4, Lock Box 1382, Philadelphia, Pa. C 818 15 PLAIN writers everywhere, spare time evenings, $9.50 week, steady home work, . self-addressed envelope, full particulars. Manager Dept. S' 66, Box 1411, Philadel phia, Pa. . C 817 15 A GIRL or a mlddie-aged woman that wants a home and moderate wages, w rite to A. M. Miller, Glenwood, la. Box 111. 1 C 859 16 HOME employment; plain writers: filling smau Dianas; rate, -; per i.wu; siampea, addressed envelope. Woman's Commer cial Union, Dept. W, Chicago. C 852 15 I PAY $20 to $40 per week for addressing envelopes and mailing advertising of my pianos and other musical goods; Instruc tions and complete outfit sent by express; charges paid; no experience required. Cronkrlght's Wholesale Music House, Pittsburg, Pa. C LADIES wanted to do embroidery and Bat tenberg at their homes; steady Work. Chicago Crochet Co., Chicago, 111. C LEARN proofreading; situations secured, $15 to $25 weekly. Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia. C A GOOD position awaits every woman who will sell our beautiful petticoats and solid comfort walking skirts; exclusive terri tory; big profits; no experience necessary ; send for catalogues and particulars. Paris Skirt Co., Cleveland, O. C MOST profitable home work, making sofa pillows; $9 to 15 weekly: materials fur nished. No canvassing. Sample and par ticulars for stamped addressed envelope. New Textile Mfg. Co., Erie St., Chicago. C-77-15 $20 PER THOUSAND copying letters at home; no deposit; material furnished; stamped envelope for particulars. Room 38, Globe Remedy Co., Chicago. C 893 16 LADIES or gents, copy letters at home; no names to supply, or addressing en velopes; nothing to buy; $20 a l.tWO paid weekly; send addressed envelopes for copy and application blanks. Practical Mfg. Co., 128 Market St., Newark, N. J. C 1000 15 WANTED Ladles and High school pupils to work at home; $5 and $10 weekly; no canvassing; enclose stamp. Eagle Supply Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Lock box 93. C-829 15 $5.00 PER HUNDRED for addressing en velopes. Send dime and stamp for ma terial and Instructions. Bteady work. C. E. Miller. Ely Bldg., Chicago. C-930 15 SPLENDID chance for ladies to learn halr dresstng, manicuring or facial treatment. Short and practical course by free work, expert instructions, lectures, etc. Position and tools given. Call or write. Moier College, 1302 Douglas St. C MS81 20 COPYING letters at home, full or spare time no names to supply or addressing envelopes: nothing to buy; $20 per thou sand paid weekly: send addressed en velope for copy and application blank. ' Imperial Co., 123 Liberty St.. N- Y. $1S WEEKLY, working at home; materials furnished free; nothing to buy. Send ad dresed envelope. Columbia 8upply to., SX01 Cottage Grove, Chicago. C i6 15 LADIES to do piecework at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly; send stamped envelope to lloyal Co., 34 Monroe St., Chicago. C 917 15 LADIES to work dollies snd centerpieces at home: all materials furnished; highest prices paid: no canvassing. Send stamped envelofHi to Ely Novelty Co.. Ely B'dg.. Chicago. C-918 15 FOR HEXT-riRMIHED BOOMS. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 797 $1 TEH WEEK 422 S. 18th Bt., one block south of court house. E 798 AETNA HOUSE. European, l$th & Dodge. E-799 ROYAL HOTEL. European. 16th oV Chicago. L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephono 7o. E 801 FI EGANT stam-heated rooms. Capl ' tol Ave. E-191 FOR RENT, large front alcove room on car line, suitable for two; roouern; references exchanged. ZUo Dodge. x-9u la THREE or four partially furnished rooms, rM i a msdern: nn other roomers: mar ried couple preferred; call evenings. 2111 ttherman Ave. a mi wr I ROOM 3, light bousspla. 111$ S. 11 81- FOR RKMT Fl ltSISHKn ROOM. STEAM-HEATED rooms. $10 per month. Barker Hotel. 13th and Jones Sts. Tel. S99. E M316 F17 VIENNA HOTEL. 1011-14 Farnam St. E 802 ELEGANT rooms; hot water heat; modern; teferences. 11 Web iter. E MM Fin.MSHEU ROOMS AID BOARD. A NICE, large room, with good board. 415 N. 25th St. F sua 17 FOR HEXT I SFIH.MSHED ROOMS. DOUBLE parlors. Call at 1G16 Webster St. G M719 CENTRAL, steam heat, all modern, 1, 2 or 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. 2J0 N. 23d. G M7S3 FOR RE XT STORKS AMI OFFICES. HALF store. 620 So. 16th St. I-4S38 OFFICES In The Bee building, $10.00 per month up. Rental price Includes heat, light ana janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agants, Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. 1279 FOR RENT Building suitable, for whole sale purposes at 916 Farnam; 22x90, four stories and lint-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, oltlce counter and fixtures, tor price and particulars inquire C. C. Kosewater, secre tary The Bee Building Co., room WO, Bee building. I-M567 FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasorable. Apply R. C Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee Bidg. 1266 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by lhe Bee at 916 Farnam St. It has four stories and a basement, which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room luO, Bee building. 1261 SMALL OFFICE eight dollars, U. 8. Na tional Bank Bldg. See Chas. E. William son, No. 1203 Farnam, fit. 1-973 15 STORES FOR RENT. 4-story brick building, Nos. 1414 and 1414 Harney St., 19,000 sq. ft. floor space. Call for terms. Fine storeroom and large light basement, all in tlrst-class condition, 1615 Howard St., $00.00 per month. Newly painted and papered storeroom No. 1483 South 16th St.. $12.50 per mo. GEORGB & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST. 1 M939 22 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment, with assured good in come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $60 to $I0U per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. 21$ AGENTS wanted to sell nursery stock; we pay good commission to competent sales men. F. W. Meneray & Co., Crescent, la, J 462 16 WE PAY $26 a week and expenses for men with rigs to Introduce poultry mixture. Year'a contract. Defiance Mfg. Co., Dept. 41, Parsons, Kan. J 8z5 15 AGENTS, try our "Get Rich Quick." 13x15 in. medallions (photos burnt in the glass process). Special offer now, write today. The Diamond Mfg. Co., 1424 Clay St., Cin cinnati, O. -830 15 AGENTS $50 a week guaranteed; auto matic washers sell themselves; agent writes, "Exhibited sample to ten women, took ten orders;" time 46 minutes, profit over $60; guaranteed to do a washing In 30 minutes; furnishes lt'e own power; re quires no labor; costs less than any other machine; free sample and exclusive terri tory furnished. Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chicago. , J-874 15 AGENTS to sell store and factory signs; variety 500; profit 6W) per cent: free sam ples. Val. Schreler Sign Works, Mil waukee. Wis. J 883 15 AGENTS for photo buttons, brooches, lockets, medallions; big inducements. Photo Jewelry Co., 195 State St., Chicago. J BIG MONEY Belling Dr. Chapman's King of Oils. Write for terms and agency for your vicinity; no canvassing. Tho Chap man Medicine Co., TaylorvlUe, 111. J "ALMIGHTY DOLLARS" for you; a legiti mate money-making scheme that will make you rich; circulars free. New Process Mfg. Co., Lincoln, Kan. J-822 15 WE PAY $26 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce Poultry Compound. International Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan. J-20 15 AGENT8 $30 to $50 weekly easily made. Wo prove this. Luminous nameplates, numbers, signs, readable darkest night; samples free. Right Supply Co., Engle wood. 111. J 86715 AGENTS wanted to sell the awlrier gas saver. Double the light on hair the gas. Sells like hot cakes. Send for free sam ple. Acorn Brass Mfg. Co., Peoria & Fulton Sts., Chicago. J-862 16 STOP runaways. Hitch horses solid In stantly;, carry In pocket: sight seller; agents wanted. Pocket Hitching Post Co., Richmond, lnd. J 868 15 AGENTS I will be glad to mall you prospectus of a good thing. lr. . D. Wardes. Corry, Pa. J 66 15 CALENDAR SALESMEN who have had experience, 'lo sucn we will make most liberal proposition to introduce and eell the handsomest line of calenders for 19n4 ever offered to the public. Write promptly with references. Do not write unless you are experienced calendar salesman. The Kemper-Thomas Company, Clncinnat O. WANTED, an agent, either sex, to sell shirt waist goods In their home and sur rounding towns, lrge line. Including high-class novelty patterns and exclusive designs. Sells on sight. Big pay to right party, uucxiey lusiom enirt to., Dept. 1, St. Louis, Mo. J- AGENT8, don't work for rthers; learn a profession in ten days that will pay $lu to $25 per day. Prof. S. A. Weltmer, Ne vada, Mo. J THE AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE IN SURANCE tju., t.iKnari, ina., insures persons from 6 to 84. Seventeen years in business. Liberal contracts to agents. J- 6HAMROCK8 for St. Patrick's day March II. v e are mu 1-ubuiw.i iiuub. iii America for shamrocks. Send for wholesale price list or 10c for sample line. Jos. F. Hllx, Omaha. Neb. . J SALESMEN $25 per week to sell a .lamp that mikes Its own gas; lamp free. East- t . t sn Ua.uii a. xi v i WANTED Lady agents wanted for the old established "Hygela Corsets and ekirts." the agent's best friend and money maker. For particulars apply to Western Corset Co., St. Louis, Mo. J - AGENTS, " please listen. We have some thing rever seen ueiore. it sens at signt handled by agents only, a month, a permanent position: writs today. Robin son Mfg. Co., Toledo. O. J AGENTS: Gentlemen visiting business f.nd manufacturing concerns make big ncomes; no samples required; articles possess unusual merit for office or fac tory; exceptional money making opportu nity: send references . with application: commence work at once. Benslnger Specialty Co., 2 iiroaaway, New Yorlc. J-967 15 WANTED Manager In every city, county to handle best paying business known; legitimate: new: exclusive control. PhiMsnlx Co., 15 W. 28th St., New York. J 4S19 li AGENTS drop everything and write us tnr uViil terms on our latest ofDcsi id. ctalty; sells itself; greatest money maker In years. Aaarw. aiu.omui uiiK't rana Co- .lillwau. Wis. j-awu AREST9 WASTED. $21 WEEKLY and all wrpem"'" 'or w'th rigs to Introduce poultry compound; strslght salary. Imperial Mtg. Co.. Dept. 64. Parhons. Kan. J 8S9 15 eic, eiiner rsoiisoriy or n " ,,,t. .,,., locally or traveling on commission, spe cially to the threshing and farmer trade. Adflfes the Industrial OH and Supply Co., Cleveland. O. J-966 15 AGENTS wanted, energetic men of all ages wanted at once In every city In the United States and Canada to sell a re cently patented Invention for cleaning boor pipes; most Improved article on. the miirkit; cleans two pipes at once In less than ten minutes; every saloon keeper will buy; no talk necessary; Just show It; exclusive territory to right parties; lull per cent prolit; $3" a day easily made; get In on the ground floor by writing now. Address Rnpld Pipe Cleaner Co., 29 State St., Detroit. Mich. J-919 li WANTED, honest, energetic men to ap point ngents and sell to deolers. farmers and other large buyers otir Poultry Mix- i ture. Lice Killer. Condition Powder and lloK Cholera Remedy. No money required In advance; exclusive territory given; goods extensively advertised; every pack ago guaranteed; sell repeatedly to same customers; $o a dav sure. Write, us at once. Monarch Mig. Co., Box 2l:H, Springlleld, 111. J-921 li- AOENTS wanted for the best household and business house necessity ever in vented. Entirely new, quick seller, big commissions. Wollman Window Washer Co., Kansas City, Mo. J 864 15 AGENTS' MONTHLY, 33 pages; year. 25c; copy, 5c Elegant opportunities anil po sitions offered. Modern Agents. 1943 Mo nadnock, Chicago. J 73 16 WANTED TO RENT. YOUNG man desires room and board In private family; must' be convenient to car line. State price. Address X 3, Bee. K-M772 15 WANTED, In private family, with use of piano, for young couple, room and board; must be modern anil close In. State price. Address X 2. Bee. K 814 15 WANTED, room and board, man and wife, rirlvate family, convenient to Park car Ine; room must be large. In modem house; references exchanged. Address X 17. Be. K-900 15 WANTED, furnished flat, by gentleman and wife, lor a snort time; no cnuuren; references. X 21. Bee office. K 971 15 WANTED, two furnished front rooms, or room with alcove, for man and wife, with or without board; on or near West Far nam preferred; references. X 22. Bee office. K-970 15 AN ALL modern 8 or 7-room house, good neignoornoou, jubi iwu m ibiihij. .m. reasonable. Would prefer to deal with owner direct. Address X 13, Bee. K 836 16 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED Half Interest In a good real . . , I . . . 1 1 eaiaie uusmess. Auuress ore. N M745 15 I WANT to buy a modern house, need not have furnace. In a good neighborhood, about 6 to 8 rooms; can pay cash, but would prefer small payment down, bal ance monthly. Address X 11, Bee. N-836 15 WANTED to buy, good shepherd dog for my little hov; black preferred; state price. Address X . Bee. N 857 15 FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O 804 HOUSEHOLD goods, gentle mare and buggy, until 19th Inst. 816 N. 25th St., South Omaha. O 899 17 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. TRY ME on wagon repairing. First-class work. H. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. , . P 806 HORSE AUCTION at Union Stock Yards horse market every Wednesday afternoon. P 626 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. NEW and Zdhand typewriters. 1119 Farnam. Q 810 SECOND-HAND billiard' and pool tables; billiard tables repaired; a large stock of cheap bar hxtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick-Balke-Coliender Co.. 407-9 fa 10th. Q M42S Ml FOR SALE Two stoves and three show rases with stands, cheap If taken at once. V Address, U 67, Bee. Q M681 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnara. Q-809 FENCE LATH for quick shipment, crib bing, combination ladders. 901 Douglas. VJ 808 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical Instrument. $5 up. The Wlttmann Co., 1621 Farnam. Q iu7 FOR SALE, six-passenger rockaway car riage. In good condition. Milton Rogers at Sons Co. Q M704 75 LADIES' and gents' watches, 160 dia monds, left In pawn, good a. new selling at half price. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas. Q M740 F27 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. Q 808 FOR SALE, first mortgage note bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable every six months; has about 2Vj years to run; good security and endorsed by responsible Barty; amount, $1,800. Inquire- C, M. achmann. Room 424, Paxton block . Q-C6 SODA WATER pays large profits; new and second-hand fountains; large line; low prices; easy payments; full Instructions to Surchasers; catalogue free. Robt. M. reen & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa. Q FOR SALE, a second-hand oak 4-drawer typewriter cabinet. Call at 717 New York Life. Q 999 15 A GOOD 16-horse power boiler and engine. $200; also a 2,OoO-lb. team. 3724 N. 21st St. Q 934 16 MISCELLANEOUS. COMIC book and comic song book for six 2c stamis. Publisher, '619. W 69th St., Chl cugu, 111. R 928 15 WANTED, Inventors, patentees and me chanics and everyone Interested In pat ents and Inventions to send for our In ventors Guide; this 60-page book sent free; contains full Information about patents, how to obtain a patent, what to Invent for profit and how to sell a patent; this elegantly printed book sent free to any address. O'Meara A Brock. Patent At torneys, 620 Eleventh St., H. W. Wash ington, D. C. R-967 16 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cass street. S 811 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 316 B. 15. a 8U MADAME LUCRKTIA, medium. 1609 Chi cago st. B M347 Mt MME. GYLMER. OMAHA'S FAVORITE PAIMIST. Has by honeet methods and scientific work established a reputation In Omaha that Is unpaiale'.ed by any life reader In the country. Khe tells the PAST. PRESENT and FUTURE and hT readings Invaria bly give satisfaction. She lias made many Important predictions and they have always been correct. See hr If in need of advice. Parlors, $15 S. 15th, In Granjte bWek,24flor. 8 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. GRACE O'BRYAN of Kentucky, 720 8. 13th. T-324-7 MIS8 HARRIS, 1821 Leav w tn, top fir, flat $ T M17 F2 BATHS tol N. 13th St. T-769 28 MMK. SMITH baths, 118 N. 15, Id floor r. L T-M644 M7 Mrs. Davis, 1621 Howard; baths; attendant. T 9S5 2 PERSONAL. DR ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. H. 11, slaoxer block. U-4U4 WANTED, oil agents, good, reliable ener getic men to sell our high grade line of lubricating oils, gteases, belting; also roof, bHrn and house paints, white lead. PERSONAL. r ,1 that fit OJobe Optical Co., OPCLUlUfS ; So. lth. TELEPHONE 7S0 for L. M, 15, messengers. U S13 MRS. JACOUSON, 2205 N. 2"th St. ; U-M730 M RUPTURE CURED without pain. Kmplra Rupture Co, N. Y. Life Bldg., Omnha, U 815 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardrls. 2.34 I-ake. Tel. Red-lSSt. U-818 FRIVATE santtarlum for ladles before ani during confinement. Dr. nnd Mrs. GerlscC, 8625 California St. Terma reasonable. U-MI33 LADIES: Hair tonlo, skin food and cream of roses, formulas, 10c each. H. W, Zay, Gen. Delivery, DeB Molnea, la. V-M776 IS ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Pnxton, B. J. Scannell, agent, 6t9 Ware Block. U U44S-22 ELITE PARLORS, 615 8. 16th St., 2d floor. U-M461 23 FRIVATE hospital before and. durlnc con finement; first-class In every respect; babies adopted. Dr. L. L. Miller, 2504 Blondo St. Phone F-1182. U 81J CHIROPODY, manicuring, facial and spe cial massage taught and practiced. A Mayer, 612 Bee Bldg. Consul tatlon free. Tel. 1716. U-81 A wholesome nerve A tissue food & home treatment for disorders of women. Write for free booklet. Viavl Co.. $48 Bee Hide., Omaha. Tel. 1696. U-MSS.1 TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS We have moved to 113 8. 17th street. We will continue to csrry a nice line of pianos, talking machines, small musical mer chandise and sewing machines and will endeavor to merit a share of your patron age. COL1N3 PIANO COMPANY. U-164 MARRY Western ladles with means want husbands. Star, 672 4th St., San Fran cisco, Cal. U M795 M14 MARRY rich; picture, description and P. O, address of 3no rich and pretty ladles who wish to mnrry free. C. II. Rowan, Mil waukee, Wis. U 827 15 LADY wants partner In rooming house. Address K 10, Bee. U S49 16 HEIRESSES! HEIRESSES! Are you married?- If not, why not? Marry an heiress! Three chances of a lifetime. Bonafide addresses.' Fortunes guaranteed. 1. Beautiful blonde, 23, cultured, I'rotest ant, high bred, talented, affectionate, ro mantic, with $20,(100 In her own right; 2.' Stunning brunette, 22. accomplished, com manding stature, cultured, original, fond of pets, has J-dUWO In stock and banks; 8.- Tltlanesque beauty, 21, Oriental type, high southern birth, vivacious, figure, of a goddess. Impressive personality, $40,0ii0 fortune well invested. Names and ad dresses, sent, postpaid, any one 50c; all three, $1. Copy of lady's application sent with each to prove genuineness. Earliest offers the most favored. Don't delay. Send now. Penn Mutual League, Auburn, Pa. U 815 16 LADIES' $1.50 Kid Glove for 10c to a few In each locality: send size and color with 10c for particulars; no further cost to you. National Glove Co., St. Joseph, Mo. U-5S IS SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allendcr, 1613 Douglas. U MATRIMONIAL paper. Over 400 bona Ada descriptions; 10c, sealed. R. L. Love, Denver, Colo. U 885 lo WEALTHY, refined, kind-hearted gentle man, with beautiful home, being lonely; will marry for love and companionship. Address, Mr. Ellis, 715 Locust. Room 62, St. Louis, Mo. . ,U 887-15 LADY of wealth, attractiveness and good character, somewhat lonely, seeks husx band to share her wealth and affections. Sincere, 810 Olive, Room 802. St. Louis, Mo. U 88615 LADIES, "Dr. Sleight's Fat Reducing Tab lets for women" reduce flesh quickly ant naturally. Will not affect most del!cats constitution. Write at once for valuable book on obesity and trial treatment;-they are free and sent under plain, sealed cov ers. All correspondence confidential. Sleight Tablet Co., Ltd., 233 Clinton Ave., St. Johns, Mich. U 895 J5 ... WAS SAVED from consumption after my case had been pronounced incurable and i hopeless by eminent physicians; If you are suffering from this dread disease and will write me I will gladly tell you. with out cost, how It was done at nomei my sole object Is to be of some benefit- to humanity. .Rev. Melvln.L. Peden,-Pastor Church of Christ, Stone St.. Gibsonbuig, Ohio. U 068,15 YOUR fortune told from cradlo to grave; what I tell you comes true. Rend dime and birth date. Prof. J. Myers, Drawer 706, Chicago. U 909 15 HANDSOME, Intelligent American - lady. Immensely wealthy, but lonely, desires to correspond with-an honest, capable gentleman; object, early marriage. Add. Vera, 407 Temple Bldg., Bt. Louis, Mo. . U-55 15 $1.60 TUNING by a $3 man, as long as tuners keep up their knocking. Perfleld Piano Co. Tel. 701. U-W6 15 ; MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. , 4H PER CENT on business property, 6 per cent on residence property. - ; -Options to pay whole or part any time, W. B. JdElKLE, 401 S. 16TH ST. . ' W 820 . MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 809 Bo. 13th. W 821 WANTED city and farm loans; also bonds, and warrants. R. C. Peters &. Co., 1701 Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. W-823 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, PaxtonBnt FARM and city loans, low rstes. W. H. Thomas, First Nat. Bank Bldg. TeUMS. ( PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., WH: Farnam. W 825. . WANTED, city loans snd warrants. - -W.' Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam street. W mio PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. LADIES' TAILORING COLLEGE. OMAHA CAN NOW BOAST of an Institution where 'ladles nnd young flrls may learn DRESSMAKING and .ADIF.S' TAIIXiRING, either as an ac complishment, as a means of livelihood or for their own use or benefit. The SCHOOL' Is conducted on the same plan as a busines college. Dressmaking ta unlike stenography, book keeping, etc., for this reason: let-her be young or old. rich or poor, snd she has got to dress. No matter what position she mav occupy In the social or business, world, this dressing necessity always ac. companies her We are always pleased to receive and ex plain to callers and to answer all In quiries by mall. Write today for booklet ' CHAS. D. 'SNYDER,' MGR. KE1STER LADIES' TAILORING COLLEGE, 53-4-6-6 Douglas Block, 16th and Dodge Kt;. v.a 15 TRANCE MEDIUMS. SEND 25c and stamp, with date of birth, and get trance reading of your past, pres ent and future; 1 tell full names, dates, full name of future husbund or wife Willi age and date of marriage; give advice mi love, business, marriage, speculation, di vorces, changes, etc., and tell whether the one you love Is true or false; guaran tee satisfaction. Address Mine. DcVere, Lock Box 915, Kansas City, Mo. . 906 15 ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN Pleating Co., ZOO Douglas Blk. 676 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Supply. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. A-17S3. 7'.'0 sssss"""""" 1 . -US SEEDS AND PUlLTRt BlPfLlES.. E. It. ULLERT CO., 1GU Howard ft M741