Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 13, Image 13
THE OMATJA PATLT IlEE: PFXDAT. FBTITATY 15. IJ03. 13 ABOUT PLAYS PLAYERS ARB PLAYHOUSES Cancellations rot conaiaerabl figur la l rimbi'l theatrics' kreuirr fur Isst eeek. Txlnc'.jial tDtmi 1 be promised 1 btr.g v iiflnl get vm Blent h 'Wi and her nw play. "A IwurVer of Hatnilrar. Her tiw was closed. t.1 nnounred. to week ago Hi order thai M's 'w"lb might g t "New Turk 1s begin rehearsal for tbe Tolstoi ply. ''Resurrection." whlrh Is soon te be put en. Me. wVegnhl Kem per ar ambit inn to Una tbelr capable rnm rm a winner, and 1 be friend of Vis ITal.k is ib wt wm he willing to watt for ber IT waiting will get bw Into a C"d pl. Pb baa bee handicapped by aeries of "deed one" since she gave up In Kara no series ana ban been bitterly Jlssppotnted. Her Hunt for Happine" contain the germ rrm 'T- "rt an presented ber It shewed the neressl-y T trimming that would amount to almost fev-riUng. Her Magdalen play wa a fimti on, but ritbrr unhealthy tn tone. "When rb left th management of Ber. eirm tor that of Wagenbal Kemper the Utter arm aright ta put ber on tb road with a ply good enough to T von by of tr undoubted talent. Ptanlslsu Stange was engrrfl to drama Mr tb Flaubert tal off "Balammbe" and turned hi work out ta section, actually writing the last aot first. Tb rmuK i a flisappotnt nmit. "A Iaugbter trf Hmi1rrr" a given a production a Uriah aa monrv could purchase, bat scenery floesnt mn"e all -of a play, and tb piece baa not trreugnt tb anticipated result. Now. In tb Hervlea rama bared on tb Tolatol story It ta bopr-4 that a pTopr fhicU kaa Vi nm&. At ny rate, tb manajwra bar boi.kd a Umt nrmBt frrr tblr atar in w Turk and ha twraotid two road oompanloa to lak tb pkr Into tb "untrlnnr.a" imulianouaip. frhat Otfaha had la th way cf atnua aont at tb lbeatr durtni: tb w-k U rarely worth apuaklnr of. "Sbor Acroa" I atlll th aeliRhtrul atory of aom atmpl Nw Etipland livoa. told plainly, and well worth tb time of anyone bo hj not n 1t. but It Urka the oaamtlaU of a tronr flrama and haa alao loat Ita norolty. Tb Cowboy "and tb lfly" dorwnt Im prove with f. and la Juot a nrua and atnaturmh now aa It waa wbffli Clyde rttrh turned It wnr to Nat Oooflwtn. a . ot tinly lacka flnlah. but haa tb fault ranwal with tb Pitch playa. that of nolng mUrely aupernrtal. At tb Cmirhton-Or-pbeum th Orrhfum Road ahow 1d tb iiCTt woek'a bualnoaa ta tb hlatory of the boue Thie U not to b takea aa as nanca Oat th bill la at much au trlnr to the average of the boua.. tor that ta not the tact. It haa no really remarkable feature, and la no bettor In Ita ronoral aapact than the weekly offortnpa at the Orpheum. Oondltlona were aucb aa ta Jt Jt aa advantage, and It reaped the benefit. VThlle thla aaon'a booklnra at tha Boyd bava heaa toot, and the cancelUtiana very few. tba promla lor next aeaaon la already loomtng up Ma". 01 tb r-hrief 'vr Vr. Enrrnas an lmmena lot of Batiatac ticra. rJBTid BeUaoa. la arranplng the weatera trip tor Mra. Carter, had her flown tor a week at the 'nniB oofl at Kanaas City and had loft Omaha out eaitlrely. It wwa fonnd impoaalbU la arrange prior en racemeata aa aa ta allow of the vtatt of "Do. Barry" to Omaha during th prooent eaaon. Borne oorreepondenca a the topic resulted ta aa arrangmnt whereby Mra. Carter win not -rlalt Kansas City thU aea aon. hut win coma tor a week rt tall, and wffl tbea spend wk 1b Omaha at the Boyd. Thla win be ta September. Other thtaas sows tor tb early part ot t swv eea era a return of "Bea Hur. -The BU ww nt.ner- and -The Weeping Beaut- ani the BeaaV the great IQaw Brtamrer pectaealar piece which haa Just been put tm the road ta snake room tor Jtr. Blue- beard at the Knickerbocker. -It's' a waste e Utber te ahswe aa aaa said good old Banc be Fansa, and many s sbh alnoe ha fount H out. Frank Ia Short ta erne f the Utest. Ha tried te teach New York people ta apprecUt art lor art'e sake, and ta now busy figuring up Just how far he la behind the fair procession. Mr. Bhort s plan trf reviving the claaslce endt1ng them Just aa they were given la the Ellsabethan daya ap- Ma)ed ta th students, hut nmonunai.ejy the students are not ranerpua or wealthy enough te support a theatrtoal wentuja, and the sreat common people of New Tork refuaed te be lured away from Broadway with Ita present wealth f illuminated son eenae ta natronlae anything that merely antMialed ta th studioua. The Wlaard t Ox - Th Bultan of Bulu." The Billion aire,- -The Silver Slipper.- rioroOora, -A Chinees Honey-mooa." Mr. Pickwick,' and -Mr. Bluebeard" are a tew of the thtnaa aow "on Broaaway- that ha aoeneTT and the peopta absolutely declined Minim TO STAY CURED Drug Hobit Cured in 6 Days. An Important announcement has been I Impossible ts control my desire, I waa in -through the ires of the country ts duoed te take your cure and th third the effect that Dr. F. Warren Laaoix, th ' day after 'commencing the treatment the aiotea sclasrUst-physiciaa whose researches desire for liquor had entirely disappeared la the cat ass and effect of PtpaemanU and ' and even tb smell of tt was nauaeating the arug habit, which has caused ss much ' in th extreme. During tbe 1 1me- I waa talk ta jii sf limial circles . has prepared j taking tbe treatment I work every day ant perfected a treatment whereby Drunk- I did not lose aa hoar a time kui did not -ones. Morphine, Opium, Cocaine, and th 1 perienoe the least Inconvenience." I irug Habit oaa he cured without pain, I A. I. Vaa Fleet. 801 W. Fifth. Kanaar without Toy uedei inica and without any can- I City. Me., writes: "I waa edicted te both gwreua ar hurtful rensediea. Ia tact, after the morphine and liquor habit for 17 years numerous tests en oases that had beea j TCaed free forty ts sixty grains of mor teraaed Incurable and wars given up a , phlne and from twenty to thirty drink hopeless, this wonderful treatment not of whiskey per day. In five dare' time I only perfected a curs hot at th same time was completely restored ts health through placed the patient in a better physios con- your cure and experienced neither pain, AlUoa than the patient had known tor ! inconvenience or desire to return te th vwara, tor It net only eliminates the oe- i drug er whiskey." aire and eradicates tb poison but at th I The most remarkabl phase ef tbe Lanott same time acts soothingly opon the nervea I method Is that through it th liquor habit and ta a constitutional tonic making the la cured rn three days and tb drug habit nerve strong and normal and ths entire constitution strong. . F. Janes, Manager of the Helping Hand Institute. Kansas City. Mc. on of th best knew of our Western charitable Institutes, write under eat of Feb. 4th. Several xsonths age the Lanott rur was given some half doses or mors people hs were ta a sad plight, having hern drunk ards for yeara. They are now perfectly curve and worthy cli.lsena Twe oases of Morphine habit came under my personal iibsw rations which were perfectly cured aeswral month age by your Drug Ha hit Cure. 1 knew ot many other but ths goeatlsmsd oasne under tzty personal obser vation dally." D. W. Hawkins. ( Main St Kanaa City, la, writ T waa edicted te th liquor habit tor mors than K yeara. for Ok arast are year ss xouch as that tt waa 1 turn from ibir gn-gtu picture 1s k rontemplatloti of FhaMipare with prittrfl Blgna hung or t dr-aitmai ebfrber 11 rt a street la rdua or tbr trrmb cf tb Cap uleia la efcirb lb anion of tb seen or curred Mr Pbnrt'a rxp-lmptit ba not been ehbotit vatoe; It bf cnEfi-n8 tb claim of tb manaprra. that awnrry bar a murh te do wlfb tb urct cf a lay av anything ".. Cw dnren't l!k to com flewn from th attnua of worehip due a great star and ronfes that with all hi talent and ability h mnat ret drpend on tb aren painier and tb property man. but tbl in t-u. It 1 mr-rrlT a t han ot the emluiifir: of the thrater. From nt arr-nrry at all we hare finally reaches tb point r ber Id tb bt of llr th scenery ia of raloe is tbe star even a are tbe other apreaerrriea of coatutD ana makeup that enable not only to aaaum tb role but to ectoany preaert lt In not a few playa tbe sornerr it mar than scy thing est, and these are not all tank plara. either. Mr. Shrni haa added to tbe cumulative evjflrnc that New Tork era art wilting te take tbelr art diluted, and haa apparently saUrfied hlmaelf of tbe value of acenery la a theater. Another thing that escapee the attention of tb mod era play-goer ia tbe element of stag management- Out In front the patron of tbe drama aees only the result; he knowa nothing of tbe method, and too often h gives no thought to how th pleas ing resulta are obtained. H may notice en tb bill that Mr. So-and-so la stag director, but b- floeant worry himself about that. Aa a matter of fact, the value of the modern play depend to an unaua perted extent on th stage director. Par ticularly ia thla true of the picture" pieope that are ao popular. It may not be that tbe stag director haa devised any of theae, but to him la given tbelr execution, and on him depend tbelr success or fail ure. Hia duties- comprise an inflnltua of detail; be la not only required te have a highly developed aenae of tb artiaUc, but be must alao have a fun and complete grasp of the merely mechanical, and the Infinitesimal and innumerable things that enter into the construction of tbe various pictures be i called on to present- Hia aaaistante are numeroua. is be sure, put each has only his or ber particular de partment to look after, while the stage di rector muat look after all. 'With tbe de velopment of this feature of tb drama to the point it haa now reached, where tb ambitious manager will nndertak to repro duce on 'he stag anything, bo matter what, th stag director ha alas developed until he haa com to be a really high grade specialist. It is hi busy brain that work out the detail of all tbe artistic oonoep tlona of author and manager, and makes them presentable for the public, and it is hi tireless energy that keep them going sight after night, without a hitch. Be haa to see to it that not only the star, but every other member of hia company la In readiness at th beginning, sot e&iy of tbe play, but of each act; that the scenery 1a properly adjusted, that everything 1 In 11 proper place, that all the light are working right, that not an article that win be needed during the act ia misplaced, and finally, la th case of the musical produc tions, where there are big choruses, to see that the men and women are all In their right positions, not only for entrance, but la tbe line, an that they win make the correct appearance on the stage. He muat know the score of the music as weU as tbe director, must know every cue as wen a the prompter, and know several hundred other thing that neither nusioal director ar prompter bother their heads about. After keeping track of aa Interminable list f things that are ts he done or not done with the going up or earning Aowa of each cur tain, he is also required to direct and not infrequently Invent or improve on methods for the presentation of songs, choruses and Incidental scenes. Even where this latter accomplishment Is not expected of him, he is far from being Idle during the presenta tion of the play with which be happen to be connected. Omaha people have been given some tine examples of what a stage manager can do for tbe Buocess of a play During the pres ent season. One of the best, probably tbe very best, was "The Little Touches." Mr. George T. Marion, who, besides taking one of the leading oomedy parte ia tbe cast, is stage director for the company, is a vet eran, and naturally would be expected te make much of The material at his hand. But the perclslon with which everything moves ia the time the curtain Is up is not more remarkable than some of the innova tiona offered la the way of "buaineaa. One cf these Is the entrance of chorua la response to a recall. Very minor matter, but decidedly effective, when once you atop te think of it- Instead of crowding on the I stage as If anxious te get back te aing again, the Anna Held chorus girls are la aix day a Thi at first caused sken- 1 tidam ia medical circle, but tbe atiso- luts proof given through remarkable and successful lest lead u to emphatically state that it ta now possible ts absolutely and permanently cur th liquor habit ia three days aid tb drug habit In six days through a harmless vegetable compound which is neither nerve destroying or body wreikiag and it does it work in a wift. permanent and painless manner. If ycu will send ycur nam and addrr. I hxh will b held strictly cocsAential. is ! Ir. F. Warren Laaoix. nst Olvr St.. St. Ltiiua. Mb b will send without rharg hi beoaiet ia which b fully expiaina hi method and give yo tMti Hii.:ua proof that hi rur ds everything rUtmed for tt and that yoa oaa positively be cured at yeur home and without detention from business or other duties. The! IMS trained to errer dcoroulT. eetrurclr. ar6 ilirw: upptrrnr.? v r. er iha: ih audipm barely reali that they are rnmlng bark ubtII tb pictff- bar ren Tormefl again Several rtht dcifteai.T ffecilre hits cf i ft erection tre abovn in tb same pier. In "Tb Prince cf P.lart" w rm giwn anrtber eicellcrt iTluatrat inn of what good atae manaFetnent can dn to help out the word and muair cf a piece. It tb Ilrat art of William AV W alker farp com efly tb irfucncf of lb attpe manager 1 abovn In ibe apanure from what ha been tradition In ibe war of arred arrnea. After tbe eneemlile ba fiiBp'-aea and ibf eiaee la left t the occupanry of the prinrlpai of the cart, tb efect of a atreet apene 1 mainlalDed by tbe constant paanitif and re paaalr.g of peep) on the several erranfl that would call tbrtn out in actual life. It lan't much, but It add grealy to the ef fpctiveneaa of tbe acen. The nrtt time you ro to a jilaj-. watch for some erlflcnrr of tbe Biag dtrector'a pTPaence, and you will likely be aurprised that you never be fore tboupht of him aa aurh an important part of the company. C t ma Emtiu Tbe Blsck Pattl Troohr flour, beaded by tb acknowledged greatest songster of ber race. Black Pattl. will b seen at tbe Bora thla afternoon and tonight. Tbe arprega tion 1 said to be better thia seaaon than ever before. There ar forty people in the company, which Include at leaat a Boor of specialty performer. Tbe stage at hem of tbe Troubadour constats of a nmdley of comedy, vaudeville and opera bouffe. Tbe opening akit- Is called "Iiarktown's Clreua Iy." in v.hirh tb entire company' forces ar affardeu full Boop for tbelr talenta Tbe rsude vill which follow la of high standard and all the perforroera take part. Tb "Fsbl: val of Parisian Melody." which occupies tbe final half hour of tb performance, serves to introduce Black Pattl and the singing force la a most attractive stag scheme. No announcement of a coming theatrical event haa carried with It so much interest as that pertains t the visit of William Gillette in "Sherlock Holmes" at Boyd's. which opena Tburaday for three nigbte and a matinee. Thla visit will be Mr. Gillette- first and last appearance in Omaha in thia play. It ran at Henry Irving' Lyceum theater. London, for an entire season, where It made a tremendous succeaa. It ran for an entire season in New Tork and tor an entire season in fire of th biggest cities of the east- Tbe play wbb prepared for tbe stage by Mr. Gillette himself from Cones Zoy)e's great story. TVhil Mr. Gil lette'B dramatisation follow closely Mr. Doyle' novel, tbe main incident of the play center about a hitherto unpublished episode la the career of tbe great detec tive, Holmea. The first act shows a draw ing room at the Lara be home. The second act is in two scenes, tbe first being Prof. Mortality's underground office and thexsee ond Sherlock Holmes' apartments. Act three showa the Stepney gaa chamber. Tbe piece close in Dr. Watson' rtBce and laboratory. Because of the necessity for absolute darkness throughout the action of the play in order to make the many Bhlfta of scenery and the weird transitions of situations. Every window, floor and transom la the theater win be hearEy masked. The windows of the front foyer will be masked and the main entrance door win not be opened during the action of tbe piece. The curtain wit he raised at E o'clock promptly and at t at tbe matinee. Mr. Gillette ha an excellent supporting company. It Include Ida Conquest, the leading woman, weU remembered here with the John Drew company; Ralph Drhnore, Herbert Percy, Quinton McPherson, Harry McArdle. Miss Alida Oartelvoo, a cousin of tbe president's secretary, and Miss Margaret Gordon. Next week at the Boyd win he notable tor th number of female star It wiH present. Sack of the three companies ts appear la headed by a star of tried reputa tion. Of the three shows twe ar vehiclea In which Mlas Julia Marlowe at one time appeared. Por the first four night Elisa beth Forbes la "Barbara FTeltehie" win be tbe offering. Thursday night Boss Coghlan will be seen in "The Second Mra. Tanqoeray," and Friday and Saturday night Effie Ellaler win be seen In -When Knighthood Was la Flower. At the Orpheum this afternoon and even ing and for the ensuing week patrons of vauderUlewni be entertained by some of the best known artists In this branch of theatricals and a number who make tbelr initial appearance here, among them four from abroad. Will M. Cressey and Blanche Dayne return with a new sketch entitled "Bill Biffin's Baby," from Mr. Cressey' pen. which will be stagd with special s ornery. Like nearly everything he has given. It Is cast In a quaint rural vein Miss Edith Helena is a young woman whs hss created quite a sensation by her ex traordinary range f voice, it being as sorted. She reaches a not higher en the gamut than Ellen Beach Taw and two notes higher than either Adaltne Pattl or Christine NcbJson. Her repertoire In cludes thst old favorite. "The Lat Hose of Summer, and the humming of the Uiter niezso of "Caralliere Busticans" in imi tation of a violin, lit jell and Tern on soecUlty wUl be on the horizontal bar, intermixed with tun making. An instru mental music feature, with a touch of comedy will b contributed by Wood and i Bates. Th Livingstons are styled hlgh- cUss society acrobats. There are three of them, l wo women and a man, who among their Uring and difficult feat Introduce those of their own origin, while Lizzie Wil son, the comedienne, will make the fourth of the initial bidden for local favor and te tb element anxioua for a change of faces the program will afford a liberal quantity. The klnodrom return with entirely new moving picture. Oacip, on of the greateat rising p tenia t of the gifted Slav race, will make his only appearance la Omaha Tues day evening. February 17. at th Kountxs Memorial church. Sale of seat t Mandel herg Jewelry store. Concert will begin promptly at I o'clock. .wals wf Mavarelawd. Nt Goodein will, tl is said, appear aa Nick Bottom in a enertacuiar production of "A Midsummer Night a Dream." Ticket ;erulatora ar stiU oocuprtng tb aliei.uon of the jeopl in tbe eapt Honesty on ttie part of the Bikbagers wlu stop tbl quicker than any law. Mascagni will not visit Cut, but lmends Bailing lor bona early In the spring. It 1 not at ail lmprohahle that PKtro ha bad enough of tb weeterr hemisphere to Ust turn vbc rest of his life. Is New Tork It 1 given out that IeWolf Hopper u- for Beebthm Tree nrcKiuCTiori or I Tie Merry v j-e or nit- aor " In th meantime "Mr. Pickwick" is a grea.t SJcee.. and Hoper and bia com panions are winning much giory and coin ur Bruadway. Wagenhai t Kempler ar going into th Resurrection" buitea strong, for they ir.lend te nr-sanse thee rortiiitiiie. on to oe sent to New Borland, one to th south and one to tbe wet te play tlx piece wM'i Illanch W aifih 1 held liT tbe iiroadmar prod uctiou. flile- A Luoer remarkabl success. "Tbe Prince of Pilsen." now on its way te New Tork itv. irok the reeord inr .g tiusiriev at the Centurv thwater. St. Louik. U-.i seek bv ever i t. S gret wa th rueeea of the i.-r that a ewond Sunoay iiinbt v aa haded by buying off the lolios inr a traction. rmrtng a preentTor of "Tb Three M uaeieer" at MmtieaiKili Ust week one of the askward su)m.ts riatiLdd Irti k Fem. through 1b lip. A i.tliiul wound wa In flicted, but lnck went on with tbe i.lay. Frank Oan.p while plair.g in "Mirtite Ci-ielu" iu San FrajKUaoe recently received .1 r d i" 'he henfl of P.ij.n ftu-vt. w rtip I Kt-rw T-ll . Wfc pi VI! ( tv St 1 out, j 1u betfrf Trunin i.. (tma wl-h 'A ( OritV'TT an !.I lrti!. he severely outirKl M leriVit;g muster in The wrlKt Oiir t th txH on the etui- Tiw (it due' i rtptrl'r hepoTTilrg irwh nearer the rea1 ihmg than 'be I rem h duel. A. M I m-T in to be giver a rT-f.t in Jrl.v at the Jeefnix-lit n opera tmuee Ion t M eem the iron of fate tbT 1h man. whe for wkrir a rnratt'm ws t the bead of affair Iheat-irnl. fhuld new he rritieed to the rmifitttor. ol a nTihciarv. and that v hen the stge In all Htw ia liT'irnternu? With fTty-twe bich r'ade theater 1n full oiieretion and ow aix.n to he opened. nt rr.ieM tnli k Nw Ti.-k well supplied, but announif meni are made of at leaM foiir to be ntiiit rtuT-t" ' Tire'Pt enin. stid on tr.p of Ihi the Nw T nrk rtitral eontenipiai e in ronticeTinn with trcrirm-e-mert If and a"tind the Cranfl i-T'trfc) rtant'iT t h prefM'T of a t werty-tiory butlrittig thiit wl'i contain a department store and a theater Raymond Hlu-hrofk of 1he "Klig IWIp" Otwra eompnrv will play hi oripinal part in the L'mdnti production of i'luley at 1 .nrtT P'ni'('y .;tera lien Tr. H. "W . Savage complete neaotia tior. ior a for eign tour of the piece f tenure a tt may eeem. impraxaori In I'a-is. Viepnn Ber lin and litwion ar- arvmu In reprcwnl translation of thi work. and. stranger still, a maiirser ol amusement In Japan ha made overture for the i.iece witti j a pane presentation in view The undoubted slice of "peRgy Prom Part." Henry W Savate leteet Georpe Aoe comecy. i evloenceo by the fact that th first week luieinesf- a a the banner businefi of Mr. Savage' occupancy of the Studebaker. Thl pie" reflect great rreult not (inly apim Oeo-ce Aoe. but upon William Lorraine. ho ha scored most emj.ha.ttca ily with five miiica.l number They are; "Fwmalln." "When He Not Near." "Henrv,'' "1 Like Tou. Lii, For Fair" and "I'-a-r Old t'ollnge lay." Th pretty wive of Sultan Ki-Ram. Georg Aoe comic ojw-ra pro.otype cf th real "Sultan of Pulu." iu ot shorn ar weeterr. gins, dps seeing New Tors for the first urn, were chhjieroned through Chinatown last week op the occasion of the beginning of the Ouneee New Tear. After the performance a: vt attack a the ater Frank Mouian. who play in sultan, with Maude Lillian Mem. isianche Chap man and other member of the company, took the sultan wive in a procession of carriages oown to Pell street and gave them a picnic they will not soon forget. Th girl joined in th procession and spent a large portion of their Baianc ftw mat week in firework ano lantern Later there u a chop uey upier and the party oiebatided at daylight singing, "it i no time itr mtrth or lnuthter, the cold, gray dawn of the mornltig after." A. T. Pearson, knowr. throughout the length and breadth of the whoie country as a successful manager, died at Phoenls., Arm. on January frum nonsumption. Pearson began as an exploiter of "rep." companies about twenty years ago and clnriea around th Great lake ana fin-l;v out into the west. He Secured control of the theater buiictnfr at Ieadwood and Kapid dty durti the boom cays in th Biae Hlils, Just prior to th advent of th railroad, and mad a nice little bit of money, although the circuit proved a graveyard for a number of amhltiour com panies From tbe I.iack Hill he went east and soon had several companies on the road, among them "The White Squadron." "A Mitinight Alarm." "The Police Patrol" and "The Land of tbe Midnight Sun." He was a pioneer in the matter of es penslv staging for mediocre or inferior play and hi ventures were uniformly suc cessful. His rapidly failing beaJth drove him to Loa Angeiea. where be became In terested in ostrich farming. During 1WW he bad a model ostrich farm on exhibition at tbe TraiiamismBsippl exposition. His wife. Kate Pearson, a well known actress, i ieft in control of hU extensive property. MUSIC AKO HUStClAXS The tact that the translation of famous onga, which have been running In thl col umn, ha attracted the attention of some reader, is proven by the Ust edition of the New Tork Musical Courier, In which the first one of the series 1 reprinted, with very courteou remark by way of preface. The Bee feels, therefore, encouraged in th Idea, and herewith present it reader with -poem one ought ts forget" Jvo. A It 1 an English version by one James TX Trenor of the German song "Do Melner Beele Schoenster Treat. music by Edward Las sen. Copyright, 1BKZ. and published by Q. Schirmer. New Tork, 1 bou fairest vision of my souL Soul in my brightest visions blended Thou heart to whom my weal's com mended: Thou weal such a no hodinga dole. TTou. oh my life's one sweetest Uy, Thou sweetest life my lays inspiring. May Uy and Ufa rejoice untiring. What to thy love I owed each day! Tbou my bright springtide's fragrant bloom Thou spring my rich beart-bioom bestow ing. Thou star for me in heaven gin wing. My heaven thou that knowa n gloom. O. let me round thy brow afar. The anreaie aureole) of my love fashion. My heaven thou, my spring, ill s s pas sion. My weal. Oh, thou, my Uy, my star. I had a letter last week from Mr. Win T. Taber, for ome time organist at tbe First Congregation! 'church in thl city, and he advises me fhaTl be i going te the Philip pine ilandS.4mmedUtely. Many are th friend of the, well remembered organist, and while the Vlll be interested la hi success, it win 'be with feeling of regret that they win learn of his departure. Manila ta a long way off and good organist J ara not so plentiful ia this country that we can afford to deport or export - them Mr. Tber enclosed in hi letter thi list of choir rules, with the statement that he wished ta leave some good advice before he took himself sy ta tbe othermost part of tbe world. As they may be of interest to choirmas ter, I will here reproduce them: choir in.r.s. Thl choir meets on evening a week for the following purpose: To discus jKilititt. scandal or churca affairs. To arrange socials, excursions, etc.. and e flirt. N B If there is any ... neenmed In the foreromg manner. and the member reel bp mcuneo, h mm be desirable te have a little singing. The practice shall coirntnemie at or at such lat time when s sufficient number of members shall 1 gathered together. Member are usually lbuugbt more of if they arrive late. There 1 a small subscription payable int .i.nn.d anv menitwr feel that tbe ex igence of the choir oejna largely upon himself r herself, tnd that they should rather 1 paid than hsve to pay. no legal proceeding will he taken against that member in orcier to recover uoiicrlpuous due. The membership of the choir is open te all iadie and gentlemen possessing good voice and Iwlng abi te read simple music at sight. What eaartly constitutes a good voice 1 unaioovri,ile.. but it may i efeiv left te tbe judgment or opinion of intending members inemnelve. Th ques tion if reading at ncht shall also fe cioed br intruding member. They know best what they can mo. They ought surely to tie abi lo read atmple music at sight if it to milv simple enough. If there ta any music that tbey cannot rv.ed. it is Just be cause it Is not simt'i enough. Siuoe th conductors idea ia to roaks the choir as Urge -- poafclbie. should any applicant took one or troth of these euali hcniiona their admif'on to th c-boir will not he refused upui. ll'al acuount- Th choir shall coi.ft of aito. tenors and All those ladles a ho curinot read rouKir shall smg eoprano. hil thus" a bo r an read munr shall sing ana. Should ar.y lady with a very high vino object Jo singing alto ah to rwunimeiided to coiteuet a viuoe fr.ifdaJlKt. bo I almost netaln wristiounce tier a oeep contrail with a la-uity method of jirodjction. Tb tenor shall consist of a many fair gen tlemen who do not mmd straining their voice All th gennemen left over are re quested t sitig bas Copt of tbe nuueic In rehraJ may be bad In either the l-f a or staff notation. Those who unoerstk.nd neither should be very particular to ft ropie in the staff Why they etinuid d" se is not knos n. but Uili- is UKualiy maQ a great point of. Ne not it should t taken of the con ductor Io not trouble o look at his beat be annuld tap. What your next-duor neif b lor to saying 1 eur to lie of greater in ter! t you. The conductor t always oe light4 a hen s i ue is tken up too soon; It hbows ti riiittr u be in uihi On in otber hatid. if a e.' 1 tiu-ei. up too Ula, weiL tuetter lats than never. The conductor i always pleased te re ceive advii fron. individual member of the deuir ahenrver tbe iiave Hi) tbey fnd ne os for 1 hem" '' H like tn re.r-eti- htTi' 1c i hniT mr.sreroert. tfrreT ion t temiM. and ep-eion. tid ts glad to be tnir-jcteC In the ei toert of tnueicai --ammi!' If i on tlin.k that be ha mad B mi'k do net be,tie to tell Lite so Tbe r-hoir ar rxper-'d to proiirte their per role losetire snd oth'-r rweerme1. and to t them around during the rinr Irg The potidu"ior never rrlnnf I ill the ibnlr le.evlng off if h kn'-w that 1he are nH kins acid drop or b"-ndy ball- Ary member v ho feel tneu'ied I er ttiie1 tr e-irn. N R U i pretty safe, a tli offenditi imrtie Int udtng the con dm ;or end aeiiant. are ur In noio gl.e end b-g of tbe rcen rwr to return A the rho.r 1 a volunta-v one. should a tee'inc exit that f i icee are not prjK-r;y appreciated It ahould go on rtrik The'basm- a-- at liberty to etnr tenor if they feel that their mieimltf r-ompaf i 1 not duly rciniecl He mum be a poor tirm of bn who could not sing tenor "if he liked " The member of ihe t hnir sho.ild not make grimace or unduly contort their i cent ena nee durlt tie fwrf crnience of lsrt eonc. etc. Thi t a priviiope re Spryed rxcluslve'y for soloitF Tbe annuonrement comes 1c me from the committee in charge of tbe Lenten mul-r-ale that pwing to a protrarted illnens, Mr. Genevieve Cltrk Wilson will not be ble to appear t the first tiiusicale or tb eerie. February tl. Tb commute 1 for tunate, however, in being able to announce for that date Mi Helen Puckley of Chi cago, who will give a song rerttsl. Tb sppearance of Mis Buckler will be a great pleasure to ber cud It or, for sbe 1 a well proved artiste, with very pleasing voice, abundant evidence of good schooling and aa intelligent musical conception Sbe I a singer of depth and e.amc-tnes and she hat filled many prominent engagement, not the leant being her appearances in connec tion with tb Apollo club of Chicago at frequent concert. Those vbo rcrurtrber th concert of tb Transmtaslsslppl rTo sltinn will not forget the beautiful sork done by Mis Buckley la the Apollo club afternoon concert, when sbe sang tbe so prano part of tbe "fwan and Skjlark" (Goring-Tbonrar-1. Mr. Stxnm of All Selntr', who ha done some valUnt work in tht church, a direc tor of music and organiser ef tb success ful Sunday afternoon musical. "Vespers." t that church, has now in rehearsal srrm excellent thing in tbe way of church n tbem. serric music, etc.. by Mr. Coleridge-Taylor, author of "Histh" music. He describee tbe music a being full of In terest and original, somes hat reminiscent of "Hiawatha" in spot, and again, in otber war, almost modeled after th purest Eiigllsh cathedral style a exemplified by such men a Sir Henry Smart. Tb Mendelssohn quartet, consisting of Messrs. Wheeler, Haselton, Hverstork and Andrew. I now a permanent feature of All Saint' choir. They will sing thi afternoon. In response ts a number of queries with regard to what Mr. William Spencer Crosby, the Wagnerian lecturer, will ao and Bay at th lecture arranged for Mon day and Tuesday evening. February Zi and 14. at the Woman' club, I hve asked on of the prominent club women for an idc on the subject, and thl 1 la brief her answer: , Mr. Crosby, by careful Investigation and long study of the Wagner music dramas. 1 able to convey to other a knowledge of the composer's method la hi work and to unfold tbe detail of hi scheme, revealing th natural law oa which these creation are based, in the rnost lntertlng way. Mr. Crosby, while she talk Wagner, playa Wagner, demon tratlng tbe uitbillty ot tbe music to tbe recitation. It 1 the tp-oblem of the opera ts make a dramatic action live before na. each person revealing himself through the music which -i atnga. An opera then must have at least three elements a story suitably arranged a ts he pre sented In song, muic' which win color and Intensify the story and "action tor the brtngtng of the pUy Itself to th con sciousness of the hearer. Something ot thi kind wa what Richard Wagner under took, ana Mrs, Crosby' description and interpretation have won for her great dis tinction la thi line Surely thl 1 a sufficiently lucid Idea of Mr. Crosby's mission, and tb women who have eourageouKly put their beet efforts forth ta make her lecture a success locally deserve co-operation. -Flortana," a m urinal adaptation of poem taken from Oliver Hereford -Overboard In a Garden,- win bpreented under the auspices of ths Ladies' society at the St. Mary' Avenue Congregational church. Thursday evening, February 18. The direction of the musical has beea given Into tbe ear of Mr. Alien F. Ely. whe will be assisted by several local solo- lata. ! i The announcement 1 made by Mr. Charles Stephen that he will present for the con sideration of Omaha music lovers a leading light of the younger planlatie knights. Ossip OabrOositsch th organist of the linotype will be glad when It ta over that name!), who ha been creating all kind of good impressions by hi artistic work and whe ta now en hi second tour of this country. Hi appearance will be en February 17, Tuesday even lug, the place Kountse Me morial church and the program opening with the Toccata and Fugue, Bach-Tauig, closing with tbe tubinstela Vale-Le Dal." Op. 16. There will also be a Beethoven Sonata, Op. 2S, a group ot Chopin number, a composition by tbe virtuoso himself, tb Henselt "Bird" piece (yea, onoe more) and aa Areneky number. The concert, I aa told, 1 ts begin sharp at I p. m. tor special reason. The appearance ot Kodan win be the afternoon of February Zt. Mr. Maecagni, who ha been well -suited In thi coun try, has thi ta say. He ought to knew: "A we (at together listening to him. my wife, Signora Mcagnl. wa murh affected. The tear tood in ber eye, he trembled, bo beautiful it wa. Hi praying of tbe concerts D major, by Paganlnl. was mas terly. It crept let on' heart: it mad one cry. I do not think that I hsve ever heard a mors masterly rendition of tbe great turn ber. It was better than Kube 11k 'a, great as that i. It caa be summed up ia on word perfect. There wa an other number which appealed to m with great force tbe Canaonetta. by D' Ambrosia. Ah! that wa exquisite. With what spirit what soul b pUyed It. Tbe technique was Incomparable. He made it talk, be made it speak. It was superh." THOMAS 3. KELLY. WANTS CHARTER DISSOLVED MwelvTswIeee ta rtra of Straet. Cesser ava Cwasswar Tnrtaat aa Ac tern. CHICAGO. "rVh. 14 A petition b been filed la tbe superior court by H. hi. Bsum gardner. who say be possesses SCOOP worth of stock in the firm of Siegel. Cooper Co. The petitioner ssk ths court to diaaolv the charier of that concern and want the basin wound up. a receiver appointed nd ask tor an Injunction te restrain the collection of It accounte. Make Ekaeb rr. johvs. k. r TtarwmgTb, Ire. Feb. 14. Lieutenant Btnrtrvant. the eecutlv officer of th Tf nlted State cutter Seminole, which 1 en deavoring to reach the icebound Americas fifhing arhooner. started at daylight thl morning ts make a oath and hope t a cover th run ta Bar island wt'-hta ten hour. TEST Nature's Cur for Rheumatism, neuralgia. Kidney Trouble, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, La Grippe, Ner vousness and all Dlood Diseases. wti-rn "f-r,F: Or?" i tia'n-e rwn Mr. Mmrr.m "I snCercd with F.beoe cor inr sot ta clkwase a K benmati-rtr.. Nen-1 matisrc irr more tha a rear and for ei-m ratria. KicineT Trouble Lrver Complaint, i mot itbs I never bad rev Inert oa the floor. As-Jima, Catarrh and kindred ailments It ; Tnrtav 1 am sound and wr.U, thank to "b- cctrtairn no p;!rte! or intunona dmps of acr description, but if scientific ccmhi- t.B!inn rti Ve Vvt ve.-, t, m etablc snd oil, ire-' " . j I 1 Jicirrrru 1 . 1 iu n'u-- part of the world, whose cn-atjve fro- pertte -e knwniol rmlv to the hirhe;t I anthorities of nexi-i , cal science. It i both an in- a tr w j it S fr wi'.hont exr ritioa the most effective thai i ternaliy aad also inhaled, tho gtvtnf a caa be obtained.. Aa application of, tborongh srtemic treatment which aCard "! PROPS" ta tbe acbrnf, patnfnl part earl relief and effectual! cure, never fail to pit quick relief, while a per-1 "S-DfJOPS" cure l-aGrtppc bv itn aoaaent cure is being eBected by the thor-' mediatelv cestroritif the perm which onrh cleansing of the blood when it ia cause tbe disease. If taken at bedtime take internallr. Swannon'a "fi-DKOPS ' : anrl ia the mornip before break lart will i the mast pci-erful blood pnnficT ever fit-' iclreve and core the most sever couth, co i c res.. It drrves oat of tbe bland all It will break no a cold cuicser r than anv poiaonons matter, making pure, healthy i other medicme, thereby preventing Hrca hissd, tbererr insunnr perfect cirrulatioa, chittv F'tjenenocra, etc.. which are tbe re It act on tie stomach, brer and kroner i snh of a cold not jnoperiy treated with th Tt all r isonous waste material from ; tbe nerve cellr. and band ep the raervou cystea. Bv doing these thiags it strewgtb ent the entire rem em, restormc the man or , wemaa to Jerlect, robust health. ! George Moore, New Harmony, lad., snf -ered with Rheumatism ior over a year and , was pronounced incurable by two phvrs-; ciana, but todav is a well man. thank to the curative power of "5-DROPS. " 1 Lnrg-o Stxn Sort) (300 ) 9I.OO. For Sain Dru.s;lsjts. Ask Vff P-aggusi frar the "5 ' ANMrN HU," a ss . care tar Cessttlsettwa. "CE W CEVT4. SWAKSCN RKEUMAT1S mi CO., ISO LUE STREET, CH1C1ED. A Tel ETgET. BOYD'S. Woodward fc Burgess, Ma.nagerR. THIS AFTERNOON AND TONIGHT- -THE WORLXVFATIOU5 BLACK PATTI TROUBADOURS All new feature. 4S reflnefl singer. anrera, comeflin 3. BLACK PATTI (Mm. PISKierert Jonesi the greatest singer of her race. John Rucker, Mack Allen. Emma Thompson. Bister Turner. Efl Green. Nettle l-wis. Bobby Kemp. ltle Trltilett, Jim Crosbv. Mav Lnge. Muriel Ringgold. Bailie Green, presenting "Tiark town Cirrus ray". "Whang-Iioodie Comedy Four ', "Soidier' Camp Giee", "PartHlan Melodic" and "Varietlea." Pi leu s Mattaieifc, ZTee, TMari atarht, Xfte, IMee. TOe. FOUH PERFCEU&HCES STiHTIKQ THURSDAY K1GKT CHA5. FROHMAN Presents l"!LLlMij In the Four TME ORIGINAL PRODUCTION AND COMPANY. films Mattaieo, She U4 ratrrht, atVe to 93,49. Cwrtalsi oTaas-w m R T. an. aug S an. rwatttwelr fro Have YOU a Ticket? To the ENTERTAINMENT and MASQUE BALL to be given by the Omaha Elk Lodge Monday, Feb. 23, at Ak-Sar-Ben Pen. Tbe seaon' bicfett social event. Ticket to dancing floor 1 1.50. Specta. t or'g pAilery tL. None Allowed tin floor but those holding invitation. Ticket Tor sale at Meyer & Dillon' And Benton A McGinn' drug store. UACKiniST EIIftSTRELS, WtsbingtBS Rail, lUcDf.j. Fab, IBth r. m. Beartt t alee Psx-lr Btrthers M pwwwle la braa4 fsectari ilar TTlrw rart. tg Olio BtlTu The AD Rotinfler JACK VU EtTEB Monolopne TTUZA I lVTrETTK. Omaha's Favorite Singer. SAM MORBUS Character Btnger. Tbe Oreat Southern ruo P. K lOHhaor A rl ETfTEB illr Comeaians. Singer, anfl DanrerB. Rein -nrrueov Pan th hlustard. pit K.E: ATI G Comedian. rrnrET bo herrlet At JEWVItCI Marvelous "Cgnlllbriets and Acrobat THE 47TIMTAL 411 AatTETTB lAit on th Ctrv Streets. JAC MrKEtti. THE CEUtMlMK TR1TG TRIO Musical Eii-ert. ADMISSIOS Mae. Vesical Acccuccsmect Extrzcrdissnr Ossip Gabrilovitscli, The world' most renowned concert pian ist will play at KOVNTM MEMORIAL CHURCH. Tuesday Eve'g Feb. 17 Reserve Best now oa sale at Tatandle berg' Jeweiry store. 16th and Famam Btreet. - Price. f0e. 7uc and tl 00. Concert will begla promrtly at o'clock. WESTERN BOWLING ALLEYS. Everrthing new aad up-to-date. Special attention te nrjvat parties. FENGEUE a GIBBS. Prop . , Tel. L26. li.10 Howard. OMAHA. Pii39 Tuner t?A Repairer ED EYAKS, Tl'. F-256B. B RAISED BELGIAN HARE. a Ste TOUAT AT THE CALUMET COFFEE HOUSE LADIES' CAFE. 1411 DOUGLAS STREET. CMAHAn LEAJ'INQ REfiTAVRAKT. DROPS" FO I'KOPS. " Tf clone- bad given me up. one tsamrg I would nnt walk err more and another that rev iamb wcmld bare to be tnken orV Swans-re "':-DROPS" cured me all rieVit Kidney TrowNe, tV.t most 6rrer a . ,-.1 A t A k. -k,. ,uu ym uiui o i -e . . ....... , . .. " re tnedr. It act ca the blood, prrifving i and st tbe wire time cleanstnp the Kionev t.l impurities, it remove me pmaoa frota the srstem and restt e the kicoev, and i-ver to their normal condition. If rem are sv.fiering from Kidney Tmnbie or Liver Catrplatnt roti nh-niid not fail to secur a terna! and etttersal bottle of 'TerTKOr?" st onre. remedv and ior the; uftcrcr irorn Catarrh As'hma, cure of ncJi d iseaar : h 11 find quirk relief by tbe ne of 'le as K h es m 1 istn, PROPS. ' Tbete two mort dtstressinfj Lnmbero. Sttiatica. dise ati caa be cured brthr remed. Va NenralriA etc, it tci b'ke almost n other reined it used tn- right remectv FREE COUPON N a. 1 "trUt" krtJaf '. tTA t Mkli ISI fESEII. - Act Drama ltet. CRiiasTs Week Commencing Sunday Mat. Feb 15 TODAY 2.I5-TCKI&HT 8:15 Q"essey and Dayne Prasentlng 'Bill Bitnn Baby.- - Edith Helena Higbeat Soprano la. th world. Zazell & Vernon Comedy Hortnontal Bar Eipert. Wood and Bates Comedian and Instrumentalists. 3eLivingstons3 Hlgb-claSB Society Acrobt, Lizzie Wilson Commedlenue, Kinodrome New Movitg Scene. Regular Prtcc. 10c, 25c, 50c Mr. Kelly .... TEACHER OF Singing, Tone Production Interpretation DaviiKc Block. 18th and Farnara Trltsaeat 1S31.