Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 11

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PAGES 11 TO 20.
Hodotj and Promotioni Won in Fighting
for the Flag.
Instructive List of Srbraaka
oldlers In the Kew Army,
Positions They Hold
Their Hrrordi.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. (Special.)
When the excitement of war prevail, it la
always easy to arouse patriotism and the
young American son needs hut the stimu
lant of a knowledge that hla country's
Hag Is being Insulted or fired upon to find
him applying to the Dearest available point
for an opportunity to enter the service.
It matters not materially whether the In
sult cornea from within or without, the
cause Is ufliclent to call to arms the best
blood of this nation.
After "the war Is over" and people have
returned to their peaceful avocations, when
the excitement has pacsed. it takes rulte
as much true devotion to country for yo.rg
men to leave home and Hs surroundings. Its
advantages and attractions to lead the
lonely. Isolated life of a soldier. The uiun
who does this is entitled to the respect and
admiration of his people, for such service
is as much needed as the more attractive
duties rendered during the feverish cx
cltement of an actual war.
Were it not for this clans of self
sacrificing young men, where would our
strength come from in the hour of great
est danger, when a war first breaks out?
'TIs true that when we have a war ex
tending over a year or more the versatile
ability of the American adapts himself to
military duty, as he doei to all other emer
gencies, but at the out net. as a nucleus, to
meet Immediate conditions, a trained army,
a corps of skilled officers is absolutely
necessary to prevent Irreparable damage
being done at the outset, and before the
civilian has time to adapt himself.
That being the cane, it Is Important that
we have men who are -willing to make the
eacrlflces to perfect themselves In the arts
of war. Such may be said of the following,
who represent Nebraska In the "Regular
Army." t-
It would be .Impracticable In the space
allotted me to give In minute detail the en
tire record of each Nebraskan In the army,
but it Is here shown by classes the general
records, and as classes they will be appre
c.lated. Captain tnobr'i Distinction.
Captain Thomas Bwobo enjoys the eole
distinction of being tho one officer who be
gan his service In the United States army
during. the civil war. He began hla career
as corporal In Company E, Twelfth Michi
gan volunteers. He subsequently was com
missioned in that company as second and
first lieutenant. During the .' Spanish
American war he was made captain and .as
sistant quartermaster. He was then com
missioned as captain and quartermaster In
the regular army February 2, 1901, which
position he now occupies. ,
Two officers entered the United States
army as soldiers before the Spanish-American
war. They entered that struggle and,
'made record! '.for themselves In that war.
and .since have been commissioned la the
regular establishment. They are:
William R.. Harrison, born In Nebraska,
enlisted as private April IS, 1884, then waa
second lieutenant in Department of Colo
rado Infantry and also In the Forty-seventh
United States volunteers. After the war
was commissioned first lieutenant In the
artillery corps August 22. 1901.
Second Lieutenant Nathan J. Shelton, en
listed Just, before the Spanish-American as
private In' the Seventh artillery. August
17, 1899, he entered the volunteer service
as second lieutenant In the Thirty-ninth
United States volunteers. After that serv
ice ha was made second lieutenant ,ln the
artillery corpa.
West Pointers.
Thera are several officers who entered
West Point as adets before the Spanish
American war. received their commissions
In the regular service; then, ambitious for
a record, were furloughed from that and
entered the volunteer service for that
period at ranka above those held by them
In their regular positions. They are:
Captain Oolden L'H. Ruggles. with rank
et first lieutenant, was major and chief of
ordnanoe in the late war.
Captain Benjamin M. Koehler, while yet
a second lieutenant in the Sixth artillery,
was major ,ln the Thirty-seventh United
8tates volunteers In 1899.
Captain Ernest D. Scott, while holding
the modest commission of second lieuten
ant In tho Sixth artillery, was a captain In
the Thirty-seventh ,Unlted Btates volun
teers In 1899.
First Ueutenant Guy V. Henry was sec
ond lieutenant in the Fourth Infantry. His
abilities called him to the volunteer service.
where, ,ln 1899, he was major In the
Twenty-sixth United Btates volunteers.
Then follows a class of officers who were
csdets before the late war, received their
commissions In the regular army and re
mained with their regular. assignments dur
ing that period. They are:
Captain Arthur M. Edwards of the com
missary subsistence department.
Captain George T. Tatterson of the artil
lery corps.
CsptalD Burt J. Reynolds of Company L
of the Ninth Infantry.
Captain Fred W. Sladen of Company B,
Fourteenth infantry.
Captain Joseph 1). Leltch of the Twenty
fifth infantry.
From Volssteer to Rfiilar,
The next claaa received. their commissions
by appointment without the West Point ex
perience, before the Spanish-American war,
and remained in the regular service. This
Is confined to Captain Joseph P. O'Nell of
Company, M. Twenty-fifth Infantry.
The following waa an officer In a Ne
braska regiment, then entered tha regular
service: First Lieutenant William H. Oury
of tha First Nebraska, in which he held
rank as captain. He Is now 1a Company F,
Twelfth Infantry.
The following entered the lata war as
soldiers In Nebraska regiments and be
came officers In the regular service during
that war. They, are:
First Lieutenant John W. C. Abbott, en
tered the service ss first sergeant Company
T, Third Nebraska; was promoted therein
to be second lieutenant and is now In the
artillery corps.
First Lieutenant Frank B. Burr, entered
tha service as private In Company M, Sec
ond Nebraska. ,May 13. 1898. Ha Is now
With Company D, Fifteenth infantry.
The following entered the late war as
soldiers and received commissions during
thst time. They sre:
Captain James W. Dawes, was major and
paymaster in the volunteer service In the
Spanlsh-Amerlcaa war; he la now la that
ame department In the regular service.
Cap lain Bradner D. Slaughter, waa la tha
Second United States volunteers; he Is now
in the pay depsrtraent.
First Lieutenant William B. Cowin. was
a captain In ISM in the commissary depart
ment; he Is now with Troop C of the Third
First Lieutenant John 8. Fair was a cap
tain in the Forty-third United States vol
unteers; he is now with Troop F, Ninth
First. Lieutenant Solomon Avery. Jr., was
captain In the Two Hundred and Third New
York Infantry; he ia now in the artillery
First Lieutenant William H. Jordan, Jr.,
Is tho only one of Nebraska's sons who was
a private soldier in another state's forces
and who received his commission during the
Spanish-American war. He served as pri
vate In Company H. Second Oregon volun
teers, and Js now in the Eighteenth In
fantry. Appointed Dnrlnsr the War.
The following were appointed during the
late war;- they had their service With their
regular commands:
First Lieutenant Jack Hayes of Company
I, Sixteenth Infantry. '
First Lieutenant Watts C. Valentine of
Company D, Nineteenth Infantry.
First Lieutenant John I DeWitt of Com
pany A. Twentieth Infantry.
The following were soldiers In tho regu
lar army before the Spanish-American war,
were commissioned during eame and re
mained with their own commands:
First Lieutenant Juan A. Boyle of Com
pany I, Fourth Infantry.
First Lieutenant Charles E. Morton of
the Sixteenth Infantry.
The following were cadets who received
their commissions during the late war and
remained in the positions assigned them:
First Lleutrnnnt Evan H. Humphrey of
Troop C, Seventh cevnlry.
First Lieutenant Haleey E. Yates of Com
pany K, Fifth Infantry.
ehrankn Mllltla Officers.
The following were officers in Nebraska
reglmnts during the Spanish-American
war. and at its close were rewarded by
rommltslons In the regular service:
Captain Julius N. Klllan of the Commis
sary Subsistence department, waa a captain
In tho First Nebraska Infantry during the
late war.
First Lieutenant Henry M. Morrow of the
Ninth Infantry, was second and first Ueu
tenant in the Third Nebraska Infantry in
1n:R-09 and was also first lieutenant in the
Thirty-second United States volunteers be
fore he received his commission In the reg
ulars. ,
First Lieutenant Charles C. Pulls of the
artillery corps, was second lieutenant In
the Third Nebraska Infantry and subse
quently first lieutenant in the Thirty
second United States volunteers before
being commissioned In United States army.
First Lieutenant William G. Doane, Com
pany M, Sixteenth Infantry, was first lieu,
tenant In the Third Nebrsska infantry and
also In the Thirty-eighth United States vol
unteers In the late war.
First Lieutenant William S. Mapes, Com
pany I, Twenty-fifth Infantry, waa major
of the Second Nebraska infantry and later
first lieutenant in the Thirty-second United
States volunteers.
Second Lieutenant William K. Moore of
the artillery corps, was first lieutenant in
the First Nebraska Infantry In 1898, and as
captain therein In 1899, . .
- - There - were some who ars- xurarofflorf
who served aa soldiers In the- Nebraska
forces during the late war and at Us close
were rewarded by commissions In the reg
ular service. They are:
First Lieutenant Charles W. Weeks of
the Thirtieth Infantry, was a private and
sergeant In Company F, Second Nebraska
Infantry, In 1808.
Second Lieutenant Lewis 8. Ryan, waa a
private and corporal In Company H, and
thereafter quartermaster's sergeant of tha
First Nebraska Infantry In 1898.
Second Lieutenant William S. Bowen of
the artillery corps was a private and cor
poral In Company G, Second Nebraska In
fantry, In 1898.
Second Lieutenant Robert B. McConnell,
Company H, Twenty-fourth infantry, was
sergeant and first sergeant in Company H,
First Nebraska infantry, In 1898.
Up From the Ranks.
There are four officers now who served aa
soldiers in other regiments during tho late
war and were made officers afterward. They
Second Lieutenant Clarence C. Culver of
the Fifteenth cavalry.
Second Lieutenant William S. Barrlger of
Troop I, 'Fifteenth cavalry.
Second Lieutenant Daniel E. Sbean of
Company G, Sixteenth Infantry.
Second Lieutenant Austin M. Pardee of
Company M, Twentieth Infantry.
There la a class of young men who were
cadets during the Spanish-American war
and who have received their commissions
since. They are:
First Lieutenant Frank P. Amos, Troop
C, Eleventh cavalry.
First Lieutenant John B. Murphy of the
artillery corps.
Second Lieutenant Frank 3. Bowen, Com
pany F, Sixth Infantry.
Four officers have been appointed since
the late war, with no other record or West
Point experience, as follows:
Captain and chaplain, H. Percy Silver.
Captain and chaplain, Timothy P.
First lieutenant and assistant surgeon,
Conrad E. Keerper.
First lieutenant and assistant surgeon.
Robert M. Thornburg.
Four others were soldiers In the regular
army during the late war and have been
commissioned since. They are:
First Lieutenant Henry C. Merrlam of
the artillery corps.
Second Lieutenant Frederick Mears of
Troop C, Fifth cavalry.
Second Lieutenant Thomas A. Jones of
the artillery corps.
Second Lieutenant Charles L. Woodhouse,
Company I, Twenty-third Infantry.
Only an Imitation.
The opposing elevens had struggled des
perately tor the mastery.
But the gams was over.
Strange to say, nobody had been carried
off the field senseless.
. There were no broken bones.
Not a player had been disabled.
Not one boe the mark of the slightest
"It is magnificent," said the spectators,
"but It Is not foot ball;" Chicago Tribune,
Great tare.
The Doctor Yes; I understand what alls
you. You csn't sleep. Take this prescrip
tion to the druggist. (Next day) Good
morning; you look better today. Havs
you slept well?
Petersen Like a top. I feel like a new
Doctor How many sleeping powders did
ou take?
Petersen (surprised) I, didn't take any
I gave a couple ot them to ths baby. Dag.
Plan to Stimulate Readers Adopted at
Fnblio Library.
Kotlrlnsr Array of Ulnatratlone Ha
the Kffert ot IndaelnsT at De
sire to Head Books Trent
Inar ot the Topics.
"We find the colored pictures the most
useful In making the picture bulletins for
the children," said Miss Egbert, the chil
dren's librarian of the city library. "The
bright colors attract their attention where
the black and white pictures do not. Our
greatest difficulty Is to obtain enough of
these colored prints pertaining to the sub
ject of the bulletin we have in hand at
any time, and this makes our work slow."
For several years the system of picture
bulletins relating to snd depicting current
events has been in use at the city library.
The idea is not new and similar bulletins
are to be found hung up in the children's
departments of most of the libraries ot the
larger cities.
It Is a Well established fact that these
pictures sre the means of stimulating much
Interest In current events among the
patrons of the children's department.. A
mat of manllla board, on whcb are
mounted pictures relating to some hap
pening of Importance, perhaps political, or
something new in the world of Industry, or
a demonstration of the forces of nature,
with a small amount of descriptive and
explanatory matter. Is hung In a conspicu
ous place in the children's room. As a
consequence interest is aroused and the
attentive librarian can supply books con
taining matter which will further the
reader's interest in and knowledge of the
A new development of the bulletin Idea
the literary bulletin came last summer snd
has been consistently followed, as pictures
could be collected.
Expansion of the Idea.
"Bearing the success of the current event
pictures in -mind," said Miss Tobltt, the
librarian, "we came to the conclusion that
an Interest could be created in standard
books, and the attention of the children
brought to the best kinds of literature by
showing bulletins of pictures Illustrating
the volumes, with proper explanatory mat
ter and references. I do not know that
this plan has been tried In other libraries,
but we feel that It has been most success
ful here. In almost every case the bulletin
has cat sed a good demand for the book to
which It drew attention, and in some In
stances we were unable to supply books
enough. I feel that there Is a grave re
sponsibility In giving books to a child that
these may be such as are suited to his or
her home life and condition, and believe
that the bulletins will help us in choosing.
We hope in time to have enough of these
picture bulletins so that they may be cir
culated as the books are, and taken out
by public and parochial schools as de
sired. We have alresdy furnished pictures
in two Instances to public schools and our
Christmas bulletin waa used In connection
with the Christmas lesson by ona of the
Sunday schools In tha sity."- .
'Samples ' of ' the Bnlletlns,'
Perhaps the beet of the literary 'bulletins
have been the Gulliver cards. There were
twelve 6xl0-lnch colored pictures Illus
trating this book, which were fastened on
four manllla-board sheets, with short ex
tracts from the book and a note as to tha
author. These pictures were hung up for
soma time and created considerable atten
tion, aa a result ot which a number of
children read the book.
Another book for which a demand was
created was "Pilgrim's Progress," the bul
letin displaying one large colored plate and
giving a sketch of the author and an Idea
of the character of the book. At the time
that eome of the lower grades In the
schools were studying Holland a Holland
bulletin was prepared, with a picture of
Mary - Mapes Dodge, and quotations from
and library numbers of her books. In con
nection with the Thanksgiving bulletin a
number of references to Thanksgiving
books were given. The picture of a tur
key used at that time wss one of the
beautiful plates from the copy of Elliot's
"North American Birds" In the Byron Reed
collection. These plates, which are 18x24
Incheshave been taken from the binding
and will be used during the spring and
summer, as the birds return to this state,
to' interest the children In them.
A bulletin which Is now on the walls Is
the Dickens, which calls attention both to
the fact of the author's birthday, on the
7th of the month, and to Jbla works. There
Gossip of an Old Minstrel
The oldest living minstrel who Is still
before the public is Dave Reed. He is
now In tils 73d year and has been on the
stage almost constantly since he was 10.
Despite his long career be is still vigorous.
He delights. In telling of his early ex
"It makes me think that I am getting
very old. Judging from the changes that
have been made In the profession since I
first started out," said Mr. Reed to a New
York Sun reporter. "Although ao-called
minstrelsy still has a say on the stage. It
will never be the ssme to me. In fact,
since Dan Bryant died it has been on the
"I got my first encouragement from my
brother John, who kept an oyster and chop
house and cafe on Broadway, next door to
Thorpe's museum, which was between
Grand and Howard streets. This waa
where all the stage drivers stopped to
water their horses. John was a clever
dancer, and he would make me go through
a number of steps In the morning. I be
came proficient, and la a' little while I was
able to dancs as well as he.
"Not far from our home was a dock
where all the boats carrying fruit tied up.
The boys used to long for some of the
fruit. Ona day one of my pals approached
the man In charge of an apple boat and
" 'Mister, If you give us each an apple
my friend, Dave Reed, will dance for you.'
" 'All right,' said the man, and I danced
until my feet were aore.
"The fellow was so pleased with the ex
hibition thst he gave us each a red. Juicy
apple, and the following day he got me an
engagement at Thorpe's. I organised a
sort of minstrel show. In which there were
three other lads about my own age. Only
one of them la slive today. He is John
Kennedy, familiarly known as 'Pop,' snd Is
employed at Tony Pastor's thester ss door
snd ticket tender. We each received fl a
week. I sang and danced and got along
fairly well.
"liter my engagement at Thorpe's 1
sre eleven picture which have been
clipped from magaslnes. These have cre
ated a call for his books. Miss Egbert Is
now collecting pictures for bulletins ot
"Don Quixote," "John Gilpin's Ride,"
Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" and Ernest
Thompson Seaton.
For the ( hrlstmas Rveat.
The most ambitious of the current event
list was the Christmas bulletin. This was
composed of twelve plates from Van Dyke's
"The Christ Child in Art" and Elisabeth
"Stewart Phelps' "Story of Jesus Christ,"
which were In the library bindery at tha
time. The plates were removed and used
in the bulletin and afterward rebound. The
effort being to interest children. It was the
child Christ which wss depicted, the last
pictured being Hoffman's "Christ in the
Temple." The text was taken from Bishop
Potter's bible for children. In addition to
these pictures were Fra Angrllco's brightly
colored angels on a card with the poem
"Holy Night," and seven large colored pic
tures illustrating Clement Moore's peem.
At the time of King Edward's corona
tion, Caton Woodville's series of twelve
pictures of former coronations taken from
the Illustrated London News was hung up.
The assumption ot the crown by the king
of Spain was also noted. Hallowe'en,
Thanksgiving, Washington's and Lincoln's
birthdays and such holidays bring forth
bulletins which endeavor to emphasise the
historical reason for the day. The Arbor
day card showed pictures and poems ot
tree planting and a view of the early wind
swept prairie and a suggestion thst the
time had come for yard cleaning and the
making of gardens. As the seasons ad
vance it Is ths intention to display bulletins
of flowers and birds.
For the Mttle Ones.
Another class of bulletin Is thst designed
simply for the amusement of the smaller
children. These display pictures by Kste
Oreenaway and 8arah Stillwell. with selec
tlons from Stevenson's "Child's Garden of
Verse." A bulletin for grown people is to
be found on the wall at the first landing.
On a netting have been hung from time to
time sets of Rlnehart's Indian pictures,
plates of architectural details, bird pic
tures and selections from Remington's
The pictures for these bulletins are
mostly obtained from wornout volumes.
Another source of supply Is the advertising
poster. There has been soma difficulty in
finding pictures for holiday and other bul
letins, because these were not saved last
season, but all these are now being laid
aside as they come and can be used in
Johnnie (to new acquaintance) How did
you get that scar on your head?
Willie I fell downstairs.
Johnnie (In disgust) Huh! I thought It
was from a scrap.
Mamma You hsve drawn the horse very
nicely, Charlie, but you have forgotten one
thing. Where Is his tsil?
Charlie Oh, that horse doesn't need any
tail. There ain't no flies on him.
"Read about the fairies, mamma," said
little 8-year-old Margie.
"Not tonight, dear," replied the mother.
"My eyes ache."
"But1 pleaded Margta. "yon needn't- read
with your eyes; read with your month."
"Mamma," said little Charlie, "does sugar
cure people of any disease?"
"No, dear, not that I know of," replied
the mother. "But why did you ask?"
"Because," replied the youthful schemer,
"If It does I'd like to catch It,"
Kitty's grandmother, whom she now saw
for the first time, was deaf and had to use
an ear trumpet.
"You ought to see my grandma," aald
Kitty to the girl next door. "She carries a
telephone with her and makes you talk
into it."
A very small boy was watching his mother
sew whalebones in her dress.
"What are they, ma?" he asked.
"Bones," she relpled.
"Whose?" continued the little fellow.
"Mine," she answered.
He regarded her a minute in amaxement,
and then asked, solemnly: "How did you
get 'em out?"
"What on earth are you doing In here,
Tommy?" asked his mother, peering Into
the darkness of the henhouse whence hsd
been coming for five minutes or more a
series of dismal squawklngs, accompanied
by a loud flapping of wings.
"I am trying," said Tommy, who seemed
to be doing something with a knotted rope,
"to fix this rooster so his alarm won't go
off before 7 o'clock tomorrow morning."
went with a man named Kephard. I was
making excellent progress and In 1844,
when I was 14, I was considered a pretty
good performer.
"Most of the bone players then used the
ribs of beef for their instruments. But
after seversl weeks of service the bones
would wear off almost to the marrow and
consequently lose their Intonation and
sound. I then conceived the Idea of using
wooden chipper. They were a success snd
other minstrels after that took them up.
"My next engagement was at the Pel
more Opera house, at the corner of Cham
bers street and Broadway. The theater
was run by two newspaper men named
Geerge Woolrldge and John Auatin, who
owned and edited two dallies called the
Whip and Flash. Messrs. Woolrldge and
Austin gave a minstrel thow composed of
six people. I played the triangle and sang
and danced. I got 18 a week and thought
I was doing very well. , '
"After a bflet stay there I Joined a troupe
managed by Matthew T. Brennan, who after
ward became captain of police. Judge and
comptroller of New York. Brennan leased
Monroe hall, at the corner of Pearl and
Center streets. I stayed there for three
years. It was here that I introduced the
double bone act. That 1st to say, I used a
pair of bones in esch hand. Then I Juggled
them, first throwing them from one hand to
the other, then under my feet and into the
air. I was also the first to give lmitstious
of horses running, drum beating, etc. Do
ing this gave me the reputation ot being
tbs best bone player in the country.
"I became a member of Bryant's Mlo
strels later, snd It wss during my connec
tion with the company that I Introduced the
neat song and dance act which Is now a
part of vaudeville. It was In an accidental
way that I came to do this.
' I 'n Bryant, who left the show to go to
England to witness the Heenan and Sayers
fight, returned with a copy of the song
'Sally Come Up. Sally Come Down.' He
had heard an English music hall singer
Bamsd Mclnnee render It aad thought thst
Peculiarities of Prominent People When
They rorsake the Office.
Leaders In Various Aetlvltes Show j
Commonplace C'harneterletlos j
nd Possess tho Means j
to Homor Them.
A. J. Cassatt. president of the Penn
sylvania, who Is forcing a hole uuder the
Hudson into New York for the use of his
railroad, likes a horse better than sny
thlng else In the world, but his tastes are
so catholic snd his Information so varied
that he Is sble to make himself interesting j
on almost any topic.
He Is one of the charter members of a
certain swell dining club In Philadelphia
that town Is famous for such organisations
whose methods, though vastly more in
teresting, remind one of a progressive
euchre party. Every member must attend
every dinner or be fined and each must In
vite one guest no more or less. There
are twenty-one members, and thus a fully
attended dinner Is always served to forty
two. Often the number Is less, but the
club's round table Is so cunningly devised
that It can be made Just large enough for
whatever number drawa round It.
When all are seated, each guest Is placed
between two members and each member
between two guests. At a certain stage of
the dinner, on signal, the members, who
are charged not only to entertain the
guests, but also to bring out whatever is
In them, all change places, so that nobody
has a chance to bore anybody else. This
maneuver Is repeated several times during
the evening.
There la no formal speaking, but the din
ners are so Interesting, quite apart from
the menu, that it is well worth scheming
a long time ahead to win an invitation to
attend one. At one of them the members
and guests present Included the most fa
mous nerve specialist in the United 8tates,
a general In the army, the governor of a
state, an explorer fresh from strange
lands, a great ship builder, a titled for
eigner, a world-famous financier, etc.. but
Cassatt's waa the most Interesting per
sonality about the table. He talked like an
expert about hackneys, runners, trotters,
Assyrian antiques, German operas, irriga
tion, nervous diseases, Tblbetain goats, au
tomobiles, piotures, statuary, ecclesias
tical architecture and, in fact every topic
he was approached upon excepting rail
roading. Concerning this he did not seem
anxious to exploit his knowledge. And his
demeanor was as unassuming as his Infor
mation was encyclopedic.
When he leaves his office In New York, or
his committee room In Washington, he
sticks a handful of the latest cuttings he
has received Into the lefthand side pocket
of his sack coat, and, as soon as he gets
Into a cab or car, he begins pulling them
out. reading them one by one, and trans
ferring them carefully to his righthand
side pocket as fast as they are read. In
keeps a goodly aupply of his clippings con
stantly by him, so that he can consult them
whenever he has a spare moment.
1Pfjw ' Devoted ' to Cllpptnara. -
Tha most curious thing about Senator
Chauncey Mitchell Deptew 4s his devotion
to, the newspaper clipping. Nearly every
man In public life today subscribes to one
or other of the many clipping bureaus, for
that Is much the easiest way to learn what
the newspapers say about him, but Depew
thus utilizing his spare time for the perusal
of his clippings he keeps much closer tab
on the comments made on himself and his
acts than almost any other man now in the
public eye.
It might be added that be generally laughs
long and heartily at tha frequent gibes due
to his story telling and Jokes, but a serious
criticism by a paper of his own faith some
times causes him. considerable discomfort.
Can't tilde on Hla Trolley Cam,
P. A. B. Widener, who owns and operates
thousands of miles of street railways in a
score of American cities, never rides in a
trolley car when he can avoid It. For some
peculiar reason the motion of an electrical
car nauseates him, and, If persisted In,
produces the sams disastrous effect as a
voyage on average transatlantic travelers.
Mr. Widener ones made a brave attempt
to conquer thia feeling.
In company with hla partner, William L.
Elklns, he got on a suburban car at his
country home. In Elklns, determined to
stick it out until he had reached bis office
In Philadelphia. It happens that, by trol
ley, Mr. Wldensr's office is Just twelve miles
distant from his residence. The car, ac-
Dave Reed the Veteran
of His Class.
It would be a good number for his show.
"After using It ss an end song for a few
nights he cut It out because it did not go.
I got bold of the ditty and learned It.
"Formerly minstrels used to dress up in
grotesque fssblon. They wore big shoes,
dilapidated trousers and blackened their
faces, exposing a big pair of red Hps and a
wide, cavernous mouth. I thought that the
reverse of this would be the novelty, so I
made up with regulation shoes, clean shirt
and white duck trousers. I sang the song
and after the chorus came the dance, tho
muslo of which was Jingling and extremely
catchy. Well, It was a big go and the other
fellows Immediately followed suit.
"The theater now known as Tony Pastor's
was built expressly for Dan by the Tam
many Hall folks. I played the wench to
Bryant's male darkey and we Introduced
the song. 'Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me." I
got the idea of using the song by hearing
Dolehanty and Hengler. It was psrt of their
act. Delehanty and Hengler were the finest
dance team In the business then, but they
did not use the song in the way we did.
It was not long before we had them all
coming to hear us sing 'Shoo Fly, Don't
Bother Me,' snd we sang it for 400 nights
throughout ths country. That's a longer
time than any aong can live nowadays, I'm
"After Bryant's death the old-fashioned
minstrel show began to decline. Dan's
death put a damper on the entertainment
and the people stayed away. They were
lonesome for their old favorite. It seemed.
"About this time my family began to
grow, and in company with my wife, daugh
ter and son I went Into vaudeville, where I
have been ever since. Al Sheldon wrote a
sketch for me snd dubbed us the 'Reed
Birds." a name which has stuck to us ever
since. I have often thought of the old days
snd wished thst the boys were back in the
fold once more. But they are gone and
minstrelsy, real old, good minstrelsy, the
kind which our fathers sod mothers used to
like, I'm sorry to say. Is dead."
cording to Mr. Elklns, Tio frequently tells
the story, had scarcely got started bn tho
first mile, when be noticed that his friend
was beginning to look white about the lips
and shifted uneasily in his sent.
"What's the matter?" asked Mr. Elklns.
"O-h-h, no-nothing," said Mr. Widener.
"A few minutes later," snys Mr. Elklns,
'Teter clapped a band over bis mouth and
rushed wildly for tho door. Tho conductor,
taking In the situation, wildly signaled the.
motorman, who, thinking someone hud
Jumped from tho car, suddenly stopped it,
with the result that Peter was thrown Into
my arms. Tenderly I helped him to the
ground, and, some time after he had found
his logs, be said to me, plaintively:
" 'Bill, why can't a man, when he's able
to buy up a trolley system, enjoy a ride on
It, too?' -
It Is needless to add that Mr. Widener
hasn't tried a second thne to reach his
office by trolley. '
tinners Are W. I.. Klklna Hobby.
Mr. Elklns experiences no discomfort In
a trolley car, but he Is miserable when
his valet forgets to place a flaming red
carnation or an orchid of the same color In
his c'oat lapel every morning. It Is said
that such an untoward event has not hap
pened since a certain day, several years
ago, when a new valet Inadvertently forgot
this most Important duty, with disastrous
results to himself.
By reason of this hohby Mr. Elklns Is a
marked man whenever he walks Philadel
phia's streets, and many a promoter, un
able to gain entrance Into the financier's
private office, has waited for him at the
foot of tho elevator, spotted blm by tho
flower, and Importuned htm In public to
take up with this scheme or that.
Mr. Elklns' passion for these two flowere
In particular, and all flowers In general, is
so strong that at bis beautiful country
home In Elklns a picturesque Philadelphia
suburb which bears his name and has been
developed by hlra he has no less than a
dozen big greenhouses filled with aH sorts of
blooming plants. His favorite flower for
bis dinner table Is the American Beauty
rose, and costly vases filled with selected
buds are always to be found In the great
dining room.
Charles M. Schwab, as a musician. Is not
very well known to the world at large, but
among7 hla Intimate associates the president
of the United Statee Steel corporation Is
considered a singer and a pianist of no
mean ability.
Mr. Schwab, as a boy In Loretto, the lit
tle Pennsylvania mountain town from which
he went into the world to make his for
tune, was taught muslo by the SIsterB of
Mercy, who have a convent at that place.
For years he sang In the church choir, and
when he went down to Braddock to work
in the steel mills his voice aided him In
forming new acquaintances readily.
The story is frequently ttrtd ih Braddock
that his accomplishment was, in large
measure, responsible for Schwab's gaining
the good will of Andrew Carnegie. Be that
as it may, this Is what Braddock folks say.
It seems that while Schwab was still in a
very minor position in the mill his fellow
workers, knowing his ability as a singer,
asked him to sing at a certain social gath
ering of the mill employes. Schwab con
sented, and, at the appointed hour, ap
peared clad in Highland costume and sang
a typical Scottish song. He was Just In
the midst of It, and the audience was giv
ing bira close attention, when the door
leading into the room opened and lo and
behold who should the unexpected new
comer be but Andrew Carnegie himself. It
Is said that Mr. Carnegie enjoyed both the
Bong and the singer's evident confusion,
and It Is further said that the Iron master,
who had already heard something of
Schwab, was led to inquire further about
his commercial abilities, with the result
that he was given wider and wider oppor
tunities. Mr. Schwab particularly delights in in
dulging in his love of music when at his
summer home in Loretto. He plays on the
piano, many times a day, and those of his
former playmates -now remaining In the
town of their boyhood believe that there is
no pianist alive who can equal "Charlie"
Schwab in playing "ragtime."
Carnegie's Admiration of Tall Men.
Mr. Carnegie likes to talk to tall men.
PlttBburg friends say that they have known
him to deliberately scrape up acquaintance
with representatives of the slx-feet-and-over
class for no other season In the world
than to ask them how they managed to
gro tall. Mr. Carnegie has never got
over his boyhood ambition to be a big man,
physically. Ho once said to a friend
apropos of this disappointment:
"People tell me I'm a big man. But I'm
not as big as I'd like to be. Look at me."
Georaye tiould'a Charity Basket.
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gould coming
out from Georgian Court on a cold winter's
day to distribute charity from a big and
bulging hamper tc needy residents of Lake
wood and thereabouts is a, far from un
common sight.
Mr. and Mrs. Gould believe in personally
relieving any suffering that may be within
the shadow of their magnificent country
seat In the pines, and, as a result,' any
person in Lakewood who gets into difficulty
Is now accustomed to look for aid from the
ResidenU of Lakewood say that this
winter the Goulds have supplied many tons
of fuel to poor families, Mr. Gould fre
quently superintending Its delivery.
"If there is a single cusn of unrelieved
destitution in this township," said a promi
nent rltlsen of the resort recently, "It Is
because the Goulds have not heard of It.
And if any one will be good enough to tell
them of It, In less than an hour's time
we'll see them making for the place with
a big basket occupying the better part
of their trap.
"Mr. Gould has told me that nothing
gives him so much pleasure as to help a
deserving neighbor, and, he Is so modest and
unostentatious and diplomatic about- it that
the person helped never feels as if he were
a dependent."
Ex-Speaker Reed's Elephant.
Thomas Brackett Reed never read the
things printed about him with very much
attention. He was intensely Interested,
though, In cartoons which took up blm
or bis schemes. He used to preserve
caricatures of himself, and the first In
which he figured had a pjace of honor in
his library, framed, much to the distress
of Mrs. Reed, who could not .tear to look
at It. It was printed early In tbe '70s.
Reed's queerest fad was a grotesque
statuette of an elephant about six inches
high. Whenever he wss puzzled, or when
he bsd the blues and even be had tbein
sometimes it waa his wont to stand and
contemplate his little elephant In all its
ugly grotesque humoroutness, and thus he
wrought out many a problem, and more
than once wooed back the sunshine that
had temporarily disappeared.
The late C. L. Magee, the multi-millionaire
ot Pittsburg, would never live In any
other than a frame house.
"A frame house was good enough for m
to be born In," he always told his friends,
when they asked him why he didn't build
a modern residence, "and In a frame house
I shall live until I die,"
Invention of on Omaha Man to Be
'Applied to Elevator.
tetn of Tras Hint Will Close tho
loletator Miafts at Kach Floor
and Stop Spread ot
Great loss of life and destruction of
property In hotel nnd other buildings by
reason ot fire sprcadii-g In the structures
through the elevator shafts have caused
two Omaha men to invent an automatlo
elevator shaft system of dampers that la
Intended to furnish thorough protection
with entire convenience Tha principal
patent' papers were received a tew daya
ago. and a thorough test cf a full-slied ap
paratus will be made probably In tha
courso of a few weeks. If the device la
found satisfactory tho organisation of a
company and the establishment ot a manu
facturing plunj In Omnha nis.y follow.
The. Inventors are Assistant City En
glneer George W. Craig and his brother,
James A. Craig, who Is an assistant super
intendent for tho Barber Asphalt company.
The original Idea and main features of tha
device are James A.' Cralg'B. while the as
sistant city engineer perfected many of
tho mechanical details. In. the patent,
which is Issued Jointly to both, James A.
Craig Is given the benefit of being the In
ventor, lie was formerly a machinist, and
It was while repairing elevators In this
capacity that the necessity for better
means to Btop tho progresB of flames In
shafts was brought to his notice in a strik
ing manner.
Kxperlenoe Soaarests Idea.
He was standing at the foot of a shaft
making a memorandum on a sheet of paper,
which by the force of the draft was blown
out of his hand and upward to the top ot
the shaft. "Great Scott!" ho ejaculated,
"what a place for a fire." This waa several
years ago and the finished invention Is tho
reBiilt of hard study and practical ex
perience in tho meantime. Both the Craigs
feel very sanguine of its success, though
the possibilities of the invention have been
demonstrated as yet only by small models.
There are few apparatus of this nature
on the market and none of them rusemble
that of the Craigs". About the only ona
that Is practical !s the "flap-door" tystem.
which consists of a imp on a hinge In the
shaft at can floor. They work independ
ently and from their limited ubo would,
seem to bo hardly eatlataetory.
The Craig Invention provides a separata
plate or trap for each floor, all of tho
traps when not In use being confined at
the top of tho shaft by a set of holding
blocks, or clutches, which are operated by
an endless cable, running down the side of
the elevator shaft to the bottom. Tha
traps are made of a fn me work of steel
covered by asbestos. 'Ihey are raised on
the roof of the elevator rnd lowered auto
matically by their own weight, controlled
by a governor. The simple act of pulling
the cable releases the entire set fcf drops,
which descend Instantly and pwMde an
absolute damper on every floor within ten
seconds. -"" ' ' - .
Kach Floor Protected.
Each floor has Its own particular trap,
the plates being brrested, floor by floor, by
an ingenious combination of slots and lugs.
Around tho base of each floor In the shaft
are certain Iron projections, over which
the traps for the floors bolow pass, vrhlle
the trap lor its particular uoor cougui
by tho lugs. Tho principle Is ths same
as that used ' In the Yale look, and the
number of combinations that can be made,
and floors thus provided for, is endless.
Guide blocks on the traps prevent them
from going awry on their sudden descent
down the shaft.
It Is Intended as - general thine to
have the device operated manually by a
simple pull of the cable when a fire breaks
out, but arrangements are made for the
automatic dropping of the traps In case
of a sudden blaze or a fire by night, when
tho dampers have been left at the top of
the shaft. What is known as the fusable
link system does this. Wires with links
of soft metal are placed around the ceilings
of each room. A fire will melt and sep
arate the links, permitting a weight re
strained by the taut wlro to drop on tha
cable, which In turn releases ths clutches
above and the dampers fall. Should tha
elevator be st any point In the shaft. It
wll! be sent downward, also, automatically
and without delay.
During the day the dampers are to res
secure at the top of ihe abaft, there being
no Indication of their presenco. The ap
paratus ran be fitted to any kind ot a
freight or passenger elevator and is'corn
paratively cheap, the expense being esti
mated at about $600 for a Ave or six-story
building, or about S100 for each floor,
iiooil lb In a; for Firemen.
"Provided the device works aa It's In
ventors claim It will, there Is no doubt
but that it will prove extremely valuable
and save great losses of life and property,"
said Fire Chief Salter. "Elevator shafts,
are tbe best aids that Are 'has in largo
buildings that otherwise are nearly fl re
proof. Many of the biggest fires of lata
years could have been pi evented had tha
flames been confined to a single floor or two
until the firemen arrived. Then It tha
shaft Is protected by a covering on each
floqr, a great deal of the danger to firemen
is eliminated. Many have been, hurt and
killed while groping iheir way about in
the einoko near the scuttle holes."
Should the fire be on 'be fifth floor, for
example, the elevator may be run to and
from the landings below, thus assisting in
clearing the building of people. Stock
may be saved from flooding by the dampers
and altogether there are many points In
favor of the invention if it can ba mads
to work In actual practice.
Most of the men who make a study ot
fighting fires' who have seen the model say
that tbe invention should be a success. In.
surance agents declare that If practicable
it will mean a considerable reduction In
rates where used, as exposed elevator
shafts are now the greatest menace in
many large wholesale, manufacturing and
office buildings. As an instance. It Is quoted
that the plant of Armour & Co., at South
Omaha, has a total of aoventeen elevators.
The mechanical construction is tbs very
simplest throughout and It ia declared that
there Is nothing to get out of order. At
the present time patents ars pending for
certain small perfections, but the Inventors
are preparing to go ahead and make prac
tical use of their apparatus, which they ssy
a III be cresting a demand In the market t
sot Then.
There's many a slip
"l'w lit the euj and Hie Hp.
IN rhaps so.
Hut nut lien it'n twenty-year rye
Thiil Kladilens the t.lKhi nf your eya
And nui ken you e Malic ly Sikh.
hhinks, no!
Not when It's twenty-year rya, ,
tiw York Uvanlng Bun.