Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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ArlstEtloil EourC IinaflB in Itrot of iTsl i dwarf g-rvn in Japan lotb giant red
"wAr Of Eifitpen Ik)7ik- ooit of California, lnr-lufl.r.g poem tbt
j wan taucL: io fc;n by J Fte'-Vng Kiffn
'Wben b rose before tb ssgust BBscmbly.
PIECEWORK tS TO EE D'SCOMlK'JtO ' however, h heart fa'led h.m an! h rut
i out tb K1CT and tb poem and sirrp'y
B- ArVttraiwr Says talat la
tarlirrC itrual
aa Hr T a
Tb result of tb arbitritios between
tb printer and tb employer tu a vic
tory for tb lnror, and a greater vtrt.ory
than tbey expected, lor although tb new
anal ((ms tint go ln:o rert until Septem
ber 1 and tb hour will remain tb aame.
tb jint ; era wrr ratbar su-prlsed to
hm.ra tbat at tb wu!t of tb tnd;ng
which cigntl by all rrf tb member of
tb board, evrry Jrr-m of piecework t
ebolnhefl anfl tb acai for "B-raigbt mat
1 whirs bar liwt JlNf below tb ecale
f ir regular Jul. printer., will lie wiped cut
at tbat t:m and ail primers employed is
Job rffirf will rw fig per week aa a
minimum, n-rarC.e, of the character of the
w ork on w bsch tbey a" employed.
Tti result ru net reached until atcr
o'clock last night and then only afmr
Jb lriaton baS tfn marbd by F.
John 'Wllliania. tb rhalrmaB of tb boar 4.
aftr tb ti:bT tnmbT baB Clo-uawfl tb
Quaatipc for nnr tbas as bour and fal)C
to turr. Tb )Ciaiot trai macb4 In
lt prwwnt fortni throufrb aa ai'parTt tj
4rtatifl:tin. Tb arrwnMiut for arbitra
tion iaata that tb bnarfl fhruifl cmnKiflfT
(itJT tb arai ltr in fiirp anfl tb pro
jotipa aral. rnpi of tb prnj-ta acal
vr lata Iwfnre tb arWtralnra, but lr tb
ttkrr.f of rriflf-nn tDd ill tbf arfttaira'.r
ahirb pr baa Curltir tb brarir: solhtcf;
aa aaia of ib jii-oFwor1t aml of 4d rrcta
jxrr l.WHi rm ana 11: t. aaiB of tb pron
orttlon to rrfluo tb bour. ao that tb
truictt -matter aral ana tb bour -r
rrrlockpa aben tb arbitrator flmr ur
tblr rTr,rt. na tb only jKitst dctSa In
trTrm m tb utjon f t adattinnal
dollar pT vk aakcd br tb prlntera. ft
wat aaia atnr tb flpiaion had bn
rarbfl that tb Cat of It rCnrt; vrnr
irti dlara ta jvfrmli tb nijlnr-ri to
nmrTilrt prwarot contract ana erfv tbin
tlB3 In a-bich to makf atlmats tor a ork
t tb liifbfrr ara)-
Uvrrn TtVt r Tlw.
Tb takinp of tMrtimonr n'FJ t V'
ti'r.1m In tb moraine anfl oontmuefl. a-f
an in term Irk ion at nnon, until
nearly S
oVJKck. Tb fart prpnta at timra baa
littl to do aitb tb poif. at iaau and
for a tim tb bartni: promiard to oon
tlntt cvpr arvcraJ dar. tb laa7'r
rrprsanrtinp th ponirndicc parti -a-snt
Into dtail In rramination ana cro-x-atnlnatlon.
ana at tb af:moon BEum.
brfor lstininrT introdurfl on bbaif
of tb -mploj-T. tbrir artomry mad an
application far a continuance. Tti .p
plica'Jnn u not anorpuia j laaanUy by
riLbPT of tbe arbitrator from out of tun
ana l.h wprearnia-ti-r of tb Tnplpyr tn
tbe froard aia thai irhFi b aouia Ik
10 fvor hi Bid undfir all ctrcumistar-w.
h found that b must diBar 'i'-i thra
oa tbe onwOoa t4 ooe! uauanc.
At tb morninc apaaion G. L. Barton and
Gonrir Bouthard. Ab formor propriatir of
a aman Job offio and tb lattw a Jouroy
n:an printer, testified, th fonnar as to tbe
advance In tbe price of printed tuatter
and th latter a tbe lncraaned cot of
auch matter It tb rity and rounty. abate
ment -om .the official belnc preaeaied '
fa aupjuirt f hi timoiiy. It claimed .
by th printer that tbe price had advanced
from So to St per cent over lam yeax, ami ;
la the teeximtaiy of th employer tbia waa ,
practically admitted, but It i claimed;
that work bad been done at a loa In aom
caae belora a letter ryatem of liookkeep
lnf bad been introduced. The employer
attempted to abow that aa lntsreaoe In
Tape would eauo irnrt to leave tbe err?,
and it -a aboa-n that many Jobber and
aom retail dealer had aent a-ork out of
toa-n. Nebraska City. Fremont. Lincoln.
Bioux City and Council Bluff tteing tbe
principal bencfioUri of tbi action. Tb
employer preaeniod tb aoaie la foroe In
to-ns of tb JliaaiBBipnl valley, aboalnf
that r"erally lm territorr the vare
of printer are lower than at Omaha,
Matf-alatata li a Wyaabui l imit
floaaaa BraifWlrn mm TwXk
B. T. Ferry of CTbeyenn.. president of th
flirtrirt lodpe of Vnioa Facifie tnachiniata.
and Walter Webetear of Svanaton. Tya,
wine preaident of the aam lodge, arc la
Omaha viaitinp macbiciat atrlke beadguar
tex and conferring with atrlke Jeader re
garding tb conduct of aJSaira. Both men
an ontbusiaatic wr xh proanect of th
eti'iker Jox auroras and are confident of
victory. Said Fmoident Ferry:
"Tb only puzxle. ta me la why th Tnion
Faciflc doe ot throw up It hands and
admit that it J aAaten. All over tb line
we are stronger thaa when we started.. Kr.
Webster ha visited every point on tbe line
during tbe last lvw days, and 1 have bees
with fcim at all jo1bi from Cheyenne on
Is here- e Iwn the situation thor
oughly. We have lost but on mas aince
tbe strike began, and tbe machinists are to
a man standing firm lor whit they originally
s'ood. We cannot help but wis thi strike,
and it 1 a matter of but a ahurt time now."
Brfsww rBil Trwkfri
fislKif r 1 aal
TT. I. Kierrteafl appssrra b!or tb prin
cipals of the public echo- !r Tbursflay aftr
riion in the rrle of tl.;' person who srot
"TooSmtt, Epare TLut Tree." He bad
asked "St prrtntvnd- r- Pears to request the
prtn: t)iaui to ltrpr' 1 1 upon tb bry pupil
lb importance anfi goud setae of protect-
Tb perfected prsdact at fifty wears of Kestacky
avperienos la whiskey snaking. The highest type of rh
a art tiaa
ipg lb trees, snd tb sc;T!sten3ent In
vited him to ACt-w tb pdagog-nts Mr.
C had p-parfi as o-igmal leciur
Bked tb twcnetw to how tb' bey bow
rourb It ha-n tb tree by taartt.? ba'k
from then, in tbe eprmt. and he meaa ft
it to tproot a mrutc'.iiif apl:nt in order
that rt mT aerv a a "Rt:i.nrT-rt)rk.'
Xr Kie-meed live on tb riorenn boul
evard. bt tbeT are a number of ':n
rrrve nor' li of Ann Tenn. and a be j
lrv- the lie frca-.b b dialike to ae it j
injureC by -. boutibtie bcya
Tb pnnrpal promiaed to preaect tbe
ma:ter to tb ibtifiren and tcr them to
let tb yoLi.p ana old tree alone-
Oaaaka Trw OaV Take
Live Qetia f
lie (rm.
nti a
A rraolntlot rrc.nt Tb Imturla county
delration tr support bouse roil 171; an
other resolution condenmini: tb council
fairer to paf tb "Roaeaater franrkla
ordinanc., and tpotber reaolution fvorlii;
muclr!paJ ra-nrrthip of tbe aatrr vorbi
and pa plant rr adopted by tb Omaha
View lmprrveniept club at Tburadey
nipht' t Ttirtv-eecnna and Maplf
atreet. -hitb meetliip vu tb larpent in
tb rlub hi-, crry. Pre 1 fleet Cal'iahan
preaidea ana J E Tan Gilder ana E. F.
Morearty apol.f.. A comm'Mee aa ap
polnteB 1o aerur f.r earape for tbf
Otnata View i tool, in abirt meetinp are
to be beia berfaTter on Friday nipfct in
aiead of Tbur6y nipbta.
tUinH inewa Oallty f Aaaaalt
mm Batterr After Trial
William Spocner foe to Jb for riney
day for hi aRault tpon "Walter Brand-
with a kxifc. "erilham ru charrea wrtb
ptabbmp with intent to kill ana alao with
atebbinr arith Intent to do ETt bodily
ha-m. Tb can aa called In JuSp Ef
tell' court Tburaflay ana - nine witnesne
namlnea by 10 yeaterday mornlne. Tben
William attorney bepan to hav rleion
of what mirht be and William decided to
' - . .
ue vti pfTmiTiPD xr 00. ne ziaa peen
plnaCitip aelf-defene and it wa cbown that
aom tim before hi attark on Branflef;.
Brando had rareaaed him with a window
3. TC ETler 1 suing Herry Tor Bulrbrun
fnr gitw. clipped to Ik due for If pa.1 afi-itre.
The Map Ftimace cmrpary ha er.Rrted
suit ab.uiFt Cntrie a. lepau for txMj.
aliepfd to i due on account-
Juflge Iay p--arted lim;i Fttigerald fii
vorce from lenni a Tblrteeoth street
liaruer. on tbe ground of uonsupport.
Judp Iiav baa prarted aiary Wnlfe a
divorce frtim Ciari- becauae f aliatidon
jnent, and Apnea JieyaJ trom Getr-ge be
cause of iioB-euppurt.
Michael Jensen is eutng for damnpe from
the Vntun Ptock Taraa fompany becauae
run over a hii repairirg crt cm a repair
trofk. Teremner SI. He aliepe that hi
ripbt l!g was crushed above the aiikie.
Mrs. E. M. Ije.iphton, who became insane
while Traveling trom New Tork to Cbev
ecne. Wyn.. left the city Friduy afternoon,
after she had wrought considerable dam
age In the matron oeparam-nt at tbe city
Flora Tbntna churprd with laroe.ny from
fbe jMcwm. witbdraan ier plea of
tm sruilTy and pleaded pTii'Ty of petit
htreery fT which ahe was senteticied bv
2 ntua eteUe to v'Bty day Is tbe county
Jail. "
May Erwtn has Thought wutt against tb
clr- m Crniaha for S.mmi for lr.jurte al
leged to have been sustained 1s a fall on
the toe at Pcijipleton avenue and Twenty
eighth street. Ijec-ember 1". Bar right log
was broken.
Tbe fir department sea called to IKS
IVuglas street yesterday afternoon sbnruy
after 4 o'clock. Ti gasoliu stove vni the
cause of th alarm and no dp.mupe to tbe
bouse resulted. Mr. Henry Ftilsrmft suf
fered a siigtt bum of tbe hand. The strv
tilased up after ft was lighted and V.r.
Foisrroft anenrpted to turn the gBSoltn
off. tint Boeiectalir moved the lever tbe
wrong way. j
Charie M. Farflew asks dtvorc from
Vina, aliegliig tbat her mother came to
live with tbem i.nd that th reafier hi
wit would not move trom Ulair, where
tiey were married OrtolHir 7. 11. to Ar
tngton. where hi work required kia jree
ence. nor later to Omaha, w ber be secured
a better position, and tbat hi wage do
not make it pwsibi for him to maantain
a horn in one place and board and room
in another.
J. H. Ballard, who gave m hntne crry a
IndiHtiapolla. lnd.. saa arrested last night
l'v. Iietectrves Ferria and Hell in a room
at 3417 Case street, where he hid Iwi
lodging Ballard will be imld as a fugitive
from justice until tbe arrival of an officer
from Indiana iiolis nib extradition patiera.
The arrest fallowed the reoetjit of a tele
gram by Chief iKmahue from arf A
Taflem, superintendent of jo!ic- n the
Indiana capital. Ballard i wanted to stand
trial fur embezzlement.
R. A. Coomes of Fullerton. N'h liecame
sick on Februart- 7. Hi face batid ana
boOy broke out with an eruption- A friend
tuld htm he believed tbe dlKeane was small
pox and advteed him to go to Cmiaba and
find out. Coiim- gut on tbe liUnd end of
a 1'nion Facihc mail car yeter6av and rode
to (imaha. He -waked from tlie paaeenper
stauan to tbe nfine of tle Hoard of Health,
snere be found Ir F.aipli. who toid him
his friend had puesaed nptit. He a a re
nuuved to tbe emergency hospital.
Judg Woolworth ha returned from Cbl
cago. Judge McHugh has returned from Chi
cago. Mr and Mr. F. McCartney of Lincoln ar
In Omaha.
Hun. Ecwarfl Rosewarer left last mpbt
fur a shun buHinea trip it the ettt-t
Majiir Seth Bullock of Itiacwood wa It
Omatia la ut nigra. He is on 1.1 wa ean:
on iiualneaa.
Iwiettive Hardinp of tb Te Moines, la
police Ofpartment a the guest of Oh'-?
of Ietectne I'unn rriuay whiie in tht
city on busiuca.
Neneat.aan at th Meechar.ts: F TT
Ftmunwiii. liunlx-K l : J C iwrisv F.iKmg
'-'i"J Oeurpr ri.mi-k.iii. Lineuit . F Imim--rl.
Fremont: K J ll.iiCnihrt lIw;l.
K K JoniiaMc Vbhkra.iii' Ir H. K !!.
wood. A ill nee; EVpeo fe Farka, Aiiiutic .
J. W. fcullivan, r-trd.
tbe palaia
maftr -
S - t&e Evcf-rwrbera.
0'&onck of Eiotx rain.
Blah Kara rk mt Ckrlatlaa Crvllt.
aattoa Ket rr artia le El )
rat f Wai aie a
ta ew Catlrt.
Befor a large audience at Bcyd th
te last n:cbt. Bit-sop O Gorman of Bidet
FallF dc!:ve-ea an aflires oa tb lif of
Tat-ber Marquette, th Jesuit missionary
who dist-cvsred tb Mississippi river in
carrying tb grwpel to tb aborigine of
Amerira. Tb bishop wa Introduced by
E. W. Eimeral. member of tb Kmpbi
of Columbu. under wbos euepice th lec
tur wa given. Tbe bishop said in part:
"It is straiip tbat for centurie twa
race of m'n existed without knowiedp of
tbe n-,ber. Four hundred year ago tbere
a ctveiled to olB Europe new field to
be a on anS new people to be Christianised.
Columbus, the Christ-bearer a hi nam
Chris: cpber means, broke through th veil
separating tb enntinents. Two nation be
gan to bring to Amrrica th gospel and rrr
iliratinn of ChrsjitiaxiTy France and Spain
one in th north and tb other to tb
south. Let ut give them due credit, they
were tbe running toller, w the evening
reaper, but let us give credit to Catho'ic
Frmc and Catbolir Spain for tb work
they have done.
"Among lb French explorer wa Father
Marquette, as explorer and a miesionary.
for be it aid of France tbat tb spread of
Cbrltr.iEtiiry wa th natural consequence
of tb extension of French territory, and
every charter mentinnea tbe fart that tbe
spread of Chrwtiar.iry should be carei fur
Es lrax:iwa aal MlaalBary r k,
Tb biBbop read trom tb work of Park-
I man and Bancroft, ebowin; tb relation
bet s een exploration and misFionary work
in th mind of French people of that day.
and tb experience of tbe missionaries in
tb wilderness, where torture and peril
awaited them, ana contmuea:
"Thl praise that Farkman gives them
1 well deserved and when they suffered
at the stu-ke or died trader tbe tomahiwt
tbey died with tbe spirit of tbe early
Christian martyr, or when they died like
Ma-quette tbey died for tbe glory of tbe
God they served and the honor of France.
"In the town of Laon. In June, 16rT, wa
bom Jean Marquette. Hi youth wa spent
in borne and -bool, but in hi blood pul
sated two elementa. seemingly Irreconcila
ble tbe plrit of war and tb spirit of the
churrb both predominated, for h entered
tb service of the church in a society
founded by a soldier, at the ag of 37. For
tselv year be studiea ana taught. At th
ag of 29 be wa ordained a priest and hi
superior marked him out as a missionary
in tbe new continent. After three month'
sailing he landed is Quebec.
CkrisTiwaisiBB- tke
"On Pt. Mary' river the Indians gath
ered In large number. There wa a
Chris-lan community of I. WW Indiana. I do
not mean to say that they were all bap
tised, for there were many Cochumens. as
in pagan Home ts tbe early day of Chris
tianity. Here Father Marquette labored
a year and wa ordered to the west. On
the present site of Ashland, Wta.. was a
settlement of IMHi Christian Indians. If
yon attempt ta read In Farkmaa and Ban
croft of these early asttlementa ron must
remember thai two bead -asjtters of river
were important things, as the rrvsr "were
the thoroughfare of the Indian." Near' this
mission dwelt the Sioux, the fiercest Itribe
of Indiana of th time, -of which we" hare
TS. OOP in South Dakota, -of which 70(1 are
Catholic. There are two tribes ts be
remembered in American history th Iro
quol and th Bioux, These Fionx hsd gone
os the a-arpath against the Indian unfler
Father Marquette, These Indian look
alarm and went eastward to the site of the
present Mackinaw. Many have Been tbe
i.reaent beauties and enterprise of Mack
inaw, but what must it hsve been in the"
earlier day an idea paradise said here
was built the most flourishing settlement
of tbe Jesuit father. Her Father Mar
quette hoped ta stay, but one day Lanut
Joliet came along with order to explore
the Miasissrrpl river. Opinion is that Mar
quette is the discoverer of the Mississippi
Ob She f Cadtasugw.
On the ait of the great rity of Chi
cago Marquette passed a winter on hi way
to establish a settlement of Indians at tbe
present Bite of Peoria. Be contracted the
disease with which he died and desired ts
return to his fellows. Arrtring near tbe
site of the city of Covington, Mich., he
stopped, heard the confessions of his com
panion and here he died, on the hanks
of Lake Michigan, Twa years later In
dians brought hi bone back to Mackinaw.
Hundreds of canoes came out to meet tbe
remains of Father Marquette and amid tbe
songs Df tb Indian hi remains were
buried. Today cities, town and counties
are proud to bear hi name. The painter's
brunt has reproduced hi feather. Be-
teatb the dome of the capital at Washlng
toa stand his statue, and should it not
Ftatid there, for he wa a maker of thl
country T
H. . Keesie.
FT. El! 0NT, Neb.. Ft b. lk fBrjecial. v H.
, X. Keene of B.:klaDd, M a bratber of
: L. M. Keen of tti city, died at his
: brothers residence ai i o'clock this morn
ing of heart failure after a sickness of
only thiny-Bix hours. Be ws born in, M is UCT, and lor nearly fifty
year wa engaged In th wholesale and
j retail shoe business. Several years ago
he retired from active business He cam
: to Fremont with his wife to spend Hi
' winter, in recember last, and ecjeyed hi
usual health untH WedDesSay evening.
when he wa suddenlT taken ak with
heart diKiase. Be icaves a large estate in
', Main and considerable property in thi
! county- A he maue froquent viait to
Nebraska he wa uit wtul knows in thl
i vicinity. A widow, one not. Albert Kerne
1 of Philadelphia, and two daughters. Mrs.
Tiarling of Hydr Park, Mas . and Mis
Stella Keen t.f thi city, urviv ktm,
) Hi remait will be takes t his home for
j burial.
Jaka V, rwa-leaL.
I Funeral aervires over the remain of
I John M Ciitigietot. who died last Wedne
j day at hi fanun. 111! Maple street, will be
held at the residence at Z cicx t this aft
ernoon. Mr Congleton was a bnkrepcr.
and had lived in Omaha for more than
thirty years He wa bom in Kentucky is
IKSi. and served during Tb civil war in
tb outrtermafcter" department of Colonel
Ruben G. Ingersoil Illinois regiment. Is
Oniaha Mr. Congleton wa for nine year
wi.h George A Boaglaad. nine more with
I. J. Brown, six with Collin h Morrison,
and when he died was ts th employ of
Charles H. Brows, rie was B quiet, unas
suming maa and had many friends, fie had
Ixwn xuarrwd twenty year and ho wilt
survive him.
B A, KaaUla.
KIMBALL. Xet Feb. IS. (Special Tele
gram 1 K. A. ftmith. agent for the Vnien
Fac-fii rallrval at this xioist And ena 41I
found in each rurxbeir of. Tbe I
l-iuftraifd Be, 'rn.hinf ttat
kf not goofl and clean in ton i ever
admitted to i- column, but more
thn thl. th connatt effort 1 o
kve it content so drrerB.fied thai J
-vervboy rat find something of in-"
terest there. This i wty th paper
is sucb a welcome via tor to the home,
If It did not deserve thi reputation
it wouid not hve ! In th forth- 1
coming number amp if evidence of tbe
Justice of the rlaiaif mad for Tb
Illustrated Be siH 1 found. It will J
hav a tin lot of picture of person
and scene that are of mor than pa-
ing interest to the j.Llilic, and lb
vrual number of caTfully prepared
special article on timely toplsa. ,
? ilus i .. Dn rrti otb.r
' ' wc tern man wtt ha bad some
littl spare In th rul.'.ic ry of late.
H ha been prominent lor a long J
tim in connection wr.h th Interior
department of Ibe I nited State
government, and ha Just been ap- a
pointed to a position on th federal
circuit liench- A p? picture and a
short sketr h will b lound in The
IK lustra ed Be.
. J te-lis cij
tbe que civisiot icv ,
which society at th national capital
ha broken up. and tb difficulty a
newcomer find in pticg th bear- t
ing of th various current in the
swim. It also tell bow easy It i
after on ha learneC bow. Pictures
of Mrs. Roosevelt aril Mr. Corbm
accompany th article,
t IFt H TBE rrvp-LOD glres a J
L rlimpse of tle rerile wbo live 4
I in tbe Cumberland an Blue .idge
mouEta.n and persir. In taking pot-
shot at one another. Some Incident
that sr fcumorou and sosn that are
n.-heTic. all being real, are told. .
Ficture are from photograph mad
in th region ana shes the feudist J
In tb nstlv state.
J A oeal with the fire rehokrrl cf
tb Tramatic club, which 1 pre par-
lng to ptv "Tb Crttir" for th bene-
fit of tb Crerbe, It shew a numaer of
Omaha young socletr folk in th
costumes they win wear on tb stage.
and give some of tb cenea.
. ni
IT I10LL.i is tbe caption for Mr. J
Frank G. Carpenter weekly letter.
In it be tejl of tbe church si which
the Pilgrim Fathers worshiped at a
P. otter dam before they started on ha
voyage that ended at Flymouth E.ock J
Mr. Carpenter svsa a number of
historical i cfeieutie tiBd 41 Hit a bit
of interesting intornisUon in hi
rtistomary emtextateing manner. 4
Fktiire are from rlbrtograrbs made
in E-Dtterdam. .
nIStl 15 10 lat a wnut, cu
J C tells himself ol his plaria lor
spending tb tim tn what he calls J
resting. Most people would consider
it work, tot all b intends ib do H to J
reduce to practical results Botes he
has been taking during all hi rear
nT tcvesncatton. 1 or aruora i m
many wy one of the most Interest
ing in the number.
" ootrprUe pictnee (f pfiojile wbo ,
hsve eome in:o prominence.
usual crlFp comment, short storte ,
and chatty gosBip about prominent
people, Every department of th pa-
per ha received tbe care always be- (
stowed upon It. and nothing ha been
left undone that would add t the J
Interest or value of the numner. 11
yon are not now a iiuamimr, ron -
should lease your crder wit your
xiewadealer today.
tbr best known men in this portion of tbe
state, died today, ri had been agent lor
the company at thi point for ten yea-.
Captal Hrir) J. Ts j tor.
KAVSAS CITT, Ftii -S Captain Henry
J. Tajlor, the olfie' ctptain of tb Mis
souri National Guari. died at has home
here today of tuben ulucis, aged U years.
Telesrra wares seccr litmally waase
CxewslBs a rtkra
Favrlar Oave.
FT. FATX. Minn.. Feb. 12 Tbe tele
grapher' rommiitef for tbs Chicago, St.
I-aul. Kinne.apoli a Omaha ha secured
substantial ini reaae :n salaries
F. B. Puterbaug! chairman of the
Croatia committee, ci v the changed wage
srhedule wUI aCwct operator and will
amount to a raise of flu " a yar.
Tbey will get th am advances a to
overtime allos-ance except lor Sunday
work, tbat were aoi -red by the Northern
Pactnr tiierator.
IEATEJCTC. Neb.. Teh IS i Special V
The marriage of ! f-f E. M. Hart mas to
Mr. Eflw ard Nelaon ki solemnised in thl
city yesterday at rerienry parsonage,
tev. D. L. Tlioma officiating. Tbe young
couple are among "be best known and
tigtly respected t Ident of thi rity,
where they expert :o make their future
Mr. Marrts FLlni'"di and Mt3 Anna
Blecha of Wymor were married in thl
city yesterday afie'&oot. They win re
side os a farm a fe mile from Wymore
Air C ! aar at !.
MTST1C, E. D.. F h. li (Special -Tb
air compressor plant of lb Castle Creek
Mjiing cum pat y her was totally dssrreyed
by fire. The plant consisted ut boilers and
ngma, aa well air compressor and
pump. Tb loss is tT.Wifl. The mailacry
will b rvjiai-ed, -
terruKiosn Tkk LrrwTticni t tbe C.Tj ten' 1 IrrureiDetV
Oak rteWatea the Hat I .aid Peva ta
tmn FTtaaar te-is
that H la llaei Agalast a
Free Eisreatlaa
"Harmory i as eapy thing to talk about.
I but in politic It cost tb people mnner.
aaid Park Commiionor Cornish tc tb
Jnembrr of th F:rst Ward Repul'liraB
r.lub meeting at 3Tli South Tenth street
last htgbt. "Puolidry i tb best police
man after all. It 1 only when yoti hv
tb politician in power sa-rlng anfi on
aid telling on tb other that tb public
knew what i going on. So far a
1 concerned, tber ha beep much of it is
tbe republican party in Omaha, but 1 have
never sympathised nor participated it knif
ing. "Just now tb republican ar divided
a to a choice for mayor t nder tbe pres
ent condition of things It 1 nearly impos
sible for them to unite on on man. If
they cannot find a man that will -please
an taction I am satisfied that Mayor
M cores will come the nearest to it, H ha
had th advastag of being on tbe right
side of pearly every public luestiun during
his terms and be ha mafif few mistake.
There i no us questioning tb fact that
b 1 Immenwly popular with tbe T.ftof
vote represent ea by tb wn-fctr-cmen ; tbst
be if riph on tb present agitation for,
better taxation ana that hm folios er and
friend are leading in thl movement."
Deaasae a K-ltia.
Mr. Cornish's remark cot"-rtnp har
mony were brought out in c.rufion of
tb following resolution which iu adopea
at tbe last meeting of lb republican city
central committee :
That w here there sr twe nr mo- can
didate iri the same w-ard f'ir an ofhoe and
said candidate deatre to sunmtt their
names te tiie voter (if tbe vara, and mud
candidate aiso desire to f:'pjrt a certain
delegation at tbe prima'i election. Knid
cndiQte may submit their name to th
voter of the ward anfi their imme simll
le printed upon the official ballot on the
same sine and under the name of the del
egate which th candidate wishes to suj-
Tbe resolution we brought up by Se
I retsry JJ. W. Coleman, wbo pronounces it
j "tbe most damnable anbeme ever invented
j to prevent tbe wisbe jf tb people b:iig
osrried out in tbe convention. H d -clareB
that the chief danper of th resolu
tion wa in that fart that It compelled all
candidate to take Fide under tbe head of
the mayoralty candidate; that even tbouph
a candidate on the oppneit sid of tbe
ticket from the successful delegation re
ceived tbe highest number of vote of pref
erence, he would be thrown down by the
successful delegation, tbetr lelng nothing
to prevent the delegates from so doing if
tbey wished.
In tbe talk that followed Judge EaecaTl
said he saw no hardship in nc.h a course.
Park Commissioner Cornlch said be thought
execution of -Ibe resolution would mean
mixing up ward contest and struggles tor
other offices with the mayoralty fight.
which he said wiU be on personal lines,
(eaHanl f the (I a a.
Tbe following resolution, which was In
tro tinned by Secretary Coleman, wa adopted
unanimously by the Twenty -five member
pi emit
Wliereaa, A rule recently adopted itr The
republican city central commitiee govern
ing the coming republican primaries ir.
substance., that any candidate for council
can designate tinder which delegation hi
name shall be placed, to If voted fur at
the republican primaries on April 30, 2sM
Whereas, The said rule might lead to
some controversy lietween the different
candidal and hasty action on tbe part tif
the successful delegation, resulting possi
bly in ignoring the wishes of the repub
lican electors tif th Finn wwra, and thl
cluh, desiring to carry out the wlKbe of
said repuhhrar electors of tbe aaid First
ward: therefore tie it
Keaotved, That this club endorse and sup
port the candidate for council from thi
ward w ho shall secure tbe highest numocr
or votes at the coming city primaries, re
gardless of where hi nam may apjiear on
tbe republican official primary ballot, and
tnat the successful delegation pleope them
selves to present aid candiuaTe nume
wbo actually receive the highewt tiuniiier
of vote at said twitntry ejection, ir-e-
opectlv of faction, to tbe repuPUcar city
convention for hi nomtnution a councU
man tram till aaid First ward.
Clyd C. Bunblad, probate clerk in the
county oourt, announced hi candidary for
the city council Talks on general topics
were made by E. J. CornlEh and Council
sian 1. S. Has call. Four new member
were received into tbe cluh. which ad
Joumed ts meet at the call of tbt presi
(Klrr la tk Eaariate Bbb f C lews a
! leeta wrlta lastasit
De-atau c
CH1CAOQ. Feb. IS John Ward, an oiler
in th engine room of the Grand Pacific
hotel, was instantly killed today while oil
ing the machinery.
His body wa carried around in tbe ltrpr
Foriune Telling
&at not take into ccmaidejmTion tbe one
t aw i it ml to womu'i hatiptnes Wfom
atilr health, Tiierc is tuarv a womui
wrhoae future seems absolutely unclouded
who I marked trr ber own condition tar
iutuir cuiappatntmciit and distress.
Tbr woman who .
XKglect her health
t xicr-lecuiur Ute
very lciGDOauun ci
all pood iortune.
F or wTthoan health
iov l(jr rM lustre
and gold is but
V canaid t health
xoav be retained or
rep-anted by the
vae of Dr. rSerce't
raworitr Prescrjp
tirm. It eatabUahe
rcj-nianty. dries
the drains which
weeaken women,
heal inflamma
tion a a d ulcera
tion and cures fe
male wreak ness. It
makes weak wom
en at rear, sick
Stck women are invited to consult Jji.
Ttor by letter fret. All correspondence
held aa atnaJy prrrs&e and aacredT ,
ccmbxiential. Address lit. iU V. Pierce,
BnffaV., X. T.
1 bae wakes sis battle of War Fierce' Favor,
itr 1'iULJipuf ' wmca hn at I-var. of Oniia,
In in ibm Co.. Ontarau. ad two buaiicw of tbe
' FkowMuaa pelMea ' as veai advwed iur congeauus
of uaerva awaiMa. msuL in aa. and cat. aatrfy
bit t&aa your nediaac am bees uar aueaa vi
nan iiif 'aac So good Del. h agaia. vaiti 1 bad
wot bad iur awe tana vtm. ucui taaiaux vour
saelii-ine 1 thabk yaw very mack ior your k-iud
anc pnaaapt anrwtiub tc aii lasuar atrirg adoox
j aworne rTeacnptian " has the teo-'
many oi thousand o women to il canzt
jiieie core oi woman.1 r disraar. Is sot
accept aa arcatnowa and urrpioved sn'tsFr-
tnte la tta place.
Dr. Pieree'a Fie-awrtt rdiets clear tfe
gaaiauucxioa aud swxeten tbe breach,
Bfstlrr.sir!y ire lisrd.
Elitra crc ritrcisf t inbitrd tij
Ccti vhtlls 8tu! dirt t rrrptwef.
Aiuhfra'ivPS rot ft nru!tel
Uitif irtcst rnprpvTw madiiftery.
ti ttari f fffTit-ur rtcWer .
Ejirilrsj wrinrs? Ahr; runuladrt.
Cest ft izrrr frzn plun
ffy wheel time anC tiro again before tb
power could be abut off. Be was 6ead
when finally rxtrira'ed ft-ore tb machinery.
Ward wa n year ld anfl wa at on
tim known a ( successful Joikey st south
ern and wee: cm trark. He wa knows s
-.iBck" Ward.
aeria at Btra..
Health, strength and vigor depend en
digestion. Ir. Kmc New Lif Pill make
it jTfect or no pay. Only ITic. For al
by Kuhs k Co.
IKPTT.rMENTS filed for record Friday.
February in:
Wl arrawtp Prra.
E A Colfnx to J H. M;-.clian lot
I and 4. biw k b. Cl:.x-erdaie ao .. . V
K eh.niu'ierT' and wiTe t A O
B'ircfcman e(Vt ft U't 1 and Z
liock V.. LjOwv nod...
Clifton Ctthnr n ljiilie F. S'-eed- et
Bl. lot lii biock ' Suutioer AH
j.dd to Walnut H.'li
Mary E. Mui' icM ic J t ti'irpe.
lot block C t-'
Joi n V !- to J t . .reer.. lot Ifc.
tilock 1-fck- ""iw h:lc
H F Flumer and w:1e 10 Marj J.
Ppe' ttman I t :. jTtyi out' ...
Ar.n M J B"iainy and iuislihrid 10 T.
J Nei'l. lot lnock lt-t and to
South tnihhB
T J ''Kelli and wif to Frir Ande-
or.. lot '., Hilnvk T 1st sod to South
A X. Mom and wife to Tines Ki:ia-
koiFky r-i lot 'ft. Mock 1. Kountae
4th add -
Miria Wolff aaid husband to Lena
t-inneli. lot S. and t, lilock a.
Plielry F.ace
A' taiie Bkzar and wife to F C
W SKieiewhta. Jot IK. li- and C Sul
livan bud
- a..ism
W. A. T Bord, receiver, to V W. Irv
ine, iot 7. block 2i. Iwig-lit A L.'s
odd ,
Sheriff to C K. Francis. ei lot &,
Wock J, lmjri'vement Ansonlation
add - l.lin
Sheriff to Henry F.ieck. sea a-lii-DJ lb.sw.
Total amount of transfers..,... ja.tffl
Ticket Office, 1324 Fannta
UBio SUXiom 1 0th
KmlKin Iieer to put tip ic caeca
unsen bottma. quarts or pints.
'X T Telephone 12&0. Omaha, Neh. .
mfi. M
V m ir .ii. .I...!,, arim n in mi ii - bii rii"wT-7aa.i..Mi
Jmm i
Don't say ' 'taker'; uy Vetattr.'
adventure and ex c-iiemeiit. Chicago CbrotJcit
Will sure r aatiKty uie most exigeat among Mr. JottM' admiring diet tele
Tire Chicago titt.114 i'ost.
I'fcvio Harum atmuid hv an vy to l.ia laureia, Chicago lntsrioaan,
For aale by 6tmier trenoraDj- or cat prcpaii oa rwipt of $ 1.25,
Tlie Fiction Publishing Co.
1 6-4 La Salle MreeC Chkjo, IU.
For wale by Meeeath SiationeTy Co., Cimaha, Keb.; L. C. liracaett, Coun.
cE EluBa. la.; 1 F. Iowra South Omaha. Neb
Following 1 tb prog-am for th
Cecilia 1'ian Flver recraL ts b
rcsflered at C, M. B. A. ball Skfur
dar evening, from t t clock.
All nmsic lever ar cordially In
vited. Tber i ample room; seat
ar free.
Tbr announcement mafl at our
last recital wiU b further ex
1 iained.
C. M. B. A. hall 1 on th sam
flour with our Fiaoe riayer rrlor
anfl atior.e wbo i interested la
Piano plyer ran Lv personal
attention is separa- roc ma
Tour truly.
Arlington B!k lill-lilis liotp Pt,
(t-er Kortot Harear and
HarCr rVr Store.
: : FTiOGRAM : :
At C M B A. "Kal I. Sa:urdy eves-
ii.g Fcli-ua-y 14.
1 MiciPlininnr Nialu lresm..
V-e.iHt msobn
i La 1 hk ir: tia
Kammen.11-1 etrcw
4 H utipanni: 1 lm; is-id n
. K oiling
: uiiitiKioiii
! i .
Floriirinia Teii M.
l,ovr i iid F i SluiP
at'i.i'Bueer livemtig
h 1 "liigui tud
in The Lhfi Hope
VI ksner
I - VHCliIK'k
. . .. IjOttM-llBik.
vert u . . . fui'p
11 l,ipri i nvarr
S'-eii inpt'ttia-l
i EEiuTiFUL xmin.
rnl? ban b aasnas Itss Bl SB gry
sf ar bait. U
aasVAfW flf haltT WfTfJ BS ttVBBa II BP
nMi7 BBsVrM MlT MpliilHa JrtsV
tu ta mrC lfnmM-f'ti KaarnjiW
Uttii h-ai -..
Ilinntli luri'
;cm)tit r.irisu
T . fJUt"Ti'". Illsi UCtt- Ia.1UT. 1 1 Hitss
itM.inai re rrltt-vm. ix. frt tu
FlirnijL.ri k MrCmiTKill I"rup Co. Cn4hit.
aadMuxy Pboae29.
And after eating a hearty supper, enjoying all
tbe comforts of your happy liame, you feel con
tented. But the climax of youT comfort is reached
when vou tod placed before you a bottle of that fa
mous beverage. ELITE R1FBO I.EFA you enjoy
the same, not only Kir it exquisite tate, but you are
two aware of th bea'ttful result of tin tonic
The Richer
The Poorer
A Novel by Ira L. Jooea.
Tti story ia tb thing, and ft ?
toid with venety and vigor. If we
bave to aeiect any mrtfui cbaravcter
tur particular praise, w aluiid sa
ttiat Aunt erutib won id f.ii t l.a bwil.
etj ap;ear to have biiiis craws truia
lite New Turk f un
it is rermaraap v good fictkso. TiMt
Chicago Kecord-Heraad.
1 1 la a livjy stury. with plenty of