Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tin: omaiia daily iiee: satuhday, fehkuaky m.
"If Mm IV irrl , Moft.lnf B'Mino
i,f th Cttift
la mm4 tlf (. ataiement
ml Ikm I a Mel ( w n Htleieoea
AfaMe4 He-Nej
1'tU ' ITt 'e(, U dier ,
After ihr. i1.r. ,,rk and the eam
laatina .f Ida r n r .nr e.f t went r four
N'art aad f i,a, i,, of m. a
J'tff ilfi (Ma looming to ir Ihe
of Tt 'ai of N.lreaaa aalnai Mrs
lna M (,lli, fharcd with tnufderinn
lf hiit,and, llaft-r ,lll, on Ihe fnorn-
lat nf n. thr n i-e j
7I I'ifrniaa are all farmer and their
name ar, follow John W Wlnnrs.
' f'arltsla J-,,h lll'ter, l)eore
lue(irr John M-n M llilam J Johnaon.
H(f.(l II Jhn W Thomnaon H-h-
.. u it .. ... ! .
. ' .'''. II Mirth. A
I'ool. iatuea I, Met, all talesmen
Mra Mllie was aTompsnled hr her
fa'ker. mtther, tir siaiera, Mrs flrant and
Mrs fjreai(,a-r, and Ham I.lllle. brother
'f (he murdered (nan Mrs I.lllle seemed
la rhefi mood this morning and from
aapearaneea Is well prepared for the try
lug fdal whl'h Is Just rommen Ing
''""imr Attorney Ktana in making a
siaiemeat (r the Jury said In (.art
siaMemenf f I ase,
') (he t1 da of 11. tetter there was
lltlng in Hi. le h. n,,.. Mr nnd Mrs l.ll-
( their .tanaliter t;iy I.lllle, N fllere,
)tits liMVam. an. n.a II. ke Thnt
to ihe 10 .filing .f ii. Jl Mr and Mrs
( lllle tti ii.lei the a. illiee.l lieilrnnm mi
stairs In the h..uae The I e whl'h wna
U.le. t,t llirrtl wsa 1(1 tile eolltlieast
I an .f I lie (.ilr.H.m Th hea.l of the be I
s alxnii ten Irohea from the east wtill
of th room em I the fi...t of the bed about
Iweiiiy.iwtt mt hea from the wall Mrs
J.lilla slei.i on th, east able nf (h" be.l h ml
lf I.lllle un (he weal Able. The
(xlr'Mtm oeiipietl by (he girls whs across
the hall n.rr'h, (he .I.M.r l-.llng Into the
Vr.m e..i.d by Mlsa I aw son and Miss
baa had tin il.wir leading Into Ihe hall,
ton (hey mue( go ibrmiah Ihe r'Kim mTti
t. by ln and May I.lllle; thai the door
from (he hall ln(o (he room ormpled by
4ay and r;dna aa always oen until
I Ms oar 'I'ular nlgbi, when for some reaeon
wtil'b has not b. ii t i.Ulne.t, It waa ahut;
that on (he evenlna of f lutter H Mr and
S4t I lll'e had .all-. on Mr l.lllle a
mother and (ha family did not retire until
late hour
Thai on (ha morning of lo-tober 21. be
tween and a n'rlnek. Ihe gins were awak
ened by gome bolaa, (hat the girl heard
a steeond shot and there waa deaihiy st-1-r.ea
n Ihe hoiaa In two or three mlnutea
Xra IJIIm turned lh door and cried. ,-lh.
t'h, Oh," and said lo the glrla, "fiet up,
lr I ahol At thla time Ihe moon
wa shining and (I waa gelling llirht In the
room. Ihe glrUt. or on of (hem. lit a lamp;
they went In ( aee Mr I.lllle, (hen they
all went alownaialre, Mrs I.lllle went lo
he iriephone and she told the girl to run
for help
Waal flrt t aller aaw.
Thai Mr. Hall was (he riraf one (o arrive
at Ihe bona, he asked Mr I.lllle what
bad h'pr.ed an.l she aald Harvey was)
hot Mr Hall and Mra I.lllle then went
itiaiialra to the room where Mr. I.lllle wna.
lr II M (hen went out and gave the alarm
erd Mra. Ullle again went to the tele,
g. hone
When I 'f . fllewan arrived he and Mra
I.lllle went upstairs, and after the doctor
bad I.ke4 at the wound In Mr l.llllea
f.ead Mra Ullle said: ' III he die. doc
,,r ' Ulll he die
At thla time Mm I.lllle opened the
Imreani drawer and aald. "My pochethook
la gone; there was over In It " Che
hen lufned around and picked up Mr.
I.lllle) pant and esamtned them Tolli".
man Ta'bllNea arrived In a short time and
In (ellia.- him what had happened she
again wondered If I hey had been robbed,
arvl again went It Ihe bureau ind exam
ined tha drawer and said: "Yes. my
aetleuob la gone and there waa .' in
Ida flrat afatemenf tha( he made that
morale waa that (he robber and mur
derer i-rMt north of (he a(oveplpe and mar
the I Kit o( Ihe bed. the aeronil SHIement
eh made w tha( the man tiod iulh
ef (he atnveplpe a id about the middle of
the bed. and 'be nest nlj'rm'tit she made
waa thai the man iriood oe lo Ihe head
tf (hat hed
Thai when she saw the mm txdndng Jh -.nwder. and powder was blown Into th' al er he rolled off Ihe bed and I iv . . . - . , .
Main! al k
(he floor until she heard Ihe ma.n go
) awhile mnfereare railway taxa-
.ak between member of the
ttlaeonaia legislature aad (he presidents of
( railroad eseraflng In that state, where
the to a It ass stand Imposes a tat of
4 pr rent roa earalng ot the rail-
oawla. ( ramrt pertinent Information wa
f irstsfted M W. W. Baldwin, a the er-
owal Cf aanHMrt of tk Fhirilngtoa
fa. WwaaM afateiweat a follow:
alrat Tase K err .
represent im BurHsa-toa. fmr Inter-
M rem ara( (! amail In Wkwonsltt.
W M K'J mile ef yfe of .50
mile I (link I may thla ! "
tafanttaflow la resaoa ! an Inquiry of
ik e(lemit who alt ther (referr-
t Mr. DnfcK a l actual result
I ikon rate wher th ai valorem
rreni t arevalla aad aa prevailed for
mj fear. TS Burlington ytm I
rfi la lee different state, and In
lt tie mm' tk ! valorem system
peavail'S, .-e la Wisconsin snd Minne
r. aa.l I lav raref eftmenf of
tk tamst af ta- tk' w par a mil la
ear of (he tafea ffe the year 1WI.
(ke klahea rate per mile In tile
"' I In aot tnehid In tkt the tt'e of
I haota for special ron which I wtll
"Now tak m ntlr road In this state
t tV tre af Illinois W have about
pi mile in lllinoia. and w paid lat year
(!H line In llllnoi :K mil In tha
at valorem itcma. W paid in WIconin
f a m'lai W paid ver M.'h( In tase
In Wiwonatn h year Now. it does not
follow of core. 'hf hfinuse different
r ea a mil prevail In the different states,
(W Ik- maiH are all of the same value.
Pur to Hluirta the mixed prol lem thai
;t a hefor you or before anv tribunal
Hi will ' up the question of what w
ra'l tie ad1 valorem bm, ii( make a
.o!riroa of the tt of Mlsnourt. for
hstianre. wi'k the tat of Wisconsin.
aiwat at lawtw tarailasN.
"to la W'svonsln, we lave Just a slngl
lrak tier ta un double track railroad.
kv an (ertalnai facilltie In Wlacoo
it. TI road ta built, ax you know along
tM rtvo ttuufc. Ill the Stat of Missouri
w kva valuable svstem of railroad.
Wt a kav tariainal In th city of dt. Louis
sjti a cos' eerenily between pH.isMt.iMaS and
a t,a ,i4. W has threw xpeaa1v briitaea
wvae that Vtlaa.Hirl rtvee W kav valu
ta.' terminal In Kansa I'Hv and St. Jo.
.(, avl t w aaaia llu of th Haonibai
Kiak ro 'A of wiwuiurl. It
In. a llu e"'i f'l ky the trinen1ouB
t taa from tk
.. . oiaiiar ihat proper! y you r
t'kin ahuut pruparty and you r talkiaa
iiwii 'hi. ina tk avl valoraia w pay
ii aader al vaioreia syaiaia in the
aiay af wiavMirt flM a tail, and upon tki
ampl i c" railrvaJ .a tk stale of Wia
kouas - wt paylua) to1ay a mil.
wait, yuu tap If thai la to I should
tninat you stoulii saat to go to the ad
vaturea ayataia if a lt-ct of thai la
at o a t k to sihu your taxea.
U taipeata aitoawt her. aat lemon, on
loss 'Iw - vaioraua ytia la a.luiioia-ki-ra.
Is vWpeaU jtoi t;r upon that. If
law pai Juua syataiu Ui aViuiinisiarCHl In
(Malta ayuia ta ikear of ika valuilon
ID' Uw at aa.ieua4 ikati a lava Ut itt
' f 'he f""m sod rlnwnatstra, that after
ft- fi.i f I .,f th" hr. the msn h"t, Ihe
tt .(! going ll.fti it, if,, window
Ihe sfcrtiey here gave rtrsrrlptlon nf
hf f,n,rt hum on the window rurtstn
sol lima
hal I Kspected to rrntf.
Hie teat'.,, iiv will h.,w th-it the pistol
rnnat hn r I ee o pnl further than ft . e or
n if,. h 'fm the wiinlnw curtain; that
it w-ia fr.. entile fi r a nmn In hiw stood
where Mr I nili- savs did and fired tr it i
1i"f i tie tiailroimy will armw that Mr.
1 1 1 1- n 'rn.ri drsi rlptli n of ttn
ronii ! 1 1 1 the lin l u,g , that he was a '
matt about tre sire nf Ifsrvev, n Utile
heavier. ani 'iilM ahnven. light complexion,!
ilaht hair, tie wire either ii rap or a niir- '
f.iwhrim (mt. and If he wire a mink It
wis a llpht titling one The tentlnioiiv will
show iihi ' tie. raise i,f the hill was on a 1
iel. or a'lati'H ui'Wanl, thiit If the man i
li.o. where Mrs Utile he li,t the I
rat'r of tin hull wmihl tie ihinnWrtKl
Ti e tei iirn.itiv will nlmw that Mr i.lllle
inrrl'i) 1 ( f Insurance to the amount of,
fT.". Ihut Mr i I.lllle hail lost from $1.i'
to II ii mi Hie llnanl of Trn.le; th:it on the
afternoon nf iietnher ;3 Mra I.lllle went
to ihe fty v 1 1 1 . . ri i I hank him" paid n note
r . r I fl .. I I hi. I ffela mawwm .. ft (... . -1. 1
nNe, the Kiri- lit her hnme If they wnul.l i
h i.neaav If tin re whs money In the house!
over tilsht; tint this . the Mrs! time she;
had ever made a remark nf this kind. Mrs.
i.lllle ie n iH-hlnnahle dressmaker and ha.l
sen nil Rlrls sewing for her aid It was to
lhee thai she made the statement, or
'I'l.-tlon with reference to the ,
money heinK in the house.
"imnnrri vpi nrirnir.
Matt Miner or rounsei tor tna jerenn-
ant. In making the statement to the jury,
aald In part:
As has een aald lo you heretofore, this
case bnsed on purely circumstantial evi
dence and the statement nuide by the
rounty attorney are not true ami we be
lieve that the evidence will prove clearly
lo your mind mat the defendant Is not
guilty. I have nld. and now say, that we
nave no defence except that we did not
comml' the crime, ami when the time
conns for us lo make our defense we will
fake It up step by step, and our theory Is
that the evidence of the state Is our de
tense; that the circumstances claimed by
the state will rove conclusively that the
defendant la not Kullty.
The court stated to the Jury that they
would not be permitted to separate at any
lime during the trial of the case, but their
convenience will be looked after, and they
should not discus the case among them
selves until It had been finally submitted
to them.
(alia Flrat Wltarii.
Dr. S. C Beede was the first witness.
He said: "On tho morning of October 24,
1IN12. I received a call by telephone; 1
wont Immediately to the home of Harvey
I.lllle; found Mr. Lillle. lying on the bed
In an upstairs room with a bullet hole In
his head. Dr. Stewart. Pert Hall and Mrs.
I.lllle and others were there at the time.
This wss about 5:30 In the morning. Ex
amined the head carefully to find whether
or not there waa more than one opening;
only found one, which waa on the right
side of the head and was about half way
between and about ona and one-half inches
aboe the eye and ear. The bed was In the
southeast upstalra room. Mr. I.lllle was ly-
I Ing on the west aide of the bed. head to
the south; he waa lying on his back, race
Witness here described the powder burn
as was fully published In these columns at
the time of the preliminary hearing. The
examination of the witness was not con
cluded when court adjourned for noon.
When court convened this afternoon Dr.
Beede. continuing, aald In part:
"t'pon my second visit to the Lillle home
that day I made a further examination of
the wound In Harvey Llllle's head. I
made Inquiry of Mrs. Lillle aa to what di
rection the bullet had been fired from, and
she said from the west side of the bed.
The body of Mr. Lillle was then taken to
the hnspital. where he died about 2:30. I
made a further examination of the wound
and from the statement male by Mra. Lil
lle I thought the bullet must hare entered
the left side of the head. At the autopsy
we found that the bullet had enetered the
right side of the head and passed through
the substance of the brain, and was found
Just behind and a little abeve the left ear
and In the .instance of the brain. There
was no den' In the bone on the left side
of tho hea-J. I examined the point of en-
trance or the bullet and found burned
wound for one-eighth of an Inch and there
of Railroads
state of Wisconsin laid down by your tax
commission. If they aa the tribunal are in-
trusted with the authority and they apply
rh principal of taking the stock and bond
valuation of the Chicago. Burlington
Qulncy and bring that whole valuation Into
Ihe state ot- -Wisconsin on the mileage
basis, these taxea that w are now paying
or Via a mite win on pracucany nouoiru.
It depend upon how you administer It.
rafroael With a (assltlea.
"If w know we could: have the ad
valorem system applied In the spirit and In
th maaner In which It is applied in llli
noia. or ia Iowa, or Nebraska, or Missouri,
aad to other property in the slat of Wis
consin, so far aa I am concerned I would
not speaking for th Burlington road
have any objection to the ad valorem
system. But I feel as though you are con
fronted with a condition la thla state. You
must remember, gentlemen, that theae ad
valorem systems In Illinois have been In
existence for thirty years. They are the
outgrowth of experience. They have come
up through the years, so that they have
heen every year the subject of argument
and th subject of examination.
"In low we have had tho system since
1S73 for thirty years, Missouri about the
'Now. you ge into it under certain pres
sure. Disguise It aa you may, undT the
impulse of a certain agitation each year
all have been referring to it and thla thing
la being agitated and advocated. Remem
ber this, gentlemen, that the agitation
will not eeas if you adopt the ad valorem
svHiem. The agitation haa not ceased In
Iowa because we have the ad valorem
system. The railroada speni a good pai;t
a number of them a good part of last win
ter at Des Molne upon thla very question
and we have the ad valorem system.
Railrnaalai Waa th s aaa-aaora.
"And. strange to say. the arguments that
were advanced hy those ho were the meu
strongest In the agitation waa to drop the
ad valorem system and give ua th Wia-
consln system. Now. that is th truth.
Olv us the Wisconsin system, where we
will b out of the political agitation, they
said. If you have the ad valorem system
you mum have a tribunal. The railways
are bound to b intrid in whom the
men of that tribunal abail be. If it ia
elect ad they are going to b Interested in
that. If the governor la to appoint it they
will alM h interested to get the right kind
of governor. What wa want la something
autocratic, something that la not the play
of pany pollilra. and ia not subject to
rouilnual agitation. Don't expect that you
are aolnaj to get rid of anil at ion upon th
subject of railroad taxation by adopting
the ad valorem faieiu.
"Of course thla appeals to ua in a broader
way than tha mere Wtsconatn way. What I
want to say la thta: Thai if that theory,
that idea of Bung th valuation lo tha first
place aa I understand th commission they
do not propoa that the Iowa plan or the
Illinois plan of avplylBa tha ratea which
prevail in such taxing ajuiru i shall apply
hre but praapua t) theorettial way which
they hava arrived at. It aema to me. omit
ting a great deal of th property of Wlacon
siu, auvi they aiao yroyoa or suggest aub-
was clotted Mood undeneath the scalp for
at least one Inch around the wound "
Mr the use of a human skull witness
pointed out to the jury the point of en
tranre of the bullet and where It waa
The cross-examination elicited that there
was a lighted lamp In the room and light
as shining In at the window; that paraly
sis would he produced Immediately aftr the was fired.
Meat Man on Scene.
riert M. Hall was the next witness. He
"On the morning of "the murder I was
called by the girla of the llllle home and
went Immeillaiely to the I.lllle residence.
Think I was the first one there after the
shooting was done. Mrs. Lllllo was In tha
dining room, standing at the telephone.
I asked her what had happened. She said
someone had ohol Harvey. Mrs. Llllle and
I went upstairs, Into the room where Mr.
I.lllle was lying in bed. I looked at his
bend nr4 Raw a wound, supposing It was
a bullet hole. Mrs. Lillle said that a shot
wnka her and rlaln un aaw a man
aOK "' M- r"nK "P.
standing there, pointing a gun at her; that
she threw herself off Ihe bed, when ha
... i i v .i ,.t,.n ttoft
"l u " " '.' "'" ", . T ,h,V
In money that helonned to her. I think
,h,, hfnr. ,h, nv.mlned the dresser.
Fhe also examined Mr. blllle's clothing
the pants and said If he had any money
It was all gone. Mrs. I.lllle said the man
was standing northwest of the bed awhen
she taw him; he stood north of the stove
pipe. She Indicated this by pointing. I
noticed the position of Mr. Llllle's head
the first time I went there that moriin.
He was lying with hla face toward the
west at nn angle of about eighty degrees,
I would Judge. I mean by this that If he
was lying with his face straight toward
the west that would be 100 degrees."
When court adjourned the examination
of this witness waa not concluded.
nrTeylnaT for Jrw Railroad.
BEATRICE. Neb., Feb. 13. (Special
Telegram.) J. E. House, civil engineer,
waa In the city today and in company with
the local efflccrs of the Kansas City, Boat
rice & Western Railroad company started
across the country for Virginia tc begin
preliminary examination and survey for
the permanent location of the line between.
Virginia, nnd this city. The work of con
structing the new road will begin Just tis
soon aa warm weather opens, but as yet
the exact route of the road Is not known.
Mr. House was coLnecteci with the Union
Pacific during Its early history, bul It. now
employed as civil engineer for the Mis
souri Pacific. ,
One Year for Horse Stealing;.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 13 (Special Tel
egram.) Ot Is Heffelflnger and Bill Blow
ers, who were arrested at Concordia, Kan.,
rharged with stealing a team of horses from
the former's father In this city, were ar
raigned in district court today. Heffel
flnger refused to plead and h's case was
continued over until next week. Blowers
plead guilty and was smtenced to one year
In the penitentiary.
Falls to Seen re Contract.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. 13 (Special
Telegram.) The mandamus case of Paul
Springer against The Board of Supervisors
to compel them to award him the contract
for doing the county binding because he
was the lowest bidder, was decided In favor
of the defendant by Judge Lemon today.
The cont.-act was recently let to MUbuin
& Scott.
o Blame on Train Crew.
ELM CREEK. Neb.. Feb. 13. (Special Tel
egram.) The coroner's Jury today rendered
a verdict to exonerate the crew of train
No. 6 which killed Raymond Brooks yester
day, but rensured the company for running
so fast through town. The funeral will be
held tomorrow at ! o'clock.
Hrarrt to l.oae Judae Norrls.
STOCKVILLE. Neb.. Feb. 13. ( Special. I
Judge O. W. Norrls finished his last term
of rourt In this county late last evening.
Many expresslotj of regret were heard from
the members of the bar, as well as by the
Why the Roads Prefer to
Let Well Enough Alone.
atantially the arriving at the valuation In
a theoretical way.
1'rasrklae aloes ow F.arspe.
"Now then, of course. If that should be
dene here and then that principle be ex
tended to Nebraska and Kansas, why the
result would make a great deal of differ
ence In the matter of our taxea.
"Now, I will only tske your time for on
moment longer to show you why. so far as
the Burlington la concerned, the applica
tion of these theories, the trial of the ex-
perlment. going from the Information which
haa been laid before you. (hat If you apply
these principles It will be demonstrated
that railroads have been robbing the state
of Wisconsin of 11.000,000 a year. If you
apply those principles It will make a tre
mendous amount of difference to us in
states like Kansas, snd Wyoming, and
Montana: that Is, taking a valuation baaed
upon the stock and bonds and carrying that
value on a strictly mileage basis to those
states, regardless of the value of the prop
erty. "They say we have got the property there;
we will tax the property; but when we go
to Kanaaa or to Wyoming or to Wisconsin
the suggestion Is that we will bring that
property through the stock snd bond theory
here and tax It on a basla of the value
of. the property, as obtained per mile by
the stock and bonds, and thai would In
crease our valuation in Kansas from what
it la now. Jl.lJ4.0o0, to over Jl. 000.000.
anil would increase our taxes from $4,2iO
to SIM. 000, and in Wyoming the change
would be from $32,000 o .IM. 000. and In
Montana, from 117.000 to about $192,000.
Problem Altka In All Ktalea.
"The vry same principle applies that
substantially la uaed by the commission In
reaching the conclusion that the railroad
i mi ... . . .
t- j n inn in.
of taxea. hecauxe that la all worked out in
their report. The rate is worked out anl
tho valuation la worked out. and. taking
;his aa the condition and the probable out
come of this ugitatlon, I simply wanted
' r" your attention to the fact of the
results, aa they appear upon the property
Burlington road in other states,
"w ttr" now Pylg I do not 'know
whether all of you appreciate how much
what percentage of their net earnings the
'"""- !" in taxes in Wisconsin.
I think they are paying about 114 per cent
in taxes or their net earnings 1 IV4 per
cent cn all their net earning In the atate
are being paid in taxes. We pay out of the
Chicago. Burlington A Quincy thta year
$1.7i'0.iHMi taxes on between sixteen and sev
euteea millions of net earnings, or psy
nearly 10 per cent tsxes now all over the
"Just pardon me with being Impressed
with the gravity of the situation, that this
principle f hit II find foothold by law In Wis
consin aud b csrrled into these other
statea. Whut do you suppose ije railroad
are going to be obliged to pay in the mat
ter of taxes? There la no reason why that
should not be carried in Kansas and Wy
oming, and to Nebraska and elsewhere the
sauj aa lu Wlscou.iu. and that lifl lences
you. because, if you diminish our revenues
It dimiulshe our opportunity to make Im
provement and do other things wa ought
lo ia la lit kiai of Wiavousio."
people attending court, that his term as
Judge Is about to expire. During the after
noon yesterday, resolutlone were presented
to Judge Norrls by the bar of Frontier
county, and at the same time the bar took
occasion to show -their good will toward
the Judge.
Judge Norrls repllfd In a short talk, ex
pressing his appreciation n the kindly
feeling and good will which existed be
tween himself and the members of the bar
of this county.
relahton taden(s t ome Oat eronl
Rest In' Dlaeaaaloa of
CRETE, Neb., Feb. 13 (Special Tele
gram.) Doane debaters won a declalve vic
tory over representatives from Crelghton
here tonight. Carl B. Perry and Taul II.
Harrison represented DT.ane, while Crelgh
ton's end of the argument was upheld by
J. M. Fltxgcrald and George H. Merten,
The question argued was:
"Kcwolved. That our government should,
granting that it has the constitutional
right, compel the arbitration of illaputea
between capital and Inbor."
Crelghton upheld the affirmative and
Doane the negative. The discussion proved
to be an uni'sually Interesting one. Mr.
Harrison was easily the star of the even
ing, while Mr. Merten did the best for
Crelghton. Lawyers Doyle and Miller of
Lincoln and W. W. Hastings of Wllber
were the Judges and their decision stood
two for the crgatlve and one for the af
firmative. Take) Benson Remains to Kromaborar.
FREMONT. Neb.. Feb. 13. (Special.) E.
A. Vincent of gtromsburg was in tho city
today and took the remains of Swan S.
Benson, who was killed In the Elkhorn
yards yesterday morning, to Stromsburg
for burial. Benson carried 12,000 Insurance
In the Modern Woodmen, 11,000 In another
company and an accident policy that calls
for $300 In case of death. He came here
from Stromsturg, where he had lived for
twenty years and his funeral will be held
there tomorrow under the direction of the
Modern Woodmen lodge.
Snea for Heavy Damsgri,
FREMONT. Neb.. Feb. 13. (Special) Mrs.
Nancy Taylor of thla city brought suit to
day against the Union raclflc Railroad com
pany to recover the sum of $20,000. She
alleges in her petition that In October,
1900, she fell off the platform of the de
fendant railroad, company's train at Coun
cil Bluffs, broke her hip and ustalned
other serious Injuries from which she will
never recover. The accident was caused
by the platform not being kept In proper
repair or properly lighted.
Doctor Declared Inaane.
FREMONT, Neb.. Feb. 13 (Special.) Dr.
Pearson, a well known nhvslclan of Dndae.
xeb., waa today brought before the com-
mlssloners of Insanity and adjudged a fit
subject for confinement In an Insane asy
lum. The doctor has been In poor health
for some time srd his condition Is very
serious. He has been practicing medicine
at Dodge for many years and is very well
known In the northwestern part of the
I.eclnre at lark College.
YORK. Neb., Feb. 13. (Special.) Rev. C.
S. Harrison gave a lecture before the stu
dents, faculty and friends of York college
on last evening. Mr. Harrison is widely
known as a horticulturist, but he speaks
with the tongue of eloquence and Instruc
tion In other lines ulao. The subject last
night was "Women of Courage," and the
masterly treatment. It. received made the
occasion a delight to all.
Entertain Beatrice K.nchre Clali.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. 13. (Special.)
Mrs. M. A. Metzgrr entertained the Eu
chre club yesterday afternoon, quite a large
number being present. Miss Tinel Bradt
won first prize, a very pretty picture, and
Mrs. R. A. Weston second prlxe, a hand
some china plate. Dainty refreshments
were served and a pleasant afternoon was
Wood Jory Disagrees.
NKBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Feb. 13.-fSpe-clal
Telegram.) The Jury In the John A.
Wood case reported at fi p. m. Its Inability
to agree and Judge Jessen discharged them.
The Jury stood eight to four for convic
tion. Mendelssohn flab Reeltal.
WAHOO, Neb.. Feb. 13 (Special.) The
Wahoo Mendelssohn club gave Its annual
public reeltal at the Congregational church
last evening to a crowded house. The
program was an excellent one.
Kalr Today aad Tomorrow Roth
Iowa aad Nebraska I the
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13 Forecast;
For Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas Fair
Saturday and Sunday.
For Illinois Kalr In north, snow and
colder In aouth portions Saturday; Sunday,
fair; fresh north winds.
For Colorado and Montana Fair Satur
day: Sunday, fair and warmer.
For Wyoming Fair and continued cold
Saturday: warmer Sunday.
For North Dakota Fair Sunday, not so
cold In west portion; Sunday, fair and
For Missouri Fsir Saturday, except
snow and colder In southeast portion:
Sunday, fair.
I.eal Record.
OMAHA. Feb. 13.-Ofn.lal record of tenv
perdiurc umi precipitation com pa reel with
the corresponding day of the lst thre
i9os. y.tcv. rsoi 1900.
Maximum temperature ... 16 2i 42 lj
Minimum temerature a . j; J
Mean temperature II 24 30 H
Precipitation T .00 .( f
Record of temiterature and Drecliiiiaii.m
Rt una ha toi this da) an J kIiko A'-aich 1
Normal tempera'ure. . jj
luluiency for the day '4
Total exce-s since Man a . . .2fr!
Normal pri Cipl.wt.oii 113
lietlclency for the day oa. Inch
Precipitation alnce M in h 1 30.50 Inche
lriclriicy hlm e March 1 74 n,.n
Iietliieticy for cor. Hr!d. 19iiJ 6.3C Inchen
Iietliicncy for cor. periud. IjOI ojliuh
Mayarta Irons stations at T P. M.
: 3
: ?
: 3
Omaha cloudy
Valentine, clear
Nirin Piatt, cif ir
'lieyeun.. psrt cloudx
Halt I-ake City, cleu" .
Hapld tity. clear
Huron, clear
WllllMon, ih Hid
I'huaao. cleur
St. laula, cloudy
tit. Paul, cleur
I a etipi rt. purt
Kansas tity cloudy
Havre, part cloudy... .
He'e:ia, mri tiiiudy
Hlsmarrk clear ..... .
tjalveelou, cloudy
IS, IH .00
1 mi
Hi .!
I 4 ."'J
I li 14 .
' o 14 .!)
I 4 In' .HI
14 - lo .in
I .ia)
! 34 34 o
1 il
I :i :
! - T
1 H pi 1.1
li - .
I t- !.!
Inilli llea below aaaro.
T InUicatea trace ( precipitation
Lam. a I Jr'urccatt oilMal.
Use and Indorse
Pe-rn-na the Soldier's Friend.
NO wonder the American Soldier Is a
friend of Peruna when such a re
nowned officer as Ocneral Wheeler
gives Peruna his hearty endorsement.
Every one connected with the army and
navy can have no reasonable doubts as
to the merits of the remedy. No remedy
ever yet devised has received such un-
stinted eulogy from so many renowned i
statesmen and mlllltary men as Peruna. I
There Is a natural reason for this. Peruna
la a anAnifle for catarrh wherever located I
It not only instantly cures acute catarrh
but even old cases of chronic catarrh van
lah under Its persistent use. The soldier
Is especially subject to catarrh in some
form or phase. Exposed as he is to con
stant changes, subjected as he is to the
vicissitudes of climate, wet and dry, night
and lay, he finds catarrh to be his most
insidious nnd ever present foe. In field
and barracks, Peruna la equally efflea-
clous. Taken In time It will absolutely
prevent catching cold. After the cold has
become established Peruna will break It up
quicker than any remedy known to man.
Kven after the cold has settled n some
organ, Peruna can be relied upon to
promptly dispel it.
This Is why Peruna Is so popular In the
To Be Added a an Amsndment to Fostoffice
President Rrruming Anxious Over the
Status of the t'annl nnd Cubnn
Reciprocity Treaty In
the Sfssle.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. The senate
committee on postofllces and post roads to
day decided to amend the postofflce appro
priation bill by adding as an amendment
the omnibus statehood bill.
The vote on the motion to amend wis
S to B. The members" who voted for the
proposition are: Rlkins, Mitchell and Pen
rose, renublirans: Clay Culberson. Dubois
Simmons and Taliaferro, democrats. Those
who voted In the negative were: never-
idge, Deboe, Dolllver, Lodge and Troctor,
all republicans. Senator Mason, chairman
of the committee, presided and did not vote,
Pre.ldent I. Becomln. A.,l
Senator Cullom. chairman of the foreign
relations committee, had a conference
with the president today concerning toe
treaties that are now pending in tne seu
ate. The anxiety of the president to have
both the Panama canal treaty and tho
Cuban treaty ratified as soon aa possible
Is not conceded. While It Is not under
stood that a definite decision has been
reached, it ran be said that It is not Impos
sible that in case the aenate ehvuld fail
to act upon those treaties at thla aession
an extra session may be called lo consider
them. According to tho beat infcruiatlon
today, it seems likely thst an extra ses
sion will not be necessary. The belief ia
that both the pending treaties mentioned
will be ratified before the close of the
present congress.
aval Stations la hi
The selection of two stations in China
for naval use by the United Stales la In nationality In thta country. Th north-1 "
conformity with the findings of the naval I western rallroadt. It Is Mid. have agreed ' t a.htaa Letter,
general board, which haa satisfied Itself j to transport these supplies over their! Senator Morgan's resolution calling oa
that tbla will be a sufficient oun.brr to lines free of charge between February SO th secretary of the navy for the rorre
meet naval needs. One station Is to b j and C Dr. Forenaea aays that 100.000 apondeoce of naval officers a Colombian
located at (iuantanamo and one at -Hahla
Honda, thu. giving command of tne of the
two great rbanne'.a of commerce at either
end of Cubs
Shipment af Manor
Tb senste committee on Interstate
commerce today beyi arguments pro and I Dt paa by th aous today. whn It Is t aiaklnii an appropriation of $100,000
con on the home bill making liquors j rec,ved by the senate. This action will latest th rrel po .w,, wahlng
shlpped from oue state lo another subject , spnj ,B t,tn ,he rresldent and Brarby cIMea. Senator Burrow In
to the laws of Ihe latter. Tne rrienas or
the olll urged that the police power of
the states ahould apply as soon aa ship-
meats entered the stat of th consignee.
whll the opponenta urged that Ih pro-
posed law Is In vlolstloo of th roust itu -
tlon of the United States.
4 aaslaer I lllald
Th aenat -omuilttee on the Judiciary ,
today further consider d the e.uestlon of1
truat leaiala.lra on the has1 of the Ut-
tleneld bill, attention being again ...
ollsed by ih. question as to whether all
corporation, should be Include I. th re-
qulrenient to make returaa. Sea tor Paccn
offered an amendment providing thai th-
returns required shall only he mandatory
upon I"' s . ..... -1
b mad applicable to smaller ones la the
discretion of the aumor 11 lew naniug th 1
matter in hand
f ahtael t aaaider t aaal ta)aatlaa.
While no etatemeat of the de.slaj of o-
day's cabinet meetiug waa made. i i
knows thst serious cousidrrat 'cn wa git n
to the status ol the Panama aaal tr at
In the aenat aud Its ratincatlun will b
urged upon It adtocatee In the aroat
The lahluet dlacussed with the pr-sl-
dvut the arl.ctlun of th I ulmd ..' a
Pe - ru - ua For Catarrhal Diseases.
Gen. Joe Wheeler the Hero of
San Juan' Hill, Who Led
the WorldRenowned
Cavalry Charge,
Endorses Pe-m-na as an Effect
ive Catarrh Remedy.
Major Ocneral Joseph Wheeler
commanding the cavalry forces In
front of Santiago says:
"I Join with Senators Sullivan,
Roach and flcEnery In their good
opinion of Peruna, It Is recom
mended to me by those who have
used It as an excellent tonic and
particularly effective as a cure for
catarrh." Joseph Wheeler.
army and navy today. It la precisely the
remedy that meets the particular Ills to
which this class of people are exposed. Our
y and navy Is the natural protection of
our country; Peruna Is the natural pro-
tectioti of the army and navy In the
vicissitudes of climate and exposure.
Wm. T. Johnson, late Vnlted States
Army, Tacoma Park, D. C, writes:
"Please put me down as a thorough be- j
llever In Peruna as a catarrh remedy and
as a tonic good for the effects not only of!
that obnoxious disease, but to tone up the
system that has been overtaxen or run
I down by continued strain, either physical
' or mental. It Is particularly excellent as
! a tonic." Wm. T. Johnson,
j S. H. Simpson, lute Lieutenant of fnlted
States Army. 001 16th street, N. W., Wash-
I tngton, D. (-., writes:
reruns nns oeeo
used for catarrhal
trouble by many of my acquaintances with
such beneficial results that I am satisfied
of its great curative excellence and there-
commissioners under the terms of tho i terestlng experiments which form tht sub
A'.askan boundor treaty, which was rati- j Ject of a tpecial report to the Stste de.
Red a few days ago. The commissioners
have been chosen and they may be an
nounced very soon.
Ra'tbbone Want In vest laalloi'.
The senate committee on relations with
Cuba today considered an, application loade
hy J. (1. Unthbone, director of posts for
Cuba during the American occupation, for
nn investigation into the circumstances
tonnected with his trial for Irregularities
made by thia government. Mr. Hathbone
filed a petition with the commislou. in I targe numDer ot tn-
whlch he alleged that Injustice had been vl,,?1 Buests, who listened to an Interest
done, that he was not allowed to summon j lnB Program, which began at 10 and lasted
witnesses who were neccssarv to the proper ! "nt" midnight. The guests included ihe
presentation of his oae, snd he wss not I members of ,n r,bnet. representstlves of
permitted to make an appeal. The petl'ion ' ,h diplomatic corps snd of ronress. with
was referred to Senator! Piatt snd Teller. th mrn of their families and friends
from res'dent and New York society.
Claims to Be Amicably Settled. pr,Cf(i,n(t , mu,lru, ,h(. pr,denl ani1
Tho Issues between San Domingo and j Mrs. Roosevelt ntertalned at dinner
the Vnlted States arislDg from claims of ; Bsron and Baroness Speck von Sternberg,
the latter country are in a fair way to j Secretary and Mrs. Hay, Secretary and
be amicably and saiisfactorlly adjusted
through the efforts of Minister Powell. One
of the principal claims, thai of the Santo
j Domingo Improvement company. Involving
I the transfer to the Dominican government
j of a railroad property valued at several
j mlIlon dollar, already ha. teen referred
! to arbitration by mutual consent and the
State department is now Informed that the
I otnar two questions of largs Importance,
thB clhlm of the clya Lne Steamship
company for the refundance of port dues
..M ih. Po. for considerable oroo-
erty. constmcteS under eonca.alons not ful-
filled by the Dominican gownmant. will
be sdjusted In almilar manner In a few
Hellef for Faaala gtrlekea.
... .
Dr. J. C. Sorensen. surgeon-ln-chlef of
"""'-" ,
and chairman of the National Finland Cen
tral Relief Association of the United
state., arrtvea ner. tooay .0 con.utt
Sen.tor. Burrow, and Alger of Michigan
and Nelson of Minnesota regartln. r.llef
or the famln.-.trleken realdent. of Fro-
and. parttcularly -he securing of acean
! Is being contributed by the farmers at that
people la Finland are entirely destitute,
j sr.inw. rui Will Reach rroaldeal.
of th. committee on Inter.t.t. commerce
and aecured aa agreement to roacur ia
the amendmeata to the Elklaa anti-rebate
i rtislrat.
Secretary Shaw has seat a letter la
( United Statea Treasurer Roberta In which
attention Is railed ta the fact that th
j outstanding $1 rvfuodieg rrtlflrata is
sued under th act of February Jg. 14T.
now amount t enly Jl.l.'O Th wt-rvtary
saya that owing to th small dcnomlaa
tloa of these rrtt8rtea the holder hav
not bea able ta convert them lata hoata.
,M.M " ' survhaa.
,Ulh '''' '
''"V' mJ
, ' ' ua4.
, .. !, Uw. Itlh.
I To Jtlplac (he dr an4 cau th a U-
. worm I ria s: aauraily la any e.irl
shsd l th abjaHt ef a st saoat
Figprune Cereal
A grain mJ fruit CofTec Nourishing an4 invigorating
ftOLO Y ALL 4iOs;ltaV.
fore give H hearty recommendation."
S. II. Simpson.
Wra. H. Hugo, lata Brevet Major, V.
8. A.. 125 C street. N. TV., Washington, I.
C. writes:
"I can rheerfully Join with my numer
ous friends in the states who have used
your preparation in recommending your
Peruna to any one who is In need of an
Invigorating tonic, and ns an effective rem-
edy for catarrh."-W. H. Hugo,
t John TV. Iewls. late Captain 1". 8. A..
tte Register of Public Lands in State of
Oregon, with office at Dallas, Oregon,
writes from 712 4th St., N. TV., Washing-
ton D. C:
"Peruna as a sure cure for catarrh, and
a most refreshing tonic, is without doubt
a most remarkable success. Many of my
friends have been benefited by its use, and
I have confidence In its remedial excel
lence." Major Uewls.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results Irom the use of reruns,
write at once to Ir. Harlman. giving a full
statement of your case, and he will he
pleased to give you his valuable advice
Address Ir. Harlman. President of The
Hartmnn Santarlum, Columbus Ohio.
purtmcnt from I nited States Consul At-
well, at Roubaix. HTsnce. He says thst
two French scientists have actually suc
ceeded In producing bright red cocoons by
feeding the silkworms with leaves washed
over with red. Orange and blue shadea
also have been produced. The experiments
are tontinuing.
Itooaevella Kntertala Aaaln.
Mrs. Kooevelt resumed her Friday even-
j ing musk-ales at the White House to-
; Mrs. Shaw. Postmaster General and Mrs.
Payne, Secretary Moody, Secretary and
Mias Wilson. Senator John P. Jones. Sen
ator Klttredge, Mra. Hobart. Mrs. George
Lee, Mme. De Peres. Mr. and Mra. Mac
Veagh. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hopkins. Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas Robinson. Jr.. Captain
and Mra. Coales. Mr. and Mra. W. Austin
Wadaworth. Mr. Sargent and Miss Calderen.
Philippine Railroad Charter t.raated.
i ".noise nss peen granted ty the
Philippine commission to the Manila Rall-
1 wy fnpany to construct a railroad, forty
: tail" ,on"- '"" Gulgulnto to Cabanatuan.
. Iy,B" northwest of Manila. Up to this :lm
h backbone railroad from Manila straight
, nrthward to Dagupan haa constituted th
entire railway system of the Philippines.
.nd ,h conc,oll ra,rk, th, belnn,n(, of
; li epoch of railway development which la
exported to open up the agricultural r-
Murce. of ,n. ,n,,rtor
Th. carefully !a th. la-
of n.tlv f
, prejudice
, t. ,overnmMll ,h
. f ,b x
j r,""'y corar 1
watera ?at year wa. reported favorally
i day by the sens' committee oa naval
' affairs.
! ' r-,.
1 Senator Wellington today introduced an
amendment to th poetofflc aDurooriatlon
( aa amendment , salQ. h,u
allowing pound rat postage ou periodical
deu,rtj b lrlt i.,rrr , cUl,
f .
" talai4.
- a snat today coelrraed th appoa
saa' ef R.
W. Lucas of Fairbury aa
A auinber of aaval proiiuitiuna ad
larg lumbar of army annua.titona hat
hea held ia oiuini:'ee hr ruauv
a.r. ...o co.rlra.ed. I .din, all ,h.
.... h.. br a-m-ral,
,' 'r.t..l.
Maaa Ha tlukaa ltat.
j Th ..j.,, ,oajv , rnm, u.j IO , .J(,
I hua a copy of th.- Uk.i tr. t:
. anther ua th. Jrult of . bill luornurui.
la-1 lug ll ai.ihHi t carry out It proviiotia.