Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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Brilliant Career of former Omahan Comes
to Sadden Closing.
Owes Onr Kansas CHy Haberdasher
Tare llannrerl Dollars for Seck
tles aad Has Mr Other
I naettled Kills.
George E. Palmrr. well known as
wealthy home exhibitor and society mm in
' Omaha. Denver, Kansas City and other
(stern cities, has disappeared. Creditors
have already attached much of the stock
and other property on the Wornall (arm
near Kansas City, which Palmer leased two
years ago and converted Into a luxurious
country place. Ho wns known best by his
exhibitions and appearances at horse shows,
where ha Invariably cut a wide swath with
the aid of fine clothing, blooded animals
and fearless driving.
Fatrner began his career In Omaha about
ten years ago as a clerk In a parking house
at South Omaha.. He ii now only 31 years
old, but his rise was a rapid one, and he
pent much money on the ascent, most of the
cash being acquired through a tnarrlago
with a rich widow of Denver named Mrs.
Ealle. Palmer Is well remembered In
Omnba, and It was only In 11)00 that he
made his advantageous match, gave up a
food position as salesman for Swift and
Company and changed his residence from
this city.
Eatajted to Omaha Woman.
. While here he cut the same kind of figure
aa he did In Denver and Kansaa City, but
on a smaller scale. Before going with
Swift's he worked for the Cudahys and rose
rapidly Ip the service. Without much effort
his handsome appearance and genial man
ners made him a favorite, not exactly In
aoclety, but with people who had money
and who followed more or less of a pace.
Before leaving here he became engaged to
a young woman who stands high in general
estimation. Her friends did not favor the
engagement. One day Palmer werrt out to
Colorado and not long afterward a message
reached the Omaha girl that her fiancee
had married Mrs. Salle. The Omaha
woman took the matter much to heart and
contemplated bringing a suit for breach of
promise, but the matter was dropped.
Mrs. Salle's first husband had acquired
various mining properties near Cripple
'Creek and Idaho 8prlngs which were esti
mated to be worth from $40,000 to $2,000,000.
Palmer became the manager of his wife's
wealth and waa reputed to be making
money. The couple came to Omaha In the
summer of 1900, shortly after they were
married, and atayed a while at the Millard
Aa Mananrer of Mine.
The owners of the Lord Byron mine at
Idaho Springs, who are Omaha men, made
him the manager of the property, but he
did not prove a succesa and was relieved a
tew months later.
Tao years ago Palmer and his wife went
to Kansaa City and he leased the Wornall
farm and branched out In the fancy horse
business, acquiring many valuable animals
which won prizes at various exhibitions.
Ha joined the Kansas City Driving club and
other organizations and posed as a wealthy
mine owner. Mrs. Salle died suddenly about
a year ago and was buried In Denver, where
her parents live,
Some of the show horses that have been
levied on by creditors are Parader, Crelgh
ton. Timber Topper, MacDonatd, Melan
choly, Mose and Cephas, all prise winners.
R. H. Wllllama, a Kansas City grocer,
secured an attachment to cover a loan of
$3,000 made last summer; well known
Kansas City horseman replevlned more than
$1,000 worth of property, while the C. W.
Kimball vehicle firm of Chicago levied on
the property for a $1,100 debt. It la said
that Palmer owea one Kansas City furnish
ing bouse $300 for neckties. Every bit of
his personal property, Including thirty
horses and valuable household furnishings,
has been attached.
Chars la that lie Cave Man "Knock
on t" Dropa with Fatal
A former bell boy In the Murray hotel
named Hill, who waa wunted here for the
theft of M from a guest at the hotel, has
been arrested In St. Louis on a charge of
murder. He Is alleged to have given a man
"knockout drops" with fatal result. In
formation concerning bis arrest has been
received by Chief Donuhue. Hill waa
wanted In St. Paul, Minneapolis, Detroit,
Buffalo and other cities at the time he waa
arrested In St. Louis.
A Serloas Mistake.
To the average man it seems childish to
doctor a cold, and unless It becomes par
ticularly annoying to him little or no atten
tion is given it. Often a cold contracted in
the winter la allowed to run until the open
ing of spring. This Is a grave mistake, as
ven though the warm weather may bring
relief, the system Is thereby weakened and
rendered susceptible to disease. A cold
should never be neglected, whether it be a
child or an adult who is afflicted, as health
and often lite la risked. A bottle of Cham
berlaln'a Cough Remedy, costing but a small
amount, will bring speedy relief and all
dangerous consequences will be avoided.
Publish youi legal notices in The Weekly
Bee. Teelphona 231.
Act Inn of Dona-las Deleaatlon la 13s
noslnar the Railroad Tentacles of
the Merrerlte Machine.
All the republican members of the Doug
las county delegation In the legislature
have been summoned to return to Omtha
for a conference tr.nlght with the political
managers WDO vlalrn the credit of having
nominated them last fall. The Immediate
subject for discussion Is the attitude of
these senators and representatives on the
bills for equal taxation of railroad prop
erty1 for city purposes. The delegation
from this county at Lincoln was expected
to lay up political capital for the Mercer
machine to be used in wresting the mu
nicipal government from the present city
administration In the coming spring cam
paign, but the bosses have discovered that
their Indifference to the demands of Omaha
taxpayers for legislation that will put an
end to railroad tax-shirking Is opening the
people's eyes to the fact thct the Mercer
machine Is really a railroad annex de
vised to give the railroads control of all
the official machinery of this city and
county. How to counteract this sentiment
without alienating their railroad support Is
what the politicians are trying to figure
"Our fellows down at Lincoln have simply
got to make a better stand in this tax
matter or they will queer us all through,"
said one of the most active workers In tbf
sntl ranks. "That bad break made by Hall
in Introducing the bill 'by special request'
has done us a whole lot of damage. Then,
too, not a single member of the delegation
has yet come out In the open with any ev
idence of . a vigorous fight for Omaha's
rights. I hear people everywhere saying
that the Douglas delegation seems to be
able to get whatever it wants; that it put
through the postponement of the city elec
tion and passed the water works bill with
out any trouble, and that if they fall down
in the tax matter It will be because they
are not In earnest for It. If this proves to
be the truth we will never hear the end
of It. That's what we have called them on
the carpet for. They have already put us
in a hole and they will have to pull us out
School Board's Attorney Wt
William Stelil Prosecuted
on the Charge.
Upon Jhe request of Carl Herring, at
torney for the school board, City Prosecutor
Thomas has made another complaint
against William Stein, tobacco dealer on
Hamilton street. Stein was recently ar
rested and charged with selling tobacco to
minors, but was released upon the advice
of the prosecutor, who held that Stein
could not be convicted under the com
plaint. He maintained that Stein's convic
tion could only b secured on evidence
proving that he had sold cigarette papers
or cigarettes to minors. Attorney Herring
holds differently. He proposes to test the
case, as he considers the evidence against
Stein worthy of being submitted. Stein
will be taken Into custody.
Announcements of the Theaters.
Tho Orpheum will give matinee and
evening performances today which will
close tho engagement of the Orpheum
Road Show. The bill opening the week
with a matinee tomorrow Includes Will
M. Cressoy and Blanch Dayne in a new
sketch entitled "Bill Biffin's Baby," which
Is said to be aa brimful of wholesome
humor and elevating touches of nature as
any of Its predecessors. Another prom
inent feature will be Miss Edith Helena,
who has created a sensation with the ex
traordinary range of her soprano voice. It
being claimed to extend a note higher
than Ellen Beach Taw's. Others are
Zaiell and Vernon, comedy horizontal bar
experts; Wood and Bates, Instrumentalists;
tho three Livingstons, high-class society
acrobats; Lizzie Wilson, comedienne and
the Klnodrome.
Just one week from Monday night the
Elks' entertainment and masquerade ball
occurs at the Ak-Sar-Ben den. Great
preparations are being made for it and
the evidences are now that the place will
be crowded and that it will be the most
brilliant social event of that magnitude
ever held In Omaha. Every Elk baa two
tickets for sale and almost all of the
down town drug stores have them on
Mirth, melody and music la the keynote
of the performance' to be given by the
famous Black Pattl Troubadours at the
Boyd, Sunday matinee and night.
Those sweet singers and ebony-colored
fun makers of Dixie Land have been recog
nized tor years as a high-class standard
attraction and one that has scored a phe
nomenal popular succobs with theater
goers in all sections of the country. Among
the people In Its ranks are to be fo'ind
the most talented of Afro-American sing,
era, dancers and comedians.
Season tickets for the Wagner Teachers
Course at the Unity church now cn sale at
Sherman McConnell's drug store. PrHe,
one dollar.
MOSTYN Jossle, daughter of Captain P.
Mostvn, February 13.
Funeral Saturday, February 14, from resi
dence. 210 Bpruie street, at 2 p. ra. Inter
ment In Holy Sepuleher cemetery.
UFRG Henry, at Cass street.
Funerttl notice later.
CONGLF.TON Mr. John M., February 12.
aged 69 years.
Funeral Suturday. February 14. from resi
dence, 2113 Maple street.
Storo Open Until lO Tonight
A handsome ornament, as a Valentine, to every purchaser of a
full quart bottle of HILLFR'S OLD PRIVATE STOCK.
Your choice of a beautiful Ink Stand, Match Safe, Toothpick
Holder, Pipe Rack or Cigar Holder mounted on natural wood and
decorated with handsome colored Indian head.
Hiller's Old Private Stocks
SI. 00 for a Full Quart
Guaranteed PURE, OLD. mellow, bottled under our own supervision.
tier bottle Zjc
CUARET WINE, per bottle .... 2'x
OLD CROW, $1 bottles two
HILLKR'8 PL'RE RTE. full qt. S-c
RUCK at RVC tl bottle. 7oc
"If It comes from Hitler's It must be good.'
'Phone 1241
Mailorder solicited.
Send for catalogue.
Unci Joan Flanagan's. Yellow Journal
Reputation Not Sustained by Facta,
Vlralnlan Who la Reported to Be
romlnsj to Omaha to Aecept
"Millions" Will Be Sadly
The Bee Is in receipt of a telegram from
a correspondent at Richmond, Va., stating
that John Bowles Flna.igan of King and
Queen county has started to Omaha upon
invitation of John Flanagan, colored, of
Omaha, who has promised to turn over to
him property "worth millions," which prop,
erty was given him (the negro) years ago
by a party of western settlers for services
rendered, and title to which he has Just
had quieted by the courts.
The colored man referred to Is "Uncle
John" Flanagan, resident in a two-room
hut with his wife on Thirty-first street at
Its Intersection with the Belt Line tracks
the same "Cncle John" who has been 103
years old for eight years past; who has been
in the courts ever since time began and In
the newspapers almost as long; whose cause
was aired In Oothlc type and Impossible
cuts by Presidential Candidate W. R. Hearst
and who has been persuaded by all this
notoriety that he must really be what some
other people have called him "the mil-'
llonalre slave."
Flanagan's Attorney Talks,
His attorney, C. W. Haller, yesterday
Implied very broadly that If John Bowles
Flanagan is coming to Omaha expecting to
get "millions" there la a severe Jolt of dis
appointment awaiting Dim. Mr. Haller
"Uncle John was a slave down south, and,
judging by what he says, was once owned
by the father of this John Bowles Flana
gan, now an undertaker at Richmond.
Years ago Uncle John worked for E. B. Tay
lor, proprietor of the Omaha Republican,
and was given by Taylor in payment of a
$170 wage account forty acres of swamp
land bounded by Thirtieth street on the
east, Ames avenue on the north, Sprague
on the south and Thirty-third on the west.
In the boom days be sold the west twenty
acres to E. O. Cochran for $14,000 and spent
the money in litigation and otherwise, with
out real benefit to himself.
"Of the other or east twenty acrea he
sold part and part was acquired by other
parties by adverse possession, bo that there
remain thirty lots, title to which waa
claimed by various parties, Including former
Governor Boyd. We took these lota into
court and last June Judge Dickinson quieted
title to them In Uncle John.
What Land U Really Worth.
"They are worth from $200 to $400 each
and If they were unencumbered, and If
Uncle John would permit them to be sold
at those figures, he would be In very good
circumstances, but all are encumbered with
accumulated taxes amounting to aa much
as $200 on some of the lots, and he further
retards progress by declining to sell at
less than $600 and $700 each. In addition,
sales have been tied up by the action of
the defendants In the above suits, whol
have appealed to the supreme court 'for a
reversal of the Dickinson decision.
"The result of all this Is that the courts
won't let Uncle John sell; that even It the
courts were willing, he wouldn't eell for
what he can get, and, lastly. If he did sell,
his net receipts, after paying taxes and all
costs of litigation, wouldn't be more than
$2,000. That figure shows exactly bow near
he Js to being the 'millionaire slave' that
Mr Hearst'a paper called him. It shows,
too, what sort of disappointment is in store
for Mr. John Bowles Flanagan when he
arrives from Richmond. Uncle John has
wanted to send for him for some time, but
I have advised against It, knowing there
could be only a disappointment."
City Official Recalls How "Railroad
Joker" Got Into tho Omaha,
"Consistency thou art a Jewel," repeated
City Comptroller Westberg yesterday.
"That quotation is brought to my mind by
the oration delivered by Ed Howell In sup
port' of house roll 171 before the First
Ward democratic club last night. This
does not coincide with the action of Mr.
Howell In 1897 when he was a state sena
tor from Douglas county. I am told on
the best of authority by the man who drew
up moat of the other portions of the charter
that the objectionable clause in section 98,
which house roll 171 seeks to repeal, was
placed In the charter by Senator Howell.
That is, he injected these words: 'Pro
vided, That the tax commissioner shall take
the valuation and assessment of railroad
property within the city limits from the
returns made by the State Board of Equali
sation to the county clerk.'
"At the time I protested, to Howell and
others that the clause was not fair to the
people of Omaha, but the senator who
fathered it laughed at me and told me that
such would not be the case. I remember
these things too distinctly not to contract
them with the declarations made by Mr.
Howell Thursday night."
hvjj vi a,
Peel ft
) Sole A renti
tr" Roger,
.flPect ft Co'.
jJ Clothing-.
nd Suits Cut to
A Most Remarknble Clothing Sole.
sjp If '
yo clear away our winter clothing In
the shortest possible period we an
nounce for today a special and as
tonishing cut In price. flEN'S SUITS
AT $3.90. Overcoats come In short
and long styles. They are the highest
grades of Washington ker. """A r r
sevs. oxfords, etc. Suits vl
plain and fancy cheviots,
casslmeres& meltons, at
will buy your
choice of near
ly 1,000 chil.
dren's $2 and
$2.50 knee
pants suits.
1,000 vestees, Norfolks and double-breasted
stilts for boys, ages
S to It, accumulated odd and ends,
strictly all wool materials, before
removing to our children's depart
ment on the third floor. Tour
choice of these $2.60 and $2.00
values at $1.00.
All our 60o and 75o strictly all
wool knee pants, In
our removal sale ...
All our $1.00 and $1.25 finest knee
pants, during our A
removal sale O C
Choice of any
overcoat or suit
in the house at.
"TODAY you can get unrestricted
choice of any suit or overcoat in the
house (Rogers, 1'eet t Co's. makes ex
cluded) for tlO. ' This includes all our tl5,
tlS, 20 and its suits and overcoats. The
fnlrrxcs, the colors and patterns are the most
attractive and popular of the year. Every
detail of making is thoroughly reliable, A s
long us they last your choice of this array at
On account of the Immense Increase of
business In our children's and boys'
clothing department, we are obliged to
have more room both for the dleplay and
selling in the came. In a short time we
will open ON OUR THIRD FLOOR, the
finest and most up-to-date children's
clothing department in America.
In the meantime we will start today
A Clearing Sale
Of every child's, boys' and youths'
In our entire stock.
V,'e will mnke a clean sweep of every
thing at present in our boys' clothing de
partment so aa to open up the new depart
ment on the third floor with an absolutely
r.ew summer stock
new all through.
For tomorrow we will offer
the choice of all our
$3.60, $4 and $5
Children's Knee Pant Suits
at $1.95
Thirsty Omahan Have the Oppor
tnnltv ta v in r
Clerk W. I. Klerstead of th nuiA r
Fire and Police Commissioners has com
died a statement showier certain Informa
tion regarding saloons to which licenses
nave teen granted, tor 1903. In the re
capitulation the kinds of beer on draught
Is shown by saloons as follows: Mets
Bros., 60; Stors, 46; Krug, 42; Schllti, 40;
Anheuser-Busch, 14; Val Blats, 6; Jetter, 6;
rabst, 6; Lemp, 6; WJllow Springs, 5;
Schoenhofen, 8; Oettelman, 1. There are
thirteen wholesale concerns that retail
liquor and sell no beer, making a total of
Or Yoar Hair "Ulll Fall Out Till Toa
Become Bald.
Modern science has discovered that dan
druff is caused by a germ that digs up the
scslp in scales, as it burrows down to the
roots of the hair, where It destroys the
hair's vitality, causing falling hair, and,
ultimately, baldnese. After Prof, I'nna,
of Hamburg, Germany, discovered the dan
druff germ, all efforts to find a remedy
failed until the great laboratory discovery
was made which resulted in Newbro's
Herpiclde. It alone of all other hair prep
arations kills the dandruff germ. Without
dandruff, balr grows luxuriantly. "Destroy
the cause, you remove the effect."
Mortalllr Statistics.
The following- births and deaths have
been reported to the Board of Health for
th last twenty-four hours, ending at noon
r riuay;
Ulrihs-Phlllp Newdel. 1U4 Pierce, girl;
William Kuriolph. Sherman avenue,
girl; Kudolph Kolh 1144 North Sixteenth,
boy; Victor Hrok. '! Seward, bov; Henry
I.uulnglon. Ki7 Buth Klghteenth. boy; John
y lili kvns. 1470 South sixteenth, girl.
Dfuths Joneuhlne K. Mixtyn. .'"10 Spruce,
10; Mania II. Arnold, died in Wise Memo
rial hocpHal, home at Olrard, Han., jsi;
Price Goes rp, Respite Wldelr Circu
lated Imports of Over.
There was an advance in. the price of
coffee thla week ni it is said the price
will go atlll higher. For three months
coffee factors . and market news bureaus
have been sending out reports of the large
visible supply, it being claimed that there
was enough coffee In sight to last for two
years with the crop to be harvested this
aeason. Columns were written to prove
that the price must decline to a point
below which it had been for many years
and many persons supposed to be familiar
with the situation had let stocks decline,
expecting to buy at a lower figure.
Then came strange news from Brazil.
There waa a sudden shrinkage of 600,000
bags in the visible supply. Green coffee
advanced from' 15 to 20 points and the
roastera of package coffee advanced prices
one-half cent a ' pound. Other roasters
have been compelled to meet the- advance
on account of the reports 'from the coffee
producing regions and it Is now said that
the market will go higher rather than
lower. )
"It seems,"- said a local Jobber, "that
the dealers in coffee have been made the
victims of designing factors. One coffee
report, which is usually correct, told of
bear conditions last week and it now de
velops that the publisher la a buyer for
the sugar trust and other coffee roasters.
A good many were taken in by the deal
and no one knowa where the market will
go to." '
Very l.ofv Rates
To points in Montana. Idaho, Washington,
Oregon, British Columbia, Utah and Colo
rado, in effect dally from February 15 to
April 80, via Chicago Great Western rail
way. Write to J. P. Elmer, O. P. A., Chi
cago, for full particulars.
Thla Season's Florida Service Via
Peansrlvaala Lines
Leaves Chicago Union Station 8:40 p. m.
dally, running via Louisville, Lexington,
Atlanta and Macon to Jacksonville and fct.
Augustine. Get posted by consulting H.
R. Derlng, A. O. P. AgL. 248 South Clark
St.. Chicago, by telegram or letter.
Decision of Prosecutor Thomas After
Harried Peep Into Two Pie
tnro Machines.
. City Prosecutor B. F. Thomas, a modest
man more schooled In law than in art, took
one hurried peep Into two picture machines
yesterday and decided what he was go
ing to do to the proprietors or tne places
wherein they were seised by the police.
One of the places was 511 South Sixteenth
and the other 1812 Farnam, and Charles
Cannon and Charles Brldenbecker, the pro
prietors, are to t! prosecuted In police
Mr. Thomas' "inspection" was a most
trying ordeal. Only a sense of his respon
sibility to the community sustained him.
When he had finished he said to the blush
log policemen who stood about him:
"Gentlemen, thla may be art, but it's a
poor art for the winter months. My good
ness, if I didn't wear any more clothes
than some in those pictures I'd have a cold
all the time. I don't believe in encouraging
such fashions."
BROWN'S BronchlalTroches
fot Coughs and Ooldt
Our Boys' $1.50 Shoes
Are being worn by more Omaha boys
than all other kinds of boys' shoes
put together No one ever buys an
other kind after having; once worn
these They are made right from good
stock and consequently give the most
wear and the greatest satisfaction.
Bring the boys in Saturday and let
us show you what a nice shoe this is.
We are having a special sale on
misses' and children's high cut box
calf shoes at $1.25, ,$1.35. $1.60 that
the regular price Is $1.50, $1.75 and $2.26.
We are continuing the sale on misses'
and children's extra hlirh cut. best
grade, box calf shoes at $1.25, 81.35 and
fl.50; regular $1.50, U.dO and $2.50 shoes.
Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe Houb
Has Ever Been Found
in the Enamel of
Protscted by Daclilos of United States Court
Pasted on Every Piece
If substitutes are offered, write us
This trade-mark Is on every piece
of genuine Agate Ware.
m - r a a ar aw a
1520 ,
t(,1l l j Klrt--UM PrptrtnMBt and Ilotue.
furuUblnf titum. bcud tor sew Booklet.
sir rot! aosToa cmcito
New Spring Hats
First Showing Saturday.
TODAY, Saturday, is our opening day in
the men's bat department. We will place on
exhibition a most exclusive gathering of all
the latest and snappiest styles. Extraordi
nary preparations have been made by us this sea
son to obtain absolutely the best and latest styles
that the market produces. Among the latest nov
eltiesisthe New Fedora with its low crown and
new flaring flange brim, which will be very popu
lar this season. The new Derby we show iu all
; . the late shapes. Our assortment of "Stetson hats"
' this eeasou ia a wonderfully complete one. Our $3. 50
"Stetson Stiff Hat"
Is equal to any $5 hat shown. Not alone are we sat
isfied to offer you the latest creations, but we guar
antee you an absolute saving of from 50c on the
cheaper grades to $2 on the better qualities. We
welcome inspection. We court criticism. We invite
comparisons, and we don't want any man's hat
money until he is satisfied that we give him more
for it than he can get elsewhere.
Sale of Boys' Knee Pants.
Saturday morning we will place on special sale
in our boys' department all our small lots of
knee pants that sold regularly for 35c, 45c,
60o and 75c. In order to Bell them in 7Ca
one day, we hare marked your choice. . . . avOC
i Vim
107 North 16th Street. Opp. P. O. Watch. Inspector for V. P. R. R. Co.
When your watch needs repairing: Just Rive us a trial. . Fine adjusted American
and Swiss Watches, and complicated Bpllt Second Chronographs and Repeaters ars
here carefully repaired by a watchmaker skilled In high class work.
Come now, let us look your mouth over. Tooth
troubles is our business.
3rd Floor Paxton Block.
We have a very complete line Ladles' and Gents" Watches, with Elgin, Wal
tham, Hamilton, Howard and other movements of all arades. If you ore In need
of a watch or want yours repaired, give us a call and we g jamloe you satisfaction.
We sell on very small margin and enn assure you that we can save you money
by purcnasing anytnins in me jeweiry line irom ut.
rhona 1BT4.
1014 Ca,pltol Are.
Not Gummy
or Sticky-
Aalc your druggist for It or at our store, Sixteenth and Capitol Avenue.
Visiting Cards Printed
While You Wait.
1Q0 Fine Visiting Cards
Printed In Script
or English Type.
a Handsome
Aluminum Card Case -for
the 13th and the Day
Valentin Day.
T1S o th UK bln toot o a rmbb It UA
In frTrro lor luck-f ...rrbodj don t tf
Vl.nllB. It's no Lull ol oar. -ciw w. r. slln.
nh t. lupplr H Oo..U; but .in. ot our. ...
...m out ol ton. o b. oth.r I.llow. rou.t l.
IT-TO-DATE L A i jv'vj v - -
II 00 0ouln Forunn. 'up
II uO O.nuln Forun. ul Mun
lie Oocutna Corl. not Imitation
il M PUrco'. Mdlcl DlKO.rr
IIUO Flrc' K.rorlt. rre.irlt.llon ...
Ho Muslims Cod M Oil
it, Allewk's Purou.
Tbrivtr. no ie Alloc.'. Pl.m.
Me Wlwrd OH
LOO Paloo". l.l.T CmjwuDd
Jl oo Warnor. Sat. Cur.
toe Ooan's Klduay rills
inc. t'utiturn 8l
K M Oo"" Cbl.r .yoxl t1""
.. 24c
.. V;
.. l:
. . .4.'
.. i:c
.. c
.. f4c
.. 11c
.. Ike
.. If
.. 1:
.11 U
. - 1 0-J
Tot. runn.av TT and TOT.
B. W. IMk out a Cains Sta.
The Best Shoes
for Boys and Girls
Nearly everybody knows about $1.50 shoo for boys ths'.
it'x tho best shoe In the city
for the price; that it gives
lunger waar and more comfurt
than any other $1.60 shoo
n-.ude. Our girls' $l.f,0 shoe Is
Juht as good value aa the boys.
We also have a great linn of
'l shoes for boys and glils,
made of a hlKh grade leather
and put together very strongly,
but neatly finished and mad';
on a stylish and easy la;ii.
Whatever you want for toys
tnd 'girls, we have it and at
easy prli-es.
Business Stimulators
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