THE OMAHA DAILY NEE: Fit ID AY, FEBRUARY 13, 190.1. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL JIIXOR MKXTIO. rvti d jgs. Expert wtch repairing. LeITert. B'jr. Annual reduction on picture and plctura framing. C K. Alexander A Co. Attorney 8 B. Wadsworth Wt lit even ing tor Bioomlngton, III , on legal business. The rstette residence, 422 Knst Brosd wsy, hag been quarantined for acarlet fever. Ml xlsrguerlte Osborn ta home from a month' visit with relatives and friends in Thurmsn, la. Judge J. V. Rtnlcea of Crulg. Mo., was tn the city yesterday on business connected with a law suit. A. M. Bonham la laid up with a broken arm, the result of a fall on an Icy sidewalk Wednesday night. Attend D. of H. social Friday evening, Feb. 13, in Merrlam block hall. Refresn ments. Tickets 25c. W are hesdqjarters for glass of all kinds. Sea us before you buy. C B. Paint, Oil and Glass company. You are cordially Invited to attend the only Bt. Valentine ball, at Hughes' hal!, Saturday evening, February 1,. Mrs. Clarence Wynkonn and Miss Clara. Plshop of Cedar Falls, la., are guests of Mr. and Mrf. George Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Battelte of Hiawatha. Kan. are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. J. M. Matthews. We are giving pretty valentines free to lady patrona of our soda fountain thla Wreek. Whaley & Co., 416 Broadway. At the meeting of the Council Bluffs club J last evening IX W. Otis read a paper on "Buddah, Hla Religion and influence. W. O. Moomaw of the Richardson Drug company. Omaha, la confined to his home on Benton street with a badly strained back. The motor company has placed one of the old Manawa cara on the bridge to serve s a toll house until the one burned Mon day night la rebuilt John L. Merkel of New York, who has been visiting hla parents, Mr. and Mrs. j. Merkel of Washington avenue, left yester day for a few weeks' sojourn it Colfax Bprlngs. John L Clark of the t'nlted State Na tional bank, Omaha, died last evening at Ills home, 128 Olen avenue, from diabetes, aged 7 years. He leavea a wife, formerly Miss Klrsrht, and a 6-year-old son. Philip and Will Olvena and Melvln Head were before Justice Carson yesterday morning on a charge of assaulting Sarmi 1 and Jessie Walker. The ase wan con tinued for thirty days by Assistant County Attorney Hess and the boys allowed to go some. Wanted, to rent, part of lower floor room by responsible firm, on long time lease. An exceptional good chance for some one hav ing apare room to get good renter. Loca tion must be central. Address O, Be office, ' Council Bluffs. The funeral of Mrs. R. T. Cochran will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon from the family residence. 245 West Washington avenue, and burial will be In Fslrvlew cemetery. Friends desiring to - view the remains ean do ao between the hours of 10 a. m. and 1 p. in. County Auditor Ir.nes yesterday Issued to George K. Schroeder of Omaha a license to hunt in Pottawattamie county. The license, which gives Mr. Schroeder the right to hunt and ahoot In this county until January 1. 1804, cost him 110. 50. This Is the first license of this nature Issued by the county auditor for over a year. Council Bluffs tent. Knights of Macca bees, has now a membership of over 700, which la said to be the largest In the state. It la confident that It will recapture, when the award la made July 1, the banner which It had to turn over to Pea Moines at the beginning of the year. By that time the local tent expects to have a membership rear the l.OflO mark. At the beginning of the year the Des Moines tent o-tly suc ceeded In taking the banner away from Council Bluff a by a very small margin. Gravel roofing. A. B. Head. 12S Main St. Arrangement for the Draatrlsta. Tbe Council Bluffs Retail Druggists' aa aoclatlon ha partially completed lt ar rangements for tbe entertainment of the meeting of the Iowa State Pharmaceutical association to be held in this city next July. The Grand hotel haa been selected aa headquarter for the visitor during tho convention and If possible tbe New theater will be aecured In which to hold th ses sions. In the event of falling to secure the theater the committee will probably decide on the Royal Arcanum ball. In ad dition to a banquet and reception, the so cial feature will Include an outing for tho visitors at Lake Manawa. In connection with the arrangements for the meeting these - committees have been appointed by Mayor Morgan, president of tba local association: Sports B. 8. Elliott, Gtorge 8. Davis, J. I. Henry. Transportation R. 8. Elliott, George 8. Davis, F. II. Arnette. Grounds. Eulldlnga and Entertainment J. H. Clark, J. I. Henry, S. E. Whaley, John Bchott, A. Bronaon. Ways and Means George 8. Davis, John Camp, 'H. E. Harle. Th executive committee consists of Mayor Morgan and O. H. Brown, president and . ' ' ' . , ' " ?rr KJVin.T- .ether with tbe chairmen of the .ubordln.t. committees. Fnnailah Commercial Clnb Rooms. Tbe, executive committee of the Commer cial club la furnishing tbe rooms in the Woodbury building, recently aecured as . ii -..a fn. ih. .1iiH Tt l Tnnrted that the rooms will bs ready for occupancy by the first of next week when the committee will begin to hold regular session. Presi dent Bender haa not yet appointed the standing committees and will probably not do so until March 1. wben It la expected that .tho canvass for members will be complete. A general meeting of the club will be railed for the first wfck In March, at which time a report on the membership will be made and plana outlined for work for the executive committee. Combine Two Anniversaries. The public achoola of Council Bluffs will celebrate Washington's birthday this .year on Friday, February 20, aa tbe regular date .of th anniversary falls on Sunday. There wa no celebration of Lincoln's birthday In th. school, yesterday as ac- cording to the suggestion of State Superin tendent Barrett it will be observed at the rame time as Washington's birthday. At that time appropriate patriotic program will be given In every achool In the city except at the Hlgb achool, a tbe debate between thd 8ionx City and Council .Bluffs high school will be held that day. Notice to Gaa Consumers. Gss consumers are notified that there will be no gaa aupply between' the hours of T:30 a. m. and 8:30 p, m. on SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 15. ' on Account of tbe change being made at th work of the company CITIZENS OAS AND ELECTRIC CO. Federal Conrt Matters. Th suit of Martin B. Fee of M.i.nlng . . . . ...,' it. -., J la., against the Western Union Telegrsph ' " . A company has been transcrlpted to the fed- t-1 .... . oral court In thia city from tbe district court of Carroll county. Fee sues for $5,000 damage (or the alleged delay In tbe de livery of a message announcing tbe critical Illness of bis mother In Huntington. Ind. Owing to th alleged delay Fee did not reach Huntington until a day after the death of bis mother. Th grand petit Jurora for tbe March term of United Statea oburt In thla city will be drawn February 27. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. M Fvsrl 8, Counc'l Bluffs. 'Phone f BLUFFS. NO BIG DINNERS FOR SUNDAY People Who Depend on Oai Stovet Mast Eat Oold LuDcbei for One Day. CHANGE IN GAS PLANT IS THE CAUSE All Gate to Be Taraed Off from Main Between TiJTO a. an. and attSO In the ETealag and Possibly Longer. Citizens of Council Bluffs who depend on gas stoves for cooking their meals will be In a bad way Sunday. ' The gas company bai notified Its patrons that on that day from the hour of 7:30 In the morning until 8:80 In the evening all gaa will be shut off from the mains. This Is made necessary by changing tbe connections from the old to the new plant, which Is now completed. Tbe change, however, will not be made un less tbe weather la favorable. Many families In tLls city depend entirely on the gaa atove for culinary purposes and consequently tbey will have to do with cold meals that day and If they want hot water to make coffee with or for other purposes they will be compelled to call upon their neighbor who may be fortunate enough td have rook stoves. Many families also depend entirely upon gas. for illum ination and It Is safe to say that there will be a big demand for lamps and candles Saturday, But few of tbe churches in this city are lighted by electricity, most of them depending on ' gas, but the gaa company Is taking steps to prevent Incon venience to tbe Sunday evening church goers by stringing temporary electric wires to those churches which are. lighted by Baa. Manager Frltchman of the gas company said yesterday: "This changing of tbe con nections is absolutely necessary with the completion of our new plant. While we realize that tbe abutting off of the gas will Inconvenience many of our patron we will do the work as rapidly aa a large force of men can do It. We selected Sun day for changing tbe connections, believing that on thla day tbe regular business would be Interfered with as little as possible. It may be that the work of changing the connections will be completed earlier than expected and it is also possible that It may take longer. We would like to Impress upon everybody the Importance of having all stop cocks turned off in order to pre vent accident when the ga Is turned on again." N. T. Plumbing Co., Tel. 850. Night, F667. INVITE STEWART TO STAY OVER Local G. A. R. Men Hope for Visit from Katloaal Commander-in-Chief. Commander-in-Chief Thomas J. Stewart of the Grand Arm? of the Republic and staff will pass through Council Bluffs next Wednesday afternoon enroute to San Fran cisco to make arrangements for tbe na tional encampment to be held in that city In the fall. Colonel John Llndt of this city, atata commander of the Department of Iowa of the Grand Army, who la a personal friend , of the . commander-in-chief, haa written him urging blm to so arrange hi Itinerary aa to atop over for a few houra In Council Bluffs. ' Colonel Llndt and the members of Abe Lincoln post are hopeful that the commander-in-chief will accept the Invitation and in the event of hla so doing, hi visit here will be made a memorable event. In vitations will be sent to all the leading Grand Army men of the state to be present ' and greet the commander-in-chief. A re ception will be tendered Colonel Stewart either at tbe Grand hotel or at the hall of Abe Lincoln post, Commander-in-Chief Stewart, whose home Is in Morrlstown, Pa., will leave Chi cago according to present plan on the night of February IT and will reach Council Bluff over the Milwaukee at 8 o'clock in the afternoon of the day following. Ac companying tbe commande'-ln-chief will be Judge Advocate General Albert B. Beer of Bridgeport, Conn., Chief of Staff J. Cory Wlnan of Troy, O., and the following niem- of th wcutlve council: William H. ; Armtrong lndlMipoIUf jB(,.. ThoinM W. I Scott, Fairfield, 111.: Thomaa G. Sample, Allegheny, Pa-; Nelson Hall. Howard, R. I.; William R. Shatter, San Francisco, Cat.; A. A. Taylor, Cambridge, O., and S. C. James, Centervllle, la. Captain L B. Cousins., sheriff of Potta- ! watUmie county, is a member of the com- iHanilAt... In.AhlAf'a mea.ll mm aaiailairatt-i In . mandei -In-chief s staff a assistant in spector general and be may possibly ac company the party from here to San Fran cisco. . P' uniting and beating. Blxby ft Son. Affects Local Tai Ferret Case. The recent decision of the supreme court In tbw tax ferret case from Cass county will. It .1 believed, bav a direct bearing on tbe similar suit from Pottawattamie county. In the case from Cass county tbe supreme court held that the contract en tered Into by the board of county super visors with C. W. Welman on a 50 per cent basis of remuneration was perfectly legal and that the board had full authority to tv aba n ( Vi pAntnot aanii u o a. tn mv whatever con.mle.lon it deemed advisable for the ferreting out of property which had been withheld or , omitted from aa sesament. ;' The contract entered into by the super visors of Pottawattamie county with F. M. Cunnlncham we. alm'lar to that between the Cass county authorities and Welman. Cunningh&ra under tbe contract was to re ceive 60 per cent of all monies recovered Into tbe county treasury .through his efforts tn unearthing property which had been Cun- omiiira or wtmneiu iron assessment, tuo- ningbain's claim against tbe county now i exceeds $13,000, but payment was refused ' pending tbe suit, brought by Attorney Frank Shinn attacking tbe legality of tbe con tract. Now that tba aupreme court has upheld th contract entered into by the Cas I county board of supervisors. It Is believed i . ' ,,, ... , here that it will make the same ruling In i . ... .... , , .. a suit from thla county. Welman. the tax ferret who had tbe contract In Cass county, Is said to be a partner of F. M. Cunningham, wh6 secured the contract In tbla county. Discharge Coanell Bluffs Prisoners. Freeman Reed, clerk of the district court, received notice yesterday from the warden of tbe atate penitentiary at Fort Madison that the term, of Walt.' J. DcArmond and Frank Welmer, commute'' from Council Bluff, had expired and they had been dl charged. They wer both committed from thl city on October 10. 1901 on conviction of larceny, both their sentence being eighteen months. They each earned two months off the aentenc by good behavior. IOWA LUTHERAN CONFERENCE eoatoa at llaa-ton. Dnr- BCRLINOTON, la.. Feb. 12 (Special Telegram.) The thirty-fifth annral session of the Iowa conference of the Fvangellcal Lutheran Auguatana synod opened here today with Rev. Dr. Ludwig Holmes In the chair and delegates present from all over the state. The presldent'a report showed a good condition among tbe synod churches. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Rev. A. Nort bom, Bwedesburg; vice president. Rev. Jo seph A. Anderson, Boone; secretary. Rev. B. Madln of Betbesda; treasurer, Mr. C. O. Nelson, Olds. RAILROAD RATES TOO HIGH (Continued from First Psge.) state Commerce commission has demanded a financial showing by the corporations. He contends that the Increased rates ex ceed the Increased expenses and are at tended by a degree of prosperity unpar ralleled. He quote the Interatate Com merce commission as stating In tbe report fcr 1900 that tho Increased cost of trans portation then amounted to only 8.84 per ceut as compared with previous years, but as adding that "the significance of these facts is that the directors of railroads during the year 1899 have availed them selves of high net earnings, made perma nent Improvements , on railway and rolling stock and have charged these Improve ments to operating expenses." He quotes from the Iowa commissioners' report for 1902, showing that the Milwaukee company had charged one year to operating expenses $1,500,000 paid for renewal of ties and rails,' and the Burlington, Rock Island and North western had made similar charges. The latest reports show the proeperlty of tho railroads still greater, showing that the 22 per cent advance Is still getting in Its work. Continuing, Mr. Campbell wrote: Iowa has been hit hard already by the advances, first of a 22.1 per cent In classifi cation on interstate traffic, followed by a similar advance by the Iowa commission ers on classification, on the plea of the ratlwaya "to meet advance In operating expenses," etc., giving the shippers and firoducers of the state a double dose and ncreaalng the gross earnings of the rail ways from H8.466.15ti 44 In 1898 to 159.1(,191.41, an increased burden on the commerce of Iowa of over 110,000.000. Another advance will be extortion of the worst cnaracter, and will he reaented and resitted by the people of this great commonwealth. Mr. Campbell gava statistics showing that the net Income per mile of railroads on the 193.000 miles in tbe United State, after all deduction, waa for 1890 $851, for 1895 $318, and for 1900 was $1,180 per mile. "With the net income per .mile more than trebled In the last five years," aaya Mr. Campbell, "on the ratlwaya of the United States, does it not require a large degree of assurance on the part of the managers to ask an advance In ratea, and will the peo ple of the country submit to this exorbitant demand In tbe face of theso facts?" Information for Officials. Mr. Campbell referred to the fact that tbe two who have been most active In urging toe advance In ratea and Justifying tho advance on account of Increased expenses are A, C. Bird of tbe Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, and Paul Morton of the Santa Fe. "Both these officials are expert traffic managers," said Mr. Campbell, "but In tbe financial departments of their respective roads they are perhaps strangers to the fact that the business baa prospered Im mensely. For Instance, the gross earn ing of the Milwaukee road, a shown In tbe report of the Iowa commissioners for June 30, 1902. were over $42,000,000, the dividends declare 4 were 5.5 per cent on common stock and 7 per cent on preferred, a total of $5,444,181, and of the amount charged to operating, expenses $1,500,000 ws for renewal of rails and ties, and fur ther that the average dally compensation of Ita employes exclusive of salaried of ficials tn 1902 waa lesa than in 1898, being $2.13 for 1898 and $1.93 for 1902. Tbo gross earninga of the Santa Fe, which road waa In the hands of a receiver from 1894 to 1893, were oer $10,000,000 greater In 1902 than In 1898; in 1398 tbe Santa Fe paid no div idends while for 1902 dividends amounting to $8,104,300 were declaied, 1.6 per cent on common stock and 5 per cent on preferred, a pretty healthy showing for a financial Invalid." Carry Freight Cheaper. Mr. Campbell declares that the facts are thaj most of the railroads of the United States can arry freight at one-half the rates of a decade ago and reap large profits. By straightening and shortening line, cut. ting down grade. Increasing speed, laying double tracks, using larger car and en gine, doubling and even trebling their tonnage, and other modern Improvement, they have made It possible to do this. In conclusion Mr. Campbell state) to the In. terstate Commerce commission by way of suggesting a remedy: "Now that the railway managers ignore the law and commlas.oi.ers In putting Into force extortionate rates, and congress declines to Interfere to protect the people, i the outcome will be a resort to tbe ballot, and If government control falls, then 'ownership' will be tbe only remedy, des. peraie as u is. to this we are surely drifting and there will be a day of reck, onlng. and a aqueeilng process, and it will not be tbe Innocent granger or ehipper that will feel it, either. 'Whom tbe gods would destroy they first make mad.' Surely the railway' magnates of the. country have gone daft on the rate and earning issues, and will sooner or later get a terrific fall, th aooner th better." Arrange Firemen's Tournament. ONAWA. Ia., Feb. 12. (Special Tele- ! gram.) At tbe business meeting of tba delegatea of the Maple Valley Firemen's Tournament association, held at Wall Lake today, fourteen town were represented and arrangements for tbe next annual tournament to be held at Carroll, la.. Juno ! 17 Qd 18 wer made. Carroll waa on hand with a guaranty to pay all purses and promised t) show the firemen a good time, Odeboldt holds the championship belt won laat year at Early, and Representative Joe Mattca says It Is going o win it again thla year, but the boys are from Missouri mostly and will have to be ahown. The Onawa hoae team held tbe championship belt for three yeara, but was not allowed to oompete last year. Fourteen of the beat town In western Iowa were represented and prospects for the seventh annukl tour nament at Carroll are very bright. Dies of I aaanal Disease. ANTHO.N", la., F.b. 12 (Special.) Mr. D. Hankers n, who lived live miles east of town, is dead, after an Illness that extended over several yeara. Her ailment was a most uncommon one, being what ia known In medical science aa elephantiasis, or the abnormal enlargement of the tlasuea of tba body. Her body at death weighed nearly 600 pounda and ber Buffering was Intense. This disease Is very rare. Its nativity be ing In India. Her huabaad dropped dad last summer of heart disease. FRANCHISES NOT NEEDED Telephone Companiei May Go Into Cities and Towni of Iowa at Will. SUPREME COURT CLOSES FOR THE TERM Will Review Important Criminal Law Qaestlon Dei Moines Fire Losses Last Year Michigan Ban qnet for Iowa. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Feb. 12. (Special.) The aupreme court closed Its January term this morning and a large batch of decisions and rulings was made of record. The most Im portant matter handled was the decision In the telephone case involving the right to the use of the streets and alleys of cities without a franchise. The case wss that of Chamberlain against tbe Iowa Telephono Company, appealed from Judge Prouty of the Polk county court, who held against the company's contention. Now the su preme court. In a long opinion, decide, that the telephone company la right. The suit was to oust the company from the streets of Des Moines becsuse it had no franchise, the old franchise having been allowed to lapse, but the company answered by point ing to a general law of the state which gives telegraph and telephone companies a right to occupy "all public highways'' of the state. The court holds that this lan guage relates to streets and alleys aa well as rural roads, and !f this was not clear when the law was passed, It was made clear when subsequent legislation was enacted that In glvlbg city councils power to regu late telephone and telegraph companies, and not the power to exclude or admit them. Tbe court therefore reaches the conclusion that the company has a right to the occupancy of the streets without any permit or franchise from the city. This de cision affects every city in tho atate and renders It unnecessary that franchises should be asked for or obtained. Telephone companies may go into any city of the state and number of them Re, rp In a city without asking the consent anyone. Brady Case to Be Heard Again. The supreme court Just before adjourning passed on the motion of the attorney gen eral for a rehearing of tbe Brady case from this county Involving a vital question of practice In criminal mattera In the atate. The court granted the rehearing and It will be submitted at the next term on printed argument only. The court granted the following rehear lngs: Bankers Iowa State Bank against Mason-Hand Lathe Company, Polk county; Hyatt against Hamilton County, Hamilton county; Green Bay Lumber Company agalnat J. S. Cla-k, Sac county. The .following were passed on and rehearing refused: Tootle agalnat Singer, Taylor county; Warfleld against Clark, Polk county; McClenahan against Steven son. Buchanan county; GUI against Patten, Polk county; Beringer agalnat Dubuque Street Railway, Dubuque county; Wright against Reed, Tama county; Sankey agalnat Chicago, Rock Island ft Pacific, Pottawatta mie county; State against Oliver B run did,, e. Black Hawk 'county; Cedar Rapids Water Company against City of Cedar Rap Id., Linn county; Mahoney against Phillip. Greene county. ' ' May - Tettoi foocket. The court Issued an order that th clerk of the court In making up the docket for the term of next May ahall Include all cue filed prior to September 1 last and all criminal and certiorari cases up to within thirty days of tbe opening of the term. Coart Decision. The following were the decisions handed down by the court today: Man-lion Engine and Thresher company, appellant, against J. C. Bhrlmer, Kossuth county. Judge Juarton; reversed by Mc Clean. Teycke Bros, against J. T. Haien, sheriff, appellant, Pottawattamie county, Judge Smith; affirmed by McClean. Noah L. Bolton against S. C. Bailey, ap pellant. Linn county. Judge Remley; af firmed by McClean. James Hamilton against Chicago, Mil waukee St. Paul railroad, appellant, IJnn county. Judge Kemley; affirmed by Mc Clean. Iowa Loan and Trust company against Christian lialler et al, app-llants. Po'.k county, Judge Bishop; modified and af firmed by McClea'n. -' William Lelfhelt, appellant, against Jo seph Schllts Brewery company, Linn county, Judge Trelchler; a filmed by tbe court. State Against James Babbett, appellant. Polk county, Judge Holmes; affirmed by the court. John M. Phipp against H. Horton, ap pellant, Page county, Judge Wheeler; af firmed by the court. Morrison Bros, against William Houck, appellant. Taylor county. Judge Tedford; affirmed by the court. F. M. Davenport appellant, against Addi son Brown, Carroll county, Judges Church and El wood: affirmed by the court. Theodore Peck against Nicholas Giskl, appellant, Jefferson county, Judge Roberts; affirmed bv the court. Peter Weber, appellant, against Iowa City. Johnson county. Judge Wade; re- rmeA hv Weaver. J. C. Frits against J. M. Kennedy, appel lant, Adair county, judge Appiegate; at firmed hv weaver. State against Ernest Wllley. appellant. Polk county. Judge Wilkinson; affirmed by the court. j y,ury county. Judge Ga'ynor; affirmed by State against Ida lien, appellant, wooa- , the court 1. a Heala & Rro apoellanta. against F. F. Patterson, Marshall county. Judge Caswell; affirmed by the court. D. H. Sleeper agalnat City of Pes Moines appellant, Polk county. Judge Bishop; af- apm,4 bv Sherwln. A. C. Graham, appellant, against George W. Gorman, Pottawattamie county. Judge Green: affirmed by the court. V. Stelnblock agalnat Martha Johns, ap pellant. Hardin county, Judge Weaver; af firmed by the court. ... , D. S. Chamberlain against Towa Tele- Shone company, appellant, Polk county, udgc Prouty; reversed by Sherwin. Fire Losses Not Large. The report of the fire chief of Des Molne for tbe year 1902 showed that the fire losses were comparatively small. The total loss by fire In tbe city during 1901 was $415,184, covered by an aggregate Insurance of $1,- 825.000. Tbe number of alarma for 1901 were 411 compared with 358 for 1902, being a decrease of fifty-five for the year. For 1902 the loss on bull lings was $34,510. and on contents, $69,138. making a total of $103.C48. Tbe inaurance carried on th buildings wss $7S0,2ti. and on content $338. 835. making an aggregate of Insurance on buildings and stocks of $1,069,105. Th estimated value of the property Involved was $4,945,375. The leas compared with th value of the property endangered was, about 2 per cent. Banquet of Michigan People. A state banquet of the alumni of Micbl gan university was bld here this evening attended by about 100 persons. Th ban quet waa given In honor of the visit to the olty of President Angell. who cam here to visit relatives. The toastmaster waa ex- axative JJrorao Quinine Cur a Col4 in On Day, Crlpta 3 Dayt Senator Thomaa A. Cheshire of this city, and among the apeakers of the banquet were Gilbert M. Hitchcock, .Omaha; Robert McMurdy. Chicago: T. A. Berklblle. Cedar Rapids; Sherman Mears. Waterloo; W. W. Pearson and C. A. Dudley, Des Moines. Building Xew Railroad. An agent of the Newton ft Northwestern railroad, projected from Newton to Boone and backed by Hamilton Browne, who built the Marshalltown ft Dakota road, has been in St. Louis purchsslng tie and other ma terial for tbe road. It I learned, here that work I to be commenced on the building of the road aa oon a possible. It is re garded as probable that this will be a Rork Island short line from th northwestern part of tbe state eastward. Opened to Colfax. Tbe Interurban trolley line waa today started to Colfax for the first time. The line has been completed there for aome time. Owing to a disagreement with the Colfax people over the route through the town the company bad not aucceeded In completing It terminal until recently. This ha all been disposed of now and regu lar trains were started to Colfax thla morn ing. Organise Matnal Insaranee. The Iowa hardware dealers by a majority vote thl morning determined upon the organization of a mutual fire Insurance company for the member of their associa tion. A committee waa appointed to incor porate and perfect the organization of the company and get started. WOMAN ACCUSED OF MURDER Charged with Killing Husband and Attempting to Barn Remains In a Barn. DES MOINES, la., Feb. 12. Mr. Frank Lavelleur wa arrested at Newton today charged with the murder of her husband. It Is set forth in the Indictment that she killed her husband with an ax and placed . . . .... u- ...w hid 1 r uiuiiin iu a una u, iiil.ii buuuw quently act fir to. The alleged .crime oc curred last summer. Mrs. Lavelleur, who had twice previously been married, quar reled frequently with her huaband. It was explained after his charred remains had been found that be had been overtaken by the flames while attempting to recover a buggy. A post mortem disclosed that his head had been crushed, the wound Indicating that be had been atruck with an ax. Offer to an Iowa Man. IOWA CITY, la., Feb. 12. (Special.) Prof. Frederick E. Bolton,, professor of ed ucation of the University of Iowa, has re ceived an offer from the committee on edu cation off the Philippine Islands of the presidency of the Philippine Islands Nor mal school, at a considerable advance In salary over hla present position. Dr. Bolton today wrote the committee declining the position on account of bl desire to remain at Iowa In hi present work. Hoasack Mnrder Trial Begins. DES MOINES, la., Feb. 12. The taking of testimony In the Hossack murder case commenced at Wlnterset at I o'clock. After the examination of thirty-five Juror twelve were aeoured last night. Tbla forenoon waa consumed In tbe presentation of argu ment. The defendant la able to appear In tbe court room, though ahe ahowa evidence of broken health, due to confinement In tbe penitentiary atnee ber conviction. Polsona Self and Child. JANESVILLE, la., Feb. 12. (Special Tel egram.) While temporarily Insane Mrs. Charles Edgerton administered carbolic add to her 3-year-old son and took a doae herself. Neither ean recover. BENCH DOG DIES AT SHOW Westminster Kennel Clnb Exhibition Marred by Death of Valuable Bloodhoand. NEW YORK. Feb. 12. Every year death have occurred among the Westminster Kennel club exhibits. This yesr nas Deen no exception. Today Faustina, a blood hound belonging to George P. Flnnegan of Greene, N. Y., died from pneumonia. He was a valuable animal, had won many prise and had the record of having trailed criminals In the upper part of the state following ine UlllOOIiru Iiir urirm 'i Richard Croker, Jr.'s. hitherto Invincible Vnariuh hiilldniT Rndnev Stone, came the downfall of Mra.' R. F. Mayhew' champion. Hands i;p, the famous nine wire-nairea fox terrier who came third today. The Canadian dog. Matchmaker, owned by Eraser et Ltndsay or uniario. ana ine Hamilton, Mass., terrier, Belwonk Baker, being first and second. Mr. Howard Gould met defeat In several classes with her famous black pugs. Chess Flayer Foregather. MONTE CARLO. Feb. 12. In the second round of the International chess tourna ment Tarraach beat Masnon In twenty three moves, Plllsbury beat Schlechter In twenty-four moves and Taubenhaus bent Albln In forty-seven moves. Tills Asks tor Ball. NEWBURO, 8. C. Feb. 12. Application tnr hall for former Lieutenant Governor James H. Tillman, charged with the mur der of N. O. Gonsales, at Columbia, 8. C, waa argued here thl afternoon. The hear ing was presided over by Chief Justice Pope, who on last Saturday granted the hearing to attorney for Mr. Tillman. It waa decided to postpone the hearing until next Tuesday, In Columbia, 8. C, In order to give tbe commonwealth time to anawer th affidavit of Tillman. UNION California FEBRUARY I5TH TO JUNE I5TH City Ticket Office, TELEPHONE 316 Union Station I Oth INVESTMENT HORSES BARRED Arnold A Co. and Others napen'etl from Sew Orleans Rare Track. NEW ORLEANS, l'. li. 12 -Not a favorite finished first here today. hit it few of tin' winners rsrrled iramry. Th- steward have ordered the lefusal of entries of all horses from K. J. Arnold Co. and other in operative raring tlrms ponding I'lixltlv proof that such horse were the Individual property of the parties officially registered as owners. Weather clear and track slow and lumpy. Hermits: First race, selling, one mile: Hud Kmbry won, Marlon Lynch second, Wlssemllnc third. Time: 1:4S-R. Second race, veiling six furlongs: Blue Blase won, The Boston second. The Caxton third. Time: 1:17 1-5. Third race, five and a half furlongs: Spec won. Henry Mclianlel cond, Glcn nevls third. Time: 1:1.2-5. Fourth race, handicap? seven furlongs: St. Tammany won. Telamon second. Albert F. Dewey third. Time: 1:31. Fifth race, selling, one mile and a qrar ter: Tammany Chief won, Wunderllcli second. Teat third. Time: ;i:14. Blxth race, selling, one mile: Moroni won. Meran second. Ruby Race third. Time: 1:46. Arnold Horse Falls. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 12.-Four favor ites scored at Ingleslde today. The defeat of Searcher In the mile and a sixteenth race was rostly. The Arnold & Co. hnrsn wa heavily supported, but failed to show any form, finishing far back. Burlington Bro., owners of Tizona, claimed Searcher for $8:b. The weather was fine and the track fast. Results: First race, futurity course: Cathello won, Katherlne Ennls second, Legal Muxlm third. Time: 1:124,. Second race three and a half furlongs: Toledo won. Military Man second. Young Pepper third. Time: 6:42. Third rare, one mile selling: Fossil won. Sleeping Child second. Peaceful third. Time: 0:43. Fourth race, futurity course: Matt llognn won, Golden Cottage second, Jim Gore third. Time: 1:11. Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth, sell ing: Tlsona won, Forte second. Stunts third. Time: l:Bo. mxtn race, six furlongs: Peter J. won, J Ed IJIburn second, Gorgoletee third. Time: l:14. With the Bowlers. The regula- league game between the Nationals and Gate Cltys was postponed on account of the elckneas of one of the National players. A sociable game whs played, total ping counting, and resulted In a victory for the Gate Cltys by the following score: GAVE CITYS. 1st. 2d. Sd. Total. Sheldon 156 2i1 lh M8 Chandler 191 2-'3 151 5iW Marble 155 144 1) 4M Jones 140 l.V) 145 444 Encell l'.ia 179 1M 570 Totals 841 906 837 2.54 NATIONALS. 1st. 2d. Jd. Total. Gilchrist 138 149 229 616 Ahmanson 156 177 1H 521 Reed 2i 151 1S 622 Yont 153 lS 172 6i Tracy 169 181 160 610 Totals 81! 841 917 2,677 Oatahoota the Stranger. WOOD RIVER. Neb., Feb. 12 (Special Telegram.) A' very Interesting target and live bird shoot was pulled off here today between Martin Dlefenderfer of thla city and a stranger by the name of Officer. The flrat contest was twenty-five live bird for $Ti0 a side. Dlefenderfer killed twenty-three to his opponent's twenty. The second wa a rifle shoot for $50 a side. Th!t contest, like the first, wa eaally won by Dlefenderfer. The above contests were the outcome of a recent live bird shoot between Dlefenderfer and McGee of Shelton, which took place at Shelton last Saturday, and was won by the Wood River man. Shelton, evidently thinking that Dlefenderfer was shooting with exceptional good luck, brought down this stranger, with the above result. Billiard Tourney Continue. NEW YORK. Feb. 12.-In the amateur championship billiard tournament at the Hanover club In Brooklyn today Edward W. Gardner of Passaic, N. J., scored a total of 300, high run 42, average 7 6-42. Charles F. Conklln of Chicago got a total of 168, high ' run 42 average 4 4-41. The evening play resulted aa follows: Dr. I I Mlall, New York, total 800, high run 70, average 7 34-38: J. Byron Stark, Wllkes barre. Pa., total 267, high run 35. average 7 8-37. Down Boxer Eight Times. ST. I.OVIS. Feb. 12.-M!ke Schreck of Cin cinnati practically knocked out "Cyrlone" Kelly of San Franrlaco In the fourth of what was to have been a twenty-round bout before the Weat End club here tonight. Kelly was unable to solve Schreck's style, being put down four times in the second and four times In the third round. Kellv managed to pull through the fourth by running and clinching, falling once from weakness. Referee Sharp interfered and gave Be h reck the decision. C'reseens Ready to Beat lee Record. OTTAWA. Ont.. Feb. 12.-Cresceus, the world's champion trotter, did not go against the ice record here today, owing to the track being too slushy. Mr. Ketchiim jogged the champion three mllea and then got him away for a mile In 2:27. The last quarter waa made with the greatest ease In thirty-three seconds, or a 2:12 clip, which la six and three-quarters seconds better than the Ice record for a nille track, i Minnesota Team Going East. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 12.-There Is s strong probability that the University of Minnesota will accept the Invitation of the University of Pennsylvania to enter the annual relay race to be held In Philadelphia on April 17. Captain Michael Bookman is anxious to take hla team east, and as the proposition Is looked upon with favor by the university athletic authnrltlea, It is likely that Minnesota will be represented. McGnlaraa to Aid Coach Yost. ANN ARBOR. Mich., Feb. 12. Pan C. McOulgan, the stnr guard of the Michigan font ball team, who cannot play next fall, owing to the four-year rule, will a an 1st Coach Tost at Ann Arbor. This announce ment today caused some surprlxe, aa It was understood McOulgan had been en gaged as coach by the Western Reaerve university of Cleveland. PACIFIC TO 1324 Fanum Street,. and Marcy. 'Phone 629. SCALP HUMOURS Itching, Scaly and Crusted With Loss of Hair Speedily Cured by Cuticura Soap and Ointment When Every Other Remedy and Physicians fail. Warm shampoos with Cuticura Sonp and light dressing of Cutlcara, the great skin cure, at once stop falling balr, remove crusts, scales and dandruff, soothe irritated, Itching surfaces, des troy hair parasites, stimulate the hair follicles, loosen the scalp akin, supply the roots with energy and nourish ment, and make the h.tir grow upon a weet, wholesome, healthy scalp whe nil else fails. Millions of the world's best people use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment j the great skin cure, for pre serving, purifying and beautifying the akin, for cleansing the scnlp of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whiteu Ing and soothing red, rough and sore h:iml, for baby rashes, Itchlngs and dialings. In the form of baths for an noying irritations mid inflammations, or "too free or offensive perspiratlou, In tho form of washes for ulcerative weak nesses, aud many antlseptlo purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. Cuti cura Soup combines la one soap at one price tho best akin and complexion soap aud the best toilet, bath aud baby sonp in the world. Complete treatment for every hu mour, consisting of Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the skin, Cuticura Ointment, to heal the skin, and Cuticura Tills, to cool the blood, may now be had for one dollar. A single set la often suffi cient to cure the most torturing, disfig uring, itching, burning and scaly hu mour', eczemas, rashes and Irritations, from infancy to age, when all eiso fails. aW. a adMlilliillt Ik iB VI iVat WL i rJ Specialist! in all UlSfcASEB nd DISORDER of MEN. 12 years of sua cessful practise) la Omaha. CHARGES LOW. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE snd nil aVal a . - ... without auttlliat BaVlM att aTlLataS Inam al 1 1 mat Lull aiUIUM t Nil you or tuontr rviuoaea. CVnUII IC "n tor lit an tb ptitm wlrniLId tboroushly ilui4 from tks SraUitt. Bean Mrr li " STmptom lpprs Corrr.r. No -'BHBAKINO OUT" St tt Imu on tbo skis or tioo. Twinwil eseUlae ao usrou druss or Injur loin SMOlolBoa. ISjntf HCM tram Excomu or VICTIMS TO lltAR llltla KGRVOLS I-KBIUTT OR EX. ItjSriijhi wa"ino wbaknudb. wiu karlx Tlior ind stronfU. wlk or.os ia.plrrd one woa. Curoa (uorsnuod. STRICTURE zZLUzrkrZ Wok. Burning Urtso. Froouoaor ol Cmoau.s. Unn Coasaltatloa Kroe. Treatment by Mall. Call or sddren. lt BS. SEARUS & SEARLES. "512 Forty Sizes, luc to 60c Each. A. San i Att-LA & Cu., iyiaXERS RICHAhUrt'J I'KUU " . TAMl'A, FI.A. DR. McGREW SPECIALIST Treats all forms of USEASES AND disorulbs or MEN ONLY 27 Tear Experience, 17 Yaxs In Omaha. Ills remarkable sue ftM&o hao nover boon MiiAled ftDd every Uay brtn mny nittf In r)ona ui - rTif he hit given. Unt Snrir.n Treatment for Svohilis And all filoort Poisons NO BREAKINq OUT" on the akin or face and all external slgna of the dlneaae Olsappear at once. - AAOa, mMp r D.rmtn.iKlr eurod r DLuUU UiatftOC u-i 34. liar.. VARICOCELE J : U r V eaaa aw LKU THAI t UAH. OVtR 3U.U)t) coses cured of nary, ous doouuy, Iom ol .iui. uiiuiJ4 aiacurs. B .1..-. Oioot. itluuey ana Biauu.i imm, j- "uUlCK CURKo-WW CHAKQS3. Txiauuoiit by uuUL V. O. lio lot Offlea mmmr Hi A MIO Hiwia tweu amain mum 1 . uoi. UMAiiA. , .ACV FCBDRUNICARDS sytfiTg DOVF. CUng never .'.ti. lu diror vrsr Ins fr .irons drink. llo appetite for whlrU einnut nlrt oflrr u.i -if llil. rrmrdr i.lrea In onr llqull1 ua or without kauwiotis of puionii uouieasi SI $ Cbermao McConoelJ Drug Co., Omaha. i