T7IE OMAHA DAILY DEE. TI1UnSDAY, FEimUADY 12, 1003. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL BuiIdiu it lftinl' Doll on Board of Trade All Dj. MAY DROPS ONE CENT ON BEARISH NEWS Oats Bad Previsions Show Ka rh(, kil fern Fall Off Three-Light hs at Oaa Oat aa Heavy Llaaldatloae. : CHICAQO. Feb. 11 The news In general ires decidedly besiish In the wheat pit to day and heavy liquidation ctuxd weakness in that market. May closing lc lower. May corn wis olt He while oata were un changed. Provisions ruled ateady and the May product closed unchanged. Wheat waa active early In the day, but later became dull, and the volume ot trade was light during the last halt of the ses lon. The principal bear factor waa the report from Liverpool stating the conti nental demand appeared to be lessening and that the supply had overtaken the demand. As a result of this Influence a large amount of long wheat waa thrown on tne market and a break of lc followed, considerable ahort selling adding to the depression. May old down to 7B1e, after opening a shade higher to a shade lower at 7944 7!'c, and the close was near the bottom at 78V9?&,c, 'a loas of lc from yesterday's close. Clear ances of wheat and flour amounted to 427, "10 u. Primary receipts were 63,000 bu. Min neapolis and Duluth reported receipts of IA cars, which, with local receipts of I cars, none of contract grade made total .receipts for the three points ot 7 cars, against 2M last week. , Corn was Influenced to some eittent by the weakness In wheat, the market becom ing sasy after a alight upturn early In the day. There was a lair advance early on cables and unfavorable weather, but the mail export demand and the decline In -wheat caused considerable liquidation and the close was eaay. Commission houses ware the best buyers snd bought triy on the fereak. May closed Sc lower at 46-c, after sailing' between 4Mc and 48c. Local re celpta were 268 cara, with none ot contract grade. . Trading In oata was light and the weak ness In other grains Influenced prices, the close being about steady, after a firm open ing. The unfavorable weather was an early bull factor. May closed unchanged after ranging between J7Hc and 37tjii 5c Local receipts were 112 cars. Trading In provislona was dull and tl.e sentiment In the pit about evenly divided and little change In prices was manl.ested. The closing was easier on lower price of hogs and shorts took advsntage of the decline to cover, which kept prices steady, final figures on the May products were un changed. May pork closing at $14.90, lard at $9. 45 and rlba at $9.20. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, ,80 cars; corn, 290 cars; oats. 176 cars; hogs, ,000 head. Tha leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.1 Open. High. I Low. Clcse.l Yes'y. Wheat Feb May 74iHtl 70 . July lia7 74' Lorn I Feb. . May 4B'4 46 July 430 'si 43 Oats I Feb I Msy 37SV37K'Ti : July 33 Pork May 16 85 IS 0 July IS 25 IS SO. Lard Feb ... May . (45 t 46 ' July 22 Rlb- May I 30 9 20 July 106 07Vfc Bept. 00 1 02Vt 75 75 787S1'B79ViW- 74 711 '4Vs 43 4H 43 45, 43 46 43i 35 74i7V4.i37ii 83HI IS 86 IS 2ft IS 90 IS 90 IS 30 IS 27U 9 62 5a 45 47 20 9 25 20 9 20 9 06 9 07 9 02 9 Ob 42'.. I 20 174 03 9 00 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents. $3.40 1.75; straights. bakers, 2.4oi2.3u; 2.75; straights. I3.3u4l3.50; spring patents. 3.6i&3.M; straights. 3.100j3.4u; bakers, $2.4a tuz.so. WHEAT No. 2 spring, TOT90c; spring, 70fr72c; No. 2 red, 75j75ic. COHN-No. 2, 434C OATS-No. 2, 35Vc. RYK-No. 24&49c. BARLEY Good teedlng. 42Q46c: No. fair to choice malting, 4K064c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 1.16; No. 1 northwest arn, $1.20; prime timothy, 13.60; clover, con tract grade. S11.70. ' PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $16.90 517.0. Lard per 100 lbs.. $9.50B9.52. Short ribs sides (loose), $9.0&9.2O. Lry salted shou'ders (boxed). 8 12(Jc8.2J. Short clear aides (boxed), $9 S79.M. Following were the receipts snd ship ments of flour and grain. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls e. 22.4(0 22.700 Wheat, bu 49.O0O 7.500 Corn bu 4:t.$0) lSl.SeO Oata' bu 406.i0A 129.100 Rye'bu.. 5,700 Barley, bu 121.000 11,500 On tha Produce exchange tonay me but ter market ii quiet ana ateady, cream arles, 16ti25c; dairies, ir823c. Eggs, weak, firsts, 16c. Cheese, easy, 12H0134.C NEW YORK GUXERAL MARKET, daotatloas of tha Day an Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK, Feb. 11. FLOUR Receipts 19,480 bbls.; exports, 30,204 bbls.; quiet and a shade lower o sell; Minnesota pat ents. $410430; Minnesota bakers, 13.25-3 9.46: wlntc-r patents, $l.S5i&4.00; winter straights, $3.60feS.66; winter extras, $2.80(9 . 10; winter low grades, $2 S0iQ3.20. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, $3,004)3.35; choice to fancy, t3.40dja.55. iiuckwheat flour, quiet, $2.202.30, spot and to arrive. CORNMEAI Eaiy: yellow w.estern, 11.90; city. $1.17; Rrandywlne, $3.403.55. RYE Steady; No. $ western 6oc, t. o. b. ailoat; state, t6i4j67c, c. I. f., New York. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 47c, c. I. ft. New York; malting, 61tJ0c. c. t. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 52,250; exports, 10. S7t. Spot weak; No. t red, Hc elevator; No. t red, 82o f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 north am Duluth, ts9c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. 90c f. o. b. afloat. Op tions were weak and heavy all day. Liq uidation Induced by bearish European news, small rash demand, liberal weatern re ceipts and light clearances broke the mar ket oft about a cent a bushel, and the close waa weak at StfVc net decline. March cloaed 5c: Mny. 81 9-16tt!U 3-16o, closed 81c; July, 78nic, closed 7S-c; September, 17(q"c, closed 77c. CORN Receipts, 154.000; exports, 21.049. Spot easier; No. t, &!c elevstor and 67c 1. o. b. afloat: No. 2 yellow. 58c; No. 2 white, 5Sc. Option market opened ateady, out was quickly weakened by the break in wheat ami larger receipts and ruled easy all day, being affected late by a small ex port demand. The close was Mlo net lower. March, 67Vg67e. closed 57c; May, Klfr62 l-16c, closed 61 He; July, 49Ailvuc, closed 49c. OATS Itecelpta. K4.500; exports. 21.916. Spot steady; No. 2, 43c; No. 3, 42c; No. white. 44c. Standard white. 44Vc; No. 2 white, 44c; track mixed western nominal; track white, 43t?47c. Optlona quiet and eas ier. HAY Quiet; shipping. 55 70c; good to Choice, !i5c0Il.Uf. HOPS V Irm; state, common to choice, 10 crop, 3"a3,c: 1U01 crop. 2427c; olds, IKi 12c: Pscino coaat, 1901 crop, 21Q22c; 1301 crop. Kt27c: olds. K012c. HIDES Firm: Galveston, 20 to ti lbs., ISc; California. 21 to 25 lbs.. 29c; Texas dry, 2 to 30 lbs., 24 LEATHKR-KIrm: acids. 244(26c. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet- family, $15.00 jtlt-UO; mess, $10 00i 10.50; beef hams. $20,600 21.50; packing. $12. out 13.00; clt' Ind'a mes, i.0utiV6.0'. Cut meats Irregular; pickled bel lies. .oilo.U; pickled shoulders. l.0uid&.tt; pickled hams $10 OOjj n.w. Iird. steady western Bteamed. $"6; February cloaed $10 nominal; retlned, steady; continent 110 JO South America, $10.75; compound. $7 5oij7 7S Pork, dull; family, $18 5ojl 00; short clear' $18 2ife20.tX; mess, $17.ilS.lo. TALLOW Quiet; country, Sc asked city, S,c. BUTTER Receipts. 4 939 pkgs ; Irregular State dairy, Zlin'Joc; state creimery. 26c; common to ch-ilce creamery, 19iH25c. .uu Kecelpts, 7.63S pkgs.; steady; state ana rennayivar's, average best, 21c; west ern. fancy, 19c. CHEESE Receipts. 2.(95 likga.; firm; ataie, run cream, smnu. caioreu. rail made, , 14c; lute made, 13i,'al4c; email, white. 4c; late made, 13c, large, colored, fall maue, n',c: late maae, ue: large, white. iai msup, ic; late mane, jjc. POULTRY Alive, Irregular; turkeys, 13914c: fouls. 16c; dressed, western tur keys, quiet, unchanged. METALS Tin waa 5s lower In Tendon today at 1W 7s 41 for spot and 132 17i fa r r ruturra. tocaity tne marks! was steady, and some business was rrixirted. Including 15 tons for February delivery at $29 0 and 10 tons for March at I.Sa Spot clorsd at $29o29.30. ('oirer waa 7s Sd hlghr In London at 67 6s (or spot and at 17s td for futures. The local market was steady and comparatively active. Salea were reported of '.'iO pounds electrolytic for February st $11 80 and Sn.OuO pounds tame at HtsS. Standard closed at 112.12V. nominal : l ake at $13 titf 12.06- electroU tl,; it lll7t.Cri: 86, snd casting at $1 2 37Va I2.To. Ltad waa unchanged ai.d quiet here at 14.25, and In l.ondnn It waa atari unchanged at in a d. Spelter was steady but quiet here at $5 .(fra.fj. The 1-ondon prices re malnded at 2o 7s d Iron In Glasgow cloned at Vie. and jVilddleboro at 47a 6d. The local mmket was unchanged; No.. 1 foundry nortlern Is quoted at (W4 nOdl J4 o0; Nj. 2 ioitn!i y northern at $2.,.OtV(H2 fcu; No. 1 foundry luiu.'i'-rn and No. i loundry southern soft at $J.5t"ut;M.S0; warrant con tinued nominal. OMAHA 4VIIOI.t:ALH UARKfclT, tendltlon of Trad aa4 Quotations oa Staple aad Funey Prod ace. fXIHM- Market weak; fresh stock. 15c. LIVE POULTRY Hent. SS4j1j10c; old roosters. 4&6c; turkeys. MialSc; uucks. M He; geese, i'tfec; spring chickens, per lb.. 3 ioc. LKESSiiL) POULTRY- Young chickens, 11'JiUc; hens, Jl'.yQUc; turkeys, 16tfic; am e, ll(fi3c; gee, lo(tjUc. BUTTER PacKtng sio.k, i3'gl3c; cholcs dairy. In tubs, llVgiic; separator, ielnVZSc. OibTERS ritandarda. per can, 2c; extra selects, per ran uc; New York counts, per can, 4i.c; l.ufk, t-ktra selects, per gal., 11.75; bulK, s'.andard, per gal., $1.$5. FRESH FISH Trout, wl"c; herring, 5c; pickerel, 8c; pike, fc; perch. c; buffalo, drersed, 7c; sunnsn, lc; bluenns, $e; whlte tlah, c; salmon, lSc; haddock, 11c; codllsh, 12c; redsnapper, luc; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per lb., ioc; bull heads, 10c; cattish, 14c; black bass, 20c; ballrut. 11c. BRAN Per ton, $14.60. U AY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land, g; No. 1 medium, 17; No. 1 coarse, i.bQ. Rye straw, 16. Tnesa prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair; receipts light. CORN Stic. OAT8-34C RYE No. 2. 46c. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY Kalamasoo, per doi., 25c; California, per aos., 464 76c. POTATOES Per bu., 40tii46c. SWEET POTATOEB Iowa and Kansas, S2.26. NEW PARSLEY Per dosen bunches. 40e. NEW CARROTS Per dosen bunches, 40c. LETTUCE Per dosen bunches, 46c. TURNIPS Per bu., 40c; Canada rutaba gas, per lb., lc. BEETS New southern, per dosen bunch es, bite; old, per bu., 40c. - CUCUMBERS Hothouse, par dos., 12. PARSNIPS Per bu., 4jc. CARROTS Per bu.. 40c. OREEN ONIONS Southern, per dosen bunches, 45c. RAul&HES Southern, per dosen bunches. 46c. ' ' TURNIPS New southern, pe' dosen bunches. 5uc SPINACH Southern, per dcten bunches, 60c. . WAX BEANS Per bu. box, 3; string beans, per bu. box, 51.50. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., 1C. OMON8 Red Wisconsin, per lb., lc; white, per lb., ic; Spanish, per crate, 1.7i. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 2.i0. TOMATOES New Florida, per S-basket crate, st.btn&a.uo CAULIFLOWER California, per crate, $2.60. FRUITS. PEARS Fall varieties, per box, $2.60. APPLES Weatern. per bbl., $2.75; Jora thana. $4.o0; New York stock. $3.25; Cali fornia Bellflowers, per bu. box, $1.50. GRAPES Malagas, per keg, $tJ.007.CS. t'KANBERHIES Wuiconsln. per bbl.. $10.50; Bell and Bugles, $11; per box, $3.50. STRAWBERRIES Florida, per quart, TROPICAL FRUITS. , LEMONS California fancy, $3.60; choice, n if. ORANGES California navels, fancy, $3.00 3.15; choice, $2.75; Mediterranean sweets, 12 26-.swet Jaffa. S2.b0. OAT Ed Persian, in iw-id. doxbb, per io., 6c; per case of 30-lb. pkgs., $2.2o. Fias California, per 10-lb., cartons, $1; Turkish, per 36-lb. box, UlSc. MISCELLANEOUS. , HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case. $.1.25. CIDER New York, $4.50; per -bbl.. $1.75. SAUERKRAUT-Wlsconstn. per -bbL, 12; per bbl., 13.75. MAPLE BUG A R Ohio, per lb.. 10c. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green. 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, Sc; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No, 2 veal calf. 12 to 16 lbs., 6c I dry hides, 84j!12c; sheep pelts, 2676c; horse hides, $1.60i .50. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, par lb.. 16c; hard shell, per lb.. 14c; No. 3 soft shell. Ler lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., loc; pt-cans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts. per dos., ouc; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50; cocoa nute, per 100, $4. OLD METALS, ETC. A. B. Alplrn quotes the following prices: Iron, country, mixed, per ton. $11; iron, stove plate, per ton, $8; copper, pir lb., sc; brass, heavy, per lb., 8c; brass, light, p:r lb.. 6c; lead, per lb., Sc; sine, per lb.. 2c. WEARS COMMtSSIO.I COMPANY. 110-111 Board of Trace, Omaha, Neb Telephone JSIO. CHICAGO, Feb. 11. WHEAT-Market has declined a little over a cent. Influenced oy considerable liquidation of long wheat. Indifferent cables and reports of improved weather and better crop news from France. The principal bearish factor was a Broom hall cable reporting the continental de mand seemed to have been overtaken by supply, and that a revision of require ments seemed necessary. The Import sell ing started on this report, and kept up to the close. Exporters were quite generally disappointed at the lnqulr. It Is estimated Argentine shipments r'rlday will be about 1.800,000, com pa rea with 476.000 seme week last year. Northwest receipts, 388 cars. At primary pointa. 639,000; primary ship ments. 190.000. Local receipts, 19 cara, with none contract: estimates for tomorrow, 39 cars. Reports as to export business are conflicting, one rcDort saying no wheat, an other 20 loads. There waa a little Improve ment In the relative bids for No. 1 northern and No. 2 red. CORN The May corn advanced to 46c but again thero baa been more for sale at thai i, rice .ban the market would stand. and prices have kept barely ateady, within a range of half a cent. Cash market la steady to a shade lower. Shipping salea are reported at laO.000. Some of the re cent cash buyers have been offering to resell, but at the same time there haa been some direct export business at top prices. Local receipts, zwi cara, wnn none con tract: estimates for tomorrow. 290 cars. Clearancea, 259,000. New York reports 34 loada taken tor export. Primary receipts, ;ife.(i(: Drlmary shipments, div.oou. OATS Market has been fractionally lower, with uulte general commission house selling ot May. Cash demand Is unchanged. and oata are possible to market wnenever cars can be had for loaning, t tearancea. 27.0O0. Local receipts, 112 cars, with 13 cars atandard. There were 11 cars standard out of private houses. Estimated for to morrow, 1"5 cars. New York reports 200, ouO bushels sold for export. PROVISIONS Market opened steady. Swift waa credited buying July lard; com mission houses were general buyers early. Harris Gates sold July ribs snd lard. Market has been rather dull, snd not much inclination to sell on light stocks In store. Would rather purchase on breaks. There were 43.0(0 lings, with prices at tho yards cents lower. Estimates for morrow, 39. 000. Hogs In the west todsy, 88.000, against 69,300 last week, and 112.298 last year. W LAnE. COMMISSION COMPAMX. St. Loaia Urala nnrf Preivlaloas. ST. IOriS, Feb. II. WHEAT Ixiwer; No. 1 red cash, elevator, 71Tc: track, 74 77We; No. S hard. T3b74c; May, 73c; July, 7-c. Ct)RN-Iwer: No. cash. 4H4c: track. 42ij44l:c; May. 42c; July, -Uc. OATS Lower; L'o. 1 cash, 56c; track. 7c; No. i white, 38Hc: May, 37c. KK weaker at 4vtMc. FLOCR I'nchanged; red winter patents. $3.46jj3 b&; extra fancy and straight, $3.16j $40; clear. ja.(S.l&. SEED Timothy steady. 3.0081BO. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.30. BRAN Firm; Sacked east track. egc. HAY Steady; timothy, $10.00ili.u0; prairie, $ bun 11.50. IRON COTTON TIES $1.074). BAGGING 6-ltier7 1-18C. HEMP TWINE so, PROVISIONS Pork: Weak; jobbing, atandard. mess. 117. lii. Lard: Weak at P) S7. Dry salt meats t'jlet; boxed extra shorts, Jii34; clear rlba, $.12Vi; short clear. $ S7H Bacon oulst; .Mixed extra ahorts, (10.00; clear rlba, $10.12',; short clear. $10..t;u. METALS l.rad: Flrn. at $37. Spelter: Quiet at $4 14. POCLTRY-Qulct; chickens. i0c; tur- keys, 14c; uucks, lac; geese, sc. BCTTER Steady ; creamery, lMific; dairy. 17tj20c. EGGS Luwer; fresh, Flour, bis Wheat, bu Corn, bu 11V. Recelnta. ShlDments. ... 4.0ti6 13,000 ...?10l " S4.0O) ...1.1M J14.0U0 ...77.000 ' 72.000 Oats, bu Dalath Uinta Market. Dt'LVTH. Feb. 11. WHEAT Cash. No. 1 hard. 77Vs No. $ northern, 74V,c; No. t northern, i,c; May, 77Hc; July, 77c. OATS May, 36'tc. , Mlaaaaaolls Wheat, Floar sad ra MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. ll.-WHEAT-Msy. "u'.c; July, 7Vi en track. No. 1 bard, 71 e; No. 1 northern, 7S4i7Sc; No. 2 northtrn, 7vfrsc. FlXUH Firm: first patents, $3 ST.f?4 05; second patents. l3.td4j.rKi; first clears, 3.(" 1.20; second clenrs. II 1. BRAN In bulk, $14.il4.7i. Liverpool Grain .-nr. f-rotis.ora. l.lVEP.moi Feb. 11 -WIIEAT-8r". No. 1 northern, spring, quiet st OsS'd; No. t red western, winter, steady nt 6 ld; No. 1 Cailfornla, quiet at 6a Ho. Future, quiet; March, 6s; Msy, 6P2'jd; July, nominal. CORN Spot, American mixed, new at s Sd; old. no stock.-. Futures, quit t; March, 4so'dc; May, 4s 3Hd. PKAB Canadian, quiet, 6s 4d. FIOUR St. Louis fancy winter, quiet, Ss Jd. HOPf At London. Pacific coast, firm, 6 U!--5f7 Ss PROVISIONS Beff. eaey: extra India mem. 101s 3d. Pork, eusy; prime mess wetern, 76s. Hs'ns. shcrt cut. 14 to lt lbs., dull, 60s; Bacon, cumoerland cut, its to 30 lbs., quiet, 66s Gd; short ribs. It to 24 lbs., firm, 49s; long clear middles, light. 28 to 34 lbs., steady, 47s 6d; long clear mid dles, heavy. 35 to 40 lbs., du'.l. 46s 6d; short clear backs. IS to 2 lbs., steady, 47n 6d; clear bellies, 14 to IS lbs., quiet. 49s. Should ers, square, 11 to 13 lbs., quiet, 3H. Lard, prime western. In tierces, iulet, IKs 6d; American refined. In palls, qjltt, 48a Sd. BUTTER Nominal. CHE BSE Strong; American fl.iest white and colored, 62s 6d. TALLOW Firm; prime city. 27s 6d; Aus tralian. In London, dull. 32s 9d. Koaaaa City Grain anal ProTlalona. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 11. WHEAT May, MVc; July, 66f6c; cash. No. 2 hard. fi7ffSc; No. 3, 6j(fi;c-. No. 4. 0Sf(i3c; re jected, 64 58c; No. 2 red, 69370c; No. 3, 6"i7c. CORN April. 38ffi8c; Mny. 38c; July, 38c; cush. No. 3 mixed. S39c; No. 2 whit. 4ci&41c: No. 3. 40c. OATS No. 2 white, 35!&36c; No. 2 mixed, 34t'35c. ' RYE No. 2, 45c. HAY-Cholce timothy, $12.60(813.60; choice prairie. $9.00. BU TTER Creamery, ISfiCCc; dairy, fancy, 1?. EGGS Fresh, 13c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat na.fioo 64,O"0 Corn 64.800 118.400 Oats 17,000 24,000 Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. II. BUTTER Bteady, fair demand; extra western cream ery, 27c; extra nearby prints, 28c. EGGS D"ll and 2c lower: fresh nearby and western, 17c at the marx; fresh south western, I6'17c at the mark; fresh south ern, 16c at the mark. CHEESE Steady; New York full creams, prime small, 14(314c; New York full creams, fair to good small, W83c; New York full creams, prime large. 14c: New York full creams, fair to good large, 13 Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. Feb. 11. WHEAT Fairly ac tive, lower; cash, 77c; May. M'ic, bid; July, 76c. CORN Dull, weak; February, 46c; May, 45c. OATS Dull, ateady; February, 38c; May, 87c. RYE No. 2. 63c. SEEDS Clover, dull, weak; February, $7.02; March. $7.07. bid; prime timothy. $1.85; prime alslke, $8. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Feb. 11. WHEAT Mar ket lower: No. 1 northern, 8ui0c; No. 2 northern. 78fr79c; May, 78ijc, sellers. RYE Steady; No. 1 61(&52c. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 64c; sample, 43r56c. CORN May, 45c, bid. Peoria Market, PEORIA. Feb. 11. CORN-Flrm; No. 41 c. OATS Firm; No. t white, 35c. SEW YORK STOCKS AND BOXD9. Market Grows Apathetic, Narrows Flnetaatlons Marking Day. NEW YORK. Feb 11. The stock trfnrket relapsed Into a condition of apathy today and dragged out a course of narrow nuc tuatlons without any show of Interest. Even the speculative combinations, which made the activity of Monday and took the opportunity today to realise, suspended their operations. This obvious fact was accepted as an acknowledgment mat me efforts to attract outside interest in tne market were again a failure. Wall street continues to puxsle Itself with efforts to explain this determined Indifference from tne outside public, one reason evidently Is the fear that large holdings overhang the market which came through the money stringency of laat fall with difficulty and distress, leaving a desire on the part of holders to lighten their load before the au tumn constriction or tne market snail nave again set In. There was no urgent pres sure to sell today In spite or the recent considerable advance. But this eerveU to confirm. If anything, the distrust that the ppearance of activity and strength re cently has been due largely to manipulation and the passing tnrougn tne open marxei rrom one nana to me oiner 01 a large volume of stock on the mark of powerful speculators for the purposes of artificially affecting prices. As a result of today's re newed lethargy there were very few stocks which covered a range equal to a full poi.it and tha general level of the market was alternately above and below that of last night. The sharp upward movement In General Electric seemed to confirm the va rious reports of the absorption of the Stanley Electric company. The rise In Hocking Valley was apprrently due to the fact that tne same interests are concerned In a settlement of the disposition of that property as were In conference over the electrlcsl deal. There was an unexplained rise of seven points In New York Dock, snd substantial gains were made by the Minneapolis, St Paul snd Sault Ste Ma rie stocks. The general market ahowed it self quite Indifferent to these movements. The late advance In the Erie stocks might be supposed to have a more substantial In fluence on the general sentiment. But this also was quite Ignored. There were au thoritative Intimations that an Important announcement waa forthcoming regarding the Erie finances, but no details were learned before the close. This very lack of specific Information would have Incited to activity In the market at a time when any spark otm speculative enthuaiasm ex ists. There was nothing in the news of the day to account for the dullness. Ster ling exchange continued to advance, but thla was neutralised by a further rise In Paris. Discounts hardened In London, but the reduction In the official discount rate by the Imperial bank of Germany was re- frarded as evidence of a source ot relief or foreign money needs. There - waa no change in the local monev situation. Call loans advanced to 3 per cent late In the dav. Thla waa attributed 10 the demand .to carry over the holiday. The- market closed moderately active ana rather easy. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales par value, $3,395,000. United States bonds were unchanged on the last call. Tho following are The closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atrhlaos do pfd Baltimore A Ohio do pfd Canadian Paelflc . 1 Southern Railway ... 1.'. .1('V do pfd to1 .1024 Teiaa A Pacific 42), .... ao'-a, 1.. si. u. at w ... .11741 tlo pfd .... 15 IVsloa Pacific .. .... 624' dq pfd .... UVWabaah ....72 I do pfd 4., Canada Southern Chea. A Ohio... 102 Chicago A A do pld Chicago. L A L. do pfd Chicago A E. 1 Chicago A Ot. W it US, 17 17 L, 644 230 ..47 ,U A L. E...,. . . 76 I do td pfd . . . . ,;i Wla. Cantral . .. T7'4 do pfd . . HSAdama Eapreea . . 4F('Amer. Kipraaa do lat pia do Id pfd Chicago A N. W ,.zi( v. a. Exp .14a .tlo , . 41 . HI 174 . 44 4 . 4; Chicago T. T iV Wella-Kargo Ex.. to (4 14 Amal. Copper C. C. Colo. c a st. l. ftouttiero ... lat pfd Id pfd A Hudaon.. . U W... . M'4 amer. c. a P . tot do pfd . 7H, Amer. Lin. Oil.... . 46 1 do pfd .lft4j Amer. 8. H .! do pfd . AV Ana. Min. Co . It Brk. Rap. Tr . 41 Colo. r. A 1 do do Mala. Dsla. Denver A B. O.... ..111 .. M4 .. 71 ..21T ..111 ..11 .. Ml .. II .. 71 .. 14 .. 11 .. 4t .. 2SS ..1144 .. 44 .. 40 ..107, .. 4U4 do -pfd . . . 1 Kris do lat pfd ' do td pfd nt Nor. pfd Hocking Vallay . do pfd Illinois Cantral . Iowa Cantral .... do pfd L E. W do pfd Louia. A Naab... Manhattan L .... Mat. St. Rr Vet. Cantral Mei. National ... Minn. at. L... Missouri Paelflo . at.. K. T da pfd N. i. Central N. Y. Central.... Nor. Weat do pfl Ontario A W Fewnarlvanla .... Reading do lat pfd do Id pfd st. Lag. r... do 1st pfd do Id pfd 84 U S W do pfd t Paul da pfd outhera Facile .... 11 Con. Gea 424k Con. Tob pfd too Oeneral Klectrlc . ....104 Hocking Coal .... MS Int'n'l Paper ... 1M do pfd .... 4oH4 Int'n'l Power .... TI Laclede Oaa 41 National Biscuit . 111 National Lead ... ....124 No. American .... ....144 Pacific Coast. in PacISc Mall ....17 People'a lias .... it 'Pressed Steal Car 107 I do pfd 1144 Pullman Pal. Car 111 Republic gtaal Zl-Vfe CIV do pfd 7i', ISO Sugar lil'., ....1MH Teun. C. A I S4 is1, i. n. a r. to. pra.. tn II ,U. 8. Leather. 14 . 14 14' do pfd .Uk f S. Rubber. 14 , . II . gal. . (lis so 4fl al V g. steal. 7 " I :4 do pfd v. Western lrnlos .. Am. Locomotive do pit K C. Soatkara.. 4 . 14 . IS do pfd ...17i Rock lalasd ...111 I do pfd ... ... Bank Clearlagts. OMAHA. Feb. 11 Hank clearings today. $1 055.400 84; corresponding day last year, KM 66: Increase. 894.5i 18 CHICAGO, Feb. U. Clearings, $2$,6M,3e3; balances. $1.340.flM: New York exchange at par; foreign exchange unchanged; sterling posted at 45 for sixty days and at l St tor demand. NEW YORK. Feb. tl.-Clearlngs. $J6S, 444. 5"8; balances 19. 562,91s. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 11 Clearings $l9pl.3Vii; balances. $2,491,495; money, 4'o per rent. BOSTON, Feb 11 Clearings. $24,450,244; tnlance l ftii) 613. BALTIMORE, Feb. 11 -Clearings. $4,1(58, 3J; balances, $i5n,XiJ; money, 6 per cent. ST. I-OUI9. Feb. 11. Clearing.!. $8 849.762; balances. 81 22S.068; money, stesdy, oUTS per cent; New York exchsnge, 10c premium. CINCINNATI, Feb. 11. Clearings. $4,063. 7M: money, Va9 per cent; New York ex change, 15'ulc discount. Keir York Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 11 MONEY On call steadv at 2V3 per cent, closing at 21i3 per cent: time money easy at 4 per cent for slxtv and ninety dnys and six months; prime mercantile paper, 4tift per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' Mils at J4 8740fji 4745 for demand and at $4 M10O4.8435 for sixty days; posted rates. $4.85 and $4-88; commercial hills, $43.S'54.S4. SILVER Bar, 47c; Mexican dollars, 37 c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Ir regular. The closing quotations cn bonds are at fellows: U. 8. ret. 2i. reg. do coupon do 1. res do coupon do new 4a, reg.. do coupon du old 4a, reg... do coupon ! Ik. rg o cojpon .. Atrh!fton gen. M.. do adj. 4 ..tosli L. A N. unl. 4a 101 KiK't Mei. Central 4a ... .lot , do tat Inc ,...107 M. A St. L 4a ...131', 14. , K. A T. 4a... ....ISjW do 2s ....Ill N. V. C. g. tv,a.. ....lis N. J. C. g. la ....tn: No. Pacific 4s 102V do . " .103 Vi .ion .los-., 114 iw 724. mi 7 6a.. lis a.... M 7VJ M I.... M . N. A W. c. 4a .... tlSi Reading gen. 4l . ..10L' 8. L. A I. M. ... MH 8. L. A 8. r. 101 I do la ... lci'l' do it 8. A. A A. P. B. St . 4a do ISa do conv. 4fl Canada So. ia C. ot a. bm... do 1st Inc.. C. A O. 4V.s. C. & A. Sa.. C. B. Q. n C. M. S. P. C. & N. W. c r... r. I. a p 7So. Fad lie 4a.. ... US ...117 ....Ui.VPo. Railway ta... Taa A P. la .117 4a. 4'T.. St. U A W. 4a.. 7 g. 4a. Ill1 7a.... lt m....m union racinc la 10114 do conv. Wahanh la do 2i do dab. B West Shore 4s... W AUG. 4a. ...lis ...107 ... si ...11114 ... lt ... t2 ... tl',4 ... M ccr. A st. l. 4a.. W4 Chicago Terminal 4a. 64 Colo. Bo. 4 i D. A R. O. 4a 9-(H do general 4a Wla. Central 4a. P. W. A I. C. ls....1tl4 Icon. Ton. 4a ... Hocking Val. 44a....lOS1Colo. Fual (a... Offered. Tloaton Stoi-ks naft Rnnds. BOSTON, Feb. 1l.-Call loat.s. 46 per cent; time loans, 4'i85 per cent. Official closing of stocaa and bonds: Atchlaon 4a Mci. ('antral ..101 .. 74 Weatlnghoua com. ..108 16 T 10 n tm 41. itavvniuro . Atchlaon , do prd Bnaton & Albany., Roatnn Me , Boston Elevated . . . . tu4 Allonrz ..10(1 1 Amaliamated ..Siiltj Bingham ..lirt'j Cal. A Heels. ..VM"t .Centennial . 104 . 71', . r . 74', . 13 .liS . J .1SS . H14 . . 4 H . Mi . II N. Y.. N. H. A H .1:0 Copper Rsngs ... Fianklln Mohawk Osceola Parrot Qutncy Santa Fe Copper.. Tr ma rack Trinity Utah Victoria Fltchburg pld 141 tlrlon Paelflc Max. Central .... Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T..., Dnm. I. A 8 General Electric Maaa. Blectrlc ... do prd Vnlted Fruit .... V. 8. Steel do pfd ... K ...HI" ...121S ...ies mm ...m .... 5i .... MS ...103'4 Winona 38a iWolverlns . iaVDaly West London Stock Market. LONDON, Feb. 11. Closing quotations: Conaola, money. .. II 1I.16.N. T. Central do account 12 Norfolk A Western Anaconda , . 644) do pfdj Atchlaon .' SI) v, Ontario A Weatern 7H s 16 77 1"4 32 Vfc 4614 IS MTi M 4744 do pfd 101 V Pennsylranla Baltimore A Ohio. ...ton Canadian Pacific HIS Cheaapeaks A Ohio.. 64 Kand Mlnas Reading do lat fd do 24 pfd Southern Kr Chicago O W 2 S4S C. M A St. P De Fleers Dcneer A R. O.. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do td pfd Illinois Central.. . si 1 ao pta . 43-H 'Southern Paelflo . 2Vlnlon Pacific.. . 41V do pfd . 744U. . Steel . 4 I do pfd , .14KV4.Wabaah ..106 .. 17 i. 40 .. t .. It .. 63 louHTllle A Nash... ISO do pfd M., K. A T 10 I RAR SILVER Quiet; 22 l-16d per ounce. MONEY 3(&4 per cent. The rate of dis count in the open market for short bills Is 3 7-16(H3 per cent and for three-months' bills Ta 3&3 7-16 per cent. Sew York Mlalagr Stocks. NEW YORKV Feb. H.-The following are v.woiiiif jiiivcv un mining siociu: Adams Coo Liu la Chief Alice 27 Ontario Ophlr 676 Brunswick Coa.jih, Comatock Tunneli.iv. 240 ..... 67 47 lis IS lot I Phoentg t PMoal Bavag Sierra Nerada Small Hopes .. Standard Con. Cal. A VS. .13 Horn Silver ... Iron 8llver .... Leadvllle Con.. .13 u ' Foreign. Financial. LONDON, Feb. H.-The demand' for money was keen today and there n Indi cations In the -market that security was Increasing. Discounts sympathised with the money conditions. Business on the Stock exenange was steady and the home denart ments were active, especially home rails. mum were uuoyani on strong outside sup. r-ort. Consols opened weak and hardened Americans at the opening were dull. Ir regular and mostly slightly under parity. They were practically neglected and cloaed quite steady. Grand Trunk was In active demand on the traffic Increase exceeding the most optimistic estimates. Kaffirs were iirm nun more sciive. PARI8. Feb, ll.-Prlces opened steady on the bourse today, but fresh offers depressed stocks and Turks and Kaffirs suffered neavny. iaier me reouctlon or the German bank rate from 4 to S'4 per cent Induced an improvement of the whole list. At the close prices were generally strong. Foreigners and Industrials advanced. Rio tlntos were firm, owing to the advance In the price of copper, and Kaffirs improved on numerous buying orders from London. The private rate of discount was 2 13-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, inof 2c for the account. Exchange on London. 23f 18c for checks. BERLIN. Feb. 11. Business on the bourse was quiet today, owing to the stimulus of foreign buying. Exchange on London, 20m 49pfgs for check?. Gas Stock Sola at Anctioa NEW YORK, Feb. 11. The capital stock of the Bay State Gas company of Massa chusetts was sold today at public auction and purchased for $11,000,000 by Kidder, Pea body & Co. of Boston. A protest against the sale made In the Interest of J. C. Hand and other stockholders was ignored. Wool Market. ST. 1yVlB. Feb. ll.-WOOISteady; me dium grades and combing, 17&21c; light fine, livgioc; heavy line. 13$ 16c; tub washed, 193 29c BOSTON, Feb. 11. WOOL Unchanged, with quotations aa follows: Territory, Idaho, fine. 14ial5c; One medium. 16fl6V,c; medium. 16Q.l7c: Wyoming, fine. 144flfc; fine medium, 1jj17c; Utah, fine, 1415c; fine medium, lc(il7c; medium, lJSIHc; Dakota, H'tiloc; fine medium, lb.!l7c; medium, 11 ftp 18c; Montana, Nne choice, 14ifr2oc; average, 17ilKc; Colorado, New Mexico, etc., fine, 11 til2c; fine medium, 13c14c; medium, 14 15c. There Is an active demand for fleece wools with a stronger .feeling on choice Iota. Ohio and Pennsylvania. XX and above. 22((T23c: Michigan. X and tthove. 27&2&c; Nos. 1 and 2. 2Mti29c; Kentucky and Indiana, three eighths blood, 2.'l(fi-4c; quarter blood, 2r)24c; orald. S0ii31c: California, northern choice. 21(i42ac; average, IT'alSc; middle counties, 15 Hi 16c; southern, i:nl3c; fall, lftftlsc. Aus tralian wool Is qui. t owing to the small off erings In' this market; prices urs steady; combing, scoured, basis, 7bXii17c; average. ibtn 7sc. NEW YORK, Feb. ll.-WOOL Firm. OH and Rosin. OIL CITY. Pa.. Feb. U.-OIL Credit bal nces, $1.50; certificates, no sales; ship ments. 7.6(6 bbls; average, 69.415 bbls.; runs, S3.5M bbls.; average, 68.391 bbls. u a ir a r4j sj s ss l an 1 f 1 -in sesuanr n ss firm at 6Sc. Rosin firm: A. B. C. V. E and F. $1.90; Q. $2: H, $2.35: I. $2 80: K, $3 20; M $3 40; N. $3.60; W. O.. $3 .65: W. W., $4 26. NEW YORK. Feb. 11 OIL Cottonseed. steady. Petroleum. Bteady. Turpentine, dull. Kosin. nrm. TOLK1M). .. Feb. 11 OIL Unchanged. LONDON, Feb. 11 Ol j Unseed. ' jUs od. Turpentine splrltn. 42s 6d. Coffee Mar&ct. NEW YORK. Feb. 11. COFFEE Spot Rio. Arm. Mild, quiet. Futures opened quiet at unchanged prlcea and while specu lation continued numeral, aeveioped ir regularities as the result of small crops receipts, higher primary markets, a final advance at Havre and a light demand here which was net by limited offerings. The close waa steady ut a partial advance of 10 points. Sales were 24.750 bags Including March at 4 Fj 4 ti: May. 4.7Um.7&; July. $4. 86; September, i40Uu6.06; October, $6.10; November, $5.15; December, (5 3046.35. . Ingar and Molnsaes, NEW ORIJSANS Feb. 11 SUOAR Mar ket ateady: open kettle. 2y3 3-ltc; open kettle centrifugal. onv'c; coniritui white. 3Ti4c; yellow, 333"ac; seconds, 7V4 iV3 6-16c. Molasses, quiet; open kettle, l.Kn 26c. nominal; centrifugal. 6CjlSc. Syrup, lu'a 24c nominal. NEW YORK. Feb. 11. SUGAR Raw firm; fair refining, 3 3-16c; centrifugal, quiet. 96 teat. J40S 1-lnc. Molasses sugar, s wioc Reflnied. firm. Molasses quiet. Li'NDON. Feb. IL HEET SCOAR-Fsb ruary, as. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET HeTTBecipU of Cattle, tut Frioci Did Not Go Much Lower. HOG MARKET EASED OFF A LITTLE Demanal for Fat Sheep ana Lambs Coatlnaea Brisk, 80 that Good, Steady Prices Were raid for Everything; that Arrived. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 11. Recelnta were: entile. it,i elheen. Official Monday 3 345 S.4H5 6.795 Official Tuesday 6.84J 10.1J1 4.6til Official Wednesday 4,u0 13,ouo 6,700 Three dayr this week..l3.9S7 30.08 1S.161 Same days last week.... 9.648 1S.7"6 Same week before 13.XS6 2ti.W.I la.waj Same three weeks ago.,.13.2ui Z4.itW 18.H40 same lour weeks ago.,..13.2ia ai.ni io.ihs Same days last year U.IKS 33,916 U.IU ttiCElPlS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table ahwws the receipts of cattle, hoga and sheep at South Omaha for t lie year 10 date and comparisons wnn last year. )$.. laox. Inc. Dec. Cattle 108,866 97,773 11,093 Hogs atu.Wo 324.411 6S.46J Sheep ....14J,8o so,os. Ki.iisi Averaae price nald for lines at South Omaha lor the last severui uays with com parisons; Date. I 1903. 190i.l01.19-J0.lt99.ilS3o.lli97. Jan. 16... Jan. 16... Jan. 17... Jan. Is... Jan. 19... a. V0...1 Jn. 21... Jan. 22... Jan. U... Jan. 24... Jan. Jan. 26... Jan. 27... Jan. it,... Jan. 29... Jan. 30... Jan. $1... Feb. l.. Feb. I.... Feb. 3.... Feb. 4.... Feb. Feb. 6.... Feb. 7.... Feb. $.... Feb. .... Feo. 10... Feb. 11... 6 41 I 221 6 251 4 581 I 1 47 3 it 4lH,i 15 $ 2 4 Hi $ 601 $ U t 41 6 17 6 4 4S, 3 49 $ 47 I LJj 4 il 4 oo I 61 I H $ t$ 3l J 4 64 $ 64 $ 64 $14 I I t'ni I 27 1 I I M I Ml I tO 9 It I 6sHI 1S 8 2 I 3 69 $ 4 $ 24 I 6 63 I 6 02i 6 131 4 63; I 2 61 1 2 24 I 4 i.94,1 03, li, 4 6 $ 66i I 1 lb S l T2 6 214 4 661 $ 611 $ 621 6 U, 4 40 $ 60 $ t! $ $3 6 U 4 66 $ 67 3 7iJ i li $ 65i, 12 4 621 3 63 3 67l S 30 641 6 6 K! I li I 64 3 27 1 2 29 S66 3 (M 3 V 64H 6 9 6 21 4 62 6 7S?r 6 25 6 1.7 J. 1 s 91 1 6 17 4 6 S 701 4 hot 3 t4 4 67 .1 64 4 (HI 3 64 li il 6 22 (68 I 6 25i 3 6.II 19 2 73 3 20 I 10 I 6 93; i 6 SO I 6 Bo I 6 31 4 S2! 3 69 I 3 69 3 71 3 25 4 66! 1 721 3 21 I t S2) 6 11) 23 I o ibV, 6 J6; 6 21 4 701 3 66 I 3 19 4 &il S 661 3 76 1 I 6 9i 6 291 4 76i 3 66 S 711 3 23 ( 71'4 16 261 4 641 2 701 $ 71 $ M I 70-tat 6 001 1 4 80 3 71 3 76 2 27 I 8 70, 8 0l 6 32 I 3 6o 3 77 3 Zo Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. . .. si. & tst. f Wabash Missouri Pacific Union Pacific c. &. N. W y.. K. A M. V C, St. P., M. AO... B. fe M C. a. 6t Q K. C. & St. J C, R. I. & P., east.. C. R. I. & P.. west.. Illinois Central Total receipts.... 24 18 1 2 3 1 61 23 13 4 24 37 .. 1 34 28 29 14 23 16 4 1 7 13 11 1 6 , 22 I 1 2 8 4 216 180 27 ( The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num. uer 01 neaa indicated Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. &CQ 1 71? Omaha Packing Co 658 Swift and Company 1,219 Armour &, Co 1.025 1,13 663 3.035 3,644 2,736 2.542 2.776 1.179 1,663 cudany Packing Co 1,131 Armour, from Sioux C... 216 Vansant A Co 16 Lobman A Co 42 VV. 1. Stephen 114 Vlill aV Huntzlnger 83 Huston & Co 90 jvlvlngstone & Shaller... 45 F. Hubs 77 Wolf & Muman 67 B. F. Hobblck 115 Dennis A Co 85 Iee Rothschild 67 Worthemler 72 Other buyers....,., 443 85 Totals .., 6 465 13.670 6316 CATTLE There was another heavy run of cattle here today, but still the market was not a great deal lower than yesterday. Trading aas very slow fsom start to finish, so that it was lats before the bulk waa disposed of. A good proportion of the receipts was again beef steers. The market. was un even and could be quoted all thevway from steady to 6c or 10c lower than yesterday. The more desirable bunches In most cases brought right around steady prices, but the common stuff was extremely hard to dis pose of at any price and as a rule had to sell a little lower. . Packers were very In different buyers, as they have all the dressed beef on hand that they need for present requirements, and as a result It was a hard matter for sellers to get the buyers to raise their bias. The cow market was not a great deal worse than yesterday. In fact, there waa a little more life to the trade, but the prices paid were so uneven that It Is diffi cult to quote the market. Some salesmen thought they got rs good prices as they did yesterday, while others said they had to sell lower. r . V""... bly best be described by calling the mar ket steady to we a a. Bulls, veal calves and stsgs all sold st not far from steady prlcea with yesterday. The stocker and feeder market was again slow, with the tendency of prices down ward. The big alump In the price of fat cattle teems to have cut down the demand for feeders from tne country, and as a result prices have suffered to quite an ex tent. The market todsy was steady to a shade lower. Representative sales: BEEF STEERB. No. At. Pr. No. II.... 11.... 10..., JO... II.... 14.... tt.... II.... tl... 19... I..., t4... 10.... 14.... At. Pr I IO0 181 I 75 1110 Ions t 10 I 06 I 85 II 161 I 40 1107 I 10 1 I 1 130 I 46 11M 1037 I SO M0 I 40 140 8 40" I A Ill I SO 1110 I 15 1000 1 41 M 141 1001 I II 1040 I 44 ......1000 I ti 1014 I 70 1010 I 76 1120 I M I 1101 I IS Ill 4 00 IK! 4 06 114 4 10 1087 4 10 ltKO 4 10 11S 4 IK I 11 1 ...... ..... 41 11 .)? I 10 If,.. ...111! 4 44 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ISO 1 so II. 1140 4 00 .... 14..... .. 170 III 14 COW 8. .1201 4 10 t... .. KMi I ..KM t IS .. 40 I to .. 171 I 10 .. .S0 I 40 ..11M I so .. on 1 is . . M l .. 60 t 70 .. 18 I 70 .. Ml I 75 ..1OJ0 t 76 ..IO14 t 75 . . K7 I IS ..13 I M ..1111 1 10 ..Ml I IS ..1111 I IS ..1015 3 as .. M4 t 0 ... I4S I SO ... 114 I 00 ... 117 I 00 ...lilt 100 ..12M I 00 COWS At 44 8 06 IT 141 I 05 - T 117 I OS 1 108 I 10 85 1121 I 10 1 1141 I 10 T 1037 I 10 1 1181 I IS II 1021 I 20 I 1125 I 20 44 W IX 4 , 1150 I 30 4 1041 I 15 1 1215 I 21 I Hi I 16 8 1154 I 25 I 11M I tt 4 1110 I 10 II tst I 10 4 1 1000 t 10 II lino I 10 1 1110 I IS II 1118 I 40 1140 I 40 1 '100 1 10 D HEIFERS. 4.... II.... I ... I.... t 10.... 14.... II.... 10... It... 1... 7... 8.... 11.... .. 171 t 71 . HEIFERS. .. 141 I 71 4 .. Ml 8 to IS CALVES. .. rri 4 as 1 .. m i 00 1 ..Ill is 1 ..Ill I 71 BULLS. ..1410 9 TO 1 ..1180 I 16 1 , ..1170 I 4 1 ..lltO I 00 1 1ST 18 . Ml I tt i0 I 71 . 1M I 71 140 I 24 ..1200 8 00 ..1510 I 00 ..1170 I 06 ..!') I 21 .154 I OA 1. 1.M1 I 75 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. T7 0 II 7l I 45 MO 8 IS 1 137 7 M I 11 II 4:i t 71 114 t It I tart I 10 STOCKEHB AND FEEDERS. li 171 I 40 4 170 I M 1 10 I 10 I (81 I IS 4 421 I 40 T 7S I St. II. 721 I 46 1 114 I M 1011 I 10 . tt 411 I M 1 18 I 10 II HI IK t 4 I 40 4. lilt t M T Ill I 40 1 I(M I SO t Ul IM It..... Ml 4 00 1 751 8 40 I HO 4 00 17 ISO 8 tt 4 80 4 00 I Mt ITU 14 72 4 00 II 47 17 1 4 60 It I 70 tl 721 t 4 1110 I Tt 7 4il 4 10 111 MS I 71 HOGS There wss another heavy run of nogs ners loaay. ana ine market opened about sc lower man yesterdays average Tha quality or the hoga today was tha beat that has been seen here l.i some time, so that tha market on paper does not show the full decline. Packers tried to buy their droves 6i0c lower, but In most cases tbey fulled to take off over a nickel. The bulk of the medium weight hogs sold from $6 70 to $6.76, wnn ins prime heavy weights going from $6 60 to $6.90. The light stuff sold from $6.70 down. The light hogs suf fered a little more then the heavv welshta snd could bs quoted 67 16c lower. They were of course, left until tha last, as pack ers ate more anxious for the heavy bogs first. Represents tlve No. 64... 69.. 71... CI... 69... Av. 8h. Pr. No. 88... 67... 79.... 63... 26... 157.. 40... 4... Av. ..240 ..274 .248 ..120 ..243 ..214 ..217 Sh. Ft. . . 70 200 70 ... 6 70 ... 6 70 ... 70 40 70 ... 70 ... 6 70 ... 6 70 ...-4 70 ... es'i 13 90 6 40 ..175 .179 .167 .196 10 6 40 40 ( ii ... 6 65 40 ( F.714 160 6 bi) ... 6 60 78.. .197 li 9 197 37 .2S 90 6 M) ' ....242 ....210 ....2J6 6.v. 69.. (.. 6.... 67.. Hi.. ..194 ..2(2 ..2&I ..!!'( ..214 ..2i4 6 SO 6 tkl 6 (V) 60. 67. 120 60... 79.... 67..., to... 64... 63... 70. . . . 70.... 60... 77. . 72... 67... 69... 7... 46... 63... 73... 61... D... 60... 66... ' 66... 64... 64... 70... 71... 69... 64... 6$... 67... ..272 ..216 ...-S4 ..254 ..248 ,..2.? ..247 ..2M ,..46 ...22 ...244 ..Hi ...2m ...220 ...i.-t ...tf.7 ,..240 ...2i2 ...:42 ...267 ...261 ...J66 ...2 ...Xa ...278 ...261 ...276 ...266 ...257 ...290 ...256 ...Ul ...271 ...21 6 O'l 6 i..", 6 tiji4 6 tC' 6 t:i 6 ti.', 6 5 6 fvi 6 A5 40 160 "0 44. 40 6 72S 6 7.i 6 72', 4 72W, 4 7?H 72H 4 72 4 72 4 72i 4 724 4 72i 4 72', 4 72 4 75 4 76 4 76 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 76 4 76 4 76 4 76 4 75 4 75 6 76 6 76 4 76 4 76 8.. .211 40 21 j 72 201 .Ill 9 19.. 66.. 79... 81.. ft... ...21S ...210 ...2J9 ...2J3 ...199 80 40 40 40 SO 'so 40 6 6i 6 6 6 tx 6 65 6 ft". 6 o 65 6 6 65 6 65 6 66 80 T4 16 20. ..210 47.. 76.. 60.. (U.. 71.. ..214 ..2i! ..227 .,2-a ..210 68.. .214 40 40 X2 2:!4 6 65 6 65 6 65 6 65 65 6 674j 6 67 67', 6 871, 6 671 6 70 70 6 70 $ 70 66 60 .2 . .220 ...210 ..192 ...198 ..216 ..275 ..223 ..223 ..232 21.. 91.. M.. 43.. 24.. 70.. 55... 120 40 80 80 80 80 120 79. 88 60.... 62.... 60.... 68.... 63.... 47.... 61.... 66.... 66.... 89.... 68 247 78:. -..236 t.9 281 69 233 66 244 66 262 76 T3 239 76.. ....255 80 80 . 4 75 6 774; 4)0 ...276 . '4 77-4 40 6 70 .810 240 8 7r& 77 6 77 , 77 6 77'n 4 V. , 6 77 -6 77'-. 4 t-'i 6 60 4 60 6 80 6 90 4 80 4 80 4 80 ... 6 70 40 6 70 40 6 70 40 70 241 ..2y8 ..297 ..296 ..30 80 'so 200 40 40 70 $2 800 120 70 ( 70 70 70 70 TO 70 70 70 70 ..223 69 262 63 214 b 233 46 22.8 23 271 60 268 77 266 il 214 48 $53 64 264 74 241 60 813 69 268 63 261 67 271 80 26S 110 72 208 80 64.. .242 ,.23 66... 71... 80... 66.. 73.. 63.. 17.. 83... ,..230 ,..220 ...213 ...29 ...243 ...207 ,..224 .. 70 .. 70 40 ( 70 60 6" 70 ... 6 70 .. 6 70 .. 70 (0 60. ..261 ..874 ..266 ..845 ..300 .. 4 82H 80 4 86 .. 4 8T. .. 4 86 .. 80 63. 67.. 63.. 47., SHEEP There was lust a fair run ot sheep here today, and as the demand con tinued brisk the market opened In good season with trndinar active at good, steady prices. The quality of the lambs on sale was not particularly good, so that the sales on paper do not look very high. Mexican 2-year-old wethers brought $5.45, and west ern veai lines brought 15.25. but they were only of fulr quality. Western ewes sold as hluli as f 4 STi. The offerings chanced hands about as fast as they were unloaded, so the market soon came to a close. There were not enouah feeders offered to test the market but as there are a good many orders In tne hands of commission men it Is safe to ssy that good stuff would command strong prices. Quotations: Choice western Iambs, $5,755) 6.00; fair to good lambs, $R.6(KS6.75j Choice native and Colorado lambs. $6 .OWStf.W; choice yearlings, $5.006.40; fair to good yearlings. $4.75(&6.00; choice wethers, $4-60(34.90; fair to good, $4.004.60; choice ewes. $4.0O4.40; fslr to good, $3 254.00: feeder lambs, $4,2514.76; feeder yearlings, $3.754.00; feeder wethers, $3.75400; feeder ewes, $2.6O8.00. Repre sentative sales: No. Av. Tr. 26.1 western ewes 86 3 6o 239 western ewes 85 3 65 230 western ewes 87 8 80 400 western ewes 95 2 90 356 western wes 108 4 36 125 western lambs 49 4 65 28 western lambs 79 6 10 343 western yearlings 95 6 10 604 Mexican sheep 86 6 35 a culls 89 1 60 218 weatern ewea 101 3 80 114 western ewes 95 8 26 443 western ewes 93 8 90 46 western ewes 104 4 10 t4 western ewes 144 4 60 6 western wethers 83 6 10 890 western yearlings 84 6 20 12 western lambs 64 I 60 9 native wethers 184 t 60 22 western lambs 86 6 76 69 western lambs 77 6 76 4 western ewes 90 4 15 196 western ewes 80 $ 26 65 cull ewes 88 1 60 615 western yearlings 86 t 40 89 western ewes 93 4 16 202 western ewes 108 - 4 25 885 western yearlings 84 4 00 99 weatern yearlings 92 (40 29 western lambs..... 63 6 36 43 native ewes 132 4 60 63 native lambs 70 (60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Are Lower, Hoars Close Strong? and Sheep Steady. CHICAGO, Feb. 11. CATTLE Receipts, 18.1KI0 head: dull and lower; good to prime steers, I4.40ft5.50; poor to medium, $3.tX4.25; Blockers and feeders, $2,264(4.60; cows. $1.40i 4.40; heifers, $2.00tC4.6O; canners, $1.40(j2.50; bulls, $2.0074.25: calves, $3.60(57.60; Texas fed Steers. $3.60ift4.25. HOGS Receipts, 40,000- head; estimated 4nmnnr l I..- 9fW. mo.b.( opened tWlOc lower, closed stronger; mixed and butchers. w.ts'Kirf.i"': good to cnoice heavy. $6.K5f77.10; rough heavy, $6.a86.P8 light. $6.30&6.6ft; bulk of sales, $8Wq.76. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 20,000 head; market ateady to strong; good to choice wethers, $4.75(g6.60; fair to choice mixed, $3.5o&4.76; western sheep, $4.76t-6-51; native lambs $4.50ri6.60; western lambs, $4.75 16.&O; rative lambs, $4.606.60; western lambs, $4.7566.40. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 4.953 . 3.915 Hogs 26.892 a 5.7S8 Sheep 11,926 J 821 Kansas City Llvettock Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. ll.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 7.300 natives, 700 Tezans and 200 na tive calves; corn fed cattle steady to weak; canners dull and lower: stockers snd feed ers 10&30C lower than Monday; choice ex port and dressed beef steers $4.&Oig6.25; fair to good. $3.75(94.56; stockers snd feed- era, $2.75tf4.2&; western fed steers, $2.75fi6.O0; Texas steers, $2.75474.10; Texas cows. $2.40n 290; native cows, $2.fl03.86; native heifers. $3. 006400: canners. 1.0lrij2.00; bulls, $2.4( 3.60; calves, $2.4(Xri6.00. HOGS Receipts, 10.000 head; market KtTlOe lower; pigs 202 25c lower; top, $6.96; bulk of sales. $6.i54t6H5; heavv $6.77M76.96: mixed packers. $6.664143.82: light, $6.5o(&6.75; york- era. $6 60(?i6.7O; pigs. $6.0oc.45. SHEEP AND lAMrlH KeceiptS, head: market steady to strong: native amba, 34.00ft.l&: western lamba, S3.8ajj ; fed ewes. $3.00fi5.10; native wethers, $3.5Ka 4.85; western wethers, $3.0O4.O; stockers and feeders, $2. 53. 60. New York Livestock Market. NEW YORK. Feb. H.-BEEVES Re ceipts. 2.916 head; steers slow to 10c lower; bulls steady; fat cows easier: others steady: steera. $4.&0!i5.35; oxen. K.io'ui.Oi: mills. 3 110 (&4.00; export bulls. J4.2&!U4bO; cows, ii.mkw 3 80. Cables quoted live cattle weak and sheep steady. Exports today were six cat tle and 4.MW quarters 01 peer. CALVES Receipts. 1,167 head; market Arm to 25c higher for veala, others steady; veals. $6.0f)(fi45.75; little calves, $4.Oma-4.50; bai nvard calves. $3.0tK&3.75. 6HEEP AND MMB- rteceipts, b.sm head; sheep steady; prime sheep nrm; choice lamba strong; others generally steady; sheep. $3.Vu6.00; culls, $2 75; lambs. $5 5ih7.flO; culls. C5.60. HOtlS Rrcelnts. 4.118 head: firm: stste and Pennsylvania hogs, $7.25. St. Louis Livestock Market. ST. IOUIS Feb. 11 CATTLE Receipts. 4.500 head, Including 8.000 Texans; market fairly active, steady; nstlve shipping and export steers, $4 0mfj5.60. with strictly fancy nimfH nn tn 86: dressed beef and butcher teera 83.764i6.0u: steera under 1.000 lbs.. $3 50 j4.6o; stockers and reeoera, iz.aoqja."; cows and heifer, mixed. $3.00(jj4.60; canners. $1.60 fa60; bulla, $2.6oi2.60; calvea. $4.ut8.00; Texas snd Indian steers, $3.10j?4.30; cows and heifers, $2.1o J.25. I IOOS Receipts. 7,000 neaa; marsei wens, and 6fil0c lower; pigs and lights. $6. 40(86.80; packer $6.704i6 90; butchers, $6.6066.96. SHEEP AND I.AMH8-Roelpts, .&a head; market stesdy: native muttons. $4 20 fj6.20; lambs. $5 00(&6.55: culls and bucks. $2 0ii4.60; stockers, $1.5O((j3.00; Texans. $3.50 64.00. St.. Joseph Livestock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 11. CATTLE-Re-celnts. 1.973 head; natives, S3. fbi6 25; Texas and westerns, $3 35fi4 50; cows and heifers, $2 (SK&4.15; veals. $2.6iKri6 60; bull and stag. $i 6"o4.25; yearlings and calves, 42.50(7 4.25; gtockers and feedera. $3 00474.80. HOOH Receipts. 7.076 head: light and light mixed, $6.6uoj H2't: medium and heavy. 75i 97; pigs, $6.r5tj4.45; bulk of sales, $6 7M6 90. SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts, 1854 head; Colorado lamba. $o.25; top native wethers, $5.26; top native swes, $4 60. Host City Live stock, Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Feb. 11 Special Tele srsm l CATTLE Receipts.. 7iO head; about steady; beeves. $3.54.u0; cows, bull yud mixed, $2.2'JQ3 tw; stockers ana issuers, and pick those out sales: U nrvf.4 40; calves and ysarllngs, $2 IW1N on. lit Uft Receipts, 4,u00 head; 6(jl(c lower, selling at !6.'j175: bulk of sales, $6.SOb6. Stock la Sight. The following were the receipts of live stock at the six princlpnl cities yesterday: Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 4 S"0 17 ) 6.7m Chicago 18UVI 4(M1) lO.OOO Kansas City 730 1 M 0 J11 St. Ixmis 4 6" i.t00 2.6 St. Ji.seph 1.973 7.0.1 l.e64 Sioux ( ity 700 4 600 .... Totals 37.273 82.074 34.064 t'ettton Market. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 11 COTTOST- Steady; aies, 3.0 hales: ordinary, 7c; good ordinary, Sc; low middling, 8 11-16C; middling, 9c; good middling, 9 ll-c; middling fair, 10,c. Receipts, l;i,iii8; stock, 369.1M. Futures steady; Februsry, $9 10 laid ; March. $9.1S,4.19; April. $920(6922: May. $9.2619.27; June, S9 294i9.31: July. $9 84 (J9 35; August, $9.0Ju904; September, $8.40 ((8.45. NEW YORK. Feb. 11 -COTTON-Opened easy at unchanged prices to s decline of 4 points In response to qnhles, which were 2 polrris below expec tations, hut Immediately following the call was rallied sharply by buy ing for the account of prominent bull Interests. These demanda carried May up to .4i, or tnree points over tne open ing figure and to within one point of yes terday s close. At thla level there were profit taking sales and sales for short ac count, baeed on the position of Liverpool In following advances In the face of the present comparatively heavy receipts, which were estimated for today at 2S.i.- bales and which actually reached 2S,7u bales, (is compared with 22,801 bales last year. There seemed to he a disposition also to regard the market as cntlth-u to a material reaction after Its advance ot about sixty points in the last few day. Then Liverpool showed continuous weak ness, closing two or three points lower, and the estimated receipts st Houston for tomorrow were 4.000 to 7,000 bsles, aa com pared w.:h 2.0OI last ysar. Toward mtdd.iv the selling sxhausted Itself, with .Mat around $9.29. there was a renewal of bull support, which carried prices back to practically the opening level. Exports for the day were seen to be light, amounting to only 7,991 bales, and, while the various spot cotton markets were firmly held, the continued heavy receipt proved the dom inating factor, and the market again worked downward being finally stesdy at a net decline of 8 to 11 points. Salea of futures estimated at SOO.nial hales. ST. LOL'18, Feb. 11. COTTON Steady ; middling, ts. Sales, 396 Hales; receipts, 4,870 bales; shipments, 4,911 bales; stock, 8,303 bales LIVERPOOL. Feb. ll.-COTTON Spot In fair demand: prices steady; American mid dling, 6d. The sales of the dsy were 12. 000 bales, of which 1,200 were for specula tion and export, and Included 11,000 Amer ican. Kecelnts. 8.000 bales. Including 7.6i American. Futures opened steady and closed Irregular. American middling, good ordinary clause, February, 4."9d; February and March, 4.89d; March and April. 4 n9d; April and May, 4.90(cj4.91d; May and June, 4.92iii4.93d; June and July. 4 92(W4.93d: July and August. (I'-hii.sm; August ana Hep tember, 4.82?H.83d; September snd Octo ber, 4.67(S4.68d; October and November, 4.47d. . Evaporated Apples aad Dried Frnlt. NEW YORK. Feb. IL EVAPORATED APPLES Market shows an Improved de mand and prices are firm, though without quotable change. Common are quoted at 46c; prime, bSVAc; choice, 6H6Hc; fancy, 77Hc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Spot prunes are without special feature, de mand remaining quiet and the smaller sizes showing some easiness, though the quoted range remains at from 3Wo to 4Vo for all grades. Apricots are in moderate demand and steady at 7H&10c In boxes and TH'li" In bags. Peaches continue quiet, with peeled at 12418c and unpeeled at 64$3c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Fob. ll.-DRY CJOOD9 The cotton goods market rules strong In all departments. There Is a good demand at first hands and the Jobbing trade Is ac tive. Print clothe are quiet but strong. Woolen goods for men's wear are In fair requeat and a good business Is doing In woolen and worsted dress fabrics. YVhlsky Market. CHICAGO, Feb. 11. WHISKY-Steady at $1.30. PEORIA. Feb. 11. WHI8KY-For finished goods, $1.30. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 11. WHISKY Steady at $1.30. Mortality statistics- .. ... . Tha following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health for the twenty-four hours ending at noon Wednes day: Births Alfred Richards. 1224 Hard, boy; Nels E. Pearson. 214 South Twenty-eighth avenue, girl; T. J. Studholme, 1712 Hickory, twins, boy and girl; Anton Forman. 1250 South Fourteenth, boy; August Anderaon, Fortieth and Arbor, boy; C. W. Ellis. 1808 North Nineteenth, girl; Alexander Bchata, 2H06 North Twenty-nrm, gin; in els nervier, 8043 California, girl. Deaths Emma Jones, 316 North Thir teenth, 18; Haverlns Wsnger, 2416 South Sixteenth, 68; Edward E. Olson, $310 Ohio, 1 year. .Torpedo Boat (Joes Ashore. NEW YORK, Feb. H.-The British tor pedo boat destroyer. Quail, went ashore a week ago near Point Barlna, says a Herald dispatch from Port of Spain, Trinidad. The boat's propellors were smashed and It nar rowly escaped being wrecked, owing to the heavy sea swells. It has been towed to this port. The court of inquiry has ex onerated the commander of the British sloop of wsr, Fantome, which went ashore recently. The chart was wrong. One More Victim of ICxploslon. PUEBTjO. Colo., Fiib. 11. Another death yh'Jt resulted from the scci(.'nt .t the steel I works here Monday last. Virgil Trine, who wss osKiKtant siipcri'-ienunni. 01 ins con verter, died at the Colorado Fuel A Iron company's hospital, a. coroner's 'tiry has been empaneled to Investigate the scolJent. Accepts Utter of Carnegie. COIX)RADO SPRINGS. Colo.. Feb. 11. Mayor J. R. Roblnaon haa written to An-' arew carnegie tnai ine cny win sccepi nis proposition to give IfiO.OOO for a library, pro vided the council would appropriate $5,000 annually. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Wednes day, February 11: Warranty Deeds. Boris Predmestky and wife to Moses Wright. s73 feet lot , McOandlieh Place $2,600 toft Claim Deeds. 3. P. Martin and wife to Ijiura E. McNlsh, sVi lot 5, block 358, South Omaha 1 Deeds. Sheriff to Rebecca W. Woodward, lot 4, block 10, Kountze's 3d add l.OO' Total amount of transfers. ..... .$3.&'l Specialists in ail iJiae.Au and DlSOstDE! of MEN. 12 years f suas atasful practl) la Oiiaaisn, CHARGES LOW. ICOCELE HYDROCELE snd Si una 1 1 ; an. vusmi aunt loss mt 1 to Least asastas WitSMl eutllug, IB of Is aajr res r meat raniaaso. SYPHILIS SV Mtasa. Seas arsrr alga aaat lies sag the 4sca tlasnasg trsai nuBloai 4laspeasr . ug larsrar. Ms "IKIAXISU 1WT' as sbTsiaaaa a tk akls ss lass. Trsatasas seatalaa kCAktMa ovr- 4 a 4swgrl SrugS m wansss s WEAK KEN SSvSra.7urpsvs aUagU. WHk sa .- (Vara gissnaUaaV STRICTURE UZ'TZZ SaTJF lIW WWW - Suk Cles4. as wtih mu asaiasasa ea " Call ar aaaress. s ... - Cli SEARLES & SEARLES t p. B. Wears. Pres. C. A. Wear. V-Prr. Established 1862. WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO Mstuuers ot lbs Principal LxcOMngss. private Wires to All Points. CHAIN, PHOVIglOSI, llOtkl, BOKOI Bought and sold for rasa er future delivery. OMAHA BRANCH, llu-111 Buard of Trade, lelepbone 1516 W. m. Ward. Umtti asfraagat.