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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY HETC: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1D03. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bnnineii ii .Quiet and Uneventful on Board of Trad MAY WHEAT CLOSES STEADY, UNCHANGED Com mm Omit O l Basalt Fraetlon, Wall ProTlslens Stay Maeh Before Tea "'I Cents Dw. CHICAOO. Feb. 10.-Tradlng on the Board of Trade today waa rather quiet, end wheat cloeed ateady, with May un changed. May corn waa a higher, and Mir oate were also up a fraction. jTovlslon rloaed ateady, with the May product unchanged to 2X4,0 lower. There were no algnlflrani features In the trade In wheat, but price wire nervous and fluctJated easily. Commission houses were good buyere throughout the day, and there waa some liquidation by local longs. The opening waa steady, with May un changed at 794H7 794e. and on bullish re ports, but the gain ws quickly loat, and on exiling led by the principal longs. Later local traders turned active buyers on the trong Ban FTanclsco market, and prices gain rallied, but late In tne day commis sion housee sold freely and the market eased off, the closing easy, with May un changed at iVa79-4c. Ther were liberal receipts It. the northwest, and primary te celpis were large, being i.J,tO buaheis, compared with 312.000 bushels a year ago. Outside markete were weak and contrib uted to th" depressing Influences, rirad treet's world's visible lor tha week showed an Increase of l.too.Uuo bjshe.s. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to it,,""". Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts of a4 cars, which, with local receipts of 23 cara no contract made totnl receipts for the three points 296 cars, against 315 last week and 240 a year Hfo. Corn waa the most active market on the floor, and the volume of business win large, while the sentiment was bullish. In fix need largely by the comparatively small receipts, and the poor grading. Shorts covered freely during the eany part of the session, which raueed a strong tone, but, realizing later In the day, resulted In a decline, but the close was firm, with May a shade higher at i-ic, a tier celling between 45c and 46c. Ixicni receipts wete '463 cara. Oats were lesa active than for several 'days past, but the market was firm, n aplte of the liberal commission house selling. The close was steady, with May a shade higher at 'SiM,c, afer ranging between 37c and Zic. Local receipt were 161 cars. Provisions were dull bjt firm, the hog situation tending to ateady the market, j j ne resiure in me pit wan some nuying of lard by caah people aga.nst foreign sales, and there was a:so sc:ne buying of park by local traders. The close waa steady, with May pork 24c lower at tl6.9'. May lard waa unchanged at 49.47". while rlba were a shade lower at J9.20. Estimated lecelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, 20 cars; corn, 240 cars; oats, loo cars; hogs, 8So,0 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.! Open. Hlgh. lxw. Clrse.l Yes'y. Wheat Feb. May July Corn May July Oath Feb. May July Pork May July Ls'u Feb. May July nttiH May July Sept. 75 74wv. l l 7 75il 73V 75i i9H 78J79Ui-,i9y.ti-s 7441 it's, 4 j 4374! 35 I 4BH 43'il 1 4S,'45fl- CM 43; 35 I 35 3R 854 37S, S3S a i 37V JTH!! 33 I ... . I its H i 16 924 16 2714! 16 374 9 55 9 474 9 274 9 55 u 2a 1 9 20 9 07'.4i 9 05 9 224 9 tn'4 9 C5 No. S. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady ; winter patents, I3.6X&V 2.75; straights, $3.1l(i3.4o; bakers, J2.451 '.; :t.76; straights. $3.JU(fr3.5o; spring patents, i-o4l4K straights. J.104j3.4o; bakers, 2.4o WIIKAT No. 2 spring, W(8!c; No. 3, 72) 79c; No. 2 red. 75j7fic. 4 OR N No. 2, 44c; No. 2 yellow. 44c. OATS No. 2, 35c; No. 3 white. 354(il'36ViC. RYE No. 2. tfle. UAMI.KY-tiood feeding, 42Q46c: fair to choice malting, 4KQ56c. SEKD-No. 1 flax. $1.16; No. 1 northwester-!. M.2I; prime timothy, $3.60; clover, con tract m ide. )11.70. ITOVISIONS Mesa pork per 1-hl.. $16.99 Iard per 100 lbs.. t9.u6g9.bJ. Short ribs sides (loose), t9.d0tfi9.2O. Dry salted Hhou'aers (boxed i. t)02i4,(ti,j.25. short clear sides (boxed). S9.37Vit9.50. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. 26.500 17,ty 137.600 137.3K) 4.510 Flour, bbla. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu Rye, bu Barley, bu.. 15,100 . . 6O.I11O . .276.500 ..3&O.D4J .. 6.700 .113.000 10,9. i0 On the Produce exchance toerav tn hut ter market wa quiet ano steady; cream erlea, 16j25c; dairies. Ibi23c. Kggs weak, firsts, 16c. Cheese, steady, 13&14c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. ftaotatlona ( the Day on Various Coaaaaoiiltlea. NEW YORK. Feb. lO.-FLOUR-RecelpH. B.R74 bbls.; exports, 13.144 bbla.; steady; pat en ta In moderate demand; Minnesota pat ents. t4.lO04.3O; Minnesota bakera, t3 2o 1.46; winter patents, t3.6E(jj4.O0; winter atralghts. S.tO3.6fi; winter extraa. t2.X04 I. 10; winter low trades, t2.60fi3.20. Rye flour, ateady; fair to coed, t3.0uu3.35; choice to fancy, tS.4033.6S. Buckwheat flour, dull, 13.2004.10, spot and to arrive. COj.NMk.AL Steady; yellow western. II. 20; city. 11.17; Brandywlne, t3.4n93.h6. RYE Steady; No. t western 60c, f. o. b. afloat; atate, u6H67V4c, c. I. f.. New York. BA R LE Y Quiet ; feeding, 47c, c. I. f.. New York; malting, 61i&4Oc, c. I. f., lluffilo. WHEAT Receipts. liV4.350 bu.; exports, 7,m bu. Spot, ateady; No. .2 red. 82'ac, ele vator; No. i red. (34c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Wo, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, tlWc, f. o. b. afloat. Options had an Irregular day. They were firm and weak by turna and very nervous, reflecting manipulation In the west. Cables were unetltied. caah demand light. Interior re ceipts liberal and aeabnard clearings email. On tha other hand French crop news waa teady at a partial Vc net advance. March sales included No. t red: March closed at Jc; May, 81 15-16t2 7-16c; closed at 8214c; July, 7 lo-16fr79 -16c; closed at 7c; Sep tember. 77'i4J77Sc; closed at 77c. CORN Receipts, 182,000 bu.; exports. M.8M bu. Spot ateaay; No. S, 621ic, elevator, and (So afloat; No. I yellow. 684c; No. I white 6Wc The option market waa active all day and generally weak here because of large offerings of May bv a local house and In creased arrivals. There waa another big xpoit trade today. The market closed easy at '.4Sc net higher. February closed a. Soiic; March closed at 5!Vtc; Mav, 62Mr 62Sc: closed at 62,c; July. ftaO'ic; closed at 60c. OAT8 Receipts, 10,000 bu. ; exports. S.S32 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2, 42ic; No. S, 42'4c; No. I white, 44c; track, white western, 4.1 46c; standard white, 44c; No. 1 white, 4MSc; track, mixed western, nominal,; track) white state, Ci'uttie. Options fairly active and steady; May closed at 42&c. HAY Quirt; shipping. 65t(iuc; good to choice. DCu1.0u. HOPS r Irm: state, common to choice, 1902 crop, 3:iy3ic; lnOl crop, 2427c; olda, hot 12c; Pacific coaat. I!si2 crop, 2Kg2ic; 19ul crop, "23tt27c; olds, (wuliSjc. HIDES (julet; Galveston, . 20 to 25'lha.. 18c; California. 21 to 25 lba., 29c; Texas dry, U to 30 lbs., 24c. l.KATHK.R Firm; acids. Z4fi2nV. PROVISIONS Beef, easy; family, 115 0O tit 00; Diets. tlO.0041 10.6O ; berf hams. 120 5u tl.60; packing, tl2.0ou 13.00; city India mess t.0u4iJ6.0e. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bel lies, ts.Twu 10.00; pickled shoulders. $.tiou8 25 pickled hams tlO.otMjill.00. Lard, steady; western steamed, tlO; February closed, 1 10, nominal; refined, ateady; continent, tl0.3u; Bouth America, $10.75; compound. 47 5uii7.7.v Pork, easy; family. IIS 6"B lK.uO; short clear, tU 2uj2o.(; mesa, tl7.76tf 18.25. TALLOXV-VJulet; country, tV46Hc;'clty, c. kick-Firm BUTTER Receipts, 4.619 pkgs.; firm; State dairy, l&326c; creamery, extra, !6c; creamery, common to choice, 191 26c. EOOS Receipts, 11.486 pkga. ; unsettled; tate and Pennsylvania. 21c; western, can dled. 19r: western, 13frl6c. POULTRY Alive, firm; turkeys. 13'nl4c; fowls. 16c; dressed, slow; western chickens, USil4c; western fowls, 134aUc; turkeys, lMl !-. MKTAI-There was a slight reaction In the London tin market today, prices there being 6a lower at 132 12a d for spot and &S 2a id for futurea. Locally tin was quiet but a shade easier at t2t. 00429. 40. Copper advanced Ss 6d In London, closing at kb 17s d for spot and M toe for fu tures, while here It remained quiet; etand ard Is quoted at $11. nominal; lake, tl2 7ot 12.96: electrolytic, $117l)jUaO. and casting. t!2 37H4J1176. Ltiut was quiet here at $4 IS and In Imdon at 11 8s d. Spelter waa dull at 4.20 la td Ut Loudon aad waa quiet 16 924 18 95 16 85 16 8) 16 3D 16 27Va 8 60 9 6) 9 65 SO 524 9 47. 8 J 9 30 9 2i 9 224 9 25 9 17 9 10 9 10 ft 0 OiVil 07" 9 024 here at nrfi.Yns. iron was steady shroad: (Glasgow lo-d nt 5.1a and Micldieshorough ut 41a ad. On this side Iron remains j,n. i and more or less nominal. No I nortnern toi.nnry Is quoted at -4 0 u24 h i; .No. northern foundry at southern lounory and foundry at $23.oo!iri 24.60. Inal. $32i!.u'2i.tVi; No. 1 No. i soli southern Warrants are nom- OMAHt WMOLKI4I.E MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fane rrdee. EfKIS Market weak; fresh stock. 15fll6c. I.IVrt HJl 1rHY Hens. 'ilic; old roosters, -cuic; turkeys, Ktil3e; utwKs, ii y-; geese, iiic; spring chickens, per lb., 94jloc. UKKS8EU ron.TRY Young chickens, Ujl2c; hens. ll,&jl;ir; turkeys, l&QlSc; dus. lll.2c; gee.e, loVtllc. BI.'TTKK-l'aculiig sto.K, lif313V: choice dairy. In tuba, lbul.c; separator, -4'(i25c. Ot 4'1 )iKS rituiiuaids. per can, an:; extra aelects. per can. obc; New York counta, per can, 4-c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., 41.75; Luik, standard, r gal., tl.& FKK8H Klfcll Trout, U'uiuc; herring. 6c; pickerel, (k-; pike, ftc; perch. 6c; bulTaio, dressed 7c; auntish, 3c; tilueftns, 3c; whlte ilsn, be; r-aimon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codllsh, 12c; redsnapper, Itx; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 3oc; lobsters, green, per lb., toe, bull heads, ltic; cainali, 14c; black bass. 2uc; halibut. 11c. bit AN t'er ton, 114 .50. HA 1'rUes quoted by Omaha Whole sale Deaiera' areoclatlon: Choice No. 1 up land, ; .o. 1 m- dlurn, t!; No. 1 coarse, t.6o. Rye straw, I. These prices are for hay ot good color and quality. Demand tuir; receipts light. i( irn atic. OATd 34c. Klffc No. 2, 45c. VEGETABLES. NEW l.'ELERl' Ka.amazoo. per do., 2oc; t'H...oi nl j, ptr ciui., iuy ibc. I'O l A lUhS-K".' ou., HXit ibc. (Hvtal fUlA'lOLa-lxwa and Kansas, 2.2i. iNfJV PARSLEY I'er dosen bunches. 40c. NEW' CAhrHJ'fS fer dozen bunches, 4oc. LL.TTI . li l ir ucxin bunches, 4oc. TL RNll'fe 1'er bu., 4Uc; Cat.aua rutaba gts, per lb., lVi". bKrVl S .e aouthern, per dozen bunch es, tsM ; old, r bu., 40c. t't iJi'.Mb6.S-Hothouse, per doi., t2. l'ARSNIl'S Per bu.. 40c. CAKllOTb t ei- bu., 40c. URKtN ONIONS Southern, per dozen bunches, 4Cc hAuuh b8-Southern, per dtzen bunches. TI'RNirS New southern, per dozen bunches, " bri.NAlH Southern, per dozen bunches. 50c WAX REAN8 Per bu. box. t3; string beans, per ou. box, CAlbAi3E Holland seed, per lb., l'ic oio.Ms Hed Wisconsin, per lb., lic; while, per lb., z'jo; St amen, per crate, tl. m. iAvt rtEANs Per bu., ti.iO. To.VlAloiiS New Florida, per 6-basket crate, i.jKii.j.w i.AL'liKi.O'E1'.-California, per crate. t2.uo. FR11TS. PEARS Fall varieties, per box, t2.50. APPLES Western, per ool., t-.'o; Jora thans, !4.oo; New York stock, 3.2o; Cali fornia beliflowers, per bu. box. $1.50. GhAPKS-Maiagas. per, $S.&7.00. C'tANHEKKlES Wisconsin, per bbl., tlO.Ji; Hell and bugles, ill; per box. $3.oU. STRAWBERRIES Florida, per quart, 60u. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS California fancy, t3.5; choice, 13. 2o. ORANGES California navels, fancy, t3.0) i2.1.i: choice. 2.7j; Mediterranean sweets. 2.2.i; sweet Jaffa, t2.i. DATES Persian, in 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c: per case of Jo-lb. pkg3., t2.25. KiOS v ailfornla, per lu-lb., cartons, 1; Turklth, per uj-ib. box, 144fl('C. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah, per 24-framo case, Ou, Cl'l'ER- New York. SI. 50; per H-bbl., $:.7o. HAl'EKKKAUT Wlsconefn, per 4-bbl., L.; pr ool.. ' MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. poPCOHN Per lb., ic; shelled, 4c. liiO.-.S No. 1 green. 6c; No. 2 green, 6c; No 1 otltt'd, 7V4c; No. 2 salted, 6Vjc; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 1-4 lbs., Vhic; No. 2 veal calf, '2 to 10 lbs., ; dry hides, t,(fjl2c; sheep pelts. 2.t ioc; horHe hides, tiMii 00. N I TS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per Id., 15c; hard ohell, per lb., 14c; No. t sott shell, per lo., lc. No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; biazils. per ib., 12c; Itlberte. per lb., 12c; almonds, soft theil, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb.. Kir; picuns, large, per 10.. 12Vrc; "mail, per lo., 11c; eocoanuts, per daz., tioc; chextnuta, per lb., loc; peanuts, per lb., 5'ic; roasted peanuts, per lb., ic; black walnuts, per bu., tl; hickory nuts, per bu., tl.60; iocoanut, per loo, V4. OLD METALS. ETC. A. B. Alplrn quotes fie lolluwmg prices: Iron, country, mixed, per ton. 111; Iron, stove plate, per ton, 8; copper, ikt lb.. 84c; brass, heavy, per lb., fcV; brasi. light, p :r lb., 5Vic; lead, per lb.. 8c; zinc, per lo., 2'.4c WE4HE COMSItSSIOJl COMPAM, llU-lll Board of Trade, Omaha, Neb Te'rplioii lltl. CHICAOO. Feb. 10. XX'H K AT Market has been nervous, and there has been a good deal of vacillation w.tliln Vc range, but no progress attained by either buyers or tellers finally. Cables were lower. Export bids were disappointing. Primary receipts were 660.000. against 312.000 last year; In the northwest 364 cars, against 215 a year ago. Primary shipments 2o7,000, against 244.00O last year. Clearances, 358,OW. XVeather favorable. To offset these bearish features. Minneapolis reported 60,000 bar rels of flour told by one mill. San Fran cisco was lVjc higher. The seaboard re ported 15 loads taken for export. A Paris caote reported tnat tho French crops are unsatisfactory and stocks decreasing rap idly. Iiocal receipts 32 cars, with none contract; estimates for Wednesday, 20 cars. CORN Market has been strong, wnn tne May up to 46c at one time, but yielding some from the top. The best help has been the strength at seaboard, with 72 loads re ported taken for export. Local sales were about 151,000 bushels. Clearances, 369,000. Cables were up moderately. East of the Rockies corn Increased 2,500,000. Public and private storks Increased 1,156.000. Con tract corn decreaied SS.OOO bushels. Local receipts, 345 cars, with none contract; es timates for tomorrow. 240 cars. Primary receipts. 724,000. agalnat 293,cu0 last year; primary shipments, 431,000, against 257,000 a year ago. OATS Yielded a little In price, and, con sidering the corn strength, did not show the strength expected. Offerings from the east were freer, but this was In response to the highest bids so far at the river. Cash market firm at about Monday's prices. The shipping Jemund continues good, but la In carlots, 6o,000 bushels sold by one concern. Local receipts, 154 cars, with 4 contract; estimates for Wedneev dav, 100 cars. Clearances, 15.000. There are only 424.000 bushels standard and 67.000 bushels No. 2 here. Total nubile and pri vate stocks 3.626.000, Increase 506,000. East of the Rocklea. oats Increased 911, 1100. New York reports lOo.ono Bold for export. PROVISIONS Market has been dull but firm. There was aome demand for lard by cash Intereata. There were 27,000 bogs; prices at the yards 6c higher. Hogs west today 74.900. against 67.1ml last week and 102.000 last ear. Estimates for tomorrow, 88.000. The situation seems to be that with utocks so small and the packers the hold ers, the provision market holds without any effort, and in spile of quite a bearish feeling In some quarters. VVEARE COMMISSION COMPANY. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. lO.-XX'HEAT-Bpot. steady; No. S red, western, winter, 6s l'd; No. 1 northern, sprlivg. on 9Vid; No. 1 Cali fornia, 6s HVjd; futures, steady; March, 6s 4Vsd; May, 6a 2Sd; July, nominal. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 4s 6Vid; futures, steady: March, 4s 6Vjd; May 4s SVtd; July, nominal. I'EAS Canadian, quiet, 5a 4id. FIXJUR St. Louis fancy winter, aulet. Ss 3d. H0P8 At London. Pacific coast, firm, 6 15u7 6s. PROVISIONS-Reff. eaay; extra India mesa, 101a 3d. Pork, eaay; prime meas western. 75s. Ha-ns, short cut, 14 to 1 lbs., dull. &os 6d. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lba., quiet, 56s 6d; ahort rlba. It to 24 lba.. firm, 49s; long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., steady, 47s 6d; long ciear mid dles, heavy. 36 to 40 lbs., dull, 46s 6d; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., steedy, 47s 6d: clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, 49s. Should ers, square, 11 to 13 ids. , quiet. 80s. ljard, prime wcatern. In tierces, dull, 4Sa id; American refined. In palls, dull, 48s 6d. Bl'TTER Nominal. CHEESE Strong; American finest white and colored, 6ia 6a. TALLOW Firm; prime city, 17 6d; Aus tralian, In London, dull. 34s. Receipt of wheat during the last three days were 227, Oou centals, including 129,000 American. Receipts of American corn during the last three days were 94.600 centals. Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. 10. WHEAT Mar ket steady. Cloee: No. 1 northern. Is4c; No. II northern, 79t)79ic; May, 79Vad79V seller. RYE-Steady; No 1, 81ttc. BARLEY Dull; No. I, btXic; sample, 44 Ci53c. CORN May, 46o bid. Vleiklo apalr mt Crala. NEW YORK. Fab 10-Speclal cable and talegraphio advices recalvtsi by Urauaireet'a show the following change In available supplies as compare.! with last accounts: XV H EAT United States ami Cannon. rat of Ro kiss, decrease inn, mm on.: afloat tor and In Europe, af crease l.W"") uu.; total supply, Increase bu. Cop.N United fltit'-s and Canada, eaut of Rocklea. Int tesed 2,5IH.oiO bu. OATS United States a:id Canada, eat of Rockies. Increased 911. bu. Among the more Important Increase re ported this week were those of 24.1. ' bu. at (-.lies go private elevators, an! Ki.non bu. at Omaha. The lending decreases are those of 3r, 000 bu. at northwestern Interior elevators, loo.ono bu. at Port Huron, 94.i bu. at Port land, Me., and 75.0no bu. at Nashville. St. tools (irnla and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 10 XX'H EAT Higher; No. 2 red. cash, elevator, 717c;, (Hfic; May, lit't74-c; July, 2'c; No. z hard, 72ti73Wc CORN Higher, No. 2 cash. 42Hc; track. 42V-H1ic; May 42'c; July, 41S''"41(:. I OATS Firm; No. 2 cash 37c; track, 37V 1 tc; May, 37c; No. 2 white. SjC. RYE-Strong. 6dc. KliOUR SteiiUy; red wmter patents, tl 45 li3 50; extra fnoy and straight, U 1gJ 40; ciear. 17:1.15. SEED Timothy, steady. t3.0t?i3.l. ("'KNMEAI-Steadv, 12.30. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, S2 Sic. HAY T'mrthy, steady, tlO.OAH.50; prai rie, dull, t: i ft 11.00. 1 rl( IN COT 1 ON TIES tl.0714. HA (if; I NO ft 5-161 1 1-lSc. HEMP Twine, tc. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, standard mess. 17.10. Lard, weak at i'.i.'o. Iry salt rr.e:Os, sttady; toxed, extra shorts, t!.124: clear ribs,; short clears, W.y?!. Bacon, ateady, boxed, extra shorts, tio: clear ribs. Jlo.12'4; short clears. 110.37V.. METALS Lead, lirm at t3.1)7',j. Spelter, quiet at U Hll. POULTRY Weak: chickens, 10c; turkeys, 14c; ducks, 13c; geese. 8c. BUTTER yulet ; creamery, 1SS26C; dairy, 17j.i2ic. . EGGS Lower; 14c for fresh. Receipts. Flour, bbls 6.V) Wheat, bu 4X0I0 Corn, bu !i7,0i() Oats, bu h'J,j Shlimients 171 ls.l.flM 9l',0Vj Philadelphia Prodore Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 10.-BUTTER Steady, fair demand: extra western cream ery, 27c; extra nearhv prints, 2Sc. EGGS Plentiful and le lower; fresh nearby, 19c at the mark; fresh western. 19c at the mark; fresh southwestern, lic at the mark; frerh southern, 1 at the mark. CHEESE Steady and fair demand: New York full creama, prime small, Wa H'c; New York full creams, good small, Wt'tv 13c; New York full creams, prune large, loc; New York full Areams, fair to good, large, 13H'g 13tc. Kansas City Grain nnia Provisions. KANSAS' CITY, Feb. 10.-WHJ1AT-May, 68:vg,''sc; July, Sijijfiitio'Uc. Cali: No. 2 hard, 67Vj'ri(iH1jc; No. 3. 6o!o67c; No. 4 hard, irtilJtxtc; rejected, u.ii&o9c; No. 2 Tea, 6Uc; No. 3, 654(t,oV;' COHN-Aprll. 3Sc: May, MHWd July. 3Sc. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 3K&39!4c; No. 2 white, 40111410; No. 3, 4oc. . OATS No. 2 white, 36c; No. 2 mixed, 35c. RYE No. 2, 45c. HAY-Tlmothy, tl3.00; prairie, J9.00. LUTTER Creamery, VygSic; dairy, Uc. EGOS Fresh, 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat Corn .. Oats .. 38.400 '.2O0 ....97,6110 .... 9.UU0 61.6t) 27,000 Toledo Groin and Need. TOLEDO, O., Feb. 10. WHEAT Active ana stead; cash, T8Sc; May, til'Ac; July, 77c. CORN Dull and steady; February, 47c; May, 4514c; July. 44Tc. OATS Dull and steady; Febuary, 37?c; May, 3c. H YE No 2, 5.;4C- SEEDS Clover, dull and easier; Febru ary, t7.10; March, t7.1o; prime Alslke, ss.W. Prime Timothy, tl.ko. Minneapolis Wheat,. Floor nnd Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. ID. WHEAT May. TTc; July, 77c; on track, No. 1 hard, 7Kc; No. 1 northern. 77Vwo; No. 2 northern. ;6U". FI-OUR Firm; tlrst pntents,; second pntents, t3.9'JTo'4.uO; first clears, t2.55; Becond clears, 2.1uj-i2.2(. BRAN In bulk. 14.7uigl5.O0. Dulnth Gruui Market. DULUTH, Feb. lO.-WHEAT-Cash, No. 1 hard, 77?c: No. 1 i.orthern, 6Hc No. 2 i.orthern, 74V: No. 3 spring 7Hc; to ar rive. No. 1 hard, 7flc ; May, 788c; July, 7Sc. OATS May, 35V2C. Peorln Market. PEORIA, Feb. 10. CORN Firm; No. 3, 41M;C. OAT8 Firm; No. 3 white, 35S35Vc. Srn York Money Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 10.-MONEY-Oti call. 24jiS3V4j per cent; closing offered at 3Vi per cent; time money easy; sixty and ninety days, 6'A per cent; six months, iV, per cent. Prime mercantile Daper. 41i5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE rfong, with ac- j tual business In bankers b.lls at 4.874 for demand and at 4.8435(ti4.844 for sixty davs; posted rates, $1.85 and $488; commercial l.illE, $4.83i(j4.84. SILVER Bar, 471sc; Mexican dollars, 3714c BONDS Government, wrak; railroad, Ir regular. The closing quotations cn bonds are fellows. as I'. 8. rrf. ta. res do loupoa do 3s. reg do coupon .... do new 4s. reg. do coupon . . . do aid 4a. reg. do coupon .... do 4a. reg ...1084 L. N. unl. 4a. ....IKS' Mri. Central 4a.. 101 do lal luc ... 107 M. St. L 4a... ....1344 M . K. Ik T. 4a.. ltj'm do 2a 1H N. V. C. K. ma. .lot . i . 27v 10:1s . wt, . hi' .loit. lid do N. J. C. g. ta...i;i:L, 10: No. Pacific 4a W. 10v do Sa 7! l:v, N. W. c. 4a loi- .... l- Haadlng gen. 4a ,...VK St. U & I. M c. Sa .114W, .... 3 Bt. U 8 F. 4a.... M 106 Bt. L. 8. W. la 97 lOfc-j, do im Ui ....1IMW 8. A. A. P. 4a.... U ou cajpon .. Atchison gea. do adl. 4a B. O. 4 do 3a do coiit. 4a.... Canada 80. 2a... C. of O. ta do lat toe if So. Pacific 4a 1S C. o. 4'ta lOd'j C. A. J'a 77i C, B. Q. n. 4. ... !'. do aa 1174, Teiaa ac Pacific la. . .1181 T., 8t. L. & XV. 4a.. 7Si M. St. P. (. 4a. .111', Union Paclnc 4a 1034, C. at N. W. e. 7a....lM'l, do conv. 4a. .KM St (. R. I. 4k P. Wbah la do ta do deb. 0 Wcat shoro 4a... W. ii ti. K 4,.. Wla. central 4a. Con. Tob. 4a ... Colo. Fuel 4a.... ..lis ..inn .. !' ...Ill .. 2 .. 4 .. 61', . . 2 CCC. 4c Bt. L. (. 4a.. Chicago Tarmlnal 4a. a4 Colo. So. 4a 41 n. 4V K O. 4a M Erla prior Han 4a.... V9 do aanaral 4a af r. w. & d. c. la.. ..ins; Offered. Itoslon Stocks sail Rnada. BOSTON, Feb. 10-Call loans. 45 per cen'; time loans, 4'4ti5 per cent. Official closing of storks and bonds: Atchlaon 4a Oaa la Mei. ("antral 4a.... Atchlaon do pfd Bnaton & Albany.. Boaton A Ma 101 Alloua, .KHl'i A ma IKK mated . 76 Bingham .... . Cal. & Hacla ,.lull Centennial ... . . St 1 t'ni.per Kanga ,.1't Franklin . no lata Kocala .. .2204 Mohawk .142 ,(lld I'oinlnlon . . 697i . 34 .640 . au4 . 71 . u . 144 . (7 . 22 Boaton Elavated N. Y., N. H. at Fltrhburj pfd... t'nlon Paclnc ... Mrx. Central ... Amar. Sugar ... do pfd Amar. T. AT.. Horn. I. & 6 Gancral Klavtrle H. .102', llacaola . 21 1 j' Parrot 764 . 3..I .124 7-. .IU . 7 . 134 . 24 . 31 . ,4 4 4 .isn't, Qulncy ,121'i ISHTita Fe Copper... . 14 Tamarack . t:1, Trlmouiitaln .lf, ITrlniir .. 1'i'i't'nllrd Stataa Maaa. Electric t'nlt'd Fruit . I'. 8. 8tel... do pfd .... Weatlnilinuaa Adventure ly I tan '- iX'lctorla Ss Winona rom...l'i6 Wolverine 154 London much 44Dnin tons. LONDON. Feb. 10. Closing quotations: Conaola. money 2 U-14 New York Central. . .1.S44 do account 93 (Norfolk & Western... 7 Anaionda 74 do pfd UK Atchlaon jnVfmtarlo A XVeatern.. 1.14 do pfd itw rennajovauia 7 Baltimore 4V Ohio. .loo', Hand Mluea 11'. Canadian Pacific Chesapeake ar Ohio.. Chicago O. XV Chicago. 91. 4k Bt. P. IleBeera IMMiver K. O do pfd Brie do let pfd do Id pfd IllleoJ, Central Louisville 4k Nah.. Mlaaourl, K. 4k T... 142 Reading &j'4 54 do 1st pfd 4;, U do 2d pfd J9",; 1S3 JSeuthei-ii Uallway.... !2 1 do pfd 9s 4:i Southern Pacific 4H S2 I nlon Pacific ifti', 4;", I do pfd 97 74S, l lMttd State, Steel... 44 do pfd 914 Wabe.h u 60 pfd k4 BAR SILVER-Cnaettled at 22d per ounce MONEY 34 4j3V per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for ahort bills Is SH'&34 per cent and for three months' bills la J5-16W34 per rent. Saw York Mlnlngr fttorka. NEW YORK. Feb. lO.-The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adama Coa Alloa Breeca Brunswick Coa Couvatock Tunnel .. Con. Cal. 4k Vs.... Horn Silver Iron Silver Leadvllla Cos 1- .. 14 . at .. 4 .. .R0 ,.1M . al .. I l.lttle Chief ... . 9 .600 .2-0 .. ( . 44 Ontario , Ophlr rnoentx Potoal Savage Sierra Nevada -'mall Hopea .. Slandara Baak t learlnga. OMAHA, Feb. 10 Bank clearings today, tl. 153. 974 32; corresponding day lust year, H.OirT (i5.72: Increase, $146. 3 60. NEXV YORK, Feb V Clearings. t27i.' tay.: balances. $13.114.!r9. CHICAGO. Feb. 10 Clearliiks. $26.2SO.Sii1 balancta, tl.tlS.oU; JSew iura. tacUanit, Ic j premium: foreign exchange, unchanged; e:r:irg posted it tt.;5 lot nxty days and ut 41. lor demand P.OhTON. l-Vb. pt. Clearings. $:i,M:.2t'I I a J fees, tl .4 '7 H. Pllil-AUELI'HIA, Feb. 1". ( MearltiR". f1.i.! 9; oaianxs, S2.2l6.t7; money. 4'4.. per cent. BALTIMORE. Feb. 10. ( 'k arings. 14.274. 9'4: biiiiinces. S..76..150; money, b I" r cent. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 10,-Ciearlngs. .54.2;i7; balances. tl.3sfi.KH; money, steady. 5n6 per cent; N-w York exchange, U premium. CINt INNATI. Feb. Ii Clearings, 4.St 600; money. rVrt6 per cent; New iork ex change, 2.K.- discount. NEW KIHk aiOt KS AXD HOI). Market Mena with Xoane Spirit, hat t.rovra Reactionary, 4 loslnsj Lower. NEW YORK. Feb. 10 The spirited strength and activity with which the stock murket opened today were not muintained and the tone of the market became grad ually more reactionary, anil at Inrt easy at general declines running to a point or more In a lew -active stocks. The most prominent of these was Wntiash. !n which led the strengtn. This tact made tl.e u.atlve sentiment peculiarly susceptible to the fact which became very obvious this morning, that there wns very large sell lug going on of XX'abn!) preferred under cover of t tie new ;.trin.lh which 1; wa9 sought to deveiop elsewnerc. 'I he suspi cion got aliroa.l that the apparent active denii'.u I for these stocks anu the show of strei th which this gave to litem was due raiher to skillful manipulation by the spec ulative i.oolt havlni; them In hand than to any sudden realization of their value at present prices on the part of the wlde fptead pubdc demand. The who'.e move ment of the day was strictly technical, and was little Inlluenced by the day's news. The size of the Individual orders In nock Island tor which the accepted unit seemed to he i,(m0 shares gave nr. artificial ap pearance to the movement In that stock, that it had little Impression on sentiment when U was moved upward, in tace of the general reaction which took hold of the niar.tet during the fecund hour. The sup port of Missouri Pacific had no better succen In restoring the tone of the mar ket. The Atehlsuns were accorded their turn In the advance, and among the spe cialties Amalgamated. People's Gas. Brook lyn Transit and American Smelting were conspicuous. Sterling exchange continued to advance and Ixmdon to sell stocks here, but these factors were no more prominent than during yesterdays strong market. Call money continued easy, at , an advance In sterling at Paris sufllclently offset the rise here to keep gold export beyond profitable limits. Tne subtreiisury took nearly tl.5no.noii from the banks on yes terday's operatli 11s. wiping out the prevl ojb gain from that Im-tltution and estab lishing a net lors of $442,000 since Friday. These figures caused some calculations to be made on another unfavorable bank statement for the week, but call loans were at a lower average than yesterday, and thero was Increasing ease In securing time loans. The bill introduced yesterday by the chairman of the finance committee of the United States senate for liberaliz ing the conditions for the deposit of Uni ted States funds with national banks was considered an Important influence in the opening strength of the maraet. The ac ceptance of other than government bonds by the secretary of the treasury last fall as security for government deposits is be lieved to have been the saving factor dur ing t'.te money stringency. 'I he DrovMon j allowing the proposed Panama canal con struction bonds to rank with the 2 per cents as security for deposits, am circulation wl!l afford another important measure of relief from possible money stringency. The coming requirement for tne puyment of $40,((h),iKi0 to the Panama company shareholders muke these means of relief of special Importance. The approach of tho Thursday holiday may have had Its Influence upon the realizing movement of the day. The bond market continued Irregular. Total si:les, par value, t3.58O,oo0: United S.ates new 4s registered and the 2s declined U on the last call. The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: .M' hlBon ftx's Southern Railway 1o pfrt 1" 'i do p(d lia'.tttnore A Ohio. . . Ani Tutu A Pacific. ... ot ... .... 4i .... :, la ....UK's .... .... 31 ! 17 31 .... 28i .... o4' ....210 do pfd i'.'i T., 81. L. '.. ji'snsdun pacific ....UV do prd Canada Southera Union Pacific ('lira. & Ohio Chicago & Alton.. dn pfd Ch,iEo. I. & L... do pfd l.'hUaso A E. I... . Wt do pld . Sh XVnbaiih . 71 ,1 do pfd . ,XV. & U F. . ho 1 do 2d fd .tin Wlm. Central .... . 2 ! do Hd . hi !Adams Express . :liliaj;o St Ot. XV. do in pfd d.i 2d pld. Chicago ; N. 44 Amrr. Kxprtrs .. IT. 8. Kpri... T Id's Welle-Fargo Ex., .117 .MO . 70 . 41 . l!a . 17Vi 4 V, . 4Ki , '-, .11114 . 6V4 .. 75', .217' .117', .196, .. 20, .. H'rtl . 72 .. ui . V) . 47 .. IS, .114 .49 .. 40 ..107H ..6214 Chicago T. 41c do prd C. C. C. & St. L.. Colo. Southern .... ilo lRt pfd da 2d fd PHa. & Hudson..., Dela.. L. & W.... Denver & Rta O. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd , do 2d pfd . 34 Aml. Coppr ... . 9sS Ailicr. V. & F..., . SOW 1 . ds pfd . VOVAuitr. Lin. Oil.. , 4j . ao pfd .1H0'4 Amer. 8. & R.. . 49 pfd ,. 41V Ana. Mln. Co... . lirk Kap. Tr.... . 4iVSi Colo. F. 4k I.... . 7:'i Con. r.aa . til' Con. Tob. pfd... C.t. Nor. titd 5i0 Oneral Kicct r.enral Ulcrtrle Ho-king Valley iru Hoi king Coal do pfd lnt'n'l Papar Illli.ola Central ..146 .. 44 .. 73 . do pfd .... Infn'l Power Iowa Central .. do pfd Lai-leda Gaa L. E . XV ... 481, National niaeult . ...117 National Iad .. .U'tTt No. American .... ...144' faclflc Coast do pfd iLouIp. & Kaah. L Met. St Rr 137i Pacific Mail I Max. entral . 26- 1 rople a Gaa . Pressed Steel Car.. Mx. National . Minn. & Mt. L.. I Mo. Pacific III.. K. Ac T ! do nfd .nw 1 do prd ..1IIH Pullman Pal. Car... .232 29 j Republic Steel 214 ... : do pfd ...lo Sucar ...1.V114 Tnn. r. ft I.... ... 7.. I I". B. P. Co... ....91 I do pfd ... 3I4 V 8. L-alher.... ...IM'.,' do pfd ... tl-, V. S. Rubber.... ... M do pfd ...71 V 8. Steel ... 81 do ofd ... 2 Weatera Union ., ... 73 Am. Locomotive ... 2k do pfd ... 424 K. C. Southern., ...17.1,1 do pfd ...192 ,Ro,-k Ivland .... .. . 45'., I do pfd ... 794 ...1.1014 ... 444 ... 144 ... 7 ... 14 ... 914 ... 18U ... f6 ... 9 ... !.', ... M4 ... i ... 944 ... 44 ... 69 ... M-i ... UK N. J. ''antral... N. Y. Ortral... Nor. & West.... do pfd Ontario A W..., PennKylvanla ... Readiug do lat pfd..., do 2d pfd.... St L. A 8. F.. do lat pfd..., do 2d pfd..., Bt L. 8. W.... do pfd St Paul do rfd Southern Pacific Condition of (be rreaaary. WASHINGTON. Feb. lO.-Today's state ment of the treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reaerve In the ulvinlon of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, 3223,061, 576; gold, $101,599,901. Wool Market. BOSTON, Feb. 10.--XVOOL The market remains In about the condition previously noted, with prices holding up well. On the whole the market la fairly active, though the volume of sales Is not up to the figures of a few weeks ago. There arc still enough manufacturers In the market, however, to 1 ultimately absorb all the wool avallab'e. ' There Is apparently a feeling In the trade 1 that the top haa been reached, and while I no lower prices are expected, at the same time any further advance Is considered Im probable. Fine territory wools have been selling freely. In fact being about the most active of anything on the list. Fine staple wools are unchanged at &64jiSc, with tine mediums nt 54'notk-, and mediums at 47thv 48c. Quotations are as follows: Territory, Id aho, flue, 14iiil5c; hue medium. 16C'illi4c; medium. 16i17c; XX'yo'iitng, fine, 14f7l5c; tine medium. lW(il7c; I't.ih. line, 14ifil5e; Hne medium, I6&17c; medium, 17(nl8c; Dakota, lliloC; tine medium, li"(17c; medium, li(( loc; Montana, tine choice, lltfj-iic; average. 17i 18c; Colorado, New Mexico, etc.. fine. II 4i12c; fine medium, llifjltc: medium, 14(il5c. There Is an active dennmd for fleece' wools with a stronger feeling on choice Iot. Ohio and Pennsylvania. XX and above, 22?(2;lc; Michigan. X and above. 27 1? 28c; No. 1 and 2, 2S''i29c; Kentucky and Indiana, three eighths blood. 2:i'(i24e; quarter blood, 21M24c; "iraJd. 2o( 21c; California, northern choice. Sl'dlSe; average, 17'ilSe; middle counties, 13 (nl6c; southern, 12413c: fall. 16irilfce. Aus. trallan wool Is quiet owing to th- small off erings In this market; prices ure steady; rcmblng, scoured, basU. 761 "7c; average, 75fn 78c. 8T. LOl'lS, Feb. 10 .- XX'OOl, Easy, hut unchanged: medium grades and combings. I,"(a21c: light tine, 16ir.'4c; heavy flue, 12(jji 16c; tub washed. 19tj29c. NEW YOKK, Feb. lo. WOOI 4)ulet. Oil and Itoaln. OII CITY, Pa.. Fob. 10 OIL Credit bal ances. $1.50: certificates, no bid; shipments. 94 819 bbls.; averag". 69 3 bbls. J runs, 18.113 bbls.: average. C6.92 bbls. SAVANNAH. C.a. Feb. 10. OlI Turnen. tine, firm, 65c. Rosin, firm: A, B, C. D. E, F $l.lai: O. $': H. $2.36: 1. $2 so; K, ma; M, $3 40: N. $3.6o; V (. $3 '5; XVXV. $4.26. TOLEDO. O., Feb. )n OI 1 Cnchanged. NKXV VORK. Feb. !'. OIL Cottonseed. ateady. Petroleum, steady. Turpentine, nulet 66'x.iii(i,c. Rosin, nrm. l)NION. Feb. lu.-OI L Calcutta Hn- aeed, spot, nominal. Linseed. 25a 6d. Mucrar and Molaaara, NEXV ORLEANS. Feb 10.-810 A R-Mar ket ateady; open kettle. 2(3 $-16.-; open kettle, centrifugal. 34i3c; centrifugal whites, r,t:4k; yellows. V83!c; seconds, !'4i.t R-lfic. MOLASSES Quiet: open kettle, nominal. 13i 2e; centrifugal. 6tjlv-; syrup, nominal l(n'.4,. NKXV YORK. Feb. 10. SI 'OA R Raw. rale niinlni nt-16c: centrlfucal. 96 tst.' 3Sc; molasses autar. I 5-16c; refined firm. AluLABSES Firm, OMAHA LIVE S1UCR MARKET Eeceiptg of Cattle Very Hetty aiid Prices Suffered Another Decline HOGS SOLO STRONG TO FIVE CENTS HIGHER Demand for Fat Sheep and t.amtis 4 ontlnnea Itrlsk and Folly Steady Prlrea Merc raid for All Desirable tirades. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. P. Receipts were: Official Monday ... Cattle, lings. Sheep 3 3(5 b.fcio S.4H5 6..i'j 6.IMO Ofiicial Tuesday Two days thlj week.. Same days last week... hamc w e., k belore ferine tmre wet KS ago.. Same tour Weertb ago... Same days last year.... . ..u'ia rot, 1 H 10 10,000 S.MJj li..4tvi 12. .Xi .It' 15.4,2 16.-l.Vi HX6 J 1.024 lLli S.'.bo l."i-5 12.M2 ,ti..' I..O11 11.116 'i.aoi l:i,Ms 7.0.12 VtlAK TO UAfK. i ho following tab.e shtf-s Hie receipts of ittitle, hofja and sheep at bouth Omaha for niu year to uute. anu joinpat isoiia with last ear. iy 13. !.-'. Inc. 1-C. Cattlei 1l4i;2l M..1S 10..-H6 rugs 26..:i 3U.i 59.-" fchtep Iji.u.'I id.51 til,')7. Average price paid for liogs at South Omaha lor the last several tiays with cum pardons: Date. 1!3 1902. 11.,19'J0. 1S9'J.,1SIS.,1S171 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jau J an. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. IV u. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. . 6 41 ! 6 22 , 6 25 4 68, I 3 4 3 a I a 4i 11 n ij a f 1 ui 1 - 1 ' - I 6 49',-bI 6 17, 5 ?"i 4 1 49i 3 471 1 4 U in, 4 i l, 3 51, i 21 6 3tHi I 2i( 4 54, 4 , H i i 1 ti 4.-,, 6 27i 1 4 oil 3 56 , 3 00, 2 21. ..1 6 54! 6 131 6 26. I 69, t M ' 22.. 1 6 5,1 6 xu, o 1J 4 63, j J 5i 23... 1 6 u9s; 6 03, j 1.j, 4 3 o6"t I 3 it . KS1..I K 11,1 & vl, 4 3 hi. 2 62; ( II i U I 4.V 4 bj ti 4 - .1 t 7-. - 1 5 lo! 4 50, 571 3 72. 3 3j .i 6 6,U, 6 121 , 4 62, 3 6J1 3 6 3 U) . 6 ,h, j 9.. i 22i I 3 6si 3 621 3 2, 1 3 tts. a ! 4 62 1 13 6l A C 7.;., a ,4t. 5 2ai 4 51, 3 70, 1 3 :9 . 677,,, a 97i 5 17i 4 65, 3 6l 3 b6 " ; -. O 'l n -tl' 4 b" ,4 61: 3 61i 3 2i 1 6 66 I 5 2i 4 tw; 3 64 3 Mi o i 3 I 6 70 i 5 93 4 i 6 S'l 1 j 9 i 5....I b S2Vs! 6 11, 6....j 6 '. 6 IK. 7 6 74',-j, 6 o.l, 8.... 1 5 96, 9.... 7H,i I 10... I 6 6 00 D 3i; 1 3 59 ; 3 1 -1 4 H i 23, 4 66 , i 2 i - 5 21i 4 in, 3 56 I 3 19 5 2V 4 OS. 3 66, 3 7a 5 21i 4 75, 3 ", 3 71 1 3 23 5 25 4 Mi 3 70; 3 71, 3 27 I 4 80 3 71 1 3 iti i i Indicates Sunday. The ottlclal. number of cars of stock brought In toJay by each road 'js: cattie. nogo.Du t. C. M. & St. P. Ry... 6 14 XX'abush 6 Mo. 1 Ry 6 1,'nion Pacific system. 2s V . 4 N. XX'. R 13 f, E. & M. V. R. .. 80 C, St. P.. M. O.... 40 B. & M. Ry 35 C, B. & Q. Ry K. C. & St. J 6 C, R. 1. & P., east.. 19 C, R. 1. & P., west.. 1 Illinois Central 7 Total receipts 253 2 1. So.. 28 21 3 9 H 11 4 2 1 24 'i " 3 4 135 22 1 The disposition of the day's receipts waa as toilows, each buyer puicha.-dng thu num ber of head indicated: Buvers. Cattle. Hogs Sh'p. 491 Z.191 l'.sio rilnahu Packillar CO 62s 1.292 Bwilt and Company 6" Armour t Co Cudahv Packing Co l,2t) 1.994 2.317 2.326 1.725 Armour, from Sioux City.. ansiuit & Co s; 89 9 1S3 13.1 59 21 9X X 306 1 103 29 -3H9 Carey tfz Benton .... l.obman & Co '. 1. Stephens Hill & Huntzinger .. Huston or Co Livingston Shaller 1.,. Rothschild L. V. Husx NX'olf 01 Murnan M. F. Hobblck Dentils & Co Morton & O 348 Oilier buyers .. 63 total .4,041 10,002 4,601 CATTLK There was an extremely heavy run of cattle here today, as will be seen from the table of recetma given above The trains were late In arriving, so that It waa the middle of the forenoon before any cat tle changed hands. Packers were, of course, very bearish In the tace of such heavy re ceipts, so thut the general market was very ''Hbera? proportion of the receipts con sisted of cornfed steers of only lair quality. Packers atarted In bidding fully a dime lower but owing to the rapid break In prices for several da-3 past there was a good deal of unevennesa to the trade. In Borne placet sales were r.iade that did r.ot look a great deal lower than yesterday, while In other instance cattle had to sell as much as 15c lower. This was of course, the low day of the season to date. What la noted above regarding the steer market applies equally well to the trade on cows and heifers. Buyers were late In starting out and when they did tliey wanted to buy the cattle fully 10c lower. Sales went all the way from weuk to loc lower. At a lata hour there were still a great manv cattle in first hands. Bulls and stags were also slow sale nnd lower, but veal calves held up In pretty " The break In the fat cattle market caused a slump In feeders. The clafs ot warnied-up cattle that speculators have been buying for feeders for several days past had 10 sell 104i'15c lower today. A strictly prime bunch of stock cattle that had not been 011 feed may not have sold much lower than vesterday. but the general run of btockers and feeders were also a little lower. Repre sentative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 70 17 12 12 4 It - 4 It 23 4J 1 4 2 I 4 14 12 13 1 1 4 Av. ...1240 ... 915 ...1127 . . . 1096 ...1006 ...1142 ...1140 .... S2 ... &o ...1025 ...11S1 ...10K4 ... 476 ...1016 ....1176 ....1000 ...1272 ...1074 ...1070 .. .12113 .... ion .... 957 .... o0 ... 97 .... 9(7 19 .... 7&0 ... 970 ,...10S0 ... 440 ... 910 ...1141 .... 12:10 ....1070 ....t'i'O 1072 9J . .. ''-' 11129 14...... . ... S3 OCK , . . . H"1" .... 7"6 11... 10.'.'. 1... 61.3 .... 74 60 .... 4dl . ... 6M1 .... - .... 4WI ....liso 120 120 146 STOCK CALVES. ... SS3 2 75 ! 180 4 00 ... 345 I nn HEIFERS. 663 iu 6 , 19 3 nn '.'.. 444 t 75 52 4i3 $ 25 aiMi 3 on COWS AND HEIFERS. ... 712 I 1" " e4 3 :o 3 00 a im a 25 4 35 4 5'i ISLULs. , 100 .1600 . 730 .1420 .1370 3 tin t 40. t 90 a 90 i 90 1410 1110 mo 13?U UM .111 2 i ' BTOCKER3 AND FEEDERS. 1 16 14. 3 1 a so a to I 25 a 25 a 35 a 40 a 4i a 40 3 4', a 7 is a it . 606 , 521 980 . 761 , 1M I... 42..., a... 1... a 5 a so a 90 14.'.'. 44.. a 90 11 a 90 24 l(it 1 sil Xj uo u 100 lis 4 I I 15 ii.u:sThere was a big run of hoes here this morning and. although the market was alow in getting started, It was evident tVat backers were anxious lor kuppllea. Tl' started OJt bidding steady to strong, bi ., .n.t ,, net the hoaa and had to rala, .w-i. v.i. The bulk of the hoga sold (Irons I" i i,ii,,r than yeaterday and In anlte of tl.e alow opening practically everything waa dli.ed of at a reaaonably mrlv hour. The I disposed of at I hulk of the medium weigm nog sola rrom 1 $4 72a to $i7V. H b lbs prime heavy bugs Pr. No. A. Pr s 17 1127 4 10 I 70 22 11W 4 10 75 64 K2 4 16 1 so 1 1370 4 16 I m 26...'. U"4 4 16 I 80 10 loss 4 16 I 80 I 4 16 ! 1 DO 12 1169 4 In t 80 10 1224 4 2U I SU 36 124 4 20 I 86 22 1110 4 26 1 86 19 4 26 1 86 9 1094 4 26 3 96 1 1270 4 40 IK ' 3 1414 4 30 I 2 9i 19 1134 4 SO 4 t0 23 n2 4 40 4 00 tl 12 4 46 4 00 12 1212 4 66 4 06 24 136 4 40 COWS. I 1 no 1 1140 I 00 1 40 12 1118 I 01 2 40 14 1014 I 00 J 4." 16 .....1106 I 06 ' J 60 ti 691 I 10 1 6J 7 1027 3 10 2 60 a It 1037 3 10 1 ! to 4 1022 4 10 2 66 19 io: t 10 3 61 4 thi 3 ill 1 75 15 idy: 3 10 75 10 1120 3 15 I t 75 1 1130 3 26 I 3 65 1 1290 3 Vi ! 2 a 3 1076 V, I 2 86 19 UWI 2r, 2 90 3 11.! 3 7u I 2 96 1 1000 3 75 COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 2 43 1....." 776 2 n , 1 60 5 61 3 no I 2 ail 17 472 3 75 I 2 60 668 3 76 1 2 65 4 72 3 76 t 15 S 723 3 75 1 2 76 2 915 3 75 I 2 75 7 R?,2 S 75 1 t 76 4 613 3 90 I t 911 CALVES. ) 3 25 1 ll 4 M , 4 50 t M i 4 00 ) 6 HI 1 2b I 6 00 1 6 50 t 125 g 00 i 6 75 1 190 ( 50 from iW to $6 The llshtweUhts sold from 16.70 down. Representative aales: No. Av. Hh- I'r. No. Av. 8h. Fr. 41 15.4 4o 72' t 3! 263 6 75 7- L'.M 40 ',2', 46 24 ii 43 :..! ... 6 75 46 21 M 16 12 2C ... 6 75 tvS i,'2 ... tit !7 2. ... 6 75 SO 216 ... H 64 26 ... 6 75 n 2 200 6 74 46 VN9 ... 6 77'j 74 224 40 h3 210 ... SO 62 W4 ... T IX 133 ... 6 60 73 22 ... 75 42 116 ... l 64 2;6 ... 75 33 220 K 6,1 37 27 SO 7." b: 15 ... 6 65 61 262 M) 6 75 M 2n ... 6 bj 33 244 1 20 6 75 6j 22: ... 6 7o 36 2.s ... 6 75 1 6.1 2"1 ... 6 70 4tt 2ill ... 75 I rVi 22" 1?) 6 7 8! 1H1 ... 6 75 Mi 215 ... 6 70 M 41 40 75 74..,...;ll ... 6 7v 22 21 40 'o S.2 .2 ... 6 7i bti 22i 40 6 76 79 2il ... 6 70 63 246 ... ( 75 I 61 21 ... 6 70 71 2i.' ... 6,5 6 212 ... 6 70 62 210 ... 6 7. 77 197 ... 6 70 so 20 1 ... 6 75 3v 221 Mil 6 iu fo 2i 120 6 7., j 40 225 40 6 c.'' SI 2:3 4'J 6 77'i 1 70 2 2 ... 6 70 t.i .iii Ni 6 Ji', 71 l'.'o ... 6 7u 64 256 120 6 11'1, Vh 22 Ml 6 7" M 2o7 !0 6 77" 2 76 217 mi 6 7i M 240 ... 6 77ij 3M 241 160 6 7') 01 2'9 ... 6 77', 2 22 ... t. 70 55 212 ... 6 77Si (;9 22J ... 6 in to' 2;'l ... 6 77' 1 76 215 ... b 70 75 21 ... 6 7,, 42 22.! ... 6 7ll 62 22n ... 6 Mi 22 246 ... ti 75 4fs 218 ... S si M 21.1 ... 75 59 210 ... 6 So 61 2J7 40 6 75 67 17.7 ... 6 so 40 2,1 mi ti 75 56 2!'l 160 6 mi 51 247 to 6 73 fl 247 ... 43 22i N) 6 '1.. 74 .55 12' 6 Ml 6s 240 ... 6 774 6:1 2S7 SO 6 I"' 64 ;4(f ) 6 72S 7" 2-8 ... 6 (JI 75 227 Ml ti 724 62 26X 4" 6 M) 79 211 SO 6 72', 74 24 ... 6 SO 80 2M 40 6 7:', 52 2s5 ... 6 fO S2 217 ... 6 72', 64 266 16" 6 Ml 51 197 ..." (I 7214, 55 a.,2 12ii 6 SO 5s tl," SO 6 i2' 6 ".52 ... 6 SO 61 212 ... 6 72. 19 224 ... 6t2'j 75 215 40 6 72'3 61 1.50 ... 6 73 2nl 8" 6 72' 77 267 So 6 82', 71 21h SO 6 724 55 259 ... 6 82 4 64 210 lbO 6 724 5x 2s3 ... .. 24 65 2o ... 6 721- 4n 3?jj 2S0 s-j.., 65 229 ... 6 72 4 HI 250 to 6 S2' SI I!'! 80 6 724 51 255 ... 6 s:', Hi". 2:;2 40 6 7:'.j 60 274 ... 6 s24 63 224 ... 6 724 63 2! ... 6 85 67 2.'s 90 7J' tv. 2M So 6 Sj 52 2:2; ... 6 75 4s 324 ... 6 S" 31 22s 80 6 7.1 RO j s 4'i 6 S5 72 235 ... 6 75 3S 347 ... 6 9. (SHEEP-The Mhecp market was nsaln active and steady to strong, with the de- maud fully equal to the supply. Buyers were nil oul early and It only look a com paratively short time for everything to change hands. Native l;i mhe sold as high us $6.25 and ewes brought l.2o. There were no prime yearlinae or wethers on sale, but some part fat y-arllngs brought $5.1i. Feeders were again very scarce end the market could safely be quoted fully steady. Wuota'lons; Choice western lambs, (xi..'rt 6(10: ;air (o good lambs. $5.,Vij5.75; choice native end Colorado lambs. 6.oi'n;6.2j; choice yearlings, $i.oof(i5.4o. fair to good yearlings. t4.7.Vri5.on; choice wethers. $4.v"4i4 .0; (air to good. $4.'i'a4.50; choice ewes. tl.oOQI.4o; lair to good. S3. 25ft 4 (H; 'eeder lambs, 44.2.VS4.75; feeder yearlings, t3.75&4.00: feeder wethers, t3.754i4.UO; leeoer ewes, $2.5oa3.oo. Repre sentative sales: No. 1 buck 25 western ewes lo cull lambs 42 weetern yearlings 23 western t wes 2 western ewes lo Mill lambs 241 western wethers 1 western yearlings 95 western lambs J'd native lambs 25 cull lamb 61 western ewes 1 western twe 20 western ewes 1 western ewe 4 yearling fwes I9 yearlings and lambs bl western lambs 2 Colorado yearlings 232 Cjloreilo ewes 30,1 Colorado ewes 115 Colorado ewes I07 Colorado eweei 8 Colorado wes i.30 western ewee 3oJ western lambs 2 Colorado callings , 4 Colored j yeai lings 2 Colorado yearlings Ifi Colorado wethers 50 Colotado lambs 1:1 Colorado lambs 66 Colorado lambs 161 Aestern lambs 5 western ewes 516 western yearlings Av. Pr 220 3 25 M 3 2a 46 4 00 73 4 26 , 123 4 25 65 4 2o 70 6 00 106 6 10 120 6 50 56 6 60 91 C 25 66 00 90 4 (10 70 4 00 117 4 2o I'"! 4 25 7 4 00 73 5 50 81 5 75 67 3 2 97 4 15 XS 4 15 92 4 2 1 97 4 2-1 M 4 2.1 97 4 2o 50 4 .'0, 9) 5 m 9" 6 2o 6 5 25 73 5 35 79 b X0 SO 6 80 70 5 85 74 6 00 S I 4 00 81 & 40 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK MARKET. Cattle sure Slow, Hons Inclined to Be Higher and Sheep Steady. CHICAOO. Feb. lO.-CATTLE Receipts, 4.000; market alow; good to prime steers, $4.4iifi5.6o; poor to medium, tS.ftiri 4.25; Block ers and feeders, $2.2j'rr4.40; cows and heif ers, $4.40ijtl.5o; canners. tl.4i3.60; bulls, t2.0iKf!4.25: calves, W.5ofr7.7o; Texas fed steers, $;.-.5rti 1.55. HOGS Today. 24.0; tomorrow, 35.000; !eft over. 6.000; steaily to 5c higher: mixed and butchers. $6.6Co6.05; good to choice heavy, $6.9ii7.12V-; rough heavy. $6,6006.85; lleht. $5.70iifi.S0; fnilk. t6.00Ti6.25. SHEEP Receipts, l.dtc; fcneep and lambs steady lo strong; good to choice wethers, $4.5i0(o.t0; fair to choice mixed, $3.5ott 1.50; western sheen, $4. mfro.tO; nntlve lambs, $4.50-0 6.55; Official Cattle ... Hogs ... Sheep ... western lambs, $1.7)f5.40. yesterday: Iteceltits. Shipments. 32.56' 6.r.Sf, 66.110 8,9) 22.350 1.185 Kanaaa City Llveatork Market. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 10. CATTLE Re ceipts, 12,500 natives, 500 Texans, 60 Texas calves. 200 native calves: market Is lowest of winter; corn rattle Huff 15c lower; quaran tine 10c lower; cows steady to shade lower; atockers and feeders steady to lower: choice export and dressed beef steers, $4,753)6.35; fair to good, 13.7dsj4.70; stockers and feed ers,. $2. 5u4.50; western-fed steers. $2.75ri$ 6.06; Texaa and Indian steers, $2.6"1 4.20: Texas cows, $2.25(12.90; native cows. $1 ..VKrg 3.90; native heifers I3.00ft3.90; canners, $1.00 4j2.0O: bulls, $2.7005.00: calves, $2. HOGS R-t 0 Ipts, 9,500 head; market strong to 6c higher; top $6.97V: bulk of sales, $6.80 (16. 974; heavy, $6.10(86.974 : mixed packers, $6.724fi6.94: light. $6.5oift"6.824; yorkers, $6.75i6.K24; plga. $6.002i6.45. SHEEP Receipts, 5.500 head; market steady to strong and active; native lambs. $4.0of6.16: western lambs, $3.S5'h7.06: fed ewn, $3.00(75.10; native wethers, $3.50ifH.25; western wethers, $3.00(Ji4.90; stockers and feeder, $2.6iK&3.M). St. tools Livestock Market. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 10. CATTLE Receipts, 6,00o head, including t.'OO T-xnns; market steadv to weak and lower; native shipping and export steers, $4.3ofi5.SO, with strictly fancy quoted up. 10 ; aressca oeei. ann butcher steers $4iOif5.uO; steers under 1.000 lbs.. $3.lVKtj4 50i stockers nnd feeders. $2.45' 25: cows and heifers. $2.25j 4. o: canners, tl.6oii3.50; bullfc. $2.5iif(3.6o: calvea. $4.0fVrj 7.60; Texas and Indlun steers, $3.Hj4.?5; cows end neifers. tz.ivn j.a. HOGS Hecelpia. fc.600 hjad: market ateady to strong: pigs aod lights. $6.M'il.oO; pack ers 6.7f1f6.9i; I Jtchers, $6,856(7.05. SHEEP Receipts, 3 heal; market firm: native muttons tl.25i5.2S: lambs. $5.01 416. 50; culls and bucks,- $2.("i'((4.50; Blocker, $1.5(vj3.0o; Texans. S3.ui4i t.CO. tir York l,le?ck Murket. NEXV YORK. Feb. 10 CATTLE-Beeves Recelnts, 1 car direct; dressed beer un changed at 7f(9c per pound; a little choice beef at 4C Latest caoies iijoie live cai tle steadv; ref rlrator be"f slow. 8ji9 per pound; exports today 950 rattle, 2,240 sheep and 3.84o quarter of beef. CALX r.W lieceipis. l''j; uniuy, cill ild al $5.0((9 5i per lis) pounds. SHEEP AND LAMBS Kecelpts. 94 cara or 1.996 head; sneep iori..c nmner; gooo lambs nrm: common gruues steauy; sneep sold at $3.5'ti ,.00; exnort do al $5.20; a bunch of choice wetners nt 3J.M; culls. t2.t'ii:.iio; lambs at $i.aiK(j7.oo; culls, $1.7oW 6.00. HODS Kecelpts, 14 cars: steaay; state hoga gold at $7.25 per lot) pounds. Mt. Joseph I Ivrstork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 10. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,834 head; nntives. $3.75(fc5.50; Texas and WfSterns. $3.3r.'n4.7ri; cows and heifers, $2.004.25; veals. 2.5"i6.50; bulls and stags, $2.50i 4.35: yearlings and calvea. $2.754.35; stockers nnd feeders. H Jii'il SO. IK m;b Receipts SPiti ncait: ngnt ana light mixed. J6.(Of(6.X'.4.: tndlum and heavy. $G S-'V'it.OU; Plgx.; uuia, eo Borj' 6.924 . ... SHKEP rtecetpts. 0.110 neaa; inp Colo rado ewes, $4.26; top Colorado, $6.25. Klous City Live Stork Market. 8IOUX CITY. la., Feb. 10. (8ueclal Tele gram . CATTLE Receipts, l.ouO head; P. B. Wear. Pres. C. A. Wears. V-Prea EatitMlsns issr: WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO aaciuuere of tha principal txcOuiiksa Frlvate Wires to All points. 4(.ltAIN, IMtOVIlt!s, mbCKI, IIOXOI Jaougot anu soio lor rasa or future delivery. OMAHA BRANCH. 110-111 lluard of Trad telephone. "516 XV. K. XXavrd. Lovat al-tager. and 12.7 HtHJP Receipts. (..'O'l head; aiteng, fell lng si 46 J.';i.M.i, bulk of sale, t6.5o4jfx.7o. Meek In lh. The following wrre the receipts of live Stock at the six principal cities yesterday: Cattle. Hon. Phe. n. tmahn ft.wai Chicago 4 OHO lo.i.m ,( l.t &.r.o j nun ti7?o :i.oio .1.510 MO 6.9011 .iv0 Kansas City 12 fit. Ixiuls Pf. Joseph , Sioux City t Totals.., 2.ST.4 1.000 ...33.134 63.911 1.27i1 Whisky Market. . CHICAOO, Feb lO.-vVHtSriY-Stfady at 11.30. KORI X. Feb 10. AVHI3KY For finished good", tl.Xi. I-. lAtl 18, Feb. 10. WHISKY Stetdy at $1 30. T1IK REAI.TV M IBKKT, INSTRl'M ENTS filed for record Tuesday. February 10: Warranty Deeds. R. Juiin.nsori to XX-. R. Taul, w 5 ft if e I'M lect. lots 1 and 2, block . l.awthorne ad I 7' Allantlc Realty aseoclatlon to T. O. MaKinne. loin 10 and II, block 3. Be ll. I 1'nrk 9-V) Frantlnka Vavak and hufband to S. A. Hultman. lot 9. Tuttle'a aulidlv.. l.SOi" F. (4. Bylea nnd wife to A. tl. xVahl strom. lot 21, Sunnyside ad 1.1'"' Benjamin Folaom and wife to C. 8. and Arthur H. Huntington, lot 6 block 165, omaha 6.60-1 Byron Reed ronipanv to Mary (loets, lot .1, block 3, First ad. to Mount KoUKlan 22 "1 . H. Elbotirn and wife to Mt ran ret S Atkinson et. al.. lot 6, block 2, Marvsvtlie ari 7o Joseph Chalmers and wife to James Held, e 2'o It lot 5. tlonfleld J.0i Same t,i Margaret lltighea, same 1,2V! RtXK STATEMENT. No. Report of the Condition of the Xli:itMlM MIIOVU. B4X l. At Omaha, in the Slate of Nebraska, ut the Close of Business, Fobrjary 6, l!i3. !tl:Slil"KCKSI Loans and discounts. Wcrtiratts, scored and unsecured V. 8. bonus to secure circulation I". 8. bonds lo secure S. deposits (.. S. Donus on hand.. 1'ie'nlums on I'. S. bonds . . Stocks, securities, etc Banking house, furni ture und fixtures Due trom national I auks (not reserve gentsi $ 133.62S SS J.'.il.562 06 l.x.161 75 fV'.iKU OH ,(,,000 Oi 1,000 01 355 0 17S 7o lii 30',000 00 tnie irom state banks and bankers Due from approved reserve agents Checks and other cash Items Exchanges, for clear Irg house Notes of other na tional bank Fractional paper cur- 70,479 61 55(1.048 05 7.890 f 115.787 86 10,8d2 00 841 5.', , rency, nickels and cents I Lnwiul money reserve 1 In bank, viz: I Specie 123,147 00 120,(H) 00 l,132.15i Ti Legal tender notes.. Kcd.mptlon fund with I" S. treasurer (j per cent of circula tion) i.500 00 Total $3,776,743 83 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In Suiplus fund I'ndlvlded profits, less expenses and taxes paid National bank noted tutst Hiding Due to other national banks 635,690 50 Due to state banks and bankers 4S4.23S 37 Individual riep.-ialtn subject to check.... 1,245,364 20 Demand c. rtlflcatcs of deposit 6,471 56 Time certificates of deposit 598,008 89 Certified checks 1,679 45 t 5(0.000 00 100,000 no 40,433 31 Sd.Ott) 00 t ashler s checks out standing United States deposits 114.880 48 100,000 00 3.086,320 69 Total $3,776.743 83 State of Nebraska, County f Louglae, aa: I, Luther Drake, cashier of the above named bank, do solerrnly swear that the above statement la true to the Loat of my knowledge and belief. LUTHER DRAKE. Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 10th day of February. 1903. F. V. HAMILTON. (Seal! Nitary Public. Correct Attest: FRANK MURPHY. PEN B. WOOD. FRANK T. HAMILTON. Dlrectora. No. 2978. Report of the Condition of the UNITED STATES SATIOV4.L U.4XK, At Omaha, In the State of Nebraska, at tha Close of Business, February 6, 1903. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 2 424,346 45 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 26,937 bi V. 8. bonds to secure circulation t 60,000 00 U. 8. bonds to secure U. 8. depoalts 100,000 00 160,000 00 Premiums on U. S. bonds 100 00 Stocks, securities, etc 100 00 Railroad bonds 219,000 00 ' Banking house, furni ture and fixtures.... 10000 Other real estate owned 100 00 Due from nations I banks (not reserve agents) 217,495 43 Due from state banka and bankers 43,608 08 Due from approved reserve agents 624,806 02 Internal revenue stamps 6 21 Checks and other cash Items 1,816 It Exchanges tor clear- '. lug house 66,037 96 Notes of other Na tional l anka C.0O0 00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents lit 83 Lawful money reaerve In bank, vlt: Specie ..! 206,847 00 legal tender notes.... 126,000 CO., 1,179,634 66 Redemption fund with U. 8. treasurer (5 . per cent of circula tion! toOO 00 uu from U. 8. treas urer, other than a per rent redemption fund 2,000 00 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding Due to other national banks t 735.770 84 .$4,069,817 70 I 400.QO0 00 100,000 00 17.06 54 60,000 0O Due to mate banks and bankers Dividends unpaid 570.1H 29 75 00 Individual deposits subject to check ... 1.494.339 03 Demand certificates of deposit 69,613 13 600,172 11 11,676 00 21.661 76 100,000 00 1. 502,731 16 Time certificates or deposit Certified checks ...... Cashier s checks out standing United States deposits TOIBI a ...."." State of Nebraska. County of Douglae. ss: Total .$1,069,817 70 1 V H Caiaweii. casnier or ins auov named bank, do aolemnly swear that the above la true to tne Deal 01 my kncwledge and belief. v. n. 1 Ai.un r.i.1.. . ssmrr. Subscribed and a worn to before me this 10th day of February. '..,.. L. M- TALMAOK. (8i-al Notary Public. Correct-Attest: MART,S M. T. RAKI.OW. C. W. HAMILTON. Directors. I.KU.t I. XOTU K. NOTICE OF STOCK HOLDEU3' MEET INti. Notice Is hereby given thst the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land Company will be held at the office of said company In Lincoln. Ne braska at II o'clock a. in., on the 4lh duy of March. A. D 19-3. Bv order of the hoard of dlrectora. ' C. H. MORRILL, President. A B MINOR. E.rtary. Untoln. Neb.. Feb. 1. WOt. F It4 steady; l.eevea. .t6ot.nX; cows, bulls mixeu, 41 '( '; stoiker and feeders, li ralvr and yearling. 32 BotM.oo,