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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1903)
IT TIIE OKAnA DATLT UEEi WEDNESDAY, FEBItTJARY 11, lf03. The Dniaiia Daily Dee. E. ROSEWATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Bee (without Sunday), On Year..$4.W Dally Bee and Sunday, One Yew JJ Illustrated Bee, One Year JW Sunday Bee. One Year J u Haturday life. Jne Year J-60 Twentieth Century Farmer. One Year.. 1.W DELIVERED BY CARRIER. r.n. ti- Hhnut flnnriAVV ner COOV.... C Kii'J Lee" Kmnhiunry-,.PrV::Kc Sunday Bee, per copy vVwirk 6c Evening Bee (without Sunday), per wem , Evening Bee (including Sunday), Pr I Complaints' of Irregularities . in oeii""? should be addressed to City (Jircuiauua partment. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. Bouth Omana-Oty Hall Building, Twenty-fifth and M Streets. Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street. Chicago 1M Unity Building. New York 232 Park Row Building. Washington jui Fourteenth Street. COKRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and ed itorial matter ahould be addressed: Omaha bee. Editorial Department. tiru ITTANC-E8. Remit by draft, express or postal order. TO. l:VlTymroi mail account. Personal checks, except on I Omaha or eastern exchange, not acceptea THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. fStata of Nebraska, Douglas C0""!;.".. tfaWa'ct copies of The Daily. Morning, Evening and Punday Bee printea. aunna iu. January.. l03.i was. aa,pllovs: .t , , trf -e - 'M'M'Tdi. Mki. 1 A SO. I oojjno I ! TOO I t.t&S&HS , :. W.MO, ' I',C!Alf..lBOt' ' ''n..:.V.'.'.....'..' ..; 80-R2O ' T,....i....4...0,RlM oj,4im .30,4140 , 10.rt.i..'.'8Oo u.'.'...-..;..Sw.Teo It..; wmwio II..-. ........ ..80.BB0 14......... -.80,400 15. ....... aoiTo 22 W JB... .'..;ao.30 24 80.TB0 25 aMo 2 f-"0, zL o's40 a 8O-B30 80,5T2 A.... ......... I It, ,..80,470 '".'li' ' .B4i.4B Less unsold and returned copies.... e,8TP I Net total sales ei,oT Net average "- 'X Subscribed h. my preeence and sworn to before ma this Mt day of Ja n,'a'A'TA,- D-1 - - 1 ' . . ' T,..Wliai I If w are to bave a' new city charter, It Is about tlma for lt to make Ita ap- ' pearanco at Lincoln. I Having demonstrated the accuracy of his weather predictions, the grounanog Is willing to be lenient . The legislative . redlstricting bill has duly made ita appearance. The Judicial redlstrictlng bill ahould follow quickly. Whatever may be thought of Mr. Ad dicks and his methods, the staying qual ities of his supporters cannot fall to command admiration. Nobody has as yet explained why the I school board wants to set apart $11,000 trom the school tax levy for 1903 fori the purchase of text books. I At the Tllden banquet In New Tork, Charles Q. Hamlin talked Just as If be had, run for governor of Massachusetts and been elected Instead of defeated. I It will be remembered how Governor Savage sub-let' tho ' selection of his Omaha police board to John N. Baldwin I and Dava Mercer and. what a mess tney made of It. No need of ; worrying about what Speaker Henderson will do after he lays down tha gavel March 4 next The speaker may be .depended on 'to take care of himself. Wer rim a a nrooertv owner In Omaha pays $5 In city taxes he pays $1 which the railroads ought to pay. Will anv member of the legislature contend that this Is jUBt? The Philippine extradition bill having tnat lf h,B nomination cannot be pre become a law, people contemplating en- vented they will even go to the extreme forced trips abroad will observe the length of backing a "conservative" dem precautlon of marking our new Insular oret to beat him for election. No In- possesslons oft their list of countries to be visited. It la Intimated from Washington that Our Dave might accept a federal ap - polntment if lt should be offered to him. His anxiety to hasten back home (?) as soon ss bis term in congress is ended seems to have singularly abated. 8enator Carmack evidently holds See- retary Root in mighty small esteem, But Mr. Root will manage to worry along If the Tennessee senator will only confine himself to letting off exhaust steam on the floor of the senate. ,In view of recent incidents we believe the public might be easily stirred up to exhlblt a lively Interest In the discussion of that time, worn proposition regularly threshed out by every up-to-date college debaUngJwJvtV,:"m'aiiiV,r.'I- It safei; o tratW1;'. Wwd? A tjt ''iv', JiU'Vl' JlL- Th atteh' )hicusloa' in the'senate seems to have reached the stage of com- petition between the two opposing pollt - leal parties to prove that the other has promised more and doue less for 'the people of the territories now seeking ad- mission Into the Union as states. President Baers Interest In the non- , union miners Is Intense when it happens ' that the noauulon miners are contending . for the same thing that the coal barons 1 want Let the nonunion men organise i or even ask for some concession with- out concerted actlou aud watch rresl dent Baer become decidedly less svmna thetic The solicitude of the railroad lobby- Ista for the Interior cities and towns of Nebraska in pretended efforts to save them from the avarice of the Omaha tax scheme strangely stops short of afford lna- them relk-f from excessive transpor- tatioa charge. Let the shippers of the state ask for rate reductions and ftve how quickly the fawning lobbyists and tax acenU ton against then. BKBRA8KA ASD WISCOXSIS. The batUejrround of tax reform Is by no means confined to Nebraska. The conflict with corporate taxshlrkers Is raffing- In other states, rtotsWy In Wis consin, more furlonsly If anything thnn It Is In Nebraska. But there Is a marked contrast between the attitude of the Wisconsin law makers and the Ne braska law makers as regards railroads and their interference with legislation. In Wisconsin legislative bulldozers of the stamp of Baldwin lire not tolerated. The contrast between the legislature of - Wisconsin and that of Nebraska Is rorcl- LI. (It..-,--...! U. 9- - t.n mj iiiuumi ij iuc ion peal of the railroads against increased taxation Is to be made before the legis lature by the presidents of the various railroads during the present week and not by a paid gang of legislative cor ruptlonlsts. Ppeekg of the situation In Wisconsin, the Chicago Record-IIer-ald says: The time has come when the railroads will have to place their cards face up on . 1 i.kU mA " - taint. Hw ak.n. force of argument. They will hare to show tnetr portion to ths people of Wisconsin and in the manner that the man who earns $L60 can understand. The day ot the lobby ist with his peculiar methods Is passed. Ha has no place in dealing with the tax ation problems. ', Whether the railroads W increased tax or whether they are now $1,000,00 short of what they ought t0 p4y M clalsoea by Governor Laroiiette, something. .that will have to hs decided IB IDO llgoi. iot nmi ' yoiu IBUIB. M.L IUP ien- road, eah-ahow people that they are doing their share as' It Is, the chances are against any increase being made. On the other hand, If they cannot do this, if is absolutely certain, public sentiment being wnat lt lg tnat they win naVe t0 draw bigger checks for the next two years and thereafter. Tlie contrast between the Wisconsin and the Nebraska legislatures Is also manifest by the vigor with which the Kill for the abolition of the lobby In being pressed in Wisconsin. The first Bection of that bill provides that lt shall be unlawful for any lobbyist or any agent of any lobbyist to aolldt the vote of any member of the legislature for or against any bill or measure before that 1 1 . . .V. 1 1 1 n A .A (..Anfln.A or to attempt to Influence any member of such iegiBlaturo to vote for or against uy Buch bjn or. measure. While this does not prevent anyone from appearing before a committee when a bill is iid for ronBirtr-tiOI, tt means the death knell if th,rd honie ,f ,t Yeomen a law. and there Is every Indication that lt will become a law. Why should not the Nebraska Ieglsla ture emulate the example of the Wis cousin legislature . and legislatures of other states that are cursed with organ ised gangs of hireling bribe-givers? fits FRCSWtlKT AlfD THE TBVSTS. It Is stated that President Roosevelt caused the public announcement to be made that the Standard Oil company was endeavoring ' to prevent anti-trust legislation ,and that telegrams had been received by United States senators, gigned by the head of the oil trust, urg ing- that such legislation' be stopped. Washington dispatch says that If this be the fact, or If lt should be generally believed to be the fact, by trust mag- nate. th political significance of such a development would bo very great and might have a very Important bearing on tha action of the next national re nubllcan convention." The obvious meaning of this Is that the trusts may endeavor to defeat the nomination of President Roosevelt next year. It Is by no means Improb able ,that they will do so. It Is not to be doubted that the men generally who ,n control of the great combinations ar ho8tlle to th president A New Tork republican paper, recently said is a matter of common notoriety iuai un irusi innuencea are so deter mined to make an end of Mr. Roosevelt tenigent man will underrate the power ftna influence of the great combinations. They are vast and far-reaching and if exerted in the political .field will not be 1 without effect. But we do not believe that the trusts can compass the defeat of President Roosevelt in the next re- publican national convention and we I think his election would be made the more certain by their opposition. A very large majority of the American peoplo are well satisfied with the course of Mr. Roosevelt in regard to the trusts, The policy of dealing with them which he n8 recommended is moderate and conservative. It does not propose to revolutionize but simply to regulate. It not designed to destroy but rather to preserve that which is worthy of preser- ".tlon and eliminate thnt which Is not. 11 contemplates no injury to whatever ,s lawful and fair and honest. No cor- PrHllon thflt l complying with the Jnw-and dealing in a straightforward was iwlth the public has anything" to f far from the Roosevelt policy, 'rhe earnest determination of the l President to secure legislation which he relieves to be necessary to check the I growth .of i monopolistic combinations n(1 t0 Protect the public against their evl19 na tne practically unanimous approval of the people. They know him to ' absolutely sincere and they feel nfldent . that whatever legislation is enacted he, will make all possible effort lo enforce. They want such a man In I tne executive office aud they have the Pwer to place him there In spite of the - hostility and the .machinations of the - trU8t- Let the people clearly under- BMna lnal ,ne combinations are bent upon making, an end of President Roosevelt and they will rally to hi J uPPort with aa enthusiasm that .will overwneim all opposition. There are Intimations of schemes and intrigues In - 1 behalf of others. If there be such they wlu prove futile. Theodore Roosevelt today stronger than ever before In the confidence and esteem of a majority of th" American people and there is every reason to tHjlara thai be win a lews seenre la this rwrpect when the I next republican national convention I meets. lM'BtiStll Fttr.lVHT HATtt. A protest ngnlnst the recent general In rrnnRea in freleht liuiffs on itruln and grain products, dressed meats and other commodities mis been filed with the Interstate Commerce commission In be- half of the producers and shippers of Iowa and the west generally. The pro- test sets forth that the railways have partaken more largely of . the general prosperity than any other clnss of prop- erty In the United Stntps; that their earnings are largely increased over pre- vlous years, net profits and dividends Immense, surplus unprecedented; that their stocks doubled In value in the Inst Are venrs as a result. It Is further tireed that freleht enn be handled and Is being handled by the railroads one- hnlf chcaner than ten years aco on account of Improvements In methods of transportation. The protest adds: The railroads have already, by a 22 nor rent Incrense In the 1900 classlflca- tlon. more than recouped themselves for the claimed Increase in expenses on ac count of advance in material, wages, etc., and the Increased tonnage of the country, on account of the Increase and development of the shipping commodi ties of the country, promises still larger earnings and dividends." The commis sion is asked to require the corporations to open their books to inspection by that body. That the statements in the protest are true the recent statistics of railroad business and earnings conclusively show. The traffic of the pnst year and partic ularly since the beginning of the move ment of the last crop has been unpre cedented. For months the railroads, especially .the eastern lines, have had their facilities greatly overtaxed npd necessarily their earnings have been - larger than ever before. The last num- ber of the Financier gives figures of the . , Washington Poet. earnlnes of the lines east and west of , AM',cn M Introducing the quick earnings or me lines east ana west or nch ,yBtem t London, and the editors rutsnurg ana une ror snowing a great Increase over the preceding year, It appears that In four years the gross earnings of these lines have Increased over $80,000,000, The balance applicable to dividends was $10,041,000 in 1899 and $21,682,000 at the close of 1901. For 1902 the surplus over charges amounts to all of $25,000,000, or over 12 per cent on the stock without taking Into account expenditures for Improvements. The earnings for 1901 were equal to 11 it cruv ou uib enure outstanding stock, 'ine western railroads nave been rela tively prosperous and as the protest states have more than recouped them selves for the claimed Increase In ex penses. In December last the Interstate Com- tnere lulte crowd collected on the side meree commission called on the rail- walk "na when he CBln 0ut he w" en- roads to give their reasons for advancing ... . M freight rates and most of them have replied, but It Is stated that the replies are not satisfactory to the commission, Therefore It proposes to pursue the in wuirj mk a Hearing oas neen arrangea i ., , . for the 20th of this month, when rep- resentatlves of the leading railroads will go to Washington to answer such ques- .!. , . ' t.on. m ine commission may desire to put to them. W hether the Inquiry will have any practical result Is problemat- leal. The fact Is that the advance In men " ,lves can narllT he utterly and irre ratea in tha neural nnfth e trlevably false. There must be some re- -.w v - m vua a a ill I lit" merger system, by which Immense blocks of largely watered stocks have been thrown upon the market with the promise of paying profitable returns in the future. In trying to Justify the violation of home rule principles In the proposed ap-1 polntment of a water commission by the governor Instead of a commission . . . . . . , , . , . elected by the people, or appointed by me mayor anu council, tne cnamp'ons or that extraordinary measure declared their main object to be the complete ex clusion of the commission from politics. The commission, they said, was to be strictly nonpartisan and must always so remain." But this feature of the bill does not seem to have Impressed itself very strongly upon the politicians. The first thing out of the box is a per- sonal appeal to the governor by that stanch nounnrtlsnn. Churl. A . .b.rmo e ' " v' l"D ,ri,",au vuuiujr i-,- romee, to anow tne executive committee of the republican county committee to name the members of the commission. tlwv . , ... j .ri.uu.n-au cuumjr tommuiee. a majority or wnose memners live in South Omaha and tu the country pre - Clncts. should rush into the breach la Inexplicable. If the water commission is really to become political spoils the republican city committee should, by all means, hnv nnUni i a , l"""""": the republican county machine or city machine to name the members of the water works lxiunl Is conceded, why not also concede the right to name the three democratic members of the water com- mission to tne (iemocratic county or city machine? We feel sure thev would name slnion pure democrats Instead of half-breeds or republican democrats. We note that a bill has been intro duced into the legislature to reduce the Interest rate on .registered warrants Isiinwt V.T h nt r,f nm.h. t . ,j . 5 per cent. This bill ought to pass. The city receives oniy z per cent on the de- posit balances of Its treasury, and the i... . i. . .Ulr,rel ,t uow ,,UB ' too great. Five percent warrants ought to command par right along without en - tailing any loss whatever upon tbe city's creditors. The reduction in warrant in terest rate would only be recognition of the reduction In current Interest rates on commercial loans that bas taken place In the last few years. At the celebration over the Brazlliaa Argentine boundary arbitration In Rio Janeiro, enthusiastic admirers of the part played by tbe United States In tbe bejawafd. art said U aars cri4 out, "XtafJ live derriand sad. Booarvelt" lr any further proof were needed to convince Colonel Kryan that Orover Cleveland was not a democrat this would be con clusive. In 1SKJ the assessment of 1.944 miles of railroad in Nebraska aggregated $12.' 0SO.C0, or fl,319.70 per mile. In 5,7(l miles of railroad In Nebraska were assessed for f2o.422.732, or $4,030.92 per mile. At the mileage rate or the assessment for 1902 would have been $37.19T,WO, or $10,775,148 more than the roads have been assessed for last year, And yet John N. Knldwln insists that the railroads are paying more than their share of taxes now when every mile of railroad In Nebraska Is worth fully double its value of twenty years ago. The next mov promised at Lincoln Is the Imposition of a governor-appointed nu P,lce commission upon eoutu Omaha. Of course the proposal which Purports to take the departments out of PoUUct comes from a ounch or discred- ,u'u who uuo vo cuico on oy thI circuitous route. If lt Is true that the exposure of the Rockefeller Intrusion Into the anti-trust legislation Is to be credited to the occu pant of the White House, whatever President Roosevelt may lose In popu larity with the trust magnates will be made up by gains in popularity with the masses.' " Shadowa of Coming; Trooble. Baltimore American. There are faint signs that the twentieth century Is going to see a rebellion against the sardine system of street car traveling. Somevrhat llehtnd the Times. Somervllle Journal. In these fays of skillful modern surgery the man who has never bad an operation nerfnrmed taalm . t v whonr np date l nmm over that way are warning their readen against it and declare It Is wicked. The arPP mm usually follows the " 1UUVU. Paper rrom Ceraatalka, Minneapolis Journal, If the Department of Agriculture sue eeeds in producing good paper from corn stalks It will have done the country a great service. Spruce trees that take thirty years to grow will be too expensive to com- pete w,tn the "talks, and we shall not need to.worjr mbout r Vpw supply or about ntll for PUT an mnrh O at aA An. A rA perhaps we will get better paper. Join the Don't Worry Clob. Washington Post. Mr. Cleveland went to a photographing establishment In Philadelphia the other day to have his picture taken. While he was Z, . I Pm , ' two facts together and considering what has happened In the past, some people will he able to make themselves extremely un- happy, Some Redeeming; Traits. Chicago Chronicle. " With all due' deference to the shocked statesmen of the senate, lt may be said that " the Mormon religion really constitutes the dominant' and impelling Influence In tne of ltg profesBori the fact hardly constitutes an argument against It. A creed which exercises so much power over deeming traits' in It. Afa Inflated Estimate, Philadelphia Press. The talk about there being 10,853,396 men in this country available for the militia may sound big, but it does not mean much -utte a Bmber are foreigners and not much over 100.000 are armed, and they have for the most part ancient arms. It would take co,deraDl time and money to organize and drill a modest army out of that raw m.terlaL But provU,OIf .hould b6 mada for that purpose. DEFECTIVE TRAIN DISPATCHING. Fallor to Deliver am Order Re. sponsible (or a Wreck. New Tork' Bun. Details now at hand concerning tha cause of the frightful head-on collision between two passenger trains on the Southern Pa ciflc railway near Vails, in Arizona, which I occurred only a few hour after the wreck n IN"r Jersey, bring up ror rresn eon slderation the existing method of running trains by telegraph It appears that Operator Clough, at Vails, I had received two separate orders for the 8un,et Limited, bound west, which was i twelve noura late, una oi meae oraers d,re,,.d ,h.t ,, .houid OP ..,ro,. freight at Esmond, a station four mllei 1 sway, while the other order specified where tn limited should meet through paasen f er ra,n N- 1 M , 7 I . . . . ered to the conductor and engineer of the I limited; but the second and more important order, concerning the meeting of the two passenger trains, was not aeuverea bi an Thl. .k. th. .n.tne.r nf th. -westbound train drew out ot Valla with the I understanding that, except for the freight ' Esmond, he had a clear track. The ora9T wer" Probably sent several m nutes Jxer they wer, r,ceWed at Valls before the limited arrived there. At any rate, Opera tor Clough forg t that he had more than one order, and did not discover his mis take until the train had gone. Practically, this wreck on the Southern Pacific was of tbe same nature at the one of s few weeks ago on tbe Grand Trunk railway, tn Canada, wherein twenty-eight persons were killed and as many more In lured. In the ewe ot the Grand Trunk dls- .v . ...i Vlhi di.pltch.r. It a. a command, and allowed a train for which he I had orders to proceed without them. I Can train dispatchinc t called aafe I which leaves wide open the door tor blun I ders like these? After the Vails operator tad repeated one of his orders to the dis. ' natcher and received the "O. K." thereon. why did not the dispatcher, knowing that another order was In dough's hands and that the conductor and engineer for whom lt was intended vre ready la sign it, insist upon the repetition of that order at once? It will be said that the dispatcher obeyed the rules of ta road, wliertaa the operator did not. Very true; bat sack arguments offer no satisfactory defense at ths charge that tha system of train dtapatcklag la use today is defective. Tha mar tact that accidents occur, aad aceur freqpeally, under tha present aystem. Is la ftaaU ahaolota u Mt waas tt atuoU ka proaf mat, at lceu u ansa svumm, HOCSO ABOCT SEW TORK. Rival on tbe Cwrmt Lite tke Metro nolla. Tha strenuous life among the wealthy has Its pathetic side. "Testerday morn ing," relates the New Tork Sun, "an auto mobile rolled up Fifth avenue. A very young child and his nurse were the occu pants. The fur-covered chauffeur kept the vehicle moving at a moderate -tile. Only a short distance behind the Brvt vehicle there rolled another private automobile. It proceeded with the satne deliberation and It contained a child not more than 3 years old and her nurse. The two vehicles continued on their way to the park and an hour later were making down the avenue again. Both of the children were born to wealth and position. The mother of the sable decked youngster in one automobile is new In Europe living with her second husband, who Is no relation to the child. He re mains with the father when the father bap pens to be in New Tork. The father of the child In the second automobile has a second wife end this child lives with her mother that Is to say, Bhe lives with her when the mother Is not at Aiken or In Florida In the winter and in Europe or at Newport In the summer. In spite of the servants, the furs and the automobiles there was an un deniable pathos about the little procession of orphans orphans of a new kind, but none the less bereft for that reason. Sixty gay, laughing, giggling, garish school girls scrambled into the last car of a Ninth avenue elevated train at One Hun dred and Sixteenth street on Tuesday aft ernoon. Their ages were ' from 12 to 17. Many were well dressed. Many were pretty. They owned the car, which might have been reserved for them, aa only two men were In it when it reacned their sta tion. At Ninety-third street an old woman entered, looking feeble and tired, but not one of all these maidens offered her a seat. She supported herself by leaning on tbe back of a croes-bench until the car arrived at Warren street, where many of the girls got out. Surely tbe home training of those girls has been sadly neglected. Ths New Tork Central's plans for the expenditure of about $20,000,000 in recon structing its terminals In New York City, Including the abolition of grade crossings In outlying districts and the substitution ot electricity for steam as the motive power for trains within the city, were con sidered by the board of estimate last week, in the form of bills that have been drafted for introduction in the legislature. The Interesting fact wss disclosed that the officers of the company are considering the erection of a station on Forty-second street, which will Include a twenty-story hotel and possibly a large department store, after the manner of the large terminal hotels and stations often seen In England. While It cannot be stated definitely that such a station will be erected, the English plan is finding much favor In New York. A large modern hotel, a department store and two or three theaters may be built at the Pennsylvania station, and, whether or not the Central constructs a combined hotel and terminal, one or more large hotels will be built near the station on Forty-second street. The Central plans include a con nection with the subway. It Is said that work will begin in thirty days after the necessary bills are passed snd that all of the Improvements will be completed within Ave years. The agreement between the city and the company will probably be en tered into this week. A compromise payment of $115,000 to David C. Johnson, a well known sporting man In New Tork City, has revealed the fact that young Theodore Hostetter, the New York and Pittsburg millionaire, had lost $1,000,000 in the year preceding his death In New Tork gambling houses. Mr. Hostetter died last August. Johnson denied that the $115,000 was entirely a gambling debt. Its payment In part, he said, was for borrowed money. He said that fre quently when Hostetter wanted money in a hurry he had loaned him from $5,000 to $30,000. He says he also gambled with Hostetter when the latter wished tt, and that Hostetter had wOn $30,000 from him on the last presidential election. Ho had also matched pennies with him at $1,000 a toss. "I did not Intend to sue; lt was merely for my own protection, and with no idea lt would get into the courts, that I put my claim Into the hands of Howe ft Hummel," said Mr. Johnson. "Mrs. Hos tetter will say, I am sure, that I always treated her husband as a sincere friend and that I was more service than loss to him when it is considered what a plunger he was. I helped htm to win many thou sands by advising him in his bets. If Theodore Hosetter lost $1,000,000 here I do not know anything about It. I want to say light now that he was the nerviest gentle man plunger that I ever saw, and you may say the luckiest as well." A suit against the Hosetter estates was brought In Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, several weeks ago. The court records show that the papers were marked "compromised and settled." There Is so city In the world where a woman, during a day's shopping, can get so many things for nothing as she can In New York, according to the Times, 'Mob and women are employed especially to make her comfortable. In any one of a dozen large department stores there Is s parlor where she can write all the letters she wishes to, make appointments with her friends by telephone, find a maid to wait upon her, a compartment to put away any purchases she may make and bave them all tied up until she is ready to take the train for home. She need not leave any one store all day if the weather happens to be bad. She can get an excellent meal there at a rea sonable price. As she wanders around demonstrators are constantly tempting her to try a cup of chocolate or some kind of breskfast food, served with cream on dainty little dishes. She may collect no end of artistically Illustrated booklets and samples of special foods to take home with her. In at least two stores she may hear a really good concert by well-paid musi cians, either In the morning or afternoon. If she Is accustomed to buying one par ticular brand of coffee or tea she gets a premium card with every pound that tn time enables ber to get for nothing a hand some piece of furniture or a set of books. Magistrate Crane of the police court In Harlem. N. Y., thtnks that when the sani tary code comes In to collision with com mon sense it Is the former that must give way. A negro was brought before him charged with violating section 119 of the code, which refers to the beating ot carpets, rugs, etc. The magistrate discharged the prisoner, saying tt was absurd to arrest anyone on such a charge. "I bave my own rngs beaten almost every week, and where can ths work be done better than la the yard?" y District Attorney Jerome of New Tork is disposed to look with some degiee of prfds oa tbe result ot his last year's work in helping reform the police department of that city. Captain Gannon has Just been convicted of irregular practices snd fined $330; Captain Moynthaa and Acting Cap tain Churchill have alvo beea "broken; Captain Foody has been reprimanded; Cap tains Pclaaey, Price, Creeden, Chapsnaa, a has aad IniptUt Baclay have retired TALK. Or THE STATU nifTSS. Fafrtrary Ossefte: The legMattrre sxun to be getting right down , to baalness. Thai's good politics, and it Is the best way to insure a republican legislature two years hence whn a United States senator la to be elected. Nellgh Teoman: There seems to be a pre vailing sentiment In Nebraska In favor ef a larger homestead tn the Sand Hill sec tions. Put unless the right to commute Is rescinded the change might simply make tt all the essler for the stockmen to gobble up large tracts. Falrbury Gazette: The proposed plan to divide Nebraska into two federal judicial districts, making the dead line, as usual, the Platte river, hangs fire, lt may be In time there will be sufficient business for two districts, but such does not seem to be the rase at present. But tt looks like the question might be decided from a po litical and not a business point of view. As It Is now, the federal court, bag and baggage. Is put on wheels and becomes a traveling caravan twice a year to points where there Is nothing to do but open court and adjourn. Norfolk Press: The best way for a pub lic official to retain his Job Is by giving good and faithful service. That is what the Press asks of any of them, because lt is their duty to the public. The acts of a public offirer are legitimate subjects ot criticism, and because a newspaper points out that m officer has done wrong tt ts not vilifying or abusing him. Tet It is ths common cry of the wrong official and his friends that he Is being vilified when his wrongful acts are pointed out. It Is the duty of every newspaper to do Just that very thing and the Press proposes to live up to Its duty' In that line, no matter whom tt may hurt. ' Aurora Republican: What will be done with the supreme court commission Is the j question uppermost tn the minds of the at- .... ' . . , , unsatisfactory. We have the spectacle of one set of commissioners handing down one kind of decision and another set making a directly opposite decision on the same j nneaHnna of lnw. The snnremn court stands as supporting all decisions and the decision, from Nebraska are so mixed up as to be of little value as precedents to follow. Nebraska decisions have been none too widely accepted In other courts and they may. under the present condltlbns. lose their their value alogether. A change is due at once. Nelson Gazette: The state of Nebraska i and every country comprising tt ts not so much In need of a drastic revenue measure for the purpose of getting more money from the taxpayers into the public till as lt Is of an economical disbursement ot pub lic funds. When the men elected to office guard the state or county money as sacredly as they do their own private pocket books (and we might say a little more so than many individuals) then, snd not until then, will we get the desired re lief. It's one thing to cry economy every time a legislative body comes together and preach the need of more revenue, but it's an entirely different matter to so con duct public affairs as to be on a cash bails as well as one In keeping with our ability to pay without actually becoming burden some. Ord Quiz: The movement among the dis trict Judges of the state to reduce the num ber of Judicial districts and the number of Judges is taking definite shape, and lt Is probable that a bill to reapportion the dis tricts will soon be In the hands of ap portionment committees. Lawyers agree that there ts a gradual reduction tn tbe amount of litigation, and that fewer Judges can do the vark, with a consequent saving to the state. There Is also much sentiment tn favor of a return to the district attor ney system and a bill to that effect has already been Introduced. Tbe argument Is made that counties are unable to elect at torneys who are capable ot coping with the stronger members ot the bar tn crim inal cases, and that in smaller counties the salaries are so small as to furnish no attraction to good lawyers. It Is claimed that district attorneys may be elected, with reasonable salaries, resulting In stronger legal talent and better service id the prosecutton of criminals. Many dis trict Judges favor the plan. I"I;ilSO.AL. NOTES. Cole Younger Is not to be permitted to place himself exhibition, y This will greatly Intensify the desire to see h,lm. Mr. Uttlefleld has demonstrated that combines have existed since 2,000 years B. C, which is as far back as congress will care to go. Senator Lodge has Introduced a bill Into the United States senste authorizing the erection of a monument In Washington to John Paul Jones at a cost of $50,000. If the base ball belligerents would emu late the diplomats and throw a few ulti matums at each other, the exercise would lend a ray of gaiety to a tiresome situa tion. Abe Slupsky. whose name is almost as familiar to the reading public as that of the Honorable Dink Botts, has resigned the office of collector of rates In the 8L Louts water commissioner's office. A' bill prohibiting the eating of snakes is ss good as passed by the Kansas legisla ture. The wisdom of confining the reptiles to the visual organs of Kansans ought to raise the lawmakers several pegs in public esteem. It Is said that John Edward Addlcks, who ever since 1888 has been trying to get himself elected United States senator from Delaware, has spent close to $1,000,000 in the vain effort. As a result ot bis fight the state had but one senator for four years and for two years it has had none at all. Representative Bankhead of Alabama was waking his annual speech for the appro priation for the southern fast mall. "All It will cost," he said, "Is the sum of $143, 787.75." "You seem to know all about lt," Interrupted Representative Hsnk Smith of Michigan. "I do," replied Rep resentative Bankhead. "Well, then, what Is that 73 cents for?" "Axle grease," said Eankhead, promptly. This Is by no moans a "Bargain ' Bale" in the "cheap" sense, but it is a time of tine opportunities for clothing buyers. We have some short line of suits prreatly reduced in price, and some over coats nof every size in every pattern but we've probably got YOUlt size at a good, big saving. NO CI.OTUIKO FITS 1. 1KB Ol'RS. Fltfy Years M10 Sfandard f" PT 3 ' wssm WMlEL Awirdid Rights! Honors World's Fair Highlit lists U.S. Gov't Chimlif s PRIOS SAKINQ POWDIR CO. OrllCAOO WORDRRFtli ISVKXTIOW. Wliard F.dlaoa Thrown Oat Another Bnnrh of Propheelea. Philadelphia North American. Bdlson announces In specific terms that he has perfected hts storage battery and that the days of the horse are numbered. These are his words: "The new battery will settle ths horse not at once, but by degrees. The price of I automobiles will be reduced so that almost every family may have one and run it ! without the aid of an cxr?rt. In fact, I I hope that the time has nearly arrived when every man may not only have his own ' '. . ... . n . n. "tomnblle. but slso be able to light his ?wn nnue- char' machine, heat may not only have his own his rooms, cook his food, etc., by elec tricity, without dopt-ndlng on anyone else ,0 tnM" wl " T "m n 1"" Edison Is not In the habit of boasting idly achievements snd the invention of ! to"e Dntt"y "Pted to vehicle trac- on 00,, not sppesr se wonderful as many n' ,hl'1" he nH flone- Vl , , , . riui E,aion musi idus iu uib iauici9, ,co, the man who claims to have found a way to make fuel of water wrest them away from him. Banishment of the horse from city streets would be a small matter com pared with the rescue of the world from all danger of fuel famine and ths Instant collapse of the Coal trust. If the water burner will only make haste to put his device on the market, the family automobile can wait awhile. SMILING REMARKS. "What a luxury a clear . conscience Is," exclaimed the high-minded statesman. "Yes," answered Senator Borghum, It S a luxury. But It Isn't a necessity." Wash ington Star. "Ho save he offered his heart and hand, to Miss Qoldrox, but she made light of them.". . , "Yes; and I understand her father fired the rest of him." Philadelphia Press. Mrs. Von Blumer We must have the Blggby to dinner. We owe them one. Von Hlumer Of course. We passed nil awful dull evening there, and It Is nothing more than rlKht that they should pass one here. Brooklyn Ufe. "Astigmatism," explained the doctor, "Is an abnormal condition of the eyes. In which they appear to have different planes of vlalon. snd you ran see better with ono than with the other." "I see," observed the professor. "Ono pupil Is more apt than the other." Chl cago Tribune. A man never means mora than hnlf of what he says to a woman. And a woman, never means more than a quarter of what she says to a man. Somervllle Journal. "What Is meant by the phrase prlra war has smoothed his ruflled front?' " "I don't know," answered the student who cares more for the newspaper than, for the classics, "unl.-KB some fastidious and elaborately drossod general had Just sent his clothes to the laundry." Wash ington Star. Caller Well, the nerve of thatt Merchant What's that? Culler Why, rlldn't you hear thnt Snip) of a boy referring to you as "Bill?" Merchant Sh! That's our office boy. Bo) long ii m I can protend I didn't hear him It's all right. Philadelphia, Cathulio Standard. KAfl ABOVE ItUBIF.9. Thomas Compton. What Is It all that men posses among themselves conversing.' Wealth, or fame, or sorno such boast, scarno worthy the rehearsing; Women only are men's good, with them. In love conversing. f If weary, they prepare us rest; If sick, their hand attends um; When with Krlf our hearts are pressed, their comfort best befriends us; Sweet or sour, they willing go to sharo what fortune senda us. What pretty babes with pains they bear, our name and form presenting! What we got how wine they keep, by spar-" Ing wants preventing! Sorting all their household cares to our ob served contenting! All this, of whose large uso I sing, In two words Is expressed; Oood Wife Is the pnoA 1 praise. If by good men possessed, Bad with bad In ill suit well, but good with good live blessed. EYE HEADACHES S,mTy SdJiiHted lluSe.w. alone can sup ply you continue t' nvifTer. j. C. HUTESON & CO., ri3 8. 19th St., Taxton Block. BARGAIN SALE 99 H. S. Wlleaa Mr (5