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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1903)
TTir OMAHA- DAILY BTlKs WKDN KSD A Y, FKBRTTATIY 11. 1003. 5 ittOJt'S ANNUAL MESSAGE spsmants; slo ths provision rqu Iritis similar majority jwtltion a a Jurisdictions! requirement befoie a otiange of grade can be oriliTcd. Th trouble with these provisions Is that ismMtory upon the nty 10 sm-h txtltlun. and yt the suftlf-tenry of the petition may be attacked In the court even after the Improvements have been made In unod faith and thousands or lar expended by tho city In tiilr comple tion. The courts have sustained the validity of moat of the taxee) levied unl-r the new charter, which took effect In ISM. I believe a curative act should be panned by the le lalatureriirlng all defects in assessments levied under thia cnarter. Many u nm levied prl reaa ef erection to but a temporary make shift and will not be a credit to the city. t believe the city neerta a market, but It rhould b erected In a suitable and ac cessible location and It ahojld be a build ing of permanent character and of aue- flnnrlitian of Vi Hit,.'. T7 T3 J I thev make It m -uu iKJOom or0-r ,mprov,mpT,,, upon the fling ot quale else and construction SUGGESTIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL Steps to Part-has W ater Plant t rged and Additional rdnds to Pro- Id for Habile ees la Several Hlree-tlena. most of the old asafssmenla prior to Health Iepartment. The work of this department during the year was most effective. The duties were very largely Increased by smallpox, which reached the epidemic stage during tho first nart of the year. In the first three months of the year, mere were w cae tinder the care of the department. A total of KM cases were attended to during ths run of the disease. The epidemic has been stamped out by vlgoroua attention and proner care anil we now nave out iour Mayor Moore submitted bis snnunl mea. tags to the city council last eight. Iu text follows: To the Honorable City Council of the lay In securing the annual reports from the " handling of special tax lltiga- ho,l- r,t ....-.- . k. ,i ...... i... . . I lion was mora than duDllcated In 19i. in compromise semeineni 01 invmii i through decrees of court this department collected for the city $:tf,212.1. In all com promlaea tha owners of property were re nulred to niT un nil rea-ulnr taxea and all other special assessments in full except the Invalid taxes atrectea oy tn tompruiiunc, poned the presentation of the mayor's an nual message which according to custom was due early In January. The year Just closed has not presented any peculiarly new or remarkable prob lems, but the conduct Of city affairs dur ing that period has been creditably con servative and on the whole satisfactory. Equalisation and Taxattoa. I'i7 ara Irreaninr hut a linn nart of them I light canes of rae disease In the city, can be -relevied wltnout a curative act. 1 as is wen, tne i-narirr If we could know that assessments from I for this department la only U.0ii0 and but 17 on were vs'ld and lncontestlble It would I Sn per cent of this can be drawn against. be a great aid to the future prosperity 01 Tnia amount is pracucauy lasen 10 men the city. I salaries and llxed charges, and It was n . Tmw I.lla1nf1. I inipuneioie ihsi rill in inaar l'ivirin ' Special Tt Lltlgatloa. i fund fo(, fn. Tha success of the legal department In I large Increase in expense which It waa kaown would orc.ur on account, tu mc smallpox epidemic. This Increase had to be taken care of OJt of the general fund, therefore. Instead of nut Of the health fund, from which It should properly be drawn. The extra expenses attending the epidemic of smallpox amounted to $12,496.94, Of this amount 4,0S4.t4 was furniture and emergency hospital buildings, which have These were paid to the treasurer direct by permanent value. The remaining I7,l&i!. the parties ana are not inciuui-u in nr i was expenueu ior ueip, nuir-ro, u - amount aonve meniuneu. i ia-n. i nun ul uouriiiB m impfi"i . ,,,,. . . ,.,ii ... . . taxes probably amounted to as much sa the drugs, fuel, milk and telephone at the i5 .Jwt "'".rpal afTa J Is deserv- f ,h .fecials compromised, and the emergency nospltal. .m."r" cVul c""",,''ra;,on thn h7' ?hVr specUls paid and not Included In such The charity limitations of the fund should ZndYwwtloS ?omJr"Pmlne. probably to a. much more, be raised to at least I2O.U00. fux just such S dirty wh"h 5w The settlements were mainly on properties emergencies. M Wl5 be.vlly "cu2tT.7mesVaVbee"ndtot "m.Vi '-- ZTJrZ.?! rmt-J.; .... ltf&t&?w&Wt& . The. record of success,,,! .service . this i aetianmeni com nuea aunnv a no forth to obtain a fafr equ.l.itton .of prSp. tV.t 'A'X'tS ter'was an bbstacle seemingly Insurmount- cases now XntotlWim bZii able. The suction In in pert as follows: P'IVV0 f'l Lon VrWl unless the J-rovlded. that the tav commissioner shall hould be ,f ""'Vinmlss their ca5J In tuke the valuation and assessment of rail- parties voluntarily d m'" "JJJgi ma, nn,.ri a iihin .h- oi.o iiw,n. . preference to having Judgments 01 eaioppvi , .....1 . irn Ui.f Ilium In addition to nis rrgumv Jl m- ""i r " ....... nment furnished ab- I force too small. Of course (here are parts tracta and opinions for the city which If of the city which have splendid protection, made bv outside abstractors, as was form- but thore are' others where nothing short ariv done wou'd have coat the city more, of a miracle could save life and- property thnn II nob I In case of nre. To afford this protection, 1 ,,"' .'...., it.niatona were obtained the city should build a number of depart- .pina- the vear In the supreme court in I ment houses and furnish them." with men ivor of the city in speciiu i I I'l"""'- the returns made' by . the - State Hoard of Kquallxatrort to the oounty clerk." Every one a familial1 with .the fact that the figures for railroad property valuation In Omaha as returned by the State Hoard of Equalisation, do- not equal the fiftieth, and In many cases not tha two-hundredeth fiart of the actual valuation. Accordingly, n order to minimize as far as poaslble this Injustice, equalisation has heretofore been maae of I In nore of the con stituiion requiring taxes 10 M uniform and .":-? C. riv all the A dou proportionate. The tax commissioner, the l Bgainai um.. . nA 'l aasess- and a h lioard of Kevlew and the Hoard of Equall- new questions raised ""'"P0"," deoartment continued during number of fires was nearly 100 less than In 1X01 and the nre loss waa smaller by This reoord la phenomenal, and yet It Is as much due to good luck as it Is to skillful tire fighting. Although no depart ment In the country of the same numerical strenath excels our own. Hut our fire- flghtlng facilities' are- Inadequate and our I :c ' . a.. i .1 .ninat iinnht iiicKS i An engine nouse rnouia De punt in tne on a paeis ot jrora za to tu per cent 1 " y Y r. n..iF iouinai I ahniam . ,ntn,.t tha lot nurr-h..i '1u y "ii"!', i -' a . a . fL.Vhg?wf nrevlous decisions of the dls- last year at Eleventh and JaCkson streets, the fall of 190. it wall determined to Ig- Omaha, the previous aecianm. ,,.,. v,.i nn.ri. intara.t. .r. t.onardi.ed hv ,1 hS.TS VJISZTSS.Sl .XCV'" oV 5? tn dt? tS practically all ot any lire In this locality. A" hTrge confla- le charter on the ground that It la un- tlon of tne city o oiuxr i , u,,.. miht ,Uraiva tha tohhina- stltutlonal rfn being contrary to the con- the old curping was . v r'," "...""."th - ' " ..t.oS all took thi uf.i ? th- e..-1 .iU ment. levied T since March. 18tf7. and these In the vicinity of Twentieth and Lak hVv.Vork:dlntna"ron,y ?o iec'u?.": faTr STh? ' cU? "ha? ylltU? pu3? h va?ue?PVh',tlonenU .TlV g jfS 2l . a- i.u s nAa tnn DretsHii. r"I".T: t iif -fh. weni iniu cocw - -- , , . . w ail the vaiiaiiy oi .t"""1-"",',."." teresting annual report sums up the prom inent features In tha assessment for 1903 as follows: "First The assessment ef all property, real and personal, at a fain canh value in stead of a percentage of fair cash value as heretofore. neuunu jn increased BnpniBraiini pi ins i i nave aiwya . . ..tin capital stock of Incorporated companies of of the municipal ownership of pub'ic uii - inuiiFiiTn V"" --i . . . m these assessments, anu vi ?- the city. Hnnlclpal Owner.hlp of Waterworm. t'Vlt public utlll- about 3.oou,OiK), the Paclno Express company ties, and especially of water,,T,11i", aoout o,uiiii,uuu ana anotner advance on I up to tnis time prnvi..i.. " ".iZ. hie corporation or over w,'w,i"t. anv step in mai uu-n:wui ""'"v . "Third The assessment of railroad prop- f he total amount of outatandlngl long- erty , locally at fair cash value like all time Indebtedness of the city, as rtown or other property In place of taking the fig- the figures of the comptroller, u tne sum tires of the State Hoard of Equalisation, of $3,618,000. The assessed . valuation ot believing that any provision for the aaseas- property in Omaha under tne 40 per cent ment ot any las of property otherwise basis for 190J was .f7.i.i. ITian in conformity to the constftutlon As will be observed from tnes ngures would not be valif." the ouUtanding long-time indebtedness ot . -.. ...t,,.ti ..ii i... tha lftit assessment was only roads within the city of Omaha, as fixed H3.000 short of the wn vrhn? ,ni T con- double house for a hook and ladder ose company should be constructed the vicinity of Twentieth and Lake art e mile away, A double house should be erected at Twenty-seventh and Jones street on the lot now owned by the city, so that a hose company could be put in alongside the hook and ladder company. The pres ent building is an old barn remodeled and is so cold and unsanitary as to be 'inflt ior living quarters lor the men. There is raring I ,S.W0 Total i n.Wifi.M If the cmount Invested In park grounds and park Improvements were added, the total would be considerably over I'.o.tmO.nun. A.Hlnnt ihln there la a totsl fleht for (lin- 4-1... . .s-,r hniuli ind saving or aoout nan tnai amnunu eavlng the net assets of the city at this date about, exclusive of school property, city hall, engine nouses ana rest estate owned by the rlty. Probably the most important worm com pleted during the last year under the su pervision oi inia aeimi nut-in wan toe v-un- atrurtlnn of the Twenty-fourth street via duct by the I nion Pacirto ana Muriingion railway companies. These rompnnles are under agreement to construct a viaduct or subwav on Huncrort aireei ann nave mr llwr ni-aetleallv air reed to construct a Via duct over their tracks near Eighth and Liavenport streets. i The nrellmlnarv steps have been tsken to acquire the right-of-way for the Saddle nraalt Main newer. ' wnicn fRS ion Lie r li needed to afford sewerage facilities to the west and northwest portions of the city. Jt Is proposed to construct a driveway In connection with the e-ewer trrcr the prop erty to be condemned. Charter Amendments. Thera nre a nnmhr of charter amend ments which I trust may be secured at this session of the legislature. Among them I would -suggest the following: Klrnt The clause reauirlng the tax com mlnnloner to take the valuation fixed by the 6tate Board of Equalisation In assess ing railroad nronertv should be stricken from the charter, an being unjust and op pressive. If not unconstitutional. Second The charter limitation upon the levy for the fire, police, health, water rent and nlnktna funds should be in creased. The anna rat us and appliance of the fire department need renewing. If the other houses herein recommended are erected the additional expanse of mainte nance must be provided for. The police fund Is not sufficient to support the pres ent force, and during the last three or four months of the year it will be neces sary to discharge half of the patrolmen to prevent an overlap. The health fund mutt receive a large allowance If the city la to be protected against contagious dis eases when they become epidemic. There are parts of town where additional ny- nniTtPIl ArniTDO TirinTtt smx?Sl OFFICERS BRUTAL ent levy can be Increased- The sinking fund limitation must be raised, as the amount authorized for the past few years has not been sufficient to meet the city's Interest charges, and it has been neces sary to take thousands of dollars annually out or tne general runa to pay tne Daiance In order to nave tha city from defaulting upon lta bonded indebtedness and ruining I SUBAU tKNS FLUtiutU WIIHUUl MERCY tne oily s crmit ior many years iu ruiuu. The annual levy for each of these funds has been the maximum amount allowed by the charter and In order to meet the requirements or tne city tnese limitations should be raised as ioiiows: From To TlTe fund I126.0H0 160,onO Police fund 11&.UH0 130,0110 Health fund 10,000 20,0u0 Sinking fund 200,000 800,000 These changes would not necessarily In crease the total levy to any material ex tent, but would permit tne payment oi Crackers With A Kerosene FlaVor AH They are known as the common bulk soda cracker. grocers don't have them in this flavor some of them do. It's no fault of the grocerman. He sells bulk soda cracker. because a few customers still buy them as a matter of habit He also sells kerosene. Between measuring out kerosene and putting bulk biscuit in a bag things will get mixed. If you do not fancy the kind .with the kerosene flavor ask for Uneeda Dlscuit in the In-er-seal Package with red and white seal Made with the utmost care; clean bakeries, clean bakers, best material Packed in an air tight, dust proof package that does all that it was made to do-7 keeps the biscuit fresh, clean and dry. They reach you in perfect condition just as they left the oven. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY (3 English Admiral Expoiei Alleged Barbar ous Custom in Eoyil Guards. Small Social and Military Offences aid to Bo Panlshed by Bach Comrade Whipping; Offead ers Bar Feet. LONDON, Feb. 10. Rear Admiral Basil Cochrane, retired. In a letter published In expenses out of the proper funds instead the Times today, make astounding state of out of the general fund. I .....din. a ih..h.mii ...t.m" al a large territory. in this locality without Third An amendment should be made I . . , . fh. adequate protection. By . some peculiar raising the limit of our bonded indebted- PrJa11 "hong the guards regl- mismanagement, tne nose company ior tne I 111 Bs ox bito vno city invum vrs uiuuiiu i ueuia m m puu.auuicui. v. iviaiwiiu protection oi nanacom .far ais'xict was i"""' lunaing mraoi w m up "ul" I guilty of social or military offenses. puea soutneasi corner oi tne par ' ""fd! According to Rear Admiral Cochrane, the in me noiiow, so mat in oraer to reacn tne ijmn iouuuh lUr un 1'ojnmiu ui mo i . , - : . residence district a long run must be I same. Theae bonds and warrants now I colonel of one battalion hag been In the mA.ri a iinhtll. and when tha. ton nt tha. hin I bear from 6 to 7 Der cent interest and I k.hi kmHn. av .n,i.p. tha is reached the teams are exhausted. A could be refunded at 4 pe cent or less, . subaltern who summons a court hose company located at Twenty-seventh I thereby saving the city many thousands I nlor suoaitern, woo summons a court oi collars annually in interest. i maruai at wmvu tuo attouuauvQ ui ail ins Fourth Tha provision of the charter In subalterns Is exacted rvufrtiuii iu juriBuictiuuai ucuuuni ior ape- m.- , . . a cial ImprovemenU shouldbe modified in nten almoat Invariably flog- the light of experience and common sense, ging. This la administered en the bare so that no property owner could defeat xci. and from six to forty blows ara given assessment on the around of detective tie- ... . . . ... ... no eey "i""". v.. iTi i .v, :.,r7... 7:.r ;. tition. whan th. i,a.n. h. i witn aucn severity as to araw diooq. ah .mit9, ... ....i I M na rant limit. XniS Qimcuny "-ii"iJ ui i niiiiii-aicuiill ... ."T"" 1. . " . . .. .... u..i iiiiuuiii- ""y;--- ,.,, mH, ,(.. na Daveimort. tret. This locality ha maoe py tne oity at large expense, relying tne omcera present, even tne most mil r na inmi aaaeaaeo va inarinn mar vanr or i . now removeu ut inn . . , , , .... ... I t i ,.uu . , . , . i . . - i . . ... and Jones streets would afford greater protection to most or tne Han scorn park section than can the comnany at Twentv- nlnth and Bhlrley, as the run from Twen- by" the BUt Koard' of Equalisation was cent limit of Indebtedness While , th Is con- Z"2?xtJ?FTonnuttlm&t 1130.248.40. The valuation this year, as dltlon existed It would have been Impos- ty sin and Joiim !.tr??et1? vf'Ia.,Ur1,'y finally fixed by the City Board of Equal!- slbie to Issue water works bonds In the 0tn evel and Lv"hu "J": tlonVa. or an increase q0f 25.- sum required and keey wlthlr . the constl '.rja TBY i OAS .1 7ropeHr y"w. TR."" on' ao 'nSr c"ord.nV to the" ."tandard of "real .et-t Hlf T.V.w tolo h.SlVVVuclaSS: paKcu! m tr1end' f thS T,CUm' P"4 rentP ba.l.'was approximately W.ftM. required I by law for jrgo.. of mu- fhat mustb? cllnXe by tne companies larly'Xn no clalmof ffiTlnju.U; to admlni.ter their ghare of blow.. .uale5l to valuation of 9t.- nlclpal taxation f or tne fn omaha from their present locations. mistake is made. The admiral cites the Instance of a young MtinTS tnrort ,?lJFlL?ft vaTOi Mra W 0fflcW ".r'r.ce.vinc forty of Persona, property waa placed at $57.- tlon for u,?ffifc.t com- th2 TlcPnlW HfftVdSZrn.1? tines ti new charter wVnt mlo'lffea'ln " ' ?,B,, JJfii-11' ra. 12 n1 h"."ef!d .XaluVJS.n i'.ih!f 'riv0 iJ f in altutlon for the streets and Fourteenth and Howard stre.u U7. . . . own nephew. Captain Leveson-Oower. who, fn.t'ftrinea $&l? t"" icqul.i- ZlJS.i tW '.'lfM' " unintentional military fault, wa- 8tl.0B. Thl Increase was entirely on per. sonalty and Is accounted for In large part by tne raiae on rauroaa valuations. The effect of thia equalization will be a very material reduotlon In the annual taxes to be paid by individual property owners. Tax Collections, The record made bjr the city treasurer In 1902 was even more notable than that of the pretlous year. , Th lituZ elty taxes be came delinquent JUl" and so vigorously was the work of collection prosecuted that on December 31 84.1 per oent of the current year's taxes hud been paid In; the per cent of personalty collection" being 92.4, while that of realty waa (1. 68. During the year llJ!,131.4S of special taxea were collected. A number of improvements were made .for which assessments were levied end bonds and apeoial warrants Is sued and yet the balances ahow a net de crease of o3.90i in our special assessment debt as compared with one year ago. The following statement la furnished me by the city treasurer: Assessed, valuation for 190S 37,616,166 00 Mill levy 03 Tax produced 1,128,484 96 lSutt tax collected net).i 11 Percentage Of 1&2 tag collected. 84.1,. di vided, as follows: rSEALTT. A Messed valuation Mill levy 03 Tax produced .' 8fifl,(W0 50 190J tax collected (net....: 707,051 42 Percentage of 19u3 tax collected, 81.58. PERSONAl.Tr. Assessed' Valuation , $ 8,736,815 00 Bllll levy ...w..... , ' 03 Tax produced Ztil.8"4 45 UK tax collected (net) 241,910 6S Percentage of 1902 tax collected, 92.4. Total of 1903 levy 1 1,128,484 96 Total of all regular taxea col lected 1.177,724 12 For the year VMi 92,581 19 tlon- of the water works. buildings for which we pay a yearly rental tne right of home rule in the matter of . . . ,,, of 13.400. These bulldlniia ara no, I the regulation and control of Its fire, and tried ana flogged. The; - power to ap- I Subsequently, according to Admiral Coch rane, his nephew was punished with great "l .i wn.b. I Of 13.400. These hullillnu.1 ara no 3,,,7h.LV- nrov ded In the contract for our purposes and yet half the amount ? depajroneut J iiu.. ... . il. I sua nnv a at annua I Ana.l fnaa !,. JVn"".-" Sln. . aoeri.e to the we pay as annual rental for them would llnt the Board of Fire and Police Com ..... i Tm It therefore be- Pay Interest on enough bonds to erect new mlssiqnera for the city should not be 'lr..;. . hia limn to consider buildings thoroughly up to date and suited I v.te? " governor, but the boarc ha mni effective and certain plan of pro- to 'tne neeas ot mo department. the moat eneouvs ana ; " ,,.. The necessary sites for all tha.. h,,tM ceoure ior pq ni.iu.. ,, h. .,,rt .ii .,,1,: C: m lugs erected for. approximately $150,000. I believe a bond oronosttlon should ha anh. ml t ted to the. people foe this parpose. Of ...w. . . w,..n th. maintaining companies Tn the-rtSTmtoi ! fn short-sighted, policy In aihTaa. the SinS to iliT "appral.: building, would considerable.-but the Yil ?.US"l ! "!?,.; , - - , j 1 munev ere and tne appraineme ceuuia o ...(... . ... - -- - - - whether hv enforcing the right of purchase, which will accrue September 4, 1903, or proceeding Under the power and right of eminent domain as autiiortaw j heonmino- final and blndl a,,K1 n annroval bV nnnu and aTao hv a vote of the people, This gives to the city protection much ta be desired with reference to the amount of the appraisement. Whatever coure may be decided upon, we should proceed, as we have done, with sufficient caution and understanding of the situation as to adopt the plan which will be safest and best, so that the water works may be secured for the city at a fair and reasonable cost. , .1. Now that bonds can be Issued and the time when the right of purchase will ac crue will soon arrive, I recommend that an ordinance be pasred declaring the ne xaaaitv of annulrlnft- the water works plant 128,889,350 00 I and providing for the appointment of ap praisers to determine tne vaiuo vi un same. With this In view, 1 would urge that this communication be referred to the appropriate, committee, and that the ques- lll w I l. , r - 1 Aii.k... . BO vernor. but tha board severity uy mjur unumi vuyuaut, iui - should be appointed by. the mayor and merly commander of tfce Grenadier guards, shoulTbe elective. C"r ClU ?. .etae for pett' ftu,t' nd wM ln enlanc , 1 01 contiuueu 111 treatment resiguea nis Pnblloatlon of Ananal-.' Reports. ,"' I commission .'last week. , . Ths oounoll during the last five years when Lord Roberta, tne commander ln cniei, was lniormea or tnese occurrences through relatives be severely reprimanded commander ot the Qrena- nlaced Lieutenant Colonel ur?d he n?cealty for their publication. Klnlock of the same regiment on half M,M1 Ma,L, .1 dui a mistaaen iaea 01 economy nas in- . ' street Markers. duced counoll to ov.u,,, mv aelrire. fcay. A much needed Improvement was begun I ,n tne matter, in the recent Investigations I 1 last fall In the matter of plating street made by the Real Estate exohange it wai pnil f CTATinN IN riIRA markers on street corners. For a number pound almost Impossible toMiecure ln avail- OUMUIIlU OIHIIUIVO 111 wUDH i to -Il Sll .Ml The chair car is one of tlie modern conreniences of travel that furnishes old-fashioned comfort without any extra charge. The chairs can be adjusted at night so that you can recline at full length. Then, with a pil low from the porter, you can sleep as soundly as in a bed. These cars are distinctly a Burlington feature, and thro' trains all carry them. Thro' trains leave dally as follow! To Denver and West, 4:26 P. M. To Kansas City and Bouth, J8 A. M. and 10:30 P. M. To St. Louis and Southeast, 6:10 P. M. To Chicago and East, 7 A. M., 4 P. M. and 8:06 P. M. Montana and Northwest 11:10 P. M. TICKETS: 1502 Farnam St. J. D. Reynolds, City Ticket Agent of years past 1 have called attention to the imperative need for such markers and have urged the making of an anuronrlaUon for that purpose. A few months ago 12,000 waa act name ior una ODject ana this amount haa been expanded as followa: Four hundred and eighty-six signposts with two street signs each, and (teg signs piacea on corner buildings, making a total of 1.W0 signs. Additional money should be appropriated to extend this system, as ths tlgns already placed only cover the more illicitly popuiaiea parts or tne city, The Garbaae Problem. TTnder the present laws and conditions able form comparative figures on city ex pendltures. and receipts for the last five People Have No Objection to Carry. years. 4 wuuiu again urge tue necessity ior o tne proper aeierminauoii 01 una m- 1 ,r. r.i ii . r..,,i. ... Ion I will be pleased to confer with your h TJ '..uSf J2TlJit , t tlon honorable body. Electrlo Llahtlaa. ' A very Important work of the year was the extenalon of the contract of the New Omaha Thomson-Houston Electrlo Light For back years 225,192 92 Collections of the year 1901 exceed the levy rnmoanv for electric street lighting for for the year by H9.2J9.17. a fact which never term of three vears from December 81 occurred prior to tne year law. l jinri The former contract was eniereo. inio . .- i.Mi.1 T..,)).. iecember 1, 1896, extending an existing . , . laxatlon. contract which was not to expire until De- Well-constdered charter amendments are cember 81. 1897. This old contract was needed In relation to the making- of special I ru Improvements and the levying of assess- I sa meats therefor. . For many years the char- I the ter provisions upon this subject have been to apparently framed to enable property own ers benefited by them to evade payment of assessments for public Improvements on the moat trivial of technical objections to which the courts have been all too ready to lie ten. The conditions surrounding special .taxation In Omaha ara unbearable and un conscionable. It Is an outrageous situation when property owners can defeat special asaessmenLs a decade or more after their levy without any proof of inequality ln the taxes, but solely on some halr-spllttlng miles Into teamsters en gaged ln hauling garbage will neither pay for the privilege of using the dump or haul tneir loans out or tne city, but deposit garbage, ashes, nlghtaoll and manure on vacant lots, outlying streets or In any ac. cesalble place where they think they can empty their loads and get away without discovery and arrest. Loads of refuse and foul-smeUlng filth are freauentlv dumnad at night in streets and vacant lots right ln the midst of thickly nonulated r1lam,.i This is a serious condition, and the worst printing these reports, and I believe busi ness men generally who are interested ln municipal affairs would endorse this recom mendation. If not deemed feasible to pub lish ths reports in full, I would advise that at least an abstract of them for 189S. 1899. 1900 and 1901 be issued. This could be ab breviated into one volume If thought neces sary, l would further advise that the an nual reports for Vf.i be printed in full. All of this printing could be done for from 11,600 to 12,000, and the city, its officers and taxpayers would then be ln a position, by comparison of expenditures, to Check any tendency to extravagance and to trace the disposition of city funds. Ths taxpayers or tne ci:y want mis information in oner concrete form, and tha only way It can bs furnisned is Dy tns puoucation ot tne an nual reoorts of tho city. Kvery other city In the country the slxe of Omaha publishes such reports, and a comparison of our reports with those ot other cities would be of great value.- The Omaha annual reports were published reg ularly from 1W7 to 1897, inclusive, but were then discontinued for reason of economy. Cosapllatloa of Ordinances, tu, i nr. nr I. I. , u , u, i , n .. i , , , shed througn ana signed at mianignt n. forc. n u mp0.atble to remedy It. me day of lis paasage. thut "tvlng i wouJd reSommend that a garbage a people an opportunity to b heard or cre,matory be erected by the elty for the tirntect thftlr Interests. It Drovloed that I .KaAma. .1.1. ..... i.f !. . I aLFicmailL ua 1111B iiuiaaut-H. 1 IUH Pflllifl lsa the city should pay at the rats of 1114.80 per year lor earn arc ugni. ine new con tract entered Into latt March reduces the rate to 894.150 per light, the rate taking ef fect January 1, 1902, one year before the expiration of the former contract, and also requires the company to pay to the city at the ttrut ot each year a royalty of 8 per cent on the gross sales of the previ ous year, i nis saving or jj per year on each aro light has enabled the city to put ln over lOu new lamps, which haa greatly done t a small expenae and would be an Improvement welcomed alike bv nronertv owners and teamsters. It would materially lessen the danger from contagious dis eases ana wouia improve the health and appearance of the city. Many other cltlea have adopted this plan and It haa proven entirety Bstiaiactory, Gsglsetr and Board of Pnblle Works. I.rhnln.lllv m;hn a larva nronnr 1 1, n nr I Improved the 11 K tit 1 11 K SVStem Of the City. possibly all 'of tho other owners of property I and the additional royalty will provide lor assessed for. he Improvement have paid still further extensions. r their assessments ln full. I think It may be laid down as a gen eral principle that taxes and assessments should be absolutely certain and equal ln thrlr operation. If one person escapes all should escape: if one pays, all should pay. There la one provision ln relation to cer tain t-laaaea of puhliu Impiovement that has occasioned the arester part of this in justice and uncertainty and has coat the city at large hundreds of thousands of dol lars. It 'la the nrovlBlon requiring aa a jurisdictional rirerea,uinlte tu the ordering of rrpavlug..'a petition signed by persona owning a majority' of the taxable front feet (if the ro)Mrty within the district; also the provlvlon requiring a similar three fourths petition fur street grading where ths entire cost is to be puld by special as- NURSING MOTHERS A mother's poor health is bad , enough for the mother but worse still for the nursing baby. .Mothers find Scott's Emul sion a nou ris h i ng-and strengthening food. If the breast milk is scanty or thin Scott's Emulsion will make it rich and more abundant When mothers take Scott's Emulsion the babies share in the benefits. Thin babies grow fat Weak babies get strong. W1 1 uad yae a Unit t try , 1 1 yea ska. tCUTT & ItUMpiK, rsadiuaai, Hn lark. The aaaollne street lamps have not proved very satisfactory, and dunnx the year 100 of them have been discontinued, and the amount of money so saved has been put Into additional gas lamps, wnich give much better service at only a small increase ln price. At the beginning of last year the light ing facilities of the city consisted ot 15 arc lights, Drd gas lamps and 5d0 gasoline lamps. At the close of the year we had 446 arc lights, 1,0a gas lamps and 400 gas. olins 'amps. ... A great improvement has been made In bur atreet lighting during the year, but an Increased number of lights are still needed. , , Co adults. In Mari an ordinance was passed re quiring an electric and other wires wnen used for elecrlo light, heat, power, and other commenial purposea excepting those used for propelling, street cars aud tele graph and telephone wires, to be placed under ground mi that portion ot the city bounded on the east by Klghlh street, on the west by Eighteenth street, on the south by Howard rtrect and on the north by tamoi avenue. 'Ihe electrlo light and telephone com panies are rapidly complying with this re quirement. The app'aranc of the down town streets will certainly be greatly Im proved by having these poles and wires removed, and the work of nre tlKhtiug in the business district will be simpllrUd. and the possibility of such terrible accldente as have occurred to firemen in recent years liy coming in contact with live electric wires will be prevented. Market Hsase. During ths latter part of the year just closed the council, over my veto, passed an ordinance providing fur the ereron of a market house In Capitol avenue, east of Fourteenth, and later let a contract for -the partial construction of the same, and work baa already commenced on the fojnd- atlons. The portion now under contract la to coat about fU.Ouo and It Is esti mated that It will cost about as much more to complete the structure accord ing to plans from Fourteenth to Thir teenth streets. I have tonslatently vetoed every step In the proceedings In rWallon to the loca tion and construction ot this market. I have believed and still believe that a visit to the market site would convince any unprejudiced person ot its unsuitabie- s a iocauwo.- i & suuetura tavyreg. No compilation of the ordinances of the city has been made since 1890. In the twelve intervening years more tnan i.uuu ordinances have been passed, amending. re-amending or repealing former ordi nances. Hardly a section ot tns compila tion of 1890 remains unchanged, therefore that volume is now worse than useless. It Is practically Impossible to ascertain what tne present provtilons of the ordinances of the city are upon some subjects, for certain parts of the compiled ordinances of 1890 have been altered py amenaatory or partially repealing ordinances as many as twenty times. T I,.,,. naWaA atlimllnn to thla anhlaf In The annual report of tha rltv nriMr nr.uin. m.a..a t gives some figures whli-h will bs of Inter- desire to state again that I deem it to bs est to all citizens The engineer states of the highest importance that a new com- that exclusive of the wooden blocks, wa pllatlon of the ordinances be made. This now have in Omaha street pavements eov- should be done not only for the reason erlng ln round numbers S5 miles of as- given above, but for the additional rea- phalt, 21 miles of atone, 1214 miles of brick son that many ot our ordinances havs been and li miles of macadam. In addition to drawn carelessly and by Incompetent per- tnis there are 4 1-7 miles of paved alleys, sons, and a large number have already 9"r. ,ewf m"'ae b reached a total of been declared Invalid by the courts. Many Uel-6 miles. Treated as an asset, the ln- I ethers would not bear scrutiny if thev had vestment ln Omaha public improvements to be relied upon by ths city In any litiga te as follows: I i (fading of streets ll.M,764 This compilation should be made at once sewerage 1.91,941 and by lawyers familiar with municipal affairs and municipal law. r-o layman, De it m aaswa s, s a saw s s si a s Kit should be Intrusted with this Important II ' llrl li I I 1 fl II n lini? Th.n when a new compilation haa been thoroughly prepareu, printed and adopted and former ordinances repealed, no amendments of any character should be permitted, except In extreme cases of ab solute necessity. Nine-tenths of the amend atory ordinances Of tne past twelve years were unnecessary, ana were passed simiy to sratlfy some personal wnim and not from any puouc necessity. Conclusion. Ingr Oat Promise with ths United States. HAVANA, Teb. 10. Although a fairly definite understanding haa been- reached with the United Btatee representatives with regard to the coaling station on this Island, President Falma la Inclined to fur ther feel the public pulse before commit ting his government to the agreement.' Accordingly, he held a conference with the leading senators and representatives at the palace today and the matter was discussed, with the result that no opposi tion to the agreement developed, except on minor points. It la understood Jiere that the naval coaling station agreement Is not dependent ln any degree on the confirmation of the reciprocity treaty, since the coaling sta tion arrangement is expressly provided for by the Piatt amendment. A HELPING HAND" Is Gladly Extended By an I desire to express my appreciation of ths courtesy and consideration ahown me Th... ..a .nan. an t a. .1 la In V1" "-"" " - 1J ., ... 1 v . . i heads of tne respective department. I trust that this review of the last year's municipal record and the suggestions made In the message may be or oenent In anoint ing us in the work before us in the year 1903. Mespectruiiy. i'HA.NK K. MOOKKS. Mayor, Omaha prepared to tell their experience for the public good. Testimony from such a source Is ths best of svldence and will prove a "helping hand" to acores of readers. Read the following statement: Mrs Vrad Horn nf 001 Cumins- street. says:-' In the winter of 1898 I could not FIRE STARTS ON BATTLESHIP sleep on account ot pain ln my back. It Lighted Clssrctts- la Basket. ( Faser Canses Daaaacs Now York. also bothered me during ths day and I of ten had tharp cuting palna la ths kldneya when stooping or causing any strain on my back. At the time I commenced using Doan's Kidney Pills I waa very bad. Thsy were procured at Kuan 4k Co's. drug store and the Brit box relieved me. I continued ths treatment until I had taken three BAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 10. Firs broke out last night on the battleship New York, which la lying In the stream under orders boxes, wheo. there was no longer-any need I to sail for Honduras. to taka mors. I know Doan's Kidney Pills I Tha Drs waa In the cabin ot Paymaster do the work that it Is claimed they do." I Ball and la believed to have originated For aale by all dealers. Pries (0 cents. from a lighted cigarette dropped Into Foster-Mllburn Co. Buffalo, N. Y-. sole I basket of paper. agents for ths United Btatee. I Considerable damage waa done to the Remember tbe name Doan's and take no I cabin, but the sailing ol ths fleet today substitute. ' "i ' Bot a1yd' Every Day 1903. the Union On. Way Colo. , tha following A From February 15 to April 30. Pacific will sell . nlat Tickets e4 . rates! i I It FROM MIBSOUEI ftTVXB $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City. $20.00 to Butte, Anaconda and Helena. $22.50 to Spokane and Wanatchee, Wash. $25.00 to Everett, Fairhaven and New Whatcom, via Huntington and Spokane. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $25. CO to Ashland, Roseburg, Eugene, -Albany , and Salem, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco; Loa Ageles and many other California points. CITY TICKMT UmiuiO 1324 Farnam St. 'Phone US. Union Station. 10th and Marcy. 'Phone 829. RHEUMATISM Tortures, Cripples and Deforms. Rheumatism does not treat all alike. Some suffer torture from the very begin ning, the attack being so sudden, sharp aud disastrous that they are made helpless cripples in a lew days, while others leel only occasional twitches of pain iu the knee, ankles, elbow and wriat. or the muscles of the legs, arms, back or neck ; but this treacherou disease is only travel ing, by slower stages. The acid poiaona are all the while accumulating in the blood, and muscles and joints are filling with corroding, acrid matter, and when the dis ease tightens its grip and sthkea with, full force, no constitution is strong enough to withstand ita fearful blowa, and ita victim are crippled and de formed, or are literally worn out by constant pain. Rheumatism is caused by Uric Acid or 6ome other irritating poison ln the iiiooa, ana this is the cause of every variety and form of thia dread dis ease. Eatemal remedies do not reach the blood, consequently do no lasting good. S. 8. S. goes directly into me circulation and attack the disease itself. The acid poisona that cause the inflammation, sore ness and swelling are neutralized and the blood purified and cleansed of all irritat ing matter, and nothing is left in the cir culation to proauce other attacks. 8. S. S. being a vegetable rem edy doea not impair the digestion or gen eral health like alkali and potash remedies, but build up and invigorates the entire system, and at the eatnv time make a thorough and perma nent cure of Rheumatism. White for our free boofe on Rheumatism. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, 6a. THE BLOOD AND SYSTEM RULED BY ACID. axative JJromo Cirea a Coi4 La On Day, Quinine Crila3Dey ea every f7Wlw box. 2 So 25.0 to California That is the Rock Island's rate from Omaha. In effect dally from February 15 to April 30.' Tickets are good In tourist sleeping cars which the Rock Island run every day in the week, Chicago and Kansas City to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Choice of routes "Southern" or "Scenic." Folder giving full Information mailed od request , If you are going to Call fornla, OO NOW. After May 1 It will cost you near ly Uu more thsn at pressnt. Kates to Montana, Utah, Id aho, Washington and Ore son points aro proportionate ly as low as to California. writ or call. G. A. Rulhsrford, D. P. A. 1323 Ftrn&m St., Omaha, Heb. s ft f 'f f f i i i -rrrf' ( w t'titt ii f at m LMUJ.U it --. 1 sV- ..--- a s. ..