Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1903, Page 4, Image 4
4 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MM Oil MESTIOX. rvt d iik. Expert wtch repairing. LefTert. 409 B y: Mr. Charles Wiley Is vlltlng relative and friend In Kearney, Neb. Annual redaction on pictures and picture framing. C K. Alexander Co. Star chapter. Royal Arrh Masons, will meet thle evening for work In the pant master degree. We ure headqjarter for alas of all kind. Bee ua before you buy. C. B. Paint, Oil and Ulass company. Attend l. of H. aoclal Friday evening. February 13, In Merrlam block hall. He jreanrnents. Tickets, toe. ""Mask ball given by Teutonla lodre No. 13 at Urand Army of th Republic hall Wed nesday evening, February 11. Valuable prises given. lot f unseat of Jean Eckelberger, who died at St. Bernard hospital, will take place this afternoon from Lunkiey un dertaking rooms. Justice Ouren performed the marriage ceremony yesteraay for A. I... Moll and Lillian Maya and William Booth and Julia Stalls. Both couples were from 'Omaha. Tha annual report of Rev. and Mrs. De Long of their cnarltahle work In this city and vicinity during l(l shows that they made 1,218 visits and traveled a.91 miles. Elder T. E. Cohrt will speak thla evening at ths letter Day Batnta church on "Bi ble Evidence of a Migration to the Western Continent," In support of ths claim oi the Book of Mormon. Deeds have been executed to tha city for the extension of Thirty-sixth and Tnlrty nlnth streets, between Avenues D and iv The extension of these thoroughtsres gives access to recently platted additions. Our stock of sheet music, books and In structor Is complete. J.2UU numbers of luc standard, popular and classical music con stantly In stock. Bourlclua Piano House, tt& Broadway, where the organ stands upon the building. Wanted, to rent, part of lower floor room by responsible firm, on long time lease. An exceptional good chance lor some one hav ing spare room to get food renter. Loca tion must be central. Address O, Bea ortlc, council Bluffs. Tha county tax collections for January were $a,Sl.(j6, the slate a portion amount ing to 1,HW being remitted oy county 'treasurer Arnd to I ne state treasurer yes terday. Collections ot liquor tax for Janu ary amounted to 9,733 34. Felix Otlmore, an aged farmer of Rock ford township, waa committed by the com missioners on Insanity yeateraay to t)i. Bernard's hospital tor observation. Dr. J. W. Frailer ot Honey Creek filed the Infor mation charging Uumore with being men tally deranged. A fur collarette stolen from Mrs. J. C. Lange a residence, 11 South Seventh street, last November was recovered yenterday by Detective callaghan. The collarette was valued at IM and waa found In possession of a woman who claimed to Lave pur chased it for 70 cents. County Superintendent O. J. McManus has gone to Des Moines to attend a meet ing of the Reading circle board, a depart ment of the Btaie Teachers' association. He will also attend while there a meeting ot the State Board of Educational exam iners of which he la a member. The committee of the city council to which was referred the conduit ordinance affecting telegraph, electric light and feed wirea of the motor company, has decided to recommend that It be discussed by ilia entire council In committee of the whole before any action la takn on It. City Physician Houghton will ask the city authorities to purchase a covered amou ance. The palrol wagon, which Is used by the, city ss an ambulance when the occa sion requires It, Is not covered and a Dr. Houghton says, not adapted for the pur pose, especially In Inclement weuiner. Kdwln Pollock, the man who was found helpless alongside the Northwestern tracks Monday afternoon and who claimed to be oaralysed, was much Improved yesterday, although till suffering from exposure. At the man's request Chief Tlbblta wrote to his brother at Wadswortb. Nev. The receipts In. tbe general fund at the Christian Home lust week amounted to na.60. being STs.eO below the needs of the week and increasing the deficiency in this fund to date to Hoti.29. In the manager's fund the receipts were ll.4o, being 15.o below the needs of the week and Increasing the deficiency to SSO.tio todate in this fund. A stranger giving the name of E. Storch was arrested last evening by Detective Murphy aa a auspicious character. The officer found Storch putting on a pair of new pants In the toilet room of a aaloor end this led to the suspicion that he had stolen them. Storch denied the charge and asserted he had purchased them at a clothing store In Omaha. He will be held for Investigation. Mies Lizzie Hutton, employed for a num ber of years In the office of Superintendent Kothert of the Iowa School for the Deaf, has taken out naturalisation pnpera In tn superior court. She Is a native of Ireland. Hers waa the first caae where a woman waa granted naturalisation papers In the superior court of this city, and no such caae has occurred In the district court for a number of years. James Dollarhlde, a farmer of Garner township, thla county, has filed a petition la bankruptcy In the I'ntted States court here. His liabilities aggregate 17,711. oi which only tun) are secured. He schedules assets worth 4U, which are claimed tn exempt. Wlllard M. Gorton of Missouri Valley has also filed a petition asking to be relieved of his debts, which amount to I7&4.68. He has aaaets scheduled at ltitil, all of which are claimed as exempt. Elmer Ireland, a young barber who re cently came to Council Bluffs from Atchi son. Kan., ha left town suddenly. It la said that Ireland, who passed himself off here a a single man, had deserted his wife and baby. Monday the secretary of the local barbers' union received a letter from Ireland's father-in-law demanding that the young man contribute to the sup- fort of his wife and baby, and thla la said o be responsible for his leaving town on snort notice. Eugene Vader. who wn recently paroled from St. Bernard's hospital In the custody of his wife by the commissioners on In sanity, has been recommitted to the hos pital. It Is said that Vader s wife, learn ing she could not secure a divorce, de lerted him. Vader appeared at the hospital Monday evening and asked the sinters to live him something to eat. He produced a oaded revolver which the alsters succeeded in taking from him. and the attention of ihe, Commissioners was called to his case. Gravel roofing. A. H. Read. 128 Main St Kalaralas; the Soap Business. The Incorporation of tbe Stewart Brolh irs' Soap company I said not only to mean the Immediate extension of the business and plant of the Getty company but that the company also contemplate the erection In tbe near future of a large aoap factory In this city. I. C. Bonham, secretary and treasurer of th company, atatea that a aew building will be erected and that plana aere on foot to establish in Counoll Bluffs tha Isrgest soap manufactory tn Iowa. P'umblng and heating. Bliby ft Son. Heal Katat Transfers. These tramfera were filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office ot J. W. Bqulr. 101 Pearl at reef. Hannah M. Caratensen to Thorp-1 French, wH atVi and part ne1 iwti W-T7-4S. w. d 4.SX C. C. Jeffereon snd wife to T. W. Jefferson, s4 ne 4-7&-40. w. d 1.130 John W. Clark and wife to Kufus Lyman, lots I and 4 block 11. Car son, w. d 1,000 John L. taVrkel to Kste Keppner, lot 1. block 17. Ueera' add w. d 1.900 Henry O. Fisher and wife to John and Anne K. Oraylilll, 1.09 of and acre In nw ne4 H-76-4A w. d tVi Five transfer total .'. fl.CS Marriage Llesaaea. Licenses to wtd were, issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. A. U Bell, Omaha 2S Ullian Haya. Omaha ; W William Hooih. Omaha 3 Julia Wells. Omaha M J. W. William. Council Bluffs ! L. K. Woodworth, Council Bluff LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. "S ssrl . Council Bluffs 'Phone ' BLUFFS. FEW ATTEND GRAND LODGE Fir t Day'i Atteniaao of Woodman Circle Cessions is Dieappointin j. MORE EXPECTED AT TODAY'S MEETING Little Bsslnes Attempted, sat Im portant ".objects Will lie Acted oai This Morning Modal Featares In the Evening-. When the opening session of the bien nial meeting of tbe state grand lodge. Woodman Circle, waa called to order yes terday afternoon by the grand guardian, Mrs. Blethroad of Creaton, the attend ance of grand officers and delegates was much smaller than bad been anticipated. In fact. Including the grand guardian, only three officers of the grand lodge were pres ent and only about twenty of tbe sixty groves In the state were represented. A larger attendance la looked for today. But little business beyond tha reading of report was transacted at the meeting yes terday afternoon. Greetings were received from Mrs. Emma B. Mandorson, supreme guardian, who Is attending the Nebraska atate grand lodge meeting In Lincoln. Mrs. Manderson'a report, which waa read by tbe clerk, showed that the Woodman Circle In Iowa haa a membership of 900 and Is steadily growing. Theae committee were appointed: Cre dentials, Mrs. Schroeder, Davenport; Mrs. Smith, Sioux City; Mr. Whittaker, Bur lington. Resolutions, Mrs. Casslll, Boone; Mrs. Kane, Sioux City; Mr. Cruien, Cres ton; Mrs. Hope, Eagle Orove; Miss Grady, Logan. Mileage, Mr. Sinclair, Burling ton; Mn. Strlteskle, Ottumwa; Mlas Tll lctson, Davenpcrt. Tbia morning officer for the ensuing two year and a delegate to the supreme lodge, which meets In Milwaukee In May, will be elected. , It Is expected that the grand lodge will complete It business at this morning's session. Last ntght the visitor were guests of Palm grove at It regular meeting. This evening the grand officer and delegatea will be tendered a, reception and banquet In Woodmen hall by tbe members of Palm grove. Mayor Mor gan will deliver the address of welcome and It Is hoped that Mr. Mandersor, the su preme guardian, will be present to make the reply. Joseph C. Root of Omaha, heat, of the Woodmen of the World, la expected to be present and nake an address. Tha grand officers !n atendance are: Mrs. Blethroad, Creaton, grand guardian; Mrs. Schroeder, Davenport, grand clerk; Mrs. Rosa Leasurc, Clinton, grand attendant, end Mrs. N. W Wetxel, Eagle Orovr, g.and sentinel. Mr. I. M. Kelley of Dav enport, supreme banker, Iowa's represent ative on the supreme lodge, 1 present aa a guest of honor. - Among the . delegate who registered yesterday were: Mrs. Anna Doran. Bloux City; Mra. J. Cruxen, Crea ton; Mrs. O. E. Sinclair, Burlington; Mra. L. Whittaker, Burlington; Mra. B. N. Hope, Eagle Orove; Mrs. Elva Klnsey, Clarlnda; Mr. W. A. Smith, 81oux City; Mr. Ida Kone, Sioux City; Mrs. Lillian CasslIT, Boone, Miss Sadie Tlllotson. . Davenport; Mis ' Grady, Logan, Mra. Striteakle, Ot tumwa. N. T. Plumbing Co., Tel. 250. Night. F667. THIEVES FIND THE DRIVER IN Result Is That ttempt to Rob tbe Pacific Express Office Is . a ' Failure. Evidently unaware of the fact that one of tho employes slept there, thieves at tempted to break Into the office ot the Pa cific Express company on South Main street Monday night. They were frightened away by Bert Wise, one of the drivers, who sleepa In the office at ntght. Falling to open the lock of the lde door opening on the alley, the thieve commenced to cut out a oanel next the lock when frightened away by Wise, who had been awakened by the noise of the sawing.' Wise waa awakened about 1 o'clock by hearing someone trying to fid a key In the lock on the aide door. He aecured hla re volver and waited for developmenta. The lock I of the Yale pattern and the key the thieves had failed to wotk. Then they commenced to saw a hole In the door close to the lock, and by thla time Wise thought It prudent to Interfere. Stepping toward the door with hi loaded revolver, he asked who waa there and threatened to bore a hole through the door. The worda were barely out of hi mouth when he heard footsteps running down the alley. Opening the door, he was Just in time to see two men turn the corner Into Fourth street. The akeleton key, made of brass, with which the thieves had failed to open the lock, was found on the door sill. On the tanel of the door next the lock were marks where they had begun to saw a hole through. Wise remembered seeing1 a man loafing in tho alley near the office at the time he went to aupper, but paid no atten tion to him. Later in tbe evening Wise went to lodge and on returning noticed the same fellow, with a compaLlon, again In the alley, but the circumstance at the time did not strike him aa being atrange ant . oe retired to bed without giving It anj I thought. He waa able to give the police a fairly good description of the men he saw In the alley and they are aaid to be work ing on s clew. The millinery stors of Mi Anna Moor on Broadway waa broken Into Monday ntght and, the police are of the opinion, by the same men who attempted to break tnta the express office. The thieves obtained entrance to the millinery atore "by forcing in the back door leading Into the alley, which waa only secured by a bolt. The cash drawer waa opened and placed on the counter, but the thlevea got nothing for their trouble, aa there waa no money In It except a dime, which they evidently over looked. Not being after millinery, tba thlevea did not touch any of th stock. . Matters la District L'oart. Judge Tbornell. who was unable to re convene district court Monday on account of sickness, telegraphed to Clerk Reed yes terdsy mornlpg to adjourn court until next Monda7 and to dismiss the petit Jury until then. Mrs.1 Ida E.- Powell brought ault for di vorce from W. F. Powell, to whom she wag married at- Albany, Mo.. January S, 1893. She allegea her huabaad not only treated her cruelly but deserted her last September. Tbey have two minor children, of which Mra. Powell aska tha custody. Tbe attorneys for Henry Lock, who se cured a judgment against the city for $500 for persoral Injuries received aa a result ot a fall caused by a defective atdewalk, filed their motion for a new trial yesterday. Tbe motion la based on aeveral grounds, tbe principal being the allegation that after the jury- had been out for forty-eight hours and failed to agree th court had the Jury brought In and Informed tbem that he had to go home that evening but that he would leave them In charge of the sheriff and Judge Wheeler and stated to them that In hja Judgment they ought not to be discharged at that time aa It aeemed to him from tbe nature of the case that they ought to harmonise their differences and arrive at a verdict If such could be reached consistent with tlie conscientious discharge of their duties; that such conduct on the part of the Judge could have no other tend ency than to cause the jury to bring In a compromise verdict without regard to the merit of the case but solely for the pur pose of arriving at a settlement of the differences between tbe Jurors a fo what the verdict ahould be. Lock sued for $10,000 and secured a verdict for (500. Rock Island Men Confer. F. F. Roland, local agent of the Chicago, Rock Island V Pacific railroad, presided over the meeting at the Grand hotel yes terday of the recently organized associa tion of freight agent of the Iowa division of that railroad. In addition to the local agents of the aevoral railroads In thla city, who were there aa invited guest, about twenty agents ot tbe Rock Island were In attendance. The meetings are held monthly for dis cussion of question arising In connection with the duties of the member and for devising plana for Improving the service, both for the benefit of the railroad and It patron. The subject discussed yesterday were ways and means for handling freight and plana to expedite tbe work both of the local agenta and the head offices. The meeting waa addressed by General Super intendent SUfer ot Chicago and W. O. Peter ot the comptroller1 offl-e. W. H. Bums, auditor ot freight accounts, who was expected to b present and address the meeting, was unable to be here. The meeting was held la the forenoon and after lonch the visiting agents, at the Invitation ot J. L. Martin, tbe Rock Island agent In South Omaha, visited the packing houses there. Among those present were: General Superintendent Sllfer, Chicago; Superintendent W. J. Lawrence, Des Moines; M. O. Gay, St. Joseph; Dwlght Ollmore, Des' Moines; J. C. Pugh, Des Moines; H. D. Breene, Iowa City; C. H Coswell. De Moines; H. B. Westlake. Orlnnell; G. 8. Cameron, Brooklyn; W. E. Wright. Colfax; C. E. Warner. Newton; L K. Cone, Cedar Rapids; J. H. Garland, Neola; A. T. Elwell, Council Bluffs; F. F. Roland, Council Bluffs; J. L. Martin, South Omaha, and the local agenta of the Union Pacific, Milwaukee. Wabash, Illinois Cen tral, Burlington and Northwestern ' rail roads. Notice to Gai Consumers. Gas. consumers are notified that there will be no gas supply between the hours of T:30 a. m. and 8:30 p, m, on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, on account of tbe changes being made at the works nf the company. CITIZENS OAS AND ELECTRIC CO. REAL ESTATE MAN INDICTED He I Aeeased of Obtaining; Money by Drawing Worthless Drafts en Kansas Bank. IDA GROVE. Ia., Feb. 10. An Indictment waa returned today against O. F. Powers ot Oklahoma City, Okl., formerly Immi gration agent of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, upon the charge of ob- talnlna mnnav imitate falaii nrtfiaa ' It Is allrsed that Mr. Powers represented - I to the real estate agenta of Iowa that he had been .elected aa the agent of the ' Creek and Seminole Indians ot Indian Ter ritory to dispose of their lands after the allotment made by the Dawes commission. It is claimed that he began a corre- spondence with real estate men throughout j Iowa and then followed this up with a visit to, explain hla acheme and that In nearly every case he secured an endorsement upon drafta, all drawn upon the rirst National bank of Hutchinson, Kan. STUDENTS ARE TO GO FREE j No ladlctmeats by Graad Jary Accoant of ths Riot at low City. DF9 MOINES, Ia., Feb. 10. After thor oughly Investigating for a aecond time the recent student riot at Iowa college at Iowa City, the grand jury ot Johnaon county haa decided that there la Insuf ficient evidence on which to baae an indict ment against the aophomorea under sus picion and the caae haa thua been finally disposed ot. Proves Cstss of Suicide. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Feb. 10. (Special Telegram.) Ths Inquest this afternoon upon the remains ot Anton Klelser, a Jeweler who waa found dead yesterday morning In hia apartmenta under circum stances which Indtcatsd that It waa a ease of suicide, resulted In the discovery that he died from cyanide of potassium poison ing, administered by his own hand. VITAL FORCE I Craaaed by Chronic Troablea. One of the' most weakening, undermining troubles which mankind la heir to la hem orrhoids or piles. Tbe victim Is careless and neglectful of the dlaeaae at first be cause the pain la alight and the bleeding may only occur occasionally, or he may b reassured by the occasional disappear ance of the aymptom. And yet It at the very start he had found a rational remedy to aoothe the Inflammation be would prob ably never have had a return ot thla Irrl tatlng malady. Pllea may develop at any aeaaon of the year and at almost any age of the victim; the abuse of cathartlca often cauaea thla trouble and a period arrlvea when the dread i of pain at stool becomes ao great that the sufferer begins to neglect the calla ot nature and the bowela are either forced to retain tha fecea or are only partially cleared, on account of the Buffering at tendant upon a thorough movement. Before you reach thla atage use a remedy which removea the eauae, thereby eradlcat Ing the disease, and that la the Pyramid Pile Cure, which ta aold by all druggists at fifty centa a package; It la In the form of a suppository, 1 applied directly to the parts affected and brlnga about a complete cure, quickly and painlessly. A valuable littl book on th cause and cure of pllea Is published by the Pyramid Drug Co Marshall. Mich., and we advise every suf ferer to send for a copy of It. People who have suffered from piles for years are often astonished at th Instant relief experienced from the first appllca tlon. Another Important advantage la th fact that any on can use tbe remedy without detention from business or Inter ferenee with dally occupation. "I feel It my duty to recommend th Pyramid Pile Cure, for after suffering ten yeara with a most distressing form of piles. I am entirely cured, thanks to th! remedy." Any one doubting this can writ to Margaret Brady. IS Whitman St. CUvtlasd, Ohio. CONVENTIONS ARE IN ORDER Dei Hon? Entertaining Three State Gath ering! at the Present Time. GATHERING REPORTS ON INTERURBANS General Weaver gtrlkea Oil la Hla Texas Claims Supreme Court Bods Olsen-Anserson Lit laratloa. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Feb. 10. (Special.) Three state convention are being held In Des Molne this week. A state meeting of the Royal Neighbor, being the ladle' auxil iary to the fraternal lodge ot Modern Wood men of America, I In session, with about ISO present. The chief matters before the convention are those relating to lowering the fee for membership and changing the rules so as to admit women who are not relatlvea of member of the Woodmen lodgs. Ttae State Association ot County Auditors and the Stat Association of County Treas urers are both In aesslon here. Neither meeting haa any Important buslneaa before It and the aesslons will be largely tor pleasure. Reports Front Internrbans. The secretary of the state executive coun cil i today sending out circulars to the county officials asking them to make re ports to him of the Increased railroad mile age la their respective counties the past year, and especially as to the new mileage of Interurban trolley lines. Under the Iowa law the Interurban lines are to be assessed the same as railroads by the state executive council. Thla has never been done before and aa soon aa the statistics are In the assessment can be made for tho past year. General Wearer Strikes Oil. General Jamea B. Weaver, mayor of Col fax, twice a candidate for president, la now In Louisiana, where be has been Buperin tending the boring of an oil hole on prop erty belonging to a company of which he la president. He has Just reported that at a depth of 25 feet oil and gas were struck and It came up in great quantities. Gen eral Weaver has been at work In thla oil field the past year and hi friends believe he has struck It rich. He has always lived modestly and Is a poor man. The matter Is of special Interest, since his neighbors are about to start a boom for him for the democratic Domination for governor ot Iowa. Dismissed an Appeal. Chief Justice Bishop of the state supreme court this morning announced that the case from Webster county of Sophia Olaen hgalnat John Anderson would be dismissed and the appeal will not be considered. Tbla Is on the motion of the plaintiff's attorney noting the fact of the marriage of the two principal to the case. Thla is the damage ault In which, after the case was submitted to the court on appeal of the defendant, the couple appeared before tha chlet Justice and naked to be .married and he refused on tbe ground that the attorney feea were In volved, y Par Taxes on College Property. The supreme court this morning decided that the city of, Xes Molne did right In sssesslng and taxing the Highland Park , , . . . . . .... coiie property,: lana ana DUlldings. It WM assessed to lis sole owner, J. B. Dllle. for "99-M. the real estate at $100,000 and the personalty at $20,000. The district court cut this down to $65,000 for. th. Jtak and $6,000 for the college equipment. When It wa owned by a college company the dis- trlct court ha1 declared It exempt on the grouna oi Doing property usea lor educa tional purposes. 'The supreme court saya that It ia not exempt under this clause, tor while It Is used tor educational purposes It is so used for profit only and la not dedi cated to educational purposes. Employer are Reportlaa;. Last eek tbe 'state labor commissioner sent out about 6,000 of the statutory blanka for the employers of labor In Iowa. Every person,' Brm or corporation doing business n the state must report certain facta to the atate labor commissioner If five or more persons are employed. The reporta are already coming In In large numbers and they are much more satisfactory than ever before. WOMAN GETS ANOTHER TRIAL Hosaark Msrsee Case Bear as at W'ia- terset, Iowa, oa Changs of Venae. DES MOINES, Ia.. Feb. 10. The aecond trial of the famous Hossack murder caae wa begun at Wlnterset- today, whither It had been taken on a change of venue front Indianola. The defendant, Mra. Margaret Hossack, mors than three-score yeara old, waa con victed a year ago of having quarreled with her husband over a contemplated division of hla large estate and murdering him by splitting his head open with an axe aa he lay asleep. She claimed he had been murdered by robbers, as he lay by her aide, though aba was not awakened until tbe assailants had eacaped, and nothing was missing. The aupreme court ordered a new trial. FATHER KILLED BY HIS SON Goes Hem Vader Influence at Llqaor aad Meets Death la Fight. JEWEL JUNCTION, la.. Feb. 10. Daniel Blogstadt, a farmer living five mllea north of here, went home last evening under the Influence ot liquor and began quarrel Ing with hla family. He made threats to kill hia wife and a fight followed with John, his 16-year-old aon, which resulted In the latter grabbing a poker and hitting hia father over the head. Death followed tn a few minutes Tbe aon came to town and surrendered to the authorities. Peaalty is Five Years. OTTUMWA. Ia, Feb. 10. (Special. ) Five yeara at hard labor In the penitentiary waa the aentence pronounced by Judge Roberta on- T. I. Jebb, a well-known lite laaurince agent of thla state, found guilty of forgery. Attorney Eppe, for the de fense, made a plea, atating that hia client waa Buffering with a mental malady and waa not responsible at times for bis ac. tlona. Jebb waa Indicted by th grand jury on ssven charge. Th .remaining cases have been dismissed. Drinks Frosa Wmg Caa. WATERLOO. Is.. Feb. 10. (Special Tel gram.) Harry Burke took k drink of what be euppoaed waa milk from a can at the creamery today. It waa carbolic acid. He cannot live. Plse'a Cur I an effectual remedy for cold on th lung. Sold by all druggists NEW EAST RIVER BRIDGE Pennsylvania Railroad Will F.rect Structure at a Coat at Elaht Mlllloa Dollars. riTTSBURO, Ta., Feb. 10. Official an- nouncement of the building ot the new bridge across the East river at Hellgate, N. Y.. by the Pennsylvania railroad waa made public last night by Colonel Joseph U. Crawford, engineer ot the branch lines of the Pennsylvania system. It Is estimated that the new bridge will cost over $8,000,000. It will require about three yeara to complete the work. The bridge and Ita approachea will be two miles long. The central span will be 840 feet In length. The bridge Is to be erected 135 feet above the water. It will extend from Port Morrla, Harlem, to Randell'a Island, and from that point to Long Island, where the Pennsylvania lines will be connected with the New York, New Haven Hartford railroad. Tbla connection will form a direct line between the New England and middle west ern state. NORTHWESTERNHAS ELKHORN Will Operate Rood Inder Lease at Present and Later Pur. chase It. CHICAGO, Feb. 10. Stockholder of th Chicago Y Northwestern railway held a special meeting today and voted to Increase the capital atock ot the company to $100, 000.000. Tbe director were authorised to lssus common stock from tins to time tn such amount aa they may determine and for any purpose followed by law, whether au thorised at thla meeting or previously. It waa further determined to lease the railroad franchiaes tand property of the Fremont, Elkhora a: Missouri Valley road and later to purchase Its franchises and property of all kinds. The latter road will hereafter by op erated as an Integral part ot th North western system. FOUNDRY BOILER EXPLODES One Killed, Two Fatally Injured and Four Others are Badly Bruised. SHEBOYGAN. Wis.. Feb. 10. One per son was killed, two perhaps fatally In jured and four others badly bruised aa the result ot a boiler explosion In the foundry operated by Charlea Helmlnger at Adell. Dead: RAYMOND WHITTING, aged 8. Fatally Injured: Mrs. William Burke. David Hoff. The foundry waa demolished and the Burke hotel across the street was par tially wrecked. . The loss on tbe foundry and hotel will amount to about $25,000. AUTOMATIC. BURNER EXPLODES Starts a Fire Which Destroys Por tion of Pennsylvania Rail , way Shops. PITTSBURG. Feb. 10. Fire caused by the explosion of an automatic burner In the Pennsylvania railroad shops at Pitta ton today destroyed the passenger car re pair aectlon and cabinet ahop, entailing a loaa ot $15,000. A large number ot men were at work In these departmenta and they barely eacaped with their Uvea, many loalng their tools and the clothing which they wear to work. There waa a ahortage of water and the fire burned so fiercely that for some time It waa feared that th ahop and round house would be destroyed, but the excellent work of the railroad fire brigade kept th flamea confined to the one aectlon. LAUNCHES AID FLOOD VICTIMS Kentucky River Spreads Over Seven Miles ( Valley, Farcln Farnaera to Flee. OWENSBORO. Ky., Feb. 10. The river here Is seven mllea wide and rising. Rain began falling' tonight- Steam launches will run through the bot toms tomorrow and pick up any tn dis tress. DAHO LOCAL OPTION KILLED State Seaate Recommits I.lqnor Bill, Taaa BlaylaaT the Meaaare. BOISE, Ida.. Feb. 10. Tha senate today recommitted the local option bill. Tbla action ia regarded aa ' tantamount to killing the measure. HYMENEAL. Sweeney-Stretch. FALLS CITY. Neb.. Feb. 10. (Special.) Mr. Michael 8weney and Mlsa Stella Stretch were married at 10 o'clock Monday morning In the Catholic church here by Rev. Bex. About 100 friends and relatives witnessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mra. Sweeney left In the afternoon for Leaven worth, Kan., where they will make their future home. Mr. Sweeney Is head official for the Adams Express company In that city, having lately gone from Fa II a City to a much more responsible position in that city. Mlas Stretch waa born and grew to womanhood In Falls City and numbers her friends by tha score. trayer-Taerahlll. TRENTON, Neb.. Feb. 10. (Special.) Mr. Jamea Strayer of Strathan, Neb., and Miss Olive Thornhlll, daughter of County Clerk Thomhlll, were married by Rev. A. O. Axtell In th preseao of th Immediate relative. Mr. Strayer la on of Strathan'a well known young men aad Mlas Thornhlll has grown to' womanhood In thla place, be ing well liked and reapected by all. JOCKEY WINS THREE RACES Odoas Laads Half ( th New Orleans Events Over m (loppy . Track. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 10 The tall-end of tbe card the last three races fell to ths favorites, Ahumada. Telamon and Scorpio all three ridden by Odom. Potheen landed a comfortable wager In the third race through the disqualification of Sheriff Bell. Robblns could not keep tha colt straight In the stretch snd his Interference with Potheen and Honolulu lad to his disquali fication. Th weather was cloudy and the track slnnnv. First race, one and one-flghth mile, sell ing: Aurle t . mi ( i; vmson), to i. won; Wunderllch, 10 (Hoarl. 12 to 1. second; Ma Hon Lynch, 107 (Hunro), 1 to 1, third Tlm- 1:01 1-& Second race, six furlongs: Captain Gas ton, lv 0 Nellll. 10 to 1, won; Midnight Chimes. 107 (Undeey), I to 1, second; Miss AUDrey, l js ia nam, to i, imru. juric; Third rsce. mil and one-sixteenth: Sheriff Bell. 90 (Kobblns), 4 to 1. finished flrst. but ws disqualified; Potheen, W (Ful ler) 11 to 6 won: Rough Rider, (7 (Und ey). It to 1. second; Honolulu, W (Creamer), even, third. Time: 1-611 1-6. Fourth rare, six furlongs, handicap: Ahumada. Hi lOdom), 7 to 10, won: Brush By, U (LJndMy). li to s. second; war fry lu (B.ullv) to 1. third. Time: 1:17 1-6. FUin race, 'x furlong; Telamon, 1U America's Best CHAMPAGNE "SPECIAL DRY." "BRUT." WINE CONNOISSEURS pay Gold Seal la tbe ONLY American Champagne it equals French winea in quality, boquet and flavor. Why pay twice a much for foreign labels i "OOLD SEAL," la sold everywhere and aurved at all lead ing clubs and cafe. I'RBAW WINE CO.. t'RBANA. NEW YORK, SOLE MAKER. il o Gmr Sfjll Guild's Bottled The Br IJIU.UUUIllUc Pee less Good Cheer is always the highest and never varies. It is always pure and is the favorite brand among good judges. Sold in best plr.ces. JOHN CUND BREWING LaCrosse, Wis. HERMAN J. MEYER, 207 South 13th Street, Omaha, Neb aVv- Private Diseases of Men in the treatment of Private DISEASES OF MEN. ts which our practice is limited and to which our exclusive thought and experience has been devoted far more than 15 years, WE GIVE A LEGAL WRITTKN GUARANTEE TO CURE PERFECTLY AND PERMANENTLY or refund every cent paid. . If troubled with VARICOCELE, I M POTENCY, BLOOD POISON OR REFLEX DISORDERS It will pay yon to consult us at office or by letter. CONSULTATION FREE, and If you take treatment charges will be entirely satisfac tory to you. EVERYTHING STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. Cook Medical Company 112 South 14th St. Over Daily News, Omaha. W. A. COOK. Master Specialist In Private Dlseasea ot Men. (Odom), 2 to S, won; Ben Mora, 106 (Otis), 6 to 6. second; Meran, 100 (LlndBey), 15 to 1, third. Time: 1:17 8-6 Blxth race five furlongs: Boorplo, 114 (Odom), 1 to 2, won; Henry McDanlel, 101 (Llndsey) It to 6 second; Harrison, 93 (Scully), t to 1. third. Time: 1:03 8-5. Ina-lealde Favorite Worsted. SAN FRANCISCO, ' Feb. 10. Summer weather prevailed at Ingleslde today and the track was in fairly good condition. The main attraction waa the seven furlongs handicap. Kenllworth won easily. Firat race, futurity courae, selling: Hlp ponex. Ill (Burns). 4 to 1, won; Run Hyncka. 99 (J. Sheehan), 60 to 1, second; Jenny Hughes, 97 (J. Daly), 4 to 1, third. Time: 1:13. Second race, seven-sixteenths of a mile, l-vear-old maidens, purse: In Memoriiim, 116 (J. Daly). 6 to 1, won; Lady Laurie. 112 (Waterbury), 5!5 to 1. second; Llbble Cann, 106 (Burns), 7 to 5. third. Time: 0:43. Third race, mile, selling: Hllver Flsx. 107 (Shaw). X to 1. won; Grey field, 112 (Jenkins). 8 to 6 second; Phil Archibald. 112 (Bull man), 8 to 1. third. Time: 1:43. Fourth race, seven furlongs, handicap: Kenllworth, 130 (Shaw), 4 to 1, won; Beau Ormonde, 110 (Bullman), 8 to 1, second; Oravlna, 94 (W. Waldo). 6 to 1, third. Time: 1:28. , Fifth race futurity course, selling: Rag Tag 102 (J."Dly, 8 to 1. won: Gibraltar. 108 (C. Kelly). 13 to 1. second; Parsifal, 103 (Donovan), 25 to 1. third. Tlme:l:12. Sixth race, six furlonss, selling: Golden Light, 109 (Roseman), 10 to 1. won; Mee hanua 112 (Shaw), even, second; Little Margaret, 90 (Connell), 8 to 1, third. Time: 1:15ft. With the Bowlers. The St. the Krug Score: Charles won three games from Parka on the Gate City alleys. ST. CHARLES. 1st. 2d. 210 178 U9 2J4 211 170 W US 151 168 M. Total. 15 Ml MS 66 173 654 154 44!l 158 4,'7 Fritcher , Forscutt .. (arson ... Baden .... Keller ..... Total 891 885 808 2.oS2 KRUG PARKS. lBt. . 13 . 149 . If . 159 . 158 2d. 3d. Total. 143 407 Matthal Frush F. Krug French Francisco 125 14n 149 149 158 150 141 174 133 444 445 4X2 448 Totals 7tiO 725 740 2.223 Mans with Missouri l.eagne. MiTMRni.DT. Neh.. Feb. 10. (Special.) Guy Reid. the crack catcher and all-round baae oau piayer hi wu my. signed with the Missouri league for the coming season. He played last season with the Nebraska Indians. " ssnV "8as; f Cure for Pimples Gently smear the face withCUTlCURA Ointment, but do not rub. Wash off the Ointment in five minutes with Cl TICURA Soap and hot water, and bathe freely for some minutes. Repeat this treatment morning and evening. Use Cuticura Soap alone, with hot water, at other times, as often as agreeable. N. B A sluiroith condition of the stmnach. bowels, liver, kidneys snd bladder, at well a of th uterine function! it often tbe caut of t.icial eruptions which th Cimci'a Kev.lvswt Piixt readily correct, while clogging of the Pre or sehaceout glandt it prevented Of Cuticusa boxr and hot water. Sold throughout th world. axative promo Quinine Cure a Cold In One Day, Crip in 3 Day M every trVXTT Vox. 25o fl ' ja mm ef j COMPANY, y ECZEMA CAN BE CURED Call at the below named drug stores and recelvs a free sample ot REMICK 8 EC ZEMA CURE, the great remedy for Ec Beraa, Pimples, Dandruff, Skin Eruption and Piles, In easea ot long standing, pu rify the blood by taking l.emlck s Pepsin Blood Tonic, Aa Unsolicited Testimonial. I havs been a constant sufferer from eo Bema for twenty-five years and have spent many dollars for the cure nf It. without receiving any benefit. 1 r.-as Induced by i R. N. Robertson of Wlnsbors to try a bog ' of Remlck's Kcsema Cure, and It has uurea j me. I would advise every sufferer from akin dlseaaes to try It. Penn. Tex. HEV. H. C. SOLOMON. For. sal by . DiiVnnan i McConnell Drug Co., ltith and . L)iU tit. hchaefer s, I6th snd Chlc-ago Sts. Kulio & Co.. 151 h and DougUs Sts. J. 11. Merchant, lfith and Howard Sts. C. A Melcher, 24nl N St.. South Omaha. George 8. UivU. 200 West Broadway, Council Bluffs. I a. Specialists In all DISEASE and DISORDERS of MEN. 13 7 a raj ot ua ccssful practise la Omaha. CHARGES LOW. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE end Pv 1 1 afc ,..a i. - imwm- wtthaut euulita. S4US I Dil Ct '" t. 1 ifa. wltht nuiai, a f , rLCu '" t'a (uaraalM la aars : ru ot a.w ratuadad. i OVfttlll IC '"d tar lite aad tha rttsaa I OlrMILIa thorublr d tnm tk ' aauleiair aa loraer. H BkBAfclNO UVT a ! tke4a?aaa aa Ua Mia ar taaa. Vra.lm.ot esauta 1. a.nT!roua drusa r lajanew aleiaaa. IMrllf ISrtl '" Bioaaaei ar VICTIMS TO WEAK MEN HIEHVOUS I.RBIUTT Oa - iltjSiiur waITinu wAKNSU. mta eabl, bicZt "a VoUirlwd M1UUUI ;. tlsor iaa atraasia. !t arg.aa tavaind aa eaas. urai ariAsirantsvi. STRICTURE SS-'J ha sals, aa tataaiias tstlKAlVr Kldsay aadsr Tea.., Weas fek Calora. ar nil eaUnsa as t..altatloa yiat. Treatment by MaiL , Call ..r address. "th ;0B. SEAELES & SEARLES. 512 Business Stimulates BEE WANT ADS I Daputy atata Vstsrtsm Food Inspector. II. L. RAUACCIOTTI. D. V. S. CITT VETERINARIAN. rXBos) aod Infirmary, nth aa4 Mass Ma Omaha. Nb. " Telephone IT "il J FREE SAMPLE V