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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1903)
COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Mtj Wheit Dropi Ajain on Eoari Trade. of CORN RISES A QUARTER, BUT OATS FALL Provisions Close Firm, .fill Mar Products Two and Half to Seven nil a Half ( lllarher on toverlnar lr Shorts. considerable sttrr.tlon and wan offered !, out wlilioji resulting l.i .tnportftn. transactions. 1 1 1 PH. hueer. weie 0.1. 1 he.u I k h ; I y lusher una ihe mm set v.u UMily. M annum is qu ited nt nom inal; .dkf t 4U. e 1-.!.,' s:iu electrolytic :it SW iiii ij .Mfi. Lesd win is d hlfnrr I 1 1x111 0011 hi .HtaMi, iuit ri-mainea quiet he,. si X iri2. spelter In London wim ut J-.'i ,n M. while IcrHiiy u was firm and u little higher at Iron was steady ibrimil, closing lit .(I In Glasgow and at 4is.vl In Mni.liM.rPun. Th" l.ical mar ket remains practically nnmliiHl; No. 1 foundry northern Is united at IH tfw't 1 loundry southern nnd southern aott at S VfdiH.&K nominal. No. 1 foundry Warrants ae CHICAGO, Feb. 9. Heirlr.h stntlstlcs re sulted In a wMik market In wheat nn (ho Sioard of Trade today. May closing 'V lowrr. May corn closed 'r luttr.T and oatg were down No. Provisions, rlmta nrm, the May product being from 2V; 'V0 higher. Weakness prevailed In wlval at the start on havy world a shipments, a Urge In- ! cresee In the amount on passage and Mo rtal receipts In th northwest. May opening ,c lower at 7Vp79V- Trailing tin slow and of limited volume early In the day. but on reports from Paris showing an advance there of from IU.0 to 2V '"a market be came decidedly active at d a quick advance was made to trto. At the advance general liquidation net In and the market declined as rapidly na It had previously rallied and May aold off to 7:'4,c. The latter part of the session wan generally weak, with one or two slight rallies, and the close was rear the bottom, with May 7c lower at 7,.fr7,iic. The world's shipments were TI'X.OOO bti., compared with 8.71.000 last wek and 8.70O,0uO the same time last year. The amount on passage Increase l.7b0, bu and clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 6(i7,Ono bu. Primary receipts were large at Md.wn bu.. agilnst WflMw a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth reported re celpta of 746 cars, which, with local receipts of 61 cars, one, of contract grade, mnde total receipts for the three points of 796 cars, against 620 last week and 232 a year ago. There was a bullish sentiment In corn In pile of the weakness In wheat and the market ruled Arm throughout the day. Commission houses were the best buyers and there was little disposition to sell ex cept from local longs who were anxious to secure profits. The weather was favorable for the movement, but no Improvement was shown In the car situation. A good cash and export demand were the May bull factors. The close was firm, with May V.c higher at 45VJ45c, after selling between 4.Vc and ibc. Local receipts were large at 456 curs, but only two were of contract grade. Trading In oats was active and the senti ment In the pit was somewhat bullish on a good cash demand, and the strength In corn. The weakness In wheat caused con siderable liquidation, resulting In a decline, and although the market was fairly well supported the close was easy, with May -,e lower nt J7N,c after ranging between S7'7o and 3o. lxical receipts wre 3u7 cais. Provlxlons were quiet nnd there was little change In values, but prices were firm on covering by shorts In May lard. Trading was large'y local and rio special features were manifested. May pork cloned 2VsC higher at $lG.9.'Vi and May lard was up 7"io at I9.47H. while libs were IrtitfSc higher at $9.aft.22V4. . Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 45 cars; corn, 1140 cars; oats, 170 cars; hogs, 37.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: ArtlcleS. Open. Hlgb. Low. Close. Baty. Whont Feb. May July Corn Feb. May July M:i', Feb. May July pork May July La-d Feb. May July rti'w May July Sept. I 75 75i 74tK 75 74Vdt '5 43', W 4.1l Wt 43j 1 1 I I 35' i I 85Vi HI 3S'i ?S 33"i 34 3CW . 33sl 33 1 S7H 16 86 18 S7V4 1 1 M 16 25 16 40 18 35 16 37 16 35 1 9 55 9 47H 9 40 9 50 9 40 9 47V4 9 40 9 2V, 9 30 9 23 9 274 9 25 ' 9 17V41 9 224 9 174 9 224 9 174 9 06 9 074 9 05 9 074 9 05 9 024 9 05 9 024 06 9 024 OMAHA. W1IOI.F.VM.K. MARKF.T, Condition of Trade and Quotations on Maple nnil Fanrf I'roilnee. E'lOS Market weak: fresh stock. 16c. I.IVK 1'ori.TKY Hen. H'sliWc; old roosters. 4'ii ; turkeys, l.'!3( ; uucks. nu, H", geese, ifec; spring chicsens, per lt.. Hir. t-.vKaSKI) FOrt.TRY Young chlck'tis, U'ulSc; hens. 114'nl:'c'. turkeys. 15'(iitc; aucKH. Ili(ii2c; geese, 11". HI TTKK-I'ackitig stoL... 1.11340; choice dairy. In tubs, l.Valic; separator, WtCbc. SI KH Staiinards. per can, 2Xc; extra selects per can i5c; New York counts, per can, 4i'c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., II. 16; buiK, standard, per gal., 11.36. KRESH FISH Trout. Mjluc; herring, 5c; pickerel, 8c; pike. Vc; perch. 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunnsh. 3c; bluetlns. 3c; white llsh, 9-; salmon, lic; haddmk. He; cociflah, lie; redsnapper. Pic; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per lb., bull heads, loc; cattish, 14c; black bass. 20c; halibut, 11c. HKAN-Fer ton, $13.60. HA Y Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealets- association: Choice No. 1 up land, ; No. 1 medium, 17; No. 1 coarse. $6.60. Rye straw, . These prices sre for hay of good color and quality. Demand lair; receipts light. C'ORN-Sfc. OATB-34C. KYK No. 2, 46c. VEOETAEL.E8. NEW CEIJ3KY Kaiamasoo, per do., 25e; Cantornla, per cioi.. 46416C. POTA'i Ot.8 Per bu., S'45o. HWKliT fOTATOKo Iowa nd Kansas, $2.26. MJW PARSLEY Per doien bunches, 40c. NKW CAKHOTS Per dosen bunches, 4uc. LKTTl'CK Per dosen bunches, 4oc. TCKNIPS Per bu., 40c; Canada rutaba gas, per lb., lSo. UEKTS New southern, per dosen bunch es, Wc; old. per bu., 40c. CI Ci'MhLHS Hothouse, per dos., $2. PARSNIPS Per bu.. 40c. CARROTS Per bu., 40c. GREEN ONIONS Southern, per dosen bunches, 46c. KAijIbHcB Southern, per dosen bunches, 46c. TURNIPS New southern,' per dosen bunches, 50c BPlNACH Southern, per dosen bunches, 50c WAX HE ANS Per bu. box, $3; string beans, per bu. box, $1.60. LAtbAt1E Holland seed, per lb., lc. ON ION H Red Wisconsin, per lb.. l-4c; white, per lb.. 4c; Spanish, per crate. $ NAVif BEANb Per bu., $2.i0. T0MATOK8 New Florida, per 6-basket crate, 4.o.'i (.AL'LIFlOWER California, per crata. $2.ov. FRUITS. PEARS Fall varieties, per box, $2.60. APPLES Western, per obi.. $2.75; jora thans, 4.j0; New York stock, $3.2o; Call lornla Bellflowers, per bu. box, $1.60. GHAr hH Malagas, per Keg, o.wij.i.w. CMANBERKlEb- Wwconajn, per bbl., $10.o"J; Hell and Bugles, $11; per box, $3.60. STRAW HERRI Ed Florida, per quart, 50c. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS California fancy, $3.60; choice, $3.25. ORANGES California navels, fancy, $3.00 fs.lo; choice, 2.7b; Mediterranean sweets, :-; sweet Jaffa, 2.uu. UATES Persian, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; per CHse ot ;u-ib. pkgs., $2.25. FiGS California, per lo-lb., cartons, $1; Turkish, per 3i-lb. box. Hflc. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case, $3 Jo. CIDER New Y'ork, $4.50; per 4-bbl., $:.75. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per 4-bbl., $2; per bbl., W 75. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. POPCORN Per lb.. 2c; shelled, 4c. HIDES No. 1 green, c; No. X green, 6c; No. 1 eslted. 74c,; No. 2 salted, 64c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12'i lbs., 84c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lba., 6c; dry hides, 8pl2c; sheep pelts. 2t'7oc; horse hides, $1.&02 50, NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., lac; No. x hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., 12c; fllberle, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., )fic; hard shell, per ib., loc; pecans, large, per id., 12vfcc; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per dos., 60c; chestnuts, per lb., loc; peanuts, per lb., 64c; rcasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per ,bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50; cocoa nutd, per loo, $4. OLD METALS, ETC. A. B. Alplrn quotes the following prices: Iron, country, mixed, per ton, $11; iron, stove plate, per ton, $8; copper, per lb., S4c; brass, heavy, per lb., 4c; bruss. light, p r lb., 54c; lead, per lb., 8c; sine, per lo.. 24c. . WE A HE COMSH3SIOK COMPANY. No. 1 northern, spring. f.s 9'vl; No. 1 Call i. in.a, il'i-d: lutures, s.e.idj ; .March, tri -.!. ''y. if'rt. CORN Spot, stndy; American mlx.'.l. new. 4a 64d; fnturs, steady; March, 4s t'd. 4s 4d. 1 i.Ar v a 'ihi.Ihii. quief. Ts 4l4il. FMM'R St. Louis f.incy winter, quiet. Ks .VI. Hpp At Irmdon. Pacific co:ist. firm, 15si'7 5s PROv ISIONS-H. rf. en.y; extra lmllh mers. KUs 3d. Prtrk, sy; prime mess wetern, 75s. Ila-rs, rhort cut. 14 to lii tbs., quiet, 6Jr. Macm, 'urnoerla nd cjt. W t Ji If.s., dull, ;s; short ribs, 16 10 2t lbs., firm, i'.tr; long clrsr mlildle, llaht, irt to 34 lls., steady. 4;s tid; long cliar mid dles, heavy. i5 to 4o Hi., mill, 4es 6d , Klmrt dear liai ks, IK to 2o lbs., stendr, 47s H.I ; clear bellies. 14 to lei llis., dull. 4Hs. Hho'.il ders, square, 11 to 13 los., steady, 4 s. Lard, prime Western. In tierces, dull. 4ii; American refined. In palls, dull, 4is il. itn i KR- Nominal. CHEESE Strong; American fineKt white and colored, tt's d. TAI.liW Firm; prime city, 27s 6d; Aus tralian. In l-ondon. dull. 34!i. The im.Hirts of wheat Into Liverpool last Week were tC.itO auartcrs rrom Atlantic prls, from laclflj and 34,tnnt from other ports. Tho imports- of corn from Atlantic ports Inst week, were 51,5iJ quarters. Kansas City (Jraln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 9 WHEAT Mny. 64'oSc; July. t:i)4e; cash, No. 2 hard, 6e(i6i4c; No. 3. tStxtittk': No. 4. 5li61'i-: re jected, ."fiiGl c; No. 2 red, fiHc; No. 3, iWIHim-. CORN April. SJtiic; May, S8V; July. cash. No. 2 mixed, 3SVi.4i;t!)c; No. 2 white, 4oV(41c; No. 3, 4ii4l4c. OATS--No. 2 white 36c; No. 2 mixed, 35c. RYE No. 2, 45c. HAY Choice timothy, $13.00; prairie, $11. BUTTER Creamery WaVM:; dairy, fancy, 19 EGG8 Fresh, 15c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu U9.3ii 21. Corn, bu 11.1") 7) Oats, bu 53.0UO 21.(0 J Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 9 BUTTER Steady, fair demand: extra western cream er, 2i't; extra nearby prints, 2Sc. EGGS Steady, fair demand; fresh nearoy, 20c, at the mark; fresh western. 2ik at the mark; fresh southwestern. I'.'ii2ic, at the rr.ark; fresh southern, lfiilOc, at the mark. CH EERE Dull, but steady; New York full creatrus, prime small. H'fiMV: 'alr good, prime small, 134'&l.'l'c; full creams, prime large, 14c; fair to good, prime large, 134'13i'. Visible Snpplr of Craln. NEW YORK, Feb. 9.-The visible supply of grain February 7, ah compiled by the New York Produce exchange, was as fol lows: Wheat, 48.429.000 bu. ; decreas e. 18.000 bu. Corn, 8.51O.0IPO bu.; Increase, bu. Oats, 4,750.000 bu.; Increase, 9."i.tiw) bu. Rye, 692.UIO bu.; decrease, 62,000 bu. Toledo Grain and eed. TOLEDO, Feb. 9 WHEAT Fairly ac tive, lower; cash, 71'c; May, 814c; July, 7f.c. CORN Dull, steady; February, 464c; May, 4rc. OATS-Dull, steady; February, $7,174; March, $7,224- SEED Prime timothy, $10.85; prime al sike, $8, nominal. No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady : winter patents, $3,609 8.75; straights, I3.10tr8.40; bakers, $2.45(ii2.l; 7K- simlirhia. t3.3iWi'3.50: sotiiiir oatenls. Si.5i)3.b0; straights. $3.10i3.40; bakers, $2.46 fa 2 90. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 7Wff80c; No. $ spring. 774c; No. 2 red. 75'f76c. CORN No. 2, 4340; No. 2 yellow 4.TV4C OATS-No. 2, SSc; No. 3 white, 353tiVi.c RYE No. 2. c. BARLEY Good feeding. 4246c: fair to choice malting, 486c. HEED No 1 flnx. $1.16; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.21; prime timothy. $3.60; clover, con tract grade. $11 70. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., $1695 S17.C0. Lard per 100 lbs., $9.624&9-574. Short ribs sides (loose). $9.05U9.23. Dry salted ,hou'ders (hoxedi. $M 12U8.25. Short clear sides (boxed). $9.S749.60. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour. bb!s 19.100 8.W1O Wheat bu 44.900 17.500 Corn, bu 26.000 2X'j,!io Oats, bu 331. 5.l I.IN.OiO ' HttU helo outdldn of the Paris cables. Rye. bu J.rt" 8.4i!0t Whlch were 146c htgher. and the May at Barley, bu bl.vw 7.4(81 one time declined to i94e. Most of the On the Produce exchange tonay me but- I other news wan bearish. English cables ter market on oulet inn steailv: cream- I dl.l not resnond to our advance here Satur- The world s shipments were ,(;t,ow llO-lll Board of Trade, Omaha, Neb Telephone 1310. CHICAGO. Feb. 9 WHEAT The market Minneapolis Wheat. Floor and llran. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 9. WHEAT May, 774ltJ7'ic; July, 774c. On track: No. 1 hard, 79ic; No. 1 northern, 774c; No. 2 northern, 75&c FIX3UR First patents, $40Og4.80; second patents. $.'(.:n',H.OO; first clears, $2.55; second Clears, x2.1uqgz.zo. BRAN -In bulk, higher, $14.7515.00. Mllnaikrt Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Feb. 9. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, 804c; No. 2 northern, 794c; May. 79V4C, bid. RYEj-Flrm; No. 1, 51c; No. 2. 62c. BARLEY Weak; No. 2. 644c; sample, 45 &63c. CC RN-35c bid. Peoria Market. Feb. 9. CORN Firm ; PEORIA, 414c OATS Firm; No. 8. 35c, No. S. Kew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 9. MONEY On call. 84 per cent; closing offered at 3 per cent; sixty days, 64 per cent; ninety days. 44 per cent; six months, 44444 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4&i per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm at $4.7725 for demand and $4. 84254.8430 for sixty days; posled rates, $4.854.88. SILVER Bar, 474c; Mexican dollars, S74c. BONDS Government, easier; railroad, Ir regular. The closing quotations in bonds are as fellows: U 8. ref. It. r....in4 Hording Val. 4hit..,.im do coupon life1 L. U N. uul. 4s 100 do Sa. res 107 Mrx. i"ntral 4b 7" ..107 ' do in me zi", ..UiVi, Minn. & St. L. 4i...HUit ..135',, M , K. A T. ..111 N. Y. C. 1"4 ..110 do N. J. C. g. 61...132V4 ..lo:No. Pcl 4( 10.1'- lo;v do Si 7:'V .10: Si N. & W. a. 4s llHIVa I- Rndlns sen. 4s 7 10!Vi Pi. L. I. M. c. 61..1IS 4 it. L. tt 8. F. 4.. 106 81. L. 8. W. U.... l'li'l do 21 10 8. A. 4 A. P. 4b.. 7 So. Parlflc 4l 4a, reg. do coupon do Dew do coupon do old 4a, rcg-... do coupon do fta. rs ou ooapon . Atchlaon fn. 41... do ad. 4a B. O. 4a do 8 Hi do t-onv. 4r Canada 80. 2i C. of O. In.. do lat Inc. erles, 16tJ25c; dairies, 15M23c. Eggs, weak. Ilrtts, 184c. Clieese, steady, 13(0 14c. NKW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Claotatioas oa Various of the Uar Cora mod It lea. NEW YORK, Feb. 9-FIOUR-Recelpts, 27,0(a bbls.; exports, 18.282 bbls.; dull, si ill in buyers' favor; Minneapolis patents, $4. Ill t(4.30; Minneapolis bakers, $3.2I3.4.; winter J .alenta, $3.&t4.O0; winter strulghts, IS fc 65: winter extras, $2.8iiig3.10; winter low grades, $2.60it)3.20. Rye flour, steady: fair to good,; choice to fancy, KAUtf 8.56. Buckwheat flour, quiet, $2.2K(j J.30, spot and to arrive. CORNMBAIy Steady; yellow western, $1.20; city, tl.17; Brandywlne. $3.40it3.55. RYE Quiet: No. 2 western, 604c, f. o b., afloat; state, 5tVif74o. c. I. f.. New York. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 47c, c. I. f.. New York; mailing, tllitioc, c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 107,350 bu. : exports, 1,954 bu. Spot, easy; No 1 red, 824c, eleva tor: No. 2 red, 834c f. e. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 9u4c f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 814c, f. o. h., afloat. Op. tlnns, after a steady opening on firm cables gradually sold off under bearish weekly statistics, to which was added a smajl export trade, liberal Interior receipts, tine weather west and general unloading. The market closed easy at Vn4e decline. March closed at 84c; May. 82 3-1&U 3 15-16c, closed at 824c; July. 79tf79Sc. closed at iKV; September, TJMfTso, closed at 774c. CORN Receipts, lU.tKio bu. ; exports, 24, 986 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2. 62c, elevator, and 6c. f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 64c; No. i white, 684c. Options strong for a time on tables, local and foreign covering ot May shorts and export rumors, but eventu ally eased oft with wheat. The close waa Irregular at 4o net advance. February, 6o44iotHc dosed ai 6oc; March, 6844i5na4c elost-d at 6N4c; May, f2V'.3 1-lHc, closed at 624c July, 6uti6u4ac, closed at 600. OATS Receipts, 69.0U0 bu. ; exports, 125 bu. Snot. Arm; No. 2, 43c; No. 3, 42o; No. J white, 44c; track, white western. .tie; standard white, 444c; No. 2 white, 444c; truck, mixed western, nominal: track, white state, 46c. Options were easier and fairly active, sharing the depression In other markets. May closed St 42HC. HAY Firm; shipping, 61o70c; good to choice, H.Vcyll.Ofi. . HOPS Urm: state, common to choice, 1"2 crop. 3(37c: 1901 crop. 24(y27c; olds, M 124c; Paclttc coast, lr2 crop, 214J22e; llwl crop, 231 27c; olds, titil24c HIDES Firm; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs 18c; California. 21 to 25 lba., 29c; Texas dry. St IO IUI., . LEATHER Firm; acids, l426c PROVISIONS Beef, dull; family. $lS0(ifji $16 00; mess. $10.0tK-a 10.60; berf hams. fc.5uw :i.6: packing, tVi.vuU 13.00; city India mess &.wfi.'6.uX Cut meats, quiet; pickled liel ifea, $8.754flO.OO; pickled ahoulders. $S.Ooji8 2o; pickled html $10.01411 00. Ijird, steady; weetern steamed, $lu; February closed. $10, nominal; refined, steady; continent, tlOSu; 8uth America, $10.75; compound. $7.5oji7.75. Pork, easy; family. $18 5ni I9.u0; short clear. $18 if,&20.00: mess. $17.75iil 18.25, TALLOW Dull; country, 61-. it 64c; city. 4c RICE Firm BUTTER Receipts, 4.( pkgs.: firm; state dairy, li(2fc: creamery, extra. 26o; creamery, common To choice. 19jJ6c. EOi IS Receipts. 4 S4 pkg-s. ; firm; state and Pennsylvania. 25c; wealern, fancy. 21c. 4 HEESE Receipts. 698 pkgs.; firm. I34rtl 14lc. It l'LTRY Alive, firm: turkeys. 13il4c; fowls. 14c. Dreaaed, firmer; western chick ens. lS4ijl4r: western fowls, 134c; western turkevs, ld'glftc METALS The Ixndon tin market was . iTsM hi her at jar 17a td for spot and 133 6a for futures. The market locally was also higher and firm, spot hers closing at $J9 0vm5. Copper advanced 6s In Lon don, closing there at f 56 15a for spot snd LA 6a fur tuturea. liars copper stumcted dn v bushels, with the Russian 3,356,000 bushels; on passrtge Increased 3,i6O,0uo bushels; the visible (Increased 18,000 bushels, compared with 1.330,0110 decrease last year; primary receipts, 851,000 bushels, against 503.OU0 laat year; primary shipments, 194,000 bushels, sgalnst 122.000 last yearj northwest receipts, 745 cars, agnlnst 30o a year ago. The weather west waa favorable. Clearances were liberal. 6O7,0u bushels. New York re ports 31 loads taken for export. The mar ket has not been a broad one. Armour was a seller In a amull way. CORN I he maraei nas neen nrm, wun a big, general commission trade. Prices at one time were c higher, but yielded some with the reaction In wheat. The strength originated at New York, that point report ing 82 load taken for export. There was some shipping business done from here for February shipments and generally the mnn who could get cars could sell corn. Ioral receipts, 466 cars, with 2 contract; estimates for tomorrow, 340 cars. World's shipments only 2,808,000 bushels, and most all from America. On passage Increased 212,000 bushels. The visible Increased 1.220.0UO; the local slock Increased 207.000; primary re ceipts, 870.000 buehels, against 285,000 last year. Clearances, 325,000 bushels. Cables were 4U4d higher. OATS There has been a large trade both ways In oats, and Howe la credited with having sold about l.OOO.OUO buehels. The May touched 88c, but when wheat reacted oats yielded some. The visible Increased 606,(XI bushels. The local stock Increased 330,000. Local receipts, 8o7 cars, with 20 contract; estimates for tomorrow, 170 cars. Clear ances. 39.000 bushels. Cash oata were firm at Saturday's prices early, but yielded some later. PROVISIONS The market opened strong, very little stuff for sale. Lard and ribs were In good demand. There was buying of Mav lard by Wolf, also Cnunselman A Day. There were 42,tKj head of hogs; priced at yards 5c lower. Estimates for tomorrow. 87.0OO head. Hons In the west today, 68.200 head, against 70,200 last week and 86,600 last er'WEARE COMMISSION COMPANY. Chrs. & Ohio 44a ... 10a I'blcaao A A. IHa.. 7a C . B ft Q. n. 4a ti'i C. M. 8. P. g. 4S.1U4 C. A N. W. c. C. R. I. A P. 4a....l0 CVC. A St. L f. 4a.. 100' Chicago Terminal 4a. Colo. A 80. 4a foA, n. A R. O. 4a Erie prior lien 4a.... Vn do zcncral 4a 87 p. w A D. C. la.... 1124 Colo. Offered. Bo. Railway 5a Texaa A Parinr la.. T.. St. L,. A W. 4a union Pacific 4a. do conT. 4a.... Wabaah la , do 2 dn deb. B Wtat ghor 4a... W. A L. E 4a.. Wia. Central 4a. Con. Tob. 4a.... Fuel to.... . 7 . 1 . tf7l . l .117 .11 . 79 ..10S ..tot ..11 .. R4i ..111 .. ti'4 .. 2 .. 6S .. Wm Krcoml part of the day there was n sMht recover;. . but tra nsmi'ions were restrie.eo. ilia.l ians end limiitt ihii- were ilinl. ; iu s were weik al lne niei:.itg, will re 'U tin 1 on tho t xe In hc p. . in cupper an I iii, re sa.l.-iuct. ry no loi'K auvices. 'In private rate of nis-ntir.t ves 1 K-lrt pe. tent. Three pT cent rentes. I'f c for in Hi l lilil t. BERLIN. Feb. 9 Unilm ss on the lx.ur:e to lay was generally dull, oing o renllza nons. 'lurks were purucUliiny heavy, ad a rKult ot the dis.Ul-'iin news In regard to Ai.nedonla. In, me were rather dull. XKW aURIiTsiTlU-KS AM II4IMJX. Market Hrthra, avlth flreater Va riety anil Breadth Thnn for Weeks. NEW YORK. Feb. Tlier? was a revival cf activity In today's sto K m irket, which brought the volume of trad ng above the level of lust Thursiiay. 'I here was gn inr breailth mid variety ulpo in fie dealing' than lor weks. Ihe advances were not uiiuio all at tuie me, toil as successive points t l slrennlh were i.eveloped prevunn gains were well held. In spite ot the natural icallzliiK under cover of the new fclrcngth. Theic was a pause In tho upward move ment afur the opening spurt, hut utter that there was 110 gcncmi reaction until :he finul hour. This mighl be accounted lor by the protit-Cihing sales of the room traders who saw a la.gest day s accrued than or many days past- The r notion somewhnt emphasized by reports that new proposals had been received from Germany concerning the Vc ncziiflan settlement which threatened to open up the whole question. Ihe closing was steady and aeneraliy only a fraction below the best. Commission nous, s re ported some orders on outside business nnd some of the largest luislm ss of Ihe day came from houses with extet-slv wire con nection in tho tast, the mi-dle west and the south. The upward movement originated this morning In the Gould stocks and In the bituminous "oal carri r. The Gould stock have luil the advantage of an Influential pool which has carried on operutlons In th! mi. ton securities of the group for some lime past. Their special activity of Bdlur riav und of today waa professedly based upon the active measures taken to com plete the Atlantic outlet for the Wab.ish system. In the case of the bituminous coul carriers the motive for the buying was the settlement agreed upon at Inuian upolls between the miners and the opt r .uois lixing a wage scale. Tbe possibility tf discord over this question bad been a shadow upon those stocks for several days. Anothe wage settlement which seemed to giither Importance us It was consldcr-rd was that between the Missouri, Kansas & Texas and Its employes. The settlement Is of Importance In itself and In addition it st-ems to be understood that It Is to form a basis for agreement on practically all the railroad systems west 01 the Mis souri river. The Pacitics, grangers and southwesterns cuiiMiuently were all very strong. These settlements represent higher wages and corresponding increases in rail road expenses, but the willingness of the railroads to accede- to the terms is regarded as assurance of advantages to be derived. The unprecedented congestion of freight traffic upon the railroads of the countrs; is an Impressive demonstration of the high level of business activity and prosperity in the country. Present blockaded conditions, it Is true, are a disadvantage and promise some bad efTect upon earnings, but the existence of the enormous traffic is demon strated beyond dispute. While it Is evident that hcavv additional outlays must be made by the rullroads for facilities to take care of their traffic, the conviction Is growing that the conditions warrant conildence in the future prosperity of the railroads. In spite of Saturday's weak bank state ment, the money market gave no cause for depression of speculative activity. Call loans fell below 2 per cent in the late trad ing on the Stock exchange. There were some prominent laggurds in the upward movement of prices, notably the Eries and the I'nlted States Steel stocks. The hard coalers did not share strongly In the market Btrength, but the strength was fairly com r.rshiaivo nnd ernhraced a long list 01 representative stocks and quite a list of minor Indus! rials on the speculative theory that this class of stock has a better chance for growth of future values than the nigh prlred railroad stocks. There were heavy spots in the bond mar ket, but enough points of strength to make the tone irregular. Total sales, par value, $.7050,000. Cnlted States new 4s, registered, declined 24 on the last call. The following are the closing prices 00 the New York e.ocs; exenange: Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio do ?td Canadian Pacific Canada Southern Chea. A Ohio.... Chicago A Alton. do pfd Chicago, I. & 1. do pfd Chliaeo A E. I Chicago A lt. W do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Chicago A N. W.. Chicago T. A T... do Dfd C. At. L. Southern ... lat pfd 2d pfd A liudaon.. L. A W Denver A Rio O. do pfd Eric do lat pfd do 2d pfd Gt. Nor. pld Hocking Valley .. do pfd Illinois Central .. Iowa Central ..... L. B. A W do pfd l.oula. A Nash.... Manhattan L Met. HI. Ry Mel Mei OMAHA LlYh STUCK )1A1(KKI nu. 80. Railway pfd. . ,.101 Teiaa A Pacific... ..lOila T., St. L. A W... . . IMi.4 do pfd ..U74 Union Pacific C. C. Colo, do do Dela. Del. do pfd Wabaeh do - pfd W. A L. B do 2d pfd Wis. Central .... do pfd Adama Expreea .. Araer. Kxpreaa r. 8. Kxpreaa.... WellB-fargo Ex.. Amal. Copper .... Amer. C. A F.... do pfd Amer. Lin. Oil... do pfd Amer. S. A R.... do pfd Ana. Min. Co.... ltrk. Rap. Tr.... ... X"h Colo. r. A I . . . 41 4 Con. Oaa ... 72'4 Con. Tob. pfd.... ...63 General Electrlo ...MO Hoiking Coal .... . . .In214 lnt'ni Paper .... ... 7S do pfd . ..Hb4 lnt'ni Power .... ... 45' Laclede Gee ... 41 iNitlonal Blacult ...11S National Lead .. ...lJTNn. American .. ...145 .Pacific Coast ...137 Pacific Mall Central 27' People's Oaa .... National l-vrreaaea . u. 4 V.. a1 ::;: ifc .... an ....S00 . WVa . 2 . 4Mi .:i I . uv . 4', . , . ' . 40 Si .Uto'v .2nd Minn. A St. L 10!Si Doiton Stocks aaial Bonds. BOSTON. Feb. . Call loans. 4J5 per cent; time loans, 4"4S per cent. biTlclal closing of stocks and bonds: Atchlaon 4s Ml Allouei Gaa la 06'i Amalgamates , Mn. Central 4a 14 Bingham Atchlaon Wis Cal. A Hecla do pfd 101 Centennial .. Boeton A Albany Boston A Me Boston Elevated . N. V . N. H. A H Fltchburg pfd I'nlon PaclAc Mex. Central Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Don. I. A 8 General Electrlo . Mara. Blectrto .... United Prult U- 8. Steal do pfd Weatlngh. Adventure 2l Conner Range .... ..lo', Franklin ..160 lale Kovala ..210 Mohawk ..142 Old Dominion ... ..lo; Oaceola .. 2T4 Parrot ..131-), gv'ncy ..121 Santa Fa Copper. . .Ie4ii Tamarack .. 2yTrlmoantaln .il4 Trinity .. Mi,, l nlte4 States ... ..10V I'tah .. jalviitorta sl W inona Common.. 104 IWolvertn UH . 10 . 394 .646 . 14 . 71 . U'i . 144 . 66 . S3V, . 7a . 13 .123 2'4j .1U . K4 . 13H . 7 . ir-t . tn . 10 St. I.owls Grata and Provisions. ST. lOCIS. Feb. . Wll E AT Lower ; No. 1 red. cash, elevator, nominal; track. 6b 6o; May, 74S741c; Jjly, 7174jc; No. hard 72i74c. (XHNHlher; No. t cash. 42f44c; May, 44V1MSC Jjlv, ic, nominaL OATS Ixiwer; No. ! cash, 87c; track, 374;c: May, JrVjc: No. 2 white, 38Hc HYE Hrtter at 49e. FIjOI'R Steadv; red winter patents. $3 45 ti3K; extra fancy and straight, $; clesr. $3.('ii1.l5. SEED Timothy, steady. $30O6j3.6O. CORNMEAIy-Steady. $2.30. BRAN Strong; sacked, east track, 820 85c. HAY TVjll; timothy, $10.0014.60; prairie, tr.flnit15.00. IRON COTTON TIE8-$1.07H-HAOtHND 6 -lni7 l-lfc. HEMP Twine, bo. PROVISION! Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, standard mesa, $17.10. I,ard, higher at $9 42 st- Pry rait meats, steed v; boxed, extra shorts, $! 12V4: clear ribs, $9.12H; short clear. $v 37t. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts, $10; clear ribs. $10,124; short clear, Chicago o. w. C, M. A St. r... DeBeera Denver A R. O ... do pfd Erie do lat pfd do 24 pfd Illinois Central Louisville A Nash. U . K. A T .1 ... T' ... n't ... ss ... 4614 Us itacK daotatlons. LONDON, Feb. . Closing quotations: Consols, anoaey... S 1S-14 New York Central... 1M do account Ml Norfolk A Western. . 77 Anaconaa "s no via Atchlaon Ontario A Waatara do pfd lOS'a Pennsylvania Baltimore A Ohlo....l04 Rand Mlnea Canadian Pacific. .... .140' Reading Chesapeake A Ohio.. do 1st pfd.. . . ieu' 00 :d ptd sa ..m',j Southern Railway.... S7 .. 221, 1 do pfd 74 . . tsommni racinc aia . . I'nloo Pacific. ..109 . . 42HI do ptd 7 -. 74's United Statea Steel... 4nu .. a6"4 do pld i'4 .iH I v, aos.n n .Ian do pfd a j '4 . 244.1 BAR SILVER Steady; 21 15-ld per oj nee. M O N E Y 31 ii'SSt per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is SiuSH per cent and for three months' bills Is iB-logo-H per cent. Missouri Paclfio M . K. A T do pfd ........ N J. Centn.1... N. Y. Central... Nor. A Weat do pfd Ontario A W... Pennsylvania ... Reading do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd.... St. L. & 8. r... do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd.... St. L. 8. W.... do pfd St. Paul '. do pfd 80 Pacific 80. Railway ... ...11S .. 29, .. 611, ..11 ..lHi .. 75 .. II .. S4Vi; ..161 .. 44V, .. , .. 74 .. 81'H .. US .. 73W .. 2X--V, .. W, ..180 it . .m .. a '.. 36Vw do ptd Pullman P. C... Republic Steel .. do pfd Sugar Tenn. C. A I.... V. B. A P. Co.. do pfd U 8. Leather.... do pfd V. 8. Rubber.... do pfd V. 8. Bteel do pfd Weatern Union ., Am. Locomotive. do pfd K. C. Southern., do pfd Rock Island do pfd ... 6V ... 424 ... SO ... 46 ...1024 ... 4 ... ... 62'i ... 27 ... S74a ... t ... U ...200 ...227 ...14 ...23ft ... 7U ... 414, ... Uk ... 17 ... 444 ... 471, ... a ...1124 ... 4 ... 741 ...217' ...11744 ...16 ... 2f ... IS ... 73 ... 644 ... SO ... 47 ... 28- ...1164 ... Stt ... 4 ...107H ... ! ...S3 ...2.11 ... 21 's ... 78'n ...131S ... 64 ... 14S ... 76Sa ... 14 ... 14 ... 18'a ... 67 ... 394 ... S8'4 ... SO',, . .. so ... 44 ... 841, . .. 6 .... IV4 ... S24 OMAHA, $1,172,976.19; $l,(r78.flll.34; Bank Clearlnars. Feb. J Bank clearings today corresponding day last year Increase. S1M.174.8.V NEW YORK. Feb. 9. Clearings. $123,354.- 6Uts; Daiances. n.vji.KZf. PHIL.AUEi.PHIA. Feb. t. Clearings. $13, &21.486; balances, $2,509,313; money, 44a 5 per cent. BOSTON. Feb. f.-Clearlngs. $16,464,019; balance. Sl.e4u.708. BALTIMORE. Feb. 9 Clearings, $?,925.- 663: balances. S-i, tkK: money, 6 per cent. CHICAGO, Feb. 8 -Clearings, $27,248,337; balances, $1.58b,Ko6; New tork exchange oar: foreltrn exchanae. unchanged: sterling rciteo at $4.85 for sixty days and $4.88 for U mand. CINCINNATI. Feb. 9 Clearings. $4,638, 600; money, 4&6 per cent; New York ex-chr-ngt-, l!r3,c discount. ST. 1-OIMS, Feb. . Clearings, $8,806,807; balances, $1,107,000; money, b( per cent, steady; New York exchauge, par. Beef Stcera and Cowi Eiow and Generally a Dime Lower. HOGS SOLD WEAK TO HVE CENTS LOWER Active Demand for Fat Sheep aad Lambs. So that Trading: Was Brisk at Steady to fMronar Triers for tiood Stall. SOL TH OMAHA. Feb. 9. Hecelpls were: Cattle, lioan. Sheen. C'tilclal Monilay J.iM b.too ti.tVo same uus ihsi weea S.ool b.Jv H.l-U bsiiie week Oeiore 4.i:i t.u u.vSi. fcHir.u ttirec wtnti hko... 3.aj 0.16 o,i eanie lour weeas iiho o,i 4.2'S banie uay last year eVilJ 6,;i- 2,; 01 ..-l..i . t s'Olt l llll. lMll 1 VJ I)A 1 c. .lie iuiiuwiii laun; snunb lne receipB u. ait.e, nua u,,u Hiim 11 at ooulh Uiimnu Imi ne year to ualu uou cuniL'srisuiib wan Ibtl CHI. IM.I.J. jj.,.. IK. Ul. Cattle 9"..oii i.ka osiH :u,,i M.biS l'tep idi.o-4 id.ioi oo.voi a ..-rage price paid lol uoga at bum" Oiiiaiia .or int lati itteiui uus wuh coin-pari.-ous: Date. I 1H03. 19u2.iaol.,lSKio.1lii.iHfiil.,lsli. Jan. Jan. J 1 !l, Jan. Jan. n. jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. j mi. n. jan. Jan. j a 11. i'eo. Feb. Feb. Fill. Feb. Fe o. Feb. Feb. Feb. 16... 6 41 I !, 6 2i 4 bttj 3 47 4 M 1... 4Hl lol 6 i 4 tl i 60 I S U li... ( 4i- ti I,, i isi, 4 m, 3 49 3 47 1 j 1 6 let) t ksl 4 6 a ui bi, J 1... 394,1 I li, 4 4 ai i J... 41, f Z7 1 4 ui 4 H it uO, av 21. .. od'l 6 iai 6 26, I bi S 4 t .4 22...b.4 I l, b lo 4 63; iiilu 23... j 6 D9 6 IU a 4 K 3 66 ij X...) 00 4 1 t in, 6 zl 4 OS! 3 bl I 63 1 14, 6 13, 4 46, 3 t-j; 3 Mi $ 33 i... 6 i2, 1 6 lui 4 U 3 ii 3 TJ, 3 2i... 6 ti,-,',! 6 121 I 4 62 3 63 3 6I I 3u o... 64-j,, a o 5 22 I 3 osi : W 3 3i k...J 6 vIt,! 0 aV b 2b 4 62 j $ 64 3 21 30.. .j 6 "ioii 6 6 2o 4 04 3 70, 3 ij 31. .. 6 07 'a! a 97 6 li 4 65, 3 6I S 66; 1....I I 5 92 0 22, 4 61, 3 61 3 64 3 37 2....I66S I I 5 2o 4 68i 3 64 3 6.1 3 19 3....670 I 5 93; I 4 62 , 3 bi 3 73, 3 20 4....iueO 1 o H.) 0 31 j 1 3 69 3 7- 3 2 6....1 6 S2'i 6 11 6 23 4 66 3 72 3 21 6 Vb, 6 lb, 5 21 4 70; 3 6C I 3 19 1 .... I 6 744, 6 0.) 6 4 6 3 66, 3 i5 I 6 I 6 961 6 291 4 75 , 3 66 3 71 1 3 23 TlVsl I 6 2o 4 M 3 70 3 il 3 27 Indicates Sunday. Tho official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle.Hocs.8h'p.H ses. C, M. & St. P. Ry... 3 6 .. 1 Wabash 1 Union Pacific system. 26 C. & N. W. Ky 9 V.. E. A M. V. R. R.. 38 C, St. P., M. & O.... 22 U. At M. Ky 26 C, B. dk g. Ry 4 K.. C. & St, J 3 C, R. 1. & P.. east.. 6 C, R. I. & P., west.. 2 Total receipts 140 Tho disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of bead indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. 10 22 23 14 2 3 10 I 1 1 '4 '.! 1 .. 1 75 28 3 Buyers. Omana Packing Co. Swift and Company. Armour at Co Cudahv Packing Co Armour, from Sioux City. Vansant & Co Carey Benton Lobman At Co W. I. Stephen H 111 & Huntzlnger Huston at Co Livingstone & Shaller L. F. Must Wolf at Murnan B. F. Hohbick Lee Rothschild Other buyers 623 964 1.345 1,145 2,o'M 3S0 761 4o3 561 126 62 46 117 141 87 33 118 120 78 48 240 121 3,432 6.676 2J6 2,984 9-4 61M 258 6,096 Totals CATTLE The combined receipts of cattle at the principal market points were of liberal proportions, so that prices suffered a still farther decline. Sellers, of course, made an attempt to hold values steady, so that trading was slow from start to finish. There were about 30 cars of cornfed steers here this morning and the quality was cer tainly no better than of late. Buyers seemed to be very Indifferent and when they started out their bids were generally a dime lower than the prices paid at the close of last week. Sellers wanted steady prices, so the morning was well advanced before many cattle had changed hands. The situation, however, did not show much Improvement, so that the bulk of the cattle had to sell right close to a dime lower. The cow market was also slow and lower. There waa some unevenness to the trade. but as a general thing the prices paid were right around 10c lower than the close of last week. Buyers did not seem to be very anxious for supplies, so sellers had to take -what the packers would give. .It was late before anything like a clearance was made. Bulls were attain very slow sale and prices If anything were a little lower, but salesmen had a hard time to dispose of what they had at any price. Veal calves continued In good demand at steady prices. Although tho fat cattle market was lower this morning the demand for the better grades of stockers and feeders continued brisk and prices were fully steady. A good many of the warmed-up cattle again sold to feeder buyers. The common kinds of cat tle were not In as good demand, but still they brought as much as was paid lust week. Representative sales: -BEEF STEERS. Sew York Bllnlnar Stocks. NEW' YORK. Feb. 9 The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adama Con A I We Breece brutiawtck i:on... C'omalock Tunnel Con. Cel. Va . Horn Silver Iron Sliver Leadvllla Con .. SO .. 2- .. 60 .. .. S ..21 ..ISO .. an .. a Utile Chief ... Ontario ophlr Vhnenlx Pot oat Savage Sierra Nevada Jniall Hopea .. Standard .. ..K0 . .:ju .. s .. to .. M .. 0 .. 3D ..SU0 Arm at 33.97V,. Spelter. IUVS71,. METAl.P-I.ead oulet at S4.K0. POl'l.THY Ix)wer: chickens, 10c; tur kevs. IV: ducks. lSc: geese, 8c. Hl'TTFR Steady; creamery, licfi-ISc; dalrv. 174rJ0c. EUGS Ixwer at 15Vic. Keceipts. Htupments 7.(s 14.000 .... 75.0i s) loo.ono ShJ.ooO sro.ono 110.000 SS.iaiO Flo ir. bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu LI rer petal Grata aad Provtaloaa. LIVERPOOL. Feb. l -WH KAT-S-wit. Svsdy; No. 1 red, western, winter, (a lVd; Porelsa Flnaarlal.. LONDON. Feb. 9 The supplies were light and money In active demand taday. Business In discounts was poor. Trading on the Stock exchunge wss mostly dull anil featureless. Consols reacted owing to fears of trouble in the Balkans. Home rails wer Irregular. Americans opened steady and hardened on New York advices. Denver at Rio Grande. Southern Pacific and Wabash wjre the features, but buslnere, was nar row and mostly professional. Prices Im proved later and closed firm. Orand Trunk was strong and fairly nctlve, the dividend bringing in buyers of 2s. 8s and ordinary. The amount of bullion taken Into th Hank of England on balance tm'ay waa 140,000 Bar sliver closed llrm at 22d per ounce. PAR18. Feb. . Prices generally opened depressed on the bourse, owing to the ad vices regarding possible serious trouble In Macedonia. Turks were freely offered, latrr the wtaknesa was accentuated and aoreaa l oiaer aep&r t-rueuua. Condition of the freasorr, WASHINGTON, Feb. 9. Today's state ment of the treasury balnnce In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $14O,o0O.0uO gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: AvallHble cah balance, $224,216,191; gold, $101.5l'8,3U3. Calumet and Hecla Dividend. BOSTON. Feb. 9.-The directors of the Calumet and Heclu .Mining company today declared a dividend of $5 per share. Coffee -.inr'.et. NEW YORK. Feh. 9 COFFEE Spot Rio firm: No. 7 Invoice, 5V Mild, un settled; Cordova, 74ll'ViC. Futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points, and while, business was quiet, displayed still further strength as a result of higher European cables and moderate purchbtlnvs presumably for the long ac count. Primary r-ielpts were full and warehouse deliveries for the week light, but there was r.o iiKgresslve selling and the cloe was steady nt un advance of 15 riointH. Snles were 2S.5iJ baRS. Including March at 4.4ofi4.5ic; May. 4 .&5'i5.65e; July. 4MK'; September. 4.fil.95c: October. 5c; November, 5c; December, 6. 20c; January, 5.30c. Whisky Market. 'H1CAGO. Feb. .- WHISKY Steady at ti so CINCINNATI. Feb 9 -WII ISKY On ths basis of hiph wines, $1 . , ST. IXll lS. Feb. 9-WHISKY-8teady at ti :oi PEORIA. Feb. . WHISKY For finished goods, $1.30. Dry Gooos Market. NKW YORK. Feb DRY OOOD8 Opened the week decidedly strong. There h been a general advance of 4c In prints. American. Passaic. Merrimack ard othr sl' e 'he. t'nars are advancing, and tbs ttol Durltg the tendency is agniust buyers. No. Av. Pr No. At. Pr. I S84 I 76 IS 1203 4 04 S ISO S 00 S 1234 4 06 1 er.o S 25 1 1130 4 06 4 S50 S 40 1 1210 4 10 I Sf.O S 60 . 6 1184 4 10 t 87S S 46 - 23 1111 4 10 I t0 S 76 4 1170 4 10 18 860 3 16 91 1270 4 1 0 ( 1046 S 80 1 tfO 4 16 6 S20 S 80 f 101 4 16 1 1120 S SO 1 1100 4 16 10 878 S SO SS 1172 4 20 t 1240 S SO 20 1240 4 26 S 1066 S SO 17 lOvfi 4 16 11 97 S SO IS 1143 4 20 12 1171 4 00 26 S06 4 20 ( 11M 4 00 18 1111 4 20 6 1144 4 00 20 1164 4 26 a 1178 4 00 17 137S 4 80 t S2S 4 00 44 1254 4 40 S 104S 4 00 1 1840 4 40 14 1020 4 06 12H6 4 40 17 102S 4 06 17 110S 4 46 24 107S 4 05 82 13M 4 60 1 IS 1121 4 06 36 1438 4 60 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 1 868 1 25 t 1266 4 10 IS 83S I 76 16 1214 4 36 COWS. 1 838 J 45 31 USA S 10 t 836 1 60 11 117 S 16 1 10U) t 60 1073 S 16 I S30 t 60 IS f 1IWI S 16 I S30 S 60 1 10 S 16 t '" 8 60 IS U6 S 16 1 800 t 60 13 1028 3 16 17 78 t 60 IS 7 S 15 1 106D 2 44 24 1002 S 16 I 814 2 46 4 ICS S 16 i Ill IU ' 7 110 S 20 t S36 S J 10 a& to IS 848 2 46 S SI0 S 20 1 870 S 45 t 1287 3 20 . tl 74 2 70 23 .,4 S 20 1 1140 2 75 4 10f.o S 2C 1060 t 73 14 111S 3 4(1 I B0 2 7S 3 12.13 S 2". 1 100 2 75 4 B75 S 25 4 7S5 2 73 t 1440 S 3r. 3 St.) 2 75 8S0 S 26 1000 S 75 S 843 S 25 1.;. 1100 t 75 1 610 t 25 II 1001 t to IS 11M 3 26 2 1055 3 86 10 1162 3 2S 815 i 85 . 20 1101 3 25 3 VI t 60 12 1111 S 30 1 Ic70 1 SO I SL'O S SO I Ilea 2 SO 2 145 3 40 10 8.S 1 SO 13 liM 3 40 SI0 1 SO 2 UrO 2 25 t SIS 2 SO 6 844 2 3i 6 10H8 2 SO 63 813 2 J5 ( 108 1 SS S 776 S 45 4 SS: 3 00 S 1143 3 40 3 60 3 no 6 ;.114 3 4S 1 1000 3 00 17 llol S 60 12.'0 3 00 3 Ill 3 60 1 790 3 00 4 ll.ij S 60 7 851 3 in 6 tM 3 65 t 1056 3 10 U 8'S 2 0 1 1270 3 10 S 800 2 5 J 1160 3 10 1 Kill ; 80 1 lli0 3 10 3 i'tti : 5 I KM 3 10 7 107 3 (1 I 1K.0 3 10 4 1196 3 00 $ 102S 3 10 S Son 3 10 1204 3 10 3 wi 3 10 1-, ! 3 10 4 l(j6 3 10 li' 1174 3 HEIFERS a ffS t 4- 3 8(0 3 16 l " 46) t l'i " SI6 3 2.'. l" 67D 3 00 4 3 1 30 j'" son 3 00 S ftao 3 30 S"3 3 10 2 5 3 40 SH I It 16 Saw 3 64 COWS AND HEIFERS. " 'V-LLS. ,10 1670 t 60 1 1400 8 00 l" U20 2 76 t 1410 3 06 ... !O0 S 76 I U40 t 1 1 "" MHO 3 6 1. 1240 3 15 1 ' ....1620 2 s 1 H0 3 15 4 "" 1,00 S I li 3 20 l" 1710 2 0 1 1340 3 20 "' ia.i 2 so llo a 30 .. p.:l 3 A3 l 17to 3 76 J "" i;n S no 1 ioo 3 75 1 Kit.) 8 0" 670 3 86 l" ' . 1400 8 on STAGS. 1 . . 124.) 3 6" 1 fn 1 so STOCK COW8 AND HEIFERS. a S10 3 CALVES. I 140 6 00 S 144 ( 00 ,;; la t a 1 110 M 1 13' 7 165 4 on STOCK CALVES. 2 t -5 I 4:o 4 4f I " .. 2 7 4 6' 1 t 3 ". 1 ; 4 60 STOCKERS AM. FEEDERS. 1 1..-J 1 4" 741 j an 4 !'. 2 ij 14 16 3 SO S 1"'4 1 :6 Insa 1 an 1 7'" 3 26 17 7K0 8 :i 1 410 3 26 24 761 3 66 1 1040 3 26 S 817 4 00 t 6" 3 :6 II m J 4 (in 1 4.10 8 fS 2 776 4 ( 4 3 26 4 460 4 00 4 7:. 3 40 10 7D 4 00 4 790 3 46 ,o f.M 4 on 3 aoO 3 6'l li 1022 4 Co 5 875 3 60 70 9l 4 no 2 7 Jo .1 60 . 71 4 no 1 640 8 p0 2.7 7o 4 00 1 7.1 1 3 60 a 77 4 1 7 814 3 7o 6 af.ll 4 in 1 Kni 3 75 17 lis:' 4 10 6 744 3 75 r 7 4 10 1 100" 3 7. 2.1 Sit 4 16 1 780 3 75 21 102 4 15 7 7ii .1 7.-, 3 990 4 15 45 7M J 75 ! 8t s 4 77 3 76 ( ami 4 ,s 6 642 S 75 2 Sf.0 4 o s 440 s 60 2 aao 4 o 80 616 3 f5 17 1018 4 25 3... 840 3 as 27 747 4 30 It S.M 3 65 34 a?6 4 30 4 8K6 3 66 32 tvt 4 Jj 7 7f.J ! 15 HOOS There was s good, average run of hogs here today for a Monday, and as other markets were quote. I loner prices here also east d off a trltle The bulk of the hogs sold a sliHdc to 5c lower than Suturdiiv. The lit lit stuff went mostly from $.70 down, and the medium weights at tv70 and $.7ii, while Ihe heavy hogs sold from $ti 75 to $i So. Trading wss siow on the start, but after buyers snd sellers got together on prices It wii s not long before the bulk of ihe offerings was disposed of. The quality of the hoss tut sale today was not as good as on Saturday, so that the market on paper looks a little worse thnn it really whs. Representative sales: No. A v. Bh. Pr. No. A v. Sh. Pr. 3S 1 ... 6 60 69 2ti! 40 6 77V, 11 :' ... 6 S'l 76 232 ... 6 72'u 7 Ltd ... 6 (L'H ! 240 280 6 721, 71 :'W l:l 6 61'u, 72 147 ... 6 oii 75 ?)7 SO IC, 61 227 ... W 215 ... 6 5 64 250 80 6 72S 6 229 200 K5 73 241 100 6 721 M 1S2 ... 6 i 6S 239 130 72sj el 304 ... 6 M 235 ... S 72A, M 212 ... 660 73 20 ... 72 53 211 ... 6 ;"4j 69 256 ... 6 75 M 2'W ... 6 ii7', 70 2ol 120 6 75 67 218 ... 6 67', 75 216 M) 6 75 7 217 80 6 67', 12 24 ... 6 75 70 .215 ... 6 67' 61 206 200 6 76 SO 221 ... 6 70 54 2S3 ... 75 77 215 ... 6 70 66 278 ... 6 75 OS 239 120 6 70 72 249 ... 6 75 65 227 ... 6 70 60 200 SO 6 75 79 218 ... 6 70 63 262 ... 6 75 65 231 80 70 60 270 40 6 75 19. .....2M ... 6 70 72 247 SO 6 75 70 216 ... 70 55 266 ... 6 75 67 247 240 6 70 64 24 S 80 75 41 263 80 70 56 278 80 11 71 231 ... 6 70 70 2o8 40 6 77 a 222 120 6 70 75 256 80 6 77V 78 210 ... 6 70 62 307 200 6 80 76 240 ... 6 70 72 267 ... 6 80 28 243 ... 6 70 10 287 ... 6 80 65 232 ... 6 75 SHEEP There was a fairly liberal run of sheep here this morning, but none too many to till the requirements of the local demand. The market opened active and steady to strong and all the desirable bunches were soon disposed of. There were no atrlctly prime lambs offered but still a bunch sold as high as $6.00. Western yearlings sold up to $5.50, and a little bunch of straight wethers brought $5.15. A shipment of Colo, raao ewes strlved and sold for $4.25, which was pronounced a good price considering the quality. The commoner grades also sold without much trouble at about the same prices as were paid toward the close of lust week. Feeders were very scarce this morning and no change In the situation worthy of mention was noted. Quotations: Choice western lambs, $5,759 6.0ii; fair to good lambs, $5.50(55.75; choice native snd Colorado lambs, $6.00'g6.26; choice yearlings, $5.Xi'jjo.40; fair to good yearlings, $4.75&5.O0: choice wethers.; fair to good', $4.0eVy4.5o; choice ewes, $4.004.40; fair to good, $:i.2fift4-00; feeder lambs, $4.25(34.75; feeder yearlings, WJoSH.OO; feeder wethers, $3.754. 00; feeder ewes, $2.50ij3.00. Repre sentative sales: No. 1 buck 500 western ewes , 267 western ewes , 1 western ewe , 198 western ewes ' , 45 native ewes 236 Colorado ewes 51 native lambs , 225 western wethers , 70 western ewes 6 western ewes , 31 western ewes 164 western yearlings , 120 western wethers 493 western yearlings 2 bucks 645 Mexican ewes 25 cull lambs. , 402 Mexican ewes 6 western ewes 815 Mexican wethers 322 Mexican yearlings 4 Mexican yearlings M western lambs 240 western lambs Av. Pr. 150 3 00 ,89 3 65 ,80 3 76 100 3 75 99 3 86 ,99 4 25 ,91 4 25 60 4 75 74 6 00 ,110 4 25 91 4 40 104 4 00 ,108 4 90 , 114 6 16 , 87 6 30 ,160 3 26 75 4 00 58 4 00 , 101 4 10 ,108 4 10 ,77 6 00 .70 5 50 ,67 6 50 ,69 6 50 , 77 6 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Sheep are Steady, bat Hoars and Cat tle Both Drop. CHICAOO. Feb. 9. CATTLE Receipts, 30,000 head; market 104T16c lower; good to prime steers, $4.405.75; poor to medium, 3.oorui4.z&; stockers ana Teeners, sv.asui.w; cows, $1.4Ofi4.50; heifers, $2.0o4f4.60; canners. $1.4o4'2.40; bulls, $2.00(&4.26: calves, $3.50(9 7.00; Texas-fed steers. $3.50fi4.25. HOGS Receipts, 43.000 bead; esnmaiea to morrow. 30,oflii: lert over. 6,ooo; market closed dill. Mi 10c lower: mixed and butch ers, $0.6o4i7.00; good to choice heavy, $6.85fg 7.06; rough heavy, $6.6S66.S5; light, $6.35 6.60; bulk ot sales, SHEEP Receipts, 25,000 head; market steady; good to choice wethers, $4.60415.50; fair to choice mixed, $3.5eyg4.50; western sheep, $4.25C(i5.40; native lambs, $4. 504j. 40; weatern lambs, $4.756.40. Official Saturday: Receipts. Shipments. 271 608 19.604 4,278 1.426 Cattle - Hogs Sheep Kansas City I-sve Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. . CATTLE Re ceipts. 6.200 natives. 1.360 Texans, WO Texas calves, 200 native caives; corn came, iukji 15c lower; cows steady; stockers and feed ers steady to hlaher: quarantine steady to lower: cnolce export ana aressea oeei steers. $4.oikui5.30: fair to good, j.oiKa-4.40, stockers and feeders, $2.3wi.50; western- fed steers. S2.7C85-00; Texas ana Indian leers. ii.sra4.a: lexas cows, sz.isxai.oo: native cows, $l.nfti3.75; native heifers, 12.00 ti-S.Su; canners, $1.00(2.00; bulls, $2.40tj3.i)0; cslves. t2.54i4l4i.5ft. HOGS Receipts. 3,700 Bead; market ZftTfio lower; tup. $6.92: bulk of sales, $6.72Hi? 6.87'4: beavy. sii.itOttvj.irj': mixea packers, Ji'. iJT'i'feO.U'Vj: light, $. 354f6.70; yorkers, $6.65 fe6.70; pigs, 6.0iK(i.3b. SHEEP Receipts. 1.000 ne&d; market steady; lambs 10c lower: native lambs, $4 00 fi6.29; western lanios, x3.6MQ4t.10; tea ewes, i3.0i"((.1.0; native wethers, $3. 5134. so; west ern wethers, $3.00&'4.90; stockers and feed ers, $2.60&3.50. ew York Lire stock Market. NEW YORK, Feb. I. BEEVES Re ceipts, 3,564 head; steers steady to 10c lower: hulls and cows 5fil0c higher; steers. $4.1irfi6.50; oxen, $4.25(fi4.o6; bulls, $3.0041 4. tM; export bulls, $4 50; cows, $tl0'g4.RO. Cables quoted live cattle steady at ll'sJjlSc per lb., dressed weight, with tops at 134c, and sheep unchanged at 13',i14i4c, dressed Height. Exports tomorrow, 950 cattle, 2.240 sheep nnd 3. UK) quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, l.4iaj neau; veais nrm to 25(' higher at $o.0if6.0; barnyard calves. $'m3.75; westerns, $$.50; city dressed veals, 114il4c per lb. Hi HIS-Receipts, 7.923 neaa; market trine wek: stnte hoKS, $7.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9.926 head; sheep firm to loc higher: lambs Jum '- sheep. S3.i04l5.00: wethers and export sheep ib.yxriZ.XVt; culls, $2.50; lambs, $&.& ii i.ou; cuns, 4.jjhio.iu. St. I.oals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 9 CATTLE-Receipts. 4.4MMI head. Including S.iM) head 'lexans; market eteadv; niitlve shipping and export tleer t4.2T.tii5.25. with strictly fancy quote! up lo so; aressea reer nun Duicner iirrn,; steers under l.OoO lbs., $.l.uiJ4.t)0; stickers and feeders, z .4iKrn.i; cows ana heifers, $2.2ii4.75; cannera. $1.5iu2.50; bulls, J-2.aiKit3.50; calves. U.Q 7.5o: Texas and ln- iIIhii steers, SJ-mcii.); cows ai.u neuers, $2.2( 'H1.30. . Hi .1 Ja Keceipts. b, neao; maraei okji-sj lower; pigs and liht:i, S6.2VQ6.7o; packers, pi 7M(i M; butchers. " 7.rjfi7 . SHEEP AND LAM US-Receipts. 6ofl head ; market stronu: unlive muttons, $4.2"'ij.2a; lHini.i. S4.(4'6.(: culls and bucks. Si'isksj' 4. a"; Mockers. $1.5oU XliO; Texans, $J.5nft4.o0. w e 4-.v $.1.2. tl list- SI hes fc.7. terns, WM14 15. cons snd heifers. $2 )t . siix Kers ami teedcr. ii4.;i. otJS receipts. 3.320 head; light snd t mixed. o ly.iufi .vi; nie.iiiim and heavy. 'Ili i,; ll ts, to.. 'lti 4". IKEP A.l I.AMKS- Hecelots. S Tl 9 l; top Colorado Unihs, ti. Id; carllnge ; ewes, $l.2o. Slock la slant. The following were tht receipts of lle utot k at the six principal elites csterdn: Cattle 11.,.. I Imu I,.. n ..- - .. . . . ' v .l,.:v Chicago 3n ) Kansas City 6,2i St. i,iuiis ; 4 isa) St. Joseph ltv fcloux City 4,uJ to. Ovi 43.o. 3.7ii 6.0' .32 2.". il S.COl M s.', Totals... ...47.809 65.4S0 tt.Rtil I otton Market. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 9 COTTON Strong; sales, ,So( bales; ordinary, 7 5-Pic, good ordinary, sHio; low middling. 8 9-liii ; middling, 9',c; good middling, 9 9-liic; mid dling fair. 1V; receipts, lo,7tjo bales; slock. Si,ol6 bales. Future, tlrm; Februnrv, 9 1.1c old; March, 9.19!ii9.20c; Apr.'l. 9Vurt :5c lay, 9.294i9.3ir; June, 9 Xtii . 3.V ; Jul v, 9 Wis 9 4"c; August, 9 041i9.oc; September, 8 S(i 8.50c; October, 8 2oC(j,8 23c. ST. Lol l8 Keb. 9-COTTON-Flrm ic higher; middling, l-16c: sales. 374 bales; receipts, 5.193 bales; shipments, 4.0S9 bales, stock, 29.0S4 bales. NEW YOHK. Feb. .-COTTON-Th market opened firm at an advance of Mii2 points under active covering of shorts ail commission house buying, which had as It most Immediate Incentive the pronounce I strength of the market at Liverpool, which reported an advance of 4'f7i ;olnta before the opening, while siwt there was . point higher, with sales rnportea t 10.000 bales. In addition fo the strength In Mverpooi It was seen that the receipts fo' the dav would compare favorable with las. vear s Following the call, however, there w considerable liquidation for profits, wh.c'i carried values back to a point or so under the opening level. The prnfit-tiklng tend ency was encouraged by the estimates for tomorrow's receipts at Houston, which were placed at ll.floo to 12,000 bales, as com pared with 9.564 last year. The firmness of these figures was but momentarv, however, snd gave way before the active covering of shorts. There were Indications thst the public became Interested In the market us buyers, and while the estimated receipts were considered heavier than expected th Indications for exports, which reached 62, 350 hales, as compared with total port re ceipts of 28,393 bales, led to prediction of ;tlil higher prices, and the market, aside Trom brief Intervals of profit-taking, rule-.l very strong and active. At the high point of the session prices showed an advance of from"? to 25 points, and the close was tlrm at net gain of 6ft23 points. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. NET YORK, Feb. 9. EVAPORATE! APPLES Market shows no change, the demand being still moderate and supplies freely offered, although there Is hardly sufficient pressure to sell to appreciably affect values; common are quoted at 4f'5-; prime, SSc; choice, 6H66,c; fancy. 7U iHc- CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Spot prunes are a shade easier under a moderate demand and some efforts to force trade; quotations range rom Sc to 74C for all grades. Apricots are quiet snd unchanged at 4(ft"Hc for bags and 7V310Vio. for boxes. Peaches are unchanged; peeled quoted at 12(&18c, and unpeeled at 64!&c. Oil aad Itoeln. OIL CITY. Feb. 9.-OI L-Credlt balances, $l.o0; certificates, no bid; shipments. 82.893 bbls.; average, 66,137 bbls.; runs. 145,767 bbls.; average, 73,403 bbls. SAVANNAH. Feb. 9 OIL Turpentine, firm, 65c. Rosin, J-m: A, R. C, 13. E, F. $1.90; O, $2; H, $2.00; I, t2.; K. $3.25; M, $3 40; N, $3.60; WG. $3.85; WW. $1.35. NEW YORK, Feh. 9 Ol L-Cottonseed, steady; prime crude, nominal; i.rlmn yel low. 40541e. Petroleum, steady. Turpen tine, firm, 67iTTh"7Vsc. Rosin, firm. LONDON, Feb. 9. OIL Calcutta Unseed, spot, 49s. Sugar and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 9. SUGAR Steady; open kettle, 7(&7 3-lAc; open kettle, centrifugal, 334e; centrifugal whites, STsi&HHc; yellows, 3'.(fr37,c; seconds, 2'va 3 5-lOc. Molasses, quiet; open kettle, nom inal, 13'2c; centrifugal, frlHc. Syrup, nominal, 19(24e. NEW YORK. Feb. . SUGAR Raw, steady; fair refining, S J-16c: centrifugal, 96 test, 84ic- molasses sugar, 2 15-16c; refined, steady.. Molasses, quiet. , Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 9 WOOL Unchanged ; medium grades and combing, 17((T21c; light fine, 16(S19Hc; heavy fine, 133'16c: tub washed, I9(02o. NEW YORK, Feb. 9.-WOOL Quiet. Bla-ln Batter Market. . ELGIN 111., Feb. 9. BUTTER Remains at 25c. There were no offerings and no sales, the quotation committee fixing the price. The sales of the week aggregated 606,000 lbs. Sioux City Live Stock Market. 6IOVX CITY. la.. Feb. 9. ISpeclal Tele gram. CATTLE Receipts. 4."X; market steady for best stockers and Mo lower for killers; beeves. II 5oC(a.(i0; cows, bulls ind mixed. tl.oiKij4.00; stockers snd feeders, $2.75 iil.ii: yearlings and calves, $2 5KS4 0o. HcCiS Receipts, 3.(o0; market steady to 5c lower: qtmllty poor; selling at $6.25di 6. 71; bulk. t I". SHEEP Receipts, 3)0; market strong. St. Joseph Livestock. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 9 CATTLE Receipts. 1,354 bead, natives, $3.75(.50; Texas and Boy Fined for Being Drank. Still In his teens and not accustomed to the ways of the world, B. A. Stoddard stood before Police Judge Berka and admitted that he had been drunk and disorderly. When the complaint was read to him. charging that he used profane language, he had naught to say, having been too Intoxicated to remember his statements. The court gave him a few words of fath erly advice, cautioned him about calling at the court again, and then fined him $3 and costs. Stoddard refused to disclose the name ot the person who furnished him with the liquor, lie gave hla age as 16 years. Fast Rnn In Police Conrt. Judge Berka made a record-breaking run In police court yesterday morning, when he disposed of forty-four rases and had his court adjourned at 10:30 o'clock, having begun at 8 o'clock. Among those whom he sentenced were Phillip Gensler, s suspicious character, who received two days; Tom Wlgran, drunk. $1 and costs: Jo Murphy, same, S3 and costs; Mattle Smith, dis orderly, $6 and costs; William Zuelow, drunk, five days; Minnie Taylor, vagrant, $5 and costs; C. G. Slngleterry. who had no visible means of support, $5 and costs. Mortality Statistics. Tha following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health: Births Louis Rasmustien. 614 Wnolworth avenue, daughter; Karl Steenbock, Forty fifth and Cameron son. Deaths Daisy Robblns, 1716 North Twenty-fourth, aged 19 years; Cecil Blundeil Garner, 3529 Boulevard avenue, aged 6 years; Gottlieb Sellner, 2714 Yates street, aged 90 years: Mrs. M. L. Flood, St. Jo seph's hospital, aged 70 years; Caroline T. Dyer, 1231 South Twelfth street, aged 74 years; Henry M. Knox, 3519 Hawthorne ave nue. trlklnsx Maeblalsta Get Work. At machinists strikers' headquarters has been received a protest from the motive power department of the Northern Paclfio railway for twenty-five machinists, to re port for duty ss soon as possible. This nuota will be divided up over the system. and the squad assembled, a few from each striking point. The men will go north t once. To Dulld Suburban Lines. ATCHISON. Kan.. Feb. 9. It Is stated au thoritatively that the Henry syndicate of Denver intends. In case it nuys tne Atcni- son street railway plant, to construct an electric line to St. Joseph and Ieaven- worth. and also to man i-skc, .mo. it au-o la proposed to build a number of shorter suburban lines. Negotiations for the sale of the plant are pending. MBSfBBRf Chlcaio Boars of Trmaa St. Louia Marcaanta knhsnsja. General Commission Ialrra la Oram ana Provlaiaas lor Cash or S'utsr lallvary. Writs for os.r Market Latl'. oyyirE rhlraio, 412 lllallo allssoijrl Vallr. fr. bo. oniaha, :ut Kxitiai.ia Bid a. Uushs. w k: Ha BUS- 'laiauhonva omsli 2104. go. ooiaU-i. illt. 1 3 P. B. Wear. Pres. C A. STsars. V-Prei. EalnMlaried WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO jalewoera, of tbti Lichana. ir rivals Wires tu An points. CltAIV l'ltOYIIO9, S'lDlKI, IIOMjI Bought and sold for rash or futurs delivery. OMAHA BRANCH, llu-llt Board of Trad. 1 klrpbon 1514. W. SC. Ward. Local ial-agf.