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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1903)
TttE OMAHA PA1I-Y HEE: TUESDAY 1 0. 1 f03. DOCTOR DENIES THE CHARGE EotlitC to Do w: l Lot-big Gtstm at B.D CrlARaXTtK OF KEGPO WITHSSES Aatloaa ta ((Mala ah)eeta lar nl. Ifir, Wat Oalr Barh aa 4 k l--ltiaate ana WMekia the TNTjiAV.PC-L15. Feb ( Tie fi-ts '.t lb t-tal t! Irr. J c Alet.tTdcr. charged wfh bcir.e ltrpiite3 ; the crave robbing ce, cut lined rt evidence as nton a. court opened led; The e pra ng '-;-merit ww made It V Tbe defense prtpt.sed to rbtw tbat It Alxn3er waa of good trior) character, while the negroe who i -a: it -d Brntn hire were disreputable trd utiwcrtbt cf W.ift. The defense It when Cattreii act Martin cnt lo It. Alexander (Bw iter fit th-r for lb pcrpoe of eking em flcrDtit to clean up tbe college, as tbey baa dour that kind of work ln Cblragt) and other flare IT Alexander toid there tbat n-i employment tu out tf bis depart ment, but to rail again and be would give tbem an anrwr. Id tb meantime be ernulted wi:h arv erl member! tf th fc-ulty and wa told that be might emplry Catt-ell. and Tt Alexander agreed to par h;c S30 for bit work. On tbe second 'fit Cantreil told him that be furhithing d isertiLg aub ct Tor other rol!eg- and mould lik to furolab som Tor Ir. Alexander. Tbe doctor replied that if be rould gt tbe bodies legitimately br would py 'or ibem. -t a nitkti tk L-awr. Tb defen offered to prate that at tbe time this conversation occurred lr. Alex ander wa writing to doctor in d.fierent part of tbe tat Baking Tor material that could be fumisbPd under tbe law. Tbe defenne alao jropoeed to tbov tba. tbe money expended br Ir. Altxanflrr for Cantrell in tbe aay of fiDerj And vilb tbe Jaii broker araf deducted from tbe amount that Dr. Alexander arreed to pt Cantreil. Tb defenne aaid it aouifi fbov tbat abiie Camrell m before tbe irrand Jury he a-ent to a telephone and ca.Id up Ifr. Ander aon, v-bose otLc ni arroai tbe nvll from Ir. Alexander offire in tbe ClajTooi bulldtsir. Cantreil. tbe drfenae aBeenel. xuadc bimaelf knoa-a and arked Ir. Ander bod t inform ITT. Alexinder tbat be need not fear, tbat be. Cantreil. aas be let paid for what be vii doing, and tbat no barm abould come to Dr. Alexander. The defenae aaid it would abow tbat Can treil bad received li; tbat tbl mocry came to bim at different time in a white envelope, with so denature, and tb ad ores printed in a diatruiaed band. Tb theory of the defenae a aet forth to tbe Jury waa tbat aomc one bad aent lata money to Cantreil to py him for the testimony be waa siring before tbe grand Jury. Mr. Fpaac ad that tbe defena would introduce expert testimony to abow that a man added a Cantreil was at bows by bis discharge from tbe regular army wa a moral monster, and has no conception of rlgbt and wrong Ir. Alexander will tak? tbe witness ciand tomorrow In hit own behalf. Aside from his testimony tbere 1 little e-rldence to be introduced except tbat of a tew character wltneaae and witnesses ta prove that Cantreil is of unsound mind. Three physician testinea1 today that be waa Insane, all of wbom have made the subject of ttisantty a special e'udy. Tbe court has permitted tbe introduction of records from tbe War department, showing that Cantreil wa discharged from tbe army for contuslonal and suicidal insanity. Ea(laa4 Or era Sakaartae Baata. The British government recently placed an order lor five submarine boat tor use In future naval warfare. That country waa among the last of the great power to realiae tbe value of them. To realize the wonderful curative power in Hoatetter'a Stomach Blttera It la only necessary to I try one bottle. It will be aufflcient to I v , , ' aour stomach, belching, heartburn, in- , ,, , ' omnia, indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia or malaria, fever and ague, try 11. Don't fail to TrwanVe Over riea. Paul T. Hill waa arrested at Fifteenth atreet and Capiiol avenue last night by Ofrtcer J'attulla em complaint of J. M ' Arnold and charged with larceny. Earlier tn the day Ir. J. F. T'avle of liis Leaven worth street wa arrested on a warrant from Justice Long court, charging a simi lar offense and sworn to by Arnold Thl prisoner waa taken to the county Jail. The complainant ia the bead of the Hall Remedy company, which doe businea at )0 Famam street. He say that th? two men have stolen formulas from him for which he paid about P.tMi and have alnol.ri Tt ni.. l'rr-Bl IlKiaj. the cure of rbeumatimn and other diseases. Arnold says that he picked up Hail tn Kanaa t ity . aunenng and tn a bad conai- -vrilliam "Wright. negro claiming Minne tTTd w1d h" "'"7 'nlllt,r'1 "Poli hi, bom, waa arrested lit night him at tt week to canyaa for th sale Vr lietecuve Savage, who thinks that be !r"7: , 'v.. . . ti V .1 . . v that these men had entered into a con- spiracy to appropriate his formula and stock and leave nlm Wlthc.-it a share In th bUFlnee. In lie vie room fifteen or twenty bottle cf lb company remeflle-. are aaid to have tteeu found and when Hail wa serened he waa engaged tn selling tne rheumatism cure on the streets. In revie-' room hi found a card giving his name a phyaiolan of th Hftlmedo Remeciv ccmin). Arnold think, that this wa. to t r I..-T-U in ri t-t....,iai:, - u sold hi. re-niedlea Hill denies that the medicine were tMen. but that they were e-on. pounded by Iavie-s and that they bought the drug from an Omaha whole sale bouse 1'aee-a a Fargery C harge. William Fliaon. claiming Lo Angele. Cal. a hi home, waa arrested yesterday aitrrnuon on complaint of in Ciale t'lty Loan company , w hich doe buKine-es in the Paaton bKKk. Fiison 1 said to have rU-d wnh one of tlie company's agreement fllleil 4ut for tim and auitiiea by a railroad man of this city. He waa told to re i urn ai b o clock Investigation led to the belief that the signature wa a forgery and the police were informed regarding t he ma ter. lietertlve Fern wa fcert lu the paaton building and arrested Pllson b' he re turned at .!' o c-icH-k Bnard ml Trade Dlildead. At a meel i.g ef th Board of Tr direK tur jeeti-rday it was oectded to jity lie Me of Indebtedness which fall due la April In tak:i.g this artitiii the directors aiao decioe-a to paa the usual diviuend lor th Aral .i monUisof tbe year. Tnui-w amuava of gna aa aulat ualRy II i. aV ""Xa- " naZTi Ij 5rt AT THE PLAYHOUSES IrMII) Prm ( l(k V,et at '. 1 rrerrVi "lr1d V! j t r Tb"'eT and CTh ire f irf hes-ra ; orc!r ar.(i Al.:n Hu-er. Il-ert.'- I Tern.r P irv f)d l.i c mh fi-na ' """bre th I iTr, 1 W '?, Atir.le t"r .Mr rrerteri'k K r;e II Mi-t''re:t K'k!n. dfnvjee B; trniiwi"i cf ' rr heutn Orcuit Com tar 4 VitJin P -In inSiTiSf A I Amhrmi bi ' )iiw K'l iH jr-a-iTiar Caarisc 'n J V.hav P.:V-t ua'-aderi. Ac-cmptr.ieo h Wrne. M ut terering f C''" F.i:er Ft K nd of H!?rse!T. M.i" T-i'' fcy J'trmmslr'r. tT ("rrheum CiTuit Cra narT Tenor P'-Vt Trine tb GarSe-.. Mud 'avatinei Balfe Mr Freflenk fi Pate i A"t 1 'Fhire Ac-f." 3tr- A H"-ne beautiful p'aj" r-f Arrwrtcan il'txie 1 ' Fv PermiMioti of Mr W ii'iem B Gro?. Generti Mar.arer llertie Attrac tion tfcre a parked lewer floor at Bcvd a theater Konftar afternoon the lonr-beralded en-ertalnmert of tb Trl-City Pre club became a tact, and tb enthusiastic recep- Hon tbe proemm received, no lea than tbe ; large attendance, vrrted tbe event a success i from curtain rail to cunsln fall. In cual j ity of detail, ir arranremect, in rmmpt- ne of procedure and In Icnrth tb bill wa cotnmecdabie -trougbout. Tbere wa tso hitch, no f! Tbe romb-ned orcbera of Boyd a tbeaTer and tbe Orpbeum were '. there 10 fumifli tbe music. And among the actor tb; Oi)ve there seemed a spirit of unusual vivacity and wlllinpaesa. Tbe theatrical turn were given with even more than their accustomed fervor and dash, and ; the local portion were without exception i handsomely received Tbe Trl-City Press club made both friend ' and money by Its entertainment. Ielmore Cheney, tbe baritone, wa at the last mo- tnent incepnrttated for slngins by a eudden ' illneea. A an emergency number Mr. ' Frederick B. Pate the tenor, who wa to sing later, consented to Till Mr. Cheney's place with a volunteer number, the old English aong. "Where tbe Corn la Waving. Annie. Dear." Thia proved a great hit and tbe atnger wa fervently encored. Laier, In hi regular turn, he gave Balfe a cava: in.. "Come Into the Garden. Maud," which waa alao well received 'At. Robert Cuncaden. accompanied by Mm. Muentefericg. charmed the audience into repeated recalla with hia two rtolia numbera. tbe Hungarian Caarflac scene. "Kerji Kati," being the special favorite. Aa for Carl Relter, hla turn waa one scream from tbe start. The Orpbeum man ager plaintively begged his hearers cot te treat him too well, a be might get swelled and go on the stage for good. But tbe audience paid no heed to thia appeal and applauded and laugbed at Mr. P.eiter a every Baliy, bringing him bark each time he tried to leave tbe stage. Hia s orie were of tbr most fascinating type, intro- j i nere i a cib cc.mpris.r.g ine consumers , . I of the eountrv from horn th- trust seek Coring climaxes and anti-rlimaxet in gro- j to jvibencis on their watered ctpltel tesque arrav. To earn such dividf-nds price have to be A lor tb professional parts well, tbe J """l11""! t,t v'' h 5t,rmal r1- lT,dl , ...,,.,! cated by the cost of production. The mem bouse apparently exhausted itself in praise , kH.r, flf lhu ,.U r tI,titied to every oT tbe graceful little flanseuse. Mignonette j protection which can be afforded by Ftate Kokin. but then thowed it staying power b repeating it cvation for the benefit of the Milanese trio. Both card were vart cuccesse. And last of all came tbe beautiful first art from "Shore Acre." with all it ram ifications of country l.fe -the disobedient children, tbe patient bnt loquacious mother, tbe discontented father, tbe daughter with her forbidden lover, the villain in guiae of suitor and friend, and last old Vncle Nat. tbe !1-around man, from hayfield to nurery. Thia 1 a long act. forty minute, and it a complete in itself at a pastoral scene and at a realistic study of farm life. The trained talent in th troupe, tbe new scenery and the dlvertity of incident ta the act served to make it as ideal fragment for reproduction at a segment of the play. The rrleWraiea lri tatage it represented In thl market hy G. H. Mumm t Extra Iiry Champagne, to whose magnificent Quality and natural drvness ia i . , "lur' urjuess is due its unique poa t on, mamfeaied bv 12S - .u : ' " 1 cases imported In 102. beine 0T Sbi bottle more than any other brand. Striker BaOr Bentra. John Nelson of Jm Charles street came Into the police station yesterday afternoon with tbe left side of hi face verv much welled and a deep three-cornered gouge over his left eye. Nelson 1 a I rion pacific striker and accuses four shop men of tb butchery. He Bays that he waa. with a companion. In tbe saloon at Sixteenth and Webster stroet. when four men. who he knows to be workmen at the shop but of w hone r.ame be is ignorant, came along and called him tjutaide Thev then attacked him. so be aaya. and injured hia fao. He win pronaoiy swear out a warrant for their Hell aa Tfctef. '1U ' ' conviction for tne inert oi a eoa.t, -e-t and hat from the i v-.-hra.k. ri,.,v,i. V,..-.. -rt.. ' .1 alao believed to be the man who tried ! , .jke away with aome 1ewelr from i Maw hlnney a Ryan aeveral week ago. Hi identlficaUon t eaav. a he ha two finger off one cif hi hands, cut off at the nrsl i(,int j ' j ... e-t a ! aera ana I leaner la I nlte. 1 Brveral of the dyer and cleaner in busi- n in this city met last nirht at 414 Vf.rrv, Bixteenth street to discus the advisabilltv of forming an atwoiation of tbe hous'V engaa-ed In this buslnee for mutual beneft A several Important member of the trade were out of the city nothing wts clone, but another meeting will nbortly lie called. liers' Relief Cat Isalon. Tenetrdsv th Sr-ldler' Relief commifsion met for tlie hrst time since ap-iuintiuer. t and organized for the term M J. Feenar wa eie-ted iireelclent. M W. Hohh v,ce jiresidc-nt and F. W. Simiis'n aecrttary. Marrlaate 1 .iee- n a-m. Marriage llcenae were lsue2 tesierdtv to the 1 oilowiTig: Name and P.esidrn'-e Ag' l arj t Kvder Nebraska City. Neb n Anna Molinrr. Nebrataa City. Neb I Mic hael F Hogan. Ft Paul. Minn Hi tiltv J Tartoti. Omaha Charle Guiatscn. Hamilton count v. Nebraska M Ins .'hriUue Moberg. tmiaha James A Willmott. Pottaw aitamie ctiuiitv Iowa :-4 Iikiy vNelbourn. Pcittawattamie county, in STREIMGTH W yaai as aa anaaalatmg Jpilai wtta tn ta 4a. Jnaa tniovantt uud aact (Ma, goat Is a wnvaunsaaiaaaana ansa tlaeaiwlin Bamlinaa aans f arsui! 1 nr 111 m i saada. AM nnuana. heunr una aula t 1 tba sol 4 eta ta ana. Ia IRS. BOSS VJatch Caso r af wary hard aa in aiima hatwaa aa aa at tr af aoiat oi4 laontun (a auac an aading lim y aa It I 'ml i aawnragiwianum nanratasmKm n Ua Buau. an anal aaauca by all Vaa uatarabautua. Th Kryaaaa Watch Cm Cananaay. rniladclslb. This trt fT? Tin Thca NAMES CAMPAIGN ISSUES 2ixlia BTI PflQfEt.aJ !.t 'Will S CB Tcvi Kiis Fo:tu. DECLARES NOVFiOE DOCTRINE IMAGED CleielaaaVa folleasaea Claim I alteal Mate w eka la ake Ita ajlalatera Refereet la .atai Aaaerlraa Baakrapie aaea. NEV YORK. Feb V K bstquet ".a oelenrauon o? tbe binb of Saauel Til I den wa bld at tbe Tilden club tonight. About lOf1 pron aere present. Robert E I Icling. preideni of tbe club, wa toast - maairr. AtuoLf those at the guet talle were Joseph W. Folk. cl:s:rirt attorney of M. IjCUi. W. V. Heteel. former attorney gen eral rf Pecnsjlvatia. Charle S. Hamlin of Boston, assistant secretary of tbe treasury under President Cleveland, and Atto.-ney General John Cutipeea of New Tork. Tb three speaker mere Messrt Hamlin. Folk and Fbepard Dlarane Prataattal laaaea. Mr. Hamlin was trut Introduced acd said. It i well to rnnid'-r bere tbe gret que- tiotis over ihith the comltig Jittit Scr tbe presidency a ill te acged i i at loreigr. poin j tbe acmtt.iFtra- tior. I The treatmetit of trust and mctjopoiie. i Tartff reform. 4 Economy lr. government adm''retlrri. The great uutatinn whether the I'tillip pine tre ultimately to be admitted a terrltorte cir a heiher tbey ahaii he given inoeeiidenr'e 1 tr'W iwfore u for ettie nunt 1 believe the vast mtjonry of the Democrat believe that const itutlot.aliy one or the oihtr of theae course nust ulti mately be adopted and in this would eeern to be sootalned by the pupretne court of the Inner) Plate. 1 further tieliere that the majortty are of the opinion that they shouid te given complete iiideendence at an early date Hitherto ( have a a nation regarded the Monroe doctrine in relation soieiy in the attempt of foreign nation to torce political Institutions upon the South Amer ican republic, ttnlri territory for that purpose, atid our action ha been gutcied by the of seli-preeervation. Z he i present acministration. hoaever. has ex tended the ooc trine so far that It ha prac- tlcauy made our ministers judge or ref eree in bankruptcy for ail South American republic Thei.e states are cheerfully en couraged by ihi mean to evaie the pay ment of any eelfic obligation which their cltlaen have Incurred by putting forward o many other obligation Incurred by the cltiaen of other nations that the result would be that the individual nation con cerned could recover no dividend batso ever. Talks ! Tratt ftearalatla. The proper regulation of Industrial com bination, known a trust, is aJso before the people and many hiiis hale been In troduced, which, under the guise of regula tion, would praruieaily amount to surli control over state corporations a to wipe out state Tne and establish a c-entrai'.ae'l form of government not unlike that of France. "We Sihouid. therefore, be careful riot to invoke the tremenilou power in vested by the constitution in th-f national government in such a way a to destroy i xne au mmo.: oi iiir piuir? or national lawi I believe the f.rst steD should he radical'y to review our system of tariff taxation to I tbe end that fort ign competition may come in to take the place of that Domestic com- petltlcm which is being destroyed. Then by examining tbe effc-ct cf foreign competi- Ulin v Ttuni rotm itiiu t. t KuuiuiruBi i legislation is needed to control monopolies. ; Meanwhile the federal government shou.d enforce -xisung laws and provide new legislation to secure information as lo ! h.. doln I We should certainly strive not to Tall into the error, from the democr-tie standpoint, ...-!.. , . 1 . . V ..f.VI ..P I: f K& ,1 . ' ....... 1 I 11 uruif. tiir tctjtttta 1 " 1 ' ' . ........ ovemment as an enarin- of destruction of EZZ lm S 33 in numerous blliV. Neither can 1 view with much enthusiasm th theory advanced that au ircaei iwo . """"'V on the free list. 1 be'ieve in the long run tt would be better calmly to lay down cer tain broad general principle in accordance with which radical lowering of taxation may take place. Mr. Folk discussed th question of cor ruption and declared that if Samuel J. Til den were now alive he would find a situa tion vastly worn than that he contended against in tbe days of tbe Tweed ring. In that flay It waa only the city of New Tork tvt wa effected, but since then corrup tion ha spread t" all the great cttie of tbe i country anj Bt. Lout and Minneapolis were typet of what other ritiet would prove If the real state of affair were known. TURNS OUT LONG LIFE POEM Paste Reel lea Y ernes ta Friend nlalnlna B OK Ace May Be Reaebea. Es F.OME. Feb. . ln spite of hi physi cians' recommendation that be take a rest, tbe pope today insisted on giving a public demonstration of the fact that the rnmort regarding hit 111 health were unfounded, by receiving in audience Biabop Baeaven of Springfield, Mat. The pontiff conversed at length on American topics. Tbe pope hat Just completed a poem which it hiathlT nraiaed bv liierarv neoole tt AAr-miA tn tVi.r,! hi. v.. a. aired to advise on Jhe best mean of pro longing l.fe. ITALY THREATENS TURKEY far Inanlt In. Deaaaade ftatlafarttoa tier Threat af avil IX-tn atrattaa LONDON. Feb. K According to dis patch from Kome to the Exchange Tele graph company the Italian government haa demanded as indemnity of tbe porte. under threat of a naval demonstration, for aa outrage committed as an Italian subject naiittm. Fablani alleges that tbe grctet indig- nitiea were inflicted upon him by tbe Turk Turk,!, Turkish aea- lsh gendarme at Preveaa port ln Albania. ROOSEVELT TO fn IlliaiT-iairv UU MUni I IMj rata laittatlaa la Thane rada bane eat Month. , a aia PENVEF.. Feb I. -John W. Springer, president of ibe National Live Stock asso ciation, announced today that he had ad vice from Washington to th effect that Preeident P.ooaeve It would viait Colorado 1 acme time Is March for a hunting excursion ln the northwestern part of tb state. That AwtBl Cold and lit teTible cough can Boon be cured by Dr King 1 Na Inacorery for Conaump tion. Try tt No cure, no pay. iOc, II. For aalc bv Kuhn Co. PERSONAL JPARAGRAPHS. H S Wurgtn is stopping at th Iier Grand F H Gllcrt of Kearney. Neb. is at the Paaton. E. C. Wi!lim and wife of Elgin. Neb., are at the Mi.iard L C. Ltr.g an c A- Martin and wife are at the eV.niiu hotel. Mr Gm Johnson of Kerntrd Neb.. 1 in the c-lty cm businet f-ir a few data. E Keller of Hasting and E L Sjtietn of Eim tYe-a. Neb., are goest at th Mur ray. J I. Wi-Et-l cf V'xhc.o and John F. Israd) of Atkinaou art guecta at tn Xti- WCMAN IN CLUB AKD CHARITY Mr. Fratk Woriari-y a i'.l tttTiit tb roctrber cf tbe Horue Que n a circle on Wefinesaay aftrrroon at her borri. After a icuBlerl procram tc mbitb !i -eila V.ra A. 1- Fhetx. Jdra Boralum and M-. ale ;U cnr.tribu'e. the aftrr-n-T :! be drvo'ed tn r'fi I AT v' 'tf br-okf arfl dorumeE'f r ' lit to ar-r.LD r ruftr'. rr In the ! S"pnrr c'. FuKat B .r'brtT. tT"b'r I mrnit stbert. a' sort, to J pl2:-efl .r. at- c- ib tbe j Corare fiontl 11-arv tecial a'trt 1, 'rr i Wntiir.rcn In a :c be drro'ej o tbir turpo: A'l of 'b' i.tTph'et are to be bound, a :-perial b'ok jia-.e i tn be prepared. c1 tbr colirr:ipn is to be sep arately catalogued. Alreafv tbe New Tr-k City F'-tir-a'ion cf H'miic i lubf has omtnen-c 2 its a ork a petitior leire noa prepared tp be sent tc Grv mor Ofle'l and tbe br srd of railroad commissioner, calling a-tention to tbe "'niabripti BTiecl of tbe pcm.fort. rorver.lence and interet of men. women and ikildren" of New Tork City in 'be car service of that place Tbe petition fur ticn further rearlf ' tt protest at the in dgtiitie that women ae compelled to ec Cure by reason of ur.nocesfary rverrrcad icg cf car; at tbe crln-eeS charging of car on one continuous lire, irrespective of weather and at th entire ahsence of consideration at every poict of tbe npbtt cf passer ccrs." Tbe mus.ral depaitmrtt of tb Woman clttb will present a Warner program at :'i HP o'clock on Friday tno-tiina at the club rooma " 'ri A 1- Fbeeti. Mrs. G W. No ble and Mrs. Charles Tqubert a-!ll ring. Few ata'.e fe3erations tre not endetvor ing to influence the I'cifiiature of tb-ir state for the enactroert of some measur for tb promotion of public welfare. In some state the womec have presented four and five bills, and in the- great majority of states t least one. Tie vtah federation. I with a membership of about 1 fioo women. is to present four. One for the introduc tloa of the kindergarten into the regular public school course; another for the es tablishment of a S!:hooi of domestic sci ence in conneiction with tbe state univer sity: another providing punishment for boy and youth ender If year of age, who use tobacco, and another to prevent boy of tender years from entering saloons and gambling house. Committee from all of tbe club are actively working to secure the passage of these bills. In continuance of It s-udy of the varl- ! cm a reformatory and -cari table institutions of Nebraska, tbe poliutul and social sci- I I ence department of tbe V uman club beerd a most interesting arnmni pi toe nome for friendless children at Lincoln on Mon- Sit afternoon. Mr. Cadet Taylor being ; the speaker. Vrs G. V". Clarke presided during the meeting. Publish youi legal not:cea in The Weekly Bee. Teeipbcne LOCAL BREVITIES. .j-j,, wons,-, Alliance of Vnl'v church .. itr rerulBr mnrtfv supper In rhe ,Brior1 of til, ,-hurrh Sever.tee-rth and streets WHracMiv rvenlng at 6 o flnoa Jn f I ZiJ ?,:,n' L.R"-"V i, DI 2 ' ot": fTiI'r.- t ivorce pro F'R. a Ictco- rried Auctist " '"' ciannT-u. eiiranepes non-euj I 'ort na deseruon. . .. --, i A. E. Perry sue for, divorce from garet. alleging inflclelltv and naming Mark i K""n as eo-respo-iiic nl They we-re mar- ! ried November IT. W a have a son aged i ! 1 and a daughter gd U- j BusJe t'ottrell has fled in filsfiet court i l-..uii j t.".' junr. . t ur. I the city of Omaha for 1r..1urie alleged to have been sustained recemher Id. linKl. when she fell on tbe toe in front of 14ui LKiugia trel. Mary Wolf Tenable, having Tailed to break the will of her uncle. Christian G. Kapp. haa sued the estate for ii;i H:. al- armed as houseae;er lor him from March 3KW, to August :!. It. Thoma tVndaV; "upT.n Mr' Kapp " ' for meaicai ct- Wllllam McKenna was arrested Monday j onia "d lDr aaaceoonian eiemeni in afternoon by Sergi-am Whelan on a w ar- , Bulgaria ia o strong that nothing can pre ract chergiiis" bam with assault and buttery, i -.,.1 u J T. Murphy an employe of the fnlon " " ' Pacific shoji. is the complainant. MrKenna ! Preparatioca for a great rising are jro waiaed Into the p.illce station and gave : ceefiicg quite openly. Four hundred ofC himself up. He wili have tit arralgnm-nr j rr.Tl ln ID. Bulgarian army are asking for this roornme. i , . . . , . ,, , Charle, lOenr.i. of 413 North Twelfth ! Prolonged leave, which will not he re-stree-t did. according to the police blotter, fused, in prder to assist tbe rising in lust night assault A. Lazerowitz of li Macedonia. ?Lor.b. 6lf "rr.'h ?r.Z e?. "J:riIl!l It l reiterated that seven bands num- irr knife at the wme time much tn the uneasiness of Laer wlix. Iietecttves Hurt- son and tiunn ha Pinned along at the right moment and made the arrest. Harry Stuart of liltf Corby street a young man running between here and Sioux' City. ' out Macedonia under daring leader and it was arresu-d last night for refusing to j j calcclated that tbey will soon le rein move from in front of Schae'ers drug , . store at Sixteenth and Corby streets, i U.rid a hundredfold. Schaefer had complained to the officer on J Tbe unusually mild weather new prevail tbe lieat of a crowd of young men who : jn ln Balkant is held to favor en were standing about ln front of the store. . . ,7J". Stuart refused to move on and was r- I early outbreak, tbe only difficulty being tbe rested. I lack of funds, which it it lrtended to over- G. w. Simpson a colored man. living at j come by the forcible levy of a patriotic 131l North Twenty-fourth street, was ar- i . ra Macedon'a rested on Cuming street last night by , . . ., . Cifhcer Goodrich Mr Simpson accuaed It 1 funher asserted tbat if Bulgaria her husband c.I befctn.g tier and h-" w s s C Ikarire!. 1 liv luvi'in i im-i-ii ni iT-t-l.t a . 1 t.b , Ctmrir,, Ki. V, b A been beating h'm bu, a he i six teet tall and robust looking he did not put much stress on this version ft the affair. I . - ... . t. , . .1 . -. , m j I M 1 1 ! i f h; a jiitit uuuiTi rriTiiru ni'iu Fhenff Fmuey of steward. Neb., c nanea Caliihan of that place wa arretted by Ie- te-e tive Huoson Monday afternoon, near Tmrteentn and Httr:.e stre-ta a'.l'.han 1 is charged with a ; ate orrense tie hn" ; been an mpioye of the 1 nicm pecit.c rail- 1 toad for several wee a past, during which t me tbe sberin has Keen vainiv searciang 1ZTl ITou.g XU'kr " W. J. Mor.tgomert a pie no plaver. w a observed by 1 iffice r King at a late hour rTaV ofrtTcrrJ; tTirtn X ! street with never! s-iecuona from s worn- 1. i ' ' -- -- - j ,j he ,,rsiciier sulci '. .at a uiau. tm ; s;iecie,ed had asked n'm to get the thl'ie which he erne were ::r.r threw n of a i '"'r r' I'''1I-'' 'MfS'steci f a blue kti Tur c i. ir te lac ket and iiurse Montgomery carried a revolver 7-1,, thaw M:nda . ftemoon ca.:ed ra jrk , ' apprehenslun tor n time among toe i tesioenta in the v, -lt.tty t f S:xth and Leavenworth streets The- catch banina erf 1 it-. twr ln-i-tni. c .ogge-a. c-aus.i.g an ; . . ,. . , , . ,-b t 1 1 -1 litr: ill' 'i r 1 1 - ... I siiii water, w t.iie ee eral ol the 11. habitant i are reported havit.t left their home by I mean of rude." n.ruct-d raf.a Tt.e police department .u notified ana late In n,. afernooti relHvic the water surrounded Inhabitant from th r oitreing situation. Sour Stomach "I VaMwd CMntrmi tVDlt fe) ) T S 1l BiaVIl 1 hat hmT) aufi-rrrr trui 0 l.ft aue sour ftlotutat b fuT tb LMl IW llaw tsM-B laaaVlI'C aVaOi- eitf ana iuBr drbM. ctuifi tuit nc rB.ef itfcif fiBf ibort .m I vii poi tl t rrt t triaXiikB m ui eiai tuii'i f(r indiyn.iuB tukit iul tVVJlLive-li tviawt 4v- WW LV f tMafl - AiUtm. 7 vy wry t w mt. " Beit For t f I fa owaet j CMP4 ! tr raiauhla Mm Taawr Gmxl Tie CWtn4. ha ait aea. Vi mapi frf an Mtc r lac far auto la ai.. a Tm c b . 1 ui.mi .can jiaa (tu fanaiwnaiiMB a ear ur fuu BitMf bnu. Sterling aueawdy Ca-. Coiucb at M Y. 9tt LllUll SALE. TLI taHUCI E3IJ 3 I nil aaa a 0 BALKAN WAR IS PROBABLE i Etlgaria If rcr.ed u Letermiaed to Trj lrtTii r;tb TtrifT. SOFIA GOVEFNKEKT DENIES HOSTILE A'Wl Aaka Powers ta Prevent Mobilisation of alinn'a Trmm a at tCxpresse latrativa ta Keen Oat at Conflict If Paaalkle. F0F1A. Feb. S Having received official information regarding Turkey decision to Hi t'tl.l .-t- t W ftllllj t til t'B . U 1'Ulf.Bl IBM government today asked the powera to i procure tbe cesBation of the Turkish mili tary preparation. It la felt here that while Turkey' re inforcements in Macedonia may be justified in view of the internal a.tuation and the ' lnctiA.C(in.nti m.llitrv ,.,.. r-u t inna t Vi i mohiliMtinn at Adnanonle can be . , Pa-a only as a menace to Bulgaria It i stated that tbe government will refrain from any counter demonstration , . , hilia the Bull-trim, rmv In tbe rase of extreme" necessity, it being fully realired ihat even a successful conflict with Turkey would mean financial ruin to Bulgaria. Balgrarla Determine' ta Fiatnt. VIENNA. Feb. It ia asaerted here that I tulcaria is determined to Invade Turke ' . - . . ... . . I 1" the event of an insurrection in Mace- i bering 6.1XW men already have been tormed. ; I The three larceni band are led bv Colonels ! -Z m c..w ..t.-r" r.,. i ( lvely. These band will be epreaC through- i unsuccesa.'ul it ia assured, oi Russian lUi'K''1-. Slaat Avert Enraneaa War. i , . -k I Jame Bryce. M. P.. speaking at Aber- ... Tnmrht TTi-r-T-l .1 tn Itie IV. II (' P G ( 1 1 . 1 b Tl " h . . ........ . - - i dange-r aa teing real and near, ; -overnmen'. he aaid, ought to exeri ' " ... 1 Ita utmost ttcuence in reiunui , nn Turkev. sc a 10 avert If possible a , conflagration. 1 tu ' f , 7a rr "rn nraanrr-a. ; CC'N?TANTINCPLE. Feb. a.-Tbe plan for the proposed reforms in Macedonia which ; Russian and Austrian embassies will ! Tve to the pone this week ia under- , stood to contain no proposal 01 a !.... I Limner, ut'l u Aua.J.a auu l.unn.t ui r.. m me niniuituuiiT n 1 ur raitia t, titi. Tbe 1 scheme simply proiae-s palliative adminia- lrh.lvt. mrgsurea. ASKS MILLIONS FROM MEXICO Brook 1 a wrn fteeka la Attach fre es rll lea Held hy Plernnnt raa'i Flna. ALEANT. N. Feb. t The uit of G Hazxard of Brooklyn to recover from Mexico about llli.OiH.IKKi of tbe de faulted bond issue of li-C" waa argued be fore the court of apjela today. H&zru-d secured an attachment, which waa served upon J. P. il organ 4 Co.. which firm waa presumed to bold Bfrurr.le oT th Mexican government.. Tbe appellate divi sion vacated tbe attarLme-nt, and from that decision Hazzard apjiealed. The claim it opposed by the I ni'ed State government on tbe ground that Mexico It a foreign gruemment and therefore tb count cf Ne Tork state have no Juriedictlon t attach any of it property. The eat will probably be carried to tb Vailed State supreme court RAILWAY PEACE PACTS HALT nat hwrstera Mnada Pastttaae Iat Aarree-aaeata. Ihnaah vet. tleaneat sreni iertala. FT. LOl'IS, Feb. k Maty of ibe mem ber of th wage Increase committees of trammee and conductcra left torlgbt Th tna) negotiauona with tbe Wabash. St.. Loui sou' bwesitm, Miaaouri Pacific and THE CHILDREN ENJOY Life out cf ioora and oat cf tbe rimei which they tV.ay ar.d the cr.iry tnent which tber rreiT and the effort which tber make, c.mca tbe frttcT part of that healthful 3rvcippnett which j : eaacnita'. to the:r hippinm when prown. "hen a Itxa'.ive j npeded the rctneiy which is f;vcn t? thetn to cieanae aotl swretcn and strcrpthen the internal prrjns o whirh it acta, ahould te aurh aa phv.icn.rt wonid aanctitn. ferausc ita corrjpt'Der.t purta are known to be wnosorne and the remedy lse.f free frorn every ob-ertiorab'ie cr.ality. The one remedy which phyaicians and parcr t. we'.'-iafcrrrripd. approve and recommend and which the ?itt'.e t-nea er.;cy, teracc cf ita picaaart f avnr, ita pertle action and it beneficial effect.. i Syrrp cf F-.r and far the aame reaaon it ia the cc'y laxative which ah'.'Uid te used by fsthera and ropthera. Syrvp tf Tift is the only remedy which art pertly, p'eaaant'y and citr-rally ' gTiptrp. imtatirfr. or tanacatinr and wh-ch c'icantct the svatrm eSectualiy, without producirp that constipated V.ahi vrich rcsnH from the cf the oid-time cathartic aDd modem imifrtinna. and acair.kt which the children ahocid le ao carefully poarded. If yon w:uid have them prow to TEaahood and worn tt. hood, atronp. hra!thy and hippy, dn cct pire them medicine, when medicinea are net needed, and when nature need a aaaiataare in the way of a laxative, pire them only the aintp'.e, picaairt and pentie Syrrp cf Fipa. Ita qt-.a'.ity ia Cue not only to the exrellence cf the combination of the laxative principle tf plants pie&sant aromatic ayrupa and juices, but a'.ao to otr oripinal method cf fact ore and at you value the hea:ih of the little onea, do not accept any of the substitute which tinacroptioti deal er sometime offer to increase their profit. The peaume article may be boatht cy where cf all reliatie drttppjst at fifty cent per rxtt'e. Picas? to remember, the full name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYR. VP CO. the front of every pack ape. In order to pet it beneficial effecta it ia al waya neceaacry to- bej the renumt only. t ' j.Aat St Louis ft Ban Francisco rcilroad will be conducted by Messrs Vorrissey and Gar retson. who are still here. It wa expected that tbe 6t 1 oui South western would sign the tnrrease agreemtnt today, but tonight It wa stated that it would not be done until tomorrow. The conference with the Wabash ofhrlil ba been postponed until Friday to permft of tbe preseace of President Ramsey, who I new in Baltimore. It is expected that as soon as wage agree ment have been a;gned bv tbe aouth ext ern road conferences will he-gin between Manager Clark of the Mobile Ohio and committee- of tbe talnmc n and conductors. KILLED BY MOLTEN METAL I Oae Nil laea Kla 1.1 le ! Several 'libera are Serianaly lajarea. FVEBLO. Colo.. Feb. S. By Intensely hot molten metal from a ladle which lipped over, ene man wa killed, three fatally and aw mr-n mmiK ujurru, iiiui tm ter being Tlioma Crowe, euperintende-nt of TOtivrrteit at the steel plant, where the accident happened, who wa painfully but not dangeroualy turned. He saved himself by drtpplng on hit lace. Th accident waa caused by tbe chain of tbe ladle breaking. . But little metal spilled on the men. and their Injuries consist largely cf inhaling gas. The ladle is a huge affair, on a track whlri takes metal from the blast to tbe converter. Tbe dead : J. KrPUCK. Fatally injured: Virgil Trine, foreman. W. H. Hartman. John Lrpnlch. Injure I: William Boylx. Myera. Fills. Saunders. DAII W1YC flKPIITF PDWCI? '"" " " ' - ..... data Minnaarl atnte (! Dtate la Matter af Car far Re shlnent. JEFFERSON CITT. Mo.. Feh. Tb railroad affected today filed a return 10 tbe ouster suit, alleging that cars for transfer shipments beyond tbe limit of the state were under th interstate com merce law and not subject to s'ate regu lation. The ouster proceedings were brought on the ground that an rbltray rhargr wa made for reconslgcmenl. CHICAGOANS WALK UPSTAIRS Elrvatsra anent are Idle renalaa: ftatttle- f atrike. Wkiek Mill Baaaya Fir. CH1CAGO. Feb. A conference between the Building Managers' assentation, repre- 1 ' . k : ' -A XV k& . v I. a - ,, . tli,...-;. - y' -'I " fcf-i.. '-jfe 'pr - BBaaBBBwJ I It feeds xthe hair Aycr's Hair Vigor is a hair food. It feeds, nourishes, invigor ates the hair. That's why it makes the hair crow, stops falling hair, and keeps the scalp free from dandruff. It always re stores color to p-ay hair, all tbe deep, rich color of early life. Ana it is an eierant cressicr. "tvarw Haw Tiara ainaaat an bait from talliu nhaa tt waa a bad mid an my scxlp. ana n wa new aaar awn in iluci ana i.av, ." st aa. l . ia ataowa. lannm. Ouia. , -aU" " J x v 'I - i printed on -IS sentative cf the striking elevator con ductor and Albert Young, president of tbe Coal Teamsters' union, today failed to reach a settlement of the elevaior men a ttrlke. In several of tbe larger build ng wbere service wts stopped on Friday elevator were running today under police protec tion, but in mary instance no effort wa made to resume tbe service. FLCG NEGR0ES IN PUBLIC Misaemri ( iliarna Mir I p Fntnlty ky W tilpoin BlnrL X o m e r . FATETTE. Mo., Feb ! A rr ce T ar hat been started a tbe result rf the public whipping cf three negroes on the court bouse steri A committee of tbe Law and Order league took three negroe from their home on Friday and whipped tbem pub licly for alleged misconduct. Two of them were women. S;nre then tbe negroea end white people "tttee ticefl-at daefter drawn and It 1 said twenty-five negro families have been frightened into leaving town. The recent ki-ling cT Harry U'lmnnell. a reputable citizen, wa charged to negroea and did much to sttr up enmity. The white have openly threatened to battle with negroe and drive them from Fayette and vicinity. Tbe one negro man who wa whippeS on Friday nipbt made desperate resist ance. It took several men to carry him to the whipping post. He rursed hla cap tors as tbe lash was applied, which re sulted '.n tbe whip being wielded only th more vigorously. When ibe ordeal wa ended be wa so weak from loss of blood that be was jut to ted inate-ad of being driven from town. The women, who were not whipped severely, were taken tc tbe outskirts and told to go. There ia much excliement and a clash it feared. PASSES EIGHT-HOUR BILL Tlnman ftenate Gie El arenlcis a Palir te Reerlr la latrnaer. I'ENVER. Feb. ! Tbe Mate senate today passed tbe Moore eight-bour bill, limiting employment in smelters and mines to eight hour a day, in accordance with the con stitutional amendment adopted by the peo ple at the last tall election. SULLIVAN IS DISCHARGED BanVrnnter Caart I .el a leieraa Prise Flatter Oat at Financial DiAraltira. NEW TORK. Feb. K John L. Sullivan, former champion prize fighter, waa dis charged from bankruptcy today Sullivan filed a petition to be adjudged a I , bankrupt on November ia. placing bit lia- 1 t ilitiea at r(te. a'l unsecured, and hit asse'. mi in clothing u . c. ti oo, iwu. icV-o--. A A ;'. XT?