Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1903, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Effect of lncrsafed Production of Amerira'i
. TiTorite Beverage-
Instrwrtlve tlx a res (kid tbe Imparts
twites State llllewa for
tbe Maralac Tipple.
The world will undoubtedly enjoy chess
eoffee during the next few years, reports
the Wsshlnrton correspondent of lh SL
Louis Globe-Iiemocrat. That l made clearly
vldent by Consul General 8eeger, the
Colled Btates consular agent at Rio Janeiro,
la bla annual report, now being prepared
for the printer by the Stale department.
The worlds coffee trade haa reached
critical stsge in Its history.
The area of the Brazilian coffee planta
tion! hat been ao much loeresscd a ad i
continually increasing to aura an extent
that for years to come a great tiver pro
duct ion must Inevitably he the rule.
According to the New Toi k Coffee ex
changed figures the world a rlaible aupply
of coffee on October 1, waa 13.005.000
baga of 132. pounds each, almost equal to
year's ronaumption. Not Included, of
course, were the amount a stored by re
tailers In Europe and the Vnited Platen. In
themselves a Taut aggregate. Never before
waa there ao great a surplus of coffee oa
The date selected corresponds nearest to
that ef Consul General Seeger'a report re
verted lo. Tlx. October . At that date
waat quantities of coffee were coming la
rerolarly from the Interior to the porta
f Rio and Rant ob." the chief primary mar
kets. The stocks then In sight In Praxll
were aa follows: At Santos, l.SJ7,40 bags;
at Rio. 713.157 bags.
The Brazilian coffee production for the
harvest year litfil-1902, which closed June
0. isms. Is officially reported by Consul
General Beeger as foilrws:
ICS. 97
Received port of Rio
Received port of PunKie
Received ports of Victoria Huh I
Pemambuco. etc
.!. I0.W ft)
F.arly Rstlsaate.
No authentic figures have been given tut
by our Brazilian consular agents regarding
the present crop, 1K2-1J03. the marketing
of which will be commenced on July 1 of
this year. In his report of July 17 Consul
General Seeger estimated It at 10,000.000
bags, or nearly (.000.000 bags leas than the
yield of the previous season. In his last re
port be rsiaes thla estimate to ll.000.0os
bags. Borne American authorities have
stated It higher, while otbera have made it
less. Tb consul general's figures rosy,
therefore, stand. Though considerably short
of the yield la .100!, It is still an enormous
It la peculiar of the coffee tree that aa
soon as a new crop blooms, which In Brazil
Is some time In October, the experts can
snake very close estimates of the forthcom
ing yield. Already the sew Brazilian crop
(the harvest of 1901-104 promises to be
considerably larger than the present one,
the marketing of which closes June SO, 1901.
Mr. Beeger estimates the crop of 1M3-1M
at 11,008.00 bags, baaed on expert Informa
tion. Various other statementa regarding
the crop leada to the conclaslon that the
yield will more likely exoeed than fall be
low these figures. It Is obvious that no fig
ures obtainable are absolutely reliable, but
It may be taken for granted that Consul
General Seeger'l estimates are carefully
made In the public interests and entirely
free from bullish or bearish market In
fluence. He expresses the opinion that a
considerable decrease even from the present
low prices of coffee Is Inevitable In the
bear future.
These are the data, fairly reliable, upon
which la baaed the belief that coffee will
continue to rule cheap for several years to
come, and probably much cheaper than
prevailing wholesale prices. The visible
supply of coffee In this country Is, In round
umbers, about 200.000 bags greater than at
this time last year, but Just now with a de
cided tendency to decrease. The Importa
tions of coffee from all quarters of the globe
In the month of November were only 60.
787.EJ9 pounda, as against 100.Ml.f71 pounds
la November, 1901. This falling off by more
than one-half baa steadied prices at the
porta of entry tor the time being.
Cat we ( Loot Prleeo.
la view of these statistics of production
the unprejudiced observer will easily un
derstasd that the present unprecedented low
price of coffee haa resulted only from nat
ural causes. Nevertheless, it is gathered
from Consul General Seeger'a reports that
the great mass of Brazilian people and moat
' of their newspapers hold the American
coffee exporter and speculator responsible
for the depreciation In coffee prices, and
are crying for reprisals. i
The fact Is, however, as Mr. Beeger
thinks, that tbs returns derived by pro
ducers from their coffee crop low sa tbey
are In comparison to those secured some
years ago, when the Brasiliaa planters
could count with measurable certainty oa
an annual profit of W per cent are prob
ably still 20 to ti per cent greater thsa
they would be if prices were not sustained
through artificial means by a combination
of influential speculators In the Vnited
States. He esys that whatever view the
American consumer may take of the situa
tion, the Brazilian coffee planter and dealer
Inatead of vindictively blaming their north
ers consumers for tbs present hard times,
used by the coffee collapse, ought to be
thankful to American speculators who artl
f dally hold up -the price of coffee at the
expense of consumers. Moreover, they
should be even more thsnkful to these
A mt leans, a ho. through the employment
of large eapltal and excellent methods of
preparing coffee for the market, and then
distributing It, have so largely In late years
increased the American demand for this
Brazilian product.
Coffee la now to Brazil what wheat and
rottea were te the l otted Btatea before we
became a great competitive manufacturing
country lis chief exportable prcduct- The
world's annual consumption it about I. 000.
000,009 pounda. Braxil produces about
three-fourths of this aggregate, and the
Vnited States, the greatest coffee ronsum
Isg natioa In the world, buys nearly one
hail of all Brazil's output.
Aaaericww !aaaerta.
Ths following interesting exhibit of
American coffee Imports for the eleven
months ending November 10 will 'be In
structive. The tabulation is a consideration
from advance sheets of the treasury sum
mary Just issued:
Imported Prom Pounds. Coet.
O-iitral America S.;k S 4 "
Mexico 7 I x..7:
Vest Indies If .H i 1 S- t su
Pmjth Auirrkt K.ii;S 4 Uz.ia
Rrasll BSm..T2. ; 4; 4.1 4 7
lur;e .74 IT" 441.2J4
feuit Indies la.71.7:w 2"Mi;i
JkuiM and lWi.d : 4 4-a 1M b. i is
Africa, ele a.C 6i Si
Totals S7I.tSl.437 lia.Jli.SlJ
The department estimates the December
Importations st fjft,(xj.(ou pounds, making
a grsnd total for the catt-ucar year of 922.
401.437. Thus this country takes wtthla a
fraction of half the world's esttmatet con loa of coffee. Only 1T.320.U0 pounds
have thus tar toeca received frc.j Ana Af
rica sad Europe, and the total for the ytaJ
ending December tl will not exceed t sno
w's pounds. The vast bulk of American
roff 1 reports: toon. s.ll.si7 pounds for
the year VtI, have crme from America.
We have taken at much eoffee fr"tn Mex
Ico alone as from fv whole eastern hemi
sphere. Vxlco. the West Indies and lit
tle Central American republics had furn
ished us with PI. $34. 211 pounds up to No
vember 10. more than three times the quan
tity received from all Asia. Africa and
Kurepe In the like period. It app'-ars thst
the daily average consumption of coffee In
A Wireless Proposal
5fcort 5tory.
Toil msy Imagine my disappointment as t
I' stood on the dork at Southampton and
ssw Minneapolis steam slowly out of the
harbor, taking from me the dearest girl ia
the world. Not only wss 1 chagrined at
losing the plessure of an ocean voyage
with ber the strolls up and down the
deck, with the shining expanse of water
all around us. the quiet tete-a-tete In snug
corners by moonlight, the long days and
evenings with nothing to do but revel in
her sweet companionship but there was a
particular reason why I was anxious to
sail with Eleanor on Minneapolis. She hsd
promised te give a final answer to an im
portant question I hsd ssked her several
times, bat to which she bad returned only
evasive replies. Tou csn see. therefore.
thst my cup of misery was running ever
when I realised that aa accident to my
train bad made it impossible for me to
secure 'that answer, and the Somewhat
strong Isnguage which I hurled at the
slowly vanishing bulk of the departing
steamer may be exrused.
I hsd In fact spent my holiday la Eu
rope thus far. apparently, to no purpose.
Wss ever girl so vacillating, so capricious,
so uncertain, and yet so fascinating? When
I Joined her party In London three months
previous I found ber effusively gracious,
and during the days we spent together
there it seemed to me that my suit was
making rapid progress. But at Berlin
dull, stupid, inhospitable Berlin she was
formal, cold, distsnt. At Wenns she melted
somewhat, but another suitor Joined her
train, and I wss In despair until I started
to pay a visit to relatives who were sum
mering in the mountains. At Lake Con
stance she wss distinctly kind, and when I
broached the subject nearest my heart she
seemed shout to yield but, alas! did not.
Then at Monte Carlo ber gaiety among a
swarm of butterfles kept me aloof, while
at Paris she was sweetest of all, a marvel
of tenderness and graciousness. But she
would not give me a final, definite answer,
reserving that, she said coyly, for the
quiet contemplation of the sea voyage home.
A run up te Glasgow oa business took
me from ber, and now shs had gone and
I was not with her. Was ever fortune so
outrageously fickle?
Well, there was nothing to do but sub
mit. I could not take the Minneapolis,
that was sure. But It suddenly occurred
to me that there was one thing I could do.
I could take the first train down to
Plymouth, and there embark oa a ateamer
of the German line's taster vessel than
Minneapolis, and. In all probability, be on
the dock la New Tork to claim my an
swer when Eleanor landed. So, pulling
myaelf together, I bustled about, and was
boob speeding away toward Plymouth, as
sured that, earring another accident, I
would be In time to meet Bismarck when
It touched there. But I was la the very
worst of tempers when I finally secured
my berth, and made preparations for a
lonely voyage, and I must have made a
very decidedly unfavorable " Impreasion
upon my stateroom companion, a middle
aged German with a terrible accent and
more terrible thirst.
I waa still In a bad temper the next
morning wbea I went on deck after break
fast and overheard my name mentioned by
one of a group of American women Just
after I had passed.
"Why, that's Guy Manning, the Harvard
half back," I heard one of tbem say.
"He's ths man who made that long run
that won the game from Tale last year."
Ordinarily, recognition of that kind
would have been grateful enough at the
outset of an ocean voyage, the more es
pecially as I noticed on passing the group
lster that tbey averaged well for beauty.
But Just then the only girl I cared for was
somewhere off on that heaving, trackless
waste, and I could not Join her. I looked
ahead, sweeping the horizon with my glass,
wondering where Minneapolis was and
whether we should overtake it soon. Jut
I could see nothing and went to the smok
ing room, where I passed a wretched after
noon playing cards.
After dinner, happening to meet the cap
tain, 1 asked him when we should over
take Minneapolis. .
"Tomorrow soma time," bs replied.
Shall we pass near It?" I asked, with, I
fear, too evident anxiety.
"Within fifty or sixty miles," he an
swered. "Near enough to talk to ber."
"What do you mean?"
"Wlreleas telegraph. Alt the boats of
this 11ns and the American line are now
equipped with the new system of wireless
telegraphy, and we can easily communl
cats a distance of 125 miles with our In
struments." "Can anyons send messages to Minne
apolis, sir?" I asked, pressing a cigar Into
his hands.
"Anyone who's got the price," be re
marked, laconically, as be walked away.
With that assurance my mod changed.
1 spent the afternoon h preparing a roes-
sag to aend " Eleanor as Boon as the
boats wei. within communicating dis
tance. Tbot.: Mrt a poet. I could have
written an i te Marconi then.'
The following morning I was up early,
to the annoyance of my fellow -lodger, and
at onoe went on deck. Surely enough; they
were already talking to Minneapolis, the
deltcste little instrument attached to the
rigging la the forward part of ths ship
having put Its long, Invisible finger upon It.
"It's a fine morning." remarked the offi
cer In charge of the Marconi apparatuB.
"Tea." I assented. "I hsve a message ,
I wish to send to a lady en Minneapolis."
I produced the message I bad penned, well
aware that it was a little long, but I wss
unable to see how I could spare a single
word of It.
The offioer looked at It and burst out
laughing. "Why. there are MM) or 4u0 words
In that. We can't take love let 1 era. It
will bankrupt you If you don't rut it short.
Boll It down to tour or five words."
Boil dowa thst letter! I felt myself turn
ing red la the face under his Ironical smile,
and crushed ths message In my pocket.
"Aery well." I said sadly, "I'll write an
other." After a abort time I produced an ab
breviated dispatch, and he received It with
a grunt of Balls taction. It was ss follows:
"Miss E. P. Rives, steamer Minneapolis:
Missed steamer. Is my proposition ac
cepted? Relievs anxiety.
The message was sent, and I was as
sured that it undoubtedly had been caught
up from the air by the wondorful receiver
on Minneapolis. G'vir g the operator
fee to secure proiurt notification of a
reply, I went to the dicing 1001a. It was
afisrnoos, however, iirfure the
came. It read aa fo'lows:
"Guy Manning. S:.ain- Iiirti-k: What
proposition? Don't ubjen-ep t.
ailiM E. F. RIVES."
More of Eleanor's arrant coquetry! Here
I had been rhaalng her all over Europe,
trying to make ber accept me and she
bad promised m solemnly te give a reply
tb I'nited "tatee is slightly above I f.M.OOO
pounds. Therefore, from all the world out
slde of America we Import In a year no
more than a ten dsy.' supply. Vsder the
increasing pressure of the avalanche of
Brazilian cr.ffee the rrlce of the East Indlaa
product has steadily declined for the last
twelve years, according to Mr. Tee, our
Bombay consul. In 1S!9 produrers got
t2h.f.3 per 112 pounls. or narly 3 centa
per pound, and in 1WK) it touched bo'tota
level, I11.C7 per 112 pounds, only a frac-
Uon over 10 cents per pound.
during the voyage home. And now she
could trifle with me la this fashion!
But I resolved to be inexorably specific,
so I penned and sent my second love mes
sage vibrating through the air. It read
"Miss E. F. Rives. Steamer Minneapolis:
Proposal of marriage. Must say yes.
I could see the operator smile as be read
the message, but be said nothing.
It was a sleepless night for me. ss no
reply came, and I feared the boats might
get so far apart that we could not com
municate though the captain, assured me
to the contrary. On our third morning
out. while I was in the reading room try
ing to get . interested In a novel, a dis
patch wss brought to me. I tore It open
and read this astonishing communication:
"Guy Manning. Steamer Bismarck: What
Inducements do you offer?
Was the girl trying to make a fool of
me: It looked so. l roulQ see test some
thing of what wss going on was becom
ing known aboard the ship from the way
the passengers began to look at me. and
I wondered If the whole passenger list of
Minneapolis was lsughing at my expense.
The lover who stuck bis rhymes on trees
in the forest of Arden made a fool of him
seif, exposing his lovesickness to sny
chance passer, but 1, it seemed, hsd
plastered the atmosphere with my pro
posals for the amusement of every ehlp
that possessed the requisite apparatus to
catch them. However, I resolved o be
firm, and alter an hour or two of delibera
tion, dnring which I gazed at Eleanor's
picture for courage, I prepared this mes
sage: "Miss E. P. Rives, Steamer Minneapolis:
Lifelong devotion, health and fortune.
That afternoon a terrific storm came up
and continued to Increase in fury through
out the night. Every effort waa made to
continue communication with Minneapolis,
but after a time no responses were ob
tained, and tbs officers said that it was
quite unlikely that we should be able to
get In touch with the boat again during
the voyage. During the next day the storm
wore away, the ship plowed along steadily,
the sun came out, and the wavea ceased
their fury, and aa I waa chatting with the
officer at the wireless telegrsph station
be chaffing me good naturedly on the diffi
culties of conducting a courtship by the
Marconi system the instrument began to
click, and after messages regarding ' the
storm hsd been exchanged this dispstch.
labeled "urgent," was clearly made out :
"Guy Manning. Steamer Bismarck: Pro
posal accepted. Meet me at New Tork.
I pass over my subsequent emotions.
Those who know by experience need not
be told bow I felt, and those who do not
know don't deserve to be. My only anx
iety was Jo reach the dock and greet my
affianced bride: my onlv annovance the
snoring of my fellow voyager and the
odor of stale beer that seemed to emanate
from bis quarters.
As was expected, we landed well In ad
vance of Minneapolis, and I had time to
go opt own and return with flowers for
Eleanor. When the boat entered the slip
I formed one of an eager crowd to wel
come it. As soon as possible I went on
board and asked for Miss Rives. I felt,
somewhat conspicuous with the flowers,
but In a tumultuous assembly of hurrying,
chattering people, giving and receiving
greetings, no one Is specially noticed, and
suddenly I beard a voice from behind say
ing: "Miss Rives, sir."
"Eleanor," I cried Joyously, turning to
saluts ber. "Why. no there Is some mis
take." I gasped, seeing that the lady,
though undeniably one of the most beau
tiful of ber sex, was not Eleanor. "I was
looking for Miss T5. Fr Rives of Boston."
"That Is my name and address." she said
with entire composure.
"BOt you are not Eleanor!" I exclaimed.
"No, I am Elizabeth," she said, smiling.
"Oh. I see I beg your pardon it was
a mistake, due to the similarity of ths
names. Quite remarkable, I am sure. Hope
you'll pardon me for troubling you, but I
must excuse myself, as I am anxious to
find Miss Rives."
"Pardon me, but there la no other Miss
Rives on the boat."
"Are you sure 7" '
"Absolutely certain."
But I communicated with her bf wire
,eM telegrsphy during the voysge. I was
on Bismarck
She smiled demurely. "Tou are Mr. Guy
Manning, are you not?"
'That's my nsme." I said, more mystified.
1 know you by sight. Hsve often seen
yon on the foot ball field, and know of your
family in Boston. 60 when I received your
proposal of marriage by wireless telegraph
I, though much astonished at first, thought
it would be too bad to disappoint you. Tou
seemed ao determined."
"But, Miss Rives. I you know the mes
sageoh, what shall I say?" I stammered,
growing more confused every second. A
small audience was gathering.
"Oh, Mr. Manning. I only answered as I
thought the other girl should. It shs does
not care to ratify my agreement, that is a
matter I can't control."
"But I think I aha 11 hold you to your
promise." She was charming, and then
I thought It waa time to turn the Joke.
"I don't know about that." she replied,
blushing. "YoO see. ths promise wss msds
for the other Miss Rives. Pardon me if I
hurt your feelings. I must go now. Should
be pleased to havs you call 00 us In Bos
ton. We live not far from your house."
With that she left me. My predicament
was most unpleasant. I turned away, cov
Boling myaelf with the reflection that 1
was the pioneer la the art of proposing
msrrlage at sea by wireless telegraphy.
The progress of my suit with Miss Rivet
which the reader ran surmise has led
ms la write this for the benefit of ths
Amslgamated Association of Matriculated
Prar Iral Cowirol ef Trwatsfvortavtlosi
Tktneew ladaetrtea.
Ia Septea.ber, 1&02, writes S. E. Moffrt In
Euccess, the Morgan Interests controlled
Li.S&i zu.l"s if Amerlan railways, or more
tnaa the mileage of Germany, Great
Britcia acd Ireland combined. Theas lines
1 Kri'a'Illi;JB OI . i. WU1CB
is mcrs ttia thsce Uaes the total interest
i d b: .; iae In lied Ststea. la ad-
(JUi B, the M- rgan inOueaue is powerful In
s . j .t all tie other Important railroad
systen.s cf 'Ls country. Ths direct Mor
gaa lctereat Include eighteen railroad sys
tems, ons monster steamship company.
lairtea Industrial combinations, sevea
banks, three telegraph and cable com pa
nic!, ocvea great lnaoraaco companies tui
Bono-Scticr ai Hudson
With One Operation Instantly
tsQstoros a Paralytic
Miss RaChncl Ells of Lnmberton, Minn. Who Was
Paralyzed for Three Years on Her Left Side.
"Miss Rachacl Ella U my sister and I saw the
Bone-Setter restore feel in 5 to ber leg. and I
know It is true." -Hrs. Q. Shoemaker, Hudson,
Truth is stranger thsn fiction, and a !
plain fart will often staggr one's belief. I
Y-l J . V I , I 1 I
jut-iv 1 b uui a ill u , .u1u.11 ur iuuu in mr
Twin Cities, where she is so widely known,
who will doubt Mrs. Shoemaker's word
when she says. "I ssw It with my own eyes,
and I know It la true." Now resd her
"HUDSON". Wl.. Oct. 1st. 1902.
"To Whom it Msy Concern:
"My sister. Miss Rschael Ella of Lam
bertson. Minn., wss paralyied on the left
side three years sgo lsst June. She hsd
no feeling In her lift arm or leg. I
brought her to the Bone-Setter todsy snd
he performed one operation with his bare
hands jipon ber leg. which instantly re
stored the sense of feeling to ber limb. I
saw this with my own eyes and I know it
is true. (Signed!
"MRS. G. FHOEMAKER. Hudaon. Wis.
"Filth St., Near St. Croix."
(riaaT f'rlaslea ia Kverr Way rl
pirs. nil. nil pirr nun, H it..
at the Least Pain the Pa
ttest tm Amr ( aae. Is the
w sslrr of This Aae.
The Bone-Setter's own meihod of curing I
cripples in every way crippled, with his
bare bands and without the least pain to
the patient, in any case, is the wonder of ;
this sge. In many rases, righting the I
wrong then and there, in the twinkling of
an eye, there before your eyes; properly
placing the Irregular bones, when the crip
ple is a cripple no longer. His work is
Innumerable smaller corporations of elvers
kinds. The total capitalization of th-se
various combinations Is $0 448. 500, W0 an
amount greater thsn tbe national debt of
sny country in the world and twice the
debt of Great Britain. The capital of a
single one of the Morgan companies 'be
Colled States Steel corporation is equal
to about twice tbe cost of tbe Boer war
and its net profits for the current fi-T sre
estimsted at f 140.000.000. a sum about eyi at
to tbe annual coat of the British nary and
but little "short of the total revenues t
Spain. The aggregate net Income of all "he
Morgan corporations Is probably nearly or
quite equal to tbe public revenues of try
of- the greet powers of Europe, and tba
taxe on those companies pay the entire
cost of maintaining ths executive depart
ments of New Jersey.
But Mr. Morgan does not depend on lbs
dividends of his stocks for the bulk of his
income.' His chief business at present is
promoting on a gigantic scale. Wbn he
organised the underwriting syndicate irat
launched the United States Steel corpo
ration the subscribers were pledged. :f
called uoon. to nay in 1200.000.000. They
actually advanced only t25.0OO.0tiO andthat
was returned In the final settlement. Their
profit on this Investment was S0fi.0O0.000,
or over 200 per cent. The share of 3. P.
Morgan Co. was about $11,000,000. Every
company Mr. Morgan float and tbe num
ber Is large yield: profits proportionslly.
Often he has no need to advance money.
The mere magic of his nsme Boats w com
pany, and his clients gladly pay him half a
million, or a million, or fire million dollars
for the service. He has the knack of in
spiring confidence. The people who trust
him with their money snd he operates
chiefly with other people's money, not with
his own do not try to tie his hands with
contracts. Tbey let him alone to use his
brain In tbeir behalf, satisfied that in due
time checks for the profits will be forth
Gestoses of Ike S erld Wks Rose frosa
- Obseorltr to Dlssy Helghta
. ( Faaw.
Euripides was the son of s fruiterer. Ter
ence in early life was a slsve. Virgil's
father was a potter or brirkmaker. and
Horace'a was a freedman. Plautua waa a
baker. Greatbead, bishop of Lincoln In the
thirteenth century, began his csreer as a
beggar, but his powerful talents adorned
his brow with a mitre. Luther was the soa
of a poor miner. Zwinglt of a shepherd, and
Calvin's fstber was not distinguished either
for - "ence or learning. Boccaccio was
the natural son of a merchant. Columbus
waa the son of a weaver, and originally a
weaver himself. Arkwrlght wss s barber.
Bunyan was the son of s traveling tinker.
Bloomfield. Gibbon, Gifford, Linnaeus,
Larkington, Ir. Carey and Roger Sherman
were shoemakers. So wss Whittier. Shsk
speare was the son of a wool stapler and
butcher, Cowley of a grocer.
Milton was the aon of a scrivener, Ben
Jocsoa of a mason, Fletcher of a chandler.
Pope of a linen draper, Collins of a hatter,
Poattie of a farmer, Butler of a farmer,
Akeniide of a butcber. Whitehead -of a
baker. Henry Kirke White of a butcher,
Thomas Moore of a grocer. Gay was ap
prenticed to a Bilk merecr. Sir Edward
Sugden, Lord Tenterton and Jeremy Taylor
were sons of barbers. Dr. Maddox. bishop
of Worcester, wss the son of a pastry cook.
Dr. Milner was a weaver. Sir Samuel
Bomlly was the son of a goldsmith. Rich
ardson, the giftgd writer, and Benjamin
franklin, the philosopher, were printers.
John Hunter wss the son of a carpenter,
and Scott, the commentator, of a glaxier.
Ferguses, tbe astronomer, was a shep
herd in his youth. ! loe wss a hosier and
arm of a butcher. I) t mood, author of
"Principles of Morslity," was a linen
draper, and traded or wrote according as
he had or had not customers. Woods, Cur
ran, Jeffrey, Brydges. Atkins and Lord El
lenborough were all the sons of humble
tradesmen. Am yot was the son of s cur
rier, Rabelais of aa apothecary, Volture of
a taxgstberer, UmotK of a hatter, Maa
slllon of a turner, Grtenault of a baker.
Mollere of a tapestry maker, Rousseso of
a watchmaker and P.ollin of a herdsman.
Claude Lorraine was a pastry cook. Qula
tln Mstsys wss a blscksmlch. Home Tnoke
was the son of s poulterer, which he al
luded to when called upon by tbe proud
striplings of Eton to describe himself. "I
am." be said, "the of an eminent tur
key merchant.; The husband and father
of the woman who wjursed Michsel Angels
verre stonemasons, and the chisel was
often put In tbe hands of tbe child a a
plaything. New Tork Press.
laserarasl for Soldier.
Fashion la foods change I'.h soldiers as
exclusively confined to the many wrongs
of cripples snd deformities, whether from
birth, disease or srcldefat. Crooked or
Club Feet of any variety he makes straight,
natural and useful. His method is mild
and painless and the result satisfactory In
every case. Spinal Curvature, even In long
standing cases, he corrects without plaster
cast, felt or lesther jackets: stars or braces
he never employs. Dlslorsted Hips and
Hip Diseases he cures without surgical
operation or confining the patient to bed.
Accesses, shortening deformity and loss of
motion snd lameness he prevents by cor
recting the wrong with his bsre handa.
Crooked and Diseased Knees or Ankles,
deformities of all ktnds. he treats success
fully without psln. Paralysis Resulting
Deformities, rendering one a cripple,
he correcta without surgical operation.
While paralysis is not incurable, it should
not be neglected. Spine Trouble with
children of various ages, rendering them
helpless, he cures, and the results sre a
little short of a miracle. Tuberculosis of
the Joints of long stsndlng he cures with
out surgical operstion or pain to the pa
tient. If you are a cripple, no matter
what caused it or how long you have been
a cripple, see this wonderful man at once;
crlpplea In every way crippled are coming
to him from every state In the union, and
his work ii a wonder. It you live at a
distance, then write him and say how you
are crippled. Hudson Is less than an
bour'a ride from the Twin. 'Cities. St- Paul
and Minneapolis Address, Bone-Setter,
Hudson. Wis., enclose stsmp and mention
Omaha Bee.
much as with home-keeping civilians. When
our troops were first In the Philippines ths
soldiers wanted randy, especially choco
Jate creams, and tons of the stuff wers
shipped swsy. Now the soldiers are ask
ing .for sauerkraut and the government,
which always wants to gratify their taste
when it is possible, is sending over great
quantities of pickled cabbage.
Her For Bwst for Life Lle.
Presence of mind and quick resourceful
ness on the part of a young woman saved
a young man's life a few days ago. Tbe
young woman is Miss Alice Hance. a holi
day visitor In an Orange mountain borne.
To her Harry Turner of Philadelphia, an
other holiday visitor tn the neighborhood
of Crystal lake, owes his life.
Toung Tarner was skating alone on the
lake, a portion of the Ice having been
cleared of snow. He became venturesome
and skated over a dangerous spot, not
heeding a sign of caution nailed to a post
stuck through the Ice. His weight broke the
lee snd be fell into tbe water, where he
floundered helplessly, calling at tbe top
of bla voice for aid. He could not swim.
As he grasped desperately at ths crum
bling edges of the ire he waa quickly be
coming exhausted when his cries were
heard by Miss Hance, who was hastening
down the road to meet a trolley car at the
foot of the mountain.
Miss Hance rsn across the fields to the
lake and ssw Turner's despersts plight.
Calling to blm to cling to tbe "danger"
post, she walked out on tbe ice till she
came near him. Then, unwinding ber long
fur boa from her neck, she threw the end
to him. He had Just strength enough te
grasp and hold It till she pulled him out
to ssfety.
Together they hurried to the nesrest
farm bouse, where a doctor was called.
Turner will probably be none the worse for
his Involuntary rold bath. New Tork Her
ald. Wavier Jet fat Y avew as.
Fil' an empty bottle about three-quarters
full of wster. The cork must be
pierced with a bit of sound straw or hol
low glass or a few Inches of glaas piping
of small diameter. In any case this tubs
must descend near tbe bottom of tbe
bottle. Hermetically seal the cork with
varnish or sealing wax.
Now rover your Bask with a large pickle
bottle upside down, which roust first bs
wanned over a lamp or candle flame. Is
order to prevent the air from getting Is It
must be placed on a few sheets of wet
blotting paper, smoothly laid on a plate.
Press the pickle bottle firmly down on ths
blotting paper so as to exclude all air.
Now, tn a minute or two, tbe contraction
of tbe inner air from the cooling of the
bottle will cause a Jet of water to Issjs
from the medicine bottle an automatic
fountain and, if the directions hsve been
strictly, adhered to, you will perceive It
break Into a thousand drops of liquid
Lord Charles Beresfwrd Uses Hesse.
NEW TORK, Feb. 7 Lord Charles
Beresford sailed for England luiay oa
Care Catarrh at Home.
A Practical Rraiesy So Slacle sal
rirauat That Even a thl!4
Caat lw It.
A neglected cold lays the foundation for
catarrh; neglected cauTh lays the founda
tion for consumption. Dr. Bloeaer Catarrh
Cure will break up the cold, or cure the
catarrh and prevent consumption.
The symptoms of catarrh sre a dis
charge, w tilt h is either blown from the
noae or runs back and drops Into the
throat; a dull headache; a atopped-up feel
ing In tbe noae and head; extreme liability
to take cold, etc These conditions often
lead to noiaes in the bead, deafness, sore
throat, bronchitis, asthma, indigestion and
consumption. .
If you suffer from any of the above
troubles you should begin the proper treat
ment st once.
Ir. Blosser s Catarrh Cure Is the best
reiM-dy known to medical science for these
diseases. It cures K out of every lot) cases
Mrs. T. B. Teel, Canton, Ala., writes
"Cured my boy of catarrh of four years'
standing." Mr. Joe F. - Williams. Zion.
Miss., writes: "Cured my catarrhal deaf
ness." Mr. J. J. Mitchell. Warfwld. Tenn.
writes: "It removed every symptom be
fore I had used three boxes."
In order to demonstrate Its virtues, s
three days' trial treatment will be mailed
absolutely tree to sny Interested sufferer.
Tbe price of the remedy is II. US per boa
(one month's treatment), sent postpaid.
Addrese, Ir. Blosser Company, K Walnut
tft., Atlanta. Ga.
I im cl"l 1 ?'r f.f Tbe
Farmer's gmwlni; flTtilntiou nml.
as I lis re said to tou twfo'f. 1 sin
constantly" woMtlcrluc bow jou are
aWe to pull loertber cj.cii vt-f-U
such a fund of lntr'-stlag, tnlun
I'le Information. Von nrr miivly
making a jpr vcotih nr.nii nore
than the money nkcl for It.
K. lh COIU'KN. S-i rrt;iry Kansas
State Hoard of Agriculture
Toieka. Kf.n.
The Best Periodical for Fanners.
I wish to say to you In connec
tion with recent shows where in I
bar been interested a an exhibi
tor, thst 1 consider your plan r.f re
porting tbem, in view of the brev
ity, conciseness and completeness
on the whole, tbe lest method
used hy sny paper In America
todsy. One csn look your paper
over snd pet the fscts snd iioints
of Interest quicker thsn from sny
other publication. I sin promrneil
In writing' yon this solely by the
merits of your production.
ford Breeder. Model Blue Gratis
Farm, Hsrrls, Mo.
High Class Contributors. Timely
Topics. Finest Illustrations.
I consider It a splendid psper for the farmer s family. I think every
family In Nebraska ought to read the paper, it is so instructive on so nisny
different subjects. My entire household welcome Tbe Twentieth Century
Farmer erery week with Joy. IRA WILSON.
Gothenburg, Neb.
I am a reader of four of the best fsrm pspers printed snd I think Tbe
Twentieth Century Farmer is in tbs lesd. It Is full of good things from the
pens of excellent writers and men of practical experience.
Canastota, 8. D. WILLIAM STRONG.
Of all tbe farm papers I take it is the best snd I would not like ts do
without It. I. C CORN.
Nodaway, Mo.
I like the paper so well I wsat my son ts have It, so please sond tt te
him st tbe address below, etc. MRS. L. J. WILLIAMS.
Ashland, Colo.
Enclosed find one dollar for renewal of say subscription. I would not
like to miss any number of The Farmer. A. L. BIGELOW.
Celesburg. la.
We cannot do without It and do not want te miss s copy.
Paallns, Neb. JOHN Ml'MMA.
I think tt Is decidedly the best paper I have read tar tbe western farmer.
Cedar Bluffs, Ksn. EDWARD KENNEDT.
I am pleased with your paper and think you deserve grest credit. With
best wishes for your vucress. H. C. MENTZAR.
Lees. Colo.
I think The Twentieth Century
Kearney, Neb.
Tour paper ts a grand, good p
Bigger. Ind.
It Is fsr ths best farm paper
LeRoy, Kan.
1 consider your psper ths best
Gross, Ok la.
I like your paper very much, al
aad stock raisers than for the
without being benefited.
Dwight, Ala.
I appreciate your paper very
out It. In my Judgment It la tbe
aad If more of them would take a
successful In crop productions.
Vernon, Tex.
I must write you and tell yon
of the paper. To make a long st
that ever reached tbe gulf hills of
line on tbe stock forming snd hsvln
Twentieth Century Farmer to help
along these lines Is certainly the
heard of. I want to renew my eub
me four or five sample copies for
my neighbors to Join me. Hoping
Fayette, Miss.
Only One Dollar
We were a little In doubt as to whether we could make farm paper ad
vertising psy In connection with cur busicess. but are more than pleased
with the results. Tbe Twentieth Century Fsrmer Is the only psper we are
using, so we know that all replies which we sre receiving sre from your pub
lication. We are getting business from all over the west ss a result of our
advertisement tn Tbe Twentieth Century Farmer.
THE WESTERN ANCHOR FENCE CO., 20J-20T North 17th Street.
Omaha, Neb.
Judging from the large number of Inquiries this sd has brought forth, the
advertising has been a great success. I wss agreeably surprised at ths
large number of letters requesting information about the Big Horn Basin that
mentioned our ad In The Twentieth Century Farmer.
J. FRANCIS. General Passenger Agent. Burlington t Missouri River Railroad
ia Nebraska.
Omaha, Neb.
Tou will please to discontinue my ad In your paper as 1 am clear sold
out and am getting Inquiries right along. Thanks to Tbe Fsrmer for many
sales. I will be with you la ths future. Wishing you success.
Seltna, 1. WILL MICHAEL. Proprietor of Pleasant Hill Herd.
I am more than pleased with the result of my ad In your paper. It has
brought me a class of customers thst spprecls'e the right k'.td of e'orh at
good prices. Thanking yon and promising to be wi'h you again.
Ogdea, la. F. E. WENTZ. Proj rietor Edgewood Stock Farm.
Tou may contlnus our sd for about three Usues. Have received a good
many Inquiries through your paper, nun mere than through any otr.-r pap r
1 hsvs advertised tn. J W. BTEVENS'JN.
North Bend. Neb.
My "Come aad See"
brings ms many inquiries.
to an Iowa tnaa who said:
tleth Century Fsrmer."
Ord. Neb.
"Credit this
We havs concluded to tsks three times the (mount of spare used lust year
with you. this coming seaaou, when we make our appropriations.
ciarlnda. Ia. A. A. BERRY SEED COM PANT.
Ws are more than pleased with our experience In advertising In your
paper. Ws get hold of mure lend buyers from your paper than through all
of tbe other advertising mediums thst we use. We expert to use this paper
regularly. CORNELfl'S BROWN, Real Estate and Loan Agency.
eastings, Neb.
Write us for Mmple copies. advertiKinj; ratf", apents terms
mid other information.
The Twentieth Century Farmer, -
Om&ha, Neb.
Yot: vt ill iH-niiit uic to sny I
bepnu rcHilinc The American Atrl
cullurit more Hum forty years
sco. ivlid sim-c uiy onViiil connec
tion Willi this orcM'.u.'.Hlioii. tun
ning for nearly twenty y. nr. I
have received all the 1-nditic iictI
culluial piiblieat ions of tint and of
other countries, none of which has
surpafsed i'he Twentieth Century
1'armer. You and the west are
to U- on your suc
cess. The pa it you have struck.. If
kept up. will plait' it lu the very
front nnk of farm literature.
R I". t'l.AYTuN. Chairman Execu
tive Committee. Farmer' Na-
tionul Cotlt'll'SH.
Inrlianola. la.
Fsrmer the greatest paper in the state,
taper for the farmer.
we have seen.
farm paper, by far, that 1 have ever read.
though it is more for the northern farmers
south. However no man can read it
much, cannot see how I could get en wtta-
paper for the fanner of tbe semi-arid west
nd read your paper, they would be more
what an old Miasissippl "red neck" thinks
ory short. It Is tbe best all-around paper
Mississippi. This country is getting in
g and they should by all means hsve The
them along. The information you give
most complete in every detail 1 have ever
srrtption when tt is out and if you aend
a week or two, I will try and get some of
you all the success you tnoet earnestly de
T. L. PARDEN, Jr., Sunny Side Plant.
for a Whole Year.
F'rop. North BcoJ Nurseries
advertisement in The Twentieth Cu'.:r Ftrta-r
and I am selling a good many farms one lac' week
sale to tbe advertisement in The Tsen-
Estate. Farm Loans and Insurance