1 THE OMAHA DAILY IlEE: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1003. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA ammmnnmmn Park Board Notifies Csnnc.il that it Claimi the Road Fond. .'SEQUEL TO LEVY FOR PARK PURPOSES Report that F.iprfM Companies Will Retail to Fa? Tun oa Franchises ail Storks aa Assessed by Tn Commissioner. Testerdsy Msyor Koutsky filed with the elty clerk a letter received from William Msberry. secretsrr of the South Onfaha park board. This letter says that at a meeting held on January 19 the following retolutlon wan adopted: Resolved, That the road fund derived from the levy made hy the county commis sioners for the years 1W9 up to and In cluding 1!'2 belong to the park fjnd and that any diversion of thin fund will not be recognised by the bonrd. This action Is In line with a threat made to the city council laat July hy James H. Van Dusen, one of the members of the , park board. At the time the question of the. amount of the levy came .up Mr. Van Dusen addressed the council and aeked for an Increase. In making up the sheet the I council had appropriated $500 for park pur I poses, aa It was reported that there was a balance In the park fund. The Idea was to ketp the levy aa low as possible. Van "Dusen talked for some time, but could not '. convince the council that more money waa '. needed. The levy ordinance was psseed with an appropriation of only $500 fof pafk purposes. Mr. Van Dusen left the chamber, saying that he would see to It that, the city .turned over to the park ttoard the amount of the road fund. He asserted that under the law the park board was entitled to this money and It could he recovered by action at law. Now comes a notice written by the sec retary of the board ahowlng that the res clutlon noted above waa adopted. The communication will be. read some of these time when the council meets and It prob ably will b referred to a committee for a report .or It may be pi area on nie. i no disposition of the communication depends entirely upon how the mayor feels when the paper Is read. For years past the city has received a cortlon of the county road fund. The mount received varies according to the amount of taxes paid in on this fund. When a sum of money accumulatea the city treasurer la notified and he goes to Omaha and obtains a check for the por tion of the fund due South Omaha. Some jeans It Is $3,000 and then again It Is more Whan the matter was brought to the at tention, of the city authorities yesterday the general impression waa that If the park board wanted to obtain this money, especially the money that had been secured and already expended for street repairs. It would have to bring ault. . , When shown the communication from the park board one member of the council who Is well posted on city affairs aatd that the present mayor and council wou'd not be bluffed hy Mr. Van Dusen or any other member of the park board, and that only decision of the courts would compel the city to disgorge the money already re cebred and spent. The park board la now composed of John F. Scbults, W. J. Mc Crann, J. H. Van Dusen, William Maberry nd C. M. Hunt. The opinion la freely expressed that the park board wants to establish boulevards nd go to expense entirely beyond the means of the city. Eipreas Cosnpamlea Balk. It waa stated yeiterdsy that the express companies doing business In South Omaha would refuse to pay taxea on the valuation of franchises and stock as returned by the city tax commissioner. While the atten tlon of the city authorities haa not been called to this matter yet. It la presumed that since the fact has been made public ome steps will be taken by the city treas ttrer to collect this tax. . The express com- panics assert that they are doing an Inter state business and for that reason no mu nicipality haa right to. assess franchise. Annnal Charity Ball. The annual . charity ball of the South Omaha Hospital association will be held In the large dining room at the Exchange building on Monday night. Officer of the association report that large number of tickets have been sold and that big crowd Is expected. Excellent music from Omaha haa been engaged for the occasion nd It Is understood that the dancing hall RULERS OP THE WORLD Meat Eating Nations Arm tho Leaders In Every Branch ( Hamaa Achievement. : t The ruling nations of the world are meat eaters, and history records that they always have been. Vegetarians and food cranks may explain this in any wy they choose, but tha facta remain mat tn Americana,. Kagusn French, Russians and Germans are meat eating nations and they are also the moa energetic and most progressive. Tbe principal food of the rerolo Boer soldier known aa Biltong, la a sort of dried beef, affording a great deal of nourishment in a highly concentrated form. The weak races of people are the ric eating Chinese, Hindoos and Siamese, re. garded alnce the dawn of history aa non progressive, superstitious and inferior physically and mentally to the meat eating nattona who dominate them. The structure of the teeth plainly lndl catea that human beinga should subsist upon a variety of food meat, fruit and grains, and it la unhygienic to confine one diet ts any one of these classes to the exclusion of another. Meat is the most concentrated and most easily digested of foods but our manner of living Is often so unnatural that the dlges ttv organs refuse to properly digest meat, eggs'and similar nutritious and wholesome food, but It Is not because such food Is un wholesome, but the real reason la that tha Stomach lacks, from disease or weaaaess, ome necessary digestive element, henc rising Indigestion and later ou chronic dyspepsia. Nervous people should eat plenty of neat, convalescents should make meat the ' principal food, hard working people Tavs to do so and brain workers and office men hould eat not so much meat, but at leait once a day, and to Insure Its perfect dlgea tioa one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets should be taken after each meal, be rceuse they supply the peptones, diastase and fruit acids lacking In every caaa of stomach trouble. Nervous dyspepsia catarrh of stomach, gastritis, sour stomach, gaa and acidity are only different names for Indigestion, ths (allure to digest wholesoms food, and the use of Stuart's Catarrh Tableta cures them 11. because by affording perfect digestion ths stomach haa a chance ts rest and re cover Its natural tone and vigor. Btuart'a Dyspepsia Tableta ia the real boose hold medicine; It is as safe and pleas ant tor the stomach ache of the baby aa It to for tbe Imperfect digestion of Its grand Ire. They are not cat brat le but a digestive, and no pill habit can ever follow their use; ths only habit Stuart's Tableta Indues la the habit of good digestion and cense e,tlnU good health Ul be elaborately decorated for the oec- len. The committees in rtarge of ihe affair were given In the papers a week o. It la expected that q'llte a sum will be realised. This money will be spent In roakln? Improvements and enlarging the hospital accommodations. Important Merlins;. All members of Ancient Order of t'nlted Workmen lorire No. 227 are requested to be present at a meeting to be held Wednes day evening of this week. Special business oi Importance will come up and It is de- Ired by the officers thst every active mem ber be present. Workmen Temple Associating. t'nder the new management the business (fairs of the Ancient Order of United Workmen Temple association are doing very Icely. So far $12,500 worth of stock has been sold. This represents 1.250 shares fully paid up. Contracts have been let to he smosnt of $16,000. All of the work on the structure except the lighting and wir ing has been contracted for. When com. plrted the building will cost not less than 20,000, and this amount of money Is prac tically In sight. Should the weather hold good for two weeks the building will be under roof. Even as It Is the contractors hope to be ble to turn tbe building over to the asso ciation by April 1. The temr'e Is fifty feel In width by eighty feet In length and will be two stories high. On tbe first floor there will be an auditorium aeatlng 600 people. The upper floor will be used as lodge rooms and parlors. Society Electa Officers. The A. B. L. society of the South Omaha . High school met Friday afternoon and after social session elected these officers: Miss Nellie Ensor, president; Miss Anna Gra ham, vice president; James M. Cox, sec retary. The members of the society gave a sleighing party last evening. Cnt In a Saloon Row. In a saloon row at A. Dezer'a saloon. Thirty-sixth and 17 streets, last night Patrick Shea cut and badly Injured Jo seph Rexek. From all accounts, there was rough house. The story told by Shea, who'ls now in the South Omaha city Jail, Is about as follows: "There was a gang of fellows In the saloon talking about the Venezuela question and tbe result was a mlxup. When the atove went over I waa the under one In the fight and I did the best I could to protect myself." Continu ing, Shea said that If he cut Rezek he did not know it. Later on be admitted that he did the cutting, but It was done In self defense. Shea has been employed at Cudahy's for years and la considered an expert butcher. From accounts, he had a skinning knife with him at the time of the trouble and went Into the . tight well prepared. 8hea lives at Thirty-eighth and U streets, where he owns property. As tor the Injured man, the police had him removed to the South Omaha hospital. where Dre. McCrann and Delanney at tended him. An inspection showed two long cuts 6n the scalp and one quite deep cut Just over the heart. At first It was thought that the blade of the knife had plorced tbe heart, but this did not prove to be so. At midnight Rezek was resting easily and It la expected he will recover unless complications arise. Rezek lives wfth his family at Thirty-ninth and Jack son streets and haa a wife and two chil dren. The police are of the opinion that all those Implicated were under the Influence of liquor at the time of the fight. Shea, while held at police headquartera, has not been booked, aa the police are awaiting the outoome of the Injuries to Rezek before making formal charges. Maalc, City Gossip. Hard coal, nil slsef. A. U Bergtjulsr. Tel. 62. John Flynn. tho city hall letter earner. la laid ud with a severe cold. TV C. McDonald, the contractor. Is out again after a few daya' Illness. J. W. Christie was obliged to quit work last wek on account of an attack of the grip. A H Merrill la still at Excelsior Springs, Mo., and reports that he is slowly gaining in- strength. Mrs. W. L. Holland Is still quite sick, but yesterday Dr. Bchlndef said that she was some better. The South Omaha cavalry troop win give its regular mommy nance si me armory Monday mint. Charles HUI, formerly a resident of 8outh Omaha, Is reported to be seriously ill at Mason City, la. Mrs. H. C. Richmond will sing both morn. Inn and evening today at the First Pres. byterlau church. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Laufenburg enter tained a number of friends Friday night at their home, 2515 street. Mrs. a. L. Ta'.bot is suffering from Be- vere cold and haa been compelled to keep indoors for the last few days. Best coal a Try our famous Jupiter, lump. h or nut. K. H. Howland lumber and Coal Co., 438 North 24th Bt. 'Phone 7. Clover Leaf camp No. will give a "sun- bonnet" drill Thursday evening, here will be a urogram and refreshments Friday evening the Ladles' Aid society of the Presbyterian church will give a valen tine social at tno nv1e oi an. J. l. Schlndel. Members of the locat Toung Men s Christian assoclstlon are working hard to Increase the membership and are meeting with considerable success. Thorn mill ha a meeting of the Presby i.riAn IIIm' Al.l snrletv at the home of Mrs. John Culklns, 36 North Twenty-third street. Wednesday afternoon The Saxsfleld club gave Its fourteenth an nual reception at Odd Fellows' all Thurs day evening. The entertainment was greatly enjoyed by those who attended The women s auxiliary to tne xoung Mvn'a Christian association will meet on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. C. Beavers, Twenty-seventh and D streets. It is reported from Lincoln that there will h. no electio.i In South Omaha In April. The charter, so It is reported, wilt be so ar ranged tbat the election win ne passed over this time. "Why Christ Came" Is the topic of Rerv. Dr. R. L. Wheeler's sermon at the First Presbyterian church. In the evening Dr. Wheeler will sieak on "Reflections on the Birthday of Abraham Lincoln." The senior class of the South Omaha High school enjoyed a bobsled party last night. Two dozen members of the class partici pated. I'pon the. return from a drive In the country refreshments were served. ' The trustees of the Presbyterian churoh are contemii'atlng some improvements which will increase the capacity of the rooms now used for prayer meeting pur poses. During the month of January one case of smallpox, fourten of scarlet fever and six of diphtheria were 1 reported to the city Board of Health, fheru was one death (rom scarlet fever and one from diph theria. Charles Hammel', Twenty-seventh and Madison streets, whose nrotrac ted and se vere Illness has been of much concern to his friends of late, rscelved private com munion Friday. The service was adminis tered by Dr. Wheeler. , THE REALTY MARKF.T. INSTRUMENTS filed In the register of deed's snd oojnty clerk's offices on Feb ruary 7: Warranty Deeds. r O. Connor to C. George et rl. lot a. block IS. Kountse ad add .13.000 Same to C. C. George, n feet of wi. feet lot 5. block V: and t6 feet lot 2. block J. Omaha, and atrip ad Joining , Same to J A. Canning, ) feet lot SI and e3U feet and slO feet lot &. iiriitin A S.'a add., and rtriD ad- Joining J.OuO Jeswe H. Murray to J. It. Qulnn. un divided 1-Uth.of neV 17-1S-U J. C Mndssy" snd wife to Ariolph Bturvall. lots S. 4, 6, 19, 17, 14. eS lot U and n alley, all In block 6, Bedford Place K B Alllxon and wife to National Roofing Co.. Dart tax lot in 16- ltt-ll 100 Vnion National Rank et al lo J. R Webster, lot U. block 1, Potters add SU0 Kathrtne M. Riley and husband to flty Savings Bank, lot 4, J. E. Rlley'a sub 180 Total amount et transfers.... AGREES ON COMMERCE BILL Joint Oonferenc Decides t LeiTs Inter state Comaiwion Un teach sd. FRAME NEW STATEHOOD SCHEME altan of Morocco Sends Strange Te nmeat to Vlaler of Foreign AN fnlra of the EiHtea Amer ican Government. WASHINGTON', Feb. 7. The conferees on the Department of Commerce bill have reached an agreement. The contention of the senate in the most Important matters have been acceded to by the house con ferees, which leaves the Interstate Com merce commission a sepsrate organisation. All reference to the Interstate Commerce commission is eliminated and the statis tical bureaus to be transferred are speci fied as being confined to the War depart ment, tbe Navy department and tbe De partment of Justice. Trevious to the meeting of the sen ate Senator Clay asked the democratic members to meet him for an informal dis cussion of the deadlock over the dispo sition of the Interstate Commerce com mission. He explained the sluatlon and all of them expressed their willingness to stand with htm in opposition to tbe report In case tbe bureau should be transferred I to the new denartment. Senator Clav car i .i.j i i , , , , . l i i . "ru . '"",n," ' . l" . 'cu him In demanding that the commission be left as an independent division of the gov ernment, while Senator Hanna declared that he did not desire that the success of the b'll should be Incumbered by an amendment to accomplish a purpose which he thought bsd already been accomplished. Senator Nelson suggested the provision specifically mentioning the statistical bu reaus to be transferred. Mr. Hepburn was the first of the bouse conferees to yield and soon afterward the other members came over and the work of creating the new ex ecutivs department was completed. Calls Hay Vlsler. In florid Oriental style the State de part men t has been notified that the sultan of Morocco has decided to make an exhibit at the St. Louis exposition, and haa set apart (100,000 for that purpose. The notice came to the department with the following preface: "Thanks be to Allah; atone to the vener able, the highly honored, tbe wise, ta whom reliance is placed, John Hay, vizier of foreign affairs of the exalted American government." Hope to Settle Statehood Deadlock. The leading republican members of the senate who oppose tbe omnibus statehood bill were In conference for quite a- tlmo today trying to devise a compromise meas ure. Tney did not change their plan for a double consolidation, providing for the sd mission of Oklahoma and Indian territory as one state and of Arlzonand New Mex lco as another, but they -talked especially of the time and method of bringing the subject before tha senate. Finally they de cldcd that the new. bill should be submit ted first to the committee on territories. and that the question should be sprung next week, but did not set any - definite day. The one difficulty was the doubt of securing the adherence of all the repnb lican senators, as . the opponents of the omnibus bill object to the admission of New Mexico and Arizona even as one state. The democrat j generally declare thst they will not agree to consolidation, and some of them say that rather than submit they will let the bill fall altogether. Leaves Land OtBee. Fllibert Roth of New York has resigned as 'chief of the forestry division of the general land office to return to the for estry bureau of the Department of Agri culture. H. H. Jones (Ind.), the present assistant chief, has been selected as chief of the division. Plan for Commercial Exehana-e. Senator Patterson today Introduced an amendment to the Philippine currency bill to carry into effect the president's recom mendation for a commission to devise plan for commercial exchange relation between gold standard and silver stsndard colni. The amendment authorizes tbe president to Invite Great Britain, France and Germany and other gold standard countries, Mexico and China and other sil ver standard countr'es, to appoint repre senlatlves to conference to devise a plan for adoption by the several governments by which fixed commercial exchange might be established. Salvador Wants No War. Senor Lopes, the Salvadorean minister, has had a message from his government of reassuring character which be com municated to Secretary Hay. Oenerally It was to the effect that ths people of Salvador were not Inclined to war with their Central American neighbors and were determined to keep the peace. President Makes Nominations. The president today sent the following nominations to the senate: Navy: Lieu tenant Commander Robert C. Denning, to be commander. Revenue cutter service Promotions First Lieutenant William F. Reynolds, to be captain; Second Lieutenant C. E. Johnston, to be first lieutenant; Third Lieutenant Joseph H. Crozler, ts be second lieutenant. Will Stop Chinese Smoga-lia-. Senator Foster today presented to the president Clarence W. lde, collector of customs of the Puget Sound district of Washington. Mr. Ide is in Washington in conference with the treasury officials re gardlng the smuggling of opium and the illegal entry of Chinamen Into tbe I'nited States. It has been determined, as re sult of the conferences, that radical meas- ures mutst be resorted to to put a stop to both practices, which are particularly fla grant in Collector Ide's district. Frrpch Ambassador Is Presented. M. J. J. Jusserand, the recently ap pointed French ambassador, waa presented formally to President Roosevelt today. Davis Becomes General. Vhe senate todsy confirmed the nomlna tion of Colonel Charles Dsvls, Fifth in fan try, to be brigadier general In fie army, Brlstovr la Not to Retire. Mr. J. L. Brlatow, fourth assistant post master general, has returned from tw weeks' visit In Kansaa. While out in hi natlvs stats General Brlstow purchased newspaper plant and the announcement of the fact caused a renewal of the rumors that he Is to retire from his present post tlon in the government service. The gen erl stated today that he had no Intention ot resigning, ana further, tost ne was get tirg very weary of hearing that resignation report which had been circulated almost weekly for the last three years. It 1 known, however, that certain Influential political friends of Representatlvs Dave Mercer, who failed ot re-election in tbe Second Nebraska district, are urging the administration to And a place for htm, preferably one In ths postofflce department. Several senators and representatives have urged the Nebrsskan for General Rrtstow place and have used considerable Influeacs to effect this changs. LURAL WIVES IN MEXICO enate Dlscnsslna statehood Hears Mtrmoa Antl-Polyasmy Revelav WAPHINOTON, Feb. ".The statehood bill again today claimed the greater shsre f the senate's attention. Mr. Kesn (N. J.) continued, but did not conclude his speech. nd toward the close of the day there was general debate on the necessity of In serting safeguards against polygamy. A large number of bills to which there was no objection were passed. Senstor Gslllnger (N. H.) presented a partial report of the conference on the bill Increasing pensions to ex-soldiers who had lost limbs. He stated thnt the house sd changed the rates materially. The re port was adopted and further conference ordered. Mr. Morgan (Ala.) again called up his resolution calling for papers concerning the movements and correspondence of naval officers in Colombian waters. Mr. Hale's (Me.) motion to refer this resolution to the committee on naval affairs prevailed by a strictly party vote of 31 to 18. The resolution was therefore re ferred snd when Mr. Morgan complained that it would not be acted upon by the committee Mr. Hale replied that It would ot be favorably reported In Its present form with his consent. The senate then passed the following bills: Authorizing the promotion of Major William Crawford Gorgas, surgeon In the United States army; for the relief of Cap tain Joseph D. 81ms ot the United States revenue cutter service; providing for the holding of circuit and district court of the United States at Kansas City. Kan.; giv ing pensions of $75 each to the widows of Generals Slgel and Negley; for the pro tection of tbe public forest reserve and national parks of the United States. Mr. Kean then resumed tbe statehood debate and read a book of travel by a German author to show tbat polygamy still existed in tbe Mormon church in the re public of Mexico. This fact was after ward commented upon by Messrs. Bever ldge (Ind.), Spooner (Wis.) and Depew (N. Y.) as proving the contention that polygamy had not been abolished. Mr. Spooner asked Mr. Rawlins (Utah) whether tbe revelation for abolition bad covered Mexico. Mr. Rawlins referred htm to the documents, saying he did not care to put any construction on them, but Mr, Hoar (Mass.) remarked that "possibly the revelator had not been able to speak Spanish." Mr. Rawlins addd later that aa he re called President Snow's proclamation for bidding polygamy It had covered ths Mor mon church throughout the world. Mr. Depew read the proclamation to ahow Jhat polygamy had only been "suspended,' and not prohibited. He thought another revelation from the Mormon church should be forthcoming. Mr. Bscon (Oa.): "If the senator wants an authoritative statement In tbe senate on the subject, he may have all bis doubts removed next session, when the new sens tor from Utah takes hia seat." That," replied Mr. Depew. "Is tbe only argument that I have heard for tbe admis sion of a Mormon to tbe senate." Mr. Teller (Colo.) expressed the opinion that, notwithstanding the book quoted, po lygamy did not exist among Mormons in Mexico. He did not believe tbe people or the priests of that country would tolerate It. However, It was his opinion tbat polyg- amy was entirely foreign to the subject ot statehood, Mr. Spooner took Issue with him, and urged the Importance of the matter. With me It Is no trifling matter, no question of delay, and when we are told here that the Mormon church controls the elections in a state now In the union, we must admit that that state was not prs- pared for admission Replying, .Mr. Teller contended that the few Mormons In Arizona would not be cap able ot controlling elections there. So small a consideration should not stand in the way of promise made in the treaty ot Guadaloupe, Hidalgo, to admit as states the territory acquired from Mexico. The senate then went Into executive les slon, and at 4:50 adjourned. . ANTI-TRUST BILL PASSES Honse Unanimously Adopts Llttlefleld Proposal to Curb Cor porations. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. By an unanimous vote 245 to 0 the house today passed the Llttlefleld anti-trust bill. For three hours the democrats offered series of amendments designed to place "teeth" in the bill, but they were either ruled out of crder or voted down by atrlct party vote. On only one occasion were the political ranks broken. It was on an amendment offered by Mr. Thomas (Ia.) to compel the filing of returns by all corporations. On that amendment seven republicans voted with the democrats. The bill as passed requires corporations "hereafter organized to file returns, but the lnterstata commerce commission given authority to call for returns from similar existing concerns doing Interstate business. In yie absence of Speaker Henderson, who ts !11. Mr. Lacey (Ia.) today presided Routine business preceded the resump tlon of consideration of the anti-trust bill The senate amendments to the army ap propriation were concurred in, and the bill was sent to the conference. Hull (Ia.) Capron (R. I.) and Hay (Va.) were ap pointed conferees. General debate on the antt-trust bill hav ing closed yesterday, the bill was read for amendment under the flve-mlnute rule Mr. Llttlefleld (Me.), In charge of the bill offered an amendment, which waa adopted, providing tbat suits for failure to make re turns could be brought wherever the de faulting corporation "bas a place of bual ness." Mr. De Armond (Mo ) offered the minor Ity amendment to this section, providing thst all corporations with a capital ot $100 000, or more, doing an interstate business should make annual returns. It was voted down 70 to 8. The roll was called upon the demand of members on both sides, snd not a aingl vote was recorded against the bill. It be Ing declared passed by a unanimous vote 245 to 0. Immediately afterward ths house ad Journed. CHICAGO SHORTS SAVE CASH Arbitrators Authorise Settlement Oats Deals at Fifty-Five and One-Qnarter Cents. CHICAGO. ' Feb. 7. As result of the arbitration of the difficulties growing out of ths July osts deal of last year, tbe firms which defaulted will now be allowed to settle all their open trades at 66 4 cents. Modern Corn Bread Recipe. Two cups of self-rising On Time Corn Flour, two tablespoonsful of sugar, tw tableapoonaful of butter,' two eggs, one and half cupi of sweet milk. . Bake twenty minutes in hot oven. In flat pan. Vaaderbllt Balls for Earope. NEW YORK. Teh. 7 William K. Vander. bllt sailed for Europe today va tho French lU&sr La, Lrorrainss SUES U. P. FOR MILLIONS Dorkee'i Admbittrator kefes $55,000,000 from Harriman Interests. HIRTY-YEAR-0LD BOND ISSUE INVOLVED Details Are aa Tet Meager, Thoagh It Is Relieved Intention Is to ton tine Old Huntingdon Unit Against Interests, SALT LAKE CITY, Feb. 7. Attorneys representing John R. Kuykendall, admin- strator of the estate bf Charles Durkee, today filed petition aaking for an account from the Harriman lines ot all moneys de rived from the sale of first mortgage bonds of the Pacific roads, the Central, Southern and Union, which were Issued thirty-three years ago. About 455,000.000 Is Involved tn the suit. The Union Pacific railway. F. Gordon Dex ter, E. H. Harriman, W. D. Cornish, Wins low S. Pierce, Chauncey M. Depew, George Gould, Alva W. Krelcht, Alexander Millar, Jacob Schlff, T. Jefferson Coolldge, Jr., Kuhn, Loeb Co., J. P. Morgan, the South- rn Pacific company of Kentucky, the Southern Pacific Railway company and Mer cantile Trust company of New York, the Northwestern Trust company ot Chicago, and Sioux City aV Pacific Railway company are among those named as defendanta. Local attorneys Interested refuse to talk. but the case Is believed to be continua tion of the Huntington suit, duplicate pe titions being filed In every state tapped by the Union Pacific system. DEATH DOES NOT END CONTEST Contest for Seat at Late Congressman Moody to Bo Oosrtlnaed hy Opponent. ASHEVILLE. N. C, Feb. 7. Whits Con gressman Moody's funeral was being held at Waynesville today the taking of testi mony In the contested Moody-Gudger elec tion case went on at Teyon. Polk county. The attorneys say this procedure waa necessary, aa the testimony mast be con cluded by the 26th InsL DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Jane Reaa-an. OSCEOLA, Neb., Feb. 7. (Special Telegram.) Ths funeral of Mrs. Jane Reagan was held - from the faro uy residence this morning, and was under the auspices of the Rebecca degree lodge. A beautiful solo, "The Golden Shore," was sung by Mrs. O. E. Mickey, The choir of the Presbyterian church fur nished the music. Prayer and the read ing of an obituary by Rev. Knox Boude waa followed by an address by Congressman E. H. HInshaw of Falrbury, who Is a cousin of the deceased. The bearers were Colonel George West, H. F. Henderson,- M. W, Miles, Hon. B. L. King and six honorary bearers from the Rebecca degree lodge. The deceased was about 67, and had lived In Osceola since 1882. She leaves to mourn her death her mother, Mrs. Fentress, who Is 92 years of age; two sisters., besides an adopted daughter. Miss Msry Maude Res ran. There were present from abroad Con gressman HInshaw, 'B T. Reagan, formerly of Lincoln, but now of Indianapolis, and Edward Danielson of Columbus, Ga. The services at the grate were conducted by the Rebecca degree lodge, with Mrs. C. G, GUltng as noble grand, Mrs. Hamilton as chaplain and John Holt as marshal. . James B. Martin. James B. Martin, transfer clerk at the Webster street depot, died Friday night of rheumatism of the heart. Mr. Martis was one of ths oldest employes of the railway mall service In Omaha. He was appointed clerk on the Pacific Junction and McCook route January 29, 1879, and ran over the Burlington until 1898, when he was trans ferred to the Webster street depot. He was about 60 years of age. Funeral ar rangements will nbt bs made until word Is received from brother residing In Illl nolo. Gottlieb Sellner. Gottlieb Sellner, one of the prominent German residents of Omaha, died Friday afternoon at his home, 2714 Yates street, at the age of 90 years. Mr. Sellner had been resident of Omaha for tho past sev enteen years, coming directly to this city from Germany. . He had been 111 for some days with pneumonia, which was the cause of his demise. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the family residence. The remains will be laid at rest In Laurel Hill cemetery. Ex-Sheriff Lancaster. TORK. Neb., Feb. 7. (Special.) Word has been received here of tbe death of Mr. Warren Lancaster, ex-sheriff of York county, who only recently moved to Iowa to engage In the livery business. He wss 47 years old, and leaves wife and four children. The remains arrived here today and the funeral services will be held at the Presbyterian church Sunday after noon. The deceased was member of sev eral fraternal orders. Funeral of Herman R. Yon a a;. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Feb. 7. (Spe cial.) The funeral services over the re mains of the late Herman R. Young will be held at the Cumberland Presbyterian church at 2 o'clock this afternoon, and will be conducted by the Ret! Samuel Garvin. The Ancient Order of United Workmen, Royal Tribe of Joseph and Sons of Her man, will attend the services In a body. Charles F. Krerklow. LOUISVILLE, Neb., Feb. 7. (Special Telegram.) Charlea F. Krecklow died this morning after an Illness of several weeks. Hs wss nearly 79 years old and waa one of the early settlers of this county. His wife is very sick and her recovery Is very doubtful. later Johanna. LEAVENWORTH, Ksn., Feb. 7. Sister Johanna, one ot the founders ot tbe Order of Sisters of Charity In the west, is dead here of old age. She waa 83 years of age and had been sister sixty-tour years. She was ons ot ths original sisters in St. Mary's academy In thla city, where she died. Mrs. Sophia lleppert. WEST POINT. Neb., Feb. 7. (Special.) The body of Mrs. Sophia Reppert, a former resident of this city, was brought hers from Madison and interred In the public cemetery yesterday. She was 88 years ot age, and leaves five children. Ex-Senator Dawes Bnrled. PITTS FIELD, Mass.. Feb. 7. The funersl of the late Senator Henry L. Dawes was held today. The commonwealth, the city of Pittsfleld. the county bar and various societies were represented and all places of business were closed. William C. Freeman. LEBANON. Pa.. Feb. 7. William C. Freeman, the Cornwall millionaire, died today at Corn-vsll. Hs was 62 years of age and vice president of the Lackawanna Iron an1 Steel company of Buffalo. Former Premier KaravelosT. SOFIA, Bulgaria, Feb. 7. Former Pre mier Karaveloff, who was one of tbe re gents of Bulgaria after ths abdication of Prince Alexander, died yesterday of apo- XPijv flLTBY Cause More Sickness tions Than Any One Knows Thousands of Men and Women Not Know Until It Has Developed Into Bladder Trouble, Rheumatism, Diabetes or Brighrs Disease, Which Will Prove Fatal if Not Attended To At Once. 1 ' Si fillip PAINS IN THE SMALL OF THE BACK, painful pe"lng of urine. Inflammation of the bladder, torpid liver, cloudy urine, pains in the bark of the head and neck, rheumatic, pains and swellings all over ths body, ecxema and Jaundice, tell you your kilneys are diseased and are not abls to do their work properly. If you have any of these symptoms great care should be taken to stop the progress of the disease and prevent It from becoming chronla and preg natlng the entire system. Thousands of unsolicited letters are received dally from grateful men and women who have been cured by Warner's Safe Cure. DOCTORS GAVE HIM UP. Dear Sirs: I feel It my duty to thank you. Klghtnen years aim was suffering from kidney complaint, nnd for two years was very low. The doctors had given me up unless 1 went through an operation. At that time I heard of Warner's Safe Cure and Immediately stopped all doctors and commenced using your remedy. For the last fifteen years and a half have enjoyed perfect health. I advertise it to all sick people I come In contact with, and with a great many . It has effected a cure. Very respectfully, JOHN C. PELZER. Denham, Ind.. Dec 14, 190X, COULD NOT BLEEP, ".HFE CUKE" CUKHD HIM. Dears Sirs: I received yours of the Sd Inst. I got your trial bottle of Warner's Cafe ('urn and used it. Since 1 hsve taken two largo and two small bottles, which I can irladly say have cured me of kidney trouble, tor which 1 had to be up from two to three time at r.'.ght; now I can rest without getting up. I had severe pains In kidneys nnd back, and I have no more pain, and am nre that It was through your Warner's Safe Cure that I now enjoy good health. You are at liberty to use the above statement. I return hearty thanks to you. Signed, J. F. SAlND KKS, Long Beach, Cal.. Dec. 11. 1901 After your morning urine stands twenty-four hours. If you And a reddish brick dust sedlmetit In It, or particles floating in the urine, or If It Is cloudy, you will know your kidneys are In a diseased condition and are unable to perform their work: the result will be the bladder and urinary organs will become Inflamed, urlo acid will poison the blood, the stomach will become affected and unable to digest the food, the system will oecome weak and the result will be a break-down of the gen eral health, with Krlght's disease or diabetes, which will prove fatal If not treated with promptness and great care. ANALYSIS FREE. If, after you have made this test, you have any doubt In your mind as to the de velopment of the disease In your system, send a sample of your urine tn the Medical Department, Warner's Safe Cure Co., Rochester, N. Y., and our doctors will ana lyse It and send you a report, with advice, free of charge to you. together with valuable book describing all diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood and treatment for each disease. All letters from women read and answered by woman doctor. ' All corre spondence In strictest confidence. "SAFE CURE" CURES WEAK KIDNEYS. It purifies and strengthens the kidneys and enables them to do their work; It , will cure rheumatism, rheumatic gout, diabetes, Brlght's disease, uric acid poison. Inflammation of the bladder and urinary organs, and restore the patient's health and vigor. . -i Bafe Cure la purely vegetable and contains no narcotlo or harmful drugs. , It Is 'ree from sediment and Is pleasant to take. You can buy Safe Curs at any drug store or direct. 60 CENTS and $1.00 A BOTTLK. Beware ot so-called kidney cares which are fail of sediment and of bad odorthey ar positively hnrnsfnl and do aot enre. - WARMER! BAFE PILLS move tha howela are at I y aad aid a spoof? ears. Bankrupt Sale aaammmmmmmmmn1 nam Notice of Trustee's Sale Bankrupt Stock NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on January 22nd, 1903, I will on February 1th authority to adjourn from time to Room No. 1, In the Federal Building, third floor of the United States Postomcs In ' the City ot Omaha, Nebraska, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder tor cash the stock of merchandise and fixtures of W. R. Bennett Co., now contained In the store building, occupied by the W. R. Bennett Co., at the corneV of 16th and Harney streets In the City of Omaha, Nebraska, and In its ware room at 18th and Capitol Avenue In the City ot Omaha, Nebraska, ot the name of W. R. Bennett Co.; also the ments used In ccnnectlon with the said business of the W. R. Bennett Co.; also all right, title and Interest ot the W. R. Bennett Co, in and to the following described real estate, to-wlt: Lot one (1) and two (2( and the east 2-8 of lot three (3) and lot flvs (6). block one hundred and forty-six (146). City of Omaha; Said merchandise will first be offered In departments as follows: ' . Jewelry, stationery, gun, hardware, furniture, meat, shoe, toy, drug, . candv, cigars and tobacco, grocery, woodenware. trunk, art, crock ery, carpet, live-stock, also rigs, fixtures, etc. The real estate will also be offered for sale separately. Tho entire stock of merchandise and fixtures and horses, harness, wagons, and stable equipments, and real estate of the bankrupt, except Lot Ave (5) in Reed's Second Addition to Omaha, will then be offered In bulk, and If the bid for aH of ths ' above described property In bulk shall exceed the total of the bids for the separata departments, then the said property will be sold aa whole In bulk, otherwlss In separate departments. The said merchandise and personal property will be sold subject to tha taxes for 1903. The real ettate will be sold subject to taxes and liens of record. All bids will be received and accepted, subject to the approval of tbe Court. Bidders whose bids are accepted will be required to deposit with the Trusts , when the bid is accepted, either In cash or by certified check, twenty-five per cent (25 per rent) ot the bid, the balance of such bid to be paid upon confirmation of the sale by tbe Court and delivery of possession of the property purchased. An Invoice of the said property, except fixtures, horses, and wagons has been made at a cost the same being in the following sums to-wlt: a Jewelry .... Stationery . live Stock, (illtlS Fixtures ... Hardware . Carpets .... Furniture Crockery ... Meat ...I 9.92 54 5.1" lu Rigs, etc. ... 9.146.79 ... 4.221. ) ... 25.ono.oD ... 14.oK7.39 ... 17,276.40 ... g"9.76 ... 10,704 9 ... '950.79 The Invoice of all laid property may bs examined at any time by parties desir ing to examine the same with a view ot buying by calling upon me at the W. R. Bennett Company store, corner of 16th and Harney streets, Omaha, Nebraska, at any time between this date and the date of sale. I will also offer for sale at the same time and place to ths highest bidder for cash Lot Ave, (5), Reed's second addition to ths City of Omaha, one bond Omaliu ; Country Club; certain shares of stock andbonds Fair t Speed Association. Edgar E. Hastings, , Trustee of W. R. Bennett Co., Bankrupt MEW I'lBLICATIOVB. Tour Fortune Told Free Kam.w a.nt full of InfMTM U hitun it MTSTIins. g.WmUalt.g.T. Crty, RLOOD poison 14 f InhfT primary. mrcwimrT or tertiary, pvcxIuHng toplar ouluit! lHuiv, ruiil'tf. twr 1 hrvs, " AcLr. Old Hot, I lir, MlM-VQA 1 avtrLMT lm month. lUtx or EyeUrw- ftUJUi: out, etc, AUitaVly, po. U.Tr-iy .visd forever Aired, witWui U mm of Wtvcury off lualKa Of 1'ut.Vfth. by tin WOtstWrful HcTtAViU) Compound ft (W ' M Of WhW'ta tTimkffa ft clftA, tiftftitlif Wtntu ftfu corn p Is foliar with Um Hoi fvrVin ft4 Miss UVMaUneUt. ftl ltlfUraUVstam, ft4 ft I!. luV riml, trrit tiwm nf TArv) lo fttl fuffrtwrft, AAarm i-YVnU JT C. JrVWlliaU bcwWaw CMUft. R DEO: and Serious Complica Have Kidney Disease and Do of VV. R. Bennett Cos and Other Property. In pursuance of an Order of the Court mads 10th, 1903, at the hour ot 10 o clock, A. M., . t)ma until such sale Is closed, at Court Including the good will and right to the use horses, wagons, harness and stable equip 1 Art . Shoes 6,yn U,24a.n . 940.M . '80H.13 l.CM.Hl &.IU4.87 . 961 .oil t!5 73 ll.oS9.93 Trunks Toys Woodenware , Drugs Candy Cigars and Tobacco Grocery icvet Kidney A. Bladder trouble at once. Cures In 48 Hoursu URINARY DISCHARGES Each Cap. Witt. Deputy State Vstartwtrsvs D. L RmCCIOTTI, D. V. S, CTTT VBTERINAJUA.N. ' ptBsa ul Infirmary, Mth Umm Snsj i Rei 1 Se t