THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, FEHHUAKY 8, 100.'. DENY STORY ABOUT STRIKE Conductor.' ind Tubmen' RerreienUtiTe Oontradet Brig-gi Star. ASSERT NO MEETING WAS HELD FRIDAY CminltlfO ( ThU Point Waltlnar to Hear Resell Obtained from tow ferenre ffllb Gould Mae t St. Louis. J. K. Murphy, chairman of rbe t'nlon Pa cific general committee of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, and J. J. Rhoades, secretary of the Union Taclflc general com inlttee of the Order of Railway Conductora, alale that no Joint meeting of the t'nlon Pacific and B. M.. general commltteea of Iboae organltatlona wa held Friday, then there la no B. Y M. general committee of those order lo Omaha, tba O. E. Briggs was not aecretary of ouch a meeting and that there waa no vote on any propoaitlon to itrlke on those two roada. Yesterday O. E. Brlgga asserted that be acted as secretary of a Joint meeting of the general committees of the Order of Railway Conductors and the Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen In room 91 of the Dellone hotel Friday afternoon, and at that meeting It was once voted flatly to strike within forty-eight hours unleaa the 20 per cent wage Increase demands were granted. A few minutes later, said Briggs, this action waa reconsidered, and after a hot debate It was determined to leave the matter still to the arbitration In progress at St. Louis. Messrs. Murphy and Rhoadea, who speak with authority. Informed The Bee last night that Mr. Briggs waa not connected wltii tbelr committees In any way and that bla statement baa no foundation in fact. Fifty-Two Roada Involved. To the Corn Belt, the Missouri Pacific, the 81. Louis San Francisco and the Missouri, Kanaas aV Texas roads the de mand on the part of the conductora and trainmen of fifty-two roads wa left for ettlement. The fifty-two cover all terri tory west and south of Chicago, including the Illinois Central southern llnee, extend ing then north to the Duluth, Sooth Shore Atlantic, west to the Pacific coast and aouth to the Gulf of Mexico. .When the movement fpr higher wagea was started a general committee of conductors'and train men from every road waited upon each general manager, but later It was decided to abide by the results accomplished with the Gould lines. After being in conference since January E these tour committees finally, on last Thursday, submitted an ultimatum to the four Gould lines. This waa that freight train wagea should be raised 15 per cent and passenger 12 per cent, and that double-headers should be run on no train heavier v than one englne'a rating. This latter condition Is simply equivalent ts tarring double-headers altogether, for It la waatlng an engine to add It to a train that needs but one. Other Hoada Give larreaae. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 7. A, conference Is be ing held today between the official of the Missouri Pacific and A. B. Oarretson. as latent grand chief of the Order of Rall ' way Conductor, and P. H. Morrlssey, grand master of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. It la reported that the official of that road have decided to allow the same In crease conceded by the Missouri, Kansas A Texaa, and that It example will be fol lowed by the St. Louis as Southwestern (Cotton Belt) and the St. Louis at San i Francisco. The conference began at 10 o'clock and at 1 o'clock waa still in session. At that time It wa said that several hour more would be necessary before a conclusion was reached, aud It may extend into a night session. The meeting is said to be entirely harmonious. Railway Rotes and Personals. J. R. Dewar, assistant station master at I'nlon depot, has gone to Chicago. , Krastua Young, general auditor of the tiarrlman lines, has gone to Chicago. John Francis general passenger agent of 'tne a. at m. rauroaa, nas gone to uenver. II. G. Cheyney, general agent of the Northwestern line here, has returned from tJloux city. C. F. Redlngton, chief clerk In the gen et Missouri Valley railroad headquarter, ha gone to Fremont. Ths .trlkln machinist, of th. TTln T. clflc railway here will aivs a minstrel show st Boyd's opera house on February IS. the proceeds to go to the benefit of the strikers. The Missouri Pacific railway has Just Issued a vary handsome and elaborate cal endar, -which City Passenger Agent Tom 'Godfrey Is distributing to a few favored onea In Omaha. The calendar la a real work of art. TRIBUTE TO JUDGE TAFT Army Officer Sneaks ( Work of Gev- . ernor of ths Phlllav. pines. "Ever alnce returning from the Philip' tines, three month ago, I have seen much tm. the paper to th effect that Judge Taft, governor general of thoae Islands, would soon come back to the state to ao- cept ttala or that high atatlon. One week thef had It that be wonld succeed Mr. Root a aecretary of war. Then be wa to be come an associate Justice of the supreme court. Both, of course, are high station. The latter wa tendered, but Judge Taft promptly dlln. preferring to remain at .u.. BUU " tnnlnjtfl Rut tha ss-ltsttnn for his PAtiirn -. r " IrfM n .Inn II waa thnnah that Ha 'did not stop. It wa thought that he would be recalled to succeed Chief Justice Fuller upon hi retirement. I earnestly hope and really believe that nothing in tha way of official station will tempt Judge Tatt to abandon his work In the Philippine Island." The comment were made by Major J, II. Watrou of th United State army. who apent nearly two yeara and halt in the Philippines, and whose duties took him to mot of th Uland. occupied by Ameri- ran soldier. Continuing, Major Watroua apok In glowing term of th great work don by Judge Tatt hi associate comml loner. "When I think of that work, ot the astonishing progress made In establishing a table government, of the mountainous ob tacles that have been overcome, ot the thousands of school that bars been opened and tbelr atrlklog aucceaa In enlightening those people; of Judge Tatt' great abll lty, hi tireless energy., bis good heart and th ample missionary spirit ot which lie I possesaed, and of bla perfect equip ment for bla high office, I can but look upon the proposition to recall him aa a ma jority of th people looked upon the propo aitlon to 'swap off Lincoln In 1864, before this ralgbty task wa completed. We often hear the remark that Lincoln wa given to th world '.bat be might do the work which fell to him between tha Fort Sumter and Appomattox events, or words to that ef fect. I a sincerely believe that William H. Taft wa given to th world t be the civil leader In carrying to lasting, glorious success American occupation of the Phil ippine Islands. Who today think that any ob could have wrought better than Abra ham Lincoln did? If Judge Taft remain over there until his work I completed until a stable government Is established, a time that la surely coming th nation will be aaklng: 'Where could have found on more suitable than Governor Taftr "Tter, 1 another side te thla talk about Judge Taft for other stations. No office that a president could bestow npon him would eonfer higher honor than hi pres ent exalted atatlon confera. Indeed, he can win higher honor for himself and his coun try, do his country snd the world better service ss the head of a successful admin istration In the- Philippine Islands than he could as (.resident of the l olled 8tates." "You seem to have no doubt that the Americana will succeed In those faraway Islands or the Pacific?" "Certainly not. The army and navy have made a success, eo far as their part of the undertaking goes, snd the civil au thorities are steadily, surely moving' on to complete, grand success. Do you recall many Instance In which our good Uncle Sam has failed to succeed In his undertak ings? He Is no going to fail in ib.s one. The day I coming when the whole civil ized world will honor and praise our coun try for what It has done lo the Philippine Islands, t'nele 8am Is destined to win Im perishable honor . by the wise, unselfish, statesmanlike performance of the unsought tasks that fell upon his broad shoulders In 1898." VACATION HOME FOR THE BOYS Prussian Syndicate Proposes to Fix a Plare Where They Can Enjoy Themselves. (Copyright. 1903. by Tress Publishing Co.) BERLIN, Feb. 7. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Several com mltteea in the Scheldehausen district of western Prussia will buy ground and erect a large building for vacation home for school boys. The boy will be turned loose In the bouse and over the land, of course under oversight, but with as little Interfer ence as possible. Tbey can Imagine them selves hunter and trappers, wrecked-on-desert-lsle pirates and bandits, or they ran garden or farm, or do carpentering or smithy work, or be Idle, Just aa they please. There will be one common meal indoors, all other meals to be taken when and where the boys wish. ' Sleeping accommodations will be pro vided Indoors, but they may sleep where they like, provided they do nothing to en danger their health. The neighborhood Is a lovely one, and the boys ran climb trees, hills, walls; they can Bah, swim, wade and make dam. The accommodation I for 200 boy and the charge for five weeks I only 412.50 per boy. OMAHA SUBURBS. Florence. Alex Paul and daughters were visitors at Blair Saturday. Mrs. Hugh Suttie was a business visitor In Omaha Friday. Fred Pulte visited relatives In Omaha Saturday and Sunday. Father Smith went to Bancroft Tuesday, returning home Saturday. Miss Mny Nelson of De Soto spent Satur day and Sunday with her parents. John and Sidney Johansen went to Blair Wednesday morning on legal business, Ethan Cole and wife of Omaha spent Sunday here visiting friends and relatives. The new bell for Bt. Mark's church has been purchased and will soon be put In place. Fred Powell and wife of Council Bluff visited their parents here Saturday and Sunday. Mary Ounderson went to Blair, Neb.. Sat urday morning, where she will remain for several week. Edgar Powell. Jr.. returned home Mo.iday from a two weeks visit with his, brother at Blencoe, la. Miss Martha Herbaugh, who has been absent for a week, returned home Friday from Omaha. Bert Kindred of Herman spent Saturday and Sunday here with his family, returning tq Herman Monday morning. Henry Buller left here Wednesday for a two weeks' vlalt with hi sister. Mrs. Ferdi nand Abendroth, at Bancroft.' Neb. Mrs. Lou Cole and son George were called to Missouri Valley Sunday on account of the aerioua illness oi Mrs. cole Dromer. The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Breneman died Friday morning, being alck only twenty-four hours. Funeral Sunday. Andrew Anderson was appointed rural mall carrier from thia office February a on route No. 1, vice Henry Johanacn enlisted in tne navy. Henry and Sidney Johansen offered them selves to eifllat in the United States navy. Henry waa accented, but Bldney was not able to pass the examination at the time. The first mission tea that waa intro duced Into the ladles' guild of St. Mark' cnurcn by Mrs. fc,ugar foweu, waa neia at Clover Leaf farm, the home of Mr. Powell, Saturday evening from '6 until o clock Th ea WM" Pr1M,01d .over by, " Pwel. assisted by Mis Price and Mis Jessie iucaer. ana was very succrsaiui ......inauy Benson. Mrs. Tom Hawkins received a visit from her father Iaat week. Mr. I. E. Frederick spent last FrtJay visiting with friends in Omaha. Mrs. Ida Gibson of lrvlneton and Miss Katherine Lowe of Omaha visited at the home of Mrs. C. Nevlus last week. Charlea Jennings and Poland C. Finney of Omaha visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Frederick ons day Iaat week. The vounar women's class of the Benson Methodist Sunday school suent a very teacher, Miss Johnson last Saturday. Plana urcaauni uvriiuuii at 111c numv vi inrir for future work were discussed and a social time was had. During the billiard last Tueadav evenlne two of the Benson cars collided on account of the general Irregularity and the difficulty in discerning neaungnts. line motorman was rendered unconscious, but not seri ously. Injured, while the cars were badlv aisaoieo. The Ladles' Aid society of the Benson Methodist church held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. I. E. Frederick last Impassable snowdrifts', a dosen of the mem- bera were present. After the regular bust- nesa aeaion lunch waa served. a cb"" the" t0 Apr" 9 Revival services have been well attended I assisted the pastor during the meetings, I warn ramnllA bi hji attaint a h vanlnvi I - r " ' ' ' ' " ." ","?,: UVniUBUlvuv lauuiuK iuu uu'iihhcii I both On aaCdWOt Of tllO bliSXard and 1111..... ..... A health. Kev. Mr. Mayne acted aa aubstt- tute on the nights and afforded very pleasant meetings. .Tha ueual aervlce will be held at the Methodist church this morning by the pastor, Rev. John Crewes. Sunday school at noon.. Junior league at 4 and Ep worth league at t:30. In the evening Rv. Mr. Grey of the McOabe Methodtat church of Umana win nom special services at 7:30. and the i. residing pastor will nil the He- Cabe charge. The regular monthly fire meeting and m.p cUbofu.Mwa.nh.,,lm: provement of the fire department, so aa to give It more rapid service and more powerful capacity. A committee consisting of Messrs. C. Stlger and J. A. Howard was Doolnted to meet member of the legisla ture and exprvsa the wishes of the villagers concerning the new corporation bill now pending In the state capttul. West Ambler. Mr and Mrs. Cook went to Scrlbner on Friday, returning on Monday. Mrs. F. iiensman, from Wednesday until Thursday. I. Svashad a brave flaht Tuesday nlsnt keenlnK the burning narks and shliuile rrom the scnooinjuaes from setting nre to Ills own premises. Ths ladles' Aid society met at Mrs. J. E AukIis's on Thursday afternoon and did a great aval or sewing, owing to snow only about twenty-four were present. Receipts, li.M. Guy Matsotr and bride and Charles Syas Jr.. and a friend of North Umaha were cuests of t K. Syas and family on Sunday Mrs. j. i-unningnam naa oeen on in sick list thla week. The red hous? r"West Ambler, until re cently owned by the I'nlon National bank haa been purchased, and th owners are removing It over o Giifln a grove on south Forty-nlntn street. The stereoptlcon view given St Boutn- rest church on Friday night were fin and larae crowd witnessed them. The pro. ceoda will be used by the Junlur league tor Its pledge to expenses of the church. Workmen sre busy this week clearing away the debris from the grounds where the two Heals school buildings burned Tues day night. Th rsmainUig building will soun be rsipensd for th first and second grades and kindergarten. All books, scats and lb piano war saved. HOWELL WINS EVERY POINT Control! Meeting of Democratic Citj Com mittee Through Proxies. FAITHFUL HAVE LIVELY SECRET SESSION F.ITorta of the Aatls to Disturb fh Apportionment riaa Adopted la January Proves Flat Failure. ' The democratic city primaries will be from 12 o'clock noon to 7 p. m. Thursday, April 9, Instead of February 12. as decided at the meeting of January 10. The con vention will be at 7:30 p. m. Saturday, April 11, a few hours after the repub licans are elated to make their nomina tion. Instead of February 14. The appor- tlonmeut will be one delegate for each seventy-five vote or fraction thereof cast for Thompson for governor, making a total of US, Instead of eighty-one as under the old system. This much was decided by the demo cratic city central committee at meet ing In the room of the Jackaonian club list night, with twenty-three of the twenty nine member of the committee present er represented by proxies. In all voting the Howell faction showed up with fifteen and the antt-Howell faction with eight votes, after the preliminary skirmish. In which the former eucceeded In overruling the chair and seating their own proxies. Chairman W. O. Gilbert presided. The meeting was not exactly a lave feast. The harmony prevailing was the came kind of harmony that keeps people wondering how soon the patrol wagon will get a riot call, and when the meeting was over the antl-Howell men were Just as willing as ever to bet the clothes on their backs that convention day will be a snowy time for the coal candidate. Executive Committee Session. In the afternoon Chairman C. L. West of the executive committee called that com mittee together "to clear himself of any charge of failure to do his full duty." He wanted to know the committee's pleasure. Chairman Gilbert of the central commit tee said that his first pleasure would be to learn who the duece appointed Olrlch Jellen to take the place of Stanley Let ovsky, who bad gone republican. He was Informed that the executive committee had made the selection. His answer wa a demand to know If he himself didn't have the appointing power, and Chairman West conceded that he had. Accordingly, Mr. Jellen was escorted to the door and Mr. Gilbert' selection. C. J. Smythe, was eated aa a member of the committee. Ed P. Smith moved that as the city cen tral committee was to meet In the evening all matters be referred to It and L. J. Plattl seconded the motion. J. J. O'Connor offered a a substitute a motion that the primary and convention dates be selected by the executive committee, but this motion died for lack of second and the Smith motion prevailed. Adjournment waa taken Immediately. , Fireworks In the Evening;. When Chairman Gilbert called the main committee to order in the evening R. J. Altcblaon of the Howell faction took one frightened look at the newspaper men preaent and moved that the business be done under cover. Joe Rapp, who studies law In the Herdman office, seconded the motlori. J. J. Mahoney of the antt-Howell crowd was for leaving the light turned on. He moved the committee proceed to bualner, and added that be aaw no reason for keeping things dark. Jo Butler sec onded this motion. '' Before attempting ' to take a ballot the chair decided that it would be well to aaoertaln who waa entitled to vote, and there then arrived a large, adult row over the proxies. Joe Butler protested against Will Herd- man'a being allowed a voice, aa there had been found on the record no mention that Her&man ever had been made a member of the committee, but withdrew ht pro test upon being informed by the chair that Herdman bad been made, such member at a certain committee meeting. P. N. Tobln was challenged a a representative of the Fourth ward on the ground that he has been resident in the Eighth' ward for a year and a half. W. T. Johnson wa objected to by the aame protestant, Butler, because now In the Eighth inatead of the Sixth. J. J. O'Connor waa objected to as a proxy for John T, Evan because Evan hasn't been, J. J. Mahoney said, a resident of the Seventh ward for two years and Isn't even in the city now. Dan Cannon and W. H. Chadwlck both presented proxies from D. T. Murphy and there were other protested on both aide. Behind Closed Doors. In the hopelessness of the tangle tie i . . . . . . . . , . , , cna,r Pul ln" ul,uu Iur "u"" and it carried. The protest against lomn waa then considered and the chair sus tained It. A vote was called and the chair was overruled, 15 to 8. A this test affected all protests based on the grounds of non residence the rest were not considered and the Howell faction secured the contested eat. After that It wa plain sailing. Wilt Herdman Introduced a resolution to the effect that the city central commute con I cur In all acts ot the meeting of January 10 except aa to dates of primaries and con- ana li. inis ie ine inompson tow p- 1 u . 1 1 i. . I 17. .11 ' ment when West moved the prevlouc ques- tl0Q, Tni, brought the final showing ot .trength and the resolution waa adopted, " 16 to s. Sandwiched In with the motion and sec onds were some of the warmest tete-a-tetes ln all history and to transact fifteen min utes' business the committee wa closeted nearly two hour. KOCIAN IS ANOTHER WONDER Bohemian Boy Who Plays oa the Violin aad Astonishes th Masters. Jaroalav Koclan. the youngeat of the Bo hemian violin virtuosi, who will play at Boyd'a theater Monday afternoon, February 23. waa bo n February 22, 1884. In the email town ot Ustl Nad Orllcl. Bohemia. At the age ot 3 he watched with great Interest the violin playing of bis father's people. It wa at the age of about 4 that ths gifted child received his first violin and waa in structed by his father. The latter, being a schoolmaster, wa also a music teacher, as Is common in nearly all European coun tries. In a ahort time tha boy was playing in the town orchestra, where bla great musical talents were rotlced by everyone. In the year 18S. when a lad ot 13 years. Jaroalav entered the Royal Conservatory of Music at Prague and became a pupil of the renowned master. Prof. Setclk. Fmm this Institution he wss grsduated In Ave years, being on year lea than the course required. Koclan la not Ilka the majority of vlr tuosl, skilled only in technique, but ha been very successful in composition and as a director of orchestras, for example, Jep In' orchestra in Mont Carlo. H haa been th lion ot musical circle In Austria, Franc and England- Koclan is accompanied by Sptndler, aa excellent boy pianist. Tb youths hav been Inseparable friends from childhood. In America Koclan has gained a great success a In Europe, having been received with great praise In the musical center of the east. While In Washington Koclan dedicated one of his compositions to Miss Alice Roosevelt. SAY NOMAD HErtPS RUIN RANGE Bis Mora (Workmen Want Graalaa Prohibited In Yellowstone Park Extension. CODY, Wyo., Feb. 7. (Special.) At a meeting of the stock grower nd business men of tMs section at the town hall the action of some men who petitioned Presi dent Roosevelt to rescind his order ex tending the boundaries of the Yellowstone pork aud excluding vtock from grating thereon was repudiated. Resolutlona were adopted urging the president and other government officials to let the order stand, motner after habeas corpua proceeding In but asking that. In case grailng la per- crrlnlt,a court. Two week ago, other me. inttted. the privilege be granted to reel- lenger boy say, the youthful lover tried dent stockmen only. There were nearly t0 tra hPr .n(1 be.t htg way far M 100 signers of the petition, all leading Kansas City, where he gave up the chase stock and business nin. They maintain and returned to Omaha. Now there appear that nomadic herds and flocks are ruining , ,n. ule ar,ma , m.n wno mrm. he the range In the Big Horn country and ,, ner fatner ,nd who aPmanas t0 know have been encroaching upon the forest re- wh.t na, been folng on servos. The action of official in blowing Attorney John O. Yelser. who represented up certain trails to prevent sheep passing M SadIor of n$ North Fifteemh .treet In and out of the reserve was approved Ij mo,..T ot th. ,r, npiine , ,,, .... , the stockmen. WYOMING DRUG MIXERS MEET Organise State Board to Examine Cre dentials of Pharmacists and Im pose Rigid Kxssilaatloai, RAWLINS. Wyo., Feb. ".(Special.) A State Board of Pharmacy was organized here yesterday. It Is proposed to investi gate the credential of every person who puts up drugs In the state and each phar maclst must pass a rigid examination be fore he will be given a certificate which will entitle him to practice his profession. Tho board has caused to be introduced In (he legislature a bill for Its relief add for laws governing pharmacists, making It un lawful for any person except qualified phar macists to practice in the state. A large number of pharmacists attended yester day's meeting, MAY SAVE LIFE OF TOM HORN BUI Introdared In Wyoming; Legisla ture Provides for Abolishment of Capital Pnnlshment. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Feb. 7. A bill Intro duced In the Wyoming legislature on Janu ary 81 Ij now credited with having for its purpose the saving of the life of Tom Horn, convicted of the murder of Willie Nickel, and now under sentence of death. The bill abolishes capital punishment. and becomes operative against all sen tences of death already pronounced and not executed at the time of the passage of. the act. Claims ' of RAWLINS Twenty-Elatht Wyo., Feb. 7.- Tbousand. (Special.) It I said that suit will be brought against (he Encampment Transportation company to recover claims to the amount of 128.000. It seems the company tgreed to pay for It team and other property at the rate of $1,000 per month. Seven payment were made and the other eight defaulted. It la expected the North American Copper com- pany will take charge of the property and assuJie the Indebtedness. Disease Among; Wyoming; Cattle. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Feb. 7. (Special.) State Vetenarlan G. T. Seabury has re' turned from the northern part of th Late, whore he has been battling with unknown diseases among cattle and glanders among horses. Near Aladdin, ln Crook county. forty head of cattle died of an unknown disease, which it is believed, has been checked. In Big lorn county Mr. Seabury killed a number of horses affected with glanders. Snow In Red Desert Is Melting;. RAWLlNS, Wyo., Feb. 7. (Special.) Condition ln the Red Deaert are Improv ing. A warm wind has melted the snow on the side of hills and sheep are now able to get plenty ot feed. ROYAL SACRIFICE IS IN VAIN Eloplaar Prlnreas Permanently Barred Both from Children and Saxon Home. DRESDEN. Feb. 7. The separation of former Crown Princes Louise and M. Olron does not change the present legal situation, and will not have the slightest effect on the divorce proceeding which will be re sumed February 11. v The princes can never return to the Saxon court, but she may possibly effect a reconciliation with her own family and take up a permanent residence in Austria. A counsel ot the ministers, specially called by King Oeorge, today considered a telegrapbio request from the crown princess. her son. Christian, who Is dangerously III. The decision, however, wss that, much aa the ministers might sympathixe with the mother, it was Impossible for her to re turn here, as It would occasion popular excitement. ABYSSINIAN WAR POSSIBLE Mew el Ik Break Off Relation with ' French Resident. Driving- Him from Capital. LONDON, Feb. 7. A dispatch from Rome savs reports have been received from Ad- dla Abeba, Abyasinla. that King Menellk has broken off relationa with M. Legard, It waa decided to aend the minister of the French resident, and expelled him from finance, Senor Emlliamo Tejera, to Wash tbe capital. Ington to announce this decision to th M. Legard la now quartered twenty mile from Addi Abeba. Filipino Protest Asralnst Chinese. MANILA, Feb. 7 The Filipino Labor union ha Issued a protest agalnat Chinea Immigration, threaten violence to prevent It introduction nere ana asxa tne people to co-operate In the effort to prevent such Immigration. Governor Taft Heanme Wsrk. MANILA. Feb. 7 Governor Taft. who ha been 111 for a week, as the result of drink ing infected water while touring Laguna and Batagai, is recovering and has re sumed work. MORMON MURDERER IS MAD Brlaham Yoang'a Relative Declared Insane by Coterie of New York Doctors. NEW YORK, Feb. T. WlUlam Hooper Young, on trial tor the murder of Mrs. Pulltser, was today declared inaans by a commission In lunacy, composed ot Drs. Flint, McDonald and Dana, appointed by Judn Herrick. Capital af the Pennsylvania. NEW YORK. Feb. 7 It 1 eml-ofnclally stated that the uroDOSed Increase of ths capital stock of the Pennsylvania will be from iKt.uu.ouu, las present cspiiausaiion. to esuw.uw.wM. FATHER COMES INTO DRAMA May Change, the Program in the Sadler Poire Howard ! Btorr. WANTS TO KNOW SOMETHING AE0UT GIRL Jest What Part lie Proposes to Take la the Melodramatic Affair Hoes Not Appear from Letter lteeetved Here, Wllhelmina Sadler again has title to ap pear In the public print. In December Dorre Howard, a messenger boy It year old. shot himself twice, but not fatally. In a room at the Arcade hotel because he thought be was a;olng to lose her. January S Bho waa snlrlted to ths smith hv her word concerning this latest development. but It Is understood that there has come to Dr. E. W. Powell, tho attending phyei- clan of the boy, a letter dated at Yoakum, Tex.. January 16, and signed by R. W. Sad ler, who Is apparently an employe of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railroad com pany. The letter Is said to contain the explana tion that the writer saw In a newspaper an account of the dramatic Incident oc curring in Omaha and to contain also the statement giat he Is the father of the girl and would like lo have her questioned aa to her surroundings without her mother be ing present. Protests on Betas; Dead. When Mrs. Sadler was on the stand shn testified that she was divorced from her husband twelve year ago and that he had not been heard from In ten years and li presumed to be dead. The writer of the letter protests that be I the liveliest corpso In the whole state ff T' furtnr ""rate certain al- iegeu isinuy nisiory, stating mat ne mar ried the girl mother (then Miss Mary Ryman) at Big Spring In February, 1882; that the daughter was born In December of that year, that In 1892 he left the two and went to Monterey, Mexico, the wife and girl going to Fort Worth, Tex., here the latter waa placed In a convent; that hi subsequently went to Fort Worth and car- rled the girl away with him and Into Mexico, that the wife and mother followed and by certain provisions of the Mexico law was enabled to recover possession of the child and return her to the Fort Worth convent, that later he learned the two had gone to Omaha, but that he never kner exactly their whereabouts until h read of the Incident here. Where the gtrl Is now very few peopla In Omaha know. All the Information vouchsafed Is 'hat clie Is In a convent near St. Louts aud has grown to like the pi ice. Every effort 1 made to keep young How- ard from learning her location, that there be no Romeo-Jullet balcony work un- 00111 are oia enougn to Know oener tnn to trT u- n tne ,tand the mother teamed that the girl wa Just come 18 ,h ' ahe left home, ahortly before the shooting escapade. It waa thla, fact that enabled the mother' attorney to securo for the parent the custody of the child, as under the Texas law a child Is a minor un til 21 years old. Th statement ot the writer of the letter received this week would make the gtrl a trifle more than 20 years old, but atlll within the provision of the law which governed Judge Baxter when he gave the child to the mother. What the letter writer proposes to do, it anything, is not stated. CAKEWALK CAPTURES PARIS germ at Every Concert Hall and So- elety I Also Having; an Attack. (Copyright, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Feb. 7. (New York World Cable gram, Special Telegram.) Pari ha gone mad over the Cakewalk. At the Iaat opera ball the great attraction of the evening wa the latest American Importation, and th manager assert that it proved the strongest drawing card they have had in many years. There is not a music hall ln this .city that doea not announce a cake- walk upon it bill. Society itself haa the prevailing mania, and in even tha most ex clusive salon on hear the all-prevailing question, "Can you do th Cakewalk," or, aa the French say it. "Kakavakay cous." No cotillon thia winter haa been consid ered complete without a cakewalk feature, and It 1 a frequent alght to see some mar quis and haughty duchess pigaon-wlnging down the ancestral halls that have tor cen turies echoed only the stately music of the minuet. SAN DOMINGO OBJECTS TO PAY gays American Claimants Rhonld Hot Evoke Aid of Washing-ton Gov-' ernment to Recover Debt. SAN DOMINGO, Feb. 7. A public meet ing has been held under the auspices ot the Dominican government to consider the demands of the United State for a aet- tlement of th Clyde line and other claim. The meeting declared that the govern- ment cf the United States ought not to Interfere, aa the claimants could aettle their difference ln thia country. government of the United State. Meanwhile Mr. Powell continuea to de mand a settlement of the claims, refuses to accept the terms proposed, and has an nounced that he will not submit to any further delay. It Is assorted her that the Dominican government 1 seeking to evade h, .n nosslble means a settlement of the American claim. MAY LOSE TWO CONSULS Cadis Representative Passes Away aad Cairo Agent Lies Crit ically 111. PARIS, Feb. 7. Consul General Gowdy haa been Informed that John H. Carroll, United tSatea consul at Cadis, Spain, died today of consumption at Mentone. The United 8tates vice consul at Genoa telegraphed that Hubbard T. Smith, the vice and deputy consul general at Cairo who la lying ill In a hospital at Genoa suffering from cancer of the kidneys, is gradually sinking French Police Seek Marderers. PARIS, Feb. 7.-Th French authorities bav forwarded a request for the extradi tion ot a Belgian named Tbubocu and bla woman companion, who are aald to be now in tb hands ot the police In the United States. Tbey are charged with having mur dered a woman named Tuaeeau at Col : ombea, sear rax is, wrni month ago. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR EVERYTHING But if You Have Kidney, Liver or Ulodder Trouble, You Will Find the Grent Remedy, Swamp Root, Just What You Need. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kid neys, but now modern science prove that nearly all diseases have their beginning In the disorder of these most Important organs. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of ordesi you can understand how quickly your entire body Is affected, and how every organ seems to fall to do It duty. If you are alck or "feel badly," begin taking the famous new discovery, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, because as soon a a your kidney are well they wiir help all th other organa to health. A trial will convince anyone. Do ctrors Pescribe SwampRoot. Gentlemen: "I have prescribed that wonderful remedy for kidney and bladder complaints. Dr. Kil mer's 8wamp-Hoot. with most beneficial effect and know of many cure by Its use. These pa tients had kidney trouble, as diagnosed ly other physicians, and treated without benefit. Ir. Kil mer's Swamp-Root effected a cure. 1 am a liberal man and accept a specific wherever 1 llnd It, In an accepted school of out of It. For desperate cssps of kidney or bladder complaint under treat ment with unsatisfactory results I turn to Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root with most flattering results. I shall continue to prescribe It nnd from personal observation state that Swamp-Root has great cur ative properties." 171 I tin St., Borough ot Brooklyn, Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more sickness and suffering than any other disease, and it permitted to continue much Buffering with fatal results are sure to follow. Kidney trouble Irritates the nerve, make you dlxzy, restless, sleepless and irritable; makes you pass water often during the day and oblige you to get up many time during the night. Unhealthy kidneys cause rheumatism, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull ache In the back, Joints and muscles; makes your head acne ana nac acne, causes inaigesuon, gwamp.Root i, pleasant to take.) stomach and liver trouble, you get a aallo Wi jeiiow complexion, makea you feel as though, you had heart trouble; you may h ave plenty of ambition ut no etrength; get weak and waste away. The cure for these trouble Is Dr. Kil mer'. , Swamp-Root, the world-famou kidney remedy. In taking Swamp-Root y0u afford natural help to Nature, for Swamp-Root 1 the most perfect healer an j gentle aid to the kidney that is known to medical science. ' If there Is any doubt ln your mind a to your condition, take from your urine on rising about four ounces, place It In a glass or bottle and let It stand twenty-four hours. It on examination It Is milky o;' cl oudy. If there Is a brick-dust selling, or If small particles float about In It, your kid neys are in need of Immediate attention. No matter how many doctors you ma y have tried no matter how much money you may have spent on other medicines, y 0u really owe It to yourself to at least glv Swamp-Root a trial. Its stanchest friend today are those who had almost given up hope of ever becoming well again. If you are already convinced that 8w imp-Rooi Is what you need, you can pur chase tho regular fifty-cent and one-dolla r size bottles at the drug atoree everywhere. Don't make any mistake, but remember t he name, Swamp-Root Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, and the address, Blngbamto n, N. Y., on every bottle. Sample Bottle of Swamp-Root Sent Free by Mall. EDITORIAL NOTE If you have the slightest symptoms of kidney or bladder troubles, or If thore la a trace of It in your family history, send at once to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., who will gladly send you by mail. Immediately, without cost to you, a sample bottle of Swamp-Root, and a book containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letter received from men and women cured. In writing, be sure to say that you read this generous offer ln the Omaha Sunday Bee. RELIEF FOR THE STRICKEN Eussian wovernment Providing for the Needs of Famine Sufferers. PLAN SEEMS TO BE WELL ORGANIZED Dlstrlbatloa Is Made Through Fin nish Committee Instead of Gov ernor General, Who Shows Slgrns of Belnaj Biased. BT. PETERSBURG, Feb. 7. The corre spondent of the Associated Press returned yesterday from Holslngfors. He found measures for the relief of the distress In Finland apparently well organlied. The distribution of funds Is carefully su pervised. The Finnish national relief com mittee has received up to the present $16, 000 from American relief organizations. General surprise and gratitude I expressed at the large contributions which the com mittee haa received. Other foreign countries hav contributed 13,000, and in Russia J2S.000 haa been col lected,' including $14,000 from the Russian Red Cross society, of which the dowager czarina 1 th eprotectrea; $2,000 from the csar and $10,000 from the csarewlcb. The Finn were agreeably aatonlshed at the fact that the imperial gitta aad the Russian contributions through the official St. Petersburg committee, organized by the Interior minister. Von Plehwe, with Ad miral Craemer aa chairman, were sent to the Finnish committee Instead ot Governor General- Brobrlckoff. The governor, how ever, la receiving the funds collected by the Novoe Vremya. Governor Has a Preference. All this la. regarded as significant, since General Brobrlckoff in his official organ de clared that justice demanded that In the distribution of the government fund de cided preference must be given to com mune whose Inhabltanta obeyed the mili tary aervlce decree. The Flnlandera regarded this as tanta mount to an admlasion that the money passing through General Brobrtckoffa bands la uaed against the Flnulsh committee, to. eluding $49,000 which remained from the previous famine fund, amounting to $181, 000. Owing to the demoralisation caused by the money distribution at the time of the lust famine the committee now restricts help, excepting In the extreme cases, to th distribution of foodstuffs, seeds and mate rials, for cottaga Industries, as loan In return for work. In some cases, on the advice ot the ag ricultural experts who have been through out the country, small loans of money for farm Improvements are granted on the con dltlon that If the Improvements are actually mado the committee will cancel 60 per cent of the debt If It Is repaid by 1906. Needy school children are boused, clothed, boarded and Instructed free. The commit tee accounts are audited by the Bank of Finland, and are regularly published In tb newspaper separate from the provlbclal funds and the senate appropriation that are uaed for building roada and canals for drainage purposes. BERNHARDT ESSAYS NEW ROLE Special Mnsle Written to Pot Audi ence In Sympathy with the llrtaa. (Copyright. 1, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. Feb. 7. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Sarah Bern hardt appeared today In "Andromaque," with mualc by Saint Baens. Speaking to the World correspondent of ber new role as Hermlone, and said: "For me Her tn lone Is a woman who suffer In her love much mors than from Irritation at the acoru of Pyrrhus. She see her dearest dreams by turn realised and aba'.tered. These alter nation cause ber most profound tortur. OR. KILMER'S . SWAMP-ROOT Kldny.Llver& Bhdier CURE. MRKTIONs. I we ar () InHMnfib b. f nr. at afMr nwtnd tltoallm. Cll(tia iMtatvAralnfto af. 4oM a4 1 artaaa te (all i f mof la MM 4w!d Ttto mat rAj eaiM 111 iUvrJ l..r, MaMar (Ml'tk Art Im.lM IMm 4w u afc kkhm Mrh aa raiarrh of tat MaaW, grat, rhMmatam, lumbar. N. T. imgkt'i Plaaa., a lar m Irrm .f ktatv daiaii. II I. rlaaaat la laM. rarac mm t SK. rOMTR ft CO., BINOIUMTuK, N. T. Sold by all Druggists. Her love is such that she cannot survive her assassinated lover. I interpret the role of Hermlono differently, perhaps, from other actresses. ; "I felt very nervous. Yes, I never go on the (stage without feeling nervous at the start. Every night when I face th footlights I suffer several minutes from nervous contraction of the lower part of the face, and at first performances I feel uch keen agony that It requires a strong effort to overcome my aversion to appear ing." , The World correspondent asked her rea sons for requesting Saint Saens to write music for "Andromaque." Mme. Bernhardt answered: "The specta tors must be prepared for the special at mosphere of the piece, so that when the curtain rises their minds, hearts and soul may be assimilated to the general sur roundings of the drama. Music alone can accomplish this transformation of person ality. Even between acts the music of tho play will serve as a link between the dif ferent scenes, preventing the minds of the spectators Irom falling from the height to which they have been transported." Moat Striking; Ceremony,' ROME, Fob. 7. Th requiem mass , cele brated today on the twenty-fifth anniver sary of the death of Pope Pius IX was a striking ceremony. Cardinal Satolll offici ated. The pope, who waa surrounded by the members of the sacred college, the pontifical court and the Roman aristocracy, gave the absolution and a postollc benedic tion, although he was suffering from a cold. Among the Americans present were Dr. Kennedy, rector of the American college, and Bishop Burke of St. Joseph, Mo. Prince Henry to Command at Kiel, BERLIN, Feb. 7. Prince Henry of Prus sia's three years' service ends In October, when be will give up command of the bat tleship squadron and becoane commander ot the naval station at Kiel in place of Ad miral Koerster. General Mile I Sail. LONDON. Feb. 7. Lieutenant General Miles and hla party left today to join (be teamer Lucanla at Liverpool. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. The Result of the Pain and Irritation from Hemorrhoids. Nervous prostration li often th result of neglecting a case of hemorrhoid .or pile; tho pain and Irritation attendant upon this disagreeable trouble Inconven- iencea and annoys one, but it Is Impossible to go to business and to do tb ordinary day' work, so the trouble li neglectfd un til the nerves become exhausted and the patient Is a victim of nervous prostration. Hemorrhoids cause a sensation of heat, tension and itching In a region where la located the most sensitive nerves of the human system, and the continued Irrita tion will eventually causa a collapse of the nerves. This would easily have been avoided If the patient had carefully treated the case ot piles from their first appear ance. No other trouble can be so quickly and safely overcome If treated in an early atage, and even If the raae Is an old on there Is a remedy which will aet with re markable results if faithfully applied. The Pyramid Pile Cure la In susposltory form and can 'be conveniently applied to the affected parts, the soothing oils and medication reaching and healing th en larged hemorrhoid vein of the rectum nd acting at one upou th Inflamed tis sue. Every aufferer from th trouble should send at once to the Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich., for their book on Plies or Hemorrhoid, which will be sent free. Tb Pyramid Pile Cure is so well known and th hundreds cured by It hav so advertised It, that the Utile book ia merely sent to give each patient a clearer view ot bis or her particular case and tb proper treat- ment for iu